Experimental infection and protection against ... - TI Pharma

Experimental infection and protection against ... - TI Pharma Experimental infection and protection against ... - TI Pharma


Long-term protection against malaria after experimental sporozoite inoculation 195 Introduction In 2009, an estimated 225 million cases of Plasmodium falciparum malaria lead to 781,000 deaths worldwide, of which about 85% were children under the age of five (http://www.who.int/malaria/world_malaria_report_2010/en/index. html). Malaria is responsible for an enormous economic burden due to medical expenses, missed education and lost productivity. It has been estimated that the GDP of countries endemic for malaria grows at 1.3% per year slower than countries which are malaria-free [1]. Reducing the burden of malaria has been identified as a specific target within the United Nations Millennium Development Goal 4: reduce Child Mortality (www.un.org/millenniumgoals). Control programs have been successful in decreasing the incidence of malaria by more than 50% in 11 countries of the WHO African region over the past decade and are highly cost-effective [2]. The recent increase of malaria cases in some other African countries illustrates the fragility of current malaria control (http://www.who.int/malaria/world_malaria_report_2010/en/index.html). The urgent need for an effective malaria vaccine to complement these control programs is thus widely acknowledged. A major hurdle in vaccine development is the complex parasite-host interaction that seems to preclude the establishment of long-lasting, sterile anti-parasitic immunity [3]. This notion is supported by the lack of sustained protection acquired through natural malaria exposure. When lifelong residents move away from an endemic area, immunity is thought to wane quickly, rendering them susceptible to re-infection and disease when re-exposed. [4] Moreover, naturally acquired immunity controls parasitemia and prevents clinical symptoms but neither eliminates parasites completely from the blood nor prevents re-infection, and is therefore not sterilizing [4]. Immunity to Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) malaria in humans can be induced artificially by vaccination with subunit vaccine candidates or by repeated exposure to attenuated whole parasites [5,6]. The most successful subunit candidate vaccine to date, RTS,S, based on the circumsporozoite protein combined with hepatitis B surface antigen, is between 30-65% efficacious in delaying the first episode of clinical malaria in Africans [7]. Extended follow-up in Mozambican children demonstrated waning efficacy over a period of 20 months [8]. Immunity to Pf in humans can also be induced experimentally by exposure to the bites of more than 1000 irradiated sporozoite-infected mosquitoes. This results in protection of almost 100% volunteers, lasting up to 42 weeks in a few

196 Chapter 10 Pre-erythrocytic stage Sporozoites Liver Blood stage Chloroquine mediated killing Merosome Merozoites individuals [5]. Recently we described a novel methodology for induction of immunity to Pf in humans, based on an immunisation procedure involving the repeated exposure to infectious mosquito bites under chloroquine prophylaxis [9]. Using this method, clinical disease was prevented by the drug that kills asexual blood-stage parasites, but allows complete liver-stage parasite development (Figure 1). Volunteers were protected from an experimental challenge with the homologous parasite strain two months later. Protected volunteers developed only low-level parasite-specific antibody activity, but strong parasite-specific effector memory T cell responses, characterized by the production of IFNγ and IL-2 after stimulation in vitro. The objective of the current follow-up study was to assess the persistence of protection against Pf infection after experimental immunisation. We rechallenged volunteers by the bites of sporozoite-infected mosquitoes after a period of 2.5 years. Skin Erythrocytes Lymph node Figure 1. Course of Plasmodium falciparum parasite development under chloroquine prophylaxis. Sporozoites are injected into the skin by an infected female Anopheles sp. mosquito. A proportion migrates through the bloodstream to the liver. Parasites develop and multiply in hepatocytes over a period of 6-7 days. Subsequently, merosomes bud from infected hepatocytes into the sinusoid and the released merozoites invade red blood cells for further asexual multiplication. Chloroquine prophylaxis only targets and prevents replication of parasites in red blood cells, thereby allowing the induction of immune responses against preceding stages.

196 Chapter 10<br />

Pre-erythrocytic stage<br />

Sporozoites<br />

Liver<br />

Blood stage<br />

Chloroquine<br />

mediated<br />

killing<br />

Merosome<br />

Merozoites<br />

individuals [5]. Recently we described a novel methodology for induction of<br />

immunity to Pf in humans, based on an immunisation procedure involving the<br />

repeated exposure to infectious mosquito bites under chloroquine prophylaxis<br />

[9]. Using this method, clinical disease was prevented by the drug that kills<br />

asexual blood-stage parasites, but allows complete liver-stage parasite<br />

development (Figure 1). Volunteers were protected from an experimental<br />

challenge with the homologous parasite strain two months later. Protected<br />

volunteers developed only low-level parasite-specific antibody activity, but<br />

strong parasite-specific effector memory T cell responses, characterized by the<br />

production of IFNγ <strong>and</strong> IL-2 after stimulation in vitro.<br />

The objective of the current follow-up study was to assess the persistence of<br />

<strong>protection</strong> <strong>against</strong> Pf <strong>infection</strong> after experimental immunisation. We rechallenged<br />

volunteers by the bites of sporozoite-infected mosquitoes after a<br />

period of 2.5 years.<br />

Skin<br />

Erythrocytes<br />

Lymph node<br />

Figure 1. Course of Plasmodium falciparum parasite development under<br />

chloroquine prophylaxis. Sporozoites are injected into the skin by an infected<br />

female Anopheles sp. mosquito. A proportion migrates through the bloodstream<br />

to the liver. Parasites develop <strong>and</strong> multiply in hepatocytes over a period of 6-7<br />

days. Subsequently, merosomes bud from infected hepatocytes into the sinusoid<br />

<strong>and</strong> the released merozoites invade red blood cells for further asexual<br />

multiplication. Chloroquine prophylaxis only targets <strong>and</strong> prevents replication of<br />

parasites in red blood cells, thereby allowing the induction of immune responses<br />

<strong>against</strong> preceding stages.

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