Programme book

Programme book

Programme book


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t h e 6 th n o r d i c h e a lt h pr o m o t i o n r e s e a r c h c o n f e r e n c e<br />

The Role of Health Promotion in the<br />

Transition of the Nordic Welfare States<br />

Organiser:<br />

Nordic School<br />

of Public Health<br />

Conference Venue:<br />

Faculty of Education,<br />

Gothenburg University<br />

20-22 August 2009<br />

Gothenburg, Sweden<br />


The 6 th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference 2009<br />

c o n t e n t s<br />

Welcome to the Conference 3<br />

Opening speakers 4<br />

Göteborg and Västra Götalandsregionen 4<br />

Conference programme 6<br />

Keynote speakers 22<br />

Practical information 24<br />

Social programme 26<br />

Transportation 26<br />

Göteborg city map 28<br />

scientific c o m m i t t e e<br />

Professor Karin C Ringsberg - Congress President, NHV<br />

Associate Professor Ina Borup - Congress President, NHV<br />

Associate Professor Elisabeth Fosse, Bergen University, NO<br />

Professor Bo J. A. Haglund, Karolinska Institutet, SE<br />

Associate Professor Ulrika Hallberg, NHV<br />

Àlfgeir Logi Kristjánsson, Reykjavik University, IS<br />

Professor Bengt Lindström, Folkhälsan Research Center, FI<br />

Senior Lecturer Lene Povlsen, NHV<br />

Associate Professor Christiane Stock, University of<br />

Southern Denmark, DK<br />

Professor Per Tillgren, Mälardalen University, SE<br />

Associate Professor Stefan Thorpenberg, NHV<br />

o r g a n i s i n g c o m m i t t e e<br />

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From NHV: Karin Ringsberg, Ina Borup, Stefan Thorpenberg,<br />

Lene Povlsen, Evastina Björk, Ulrika Hallberg,<br />

Susann Regber, Anne Trollvik, Tanja Johansson, Emma<br />

Ricknell and Jenny Haagman Edwards.<br />

The 6 th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference<br />

is organised by the Nordic School of Public<br />

Health (NHV) in Göteborg.<br />

The Nordic School of Public Health was established in<br />

1953 and is one of the Nordic Council of Ministers’<br />

institutions. We have a long experience and genuine<br />

knowledge within the field and offer an inspiring Nordic<br />

and international educational environment. Our<br />

students have relevant connections to working life and<br />

represent a broad spectrum of occupations. They take<br />

courses at the Nordic School of Public Health to gain<br />

further knowledge in order to better meet the needs<br />

they encounter in their professions.<br />

Please visit www.nhv.se for more information about the<br />

Nordic School of Public Health.

w e l c o m e t o t h e 6 th n o r d i c h e a l t h p r o m o t i o n re s e a rc h c o n f e r e n c e<br />

Dear colleagues,<br />

The 6 th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference 2009<br />

We wish you a warm welcome to the 6th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference: “The Role of<br />

Health Promotion in the Transition of the Nordic Welfare States”.<br />

This conference gives us the opportunity to meet partners from other countries<br />

with the same interest in research and also to establish friendship and co-operation<br />

with new colleagues across disciplines and countries. From an interdisciplinary<br />

and multi-professional perspective it is important to expand our knowledge and<br />

understanding of the public health area with a special focus on health promotion.<br />

It is therefore important to share research findings and methodological knowledge<br />

with each other across disciplines and countries. The development of a broad<br />

multi-disciplinary approach towards health promotion should be encouraged.<br />

The abstracts in the conference programme give rise to expectations of interesting<br />

presentations from colleagues representing all the Nordic countries, some European<br />

states and even countries outside Europe. In addition to this, the invited<br />

International and Nordic keynote speakers will highlight the important topics<br />

within health promotion such as health policy, vulnerable populations, equity<br />

in health and cultural capital. We hope that this conference will illuminate the<br />

broad aspects of health promotion and show the needs for and benefits of this<br />

research.<br />

We are taking the opportunity to thank the Scientific and Organising Committees<br />

for the tremendous work without which there would have been no conference!<br />

We would also like to thank the sponsors that have supported the conference.<br />

Ina Borup<br />

Karin Ringsberg<br />

On behalf of the Organising Committee we once again wish you welcome to Göteborg. We hope that<br />

the conference will be an asset to your knowledge and inspire you to continue your work and research<br />

within health promotion.<br />

Ina Borup Karin Ringsberg<br />

Associate professor Professor<br />

President of the Conference President of the Conference<br />

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The 6 th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference 2009<br />

o p e n i n g s p e a k e r s<br />

Göran Bondjers<br />

Dean and Director,<br />

Nordic School of<br />

Public Health<br />

c i t y o f g ö t e b o r g a n d<br />

v ä s t r a g ö t a l a n d s r e g i o n e n<br />

Maria Larsson<br />

Minister of Elderly<br />

Care and Public<br />

Health, Sweden<br />

Johan Jonsson<br />

Director of Public Health,<br />

Västra Götalands Region<br />

Halldór Ásgrímsson<br />

Secretary General,<br />

Nordic Council of<br />

Ministers<br />

Göteborg is Sweden’s second largest city and is situated in the heart of Scandinavia, between the Swedish, Danish<br />

and Norwegian capitals. It was founded in 1621 and has the population of approximately 500 000 inhabitants.<br />

Göteborg has a long and successful tradition of trade and industry, and some of Scandinavia’s best known corporations<br />

such as Volvo, SKF, ESAB, Hasselblad have their origins and head offices here. A significant proportion<br />

of Sweden’s exports and imports pass through Göteborg’s port, the largest in the Nordic region. Göteborg is also<br />

known for its two universities, Opera House, Book Fair, Gothia Cup, Liseberg Amusement Park, 25 theatres,<br />

International Film Festival, Volvo Ocean race and a lot of other culture and sports events. Please visit the web site<br />

www.goteborg.com for more information.<br />

Region Västra Götaland was formed in 1999 and unites 49 municipalities. Göteborg is its administrative capital.<br />

Västra Götalandsregionen is one of the country’s biggest employers and is responsible for health care and medical<br />

treatment as well as for the region’s growth and development.<br />

The highest decision-making body is the Regional Council. Its 149 members are directly elected by the region’s<br />

inhabitants every four years.<br />

The Region’s political activities are coordinated and lead by the Regional Executive Board that consists of 15 fulltime<br />

politicians from both the majority parties and the opposition. The Boards operates via its committees such as<br />

healthcare committee, hospital and primary healthcare boards, regional development committee, environmental<br />

and cultural affairs committees. More information is available on www.vgregion.se.<br />

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Photo: James Holm. The statue Poseidon at the top of Avenyn.

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The 6 th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference 2009<br />

k e y n o t e s p e a k e r s<br />

Thomas Abel is Professor for Health Research at the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine<br />

of the University of Bern, Switzerland. He is also Co-Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal<br />

of Public Health. Prior to his appointment in Bern he was Professor for Public Health and Epidemiology,<br />

Postgraduate Program Public Health, Dep. of Medicine at the Ludwig-Maximillians-University,<br />

Munich, FRG (1993 - 95), Research Assistant and Lecturer in Medical Sociology, Dep. of Medicine at<br />

the Philipps-University, Marburg, FRG (1986 - 93), as well as Teaching and Research Assistant, Dep. of<br />

Sociology at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA (1984 – 86). He has served as a reviewer<br />

and consultant for major national and international research institutions and funding agencies.<br />

Academic training: Prior to his Habilitation at the Philipps-University (Dep. of Medicine, 1993), Thomas<br />

Abel received his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois (Dep. of Sociology) in 1989, a Dr. phil.<br />

degree from the Justus Liebig-University (Dep. of Sports Science) in 1984, and, also there, his M.A.<br />

degree in 1980. Today, his major focus in research and teaching is on the role of social, cultural and<br />

economic resources in the reproduction of health inequalities.<br />

Espen Dahl has a PhD in sociology from 1994. He is Professor and Head of the Interdisciplinary<br />

Research <strong>Programme</strong> Care, Health and Welfare at Oslo University College. Part of his research is undertaken<br />

at Research Group for Inclusive Welfare Policies. Espen Dahl’s research interests are health and<br />

welfare policies in comparative perspective, active labour market policies, research on social assistance<br />

dynamics and social exclusion, and health inequality research. He has published extensively on these<br />

topics.<br />

Pernille Due is Research <strong>Programme</strong> Director, Senior Researcher, MD Research <strong>Programme</strong> on Child Health at the Institute<br />

of Public Health Southern University of Denmark. She is the Principal Investigator for the Health Behaviour in Schoolaged<br />

Children (HBSC) survey in Denmark. She has been a member of the International HBSC Scientific Committee in several<br />

periods and is now Deputy International Coordinator for HBSC. Since 2006, Pernille has been Coordinator of the Social<br />

Inequality Focus Group. She has also been coordinating the bullying writing group, since it started in 2006. She established<br />

the Support Centre for Publications (SCP) for the HBSC publications. Furthermore, she was the Danish PI in the EU-funded<br />

European project: PRO Children and has been involved in many more projects, mostly on children’s health behaviour, but also<br />

women’s and elderly people’s health. She has a vast scientific production on children’s health and health behavior with focus on<br />

risk factors, inequality, bullying, nutrition and overweight.<br />

Olle Lundberg is Professor of Health Equity Studies and Director of CHESS, Centre for Health<br />

Equity Studies, Stockholm University. His main research interests have included welfare research,<br />

health inequalities and social determinants of health. His publications cover topics such as the size and<br />

trends of health inequalities in Sweden and internationally; welfare trends in Sweden during the crisis<br />

in the 1990s; income, relative deprivation and health; the importance of childhood conditions for adult<br />

health; Sense of Coherence and its connection to health; and health among older adults.<br />

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The 6 th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference 2009<br />

Eeva Ollila, MD, adjunct professor (health policy), specialist in public health medicine, is currently working as Ministerial<br />

Advisor in the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, having responsibilities, among others, on health in all policies<br />

(HiAP) on national level, as well as with the EU and the WHO. Before joining the Ministry she worked at the National Research<br />

and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (Stakes), the World Health Organization, the European Commission,<br />

as a clinician and as a consultant on global health. She has published on national, EU and global health policy, including health<br />

care policies, pharmaceutical policies and HiAP. For the Finnish EU Presidency health theme on HiAP in 2006, she was one<br />

of the editors of the Presidency <strong>book</strong> and one of the authors of the accompanying policy brief.<br />

Louise Potvin completed her doctorate in Public Health from Université de Montréal and post<br />

doctoral training in program evaluation. She is currently professor at the Department of Social and<br />

Preventive Medicine, Université de Montreal and Scientific director of the Centre Léa-Roback sur<br />

les inégalités sociales de santé de Montréal. She holds the CHSRF/CIHR Chair on Community Approaches<br />

and Health Inequalities. This Chair aims at documenting how public health interventions in<br />

support to local social development contribute to the reduction of health inequalities in urban settings.<br />

Her main research interests are the evaluation of community health promotion program and how local<br />

social environments are conducive of health. She was a member of the WHO Working Group on the<br />

evaluation of health promotion. She participated to several Federal-Provincial-Territorial committees<br />

related to population health. She is a globally elected member of the Board of Trustees of the International<br />

Union for Health Promotion and Education and a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health<br />

Sciences. She has published more than 120 peer reviewed papers, 30 <strong>book</strong> chapters and 4 <strong>book</strong>s.<br />

Thorolfur Thorlindsson earned a B.A. in social science at the University of Iceland in 1972, an<br />

M.A. in Sociology in 1974 and a Ph.D. in sociology 1977 from the University of Iowa. He has been at<br />

the University of Iceland since 1976 where he became a full professor in 1980. During that time he has<br />

chaired the Social Science Faculty for 9 years, served on the University Council and chaired several University<br />

boards and committees. Thorolfur Thorlindsson has also served as vice chairman of the National<br />

Science Research Council and as chairman of the National Council on Prevention, as well as the editor<br />

of Acta Sociologica. He has been a visiting scholar at the Max Plank Institute in Berlin, Columbia<br />

University, North Carolina State University and The Thomas W. Rivers Distinguished Professor of International<br />

Studies at East Carolina University. Thorolfur is the author and coauthor of about hundred<br />

publications including 8 <strong>book</strong>s and monographs and more than 70 research articles in refereed journals.<br />

His current research focuses on three overlapping areas: 1) relationship of science to policy and practice<br />

with reference to health promotion; and prevention; 2) the role of community and neighborhoods in<br />

the welfare of adolescents; 3) the multilevel influence of social factors on risk and health behavior. He<br />

was the director of the Public Health Institute from August 2007 to Mars 2009.<br />

Signild Vallgårda is Professor of Health Policy Analysis at the Department of Public Health,<br />

University of Copenhagen. She is trained as a historian and her research has previously focused on the<br />

Danish hospital development, maternity care and health care policy in the 20th century. 1997-2003 she<br />

was a member of The Danish Study on Power and Democracy. Her present research focuses on public<br />

health policies in a historical and comparative perspective. The issues addressed deal with the exercise of<br />

power from two angles, the power exercised in setting the political agenda and defining problems to be<br />

dealt with, their causes and solutions, and the power exercised in the efforts to improve the health of the<br />

population by changing their behaviour. The studies concern both present policies and the changes occurring<br />

during the last century and the countries studied are Denmark, Sweden, Norway and England.<br />

Some recent publications are: Vallgårda S. Social inequality in health: dichotomy or gradient? A comparative<br />

study of problematisations in national public health programmes. Health policy. 2008;85:71–82.<br />

Vallgårda S. Problematisations and path dependency: HIV/AIDS policies in Denmark and Sweden<br />

Medical History, 2007; 51:99-112. Vallgårda S. Widening the scope - targeting the interventions - creating<br />

risk groups. Maternal and child health in Denmark and Sweden from 1930s and onwards. Journal<br />

of Epidemiology and Community Health. 2008;62:382-86. Vallgårda S. Folkesundhed som politik.<br />

Danmark og Sverige 1930 til i dag. Århus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2003.<br />

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The 6 th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference 2009<br />

p r a c t i c a l i n f o r m a t i o n<br />

Conference Venue<br />

Faculty of Education (”Pedagogen” in Swedish),<br />

Gothenburg University<br />

Address: Västra Hamngatan 25<br />

Homepage: www.ipd.gu.se<br />

Registration desk<br />

The registration desk is located at Building C and is open<br />

09.00 – 12.30 on Thursday, 20th August.<br />

Name badges will be provided at the registration desk. All<br />

participants are requested to wear the badge throughout the<br />

Conference.<br />

Help desk<br />

The Help desk is open during the conference hours and is<br />

located outside the Assembly Hall (Kjell Härnqvist Audito-<br />

Oral Presentations<br />

The session rooms are equipped with a PC, a projector and a whiteboard. Please do not use your own laptops for presentations<br />

during the sessions as it requires time to set up them to work with a projector. All presentations, received by the Conference<br />

Secretariat before the 13 th August, have been uploaded into the respective computers. Please be in your session room on time<br />

in order to check if your presentation is uploaded.<br />

Poster Presentations<br />

Poster mounting: 09.00-12.30 on Thursday, 20th August.<br />

Mounting items (pins) will be available on site (Building A, outside the Assembly Hall/ Kjell Härnqvist Auditorium)<br />

Poster demounting: after 14.00 on Saturday, 22nd August<br />

Please observe that the left posters will be destroyed.<br />

Printing and photocopying facilities<br />

Only single copies can be printed out or copied at the Help desk.<br />

rium) at Building A. Please contact the Help desk for any<br />

questions.<br />

Registration fee includes:<br />

• Admission to all conference sessions<br />

• Conference material<br />

• Coffee/tea and fruit (four times during the<br />

conference)<br />

• Lunch (21st and 22nd August)<br />

• Welcome reception, 20th August (outside the Assembly<br />

Hall - Kjell Härnqvist Auditorium at Building A)<br />

• Conference dinner, 21st August - the City Hall ”Börsen”<br />

Certificate of Attendance<br />

A Certificate of attendance is available at the Help desk.<br />

Internet access<br />

The computers installed in the group rooms have access to Internet.<br />

Participants bringing their own note<strong>book</strong>s can use wireless internet connection available in the conference venue. Please contact<br />

the Help desk to get the access code.<br />

Conference meals<br />

Lunches on 20th and 21st August, four coffee breaks, welcome reception on 20th August and conference dinner on 21st August<br />

are included in the registration fee. Other meals are at your own expense. Please contact the Help desk for suggestions on<br />

restaurants.<br />

Lunch will be served outside the Assembly Hall (Kjell Härnqvist Auditorium) on Friday and Saturday by the catering service<br />

”Malins Skafferi”.<br />

Coffee/tea and fruit will be served four times during the Conference outside the Assembly Hall (Kjell Härnqvist Auditorium).<br />

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Smoking policy<br />

The 6 th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference 2009<br />

Smoking is not permitted inside the Conference venue. Smoking is also banned in most public places (transport, stores, restaurants,<br />

etc.).<br />

Cloakroom<br />

Please observe that only an unguarded cloakroom is available. Neither Conference Secretariat nor the Faculty of Education are<br />

responsible for damage and loss of valuables of any kind.<br />

Photographing / recording<br />

Please observe that photographs will be taken during the conference, welcome reception and conference dinner. Some of them<br />

will then be published at www.nhv.se. Should you not wish to be photographed, contact the Help desk.<br />

If you intend to record any presentation please obtain the speaker’s permission first.<br />

Conference evaluation<br />

Please complete the evaluation form found in your delegate bag and hand it in at the Help desk. Should you leave without<br />

doing it, please fax it to +46 (0)31 69 17 77.<br />

Currency exchange<br />

The currency is the Swedish Crown (SEK). The exchange rate is 1€ ≈ 10.5 SEK.<br />

Forex Bank Kungsportsplatsen. Opening hours 9am - 7pm, Saturdays 9am - 4pm, Sunday closed.<br />

Restaurants<br />

Some of the most famous Swedish chefs are to be found in Göteborg, and it is here one finds the highest number of first-class<br />

restaurants per capita in the whole of Scandinavia. The main culinary attraction in Göteborg is the local seafood; prawns,<br />

lobster and a wide selection of fish. Please contact the Help desk for more information.<br />

The tourist offices have details of what’s happening in Göteborg during your visit and offer<br />

expert advice on various events.<br />

Phone: +46 (0)31-61 25 00, e-mail: turistinfo@goteborg.com,<br />

opening hours 9.30am - 6pm.<br />

Important phone numbers<br />

SOS 112<br />

Police 114 14<br />

Sahlgrenska University<br />

Hospital 031-342 00 00<br />

Dental care (urgent)<br />

TandläkarHuset,<br />

Kungsportsavenyen 30,<br />

phone: 031-18 06 05<br />

Tandakuten,<br />

Engelbrektsgatan 34 C,<br />

phone: 031-16 54 49<br />

Pharmacy<br />

Apoteket Shop,<br />

Korsgatan 24<br />

Time zone<br />

Sweden is one hour<br />

ahead of GMT.<br />

The Conference Venue - Faculty of Education ”Pedagogen”.<br />

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The 6 th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference 2009<br />

s o c i a l p r o g r a m<br />

Reception - Thursday 20 th August, 18.00-20.00<br />

The Conference hosts invite you to enjoy the mix and mingle buffet in the informal atmosphere of communication with your<br />

colleagues. Sir Bourbon Dixieland Band plays classic jazz. The reception is held in the Conference venue.<br />

Dinner - Friday 21st August, 19.00<br />

You are invited to a dinner at the City Hall, called Börsen (the Exchange Stock). It was built between 1844 and 1849 as a commodity<br />

exchange and meeting place for merchants as well as banqueting rooms for the town authorities. It is situated in the<br />

city centre, within the walking distance from the Conference venue (see the map on the back of the cover).<br />

Liliane Håkansson performs some of the Nordic folk songs.<br />

Please bring with you the entrance ticket. You find it among the conference material.<br />

Address: Köpmansgatan 20, phone: 031 368 00 00<br />

t r a n s p o r t a t i o n<br />

How to get to the Conference venue (“Pedagogen” – Faculty of Education):<br />

From the airports<br />

The Airport buses operate between Landvetter Airport and the city centre. Take the Airport bus to ”Korsvägen” and then<br />

tram 2 (destination Högsbotorp) to ”Grönsakstorget”. The trip takes about 45 minutes.<br />

If you arrive at Gothenburg City Airport the airport bus leaves the airport for ”Nils Ericson Terminal” 50 min after the scheduled<br />

flight arrival. The trip takes about 30 minutes. From Nils Ericson Terminal you can walk to the Central railway station<br />

to take a tram.<br />

From the Central railway station/Nils Ericsson Terminal<br />

Take a tram from ”Centralstationen” to stop ”Grönsakstorget”:<br />

Tram 1 (destination Tynnered), Tram 2 (destination Högsbotorp), Tram 9 (destination Kungssten), Tram 11 (destination<br />

Saltholmen) or Tram 13 (destination Linnéplatsen). It takes about 6 minutes to get there.<br />

Ticket information<br />

It is not possible to buy tickets on board. Tickets must be bought in advance at a news-stand (“Pressbyrån” in Swedish),<br />

7-Eleven shops or public transport info points (“Västtrafik”).<br />

There are different types of tickets: a prepaid 100 SEK card (“Maxirabatt”, is enough for about 6 trips within Gothenburg,<br />

when you stamp on board, press “2”), a short-term ticket/card (valid for one (65 SEK) or three days (130 SEK)). It is also<br />

possible to buy tickets by sending a text message to 724 50 (if you have a Swedish mobile phone operator).<br />

Taxi<br />

VIP taxi: 031-27 16 11 or 031-27 02 70<br />

Taxi 020 - Göteborg: 020-93 93 00<br />

Mini taxi: 031-140 140<br />

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Parking<br />

There are 200 chargeable parking spaces for private cars in a<br />

garage under Pedagogen, Building B.<br />

Entrance/exit Sahlgrensgatan.

t h e s p o n s o r s o f t h e 6 th n o r d i c h e a l t h p r o m o t i o n re s e a rc h c o n f e r e n c e<br />

The conference is supported by the following organisations and enterprises:<br />

Nordic council of Ministers<br />

Swedish National Institute of Public Health<br />

The 6 th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference 2009<br />

Region Västra Götaland<br />

Swedish Research Council<br />

Flower shop Rosengården Flower shop Blomsterlandet<br />

The Role of Health Promotion in the Transition of the Nordic Welfare States | Page 27

The 6 th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference 2009<br />

g ö t e b o r g c i t y m a p<br />

Conference Venue: Faculty of Education – ”Pedagogen”<br />

Conference Venue<br />

Västra Hamngatan 25, House A<br />

Registration and Conference Opening<br />

Läroverksgatan 5, House C<br />

Börsen - Venue Conference Dinner<br />

Östra Hamngatan 21<br />

Central Station and Bus Terminal<br />


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