24 - Millburn Public Library

24 - Millburn Public Library

24 - Millburn Public Library


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1 AUGUST <strong>24</strong>, 1950]<br />

Had buttermilk lately? Don't<br />

miss Schmalz Dairy buttermilk for<br />

food and tonic toning in summer.<br />

The Scfamata Dairy brings you<br />

this healthful milk. Eat their<br />

creamed cottage cheese, too.<br />

Fruchtman's Prescription Center,<br />

,Summit, is dedicated to conserving<br />

the public's health. For fast delivery<br />

call Su. 6-7171. All hospital<br />

- supplies, elastic stockings and<br />

Dietetic Foods await you.<br />

Exquisite white linen, attractive<br />

rayon and Linen, or cotton flowered<br />

designs are some of the tablecloth<br />

- styles featured at The Window<br />

Box. This charming shop can fill<br />

every linen requirement. _<br />

• • *<br />

Now is the time'to have storm<br />

sash made and fitted for the first<br />

freeze up. Storm sash are worth<br />

their weight in gold for what they<br />

save on fuel. Get an Improvement<br />

Loan from Investors Savings &<br />

Loan. ;<br />

•<br />

pointed Feature Editor of the Mercersburg<br />

News, weekly newspaper<br />

, of the Mercersburg Academy<br />

where he is a student. Appointments<br />

were made on the basis of<br />

students' high-calibre work on<br />

the paper in the past.<br />

•<br />

A.W. MAGEE, Director of Motor<br />

Vehicles, has approved a suggestion<br />

from the state funeral directors<br />

that vehicles .in funeral<br />

corteges be identified by lighted<br />

headlights. It is expected this practice<br />

will be used throughout the<br />

state.<br />

This Week's Special!<br />

Repeated by Request<br />


APPLE<br />


2.00<br />

Reg. $2.50<br />

17'* long"—10 Generous Servings<br />

Also Cookies, Cakes,<br />

Hors d'Oeuvres, etc<br />

CaN Miliburn 6-0228<br />

To Order From<br />


<strong>24</strong> Taylor St., Miliburn<br />

Opp. Washington School<br />

Secretarial Training<br />

31 Katharine Gibbs secretarial<br />

training now conrenieody<br />

available at the new<br />

Moerclair school. One *od<br />

Two Year Courses for high<br />

school and private school<br />

CLASSES 5TART graduates. Special Course<br />

SfPT 10 for college women. Experi-<br />

* Eri " " enced Gibbs faculty. Call or<br />

writefor illustrated catalog.<br />

Fjatkarine Qibbs<br />

MONTCLAIR 33 p| v mou * h s * r ***<br />

Other Gibbs Schools in;<br />


Nature Hobbies<br />

To Be Exhibited<br />

Special exhibits built around<br />

the theme, "Nature Hobbies for<br />

Adults," will be featured at Trailside;<br />

Museum in the Watchung Reservation<br />

on Sunday, September 10,<br />

with Elmore Furth, chairman of<br />

the Trailside Museum Committee,<br />

in charge. Specialists in each field<br />

will act as exhibitors and be on<br />

hand to explain the tools and<br />

equipment of his hobby to the<br />

public, starting at 2 p. m.<br />

James W. Hawley, chairman of<br />

Pulling up stakes this fall? if the Summit Workshop, will be in<br />

so, get your name on the ledger charge of this club's exhibit on bird<br />

at Rinrback Storage Company. lore. It will include bird feeding<br />

This firm is TOPS when it comes stations, shrubs which attract<br />

to moving your possessions with birds to the garden, binoculars,<br />

care and consideration.<br />

books and other equipment for the<br />

* * * S bird watcher. Mr. Furth will have<br />

Have Harth the Florist arrange a display of Indian tools and ex-<br />

an exquisite centerpiece for youplain<br />

their uses and Norman Spatz<br />

the next time you entertain. In of Union will have an exhibit on<br />

the art of flower arranging, no star lore and the use of the tele-<br />

one can beat Harth. Take them scope lor star study. Cameras, light<br />

your centerpiece bowl.<br />

meters and other equipment needed<br />

by the nature photographer will<br />

be demonstrated by Roy Puckey,<br />

Bird Club of WestfleM.<br />

The Watchung Nature Club will<br />

have a number of exhibits, including<br />

butterflies and shells by Mrs.<br />

Helen Lemal and Forest Stein's<br />

herberium. James W. Hand, president<br />

of the Summit Nature Club,<br />

will play the role of the modern<br />

Johnny Appleseed, the propagator<br />

of trees from seed, and Miss Lois<br />

Hawley/ Summit will exhibit handpainted<br />

neckties. Other exhibits<br />

will include insects, ferms, flowers<br />

and minerals of the Bible.<br />

•<br />

Jersey Peaches<br />

An August "Must" '<br />

THOMAS BRYAN", son of Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Lloyd T. Bryan of 27 August and Jersey peaches go<br />

Brooklawn drive, has been ap- hand in hand. What could be more<br />

refreshing thaji a luscious ripe<br />

peach sliced end served with<br />

cream? The nicest thing about<br />

these peaches, says Mra. Helen<br />

Rabbins, associate extension nutrition<br />

specialist at Rutgers University,<br />

is that you can freeze or can<br />

them for just as good eating next<br />

winter.<br />

U<br />

The supply of high quality New<br />

Jersey peaches will last until about<br />

the first of September. Because<br />

they are grown near the market<br />

and the consumer, the chances of<br />

your getting tree ripened peaches<br />

are greater than in some states.<br />

For slicing, canning or freezing,<br />

the best flavor is obtained in the<br />

tree ripened fruits. •<br />

Although Elberta is- still an important<br />

variety, others now surpass<br />

this old-time favorite in canning<br />

and freezing qualities. Among<br />

them are Summercrest, J. H. Hale<br />

and Pacemaker. And, are you<br />

aware of the delicious features of<br />

white peaches such as White Halo<br />

or Lateroso?<br />

Firm peaches should be allowed<br />

to ripen and mellow at room, temperature;<br />

never exposed to the sun<br />

or excess "heat. Only when ripe<br />

should they be put in the refrigerator.<br />

When buying jn quantity,<br />

Mrs. Helen Rabbins advises that<br />

you sort peaches almost daily,<br />

using them in the order in which<br />

they ripen. When peaches are to<br />

be frozen; they should be even<br />

riper than for use in canning.<br />

There are a.ny number of toothsome<br />

peach recipes, and Mrs. Robbins<br />

offers one for baked peaches,<br />

as illustrated in the accompanying<br />

picture.<br />


Peel five large peaches*, cut in<br />

halves and remove stones; fill each<br />

cavity with one teaspoon auger,<br />

hi teaspoon butter, a few drops<br />

lemon juice and a sprinkling of<br />

nutmeg. Bake in a 350 degree F.<br />

oven about 20 minutes; -serve hot<br />

or cold with cream. For a special<br />

party, cover with meringue as for<br />

pie, sprinkle with cocoanut and<br />

bake as directed.<br />

Every Week we relieve<br />

thrifty housewives like<br />

you of washing and iron-<br />

ing. And just like you—<br />

we respect hard-to-place<br />

linens, give fine-fabric<br />

items safe, careful han-<br />

dling. Stop by now.<br />

The cut below shows where to go<br />


TH MOUNT<br />


N6TAIU>ltlN6-<br />

-TAIU>ltlN6-<br />

WS<br />

Pineapple Juice . ISotcan 15e 4ooi.can35c<br />

Grapefruit Juice is «. on 2 for 29c *t«. cm 33c<br />

Bib Orange Juice For babies . jar 43c<br />

Salad Dressing Ann Page pi. jar 29c qt. iar 49c<br />

Ann Page Mustard 9 oz. iar lie<br />

Pride of the Farm Catsup u oz. bot. 2 'or 35c<br />

Corned Beef Hash Broadcasi w oz. can 35c<br />

Henri Spaghetti Sauce . . . 8 oz. can 14c<br />

Boned Chicken RsR-solid pack ooz. can 75c<br />

Morton's Salt Plain or iodized 26 oz. pkg. 9c<br />

Spaghetti with Meat Balls Chef Boy ar-dee 1554 oz.21c<br />

Prepared Spaghetti Ann Page 15K oz can 2 for 25c<br />

Sweet Peas lona-nev, pack 16 oz. can 2 for 23c<br />

String Beans Lord Moll-French style 1° oz. can 2 for 33o<br />

Niagara Laundry Starch . . 12 oz. pkg. 19c<br />

Marcal Paper Hankies so double sheets 2 pigs 17c<br />

M a r c a l Toilet Tissues . . . . 3 wUi 28e<br />

Dog Food Dash, Pard or Ken-L-Ralion 14 oz. can 2 for 25c<br />

Ginger Ale Plus deposit 28 or. bot. 2 for 39c<br />

Canute Dry or Whit: Rock<br />

A snow?- 1<br />

eakc covered „*<br />

chocolate icing. Cake<br />

Marvel White Bread . ,<br />

English Muffins . , • i<br />

DonutS Sugared or cinnamon<br />

Peach Pie Jane Parker<br />

The Millbi & Short Bills ITEM<br />

,1b. loaf 14«<br />

pk3of6lorl9e<br />

Pk9. of 12 for 20c<br />

8 inch size 59c<br />

Sponge Layer For quick shortcake pks. of 2 for 33c<br />

Blueberry Muffins . • • • pk«. of6f°r29e<br />

Lux Soap<br />

For toilet and bath .<br />

3x23c<br />

Extra short cut — less wzstn<br />


LegS OI L£tml> Genuine spring lamb<br />

Chuck Roast or Steak Bon. in<br />

Pot Roast Boneless Chuck-no fat added<br />

Chopped Beef Freshly oround<br />

Beef Short Ribs Flavorful-economical<br />

Plate and Navel Beef Fresh for boiling<br />

Boneless Brisket Beef Fresh or comed<br />

Shoulder of Lamb crosscui-whoie<br />

Stewing Lamb »reait and shank<br />

Breast of Veal .<br />

Turkeys Pilgrim brand 8 lo 17 lbs. Ib. 63c over 20 I<br />

Frying Chickens Fresh lop grade-2V4 to V/z Ibj.<br />

6 Days a Week, You Can Save Money by Choosing<br />


You're sure to save whenever you buy "Super-Right" meats . . . not<br />

only because they're priced A&P-low every day, but because they're<br />

cut and trimmed to give you more meat for your money. And what<br />

tender, juicy, grand-tasting meat it is! Why not enjoy some tonight?<br />

69*<br />

ib.67c<br />

ib.59c<br />

ib 89c<br />

ib.59=<br />

Ib. 55e<br />

ib33c<br />

Ib 85c<br />

ib53c<br />

ib.29"<br />

b 35e<br />

AiP's Novel Way of Selling<br />



Ib 53c<br />

k.47c<br />

You pay full prices only for top-quality, peak-fresh fruits<br />

and vegetables. Items that are •wholesome but not up to<br />

A&P's exacting standards are removed several times a<br />

day, put on a "Quick-Sale :J table at reduced prices.<br />

II. S. No. 1 grade "A" size Lone Island<br />

POTATOES .<br />

Prices Effective in Super Markets & Self-Service Stores Only<br />

Lifebuoy Soap<br />

For toilet and bath<br />

3 a 23e<br />

. 10 2'tr<br />

California Oranges Sweet, juicy 5 it> bag 45c<br />

Cantaloupe Large size<br />

Sweet Yellow Corn From nearby ferml<br />

Broccoli<br />

From nearby farmi<br />

Cauliflower<br />

Seedless Grapes<br />

Iceberg Lettuce<br />

Tomatoes<br />

Red Plums<br />

;<br />

each 19c<br />

6 for 25c<br />

bunch 2 le<br />

From nearby farms<br />

• head 25c<br />

California<br />

Ib. 15c<br />

California<br />

large head 15c<br />

From nearby farms<br />

IblOc<br />

California bl9c<br />

Ivory Soap<br />

For dishes, laundry or bath<br />

msd.<br />

ok.<br />


Rinso<br />

For dishss and laundry<br />

23 oz. O7<br />

Ton grade<br />

FO^WIi For '"cMiee, salads-all lizel Ib.<br />

Sliced Bacon Sunnyfield sugar cured 2 Half b. pkgj. 67c<br />

Bologna or Meat Loaf sliced ifa ib 33=<br />

Frankfurters skinia^ ib 63"<br />

Fresh Hams Whole or either half Ib. 65«<br />

Fresh Spare Ribs • • » « . . . . ib. 57c<br />

BeefKidr ys . ib.29c<br />

LiverWUrst Braunschweiger-sliced ^ Ib. 33c<br />

Boiled Ham sii«d . y2ib.75c<br />

Beef Liver Specially selected Ib. 75c<br />

Fresh Pork Shoulders short tut ib 49c<br />

Top-Quality Seafood<br />

Fillet cod & Haddock ib. 43c Large Shrimp . n>. 69c<br />

Swordfish Steaks ib 55c Fresh Bluefish n>29c<br />

Asp's Famous Sunnyfield<br />


Its fine delicious flavor<br />

is safeguarded by an<br />

extra protective wrapper.<br />

Sliced American Meio-Bit u>.45e<br />

Sliced Swiss Domestic b. 59c<br />

Ched-O-Bit American or Pimento 14 1b. pkg 21c<br />

Cream Cheese Philadelphia or Eagle 3 or. pkg. 15c<br />

Kay Natural Cheddar Kraft viib. Pkg.29c<br />

Gruyere Borden'i 6 oz. pkg. 35c<br />

Snappy Cheese sham 3 01. roil20c<br />

Kraft Old English Slices . . . . vi n>. pkg. 35c<br />

Pahst-ett Mild cheese food 6'A oz. pkg. 23c<br />

Swiss Knight Imported 6 oz. pkg. 45c<br />

Camembert Military brand 3 oz. pkg. 35c<br />

Whipped Butter Sunnyfield 8 oz. cup 39c<br />

Tide<br />

For all family wash and "dishes<br />




Trr it iced or hot . . . you'll like it s lot!<br />

Eight O'Clock Iib bag 74c<br />

Buy tie thrifty 3 Ib. bag ;.. 2.16<br />

Red Circle . . iib.c.976e<br />

Buy the thrifty 3 Ib. bag ., •. 2.22<br />

Bohar<br />

Boy tbe thrifty 3 Ib. big.:; 2.25<br />

Vel<br />

For silks, rayons, "dishes, etc.<br />

15 oz. 97

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