PROTEASES FROM CELL CULTURE OF Bromelia hemisphaerica ...

PROTEASES FROM CELL CULTURE OF Bromelia hemisphaerica ...

PROTEASES FROM CELL CULTURE OF Bromelia hemisphaerica ...


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FSB1 – 2004<br />

Food Science and Biotechnology in Developing Countries<br />

EFFECT <strong>OF</strong> INVERTASE PRODUCTION <strong>OF</strong> Aspergillus niger Aa 20 IN SUBMERGED<br />

<strong>CULTURE</strong><br />

Cuitláhuac Aranda-Vásquez 1 , Octavio Loera-Corral 2 , Raul Rodríguez-Herrera 1 ,<br />

Juan Carlos Contreras-Esquivel 1 and Cristóbal Noé Aguilar 1 *.<br />

1 Food Research Dept. School of Chemistry. Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila. Saltillo, Coahuila,<br />

México. *Corresponding author: cag13761@mail.uadec.mx<br />

2 Department of Biotechnology. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Iztapalapa, México, D.F.<br />


Invertase production kinetics were studied in submerged culture with or without an enzymatic<br />

inducer (sucrose) or repressor (glucose). The maximum production of the enzyme (2170.8<br />

U/Lmin) was reached in experiments with 50g/L of inducer in 60 hours. Maximal invertase<br />

production (37639.58 U/L*min).was obtained with 6.25 g/L of glucose and 50 g/L of sucrose in<br />

72 hours of culture.<br />

Key words: invertase, glucose, sucrose, submerged culture.<br />


The invertase (called sucroase or β-fructofuranosidase), is an enzyme widely used in food<br />

industry over all in confectionery. Action of this enzyme is breaking the sucrose in glucose and<br />

fructose for obtain glucoside and fructoside syrup, which are more expensive that the sucrose<br />

itself, for this reason is important the production and utilization of the enzyme (Romero-Gomez<br />

et al., 2000).<br />

The microbial metabolism in particular the fungus, allows to synthesize great variety of proteins<br />

or enzymes, but do not make all in the same time. Only if an inducer is in contact with the<br />

microorganism the transcript gene level is up, this make that the fungus begin to synthesize the<br />

indicated enzyme for metabolize the inducer molecule.<br />

In the same form that a microorganism synthesize a enzyme which can metabolize a near<br />

molecule, too avoid synthesize enzymes in which case end product is available free in the<br />

culture media, this kind control is called enzymatic repression for feed-back or for end product<br />

disposition. There are other form of enzymatic repression which consist in the prevention of the<br />

contact between the microorganism with the molecule that actives the corresponding operón in<br />

this form the structural gene levels stay in her minimum value and enzyme neither is<br />

synthesized, this type of repression is called for feed-forward or for absence of initial activator.<br />

The technologies for enzyme production in submerged culture had their best age in the First<br />

World War; in that moment the penicillin production in great quantities was priority for the<br />

companies, the major part of investigation that was available in moment was with respect to<br />

liquid culture for this reason used this technique for satisfied the enormous demand of penicillin<br />

and drugs. After of First World War the companies follow produced enzymes with the same

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