Experimental infection and protection against ... - TI Pharma

Experimental infection and protection against ... - TI Pharma Experimental infection and protection against ... - TI Pharma


Long-term protection against malaria after experimental sporozoite inoculation 199 21 after re-challenge presumptively received the same curative treatment. Complete cure was always confirmed by the occurrence of two consecutive parasite-negative blood-slides. Outcomes The primary outcome of the study was microscopic detection of parasites in a blood-slide, with sampling performed twice daily on days 5 and 6 post-challenge, thrice daily on days 7-11, twice daily on days 12-15 and once on days 16-21 postchallenge. Thick blood smears were made from 15µl of EDTA-anti-coagulated blood, spread over the standardised surface of one well of a 3-well glass slide (CEL-LINE Diagnostic Microscope Slides, 30-12A-black-CE24). After drying, wells were stained with Giemsa for 45 minutes. Slides were read at 1000x magnification by assessing 200 high-power fields, equal to approximately 0.5µl of blood. The smear was considered positive if two unambiguously identifiable parasites were found. The pre-patent period was defined as the period between challenge and first positive blood smear. Additionally, parasitemia was measured by real-time quantitative PCR (Q-PCR), performed retrospectively on all samples collected after challenge, as previously described [14]. Secondary outcomes comprised immunological parameters. After preparation of thick blood smears, remaining plasma was collected and stored at -70°C. Antibody titres on the day prior to challenge were assessed by ELISA as previously described [9]. Plasma concentrations of IL-6 and IFNγ were measured every other day using the Bio-Plex system (Bio-Rad) [15]. For cellular immunology, venous whole blood was collected into cell-preparation tubes (Becton and Dickinson, Basel) on the day before challenge. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were isolated by density gradient centrifugation, frozen in fetal-calf serum containing 10% dimethylsulfoxide and stored in liquid nitrogen. Cellular responses against cryopreserved NF54 sporozoite and NF54 asexual-stage parasites were assessed by 24-hour in vitro stimulation as previously described for the asexual-stage [9] followed by intracellular cytokine staining. Preparation of sporozoite- and asexual-stage parasites for immunological assays NF54 strain P. falciparum sporozoites (PfSpz) were obtained from Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes that were reared according to standard procedures in our insectary. Infected mosquitoes were obtained by feeding on gametocytecontaining cultures of NF54 strain P. falciparum, as described previously [15]. On day 21–28 after infection, the salivary glands of the mosquitoes were collected

200 Chapter 10 by hand-dissection. Salivary glands were collected in RPMI-1640 medium (Gibco) and homogenized in a custom glass grinder. Free sporozoites were counted in a Bürker-Türk counting chamber using phase-contrast microscopy. PfSpz were cryopreserved at 16x10 6 /ml in 15% glycerol/PBS in aliquots for use in individual stimulation assays. Sporozoites that had undergone one freeze-thaw cycle were morphologically intact, but no longer able to glide (assay described in [16], using a FITC-3SP2 conjugated antibody). Salivary glands from an equal number of uninfected mosquitoes were used as a background control. NF54 strain P. falciparum asexual blood-stage parasites (PfRBC), regularly screened for mycoplasma contamination, were grown in RPMI-1640 medium containing 10% human A+ serum at 5% haematocrit in a semi-automated suspension culture system, in the absence of antibiotics and in an atmosphere containing 3% CO2 and 4% O2. For in vitro stimulation experiments, asynchronous asexual-stage cultures of NF54 strain parasites were harvested at a parasitemia of approximately 5-10% and mature asexual stages purified by centrifugation on a 27% and 63% Percoll density gradient [17]. This purification step results in preparations of 80-90% parasitemia, consisting of more than 95% schizonts/mature trophozoites. PfRBC were washed twice in PBS and cryopreserved at 150x10 6 /mL in 15% glycerol/PBS in aliquots for use in individual stimulation assays. Mock-cultured uninfected erythrocytes (uRBC) were obtained similarly and served as control. Stimulation assay and staining for flow cytometry After thawing, cells were stimulated with either cryopreserved NF54 PfRBC (as previously described [9]) at a final concentration of 5*10 6 /ml or cryopreserved PfSpz at a concentration of 4*10 5 /ml for 24 hours. Uninfected red blood cells (uRBC, 5*10 6 /ml) and uninfected mosquito salivary glands (MSG) preparations dissected from equal numbers of uninfected mosquitoes, respectively, were used as negative controls. For cell stimulations with sporozoites/MSG 0.8 µl/ml CD28/CD49d reagent (BD) was added to the culture as a co-stimulant. PMA/ionomycin stimulation (50ng/ml and 1µg/ml respectively, Sigma-Aldrich) was used as positive control and added four hours before harvest. Brefeldin A (final concentration 10μg/mL) was added to all wells four hours prior to harvest. For staining procedures, PBMC were transferred to a 96 V-wells micro-titre plate (500,000 cells/well), washed and incubated with LIVE/DEAD® cell stain kit Aqua (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) for 30 min at 4°C. Cells were washed in FACS buffer (PBS containing 0.5% Bovine Serum Albumin, Sigma-Aldrich Co.), and

Long-term <strong>protection</strong> <strong>against</strong> malaria after experimental sporozoite inoculation 199<br />

21 after re-challenge presumptively received the same curative treatment.<br />

Complete cure was always confirmed by the occurrence of two consecutive<br />

parasite-negative blood-slides.<br />

Outcomes<br />

The primary outcome of the study was microscopic detection of parasites in a<br />

blood-slide, with sampling performed twice daily on days 5 <strong>and</strong> 6 post-challenge,<br />

thrice daily on days 7-11, twice daily on days 12-15 <strong>and</strong> once on days 16-21 postchallenge.<br />

Thick blood smears were made from 15µl of EDTA-anti-coagulated<br />

blood, spread over the st<strong>and</strong>ardised surface of one well of a 3-well glass slide<br />

(CEL-LINE Diagnostic Microscope Slides, 30-12A-black-CE24). After drying, wells<br />

were stained with Giemsa for 45 minutes. Slides were read at 1000x<br />

magnification by assessing 200 high-power fields, equal to approximately 0.5µl<br />

of blood. The smear was considered positive if two unambiguously identifiable<br />

parasites were found. The pre-patent period was defined as the period between<br />

challenge <strong>and</strong> first positive blood smear. Additionally, parasitemia was<br />

measured by real-time quantitative PCR (Q-PCR), performed retrospectively on<br />

all samples collected after challenge, as previously described [14].<br />

Secondary outcomes comprised immunological parameters. After preparation of<br />

thick blood smears, remaining plasma was collected <strong>and</strong> stored at -70°C.<br />

Antibody titres on the day prior to challenge were assessed by ELISA as<br />

previously described [9]. Plasma concentrations of IL-6 <strong>and</strong> IFNγ were measured<br />

every other day using the Bio-Plex system (Bio-Rad) [15].<br />

For cellular immunology, venous whole blood was collected into cell-preparation<br />

tubes (Becton <strong>and</strong> Dickinson, Basel) on the day before challenge. Peripheral<br />

blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were isolated by density gradient<br />

centrifugation, frozen in fetal-calf serum containing 10% dimethylsulfoxide <strong>and</strong><br />

stored in liquid nitrogen. Cellular responses <strong>against</strong> cryopreserved NF54<br />

sporozoite <strong>and</strong> NF54 asexual-stage parasites were assessed by 24-hour in vitro<br />

stimulation as previously described for the asexual-stage [9] followed by<br />

intracellular cytokine staining.<br />

Preparation of sporozoite- <strong>and</strong> asexual-stage parasites for immunological assays<br />

NF54 strain P. falciparum sporozoites (PfSpz) were obtained from Anopheles<br />

stephensi mosquitoes that were reared according to st<strong>and</strong>ard procedures in our<br />

insectary. Infected mosquitoes were obtained by feeding on gametocytecontaining<br />

cultures of NF54 strain P. falciparum, as described previously [15]. On<br />

day 21–28 after <strong>infection</strong>, the salivary gl<strong>and</strong>s of the mosquitoes were collected

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