towards improved death receptor targeted therapy for ... - TI Pharma

towards improved death receptor targeted therapy for ... - TI Pharma towards improved death receptor targeted therapy for ... - TI Pharma


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Chapter 4 variants. Cell Death Dis 2010; 1:e83. 22. van der Sloot AM, Tur V, Szegezdi E, Mullally MM, Cool RH, Samali A et al. Designed tumor necrosis factor‐related apoptosis‐inducing ligand variants initiating apoptosis exclusively via the DR5 receptor. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2006; 103(23):8634‐8639. 23. Voortman J, Resende TP, bou El Hassan MA, Giaccone G, Kruyt FA. TRAIL therapy in non‐ small cell lung cancer cells: sensitization to death receptor‐mediated apoptosis by proteasome inhibitor bortezomib. Mol Cancer Ther 2007; 6(7):2103‐2112. 24. Falschlehner C, Emmerich CH, Gerlach B, Walczak H. TRAIL signalling: decisions between life and death. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 2007; 39(7‐8):1462‐1475. 25. Johnson FM, Saigal B, Talpaz M, Donato NJ. Dasatinib (BMS‐354825) tyrosine kinase inhibitor suppresses invasion and induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and non‐small cell lung cancer cells. Clin Cancer Res 2005; 11(19 Pt 1):6924‐6932. 26. Purnell PR, Mack PC, Tepper CG, Evans CP, Green TP, Gumerlock PH et al. The Src inhibitor AZD0530 blocks invasion and may act as a radiosensitizer in lung cancer cells. J Thorac Oncol 2009; 4(4):448‐454. 27. Spierings DC, de Vries EG, Timens W, Groen HJ, Boezen HM, de Jong S. Expression of TRAIL and TRAIL death receptors in stage III non‐small cell lung cancer tumors. Clin Cancer Res 2003; 9(9):3397‐3405. 28. Gallick GE. SRC as a potential therapeutic target in solid tumor oncology. Clin Adv Hematol Oncol 2004; 2(7):435‐437. 29. Mazurenko NN, Kogan EA, Zborovskaya IB, Kisseljov FL. Expression of pp60c‐src in human small cell and non‐small cell lung carcinomas. Eur J Cancer 1992; 28(2‐3):372‐377. 30. Guarino M. Src signaling in cancer invasion. J Cell Physiol 2010; 223(1):14‐26. 31. Mukhopadhyay UK, Mooney P, Jia L, Eves R, Raptis L, Mak AS. Doubles game: Src‐Stat3 versus p53‐PTEN in cellular migration and invasion. Mol Cell Biol 2010; 30(21):4980‐4995. 32. Abdulghani J, Gu L, Dagvadorj A, Lutz J, Leiby B, Bonuccelli G et al. Stat3 promotes metastatic progression of prostate cancer. Am J Pathol 2008; 172(6):1717‐1728. 33. Teng TS, Lin B, Manser E, Ng DC, Cao X. Stat3 promotes directional cell migration by regulating Rac1 activity via its activator betaPIX. J Cell Sci 2009; 122(Pt 22):4150‐4159. 34. Snyder M, Huang XY, Zhang JJ. Signal transducers and activators of transcription 3 (STAT3) directly regulates cytokine‐induced fascin expression and is required for breast cancer cell migration. J Biol Chem 2011; 286(45):38886‐38893. 35. Boyer B, Bourgeois Y, Poupon MF. Src kinase contributes to the metastatic spread of carcinoma cells. Oncogene 2002; 21(15):2347‐2356. 36. Kalluri R, Weinberg RA. The basics of epithelial‐mesenchymal transition. J Clin Invest 2009; 119(6):1420‐1428. 37. van Nimwegen MJ, van de WB. Focal adhesion kinase: a potential target in cancer therapy. Biochem Pharmacol 2007; 73(5):597‐609. 38. Cursi S, Rufini A, Stagni V, Condo I, Matafora V, Bachi A et al. Src kinase phosphorylates Caspase‐8 on Tyr380: a novel mechanism of apoptosis suppression. EMBO J 2006; 25(9):1895‐1905. 39. Ishimura N, Isomoto H, Bronk SF, Gores GJ. Trail induces cell migration and invasion in apoptosis‐resistant cholangiocarcinoma cells. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2006; 290(1):G129‐G136. 40. Song JH, Tse MC, Bellail A, Phuphanich S, Khuri F, Kneteman NM et al. Lipid rafts and nonrafts mediate tumor necrosis factor related apoptosis‐inducing ligand induced apoptotic and non‐apoptotic signals in non small cell lung carcinoma cells. Cancer Res 2007; 67(14):6946‐6955. 41. Song JJ, Kim JH, Sun BK, Alcala MA, Jr., Bartlett DL, Lee YJ. c‐Cbl acts as a mediator of Src‐ induced activation of the PI3K‐Akt signal transduction pathway during TRAIL treatment. ‐ 80 ‐

Chapter 4<br />

variants. Cell Death Dis 2010; 1:e83.<br />

22. van der Sloot AM, Tur V, Szegezdi E, Mullally MM, Cool RH, Samali A et al. Designed tumor<br />

necrosis factor‐related apoptosis‐inducing ligand variants initiating apoptosis exclusively<br />

via the DR5 <strong>receptor</strong>. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2006; 103(23):8634‐8639.<br />

23. Voortman J, Resende TP, bou El Hassan MA, Giaccone G, Kruyt FA. TRAIL <strong>therapy</strong> in non‐<br />

small cell lung cancer cells: sensitization to <strong>death</strong> <strong>receptor</strong>‐mediated apoptosis by<br />

proteasome inhibitor bortezomib. Mol Cancer Ther 2007; 6(7):2103‐2112.<br />

24. Falschlehner C, Emmerich CH, Gerlach B, Walczak H. TRAIL signalling: decisions between<br />

life and <strong>death</strong>. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 2007; 39(7‐8):1462‐1475.<br />

25. Johnson FM, Saigal B, Talpaz M, Donato NJ. Dasatinib (BMS‐354825) tyrosine kinase<br />

inhibitor suppresses invasion and induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis of head and neck<br />

squamous cell carcinoma and non‐small cell lung cancer cells. Clin Cancer Res 2005; 11(19<br />

Pt 1):6924‐6932.<br />

26. Purnell PR, Mack PC, Tepper CG, Evans CP, Green TP, Gumerlock PH et al. The Src inhibitor<br />

AZD0530 blocks invasion and may act as a radiosensitizer in lung cancer cells. J Thorac<br />

Oncol 2009; 4(4):448‐454.<br />

27. Spierings DC, de Vries EG, Timens W, Groen HJ, Boezen HM, de Jong S. Expression of TRAIL<br />

and TRAIL <strong>death</strong> <strong>receptor</strong>s in stage III non‐small cell lung cancer tumors. Clin Cancer Res<br />

2003; 9(9):3397‐3405.<br />

28. Gallick GE. SRC as a potential therapeutic target in solid tumor oncology. Clin Adv Hematol<br />

Oncol 2004; 2(7):435‐437.<br />

29. Mazurenko NN, Kogan EA, Zborovskaya IB, Kisseljov FL. Expression of pp60c‐src in human<br />

small cell and non‐small cell lung carcinomas. Eur J Cancer 1992; 28(2‐3):372‐377.<br />

30. Guarino M. Src signaling in cancer invasion. J Cell Physiol 2010; 223(1):14‐26.<br />

31. Mukhopadhyay UK, Mooney P, Jia L, Eves R, Raptis L, Mak AS. Doubles game: Src‐Stat3<br />

versus p53‐PTEN in cellular migration and invasion. Mol Cell Biol 2010; 30(21):4980‐4995.<br />

32. Abdulghani J, Gu L, Dagvadorj A, Lutz J, Leiby B, Bonuccelli G et al. Stat3 promotes<br />

metastatic progression of prostate cancer. Am J Pathol 2008; 172(6):1717‐1728.<br />

33. Teng TS, Lin B, Manser E, Ng DC, Cao X. Stat3 promotes directional cell migration by<br />

regulating Rac1 activity via its activator betaPIX. J Cell Sci 2009; 122(Pt 22):4150‐4159.<br />

34. Snyder M, Huang XY, Zhang JJ. Signal transducers and activators of transcription 3 (STAT3)<br />

directly regulates cytokine‐induced fascin expression and is required <strong>for</strong> breast cancer cell<br />

migration. J Biol Chem 2011; 286(45):38886‐38893.<br />

35. Boyer B, Bourgeois Y, Poupon MF. Src kinase contributes to the metastatic spread of<br />

carcinoma cells. Oncogene 2002; 21(15):2347‐2356.<br />

36. Kalluri R, Weinberg RA. The basics of epithelial‐mesenchymal transition. J Clin Invest 2009;<br />

119(6):1420‐1428.<br />

37. van Nimwegen MJ, van de WB. Focal adhesion kinase: a potential target in cancer <strong>therapy</strong>.<br />

Biochem <strong>Pharma</strong>col 2007; 73(5):597‐609.<br />

38. Cursi S, Rufini A, Stagni V, Condo I, Mata<strong>for</strong>a V, Bachi A et al. Src kinase phosphorylates<br />

Caspase‐8 on Tyr380: a novel mechanism of apoptosis suppression. EMBO J 2006;<br />

25(9):1895‐1905.<br />

39. Ishimura N, Isomoto H, Bronk SF, Gores GJ. Trail induces cell migration and invasion in<br />

apoptosis‐resistant cholangiocarcinoma cells. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2006;<br />

290(1):G129‐G136.<br />

40. Song JH, Tse MC, Bellail A, Phuphanich S, Khuri F, Kneteman NM et al. Lipid rafts and<br />

nonrafts mediate tumor necrosis factor related apoptosis‐inducing ligand induced<br />

apoptotic and non‐apoptotic signals in non small cell lung carcinoma cells. Cancer Res<br />

2007; 67(14):6946‐6955.<br />

41. Song JJ, Kim JH, Sun BK, Alcala MA, Jr., Bartlett DL, Lee YJ. c‐Cbl acts as a mediator of Src‐<br />

induced activation of the PI3K‐Akt signal transduction pathway during TRAIL treatment.<br />

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