2010 - Innsamlingskontrollen

2010 - Innsamlingskontrollen

2010 - Innsamlingskontrollen


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Årsberetning <strong>2010</strong><br />

SIA<br />


Tillitsvalgte<br />

Styret Navn Valgt<br />

Leder Randi Solhjell 01.11.2009<br />

Nestleder Colin Jeneson 01.11.2009<br />

Styremedlem Jameela Shaheen Akhtar Boota 08.08.2009<br />

Styremedlem Fazal Hadi Rodwal 08.08.2009<br />

Styremedlem Tomasz Sabastian Slodownik 26.05.<strong>2010</strong><br />

Styremedlem Lars Tore Bjermeland 26.05.<strong>2010</strong><br />

Styremedlem<br />

Lars Tore<br />

Bjermeland<br />

Daglig leder/<br />

Nestleder i Styret<br />

Colin Jeneson<br />

Styreleder,<br />

Randi Solhjell<br />

Nestleder,<br />

Prosjekter<br />

og Styremedlem<br />

Fazal Hadi<br />

Rodwal<br />

Styremedlem<br />

Jameela Shaheen<br />

Akhtar Boota<br />

Styremedlem<br />

Tomasz Sebastian<br />


Generelle opplysninger om SIA<br />

Stiftet: 08.08.2009<br />

Organisasjonsnummer: 994 447 890<br />

Styrets kjønnsfordeling: 2 kvinner, 4 menn. Foreningen er positiv til likestilling og<br />

tar sikte på at det ikke forekommer forskjellsbehandling<br />

på grunn av kjønn ved valg av frivillige representanter.<br />

Foreningen har ingen ansatte.<br />

Forretningsførsel og Revisjon<br />

Forretningsførselen er i henhold til SIAs vedtekter og prosjektavtaler inngått med NORAD.<br />

Foreningen fører regnskapet selv.<br />

Autorisert revisor er InterRevisjon AS, avdeling Moss.

Kontoret og kontaktopplysninger<br />

Foreningens kontor: Sarpsborgs gate 14G, 0468 Oslo<br />

Daglig leder: Colin Jeneson<br />

Telefonnummer: +47 9227 9441<br />

E-post: kontakt@sia.no eller cpje33@gmail.com<br />

Hjemmeside: www.sianorge.no<br />

Forsikrig<br />

Generelle opplysninger om SIA<br />

Kontoret tilhører Daglig leder i SIA. Eiendommen, innbo og løsere er forsikret av Daglig<br />

leder selv. Kontoret har i <strong>2010</strong> ingen inventar som tilhører foreningen SIA.<br />

Det foreligger ellers en forsikringspolicy som dekker ulykker og dødsfall for<br />

foreningens representanter under reisevirksomhet.

Generelle opplysninger om SIA<br />

Aktiviteter 2009<br />

Vervet 20 medlemmer<br />

Etablert et lederteam<br />

Vedtekter for foreningen utarbeidet<br />

Styret valgt<br />

Foreningen stiftet og registrert i Brønnøysund registrene (enhetsregister og frivillighetsregister)<br />

Søkte om 1. bistandsprosjekt – HUA prosjekt, finansiert av NORAD og SIA<br />

Aktiviteter <strong>2010</strong><br />

34 medlemmer<br />

Etablering av HUA prosjekt i Nangarhar provins, Afghanistan<br />

Etablering av samarbeidspartner SHIAO i Afghanistan<br />

• SHIAO etablerte kontor i Jalalabad, Afghanistan<br />

• SHIAO ble registrert i Afghanistan og godkjent for drift av Afghanske myndigheter i<br />

Kabul og Jalalabad<br />

• SHIAO ansatte 5 medarbeidere og 10 lærere<br />

• SHIAO etablerte 10 hjembasert skoler i 10 landsbyer i Nangarhar provins<br />

• SHIAO sørget for hjembasert utdanning for 311 jenter<br />

• SHIAOs studenter oppnådde en basis ’literacy ’ grad av 78% (83% lesing; 73% skriving)<br />

• SHIAO ga også basis utdanning i hygienske forhold til 320 jenter i 3 distrikter i Nangarhar<br />

• SIA søkte om sitt 2. bistandsprosjekt – HEGA-2 prosjektet, finansiert av NORAD og SIA<br />

• SIA markedsførte seg gjennom egen stand på Oslos hovedgate og egne trykksaker

Styrets arbeid<br />

Styret har avholdt 3 styremøter og behandlet 23 saker i perioden fra forrige årsmøtet.<br />

Styrets kompetanse , har vært utslagsgivende ved fordeling av ansvar og oppgaver.<br />

Styret har deltatt på en planleggingsmøte i tillegg.<br />

Styret får informasjon fortløpende fra Daglig leder om planlagte og igangsatte<br />

aktiviteter i regi av foreningen SIA og om arbeidet i Afghanistan i regi av samarbeidspartner<br />

SHIAO, begge i tråd med SIAs egne vedtekter og inngåtte avtaler med tilskudds<br />

givere.<br />

Foruten fastlagte Styremøter praktiserer medlemmene i Styret fortløpende<br />

kommunikasjon med hverandre ,og spesielt med Daglig leder, hva gjelder<br />

implementering av strategi og planer og behovet for både korrigerende tiltak og<br />

supplerende aksjoner.

SIA Aktivitetsregnskap<br />

<strong>2010</strong><br />

01.01.<strong>2010</strong> - 31.12.<strong>2010</strong><br />

Including HUA Project: April 1st - December 31st. <strong>2010</strong>*<br />

*The HUA Project formally began its operations at SiA's field partner organization, SHIAO,<br />

Jalalabad, Afghanistan, with effect from April 1st. <strong>2010</strong>. The project's end date was on 31.<br />

December <strong>2010</strong>. SIA facilitated upstart of the project prior to April 1st and arranged for the classes<br />

to remain open after December 31st.<br />

SIA<br />


Regnskap Budsjett Avvik Regnskap<br />

<strong>2010</strong> <strong>2010</strong> Regnskap/Buds<br />

jett<br />

2009<br />

Postnummer Kontonummer Kontonavn 01.01. - 31.12. 01.01. - 31.12. at year-end 01.01. - 31.12.<br />


1a Medlemsinntekter<br />

3000Medlemskontingenter 3 900,00 16 000,00 -12 100,00 3 000,00<br />

3001Donasjoner fra medlemmer 40 907,96 0,00 40 907,96 1 531,51<br />

SUM MEDLEMSINNTEKTER 44 807,96 16 000,00 28 807,96 4 531,51<br />

1b Tilskudd<br />

1b i<br />

Offentlige tilskudd: Prosjekttilskudd (fra<br />

3400<br />

NORAD)<br />

277 778,00 277 778,00 0,00 0,00<br />

1b ii<br />

Andre tilskudd: Administrasjonstilskudd<br />

3401<br />

(fra NORAD): HUA prosjektet <strong>2010</strong><br />

22 222,00 22 222,00 0,00 0,00<br />

SUM TILSKUDD 300 000,00 300 000,00 0,00 0,00<br />

1c Innsamlede midler, gaver m.v.<br />

Gaver, donasjoner og innsamlede midler<br />

3025<br />

fra andre enn medlemmer<br />

1175,00 44 000,00 -42 825,00 0,00<br />

1c SUM INNSAMLEDE MIDLER, GAVER M.V. 1175,00 44 000,00 -42 825,00 0,00<br />

1d<br />

Opptjente inntekter fra operasjonelle<br />

aktiviteter<br />

1d i 3015… som oppfyller organisasjonens formål 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00<br />

1d ii 3146… som skaper inntekter 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00<br />



0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00<br />

SIA<br />

16-05-2011<br />

1e Finans og investeringsinntekter<br />

3151Bankrenter inntekt 31,89 0,00 31,89 1,09<br />



31,89 0,00 31,89 1,09<br />

1f Andre inntekter<br />

3155Andre inntekter (Skadeforsikring oppgjør) 2378,00 0,00 2378,00 0,00<br />

SUM ANDRE INNTEKTER 2378,00 0,00 2378,00 0,00<br />

SUM ANSKAFFEDE MIDLER 348 392,85 360000,00 -11 607,15 4 532,60

2<br />

2a<br />


Kostnader til anskaffelse av midler<br />

HUA-prosjektet <strong>2010</strong><br />

2a i Kostnader til innsamling av midler 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00<br />

2a ii Andre kostnader til anskaffelse av midler 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00<br />


2b<br />

2b i<br />

2b ii<br />

Kostnader til organisasjonens formål<br />

Gaver, tilskudd, bevilgninger til oppfyllelse av<br />

formål<br />

HUA-prosjektet <strong>2010</strong><br />

Tilskudd fra SIA til SHIAO organisasjon,<br />

7710<br />

Afghanistan<br />

Egenandel fra SIA til SHIAO organisasjon,<br />

7720<br />

Afghanistan<br />



Kostnader til aktiviteter som oppfyller formålet<br />

HUA-prosjektet <strong>2010</strong> (SIA Norge)<br />

296264,02 277778,00 18 486,19 0,00<br />

33575,99 30864,00 2 711,99 0,00<br />

329840,01 308642,00 21 198,01 0,00<br />

4200Innkjøp av varer 158,00 0,00 158,00 0,00<br />

6950Porto, bankgebyrer 2127,95 0,00 2172,45 0,00<br />




FORMÅL<br />

2285,95 0,00 2285,95 0,00<br />

332 125,96 308642,00 23 483,96 0,00<br />

SIA<br />


Administrasjonskostnader<br />

Generelle Aktiviteter - SIA<br />

5330Godtgjørelse til Styret 0,00 500,00 -500,00 0,00<br />

6750Registreringsavgifter 135,00 0,00 135,00 0,00<br />

6800Årsmøte 0,00 250,00 -250,00 0,00<br />


SIA<br />

135,00 750,00 -615,00 0,00<br />

Andre Aktiviteter - HUA prosjekt <strong>2010</strong><br />

6700Revisjonshonorar - see Note 1 0,00<br />

0,00<br />

6940Regnskapsføring 0,00 0,00<br />

6350Forsikringer 7350,00 22222,00 -3184,50<br />

0,00<br />

Hjemmeside, SIA:<br />

7310<br />

- etablering, vedlikehold, serverleie (web hotel)<br />

11687,50 0,00<br />



19037,50 22222,00 -3 184,50 0,00<br />

SUM ADMINISTRASJONSKOSTNADER 19172,50 22972,00 -3 799,50 0,00<br />

SUM AKTIVITETER 351 298,46 331 614,00 19 684,46 0,00<br />

SIA<br />


Finanskostnad<br />

Finansposter 0,00 2 000,00 -2 000,00 0,00<br />

SUM FORBRUKTE MIDLER 351 298,46 333 614,00 19 684,46 0,00<br />

3 AKTIVITETS ÅRSRESULTAT -2 905,61 26 386,00 29 291,61 4 532,60<br />

4<br />


4a Endring grunnkapital 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00<br />

4b<br />

Endring formålskapital med lovpålagte<br />

restriksjoner<br />

0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00<br />

4c<br />

Endring formålskapital med eksternt pålagte<br />

restriksjoner<br />

0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00<br />

4d<br />

Endring formålskapital med selvpålagte<br />

restriksjoner<br />

-3362,00 0,00 0,00 0,00<br />

4e Endring annen formålskapital 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00<br />



10 MAI 2011<br />

Selvhjelp i Afghanistan (SiA)<br />

Colin Jeneson<br />

Daglig leder / Nestleder i Styret<br />

Sarpsborggate 14G<br />

NO-0468 Oslo<br />

NORWAY<br />

-3362,00 0,00 0,00 0,00<br />

SIA<br />


Notat 1<br />

Det var ingen kostnader forbundet med revisjonsaktiviteter utført i løpet av <strong>2010</strong>. SIA ble etablert i 2009 og<br />

regnskapet for dette året inneholdt ingen prosjekter. Budsjettet var begrenset. SIAs regnskap for 2009 ble<br />

godkjent av revisoren. Overvåking av SiAs partner (SHIAO) for HUA prosjektet i <strong>2010</strong> ble gjennomført<br />

kontinuerlig gjennom hele prosjektperioden av SIA, med formelle sjekkpunkter på månedlig basis. Revisjoner<br />

i feltet i regi av SIA Norge som var planlagt ved to anledninger måtte avlyses på grunn av sikkerhetsrisikoer<br />

(bombing hendelser i Jalalabad, bortføring av utenlandske NGO ansatte i regionen, og flom). HUA prosjektets<br />

hjembaserte klasser og SHIAOs virksomhet i Afghanistan ble likevel gjennomgått to ganger i løpet av året av<br />

Departementet for Økonomi og Utdanningsdirektoratet, Nangarghar provinsen og funnet å være av en<br />

akseptabel standard for utdanning og drift. Aktivitetene ble godkjent for videre drift. I tillegg, ble SHIAOs<br />

hjembaserte skoleklasser inspisert ukentlig av SHIAOs personell. Periodiske rapporter ble sendt fra SHIAO til<br />

SIA på månedlig basis.<br />

Note 1<br />

There were no costs associated with audit activities conducted during <strong>2010</strong>. SIA was established in 2009 and<br />

the accounts for that year did not include any projects; the budget was limited. SIAs accounts for 2009 were<br />

approved by the auditor. Monitoring of SIAs partner (SHIAO) in the field for the HUA project in <strong>2010</strong> was<br />

conducted continuously throughout the project period by SIA, with formal checkpoints on a monthly basis.<br />

Audits in the field by SIA Norge that were planned on two occasions had to be cancelled due to security risks<br />

(bombing incidents in Jalalabad, kidnapping of NGO foreign staff in the region, and floods). The HUA project<br />

Home Classes and SHIAO activities were nevertheless reviewed twice during the year by the Ministry of<br />

Economics, Afghanistan and the Education Directorate, Nangarghar Province and found to be of an acceptable<br />

standard for Education and Drift. The activities were approved for continued operations. In addition, SHIAO's<br />

home-based school-classes were inspected weekly by SHIAO's personnel. Periodic reporting from SHIAO to<br />

SIA was practised monthly.<br />

SIA<br />


Balanse<br />

BALANSE PR. 31.12.<strong>2010</strong><br />

Organisasjonens navn - Selvhjelp I Afgghanistan (SIA)<br />

Organisasjonsnummer - 994447890<br />

Post<br />

Beløp i hele tusen<br />

(NOK) tkr tkr<br />

<strong>2010</strong> 2009<br />


A Anleggsmidler<br />

Immaterielle<br />

A 1 eiendeler 0 0<br />

A 2<br />

Bevaringsverdige<br />

eiendeler 0 0<br />

A 3 Andre driftsmidler 0 0<br />

A 4<br />

T 030<br />

Finansielle<br />

anleggsmidler 0 0<br />

Sum<br />

anleggsmidler 0 0<br />

B Omløpsmidler 0 0<br />

B 1 Beholdninger 0 0<br />

B 2 Fordringer 0 0<br />

B 3 Investeringer 0 0<br />

B 4<br />

T 040<br />

Bankinnskudd,<br />

kontanter m.v.<br />

Sum<br />

omløpsmidler<br />

T 050 Sum eiendeler<br />


OG GJELD<br />

1.171 4.533<br />

1.171 4.533<br />

1.171 4.533<br />

SIA<br />


Balanse<br />

C Formålskapital<br />

C 1 Grunnkapital<br />

Formålskapital<br />

med lovpålagte<br />

0 0<br />

C 2<br />

restriksjoner<br />

Formålskapital<br />

med eksterne<br />

0 0<br />

C 3<br />

restriksjoner<br />

Formålskapital<br />

0 0<br />

med selvpålagte<br />

1.171 4.533<br />

C 4<br />

restriksjoner<br />

C 5<br />

T 060<br />

D Gjeld<br />

D 1<br />

D 2<br />

Annen<br />

formålskapital 0 0<br />

Sum<br />

formålskapital<br />

1.171 4.533<br />

Avsetning for<br />

forpliktelser 0 0<br />

Annen langsiktig<br />

gjeld 0 0<br />

D 3 Kortsiktig gjeld 0 0<br />

T 070 Sum gjeld 0 0<br />

T 080<br />

T 090<br />

Sum<br />

formålskapital og<br />

gjeld<br />


1.171 4.533<br />

Formålskapital i<br />

prosent av<br />

totalbalansen 100 % 100 %<br />

SIA<br />


Hovedutfordringer 2011<br />

• Etablere egnede forutsetninger for vekst<br />

• Øke bevilgninger fra tilskuddsordninger<br />

• Fortsette å implementere rutiner for god økonomistyring<br />

• Tilby en utvidet helse- og utdanningstilbud<br />

• Være mer synlig som organisasjon<br />

• Skaffe minst 100% flere medlemmer<br />

o inkludert bedrifter/ organisasjoner og skoleklasser)<br />

o øke deltagelse på medlemsmøter og andre møter<br />

o nye medlemmer som bidrar med kompetanse SIA trenger<br />

SIA<br />


SHIAO<br />

SIAs samarbeidspartner

HUA Project<br />

- SHIAO, Jalalabad

Daglig leder, SHIAO<br />

og HUA prosjektleder<br />

Rodval Fazle Rabi<br />

SIA<br />


<strong>2010</strong><br />

HUA prosjekt<br />

Hjembasert Utdanning for jenter og<br />

unge kvinner i Afghanistan<br />

Støttes av NORAD<br />

S<br />

10 landsby skoleklasser i 4 forskjellige<br />

kommuner i Nangarhar provins.<br />

Basis utdanning for 311 jenter<br />

mellom 7 og 17 år.<br />

Implementert av SHIAO,<br />

SIAs samarbeidspartner i<br />

Jalalabad, Afghanistan.<br />

Styring, finansiering og kontroll fra<br />

Norge og SIAs medlemmer globalt<br />

Prosjekt HUA<br />

- 3 distrikter i<br />

Nangarhar provins<br />

SIA<br />



Jalalabad, Nangarhar, Afghanistan<br />

HUA Prosjekt: Hjembasert utdanning<br />

Undervisning for jenter og unge kvinner i landsbyer og fjerntliggende områder<br />

HUA Project Accounts <strong>2010</strong><br />

Project Period: April 1st - December 31st. <strong>2010</strong>*<br />

* HUA Project began its operations at SiA's partner organization, SHIAO, Jalalabad, Afghanistan,<br />

with effect from April 1st. <strong>2010</strong>.<br />

The project's end date was on 31.<br />

December <strong>2010</strong>.<br />

NOTE: The home-classes established during the HUA project have continued to operate after the project end<br />

date, funded by SiA, Oslo.<br />

SIA<br />


Account<br />

No.<br />

INCOME<br />

Account No. Description<br />

Amount<br />

USD<br />

Amount<br />

NOK<br />

Budget<br />

NOK<br />

Deviation<br />

Accounts /<br />

Budget<br />

NOK<br />

3015 Income from events and arrangements 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00<br />

3025<br />

Gifts / Donations from interested<br />

individuals / organizations<br />

INCOME to SHIAO, Afghanistan<br />

(HUA)<br />

0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00<br />

0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00<br />

3146 Miscellaneous income 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00<br />

3151 Bank interest income 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00<br />

3400<br />

3410<br />

Government grants - Tilskudd mottatt fra<br />

SIA Norge<br />

Egenandel fra SIA Norge til SHIAO<br />

Afghanistan<br />


Afghanistan<br />


Afghanistan (HUA)<br />

49 002,36 296 264,02 277 778,00 18 486,02<br />

5 553,50 33 575,99 30 864,00 2 711,99<br />

54555,86 329 840,01 308 642,00 21 198,01<br />

54555,86 329 840,01 308 642,00 21 198,01<br />

SIA<br />


COSTS<br />

(a) Investeringer<br />

4200 Purchase of goods 3 470,97 20 642,01 26 635,00 -5 992,99<br />

6322 Miscellaneous costs, property 0 0 0,00 0,00<br />

6540 Inventories 571,44 3 385,77 5 345,00 -1 959,23<br />

6820 Printed materials 261,27 1 572,87 4 732,00 -3 159,13<br />

6852<br />

Computer Equipment, software (See<br />

Note 3)<br />

51,49 320,00 3 600,00 -3 280<br />

6855 Office equipment 462,96 2 740,14 835,00 1 905,14<br />

7090 Other costs, vehicles (See Note 2) 0,00 0,00 46 000,00 -46 000<br />


Afghanistan (HUA)<br />

4 818,13 28 660,79 87 147,00 -58 486,21<br />

SIA<br />


(b) Operating costs<br />

5000<br />

Wages to SHIAO staff, Jalalabad & home-class<br />

teachers - local Afghan nationals<br />

29 956,00 183 594,15 182 638,00 956,15<br />

6050 Travel costs, according to receipts 2 823,82 16 982,01 15 000,00 1 982,01<br />

6300<br />

Rent of SHIAO Office, Jalalabad and Home<br />

Class premises in Nangarhar Province<br />

3 749,69 22 106,32 26 463,00 -4 356,68<br />

6340<br />

Electrical Energy & Oil (Heating) & Gas<br />

(Cooking)<br />

1 577,61 7 219,24 1 950,00 5 269,24<br />

5990 Other personal costs<br />

Repairs and maintenance of SHIAO Office,<br />

0 0 0,00 0,00<br />

6600 Jalalabad and Home Class premises in<br />

Nangarhar Province<br />

458,51 2 613,87 0,00 2 613,87<br />

6810 Copying / printing 179,46 1087,62 0,00 1 087,62<br />

6812<br />

Food & drinks during meetings and visits and<br />

for security guards<br />

1 397,56 12 130,31 6 037,00 6 093,31<br />

6860 Meetings, courses, updating 0 0 0,00 0,00<br />

6870<br />

Prosjektgjennomgang/evaluering og revisjon<br />

(See Note 1)<br />

0 0 6500,00 -6 500,00<br />

6890<br />

Other office costs (including registration of<br />

office & opening of bank account)<br />

588,55 3 497,73 9 053,00 -5 555,27<br />

6900 Telephone, Internet 991,29 6 262,97 0,00 6 262,97<br />

6940 Stamps, bank charges 40,00 236,19 0,00 236,19<br />

7000 Fuel, vehicles 3 310,10 20 202,20 3 750,00 16 452,20<br />

7020 Maintenance, vehicles (See Note 2) 408,96 2 454,97 0,00 2 454,97<br />

7090 Other costs, vehicles (See Note 2) 4 832,10 28 778,85 0,00 28 778,85<br />


Afghanistan (HUA)<br />

50 313,65 307 166,43 251 391,00 55775,43<br />

TOTAL COST 55 131,78 335 827,22 338 538,00 -2 710,78<br />

10 MAY 2011<br />

Self-Help in Afghanistan Organization (SHIAO)<br />

Colin Jeneson<br />

Daglig leder / Nestleder i Styre, Selvhjelp i Afghanistan (SIA, Norge)<br />

Sarpsborggate 14G<br />

NO-0468 Oslo<br />

NORWAY<br />

SIA<br />


Note 1<br />

Audit by SIA Norge planned on two occasions had to be cancelled due to security risks<br />

(bombing incidents in Jalalabad, kidnapping of NGO foreign staff in the region and floods).<br />

The Home Classes and SHIAO office activities were nevertheless reviewed twice during the<br />

year by the Ministry of Economics, Afghanistan and the Education Directorate, Nangarghar<br />

Province and found to be of an acceptable standard for Education and Drift. The activities<br />

were approved for continued operations.<br />

SHIAO’s own staff inspected the home classes on a weekly basis.<br />

Note 2<br />

To reduce risks associated with potential motor engine failure during dangerous situations<br />

in Nangarhar, a car of good standard was hired for the HUA project, instead of purchasing a<br />

used car in a poorer condition.<br />

Note 3<br />

Instead of purchasing PC's, Daglig leder, SIA donated privately used PC equipment.<br />

SIA<br />


HUA Prosjekt <strong>2010</strong><br />

Resultater oppnådd

Afghanistans<br />

provinser<br />

Nangarhar<br />

provins<br />




Home classes established in Nangarhar districts <strong>2010</strong><br />

Name of<br />

District:<br />

How many<br />

classes in this<br />

district?<br />

Rodat 1 class of Mohd.<br />

Rafiq<br />

What date(s) was/were<br />

the class(es) opened?<br />

How many students<br />

altogether in this<br />

district?<br />

08.05.<strong>2010</strong> 30 students<br />

Rodat 1 Class of Zainab 08.05.<strong>2010</strong> 30 Students<br />

Rodat 1 Class of Adela 08.05.<strong>2010</strong> 30 Students<br />

Rodat 1 Class of Adela<br />

Rahmani<br />

Bati kott 1 class of Afghan<br />

Gul<br />

08.12.<strong>2010</strong> 30 Students<br />

08.05.<strong>2010</strong> 30 Students<br />

Bati kott 1 class of Fariha 08.05.<strong>2010</strong> 30 Students<br />

Bati kott 1 Class Of Rahmena 14.10.<strong>2010</strong> 33 Students<br />

Bati kott 1 class of Wasima 14.10.<strong>2010</strong> 33 Students<br />

Bati kott 1 class of Tajala 14.10.<strong>2010</strong> 33 Students<br />

Debala<br />

Shanwari<br />

1 class of Safia 06.12.<strong>2010</strong> 32 Students<br />

SHIAO<br />


% of girls who received at least 3 months home schooling<br />

and who learned to read and write during <strong>2010</strong>?<br />

78%<br />

How did SHIAO test whether the girls were able to read and write?<br />

Testing for reading:<br />

When monitoring team visited different home-based schools in different districts of<br />

Nangarhar province; they found that out of 30 students while asked 25 were responsive and<br />

their reading skills was good enough to read simple sentence with all the accuracy in<br />

reading from the textbooks. Therefore based on this fact we can say that 83% of the<br />

students were able to recite the text from the books and boards and to collectively<br />

pronounce the words in the right and meaningful pronunciation. The students showed<br />

interest and majority seemed very satisfied to master their skills in future gradually and<br />

regularly attend the home-base classes to be able to read and write.<br />

Testing for writing:<br />

It is crystal clearer that writing skill is more difficult than reading as it is the basic skill the<br />

students learn. During the monitoring visits of different home-based schools in different<br />

districts of Nangarhar province; they found that out of 30 students 22 were able to write<br />

small sentences and do some basic calculation of addition and multiplication. Thus based on<br />

this fact we can say that 73% of the students were able to write words on boards and in<br />

their notebooks or to structure simple short sentences in a right and meaningful way.<br />

SHIAO<br />


How many girls received basic health education<br />

from SHIAO in <strong>2010</strong>?<br />

The project provided basic health<br />

education to 320 girl students of<br />

Rodat, Batikoot and Dehbala Districts<br />

in Nangarhar province.<br />

SHIAO<br />


How did SHIAO check that the health education led<br />

to practical hygiene improvements afterwards?<br />

We continuously inspected that 320 students in Rodat, Batikoot and<br />

Dehbala communities girl students took part in getting education<br />

regarding the topics of (health, math, women rights, drawing, Islam,<br />

Pusht and sport) raising the education level of these female students.<br />

It was very interesting that when SHIAO staff arrived to villages and to<br />

see the classes the local youngesters raun to their homes and shouted<br />

out saying boohoo the doctors come to our village! Once asked from a<br />

father by the name Ahmad jan from (village Khesarak District Rodat )<br />

of a student if why these students call us the doctors he said “Before<br />

setting up of home-based classes our people were not caring about their<br />

hygiene for example they were eating unripefruit, they were not familiar<br />

with the using of bathrooms, washing their hands after getting the bath,<br />

used to eat food with dirty hands, not change their clothes for weeks<br />

and weeks as in the result our children, men and women were always<br />

suffering from different ailments like diarrhea, malaria, dysentery, fever<br />

etc….<br />

SHIAO<br />


How did SHIAO check that the health education led to practical<br />

hygiene improvements afterwards?<br />

After attending the home-based classes they now use and put on their<br />

children mosquito nets to prevent malaria and other insects bite. They<br />

wash their utensils and put upside down on the bed to dry under the<br />

sunshine and put nets on the vegetables to avoid contamination. This<br />

is entirely because of the home-based schools impact where the local<br />

people learned a lot of new things regarding the health as in the result<br />

many diseases are also reduced or diminished. Therefore this is the<br />

reason why our people call you the DOCTORS.<br />

SHIAO<br />


How did SHIAO check that the health education led<br />

to practical hygiene improvements afterwards?<br />

One day I had diarrhea and went to the bathroom without wearing<br />

shows while returned I laid in the bed. when my daughter saw me she<br />

said to her mother” that “My father will never recover because of our<br />

teacher has told us that when we go to get bath we should wear shows<br />

because there are small cracks in our feet if we do not wear the shows<br />

in the bathroom then the germs can penetrate through our feet crakes<br />

and make us ill.<br />

Also the teacher has said that when you return from the bathroom you<br />

should wash your hands with soap to clean your hands. There are<br />

small germs on our hands and when we eat food with the dirty hands<br />

these germs can enter our body through the mouth with food and make<br />

us sick. This is the reason why my father will not get better and see<br />

his nails are also big enough full with the dirt. The dirt and germs hide<br />

under these big nails and when he eats food these germs under his<br />

nails get to his stomach and has made him sick”.<br />

SHIAO<br />


How did SHIAO check that the health education led to<br />

improvements in the students’ homes afterwards?<br />

SHIAO staff always hold discussions with the student’s parents and<br />

seek the immediate and long-term impacts of the project activities<br />

when they go on monitoring visits to the field to check the progress of<br />

the home-based classes.<br />

The staff works through the people and locals who regularly come to<br />

the home-based classes to see and make sure if how their daughters<br />

are progressing in studies.<br />

The local people are always talking about the improvements and<br />

changing in the students behavior as they ask their fathers, mothers,<br />

sisters and brothers if how to prevent the diseases and observe the<br />

rules of basic health education in their homes.<br />

The fathers are very satisfied when their daughters tell them how to be<br />

safe from the contagious diseases and how to prevent diseases by<br />

considering simple basic principles of health education.<br />

SHIAO<br />


How did SHIAO check that the health education led to<br />

improvements in the students’ homes afterwards?<br />

For example regarding the prevention of malaria the daughters asked<br />

their fathers and brothers to buy bed nets and use for the prevention of<br />

mosquitoes which spread malaria in the region or if how the ponds<br />

water can contribute for the mosquito’s breeding.<br />

These are the success stories that we always hear from their fathers<br />

regarding the improvements of general health status and changing in<br />

the behavior of home-based school students that we can immediately<br />

effects the results of home-based health education themes covered in<br />

the classes these students are the best preachers to teach their family<br />

members about what they learn in the classes but however distribution<br />

of more training materials like flipcharts silkscreen, pamphlets with the<br />

basic health messages will be of great help to spread the messages in<br />

the community.<br />

SHIAO<br />


Has SHIAO co-operated with the local school authorities, either in<br />

Nangarhar province (Jalalabad) or in the districts, to try to find<br />

places for the home-class girls in normal schools in the same area?<br />

SHIAO is regularly in contact with the local education authority and<br />

drives the project activities in close coordination with them without<br />

whose assistance the project success would not be possible.<br />

SHIAO implements programs through the assistance and coordination<br />

of provincial and district level education authorities to synchronize the<br />

activities. This year We will refer our students to normal Government<br />

Schools.<br />

SHIAO<br />


How many girls dropped out of class during <strong>2010</strong>?<br />

Why did they leave?<br />

3 students from home-based schools (Roghano village,<br />

District Rodat) have dropped out during <strong>2010</strong>.<br />

The reasons were an engagement, a wedding and a family<br />

restricting further school attendance.<br />

Were the parents of the girls satisfied with the home classes and the<br />

work of SHIAO?<br />

During the interviews conducted with the parents of the home-based schools; they<br />

were very proud of their daughters to learn new things and they emphasised at their<br />

homes and put in practice what their teachers tell them especially regarding to the<br />

health issues. In the new era the parents are very interested to see their daughters to<br />

go to schools and become a nurse, a doctor or a teacher because the people now have<br />

emerged from the conservative era of the past decades. The parents openly talk about<br />

the issues of their daughter’s education and want their daughters along with their sons<br />

to get education and professionals. For instance Stana Gul from Rodat district who is<br />

the father of a home-based school student Shiama said “I want my daughter to be an<br />

educated person and to be trained in midwifery. If she learns the skills she will be of<br />

the service for the whole village and will be able to make a handful of the money to<br />

make a good livelihood for the family. There is a dire need for the female nurses and<br />

midwifery’s in our village as many women die during giving birth or on the way to<br />

hospital before delivery. If she gets the training she will be day-night available to sever<br />

the village women in delivery cases and this will be a good asset for the whole village<br />

and Rodat district”.<br />

SHIAO<br />


How did SHIAO measure the level of satisfaction<br />

of the girls’ parents for the home-classes?<br />

SHAIO staff hold interviews with the parents of individual students and<br />

seek their ideas regarding the problems, suggestions and<br />

recommendations for the home-based schools improvement.<br />

Based on the majority of the ideas that come from these beneficiaries<br />

SHIAO staff make their plans and policies for any new developments<br />

and transitions.<br />

SHIAO staff make a general statistics of public view and give preference<br />

to the ideas which the majority of the beneficiaries recommend.<br />

In addition the local beneficiaries explain the benefits of these schools<br />

and see day-by-day progress from their daughters’ studies and appraise<br />

the skills and knowledge their daughters acquire.<br />

Thus SHIAO staff can assess the general progress of the home-based<br />

school girls based on the feedback from the beneficiaries in the field and<br />

villages.<br />

SHIAO<br />


HUA Prosjekt <strong>2010</strong><br />


Security<br />

• Security represents the biggest challenge, posing dangers to all<br />

kinds of NGOs in our area of operations - Nangarhar.<br />

• Security is a big threat continuously, especially in the field, where<br />

our staff are particularly in danger.<br />

• The workers, teachers and students at our co-operative partner in<br />

the field (SHIAO) suffer from fairly permanent psychological stress<br />

due to potential dangers.<br />

• The problems are distinct for SHIAO’s female staff and all female<br />

students – females are a particular target for aggressors.<br />

• The local staff (office in Jalalabad) manage to cope well under these<br />

conditions, entirely due to the good relations and good reputation<br />

they have achieved in the community groups at our home-based<br />

school areas.<br />

SHIAO & SIA,<br />


Batikoot, Rodat and Baroo villages<br />

• Working for the females especially in conservative areas, such<br />

as Batikoot, Rodat and Baroo villages, is especially challenging<br />

because the local people have misconceptions especially<br />

regarding the NGOs and foreign aid agencies<br />

• However due to the good relations and support of the local<br />

people, elders and Ulama; SHIAO staff managed to implement<br />

the project properly in these areas, with successful results and<br />

without any single threat from any source.<br />

SHIAO & SIA,<br />


Transportation<br />

• Due to bad roads, partially inaccessible villages, and insecure<br />

conditions in some of SHIAO’s target areas for the HUA<br />

prosjekt, SHIAO field staff occasionally experience<br />

considerable difficulties in reaching the home-classes of the<br />

remoter areas. The journeys take longer and the vehicle is<br />

often in need of repair either during or after class inspection<br />

trips.<br />

SHIAO & SIA,<br />


Mines, booby traps, suicides and kidnapping (1)<br />

• Pose threats for all NGO staff in our province, and their vehicles and<br />

equipment in the field.<br />

• Military operations nearby and the constant uncertainty of<br />

potential suicide bombing represent threats to SHIAO’s workers,<br />

both at the field office and when moving into our home school<br />

areas to deliver their services. SHIAO staff need to operate in a<br />

good and peaceful working environment.<br />

• In general the local population has misconceptions regarding both<br />

the military operations and the humanitarian activities which<br />

usually go side by side nowadays in SHIAO’s area of Afghanistan.<br />

• The military operations can easily negatively affect the NGOs’<br />

working system and will almost definitely have an adverse impact<br />

on the NGO staff’s work in the rural districts and villages within<br />

which we operate, despite their best intentions. SHIAO & SIA,<br />


Mines, booby traps, suicides and kidnapping (2)<br />

• It can be extremely challenging to work in such insecure environments<br />

such as Jalalabad. The very recent shootings and killings of many people in<br />

the local branch of Kabul Bank close to our office is a good example.<br />

• There have been regular incidents of bombings, shootings or serious<br />

injuries in the Nangarhar area during the period from the end of the HUA<br />

project through to Spring 2011.<br />

• In addition, high-level NGO staff are occasionally kidnapped for ransom or<br />

politically motivated reasons. So far none of these kdnappings have<br />

occurred in the districts where SHIAO’s home-based school classes are.<br />

SHIAO & SIA,<br />


Finding, recruiting and satisfying staff<br />

• It is often difficult to find and recruit qualified female staff.<br />

They are very often afraid to work in the field for security<br />

reasons.<br />

• Salaries and benefits of staff at smaller NGO’s such as SHIAO<br />

do not match other larger NGO’s such as USAID. It is often<br />

difficult to attract qualified and experienced staff to join the<br />

smaller NGOs and Aid agencies.<br />

SHIAO & SIA,<br />


Incentives for our students<br />

• We recognise that our incentives for female students in the<br />

districts where SHIAO operates should, in addition to books<br />

and stationery, probably also include items such as soap, basic<br />

health kits, shampoo, foodstuffs (biscuits etc.. ) and possibly<br />

other items that may attract even more female students to<br />

attend the classes. This would also encourage certain parents<br />

to send their girls to our school classes.<br />

SHIAO & SIA,<br />


Local culture, taboos and dangers<br />

• In general, according to local cultural beliefs and taboos, many of<br />

the local people are unwilling to send their daughters to schools,<br />

even to the home-based schools that are conducted in safer<br />

environments.<br />

• We are sure this situation is changing slowly but surely.<br />

• The mentality and perceptual horizons of the locals have been<br />

changing dramatically.<br />

• In some of SHIAO’s more conservative areas they now send their<br />

daughters to be trained in health (doctors, midwives) for work in<br />

the field.<br />

• But it will take time, even decades or centuries, before all the<br />

people are ready to send their daughters to attend schools. SHIAO & SIA,<br />


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