08.02.1982 thru 06.05.1984.pdf - The Lowell

08.02.1982 thru 06.05.1984.pdf - The Lowell

08.02.1982 thru 06.05.1984.pdf - The Lowell


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Stores unfair? . .. Page 6i•"•i- • - ; ^<br />

i Volume lof. Number 1 Lctn Hlth Schoc!. S«a Francisco. OUIoraU 941 October 8. 10S:<br />

Shortage of classes j<br />

still plagues school<br />

By Kris Clothier<br />

<strong>The</strong> lack of clan a and of<br />

JJJCC In cluct ate problems<br />

Mjai cenfront miny <strong>Lowell</strong> imdents<br />

on ieU-ichcdulinj; day.<br />

Why* nun) ttudenu :iV. aftci<br />

1 itavc signed up the preceding<br />

icriotcr for tlte cUnr* t want,<br />

do 1 find myself with an incomplete<br />

program?<br />

<strong>The</strong> answen MC varied sod<br />

complicated.<br />

<strong>The</strong> choices cacti student<br />

only f«rv* *» an wiuiatc of the<br />

number of ctuscs that will bj<br />

nzeded.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y ate cUtmato v*ULcti<br />

.Rll tbr tdmtoinndca jpftcni<br />

will<br />

coa will In<br />

l talhy ate the claua<br />

V r m»^ ttodeno nifaiequently<br />

''"^"""Sjfceli program* or drop<br />

$ off the counts.<br />

EBC problem revolve*<br />

tanigamenc<br />

»r»ic Jusigned tu teach<br />

£ to student<br />

it oC icttlons of »<br />

aje.&forten detenxtlried<br />

cl'i allocation<br />

^-J?*^ PiopojWon<br />

alptobimnx vUhln the<br />

ichool dlitrtet have affected<br />

die number of *cachcn tti.it<br />

cap be employed by the UMIPOI<br />

district.<br />

One obvious i«ult of'.hit<br />

situation b tlial clau tUcs i.»rtcaic.<br />

Another h that new<br />

claiici aren't added,and sometime*<br />

ccane* arc dropped altogcthc:.<br />

Sometimes tsach'ng position!<br />

of teachers who go on leave of<br />

who have ret 1 ted arc not filial.<br />

This school ycir <strong>Lowell</strong> lost<br />

i ever a I c Lutes Includnig A.P.<br />

Spanish and V'icncti Literature.<br />

, Sociology, Ceramics,;<br />

Fhoiograffiy, and Shorthand.<br />

xM noted* "Unfcttunateiy,<br />

some cUsses must slide out<br />

to mate room fur others because<br />

oi cltcumsunccs beyond<br />

our control, "<br />

Max of ttic blaine for public<br />

school money ptoMftrm l» being<br />

bUmed oi u*e cutrenr state<br />

NhJsei* tfit Icacat In 35 years.<br />

School Supcrintudeflt Robert<br />

Ailoto his said Ui»t the San<br />

Franclico tcbool budget Is<br />

$12 nillIonshofto\wlc;tUe<br />

district hid ;tu jut.<br />

TM answer apocitv » be to<br />

flmS a more etpitable K4y -.3<br />

support public educatiotv Uotll<br />

men* there will be fewer courses<br />

being offered, larger classes,<br />

and fewer teachers to do the<br />

. job than In tho past<br />

South Campus to be terminated<br />

Bcglniir^ In the fall of 196.1.<br />

LoxcU'J- vM'uth Campus will<br />

CCJW to .wbt due to fiaancbl<br />

^uibjcks Wlm: faced by the<br />

San FrancUco Unified School<br />

Dlitrlcu<br />

"In 191P, South Omnus *ai<br />

adopted as a ijuick wa) to pro*<br />

vide cVmn'om space Ux a vcty<br />

large it Men t body," accocdli^t<br />

to principal Alan Finish.<br />

It was In VX16 that <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

went from a three-year high<br />

School to a four-year high<br />

scho«l wltli student cm ul I mem<br />

Increasing -S percent.<br />

"Until this icmcstcr, there<br />

wnc V2 to -0 tcairlicrs comnjutln.;<br />

dally to Sot,iti Campui,"<br />

Flbiih staled.<br />

This meant tlut a t'jff member<br />

had (o be uslgncd to the<br />

South Campus to supervise and<br />

see that things ran smoothly.<br />

<strong>The</strong> extra salary ?nd the<br />

cost of running ihunlc buses<br />

back and forth uctc budget<br />

Items the the school JUtrlct<br />

had to evaluate,<br />

"I w?i uked to come back to<br />

a single *ampus this semester,<br />

but F feu It was tmpi 1 Jiblc because<br />

of the size of the student<br />

body," explained ttblih.<br />

Ki of September 1982, <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

hai approximately 2,900 students<br />

enrolled.<br />

Measures have been started<br />

this semester which will lead<br />

to the elimination of South<br />

Campus and Integrating all<br />

freshmen students onto the<br />

main campus.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first step was cutting In<br />

half the number of South Campus<br />

cLusroosu. Ust remoter there<br />

were sorae 12 t Unroomx In use<br />

by <strong>Lowell</strong> students aog Oculty,<br />

and this samcttct only six are<br />

being used.<br />

A tecootl step was to decrease<br />

enrollment at Lcwull ihb year,<br />

instead of cutting the size of<br />

' the Incoming Freshman Class,<br />

Ftbish has proposed that there<br />

be a ccrtaUrmnt la tho number<br />

of students tra;.sfeniofe to <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

from other city high school* In .<br />

uiclr Junior and senior years.<br />

FlbUh explained, "I feel a<br />

student should aneaO <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

at leas: two yeaa before grad-<br />

aiiin^. in fifrncti to ihoic who<br />

tijvc been h-jrc Ihrcc or foi;r<br />

yean,"<br />

<strong>The</strong> plan for next ytwir it in<br />

tct a maximum enrollment<br />

for <strong>Lowell</strong> of C, Kv- »t!id«:nts.<br />

F»tir \cars ago, enrollment w.n<br />

.unnt'i}! flow to 3,'JOO.<br />

In onlcr to accommodate alt<br />

mahk. Students may find<br />

thcrraelve* using bicVpacta<br />

nvM to c3rr>- bjoVs to clawc*.<br />

Frcihmcn, on the other hand,<br />

ice the projected changes In a<br />

positive light. Many h/we<br />

.•.miplalncd ih.mt mlulng<br />

lalllci and mccnng-i because<br />

they li=d to be Jt South Cawpm<br />

freshman occupy South Campus hailwjys for the last year<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> siudcra on one campus<br />

In fall 1983, Flbiih itated that<br />

. all special rooms and ttont<br />

each Ing claiiroomi will have<br />

to be re-evaluatcd, and all<br />

of the room heaters in the<br />

T*s (temporary shacks} must be<br />

In working condition at all<br />

times i*> crdcr to use these<br />

facilities.<br />

Became of the tight room<br />

space, classes will be spaced<br />

throughout the entire day,<br />

and student programs will reflect<br />

more roods 2 through 20<br />

assignments.<br />

Thcxc will be a number o(<br />

anticipated problems. Students<br />

desiring -satly dismissal in ordet<br />

to work pan-time mlgt.r tot be<br />

able to be assigned such a pto*<br />

gram.<br />

Hall locVets, which are nov<br />

In short supply, will be even<br />

less accessible. Many of the<br />

oIJ lockers are broken and un-<br />

NUny have indicated that they<br />

felt "left out" by missing Important<br />

announcements and<br />

spltlt-bullding JCtivitlci.<br />

Fib^li noted that many<br />

parents looVcd on South Campus<br />

iu a favorable Ugh: In that it<br />

was a stepping stone for the<br />

ninth graders into the high<br />

school situation.<br />

Junior Linda Woo recalled*<br />

"I found South Campm to te<br />

a good Idea as I waj svrroutu'cd<br />

by my classmates and really got<br />

to know them well."<br />

Freshman Chili Crlsera u.Tcred,<br />

"Commuting to South Carrp*<br />

every day causes many problems<br />

for me since I am on athletic<br />

team;, and after my mods 17-19<br />

class I literally must run to<br />

maV.o It back to main campus<br />

In time to practice or play a<br />

game,"<br />


m- zWiTORIALS<br />

m^<br />


'<strong>Lowell</strong>' sports new look<br />

•Sharon Pang-<br />

dS^<br />

As you flip through this first issue of "<strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>" for the 1982-83 school year, you'll<br />

filvd chat several changes and revisions have<br />

licctt made throughout.<br />

Our staff editors discussed these changes at<br />

litngth, and we feel thtt they were made in the<br />

best interests of our paper with great consideration<br />

to you, our readers.<br />

First of all, after much ttrught we decided<br />

to revise tha format of the Profiles section<br />

found in the centerfold.<br />

Since its inception in 1980, Profiles had<br />

: -evolved from a people section.into a feature<br />

; section focussing each jxmth on a specific<br />

; -'' topic from hans gliding to teenage sex. '<br />

,.,- We~decided to rnturn to the original corcept<br />

of Profiles. This month the section is devoted<br />

" •'• f". to the school's returning teachers.<br />

. We have decided to condense three sections.<br />

'-<strong>The</strong> Government section has been reduced from<br />

" : ,tvo pages to one pt£e. <strong>The</strong> Ecature section Is<br />

. . ;now four ..ages Instead of sir, and enter-<br />

S-i'^; tainaent news will not/be covered in three<br />

'""•pages Instead of four.<br />

i» -vi i"~<strong>The</strong>s« cuts were nude In order to Improve the<br />

i©; icoiitect of tho paper. Although "She <strong>Lowell</strong>".'<br />

gi.:':%l« : now 'our pages shorter, it still is th

Rivalry extends beyond play<br />

Dr. Fiblah promptly<br />

notified the udmlnlstriuion<br />

at 3c.<br />

Ignatius, and suggested<br />

th?t perhaps<br />

. .IOM measures ought<br />

ic<strong>The</strong> taken "--" rcc-<br />

1101 Eucalyptus Drive<br />

San Francisco, CA 94132<br />

Edltor-fa-ChW Sharon Pan*<br />

NcnEdlor Maria CriKra<br />

Ant. .Vewi Editor Caroline Ctbtding<br />

fViw.c Ed/lon Kristin Oothier<br />

tori Critlctple<br />

We hope that you like these new headings as<br />

ouch as we do. One high school In the city<br />

liked cur old headings so much that they<br />

actually "lifted" then for use in their own<br />

paper. Several "borrowed" headlines, and a<br />

"borrowed" photo plus Its enption alno turned<br />

up in their paper last year. Initially, ther.e<br />

blatant plnglarIsms<br />

wore inclnsinK, but we<br />

do •.'onllze that Imitation<br />

_ls_ ;l form of flartcry!<br />

M V<br />

Spyra Editor.<br />

Aiu.Sporu Editor.<br />

Palftfci Editor Mteftacl Doaoer<br />

Aitt. Polities Editor. Miry loyrt<br />

Gorenuncot editor Vancua Coo^rlcJi<br />

Aut. Goitrnmeet Editor CUnU Let<br />

EnterUtameat Editor Lturen Helm<br />

Aut. Entertainment Editor. Jsmes Lurie<br />

J-rofiJej Editor. UHrSIu<br />

.lot. PnlBts Editor Maria J>ao<br />

Ccpf Editors CiroMicncion<br />

jbcdrn Kel<br />

EfflilrMurue<br />

MfrC<br />

EtthuWoag<br />

Rcpcixn: Mtooru Akahti*. 4Jr»o Bloaafleld.<br />

Btooeta Bimro. AUn dun. Uu Cojir. PtmtU<br />

Futtlf, Keltic Cm. Ltnj CoMtxrf. Debbie Contried.<br />

Oarfd.'oiMi. /•// Koa. JvM Powett. LUca<br />

Wttacr. K«r« Wertheimer. Lesley Win* W 1*<br />

H jo». DcbMe Woo. K.lfc rounf<br />

We hope that you wil<br />

find our new look refreshing.<br />

We always<br />

encourage feedback, so<br />

please let us know wh-t<br />

you think of the<br />

changes. Ltttters-tothc-cdltor<br />

should be<br />

brought to Room 5.<br />

All letttrs must be<br />

signed.<br />


Bus pass profits unfair<br />

"S.I. Rules," proclaimed the £ify the situation. S.I.'3 adsunis- ar Ed It of;<br />

walls of <strong>Lowell</strong> High School on Frl- trators ugrccd, and five S.I. foot- [I U tud cnougfi thai KtUNl<br />

day norr.ing, Scpteubcr 24.<br />

ball tcan captains case with brushes tiai railed the youth Tare<br />

Seen elsewhere, on the bjck of a <strong>The</strong> team captains claimed that 500 percent, from .V 10 'J5c.<br />

bus seat. or on a vail near a bus they were not personally respon- Now aut greedy itudcnt govern-<br />

stop, perhaps, the various items sible for the graffiti, and they ittont tiM atlJcd a quarter tax to<br />

of graffiti vhlch Barked <strong>Lowell</strong>'s agreed that "something" should be the price of a<br />

vails probabiy vould have gone done ahout it. Th..;* claimed that<br />

unnoticed. If the genticaen rc- cleaning the walls of rival schooltt<br />

sponulblc for the graffiti thought was not their official policy, but<br />

that their vork vould go g unnoticed they didn't scco to Bind making<br />

on school walls as veil, they no this one exception. Evidently<br />

doubt learned oulckly that they they realized their, side was wrong.<br />

vere mistakcr..' And, if they<br />

Certainly the good intentions of<br />

thought that their identities vcrc these ccari captains and of the<br />

safely masked by the darkness of administrators who ser.r theB must<br />

the night, they underestimated the not be forgotten, but their<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> administration, and student classuatcs, who crcar.cd the whole<br />

body.<br />

problem initially, musa't be<br />

Of course, certain phrases such neglected cither.<br />

as "Kill Lovoll" (the "o" was one can view the entire event impar-<br />

hastily changed to en "c" afrtr a tially. <strong>The</strong> little "error" in<br />

second glance) gave no hint as to Judgement and discretion has been "<br />

' the identities of the vritcrs, but corrected—and who rules?<br />

nost will agree that<br />

the vase majority of<br />

phraac-i mentioned '<strong>Lowell</strong>'s' new look<br />

St. Ignatius as veil<br />

<strong>The</strong> repeated apyoi — (Continued from page 2)<br />

ancc of those Initials,<br />

"S.I.",<br />

clearly indicated<br />

who was responsible<br />

• for the defacement.<br />

changed chc old lettering (a thick bold : ace<br />

type prliit) to a thinner. mo»*c contemporary<br />

type of lettering which we think ^Ives "Thn<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>" a sleeker, more up-to-date look.<br />

v Do iliey teilly nccC mote?<br />

Don't t^iuy make enough money<br />

charging 56 f« SAC cfttdi,<br />

arvi receiving Zcllcrhacit funds?<br />

What win all of ih!s new Income<br />

be used fot? arc the<br />

outh Tait Paw. itudcnt government of Re en<br />

We heard * r.mor that the Roiih; to buy tliorreclvc* J<br />

school buys ic pattci for computer lo play v; to do w tli<br />

football, for the ment part,<br />

jfx] sound rattier rid I cu low<br />

after bcj.-ing them fnr the<br />

tenth time in an hour.<br />

I hope that the cheerleaders<br />

can make their acilcru more<br />

relevant u both Uw game on<br />

the field and the people In<br />

the stands.<br />

Home withheld<br />

rr-<br />

V<br />


NEWS<br />

Us<br />

Eight students teach here<br />

By )»n« Powell<br />

- EUht intdenc from S»n Franciico<br />

State University's rtudem<br />

(etching program are MKMng<br />

at lowcU >is icmetteV.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y sre In the process of<br />

weeUnj; state ciedentlallng<br />

requirements before (hey hecome<br />

accredited at bonafldr<br />

teachers In California.<br />

: To be eligible for the student<br />

fetching program, appticanu<br />

must have a Bachefor't<br />

degree plus 30 addlttoncl<br />

college unlit ,'n thelt desired<br />

flelu of study.<br />

fhf student tucben and<br />

thelt departmena of study<br />

are Patricia Bell. lug?Uh:<br />

Paul flerbel, social studies;<br />

Patricia Jictoon-Broofcs, art*<br />

Emll fogarlno, science; Edwin<br />

Ford, social studies; Marshall<br />

Welffer, English: Michael<br />

Phlppt, social studies] and<br />

Larrv I'raiier. social snid.es.<br />

Phlpps, a 1970 <strong>Lowell</strong> graduatn,<br />

commented thai he<br />

has empathy for hit former<br />

teachers, now (hat lie knovs<br />

what It Is liVc to he on the<br />

ther side of the desk.<br />

Fogarlno CIIOK- <strong>Lowell</strong> nccaiue<br />

he heard that discipline<br />

proolern were minimal He<br />

noted, "Here 1 can focus on<br />

teaching, not parenting."<br />

Robert Lcudike, civics teacher,<br />

is impreued with Ford,<br />

his student Teacher. "He teems<br />

well Informed and has greatrapport<br />

wlih the itudcntt,"hc<br />

stated.<br />

Faculty, students<br />

. display roses<br />

By Debbie Woo<br />

Everything came up n»cj<br />

lite In Scptembc* when faculty<br />

members and student) displayed<br />

their home-grown roses In the<br />

nuln office, Inaugurating<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s tint Rose Show.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Idea of JoCin Blisct,<br />

biokmv TMrfier. thcltoc<br />

Show listed a week, providing<br />

role enthusiasts die opportunity<br />

to share and appreciate one<br />

of namte'i most spectacular<br />

planrc.<br />

Students of Bluett am)<br />

faculty memben were asked<br />

to bring Dome-grown tuse<br />

hybtidi to school, along wllh<br />

empty wine bottles In which<br />

they could be displayed.<br />

Sever»l dozen people panlcipatnl,<br />

anH as the roses wilted<br />

during the week. Bluett was<br />

abln to tspuce them with<br />

fieih ones dally.<br />

At the close of uir week,<br />

declared that the Roic 3>iow<br />

was a success and expressed<br />

lib wilUngnen to sponsor oUicr<br />

shows :n the future.<br />

Nancy Brever. botany teacher,<br />

Indicated that there will be<br />

two shows a year, one In the<br />

spring and one in the fall.<br />

<strong>The</strong> names of some of the '. -<br />

roses w display attracted<br />

the attention of many of the<br />

rose admirers: the "Granada,"<br />

the "Arizona," the "Mr. Lincoln,"<br />

and the "New Day" were<br />

most fragrant.<br />

Each tosc submitted in the<br />

show was Individually labeled<br />

so viewers could become rnr.x<br />

familiar wltli their attributes.<br />

"A rose by any other name<br />

M'chacl Pltippf leads the clan<br />

SAT: Is the 'aptitude' misleading?<br />

By Mlnnm AkuMra<br />

Should me 5cholastic ApiitudoTeti(SAT)<br />

be renamed?<br />

Christopher Jcncks, a sociologist<br />

at Northwestern Ucivci.lty,<br />

and Jarr.es Grouse, an education<br />

professor at the University of<br />

Delaware, ttuuicd this question<br />

acd came up with a definite,<br />

"Yes."<br />

According to Jcocks and<br />

Crovsc* most high school<br />

studena wrongly believe that<br />

"aptitude" Is a measure of<br />

Irtelllgeace, Ihey contend<br />

that ihU be'iieC leads such student*<br />

to "stoOi* and "frivolity*"<br />

If getting Into college impends<br />

on something called<br />

"aptitude," sutcd Jeoclcs,<br />

then the memgc dut is really<br />

being delivered to studen'j ii<br />

that It Is unlmporta t whether<br />

or not you learned a lythlng<br />

In high school. As a result,<br />

the Incentive to study It gone.<br />

Changing the came nf the<br />

SAT would have Ihc effect of<br />

causing sti should help nlm him.<br />

occupy fcls rime. - /- 1-.-- . "It was very pleasant working<br />

f. .Sweeney kiitt from iho' . -" ar <strong>Lowell</strong>, an! I'm going to ? •<br />

Couriry of Mayo 0,1 .he wesr mUt everybody," Sweeney recotsc<br />

of Ireland. Cetnre <strong>Lowell</strong>, fleeted. -| had a good Hue<br />

* rarruyer of yean u - here."<br />

former College Board chairman,<br />

feels that Jcncks and<br />

Crouse are "... offering Just<br />

another quick fix scUtion to<br />

the problem of how to help<br />

second rate high schools boon<br />

their programs."<br />

Many university admission<br />

officers maintain that Jencks<br />

and CIOUJC have oversimplified<br />

the cite by aliening thai<br />

ch.-ng.ng the name of the SAT<br />

will -nal e students study harder.<br />

Regatdlcsr of what tt 11<br />

called, the Scholastic Aptitude<br />

Tut will be administered<br />

to students for years<br />

to come.<br />

School secures Japanese teacher<br />

By Katie Young<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s struggle for an offlcl.il<br />

teach?r of Japanese has<br />

been tcsolved for ttic time<br />

being.<br />

V>uh the atsUtxnce cf the<br />

J^pancie Community Youdi<br />

Council, <strong>Lowell</strong> har secured<br />

Kyoko Takcmoto as the new<br />

teacher of Japanese.<br />

For the first wo wcete or<br />

school, Sango llaruml. 1 S«n<br />

Francisco itate It^lvcnity<br />

student, might the Japanese<br />

classes d:ne day< > wo*.<br />

However, HarumI, who speaki.<br />

reaci, and urtes Japanese,<br />

hf 11 no previous teaching expcrtence.<br />

Wc-ktog vith liiruntl were<br />

seniors Sumlyo £akau and<br />

Einlly Morose, who taugU the<br />

classe* when Harumi wu not<br />

proeiit, while physiology<br />

teacher Marian Gonzalez<br />

supervised.<br />

A problem developed before<br />

the fall semester began when<br />

Principal Alan Flblsh learned<br />

chat It wculd be Imt»alb'~-<br />

to add a new .eacher to th^<br />

stiff, namely, atcict^rof<br />

Jap/scse.<br />

Due to an oversight, however,<br />

the lanance clast remainnd<br />

on &e "Fall Announcer.'<br />

and students signed up to nkc<br />

ic<br />

toveU'k Japancrs pru^ram<br />

v.'ii:i cUnes 1 ttuough S alto<br />


NEWS<br />

Lack of study space continues as problem<br />

By Caroline Cabadlng-<br />

Congested hallways, the consequence<br />

of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s need for<br />

more nudy space, ti a constant<br />

problem on the main cempus.<br />

<strong>The</strong> libraries and resource<br />

centers cannot house all of ihe<br />

studying students, so rruny resort<br />

to studying In the'corridors,<br />

thereby producing rhc congestion.<br />

ThK fall the problem lias<br />

became more serious. With the<br />

Math-Science Resource Center<br />

no longer serving as a study hall<br />

and the tacreajed integration<br />

of north and south campus students,<br />

there are now more<br />

studesti and less study ipacc<br />

than lait year.<br />

According to Jack Meier,<br />

foreign language Insmictot<br />

and Faculty Council member,<br />

"<strong>The</strong> crowded halls reduce the<br />

ability to move freely ... and<br />

some student) who play radios<br />

and talk loudly maVe It Impoislble<br />

to teach,"<br />

Meier, who It Faculty Council<br />

chairman, luted, "<strong>The</strong><br />

Council Is trying to find a<br />

solution to the problem. We<br />

can kick people out of the<br />

hallwayi, out where do they<br />

go? You can't expect itudents<br />

to disappear."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Council*! long range<br />

propeials include picnic table*<br />

and henches placed In the<br />

courtyard areas. <strong>The</strong> planned<br />

expansion of tltc Social Science<br />

Resource Center •» III ; -ovldc<br />

more study IJJCC.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Faculty Counril has<br />

conildercJ the uic of unused<br />

classrooms and the cafeteria<br />

during -.ion-lunch periods to<br />

provide: space for students<br />

desiring to study.<br />

Mster hopes to confer with<br />

the <strong>Lowell</strong> Executive Council<br />

to seek additional suggestions<br />

a* 1 to get reactions to proposals<br />

^enfi suggested by the Faculty<br />

Council.<br />

In (be meantime, crowded<br />

jnd sometimes noliy hallways<br />

pen lit.<br />

Typing teachers try to stay at <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

By Jamo Luric<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> has not had the same<br />

typing teacher for two consecutive<br />

years since 1079.<br />

Since that time. Franco<br />

Rjpp ami A line Dallcy have<br />

altema'co in filling Lowci"i<br />

onr typing teacher spot.<br />

After the 1979-60 school<br />

year, Rapp wai "consolidated<br />

our* of t.owcll, according to<br />

Principal Alan Fibbh.<br />

Oailcy wai thought In to fill<br />

the vacant t>-plng teacher post.<br />

Rapp subsequently filed a<br />

grievance agalrm the San Francisco<br />

Unified School District<br />

to bo re-Instated lit 'tcr forntcr<br />

pattilaa «i <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

<strong>The</strong> grievance was awarded<br />

In Rapp'* favor, and she was<br />

placed back at <strong>Lowell</strong> for the<br />

1981-83 school year.<br />

Bailey, who had been ld caxly in trie wcvik.<br />

captains lliowcd up voluntarily T.tey will be avail.iblc on Fri-<br />

to repaint U:c walls.<br />

day, October CC, wticn .%ll<br />

Flbisii Indicated


Ritzy stores: do they discriminate?<br />

Maybe It I: where I am<br />

standing. I think I'll move<br />

ex here. Fifteen minutes<br />

have passed and itlll<br />

no assistance It in<br />

For many people,<br />

especially teenagers<br />

like tTHJclf, thU it a<br />

familiar scene.<br />

For ;hoic of us who<br />

have ventured Into one of<br />

the hl^hc:-priced :torcs In<br />

San Fr.'inciico, this ircatntcnt<br />

d. at the spying goct,<br />

par fur the counc."<br />

My (lay was planned jruunJ<br />

lilting several expensive shopj<br />

and »:clng for myself if poor<br />

service anJ accusing states arc<br />

ic "norm" for teenage ihoppca<br />

''.lie .ituwcr ii a rejoundtn,;<br />

When I walked inioCumra.<br />

a very fine, venerable iliop in ~<br />

n Franctsco, 1 was treated<br />

is chough I did not ex hi.<br />

I knew I had been spotted<br />

for 1 noticed watchful eyes<br />

following me as 1 mavrjd from<br />

the crystal to the sliver,<br />

I was pleased that I merited<br />

a gaze, but unfortunately service<br />

did not accompany these stares.<br />

Finally a tall, businesslike<br />

gentleman with a slow, softspoVcn<br />

voice asked if he could<br />

htlp me,<br />

I said 1 was looking for an<br />

anniversary gift for my parents<br />

olntcd at a silver bowl and<br />

ked, " v you mrc you want<br />

ipend this murliT", In a<br />

Ice wtilch was somewhat<br />

esi than believing* -<br />

ling very defected, 1<br />

blurted out lomcihtRg about<br />

ig capable of allocating<br />

own money, and left<br />

e store.<br />

Suddenly I knew this<br />

trcsn't going to be a<br />

good day and hcaacd<br />

towards the nearest<br />

candy store, where<br />

1 am happy to report,<br />

service was<br />

no problem,<br />

a chocolate fbc. I felt<br />

n retdy for anything,<br />

did I know what vat<br />

ahead for r.ie.<br />


!. Nbpnln's Vis my next<br />

point of interest-<br />

A^iln 1 waited for assistance.<br />

A young wonun with a sour<br />

expression Inquiicd if 1 needed<br />

help.<br />

1 asked to sec something<br />

in a gold watch and she procee<br />

tpyell, m ls thUa joker<br />

Wai | hearing cotrcctly?<br />

Did she really fay thlf?<br />

I wai juttlrj, liurt and a<br />

rtie wmc time t'urtuw.<br />

How could a salrapcnon,<br />

someone who is supposed to<br />

b£ dedicated tt> ticlpin^<br />

cutoincrs, ttc'i me llfcc tlnf?<br />

U'liat rU*,ht did ihu luvc :••<br />

decide whether my shopping<br />

endcavrf was a humorous<br />

event?<br />

To put it mildly, i felt<br />

downright tacky.<br />

Service Is vuy hard to find,<br />

but once you make the effort<br />

to let a salesperson know you<br />

are ready and willing to buy,<br />

service turns Increasingly<br />

ftlendly.<br />

I must s*y though when I<br />

didn't purchase anything, my<br />

salesman's pleasant smile<br />

vanished and was replaced<br />

by a scowl.<br />

Please don't get me wrong.<br />

I am not saying that cniy<br />

expensive stores descrininate<br />

against teens.<br />

Recently my friend and t<br />

w.ihed jt j (.-•xmctics coi-rt<br />

treats ii tl<br />

located > I<br />

from tl'c :<br />

<strong>The</strong>O:<br />

such irvti|<br />

nlatc, (p<br />

c;eim> .ir<br />

(a cool II<br />

lovers).<br />

Ar Ut •<br />

the Cof-'c I<br />

ar.J parr, j<br />

the cu<br />

man ch,-.<br />

laic fu; 1 :t<br />

zucchini •<br />

spt<br />

When i-'J<br />

ping c<br />

villt the t J<br />

Bai in th |<br />

hfuicx.'<br />

Bar off-1<br />

presto , !<br />

•ustnrrcr fl<br />

coffee vt.l<br />

thoppct-. bj<br />

Anottieif<br />

downrc-w<br />

Emporliii<br />

(on the b-|<br />

I weary<br />

| enjoy j<br />


EKTURE<br />

Coffee is specialty<br />

By Elisabeth (frown<br />

Whether It's after a movie,<br />

performance at the theater,'<br />

hllc slipping, or after lunch<br />

>r dinner, coffee served with a<br />

lessen Is alway* a specialty.<br />

San Francisco offers a variety<br />

?f restaurants and cafes featuring<br />

Internatlcnat coffees<br />

and delicious -Icucto.<br />

A good place to j^t fcr such<br />

treats b the Coffee Comma,<br />

located on I'nlon Street across<br />

from the Metro <strong>The</strong>ater.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Coffee Contata offen<br />

such specialties as Cafe O'Shca<br />

(a combination of cLffee, chocolate,<br />

spices, and whipped<br />

cream) and Iced Cappuccino<br />

(a cool treat for cappuccino<br />

loven).<br />

As far as the pastries go,<br />

ibe Coffee Conuta's mudplcs<br />

and pastry trays (from which<br />

the customer may chooic German<br />

chocolate cake, chocolate<br />

fuOgc cake, apricot tottc,<br />

zucchini cake, and more) are<br />

Shopping In t.ie Embatcadcro<br />

complex, one can stop at tfce<br />

Expteiso Experience located at<br />

Embarudero 4. Here, also,<br />

ma:.y varieties arc offered.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se is a choice of Indoor<br />

or outfator seating.<br />

Trufnea and cakes tuch as<br />

Chocolate lleauttack (an<br />

appropriately turned treat)<br />

ate offered at the Exprcjo<br />

Experience.<br />

Another greet place 1* Just<br />

Dcsierti, which hai fcur San<br />

Francisco locations (Church<br />

Street* Embarcadcro 3, Pacific<br />

Avenue, and Irving Street,<br />

which juit opened), ii a coiTce<br />

and pastry paradise.<br />

For the expreso lover, Just<br />

Desserts features hot or iced<br />

cxpteua and exprcsso Ice crcjm<br />

float. Also featured arc cjppucclno,<br />

caffe ronuro, caf'cc<br />

mocha, and cafe line<br />

Deinrts include chocolate<br />

fudge tjke, chocuLite velvet<br />

(which really melt* In cna's<br />

"Coffee served with a<br />

dessert is always a<br />

specialty.'<br />

all dellcUxu and mouth-watering.<br />

When one It downtown shopping<br />

on Suttet Street, he might<br />

visit the second floor Expresio<br />

Bar In the Caravansary (a ,<br />

twuicwate itofe). <strong>The</strong> Exptctso<br />

Bat offers capucilno and cxprcsio<br />

plus nuny pastries. <strong>The</strong><br />

customer may slgH and drink<br />

coffee while watching other<br />

sboppers below en S Jtter Sneer.<br />

Another cx^csso bar, aUo<br />

downtown. Is located in the<br />

Emporium's Market oa XCarkct<br />

(on the basement floor)* Hcte<br />

weary shoppers can relax and<br />

enjoy a cup of their favoiltc<br />

coffee.<br />

mouth) sour cream coffee<br />

cake, tuxedo lemon cake,<br />

and mote,<br />

Jwt Den cm abo offen<br />

Individual goodlcj luctt j<br />

brown Id, cookies, mcir.tnfi<br />

putrla* and fountain ipcrfaitic:,<br />

including Ice «rcan. ronci*<br />

Fur theie who luvc ci-ffcc,<br />

but ptefcr a utad over r»ch<br />

dcsicru* the Owl and Monkey<br />

Cafe on Ninth Avenue offen<br />

both.<br />

Other good coffee pUccs<br />

around San Francisco Include<br />

Kiss My Sweet on 'ialght<br />

Street, Cafe Europa on Columbus<br />

Avenue, and Uncle Caylotd's<br />

on Irving Street, which<br />

offers both Ice cream and coffc<br />


By Pam Fastiff<br />

"Who would you<br />

like to be?"<br />

Steve Rodrl«uc2(64la)-<br />

-I would Uke to be Ansel<br />

Adams, too very famous<br />

photographer, bixatcc he is<br />

rich and famous, "<br />

October 8, 198!<br />

-Iluvealwayi wanted n t»<br />

a glttcd athlete. 1 never wai.<br />

and I alwayi h* 1 to bat my<br />

butt In athletic*, I am ieatau<br />

of ioo»e xbme athleUc endeavoncomceaJlly."<br />

Old movies still attract crowds<br />

Humphrey 2wT,art and '_mr<br />

Dy Kris Clf.ttiici<br />

"Here's looking at you. Will"<br />

So poet the f&moui line fmrn<br />

the movie "CavibUnca."<br />

CfcUbtano*," i*no ••>" «. moit<br />

uUr muvlfj uf all t. xt wWs<br />

tltc «orv of twe lover* icparat'A)<br />

by a variety »>l pcoblcno during<br />

World War -I.<br />

Why tho';ld a nuwjc nude in<br />

1911 about the lives pf :so<br />

pcuplc in an alien country in<br />

t*cublcd times have such a Urge<br />

following in th- lOSO's?<br />

Often the anractlon is the<br />

movie stan themselves.<br />

Humphrey Began, the tough<br />

unlcrdog with some classic<br />

GaryLalfWM)-<br />

"I would like to be the Red<br />

Baron becaute 1 love altplano,<br />

.and he was the beat flyer In<br />

history."<br />


n (Ucall-two of a kind)<br />

movie lines, And Ingrld Berg nun,<br />

the lovely, vulnerable, and<br />

itrong heroine, captutnl the<br />

fancy of moviegoer! in eacli<br />

iticcceolng generation.<br />

KfRatt pro]rctcil a rncntoribtc<br />

pcmKiallty with iiuny of ttiq<br />

women I:<br />

anc old alike.<br />

Although he starred in only<br />

three major fllmi, be crcatrd<br />

jn Impact en film that few<br />

lanct Etpcy(8507) -<br />

I would like to be Docotliy<br />

Calc in '<strong>The</strong> Wlrard of C>2. *<br />

Slic had all tliosc adventure;,<br />

and bcr dress never got rumpled.<br />

She never got too deeply into<br />

trouble She had an Ideal<br />

lifestyle, and everyone loved<br />

her.-<br />

CacoWnllo( 83231-<br />

"I want to be that ERA actlvlit,<br />

C!«la Stelnhem. became<br />

the Is for the woi.ien'i<br />

^movement. She wants to give<br />

women mac of a chance In a<br />

male-oricntcd wotld."<br />

All Photos by WIlFttao<br />

other stars have been able to<br />

do.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se films, "East of Eden,"<br />

"Rct>cl Without a Cause." and<br />

"Olanr* are still popular with<br />

film buffi and are ihown repeatedly<br />

on television and at<br />

film festivals.<br />

<strong>The</strong> myitcry tliroiidl-i,;<br />

Dean*i tragic death in jn<br />

automobile accident Rivet<br />

hii fKrscnality an even more<br />

cluiive quality.<br />

Clark Cable, another<br />

popokr star of the ttmn,<br />

has many films to tii« credit.<br />

Anion^ idem are "Coiic<br />

With the Wind", and "It<br />

Happened Ore Niphi.-<br />

Ort \\w fcnulc tide, older<br />

m.ivici offer sticii stars as<br />

Utircn lUcal!, Gncc Kelly,<br />

and Marlcnc DIctricti.<br />

<strong>The</strong> pcnonallty of many<br />

of the itars of the 30's, -tO's,<br />

and 50*s were so unlq'JR ami<br />

Impreuive that their old film*<br />

ate ull. attracting audiences<br />

of each successive generation.<br />

Hollywood's nuglc moments<br />

and magic pcrsonalUle* «n<br />

Tlic Wau-ffn.fit", starring<br />

NLirkT (li.irxlo, prciert icalttfc<br />

ptohltnu of earlier cts\.<br />

Tlic dnvu.^ ulcmt of<br />

Fred At alrc and dinner Ro^cts<br />

delicti! m.iny in "Top lUt***<br />

D.-ccnnp and ptoducinj;<br />

talcott nf the day were far<br />

ahead of their time<br />

Another strong point of<br />

oider movies is theinpeclal<br />

effects, such as thoir used<br />

in the children's cl&mc<br />

"<strong>The</strong> WitsrdofOi."<br />

Movies In e^cry generation<br />

have memorable qualities of<br />

their own, but tr.e qualities or<br />

t).e films of the 30's and 4O'i<br />

cannot be duplicated.<br />

Stop by<br />

BUDDIE'S<br />

MARKET<br />

Open Mon

' FEATURE<br />

Can San Francisco<br />

—handle a major-<br />

By Katie Young.<br />

This year, 1992, lutla the<br />

76»h anniversary of Uic 190G<br />

San Francisco canhqtiakc und<br />

lire, one of ibe most memorable<br />

catastrophes or the -Oth ccn.ury.<br />

Altbotgh scientists do not<br />

have the technology to predict<br />

the exact time and epicenter<br />

(point of in (gin) of the next<br />

earthquake, they believe tlut<br />

an earthquake cf similar magnitude<br />

coutd tveur at ihc Bay<br />

Af-a at any ttmc*<br />

I* San Francisco p.cparcd to<br />

deal with a major caihquakc?<br />

A recent article In the "San<br />

Francisco Examiner stated,<br />

"San Ftancbco may be one of<br />

the wont prepared cIUcs In<br />

Calirornla for handling an<br />

cantiquakc.*<br />

Titc article Indicated that<br />

a major quake of 8.3 on the<br />

fUchicr scale couM devastate<br />

(he city.<br />

Studies Indicate that the<br />

hardest hit areas would be the<br />

West Sutucr, Great Hlghwjy,<br />

and southern pontons of rue .<br />

city.<br />

It Is predicted that (n ficw<br />

areas grcM cracking and ihcarin£<br />

, of rock muses and earth would<br />

' occur with many building ex-<br />

.pected to cotlaptc completely.<br />

Strccu would be displaced,<br />

sidewalks would bucWe, and<br />

streetcar tracks would b:nd out<br />

of shape. Sewers and vatcr<br />

nuia* are expected to :olbpsc<br />

An earthquake strlklig during<br />

the tush hoar could re* Jit In<br />

tome 10.000 deaths attd 40,000 *<br />

By Mark Uttgar<br />

Our world has sever faced<br />

as many omens of doom as ft<br />

faces today.<br />

Nuclear war, economic<br />

collapse, natural Pilasters,<br />

and religious and racial<br />

hatred, among ethers, thieaten<br />

to destroy civilization as<br />

we know it.<br />

Most people are concerned,<br />

of course, but, for the most<br />

part,,Uicy conclude that If<br />

the world does come to an<br />

end, they, as Individuals, will<br />

bavc to cod wid. It.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re U a, growing group [<br />

of people which believes ex* .<br />

•ctly the opposite - th»t It b :<br />

• pctfccUy poaiblc 10 survive .<br />

'doorroday.'r"-*': •' ;..-i<br />

^ <strong>The</strong>y feel rtui through vearf<br />

of prepantlart'aari saving, (n-* 1<br />

^dlvidufa cottldI cecitaoc u> :<br />

- ilvei "nonnar life ifta tnc v<br />

'rest of us have' become looting;<br />

'moh»ot a.-eslriplydcad.<br />

; Thijgrouoofpcopiocalls <<br />

liuclf thesuKlvaliju.' ,<br />

- Coatruy to common belief, [<br />

•in totaled gang o'fctiz]r rad-,-<br />

Injuil". Oncquarier of the Emergency medlcalald itahlglmay<br />

Krucluin xould become rtoni are 10 i« •« up, and a<br />


<strong>The</strong> black hole<br />

-Patrick Galvin-'<br />

wlih teciloiu of J.S. ntidy of all exlillng man care<br />

('J lux's note: <strong>Lowell</strong> senior<br />

y<br />

we left the train station to go to<br />

Patrick Calvin is attending<br />

highway 101 submerged in water. facilities thoughout the city Is<br />

a rcstauram io* ClL^Jt*<br />

school In Spain for this year.<br />

<strong>The</strong> GoldecCate and bay tc be nude.<br />

Perhaps the dinner started out<br />

Bildges would be ?ut of service<br />

He will write a r.wnGly column<br />

Evacuation and rescue opera-<br />

on the wro.ig foot. As I tai down<br />

indefinitely. Power source*,<br />

detailing some of his ex perltions<br />

arc to start Immediately,<br />

to eat. a two-day old shaving<br />

radio nation), an-J television<br />

encci in that country.)<br />

and transportation of supplies<br />

cut on my face decided to open<br />

••tAtlons would be it I lied.<br />

I've ventured Into a black<br />

and he*vy resrue equipment Is<br />

up, snd blood started to drip<br />

Statistically spca'xlng, the<br />

hole and emerged In a strange<br />

to begin. Enwgctvzy welfare<br />

down my check. From that<br />

"best" time for an earthquake<br />

ticw universe. I had my doubu<br />

services ate to be set up.<br />

point on, everything wctt<br />

to hit would he In (he early<br />

about entering because 1 knew<br />

Each of the ten city-wldc<br />

down hill.<br />

morning noun or late at night.<br />

not what awaited me on the<br />

districts Is to be polled by tbe<br />

Projected statistic! show me<br />

otter side of the blackness. I quickly rubbed a cloth nap-<br />

OUuict control center to asiess<br />

number of fatalities to be 12<br />

But fo; better or worse, 1 am kin over the cut. mumbled some<br />

all local conditions.<br />

thing In English about the hazard<br />

to $0 fa 100.000. A quake <strong>The</strong> Ii» of all such operations<br />

)f shaving, and ran ro the rat-<br />

In i,-J-afternoon could Increase is further detailed In the plan.<br />

room.<br />

this figure to 9,540 per 100,000. Revisions to the ova-a II plan<br />

When I returned to the table,<br />

In light of such possibilities, arc constantly being made to<br />

the Castancs were having a<br />

a question being asked is. "liow update and Irrprovs It.<br />

lively debate 1 wondered if<br />

doc* San F«anci*co plan to com- In April of this year, the city<br />

they woe arguing about the<br />

bat nr face a crisis as serious as tested tlic plan In a clty-w(dc<br />

t mount of poitagc needed to<br />

j> nujof carttHjiukcr*<br />

earthquake drill.,<br />

end a six fctt, five Inch rcd-<br />

<strong>The</strong> answer li contain? j In the Although officials deemed<br />

.icadeU boy back to the United<br />

city'* Emergency Operations Plan, the drill a success, the city vlU<br />

states.<br />

This plan outlines stcp*by-step never know how successful the<br />

I rationalized that the meal<br />

procedures to be taken in the plan is utitil a major quake docs<br />

-•ould rwvr been worse After<br />

event of a major urban uiiastcr. take plicc.<br />

Patrick Galvln all, l only broke five or ilx<br />

<strong>The</strong> plan contains specific Some itatiitirs do provide<br />

truuucilons n* be followed by reason iot concern. It is es- here.<br />

:ahlc manners. My cardinal<br />

various public and private oitimated that Day Area hmpitaU As toon M 1 got off ihc train sin was falling to keep two<br />

ganUatioru and facilities. will be short '15,000 beds for a: Barcelona C ntral, I knew elbows on the table. And worse,<br />

Tlie tote: «»I the police, fire,<br />

that I was a stronger ir. a strange ( had one hand in my lap. In<br />

and public licaltti departments, Lou of life to uoctors land.<br />

Europe, luch behavior indicates<br />

the Natlo*!?* Guard, ttic Amer- technical pcrcotmcl ard damage However, I didn't have much that the person Is cither 2 bar*<br />

ican Red CnMl, and the Sixth to medical equipment and sup- time :o contemplate thU thought tnrlan or an American.<br />

Army are detailed.<br />

coupled with damage ro became the two people with At about I a. m. we arrived<br />

<strong>The</strong> command of all emergency fitc stations (at least 25 pcf-cnt whom I'll be spending the next i.i Vic. As we stepped into the<br />

operations is In the liandi of the uli be hit), comtitiTcs what ten months (Sr, and Sra. Castanc) f.levatsr that wctild take ur to<br />

mayor of San Francisco. When San Francisco official! admit came running up to me Nclthtr our third-floor apartment, we<br />

a major quake occurs, a district are "significant difficulties." of them speaks English, and one Kwiicd to be sltcntly contem-<br />

control center U to assemble t It is understandable that barked at me In a strange tang* plating what adventures would<br />

staff to conduct emergency op- fart Franciscans hope that the tiage.<br />

ocfjli us in the ten months to<br />

eration].<br />

plan never has to be tested. After a few minor tribulations. come.<br />

Survivalists: preparing for doomsday<br />

icab, but rattier they arc comprised<br />

of people from all over<br />

th«* country in •'.'. walks of<br />

life, from doctors to clcigynvn.<br />

<strong>The</strong> rturx thing they<br />

rc in common with ejeh<br />

Typical banR<br />

surviva lists<br />

other Is the goat of out-living<br />

their fcUrv humans.<br />

- Survival! a fall Into two<br />

caKgtvlcs - "bang* ftttvlvallits<br />

and "whlnpcr" scnWal*<br />

im. - 1 - ";r.- '--<br />

Bang turvlvaUxts predict<br />

that oreTuuge event, sach as *<br />

a nuclear war or an explosion<br />

of the sun, will bring about the<br />

end of the world, rttcy prepare<br />

for the Imminent doom<br />

by moving to the most isolated<br />

pans of the world with enough*<br />

food and wcinoru to last them<br />

a long time.<br />

Whimper survlvaiats, rtioarc<br />

more r.umerou', have different<br />

Ideas about *nc end of the<br />

world. <strong>The</strong>y believe that<br />

civilization has been on a downhill<br />

slide since its ccatlm and<br />

that It Is only a matter oi Mmc<br />

before the final plunge, which,<br />

they predict, will run along the<br />

lines of economic eoljape or<br />

mass rioting. Whlmpcc survlvaltits<br />

are preparing by Investing<br />

tn large amounts of gold sod<br />

real estate.<br />

Bang survivaiists see whimper<br />

survIvaUsm as nothing ."note<br />

than a wane of Umc. "If you<br />

are gn'ng to survive, you must<br />

dedicate yotp entire life to<br />

reding that gut," said one<br />

bang RirvtvaUit, "ow Jtwt your<br />

money. Ut> say we'rn in a<br />

'survival situation.' I have<br />

this gun and you give roe an<br />

THE UDWEU.<br />

ounce J.'golJ for It. At the<br />

end of the transaction, one of<br />

us Is going to have both, I<br />

say that person would be me,<br />

since 1 have the cm."<br />

Despite the differences among<br />

survlvalisti, there is no question<br />

that survIvaUsm Is popular,<br />

and popularity means big busincs*.<br />

Survival incorporated, a<br />

company' &Ich ir in the business<br />

of selling dehydrated foods<br />

to survivalists, mkej Ir over<br />

SI million last year. Survival<br />

Preu recently expanded Its<br />

nationwide circulation Into<br />

other countries, and rm.iy<br />

"survival consultants" artmaking<br />

up to $25 an hour<br />

teaching the nick* of the<br />

trade. Survfiallst book stores<br />

are also catching on.<br />

"For survivalim, survival Is<br />

the name of the game," f

EEfflJBE<br />

Freaks succumb at KQED<br />

By MarkUngar and<br />

Krif Clothier A women's linking group,<br />

Tvc eaten 10 much Ice cream called '.he Sweet Adelines, how-<br />

feel like I'm about to explode!* ever, was often downed out by<br />

Thli exclamation precisely all of the noire.<br />

reflected the mcod at ihe KQED Ice cream :tctcs from around<br />

co Cium Soctil and Tasting the city, as well as many through-<br />

Party on October 3 at which out Northern California, partici-<br />

33 different Ice cream manufacpated In the event. Some of<br />

tuen handed out endless samples S»n Francisco's favorite*, luch<br />

of their an.<br />

as Bud's, Canon's, ind Double<br />

Admission to the affrlr cost<br />

Rilnbow, sparkled with tltcir<br />

, and participants hid io tend<br />

delicious flavors. Rivaling (hem.<br />

iway foe tickets beforehand.<br />

however, vac great foreign<br />

o never displays any<br />

s.'gns of fear Is no braver than<br />

aavoDO ebe, but Is simply leas<br />

sensitive.<br />

Feat exists as a matter of dn*<br />

gree, ftim a mild nervousnen<br />

to an excessive, irrational.<br />

and uncoo, tollable fear.<br />

CUmtroprjobU (fear of<br />

enclosed specs), astropbobla<br />

(fear of airplino), loopbobla<br />


for your shopping pleasure<br />

Emfoarcadero 4<br />

By Kelly Ryan<br />

and Ilia NUlcy<br />

In ttic tradition of Embartadcroi<br />

1, C, *nd 3, Embatcadcro<br />

A provides a delightful<br />

shopping environment with<br />

a distinct flavor ;'.. iu own.<br />

San Francisco'? flvc-f iocfc<br />

Cnban-adcro Center c rr.plcx<br />

is a shopping extravaganza.<br />

With restaurants, fashion shops,<br />

jewelry itorci, shoe emporiums,<br />

beauty ulons, and all<br />

kinds of knick-knack shops,<br />

almou any item desired by "•<br />

stioppcr can be found.<br />

Tt>c Merc space in LmbarcaJcro<br />

4 Ii greater than any<br />

of the other Embarcadcros.<br />

This extra toon Is an .ldvan*<br />

ugc to the shopper. It would<br />

not he difficult to spend an<br />

entire day there, exploring<br />

alt of ttic different *intcJ.<br />

One of tttc molt attractive<br />

shopt Is the Somerset Gcncr.-.l<br />

Su»:c True lo !ts .umc,<br />

SonKr*H offers jvcr>ililni;<br />

from t_uiU. Itcnu to gum<br />

ball machines. FillcJ widi<br />

aP torts of kntck-kructe,<br />

brick-^-brack, and "Huff,"<br />

It it a unique thnpping


By Dcfcblc Omifrlrd<br />

Take n nuny subjects as<br />

)0U can ft* a« Ion/ at you on<br />

Middle School. Since that<br />

time, the hat taught at A bra- ,<br />

Bahnsen makes<br />

history real<br />

By Emily MIMK<br />

•Great hutoty lenons all<br />

aroundl" vtete, Dt. Robot<br />

Bahracn on a pott card to the<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> family when he was en<br />

a flvc-momli sabbatical leave<br />

acmes the nation.<br />

A teacher of Advanced<br />

VUccmrnt American Hutoty<br />

at <strong>Lowell</strong> for the cut eight<br />

years, nahnscn took a le;ve of<br />

absence lait year.<br />

Duilng the fall term, he<br />

enrolled In three graduate level<br />

rouna In hl> field of Intrreii<br />

ai San Francbco State Unlvcnity.<br />

For the spring term, he anj<br />

his wife decided to drive aetcu<br />

the United State?, spending<br />

, time on the East Coait where<br />

;> he felt he could "... enhance<br />

• my ability i»> bring history<br />

— Aftet deciding againit stayinjr<br />

In ntoieb and eating in rcstaur<br />

ana throughout the trip, the<br />

tt %ct off on NUtch I In<br />

the'x newly purchased Chevy<br />

ham Lincoln High School and<br />

because people change and y.ur „ a mu,,ity school In Germany. pick-up .wd "fifth whec!"<br />

uitcs may change," advised<br />

sleeper and trailer.<br />

She recalled that teaching<br />

Lnwell math teacher Jo Ann<br />

<strong>The</strong> flnt stop was San Diego<br />

In Germany wu 3 rewarding<br />

CtlCVTCUT.<br />

and a look at the California<br />

exrx^'riicc.<br />

Cncvrettc hai returned to<br />

Minions In Southern California..<br />

"Pet pie have the mistaken<br />

teaching fnim a chllj care<br />

<strong>The</strong>n they drove along ttc<br />

fmpu-uUm [tut military school<br />

leave of absence during whlcii siudenU are 'vats. I found that<br />

southern border of the United<br />

5*5 >hc devoted her clmc to tier they were llic tame as students<br />

•atc» through Arizona and the<br />

children, Katrlna and Roberta. here are," the noted.<br />

Lone Star" naie. i>i. t Ncu<br />

She Indicated tlul the almtnt<br />

t>toam(wiih ir* "(.Teat ieaf»*»«!<br />

OitiVicne enjoys tcu'liln,; at<br />

flndi U .\ --lief to return to<br />

and up the Mississippi Valley.<br />

lowclL "Tlicre are no discip-<br />

teaching after spending time<br />

Next came Will la im burg,<br />

line pn&lcms, and the student!<br />

with little children only.<br />

Yorktown, and Jamcstnwn In<br />

are Irtcrcsted In learning," sho<br />

Preferring to wor^ with high<br />

v*UpinIj, tlitcc fully nJtotcJ<br />

explained.<br />

school jgr students, Chevrette<br />

colonial village. Baluucn<br />

AiV.*d HUI she does not like<br />

explained that teaching elem-<br />

nocst] them as "living muscurm<br />

about leaching, the could not<br />

entary ichool children would<br />

of the 18th century."<br />

Ciintc up with a.i answer.<br />

Mart .. drive Her crary,"<br />

Comblninc bt»(r.css with<br />

In the future me would like<br />

Despite her -idvice to her<br />

pleasure, he attended the<br />

to have cite opportunity to work<br />

itudcnts about tastes changing,<br />

Advanced Placement Test<br />

in the Orient. She stated thf.t<br />

the nude up her mind a long<br />

Development Conference in<br />

the lovct !.> travel.<br />

time ago about her career.<br />

Philadelphia.<br />

Teaching at <strong>Lowell</strong> It her<br />

sln;e she was In the<br />

Being the Hahnscru' flnt visit<br />

current main interest.<br />

fifth graJc. math was Chcvrcltc'i<br />

to New England, they spent<br />

Stic offered some advice to<br />

bestsubloct. She knew that sr.e hcr HU(,CI,B: -Ke „<br />

two weeks in the Boston area<br />

of 0(<br />

wanted to become a .eacher. ^ ^ . ^ „<br />

and Connecticut, focusing on<br />

Her teachlnR career started ^ „ ^<br />

famous sites of th*_ Revolutionary<br />

War.<br />

r<br />

It was on to the nation's<br />

capital, and Bahnsen recalled<br />

Washington, D.C. at'...<br />

one of the tr.vit Interesting and<br />

exciting places 1 have ever<br />

bcrn to."<br />

After traveling riown the<br />

eastern coast as far touth as<br />

Georgia, they drove througn<br />

Tennessee, Missouri, and<br />

Kansas.<br />

<strong>The</strong> next point of Interest<br />

was the Grand Canyon. "I<br />

could hardly believe the beauty<br />

and awesomenctt of It," exclaimed<br />

Bahnsen.<br />

After covering 13,000 miles<br />

of American countryside with<br />

their trucli consuming 2,000<br />

gallons of gas and their camera<br />

uking £00 slides along the way,<br />

the Babmeffs returned In late<br />

-1O<br />

Glad to be back teaching<br />

21 <strong>Lowell</strong> tliis fall, Bahnsen<br />

said, "<strong>The</strong> main purpose of<br />

my sabbatical leave was to<br />

make history real for me. Now<br />

1 only hope I can nuke It real<br />

for my students* "<br />


Kalil set<br />

Octobers, 19fj

B~<br />

*<br />

Catelli returns<br />

from Wallenberg<br />

By CtovU L Kallt spent the past<br />

itruktog nun comrrcinlca-<br />

«*'coune* at the Uolvenlty<br />

pllfl it Los Angeles.<br />

e deictibed ihe experience<br />

g •woodcrfully enriching"<br />

te "I think it 1 * impot-<br />

C a teacbex to ;ee tilings ;<br />

u't penpectlve."<br />

l chote tn study mass<br />

atloni because she<br />

ed la mo ways<br />

cotnmonlcJto with<br />

" V V and In the subtle ways<br />

m'•-l'^i<br />

one can influence otlier people<br />

through language,"<br />

"My sabbatical leave mad:<br />

me more awarr of the way<br />

loclety operates," she continued.<br />

-Now 1 tee that it U<br />

very important fot one to come<br />

to understand oneself before<br />

one can come to understand<br />

others. One must constantly<br />

work at being more human."<br />

* A native San Franciscan and<br />

a <strong>Lowell</strong> graduate, Kalil, who<br />

flm taught at James Lick<br />

Middle School, and who is now<br />

beginning her filth ytar at<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>, commented that mass<br />

communications Is a recent<br />

Interest and that she had always<br />

wanted to be a teacher.<br />

Cnglub appcatcd to Kalil .<br />

because she"... likes the<br />

mimanitlr* type of -.caching."<br />

She explained further, "Compared<br />

to other subjects, TngUsh<br />

has ten concrete subject matter:<br />

one is always dealing w?th Individual<br />

interpretations of characters<br />

and situations - there arc<br />

no 'yes and no' a raven."<br />

Though one must teach rbe<br />

mechanics of the language,<br />

she fccL. that one can teach<br />

values through English a* well.<br />

"1 believe there Is a seme of<br />

order In life," said Kalil. "This<br />

U why I enjoy teaming 'Epic<br />

and Myth* the most. In mythology,<br />

thcte Is a strong seme<br />

of order, wd the myths bring<br />

out many of the huimn qualities<br />

and potential.-<br />

In ha spare time, Kalil enjoys<br />

going out and working<br />

with people rather than staying<br />

home and watching television.<br />

•Television," she said, "U<br />

too far from reality; television<br />

makes one passive. People<br />

oeed to be more active and<br />

take charge of their own lives."<br />


John Bissett:<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> 9 s latest<br />

By Miri i Pao<br />

Tlic r.cwa: addition to Lcwclt'i<br />

facult/ wears bov tlu<br />

and bright rctobnw tuipcndcrs.<br />

Us Is tcicncc teacher John<br />

Bluett.<br />

Otlgt rally ;x>m Pennsylvania,<br />

Bluett trjjjfciTcd to <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

from San Franclico'f Million<br />

Hlg; School.<br />

"I had been trying to get to<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> for five yean: I needed<br />

a change," remarked Bluett,<br />

This year mails tils 14th<br />

year as a teacher In tbi cl:/'»<br />

tchuol tjiictr- He uho tajght<br />

bilony In Chlci^o anJ Sew<br />

York.<br />

A former chemist, Ulsxn<br />

tumcJ tc trxchlag because<br />

he"... JMn*t like the Isolation<br />

of the laboratory. I am<br />

a people penon."<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> and tu ituilcnt body<br />

have Imprcsjcd inU'petiplc<br />

penon." "I think it'i i nur-<br />

V| :lcus place," he emphatic<br />

ally declared.<br />

Active in her own community<br />

and church groups, KJIII CXjxeuol<br />

Interest In"... going<br />

to i'jioup tcmlrurs and convention),<br />

meeting new people,<br />

exchanging Ideas, and working<br />

for the betterment of humanity."<br />

Kallt envoys listening to and<br />

singly all types of music. She<br />

used (o sing In J choir and at<br />

one time tfantzd to become a<br />

professional singer.<br />

At the present, the Is studying<br />

French and her ruiivc language,<br />

Arabic,<br />

Regarding the future, Kalil<br />

plans to continue teaching and<br />

studying, taking English courses<br />

at Berkeley and perhapi some<br />

more courses In mus communication,<br />

"It was nice to be a student<br />

again," she laughed, "except<br />

for all those terrible homewofk<br />

assignment* t"<br />

"1 can't get over how responsihi*<br />

and energetic uudentx<br />

here arc. This I' the JOeJl<br />

place tt, teach as far a* 1 am<br />

concerned, * l»c suiid.<br />

In addition to his regular<br />

teaching, Bbsett has taken on<br />

the position of sponsor foe the<br />

Student Activities Board (SA3),<br />

a multl-facctcd post on>:c held<br />

by Steve HlrabaycjtiL<br />

<strong>The</strong> ipotuor works closely<br />

with the SAB In the coordination<br />

and uipervlilwi cf dancct,<br />

rallies, tplilt squads, and related<br />

events.<br />

"This is the<br />

ideal place<br />

to teach."<br />

Regarding his predecessor.<br />

Bluett stated, "HUabiyaihi<br />

did an absolutely fabulous •<br />

Job. Fot •sly, lam an<br />

energetic p=tw:i* I know I<br />

cjn do U though It will take<br />

time to l«m the ror/ct."<br />

Vanessa Gttodrtch, SAB<br />

.chairperson, concurred. "Mr.<br />

Biuctt is getting accustomed<br />

to what goes on in the SAB.<br />

He Is doing a really gcod job."<br />

Matlan Gonzalez, Img time<br />

student government an! class<br />

sponsor, commented, "\


<strong>The</strong> Reel 1111 Scene<br />

JULJ-L • ••<br />

AUtun uleomflcld<br />

Mark Crlien<br />

Debbie Gottfried<br />

Uuren Helm<br />

EUlr.c V'ong<br />

Movie Rating System<br />

*••• Excellent<br />

Good<br />

Fair<br />

Poor<br />

'Yes, Giorgio'<br />

By Mat I a Crticia<br />

"You must try not to fall In<br />

love with rrx... I tmow it will<br />

be Mrd," s-ys Luciano Pavarotti<br />

who lun as Giorgio Fin*, the<br />

world's Jcj-ling tenor, in Franklin<br />

Schaffrcr's new flirn, "Yes,<br />

Giorgio," which opened recently<br />

at the Northpoim.<br />

Wfco must try not to fall In<br />

love with Pavaroni? Well,<br />

<strong>thru</strong>it specialist Pamela Taylor,<br />

played by Kathryn Harold, for<br />

one,<br />

FInl fh.-t meets Taylor vlicn<br />

he loses his voice over the<br />

prospect of havlr.g to sing at<br />

the Met, an opera house which<br />

holds painful n^morics for him.<br />

. Taylor I» called in to diagnose<br />

the ailing FinJ.<br />

From this palm on the relationship<br />

between FinI, vho<br />

never denies d;at he is a happily<br />

married man, and the<br />

formerly aloof and stubbornly<br />

self-sufficient Taylor gallops<br />

Into the realm of romantic<br />

fiotuy.<br />

'<strong>The</strong> fsntasy takes them to<br />

' San Francisco and ttie Nap*<br />

Valley area. It is cmbclllned<br />

, Jwltb a multitude cf rnagnifl -<br />

*/.. cent arias alorg tbe way. Yhe<br />

sceocry ii bcautlfcl, and If the<br />

\ dnbbing on die pre-recorded<br />

* Tp^ 1 f^'" is fomcthintt less than<br />

"perfect. It is rnrtu up for by<br />

*. r pavoronl*s exq/tlslte voice<br />

;'." As It turns out. It U not<br />

'. -:, Pavirotti's voice which one<br />

- wooden abooc - It Ii his acting,<br />

^Slflce the part Ir UUct-made<br />

\*ror the opera star, tbero i»<br />

\lirtle real acting required of<br />

It Ii Ji-Ticult to find fault<br />

with the amiable, simpatlco<br />

tenor, even an those Infrequent<br />

occasions when the arrogance<br />

common to all who arc lionized<br />

by the public icems to get the<br />

bcit of him.<br />

Abo appearing in the film arc<br />

Eddie Albert, playing Fini's manager,<br />

Kurt Herbert Adlcr, former<br />

conductor of the San Francisco<br />

Opera Orchestra, and soprano<br />

Lcona Marshall.<br />

By Elaine Wong<br />

"Tt.c Boat," formerly advertised<br />

as "Das Boot," his returned<br />

to 1-x-al American icicm* aftci<br />

receiving high putis from most<br />

movie critics.<br />

<strong>The</strong> sequence of the mrvlc<br />

rut not been altered, but the<br />

original spoken German hi*<br />

given way to dubbed-in EnglWu<br />

<strong>The</strong> tory, written and directed<br />

bj Wolfgang Pctcncn, depicts<br />

tlic Uvcs of Gcrmn crew membcrs<br />

on a jubrmr'ic U-boat in<br />

World War IU<br />

Rather ttian conform to rhc<br />

traditional movie pattern of<br />

"good guyt versus bad guys,"<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Boat" ctublci the audience<br />

to sympathize with both<br />

me German and the t'nghih<br />

troops.<br />

Tlic movie's main drawback<br />

Is Its limited netting. <strong>The</strong><br />

damped jubnurinc quarters<br />

work to tire and botc the<br />

viewer. Pc'.cncn concentrates<br />

on the rattling and chaos which<br />

aboutul In the underwater vcuil<br />

which h under constant attack.<br />

Just ai tlictc appcan to bno<br />

pots] Me cii-apc for the »ubmaritv<br />

'i occupants, they eventually<br />

nurugc to find one.<br />

In one confining ictnc, tlic<br />

U-bmt h Itylnnin^ to fliH»d Jut<br />

to leaks cauicd by coniunt<br />

enemy bomblrg. No one is able<br />

to figure out a way to get rid<br />

of the water.<br />

Suddenly one of the crew enters<br />

and »yi he lui Tound a solution<br />

to ttic dilemma. It is never<br />

clearly explained what tils solution<br />

is, IU thU part of tltc<br />

Him taxes the viewer's crcd-<br />

ibl llty.<br />

<strong>The</strong> acting Ly tlic German<br />

cast is especially itrong a; the<br />

stcry fccucci on the actions and<br />

rcactioru of four of the major<br />

characters.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Chosen'<br />

By Debbie Gottfried<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Chosen," based on<br />

Chatm PotoVs best selling<br />

novsi, b a meaningful film<br />

abjut the conflict between new<br />

and old values.<br />

<strong>The</strong> story revolves around<br />

the friendship between the ion<br />

of a Chassldlc rabbi and the son<br />

of a liberal Zionist,<br />

<strong>The</strong> conflicting lifestyles of<br />

the two boys has tbe effect of<br />

bring) Qg thwn close together<br />

as they learn from each oths*s<br />

difference!.<br />

<strong>The</strong> boys eventually must<br />

go their separate ways and lead<br />

lives of tnclr own.<br />

Tho struggle between the<br />

traditional beliefs of the Chas-<br />

sidlra and modem liberal views<br />

• •••<br />

Demon gives a sensitive performance,<br />

but is lacking in<br />

emotional dcptlu<br />

Rod Steiger and Maximilian<br />

Schell come through with ex*<br />

cellcnt performances as the<br />

fathers of the two boys.<br />

Steiger puts his all Into the<br />

character of the old ChasUdic<br />

rabbi. He Is quite convincing<br />

and displays dramatic dench.<br />

Schell is very cn-rgctlc portraying<br />

a liberal Jew, devoted<br />

to the cane of Zionism.<br />

<strong>The</strong> film follows the characters*<br />

struggles to survive as<br />

two generations meet at a time<br />

when new Ideas and new values<br />

are Increasing.<br />

Each character is left to de-<br />

ls inustratcd with great effective- cidc for himself what path he<br />

JJ. should take. Ths dramatic<br />

Barry Miller displays strength Impact of the film manages<br />

and feeling at he pomtys the<br />

ycung reformed Jew who befriends<br />

a Chanidic boy, played<br />

by Robby Bemou.<br />

to hold the attention of the<br />

aodieace, as the emotions<br />

and feeling* of the character*<br />

are developed and drflnftd.<br />

An Officer and a Gentleman<br />

By Lauwn Hcim<br />

"An Officer and a Gentleman"<br />

U a movie to life your spirits,<br />

to Intplrc you, anl w make<br />

you think that you can achieve<br />

whatever you set out to do.<br />

ThU film, starring Ric^rd<br />

Gere, Dcbra Winger, Louis<br />

Gossvtt, Jr., and David KciCi,<br />

focuics on the trials and tribulations<br />

a young man faces In<br />

becoming a navy pilot.<br />

Gere plays the lead character,<br />

*>ho grew up in Manila with a<br />

drunken father atu 1 decides tu<br />

change lib lonely, ;11 life by<br />

entering Naval Aviation Officer<br />

Candidate School.<br />

While tiicio, lie meets an<br />

attractive young lady, portrayed<br />

by Wtng'.r. <strong>The</strong>y become involved<br />

In a iwcct and passionate<br />

love affair, which, at times,<br />

>LU an unreal air about it.<br />

• •••<br />

Much of the film Is based<br />

co Cere's experiences at the<br />

officers' school and how he and<br />

when react to th* tough discipline<br />

ant! problem: they encounter<br />

In reaching their OctuberS, UK<br />

'-. I:<br />

•ft ' -".<br />



•Asia's debut album succeeds<br />

By Ucrcn Helm<br />

"Only Tlnw Will Tell" tic<br />

successful thn group will be.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y are certainly "One Stey<br />

Closer" to tucccw thanks to<br />

- iboU debut album. Did the<br />

, members ever think In their<br />

"Wildest Dreamy* ttut they<br />

would be on the "Top TcT<br />

orwday?<br />

A'la Is the namr. of the group,<br />

and "Alia" Is tfic name of the<br />

group's debut album that has<br />

become a nit, Indicating that<br />

, Asia Is on the way up.<br />

<strong>The</strong> album, ci»: In a London<br />

recording »tudio and released<br />

In early spring, entered the<br />

American charts in ihc number<br />

Sirs spot.<br />

Why hai Ae album been so<br />

successful? What has camed<br />

such 9 positive nnetion among<br />

music Tans?<br />

For oi.e, "Asia" is the sound<br />

of the bO's. <strong>The</strong> music is direct<br />

and solid. <strong>The</strong> lyrics have meaning<br />

and arc undcnundablr. It<br />

Is rock 'n* roll, but in a mellow<br />

Living amid death<br />

in '<strong>The</strong> Gin Game'<br />

By Kelly Ryan<br />

"<strong>The</strong>GlnC-jmc" Is almost<br />

love story and almost a<br />

:omedy. What it really U is<br />

a non-scntl mental, tough loon<br />

at America's neglect of the<br />

elderly in today's society.<br />

This vlc>' of tlic mls-trciiof<br />

old people Is embodied<br />

n ihc potted pbuu that uc<br />

ying n'.ong the tide of the<br />

me for the aged*<br />

they are fighters until the vcty<br />

end.<br />

Wallers Is wonderful in her<br />

portrayal of "omla, the rather<br />

dotry-but-cu.inlng cldcrty<br />

woman. She Is lonely -fid r.cglected.<br />

She UKI the £'n prnc<br />

to iirlfce back at people in her<br />

pait.<br />

Patterson It delightful ai Itic<br />

goiff and sarcaitic Wcllcr, u<br />

man who finds relief from the<br />

Marian Walt>!n and William Patenon In ' Ttie Gin Game<br />

<strong>The</strong> people In the home ate<br />

Uke the potted plants. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

ate neglected, uprooted, and<br />

tranepknted.<br />

nie cIuJTy are seen JS<br />

lescrted in the rest home where<br />

hey are supposed to receive<br />

rcMtlnual care, but In fact are<br />

:omptctcly neglected.<br />

Matlan Waltcn and William<br />

Patenon playFowla and Wcllcr,<br />

two resident! la ao old-age<br />

home who meet and engage in<br />

a series of gin games, in the<br />

process of the games their lives,<br />

jeia, and foibles unfold.<br />

, <strong>The</strong> pUy, wtincn by D. U<br />

Cobuin In 1975, U not about<br />

•old people," but rather about<br />

iglng. Fomif-and Weller form<br />

a bond because they seem to be<br />

toe only people la the home<br />

who ara.alivs and breathing;<br />

atmosphere of death *«hicl*<br />

surrounds him by playing cards.<br />

Director James EdnwnJon has<br />

dene a notable job with the<br />

play and the actors. HU background<br />

as an actor Is reflected<br />

In the poignancy an I power<br />

wl;h which Co'.>um*s lines arc<br />

delivered.<br />

<strong>The</strong> results f two outstanding<br />

actors and a fine dlrecto- is pute<br />

magic. "<strong>The</strong> Gin Came" smoothly<br />

makes the transition from being<br />

tight and humorous to being<br />

dark and disturbing.<br />

A small, tvo-charactcr play,<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Gin Game" sea a tone of<br />

reality for the American Conservatory<br />

Ttic*ter*s restricted<br />

19K budget. Nevertheless, it<br />

U a powerful and moving portrayal<br />

of the dilemma of the aged<br />

in conteropocaiy American<br />

' society. ,<br />

vein. Evtry song on the album<br />

Ii worth giving a listen to.<br />

Where did the member) of<br />

Asia come from? John Wctton,<br />

lead vocalist, >iu played with<br />

English roc't groups such as King<br />

Ctlmson and U.K. Guitarist<br />

and vorallst Steve Howe Is the<br />

former lead gtiitartit for Yes.<br />

"Asia is<br />

the sound of<br />

the 80's."<br />

<strong>The</strong>y arc not the everyday runof-tbc-mill<br />

musicians, but very<br />

experienced ones, which is why<br />

the album tus caught on.<br />

So, In the "Meat of the Nfcmem"<br />

listen to "Alia." Could<br />

ihU groiir. be a "Sole Survivor?<br />

Well. -Onl; Time Will Tell.-<br />

Upcoming Events<br />

October 9 Diana Rons at the Oakland<br />

Collseuut Arena<br />

October 9-10 <strong>The</strong> Grateful Dead at the<br />

Frost Ajapi theater, Stanford.<br />

October 10 REO SpecJvogon and Survivor<br />

at the Co* Pnlacu<br />

October 17 Flcitvoc«i Mac and Steel Hrtczc<br />

at the C.il Expo Gram'stand,<br />

Sacramento.<br />

October 19 Jcthro Tull and Saga at the<br />

Oakland Coliseum Arena.<br />

October 23 Day on the Creen J3 : <strong>The</strong> Who;<br />

<strong>The</strong> Claah/T-Bonc Burnett<br />

)ciobor 24 Kenny Logglns at the Frost<br />

Anplthcatcr, Stanford.<br />

"•'oviinber 8 Joe Jackson a: the Berkeley<br />

Coeaounity Thcacer.<br />

— Lena Home charms audience<br />

By David Jo.-.cs<br />

Lena Maine's 50-ycar show<br />

auilncw career U culminating<br />

ir a jales of ltunnirh* performances<br />

In her onc-worrun ihow,<br />

'Lena Hurnc, the Lady nnd Her<br />

\tulc," currently playing at ttic<br />

Co I Jen CJIC HiCJicr.<br />

Home iiiy,s over '-'i wcllirrangcd<br />

long!, jccoinpanicd<br />

I l>y a )7-plece J3=n band and<br />

ihrrc sln^er/Janccn, intcripcncd<br />

wlili 3d lib dialogue<br />

that telLi itic itor>' of her life.<br />

Due to tier nun/ years of<br />

performing experience, ilis<br />

Vvows now to t,4t licr audience<br />

jani li completely at case on<br />

Anmng other things, llotne<br />

:slls about how, at the age of<br />

N't, stic wotked as a dancer<br />

it the Cotton Club In '.larlcm,<br />

icre such Jazz uruu a> Duke<br />

ItlEngton, Cal Calloway,<br />

:ount Daslc, and Ettie! Waters<br />

also ippcarcd. N'oel Sclssle,<br />

:lub owrrr, taught her how to<br />

ing.<br />

Wandering from club to clrh<br />

in Harlcrt\ Home san

If- f<br />


<strong>The</strong> Quake: taste and compare<br />

By K*.*« Wcrtt-ilmcr<br />

*Tm looking forvjid to the<br />

future, growing with the sta-<br />

•doo. and the station's grcwi:ig<br />

with the community," remarked<br />

Belle Nolan, the Quake's asslsunt<br />

program director ami disc<br />

jockey.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Quake, VQAK, FM 35 V<br />

Is th« new rock statirn on the<br />

FMtJUL, What It :hc station's<br />

specialty? <strong>The</strong> Quake has no<br />

commercial! I<br />

AccenMng to Dob llcymann,<br />

program director, die Quake<br />

Is budgetc*? ro lose money at<br />

tnii lime v: 1 the " no cemmcrc<br />

Ui* feature ttlog itrcsted to<br />

gain popularity.<br />

Commercials will come<br />

eventually, however, on.a<br />

limited basis Within a few<br />

weeks*<br />

FM39<br />

<strong>The</strong> Quake's DJ's try to play<br />

the kind of music they feel<br />

their listeners wan: to hear.<br />

Requests arc taken,<br />

'AM San Francisco'previews<br />

By Willie Wong<br />

What do Feed Lacosse, Terr)'<br />

Lowry* and KOO-TV rave In<br />

common? <strong>The</strong> answer Is "AM<br />

San Francisco, • a new version<br />

of the Channel 7 talk sliow<br />

which alrt weekday from 9 to<br />

10 a.m.<br />

<strong>The</strong> "AM Show," as part of<br />

Its new look, has two new horn,<br />

Lacosic and Lowry, and It now<br />

ha* a live audience.<br />

On September IS, the show<br />

•Jcnt through in final fhcaruli<br />

ta the KGO-TV ituJios on<br />

Golden 6*tc Avenue to which<br />

several members of "<strong>The</strong> Lowcif<br />

staff were Invltci.<br />

Before the show started, the<br />

Audience was treated to a mlnico»trsc<br />

on "How to applaud. "<br />

One crew member explained.<br />

"Bccauc everything Is compressed<br />

on television, the audience<br />

has to clap twice as fait<br />

In order to sound effective.*'<br />

"One way we help enliven<br />

the proceedings Is by pltoiographing<br />

the audience at a<br />

special camera angle, resulting<br />

In the Image of a full house,"<br />

Hendricks explained.<br />

After Lacouc and Lowry woe<br />

introduced, the show began<br />

with the question of ;\c day.<br />

i<br />

"What was your mow cmbarratj-<br />

Ing moment?" TK- itars and<br />

members of the audience related<br />

embarrassing experience*.<br />

KCO entertainment critic<br />

Jack Brooks then reviewed the<br />

Lena llotnc show which bad<br />

just opened In San Tranclsco<br />

and critiqued two motion pictures.<br />

He alto revealed tip*<br />

on saving money at the box<br />

office.<br />

Fred Lacouu an4 Terry Lowry<br />

At the end of tL; rchcJrMl.<br />

HciKlrlcks noted a few problems<br />

Involving the r-Jcrophones and<br />

the telepromp*cr.<br />

Most of the Invited audience<br />

felt that the ihov had the look<br />

of a ""nUhed product" and vai<br />

ready for la Monday premiere.<br />



150' DISCOUNT<br />



For man lafenswtion calk 4GVZ44*<br />

Tlie station's musical cho'r <br />

are aiming to appeal to the<br />

*J to 34 age giiv*. Many<br />

letters and ptanc calls have<br />

been received In favor of<br />

what the station Is doing.<br />

"We want people to taste<br />

Jiid enmpate, meaning to<br />

, linen to other r^ck stations<br />

such as KMEL and KRQR to<br />

1 see which they ptefcr. We are<br />

confident that jr.'-?tcally and<br />

^tlicrwbe, people will like<br />

us the best," stated lleymamu<br />

<strong>The</strong> DJ's Include Alex Bcnnct<br />

and Joel RpMlskl from C to<br />

10 a.m.. Belle Nolan from<br />

10 a. n to 2:30 p.m., Tim<br />

Sedcre from 2:.10 to 7 p. m.,<br />

Oz from 7 to midnight, and<br />

l.obiicr f:om midnight to C<br />

3.m.<br />

i<br />

Bcnnct. Rcgabld, Nolan,<br />

nd Lnbttcr came from other<br />

tions In the Bay Area ln-<br />

:ludlng KMEL and KRQR,<br />

ai Ucdotc and Or came<br />

from 1 uHens in Texas.<br />

Dcdrrc offered, "<strong>The</strong> Quake<br />

the best radio station I've<br />

cr worked for, and you can<br />

luotc me on that. **<br />

Nolan explained, "I love It<br />

hec It's a pcoplc-orlcntcd<br />

p'jce, unlike big corporation<br />

radio stations. <strong>The</strong>re's a<br />

family atmosphere her *nd<br />

room for personal expression."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Quake uses a computer<br />

to Inventory the mvilc At<br />

toon as they arc icttled .'n,<br />

they pUn to have from 1,300<br />

to ",000 icngs, compared to<br />

other radio stations* 600 to<br />

COO sengu<br />

<strong>The</strong> facilities of the Qu.iVc<br />

include 4 request room, a news<br />

room, a production room, the<br />

nialn air studio, and jcvcral<br />

offices. <strong>The</strong> station's Initial<br />

air date was August 23, 1982.<br />

Remodeling Is still going<br />

on at the station. For example<br />

the of fie a are undecorated,<br />

and the electrical work Is In<br />

process of being completed.<br />

Studio audiences ate welcome<br />

for thc'tJennct and<br />

Rcgalski show, participants<br />

have been averaging about<br />

40 people a day.<br />

T-shirts and bumper stickers<br />

for the new rock station will<br />

soon go on sale Around the<br />

city.<br />

"Looking to the future, we<br />

hope the nation win grow,<br />

evolve, and progress. We<br />

want to entertain the public<br />

and be In touch with th«<br />

listeners' needs and desttes,"<br />

'Punchline' atmosphere appeals<br />

By Randy KMS<br />

Do you tver wonder bow<br />

famous comedians start out?<br />

Where do you think Robin Willlams<br />

suited his career in show<br />

business' 1<br />

<strong>The</strong> answer is the Punchline,<br />

the "rush hour and comedy<br />

nightclub," located at +44<br />

Battery Street In downtown San<br />

Francisco.<br />

On Friday, September C4,<br />

yours truly decided to check<br />

out this comedy sanctuary.<br />

Walking In, I was faced with<br />

two choices: be a wallflower<br />

or be aggressive,<br />

I opted for the latter, so instead<br />

of sitting fn the back unnoticed,<br />

I decided to sit up<br />

front, making myself more<br />

vulnerable to the comecUan.<br />

<strong>The</strong> atmosphtre of the place<br />

was at once warm, frtcMly,<br />

and exciting. <strong>The</strong>re W*TC<br />

Images of San Francisco 00 the<br />

surrounding vails, and people<br />

were holding good-natured<br />

convetsatlotu while soft rock<br />

music played In the background.<br />

At about 8:30 p. m,, the<br />

M.C.. Robert WuM. who proved<br />

to be even funnier tban the two<br />

featured, comedians, started the<br />

show with a few Jokes and asked<br />

the audience not to be oiTended<br />

by racial Jokes or being made<br />

fun of. "We are all here to<br />

have fun," he offered.<br />

He Introduced the first comedian,<br />

Mary Lee Davis, who<br />

was very entertaining, making<br />

fun of everyone she could. Her<br />

45-mlnute stint was followed<br />

by more jokes by WuhU<br />

Jim dvatds w« *he second<br />

featured performo who succeeded<br />

in keeping the audience<br />

laughing at his humor. His<br />

presentation also.lasted 45 minutes.<br />

Wuhl closed the show,<br />

asking everyone to tip gencr-<br />

•ously.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Punchline is the pla.. c<br />

to go to enjoy contemporary<br />

comedy and new talent to<br />

deliver it. <strong>The</strong> club sppcaa<br />

to house about 200 people, and<br />

there Is standing room Also.<br />

Several tlrncf a year rite<br />

club holds amai:ar nights when<br />

young comedians appear to<br />

make their debuts and make<br />

an Impression In the comedy<br />

field.<br />

Different comedians perform<br />

each week with usually two or<br />

three on an evening's prtgK.ro.<br />

•ALBUhS• CASSETTES. 45 5 S •<br />





EXPANDED///<br />

SHEET hUS\t DEPT. ZZ U<br />

£81 - 60131<br />


MUSIC,<br />

• 14 THE LOWOL October H, 19S2<br />

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<strong>Lowell</strong> hosts El Camino<br />

By Mlyocry Ctiun<br />

: ' "<strong>Lowell</strong> High Welcome!<br />

El Camino- wa* the Ultras of<br />

f fee vcar'f first r*Uy la mldi:<br />

• September.<br />

•:-, <strong>The</strong> event was the bralo-<br />

-. child of the Student Activities<br />

.' Board (SAB).<br />

*' <strong>The</strong> purpose was to ptotnote<br />

• the vanity foot DA 11 game<br />

held that evening, And the<br />

r El CMirino cheerleaders and<br />

peo squid appeared at Lovell.<br />

In exchange,' *he <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

long glib, cheerleader], end<br />

lettergttts Journeyed to El<br />

Camino for a similar tally.<br />

<strong>The</strong> El Camino jquaJ wii<br />

feted « a sprcUl reception<br />

at LowelL Each guest was<br />

presented with a flower and<br />

-.in served cake and punch.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> and Cl Camino<br />

: iplrit groups performed virietu<br />

-• routines before a Urge ludiehecin<br />

the cyrnriatlurn.<br />

John Bluett. Lowdll'j tew<br />

SAB sponsor,, was pleated wlttt<br />

- thb remits of the rally.<br />

He stated, "<strong>The</strong> rally vas a<br />

jticccu because :he itudenu<br />

-- • Tvra both schools were enj<br />

iiiuiic and responsive.'<br />

. neu, who mnsfrrrcd to<br />

. , <strong>Lowell</strong> thii ^srauter ficiu<br />

Mission High School, icrvcd<br />

as stcdent government advbor<br />

at that lite.<br />

He noted, "<strong>Lowell</strong>'s student<br />

govcrtimta: Is different from<br />

Minion's. I think the four<br />

braDdm -re better because<br />

mote itudeno are involved,<br />

and nadents we more active<br />

and spirited."<br />

Cy.ithta Dear, rally com ml)-<br />

IIOOT, led tbe event. She<br />

Admitted, "1 was nervous a*<br />

flm, but evcrythlne went<br />

smoothly, xnd I wai happy<br />

with the retuUi."<br />

Dear would like to see more<br />

audience participation at future<br />

rallies. "Something like class<br />

competition m'gbt be encouraged<br />

u lhat more prople will participate<br />

and show their spirit, cot<br />

only ihs song glib," she stated.<br />

Dttsett would like to see more<br />

exchange rallies ai they give<br />

students a chance to compare<br />

their activities with those of<br />

uthcr sctiooU.<br />

Several <strong>Lowell</strong> studena were<br />

asked to give their reactions<br />

to the activity, and they Indicated<br />

that they liked "...<br />

checking out the song girls fiom<br />

the other schools."<br />

Seniors enjoy 'Moonlight 9<br />

':. By UUy s:u<br />

Inuglne the JCtt'ng: 2 full<br />

* rsoon, calm vixrxt, a clear<br />

sky, am) plenty of stats.<br />

"On Moonlight day." the<br />

. flat major lealor event of the<br />

year, took place October 2<br />

• and featured DJ Fantasy Productions.<br />

.. Tickets ranging In price Irom<br />

312 to 324 v « sold ou: olthln<br />

two days In a controversial<br />

;- arrangement which allowed<br />

/only <strong>Lowell</strong> senior couples to<br />

. c?'boy tickets an the first day.<br />

' i<strong>The</strong> method was decided U;>M<br />

. :-by the Senior Clit» oHlcers.<br />

-~"r?r President Gary takemoto<br />

J ^maintained that there were no<br />

% fierlota complaints about the<br />

isyttem. "Things went reaUy<br />

-well; It wai a beautiful nialit.<br />

land 1 mink rcort people colored<br />

' thenvelvcs," he added.<br />

Vr tie Blue and Gold Fleet 1 ? .<br />

;"Otkl" set sal: 6om ?let 99<br />

for four bmnt of smooth saillug<br />

en the bay. Including<br />

'scenic 3lp>cader me SoMen<br />

Gate, Bay. aui Richmond-<br />

San Rafael !sU$ti.<br />

Octobet 3, tM2<br />

With musical variety<br />

ranging from ShaUrnar :o ihe<br />

Beatles and the Beach Boys to<br />

tbe B-SS's. the ISO couples<br />

rocked, rolled, swayed, and<br />

souled the night away.<br />

As the boat slowly sailed back<br />

to Pier 39. tbe final song, "Abra-<br />

'cadabra," appropriately echoed<br />

into the night.<br />

"It waj nuglcl" exclaimed<br />

Jocctyn Kelt Senior CUts secretary.<br />

Tu« Claa of *63 coald-<br />

: n't have picked a better night,"<br />

Library expansion set<br />

By Kellie Gau<br />

Construction plans are underway<br />

for the expansion of the<br />

Social Studies Resource Center-<br />

Meyer Library complex by<br />

adding some 2,000 squars feet<br />

to provide much needed study<br />

area, according to Dr. Alan<br />

FIbUh, principal.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> present resource centerlibrary<br />

area Is too small to<br />

accommodate the Urge number<br />

of students who wim to<br />

do study and research,- FlbUh<br />

noted.<br />

Additional riooc space in<br />

the resource center-library<br />

area would rake some of the<br />

pressure off the other smaller<br />

resource centers «LJ would<br />

help solve some of the congestion<br />

In the tuiU.<br />

On a recent visit to <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Dr. Robert Allow, superintend-<br />

ent of schools, observed the<br />

overcrowding ind Inadequacy<br />

of the library facilities at<br />

LnvclU<br />

Me Indicated that he would<br />

support the enlargement of<br />

the present facilities. <strong>The</strong><br />

projected cost is a quarter of<br />

a million dollars.<br />

Recently, a panel consisting<br />

of a student, a parent, head<br />

librarian Robert CantpbeU,<br />

and Dr. Fibbh interviewed<br />

prospective architects for thft<br />

r project. <strong>The</strong> panel will make<br />

a recommendation to Dr.<br />

AUoto who will nut* the final<br />

decision.<br />

Preliminary steps leading to<br />

construction began last spring<br />

whea the San Francisco Board<br />

of Education approved archtrectural<br />

pUiu fur die additive*<br />

Modifications were made so<br />

plant would conform to State<br />

Department of Education regulations.<br />

Under proposed plans, the<br />

north Kail of the library, extending<br />

from tho main entrance<br />

to the Book-to-book Center,<br />

would be removed and extended<br />

out into the front courtyard area,<br />

picking up the additional 2,000<br />

square feet.<br />

It Is anticipated that the<br />

construction will have Unlo<br />

effect on normal school operations.<br />

It Is possible that the<br />

Job can be completed before<br />

the end of the school year<br />

In June 1983.<br />

Optimistically, Dr. Flbtsh<br />

predicted, "<strong>The</strong> present Junior<br />

Class will be able to use the*<br />

expanded facility before its<br />

members graduate. "<br />

Muni passes sold here-<br />

By David Jones<br />

Because of an overwhelming<br />

positive response from students,<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> will be selling Municipal<br />

Railway "Fast Passes" on campus<br />

the last week of every month.<br />

<strong>The</strong> cost for purchasing the<br />

passes at school 1« $5.25,<br />

according to Lucy Fong, <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Executive Council chairperson.<br />

Out of school, the pasocs<br />

soil for SS each. <strong>The</strong> additional<br />

20 cent* collected it <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

will he channeled into the<br />

General Student Body Fund,<br />

Dr. Alan Rblsh, principal,<br />

has announced.<br />

Flblih cmpliaslzcd that the<br />

funds collected *4U not he<br />

med for instructional supplies<br />

such as books, but will be utilized<br />

by itudent government.<br />

<strong>The</strong> passes offer students<br />

dally access to transportation<br />

for 55.25 a month, whereas<br />

the tingle ride fee for students<br />

who pay cash to ride to school<br />

went from ten cents to 25 cents<br />

on October 1*<br />

Pong hope* that the money<br />

generated from the fast pass<br />

sates will help go toward the<br />

320,000 In funds requested ly<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> student groupi when t*icy<br />

made out their budget tcquc u<br />

for this school year.<br />

Masuoka chosen BCO chair<br />

By Clcn'ia Lee<br />

Jur..o< Makiko Maiuoka has<br />

been elected as the new chairperson<br />

nf the Board of Clan<br />

Offices (BCO) in the third<br />

election held this year tor ihe<br />

office.<br />

<strong>The</strong> September 29 election<br />

showed her a winner with 14&<br />

votes to opponent Pamela<br />

King's 122 votes.<br />

Muuoka had v.u>: ..

§§<br />

fell<br />

Middle East erupts in conflict<br />

gov<br />

For years;<br />

more or lea tb<br />

confidence aa"a<br />

an4 soundf of Its beautiful capital.<br />

.Lebanon yean ago wher.it<br />

ptwpalty among nailera.<br />

... a political analysis<br />

a paragon of success.<br />

rcr, an

SPQLHICS__<br />

Prop. 15:<br />

shooting from the hip?<br />

By Kris Clothlu<br />

<strong>The</strong> alarming ilia In handgun-<br />

££< related crlma has caused gun<br />

'"_ control to become a mi Jot Issue<br />

oo the social and political<br />

scenes.<br />

In today*! locrfjslngly violent<br />

society, the number of<br />

-handgun being purchased has<br />

' steadily Increased. This'uatiuoal<br />

private arsenal h« reached ihj<br />

. SS minion figure ant! b expected<br />

m pass 100 million by the year<br />

' 2000. .<br />

<strong>The</strong> Increase In the sale and<br />

use of handguns has resulted In<br />

the formation of various groups<br />

dedicated to better Inform the<br />

public abcut handgun use and<br />

control*<br />

One such organisation, me<br />

Foundation oo violence In -<br />

America, was created as a<br />

result of the aisusUutlon of<br />

eT:-Beatle and peace advocate<br />

John Lcnnoc<br />

"Wo founded this Institution<br />

to try and convert soma of that<br />

(zagts experience Into something<br />

positive so that his death<br />

would stand for something,"<br />

stated lanu S. Wenner, a clnse<br />

friend of Lennon,<br />

Even though an expected three<br />

or four million gun are expected<br />

to be sold this year, three out<br />

- of four Americans favor some<br />

tort of handgun control.<br />

Current laws allow Individuals<br />

IB yean or older to purchase a<br />

handgun as long as he/she Is<br />

not a i Evicted criminal, mentally<br />

disturbed, or a drug atMlci.<br />

Some, like Wenner, feel<br />

that the national gun lobby is<br />

responsible for spreading con-<br />

fusion among the public about<br />

Run control,<br />

Cun lobbyists comerd that<br />

people must be able to protect<br />

themselves and oppose any kind<br />

of gun conticl laws.<br />

Th; pro Jnd con gun control<br />

advocates have been active<br />

'lils past yenr. <strong>The</strong> town of<br />

V'crmesaw, Georgia, became<br />

the first to adopt legislation<br />

requiring every citizen to have<br />

a fireum for protection.<br />

Pilot programs In five American<br />

cities will have p.'-Uce<br />

working to educate the p»Mic<br />

"Handguns breed fear,<br />

fear breeds handguns."<br />

that handguns co not necessarily<br />

afford protection*<br />

San Francisco became the<br />

first major city to ban most<br />

private ownwershlp of handguns.<br />

A contovralal huidgun control<br />

measure Is oo the November<br />

2 California ballot.<br />

Proposition IS would require<br />

registration of all handguns in<br />

California by November 2,<br />

1983, and provides mandatory<br />

Jail sentences for Individuals<br />

caught carrying concealed<br />

hanugum.<br />

XUIUons cf dollars are being<br />

'spent by supporters and opponent!<br />

of rhe measure.<br />

Statistic! iaiy that one :•*<br />

every four American voters owns<br />

a handgun and half of them<br />

are loaded.<br />

<strong>The</strong> dilemma is summed up<br />

by the phrase. 'Handguns breed<br />

fear, and fear breeds handguns.*<br />

Politics: a media game<br />

By Mary Joyce mercUl showing an older, grey-<br />

Are America's volets becom- haired woman sitting In her<br />

Ing a group of mindless clt««ns? utchen. She Is deciding to<br />

Whe^Amerlcans vote, do they<br />

know what they are voting for<br />

when they choose one candidate<br />

over another?<br />

Since the ran of m- century,<br />

the man media In their .arlous<br />

forms have made it possible,<br />

for example, for people In such<br />

place, as Great Falls, Montana.<br />

to receive the latest news about<br />

world conditions. Only the<br />

most obscure areas of ihU pUnet<br />

are cut off from world news.<br />

•. Some observers of me social<br />

'. aad political scene maintain<br />

: ithat In America the news media<br />

- are being used and abused as<br />

; X kind of political lever.<br />

a&-15;.-t r 'THIi year, according to<br />

SsSf'-Newsweek" magazine, half of<br />

~"' rbe political commercials on<br />

& , ; •<br />

television empoastoe the "ncg-<br />

:' altee" aspects of me sponsors'<br />

fc . opponents. On a typical 30-<br />

*' second political commercial,<br />

fewer man ten seconds arc<br />

spent on the candidate who ts<br />

iV: 7 , paying for the spot.<br />

^ - ?;A» part of Jerry Brown's<br />

senatorial campaign, bis backers<br />

, M« running a lelevUlon com-<br />

October V1982<br />

vote from Brown oecaiae Pete<br />

Wilson. hU opponent, wants<br />

10 cut the Social Security benefits<br />

she U receiving.<br />

K commercial for congressional<br />

candidate Dennis r/cQuald<br />

features a young fatl.cr idling<br />

nil Uttle gltl a -fairy ale, -<br />

In which McQuald li the "hcro-<br />

,M his unnamed -villain- opp-<br />

?cents are accused of being<br />

dishonest.<br />

Much time Is being spent<br />

to emphaslie the negative aspects<br />

of ibc ojvaltl'o, and<br />

little verbiage It Included to<br />

indicate wbal tb5 sponsor's<br />

positive philosophy Is and vtat<br />

be stands for.<br />

<strong>The</strong> NarJ".eal Cooservatlvo<br />

PoUtlcal Acrton Committee<br />

(NCPAC) U speeding U.S<br />

million In la attempt to keep<br />

the Senate Republican ruled.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Republicans are, obviously,<br />

fighting bard. <strong>The</strong> Democratic<br />

Party la Jurt as determined to<br />

regain Its lost congressional<br />

seats.<br />

T»io result Is mat television<br />

and radio have once agate bs-<br />

Election '82 heats up]<br />

Dy Ellen Welner<br />

A proposed bond act, a referendum on (he nuclear aims race, and a<br />

new approach to legislative reappomonmcr.t, are the highlight! cf the<br />

November billot prepositions.<br />

<strong>The</strong> following summary examine: dim three controvertUI ptopoiltlons,<br />

that. If pftned wilt have a ma Jot impact on California-<br />

Proposition 4: <strong>The</strong>UkcTa-<br />

>e Acquisitions Bond Act<br />

Summary -<br />

<strong>The</strong> proposition known as<br />

the UVe Tahoe Acquisitions<br />

Bond Act would authorise the<br />

state of California to "Issue<br />

and sell $85 million In state<br />

.1 obligation bonds."<br />

Tbe proceeds from this sale<br />

would be used to purchaie land<br />

in the Lake Tahoe Bailn area<br />

and to protect It frum father<br />

decline. Furthermore, !t<br />

would preserve itte scenic and<br />

recteational areas of Lake<br />

Tjhoe and protect thw fict is to prevent the<br />

xiiV of .in accidental war.<br />

<strong>The</strong> second Is to prevent rfcc<br />

nuclear ar.ic UCK from continuing.<br />

1b»y ?!**»mainUln<br />

that the tremendous c?*t of<br />

the nuclear arms uce « a<br />

terrtblo buidea lor the American<br />

economy.<br />

Coo-<br />

Thote who oppoao the<br />

itatute believe that It would<br />

not reduce the risk of a nuclcat<br />

war. <strong>The</strong>y feel that if<br />

a'freeze* were enacted, the<br />

Soviet Union would have an<br />

advantage over the United<br />

States.<br />

•a<br />

•a<br />

•a<br />

•a<br />


come major battlegrounds fcf<br />

the warring factions. <strong>The</strong><br />

average prime-time viewer<br />

Is subjected to at least one<br />

political commercial every<br />

half hour. TVi 1982 elections.<br />

It seems, could be decided by<br />

which party c»n afford the moc<br />

alr-tlroo.<br />

Activist groups, too, are<br />

aoverUstng their oplalons<br />

nationally. 7or example, Americans<br />

for Ufe, in anti-abortion<br />

organization, bas been working<br />

to defeat Democraa Edward .<br />

Proposition M: RcippcrUonment<br />

by Districting Commission<br />

or Supremo Court: Initiative<br />

Constitutional Amendment<br />

Stimmary-<br />

PropositioD 14 would amend<br />

the state constitution by tuntferring<br />

the rerporalbf lity cf<br />

rcapportlonment from the<br />

sure legislature to a newly<br />

established commission. This<br />

commission would reapportlon<br />

the Assembly, Sate Senate,<br />

Congressional, and Board of<br />

Equalization districts. It<br />

would consist of members appointed<br />

by California Justices<br />

and political parties.<br />

Pro-<br />

Supporters of this amendment.<br />

Including former President<br />

Gerald Ford, believe tha<br />

mat allowing legislators to<br />

draw tt--(r own district lines<br />

lead* to corrupt political<br />

"genyinandsrfag." •Gerrymandering'*<br />

is the p*rty policy<br />

of drawf ng the rcapportionment<br />

l«iies strictly on the<br />

bails of politic *1 gain. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

feel that th« tommtttion Ir<br />

the only way no Inpire fait<br />

representation.<br />

Con-<br />

Thsse opposed to this proposition<br />

feel that only elected<br />

represenutives of the people<br />

should determine legislative<br />

dirricts. <strong>The</strong>) tMnk that<br />

the Commission would take<br />

away uic voters' rfRtits.<br />

Kennedy of Massachusetts, ban-<br />

1^1 Moyculun at New York,<br />

Paul Sarbanes of Marybmt, and<br />

Quentln Burdlck of North DakoiA<br />

I17 sending tenets to voters in<br />

these slates referring to the.<br />

f**ur senators as "baby killers."<br />

In retaliation. Planned<br />

Parcmhood of America has<br />

run newspaper ads that read,<br />

"<strong>The</strong> decision to have a baby<br />

could soon be between you,<br />

your husband, and your senator."<br />

' <strong>The</strong> results of the 19B2 elections<br />

- the winning ptopojltlooi,<br />

the elected officials, and the<br />

dominance of the Republicans<br />

or Democrats - may well be<br />

decided by the Influences of the<br />

media on ihe American people.<br />

THE LOWELL 17<br />

ffi<br />


I-ST-<br />

Volleyball changes coaches;<br />

team shows potential<br />

ByMsaCogar<br />

"I could not give 100 percent<br />

to both teams, • explained<br />

Lorctu DcAodreit In rcferiing .<br />

10 her resignation as <strong>Lowell</strong>'*<br />

girli* vollcybilT -oach.<br />

Science teacher lames Kturl<br />

Wl! coach tbe 1382 fifth 1<br />

vdllsybillteam with the uils-<br />

UDCU of Hang Vu, a San Francisco<br />

*»::.« University student.<br />

Xocr. 2{^, jntl<br />

Kaihl Lin, seniors. Knurl<br />

feels they wli* ho the nucleus<br />

of '.be startr-rs.<br />

In it'trplng jp the altitude<br />

of the tcjm in regard :J chsmplonthip<br />

hopes, junior CcnUe •<br />

t^cnj; tcnu.Vsd, "We -*re<br />

going v~ win!"<br />

tewslads:<br />

an an oversized racquet aid your game?!<br />

b orange tennis balb, and spaghett<br />

k s - what will they think of<br />

next?<br />

Over the pa»t few years, the<br />

Sgamc of tennis has been mod*<br />

biffed. Improved, and sometimes<br />

Ijuii plain surprised by the many<br />

ifadt, gimmicks, and creation:<br />

Sof the tennis equipment manu-<br />

^focturcrs of the world.<br />

<strong>The</strong> latest on the list of sur*<br />

lic* arc (lie now-common<br />

bovcr-ilzcd rackets. Prince,<br />

^ Donnay, Dunlop, and many<br />

pother companies arc pulling in<br />

i thouunds of dollan daily will)<br />

Lutes of their ovcr-ilzcd racket<br />

\ creation t.<br />

Graphite rackets teem to be a<br />

Iblg itcmon the current nurtfeu<br />

ive a player i>-c power,<br />

cr fcul, and the £r.ipliitc<br />

latent vlbratlotts.<br />

Jmt how much a graphite or<br />

;«Lkct will help one**<br />

ganic Is c;cn to qua (too. Some<br />

coactics tell their students to<br />

purchaic ovcr-slzcd rackets, i.o<br />

rrurc: what their pla>ii^ ability<br />

1s. Still osiers maintain that<br />

qulpmcni nuVcs little or no<br />

and tuai or«.) (XJC-<br />

Just by looking at the top<br />

players of today give- the >iovice<br />

pU)er liltfc Idea as to which<br />

way to TCTU John Mctwoe. li..i<br />

mo-t ropulir playct on the cl>-<br />

CVC, ptoy* with a r»wnlop woc c p.taphltc racket.<br />

On tnc women's clrcatt,<br />

numbct one rankit) player C!uU<br />

Evert continues to use a wooden<br />

Wilson tackct, wlicicas lumber<br />

t\»o tanked Martina I'avratilova<br />

recently r.udc a drastic chanse<br />

to a R-7 Yonex, an ovcr-ilrcd<br />

racket.<br />

Since<br />

rwi VNN; tnc Fraich MM Austral-*^<br />

lan Opcrs rloog wli Jie p;cstl£(oui<br />

Wimbledon tltie. Because<br />

of her winning streak,<br />

nuny players arc heading to<br />

did: loral tennb shopf to buy<br />

nvrr-ilzcd rackets.<br />

In your Kzrrh for the beet racket, ^<br />

d > in. ask your local tcntis<br />

pro or coach because no one<br />

can tell you what racket Is the \<br />

ocst r*- you except yourself.<br />

<strong>The</strong> smart racket shopper<br />

will Ignore the fads and the<br />

gimmicks *\nd will go to a<br />

tcnrUs ilicp and try out a few<br />

demos. Most store* cany<br />

c\ cry model from the Head<br />

director (It locks l'kc a wowshoc)<br />

to the Princ*: woodlc,<br />

a graphite and wood ovcr->l=cdV<br />

racket tltac combine* all or the 5<br />

Tadi and then some,<br />

Rwncinbcr -_iho nckct Is not?<br />

[g eveiyihtngt^Tficrc JTC abo<br />

= orange colored tennis balb,<br />

S100 leather tennis shoes, and '<br />

550 stringing jobs.<br />

After all Is said and done.<br />

It's practice that makes perfect^<br />

Who needs a mow-jhoc for<br />

a racket anyway<br />

Tough defense not enough for varsity football<br />

By ninly Koa<br />

<strong>The</strong> Louell vanity Toolball<br />

team klckol off the tcgubr<br />

•ojoa on Otobcr 1 wlih > c-fc<br />

tan io the Minion High Bean<br />

. ca Voyne Field.<br />

<strong>The</strong> iMm'i ovet-iU pctfocmanee<br />

was fJc better thin the<br />

flail score Indicated, despite<br />

screni tndlan fumbles In the<br />

flnt quaner,<br />

*( . <strong>The</strong> statistics showed ouuundlog<br />

petfocnunccs by linebacker<br />

.Hatlan Zimmerman with 18<br />

acklet and by wide receiver<br />

Demerrio Avillno, who msec<br />

several key receptions under<br />

tlgrt 3at fcessure.<br />

Safety Ernest Bates bad an<br />

improsive'dty with two Intercepdom,<br />

while punter Joe<br />

CMoso unleashed a -11-yard<br />

Wei.' .•'•-. i<br />

During the course of the -<br />

gimc, ioth te>n»icored<br />

- touchdowni that were nuUlfled."<br />

•A Beta 1 score.In die flnt ':<br />

. quarter dM not count because<br />

of iluldln^ penalty, vhile a '<br />

toven toucbaown in tlie third -<br />

qutrler. « catch and break-away<br />

run by wide receiver Davaln<br />

Jicloon, was called bact-.becaioi<br />

coe of the pteyos failed *<br />

to pt we will only succeed irtih<br />

exceptional performances f,jra<br />

our starters and, race Important-<br />

'iy. no injuries.-<br />

October 8. 1982<br />

s<br />


I SPORTS<br />

|Fong, Richardson athletes of the month<br />

/ i By Oaru Falk<br />

-J". JoanFnnft, October "Athlete<br />

! of the Montn," has been blessed<br />

,'! with venaUHty. As If It Isn't<br />

.; J hard enough to excel »t ooc<br />

J sport, she excells at three -<br />

•. I bulxtbili, football, and soft-<br />

/.J Referring to herseltmore<br />

J as a solid, reliable player thin<br />

• J as a bonaflde "star," she has,<br />

•-J nevertheless, proven he? worth<br />

- * by holding down the poslrions<br />

\ of forward on ihc girli* VArsity<br />

J basketball team, qustternack<br />

{ on this ytaz's senior Dowd^rpuff<br />

i football tram, and shorutop<br />

•^ TJ for do ^(fls* softball team.<br />

" i Tor ;my n>ie sport, 1 wut/t<br />

! the outstanding pla/ur, but I<br />

i contributed my pan," confirmed<br />

Iroog.<br />

! Pong's Involvement in sports i<br />

i i.<br />

Fong; towsver, U holding<br />

h:c own. On Ust year'* softbill<br />

l-am. she hit . 583 ID her<br />

roln as l-jd-oif batter, i tribute<br />

i& her high on-bnc pr~ watfe.<br />

Ai co-cxpuln of the owdcrpuff<br />

team Lur D-scember, Feng<br />

quairerbacked the Junlon arxl<br />

was responsible for relating the<br />

plays to the offeme in the<br />

huddle.<br />

In addition, die played forward<br />

for the basketball team<br />

ai a tophomore, before returning<br />

to the game thb season.<br />

Of all the parrw In which she<br />

panic!paicd, several plays stick<br />

out as particular*/ vivid memories.<br />

Fong remembers the<br />

time she played a nearly flaw-<br />

sJoan<br />

less defensive jof.ball game<br />

agaLn:' 'Ilscn.<br />

"Everything was going my<br />

way," the reflected. Perhaps<br />

not as fond, but certainly as<br />

vivid, Is the recollection of itu<br />

time she hit a long drive to<br />

outfield - a sure homeiun - bi<br />

mined the bag rounding second<br />

Epsilons go the distance;<br />

Thomas wants team spMt<br />

i As the I9tc cron country<br />

suion begins, the Irtulaos are<br />

expected to once again take<br />

All-City horjM.<br />

An early season InvlutiMul<br />

meet was successful from tke<br />

Indians' point of view as senior<br />

Bob Richardson took first place.<br />

H« b tabbed as a definite conuedet<br />

In the Indians' efforts<br />

to n'a AU-City.<br />

Coach James Thomas feeb<br />

the team could tike the championship.<br />

He Mid mat the glrV<br />

and froth/TOph teams could go<br />

»a the w»jr, but the bow' vanity<br />

squad neeok tb Improve,<br />

"Wuhingxn rould uke the.<br />

iniiy :if~s" Tbonsu suttd.<br />

Ho noted tha: me gUU'<br />

tad froih/topS teams can expeel<br />

tough competltloo from<br />

Lincoln High.<br />

Tbonsu U tiylng to develop<br />

* feeling of pride among the<br />

team membea. He Indicated<br />

Oetobu?. 1982<br />

U enough team pride at the<br />

present time and that the team :<br />

gives up too easily. He wants •<br />

to sfo everyone work harder. ;<br />

New ream members wtx ;<br />

jhow (otenOal include freshmen:<br />

Evelyn Achuck. CteU Crlsca, ;<br />

andWlUUmWat:.<br />

Thomas feels that wnlors<br />

Rlchardsco and Eliiabem Brown<br />

and sophomore ranicli Brown<br />

should qualify for UK Koitbem<br />

California Meet.<br />

Thomas iu:cd thai the men<br />

Improved runner U Junior<br />

year on the Frosh'Scph te*m In<br />

ninth position. He ended the<br />

year In fourth, ran track, n«e>ticed<br />

bard over &e summer,<br />

and is now number two en the<br />

boys'vanity. Senior Jobnathan<br />

Rogers Is in ck*e competition<br />

with Chin.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Indians' first league<br />

meet will bo October 21<br />

against Galileo and O'ComcU<br />

ar* was tagged oci '.crambllng<br />

hick to it.<br />

Fong, It ttcijt* ;>as had her<br />

tuomeius. She reltiha the<br />

rime iti? »pends involved In<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> sports an/ 1 , hop* to<br />

roctloc- with i-jftball a* tfc*<br />

colleplatc level.<br />

"When you are playing sporu,<br />

you get to meet a lot of people,"<br />

she remarked, "... and you get<br />

to get out of class early," the<br />

Jokingly added.<br />

Apparently, she hat not gotten<br />

out of too many classes as tha<br />

sports a 4.0 CPA. Fong aspires -c<br />

to attend cither Harvard or Stan ***<br />

ford and eventually become a<br />

phyilrtan In private practice.<br />

For the :tmc being, '.Vou$h,<br />

spons will remain a tuple.<br />

, "But as 1 ran over the tutamer,<br />

hjrf , ^ mlng,<br />

1 decided I liked running betcr." hani cnoogh w place wcII -<br />

1 didn't do too welt until he commented.<br />

I came to California In my "I try tc keep my mind clear<br />

Junior year," he explained. during a race to that I can<br />

When 'rack scajon starts (n concentrate writ," he jddsd.<br />

tne iprtng of 19H.1, RIchardion Jamct ntomai, cron country<br />

expects to run the one and two track cuach, stated, "As a<br />

mile events Tor the <strong>Lowell</strong> turn. liigh icbool runner, Richardson<br />

definitely h*i promise."<br />

=Bob Richardson=^=<br />

"In my opinion, he needs a<br />

By MIIU Pio<br />

Hie date was September 18.<br />

<strong>The</strong> place was Golden Gate<br />

Park. <strong>The</strong> event was ihc<br />

Lowcll-L:rK--.ln-McAtcer Invltvlonal<br />

Cron Ccunrry<br />

Meet.<br />

Tt\j competition Included<br />

"Last year my time Tor the<br />

mile wu 4.32. This yc.ir I<br />

want to bring ft down to about<br />

4.15 or 4.10," he Indicated.<br />

Richardson is currently train-<br />

Ing for Individual meet* a;<br />

well ai for the uate crow<br />

country competition, NOR CAU<br />

Uttle more work on bit form<br />

and running technique He has<br />

improved considerably .ince last<br />

icaion because he. lui been ooncenuailng."<br />

Richardson plans to attend<br />

USO ot VIOLA and major In<br />

c mpuier Jc'taicc. He definite-<br />

participant! from some 13<br />

high schools tn Kottcm California.<br />

Qualifying for the meet entails<br />

cither placing flnt or icc-ond<br />

In tnc AU-City meet or being<br />

ly wints '.o t'..*i In college and<br />

"... for the rc»; of !ny life"<br />

He hai UUli hnpes lor <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

. 1r.". fin; j-licc winner was<br />

towcU'l Boo Hlcrurdson. who<br />

ran the 3.1 mile course lit<br />

16. 58 mlnutei, skimming CG<br />

secocdi off the old record.<br />

Rlaurdioa began running<br />

as a high school freshman In<br />

Kentucky wncrc he lived fcr<br />

several years.<br />

"I started to run to get In<br />

shire for football.* he itatcd.<br />

on a top high school team.<br />

Richardson runs an average<br />

of icn milci per t!a,. To prepare<br />

hlmscli mentally for a<br />

meet, he concentrates on the<br />

denuding training he has gone<br />

through.<br />

"Last year I lacked confluence<br />

because 1 was always running<br />

second to Fatly Malik. Now<br />

before meet! I remember how<br />

croa country team (hit year.<br />

"I think we. an uke the All-<br />

City title We hive the talent<br />

and the depth Is coming thrcugtu<br />

We ate monger than Lit. year,<br />

but, it wilt take cft'ort," he<br />

notcJ.<br />

lie siJiied, 'it's Imporunt<br />

that I do well, but It U >Uo<br />

importJr* that the other runner*<br />

team."<br />

Frosh hoopsters tip~oif season<br />

i-'-Up lot ttibf<br />

By Carol Asuncion<br />

-Wlthanard-wotklng. aggressive,<br />


SPORTS<br />

PITCH-<br />

naFalk- Boys' soccer heads off season<br />

By Uta Mlley<br />

"<strong>The</strong>y have beer, -forking Phcjg itatcd, "ImiwH of<br />

bard enovgh to twits the folding when we were bch!nd<br />

play-offs ihfi year." cammed 2*0, we hung toy^h and acx<br />

Emit Fclbjich, toac'.i of Utc hack to win 3-2."* <strong>The</strong> winning<br />

boy*' JOCCC icam.<br />

goal cane o." a free kick by<br />

He printed out that thb O.arcla.<br />

ycat'i tquad rontbts of nuny Fclbutch indicated that ho<br />

new, talented pbyes w.»h strenci cokcslvcncn and esprit<br />

the core of lait yearS team<br />

return it^.<br />

Fcitriv;!. It ctiwulanl.; AW<br />

the number of ftethmen and<br />

new playcn who came out for<br />

the team this year. Among the<br />

raicntcd freshmen arc Roiy Camp,<br />

we put It all together ^nd work<br />

ai a team."<br />

Aikcd If the team hat any "nar"<br />

playcn, Felbusch reiponded,<br />

"When we arc on the field, we<br />

play aj a team; we have no<br />

He added, "<strong>The</strong> lucccu of our<br />

tcAm djpcivij on the determination<br />

of all the guys; it has got<br />

to be a team effort."<br />

Goalkeeper Pneng reflected on<br />

last year's Ion to NQttton High<br />

in the play-offs whlcti left <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

in third place and stated, "We<br />

have 9 goota team this year with<br />

a solid offense and defense."<br />

T^e team opened league<br />

competition with a 2-0 win<br />

over McAtccr High School.<br />

Coming garnet Include contcm<br />

with Wlkon at Crocker<br />

Amazon on October 12, Lincoln<br />

at Beach Chalet on October 14,<br />

a.vl Mission at ttcach Chalet on<br />

October 19. All game* begin<br />

st 3:15 p.m.<br />

yhethcr you<br />

m<br />

f re n meager P. E. student who Danny TaUanr, Martin Ouinton*<br />

«R ot the thought of a "number basketball" .j^ and ,lung ^CCt C<br />

finne, or an alX-pro wide receiver who worries -Vtic new playcn ate rapidl>S<br />

nbouv running a complex puss pnecern. you no developing Into urong team 2<br />

doubt experience scuc type of nervousness, i.icmbcn," itatcd Fclbuich. -P<br />

<strong>The</strong> lf»u«> of nervousnens In sports 1» not; in the victory over Unlvcuity*,<br />

one that -any be easily shunned; it occurs at all Steve Fnlan scored first, and<br />

levels of competition, and nay have a tremendous A Ware Care la nude *hat ptoved<br />

effect on an athlete's pcrformnncc. to be die winning goal.<br />

Surely all sports fans have seen the weekly One of the team's bnt prchighlights<br />

on television, with the segment on jutco performances came In<br />

''bloopers"- you know, :h.it visiml collage of the game agalmi Armljo,<br />

the most flagrant, and, consequently, the most<br />

entertaining errors tnndc by professional athletes.<br />

.*. funny to the viewer;' mortifying ro the<br />

aihlctc.<br />

Thin state of nervousness, sportsman's<br />

syndronc, 'athletlcus chokus.' or vhatsvrr you<br />

term it, may be spurred by a need to prove<br />

ability to coaches and fans, the shock of a<br />

game situation, as opposed to just practice.<br />

insecurity from past mistakes, or any number of<br />

other things.<br />

In addif ion to the physical aspect of it,<br />

too, £.s th< cmotio.icl aspect, put simply, the<br />

cmb«rr«6f .-n;. In tJiln ruupucr, the entire<br />

topic of acrvousnesB in sports muy not Ic at*<br />

blown out of proportion as it sncmt>.<br />

Imagine being *» safety for *:hc IIcw Oilcans<br />

Saints, ana hnvinr tc worry .ibouc being booed<br />

dcflnci as-... a team working<br />

together a> one unit, dolnR<br />

ciciything together."<br />

Fctbuich noted. "We can do<br />

L-ear providin<br />

by 50,000 people every time yo^r man hums you<br />

for a roccptlon...<br />

It's been said that a jnrtaln amount of<br />

"butterflies in the stoanc.i" is actually es-<br />

|*tmtp_««Id, ->

f Computer classes now in session<br />

I<br />

Dahl't morning computer<br />

By t_ Jocclyn _% t,_, Kci .1 Dahl's morulng L'orrtputer nudcnts |H1H»,,,(, basic ,,,,„„ landing-; (taslc, ».,.•.. MMi^tllll ftn^i^MwntTlt^BWBB<br />

clau,<br />

Computer Programming and<br />

all-putpcic, lymbolfc, irulnic-<br />

Nino of the IIP85A mlcro-<br />

AdMSced Elccmmla/Compmcr<br />

rlnrul coticj.<br />

compulcn, eninulcd to be<br />

Literature itc finally being<br />

"We arc making up the (cxt-<br />

worth 340,000, were donated<br />

offered .-u cUud tiiU fall lembook<br />

at we go," DJM continued.<br />

by a <strong>Lowell</strong> alumnus from<br />

estcz because of die combined<br />

"I am basically Involved with<br />

efforts of <strong>Lowell</strong> itamnia, fac- Hewlett Packard. With receipts lhc"or8anl'ia"tlon o'[ the class,<br />

utty. am) Pair-it Teacher Aaoc' from the Dook-to-Book Center. „ „ lhc ,„,.„,„,. *slaMa wt,o<br />

latloo memben.<br />

the PTSA bought the tenth do mott of the icarhlng: In<br />

computer for approximately<br />

peer DahU Science DepMi-<br />

fact, the TA*i prcoably know<br />

33,000 retail.<br />

n>xt bead, and teacber of the<br />

more about the baiic language<br />

<strong>The</strong> three other computers<br />

modi 3, 4, S cortfJter pro-<br />

than I do. <strong>The</strong>se junlon and<br />

arc Apple computers and arc<br />

gramming clan, expUlne^,<br />

seniors are experts; most of<br />

kept In room 255 foe use In<br />

"Oibet ichooli generally iar<br />

tlicm even have their own com-<br />

physics teacher Ronald Wong's<br />

federal fucdiog foe thar computers<br />

at home,"<br />

Advanced Electronics class.<br />

puter! »od computer progtatro.<br />

With the apparent success<br />

SlcrMavell did not receive<br />

federal fundt for computer<br />

dun, our program began<br />

only after we received the<br />

computers ai donation! earlta<br />

A S5.000 donation to the of |he currcnt p^m, thc<br />

PTSA bought thc not Apple XbUl aad Scleoec Departments<br />

computer, a- well a< dUc drives hopc t0 havc mrcc „ fnur<br />

«nd a primer. A faculty mem- compuIcr ptogramn ijclai.es<br />

Dct contribMtcd the scconJ nMl icmcitcr.<br />

^<br />

thliycar."<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> now has A total of<br />

13 computen. ten of which<br />

ate In Room 334 Tor im by<br />

Apple, and thc 13th computer<br />

came from various district<br />

"SSSJutcr Programming ii<br />

3 one «cmcstcr cta«' .inn !j.v»:iet<br />

Dah| hopci t|,at LoWcU WJH<br />

able to develop a one-year<br />

Advanced Placement computer<br />

science coune. A I'udcm makes me of one cf <strong>Lowell</strong>'s new computers<br />

Volume 156, Numbers LowtU High School. Sin Francisco. C»lilomU 94132 November b, IflM<br />

Lewis co-authors<br />

new publication<br />

By Ctrolirw/tabadlng satires," streucd Lcwb. "<strong>The</strong>y<br />

"People have trouble with the COJIC from a pain 'Jut mutt be<br />

HOXIM. jrh;y,ircatisry. mock- cxpfcucd."<br />

to book critic Prin-<br />

log sttvies^'and people Just *<br />

ces<br />

*"*—*'•"•<br />

Starn** review, LewU and<br />

don't undentand where the<br />

Gadd'i itotlct "... arc meant<br />

anga Is Naming from."<br />

to ITUVC us th^iik abot2 throe<br />

So sated Florence Lcwb,<br />

In power, ihotc not in power<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> English Imtrucor, In<br />

and In pain, and those wlu?<br />

reference to her and teacher<br />

exploit frorr either end."<br />

Bernard Gadd's newly published<br />

Patricia llol:, bevk reviewer,<br />

book of short stories, "Who<br />

wrote, "Wake upl this work<br />

Wants To Be Lillian Plotnlck's<br />

says; read with a sense of<br />

Mother?" (HalUtd Press, 62<br />

adventure [and] develop crlticil<br />

page*. 35.95).<br />

faculties..."<br />

' Self-published and printed in<br />

New Zealand by Cadd. the However. H.'U added, "LiVc<br />

eight satirical storlci deal with many seU-pubUshcd booki, tills<br />

subjects ranging from thc Berk- one Is amatcurUhly produced.<br />

English Inittuctcr Florence Lewis conducts a class<br />

cley coontcz-cQlture to Maori<br />

yotsth.<br />

'; Lewis explained that some<br />

-r^*P lc ^° no1 uodenund the<br />

coltoetloQ because they cannot<br />

- Identify with the characters*<br />

situation*.<br />

V rroe example," Lewis pointed<br />

* out, "tome people cinnot un-<br />

. demand where the Jewish<br />

mode's anger Is coining £rom<br />

intbeiroey, 'Who raw to be<br />

("laUUfl Plotnlck's mother?*"<br />

i: .One would flat have to understand<br />

the bine* mother's sit-<br />

' uatton before he could under-<br />

basically unedited, and full of<br />

typographical crroa."<br />

Lewis agrees, " <strong>The</strong>se typos<br />

are a heartache for me," she<br />

sighed. "I cringe everytimc 1<br />

pick up the book." Despite<br />

this problem, Lcwb feels that<br />

the book censbo of * good<br />

stories."<br />

Lew a wrote the satires during<br />

the summers of the 70*s as busy<br />

scbonl semesters prevented her<br />

rreni writing more often. "When<br />

something was bothering rae<br />

however, I nunageO to squeeze<br />

'ttirrf the «nger, UwU explained. l» ibd time to write," she eropha<br />

- "My.stories ire definitely sLtcd.<br />

Seniors improve on tests<br />

By Elizabeth Ur«wn<br />

Uwcll'i college-bound i.nl»r*<br />

from the Clau of 19K icored<br />

hlglier on thc Schola.tic Aptitude<br />

Tat than the averse tiudcnt<br />

in thc San Fnttclicu Unlfk'J<br />

School District, in the Jt.itc,<br />

and In Cic nation, in both thc<br />

verbal and mathematics fcctlons.<br />

For the <strong>Lowell</strong> collc^c-btnjnd<br />

senior who took th>? SAT Liu<br />

year, the av-ragc score en the<br />

verbal section of thc test wai<br />

4C7. Thb score Is mote than<br />

40 points above ihc national<br />

average of •!?£.<br />

In the mathematics section<br />

of the SAT. the average score<br />

for a Lowcllite was M9. Thc<br />

; uio al j ± fur college-<br />

On the iialc lc\cl, <strong>Lowell</strong>')<br />

average* v.crc c^tuldcrabU<br />

hlKti^* »*;T^ c:.ilifnfn.'i*i. Tin<br />

nate avci-i^c fur iito vcrb.il<br />

atiJ mailicnutl':! lCctlem v.'cxc<br />

:iB4 anO 47-1, respectively.<br />

Locally, the average tcotc<br />

of a San FrancUco jenior wai<br />

:tB4 on ttie verbal icctlon and<br />

•ITS on tlic mathcmailcs section.<br />

Tt:c tout number of students<br />

in l!i


, - •. * I<br />

Novembers. 1982 TIIE LOWai 3

NEWS<br />

Radio station KALW struggles for survival<br />

By Mark Uogar<br />

KALW-FM(9L,T), radio station<br />

for San Francisco'* public srhoob<br />

since 1941, II embarking on a<br />

vlgorout fund-ratilng campaign<br />

to avoid being liquidated by<br />

tfic clry'i school district beeautr<br />

of lack of money.<br />

When die California State<br />

Legislature decided to slice<br />

K.9 million from this year's<br />

city school bodge:, the district,<br />

tii turn, vu forced to halt thL<br />

flov of funds to the radio station,<br />

KALW staff members, however,<br />

wete lurccuful to convincing<br />

Saperlmendcnt Robert Alloto<br />

aad the memben of the 9o*rJ cT<br />

education to give them time to<br />

[also money In order to contlniKbroadcastlng.<br />

Trie station's tuff promptly<br />

planned out In strategy, which<br />

Includes special fuaJ-raising<br />

eve.UJ Jnd sales. <strong>The</strong> cruuilc<br />

beqan on October 22 with a<br />

benefit concert featuring Qm en<br />

Ida and her Don Ton Zydeco<br />

Band, a folk music emcmblc<br />

'<strong>The</strong> very first thing ve did<br />

was to tell our 30,000 lister en<br />

about the grive situation we are<br />

In and hope that donations would<br />

start corcing," confided Leon<br />

DelGrande, general manager.<br />

KALW hopes to secuic corporate<br />

underwriting anJ grams<br />

from foundations, when combined,<br />

voaM luure the sutlon's<br />

survival.<br />

"We can't Just go up to company<br />

icpreseaiatltet In our nice<br />

neat suits aad ask politely for<br />

some money," emphasized<br />

QelGrande. "We must have<br />

br.-shures and othet materials<br />

a well as ttie ability to eoovuuc<br />

them that ui are » teal<br />

community service wlih great<br />

potential."<br />

Gthu posslblUtles being<br />

studied Include leasing some<br />

of tlielr facilities (the station<br />

Is located on the fifth floor<br />

of John O'Connell School of<br />

Technology) and leasing "spaceon<br />

the station's transmitter.<br />

KALW has for yean presented<br />

live broadcasts of the meetings<br />

of the Board of Education,<br />

special programs In the schools,<br />

and schcol spurts events.<br />

<strong>The</strong> station's forum also<br />

Includes programs of classical,<br />

folk, and Jazz rrusic, drama,<br />

and news features such as<br />

Katloiul Public Radlf'< "All<br />

Things Contldcted."<br />

"We have a lot of rainjt go-<br />

Ing fot us," said DelCrande.<br />

"and now we ate seeking to<br />

expand our audience and Increase<br />

our revenues. We ate<br />

going to show people that KALW<br />

means business!"<br />

'<strong>Lowell</strong>' receives top honors<br />

By Caroline Cabadlng<br />

<strong>The</strong> 1981-P2 school year<br />

Issues of "<strong>The</strong> LowelP received<br />

a tint place rating from the<br />

Columbia ScboUstlr Press Atsoc-<br />

Utlon, nuking this the fourth<br />

straight year the newspaper has<br />

achieved such a ranking.<br />

<strong>The</strong> association graded the<br />

-•MIS publication In four<br />

atci. ruent/coverage,<br />

wrliUVcJltin^, design/display,<br />

*ad creativity.<br />

^ Out of a possible 1,000 points,<br />

'IV <strong>Lowell</strong>" attained an overall<br />

scoce of 905.<br />

<strong>The</strong> newspaper received Its<br />

best score In the contem/cover-<br />

agi area by garnering 213 out<br />

at a maximum of 225 points.<br />

* ccurding to the association's<br />

jwfji*. "(Jcteral coverage was<br />

well-balancod (n content with<br />

•nost bases covered. " <strong>The</strong><br />

judge added, "<strong>The</strong> paper was<br />

very strong la personality features.<br />

Reviews ID the cuertalnment<br />

section were top notch.*<br />

"Writing art editing was<br />

strong and well done ID most<br />

- places," the report staled.<br />

"News stories were<br />

with good wilting styles."<br />

<strong>The</strong> report* commending the<br />

newspapei's general design and<br />

display, remarked, 'Generally,<br />

photography was good" and "...<br />

moit artwork was a plus."<br />

According to the critique,<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Swell's" main probl.ni<br />

was Its bczillnes, which had a<br />

tendency to bump into each<br />

other. Abo, more headlines<br />

ifauld have been written In the<br />

present tcmc#<br />

In addition to the first place<br />

rating, the content/coverage<br />

category «-; given two Columbian<br />

honor ratings. Such ratings<br />

are granted to outstanding Individual<br />

areas.<br />

To determine the scoring,<br />

the annual rating service, made<br />

up of college Instructor and<br />

selected high school teachers*<br />

inspects Issue* published during<br />

the school year.<br />

THIS 14 V0UK.B.7. 5AVIM6<br />


Convocation planned<br />

for November 13<br />

By Mlyoung Chun<br />

"Convocation *esr will be<br />

J at <strong>Lowell</strong> High School on<br />

Saturday, November 13, from<br />

10:45 a. m, to 2:20 p. ru.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Convocation b -iii annual<br />

event which brings together<br />

faculty members, student body<br />

officer*, and student body members<br />

In a two-put session to<br />

iscuss problems sucb as vandalism,<br />

crowded hallways,<br />

school splrir, rudcK participation,<br />

and so forth.<br />

Its main objective U to ;eek<br />

rays to make government run<br />

more effectively to meet the<br />

eeds of thf ttudca'j.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Convocadon will con-<br />

•cue at 10:45 In the cafeteria.<br />

Otlututloti to the day's events<br />

will be the first order of business.<br />

From 11:30 ic 12:30 the<br />

first tesslon will feature dUcuislom<br />

of various school-wide<br />

topics. Such areas u beanery<br />

food, communications between<br />

officers, hallway noise problems,<br />

and the coodltlon of the school<br />

building will be reviewed.<br />

<strong>The</strong> afternoon Melon will<br />

focus on student government<br />

and the four bojnii

NEWS :<br />

20 students named National Merit semifiiialists<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s twenty National Merit SemiflaaUfts<br />

By Pint Fastlff<br />

iuwcll High School has<br />

p«*ccd 70 seniors In die top<br />

unc-tulf percent of ill Arocr-<br />

. lean high 'chool students.<br />

<strong>The</strong> 20 senlon have been<br />

named National Merit scmlflnalisu<br />

in thli yaar's National<br />

Mcrt: SchoUnhip progm:.<br />

L^t year <strong>Lowell</strong> produced 14<br />

such qualifiers. Nstlon-wlde,<br />

15.000 students receive such<br />

' rccogn&va.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s sernlflnilliu Include:<br />

Giry Bianm, Wilson Choi,<br />

Mlcbele dc Coteau* Geoffrey<br />

Ember ling, Susie Kim, Pamela<br />

K'ng, Carolyn Koo, ClovU Lee,<br />

Patrick Lee, Kcnaeth Lcong,<br />

Herbert {.In, Michael Malianc,<br />

Katbcrlae Miller, Emaauel<br />

?a*tretcc, Rebecca Russell,<br />

;*ILCS Taylor, Ctarlotfe W«ng,<br />

Lrurlfl Wolfs, Jotcpb Yuoi,<br />

and *fcrt^"«» Yuen.<br />

Outstanding seniors win<br />

Ovec i,u00,00o students<br />

entered the competition by<br />

taking the Preliminary Scholastic<br />

Aptitude Ten in the fall of<br />

their junlrr year. Semlf Inallit<br />

nanc'Lig U determined t:y imdenu*<br />

jcotc* on the. WAT.<br />

<strong>The</strong> National Merit SchoUnhip<br />

Program awards 5,000 scholarships<br />

annually to students who plan<br />

to go on to four-year colleges<br />

and universities.<br />

To b« rensidered for a<br />

scholarship, a student must<br />

meet additional /centremenu<br />

in oidcr to advance to finalist<br />

sundlng.<br />

Tht innlctf n.K» complete<br />

a semlUnallst application. "So<br />

the Scholastic Aptitude Test<br />

to verify hlsiicr PSAT scarci,<br />

submit A nigh school trantcipt<br />

verifying his/her scholastic<br />

standing, and write a selfdescriptive<br />

csuy.<br />

On t'ie average, one out cf'<br />

fcur finalists receives * scholarship.<br />

fteipondlng to the znnuinccment<br />

that the qualified at<br />

a semifinal^, Smlo Kim<br />

exclaimed, ....tlonl It made<br />

me feel Mod nf secure. It Is •<br />

a valuable thing tc be able to<br />

pur co a college application -<br />

something more highly regardc<br />

than another *A" grade. ••<br />

Laurie Wolfe *iated, "Only<br />

aow nm t realizing how wonder<br />

fol It It. Wtwc I first got my<br />

i'SAT scores, I hoped I would<br />

become a icmifinalli% but<br />

then I forgot about It* But whei<br />

I foun-4 out for sure thai I reall;<br />

had made It, I wu very happy.<br />

In addition to the 20 semiflnaliits,<br />

46 <strong>Lowell</strong> seniors haw<br />

been named "Commended Students"<br />

in the Merit Scholarship<br />

Program. Last year <strong>Lowell</strong> k> J<br />

36 commended students.<br />

• ••wwHjij •••••!! • • • mryrrmftGnnrT l ' J - -^*?^T^^^V<br />

Advertising presents ;<br />

problems in school<br />

By Carol Attnclon conslderatlcn In the W83 sort and by contributions from ;<br />

FOOT <strong>Lowell</strong> seniors, Hakim Achievement Program, and of a Urge number of Individuals,<br />

Bass, MIcheleDeCoteau, thli total, 1,500 hjvt moved companies, and organizations.<br />

Thomas Mitchell, and Andrea Into semltlnalin suiting*. Awards Iitclude 300 renew-<br />

Wilson, have been named as To qualify for finalist stand- able, four-year scholarships,<br />

scmlflnalisis in the National Ing, semlflbaUstf must submit ranging from $1,000 to 98,000<br />

Achievement Program for biographical data and a list for four years of college under-<br />

Outstanding Negro Studetr*. of thrir activities and goals, graduate study.<br />

In order to qualify as seml- demonstrate high academic In addition, 3W J1.0OO<br />

noaUstsV the four seniors bad standing, and substantiate their scholarships will be awarded<br />

to obtain tbe highest scores PSAT scores with high test to the (ln«lUu judgcJ ai hav-<br />

In the PreUminary Scholastic scores on the SAT. <strong>The</strong>y must ing the best combination of<br />

Aptitude Ten(PSAT) which also be recommended by their activities and accomplishments.<br />

they took as Juniors last spring. high school principals.<br />

Winners for the SI, 000<br />

Selections were made from About 1,200 students are ex- scholarships will be publicly<br />

varloui regional units, composed peeled to advance to the flnal- announced on March 1?, 19&3.<br />

of a number of different states, 1st standings and compels for while students who win four-year<br />

each unit being proportional some 6S0 awards worth over renewable scholarships will<br />

to the tota! black population. 32 million. l*hc awards will be Individually announced<br />

Approximately 70,000 black be financed by grants from sometime between mid-May<br />

students nationwide sought 180 Achievement Program spon* and mid-June next year.<br />

By Elisabeth Brcwn<br />

Is It legal to advertize to<br />

captive audience such u<br />

the <strong>Lowell</strong> student body?<br />

This question arose last<br />

month when "T«m Plannen"<br />

calendars containing advertiilog<br />

materials were distributed<br />

to all itudents at <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s Faculty Council<br />

questioned the legality ind<br />

otl&.n nf (tie Term Planners.<br />

<strong>The</strong> calendars were ordered<br />

by Carl Xocnlg, <strong>Lowell</strong> Executive<br />

Courcll sponsor, for use<br />

by students. <strong>The</strong>re was no<br />

cnarge for the planner, and It<br />

wit offered to any student who<br />

wanted a calendar.<br />

clubs and other auoclatlons,<br />

and to have reasonable use of<br />

the public aJfiress system.*<br />

She emphsstud that Inwsll<br />

students have a tight to clrcuUt<br />

handbills, and In her let's* she<br />

dcflced a handbill as "a prlntncl<br />

aiinobncemem, advertisement.<br />

etc., IO be handed out to<br />

She pointed out that the Term!<br />

Planners wcic not forced upcu<br />

anyone Students were only<br />

asked not to waste the planners.<br />

Fong alto noted thai precise<br />

lnstrvctloni were written as<br />

tw bow distribution of the piano<br />

tliould be handled.<br />

Principal Alan Ftbuh staled,<br />

Old heater filter causes bungalow fire<br />

tuey Fong, student body<br />

president, responded to tbe<br />

concerns of tbe Faculty Council<br />

"I thought they were s good<br />

Idea. Many colleges iuve<br />

similar things In their books<br />

By Sharon Pang way Into this Joint..." the otnef mi>s job,- Gamble<br />

"So this young man who was * explained,<br />

A small fire broke out on the jogger, bopped up on the roof...<br />

roof of temporary bungalow T-7<br />

Problems with tbe heater beg.<br />

and he put the Ore out with a<br />

1<br />

on October 15, apparently due to couple of good blasts. from<br />

two days before the fire when,<br />

the fact that the room's heater fll- in« eningulshi , Gamble " said. -<strong>The</strong> heater was stuck on full<br />

ter bad never been chafed.<br />

.king their inspection. blast In the room, '*•«»»*<br />

Engliih teacher Peter Gamble *»<br />

- u s made oppressively hot and smellcd cf<br />

the first faculty member oo the ^ assumption p that "...the filter,<br />

sceoe when the fire suned at wUcb u ^ w ^ . tatf «,<br />

.Fib<br />

approximately 5:45 a, m, wo ^ ^ ^ ^ h»dn't ever been<br />

<strong>The</strong> mother of a college student cixiOgta,* <strong>The</strong> temporary bungavbo<br />

Jog* on me school track, was ^^ wcje w m to &(. e^i^y IO'S. Flblsh demanded tha: me ex-<br />

Ac flnt to spot the fire and called Apparently, me filter was not tinguishers In the bungalows be<br />

In a letter In which she defended<br />

the distribution of the<br />

planner as being consistent<br />

with the <strong>Lowell</strong> High School<br />

Charter.<br />

Quoting the Charter, she<br />

wrote, 'lowell students shall<br />

be prciec'.ed in their tights<br />

to circulate petitions, budbills,<br />

to use bulletin boards to post<br />

material, to wear Insignia, to<br />

form societies, interest groups.<br />

SlPtCS."<br />

Ftblsh suggested, "Ponlbly<br />

the school should have vx. up<br />

stands in the halls for «tudents<br />

tu take the calendars if they<br />

wanted them*"<br />

Fong stated tnat the Lowel!<br />

Executlvo Council has the<br />

right to circulate handbills<br />

as long as they are rot associated<br />

with sex, drugs, and/or<br />

religion.<br />

e» Oce department. Her ton Is- cfaAnged because there are two filled, however, he could give no<br />

fumed Gamble Ga as tbe Utter was different unions—a t'ntmlths' i<br />

specific<br />

p<br />

date as to when all of the I<br />

getting out of his car In I the h faculty flt<br />

unloQ 43(J ln ciectricUm* union— existing coodltlom would be<br />

parking lot and "...they don't crou over to do brought up to standard.<br />

-<strong>The</strong>re were names about two<br />

and a half to three feet hlgo,"<br />

Gahet Trained<br />

accordlng to Gamble, who Imme-<br />

Dcbn Sue Maffet<br />

Mist America 1963<br />

diately went into T-7 for a flte<br />

extlngttUhcr, whereupon he dis-<br />


& CLEANING<br />

Diwount Io Umdl Stixfcntt with TJib M<br />

2 HR SHIRT AND<br />


covered the extlnguUher 'empty.<br />

la T-6 the fire extinguisher wu<br />

alto empty, and there was none ln<br />

T-S. according to Gamble,<br />

-Flail*...1 tried M and 1<br />

did find » fUe extlnghlsher," aid<br />

Gamble. -<strong>The</strong> flame* were stin<br />

*' gotng like crary, and the Ore<br />

department WMttyteg to flnd It,<br />

Divkfanof<br />

House of Chans<br />

Can 421-0968 for das* schedule<br />

157 Maiden Lane- Union Square<br />



I U TO 6 PH<br />



585-3632 IO2BOCRANAV.<br />

- November 5, 1982


Spirit Week explodes<br />

, ByClovlaUe<br />

Spirit W«V, the annual<br />

five-day event designed to<br />

prontote school splitt and<br />

boait student mottle, culminated<br />

on Friday,, October 22,<br />

with the grand rally oo Voyne<br />

Field.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Individual clas* rallies<br />

a bo look place oo the football<br />

field thts year, nttiet than In<br />

the central courtyard. Thli<br />

chango was tlie remit of a set<br />

of new ruler established In<br />

response to complaints from<br />

faculty and student body membcrs<br />

cone Anting problems in<br />

the past.<br />

"I think Uvui great Improvement,"<br />

suted Xtatlan<br />

Connies, science tejchcr<br />

and &Mrd of Clau Officers<br />

sponsor.<br />

5fa« feels thar other changes<br />

are necessaty. "We stiould<br />

outlaw cars on the football<br />

field, and we fbould do away<br />

with the *Ov«-AlT category,*<br />

she noted.<br />

This year the claues were<br />

judged on more than one<br />

categrry rather than a tout<br />

number of points accumulated<br />

on an over-all bails.<br />

Pklmer Colamarlno, Student<br />

Activities Board Spirit Week<br />

commissioner, reported that<br />

the purpose was to get the<br />

competition away from the<br />

over-all title concept*<br />

He further added, "<strong>The</strong><br />

sophomores and the Juniors<br />

were cooperative In emphasizing<br />

school spirit, rather than<br />

Just class ipUlt. I il.lnk the<br />

pecple with d.c meet problems<br />

adjusting were the seniors."<br />

Gary Takemoto, Senior<br />

Clan president, agreed. "It<br />

was a drasfl'- ..-binge from<br />

previous yean and harder for<br />

us, but you have to start somewhere.<br />

It was good emphasizing<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> spirit Instead of class<br />

competition. I think It was<br />

a change for the better."<br />

Points awarded to the classes<br />

In the different categoric* were<br />

as follows:<br />

1 Participation and Clan<br />



Bay Area salutes <strong>The</strong> Who<br />

By Randy Kou<br />

It was Saturday afternoon,<br />

October 23, at the Oakland<br />

ollsenm, aad one of the all-<br />

"MyGenetatlon," "See Me,<br />

Feel Me," "Long Live Rock,"<br />

and the final song, "Woo't Get<br />

Fooled Again" which brought on<br />

time great rock groups. <strong>The</strong> , ,,,„„„ oUpUy of ughn and<br />

fto. received a massive display nploltoo,° „,, Ar . ^ to lB<br />

admiration and association lccu<br />

from 55,000 Bay Aru fans In<br />

what was anocwced as the f a a Tuwmhend and company<br />

grop'3 last locantsri tf.ea eamn back for an encore<br />

<strong>The</strong> musical afternoon surv-i vh^i, hlghllghled the program,<br />

•ith T-Bone Burcer, a poor 'they began with "Magic Bus"<br />

choice u a watm-uj. group, and "Haked Eye," and then<br />

ainlng uctU attemlca rnas in pltyed tho Inevitable "Twist<br />

"• iodiaoui," which brought rock<br />

<strong>The</strong> Clash came next, bringing far* of trucy generations to an<br />

sut a bit mote enthusiasm from "ultimate high."<br />

the audience, but only a fraction After the last echoes or a<br />

of what <strong>The</strong> Who would elicit. Beatles' medley faded away, a<br />

Starting off a two hour and ten spectacular fireworks display<br />

minute performance with "Sub- exploded from above. <strong>The</strong> crowd<br />

sUnidon." Tbe Who proceeded roared, and a giant "KMEL Salute<br />

to cover every phase of Lie the Who" sign brightened the<br />

group's 18-year history. stadium with mote multi-colored<br />

As datknen began to cover fireworks,<br />

the stadium, the colossal" WHO* Tbe memory of <strong>The</strong> Who<br />

letters, which provided the back- and this last concert were lndcl-<br />

Jipp for the stage. Illuminated ibly stamped In the minds of the<br />

the performance area. Tn-<<br />

[group played under the err-? bar<br />

of the "K," with the bacligiound<br />

constantly changing colors<br />

{throughout the evenltg.<br />

As the old saying goes, "<strong>The</strong><br />

Joint was Jumping" with such<br />

[hit songs as "Plnball Wizard."<br />

spectators due to the talents uf<br />

Peter Townshend (the group's<br />

outstanding guitarist, main<br />

songwriter, and driving force),<br />

John Emwlstlc(bats section),<br />

Daltrey (vocalist), and<br />

Kctmy Jones (who replaced the<br />

late Keith Moon as drummer).<br />

'It's Hard' — a disappointment<br />

By urry Goldberg<br />

-It's Hard- Is the title of the<br />

Utest album by the British<br />

super-group. <strong>The</strong> Who.<br />

Many Bay Area rock 'n' roll<br />

radio stations nave been play-<br />

Ing the first track, "Athena,"<br />

constantly.<br />

After hearing the rest of the<br />

alboro. It ll understandable<br />

why the other tracks are rarely<br />

payed.<br />

Generally, the album Is a<br />

I disappointment. Tbesougs<br />

seem to ratrict the great talent<br />

u ihown by the album, "Who<br />

Came Flmr (1972). Each side.<br />

Independently, has a special<br />

appeal and has created fas<br />

wotld-wlde.<br />

On "It's Hard" they have<br />

combined the two and. unfortunately,<br />

have compromised<br />

both sounds, eteatlng something<br />

that will not satisfy the followers<br />

of cither.<br />

Looking for something potlti«><br />

about the album. It can be said<br />

that lead vocalist Roger Daltry<br />

Is excellent. He exhibits a Una<br />

seem ro roimi u»> 6.—. — „.. u e,ccucou no .„„„„ . „„<br />

of lead guitarist Peter Townshend. ^ fwctfulncu ,nd an abUity to<br />

who It one of the best In the bus- a0Jpt hu llnglng „ ^ i l e, v ^<br />

loess. On this album he rarely moai ^y i^.<br />

demoratratca the commanding Those who are Interested in<br />

style he Is Vopwn for and resorts itarting a collection of <strong>The</strong><br />

to playing orally cbotds. Who's music should comlder<br />

' <strong>The</strong>re seem to be two noo acquiring the following albums:<br />

to <strong>The</strong> Who. One Is powetful -Who's Next," "Meaty Ueaty,"<br />

and* fast as evidenced by their<br />

•Big aod Bouncy," "By Numbers.]<br />

album, "Who "WhoAre An Your Touf~ (xtfio^, (191 U5«i.t»-Vjl .,<br />

aod tbe other Is slow and melodic artd "Tbe Kids Ate AU Right."<br />

November S. 1982<br />

<strong>The</strong> Boy Friend'<br />

to open soon<br />

By Ka:a Werthdmer<br />

Would you guca that "Tbe<br />

Boy Ftleod" is a new Hollywood<br />

movie? A new television series?<br />

A new romance novel'<br />

None of the above are correct<br />

for "<strong>The</strong> Boy Friend" Is <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

1982 musical production, set<br />

to appear In December.<br />

This presentation of Sandy<br />

Wilson's hit musical play will<br />

be the second time around for<br />

"<strong>The</strong> BoyFrlead." at <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

<strong>The</strong> musical was first presented<br />

at <strong>Lowell</strong> ten yean ago. This<br />

ycat's performance will serve<br />

as a special reunion for the<br />

; members and musicians<br />

of the first offering.<br />

<strong>The</strong> story of "<strong>The</strong> Boy Friend"<br />

takes place In the IKO'i In<br />

France. A group of ,* ung<br />

American girls Is enrolled In an<br />

exclusive school under Ihc supervision<br />

of a Madame D'jboneL<br />

While the Is trying to leach<br />

the girU to become refined<br />

young ladies, Ihcy arc mote<br />

interested in developing relations<br />

rich thci: boy friends.<br />

It's the classic i.'oiy of boy<br />

meets girl, boy loics gii I, and<br />

boy gets girl back.<br />

Tl.c tca'llng tnlci In " nic<br />

'loy Friend" Include Prlly<br />

(played by Molly French and<br />

Lisa Sctiulz), Tony (played by<br />

Stephen Kaitcn), Maisc (portrayed<br />

by Jaimce Saliba), and<br />

llobby (played by Geoff Embcr-<br />

«nR).<br />

Supervision of the production<br />

is in the hands of lack Anderson<br />

(director). Don Wesimullet<br />

(ehotegtapber), Don Walsh (set<br />

director). Paul Zahtllla (theater<br />

orchestra conductor), and Johnny<br />

Land (musical director).<br />

<strong>The</strong> show Is scheduled for<br />

five performances, December<br />

3, 4, and 5 and December 10<br />

andlL,<br />

Anderson Indicated that two<br />

weekends will be Included In<br />

the schedule this year because<br />

matty cast members feel that so<br />

much work UKA Into preparing<br />

the show that mote people should '<br />

have the opportunity to see It.<br />

THE LOWEU.<br />

Quality dancing<br />

highlights evening<br />

By Lauren Helm<br />

Can any dance company<br />

successfully perfoim works to<br />

a range or rrattlc Including<br />

Jazz, classical, and rock?<br />

<strong>The</strong> Twyla Tharp Dance Company<br />

can.<br />

From Octobet 27 to 31, this<br />

modem dance company performed<br />

at tin Watflcld <strong>The</strong>ater.<br />

Mcmbcn danced flawlessly<br />

to rock. Jar', and classical<br />

muilc, r jelcctlon after<br />

thu other.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Twyla Tharp Dance<br />

Company U not your ordinary<br />

dance rompany. It It known<br />

fur Its creative choreography<br />

anj thu excellence of its<br />

<strong>The</strong> next piece, "Assorted<br />

Quartets," featured complex<br />

choreography, talented dancers,<br />

and classical music H wia<br />

a very dramatic number with -<br />

strong emphasis on the physical<br />

exertion.<br />

•Short Stories," U* most<br />

modem dance or the evening,<br />

had a definite theme of violence.<br />

Costumes featured me<br />

contemporary Izod iMtu. <strong>The</strong><br />

dancers performed to music by<br />

Supemamp 3nd Bruce Springitcen<br />

and consisted of a scries<br />

of ducts dealing with rclationiliios<br />

between men and wotticn.<br />

• Through ^iprcssive body language<br />

and the lyrics of ihc songs,<br />

a message of hostility was conveyed<br />

to the viewers<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Twyla Tharp Dance<br />

Company is known for its<br />

creative choreography."<br />

<strong>The</strong> October 21 program Included<br />

"Suc'l l.cs." "AuoitcJ<br />

Uuirtcli." "Stiim ^lorlc," and<br />

"Nine Slrutra Songs." fcicli<br />

selection wai 'iiilquc and cx-<br />

Lcllcui In ttr own way.<br />

"Sue's Leg" comlncd of four<br />

uanccrs In simple cmturncs<br />

pcrfotmlng to i*zz muilc by<br />

Tau Waller. <strong>The</strong> daiicers<br />

cxptcjicd great eneigy and<br />

emotional Impact Sliellcy<br />

Waihmgton, a dancer ultu las<br />

been with the company since<br />

1315. received strong applause<br />

from the audlorec for her solo<br />

number.<br />

"Nine .-tlnatra Songs" tllc<br />

final plci-c, featured a medley<br />

of lilt torn',* iccordcJ by FranU<br />

Sinitr.i and wanirobc created<br />

by fatlilon 'Jetliner Owar ue la<br />

Rcotj. ThI* iHimhcr celebrated<br />

various romantic dance ityld<br />

with cl^ltt couples dtotcd<br />

according to tltc theme r.f the<br />

da KC they represented. Smooth<br />

acrobatic movements and extravagant<br />

costumes made " Nine<br />

Sinatra Songs" an uplifting and<br />

eacltlng dance number, conchidlng<br />

the evening's program<br />

on a high note.<br />


MA rooo a sTfJua<br />

m cuMtuom n-vo.<br />


\nrrar SMHTM. TUMNa.<br />


SMiHOW<br />

/at All Kiel.<br />

1-M #McCu>t fm.*».


1 I I I H I I I I<br />

Scene<br />

Uinc<br />

Lisa Mllcy<br />

Ke'.ly Ryan<br />

Monroe Skiuzr.y<br />

Katie Young<br />

,o.ie Rating System<br />

-;•- singer.<br />

Rip Torn Is her co-star and<br />

playt Harold. He give* the<br />

best peiofmunce In the film<br />

courtyard, a chorus o( "Supermini* as a "loser," who tries to<br />

rang out from the theater audience.<br />

For a number of reasons,<br />

"5'jperman" seemed more<br />

'jcllevable than " Momigncc*<br />

Student and Concert<br />

Guitars in Stock<br />

change his luck aud succeeds.<br />

He dominates and manipulates<br />

all of the other characters<br />

in the film In his efforts to<br />

vlUain is fun to watch.<br />

Music end Literature<br />

For <strong>The</strong> Guitar<br />

Ken Wahl also gives a good<br />

performance as a sexy blackjack<br />

dealer, who certainly<br />

looks the part. He U, however,<br />

dominated by Midler's<br />

Innate sparkle and her character's<br />

aggresslveress.<br />

<strong>The</strong> movie portrays a black-<br />

Jack dealer (Wahl) who U<br />

Jlnxcd by a wandering gambler<br />

(Torn) and hli gaud) girl frltnd<br />

(Midler). <strong>The</strong> plot of the film<br />

coma across convaluted, and<br />

the story line actually leads the<br />

vlewei no where.<br />

At times. It u a funny film,<br />

sexy, and amusing, but not<br />

ra " lc "f Ibc m " *»' e,eatei<br />

block-listen.<br />

<<br />

By LUa Mllcy<br />

jrk Linn Baker, In his motion<br />

plccire debut In tbe movie, "My<br />

Favorite Year,* proclaims, "1SS4<br />

probably tho best year of my lifei<br />

and the film attempts to prove<br />

Just that in ttits wacky, screwball<br />

takc-eff of the 1950'J.<br />

Oaksr pla)t a riling >-oung<br />

scriotwrUer for a large movie<br />

production company. Hs has<br />

.1 chance for a dream to come<br />

true when his childhood Idol,<br />

Alan Swan, now a has-been<br />

no vie tur. Is Invited to make<br />

a gucit appearance on a live<br />

television ihow.<br />

Baker Is aulgncd to wacch<br />

over Swan(playcd by Peter<br />

O'Toolc), who U now an alco-<br />

holic, and to get him to rehcaruls<br />

on time and sober.<br />

Thh task proves almost more<br />

than Raker can handle for O'Toolc<br />

dearly loves his drinks and pseeucs<br />

a wild and unpredictable<br />

personality.<br />

Ai it happem in the movie*,<br />

during the tlnw BJVCX and<br />

O'Toolc tpend together, they<br />

develop a mutually tcspccttul<br />

appreciation of each other and<br />

a heartwarming friendship,<br />

O'Toolc gives a masterful<br />

portrayal of the ill-mannered,<br />

swashbuckling, faded movie<br />

star who b terrified at the<br />

thought of nuking an appearance<br />

on live television.<br />

Capturing the light-hearted<br />

mood of the 1950's, the film<br />

docs well at depleting how<br />

humble beginnings and big<br />

dream* come to play In a<br />

humorous and light depiction<br />

of the relationship of two men<br />

from different generations.<br />

<strong>The</strong> story-line Is a bit<br />

shallow, out thr superb acting<br />

of O'Toole and Baker manages<br />

to keep the audience Involved<br />

throughout the film.<br />

"My Favorite Year* gets<br />

three s'ars for lu fine comedic<br />

deplciivn and the stalwart acting<br />

of the ptlnclpals. <strong>The</strong>y more<br />

than make up for the lightweight<br />

story.<br />

lovl<br />

lil<br />

vltJ<br />

net I<br />


L!i'.i < !*»*" • 'TJ .1982.<br />

ENIEmAINMENr i<br />

upcoming Events Repetory theaters offer variety<br />

1<br />

lOveober 13-15<br />

November 19<br />

November IS<br />

November 27<br />

<strong>The</strong> Manhattan Transfer<br />

at the Warflcld <strong>The</strong>ater<br />

Judas Priest<br />

at the Cow Palace<br />

April Wins/ Uriah Heep<br />

at the Otfcland Coliseum<br />

Cheap Trick -<br />

ar the Berkeley<br />

Coanunity <strong>The</strong>ater<br />

Few laughs<br />

in 'Dear Liar' comedy<br />

By Mlnoni Akuhara<br />

U It possible foe mo people<br />

to maintain a relationship by<br />

null for 40 yean?<br />

To many In today's fanpaced<br />

and electronic-oriented<br />

world, thll question may ieenl<br />

However. "Dear Lfcr- deals<br />

with one such avid correspondence<br />

which began In 1899<br />

and ended In 1939 between<br />

playwright George Bernard<br />

Shaw and actrea Mrs. Patrick<br />

Campbell. -<br />

Atbongh this four decade<br />

epistolary relationship was<br />

an unusual situation. It does<br />

not translate Into an Interesting<br />

<strong>The</strong> script contains two<br />

para, letter reading and actual<br />

conversation between the two<br />

characters. <strong>The</strong> transition<br />

between these two situations<br />

is not well executed, and,<br />

consequently, destroys the<br />

smoothness of the storyline<br />

and adds confusion.<br />

Both Daldn Matthews and<br />

DtAnn Mean, who portray<br />

Shaw and Mrs. Pat, turn In<br />

681-572T<br />

> —Semnt-Kw Since 1336;<br />

only mediocre acting Jobs.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y do not add any zest<br />

to their puts, and, at times,<br />

do not speak clearly or loudly<br />

enough to be heard at the icar<br />

of the theater.<br />

<strong>The</strong> story has virtually no<br />

action, and, therefore, moves<br />

along at a tediously slow pace.<br />

<strong>The</strong> American Conservatory<br />

<strong>The</strong>atre, which is tesponstble<br />

for ihls production of "Dear<br />

liar,' calls the play a "twoact<br />

comedy" In Its newt release.<br />

<strong>The</strong> laughs and comcdlc<br />


Saldivor remembers<br />

life in Veracruz<br />

\.3y Maria Pao<br />

What** a nice gltl like Ana<br />

MirU Saldivor of Veracrux ,<br />

Mexico, doing at <strong>Lowell</strong>, 10<br />

fat from home?<br />

She b making fttends, 1mprovlnn<br />

her English, and<br />

ttruggUng to understand the<br />

mind-boggling concepts of<br />

CP Mid) e.<br />

A focelgn exchange student.<br />

SaidWor arrived In San Francisco<br />

In Augmt and promptly<br />

took up residence In P«k<br />

Merced with a "home family"<br />

provided by the Exchange<br />

Student Program.<br />

<strong>The</strong> family bas helped<br />

Saldivor get accustomed to*<br />

the city which will be her<br />

borne until June of 1083.<br />

Saldivor hat found San Fran- '<br />

cisco to he a "lovely place,"<br />

and she has enjoyed visiting<br />

many of the tourist areas such<br />

as Pier 39* Sautalito, anJ<br />

Golden Gate Park.<br />

Atked why ihc derided to<br />

visit the United States, the<br />

pretty, dark-eyed girl explained,<br />

"I've always liked<br />

English, so when 1 *at M, I<br />

decided to come here someday<br />

to learn about anotiicr<br />

country and to learn more<br />

English."<br />

Four jean after the dcclilon<br />

v. is made, Saldlvot has arrived.<br />

As a <strong>Lowell</strong> nudent, Saldivor<br />

has encountered only a<br />

few difficulties wltb English.<br />

"Some people speak fast,"<br />

she commented. 'I c.n understand<br />

most of what they we<br />

saying* but I tpeak more<br />

•lowly. 1 do the best 1 can."<br />

She ha:: studied English<br />

privately for three and a half<br />

yean In Mexico.<br />

Said Ivor smiled as she spoke<br />

of teenage, life In Veracruz.<br />

"On weekends I go out with<br />

friends to see a inovte or to . _<br />

go to a party. Somctf'-.cs a<br />

guy will Invlto me to nave<br />

coffee or c*Vc," she recalled.<br />

"At home," -'ic tutcd,<br />

"people touch 'h TV ate you?*"<br />

She explained, "Even If a guy<br />

and girl are just friends, and<br />

they meet on the street, they<br />

say 'hello' and kiss. Hie<br />

people arc friendly I"<br />

Saldivor also noted that In<br />

Mfxfca American music rivals<br />

the more traditional Latin sals<br />

in popularity. Pausing to recall<br />

the popular American recording<br />

antsti, she came up<br />

with "... Kool and the Gang,<br />

<strong>The</strong>O •nodorei, and Christopher<br />

C*o«.<br />

During her free time, Saldi<br />

vet likes u» dance, listen to<br />

music (cipcclally Jazz), and<br />

read mystery novels.<br />

What docs SiWlvor miss<br />

about Veracruz? Propping<br />

her chin In her hand and with<br />

eyes growing pcnilve, she<br />

stated, "I mist my family<br />

and (she grinned) 1 miss the<br />

meals."<br />

Saldivor has been unable<br />

to get used to the American<br />

custom of having the Urge<br />

meal of the day In the evening.<br />

In Mexico, the pointed<br />

out, the heaviest meal is can<br />

at about 2 p.m.<br />

With a touch of wlttfulncss,<br />

Saldivor continued,"! mln<br />

the people at home. Here<br />

the people arc cold. Some<br />

arc friendly, but many arc<br />

not teally helpful."<br />

She claborato', •' l ncCt *<br />

to buy something, and 1 don'<br />

know how to explain what I<br />

want, people don't help me.<br />

Her expression brightened,<br />

and the added, "I'm here to<br />

•peak English note fluently<br />

and know different people<br />

and their customs."<br />

"When you travel, you get<br />

a different view of the work*,<br />

and you appreciate yout own<br />

1 country." *b.c noted with a<br />

thy smile.<br />

Iraf compares school life<br />

By Kin Vmbclmer<br />

Though French Is normally an<br />

"I find Americans more out- easy Iangua3e for her, she finds<br />

going llun Swedish people," rc- mat It is mote difficult here<br />

mrrked ChrUtlna Graf, currently because she first must translate<br />

a <strong>Lowell</strong> uudeot visiting (torn Into Swedish and then to English.<br />

Stockholm, Sweden.<br />

For extra-curricular activities,<br />

Cnf. who Is a senlof, is 17 Uraf Is participating In the Junior<br />

yean old, and the U visiting Achievement Program and In the<br />

the United States for ooe year. <strong>Lowell</strong> music: 1 production of<br />

Comparing American and "•<strong>The</strong> Boy Friend." Onw:ckcnui<br />

Swedlih school systems, Graf she likes to spend time with<br />

find! ttut rimes In Sweden are friends going to movies and<br />

riore difficult, and good glides sight-seeing.<br />

an» r. ute difficult to achieve She elected to come to the<br />

there.<br />

United States because she bad<br />

Swedish students must attend always wanted to sec this country,<br />

school for the first nine years. and she wanted the experience<br />

Attending a three-year high of speaking English which she<br />

school afterwards Is optional. has been learning In school for<br />

After high school Is completed,<br />

the student may choose to go on<br />

to college.<br />

<strong>The</strong> year that Graf Is spending<br />

at <strong>Lowell</strong> will not count toward<br />

her three-year high school requirement<br />

In Sweden, Graf noted.<br />

At present, Graf Is taking five<br />

courses at <strong>Lowell</strong>. Including<br />

Clvlcl I, United States History I,<br />

Expository Writing, Art,<br />

French 5.<br />

seven years.<br />

San Fran|i|p exp(<br />

By Lilly Slu ', J3 T "<br />

Sophomore Kristin Peschmatnl : :<br />

has decided that one year Ir. .'_> ;_<br />

the United Sutes simply Isn't;;* {'<br />

enc-gh. '- • .-,.,J*|y<br />

After only tout months hert,S<br />


I; experience captures Peschmann<br />

^Thn schooVsystcm here b<br />

fc'.very dUfacnt from the system<br />

"Kjn Germany," ihc ootcd.<br />

fetlere, you learn mote things<br />

"a'a ihotter »lnm, and you also<br />

t to pick join own classes.<br />

finGermany, you tak» different<br />

blu on different days; it*s<br />

!jfcnoi the urac ;c!>edulc every<br />

ndayt* sh* explained,<br />

JJ.' She poltnfti out Out German<br />

s^lcfaools do no* provide rtudenu<br />

Vvllh ball lcckca and jokingly<br />

'-added that «:•= higher cie goes<br />

Sedttcatlon-wlse, the fever hooks<br />

'one has to carry Around. • -<br />

. Peschmsnn stated that she<br />

Ihas DO cocipblctt abMit <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

; She £3 Utuag six classes and<br />

. : aid tha> fhe likes most of her<br />

. iMchen.<br />

Tne thing that has perplexed<br />

- hrx most about Lovell Is tnhted<br />

to Spirit Week. She<br />

admitted that she dU not quite<br />

understand the concept behind<br />

It.<br />

"In Germany, you are not<br />

really proud of your school;<br />

ifsjuit.... school,- she declared.<br />

When not In school. Peschnunn<br />

enloys painttng, photography,<br />

and listening to lln<br />

Rolling Slona, punK rock, or<br />

German new wave, although<br />

the stated that she does not<br />

have much time to pursue<br />

these Interests because of<br />

homework.<br />

Presently she lives with her<br />

father who moved to San Franefceo<br />

two yean ago, while her<br />

mother and 13-year-old brutier<br />

remain in Hamburg.<br />

In addition to German, her<br />

native tongue, Peschmann<br />

speak) FnglUli, Latin, French,<br />

acd Is TiUng Spanish.<br />

Though this Is Perchmaon's<br />

"in ulp 10 the United dtates,<br />

it is not her iim trip out of<br />

Germany. She has been to<br />

France. Holland, Belgium,<br />

and England.<br />

She stated that :he would<br />

go back to Germany to enjoy<br />

the "very beautiful vUw,"<br />

but It would be "lust a visit,"<br />

because, for now, the United<br />

States is her home. Dust duo to settle down?<br />

THE LOWEU.<br />

By Wesley Wing<br />

Monica Dtu and her btcthcr,<br />

Kelts, ."re two new <strong>Lowell</strong> lenlors<br />

who have already traveled as<br />

muwh as nuny people hope to<br />

do lu a lifetime.<br />

With tnclr paieoo, they have<br />

traveled extensively through<br />

West Africa, India, Kuwait,<br />

and roott of Europe.<br />

<strong>The</strong> itudcnu explained that<br />

their mobility Is a direct result<br />

of their filhci'i wock. He Is a<br />

furciga diplomat with the Indian<br />

CocuuUcc, working througti the<br />

Minbtry of Zxtctual Affairs.<br />

Every threi or r <strong>The</strong>y Indicate tliat they would<br />

like to do their unuergraduate<br />

wctlc at U.C. Berkeley or Sunford.<br />

If they do attend either<br />

university, they will not Jccoropany<br />

their parents on their next<br />

move. "<strong>The</strong>re Is so much red<br />

tape just getting into college."<br />

Nells frowned.<br />

Monica would like to become<br />

a lawyer, and Neils would like<br />

ro be an engineer.<br />

Though both Indicate!* that<br />

they enjoy traveling, Monica<br />

stated, "I think It's high time<br />

our yean he is<br />

we settled down." She said that<br />

the occasionally gen homesick.<br />

assigned to a new location. Nells has no pteferrace at the<br />

Before their newest assignment<br />

to the United States, the<br />

family lived In New Delhi,<br />

India, for three years.<br />

In San franclico for the pan<br />

four months, Monica and NcIU<br />

are enjoying ihe experiences<br />

San Ftanclico has to offer.<br />

Monica noted, "San Francisco's<br />

transportation system Is<br />

very bad; you have to wait 10<br />

long for streetcars and buiu.<br />

<strong>The</strong> streets are confusing and<br />

so very steep."<br />

<strong>The</strong> two admit that they do<br />

Ukc the famous Lombard Street<br />

twists and turns. "We have<br />

already driven down It three<br />

sumem between traveling or<br />

settling down.<br />

Monica Ukc* to keep In touch<br />

•flth relatives and friends In India<br />

and uith Acquaintances the has<br />

made in Jthcr countries. Doth<br />

brother and iliter attest that they<br />

have never had problems making<br />

new friends in the different countries<br />

wlicrc they have traveled.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y do ntiss their native<br />

holidays and festivals such as<br />

the F'tsttval of Lights and Olnwal,<br />

a new year's celebration. On<br />

the other hand, they have been<br />

introduced to nuny new holidays<br />

such as the Amu lean Thanksgiving.<br />

tines," affirmed Neils.<br />

When Ni'ls has free time, he<br />

On education In India, NclU enjoys reading, coin collecting,<br />

commented, "In India, we suy playing badminton, and watching<br />

in the same classroom, and the television. Monica enjoys rcadteachers<br />

come to us. <strong>The</strong> oppos- * Ing, playing chess, and particiite<br />

Is true here." Both students pating on the Forenslcs Team.<br />

said that It Is easier to get into In her first competition with<br />

college In India than Ic U In the the team, she received a ruoacrs-<br />

United Su^%<br />

up trophy for her efforts.

i<br />

;•-«- *••«--. •<br />

GO to medical school<br />

Now that Election '82 Is<br />

over, many of us find that<br />

the TV pet food and sap<br />

cc-mmerclab aro a welcome<br />

change from the sniping and<br />

demeaning political advertisements<br />

Cut we have had<br />

ib witness. '<br />

'One fact has been made<br />

' perfectly dear by this election:<br />

there la nn absence<br />

of qualified Individuals running<br />

for politic&l office at<br />

every level of government.<br />

fcIt<br />

seem as though our most<br />

: C<br />

I&AV<br />

mm<br />

Intelligent aad responslole<br />

citizens avoid the political<br />

arena 'like the plague."<br />

. Many successful candidate.<br />

aeon discover that their primary<br />

goal Is not to perform a public •<br />

service, bet to remain In their<br />

. elected office* as long as<br />

possible, "o> better still, to<br />

aeek a higher governmental<br />

position.<br />

... One of the surest ways to<br />

secure re-filectlon Is to not<br />

•Michael Donner-<br />

oRsnd any segraent of me<br />

constttueccy. <strong>The</strong> skillful<br />

politician must constantly<br />

compromise his principle]<br />

la an effort to uutf> the<br />

vants of the people and the<br />

corporatlorc<br />

PoUdclara are tbeoretlcaUy<br />

elected as leaders, bat as a<br />

practical matter, most would<br />

prefer to eipouse an accepted<br />

opinion than express an Interested<br />

ooe. It appears as<br />

£014(1 originality and a good<br />

Imagination are two qualities<br />

:oJay*3 candidates lack.<br />

Tver-i Mcrersful candidate rmar doned iai contributed funds<br />

belong'.i either of the two roai« to ht opponent to make sure<br />

political pardn. A poUdciaj.<br />

for example, loyal to the Republican<br />

Patty, Is expected to<br />

endorse Jtber Republican candidates<br />

and support other party<br />

spouored programs and legllladon.<br />

Party leaden enforce<br />

discipline by rewarding the<br />

loyal *owmbers .rod punishing<br />

the mavericks.<br />

Draft registration enforced<br />

. - By Kris Clothier<br />

As so-dents approach the age<br />

of draft registration. Selective<br />

Scvlee becomes a much mote<br />

; Important Issue than when<br />

they were younger.<br />

After the Vie: Nam war,<br />

the draft was discontinued because<br />

the need for a large<br />

srmy was less and because of<br />

strong political opposition to<br />

It.<br />

In MT9, President Ca.tcr<br />

reinstated teglstratioti for a<br />

poulble draft because of the<br />

tense world situation and *<br />

need to bolster America's<br />

security..<br />

In 1S80, when Ronald Reagan<br />

waj ninnlng fot tho ptcsldcncy,<br />

U announced thai he would<br />

not support n draft call-up of<br />

youpjf, men.<br />

Ait**r tho election, however.<br />

c he continued to support the<br />

reglsuitiorproccf. He was<br />

/ quoted as saying. "I feel that<br />

the draft Is necessary to In-<br />

• sere the security or America.*•<br />

, Eligible young men ox •<br />

;^ ' tlnutd to register re to reaUt,<br />

.-'- wtheyea** flu At present,<br />

- an estimate 8.1 mllU^a ,:<br />

mea have sigced up. T<br />

•y, "fhcre ue ibosc who ittsUt,<br />

- i that the '•.' ">•. 3 jobless rate, for<br />

exa .' . j 15.9 percent. Even<br />

In C ...ctiila. wtue fanning Is<br />

a major Indusay, there Is a<br />

jobless rate matching tte cational<br />

figure, whkh Is the .ilgneat<br />

in 42 years.<br />

Economics professor David<br />

Vcnay has predicted that as<br />

mauy as 200*000 wotken In ihc<br />

IUIO and auto supply industries<br />

will perRtanently lue their jobs.<br />

Machines and robots on assembly<br />

lines are taking Jobs that<br />

people used to do, since such<br />

automation cosu lets and Is more<br />

efficient.<br />

Welfare benefits do not necessarily<br />

ease the plight of the<br />

unemployed. In October, the<br />

Center on Budget and Policy<br />

released statistics concluding<br />

that only 41. a percent of the<br />

country's Joblcu were receiving<br />

unemployment compensation<br />

In September.<br />

In 1981 Congress tightened<br />

Qualifications for Jso.eu to<br />

receive 13 additional weeks c. r<br />

benefits. Indicating that only<br />

the 24 hardejt-hit states could<br />

pay additional benefits to unemployed<br />

residents, last month.<br />

Congress eliminated another<br />

ten states from the rolL<br />

Analyst- L*ave now ajsertc- diat<br />

many unemployed will have to<br />

£o without heat this coming<br />

slater In orde/ to buv food,<br />

while cthctt may have ;•> tund<br />

;n Uocs to receive governmentbiued<br />

food.<br />

Guieral Motors Cotpora;ioii<br />

Is symptLRutlc i( trie problem.<br />

Ttie corr?an7 has 130,000<br />

workers oa Uj-off. <strong>The</strong> company<br />

has announced Its plans<br />

to purchase 14,000 Indunrial<br />

robou In the next decade.<br />

General Mntors officials cstlin-<br />

3ts there machines will do the<br />

work of up to 50,000 workers<br />

when Installed.<br />

However, ;hc InstaUation of<br />

new technology is moving<br />

slow'y, mostly because of the<br />

recession and the high emit<br />

related to borrowing money<br />

for new project!.<br />

Economic analysts assert<br />

that the country's middle-class,<br />

blue-collar workers have fewer<br />

and fewer ways to make a<br />

living.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Bureau of Labor Statistics<br />

has compiled Information<br />

mar shows the occupations in<br />

racu diastlc decline are farm<br />

laboring, housekeeping, child<br />

care for private households.<br />

ALJ lumbering.<br />

Employers are looking for<br />

mot. data processing machine<br />

mechanics, computer opcrnon,<br />

cemputet prog ram men, ia\prcparers,<br />

and cmployme/.t<br />

interviewers.<br />

Predications are that lie<br />

computer revolution will {no~<br />

vide America's wotken win.<br />

ample employment jomctlrnc In "<br />

the future<br />

It's hard 't> be optimistic<br />

when one finds his job being<br />

taken over by a robot, md when<br />

one sees the unemployment<br />

licei growing longer day by day.<br />

THEU3WEU November 6, 1982<br />

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pTebanon :<br />

jjji By Ellen Welner and<br />

•" MInoni AVuhara<br />

J Israeli Prime WInliter Menaebem<br />

Begin recently appointed<br />

a three-man Judicial conmls-<br />

^ slou of Iruralry to Investigate<br />

•-. the Beirut massacre.<br />

; I ' <strong>The</strong> purpose of the Inquiry<br />

'•& 'JL to uncover any knowledge<br />

* «that Israel may have pertaln-<br />

\ tag to rie iruiHcn of Palcs-<br />

U'dnitc civilians fy the Irreall-<br />

7 backed Christian Phalange.<br />

. <strong>The</strong>re (s much concern<br />

•j j In Uriel about the peaibllity<br />

b^ 1 of miijalgmat of IsrcaM<br />

,leaden In allowing the Christian<br />

Phabnge fotcei to enter<br />

i the Paleulnlaa camps and<br />

not stopping 'heir act'ons soon<br />

enough.<br />

Ariel Sharon, lnejl Defense<br />

Minister, maintain: that the<br />

government did not "Imagine<br />

In our darkest dreamt that<br />

hundreds of Innocents would<br />

be maw-red In Beirut."<br />

Shatoo, when accused of<br />

knowing of the massicre ant!<br />

not Immediately tenrinatlcg<br />

It, commented that Rafael<br />

EUan. his chief of staff, pheced<br />

his home at 9 p. m. the cven-<br />

Ing of Friday, September 17.<br />

Elun revealed that there<br />

were rumors about the Phalange<br />

harming the civilian population.<br />

Eltan said that he had<br />

met with commanders of the<br />

Phalange forces and the Israeli<br />

nut them command.<br />

tin reportedly bad halted all<br />

action 'a the camps, prevented<br />

entry of additional forces, and<br />

ordered the riialange out by<br />

S a. m. the following day.<br />

Sharon took no action after<br />

hearing tWa rressage. Some<br />

feet that he should have ordeed<br />

the<br />

aftermath<br />

Uracll soUIIers into tl.c camm to<br />

keep acPhabngc f«,m comm-<br />

Ittlcg further aiocWes. Sturmtild.<br />

"It was perfectly clear to<br />

me that allmaiurct were taker.-<br />

Shaivn got a call from an Israel<br />

officer who rcponaj that told (CM<br />

bid seen Phalangtits killing and<br />

wounJlng PalesdnUnx. <strong>The</strong> officer<br />

stated thu Iwarlb opened<br />

fired 00 the Phalange, killing<br />

one and taking two prisoner.<br />

At 11:30 that night, Ron Ben<br />

Yoshal, a televblott reporter,<br />

telephoned Sharon and :tated<br />

tjtat he had spoken Jlth Itraell<br />

comn-jnOrs whose soldiers had<br />

witnessed the ChrfstUn Phabnge<br />

forces murdering civilians.<br />

Menh Goodman, military<br />

corrapoudent for the "Jerusalem<br />

Post," reported seeing a cable<br />

sent at 11 p. m. en September<br />

10 to the Israeli military command<br />

by the leader of the Phalscgiit<br />

unla In the ShattU refugee<br />

camp. <strong>The</strong> c*blc read, "To<br />

this time, we have killed 300<br />

civilians and terrorists."<br />

When the Israeli defense<br />

force entered the camps at<br />

j a.m. the following morning,<br />

they discovered hundreds of<br />

clvtlUm bodlej, nany of which<br />

!ui been icverely mutilated.<br />

<strong>The</strong> commUsIon of inquiry<br />

wfll consider Sharon's testimony<br />

in the light of other evidence<br />

to be presented.<br />

Russia plays handball with U.S.<br />

3y Emily Murase<br />

In a £ame called "handball<br />

Jluics," tbeRugan administration<br />

has adoptul the strategy<br />

of an American embargo<br />

of neensary icc'-nolosy for<br />

the construction of the $11<br />

ntUica Soviet gas pipeline In<br />

jn attcrop to delay and even<br />

prevent la completion.<br />

Western European nations<br />

obje^r tu the plan. Tie embargo<br />

:hrcatem the Interests of<br />

many French, West German, and<br />

and Italian firms, who have<br />

contacts with the Soviets.<br />

<strong>The</strong> construction of the pipeline<br />

la expected to provide<br />

thousands r! Jobs at a time<br />

when ttaemployment la Western<br />

Europe has reached a post-war<br />

ligh of an estimated 9. 5 percent,<br />

rrhe reasons behind Reagan's<br />

-hardline politics- are varied.<br />

<strong>The</strong> odguul cause for the<br />

auction* was that the Polish<br />

gwertment bad not lifted<br />

zaartlallav. <strong>The</strong> United<br />

Suit!' position -oes not specify<br />

*#,« changes In Poland are<br />

dewed necessary to nave the<br />

salmons lifted.<br />

^:,<strong>The</strong>re are soine who bclievo<br />

tluc economic pressure on the<br />

Soviets will force a reductlju 1*1<br />

mflltar/spending, diminish aid<br />

to'Cnba and Vietnam, and even<br />

bang" about a measure of reform<br />

*•""" "i the communist system.<br />

prorM to be true, the<br />

tt. 1982<br />

embargo would DA the ultimate<br />

strategy to ease the communist<br />

threat of nuclear war and Involve<br />

ment In Central America.<br />

An even mote compelling<br />

reason lies in the specubtion<br />

that the Soviet Union's economic<br />

vulnerability should be<br />

exploited. At tr-j Versailles<br />

summit meeting, Reagan Is<br />

reported to have said, "If we<br />

push the Soviets, they will<br />

colbpse. When will we get<br />

another opportunity like this<br />

in our Ufetlroer Postibly.<br />

Reagan's remark stems from<br />

his concern that Western Europe<br />

will become dependent on<br />

Soviet olL . .<br />

In the eyes ol tome observers,<br />

me embargo threatens the unity<br />

»tut has existed between the<br />

United States and the Western<br />

European nations.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> net effect of the sanctions<br />

may be rather small on the pipeline,<br />

but in terms of United<br />

States* rebtlotu with Western<br />

Europe, It could be rather,<br />

terlotti." predicted Edward<br />

..cwltr, Sovletologls'tof the Cook<br />

Ings Institute in Washington D.C.<br />

Critics of the Reagan administrate<br />

policy say that Reagan<br />

must re-examine and, perhaps,<br />

even re-work his ucdes of<br />

-handball politics. -<br />

• some think the U. s. bas<br />

kit the fUst set of this political<br />

^ game...<br />

Socialists take Europe<br />

ByMatkUngar<br />

By Maik Ungar<br />

. . . . . - * . .._<br />

In the pait several years, a<br />

and Is continuing until this very tliclr country's economic situa-<br />

mon-cmous change has been<br />

day and into the future. tion. Imtcad, InfUtloa has<br />

twecplog Europe that promises<br />

It was In the tumircr of ilcublcd, f(oduc*tun has dropped.<br />

to mark the continent for dec-<br />

1901 when Socialist Mitterand am* •jncn.ploymcnt contliuies<br />

ades to conic. That movement<br />

defeated then-President Valcry tcrUe.<br />

U called toe UI Urn.<br />

G'scard d'Eiuing In a landslide, "We just have not been able<br />

and his party swept to control<br />

Since 1981 socialist govern-<br />

:J achieve our objectives,"<br />

of the Madoiul Assembly.<br />

ments have been appearing<br />

.^pandreou curaeded.<br />

Although Mitterand quickly<br />

In quick succession, adding to<br />

Greek dlsutlifactton WAS CX- .<br />

took steps to ameliorate ths<br />

the already existing traditional<br />

pressed Ian month when the<br />

country's economic problem*,<br />

European socialist regimes.<br />

conservative New Democracy<br />

his aggressive pollclct have<br />

<strong>The</strong>re .-re now predications of<br />

won Impressive gains In the<br />

no* done much this far.<br />

more on die way,<br />

election.<br />

Wliy do Furopeani think (Lu<br />

Socialism Is the answer to their<br />

economic woes? How successful<br />

will these new governments<br />

be?<br />

It I* impossible to know the<br />

w3ct answers to such it: a redaction<br />

of France's b*lj.icc-of-paymcnt<br />

deficits.<br />

<strong>The</strong> bit cttcii ui reflected<br />

the national feeling th.it Miner*<br />

and has gone too f?r vith reforms<br />

and nationalization: the<br />

comcrvatlvcs woo big in every<br />

level of govuwtnents<br />

•<strong>The</strong> charter* »hai nutter<br />

in people'* liver Juit baven't<br />

iici-ume j^.tunt yet,- Mid<br />

otic ofriclal, •b-:t they will<br />

JIHW up in the next fcv. monthi.'<br />

Tlic rc»L of Europe, however,<br />

did not wait to izc the outcome<br />

of the French experiment.<br />

In laic 1981, Andrcai Papandrcou<br />

and his Socialist Party<br />

gained power in Greece <strong>The</strong>y,<br />

too, were unable to improve<br />

Oscar R. Baunsta , D.M.D., INC.<br />


("General Dentistry)<br />

i Plaza Medical-Dcrrt-al BLB6.<br />

50 sKyline Plaia , Suits M<br />

(Along Soot-hgatc<br />

Daly city , CA <<br />

Whether socialism will put<br />

Spain and tlte rest of Europe<br />

on the path to pt jress Is yet<br />

to be seen. One thing, however.<br />

Is clear: thu Europeans<br />

arc crying out foe a new system<br />

ttut can help them, and they<br />

u ~ the answer as socUUsnw<br />



Iliu French and Greek situation*<br />

did nor, :urprisingIy, nop the<br />

' trrcad of socialism. Uit week,<br />

i'ocialiu Felipe Gonzalez was<br />

elected prime minister of<br />

Spain, ^nd his party took<br />

control of the Spanish c<br />

glvl ig Spain lu first left-wing<br />

regime since the rule of trancisco<br />

Franco.<br />


I? 7 ''<br />



<strong>The</strong> new<br />

immigrant<br />

By Patrick Gahrln<br />

(Note: senior Patrick Galvln,<br />

staff member of "<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>,"<br />

Is spending ten months In Spain.<br />

This Is his second column for<br />

the neMpaper.)<br />

As toe Statue of liberty loomed<br />

on me brtlUant orange horizon,<br />

the memben of the Koswff fam-<br />

-Patrick Galvin-<br />

set to discover adventure In aa<br />

exotic land. In my drearra, the<br />

far-off Uodi vac Utopias,<br />

where I could find the Urllls<br />

that I to craved without encountering<br />

any problems.<br />

My hopeful thought! concerning<br />

foreign lands were hardly<br />

unique. Toe "magical tdngcom<br />

ily couldn't bold back their lean, of hflleT has captivated the<br />

On this crisp morning, the Kou- MuS of millions of Immigrants<br />

offs knew that they were embarking iluoug 1 -Mt the ages. For exon<br />

a new life and leaving an old ample, many people who c»me<br />

one behind forever. For these<br />

Immigrants, It was a time of extreme<br />

excitement and sadness.<br />

Above. I have pieced together<br />

a iketch of how some of my<br />

Immigrant ancestors might have<br />

"I've found<br />

plenty of<br />

adventures/'<br />

felt upon arriving In ttic New<br />

World from ilte Old. Mule did<br />

my fmebearers know that somcday<br />

one of their descendems<br />

would revene their Immigration<br />

path. Since comtng to Spain to<br />

live for ten months, I've gained<br />

4 new Insight Into the lives of<br />

my Immigrant predecessors.<br />

Unlike the majority of Immigrate,<br />

I didn't leave my country<br />

to flee persecution or tezk a<br />

better way of life. I was more<br />

In search of a long-standing fantasy<br />

of flying off Into the mn-<br />

to America truly bcllcvd the<br />

sticcts were paved with gold,<br />

and a shovel to scoop up all<br />

the riches wai all one needed<br />

to become a mtUlonattc.<br />

Just at In the strange lands<br />

of my dreams, Pvc found plenty<br />

of adventures In Spain. <strong>The</strong><br />

new language, food, people,<br />

culture, moraU, hopes, and<br />

fears arc all quite exciting.<br />

Out, I've also discovere*.* like<br />

many ethen before me, that<br />

Becoming accustomed to life<br />

In a new country Isn't sasy.<br />

It's almoit like anrthcr world.<br />

In eight months my mlislon<br />

will be complete, and ! will<br />

return to my world, Sati Fun*<br />

cUco. By then, 1 will IIAVC<br />

total respect for my Immigrant<br />

ancestors. <strong>The</strong>y were astronauts.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y undcrwen: the<br />

tests of living In a new world,<br />

and, for the most part, succeeded.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir lives, although<br />

trying, were surely rewarding<br />

By Mark Ungar<br />

Miss Mlrple was at flnt television shows, arc enjoying<br />

quite angry. This was the a significant surge of popularity<br />

second time her friend Mn. in recent years.<br />

McGllUcuddy was late for tea. Agatha Christie Is, by far,<br />

This time, however, Kirs. the most prodigious myitcry<br />

McGIUlcuody was visibly writer of modem times - her<br />

shaken and bet excuse was 86 novels have sold well over<br />

rathet aUrmlitg: "Oh. I'm 400 million copies, making<br />

so sorry for being late, lane," her the most widely published<br />

sbo flustered, "but la the train author In history.<br />

on the way up here I saw some- Although many have criticone<br />

being murdered ..." ized Christie's writing u " arti-<br />

Thus the plot of Agatha ficial and school-girlish" and<br />

Christie's novel "4:S0 from her characters as being "flat as<br />

Paddlngtoo" unravels, reveal- cardboard," most praise the<br />

Ing a murder mystery that even stories for their "cleverness,<br />

the most experienced ileuoVj suspense. Intrigue, and for the<br />

weald have difficulty in wiving. large number of them."<br />

Mystery books such as this . "To tell the truth," Christie<br />

. one. In addition to mystery Is supposed to have told some-<br />

. aovlcs, cbibf, shops, and . one at» pairy, "I R« most of<br />

M-<br />

What in the world<br />

are we eating?<br />

By Debbie Gottfried<br />

Do you ever stop to think<br />

about what Is In the food you<br />

eat?<br />

ff you cue about what you<br />

tie putting Into your body,<br />

then you might want to read on<br />

because what you are eating<br />

might not be what you think I;<br />

Is.<br />

Today, many products cy to<br />

mimic something which Is<br />

natural. <strong>The</strong> word "natural"<br />

on a product can fool people<br />

who do not read labels care*<br />

fully.<br />

An example of the kind of<br />

deception going on Is when a<br />

company uses die adjective<br />

"natural," claiming that It<br />

modules only the adjective<br />

which follows It, not the<br />

product Itself.<br />

Many coniumcri arc turpctied<br />

to learn that Pllbbory<br />

Natural Cnocolate Flavored<br />

Chocolate Chip Cookies contain<br />

artificial flavoring ai well<br />

as the chemical antioxldant<br />

DMA.<br />

LangcnJorf Natural Lemon<br />

Flavored Crcmc Pic cunt Jim<br />

no cream. It docs contain<br />

sodium proplunate, certified<br />

food colors, ioOiui.1 benzoate,<br />

and vegetable gum.<br />

A common example cf an<br />

artificial product nude to<br />

appear real Is fruit drinks.<br />

Many powdered and liquid<br />

fruit drinks attempt to Imitate<br />

fruit flavors. Often, In small<br />

letters, one will find the disclaimer,<br />

"Contains no fruit<br />

Juice,"<br />

A close took at the 1- JCIS<br />

often reveals that many of than In some people, MSC results<br />

products are almost completely In a condition causing a burning<br />

artificial, coaulnlng little or sensation throughout the body,<br />

no fruit Juice.<br />

upper chest pain, facial press-<br />

Products like Hawaiian Punch ure, and headache.<br />

and Hl-C contain ten percent Sodium Inosfnate and dlsodlun<br />

fruit Juice, while thete Is no guaoylate are also sodium salts<br />

lulce In dry-mix products or used In some soups as flavor<br />

Gatorade.<br />

enhancers. <strong>The</strong>y are made from<br />

A major ingredient In these proteins and have oo known<br />

products Is sugar, and some also liealth hazards connected wim<br />

contain maltol* a flavor enhanci r, their use.<br />

and artificial flavors.<br />

Common In vegetable-beef<br />

In recent yean many coloring and vegetable soup widi beef<br />

agents have been removed from suck Is caramel coloring.<br />

the market as potential eancer- Caramel coloring is on the<br />

causlng agents, but many others U. S. Food and Drug Adminis-<br />

are still used.<br />

tration's priority list for testing<br />

because It Is thought that cara-<br />

Amcrlca's staples - Are the corttpjnlc: i-.-ving us deception's<br />

FD&C Yollcw Nc. S muit be<br />

listed specifically on a product's<br />

label because It It an allergen<br />

for some people,<br />

A product which U high In<br />

preservatives Is canned soups.<br />

Many contain monosodlum glutamate,<br />

a sodium salt used as a<br />

flavor enhancer.<br />

melized sugar can form carcinogens.<br />

Alert consumers arc realising<br />

that the ingredients in many<br />

products are anything but<br />

natural.<br />

<strong>The</strong> best advice to follow Is<br />

"Read the labMs.'*<br />

a surge in popularity<br />

Agatha Christie<br />

my ideas while earing appto<br />

In the bathtub.*<br />

<strong>The</strong>re Is even a n^nual<br />

available called "Agatha Christie's<br />

Detectives," which guides<br />


previously read books<br />

1687 Haight-San Francisco -552-4122<br />


the arm-chair detective through<br />

t no* el -by -novel development<br />

of the author's famous slcuthi,<br />

from the Infamous Hcrcule<br />

Poliot to the prim Miss Marple.<br />

Another popular mystery<br />

writer Is Dashte.l lUmrr.uu<br />

Fail of the 5ara Spade creator<br />

have moo IU zed into clubs,<br />

especUUy in the Bay Ar"-a.<br />

One such organization U the<br />

Maltese Falcon Mum Club which<br />

organ!; J In memben twice a<br />

year In order to weed out Hammert's<br />

elusive bird, hidden In<br />

the underground maze of the<br />

city.<br />

Mystery fans from many persuaslcns<br />

had m opportunity to<br />

meet with one another and exchange<br />

Ideas at the 13th annual<br />

World Mystery Convention In<br />

Berkeley a few weeks ago.<br />

"Mystery Invloves a lot of<br />

common sense," offered Ed Hoch,<br />

president of the Mystery Writers<br />

of America, "plus a great deal of<br />

psychology and a thorough undemanding<br />

of how people deal<br />

with different situations."<br />

In addition to Joining clubs<br />

and participating In conventions,<br />

mystery buffs can visit the San<br />

Francisco Mystery Book Shop,<br />

Located at Diamond and<br />

24th Streets In Noe Valley, the<br />

store Is open only on Fridays<br />

and Saturdays.<br />

Novembers, 1982<br />


lEffiJRE<br />

Americans indulge in<br />

a// Aiiids of crazes<br />

By Emily Mu.aae<br />

When asked what oblect they<br />

- remember as being the focus<br />

of put fais or crazes, <strong>Lowell</strong>-<br />

'Jxet tepUad Mlth a variety of<br />

answers, ranging frora pet rocks<br />

to fc-yo's to sea monkeys.<br />

< > Senior filly Lafever recalled<br />

. going to the beach along the<br />

1 DeUware Rivet with his cousin<br />

to collect recks. He explained.<br />

"We then painted them, used<br />

sWxner for their houses, and<br />

Kit aero at pet rocks.'<br />

Whether th'r«e creations were<br />

me original pet rocks or net b<br />

anyone's guess. In later years,<br />

nevertheless, the Me: jaugnt<br />

on and millions of boned rocks<br />

were sold during a kind of craze.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y further recollected a<br />

rynuucnlied swimming pretenuiicc<br />

which Incorporated<br />

hoot -bajfj Into ooe of the<br />

routines.<br />

Jiuctct Leung, sophomore.<br />

'Crazes will continue<br />

on into the future.* 1<br />

For your shopping pleasure<br />

Crocker Plaza to entice<br />

By Usa Mllcy and Kelly Ryan<br />

Crocker Plaxa Is A promising<br />

new shopping mall under construction<br />

In the heart of downtown<br />

San Francisco.<br />

Tuorgh It Is a long way eff<br />

for the official opening of<br />

Crocker Plasa, moil of uic<br />

store space has already been<br />

teased. Two stores are already<br />

stocked ?rlrr.9f ibe<br />

students who make use of the<br />

center's resources an seniors,<br />

underclassmen are enc—aged<br />

to visit the center to flan and<br />

explore possible college and<br />

career choices.<br />

Sujdenta can also find college<br />

nandtaoki and pantphlea on<br />

their chosen schcol.<br />

lunlors as well as seniors<br />

may take the Kuder Self-interest<br />

Survey, a seif-admlnisu'red<br />

eatier Interest survey<br />

tha. 'i available at mo center.<br />

IVoZ<br />

Vice, also provides college<br />

appUcat JO scholarships and<br />

financial aid forms for collegebound<br />

ppllcants, saving them<br />

tim3 and trouble In writing<br />

directly to colleges and other<br />

sources for them.<br />

VICCI's other services to<br />

students Include duplicating<br />

unofficial transcripts, presenting<br />

options to students on<br />

posilble future choices, and<br />

Klvlng out summer school<br />

* ^plications.<br />

Kim noted, "Today with<br />

iludents worried about what<br />

colleges they want to attend,<br />

they need all the help they<br />

can get. 1 fed that the center<br />

fulfills that need."<br />

<strong>The</strong> center Is open weekday,<br />

from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m.<br />

Featuring:<br />

• Contemporary Classir Oothing<br />

• Color Consulting<br />

• Wardrobe; tanning<br />

* ! ?:r*stment Dressing<br />

68 WM>. portal avc 753-6062<br />


I Jr. •<br />

1£<br />

Embarrassment is common trait<br />

B» KiU Clothier /.ccuTdlurj w pychologlit<br />

WtiUo walking across ihe cafe- JulUn Segal. -All embarrassing<br />

ittU and pasting Joe 5tudlyt episodes expose a part of ourcaptain<br />

of the football team<br />

and bcatt-ttirob of the school,<br />

LindaXnrdly dipt and accidentally<br />

throw creamed com Into<br />

Soidl? 1 that will umuti our<br />

Image In die eyes of often.'<br />

If one trips In a dcsenal<br />

hallway or ipHis mlllc at home<br />

! face. .<br />

alone, these feelings do not<br />

"I noped the earth would Jml appear.<br />

open up and swallcw me vbola, - Albut S.ncdly, a high school<br />

Nmdly confided.<br />

freshman, wjlkod Into the<br />

She vil eiperienclng what middle of a senior English class<br />

everyone'feeb at one time or hy mistake.<br />

another - embarramnent. . "I was relieved to be eble to<br />

get out of there, but I still felt<br />

Utce I wanted to crawl under a<br />

rock. Even the teacher laughed<br />

at me," he said.<br />

Embarrassment Is often eccompaaied<br />

by summering,<br />

perspiring, *iJ. moss often,<br />

blushing.<br />

<strong>The</strong> most paUful aspect of<br />

embarrassment b the feeling<br />

that one Is Isolated - that no<br />

mM understands your feelings.<br />

On the contrary, however.<br />

moil people sympathize with<br />

peopta who are embarrassed<br />

became they have bad similar<br />

ex paleness.<br />

Magazines reveal that<br />

fair out people have had their<br />

most'stnbamslng momma"<br />

like everyone cUc.<br />

Cwol duructt, actress and film<br />

star, revealed Ml upon meeting \<br />

actor James Stewart, her Idol,<br />

she mined wouad and stepped Into<br />

a bucket of white-wash, dragging<br />

It aciosi the set. She could not<br />

go back and face hint; me was<br />

Sometimes, Jim admitting that<br />

* particular moment was embarraulng<br />

and laughing at oncfclf<br />

can help reduce personal teuton.<br />

So the next time you forget<br />

your liner In a play or In a speech,<br />

ot use the wrong word In a forei&n<br />

language, or discover that your<br />

shirt Is on Inside «it, relax. You<br />

are not alone.<br />

Gangs handled in San Francisco<br />

By Sharon rang<br />

<strong>The</strong> Gang Task Forte was<br />

suited tc 1977 following the<br />

ChlriaicKn gate-related massacre<br />

at tae CoUen Dragon<br />

Restaurant on CjfXember 4,<br />

1077, wtu-iV ic lmtorta<br />

people- '.'.fatUyshotacd<br />

1 • jtt'-tAouiVj Injured,<br />

r^ior to the ^hcotlnju* the<br />

San Framlsco Police Ccpartment<br />

was "aware of the fo-inatfoa of<br />

various gangs," according to<br />

Inspector John McKenot. o'<br />

the Sang Task Force, "especially<br />

those farmed with the<br />

recnt arrival of Immigrants<br />

In the early 70's."<br />

McKenna pointed out that<br />

the Police Department a bo<br />

had Information about "some<br />

of the ldds from Hong Kong ...<br />

clashing with American-born<br />

Chinese. <strong>The</strong>re wasn't a grc=:<br />

deal of this going on, but<br />

enough to create some concern."<br />

"Consequently, several police<br />

officers began learning<br />

about some of the cultures,<br />

the history, and me background<br />

of the Immigrants to<br />

account for what was happening,-<br />

said McKetma. "But<br />

k really didn't amount to<br />

anything until the Golden<br />

Dragon tromlddec. That was<br />

me catalyst, • be explained.<br />

Following the Golden Dragon<br />

massacre, "<strong>The</strong> Investigation<br />

•bowed that several months<br />

before In Chinatown, there<br />

bad been toother -crfeii of<br />

tbooclssi Between the Joe<br />

Eiyi gang (who were responsible<br />

for tLe Golden Dragon<br />

i&ffV^Gv.VyV<br />

slaving*) and the Wah Chlng<br />

gang,* MrKn.ni explains^<br />

"L Police ad*nlnUtr»tton iV> •<br />

elded to form the Gang Tuk<br />

Force In order to look Into the<br />

cacse and factors wh.cn led to<br />

the shootings ... and to handle<br />

all activities of crime and<br />

Intelligence gathering about<br />

criminals In the Asian community,<br />

according to KIcKe.JU.<br />

Although the Gang Task Fotce<br />

does deal with other ethnic<br />

communities In the city. Its<br />

primary expertise lies within<br />

Chinatown where the effects<br />

of the fotce have been felt,<br />

"for a period of time, we<br />

suffrrH over SO gang-related<br />

homicides," said McKenna.<br />

"We are now happy to say<br />

(bat wltb the masses of murders<br />

ve had prior to the fornation<br />

of the Gang Task Force, we<br />

have only had five since 1977,<br />

foar of which have been solved,"<br />

he Indicated.<br />

McKenna conceded that at<br />

first the Task Force did not<br />

have a great deal of success<br />

because victims were fearful<br />

of entering Isto tbe Judicial<br />

•yttem, but each subsequent<br />

year succeu began to Increase,<br />

Constant contact wltn the<br />

community baa helped In<br />

solving crimes. McKenna<br />

cited tbe roost recent murder<br />

conviction of a gang member<br />

who had fled to Miami after<br />

fatally subbing a police lieutenant<br />

and a member of the<br />

Wah Chlng gang outside a<br />

Chinatown theater.<br />

"Through our sources we<br />

were able to establish the<br />

person responsible, track him<br />

to Miami, and arrest him and<br />

, bring him back," Informed<br />

KtcKrtoa.<br />

Exclusive ChUixu'i Apparel. Houscware<br />


f:r:n~f l ? ~*i : '. *<br />

MS. JKAN HAMItU.<br />

An important function of the<br />

Gang Task Force is to dissuade<br />

more young people from joining<br />

gangs. "Wben a young person<br />

Is seen hanging*around with<br />

well-documented gang people,<br />

we try to Identify him," Mc-<br />

Kenna satd.<br />

He admitted that attracting<br />

these Individuals away from<br />

ctime Is difficult.<br />

"We tu>ve had some success,<br />

to U Is worth the effort everytlme,"<br />

he said.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> force Is familiar with<br />

most of the gang leaden and<br />

gang membership, and the<br />

members know tha; they will<br />

be the number one suspects if<br />

a crime is committed," M=-<br />

Kenna pointed out.<br />

Gang familiarity on the part<br />

of the police has been effective<br />

McKenna said, "We have been<br />

told by these criminals that<br />

our presence has deterred a<br />

lot of their activities."<br />

"But," be added, "wcVe also<br />

very aware that our presence<br />

Isn't going to stop crime all<br />

together. Crime always goes<br />

«j, but we buf

felTURE<br />

<strong>The</strong> Amphitheater of the San Fnncbco College of Mortuary Science<br />

S.F. College of Mortuary Science<br />

By Katie Young<br />

"To educate this trainee<br />

foe a lifetime of service to<br />

hii fellow man la bereavement,"<br />

Is the philosophy of<br />

the Si a Francisco Collese<br />

of Momury Science.<br />

Located at 1450 Post Street<br />

slDce tti founding In 1933,<br />

the college celebrates la SOtb<br />

anniversary this year.<br />

<strong>The</strong> college offers Jun one<br />

basic coune of study which<br />

covers all frcets of Mortuary<br />

Science. This line of study<br />

Includes classes la embalming,<br />

restorative art, chemistry,<br />

mortuary merchandising and<br />

and other related courses.<br />

<strong>The</strong> entire program lasts<br />

Just 48 weeks.<br />

After these -48 weeks of<br />

Intensive study, the student<br />

graduates from the college<br />

a certified Funeral Director-<br />

Embalmec<br />

Professionals In the field<br />

acclaim tho San Francisco<br />

College as being one of the<br />

tnest of la kind la the country.<br />

<strong>The</strong> college prides Itself on<br />

die completeness of Its -<br />

facilities which Includes an<br />

aoatomlncal holding room<br />

which has the capacity to<br />

store as many as 220 cadavers<br />

for lab use.<br />

<strong>The</strong> college also has<br />

facilities In which the sradents<br />

maka wooden caskets<br />

for cremations and the college<br />

even has la mm ping-pong<br />

table for the students recreation.<br />

In addition to la microbiology<br />

tab, chapel, restorative<br />

art lab and amphitheater,<br />

the school also<br />

boasta a small inuioirn which<br />

contains casket* frum around<br />

the world*<br />

What motivates people tt><br />

go into the C^td vt Mcttua*<br />

According to Pa to C^T;<br />

college president, a variety<br />

of reasons*<br />

"Some, go Into this line<br />

because of a ••ermine desire<br />

to help mankind. Others<br />

pcx!ui4, have attended funerals<br />

and were deeply Impressed<br />

with tie funeral director's<br />

work. Still others go Into<br />

Mortuary Science for tho<br />

Obscure schools offer career choices<br />

By Pam FasUff<br />

"To give la students a strong,<br />

cohesive foundation tu the fundamentals<br />

of Western-style massage,<br />

primarily modified - Swedish<br />

and Esalcn" read! the course description<br />

of the Massage Institute 1 !<br />

brochure.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Massage Institute, located<br />

at 3118 Clement Street, is a<br />

professional training school. Oaz<br />

bundled hours of class and passing<br />

: grades ci three quizzes and a<br />

take-home final exam are the<br />

requirements to become a<br />

masseur or masseuse.<br />

She continued, "People tcJay<br />

are attacking their bodies with<br />

such things as deodorants. We<br />

are not only trying to get rid of<br />

the sexual taboos on our bodies,<br />

but also the Idea that cir bodies<br />

are bad. We have to learn to<br />

love and appreciate our bodies.*<br />

Pomfret explained, "<strong>The</strong>re<br />

u a memory In every pan of<br />

our body, and each memory<br />

stores tension and fear. Massage<br />

finds tills fear and goes<br />

right through It. Once we penetrate<br />

the fear, we are able to<br />

get In touch with our feelings<br />

"People today are attacking their<br />

bodies with things like deodorants."<br />

"Y» have to have * c«m-<br />

&£ tnltted, dedicated attitude and<br />

~ V t u v e a personal imervlo*<br />

-'before being accepted here,"<br />

:^ said Susan Pomfret, Instructs.<br />

•Bw we have nsver refused<br />

jCUstes at me Massage Insdue<br />

axe held in the nude. <strong>The</strong><br />

i school alms to get people more<br />

;.-Iatouch with their bodies. '.<br />

|Sv-v. - ! -.- :<br />

j?*HIstocy bat made w believe<br />

*£» there Is a taboo oc our<br />

|bo41ei,-.JUtedPorofreu "We<br />

Jwaci to help people get over<br />

s taboo and beconw Meodi<br />

&wlm their bodies.'<br />

fNovember 5, 1983<br />

and experience them."<br />

<strong>The</strong> lasrlute uses two types<br />

of massage in la classes -<br />

Swedish massage, which b<br />

strong and not vei? sensitive,<br />

and Esai'-J. a type of massage<br />

which Is based on touching and<br />

stroking.<br />

"Esalcn gives a person the<br />

feeling of beli^ nurtured,"<br />

pomfret ic.ci<br />

<strong>The</strong> Massage latiute appears<br />

u be a unique school, training<br />

people to become ..-ertifled mass-<br />

,go technicians with an cnpbails<br />

on the Importance of sensitive<br />

touch and body awareness..<br />

Western Truck Driving School<br />

By Deborah Woo<br />

Ever hear the terms • reefer,"<br />

"kick the donuu," or "goat 'o*<br />

shoat man"?<br />

<strong>The</strong>se phrases are part of truck<br />

driving language, that Is, truck-<br />

Ing Jugon.<br />

A "reefer" Is a refrigerated<br />

truck; to "kick the donuts"<br />

mein* to check your diet; a<br />

, "gcat *n* shoat man* is a driver<br />

of a truck carrying livestock.<br />

Sound Impelling? <strong>The</strong>n you<br />

might consider teaming to drive<br />

» "llg."<br />

Why do people drive trucks<br />

for a llvlig?<br />

Roger Keppner, he.'J instructor<br />

of the Western Truck Driving<br />

School In Oakland and a truck<br />

driver himself, replied, "It's<br />

a healthy Job and It pays good<br />

money."<br />

Established In Sacramento<br />

by Everett Nord and his wife,<br />

Greta, In 1977, the Western<br />

Truck Driving School has<br />

branched out into Oakland and<br />

Reno.<br />

Prospective students have a<br />

choice of two programi: the<br />

two-week coune (5795) or the<br />

four-week coune (31,345),<br />

which Is z continuation of the<br />

two-^ eek coune.<br />

To enroll In the school, studenu<br />

mutt be over 18 and<br />

"have a healthy body."<br />

Students who complete the<br />

short course receive a certifl-<br />

I*JW of completion, and those<br />

who complete the four-week<br />

coune receive a diploma.<br />

<strong>The</strong> major emphasis of the<br />

coune Is on defensive driving<br />

aod Mile driving skllli.<br />

At the end of the course, the<br />

student takes a road ten to obtain<br />

a Class 1 license and become<br />

a fjH-fleJgcd "i-ucK<br />

Jockey."<br />

Beaugay's School of Dog Career<br />

By Mary Joyce<br />

"It's so much fun; there's<br />

never a dull moment," said<br />

director MIml Thumler of her<br />

dog grooming scb%>l, Beaugay's<br />

Schaol of Dog Ca-cer,<br />

Located on Flnt Street in Los<br />

Altos, Beaugay'i has been In<br />

existence llnce 191L, Thumlcr<br />

trains people who want to begin<br />

their own dog salons.<br />

Students become certified<br />

groomen after completing 300<br />

noun of training. At Beaugay's<br />

this takes three to four months,<br />

depending on how much time<br />

a student puts In dally.<br />

After completing 300 hours*<br />

studena receive state issued<br />

certificates.<br />

Enrollment at the school Is<br />

governed by the number of<br />

available course openings.<br />

"1 usually train seven or<br />

eight studena at a time,"<br />

Thumler stated, "and usually<br />

not more than one or two studena<br />

are at the same stage of<br />

their training."<br />

Thumler charges studena<br />

$3.55 for each hour of training.<br />

Studena can pay tho tout $1,065<br />

for 300 hours at once or pay in<br />

five installments of 9213 each.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re Is abo a $25 registration<br />

fee.<br />

Studena learn to groom dogs<br />

of varying breeds and sizes, and<br />

they learn the different techniques<br />

used foe each breed.<br />


"Poodles, for example,"<br />

noted Thumlcr, "have to be<br />

brushed and cut a certain way,<br />

asd you grooc a tenter differently<br />

than you do a setter."<br />

She stressed, 'Every dog has<br />

a different personality. <strong>The</strong> only'<br />

way to learn how to deal with a<br />

specific deg Is to take care of<br />

him over a period of tlnw.<br />

She commented, "Doy groom-<br />

Ing can be very profitable. Even<br />

a small shop can do very well,<br />

depending on la location. Allin-all,<br />

dog glooming - and<br />

teaching ft - are very rewarding<br />

to work at."<br />



Choose the Army skill you want lotam. qualify for it. and<br />

well guarantee you. in writing, the opportunity to be mined in it.<br />

It s that simple. It's oiled the Delayed Entry Program.<br />

TJ1 us the training you want, and well reserve for you the<br />

fint available spot, before you sign up.<br />

TK>U(h you have to be a high school graduate to qualify<br />

for this program, you can sign up in your senior year. In that case,<br />

well reserve your training until after you graduate.<br />

With more than 300sIaUs.dK Army certainly has one waiting<br />

just for you. Find out. Call or visit your local Army Recruiter.<br />

45 V. Portal Avo., San Franciscc 665-5631<br />



Varsity<br />

By Alan Chan<br />

Tbe Luwell vanity football<br />

turn tot la fo_nh lntcr-confereaee<br />

game against the "po*i'<br />

er-packeu- Callieo Lions by ><br />

icon of 42-?. eUmlnu'ng any<br />

chance fot rtae Indians to nuVo<br />

the league play-ofrt.<br />

Costly tumevas by 3 "lackliotct'<br />

ofTcrae contributed to<br />

* tbe IndUns* bownfall, AS tfao<br />

loom cjpltaUill on • number<br />

oT mlsukei, uliich Included<br />

a blocked punt, four Interceptions,<br />

and two rumbles.<br />

: <strong>The</strong> lnHJns had dlfnculty<br />

. m haadlicg tbe lough CaUleo<br />

leamnmnghort the game ai<br />

irvcral bey p'jyen were In-<br />

Jmod, Including Anesto Eitrelta<br />

(llMmu), Stephen<br />

Burger (t!gh: tad), and JTeractrio<br />

>vellno;wlde receiver).<br />

football team jumbles chance for play-offs<br />

game was dominated by the<br />

Galileo team as the lloni<br />

powarod to four touchdowns.<br />

One of Ora few bright spots<br />

of the game was the play of<br />

3 ilntbackeallatlanZlmmera<br />

man and rtuls Fredrlckion<br />

.g with 19 at 116 tackles, res-<br />

-• pectlvely.<br />

•n Said FtcJrlcklon, -<strong>The</strong>y<br />

1 writ tough, aud we Just got<br />

£ 'too tired.*<br />

"Slie and speed have b-en<br />

hurling us all season," explained<br />

liead coach Mill Axt.<br />

-Ifs difficult to compete when<br />

everyone else Is bigger and -<br />

.Oorrjback Daverln lacleno and Unebickerllatlan Zimmerman<br />

brl^g Balboa ballcarrier n, h!i knees<br />

faster than you are,"<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s only scoring play Ernest Bates' errant pau to<br />

An added, "Depth-wise,<br />

occtmed late In the Hut light end Surjer wai denected the team Is weak," He as-<br />

quarter after an Imfiesslve . off hU flngen:ps Into the handj c-lbed "class g»ps" as a r.udrive<br />

to the Lions' seven- .of wide reccrcr AveUno. Jorculplt. -We sorely bck<br />

yard line. Quarterback<br />

Tbe second lialf of the<br />

members from the Junior<br />


<strong>Lowell</strong> grad pitches for Yankees<br />

By Dan* Pal*<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> Indians' 1976<br />

vanity baseball team hu<br />

weaned a sue Stefan Wever,<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Class of '70, wai recently<br />

called Dp to the major leagues<br />

to pitch for the New Yock<br />

Yankees.<br />

Wcvcr, now 24 yeas old on<br />

a tcnferlng 6 feet, 8 loch (tame.<br />

was an AU-Clty right-hander<br />

In his unlor year under the<br />

I that was if going t was to going make to It nuke as a it. bat remarked. a» a teguUr ballplayer," he<br />

pitcher." Wever explained.<br />

And make it he did. In his<br />

senior year he hurlsd his way<br />

to a 7-3 win/loss record, including<br />

a no-Mttcr against<br />

WJUon and a .*hut-out double<br />

header versus Lincoln, whllo<br />

posting a 1.44 ERA.<br />

Drafted out of U.C. Santa<br />

u.rbara in hU Junior year,<br />

where he was wot Wing on an<br />

EnglUh literature nu.ot, W=vn<br />

nude It to ll-: AA level of ttie<br />

minor leagues before being<br />

called up to the majors.<br />

While In Nashville playing<br />

AA ball, he set several goals<br />

fot himself In an effort to prove<br />

hU durability. We vet's desires<br />

were to lead the Southern<br />

League In Innlags pitched, to<br />

have a year worthy of earning<br />

him 'Pitcher ol the YeJr"<br />

honors, and to go to the champlomhlp<br />

with his Nashville club.<br />

He went three for three.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Yankees* organization<br />

was Impressed. On September<br />

11, Wever got word he 'tad<br />

coaching of the late Don "Doc- been promoted to the Yankees<br />

RlcbarJson - a man, Wever says. Six days later he appeared In<br />

who had a great deal to do with his first srut against the Amerhls<br />

sweets ai a pitcher. lean I w^ue Champion Mllwau-<br />

"He Instilled a lot or confl- kce Brewers, an outing he dedeoce<br />

In me," Wever conceded, scribed as a "pretty unspectacular<br />

fti the end of his Junior year debut."<br />

:o high school, Wever was<br />

called tip from the JV'i to giro<br />

the varsity team a liastt In tbe<br />

play-offs. Ironically, up u<br />

that point, be bad seen actlos<br />

only at Mat base. <strong>The</strong> transition<br />

to pitching proved to be<br />

a wUe'mov*. .<br />

"Don Richardson told me<br />

Pouring rain and a watcrdrencbed<br />

field contributed to<br />

bis eight run, two and two-thirds<br />

Inning showing.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Yankee response to the<br />

rookie was a positive one,<br />

"<strong>The</strong> guys oa the Yankee<br />

team made it easy because they<br />

Just accepted me right off t*-<br />

Mora Important to his future<br />

however, the YanU* marugc'.w .<<br />

ha« continued to show faith in<br />

Wever"j talents ar*l has infotifico.<br />

him that he Is assured, at the<br />

least, of a spot on the AAA<br />

ratter.<br />

Wever stated, "Barring any<br />

trades, I will go to spring<br />

training with the idea that 1<br />

:an maVe the team as a rlflht-<br />

handed starter."<br />

Although Wcvcr h\s attained<br />

his present status largely on his<br />

own. he gives <strong>Lowell</strong> a good<br />

deal of credit for expanding hit<br />

h ~»•<br />

the squad played either Mission ean the pUyers form a strong<br />

or Balboa yesterday In a champ- «•»»">"«'".<br />

lonship match, which was too IunIot ^ Bo " >tit> - * "»"<br />

late to cover In this Issue.<br />

"I credit their success to<br />

having stuck together throughout<br />

the ir-ison and fot having<br />

played as a unit In tho games,"<br />

Ernst Felbuseli, soccer coach,<br />

explained.<br />

In the play-off against Wilson<br />

liaUback, who has played on<br />

the team for three years, added,<br />

"We got to know each other<br />

teally well; throughout Lnt<br />

summer, we stuck together . wJ<br />

practiced as a team. Actually,<br />

ve practice together all year<br />

round."<br />

In the one game that the team<br />

on November 1, <strong>Lowell</strong> achieved , .<br />

the nght to play for the rltle whsn M n "» e a 6" rat Mtoto " v '*<br />

ccn-« forward Xlvaro Garcia * , nMl t r\ KOn ' ***"**<br />

kl lhe e 1 " 16 - ** a wuk "<br />

orilmlsra when he stated. "Every- neM ""• '" m ncedl Io :m P rov

SPORTS<br />

By Emily ki<br />

When nkcd how sue feii<br />

about being ocemed "Athlete<br />

of die Month." senior Vanessa<br />

Goodrich unprctentlomly re-<br />

Chow, Goodrich November 'Athletes of Month'<br />

=Vanessa Goodridu<br />

plied. -1 vu bo-uncd, but<br />

kind of surprised,"<br />

However, attcr renewing<br />

tier success u a member of<br />

loweli's tennis learn since her<br />

freshman year, the recogiutlon<br />

comes ss no surprise; Goodrlch<br />

presently ranks as the number<br />

one Hnijlcl player of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

vanity tennis team.<br />

<strong>The</strong> effectiveness of her<br />

exceptional forehand and<br />

volley skills are reflected In her<br />

personal record of four wins to<br />

one Ion thus far Into the season.<br />

She rcmembes that as a<br />

frahmansne*... lost fietty<br />

ay Randy Ken<br />

Dedication and love of the<br />

game of football have combined<br />

to give this -Athlete of the<br />

Month" distinction to Lon Chow,<br />

* devoted offensive and defen-<br />

badly in tho»e challenge<br />

matches against the top players<br />

on the team."<br />

Nevcrtiiclcsi, her perseverance<br />

paid off the next year<br />

when she played doubles with<br />

Pamela Fattlff. Asonnofher<br />

nv*st memorable tennis rnonena<br />

at <strong>Lowell</strong>, Goodrich<br />

recalled whwlng the All-City<br />

title. She noted, "I was<br />

really excited about playing<br />

doubles ts a sopliomore against<br />

senior teams and winning!"<br />

In her Junior year, Goodrich<br />

flayed cun&a three singles<br />

for half of the season wh;!e<br />

the number O-K pla.cr, Helen<br />

Nazar, was out with an Injury.<br />

When Nazar recovered,<br />

Goodrich returned to playing<br />

Roubles with Faitirr 4nd the<br />

sive tackle foe the <strong>Lowell</strong> vjrslty<br />

football tea.ru<br />

Chow, who Is leading the<br />

team with five sacka. Is off to<br />

an excellent year. He prefers<br />

nlawlriir the dctcmi*<br />

Coach Tuiasosopo insph<br />

tough<br />

By Wesley Wing Minion, the Indians'<br />

defense ihut down ihe Bean<br />

A turd-w« king, tard* hitting,<br />

ai the <strong>Lowell</strong> squad rolled to<br />

and aggressive <strong>Lowell</strong> junior<br />

an 18-0 win,<br />

vanity football team has earned<br />

Tuiasosopo cfcthuicd, "<strong>The</strong><br />

itself a record of three wins otTcosive Une'i pass protection<br />

and one lots at the mld-polm wai ucellent, and the de*<br />

of the season.<br />

feme did a hell of a Job shut-<br />

<strong>The</strong> team Is off to la best ttu? them out."<br />

start to several seasons, show <strong>Lowell</strong> bounced back from<br />

Ing aii Improved offenre and the low the follralng week,<br />

a much more determined de- derating CaUIeo 18-12, Top<br />

fense, thanks to some dedica- performances were turned in by<br />

ted coaching by BlU Tuiasosopo,<br />

head coach and defensive coord- running back Dan Braun (18<br />

Inator, and Dennis McSnane, tarries for IOG yards) and by<br />

: ofTemlvc coordinator*<br />

In the team's opener against<br />

SteVomberS. 1983<br />

two went on to take the All-<br />

Clty :ltle for the second conifcutlveyear.<br />

Mien most of the singles<br />

players graduated last sptlng,<br />

Coodrlch rose up through the<br />

1 ranks to her present position.<br />

Although Goodrtch 1 ! reason!<br />

fcr playing tennis are vailed,<br />

she emphasized the Importance<br />

of tcanwoik, -it's good to<br />

play a ipurt that involves team<br />

spirit. I have really alloyed<br />

this aspect o? playing for<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s tennis team." she<br />

stated.<br />

Goodtlch comes ftom a<br />

family "big on ruinlr and<br />

although she tecelvcd no<br />

Tornul coaching, her parents "<br />

as well as her siblings taught<br />

her much of what she now<br />

Vnows.<br />

She generally practices for<br />

but knot/s that hr is needed on<br />

the offenstve squad.<br />

After playttig on tne junior<br />

vanity as a freshman. Chow<br />

moved up to the vanity squad<br />

as a sophomore. He flat<br />

Joined because his MeniU<br />

went out for the team, but<br />

over the yean he acquired a<br />

love for the game.<br />

In assessing his Wong and<br />

weak points. Chow stated, "I<br />

have a lot of dedication and<br />

determination to strive for personal<br />

goals. 1 set a goal to<br />

achieve for every game."<br />

"My weakest point Is th>t<br />

I am Inconsistent and not as<br />

pli>-ilcAlly civcrpowcxli^ at<br />

I'd like to be.<br />

During the summer. Chow<br />

worked out with weights to<br />

gain 25 pounds In order to Increase<br />

his strength. "Uftltn:<br />

two to th.ee noun a day. but<br />

to °1 tou 8 h Io ****<br />

othercon—tsocca,- ^<br />

tennis career at the college<br />

level arc tentative at pres-<br />

has Rlvui me mxc confidence,<br />

psychologically and physically,"<br />

he Indicated.<br />

Chow feels that football is<br />

very Important to him both<br />

on and off the fleVi. "Football<br />

Lon Chow<br />

is the most rewarding experience<br />

to me at 17 because of<br />

all the tradition, support, rivalry,<br />

and competition Involved.<br />

It helps mn to prepare<br />

foe life, learn to work and cope<br />

with people, lot goals to achieve,<br />

and learn what 1 can and<br />

can't accomplish. It teaches<br />

me things that I can't learn<br />

(turn boaVi," tie explained.<br />

Though football is Chow's<br />

favarl.c sport. It li not his only<br />

one. Me played third base<br />

for the JV baseball team as a<br />

freshman and * sophomore.<br />


SPORTS<br />


-Dana Falk-<br />

Volley bailers bump competition<br />

By Moalquc SVruzny<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s volleyball team hai<br />

a new ct**ch, Jjmes Knert. and<br />

the team U contlnalng its winning<br />

wayi as tfci fall semester progresses.<br />

Early In October, the Indians<br />

played an exhibition game<br />

against St. Rose at the University<br />

or Santa cunu losing t'c ftm<br />

game, the team fought back to<br />

win 4*e second and third games.<br />

A scrimmage agilnst Mercy<br />

High followed, and the Indians<br />

won foux of thft six games.<br />

In tnc flnt league game of<br />

the season, <strong>Lowell</strong> tilumphed<br />

over the McAteer Jaguan, after<br />

Nothing 1» more oS3rnvating than being call- *»lr. the first match.<br />

ad ouC when you know you were safe...or being<br />

fouled and having lc go unnociccd. ..or maklnr.<br />

a diving catch and having it ruled trapped...<br />

you get the picture. Thcne arc all Judgment<br />

calls. In ell of "-.hose cases, it's up to the<br />

official, for better or worse, to interpret the<br />

play and mske a call.<br />

Host of chc tine, on

"<strong>The</strong> Boyfriend Begins Tonight (Sec Entprcalnacnt Section, Page 8)<br />

Volume US, Number .1 Lonll Hlub School. S»n Froubcw. OUIfornU Wlli December 3,13(2<br />

Teachers disagree on class size issue<br />

By Caroline Canadlng<br />

Overcrowded classes, a subject<br />

which his San Frarcbcu'i<br />

tcachcti* unions in dlugreemcnt.<br />

will be a major Issue cttuldcicd<br />

when Uie two unions vie for<br />

t>awft In a poulbtc ipting election.<br />

Both the San Francisco Federation<br />

of Teachcn (SFFT) and the<br />

flic a clau *ciion grievance<br />

(against the icheel dlitilct)<br />

on the broad IIJUC or r'w<br />

size."<br />

Tlw SFCTA aUo claims<br />

thai despite enrollment increases.<br />

"... clou ;isc I>«<br />

lUcn only 0*4 percent a year,"<br />

while"... during SFFT's fouryear<br />

icmire as bargaining agent,<br />

ptovlsion that lite aV'CTA JI!-<br />

"ocatet.<br />

Abcr<br />

5, SFCTA took action to'<br />

burgsonlng, not declining<br />

clan sizes. <strong>The</strong> union blames<br />

this fact on the rame monetary<br />

Shelley ita:cJ. "<strong>The</strong> SFCTA<br />

is in effect saving there is no<br />

problem-all has been done,"<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

to single<br />

(itUu-r'i note: At l»- ! * issue<br />

of " nic <strong>Lowell</strong>" was polng to<br />

ptcu, Principal Alan Ftoitti<br />

announced ttu'l *J>rrc !ias been<br />

a fJcby In moving all classes<br />

• iroin the South Campus to the<br />

I MalnCampu;. Specific dates<br />

i will be ar-iumnccd as l«.*on as<br />

| tl.ey arc known.)<br />

By Kara Wcrthctrn^r<br />

Ar. CM .it Im-cil IU\U School<br />

has come u> .in en.:. TTietc it<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> WJI (clicJuk-J to<br />

levrrt b.irl- to J lin^lc cainput<br />

!:(,; tchool Jl Hit: txi'Jt.ninj'<br />

i>f the next rlioiil yesr in September<br />

if I'j^ri.<br />

Puc i? a recent turn of<br />

jvenit 'lie ctun^c hii been<br />

accelerated.<br />

Tlic Jiiignmtnt of fresh run<br />

clauci from S; utli Campm to<br />

tiic Main Cjrr^>ui ^at meved<br />

up when teachers' parking<br />

facilities at Scjili Cainptu<br />

were taken away In order to<br />

reverts<br />

campus<br />

playground equipment fot the<br />

handlcafycd students at Lou lie<br />

Lombard School<br />

llem/Caruio, prlnclf^l.<br />

identlfl-d an itca for the play<br />

itjulpmcnt, Kit it was conslderol<br />

inadequate <strong>The</strong> only other<br />

tite was the parking lot area<br />

.used by Lou lie lombard teac^tr;,<br />

social workers, and <strong>Lowell</strong> fjculty<br />

iiembcrt.<br />

TfJtit'. ilcparimct:t itcid^. a<br />

librari;.!*. -u;J the chairnun .'f<br />

tlic F-u uNy t:«niik-il. mel -nJ<br />

decided to invctticalc ttic fc.itiblltiy<br />

of an Immciliatu move<br />

i'f frcilinun clancs to tlic main<br />

campus.<br />

.* Fibiili requeued Central OfP.cc<br />

authorizatki and suppnit tot the<br />

move as soon ai nliyilcally pu?s-<br />

Iblc.<br />

<strong>The</strong> move brings approximately<br />

'200 more students to Lcwctl'i<br />

Main Campus.<br />

Faculty Council works to resolve problems<br />

^T*-^|" Jack Meier, Faculty Council Chalrpefton,<br />

Dy Marta Crlscta<br />

While :hc city-wlilc tciehcn*<br />

organizations deal ^Ith such<br />

Issues as wi^es and working<br />

conditions In San FrancUco<br />

pMblic whocls, what group is It<br />

that uorVi ;o wive <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

particular pebjems?<br />

It fJ the <strong>Lowell</strong> Faculty Council<br />

Originating In the 193O'i<br />

when the BoziJ of Education<br />

dccld^l that aP high schools<br />

should have faculty councils.<br />

It has been wxklng for almost<br />

30 years to Improve faculty and<br />

student morale and to solve<br />

I — many of the school's problenu.<br />

I ^ One member from each of<br />

Ibu <strong>Lowell</strong>'s departments b elected<br />

|jj by tlic impairment lacU to<br />

| serve a one-year teim on the<br />

; Faculty Council Once elected,<br />

the members select a chalr-<br />

% penon from arocag themselves<br />

vhetc tcniue Is abo one year<br />

la length.<br />

-<strong>The</strong> council has found that<br />

when the faculty works with<br />

the administrators or with the<br />

students. It Is much more<br />

effective than when one of<br />

•Jiac bo-Jici tries to wort separately,"<br />

observed lack Meier,<br />

present Ficuliy Council president.<br />

Meier added, however, that<br />

the council can only be effective<br />

If the faculty Is cooperative<br />

and united behind it*<br />

One of the problems which the<br />

Faculty Council is presently<br />

working on b that of the lack of<br />

study space and the resulting<br />

crowded hallways that plague<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Meier reflected no the problem,<br />

stating. "You cannot<br />

simply tell kids to get out of<br />

the tullx. You have to provide<br />

them with a place to go. *<br />

<strong>The</strong> council members are<br />

seeking tuch a place. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

are considering the feasibility<br />

of making tht

^EDITORIALS " never seems to<br />

get it quite together. Isn't It<br />

about tine to give thn comr/tnicy<br />

college a chance?<br />

Thin 1-iilRhs in Thirty<br />

Days. Crassicr people<br />

read these books.<br />

Crass people live In<br />

Vlsalla, Mllpltas,<br />

Brisbane, and of course,<br />

Daly City, the Crass<br />

Capitol of the World.<br />

Crass people "get<br />

away from it all" in<br />

su^h vacation paradises<br />

as Reno, and the LaBrca<br />

Tar Pits. <strong>The</strong>y .?iways<br />

stay at Motel 6 where<br />

they find the paintings<br />

attractive.<br />

Who's crass and<br />

who's not?<br />

Crass men injoy '<br />

bowling, big-time wrestling,<br />

and the roller<br />

derby.<br />

Crass women also<br />

enjoy big-tln.e wrestling,<br />

and buy their<br />

pots and pans for<br />

Sio.99 froa T.V.<br />

offers.<br />

<strong>The</strong> front-runnero<br />

In the celebrity world<br />

of crass arc Phyllis<br />

Dillcr, Lloyd Lindsay<br />

Young, Andy Kaufman,<br />

and Richard Slinnons.<br />

Just what makes them<br />

crass?<br />

Richard Simmons<br />

scrcaas on national T.V<br />

about flabby fannies.<br />

Pure crass.<br />

And as for T.V.<br />

weatherman Lloyd Lindsay<br />

Young—can't you<br />

Just sec him checking<br />

into a Motel 6?<br />

But the only sure way<br />

to identify a crass person<br />

is to ask the question:<br />

"Would this person<br />

put clear vinyl protectors<br />

in his plaid<br />

sofa?" "<br />


Holiday spirit fading<br />

"Buy this product, it's the boot! What<br />

gourmet cook could te without this handydandy<br />

gadget! Remember, Christmas will be<br />

here soonI"<br />

Because af the constant pressure and bombardment<br />

of advertising, the American public<br />

Is losing sight of the true holiday spirit.<br />

Advertisers hcvc begun hcliday cdvcrtlbing<br />

earlier and earlier each year. A3 a result,<br />

American Ideals arc turning more materialistic.<br />

Joseph Magnln's downtown store installed<br />

their Christmas windows in mid-October. <strong>The</strong><br />

windows exclaimed, "Only 70 more days 'til<br />

Christmas!"<br />

By convincing the public that they cannot<br />

do without a certain product or service,<br />

advertisers Induce people into buying things<br />

they do not want or cannot afford.<br />

Advertising aimed at children trains<br />

youngsters to be a society of consumers, convincing<br />

them that they need everything they<br />

sec.<br />

People also tend to compare friendships on<br />

how much money one spent on a gift: "He<br />

bought DC an expensive sift, therefore I like<br />

him better than soaeone else."<br />

During previous years, people seemed to<br />

have had a better idea of the true spirit of<br />

the holidays.<br />

In the Depression, for instance, people<br />

did not have the means to buy expensive gifts,<br />

KO they put more thought into a special gift<br />

that could he n.idc Instead oJ bought.<br />

This consideration showed a Uindrtd spirit,<br />

and brought people closer together.<br />

<strong>The</strong> precarious economic situation In the<br />

world today should cause uo to reflect on our<br />

ideals and priorities. <strong>The</strong> lovn and cotcpanlontihip<br />

felt in earlier holiday seasons can<br />

only be recaptured through understanding.<br />

With world affairs in such a chaotic state,<br />

and nuclear weapons au constant threats, the<br />

hutcan race needs to take a step coward increasing<br />

brotherhood. <strong>The</strong> holidays seem like<br />

a perfect time to do it.<br />

Grading process<br />

needs overhaul<br />

On the whole, <strong>Lowell</strong> has i \Jty lino faculty.<br />

However, there are moiC than an "isol&ted few"<br />

in this group who demonstrate a very disturbing<br />

trait: basing their grades purely on numbers.<br />

Un r ortunately, all too many teachers lose sight<br />

of tltc supposed reason we enroll in their<br />

classes—to loarn, not to memorize.<br />

Example: giving multiple choice tests on<br />

Scantrons. Teachers' aides know the hour?<br />

this procedure sivcn, but students, if not<br />

angered, should be, rhat: (1) someone uho did<br />

not study could take a few lucky guesses, and<br />

(2) true students arc given no opportunity<br />

to show newly acquired knowledge by means ot<br />

essay questions, etc. In addition, many true<br />

or false questions arc worded in such a way<br />

that they become brain teasers rather than<br />

true indicators. How about effort? Oral participation?<br />

.TV- ronccpt ci : ..'icral well thought-out<br />

cute: c icstiom. . .-• i tesr. *•: on interesting<br />

*•';*.. I'vgine a &*.«.(! test, "o.;, geometry: in<br />

part one, have the studeui.^plain the theorems,<br />

axioos, and the hows and whys of the procedure.<br />

In part two, the student could actually complete,<br />

the proof. This vould allow for partial<br />

crt'ait. iflnp^'tutient underside rhe concepts,<br />

but ^wulrfn't apply them, or 'isd t&k mechanical<br />

skills, but no knowledge of WI^L to do with<br />

.Ihen. Thio kind of test would also allow the<br />

1 teacher, time permitting, to pinpoint lust<br />

%\^rc the student hud faltered.<br />

V - Titls, nrrionruization of a normally impersonal<br />

•'swbjatf.Vvould, more likely than not,<br />

result. *.a tf.'aia*!cically positive attitude<br />

changes.<br />

Kore>Vt*c-,ly than nor- fine faculty, some -,.<br />

pleasant Reprises vli^'-c in store for you.<br />

-"h *,< -. Jn V"'-' Members, 1932<br />


0 f<br />


Staff explains<br />

1982 yearbook<br />

D«at Ed IU,:<br />

On Thursday, November 4,<br />

the 1082 edition of "<strong>The</strong> Red<br />

end White" wat released. This<br />

ed.'Jcu, &c most expensive<br />

yearbook (a <strong>Lowell</strong>'s hktory,<br />

-.' was reeelvej with much crlt-<br />

- . icxsa'.Td disappointment.<br />

y dents 4Dd graduates<br />

wondered why the cover was<br />

beige, "by many or the ;ic-<br />

;. tutet woe fuxxy, why there<br />

were few color pages, and why<br />

sr.ne of tbe grad pictures were<br />

left out or misnamed*<br />

Tbe overall feelipg win<br />

"This boo 1 ' U ucc worth *25."<br />

I, a member or the 1963<br />

yearbook staff, am writing<br />

Oils letter, not to apologize<br />

for tbe outcome of thr book,<br />

but tu point out the conditions<br />

under which the entire tuff<br />

hud to work, I am also disappointed<br />

with tbe outcome,<br />

but under the conditions, the<br />

staff did Its best.<br />

First of all, the 1932 yearbook<br />

staff started off with a<br />

deficit of several thousand<br />

dollars from the 1981 book.<br />

As a result, we were prevented<br />

from putting In more color<br />

pages.<br />

Also, In ordet to make up<br />

for this deficit .tnd to offset<br />

1101 Eucalyptus Drive<br />

Sin Francisco. CA 94132<br />

price Incieates from J wen<br />

(the printer), we bad to charge<br />

mote for the 1983 edition.<br />

In the fall of 19S1. aU but.<br />

two enlargen In tho darkroom<br />

were wocklng as a result of the<br />

carelessness of the photography<br />

classes. <strong>The</strong>re was no money<br />

to replace them, and we could<br />

only produce fuzzy pictures at<br />

he*.<br />

.Seccdly. daring tbe spring<br />

senxstcr. our longtime sponsor<br />

and friend, June Shafcr, passed<br />

away. Her death was a tre-<br />

mendous blow to the staff. In *<br />

past jears Ms. Shafer supervised<br />

the overall production<br />

of tbe book, contributing he;<br />

Ideas and opinions. However,<br />

this Is not to say that Mr.<br />

Kohtz was a bad sponsor; on<br />

the contrary, he look time off<br />

his supervision of the school<br />

newspaper and offered his<br />

assistance to us.<br />

EdJlor-in Chief<br />

NoiEoVlor<br />

Ant. New Editor CMJOUOC Cabadiof<br />

Feature Editors Kristin Clothier<br />

Lortamapk<br />

Mark I/qir<br />

Sports Editor. DaruFatt<br />

AM. Sports Editor..... Monlquc Skmssy<br />

Polities Editor Mkbid Doantr<br />

Assx-PoUtki Editor. Miy Joyce<br />

Ooremment Editor Vanessa Goodrich<br />

AssuCoremmatEiiKk- OorULee<br />

Eultrulaaat Editor Lauren Heim<br />

Anv Entertainment Editor. James Lurk<br />

PTolBaEdltor. UllrSlu<br />

AMI. Pronto Editor MarlaP.io<br />

Cop/Editors Carol Amndon<br />

Jocet-uKtl<br />

EmltrMuraw<br />

Production Manajrrs Mfrounf Caun<br />

EliineWoat<br />

Adratisinf Manaicn UiaMSer<br />

KtOyRym<br />

Fepvtau Miooru AJtullira, Alison Bloomlkld.<br />

EllzMbelh Brown. Alan Chin. lisa Cofar. Pamela<br />

Fasti//. Keilfe Can. Urrjr GdUbat. Dcbbte Colttritd.<br />

Dirld Soros. Ru-dr *«•»• *«*« f**d>- BOen<br />

Wdner. Km Wetthtlaer. Water Wing. WiiH.<br />

Woof. Dtbbk Woo, JCar> Young<br />

Phototrsphr Editor I/","V'JS^f'S<br />

Cartoonists: Mario Carmona. Bcfl/ajnio Cilia. /ud><br />

Chant. Sboko Kasnr/iina<br />

Journalism yldnior.... Raymond E. Roots:<br />

December 3, 1982<br />

Finally, there were many<br />

factors which wa.beyond tbe<br />

control of the tuff. For example,<br />

Cansleo Studio* did not<br />

provide us with tbe grad plct'ues<br />

until a day before the f.ral d«dline<br />

In Augnrt. <strong>The</strong> Returns ••<br />

G a ml en submitted w.c two**- 1<br />

plete, explaining why some wer i<br />

missing. Furthermore, Jotten<br />

did a poor job of printing, evidenced<br />

by blotches on numerous<br />

page*.<br />

la conclusion. If you are a<br />

dlsutUfled owner of a I9&2<br />

yeatbouk, 1 am sorry that you<br />

bought It. You should realize<br />

that the yearbook was an 11tnonih<br />

production, from September<br />

1991 to August 19ES.<br />

Many naif meraben had to<br />

ucrlflce part of their summer<br />

Jobs so they could'finish no<br />

book. In no way am I maHng<br />

excuses or apologies foe the<br />

outcome of this book, but every<br />

student should understand the<br />

difficult conditions with which<br />

the stiff had to work.<br />

Henry Wong<br />

Yearbook Staff<br />

Class of 1982<br />

Deat Editor:<br />

<strong>The</strong> 1083 yearbook staff would<br />

like to thank everybody who<br />

filled out the yearbook surveys<br />

and returned them. <strong>The</strong>y will<br />

aid us trcmctkj;us!y.<br />

We would also Ukc take<br />

this opportunity to clarify tome<br />

doubts iti misconceptions surrounding<br />

Hie C?£ yea*book thai<br />

cime out on November -1.<br />

Ftrtt of all, we would like tu<br />

state tt.at the present suff Is<br />

not responsible for the 1962<br />

book. We, too, recognize tbe<br />

flaws of the book. But we arc<br />

also aware of tt.c serious fln*nciaT<br />

prob'-cms with which the<br />

1982 suff bad to deal.<br />

We arc not trying to make<br />

excuses for tlie previous suff;<br />


NEWS<br />

Bechtel engineer discusses earthquakes<br />

n- lT'le hong<br />

As a mat speaker for thu<br />

architecture and Engineering<br />

Club, Ken Marks, a structural<br />

engineer foe Bcchtcl Corporation,<br />

lpoke about earthquake? and their<br />

effects on structures «if:*.r school<br />

on November IS.<br />

sfor- getting Into hi* subject<br />

In dcptl, Matks defined some<br />

kay terms.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> 'ivpoccnter,- according<br />

tu Marks, "U tiie point on a<br />

fault Diane where a major part<br />

of a Quake's energ) originates.<br />

<strong>The</strong> epicenter it the vertical<br />

ijccrlon of the h>pocen,ter,<br />

and the epicenter distance I*<br />

ilmpl} tlie dlsw.ee irom the<br />

Using an overlie ad projector,<br />

he showed graphs of the ICCCIcratlon<br />

and velocltj of a 19-10<br />

El Cersw iianhquakc. Discussion<br />

led to the defining of more<br />

term*.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> magnitude of an earthquake<br />

Is the measure of ground<br />

acceleration Increasing logarlthmicHy.<br />

In other words, an<br />

earthquake with a magnitude cf<br />

:n will have an acceleration<br />

ten times that of a quake with<br />

a magnitude of six," explained<br />

Marks,<br />

Intensity Is the measure of<br />

the damage caused by a tremor.<br />

For example, an Intensity of<br />

•even would result In moderate<br />

damage to buildings that are<br />

ell-designed ard considerable<br />

damage to poorly designed<br />

O.-lncei I- ".Marks gives<br />

buildings," Mark> continued.<br />

M-uks then dejlt with the<br />

subject oflH3W structure* uehave<br />

dmlng quakes. "In high rises,<br />

the '.*>p of the buildings tend in<br />

sway back and forth, t'xler<br />

special condition* when ground<br />

thakl&g icaches a certain frequency,<br />

ihe building actually<br />

bends buck and Torth at the<br />

center of the strjerur*-. At a<br />

higher frequency the structure<br />

vibrates In a zig-rag pattern,"<br />

he stated.<br />

Yearbook sales<br />

begin next week<br />

By Mtyoung Chun<br />

<strong>The</strong> tale of the 1083 <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

High School yearbook, "<strong>The</strong><br />

Red and White,* will ukc<br />

place for two weeks starting<br />

Monday. December G, according<br />

to Nina Kim, editor-inchief.<br />

Students wbo ordered the<br />

yearbook In November have<br />

until Friday, December 17,<br />

to complete their payments.<br />

Registry treasurers will receive<br />

special payment envelopes<br />

next week and will collect<br />

payments dally which will be<br />

deposited In Room 5.<br />

<strong>The</strong> payment envelope* will<br />

contain specific Instructions<br />

for each registry to follow in<br />

collecting sale mosey.<br />

Kim Indicated that the cost<br />

of the 19S3 yearbook will be<br />

lowered from $25 to J22 because<br />

the Advance sign-up<br />

• wu higher than Tor the 1982<br />

yearbook.<br />

She explained tfaic the per •<br />

unit ccti of the book decreases<br />

as sales increase, A«> remit,<br />

parcbasers of the 19&rycarbook<br />

will get a. price reduction over<br />

1982 purchasers.<br />

- Kim also pointed out that'<br />

the 1982 suff had to cha^c<br />

more because the 1981 yearbook<br />

had a deficit which necessitated<br />

a price increase to<br />

pay the accumulated bills.<br />

"All payments for the 1983<br />

yearbook must be made by<br />

check or money order. He<br />

cash will be accepted 'his year,<br />

Kim announced.<br />

She indicated mat the 1003<br />

editors are busy planning the<br />

vjilous sections of the forthcoming<br />

publication. Pttoto-<br />

£raphcn anC writers are be!nj;<br />

assigned to cover all school<br />

events for the 1982-83 school<br />

year.<br />

Karen Mauumoto, graphics<br />

editor, will choose the best<br />

pictures to be In the book aod<br />

will Mipervlsc the various page<br />

designs and layouts.<br />

Additional editors Include<br />

Evelyn Babasa, photo editor.<br />

Usa Cogar, copy editor; and<br />

Fted Chang aod Walter Pfau,<br />

sports edttcrs.<br />

Reaction to the 1982 yearbook,<br />

which came out In November,<br />

was mixed. S*me<br />

critics objected to the fuzzy<br />

photographs, lack of class<br />

polls, missing senior picture*.<br />

Inconsistent format, and lack<br />

of photo Identifications,<br />

?n carth^ake lecture.<br />

He pointed out that the mail<br />

function of a building's rigid<br />

floors is to help Jlstrlbute t!•••<br />

load(uri'is) t*> walls bj- pul!!i:<br />

the walU a tun*;. <strong>The</strong> w.»IU<br />

tramfer the force to the building*!<br />

foundation where It dis-<br />

"Ipates.<br />

"We use special map* that<br />

prcdii't (lie Intcnilij at ^ specific<br />

site and then design cjnhiiuake-procf<br />

buildings while<br />

keeping expenses In mind."<br />

\tatks conclu Vd.<br />

New courses running<br />

smoothly after quarter<br />

By Munlquc SVuzny<br />

Ttils semester four new or<br />

revived councs arc in <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

curriculum. <strong>The</strong>y Include<br />

AvrvipJfC. Hebrew, Japanese,<br />

and Ens Hili M

llEWS<br />

$fudent parking presents problem<br />

^?.V •''- fl y ClovU Lee<br />

ij-V-U there » problem at <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

';-\ dealing vith the subject of<br />

:*; student parking?<br />

V CompUluts are being heard<br />

.froma.number of studems that<br />

- then ire not enough placet<br />

'.•' csfcarnp*:* to patk their cats.<br />

- Principal Alan FIblih, how-<br />

/ ever, does not tgree with the<br />

• compUlcea. Ho countered,<br />

'•"Th«w ue enough spaces fct<br />

student parking. <strong>The</strong> school<br />

and students are fortunate In<br />

... having a student parking lot*"<br />

: <strong>The</strong>re ate three parking lots<br />

on the campus* <strong>The</strong> one be-<br />

~. hind ibe temporary buildings<br />

ami a smaller one at the ea«<<br />

end of the campus fete reserved<br />

for (acuity parking, while a<br />

larger lot north and west of the<br />

foo:ball field Is rot student use.<br />

"1! the student parting lot<br />

weie ML. **c would have to<br />

deal with the Mutton properly<br />

a.id promptly," Finish stated,<br />

"but there U no problem now."<br />

Another complaint aired b><br />

students U that their lot Is "too<br />

far" from the school building..<br />

Teachers point out that for<br />

many yean - since <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

opening In the 60's - students<br />

have parked In the lot vox to<br />

ihe f«m>aU field «nd have had<br />

to walk to the building.<br />

"1 n and<br />

recognition<br />

SaUulUl AcLUrv^rmrni lemlflm I«» (Sum left to eight) Thomas<br />

' Mitchell. Hakim Bast, Michclc DeCotcau. and Andrea Wilson.<br />

tru'*ll nc*. acot-Jiica 1 matttUU<br />

Out mcc» JII ufcty triHlci.<br />

Ai loon JI ttic :i»ord ot L" ^-4lien<br />

approve*; the r.jcaiar>funJ.<br />

fcr the J-'b, principal<br />

Alan Fibiih moved quickly i*<br />

have the $25,000 Job started.<br />

Tl:c "Id Insulation was scrjped<br />

ftum ttic telling, anJ the new<br />

acot..*lr snindprooflng was<br />

According to FlbUti, "Tlic<br />

nctte le\*el in the gym before<br />

the Koth was started was .cry<br />

uncoirfc;table. Ktlltcs In<br />

the gym vcrc not success?::!,<br />

and even one cUis in the gym<br />

sent the nolle bcunr!n£ alt<br />

around."<br />

tight aansmUiitm h» also<br />

been Imprcved as the new white<br />

celling reflects Ught better tlun<br />

the former covering.<br />

<strong>The</strong> project proved inconvenient<br />

foe the physical education<br />

cUuei and athletic teams as<br />

they w^c deprived of the u*c<br />

of the gym.<br />

Renovation of tlic acinijiic<br />

cciUr.,- bc^an In the first week<br />

of November and is expected<br />

to be completed sometime<br />

during the first week of<br />

December.<br />


previously read books .<br />

Speakers look toward<br />

future tournaments<br />

l»y CIU.'IKIII Brown<br />

-Since the team is expanding<br />

;hls year, we should do beuci<br />

at »ho tournaments, «nd irorc<br />

j^cpic should qualify (v: si»e<br />

finals,' itated Sandra Bin),<br />

Lcwell forcnslu coach.<br />

Ttic first forensic tournament<br />

was held la early November<br />

at George Washington High<br />

Sctwol. <strong>The</strong> second tournament<br />

(fer Individual events)<br />

vai l-.eld on November 13 at<br />

Kfiuicdy lllgt. School in Rlchmnr.il.<br />

Amonf, the 20 <strong>Lowell</strong> speaker*<br />

participating At Kennedy High<br />

School, ici.cn were finalists.<br />

President 5u;le Kim, senloc,<br />

plao first In the girls* extemporai.jous<br />

ta»egory, while<br />

iejmma:e icnlor Tanyt Troy an<br />

finished third In me same event.<br />

Kfjiitca Dua, seuicr, placed<br />

jcccnO In original advocacy.<br />

Freshman Eric F*iiifi', competing<br />

for the first time In<br />

Impromptu level 8, placed<br />

fifth.<br />

Other op placers Included<br />

seniors Gayle Levy, third In<br />

Impromptu level A: Michael<br />

L*«ire*T, fifth in boys* extemporaneous;<br />


Song girls win competition<br />

By David Jones "<strong>Lowell</strong> did especially well.<br />

LJWCU'I vanity KX.g gUU and no one was surprised when<br />

placed rint a; Oakland Technical <strong>Lowell</strong> was awarded the first<br />

High School'! "Battle of tl«<br />

irls" competition oa<br />

November 19.<br />

<strong>The</strong> squad* which contUied<br />

of Arulrea Kwan, Strphanlc Joe,<br />

Jane Woo, Lisa Fung, Cheryl<br />

Alexander, Lisa Bynl. Kim Dea,<br />

and Janlne Young, initially competed<br />

In a preliminary round<br />

along wiili eight other schools.<br />

<strong>The</strong> squads were Judged on<br />

Uieir technique, precision,<br />

appearance- entrance, and<br />

exit.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> squad, along with<br />

four other squadc, was selected<br />

to perform a new routine so that<br />

the Judges COUM select the flnt,<br />

second, and third place winners.<br />

place tit.pt. ' •ommemed<br />

*enlor J.inw K ——Ino, iplrit<br />

Week commissioner, added,<br />

"We really blew away all of the<br />

Lompctition."<br />

^•jccid and thlr I place went<br />

to Cattlemen H^h artd Oakland<br />

High, respectively, for<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir routine*.<br />

After tta song girls completed<br />

their part of the competition,<br />

the cheering sections froi.i each<br />

school vied for the overall iplnt<br />

award.<br />

Rather thi. yelling at random<br />

as the other schools did, the<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> crowd Joined together<br />

Students enjoy Convocation<br />

By Emily Morasc<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re were a lot of Ideas<br />

expressed, and I thought It<br />

went really well," stated sophomore<br />

Daniel Harrington, one<br />

of the participants at the<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Convocation on November<br />

i3 from 11 a, m. to 3:30<br />

p.m.<br />

Harrington and 30 other Interested<br />

students met with 25<br />

student government officers<br />

to dbcun the roles of the various<br />

student government boarUs arfl<br />

their memben and to probe<br />

school problems/<br />

<strong>The</strong> focus of Convocat'on<br />

'82 was on vandalism, cafeteria<br />

and beancry food, student participation,<br />

communication,<br />

service projects, and budget<br />

and finance.<br />

Committees were formed to<br />

discus each of these areas.<br />

A "wrap-up" session at the<br />

end of th; day Included recomodjulom<br />

from the vattou*<br />

committee*.<br />

<strong>The</strong> committee oo vandalism<br />

suggeiictJ that a "graffiti book"<br />

be published In which students<br />

would exnress their vlewi u an<br />

alternative to scrawllm*. them<br />

on battroom walls.<br />

On the matte: of cafeteria<br />

and bcanery food, a committee<br />

advocated that a itudy be mad*.<br />

of the services available at other<br />

high schools.<br />

<strong>The</strong> commlr.ee en communications<br />

recommended exploring<br />

the pobltllity of more newipapet<br />

coverage of student activities<br />

and dlscu^ed the establishment<br />

of a "Teacher Appreciation<br />

Day" to Improve student-teacher<br />

rclatlocubipc<br />

At a way of raising more<br />

fundi foe student activities,<br />

the bucket and finance portion<br />

of thi seminar dUcurtcd the<br />

concept or the "Associate<br />

Membership." For approxlmatcly$7.50.<br />

an "Associate<br />

Winter Ball approaches<br />

By Vaneoa Goodrich<br />

"What Preams Are Made<br />

Of* Is the theme of this year's<br />

Winter Ball, which will be hc!d<br />

December 22 at the St. Francis<br />

Hotel<br />

Tickets will be available for<br />

400 Lowsll couples who w|U<br />

Jatwe from 9 p. m, to 1 a. m.<br />

In the Grand Ballroom to the<br />

sounds r>f the band CotLige.<br />

Tot the first time In <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

history, nomination were<br />

accepted for a king and lil<<br />

court as well as the traditional<br />

queen Md court.<br />

Over 300 nominee* were<br />

notified CQ November 20, and<br />

those who accepted the oomin-<br />

6,<br />

a lions had their pictures taken<br />

December 2.<br />

Students wilt vote for the<br />

queen, king, and their courts<br />

In registry on December If.<br />

Students may only vote for<br />

candidates In their class.<br />

Tlckeu wilt jo on talc In<br />

the Student Actlvitea Board<br />

office on December 13 and will<br />

be available as long ai they<br />

last through DeccTiber 17.<br />

If there are any tickets remaining<br />

on the last day of the<br />

sale, <strong>Lowell</strong> coupla will be<br />

allowed to sponsor an out of<br />

school couple.<br />

Ticket prices range from<br />

$12 for two SAC hotter! to<br />

GREAT<br />


Dean's Deli<br />

SOlKonegaStmt<br />

and did a school yell, wh.ch<br />

earned the school another flnt<br />

place award.<br />

Junior Ell- karate. Student i<br />

Activities Bojrd art commissioner,<br />

stated, "Our &:oup wai only<br />

about half the size of itc other<br />

schools, but we realty showed<br />

our <strong>Lowell</strong> spirit."<br />

~'n the pa?t, t-owcll has always<br />

fad a ward-winning spirit<br />

squads, and It Is great to see<br />

iMs year's group continuing<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s winning traditions,"<br />

stated SAD sponsor John BUictu<br />

After the competition, song<br />

girl Stephanie Joe exclaimed,<br />

"I was so proud of the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

squad and especially happy<br />

that we won the spirit award<br />

because all felt that tills showed<br />

that Lowclliies are a spirited<br />

group.'<br />

Membership" would entitle<br />

the family of a <strong>Lowell</strong> smdem<br />

to various privileges and discounts<br />

to school-related cvcnti.<br />

Jack Meier, chairman of the<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Faculty Council, came<br />

•o th; Convocation with the<br />

specific purpose of seeing what<br />

irudcrj thought of opening the<br />

*fctcrla as an afternoon srudy<br />

tv.L<br />

"I also came because I was<br />

Interested iu learning what<br />

studena are thinking about<br />

school-related luues." lie Indicated.<br />

Joining Meier as concerned<br />

faculty memben were Principal<br />

Alan Flblsh, counselor Cathryn<br />

Brath, and Carl Kocnlg, <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Executive Council sponsor.<br />

Lucy Fong, student body president,<br />

stated that she was disappointed<br />

at the small itudcnt<br />

turnout. She added, "I am glad<br />

that everyone who d(J come<br />

had Input Into the discussion.<br />

We needed this time to work<br />

on various problems confronting<br />

the school."<br />

322 for two non-SAC holders.<br />

Gold and silver cards wilt be<br />

considered equal, and alumni<br />

will be charged the same as<br />

thc*e who hold a regular SAC.<br />

Drinks will be available at<br />

ths dance for $1 each, but no<br />

LEC uses election rules<br />

ber of the Election Committee.<br />

By Jocclyn Kei<br />

Citations can be handed out<br />

<strong>The</strong> itudent government for campaigning within the<br />

election procedures adopted polling plave, attempting to<br />

b> th; <strong>Lowell</strong> Executive Coun- or actually stuffing the ballot<br />

cil and pit :nto effect latt box, posting signs ouulde of<br />

term will be continued this the polling place* or altering<br />

temeitcr with some new the slxe of the size of the pet-<br />

changes.<br />

ition or potters.<br />

Under the newly adopted<br />

<strong>The</strong> hearing of grievances<br />

LEC guldel'n:;, candidates<br />

on the election procedures<br />

will be disqualified from<br />

must be filed with the Grievance<br />

running if they altc- in any<br />

Sub-Committee before noon<br />

way the size of the I - petitions<br />

on thb appropriate deadline<br />

or the size oi their penten.<br />

date.<br />

After thf deadline for *'ib- Grievance hearings 'till be<br />

mlttlng petitions has passed, hcM on the deadline data at<br />

a candidates' meeting will 3;C0 p.m., and the meetings<br />

be held at which the candi- in-ill be lield In the presence of<br />

dates will each receive two the entire membership of the<br />

shecu of poster paper tor LEC iod shall be chaired by<br />

campaigning purposes. the itudent body president.<br />

Posters may be displayed Forthcoming elections for<br />

only In the confines of the offlccri of the Board of School<br />

polling area, and ro Jthcr and Community Services, the<br />

type of campaigning rru, >? Class Of 19BC, and the Low:ll<br />

conducted there.<br />

Executive Council will be con-<br />

A candidate will be disdurted under the new election<br />

qualified if cited iy any mem- mie, jnd regulations.<br />

CASC conference held<br />

coat check will be ptovidcU.<br />

Picture packages will be<br />

available for purchase at the<br />

dance.<br />

David Joner, Junior Class<br />

president, commented, "We<br />

are tooklng forward to a large<br />

turn-out, and we hope the danci<br />

will be as successful as past<br />

Winter Balls."<br />

Robert Agulrrc, SAB dance<br />

commissioner, added, "We ire<br />

hoping the addition or the klng'i<br />

court will Increase student participation."<br />

By Janet Powell<br />

Nine <strong>Lowell</strong> students attended<br />

the California Acxiation of<br />

Student Councils (CASC) Region<br />

5 confer enc on November lfl.<br />

<strong>The</strong> conference consisted of<br />

a seminar on the "Rules of Life,'<br />

followed by a scries of group<br />

dlscuulcns on fund raising and<br />

ways of generating spirit within<br />

a student body.<br />

CASC Is a non-profit, student*<br />

run corporatiui. <strong>The</strong> ocginizatloaconsbts<br />

of nudena and<br />

advisors working together fot<br />

the benefit of student councib<br />

throughout California.<br />

Rcfcloo 5 is one or 18 regions<br />

which Is governed by officers<br />

elected by member schools cf<br />

the region, consisting or 60 high<br />

schools In San Francisco and San<br />

Sfatco counties.<br />

SONY<br />


Kav's Florist. LTD<br />





El<br />

By IK'<br />

"Tex."<br />

about t>o i<br />

It on tht<br />

appeal to •<br />

with ttic p.J<br />

Man Vi'-l<br />

joo cf p*r<br />

to survive •<br />

time wher. |<br />

most.<br />

Tex Hv.<br />

brother, M|<br />

Jim XI<br />

father u> tii{<br />

out his cw<br />

school i.n<br />

<strong>The</strong> fiiml<br />

smbllloni :<br />

player J<br />

arlie betwef<br />

Ins love i~o<br />

<strong>The</strong> filr.|<br />

'<strong>The</strong>]<br />

By I<br />

River" is I<br />

ioncd m.<br />

jvove I' 1 :j<br />

h^jrt of \<br />

played t<br />

<strong>The</strong>ciJ<br />

altered t<br />

young i<br />

Bur lime


Dillon shines in 'Tex'<br />

By Debbie Gottfried of hardships a teenager en-<br />

"Te»i" a new motion picture counters -•- school, the oppos-<br />

about two brothers trying tn nuke ite sex, and a realization of<br />

it oz their own, tut a strong responsibility -— In a realistic<br />

appul to teenagers as It dealt and touching manner.<br />

with the problems of growing <strong>The</strong> characters bring forth<br />

up.<br />

many emotions, and the viewer<br />

Matt Dillon does an excellent finds himself caring for them<br />

job of portraying Tex McCormtck, and their prohtems.<br />

a 15-year-old boy who struggles Dill McKinney as Tcx'l<br />

to survive wlihout a father at a father has a small rol-, but<br />

time when he needs one.the he plays it convincingly.<br />

i noli.<br />

<strong>The</strong> general level of acting<br />

Tex live* with till older is good, and Oil Ion it call the<br />

brother, Maum, played by iliow with his overwhelming<br />

Jim Mctzlct, who tries to be J tcniitlvity a* tic struggles to<br />

father to liim while working understand wliat growing 'pis<br />

out his own problems JS a high all about. U w« not iurpttiing<br />

school senior.<br />

to find thai the theater audience<br />

<strong>The</strong> film fociucs on Mason's was comprised mainly of tccn-<br />

ambitions to be a basketball uged girls.<br />

player and the conflict! which Ttiough some scenes verge<br />

ariic between till dreams jnd on the mclodrantatic, the<br />

his love for his brother.<br />

overall effect of the film it<br />

<strong>The</strong> film features a number believable and uultc moving.<br />

'Creepshow' worth seeing<br />

By Randy Kou<br />

As a night wtcJ twirls along<br />

Kb pic Sueet, thunder rumbles<br />

md Ughtnlnft tr^htcrr :* ' '.<br />

Qelghborhuoo.<br />

A man fiirlouily-/ell* at hU<br />

son. Young Billy has been<br />

reading a 'prohibited* honor<br />

comicbook. Ills faiher takes<br />

ihe book and tones it In the<br />

trash.<br />

Suddenly, a skeletal form<br />

appears at the window, startling<br />

tlic movie audience, and direct*<br />

their attention to the discarded<br />

comic book, a collector's fini<br />

edition of "Crccpibow,"<br />

Opened by the wind, the<br />

pages of the comic book turn,<br />

and one of the stories comes<br />

:o life.<br />

Crccpshow," the movie,<br />

vividly depict? alt of the stories<br />

In the book, each featuring<br />

fc-in.Miic ctcaturct, from dead<br />

pci-ple stl conic b4ck to llfc<br />

°<br />

to cockroaches to ghastly monsters.<br />

Ai the final t.'lc unfcldt, the<br />

audience ices that 1: Is daybreak<br />

on Maple Street. On the Kick<br />

of ihc"Crccpshow" comic, a<br />

null-In coupon fot a voodoo<br />

doll has been clipped out.<br />

'<strong>The</strong> Man fromSnowy River' charms<br />

By Ellen WcJncr<br />

•<strong>The</strong> Man from Snowy<br />

River" is the kind of old-fashioned<br />

movie that the film<br />

industry has generally forsaken.<br />

It stars Tom BurMnson is a<br />

young nun attempting to<br />

prove himself and win the<br />

heart of a wealthy ranch girt<br />

played by Slgrid Thornton.<br />

<strong>The</strong> course cf the story is<br />

altered by the death of the<br />

young man'i father, forcing<br />

Burllnson to leave hU moun-<br />

1982<br />

tain home Jnd WorK on tne<br />

ranches below. It h here that<br />

he must ptovc himself to those<br />

who challenge his abilities.<br />

Soth 6utl!nson and Thornton<br />

give Admirable j;=rformanca,<br />

though they sometime! lack<br />

emotional depth.<br />

<strong>The</strong> movie Is enhanced by<br />

Kirk Douglas's dramatic portrayal<br />

cf .».- eld mountain man vho<br />

guides Dot Union througU all of<br />

the tribulations In becoming a<br />

man.<br />

<strong>The</strong> real center jf interest<br />

of this AMtraHan-nuiic wcitcin<br />

Is the beautiful couu.-yiidc<br />

scenery. H help* cauy the plot<br />

through some slow-moving<br />

moments Jnd adds much to the<br />

general mood of the film.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Man From Snowy<br />

River U a good family film<br />

that leaves the audience feeling<br />

satisfied and contented.<br />

TrorY>:<br />

f \<br />

A<br />

Q<br />

$<br />

Inside the house, (he hoy*.<br />

father it a at the breakfast<br />

table nibbing his aching neck.<br />

Suddenly, he gets a horrible<br />

pjifl atkl riicn another as he<br />

clasps tils neck.<br />

Upstairs little Billy is at his<br />

tZtuk with an evil grin on his<br />

face. He ytckjupa pin an£<br />

stick* It In the neck of a ...<br />

voodoo dolt.<br />

Writer Stephen King's creativity<br />

3nd Ingenuity are presented<br />

In "Crccptliow," bis<br />

flnt original tcreenplay. Ills<br />

tetcenwrittng efforts show prom<br />

Isc at did tils novels, "Carrie,"<br />

"Different Seisms," and "<strong>The</strong><br />

Shining."<br />

Director George A. Romcn><br />

allows his visionary mastery in<br />

t!iii Him ,.t tic did in the prcvuiji<br />

"Nl^Iii of ttic Living Dead*<br />

and "Daunt'f t!ic Dead."<br />

"Crecpiliow" will not win -in<br />

Academy Award, but it il vvtx\<br />

ihv viewer's time and niency.<br />

Tt;c movie ccmblnes horror<br />

and comedy in a clever itory<br />

line that brings a comic book<br />

fantasy to flltr reality.<br />

Stars cf the film ate Hal<br />

Uolbrook, Adiicnnc Oarbeau,<br />

Frit: Weaver, Leslie Slcbon,<br />

and Carrie Nye.<br />

'Eating RaouF isfcU ~<br />

Hy J^mcs Lurle<br />

and MI«VHU Akul'.^ra<br />

"Eating Ra*nil," in off-bot<br />

comedy written nnd directed<br />

by Paul Panel, would have<br />

been a hilarious skit on "Saturday<br />

Klght Live."<br />

Unfortunately, It is a fitV-<br />

Icngth motlttn picture.<br />

At first, hilarious in la ablut-ilty,<br />

ihv plot soon becomes<br />

merely ahii'td.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ittxy concerns Itself<br />

with iUry and Paul Gland, a<br />

liappily married and utterly<br />

moral couple living In an apartment<br />

complnr filled with<br />

wealthy, sex-crazed iwlngen.<br />

<strong>The</strong> couple hopes to Improve<br />

thctr moral environment hy<br />

earning enough money to somcuay<br />

open a restaurant In die<br />

rountry.<br />

Although Paul U Tired from<br />

his job at a jtcjzy Uqttor itore,<br />

the pcrtinarloui couple never<br />

lmcs sicht of their dream.<br />

However, after Mary U unable<br />

to acquire a hank lcstii,<br />

ttic couple's dream i=ems to be<br />

ihartcred.<br />

A sort of mliaclc occurs.<br />

Paul accidentally kilts a swinger<br />

who happens to be carrying<br />

?:>00 In cash. <strong>The</strong> couple then<br />

realizes t'ut they have stumblcu<br />

^n a ptitcntlally lucrative business.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Blands go Into the buifness<br />

of luring wealthy swingers<br />

Inii' tliclr .ip,iftn)cni, hlllJn^<br />

iliL-ni, .md i;*trjctlnk; ttit-f:<br />

m.MK-y.<br />

All u-L-nif TO LK-* >;olng well<br />

until Ra.»ul, a burglar disguised<br />

at a Ifckjnilth, brcalu into the<br />

DLir.d't apartment and dluovjrs<br />

two rotptcs.<br />

Rjful agrees to dbpoie of all<br />

future caJavcrs for .1 share r.f<br />

1 tie Dland'i profits.<br />

<strong>The</strong> rest of the film c^nilsts<br />

of a monotonous itriu^ of<br />

"frying pan" murdcrt.<br />

<strong>The</strong> mc/ie will appeal only<br />

to those «iho have a somewhat<br />

filieuliih tense of tumor.<br />

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10% oil on all Noa-Salc Itraj with this coupon.<br />

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<strong>The</strong> Boyfriend' to tonight<br />

Quality acting in 'Chalk Garden'<br />

By David Jones<br />

Budget cuts at the American<br />

Conservatory <strong>The</strong>ater (ACT)<br />

tuve not Influenced the quality<br />

of the productions as demon*<br />

mated by the company's latcit<br />

presentation of Enid Bagnokl'i<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Chalk OatUcn."<br />

Convincing aeon, beautiful<br />

ICJ, am) a marvelous script<br />

compliment the product km.<br />

<strong>The</strong> mail satisfying pcrfornianccs<br />

ate given by Manian Walters,<br />

an ACT veteran of clglit<br />

yean, who plays an eccentric<br />

grandmother devoted to her<br />

grandtUughtcr and her garden;<br />

Barbara Plrlkson, an 11-ycar<br />

veteran, who play* an ex-convict<br />

who wttks as a housekeeper<br />

for the grandmother; and Anncue<br />

Bentng, a new member of<br />

the company* who plays the<br />

granddaughter.<br />

<strong>The</strong> story, which takes place<br />

In tippet class Sussex, England,<br />

begins when Miss Madrigal, the<br />

ex-convlct, takes a job u companion<br />

to Laurel, the granddaughter.<br />

Uurcl. who thinks<br />

of herself at being psychologically<br />

disturbed ai a result or her<br />

mother's absence from the family,<br />

U an extremely spoiled<br />

girl who requires naich supervision<br />

<strong>The</strong> stoty lino becomes complicated<br />

when the mother, who<br />

has been Tnfeslng for yean, te-<br />

. turns to get her daughter. Co-<br />

Incld=rajll7, the Judge vno<br />

sentenced Miss Madrigal for<br />

murder stops by for lunch. Mfis<br />

Madrigal begins elaborating on<br />

the details of her trial after<br />

uking too mud* wloe with her.<br />

raeaL<br />

<strong>The</strong> play Is flllc* with complex<br />

metaphors which are woven<br />

cleverly Into the plo% which<br />

can cause-die viewer some<br />

problems if they arc not clear<br />

at a given time In the story.<br />

Pie title Itself. "<strong>The</strong> Chalk<br />

Garden," alludes to the grandmother's<br />

efforts 'o grow Rowers<br />

cut of seucn with negative<br />

resulu.<br />

Tlie play wai made into a<br />

successful motion picture several<br />

yean ago and starred Deborah<br />

Ken and liaylcy Mills.<br />

Though serious in tone and<br />

filled with symbolism. It has<br />

tome penetrating humor, wliU-h<br />

sharply comments on the !mnun<br />

condition, manncn, and morab.<br />

it plays In San Francisco<br />

through December 31*<br />

While the tries to teach the<br />

tus choreographed for profes-<br />

By Kara Werthclmer<br />

girls to become refined young<br />

sional shows. He stated, "1<br />

Were you around to tec Low-<br />

ladles, the girls ate more prc-<br />

like working with high school<br />

ell's musical production of "<strong>The</strong><br />

occuppied with boys.<br />

students because they are hard<br />

Boyfriend" when it WAS presented<br />

workers, and they have a lot<br />

Tlie musical will give five<br />

tr i vurt ago?<br />

of energy."<br />

perfotmancct, more than past<br />

Probably net. However, you<br />

product torn. Became so much Coitumcs for the musical<br />

have a iccond chance to ice<br />

work goes Into preparing for arc being designed by Arvld<br />

this show at 8 p. m, on Dcc^n-<br />

the ihow, the cait members KcUoru lie has been teaching<br />

ber 3, 4, 10, and 11 and at<br />

felt mote people ibouid be given students how to make their<br />

£ p. m. on December 5.<br />

an opportunity to see lu own.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sunday, December 5,<br />

Jack Andcnon, Creative Aru AUc helping with the muil-<br />

.Irow will tcrvc at a reunion<br />

Department head and director c*l are set director Donml<br />

for the catt and musician] of<br />

of "<strong>The</strong> Ooyfil-rnd," remarked, Wabh, theater orchestra con-<br />

r'ie firit biwett production of<br />

" It's going to be a big show ductor Paul Zatullla, and<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Boyfriend." Following<br />

with lots of special effects, musical director Johnny Land*<br />

the performance, an alumni<br />

coitumcs, and color. H is fun An-Jmon pointed out that<br />

rcuiion celebration If scheduled<br />

with a tight-hcaitcd touch and being In the tthool musical<br />

to taVe place,<br />

great muilc."*<br />

production provides multiple<br />

Tt. itojy of "Tlic Boyfriend"<br />

Can members arc voc.it in<br />

experiences for the students.<br />

ukc* pUcc in Nice, France, In .<br />

j saying iliat Don Wclsamuller, ;tic<br />

Me n.iicd, "<strong>The</strong> itudenu arc<br />

ihc WJQ't. A ^:oup of American'<br />

choreographer. Is excellent, lie<br />

no-, only learning bow to set,<br />

gltli ts enrolled in an exclusive<br />

it a professor of dance at San<br />

but also about costuming,<br />

school under the tupcrvision of<br />

theatrical ma'itc-up, dance,<br />

Madame Dubonnet.<br />

Francisco State University and<br />

music, voice, and stagecraft.<br />

Kabuki Nightclub presents shows for all<br />

By Alison Bloemficld<br />

Site of last year's <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

High Senior Claxs Dinner, the<br />

Kabuki Nightclub Is one of a<br />

breed of large theater-type<br />

clubs.<br />

Housed within th-. Japan<br />

Center <strong>The</strong>ater complex, the<br />

Kabuki opened last ycat and<br />

has featured a number uf<br />

famous or soon-to-be famous<br />

bandt with some IOCAI groups<br />

serving as warm-tips.<br />

Besides serving as a showcase<br />

foe many new wave and avantgarde<br />

bands, the Kabuki has<br />

hosted events such as the<br />

.Kooljaz.? Festival.<br />

Student and Concert<br />

Guitars in Stock<br />

.'... cucn show It Is possible<br />

nor an additional SS) to have<br />

dinner ?t the club. <strong>The</strong><br />

dinner is not exquisite, but<br />

food produced on such a latgc<br />

scale rarely is.<br />

For those over 21, there<br />

are several bars, or drinks can<br />

be purchased with dinner.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re Is a two-drink minimum,<br />

but It Is not difficult to avoid<br />

buying anything.<br />

<strong>The</strong> bands appear on a stage,<br />

and there Is plenty ?f room up<br />

front for dancing. However,<br />

once this area b flllul, people<br />

must remain between the rows<br />

'uslc and Literature<br />

For <strong>The</strong> Guitar<br />

ground level of the theater<br />

or In the balcouy area.<br />

Overall, the Kabuki U a<br />

pleasant club. Showtime Is<br />

either 8 or 9 p. m. To grt<br />

teats up front. It I- advisable<br />

to get there early.<br />

To find out which band vlll<br />

be featured next, the pink<br />

section In the Sunday newspaper<br />

Is one place to look. Or call<br />

MC-3242 for Information.<br />

of rectangular tables or In the<br />

aisles.<br />

If not Impressed with the<br />

band presently playing, the<br />

customer can watch videos of<br />

other bamU in the lobby.<br />

<strong>The</strong> entrance to the theater<br />

l> through doors in a Urge<br />

glass wall, t'pstaln by escalator<br />

is thr. lounge in front of<br />

a large vl leo screen.<br />

Custom* i can sit on the<br />

from<br />

2626 Ocea<br />

Lakeside g<br />

239-430G<br />

10%DlSC0UNT<br />

on corsages<br />

&boutineers<br />

THE LOWEU December 3, 1962<br />

9.1<br />

Tlie I.I<br />

perform<br />

•A Kv>ut;<br />

houie c<br />

and i!u'<br />

boch t<br />



Noon Concert talent<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>.String Quartet gets rave revlewi<br />

By Mlyoung Chun<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> String Quartet<br />

performed In the (tin .,' a series<br />

of Noon Concert! to a packed<br />

house cooititlng of teachers<br />

and students on November 17.<br />

Taking part In the concert<br />

were String Quartet memb i<br />

Michael Juna. first violin;<br />

Patrick Thonui, second violin;<br />

Donna Gau, viola; and Geoff<br />

Emberling, cello. Dcnlsc Lum,<br />

a junior j on clarinet, lolnci!<br />

tlic String Quanct ai a guett<br />

performer.<br />

<strong>The</strong> program consisted of two<br />

ensemble pieces. First on tlto<br />

agenda was Hayden's "String<br />

Quartet #10 In C Major." In<br />

. boih tne fast **C slow movements,<br />

the students displayed<br />

- crlip technique and smooth<br />

: • overtones.'<br />

<strong>The</strong> lecond piece performed<br />

vft the "Uirli.g and CUtlnct<br />

Qut/.tct In A Mijor."<br />

<strong>The</strong> ovc;all performance<br />

cllcttcd strong applause from<br />

an appreciative audience.<br />

Lum commented, "<strong>The</strong> performance<br />

went better ihan we<br />

expected, and we were happy<br />

because we had practiced a<br />

CtMinielor Stella Michiclbn,<br />

sponsor of the Noon Concert*,<br />

started the concept 1.1 years<br />

ago. She explained. "We try<br />

to give all students an opportunity<br />

to perform when they<br />

want IO."<br />

In past concern jjujat pcrformen<br />

from the San Franclico<br />

Symphony and Chamber Ch.ilr<br />

have been featured.<br />

An annoyance during the<br />

concert was when several<br />

students waikeJ in jfior the<br />

program had tuned. Jones<br />

quipped, "We seamed to gut<br />

more popular by the minute."<br />

<strong>The</strong> relaxed atmosphere<br />

combined with the iparMtn^<br />

pctfoimancc of ilic ttudcrmade<br />

ttie event jn enjoyable<br />

one for the Uryc audlcn*:c.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> String Quartet<br />

It scheduled to perform at a<br />

wedding ceremony In December.<br />

Song lyrics meaningless<br />

Dy Pam Fasti ff<br />

In today's world of music, do<br />

we, when tinging along to a<br />

tong on the radio, really know<br />

what the singers are saying?<br />

Of course not, and that's the<br />

way we like It, right; Why In<br />

the world would we ever want<br />

to understand me words vT a<br />

song?<br />

American teenagers love<br />

noU=, or at least we are led<br />

to Dclleve to. Why else would<br />

we have stereos blaring all the<br />

time?<br />

<strong>The</strong> scene of Mom and Dad<br />

with their bands covering .heir<br />

ears while Joe or Sally listens<br />

blissfully to the car-splltttng<br />

founds of AC/DC Is about as<br />

American as baseball, apple<br />

pic, and Chevrolet.<br />

Words today s.»cm to mean<br />

little L. a song. All that U<br />

Important Is the amount of<br />

S Vickl U<br />


* A A A A<br />

PecembctS, 1982<br />

decibles produced by the combined<br />

sounds of keyboard, electric<br />

guitar, drums, and synthesisers.<br />

Have you recently heard a<br />

long in which the singer's<br />

voice is distinctly heard over<br />

the noise of the music?<br />

Actually, the singers. In<br />

otdcr to save their VCVJI chords<br />

for conversational purposes,<br />

ihould not really sing at alL<br />

What they should do Is limply<br />

mouth the words. After all,<br />

this Is what It looks like they<br />

arc '.'olnt; anyway.<br />

Fct ihcrmorc, most tongs do<br />

not make iny seme. In the<br />

new hit single, "Mickcj," the<br />

lytlcsgo, 'Oh, Mickey, you're<br />

so fine, you're to fine, you<br />

blow my mind. Hey, Mickey."<br />

Profound? Clear? Understand<br />

able? Hardly. TTie vocalists on<br />

the record would have been<br />

Rkhie shows si S ns ° { brilliance<br />

By Dana FaIV<br />

From bb first hit In 1075<br />

with the Commodores, "Sweet<br />

Love," to his latest solo rcleatcs,<br />

"Truly" and "Serves<br />

You Right," Lionel Richie<br />

has mete ihan proven his<br />

musical gailus.<br />

His debut album on the<br />

Motown label, entitled "Lionet<br />

Richie." sets him apart from<br />

many budding soloists because<br />

he has not abandoned his original<br />

group to embark on a<br />

glorious, new career*<br />

Still devoted to the Commodores,<br />

but anxious to showcase<br />

his talents a bit mote, Richie<br />

hit written, performed, ant!<br />

produced an album exciting<br />

In Its moods and superior In<br />

Its musical scope.<br />

<strong>The</strong> album opens with the<br />

fjtt-paccd "Scrv«M You Right"<br />

In clanic RAB style and continue!<br />

with a subtle rock ballad<br />

called "Wandering Stranger,"<br />

wjlch is a hit bUnd In Its In*<br />

strur.xnution, but pivotal in its<br />

me&ttge. According to Richie,<br />

the lyrics, "I must keep moving<br />

tilt I find me," arc very much<br />

from the heart.<br />

Next up U "Tell Me," an<br />

energetic song ihat it definitely<br />

top-of-t he-charts nutcrtaU<br />

"Tell Ate" sounds a lot liko<br />

something Kenny Rogers would<br />

sing If he had soul - no coincidence,<br />

since It uas Richie who<br />

wane such songs as the number<br />

we "Lad)" for Rogers several<br />

years ago.<br />

Hounding out side one Is a<br />

slow tune called "Sly Love,"<br />

whiih has * definite countrywestwn<br />

twang to It.<br />

Thu flip side opens with<br />

"Round and Round," an espec-<br />

Ully c.ucliy song that sounds<br />

like ar>I Earth, Wind, and Fire<br />

vtmber with a *wp slant. It<br />

serves w.:M at a prelude to the<br />

song"Trut>,* 'he flnt cut to<br />

bo. a hit s'ngle. I: Is a beautiful,<br />

toothing ballad, but it<br />

sounds suspiciously akin to the<br />

Commodores* "Three Timei<br />

a Lady." Hccerthclcts, ir is<br />

an excellent song that merits,<br />

lu own chart standings.<br />

Side two alto futures a song<br />

titled "You Arc," which utilizes<br />

smooth harmonising luck*<br />

ground vocils to give it a pleating<br />

found.<br />

Finally, "LionelRichie" hinds<br />

tip with the short nnd sweet<br />

"You Mean More to Me" JOS<br />

rhe melodic "Juit I'm Some<br />

LovC tc Your Heart." which<br />

ends the LP on a spiritual note.<br />

Both Lionel Richie, the nun,<br />

and the -lujm abound vi *<br />

diversity. <strong>The</strong> no* album<br />

exemplifies hit rangr of abilities,<br />

which he a i»"U discovering.<br />

Hlchlc remarked, "With this<br />

record t had the chance to rum:<br />

the whole picture... I think<br />

•he record pretty much captures<br />

what I'm about. It's got my<br />

Inside* all over It, and ir'i rut<br />

diluted In any way."<br />

<strong>The</strong> public U Uc-.icd to an<br />

Mt-irrtirwi ntiMt.-.mHru! jlhtint<br />

New comedy broadcast offers laughs<br />

By Dy Mark Ung. Ungar ^<br />

In her tolled white robe.<br />

Mother <strong>The</strong>resa is quite incongruous<br />

io SCTV interviewer<br />

Lola Hcathenon, who (s wearing<br />

her iparkllug purple die**.<br />

"And I will be happy when<br />

these children arc healthy and<br />

strong," the a'trulstic Indian<br />

nun cvpMfni.<br />

Kiniher Tiicfcu,"<br />

llctilictnm luJdtrniy htuiri mil.<br />

ing, 'Oli, gel It m^ctlicj, will<br />

you? Stop coming to me for<br />

all the arawenl'T<br />

This tongue-in-cheek bit<br />

of humor Is from "Second City"<br />

TV Network," an off-ihe-wal*<br />

comedy broadcast weekly on<br />

NEC.<br />

<strong>The</strong> hour-and-a-half show<br />

airs each Friday night at tt.c<br />

odd time of 12:30 a.m. and,<br />

iinn, doei not attract a large<br />

better off If they had uvcti their<br />

brejth.<br />

Another nrulcalhlt on uhlch<br />

the vocilltts shoulJ have s.iut up<br />

, was "Whip It" by Dcvo.<br />

like "Whip it, whip It good,"<br />

make flitlc tcnte and are /.dually<br />

iMDlting to the intelligence of<br />

tcciugcn.<br />

•n.—Svn. *:30*.M.7 p.m.<br />

Croat Specie!<br />

>$1 OFF<br />

Great Hair Cuts<br />

2733 Geary Blvd.<br />

IVi BIQCW (fqm Sfa;*^<br />

Groat Hair Cuts<br />

1758 Church St.<br />

!3ttn h OiweM<br />


audlcfK-u. SCTV should not<br />

be overlooked; It is one of<br />

the funniest and mou wUl-<br />

Joitc progtxmt on television<br />

today.<br />

Named alter the tmprovlsa*<br />

tlonal Second City theaters of<br />

Clilcagr and Torunto and filmed<br />

In Canjda, SCTV b about a firtlorut<br />

tclcvltl.m nt-twt-tk run hy<br />

J lur.t of «>hnooltr"\ .mil vory<br />

ilfjn^e people.<br />

A re.;uUr* cJgfu-mcniI>cr catt<br />

rionrayi ihctc characters, and<br />

tliclr e^rellcnt acting Mi nabbed<br />

the show icvcn Emmy nomlnarfnnt<br />

to far.<br />

Many viewers reel that itic best<br />

part of the program It lu frequent<br />

tail re* <strong>The</strong> acton portray many<br />

real-life people, from Luciano<br />

Pavonnti and Kathrlnf- Hepburn<br />

to Margaret Thatcher and Willlam<br />

ujckley.<br />

<strong>The</strong> uars of SCTV came t^<br />

the sLwW from very dtff»jcni<br />

directions.<br />

Comic ioltn Candy, like mrtt<br />

of ilie acton, worked hit way<br />

tip through the field. Another<br />

performer, Catherine O'lUtn,<br />

however, wat i wai**eu Ir. a<br />

rlub where the troup-j often<br />

j-crformed, whl*a ilro t>tticr<br />

Icj-Jlnv; acttcti, AndreJ KLirrln,<br />

».ho h.ii roeeive*' two Fnimy<br />

noriiii.iilun., h nurrlod n> nnc<br />

of ihe tliow'* writers*<br />

<strong>The</strong> program will continue<br />

to be on every Friday nlgbt.<br />

and thutc who stay up to watch<br />

It will ice a thow unlike any<br />

other on 'clevlslon.<br />

"This network," says Edith<br />

Pncklcy, nation •nanagcr,<br />

"Is rcallv cookln'l"<br />

in CtARtMOHT BtVD.<br />


WtST POdTAI.<br />


OPCN 5 PM 10 10 P<br />


iBl All Kiel. Jim<br />

I<br />



'Boyfriend' a<br />

Kersnar<br />

Py Deborah Woo<br />

"lamPerclvalBrowne, mill-'<br />

lonalre. My sole Interest I.<br />

making money," to state, with<br />

a ITTJIC<br />

Jtmlot David Kersnar pbyt<br />

Pcrclval Browne. «o cktaly<br />

butlneanun In lowell'. f'll<br />

rnuslcil. •<strong>The</strong> Boyfriend."<br />

A yeai ago he had a minor<br />

role In "Destry Rides Again."<br />

He U a member of the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

.chorus.<br />

For several yean Kermar was<br />

a member of the San Francisco<br />

Boys* Choir for which he performed<br />

mlos In the opera "Car*<br />

men" and Mozan's" Magic<br />

Flute."<br />

More recently, tic appeared,<br />

with the Russian River Players<br />

In the group's rendition of "A r<br />

Midsummer Night's Dieam."<br />

This .envater Kcnrur Is concentrating<br />

on perfecting his role<br />

younger roles, so Browne is a<br />

challenge for me Because I = j&j^jjj,^^ Gre^orylV '• '"•am<br />

playing an older man. I j Bl00Ilf^^xfa^%£.'• -<br />

will be crcaiing an Illusion on | douka .;W J ^ ^ U i t o<br />

:ac stage."<br />

As one cast member said,<br />

"It wilt be a challenge for this<br />

high school Junior with boyUli<br />

charm to transform himself<br />

Into a stuffy, narrow-minded<br />

oldster."<br />

Disregarding me difference<br />

in age, Kw.*snar rematked that<br />

he and flrowne luvc little In<br />

common, but he ad Jed, "I<br />

wouldn't trUnU malting the<br />

money he does.<br />

Concerning ih<<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Boyfriend"<br />

musical, Ko.-.tu 1<br />

»«« whaira»<br />

'•". In nooning;0ie roU«n«y ;.t:<br />

;.; ren Cgy ;. hiTo.playoJ, Gregory cboslden<br />

t double//ist to portray Madame • the roU of UjuUroe Dabotmet -<br />

^ Duboa/m, the bead of « gUU'" tobeber moHchallenging^", ,.<br />

' *51i« searm to h«»« wo fiia<br />

playml with<br />

Sh« 6"» difficult charcom-"<br />

-<br />

v clur«c«r Isfael--, :.<br />

^> ThralpsycooiDeicany .'<br />

oifto'SCTl<br />

^ :<br />

;., Bloomflold stated, "Along.;''.<br />

With memorlilag tbtUset, yoi :<br />

hato tohavo'anaodemaallng<br />

of tha chanelet.: .jr^uaiiny-v "•-•'.•'<br />

'discuss thech«i««;wimihi» :,<br />

UMlylnrol«a"tf&it•3fc*j<br />

ruction to tho pUyooocera<br />

the* double^curlng. :pDoabW-<br />

t pertained In "Ooce Upon •; i ,.Onth* otherhand,.Bloom- cajting pua_a to cf strain oo<br />

\ fleM cotttlders the character everyone, specially too people , 1<br />

"Pcfgy Mdcx. .'• j who arc double •cast. It's vsry<br />

Though<br />

way this fall's proditctlin is<br />

going, Krnnar hopes trat<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> mlgbt comider staging<br />

heavier musicals such its "Hair,"<br />

as or^xed to the llght-tiumored<br />

sho'tts of recent year^.<br />

Kcnoar would line a career in,<br />

the theater am, and ho would<br />

also like lo explore the computi<br />

field. He fecb that attempting<br />

to break Into theatrical work<br />

right after high school cculd be<br />

financially uwuble.<br />

He reaioos that a career In<br />

computers could give him financial<br />

stability, enabling him to<br />

pursue a theatrical career later<br />

on.<br />

Kennar ooted, "I'd like to<br />

change my name. I'd keep my<br />

flnt name (David), but I'd change<br />

•ny last name to something<br />

catchy."<br />

BCCIUJC of his perfennttoce<br />

it "T^e Boyfriend,* the name<br />

of David Kennar may well be<br />

remembered by LowcUites for<br />

yeas to come.<br />

1O<br />

Katten escapes through actij<br />

Oy Maria Pao "In musical wmedicf. the rnoductlon. Last spring he pUyed in cooduci<br />

Stephen Kitten chewed on rharactcn can be very flat," the Ill-fated farmer, JavU Stone. Team up<br />

Uu finger, crossed and tc-croucd Katten noted. "l f m trying to in "<strong>The</strong> Devil and Daniel Web- Regudii<br />

Mi tegs, and cupped Ms chin in make Tony Interesting and three «ct."<br />

studied for |<br />

hit hand u he spoke about act- cnsiunal.** /iked If he Ins encountered shrugged,<br />

ing one falty aftcituon In room Katten be? an actln

E,<br />

acting<br />

Schulz, French are on center stage<br />

bft played In conducUng and has begun to<br />

rift Stone, luam tap dancing.<br />

*""""'.. Web- Rcgatding the Instrument he<br />

studied foe so long. Katten<br />

shrugged, -I don't touch the<br />

violin anymore. 1 Just grew so<br />

frustrated with It."<br />

Why acting as » career? JCatten<br />

explained, "IhaveactcJ<br />

doppos- all my life; everyone puts oo<br />

ff'r^ Aa By Emily M:«r»ia acter. I'm experimenting to<br />

Polly Btcvnc U a irfcet see whit works." Asked how<br />

English gin In France,' ex- sne deals with netvoimer. she<br />

plained icnlor LUa Schulr. replied, "I hide it!"<br />

Senior Molly French dc- French, on (he other baud,<br />

Kitbed Polly as"... an inno- ules to go over all of her<br />

cent. Intelligent, *nd ckitir*- upcoming linn. She indicated.<br />

ing young girl."<br />

"1 am always excited and<br />

«t. Many go Into acting Who U Tolly Browne, and why nervous, and ai t go over my •<br />

^differ- because they are Insecure In do Schuiz acd Fiench have a<br />

real life and have a hard time tpeclal Intcrr-.c In tier?<br />

«Tbe coping with reality. Acting is <strong>The</strong> senior are double-<br />

I.-;. «D escape because you can be<br />

cast M ruti) Browne, the<br />

jl'Caraa- someone else,"<br />

female icaJ role In .he term<br />

which. Ho continued, "I can be en<br />

mm leal production or "<strong>The</strong><br />

rama tuge In a role and have no in-<br />

Boyfriend," a spoof of ihc<br />

ry-and hibitions. But 1 can't go up to<br />

a podium and trake a speech Both responded positively<br />

get out because the person up there U about .he character they<br />

bate me. I shake, my voice crarks, poruay. -( like her a lot,*<br />

leater and I break Into tears, no!" Schulz remarked. French<br />

Kancn laughed and sluuered enthwal, "1 love hen she's<br />

!, Katten the raihcr somber moment. a sweetie."<br />

Ing thr. "I act." he concluded, French stated that she can<br />

Inlcteu "because I lavo it."<br />

imTHtry with Polly, bt-r adr.iirs,<br />

"She Is much mote innocent<br />

and iheltetcd *han I am."<br />

Similarly, Schulz h.« diffl<br />

call!<br />

culty In identifying with the<br />

e cast of "T* •» Boyfriend."<br />

character. But she responded,<br />

*I love living in Polly's wo:<br />

Una, (try to take deep<br />

breaths."<br />

c<br />

cbulz's previous experience<br />

In theatrics Includes performjnczj<br />

in last year's fait musical,<br />

"Dc*:ry RUes Again," and the<br />

tprlng drama, "<strong>The</strong> Importance<br />

of E«lng Earnest." She would<br />

like to continue performing<br />

: ."<br />

Sue uijoyi pm-i'orming because<br />

he can escape "the real wotld"<br />

for awhile.<br />

after graduation and said, "1<br />

plan to live life to the fullest."<br />

French has had a broad background<br />

In both actitg and sing*<br />

Ing. She has mined vr.th the<br />

San Francisco Attic Thsatte<br />

for six yean and has tui thtee<br />

yean of private voice lessons.<br />

Mti» hoiv»« *5_*ct profesi ion ally.<br />

Onr reason that French !>.vc*<br />

to perform Is the seme of gratification<br />

she receives when<br />

she hears the audience's applause.<br />

"It's like a natural<br />

/piayia<br />

high. When I'm up on tU£c. by MQiotlilmecSallbi, Istbe<br />

it's me bat IccUnf, In tlic fun-loving,. light-hearted flirt<br />

world," Fietvh itatcd.<br />

in this yea *•• IiU musical.<br />

Before golnfi on stage, Scliulz "Tn'eapyfriend,"<br />

does something different every<br />

time. She explained, "I try to<br />

think how Polly would think.<br />

:ally, I try to get Into char-<br />

Seeking credit is his style<br />

Lik •> haracter be Misua<br />

:<br />

Emberling fling<br />

b/Kaile Ycntg<br />

Geoff Emb^rllttg Is a name<br />

that many play-goers will soon<br />

recognize, for Emberling Is<br />

poru-ylng Bobby Van tiu'co in<br />

"<strong>The</strong> BoyfrUnd" tnls >tjf.<br />

Emberling described *he character<br />

as "a rid', good-looking<br />

American."<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Boyfriend"- rrutki Ember*<br />

ling's debut in <strong>Lowell</strong> theater.<br />

ah tough he did play cello In<br />

the theater orchestra In "Dairy<br />

Rides Again" latt year.<br />

Concerning his role, he pointed<br />

out that Van Iluscn Is a likeable<br />

character. "<strong>The</strong>re really aten't<br />

any villains; everybody*! a good<br />

guy," he stated.<br />

Ember ling's decision to try out<br />

for a part In the musical stems<br />

ftom his interest in singing and<br />

dancing.<br />

lie has been 4 nembcr of<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s chorus, i boys' chorus,<br />

and the California Bach Society.<br />

He Is Jn avid jitterbug dancer.<br />

key rota. Sh. U.urpdJ*! ihil A1iluH.£t. the iln>:ln>; comes<br />

; Mable Is not one of the cans - cully to Cmbcrllng, lie JilrnJttc*!<br />

.* douhle-casr.<br />

ilut Iciinlrt£ tlic itilti.i! dance<br />

• . 5>llba ititod ±arstia foeb •ciucnrei WJI dlffirult.<br />

tbo lack of long monologues<br />

lie of<br />

- Sallba admitted, "I w» «nd the presenco ofenterulnlog<br />

nervous when I auditioned be- • daocct.are reatoot that the<br />

came there-were many other < audlease wtlt rnosr likely enjoy .<br />

gfxls with prsvlous acting ex- .', theshoi,__•-<br />

"1 really mink <strong>The</strong> Boyfdeod' b tbit my frfeodr ud I are very<br />

from claue* fwm a teacher wl o wljl^be^ huge luccci*. When<br />

*ctive and om-goiflg. Acting<br />

U a good way to expras myself.**<br />

worked at his junior hltf. school tf&tt bcarf aboot the ptay. 1 j<br />

os'. -cr iob. and t<br />

Itc revealed thai his mo*t In<br />

ilon.<br />

For now, however. Styles U<br />

an actor, landing a supporting<br />

rclc In this y-u's producUon<br />

of Sandy Wilson's "<strong>The</strong> Boy-<br />

Wcod.lle<br />

plays the charming Lord<br />

;, an eldctly Englishyou<br />

ate<br />

you fed you arc the othc: pa<br />

son. it's real acting."<br />

M Lo*" -<br />

in "Dcstry R*Jcs Agsin"<br />

starred In "<strong>The</strong> Importance<br />

of Being Earnest."<br />

He has aUcady begun hii<br />

f hdl S.Uba Is cooIWenl<br />

^ ta „„ futme UDCT<br />

described hi- characte, ,he m<br />

,vle credit. Ms-*-<br />

:•<br />

Roth *nd Styles practice song and dance sequence.<br />

1<br />

Ttiuu^h he finOs working i>n<br />

the muttcal enjoyable, he has<br />

*-> icriout plans to pursue acting<br />

\ a career. Me wca hli partlc-<br />

I ailon In"Tlic Boj-frlcnd" •*<br />

I ;« a "ftlvilotis fling."<br />

Wl'h a smile un his face, lie<br />

offered, "I'd like 10 go Into<br />

plumbing. My second choice<br />

i5 to be a refrigerator repairman.<br />

On a icrlous m" c indicated<br />

that he Is unc.s.idcd about<br />

a career choice, but he does<br />

plan to minor In music,<br />

Atkcd tiow he spends his<br />

fice time, tmbcrllng joked,<br />

"I play chcu by mysclr, and 1<br />

do math problems. Sometimes<br />

1 even do the dlihes."<br />

lie confided thai tic enjoys<br />

swimming and playicg football.<br />

lie is a member of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

championship iwim team. Last<br />

year he vai vpteJ uc team's<br />

most improved irfimmer.<br />

"Which," he qu.pped, "Just<br />

shows bow good I was the year<br />

before."<br />

Emberling likes to travel,<br />

and latt sumour he won a<br />

scholarship to England to study<br />

archaeology for three weeks.<br />

At a dig site, he stated that<br />

he dug up two Anglo-Saxon<br />

skulls, dating from around<br />

800 AD.<br />

Happy about his chance to<br />

dig In England, be recalled,<br />

"Cut 1 had to pay my own air<br />

fare."<br />

THE LOWEII 11<br />


li.<br />

i<br />

m:^-<br />

FUTURE<br />

SRLLV<br />

Py Mark Ungar<br />

"Come on* get in, Quasi,"<br />

traliti tlie rather ull lady with<br />

a human body but definitely<br />

not a honun head or mouth.<br />

"Okay, okay, I'm coming,"<br />

whine: Qua:!, a short, squat<br />

thing tha* looks even mote<br />

peculiar lhan the woman boverg<br />

ovci him.<br />

Many people have gone to<br />

see a movie In San Francisco<br />

and before the movie starts<br />

tbf-7 are coa fronted with very<br />

suangc canoons with characters<br />

such as the ones detailed above.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se short filrra arc the<br />

work of S*Hy Crulkshank, an<br />

aspiring .-'nltmior who has<br />

created a scries of cartoons<br />

Oy Ellen Wclnct<br />

To many people, a cartoon<br />

movie itgnlfi-- comic animals<br />

such as Yogi Bear or Donald<br />

Duck, who get squashed flat<br />

one minute and miraculously<br />

Inflated iV next.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re Is, however, much<br />

more lo animated films than<br />

are rcpresT.ted by si*-h famous<br />

cartoon charactro.<br />

<strong>The</strong> urt oi anl:ratf on actually<br />

pte-daics rriotton pictures and,<br />

for that matter, pho:o£:aphy<br />

itselt*.<br />

An animated film cctMlwi of<br />

a series of small picture* which<br />

are printed on a strip of transfer-<br />

'eat ac»o years<br />

to complete. Crulkshack hopes<br />

to nuke more short fllmi after<br />

that.<br />

"I really like doing those<br />

cartoons," she sal it, "but, of<br />

counc, I enjoy all kinds of<br />

animation. It's great 1"<br />

Anita, Quasi, and Snwzy(lcft to right)<br />

relax by the pool In "Fun on Mars."<br />

Animation process requires patience<br />

amount nf time.<br />

As 'lieie pictures are rapidly<br />

jrfojccicd on a tcrcen, the Illusion<br />

of continuous action appears.<br />

It utually takes about IS different<br />

Imaga projected within<br />

one secotiJ to create action.<br />

Anything slower than this would<br />

produce a jerky Image, white<br />

anything faster voulJ waste<br />

film.<br />

Although the process sounds<br />

simple, there is more to it than<br />

mceu the eye. for example,<br />

between die protection of otic<br />

picture and die rcxi, the screen<br />

Is momentarily blacked or,<br />

• <strong>The</strong> eye of the viewer holds<br />

' the image of on; picture while<br />

. the next image takes Its place.<br />

Tills ii kiii vui .'i "ttic opcution<br />

of the pcnlitcncc of vlii«n<br />

phenomenon." If it weic not<br />

fot this black-nut, the eye<br />

An Animator at work<br />

would be unable to .neemm<br />

date and make sense of the<br />

projected Imago.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are many different<br />

technique! ucd to nu

If<br />

f<br />

EEdlURE<br />

Mail orders: truth or fraud?<br />

3y Kellio Gin<br />

Ai die holiday season dnw><br />

nearer, aa estimated 10,000<br />

companies ate lending out<br />

their catalogs and advcnlserncnli<br />

through the mill to<br />

uillliom ol American consumers.<br />

* word or.u.uloa; be auare<br />

dm this 1,-JM.ngly convenient<br />

and sometimes Inexpensive way<br />

crihopplng ran become a coitly<br />

headache If one is nitpc up<br />

Into aa epidemic known ai<br />

null order fraud.'<br />

Tile Better Business Bureau<br />

clta mall order fraud u the<br />

number one complaint received<br />

by Its starr members.<br />

>.cam to toll Uli aji, ltli* tint<br />

one. fro'm tr-udiittn- ottci.<br />

Mall order fraud take* placo<br />

when a company or an Individual,<br />

usually the rormer, offers<br />

a deal In product or service<br />

roim to the consumer who purchases<br />

such through the mall.<br />

<strong>The</strong> company then cannot or<br />

ulll not carry ou: Its end or<br />

:he deal to tho satisfaction<br />

-. FMTUR<br />

mm<br />

Holiday shopping sprees<br />

What goes on after Thanksgiving<br />

By Lori G ilia pic<br />

Bright glittering Christmas<br />

decorations everywhere; people<br />

crowding the sidewalk; Salvation<br />

Army workers tinging their<br />

charity belli...<br />

Hie day after Thanksi'lvlng<br />

has always been (ho traditional<br />

day on which the bargatnhuodng<br />

ihopper docs hb holiday<br />

gift-buying.<br />

What motivate! auction to<br />

to subject hltniclf to this kind<br />

of torture U difficult to understand.<br />

"1 know 1 muit be crazy,"<br />

explained ott£ busy ihoppcr,<br />

"But 1 love .i good sale."<br />

As one might expect talcs<br />

wee everywhere and If one<br />

lud the stamina to single-out<br />

that perfect gift, this was the<br />

time IP save some money.<br />

"It 1 * great to find somethiug<br />

on sale that wM! nuke a good<br />

gift," commented one bargainhunting<br />

shopper in Micv's.<br />

Her husband presented a<br />

different tide.<br />

"I know I must be<br />

crazy, but I love a good<br />

sale."<br />

Downtown Sao Francisco's<br />

Union Square was a veritable<br />

Thousand* of eager shoppers<br />

. lined the sidewalks, and with<br />

" checkbook In hand these brave<br />

jools set forth on an adfentrrc<br />

• •''which would possible leave a<br />

. 'lasting impression on them<br />

./when they contlfV; future such<br />

"v''"-:<br />

He countered, *\Yeah. but<br />

that doesn't tuppen very often."<br />

Although shoppers are still<br />

sniffing nut sales, business has<br />

• been booming In many of the<br />

dowmuvn department stores*<br />

"E«en Though the United States<br />

SOTci Is lr a deprerlon right<br />

now, we ve b:en doing great,"<br />

remarked a saleswoman at the<br />

Emporium. "It's b^en one of<br />



661-7277<br />


.PORTAL-AVE. S.P. 94U7<br />

the best yean yet."<br />

If crowds Indicate profits,<br />

the new Kclman*Marcus<br />

department store, which recently<br />

opened on Stockton<br />

Street, should do extremely<br />

well.<br />

<strong>The</strong> doors to Net ma n«Nta te us<br />

had to be cluscd and nrcspectlve<br />

patrons wcte not allowoi<br />

In until other ilioppcn left the<br />

itexc.<br />

At one point the Unc leading<br />

to the stote stretched nearly<br />

one block long.<br />

One hopeful shopper had<br />

been waiting In line for CO<br />

minutes, but didn't seem to<br />

mind the lengthy wait.<br />

"I've been wanting to sec<br />

the :; :e for quite a while;<br />

I know I probably won't buy<br />

anything, but at least 1 will<br />

be able to say I've seen It,"<br />

enthused one woman.<br />

Anothv shopper, upon<br />

leaving the store, scorfed,<br />

"1 don't see what the big deal<br />

U; I sure wouldn't stand in<br />

line to see it." -<br />

Hft added,"! wouldn't stand<br />

'JI line to sec anything."<br />

Papa's<br />

Deli<br />

2115 Irving Street<br />

664-8210<br />

THE LOWEU.<br />

Some pvopte came od»<br />

»ilh jny purchase<br />

ol '•• Ib. sandwich<br />

with this coupon<br />

DKcmbcr 3, 1982<br />

Fl<br />

auv<br />

•c<br />

recti<br />

Note<br />

. lca - i

EMTURE<br />

I Cliffs Notes: study aids or cheaters' tool?<br />

By Sharon Pang<br />

"I used them for books *by<br />

w;Itrrs who ate really tun] to<br />

understand." -Lee, icrlor<br />

•Sometimes [ gel Ideas from<br />

them for papers." -Jean, letilor<br />

"I used ihem 10 | didn't have<br />

:o read the book." - Jim. Junior<br />

Itwe three students nave<br />

all used -CUfh Notei,- the<br />

oopular nudy aid :« literary<br />

novels, plays, ma poems.<br />

With dlstlcctlve yellow and<br />

Macs-striped coven, "CUfls<br />

Kotes" hooklca offer synopses,<br />

r&iniaentarlci, and character<br />

J.'.4 plot analyiej 0*514 dlffereot<br />

works.<br />

•Cllfft Notes" lofren Incorrectly<br />

referral tc aj "Cliff<br />

arc touted ai "Amer-<br />

• lea's most tsucd for study aids."<br />

Yet however popular "Cliffs<br />

Notes" may t>c, many question<br />

whether the notes actually help<br />

"t hinder .'he studenr.<br />

Senior Mark Ungar feels that<br />

•'".tiff, Notes" ate detrimental<br />

to student* who use them.<br />

"Cliffs Notes." Many teachers<br />

feel that the notes can easily be<br />

used for cheating. Slnre the<br />

booklet contain ;b;:x^nes of<br />

each chapter and even analyses<br />

of jymboUjm, ttudentr cin simply<br />

lead the -ClUfs Notrs" iw'eail<br />

"Works or literature are supposed of the actual book.<br />

to be masterpieces, and 'Cllfrt Lee, a senior, admitted to<br />

Notes' don't let you enjoy them," uilry the notes in luch a manner<br />

he commrated. ' five d1fretent times. "I live<br />

English teacher Flossie Lewis on 'Cliffs Notes,*" tlr ou'ppcd,<br />

concurred. "If students use any "and Idogreati 1 get A's. But<br />

kind or package notes. It means ' 1 feel guilty became I really<br />

that they are more Interested In<br />

the grade than In the experience<br />

" 'Cliffs Notes' booklets offer<br />

synopses, commentaries, and<br />

character and plot analyses."<br />

Tl.ey first «me on Ac market KlMng ^ „„„ „„„,„„,,<br />

"Cl!."!s Notes." "Other people<br />

use them, so If they're going<br />

to get extra help, why shouldn't<br />

I?"<br />

"<strong>The</strong> 'Cliffs Notes' are thwe. ^<br />

said Jim, "to you can use them.<br />

Why read the whole bouk If you<br />

don't have to?"<br />

This raises another aspect of<br />

the controversy nrroanding<br />

lhouU '" J lhc bo


<strong>The</strong> economy-<br />

3y Vanessa Goodrlcli<br />

Ybi. A(x*topov, the new leader<br />

of the SovUi Union, nuv tie<br />

facing a tougher Job than any<br />

head of state would liku tr encounter<br />

- he roust rescue his<br />

country's slipping economy.<br />

Although the Soviet standard<br />

of tiring has almost doubled<br />

In ihe last 20 yean, the economy<br />

Is now in a state of crisis<br />

following the death of Leonid<br />

Brczhtev,<br />

<strong>The</strong>re ire many reasons foe<br />

the economic crisis In Russia.<br />

One major factor Is the low<br />

blrtlt me. <strong>The</strong> Russian lea Jen<br />

can nc longer count on a luge<br />

annual growth rate to augment<br />

their arsenal, to Invest In new<br />

factories, and to Improve living<br />

standards.<br />

Another reason for the slump<br />

is itie fact that factory commodities,<br />

with the exception ot<br />

weaponry, arc of such low quality<br />

iha' they can rarely be sold<br />

en world market*.<br />

Bad weathrr hat hurt the<br />

Soviets, too. Three consecutive<br />

.nitir" recorded the coming! ..nu<br />

goi.4*i of l>"ti foreigr :n jr.' ""uuian viilton. Local ciiizcns who<br />

meet Mih foreigners ukc c* nideraM': tiiki and 4tc o'tcn Intcrros-ted<br />

ly the KGB, which averts fiat f.T=kn for»-';t ii itic itan<br />

•>f.) downhill ilidc toward icdition.<br />

It it alio comnxwi for tot.ritis Jt tiotcb tu be tcated at ublci<br />

dci">r;i'jj wiili tlict; .uti.iia! f'-;:», v\:\c)i Si both a trraoioai s;c»turc<br />

i internalIcmaI frlcn^itilp anii J visible iL'tial to unwary<br />

cltiscns Uiat this table is to be avoided.<br />

Thij advant • ;ct of being Identified n J forci^nc.- arc substantial.<br />

PoUccmcn rarely iioj car with the dlitlnc.ive foreigner's<br />

Ucciuc plates. Tourists .it bovlct airpcru are rourlncly 'Uticred<br />

past the Jam of Russians, who, in the absence of aul^ncd SCJU,<br />

often fight It out it the f oci of t!ie 'xunl.ni; ramp. Tickets to<br />

pcycUt thcatcrs, access to better r-ataurants, and service at<br />

cr wded stores all materialize fcr the "guest."<br />

A [opular gantc among teenagers In Leningrad is to "drcn up<br />

like foreigners* and try to fool a our man at a special restaurant<br />

or a clcik at a stotc IT IS somewhat -*in to in American teenager<br />

p- racing as an adult to buy a six-pjek of been it's poieml-lly<br />

re wording, but milaly risky.<br />

At ti:c end of the trip t^ the Soviet I'nion. our guide candidly<br />

summed up tfcs UcAtmcnt of foreigner!. "In Ruala," the **.id,<br />

"everyena u cq*iaU !t's just that some, like you, are mere equal."<br />

BEK<br />

m SKD-IMIA.SE<br />

WHSM<br />



HOC<br />

• t><br />

.s.<br />

<strong>The</strong> AW leadership shift -<br />

By Mirk Un^ar<br />

with tb^ ('e.irt of «•? -^.i<br />

^eckj ago, the Soviet L. 1 '*.*<br />

vltnessed the end of "111 knottier<br />

era In Its long history.<br />

Immediately, inaaappjtcr.t!;'<br />

smooih and calm transition,<br />

the country's communist<br />

hi-Taie*y har.ded a*a the relgtu<br />

of powu to Yuri Ant'topov, the<br />

famcr chief of the Soviet<br />

Onion's n>;:orlous iccrct service<br />

agency, ihc KC0,<br />

Although iNc Kremlin is trying<br />

to portly a LcHn>; of "bus-<br />

In^ii as ;:juai," :'ic wot Id, and<br />

especially the United Stares,<br />

is asking many Importa-n questions<br />

about the new f ovict<br />

leadcnhlp: Wh.it kind of penon<br />

Ls Yuri AnJrojW? ^'hat will<br />

be the new foreign and economic<br />

f Jllclcs- Will he itcer hit<br />

nation en a counc different<br />

fron Brezhnev?<br />

Andtopu\ i# s backtromid Is<br />

(111id with toj-'h iun:cs and<br />

a coruunt flexing of po^cr.<br />

A* bead cf we KGB nncc Htf<br />

ano a member of the Pt>lltbu;nt<br />

a small grou;; .f J girls'<br />

•chool," comnicntcJ Alcxj^dcr<br />

Haip, former Secretary uf State.<br />

"It I.IVOIVCJ murder, espionage,<br />

anJ icrroriim."<br />

AruljTti predict, however,<br />

that the new leader will follow<br />

itie cautious foreign policy begun<br />

only recently by the late<br />

Brc^.r.r.*.<br />

Already, Moscow has stated<br />

jcrioui negotlaiioni with China<br />

:o Improve the strained tclatiom<br />

betweer the two countriej, and<br />

there could be plans to step up<br />

ftfcndllcr retatl^m wlt)> Arncxlc*<br />

htuievcr, Andropov'j recotd<br />

tlut his lupuort for the<br />

Soviet military Is quit* strung,<br />

and it is highly unlikely that<br />

iic will cut down on defense<br />

ipendlng in the face oi President<br />

Regan's $1.0 billion arms<br />

•n* Tarn.<br />

<strong>The</strong> new leader's commitment<br />

tn a wctl-f :nJcd military, however,<br />

may worsen the most critic;<br />

1 rxouleui he faces * the<br />

fjpiJ.y dctcrloradng Stivlci econ-<br />

rn.y,<br />

Tlio euuntry'i '.tant'ird of<br />

living has dropped, there arc<br />

jevcre »ho;iagcs of finxJ, and<br />

foreign credits continue to<br />

dwindle.<br />

Experts InsUt tlut the only<br />

toluticn to ^ic crlili U a complete<br />

cvcrh-iul of the Kremlin's<br />

economic policies. Andrcpov,<br />

U'wcvcr, t: still In .i wlatlle<br />

pmiflon, -ind tic will probably<br />

not rltk :ucti a venture in this<br />

:'.n-£ of trainhii-ru<br />

All things comldcrcd, r.o<br />

.-.•Jleal chan-u arc in store for<br />

:;:c C.'vict Union with trie .icw<br />

change In leadership.<br />

Ttic nation's sj-stcm Is simply<br />

not able to handle drastic A.tcr-<br />

•ltlon'. Dcsldcs, the po!ltb.,ro,<br />

which actually rum the country,<br />

is itill made i

PO!<br />

Social Security<br />

to die?<br />

y<br />

<strong>The</strong> rccp:c cf i(u United<br />

State? nriy iccn sec the death o*<br />

t pflz-.i American inst'mtion:<br />

Sn.lal.Sei :«**<br />

Since 13r..'j. tlicAmcr'.Mr<br />

Social SeccTiiy System hw pm-<br />

WcJ buncfit payments to retired<br />

cltlrcra aged CO £nd abme.<br />

Tt:c problem today ii diat<br />

the system Is en iltc verge " f<br />

bankruptcy.- Social Seen:<br />

must U'IC from $150 billion 10<br />

5200 billion over the next seven<br />

ysan In order to keep tending<br />

checks :o 36 million Amcrlcat.s<br />

from 19&3 to 1989.<br />

<strong>The</strong> question of the future exluence<br />

nf Social Seojiiy ha*<br />

Ofomptid the formation of the<br />

National Commission on Sccial<br />

*e urity Reform. Thli bipartisan<br />

group U competed of eight<br />

RtpuMIcau and icvcn Democrat<br />

j;<br />

<strong>The</strong> commission b addressing<br />

the problem of how ro raise<br />

revenue for die Social Security<br />

System. Member* arc 'Ice Id ing<br />

how to comblfK uix boom and<br />

limit: on futt^xc 'inefit increases<br />

that will remit In Increased<br />

funds.<br />

<strong>The</strong> commission member*<br />

arc a vote that any projected<br />

changes wltl raise jn of tinpropped<br />

$U0-32O0 billion fee<br />

future benefit payments.<br />

In dealing with the problem,<br />

the commission has drawn ip<br />

sc\«*-ral possible solutions.<br />

One Ii u> "Im- *w" from v«-ncral<br />

revenue: or from inco;.<br />

taxes any funds *J"ai are deeded.<br />

Another wmild be to speco up<br />

payroll deductions for Social<br />

Security. That If, to pv; inn<br />

effect by 19fW Social Sccurif<br />

tax increases that ate ichcd.iled<br />

• to begin in l^OO. <strong>The</strong> cttimated<br />

revenue Increase would be 5135<br />

billion ovct the next leven<br />

yean.<br />

<strong>The</strong> com mission has also<br />

suggested putting limits on<br />

future benefit Increases. Anticipated<br />

savings would be<br />

tlEO billion.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Reagan Administration<br />

concedes that a stand must be<br />

. taken, but adamantly opposes<br />

the idea of tax Increases.<br />

In t-der to save Social Security,<br />

Z/Ji Rcp-iollcans and<br />

Dcmocm allVv must arrive<br />

at •Cine type of accord. If<br />

they do not. there couU result<br />

e demise of an American<br />

institution.<br />

. Viet Nam -<br />

i A 'thank you* years late? i<br />

By Mary Joyce<br />

"Within the tcil »•' rjch Viet Nam veteran, there Is probably<br />

something thit up, 'bad war, good soldier," observed former<br />

Vctcram Adminlsuatlon Head Mat Cleland. tie loit both of hit<br />

legs and a forrirm In what many Americans feel was :hc most<br />

ambivalent war In the nation's history. Un monili Clclanu participated<br />

in the N-itlorul Salute to Viet Nam Veterans with 15,000<br />

other former so Id! en in Washington, O.C.<br />

From 135J to 101'u approximately 'J3,930 Americans were<br />

killed or !"»t in action, fighting what social to-nmentaton termed<br />

a "briuh fire w.u," a power struggle wi'.l: communist forces %-\a<br />

a largely undeveloped area. "Pie Itl-yrar upltode cstrarccd many<br />

dlf^rcnt groups. Tlie Viet Nam WJ: wa. me main cause of abyimal<br />

long-lasting divblons between young people cf draft age and oldv,<br />

more Itiflueutial cittzcr- who felt Intervention In Viet Nam was<br />

vital In order to check communlit expansion In Asia.<br />

Thirteen yean ago last month, thousands or protcitins gathered<br />

in Waililngum D.C. to recite the nainej of the 40,000 who<br />

had already died In battle. On November 10, 19K, -30 readers<br />

begin a ihiec-day rcci"atu*n In honor of the Viet Nam War's<br />

dead and missing.<br />

<strong>The</strong> focal point of the week-long ceremonies In Washington<br />

was the unveiling or the Viet Nam Veterans' Memorial, a pair of<br />

angled walls made from polished black granite. On itn: watts arc<br />

the names of the war victims arranged In the crdcr of their deaths.<br />

Three yean ago Jan Sc.iggs, I ibor Dep,;:mcnt official and<br />

Viet Nam veteran, proposed the Idea 'or ihc memorial. Congrcu<br />

approved the pljr.i and (clc^-itcJ •>.• jutes r.i Wjihin^ion Mali<br />

!. r .i.c nicnioiUU Scni^s helped talic $7 million arul fupcrvlsco<br />

J r, (tonal cum petition for .1 design,<br />

Most veterans who have seen the n-.onument feel it I: a fittlnv;<br />

tribute to them and their dead fomrades. Virginia vcrcian jim<br />

Uradford described i; .u "full of ambivalence, JUII like t\;>ni to the menv -!, tlie week<br />

in Woslilngton lign.ilcd what (ouic p-^Htical obsezvers feel is a<br />

change in America's attitude toward Viet Nam vctc-ins.<br />

Can the cooial observe* auumc, then, that the nation Is at lait<br />

welcoming tt.c Viet Nam vcicrms back home? Many veterans arc<br />

unemployed. Sorrc saw the Washington ceremony as •pacification.<br />

One veteran sraicd, "V.'c don't nreif the statue. We need Jobs.*<br />

TI1I1 year the Reagan Administration propot^J cutting *^i*b<br />

million from Viet Nam veterans* benefit programs, Including all<br />

funds for Operation Outreach thrcaglt w^'ch over 100 centc; have<br />

been opened to provide veteran asslst.ince.<br />

Agent orange, the defoliant used In > .* aviiibblc sptn. bc&irc vtm >itn up<br />

Though ynu rwve to be a high >chtol traduatc to nualify<br />

: 'r ihis proinam. >vu can M^n up in \t»ur srnior \-car In tnat ca>c.<br />

wril reserve war minini: p -nnJ after you >?nduatL*<br />

With nuwc Uoa 3CO sluIU. Uic Army ccnninly h.i* one u-ainnj:<br />

iu« tar >ou. Find out. Call iw visit v»ur kval Army Recruiter.<br />

**5 W. Portal Avo.t San Francisco 665-5631<br />


Dcccmboa, \1ei 17

Girls' tennis nets city championship<br />

9fHI^IHMHBMV^HH~~^~ \, Bv By Lifrv Larry Goldberg Goldbera th» the Atl-Clcy Ait^-irv Tournament T.m,m^nr la m wai out of ihe race for the<br />

"1 believe la gcning the most<br />

out of a pUyer and a tea m,~<br />

revealed Barbara Pmo, coach<br />

of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s girl*' tctu-'i team.<br />

Her phlbtopn) U*s paid off<br />

ai evidenced by the team's<br />

perfect i\-0 rrcotd during tegular<br />

seuca pUy and the winning<br />

of the overall city champloruhip.<br />

"Fveryone dM a great job; It<br />

was an excellent season." enthused<br />

Prato.<br />

Sbe expbincd th.'.t thli year's<br />

team w*s very balanced. Each<br />

player contributed to the team's<br />

sucecss.<br />

<strong>The</strong> leaion concluded with<br />

Golden Gate Park.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> turn of Pam<br />

Faitlff and E ml line Cuntrcras<br />

took the title In the doubles<br />

category.<br />

Faitlff stated, "We played<br />

every weekend against tough<br />

opponent) to get ready for the<br />

All-Cliy competition,*<br />

High hopes had been held for<br />

number three seeded Vanessa<br />

Goodrich In the tingles competition,<br />

but Ulrica forced her<br />

to drop out of the tournament.<br />

With Goodrich sidelined and<br />

•* I4M WVW4 IfeM .•wwttn^w I*IM<br />

singlet title.<br />

Heavy «ln ID the Bay Atea<br />

during the week of November<br />

14 pottponcd several matches,<br />

delaying the tournament.<br />

Next year will be a rebuilding<br />

one for the team which will lose<br />

four seniors. This ye;r was also<br />

termed a 'rebuilding- ye« for<br />

' the team, ba; it did not stop<br />

the gUli from winning the<br />

championship.<br />

Prato and several of the team<br />

members expressed tbelr personal<br />

thank* a Juniors Melody lou<br />

eighth icedcd Hannah An ellmlr.- and Swan Shin, nunagen. Tot<br />

ated In the quar.a-flub. Uwcll Ml of their dedicated tflw.<br />


125's drive to top of standings;<br />

come up short in AAA title game<br />

By Wesley Wing<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s 125's basketball team<br />

came up short In the All-City<br />

championships losing to Balboa,<br />

drsplt** an unde.'catcd regular<br />

season and a victory In thc playoffs.<br />

<strong>The</strong> drive to an All-City<br />

championship position began<br />

with a playofgann* .valni;<br />

Lincoln at Lowe!'<br />

It was a tightly combed<br />

tittle as Low-ll went fn leading<br />

at thc half by five -wlru, Lincoln<br />

quickly tied the score<br />

30-30 by the entmakc tlic pUyoffi."<br />

Coach .JI, Stewart atvlbuied<br />

e winnln>; ^eaion - nine wiw<br />

one Jcsi - to thc ouaundtn^<br />

out fox thc tc***i trynuts and<br />

>£... became the beat pt.iyen<br />

j[Vtrc pn ttic flow<br />

UP'T.<br />

. . ,,„ , ^T?* 1 • . . . season: everyone en me<br />

played brilliantly for several riiirnil.... -<br />

^arnes.' Both Stcwait anJ N Although the US' worked<br />

concurred that Ito w.>s un agg<br />

slvc factor re to bounder the Inside and an £amc.<br />

to earn thc title, Junior<br />

Important<br />

[>aul Kltagjw* admitted, "<strong>The</strong>re<br />

Thc team finished Its seaion •yjtn't much competition In out<br />

with Arctmiuta moving to for- ^r.league<br />

ill., year. Thr 3alr«a<br />

ward and Ccary lloriklrl getting Jjcam<br />

puied 'lie mot terlott<br />

the surt a: guard. "[* lucat to the .ndijii.<br />

Boys' soccer marches to second place finish<br />

By Randy. Koa<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> vanity soccer<br />

team went to the city championships<br />

this ye?r, hopefully setting<br />

a precedent for the future of<br />

soccer at the school.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team bad • successful<br />

season, winning the round robin<br />

crowi' with a record of 6-1-1,<br />

jiving them an edge In thy<br />

city charcptonshlf* race.<br />

In the flat game of the playoffs.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> taat WlUon by a<br />

wore of 2-1. earning (»ie"*cuad"<br />

the right to play In the chtmplorahlp<br />

against Mission, which<br />

beat Balboa U' Jietr playoff<br />

game, jf<br />

MUsloo, y illch v> i the only<br />

team to beat <strong>Lowell</strong> In thc<br />

regular season, defeated the<br />

Indians twice. Since <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

had the round robin title, thc<br />

turn had to be beaten twice<br />

lu the championships, Mission<br />

succeeded In doing just that,<br />

-We'll make the playoffs<br />

next year." predicted coach<br />

Ercst Felbusch, "because we<br />

work hard In the off-season.<br />

If we didn't, we'd be the doormats.<br />

We ruve to work hard.<br />

We worked for over 250 noun<br />

tn the off-season, and It paid<br />

off. 1 love thc game and love<br />

tog'.ve It my time."<br />

Four of the Indian players<br />

made first string en the All-<br />

City toccer tr- i: center forward<br />

Alvaro Garcia, whr scored<br />

18 goals to tic the city record<br />

right halfback Eric Cmrlho, who<br />

showed consistency the whole<br />

yean fullback Gagsn Satin',<br />

who was voted best fullback<br />

In the city; and captain Hoa<br />

Nguyen, who rruJc a lot of<br />

piays pcuible.<br />

udl Alien, the only girl to<br />

. ''f<br />

Wlilt a 0-*. rcccrc. the ll"t J~<br />

b-iikctb-tli team took '.he routv' y*-<br />

;oti\n tide arxl tiic !c »guc title. %t<br />

<strong>The</strong> feeltrt^ ff nuwt n" the ><<br />

player wai that thc tram de- jl<br />

trrved more credit JnJ ancnttOfr*<br />

at tchoo 1 tii.in was afiordcd >£<br />

Uiem. ^t<br />

Player Kevin Wong expressed.^<br />

such feelings when he s^ld, "Ir.c<br />

yat'lty team often o^cntiatJcwi^C<br />

thc lightweights. We Ooc't t>» v C_<br />

their site, hut because vc arc ^*<br />

smaller we have more tpced ^£<br />

jnd thc same ir.illvI'Jual iVil!*,*^r<br />

He concU-dcu, "I feel tne >*<br />

11^'; ite exciting in watch; -^£<br />

Itglitweight baskcthall Is a >g<br />

diffcr-int brand uf basketball''w<br />

•it<br />

D«.mbei 3. 19a:<br />

SP<<br />

By List Ogar ;<br />

" My mott !<br />

ii during the pliyoff I<br />

gainst WiU» wnrn 11<br />

|wlnning goal that tocl<br />

-hamclGoshlp," reflea<br />

Garcia, forward on thi<br />

owen *occer team. "<br />

Tor someone who ii<br />

bating soccer," Carl<br />

Icomu an accompli* £<br />

laving majc A1H<br />

•jntor JnJ I<br />

lie city icotln.<br />

•oall. and bx.<br />

coriag tscrrC,<br />

With C3= :<br />

father, Carcla U<br />

Fotr<br />

U .'• h*<br />

j ..hen they !u<br />

iliclnthc*<br />

for ikl^n,<br />

lomracr >'•= ]<br />

Ultlc e'Jf '<br />

lul •"<br />

xo be i ">rJ<br />

v.'lth ihe I<br />

one Itn-' '",<br />

jovi a: S •]<br />

Valley.<br />

J20.<br />

Valleyill<br />

at«« |<br />

popula'<br />

^di'dr:)<br />

racing f

EPQRIS_<br />

Brown, Garcia share 'Athlete of Month' honors<br />

"My nu-it mcmn.Mblc momcni<br />

nu during the playoff ganw<br />

igilau wr. i when [ icoced the<br />

winning goal that look ui to the<br />

thamplotutilp," reflected / lvaio<br />

Garcia, forward oa thrt successful<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> toccer team.<br />

' For wmeone who tuned off<br />

'bating loecer," Garcia tm become<br />

in !»i,<br />

Junior TuJt Allen nrteil,<br />

av.*-<br />

Ite. It Is among the Sicrta'i<br />

largest ski arcif with one of the<br />

-Hopcfulf., Iliit will itrerKlh. n<br />

us j^vl Improve mi: cnJ«r.>nc;. "<br />

Con-ornin^ the team's itrcfyt: 1<br />

players •:. 'tarting tc<br />

-ind wcrk as a coiiciivc unU.<br />

..'c arc becoming mote conjbtcnt<br />

3'-J more aware uf otr mhtakci<br />

ind strong pcKa. We still ttAvc<br />

o tmpiovc jr accuracy."<br />

She at* :oi, "We aUr have<br />

•^ very .r.i^g and sollii Osfcnsc."<br />

^i" c the team Is playing at<br />

an outside soccer club, fclbiuch<br />

lKip*-t li will evcmujlly tvolve<br />

.it jn r'iter-school tjvtri in the<br />

city, properly sanctioned ^y<br />

ttic leliooi i!t.U"lct.<br />

Me nnteU, "I would like to<br />

tec It .it 3 : \»*c\l ijxjrt ,'uit 11U-<br />

»lie bop' JAVIL<br />

ami wcakncitej, scnlrr Liu<br />

Milcy cummented, "Oar of tense<br />

1 tcjin."<br />

i Fr.e ICJIII*I ciirrent rc»:o:J<br />

known fcr -vood mow. It ciU* i<br />

a wide variety of ?kting, anJ<br />

Stt.ic o r th- S.e'Ta'i n»'«<br />

^h.)Uci.>;ing UL 1 lie ofi ciuU<br />

sir. <strong>The</strong> daily lift ran- U SlO<br />

with diirrtmts available.<br />

• /. '. K race* ."C ; . "••'•<br />

Inotc ^iio aic wiitn.'«.r{n^ i!<br />

their old favorite Alpine V.c->dowi,<br />

will be open should punder<br />

no more, li his been rebuilt<br />

ind ii expected to maintain<br />

its reputation ai being ±c<br />

ski area with the longest »kl<br />

•it Tahcc,<br />

SJE A SONS<br />



XOV. IHTHTiim- OEC. UT1I<br />




SPORTS<br />

r-BR64KING PITCH-<br />

V* A&C- COLIC<br />

fOCTBAU.<br />

8MK&TBALL<br />

Would you rather ga to a tiny, no-nane collego<br />

In Norch Dakota that spec Inline ca-).<br />

third in the Regional, n.it'vi.lv<br />

milling playoff jt.itui by ore<br />

game Team meinbcn lioj>c<br />

to matte (t ti> the pU/»>f(s ::m<br />

lime around.<br />

A major disadvantage TIK.<br />

team hai had to face U th.'.t<br />

the player: arc shcrt In corup.iriioti<br />

wltli ptayeti of otl.c.- teams.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s tallest player Is 0 fc:t<br />

8 Ineiics, wh>Ic eompe:ing tcarm<br />

often liave players in inc. 5 feet<br />

)0 incl.es to !'. feet ra*igc.<br />

It Is recognized that height ft<br />

Important for good 'piking and<br />

blocking. To compenure for<br />

:::c lack i>f hci;.;ht, Knerl cnco:iragc;<br />

tcain rncmhen to " ;!•("''<br />

tall," tr re-icf quickly, and to<br />

do a lot of jumping for the ball.<br />

Rivardlcti of the natcon.c at<br />

the Re^iopa! Tournamcm, i^nerl<br />

is plcaied with tl.c performance<br />

"the tcjm thii ><br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> runners break All-City tapes; run away with crown<br />

By Mlnnu Akuhara<br />

On 3 iu'iny yet chilly day<br />

at the Polo Fields In Golden<br />

Gate Park, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s crcti country<br />

team captured the Al!-Clty<br />

title {i<br />

20.<br />

could wfr, but thii is the first<br />

time in three vc«iit that they<br />

actually did. * r\ red Thomas.<br />

He added, "<strong>Lowell</strong>'* vanity<br />

teams dldr.*: win lnlh|»|ust<br />

becAuic they nave :v.l rni-.<br />

t»ie!f best at All'CiL); to TJionui,<br />

was that the numl>cr two vanity<br />

runr-r, Jcmathon Rogen, becarr*<br />

ill and co-JlUn't run, and three<br />

potential runners eliminated<br />

r enc runner,<br />

c in :nc vanity<br />

1th a time o<br />

themselves from the team by<br />

u<br />

fOftt-orr.lpg to practice.<br />

„-..., led bv senior C•:*?*^ tetbJcki, the team was<br />

to pull together and take<br />

T 17; 10,<br />

; Sowcll't i«cviou3<br />

Sy two iccondl.<br />

; race itjned<br />

r at *fp^Jlum ^cc. 1 picked<br />

t up, '^L-Kfib<br />

tne i hampiumhlp," erithiacd<br />

Thprnas.<br />

Junior Linda Woo, "out nw t<br />

of the leairn due to an Injury,<br />

finished secunJ for Lovcll arid<br />

fourth overall.<br />

W.K> stated, "![ was a matt

12 students participate in Adventure Alliance<br />

Advent, ire Alliance participate xuictukc a bojiing excursion?<br />

By Dana ralk<br />

"It*i the type of program<br />

that gives you a loi of credit<br />

for Intelligence." remarked<br />

Sac FrancUco police officer<br />

Walter Scott about the police<br />

youth program he founded<br />

which focuses on i'tc wltdemt*.<br />

experience.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are !2 I owe 11 students<br />

presently lnvotvn, the scores<br />

arc valueless.'<br />

Students have indicated that<br />

they are hy no means thrilled<br />

with the reality of taking the<br />

exact same CTBS for four or<br />

five yean in a row.<br />

FlbUh maintains that It Is a<br />

lack of funds In the school district<br />

which necessitates the<br />

taking and retaking of thu<br />

tame CTBS.<br />

Unlike the TTBS. ihe CAP<br />

is % matrics test taken by* all<br />

seniors in the school district<br />

In order that the quality of<br />

education which a school Is<br />

providing might be aucxtcd.<br />

Scores en the CAP do not<br />

appear ..YI the students' transcript*.<br />

Rather, tliey are tabulated<br />

and rcrumtd in the name<br />

of the school in the form of an<br />

evaluation of the strengths and<br />

weaknesses of the school's academic<br />

Frwrams.<br />

Also criticized V" <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

students as being i --rly sfmpiiitlc,<br />

rhe one-half hour long ten,<br />

which differ In form, is Jlitribute»l<br />

randomly to seniors.<br />

<strong>The</strong> assumption made In aJmlnlstcting<br />

rich a test is that<br />

In uking a random sampling<br />

of students* kru>wledge to the<br />

basic areas of instruction, a<br />

relatively aciurat luessment<br />

of the instruction In tii«se ateis<br />

might be obtained.<br />

Cafeteria may serve as study hall<br />

Hy -H/j c as much ol the<br />

stuilcnu tvt "nolic-cpntnillc.r<br />

iiudyiiig anJ miict UK-iaUzljv. 1<br />

during the aficrnocm uimctlmc<br />

in the future.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> Faculty Council<br />

proposed the Idea In an effort<br />

to locate more places for students<br />

to congregate, other than<br />

in the hallways.<br />

Principal Alan FlbUh stated,<br />

"We arc attempting to locate<br />

and make available mote placn<br />

for students to gather during the<br />

day."<br />

"We realize the school is<br />

crowded and that there arc a<br />

limited number of places for<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> students 'O occupy,"<br />

he continued.<br />

<strong>The</strong> cafeteria Is currently<br />

open to (indents as a low noise<br />

level meeting place during the<br />

morning hours.<br />

FlbUh reflected, "<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

belongs to the students, and we<br />

befittc the calitcila cuu.U ;,<br />

jc upened tip la uuJciitj lei tlic<br />

afternoon, a .:lc^.:-up .md<br />

maintenance program would<br />

luvc tti be .tevctpped.<br />

Suggestlor.i arc currently<br />

being itudlcu to see how this<br />

could be done. One Idea is<br />

to offer Script L points to indlvi'luab<br />

oi clut* which agree<br />

TO clean-up the cafeteria.<br />

Student DoJy PretU'cnt Catallrw<br />

Echlverri notes, "Each person who<br />

helps to clean the carete.ia will<br />

be awjided five service points<br />

each time, with 2b as the maximum."<br />

Echlvcrti relates tht plan " <strong>The</strong><br />

ca fcterU now CIOJCS at mods<br />

14-15 for the jamiots to clean.<br />

Afterwards it will be open to<br />

the studcr.'s unttl 3:30. <strong>The</strong>n the<br />

itudcnu will tlcJn It."<br />

Studci... J J the caictctia u a study area.<br />

"We hj'.vr.'t Jivliisj u!i2rl;rr<br />

will t-r^jfii.'i; t; 6 t*ltMn-iip<br />

Senior J.i:n't I'o^cll iUtciJ,<br />

"I think thU ic^r.cjtiun Is a<br />

good Idea. It will give jomc<br />

students an opportunity u> t!o<br />

lometlilnu' *• -itivc In ttuit<br />

frr- ..inc. <strong>The</strong> cafeteria is a<br />

good place to meet, if It Is<br />

opened up In the afternoon. It<br />

could DC like a student union."<br />

Scni(* Dcirtcl. c'reelot noted,<br />

"!t would give 'he *iudenu a<br />

place tu go and sit down. It<br />

would really be nice on cold<br />

and tainy days. Instead of<br />

lUmK'if; In the cold arcade,<br />

undents could sit in the warm<br />

cafeteria."<br />

FlbUh indicated that die<br />

adsiEnutratlon Is locking Into<br />

the possibility that wmc class*<br />

roui.u might be opined up at<br />

different times during the day.


Optimism necessary<br />

Unemployment: 10.8 percent. <strong>The</strong><br />

Federal Deficit: >180 billion. American<br />

Industry: deal or dying. Nuclear<br />

mlsslc production: oii"e. We don't<br />

need to look hird--the statistics make<br />

it painfully clrar: our country seems<br />

to be spiralling out of control toward<br />

an era of no jobs, far too much bureaucracy,<br />

little growth, and an even<br />

greater threat of total obliteration.<br />

And to make matters worse, there<br />

aren't any indxations that things are<br />

going to get bcttc .<br />

Despite the gloomy situation,<br />

Americans ami other peoples of the<br />

world arc still holding on to one<br />

valuable possession: optimism.<br />

In a recent: nternational Gallup<br />

poll, the majority in each of the<br />

world's majoi countries felt thai<br />

the future actually holds progress and<br />

peace for the entire globe as well as<br />

for their own nation. American<br />

optimism ranked among the to;,<br />

along with tha: of several courtric f<br />

western Europe.<br />

This news appears to be qui'<br />

surprising, but after examinii.^: American<br />

life, the optimism becomes<br />

apparent.<br />

One case in point is politics. Be-<br />

yond tin- artificial promises, the<br />

phony rhetoric, the hot air, and the<br />

little action, most people still believe<br />

that either under the present<br />

administration or under the guidance<br />

of Democrats, our situation will<br />

Improve. Rare Is the person who<br />

thinks dirt there is no possible solution,<br />

although tlu facts are really<br />

behind this pessimism.<br />

Wall Street serves as another example.<br />

Stocks basically are a barometer<br />

of optimism: when there is<br />

hope, people want to invest and the<br />

stock market goes up, but when there<br />

isn't much hopr, no one feels safe<br />

enough to invest, and the stock market<br />

goes sour.<br />

Currently, Wall Street has been continually<br />

breaking its record for trading,<br />

so there are indeed those who<br />

still think that the American economy<br />

is a wise investment.<br />

Nobody can actually measure the<br />

^cvel of people's optimism, but it<br />

••ecnis that we are Involvid in a sort<br />

of Pandora's Box. Along with all the<br />

death, economic drpression, crime,<br />

and other evils of the world, we still<br />

have, and must use, the one jewel<br />

among our possessions: hope.<br />

Make sensible resolutions<br />

"Nlnctcca-clghty-thrcc is going to<br />

be the year for me to lose SO pounds."<br />

"I'm going to cat less desserts."<br />

"This year I have promised myself<br />

to be more loving to my family and<br />

friends."<br />

"I'm going to be the most popular<br />

person in school this year."<br />

New Year's resolutions which are<br />

made every December 31 are usually<br />

as varied and wild.as the ones above.<br />

<strong>The</strong> question Is: ar


Hall crusade.<br />

' mste of time<br />

Dear Editor:<br />

I am vittlng to express my<br />

opposition to Dr. FlbUh'i<br />

almost laugnable cruiatfe to<br />

upgrade the tcbool'i hallways.<br />

Lately, t: ictms u H our<br />

principal has nothing bcnei to<br />

do but w^itc r.U time tu a futile<br />

campaign to battle crowd*,<br />

nolle, and trash In the halls.<br />

Most people realize that tlitrc<br />

Is little one can do to improve<br />

th« fiilU. HaJls wee made for<br />

people, 2nd where there =rc<br />

people, there Is bound to be<br />

nolle anj traih as well.<br />

Dr. ribuh doein't tceri to<br />

belie* e this, and judging from<br />

the large amount of time and<br />

energy he If spending on this<br />

croade, one might ihMk that<br />

the hallway situation U one of<br />

ths r.iost pressing Isues facing<br />

Of coune no one enjoys<br />

crowded, noisy, or dirty hallwiyj,<br />

oi't Dr. Flbbh': i'rive has<br />

reached abiutdly large proportions.<br />

Sure the hallf a-u a<br />

nuisance, but that's all they aie.<br />

Attde from wine -ed-bot students<br />

arid a few gung-t »teachrrs. t»<br />

oue U rally bntnsrcd by die<br />

hallways. <strong>Lowell</strong> bat mime tout<br />

other problems mere sertoui<br />

Ciau conduct In the halls and<br />

certainly more worthy of our<br />

ptt tic I i*i l*i time *nd clergy.<br />

Hopetully, all the hot air<br />

lurroundlng the halb will IOOD<br />

die down beciusc, pvsotully,<br />

I'm urcd of bearing to much<br />

aNiut so little.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> It lawwn for lu admirable<br />

academic!, not Its impect-<br />

^vc hailvuyt. l/u'i keep It rti*i<br />

way.<br />

ChailciHultgrcn<br />

Ding Dongs, RO<br />

unappreciated<br />

Dear Edit**;<br />

1 am ver. concerned that tlic<br />

beanery is golug to stop selling<br />

Ding Dongs. I haven't heard<br />

any ruinort to thfi effect, but<br />

f know there are subversives out<br />

tticrc who, if they could have<br />

their way, would stop the selling<br />

of Ding Dongs, Ho Uo's,<br />

1101 Eucalyptus Drive<br />

San Francisco, CA 94132<br />

Snow Balti, and yc*. even<br />

Twinkles. I don't think the<br />

enjoyment of the entire student<br />

Editor-in-Chief Sharon P*ag<br />

Sews Editor SUri* Crhtn<br />

Aut. Sews Editor Caroline Cabadiaf<br />

feature Editors Krlitlo Clothier<br />

LoriCUlttpie<br />

Muk Uttgir<br />

Sport* Editor. D*n* Fdlk<br />

Astt. Sports Editor ,.... Monique Sknizay<br />

Polities Editor Mkhtcl Dooner<br />

Am. Politics Editor. Mary Joyce<br />

Government Editor Vanesu Goodrich<br />

Astt. CorerumectEditor Clara Lee<br />

Entertainment Editor Liurrn Heist<br />

Aau Entertalnmea t Editor. James lurie<br />

Pro/Ha Editor. Lilly Siu<br />

AuuProOts Editor Maria Pao<br />

Copy Editors Carol Atuochn<br />

Joctljn Kci<br />

Emily Murue<br />

Production Managers Stiyouag Chun<br />

Elaine Woag<br />

Adrttlsing Managers UstMUey<br />

Kelly fyaa<br />

January 21« 1983<br />

Reporters: Miaoni Akuban. AUtoa Bloomtkld.<br />

£Uitbe*b Brove. Aha Otto, Us* Cogar, PtmeU<br />

FistUT, Keltic Cta. terry Goldberg. Dcbbh Gotttried<br />

DaWd Jones. Ittady Kots. J*aet Fc-icU, Elkn<br />

Wetner. fan Wertbelmer. Wesley Whg. Willie<br />

Nong. Debbie Woo. ZatK Young<br />

Pho\ogr*p.iy Cditor Clean A%AC;Id be ucrlficod ic<br />

the whirr, of a few deranged<br />

Indlvfduj V,<br />

S cacw on, friendt, let's<br />

unite and ennn thli uptwelling<br />

before It ever gets siartnll<br />

rieasc rcipond*-you'll ttunk<br />

me laierl<br />

And anotlier thing is that<br />

1 think the ROTC ihouie lv<br />

given mure appreciation I<br />

admire how these young men<br />

and women thanklessly give up<br />

tbclr free :lmc tc learn how to<br />

be good wldien. Why, vlthou:<br />

thiROTC, wc'J all probably<br />

becomn a buncli of Illy-Iivetcd<br />

panstd who co-jldnt defend out<br />

own backyardt. ! thlnV we<br />

srwald have mofc pcMlr demonuratlon<br />

of what the ROrC iJoct.<br />

Pcrtupi a live munUlons Jrm-ostiatlon,<br />

inl r<br />

ROTC mender a CK.I 7laurooni<br />

at all tin* 3 to remind<br />

the ttudcna of v. v :.u makes thU<br />

coun'iy ytciU<br />

Ttimkr.<br />

Robert Cornell<br />

Pay to go<br />

to potluck?<br />

Dear Editor:<br />

Would you pay to go to a potluck<br />

dinner? Would you pay<br />

to go to .1 dinner In your own<br />

honor'*<br />

All of i>.:. people who contributed<br />

to the football season<br />

•n some way (pep band members,<br />

tplrit squad cheer lead en,<br />

colorguard people, photographers<br />

and copy writers for the<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Red and While* as well<br />

JS "<strong>The</strong> Lowrir, student<br />

government workers, memben<br />

of the faculty, and the various<br />

. football team members themlelves—nat<br />

to mention family,<br />

fttcdt, and relatives) were<br />

asked to pay St. SO f y a ticket<br />

' to a dinner held in their own<br />

honor. Furthermore, the<br />

- dinner wu to be potluck!<br />

llai! ±c *ffali been billed as<br />

lea of an appreciation dinner,<br />

and more ol an evjat celebrating<br />

the end of an enjoyable<br />

football icaion, uDooubiedly,<br />

more people would have<br />

attended.<br />

But, we i*o not understand<br />

the logic behind (1) charging<br />

money for a po*!vsV •Mnner,<br />

and (C) chargl« matey %ii<br />

tlioie wham the dinner Is to<br />

be in honor ^f.<br />

At memben of the pep band,<br />

we had a great time supporting<br />

the team at all of the borne<br />

games, and we were initially .<br />


enthusiastic about the appreciation<br />

dinner. However.<br />

although $1. SO Is not, admittedly,<br />

a lot of money, we<br />

cannot see paying It under the<br />

circumstance,, Can you?<br />

Emily Murase,<br />

Ina Danp<br />

T.A.'s inadequate<br />

Dear Edltov:<br />

"To teach: the basic Inclusive<br />

wcid for the Impanlng of<br />

knowledge or skills and usually<br />

connotes some fncividtu' attention<br />

to the lein-er," offers<br />

"Webster's dictionary. "<br />

It b reasonable 10 assume<br />

then thai the role of the teaching<br />

assistant would be to help<br />

the teacher "Impart Wno'.fkdff<br />

Yet thii Is far '-ora the case.<br />

Many teaching assistants at<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> admittedly see theU<br />

claiuoom rules as an easy way<br />

10 gain five credits. <strong>The</strong>y do<br />

not have ro do homework, and<br />

tbey do net uavo to worry about<br />

gtaJ"*.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se TA's come at the beginning<br />

of class and depart<br />

minutes later after taVfng roll.<br />

Periodically, :Iicy ccx.ctr ljb<br />

rjpotts or run a sot of Scantton<br />

test fovms through a machine.<br />

In accomplishing such menial<br />

duties, theic nudenu are asslstlag<br />

the teacher by performing<br />

a few of his/her routine tasks.<br />

But what does the loichlnf<br />

• assistant learn from ths e»pcrlence?<br />

Several reaching usiUtsr.u<br />

have demonstrated how the<br />

lyitem caii • -nk. Tlice liidututoui<br />

TA's truk^ up (cm,<br />

wurk wit'i inullcr sroujn of<br />

stuacnu, and cvai lecture to<br />

their claw. <strong>The</strong> TA'» learn<br />

by teaching, and the students<br />

learn from them.<br />

Changes are necessary to<br />

r.iake the teaching assistant<br />

system consistently beneficial<br />

and remove the opportunity<br />

of exploitation. Teachers,<br />

for example, could give their<br />

teaching assistants grr.de* based<br />

on the amount cf effort the<br />

students (.'emomtrate. Such a<br />

syteni would encourage TA's<br />

to teach and screen out those<br />

who uam easy credits.<br />

Jeffrey Calvin<br />

Scantron tests<br />

cheat students<br />

Dear Editor:<br />

I agree 100 percent with your<br />

editorial on grade; and Scantron<br />

tests. 1 feel that Scmtron<br />

tesa show that a teach ex is bzy<br />

or dees not care about belp'ng<br />

a student learn.<br />

If x Kudent studies fcr a teat,<br />

taken It, «nd b rewarded by a<br />

lettrz on c green card with USM<br />

penciled-in bubble*, the student<br />

li. in my mind, being cheated<br />

• Jt of toiTKihlng, If a student<br />

bothea to ukc a test* I feel<br />

that tht student should receive<br />

a copy or itio l at--not a green<br />

card which irually does not<br />

bccL.ne ore's posseaioa.<br />

A copy of a test that hat been<br />

taktn is a form cf x receipt.<br />

It thows that ou tuj worta)<br />

hud and received a c,rauild<br />

be expoteO and luuhod by<br />

dill type of testing,<br />

I »ro very opposed to Scantronl<br />

StiAml FcInxUu<br />

Anonymity<br />

angers Meier<br />

Dear Editor<br />

An Lnldenilttetl person wrote<br />

In tlie Un luue of "<strong>The</strong> Loweir<br />

romplalnlng about unuied ipcicei<br />

tn the faculty parking lot. Ttte<br />

faculty Is certiinly willing to<br />

couiilw petmltiirtf students to<br />

uis the lot under c^ixottcd conditloos;<br />

It wai uncontrolled coii-<br />

Jit tons which were making it in<br />

poulblc for faculty menibert to<br />

use thtlr lot.<br />

However, the faculty Modi It<br />

Impossible to discuss altzrn-ice<br />

possibilities with unlCemllled<br />

persons. If the person wlshe*<br />

10 hide *hlle speaking, tt tenJs<br />

to Impede conmunlcatiom. If<br />

someone has tomcthtn^ to i»y.<br />

he/she should s^y It In the open,<br />

unless he/she was simply expressing<br />

h ina elf A cue If with nothing<br />

to communicate.<br />

lack Meier<br />

Faculty Council<br />

Chairman<br />

In memoriacn: Rir eSI Ito<br />

ByAbnCaan<br />

Sopboi-ot? Russell Taro Ito<br />

wai an ouutau^Ir^ athlete,<br />

10 excellent student, an^ *<br />

warr.i and friendly human being.<br />

Russell died on December 1,<br />

fit", as the resuti cf a fatal<br />

illness. TV* ihock t-< C!ty guarJ<br />

a tke tZL'j Uaiketball team<br />

for his Inspiring and tenacious<br />

Ruttell will be 'emerrSeced<br />

by all who knew h'-n as aa<br />

out-going, c.e xiaU sensitive,<br />

and considerate penon.<br />

His memory wll! Uve lo the<br />

minds and hearts of «H wb«<br />

knew him and .ere fortunate<br />

erxngh toc?tt nlmfilend.

NEWS<br />

West Point cadets speak to interested students<br />

to Ln-'ell « Welt Point cadvts.<br />

tly James Lurle<br />

" If you are looking for a<br />

place that provides challenges<br />

to overcome, I would suggest<br />

that you W»H at West Point,"<br />

said West i'nl.tt cadet Alex<br />

Cadets Alex Sung, <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Class of '18, and Klctmd Vbratu,<br />

Clau of *80, spoke IO<br />

Ir.': reiied studenu about the<br />

program at West Point.<br />

Five students attended fie<br />

I .-» meeting which, became of its<br />

J mull size, fcrcame mote of<br />

I j* an informal qucstlon-and-<br />

: answer f-riod than a formal<br />

I meeting.<br />

^ Students jiVcd questions or<br />

- j .i variety of luNJects IAII*^ fro<br />

5 o "hazing" at WCM Point to ihc<br />

[£, iRitirnio;.'* jelcc:loM pnxcii.<br />

Coticcinin.* queries on sclcc-<br />

:ton n» Wet pnfnt. <strong>The</strong> cadcu<br />

advised Interested<br />

get Involved In a iport, do<br />

well in tlie SAT's, seek leadc—<br />

•hip pciltloni IP -rodent jjovcrnmem<br />

and club), and get good<br />

gri'Jo.<br />

•<strong>The</strong> West Point selection<br />

proccu U bawd on the wlioleperson<br />

concept. We ate looking<br />

for a take-charge IijdlvIJ •<br />

ual because that U what thr<br />

Army wane," explained ?Jne.<br />

"Demonstrating leadership,"<br />

Sung emphasised, "Is a nvmendout<br />

.u:cu Someone wSo<br />

has shown tilt ability to lead<br />

u far rnciz likely, and rieservei<br />

ly io, to get to WCK Point."<br />

SJII; c.^iai HIM ore adirJr.uji<br />

, ct V.'cit IV..-,: fi :hat, unlike<br />

other collet, t!u* i:ui!jnt ii<br />

p-ild to .iti«:J.<br />

After an initial pay.-ncM of<br />

J ?;.'.'•. 3 fee, V.'cit Point jmJciiil<br />

receive S-IG3 .i month. Mast<br />

of this, however, is autonut-<br />

IcJilly *j»cd for the stuJcnu.<br />

Of the toial S4G0, a frcthnun<br />

actually receive* $75 a month,<br />

a iop*Mmofc!lC3, a iunicr<br />

5130, ."nd a senior 5160.<br />

Sung pointed out that the<br />

an«>uni of money received may<br />

iccrn quite small, but Uieit<br />

li -caKv little on which to<br />

spend money anyvav.<br />

"Everything at West Point<br />

li free, and tl.c base Is like<br />

a ciry In 1-iclf," S*in.j pelmet<br />

out.<br />

.iu.%-, admitted (Si.it ftcihnm<br />

arc aliVwcd to KM-.C the base<br />

. only four times a \car; sJphomore»,<br />

tir tini.i; tun I on,<br />

cl^ht ti-..:i. plus a ,-v>«it)lc<br />

ilx m.'-c en nxriU' and icnion,<br />

utinffiolally, ".. - can take<br />

off juii .ibvut any wecv^nd, "<br />

Hall policy acoptedU&E club hosts competition<br />

Py Willie Won;;<br />

Pv Willie Won-: Viola:<br />

Viola:<br />

i,<br />

.. of<br />

tfftlieniles<br />

the rules<br />

*>U1<br />

vlll<br />

I .... fly ...... Katie * Young<br />

.___ _* . ...<br />

<strong>The</strong> Uiwcll Faculty Onniril, be sub^ci to pcultl^j. After<br />

1 L:iwr:l's Aichiteciure jnj<br />

In cooperation with it'j :cnt a first warning, i>cnaWr* In-<br />

Engine_Tlng Club hosicd Its<br />

^uvernment rcprcscc.-jlives, clude i "U" In rcglitr;. a<br />

has proposed a pollry tu rcr.tedy<br />

first "Graham Cracker House<br />

»'cans'"U," ind required<br />

tlie con^cnlon and noise In the<br />

Uu!<br />

school ien Ice<br />

liallway*.<br />

Afrcr a iccofi 1 offeme, ihc<br />

Prefaced by the statement. offender will nrt be ahowed<br />

"In order to promote learning to enroll in any clatici before<br />

=t l^well High School," the the rcgiitiw pcrlr»J, Tlii* action<br />

pUr., to be Implemented lr is designed (o kec^ tlic siaJcnt<br />

19S.I, was adopted Ir November in el.iu ill day so he will have<br />

of 13R"J by the to well Executive no time tc jpend in fhr. hallway*.<br />

Council without, dissent.<br />

"We have lengthened the<br />

<strong>The</strong> plant which .-ciiitted paiiiilt; pi"lod jfier t&.'i';ry,<br />

bu. we itllJ lave a mcts bc-<br />

•zaiiij we have '.'. 860 students<br />

In a sel.otil tudc for ?,"00<br />

Students." si-itcd J?ck Meier.<br />

Katv.Uy Cmixil prciiJcnt.<br />

"We luvc had incidents in<br />

1 Jun.'or Viti*ins Hung walk*.*-.<br />

Mnv* ContcjT" in Peccmt*!<br />

Nine graham cracker houios<br />

made prior to the d.ty of the<br />

contest vcir iud.- .' by Hugh<br />

Aanorucn, club spui^i>r,<br />

and several guci< faculty<br />

\<br />

1<br />

Die pj.ticipauts rcvc-ilel th<br />

V..c itructurcs took at* average<br />

away witti to^ honors for her of two and a half hours tc<br />

crc.itior, ctinitructed of. atnon^ 'catc.<br />

other tliin^t, hundreds of pretzel •<br />

it Ida.<br />

<strong>The</strong> nirc IUUKA'C wu^tirci<br />

we;c J^ d^ncd witli iucli twccii<br />

as vitiilb tciiy. )>nidr.tM. .J<br />

vjummy ^can.<br />

n £ tpcni one evening<br />

cornj "i'ag ti«.f project.<br />

Sen; - Debbie Lcunj*. t-lub<br />

fXdhlr t, itatcd lliat li.c vat<br />

plcateu iM"" all of ihc houses<br />

and noted that the contest<br />

worked to bring ihe members<br />

of the club 4n (.«tciil, 'iob«Tt<br />

lliscmoio, fwrn'*v "iu'.» pecsdent.<br />

<strong>The</strong> club's two y •fessk:ir;<br />

ailviwn, Jeff Ki\ 'V and Vr-T.ir<br />

Fu, cnylr.ccn, w- fvescnt.<br />

from tcaciicn. Includes il-.c<br />

following rules:<br />

1. S:ud«nti sitting In the<br />

hails must ha-.c their bJcks ta<br />

ttie wait.<br />

?. Students *n.itt not sit in<br />

circles.<br />

3. llsl'l Shall be used fnf<br />

study only. Quiet nudy ti<br />

preferred.<br />

4. Students will not sit in<br />

tlic halh dating pasiing period).<br />

*. Stu> ( ^i," !ic c».pUin-:d.<br />

McJcr IU'CJ tli.tr tlic new<br />

policy, %>hu:h \*n tt.c ;nain<br />

'pplc i'f » 3jKCi.1t aucrnbly<br />

on J -jry I, WiMtlJ not he<br />

effective Vi'llOUt t!ic CiXipCMuon<br />

oi ilircc >;uiti|tt - iti a wccU inicrnin^<br />

m biTutt^iict and dcpjiui^iit<br />

sii>.'ci. <strong>The</strong>y learn vhar ^iei<br />

on "<br />

Laura Yofeim is one of six <strong>Lowell</strong> students e<br />

ftc>. of fashion merchandising.<br />

! t:!iind the icenci" p: ,;oic<br />

oper.iti.mj, icJrniii. 1 hori^^j ind knowledge of faih- He ha- it.irr.cJ mere about<br />

•on r'crcliardirlrt);. I the wcrld of vork and bcllcvv*<br />

She nateJ t!ut siic h*- lr:arnej| It will help him In tl.c future<br />

(]ui;e a bit .ibout the rctj.il bin. a* he leedi .. career in fasl:lon<br />

ir.eis while wording mere. *I l'.tm:iatitT or dcilgr.<br />

cnjty In.crning beciusc I r^i<br />

n-:w p«in-«car .lep-rtnent<br />

Sent, r trncjto J.;c^ t* intctu- at fliillocVj. • c u Icarnir.f.'j<br />

IfX « KilVe;-Ra.-(ifcrd, LJ. Hi- r.-imb« ol sktUi incluJtn^ «<br />

c*\; it \zty nvKn inu ' > it<br />

i d :<br />

"It vlUb.ir-ccific<br />

*Vilb such ai chccklr.i; im-cntory,<br />

lalci icctinlnuct, ruh<br />

register operation, and jrran^lnt;<br />

•Uspla\..<br />

Senici Cli-Jcttc Ca::illo ti<br />

Inter r.,; in ttie lingerie secil»n<br />

.«! BulLvk*!. She lech thjt th;<br />

l ..ii;n<br />

talcs tcclmiyvc;, dupUy .itr^ni'eirtcnts,<br />

ariti i:iforrn,.l imx'cUr..*.<br />


XHC0S63URKIT0ST0G0<br />

160t T4raval Strwl<br />

S«n Frnnciico. CA 94116<br />

t. i<br />

N<br />

Edi<br />

hBy t\<br />

-TtTeLowelJ<br />

hy fjculiy J<br />

Kshn'lDcc.'<br />

Sharon P*f<br />

ln-chl=f.<br />

Scnlon (1<br />

Mark UngirJ<br />

sUlTasco-|<br />

-KlarU a<br />

a doubt rW3<br />

rbc suh'. Till<br />

quality we ta<br />

when die<br />

tobr edlin. |<br />

Ncvi eil.i<br />

beib Broxr.1<br />

•.ed by MlyiJ<br />

Kara V/enl<br />

Lauren I<br />

f.ing will . |<br />

Illllcs i<br />

j<br />

A.bror.r 4<br />

NtAtlan<br />

of Lowc<br />

tcr, has b<br />

ccntdi's d-<br />

Cohn,<br />

b»t OcWt<br />

of a i.owcl<br />

organ Ir-<br />

Eleanor I<br />

.--rcf tt.J

NEWS<br />

Editorial staff changes<br />

for spring semester<br />

By Kellie Can<br />

<strong>The</strong> ipilng 1 n<br />

Chin.<br />

Copy editor 'capcT-sibilltlcjwill<br />

be handled by .'eff OaKin<br />

and Susan Shlu.<br />

Advert Ulng manager will<br />

I'e Staw!;lrn Handi.<br />

Book center dedicated<br />

By Mlyoung Chun<br />

A.bronze pLujuc honoring<br />

SLu{an Co>in, former manager<br />

of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s BooW-to-Boole Center,<br />

has been placed MI the<br />

ccntcr*s door.<br />

Coh" wh pauoj aw.iy<br />

lait C w.ts the mother<br />

of a Luwct. .a and enc of the<br />

off.-intzcrf of the booLmmc<br />

Eleanor Brown, current manager<br />

of the center, described<br />

ilohn J» .1 dedicate*!, fantastic<br />

human being wlu* m".;-,'it J all<br />

aipects ol ttie bookstore operation.<br />

BIT von^incr.tcJ. "'•' :r.*w<br />

takes. .iVe people to «o all of<br />

the tilings sh** diil by hcncU.<br />

St-e managed the financial<br />

• mailers, inventory, and .ho<br />

'iuyii.£ of all liena.'<br />

<strong>The</strong> idea of a dedication<br />

plaque resaticd from the fact<br />

that donations were . - -*ivcd<br />

by the Uwcll PTA in Cctin'i<br />

rume after her death.<br />

Principal Alan FluHh, Mn,<br />

Cohn's husluiid, Ccrr>-, and<br />

Rte Riddle, Tricnd and co-wi:r:;c<br />

or Mrs. Cc*in. took pan in tlic<br />

placement of the pUttuc on<br />

the center's door.<br />

Tho Book-ic-"ook Center<br />

provides a number of icrvjcc<br />

and resourcci to ! rvcH «ndenu,<br />

ranging fa.m Ac sale<br />

of pencils arxi cra;cn to SAT<br />

preparation hooVlco to non-<br />

fiction and ilctU*n works*<br />

Proflu mae'e by ilic center<br />

arc contributed to the school<br />

in the fotm of new equipment<br />

and needed supplies. Tic<br />

center hat helped rcfurbfi'n the<br />

Foreign Lan.;uat;c Lab .ind !u»<br />

putclmi'd hooki fur ttic En^ltih<br />

and Social Sudins [)cpntn:cnti.<br />

Proflti have AUO b**n uicd to<br />

puicluic .1 computer fit. itir<br />

iJom[Mitet I'r^taniiuin. 1 . rlir.<br />

<strong>The</strong> «»>oU-to-R»-oV Comet<br />

I<br />

il nutiagcd liy a »laff of v^liin<br />

,JS he-icn in :l.c roorni. Old<br />

ftji-tyr*c licuen JtHI rj-cratc<br />

in b»irvjlowi T-J, T- '. and<br />

T-1J, however.<br />

•esday a'J T!"Jll'>> Evciur..<br />

At Well Al .^.itctjay and SuiJay<br />

o\cr tcp yean a^o, ii sponsored<br />

by the San Fnncfi- J Ltidgc of<br />

tlir CACA, one of »!ic oldcit<br />

Ctilneic-Amctican organlsationi<br />

»n the u.'lion, uncoiua^es itu-<br />

.,'cats of Ch.nese bacV,;roum5s<br />

t » income Involved in public<br />

Of en ii'.;!! ptiMic ami pri-<br />

'.jtc lii^li iclioou, in the ci'y,<br />

me contcj* Jrsw ly patilctp-inii,<br />

.illit bcln^ Lowcil ltuJcnu.<br />

fontcunn had ^i^ln topics<br />

ffkitn which 'o ctio.MC In advance<br />

.!"•! prepared a flve-miru'c,<br />

ircmorlrcd i;tiric'.f<br />

ami In doln^ ihc ben :liai<br />

you ran. One nf tt.= bcit thln^i<br />

w.it irtln; tic »tiu!cT.ft «.•( jt-cir<br />



Winter Ball fulfills dreams<br />

!>yui:/siu<br />

o., December 02, -..:.!'.• mn:<br />

5an Franclsrans we<br />

•135 couplet from attcr.JIm 1<br />

ihe fourth annual Winter Ball,<br />

"What Drearm Arc Made Of,"<br />

Jointly ipontored by the Student<br />

Activities Board and the Chii<br />

of 1984.<br />

<strong>The</strong> dance, which be, an<br />

piomplly at I 1 p. m. and Luted<br />

until 1 a.m., featured loutidi<br />

l/y Collage and plctura by<br />

Kce Coleman.<br />

According TO icni:: Kim Dca,<br />

"<strong>The</strong> band wai tr-jliy awesome,"<br />

and jvn'flr 1 iu V.^a^ added,<br />

"?*.- sure I"<br />

Stcphan'e Won^, lait year's<br />

WlntwballO-jccn, wai on<br />

hand to receive the 1 !omecomiug<br />

Court of 19P2, a court<br />

which hxl'sded raid [or the<br />

first time.<br />

Senior Vinctta Goodilch,<br />

SA3 c' alrpenun, won ilic<br />

distinction of Homecoming<br />

Ouccn, while Gary TaVcrootn,<br />

Senior Ctau president, became<br />

the flnt-evcr Wlntcrhall Kirty.<br />

<strong>The</strong> pilnccites iru'IiuJed<br />

seniors Emily Mutase and<br />

Mlcliclle Henry; junkri 1>ri<br />

Lull Hoy.itiCl J:;d Mil)* Tio;<br />

.ind frealinx-tj r.li.-abcth An<br />

arn' iitace Lee.<br />

Scnfo:» nubcrt Aguirrc and<br />

Thomas Mitchell, jupiori Joel<br />

Lym and Kruit Bate*, H-^Kmeres<br />

nyron Lcc ami Mark<br />

Sv'hodlei, jnd fr»ahmcrt rccr<br />

Chin and Poan Ptn:l4<br />

'.Von^ (98 vorri, •?.«. •:;*.)<br />

BSCS IliJt.'.-ijn - *Lc::a F'W;<br />

(anoppticd)<br />

c'io-t (.).*"•);<br />

•Dean Poulakidis(174 votes,<br />

:'0.-i7'): Roland C!^(::.i<br />

votes, C7.-J';<br />

nit LOWELL<br />


X'ISl.St<br />

FOOD<br />

Winter full King JUI Ouecn<br />

Teachers are appreciated<br />

By Oovia Lcc<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> executive Council<br />

(!.rC) iporaatcd the flnt TCJCIIC;<br />

Apptcciatton Day to cj>prcu thanks to the<br />

school's faculty for their dedication<br />

to their wcik a;.d tiicli<br />

studcnU.<br />

"Student government officcn<br />

liave been trying to bnlIJ up<br />

belter r-:laticnj witf:ir ttic itudent<br />

tx-dy, n*>t only .inx'n.' t(;c<br />

iiadcui], ^ut bciwceii iM;, "Most<br />

"f the teaclicn showed up at the<br />

tea, and we palled out the<br />

iiMjiTity of tlic certificate."<br />

V.iny u*-tclicri cvjKciicd<br />

larprtic t!i:u ilic jtu Icnu co'i-<br />

Jidctcd h-ivin^ such an event.<br />

Socfil tclciu'p '.cjchcr Kobcr:<br />

l.tiu'ltkc commented, "I<br />

-3i frankly lurprUcd and vtat-<br />

Ified. I liked (hj .Jca. 1 think<br />

It miglit :n ii* .i- ^.].;:1) evert.<br />

Teacher; t«.i not often receive<br />

that kind of recognition, iiitiough<br />

1 feel there ate p^yoluc<br />

reward! In tcjc'.ing at J tcttoai<br />

like <strong>Lowell</strong>.*<br />

BOOKS<br />

-}-<br />

Gins<br />

•*-<br />



_ CARDS<br />

G.E.T. S<br />

Bookj & Art Dcpl.<br />

-on rrontiM9. CA <br />

Ray Area rnct<br />

tuned ;1<br />

b»:i,i; thi*: n f<br />

iu ilow IM:'<br />

ity.<br />

On one tu<br />

known k-r bj<br />

w "IHI; ttx J<br />

"lloncstx."<br />

utatirn *'t!; i


lemarkable film astonishes ('Upcoming Events<br />

By Mlnoru AVuhara<br />

Superb • Mlnoru acting, AVuhara an excellent of „ non-vlolem rcslueocc.<br />

; A O<br />

icuadt.ark, and vivid scenery One of the moi* astonishing<br />

.-11 combine to make "Gandhi" aspects of the film Is the way<br />

a remarkable and Irrprculvc In which Klngstey seems to<br />

epic film.<br />

age from a lawyer<br />

Directed and produced by<br />

Sir Richard Attenborough, the<br />

film concern* itself with the<br />

life of Mohandarus Gandhi and<br />

his efforts to gain Independence<br />

for India.<br />

Bill Klngsley. a British acti


'Verdict' is guilty<br />

By Jama Luric<br />

Ttic Verdict" ii a movie<br />

of paradoxes,<br />

U tiles hard to b.: Interne,<br />

y:T it i.ai very lt:t*e iction.<br />

It tti.ti to ptc*«?t an unicntlnicnfal<br />

ticn>. yet it If a icntinterval<br />

,-novlc. On O.c whole, it UICJ<br />

10 be meaningful, hut It tut<br />

little meaning.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Vcrdlrr il a movie<br />

aoout - and in .«anjplc of -<br />

failure. Primarily, It ti ab.Mii<br />

ttic transition of a loser filled<br />

with iclf-ph) to a winner.<br />

Caul Hew nan star* ai a lawyer<br />

down on hU luck and on liimscir.<br />

Me lui only had foucatci<br />

In the Ian three yean,<br />

lie finally gets hU big dunce,<br />

in a major malpractice suit<br />

against a hospital.<br />

Tlie case transforms Ncvma.i<br />

Into a winner intent on doing<br />

what il tight In a fight against<br />

itic c*f*Mlihmcm* Yl.c tnovt.;<br />

into 4 .rite u\c of<br />

; )aviJ vcrt't* Goliath.<br />

Unlike another film, -An<br />

Officered » C'.ciHlcm.in,"<br />

*• liich alio tut a trite theme -<br />

Me £rowili of 3 tx>\ Into a nun •<br />

" <strong>The</strong> Vcidic*" Ii unable to tr^ntt<br />

end Its banal Oicnw and beci<br />

me n:canuii;ftil.<br />

T!ic nuivlt tries 10 hard ttut<br />

ft ilmmi mrrccdi. It h.ii All<br />

11 ( itic tiappln^i of a nKaniiirn»eJy<br />

of ttic criminal "Airplane."<br />

<strong>The</strong> ft'tnut li t»'C Jjn;c a» the<br />

*Hl,;inal, but ft d**»a rot «ecp<br />

the viewer continuously lau^hin,*<br />

a>l wetting his panti, uiln^ IOIIUrci*yelc*I<br />

joker frutn Hie od^itul.<br />

Ttioie who Iii^cl "Airplane" will<br />

proh.ibly enjoy "<strong>The</strong> Semite I."<br />

r-.--treat 1 ii,; tlic roles they<br />

(Ti^inaled as Ted .md tlainc<br />

in"AIrpUnrt* arc RohcrMIa>%<br />

and Julie Malady, back with<br />

them fo* the scct-nJ flight arc<br />

Llnyd BriJ^ei a: the ait controller<br />

and Cclci Graves at pur« "Oear-<br />

,tncc" Clarence Ovcur. N».wc;n;rrt<br />

include Chad Everett,<br />

Son:) 1 Bonw,-William Stutpcr.<br />

Rip Torn, and Chuck Ccnnen.<br />

Variety in '48 Hours' entertains<br />

Hy Larry Goldberg<br />

If you arc looking for violence,<br />

action, excitement, hilarity,<br />

jnu in cv'.vllent mi'tical n*>rc,<br />

tlicn " !;• :;o .V it a movie that<br />

will entertain you.<br />

Fltmcd en location in San<br />

Ktanchcv, "-if Hours" nan<br />

Sirk No:tc JS lac 1 ' C-;ci, a<br />

vercran --op who Is not \ety<br />

pedlar wiiii ilu* inemlvr* z'<br />

the police f.'tcc, JRJ fjtlie<br />

Murphy at Rc^i.-: H.wr motid,<br />

.1 con m.tn .inJ thief wi*!i .1<br />

'Best Friends'<br />

disappoints<br />

!!> nien Weiucr<br />

\.t.ii t\ MIL- i-nly tliin.; ttut<br />

tliip K'twccti "iehard and P111I.1,<br />

two itreenwiten w!in vork,<br />

pla>, and live tiyetiier'<br />

Mjrrt-i.c.<br />

Uurt Keyn.ilJi anJ..» itic name<br />

of i.;:.z (Jamu Rcnur) and Ms<br />

panncr, t:*llyUcar(S .ny Landluiti),<br />

who have murdered ic\-<br />

Tl.c itnrj- tcvohei around<br />

nnrc ; >OO,noO thai l!ammt>nd<br />

lui iriil'.cd away and ttijt dm:<br />

WJMtJ.<br />

i.ti-fillcJ j i take the<br />

ttic Minioti, .ind c^en a Mml<br />

Ml'IlK t*.»t|. -.<br />

It wiji -com incredible to<br />

t.v.iJt k'l.-ii *T.ir,-» and H.imiiH'i<br />

walk out of a bir In \h: »tl»ion<br />

and within a fc\» step* arrive in<br />

Chinatown. !>ul then this >t a<br />

movie, and, overall, the<br />

ikippui^ around San FKDt'iicc<br />

ii done rather well.<br />

Murphy's wi; ami humor .'1moit<br />

itcal ttic movie jway from<br />

the powerful acting of Noltc.<br />

lUnti of tlic aei.xs' ityle? rompli*<br />

meiii each *»thcr perfectly, and<br />

ttic audience anxiously awaits<br />

each scene to see how the<br />

roles will interplay with one<br />

.lniMlter<br />

if ai icore.<br />

excellent. It keern ttie tension<br />

^..it.^ in places whai* 'he film<br />

ioffman charms as woman<br />

li;, Debbie (..ottfricd<br />

1'ru't ro ttic relcjie of<br />

1 Umdle," who w««ild nave<br />

iM-i.MK-d I)i a -C-. :'j<br />

C.»ci:C^ (. J<br />

SUm: " J<br />

11 cht' 'til<br />

and e.-^!"i. 1<br />

t ic ;ir. '.J<br />

tn i U ..! .1<br />

PdnceoJ<br />

to the t..:J<br />

tlons w,.n*j<br />

been ivccd<br />

^ ^ \<br />

r. thcr.<br />

t ic ct.-rvj<br />

~ : \<br />

cmtic fir-1<br />

boici! ..ii'<br />

KJICI; ir-<br />

<strong>The</strong> r^<br />

r.eecc' ••<br />

ever, -fiieclnil.<br />

M Alii<br />

T«J:<br />

Even :ti<br />

their p--.r-<br />

Wcbet pL'<br />

fornuncc<br />

thn^nc.<br />

~~Stu<br />



jflng and I' ls mediocrel <strong>Lowell</strong> alumnus hits bigtime<br />

Yul Brynntt in * Tic King and P<br />

By Kelly P.yan <strong>The</strong> most outstanding child<br />

"<strong>The</strong> King and r should be<br />

an eta:uic. energetic, and<br />

••toiiniiy musical. <strong>The</strong> productlori<br />

placing at the Otphcum<br />

Thcitcr, however. Is dull,<br />

lacking In cnagy, anu only<br />

mlloiy charming.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> King and I s performance It by Anthony<br />

Kapp, who plays Anita** son,<br />

Lou it, lie is not only a very<br />

food actor, but he hai an enchanting<br />

singing voice.<br />

On stage, there develops a<br />

dynamic chemistry betw&cn<br />

Is the story Rapp and Wcbcr which is not<br />

of a "civilized" British school found in any otlicr pair In (lie<br />

teacher (Anna), who navels tn musical.<br />

Slain w -rlvltlK" Its king and An outstanding adult perform<br />

hli children.<br />

a nee Is turned in by Patricia<br />

In Uic vouno of ilielt 'ttals Anne Welch, who portrays<br />

nd confrontations, Anna and Tuptlm, tlic Wrv's mojt newly<br />

Ihe Hng fait In love, leading acquired wife, whD il ir. love<br />

:o a touching conclusion as wiili .-mother man. Welch hai<br />

,crc ChulalongVom (the heir a )"*<br />

io the throne) inucs proclamations<br />

which show that Anna Itai<br />

been successful In her minion.<br />

Though the story-linr In this<br />

[xoduciton remain* (he tame as<br />

In the original, (he cast lacks<br />

tlie energy and vitality the jlu«w<br />

needs to survive.<br />

After all these ye-ts, Yul<br />

tJtynucr is still the kl.-ig, yet he<br />

teemed bored throughout the<br />

entire flnt act. He alio seemed<br />

boied with hit leading lady,<br />

Kate Hunter Brawn.<br />

<strong>The</strong> pair lacks the electricity<br />

needed to rr-akc their relationship<br />

come alive. teynner. however,<br />

docs come to lift, with<br />

the challenges of the secww act.<br />

A» Antu, Brown Is extremely<br />

weak. Her acting I*, at bar.<br />

average, and hei voice It something<br />

las than average.<br />

Even ihe children do bctte in<br />

their p*m than Brown. Kevan<br />

Weber puts in a delightful performance<br />

as the helt to the<br />

throne.<br />

j fly PamFaitlff<br />

all high icliools converged and of the Club Fu«jazf wai covered<br />

"<strong>Lowell</strong>? Gosh, iK'vasa rompced for spirit awards wltt; sand. Instead ot tianiplng<br />

long time a^o!" tv.ud Stc\-e and 13-minute football sc :i.n- prople's hands for admission,<br />

Silver, '.oucll graduate of rrugci. We .ill wore whit? we sprayed them with Cooper-<br />

stilitt and pcrfotnic*' Mtdstumu" tone," he said.<br />

Silver, who Is the master- "Yhcn it.-i'e was a daace "Tlic word 'ftabylon' Is Just<br />

•nlnd behind the comedy show, called the *Twc:p Dance* whcie a socJ I liked and wanted to<br />

"Beach Blanket Babylon" and the tjirls rfould aik the gu>% •ue,~ Silver revealed.<br />

all of Its succestful sequels, Is that nlll aroutvt?" he asked. "Beach Blanket Babylon*<br />

reflectul m his dayi at t^iw^lL After graduating from <strong>Lowell</strong>, opened on June ?, 1974, and<br />

"Back then. <strong>Lowell</strong> was a Silver attended City College of every show since hai been<br />

very spirited, very close-knit San Francisco. He then went , sold OUT,<br />

school," he stated. Silver to San imc Slate University HcfUcilm; on r.c pbraomeiut<br />

attended <strong>Lowell</strong> from 1358 to anil nudicd graphic design. succetr of die stx/W, Silver ia!J.<br />

19C2 when the school w« lo- Silver revelled, "1 stiU JCC "It's tlic kind of et tcrtalni>unt<br />

cated or Ha>tJ Street at Mas- people I went to icliool with in which people can have a<br />

culc. Avenue.<br />

at LowclL" Tho 20th •eunloo jrod Mme. U h happy and<br />

"It was a mucl' rv»rt calve for his class of 19CC was held liur^rous, not heavy. <strong>The</strong><br />

time," he recalled. " rhe big ~.t the Club Fngazl, the ilic of world U ir. iuch bad stiap^* to-<br />

tiling sl*h glrli wai wearing all of SUvci's "Beach Blanket da) thai 'Ketch Blanket Baby-<br />

• lipstick. And the worst activity Babylcn" productions.<br />

lon' ii an escape fot many<br />

of all was when the guys used Silver admitted that he<br />

peopleto<br />

go down to the corner and never appeared In dramatic S •metlnic in the future,<br />

smoke cigarettes,"<br />

predictions white at LowclL Sl'.vcr would like to direct a<br />

"I really wasn't very Involved "<strong>The</strong> Idea for 'Dcacti Blanket IJW-budget, naive, musical,<br />

wtien I attended <strong>Lowell</strong>. <strong>The</strong> iiabylim* evolved from my movie. But for the Immediate<br />

only team I evej joined was ansmtit." Silver stated, "t futuic, he plans to stry wall<br />

croa country, and 1 think I only wanted to do a ihow Involving* "Beacn ttu4.!; she to his credit. Including memor-<br />

cly soprano voice and In- best known for his many portrayal! mair*ed Prince FUlnlcr Crirtu'di able peifotmanccs In "Golden<br />

Jccti powerful emotion into of the bumbling Inspector Clou- of Monaco to become ihe pr!n- Boy," "Sahrina," "Born Vcstei-<br />

her portrayal of a stai-croucd<br />

jcau in the ~eiuk Panther sctlcs. *-*«» "f *>•« province.<br />

day," "<strong>The</strong> Bridge on the River<br />

tuvcr.<br />

He will abo be remembered<br />

Kwl," ,md "Min-oiV<br />

One of the rr.oti disappointin<br />

for numerous ott.cr itarrin,; roles Henry Fonda, who dicu at tlic<br />

in such films as'Dr. Strangc- jgc nf 7fi c-f natural cause- won<br />

aipccts of thu pifnluction is the<br />

lovc," "Trie World of Henry at Oscar for best actor of 19fj<br />

acousiici at tl.c O.-pIicum "'hea<br />

Orient," and "Being <strong>The</strong>re." for his portrayal of N'orrmn<br />

rer. <strong>The</strong> pt>uf acoustics has<br />

HW .ilrued the pcrfumcn Another victim v( a fatal<br />

T layer tn "Cr. Gulden Pond."<br />

being "mikcJ." tcspi'c this t-nr: i*:-.l» w*s Marty Fcldman<br />

He had been nominated only<br />

fact, tin**? Ucr.t ilic actt>n arc whose unusually large and "wob-<br />

once before for "<strong>The</strong> Crapes<br />

very nurd to new.<br />

bly" eye: distinguished him frum of Wrath" in 19-10. He Is re*<br />

rtuou/hout a majority of tnc<br />

othef cumedlr**]. He shone in mem beted by many for his<br />

songs, the orchestra U so low'<br />

such tilnu as "Young Franken- title role performance In "Mis-<br />

tint the words of the singers<br />

stein" and "<strong>The</strong> Lait Rcnukc of<br />

Seau Gate."<br />

jre drowned out. Poor acou.'.l<br />

and a lcu.1 crchcsira detract frc Joh'i Bcluihl, who achieved<br />

ihe audiences' enjoyment. tame II the televiilon show<br />

Looked at •» a whole, this i»<br />

"Saturday Might Live," was<br />

an average production of a very<br />

found dead In Starch in a<br />

good musical. • the negative<br />

Chateau Mar mom Hotel bungalow<br />

on tlifc Sunset Strip in Los<br />

side arc (he disparities in the<br />

Angeles, He died of an over-<br />

abilities «.' the performers and<br />

dose of cocaine and heroin at<br />

the poor sound quality.<br />

the age of 3-1. HU other credits<br />

Yet Welch's povcrful intcrprctMlon<br />

of Tuptim, the outstanding<br />

children's performance!<br />

and !>rynftct*s mamma in the<br />

second «ct keep the show from<br />

being a leu.<br />

1 ."<br />

Ttie only thing ttint can be<br />

said Ls that rticsc per for men<br />

are gone bu: not forgotten.<br />

TIiclc acting skills will continue<br />

in amaze future generalinm of<br />

.novic->;ocrs as their films arc<br />

revived ami iliown In theaters<br />

and on television.<br />

SHOP and<br />

at<br />

<strong>The</strong> Place to Shop for the Finest in<br />

Merchandise at the Lowest in Price!<br />

featuring un<br />

Student and Concert<br />

Guitars in Stock<br />

; • '^iy shaped mirrora,<br />

stained glass, hair wear, scented<br />

candles, shoe laces, photo albuno,<br />

unusual boxes, & clip board r *ea.<br />

We have E.T. pins, key rines, and<br />

buttons! We have GAHPI3LD Goodiesfvom<br />

stickers and stick pinr,, to<br />

banks and bags. And much mere, all<br />

priced within a student's budget!!<br />

Jimmy 21. 19e3<br />

Music and Literature<br />

Forlho Guitar<br />

We also specialize in solid brass!!<br />

Ihe Best Brass Bargains By l'he Bay!<br />

Sext Door to the GAP in STOHESTOWH.<br />

THE LOWELL 9<br />

)' : I'


Getting ocquani>em UJ|<br />

Saveri creates art<br />

SyPanMtaFastlfr<br />

Elizabeth Saveri, a tcriot<br />

at UnWenlty high School In<br />

San Francisco, U an aspiring<br />

artist.<br />

"I've been Interested In art<br />

since grammar school - no,<br />

actually from the very beginning<br />

when 1 tlarted to team<br />

to draw," Saveri stated.<br />

I'J curriculum provides her with<br />

many opportunities to taVc dltTcteni<br />

iypu of an cbua,<br />

-Ar UntvcnHjr," Savcrf «rpUIncd.<br />

"I cin uso my art fot<br />

K'.ool (xjbllcilom. I've Just<br />

itmtcd doing a comic it;Ip for<br />

the school paper, ind I iate sideling,,textiles,<br />

drawing, print shemted. "After college, I<br />

.'jnaklr.g, photography, and Is would Ulu to jo to gradrne<br />

row taking an Advanced Place- school and study an even more .<br />

metAStuila Art class which Joe seriously."<br />

finds challenging. .. , ' jSavoi reflected, "I get t*«i<br />

,:,._ ^"TSe art program at Unlvenlt)for my artwotk from things thit<br />

'•'A Isgood. <strong>The</strong>re Is a broadscicc-interest me or taat catch my eye.<br />

ii-l tiro of eiectlvei-" kited uV). -. -of course," >te gilaned. f<br />

•£Mfeels that UnlrfOtty has 'I do my clan ABlgumenn.<br />

-.r.'i ! , I .'belpej Jet"grow in art because tool"<br />

mm<br />

A sample of Saveri'c work - "A Study In Texture"<br />


ith students<br />

By Ully Slu<br />

Question: Whc has the comfclaed<br />

talemt of icnnli ace<br />

John McEnroe, hoopstcr £;*wrj;c<br />

GervlD, and soccer great pelc?<br />

A rawa: Karl Uiycr.<br />

Stayer, a soplKiinore at Lick<br />

W||merdlng>hgh School, U a<br />

gifted aihlew who Is active<br />

on three vanity tci i* and Ii<br />

a ski fanattc u wcU.<br />

At 5 feet 7 Ine.U with datk<br />

brown hair, stunning blue eyes.<br />

and a reserved marmcr,<br />

\taycr wai In: erne wed zt he<br />

refined In till family's recently<br />

new homo and ipoVe of his<br />

athletic achievement*.<br />

A iMnli*£ forward ("winy"<br />

or "striker*) for Lick'* varsity<br />

tocfu team over the past two<br />

yean Mayer cxptcac*.* hb<br />

crttliuitaim for tne ipoci, despite<br />

Uic team's dismal 2-6-n<br />

recced ihls fall.<br />

"I really enjoy playing the<br />

game, walking with my tcam-<br />

.na;ei, and watching a good<br />

game when 1 can," heiald.<br />

Mayer has also found time<br />

to be a member of the tcnnU<br />

team. Ranked number seven<br />

Mayer aces athletics<br />

on hb team last year, he ex-<br />

Ucoinetry 111, French 3, English,<br />

biology, mechanical<br />

pects to be In fourth spot this drawing, uml jewelry.<br />

spring, (hough he Is still trying<br />

:o decide 1.* he wtll play this<br />

Lick, like <strong>Lowell</strong>, utilize*<br />

a modular tl»ne schedule and<br />

year.<br />

artna scheduling for choosing<br />

Currently, he is the starting classet and teachers.<br />

jjiiard for the baifccrball team<br />

and Is anxious to pl*v in the<br />

newly opened season*<br />

Mayer perceives of <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

as a "good academic public<br />

school." With * smile he<br />

"We had a pretty good pte* added, "<strong>The</strong>y have a good<br />

scaion," tie stated, 'and I am soccer team I*<br />

looking forward io a good year.' Undecided about his ultimate -<br />

Basketball practice usually career ?L*m, Stayer hopes to<br />

Usu until 5;" p. m. Mayer attend Stanford, Dartmouth,<br />

then goes home, eats dinner, the University of Boulder (Color-<br />

and starts his homcwoik. ado), or U. C Berkeley, but<br />

Although he has little spato he realizes college Is it lit<br />

time, what he docs have Is several yean away.<br />

well »pcnt, he said.<br />

Mayer's other active ipnra<br />

"I party weekends!" he re- interests include footballf,"!<br />

vealed. "1 do that of ski." watched It a let over Ctutstrrm<br />

SWIlng it Mi.""** Hit love. vacation!") and gymnastics<br />

In hi* Immediate fuluic Is a {"Vaulting Is the most<br />

week-long ikl trip to Patk City, fun!-;<br />

Utah, during Ski Week at Lick. Though the future Is often<br />

Referring *.o tick, lie stated. •lbscure and difficult to ptcdlcr,<br />

•It's haid, but not toe compet- don'r be mrptlicd If Kail Maya's<br />

itive, grade-wiie." tie U I name becomes associated with<br />

carrying a full academic course 'a'fmblcifci. the National "-»-<br />

load and maintains a .1.25 kcthalt Aitoclatlon, t'io World<br />

grade i*>lnt avenge,<br />

lib present classes Include<br />

Cup or even Olympic<br />

tomcilmc down the line.<br />

Conceicao is active in government<br />

By itsrla Pai*<br />

tier manager responsibilities.<br />

-1 thought student govern- Is chaiipenoa of the "1 l-ov* sales<br />

and flower and balloon grams.<br />

Dances held ow.c a month are<br />

another source of Income.<br />

Concclcjc commented,<br />

"Ut'*ally we bte*k even on<br />

da*«ces. So met I rr 3 we even<br />

t make a small profit." :<br />

Food tales during lunch alsc.<br />

contribute to the money iliua-<br />

Uon. "PlfoaVU go over well,"<br />

she revealed.<br />

Lincoln holds festivals twice<br />

a year !u October and May<br />

which account for much of the<br />

school'; Irrime. Included are<br />

food stands, pic-In-the-face<br />

booths, and tbe like.<br />

This year the student government<br />

goals at Lincoln arc to<br />

rabe school spirit ar4 have a<br />

successful vear.<br />

-We are also working on a<br />

Hawaii trip for the seniors -<br />

which i don't think has ever<br />

been pulled ofT In the hbtnry<br />

of Uncoln." Conceicao noted.<br />


Si~ •<br />


KSFO broadcasts<br />

old radio shows<br />

By Debbie Gottfried<br />

What did people do (or enteralnmrm<br />

before tUcvUlon entcd<br />

the home of the avenge<br />

met lean? Most listened tit<br />

the tidlo.<br />

Dozen c( radio programs<br />

ilred throughout the day, rang-<br />

<strong>The</strong>se shows featured c name<br />

comedian vho was followed by<br />

members of *-b rupportlng cart<br />

along wfth muHcil Interludes<br />

and skits featuring a name<br />

guejt star*<br />

In many ways, the nlghr<br />

tidio variety ibow uu a relative<br />

or the old vaudeville show which<br />

died when motion pictures rook<br />

name "Great American Broad*<br />

ctsts" week nigtiu In a collection<br />

of the bat old-time radio ihowt.<br />

"Jack Benny," "Bums and Allen,'<br />

"Edgar Buy en and Cliacilc Sic<br />

Carthy," "Ping Crosby," and<br />

"Fibber MeGco and Molly" ire<br />

juit tome of the ptograms :hu<br />

ing from political debates to air from 8 to 9 p, m. and from<br />

c program* to family comedies n to 12 miJolght.<br />

o soap operas.<br />

Also aired are irmc of the<br />

great myster) anu detective<br />

<strong>The</strong> comedy variety sSow, radio pregratns of the 43's<br />

however, proved over the years aml.W* Including "Suspense,"<br />

to have the strongest audience -Richard Dlamofj)," and -Lights<br />

Out.'<br />

KSFO had al«c been airing<br />

* program called "Mystery<br />

<strong>The</strong>atre,* featuring newly produced<br />

dramas from CBS Radio.<br />

CBS has stopped producing<br />

the program, and It vlll only<br />

be heard In re-runt.<br />

KSFO revealed tha: rrost of<br />

the listeneii of Its evening<br />

programming arc people over<br />

over iLc diejiei-«oli>g .itKllerco. M y a a of 4ge# „ ht, ,mac.<br />

With television the numba<br />

oft".'entertainer ID the borne<br />

today,- radio variety shows have<br />

all but disappeared.<br />

It Is almost always much<br />

mote profitable for radio statlotis<br />

to play mote music with<br />

few ulk shows and virlcty<br />

programs. Thus, even tlkise old<br />

tliow* ate rapidly disappearing<br />

(ten the radio.<br />

However, one radio station<br />

In San Francisco, KSFO, still<br />

provides U:c public oppcrunlrlcs<br />

to enjoy the kind of radio ex.tertalnment<br />

popular 40 yean<br />

ago.<br />

KSFO offers re-broadcasts<br />

.of the old shows und^r the<br />

One ex' the most bout.ful.<br />

Intricate, rod bizarre marvels<br />

of this planet Is found rw»t on<br />

Und, but In the shallow waters<br />

of the Earth's tzxs >.JJ oceans.<br />

It U the until cf the coral reef.<br />

Coral reefs have always fascinated<br />

ioieut ( ia a.id marine<br />

biologists *UVe and recently<br />

>*ve become a fa»ortw «ubjcct<br />

of students of all ages.<br />

Probably the main reason<br />

people are Interested In the<br />

study of coral reefs Is their<br />

unusual method of development<br />

and the thouano. of unusual<br />

creatures acj Pith :rat<br />

make coral reefs their borne.<br />

Reefs are found In the roplcz\<br />

areas of the world from t.ic<br />

coast of Asia to the Giilf of<br />

, ted few<br />

Televii'on h?s pti -empted<br />

the situation ccm't.y, the<br />

variety show, i!:c tryniry<br />

pnsram, and tne s^re ture<br />

yarn in popular wl . .adlo<br />

audience of the 30** and 40*i.<br />

*.HE SW-PITT<br />

SMIRtMTAlS<br />

KSFO (I one of the few<br />

cunenr day radio itatlmy<br />

keeping these old iKograms<br />

allvr by rc-^U-Ing them<br />

weekly In i*.e evenings.<br />

Nostalgia comes thr>-^<br />

petty strong with the broadcait<br />

of these programs, and they<br />

oo reflect a time in history<br />

when iadlo was entertainment<br />

king In the American home.<br />

M.C. Escher's art<br />

is gaining popularity<br />

fly Alison BIromfleld<br />

Fifteen y tars ago, M.C.<br />

Eschcr'i artwork was generally<br />

Ignored by artists und att<br />

critics. Although the man-onthcitreet<br />

may think M.C.<br />

Etcher is an insurance rompany,<br />

today there Is wider Interest<br />

In this artist's work than before.<br />

Maurisu Cornelius Csclicr,<br />

born i.i Holland in 183S, is one<br />

of the few artists whose work<br />

has received much attention<br />

from scientists and mathematicians.<br />

TKK, basic principal I; Eschcr's<br />

work is Illusion, one of the<br />

chief characteristics of pictorial<br />

an.<br />

Etcher differs from most<br />

atOts In tils Rims. Where most<br />

artists touch the heart, their<br />

"Hand with<br />

Reflecting Glob-"<br />

Eschcr's self-portrait<br />

wnrit aimed at the emotions.<br />

Eichcr touches the mind. In<br />

his wotk there is a certain Intellectual<br />

cont*ait of ltmcture,<br />

otdci, and Ionic.<br />

Esther's att, maif ty Utho-<br />

£raph» arl woodcutt, unrtcrmlnes<br />

one's view of things.<br />

His vivid draftsmamhlp<br />

heightens the Impact of hU<br />

visual essays In whirit one may<br />

read a t\*r'*Jlrncmfonat reprcs**<br />

en tat (on of tTM. -^^tziloru<br />

<strong>The</strong> proWem wi*. rticsc representations<br />

Is the f*< t that<br />

nothing is really as I so Jim,<br />

Delia depicts aspects of reality<br />

as Illusory.<br />

A: flnt glance cvezytnlng in<br />

his diawtngs is safe and secure,<br />

but tuc" Jenly and with shock<br />

one re«llzcs that what one sees<br />

seems .Kr.mal only because<br />

one refuses to sec the imcertainilcr<br />

there.<br />

For example, there Is his wo*k,<br />

-Waterfall." One views a mantmde<br />

waterfall spilling over a<br />

waterwheeU One then traces<br />

the water on its way back up<br />

to the top of the waterfall.<br />

This action seems impossible,<br />

but a fvics of extra supports<br />

v:Mch fool one's eyes nuke thn<br />

water seem to be flowing off<br />

to the fields on one hand anJ<br />

:o be rising w die top of the<br />

.'all un tlic other.<br />

Ont may aigue foe a long<br />

time as to which action Is realty<br />

happening 'ccaiuc from one<br />

angle one action seems correct<br />

ami from another angle the<br />

other action seems to be happening.<br />

This illusion uf having two<br />

different possibilities, the loglu^l<br />

and the one actually being<br />

pctftv.Ticd (an illogical, pliys-<br />

Ic'.lly Impossible action), ate<br />

the fun and shock in Eichc's<br />

reefs: underwater marvels<br />

In att jnenome<br />

Mexico. Soi,,e tcett form<br />

around Island*, 'xhile others<br />

1341TAIUVM.ST.<br />

expand a lorn* a mainland<br />

coait.<br />

Though many iwrlievc that<br />

coral Is a form of rock. It Is<br />

actually formed by a tiny animal<br />

skeleton. COM! results<br />

from a variery of marine animals<br />

referred to as polyps.<br />

?olvps form shells arounJ<br />

their Ivdlet, wnich actually<br />

Imprison them, and they feat<br />

on mlnlscule panicles which<br />

float by.<br />

When a polyp dies, new ones<br />

ate created by a budding process,<br />

building their shells on<br />

top of the old ones. Through<br />

this process, a coral tetf grows<br />

slowly, but conttnucu>ly. In a<br />

. process that Is unique.<br />

Rare and unusual fish inhabit<br />


22 Uonttfcy I**<br />

SM Franbra. Cttfornu £ r .3<br />


Itnnrct (41» U44406<br />

1HE LOWELL<br />


coral reefs, making this pan<br />

of the underwater world a favorite<br />

haunt of scuba divers.<br />

One can find such unusual<br />

flih ai one with four eyes and<br />

another that can puff iaclf up<br />

Into a rainbow of psychaislic<br />

colors.<br />

One of the most bizarre characteristics<br />

of a coral reef Is its<br />

-cleanslnasuMons." In these<br />

areas fish of all sizes watt In<br />

line to be cleansed of parasites<br />

by tiny yellow fish called gobies.<br />

According to underwater<br />

explorer Jacques Cousteau, the<br />

most beautiful coral reefs In<br />

ttie world are those located<br />

along Egypt's Sinai Desert and<br />

In the Caribbean Sea.<br />

Fot thoic who cannot person-<br />

work.<br />

Eichcr became popul*' during<br />

the Ute ISCO's and early 1970's<br />

as a ful!< h«ro ot the psychedelic<br />

movement In the United States.<br />

Prl-w to this, lie l*ad teen dU-<br />

•Watcrfair<br />

Which way b the water flowing?<br />

covcrcil by iclence-ricilon burft.<br />

Scientists and mathematicians<br />

expressed Interest in Etcher's<br />

work t*ecause much of Its base<br />

is In geometry and symmetry -<br />

or the perversion of them. Some<br />

of his wcrfa have been used as<br />

Illustrations In math textbooks.<br />

Samp:=t of Erchcr's work ituy<br />

be seen periodically on display<br />

In <strong>Lowell</strong>'s A. P./Honors Resource<br />

Center, Room 215.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re w?H also be an exhlb- '<br />

itlon of his art through January<br />

at 393 Grove Succu<br />

More and mete people are<br />

finally discovering the bizarre,<br />

beautiful work of M.C. Etcher.<br />

nall7 enjoy the pleasures of<br />

•cuba Hiving amcig real coral<br />

reefs, the Stelnhart Aquarium<br />

In Golden Gate Park offers many<br />

(!lsp*ays of reef fish as well as a<br />

shtllow pool where the public<br />

can touch various underwater<br />

creatures.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Aquarium offers a wide<br />

variety of elm a li marine<br />

biology and gives special passes<br />

to Academy of Sciences memben.<br />

Fees for members s^in<br />

as low as S5. Clats information<br />

can be secured by catling 221-<br />

5100.<br />


JUNIORS:<br />




and other Bay<br />

Area Schools<br />


induition<br />

Jlnur/Zl. 1983

I<br />

w<br />

m<br />

1FE4TURF<br />

Meditation taps<br />

inner strength<br />

Qy Debbie Woo<br />

have you cm been asked,<br />

"What ii transcendental medttailon*-?<br />

Many h»ve heard of T. M.,<br />

bui «re unaware or Its premftes<br />

an*' th« effect it can have on<br />

people's live*. .<br />

Aiked the above question,<br />

one <strong>Lowell</strong> student replied,<br />

"It sounds like the anesthetic<br />

trcj.nic.ir preceding a dental<br />

operation,"<br />

"T. M. Is a incnul technique.<br />

Anyone vho can think * thought<br />

can learn the practice of T. M.<br />

One can meditate la a comfonable<br />

cfcalr wl'h bis eyes close*!<br />

far 15 to 20 minutes," stated<br />

fony Konopka, T.M. teacher.<br />

Sirring silently In a sure<br />

twice as deep as deep sleep,<br />

tiic trained T.M, practitioner<br />

will transcend from a strevful<br />

trair. of thought to more subtle<br />

levcb as mcdltatltm qult.ts Ills<br />

mind.<br />

It Is saM that at this quiet<br />

level the Individual is In crmtac"<br />

with his mind's 'tnUmltcd<br />

reservoir of energy and creative<br />

Intelligence. <strong>The</strong> meditator Is<br />

not asleep, but in a deep state<br />

of test, while his mine' is ttlll<br />

alert.<br />

Konopka revealed, "After<br />

meditation, after the Individual<br />

taps the eneigy at the sctrcc<br />

of his thought, be is ablj to •><br />

think more clearly and more<br />

powerfully,"<br />

Meditators xay that T. M,<br />

Is easy and natural and can be<br />

uted by anyone who wants to<br />

accomplish mote tilth otic.<br />

Introduced In the United ._<br />

States by Indian muok Maharr<br />

Ishl Mahcsh Yogi, T.M. U<br />

practiced by US million / rnetica<br />

s, according to Konopka.<br />

To enroll in n format T. M*<br />

program costs mtrary, ranging<br />

from 5150 to $250.<br />

T.M. support!?*believe<br />

that f*je practice can have<br />

profound positive effects on<br />

•cciety, even to fostering world<br />

,»sacc. • .<br />

1 New ideas offer change for 1983<br />

Overcome bad habits<br />

Hy i<br />

Every now and then an individual<br />

decides It Is time to<br />

• change.<br />

A ctun^c might entail summoning<br />

ttw>. course to try a<br />

new hairstyle or maybe breaking<br />

open the piggy-bank 10<br />

spend snmmer job savings on a<br />

fad-fraplred wardrobe.<br />

For some people ihe Idei<br />

«:f change may never venture<br />

r^ytnd such relatively simple<br />

impulse*.<br />

But what If an individual's<br />

Idea of change Is gct.lng ntmcd, :hcy can<br />

be unfpuncd.<br />

"Ttic secret," he stated,<br />

"for oven-ntning a bid habit<br />

Is rim tiler*. I lying the causes<br />

for It."<br />

lie com'mied, "Once the<br />

sufferer realizes what causes<br />

hit tiabit, he Ii bcitc able :o<br />

"Behavior modification<br />

made me stop drinking."<br />

Decades Ago, behind the<br />

secluded walls of mental institutions,<br />

p:ncnu were subjected<br />

; to tobotuinles, operations which<br />

involved removing a section<br />

or parts of the patient's brain.<br />

Recipients of such procedurei<br />

were oftci left usable to speak,<br />

walk, or function normally.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir bad habltt, along with<br />

their unity, wcrrgonc, and<br />

a vegetable wu left behind.<br />

Few would be willing to<br />

voluntarily undergo such crcaimeni<br />

In order to change a particular<br />

characteristic of their<br />

personality.<br />

However, the chance to<br />

change is within reach a:id Is<br />

far less drastic than tbe lobotomy.<br />

pIV^-_ r I«nu*ry*Jl, 19B3<br />

control lu"<br />

Often used In conjunction<br />

*ith efforts &y .=rtous «lfhelp<br />

groups s^cli as Alcoholics<br />

Anonymous ano Weight Watcucn,<br />

behavior modification hai<br />

proved to be beneficial.<br />

Kathy, a teenage alcoholic,<br />

' stared, "Etchavlut n-odiflcation<br />

was what made me stop drinking.<br />

It yjn't enough tc fust<br />

quit cold tutkey. 1 had to deal<br />

with the emotions and situations<br />

which made me drink."<br />

Whether one suffers from<br />

natlrHitRg, overeating, chronic<br />

procrastination, or problem<br />

drinking, behavior mcdlflca-<br />

;lon offers solutions.<br />

It is often a caw cf mind<br />

over matter.<br />

By Mcnlqtc S!:njzny<br />

Many pa>p*e put off changing<br />

their Image f< f vjrlcus reasons.<br />

Uiualty It U tie cost.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y put off buying clothes*<br />

chin^ag balrsnies, ami generally<br />

divertlfyli-R their live*<br />

because they believe that<br />

char-get coit huge amounts of .<br />

money.<br />

flui tlicrc arc wa>-s to do<br />

exotic of conservative things<br />

inexpensively.<br />

For example, in Ssn Franclico<br />

there are many ways<br />

one can go about losing weight.<br />

from weight reduction medical<br />

clinics to ccluiivehcaliti spas.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Kicks Company with<br />

several locations in San Fran'<br />

citco offer* a vigorous aerobic<br />

workout to rock music. <strong>The</strong><br />

classes arc $3. SO each, and ,<br />

the price goes down If several<br />

class ticket! are purchase! at<br />

one time.<br />

Vhcn there ate haircuts whlcl:<br />

Change can be fun<br />

cm make quite a difference<br />

in lite way one looks. But tHey<br />

can also be very expensive.<br />

By otlllzing patience and<br />

diligence, one can often find<br />

sale itairiuu and permanent* in<br />

the Sunday advertising sections.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se u*\*\ prices arc often slg*<br />

riiflont nurk-dntfni and can<br />

*a»c iiiorcy.<br />

Mmy Iisvc a bo found :ha*.<br />

nuVc-tip ran be i costly<br />

investment. <strong>The</strong>/ Jtc often<br />

discouraged when they bring<br />

tlieir p>*rctiaief homo and after<br />

hours in front of the mitror<br />

K:CHI :o end up witli a cotorful<br />

ness.<br />

<strong>The</strong> FACC Place has several<br />

locations In San Francisco with<br />

J Urge irlection cf high qLallt<br />

bur Incxpct>sive make-up.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ulcs representative<br />

will show how to apply the<br />

make-up 2nd offer suggestion;<br />

for various techniques.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Merle Norman Cosmetic<br />

Studio fa West tonal offers<br />

free makeovers with no obll£»Con<br />

to buy tiic make-up.<br />

Appointments are required.<br />

Now that you have ton a<br />

few pounds, changed your<br />

halmy'x, aud Vzc* bow :o<br />

apply make-up. It is rime to<br />

go shopping. 4<br />

Not so surprisingly, the must<br />

jicxpcnlvc and often most<br />

Intrlguinj are the fecond hand<br />

stores.<br />

<strong>The</strong> icciWii hand store shopper<br />

can almost he guanuteed ot*<br />

originality. Ofrcn the quality<br />

of clothes made yean ago Ii<br />

better than that of to-iiy.<br />

Halgbt Street lus La Rosa,<br />

Held Over, add Aardvark's,<br />

all examples of stoics featuring<br />

used cknhliv.<br />

Still hesiunt alnrc changing<br />

that image? Remember, It<br />

ctu bo done without costing<br />

a fetzunc * especially in San<br />

Francisco where creativity abounds.<br />

iftOutOXotl<br />

EXTRA Xl* oil<br />

CkfihiatSpcrilia<br />

IMcelKH this id lor<br />

gilt with<br />

<strong>The</strong> Perfect GtSt<br />


,5667164<br />




- By Katie Young and Debbie Woo<br />

WHAT CAN WE SAY? Recently, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s student<br />

body was treated to a rare dosage of,- shall<br />

we sny "Poetry to the Masses"? Tha verse<br />

' which''jppakred o>: January 3rd's Weekly Bulletin,<br />

written In perfect late 20th Ccnf.irv<br />

: style, will, be talked of In literary and<br />

t'rls'iee circles for generations to come.<br />

To the author we dedicate this ode. . .<br />

_'; We thank you Mr. Ehnnan<br />

Por what you had to say.<br />

• We know it uns not irnsy<br />

But you did it anvway.<br />

<strong>The</strong> cording was l-spoccablc,<br />

'•" : Tbn ncntancter unique.<br />

' ' If v,* ever need a poet.<br />

You're the one we'll seek.<br />

(He heartily apologize if this pom causes<br />

any English teacher pain.)<br />

For us students, the choice Is cleir.<br />

Zithtr we heed his words, or subject ourjielvcs<br />

to more of the same. Enough said?<br />

THME DAUKTLESS KNICIITS of the Cridlrop.<br />

are becoming a rare breed", oua by next<br />

year <strong>Lowell</strong> nay find their extinct. This<br />

excluHlvc Varslcy Football Society which<br />

Inducts one new member after each victory<br />

began the season tvo members strong.<br />

Hsvln3 won SO gases, the Knights were unable<br />

to lnltinr» new ocabcrs. With one<br />

Knight Ri-.iduaU-.is, Just one will remain.<br />

And if the Indians tall to win J gone<br />

next year...<br />

THE 21»t (we think) ASNUAL POWDEKPUFF<br />

Come is in the history Books and these<br />

two bleacher bums are wondering why these<br />

hardy babes are playing flag football.<br />

What's the matter? Afraid to fit in there<br />

and gut it out a little? Yoi. knov, It<br />

Bight be more fun but you'll r.evcr knov<br />

unless you try it... Well if you Junior<br />

girls arc as hungry for rover.se as you<br />

ah-juld be—beaten 30 to what??—you might<br />

Just want to try It out. Another thi-n*;:<br />

"<strong>The</strong>se poor babes practiced their hearts<br />

out in addition to paying about $19.00 a<br />

Jersey for the game. And all for Just<br />

ONE gome- WAIT A MINUTE! WHAT IK. ..the<br />

- girls vere allowed to stage another game<br />

next semester to help get their tine and<br />

coney's worth??? Hawww, too reaso-.iabltf.<br />

. . * * ' *<br />

.THE ITALIAN CLUB professes that if you attend<br />

one of their meetings, you can "learn<br />

• howa to change-you-a nose by adding an 'a',<br />

: . •ia'jor-an 'o'" OR "ntrcngthen youra contacts<br />

in the Itollano Underground". Well!<br />

- How refreshing to discover a club at <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

j. dedicated to the cultural htlaulatlan of<br />

-its ncmbcro. Bravisslno!<br />

_ f>'•»"...;::• :.*.. •-. . . * *•'<br />

JJMany of us have HAD IT UP TO HERE with<br />

"""-' who expect too such from <strong>Lowell</strong> stu-<br />

. W.y.Just the other day one coach<br />

•cdat'a tesa after a bad play; "Come<br />

'£4onj _You|,reJ,owell girls, you have brains<br />

yin-youriheadt." From hcretoforth we would<br />

5 performance,<br />

the audlenc« ot chorns<br />

sang IS of the 30 selections from<br />

the'Messiah" Inched la the<br />

m, among which was<br />

Exfttioc<br />

Sfcrtlonery<br />

and<br />

Hobby ConUr<br />

•niELOWEU.<br />

orchestra, but the audience as<br />

well, occasionally tingling out<br />

group In the audience whom<br />

he dcemi "a bit out of tune."<br />

enjoy muilc as well, wai such<br />

a loeccn tr. pan years that two<br />

performancci were given :Mi<br />

vear, otic December C and ihr<br />

othrr December ".<br />

Thjit who were finable io<br />

secure tickcu to either performance<br />

were aVe to witness a '<br />

live telecast oa KQED-TV,<br />

Channel 9 on December 7.<br />

In retrospect, the 3,000 audience<br />

numbers who emerged<br />

from the symphony hall, still<br />

enchanted by the music and<br />

unwilling to stop singing simply<br />

because the performacce was<br />

over, were not such a curious<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sintj-U-Yoi'nclf Messiah, spectacle after all.<br />

which drawi not only talented <strong>The</strong>y had caught the holiday<br />

singers but I!KIC who simply spirit.<br />

Of to»*err*drrw Omtrr- U Uy lrctifJ9it.S474<br />

47 OKtntti StmtN2l't7oS<br />

Earn a Degree<br />

In Criminal Justice<br />

As A Security Specialist you car<br />

earn an associates degree wMia<br />

you get training and experience,<br />

along with a full time paycheck<br />

and 30 days of vacation with pay<br />

each y«ar. Check It out, call:<br />




I felt like a rat In a Ubynnth<br />

- or, !n othct wotrts, a<br />

freshman og the first day of<br />

high school.<br />

ir. When the clan ^ell rang,<br />

the frantic search for my classroom<br />

Intensified. l/lih no one<br />

to guide me and icro understanding<br />

of the layout of the<br />

school* my qcat seemed im-<br />

Ttien out of the blue came<br />

an angel cf merry, a sweet<br />

blond glil who uld, "Ate ywi<br />

Puirike CoJvln, the American""<br />

"f ome with me," ttie uld.<br />

Waking down the hallway b«-<br />

' hind my guide, I bad very<br />

mixed iliougha. I wot excited<br />

about the prospect if beginning<br />

a year,In a Spanish school<br />

where>verytlilng - the students,<br />

teachers, $ id claues - would<br />

be radically different. Bui 1<br />

also experienced homesickness<br />

for the familiarity of LcwelL<br />

I began contemplating makln;<br />

a bolt fcr freedom. <strong>The</strong>se<br />

thaugntt were Interrupted when<br />

the ^Irl uld, "Here's your ro^m*<br />

Goodbye and good luck."<br />

LIVe a person plungttfi Into<br />

: a cold pori, I tucket In a deep<br />

breath* closed my eyes, and<br />

entered. When I opened my<br />

eyes, I found myself In a very<br />

narrow, smoke-filled room<br />

containing 30 curious students<br />

and one glaring professor.<br />

First school day<br />

is an adventure<br />

•Patrick GaivinJ<br />

lle said, "Take your seat,<br />

young manl Vou're latel**<br />

After about five minutes, my<br />

lic-Jrt recovered lu normal<br />

tempo, ani I began to listen<br />

to the now-droning loitntuor.<br />

<strong>The</strong> panic let In on-.e agrtn.<br />

t didn't undersund a, worn trut<br />

he was saying.<br />

On the verge of Inscnlty, I<br />

desperately asked my sut-maic,<br />

"What cl.il Is th'jr<br />

"Advanced Greek, ofcou.'c,"<br />

he answered. Without hesitation,<br />

I lelt the roj.-n.<br />

Well, ttie second day passed<br />

uneventfully. And before I<br />

«new It. two weeks tud gone<br />

by. And now I am a month<br />

snd a *-a!f veteran of my new<br />

school, the Institute of Jalmt<br />

ColIIs.<br />

In school I oftentimes feel<br />

like a tsby because verbaUy<br />

and academically ! am far behind<br />

my peers. My weaknesses<br />

force me to play a game of<br />

"catch-up." In the presets of<br />

this game, I &m teaming many<br />

new things, from new ways of<br />

sclf-cxpteKjn to personal sclflufllclency.<br />

I am like a growl"*<br />

baby.<br />

I feel very lucky to have this<br />

rare opportunity to truly "stow"<br />

oner again. Sometime* ! ttumblc<br />

ind fall, but I always pick<br />

myself up.<br />

Dear Dennis Woo:<br />

We want you and everyone to<br />

know that we took out the ad with<br />

vour name in it in the December 3<br />

issue of "<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>" and that it<br />

was not you who took out the ad.<br />

Patrick wrote the ad, and Herbert<br />

signed your name. We never<br />

meant to hurt you. We took out<br />

the ad as a joke, and apparently<br />

you did not see it as such. We are<br />

sorry for any embarrassment it<br />

caused you.<br />

Please forgive and forget.<br />

Bulimia: a little known disease;<br />

could you be the next victim?^<br />

Iy Jocclyn KC<br />

Name a Vablt that an estimated<br />

obe In five collepe-agc<br />

women SIUT. Kail biting?<br />

Smoking? Try bulimia.<br />

3ul!mla. known also as bulinmexla,<br />

or tlie binge-purge<br />

syndrome, aff-cti a group of<br />

people that Is compromised<br />

almost exclusively of women<br />

between the ages rf 13 and 30.<br />

This bizarre yet common<br />

condition takct lu name from<br />

. o Greek words meaning *ox<br />

hunger." As the name Implies,<br />

a bulimic U wmconc, typically<br />

.1 young woman, *ho hinges<br />

of food, eating uncontrollably,<br />

jnd then purges.<br />

A young woman mot: com-<br />

.nonly purges by vomiting (usually<br />

by staking her finger<br />

down tier throat), taking laxatives,<br />

or j* .ping and starving.<br />

UulimEa, which is often confused<br />

with anorexia ncrvosa,<br />

diffm from the latter d border<br />

In that anorexia Is characterized<br />

by a loss of more than 2S percent<br />

of one's body weight due to<br />

non-medical causes, while a<br />

mine JP.' a recovaod bul'tnlr,<br />

suteU. " Anorexia Is denying<br />

being a womzn. It's a lot of<br />

anger. 'ni'Imla Is a real high.<br />

It's like na/ng anesthesia - It's<br />

very spicey."<br />

Although there it • known<br />

physiological cauic for bulimia,<br />

there arc sometimes danRwoiis<br />

physical consequences cauod<br />

by ihi* condition.<br />

Putlmlci mi)* suffer ff^tn<br />

tocih decay that is cau>ed by<br />

the acid In vomit, rectal bl-.*.>d-<br />

InK, und electrolyte it^balAnce,<br />

which nuv c*use a feel Inf. of<br />

weakness and eventually

8,<br />

|3'."^;<br />


<strong>Lowell</strong> student poll<br />

••••• •'•••, By Lsrrv Coldbcrg<br />

<strong>The</strong> following questions were n»Vcd of IOC <strong>Lowell</strong> students ( an<br />

equal saouric froo each CIOSB) and gives o general ldan of hci thr<br />

student body fcclj concerning, e. nlcn rK->t nf r ccc our country.<br />

.- / j<br />

><br />

In the election of 19T4, which candidate<br />

you support?<br />

Hl Hale Fcnalu Total<br />

Reagan 15X 15Z 1JX<br />

MonJale 51 10Z 7.5%<br />

Clenn 35Z<br />

5X 2hU<br />

country's staunchest al^es, luacl, U threatened with a 33 percent<br />

cut.<br />

5. A $UG trillion defense budget was propcied that provided<br />

the largest military rcvltallsatlon since World War II and a put-'<br />

sive build-up of our nuclear arsenal, while long-standing programs<br />

to protect ihe environment arc cllmlnat i.<br />

C. Fupenc Rwtow, our chief negotiator at the U.S.-Soviet<br />

nuclear disarmament talks, was fired at a time when bis years of<br />

experience were about to yield tangible rcsutts in the limitation.,<br />

Ii Is Incumbant upon the American votcn to "revene the<br />

counc" that ?.cagan set for the nation. To effect change, we<br />

must elect a competant and sensitive prciidcntUl candidate.<br />

Of alt the candidates who arc looking to the pea I Jen t la 1 election<br />

of 1984, Walter Mondale, in this writer's opinion, appears<br />

to be the most effective, responsible, and Intelligent. M's 30<br />

years of political srtvlec have given him r familiarity with tlie<br />

Interests of both the business and farming communities. He proposes<br />

not economic adonyncs. but programs that will put<br />

the unemployed back to work and Increase the productivity of<br />

out Industries. MonJale also advocates a cut In the defense<br />

budget and a revitallzatlon of educational and research programs.<br />

\'e knows that It Ii Important to reach anagteement with the<br />

Russians that will establish verifiable nuclear mm limitations.<br />

Historically, the early front runnen have stumbled In the race<br />

Tor their party's nomination. We can only wait ittd see If Mondale's<br />

early lead, which comes as the result of Kennedy's recent<br />

withdrawal, will create a Uiilrg momentum throughout the<br />

primary campaign.<br />



Show Student Body Card<br />

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OffatAUTimes<br />

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31 cents Off All Super (Jumbo) Items •I 3<br />

THE LOWELL Miuiuy21, 1983<br />

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Is-<br />


JAPAN<br />

Facing an uncertain<br />

_ political future<br />

Na.ka.sone becomes Japan's leader\<br />

By Minon. Almh«r.\<br />

Yasahlro takasone, Japan's<br />

new pelmc minister, is a decUIve<br />

and rgllc poUiiclan,<br />

who has hr.ld five cabinet posts<br />

In the pax 23 yean.<br />

<strong>The</strong> pew prime minister has<br />

**cen c'uuctctlioJ at -pro-<br />

American, pio-mliltary, and<br />

antl-ttunlan." .<br />

Two or Xakatone's main<br />

taita will be 10 Iron out<br />

Japina--United Sutcs trade<br />

and defeoie Issues which had<br />

been ncy.eeted by former<br />

Prime Minister icr.ko Suzuki.<br />

"It It my Intention to<br />

strengthen our mutual oust,"<br />

revealed Nakasonc.<br />

"Nafcuone Is one of the few<br />

Ja^auese WHO understands the<br />

seriousness of the problem* wo<br />

face In trade and defense. He<br />

U likely to confront them In a<br />

forthright manner," a U.C<br />

diplomat In Tokyo was reported<br />

u> Uvc said.<br />

Another of N'akasone's objective*<br />

is to hold down government<br />

spending tnd eventually<br />

balance the budget. At die<br />

ume time, he plant to In-<br />

crease defense spending ever<br />

the one percent cf grc*s national<br />

product adhered to by past<br />

governments.<br />

<strong>The</strong> dcfcnse-coruc loui Nalafne<br />

has emphasized roe nce&!<br />

to "... defend our country on<br />

our own," and he sees the<br />

United Slates at"... the tinee<br />

and the role of japan is the<br />

role of the shield, 7<br />

Despite being fts possessor<br />

of a pleasant, out-going personality,<br />

the prime ...InUicr<br />

hat drawn sharp criticism from<br />

fellow politician* and from his<br />

opjoncnti.<br />

<strong>The</strong> latter group, which inclut'es<br />

socialists and leftists,<br />

describe* Urn as a fascist and<br />

opportunist and prcalcts mat<br />

his government will be the<br />

rnr-it militaristic of the poitwir<br />

era. He has been nicknamed<br />

"Wcat-ervanc" by tMs<br />

group because of his habit of<br />

shifting loyaltlts over die yens.<br />

Nakaione Is t Uo handicapped<br />

by Mi cine tics with (otn*ct<br />

Pilmc Minister I'jkuci T-irukA,<br />

wM Is awaiting ,• verdict in<br />

the 1974 Lockheed brl'Jcry<br />

scandal. In tcturi for Tanak.1'1<br />

powerful support, NakAtone<br />

appointed protege* of ttie<br />

former pclmc minister in important<br />

government posts. Including<br />

Masaham Gctoda.<br />

Libeled the "ready ds^cT<br />

ofTanaka, as the chief cabinet<br />

minister.<br />

I: Is the hope, (if the United<br />

States govcrnrr.cn: that the new<br />

prime minuter fill be a'jle to<br />

strengthen ties t»tih the West<br />

acd being lapan't. economy out<br />

of the stagnation it Is experiencing.<br />

Japanese economy in downturn<br />

^ By Emily Muratc<br />

As a. result of the world-wide<br />

recession, major Asian nations<br />

have dropped In their average<br />

economic growth from six<br />

l>«K-ttiit in 1981 to approximately<br />

four patent In 19PC.<br />

By far, tlie must striking<br />

economic downswing has been<br />

experienced hy Japan.<br />

Lite in 1983, the Pacific<br />

Board of Economists examined<br />

Lie economics of Japan and<br />

several other Asian countries<br />

In order to analyze the reasons<br />

for and possible solutions tu<br />

. the decline.<br />

<strong>The</strong> emphasis of modem<br />

.' Japanese expansion hii been<br />

j on exports. However, In 1982<br />

; Japat^c expotts fell by ten<br />

4 percent, threatening the stab-<br />

" lUty of the Japanere economy.<br />

-. Attributing the global dey<br />

crease In purchulng ptmer<br />

-.- for this trend, board member<br />

, MInolu Oklta of Jajwn, ptesl-<br />

:; dent of Tokyo University,<br />

0 stated, "Jupan cannot remain<br />

j..an bland of prosperity In an<br />

£ ocean of recession." He<br />

1 padded, "<strong>The</strong>re arc no more<br />

'%.Japanese mlncles."<br />

jjv..- As a ponlble solution to the<br />

f; drop In exports, oiher members<br />

!..of tie board' ptopoted that the<br />

^;{, Japanese government Increase<br />

5jr3£ I pen ding I" 3 " attempt to revitalize<br />

domestic consumption.<br />

m^<br />

.Board member Peter Dr/idale,<br />

, Icxecuiive director of the Ausp.r.<br />

Oalla-Japan Research Center<br />

' ->'t the Australian National Ua-<br />

^Ji Ivenhy, stated that Japan Is in<br />

gg. ! an especially strong poUtton<br />

jiniury ?:, 1983<br />

the current Inflation rate is a<br />

mere 1.7 percent.<br />

Okita, nevertheless, cautiously<br />

opposed the Initial<br />

spending at a time when the<br />

government possesses a revenue<br />

deficit amounting tc 30 p^Tcnt<br />

_ofjts expendIturri. _ _<br />




Dryi-Ule lummed up the prudence<br />

of the lip»e>e economic<br />

policy by uylng. -Jjpin c« be<br />

Ken u 1 kind of excoilvel)cauilou.<br />

glanl at thU time.<br />

lialutlng to expand m economy<br />

for fl» of rekindling Inflation."<br />

Me added. -proiectlonUm<br />

hu become a major problem.-<br />

-ht.lle lapan hat been a wececful<br />

exporter with an Increat-<br />

Ingly affluent pti.iulatl'jn, iu<br />

government has not yet fully<br />

opened Its gates to Imports i'ri>m<br />

other Asian rutiens,** analysed<br />

board member Uiuicncc Krauie,<br />

a senior fellow it the HrooVlnt*t<br />

Ifutituifon in Witnlngto'i, D.C.<br />

Concluded KfJiac, "flavin<br />

atrirKed Itself to greater Imporu<br />

from Its nclghbon 1 . It<br />

would generate a dynamic trade<br />

expansion that wouM allow<br />

Asia to far outdistance the rat<br />

sof<br />

members of the Pacific Board<br />

of Economists, which com ins<br />

ot exerts from four Asia states<br />

In ai'dltitMi to Australia and<br />

the United States.<br />

"Time" magazine formed<br />

the board in order "... to<br />

analyze the Increasingly important<br />

role this region (bordering<br />

the Western Pacific)<br />

plays In the world economy."<br />

Casual Wear<br />

CetlO% Offwith Your Student Body Card<br />

Cotlcf Baggies. Designer leant.<br />

MemberaOnly. Nike. Formal WMr<br />

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TOf lOWEU. •<br />

£1 &•'<br />

Japan builds up defense<br />

By Pamela Fastlff<br />

Jirur ts now joining the<br />

ranks W'cher nations which 3*e<br />

s'tengtUtlng their ttHilary<br />

Oefctdnt in ctdc to counter<br />

the por.i^it'al Suvlew threaL<br />

Alih* ugh Japan's Ptime Minister<br />

Y'luhlru NakAS: ability to Ui nch<br />

halllstlc mlslles to i:r:gtli cn-tlr.uci, economic woes at home and<br />

Tokyo and Wasliligton recently pcei'/jfe from neighboring coun-<br />

decided to iration -10 F-1C tries could hinder ttiti effort.<br />



\'\ trmc to hunt C*MimmcT jcb» atun. If vouic in hiyh *chool. \xxi<br />

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But 1 ur. iw VIXJ T»O a nutkrtablc *iill, inJ n < cn kept you »xi<br />

IKVUTCICTK u month liuring the ichool>Tar'<br />

A Mjmnvr fob ir. the Armv Roervr doc%all that and more. If you'ic<br />

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\\ jf, co Lrxx*- m**e' Oil u* at the number belox* Or tfop by-<br />


5 «• Portal Ave., Stui Francloco, CA 665-563X

Conflicts move Marty De Merritt to resign as baseball coach<br />

..V. By Emily Muue<br />

•-•' '/if 'After much • •cfcUbfraUon,<br />

lUtty De Mmltt, cuch of<br />

- thi <strong>Lowell</strong> varsity baseball<br />

term, handrd la h't retignatloi<br />

btt mootii.<br />

"I «u very unhappy fot my<br />

• eflcra, aod t was being subjected<br />

to ccosunt wear and<br />

leu," he ruled.<br />

. Dii Nterrttt commented, "I<br />

oifciej the Khoal and me<br />

city to Install B brand ww<br />

bautull Held (or free. Toward<br />

thitjoJl, 1 had negotiated<br />

conn sell and contacted elec-<br />

Dlclins at well ai Dkimbcn.* DeMertlit (ilgho In hit coaching diyi >i <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

He cited f. iJmlnlmstlon •it wai > prafeulonal pro-<br />

that v * mediocre and comgram, but too Interne," laid<br />

placr it for the plans not going Jasoo Callegos, pitcher and<br />

thro gh. He noted, "Nobody ttilrd baseman.<br />

vr/.o to malu wtvcb*<br />

Outfielder Pa'il Column<br />

, rMrulpal Alan FlbUh offered Ind'cated that oot everyone<br />

\oe aJmlnlltratljn's penpectlve<br />

suppxted De Matin's brand<br />

oo the matter and why tts plain<br />

failed. "<strong>The</strong> original proposal ofoichlng because"...<br />

was that the buebalt field would they didn't understand him."<br />

be built at no con to the Khool<br />

district. Howetc the cora Since leaving his position<br />

for Infield din and cyclone at <strong>Lowell</strong>, Do Menitt Indicated<br />

fencing, which caim to several he has been hired b7 the San<br />

thouiaods of doUan, had not<br />

Francisco Giants, coaching<br />

been covered," explained rtblih.<br />

Player relcilon to Do Merritt'i<br />

Class A plavra and scouting<br />

resignation was mlvcd.<br />

the area for bueball talent.<br />


Senior powderpuffers dominate annual match: blitz juniors 30-0<br />

lan Chan<br />

natlng every facet of the<br />

gams, the seniors dsfeattd the<br />

Inexperienced Junlon and won<br />

tho annul powderpuff game<br />

by c i© we of 30-0.<br />

Rece vlng the opening kick-off<br />

and dri ing SO yard* foe whit<br />

ixoved to b« their winning touchdown,<br />

' he union let the tone<br />

for die; entire game.<br />

<strong>The</strong> inability of the juniors<br />

to n»Yi the ball consistently<br />

proved to be their downfall«<br />

their olfenw ccutd only account<br />

for thrte flnt down.<br />

, . <strong>The</strong> icllapce of the junior<br />

offenw can be attributed partly<br />

to the ' Ine pUy of icnlon Dana<br />

Falk, IbyttOFranchy and Liu<br />

SUley, whuharl the opposing<br />

quana backs scrambling for<br />

their lives.<br />

<strong>The</strong> only thing that Kerned to<br />

be going In die fiver of die<br />

juniors wii the talent exhibited<br />

by their checrleanea. On n<br />

more tttlout nais, the J union<br />

did have tome good moment*.<br />

Interception* by Aebekah Huey<br />

on two Joan Foog passes brought<br />

forth cheen ai did a succcssfully<br />

executed reverie with<br />

quarterback Tmil All'~n handing<br />

off to wide receiver Dor*<br />

Graham for a long gain.<br />

By halftlme the seniors had<br />

built their lead to 14-0 under<br />

the guidance of coach Hat Ian<br />

Zimmerman, who successfully<br />

mixed hti plays.<br />

When the third quartc* began,<br />

it wai much like the flnt half<br />

ai the icnloti executed touchdown<br />

drive* of CO and 67 yardu<br />

Tailback) K'm Hanell (whose<br />

run of 31 yatds set up quarterback<br />

Karen Kelly's bootleg<br />

touchdown] aM AlUcn LCC (who<br />

tin 67 yards fur a touchdown)<br />

put ike gams far out of reach.<br />

Senior quarterback Fung, who<br />

played an Important role in<br />

inarching her team downfleld,<br />

remarked, "<strong>The</strong> game wis much<br />

cluser than the tccre Indicated.<br />

I thought the juniors played<br />

well."<br />

rbe Junlon* only threat to<br />

score came In the clcilng mlnuttii<br />

of 'he game, but It fizzled<br />

wben junior Llcda Wco was<br />

, tickled at the senior ttirct-yarO<br />

line with no tine remaining<br />

Juniot coach Stephen Burger<br />

commented, "Considering the<br />

_ anoun: of tlr* we had to<br />

practice, the players really<br />

surprised me. Next year we<br />

JV footballers finish strong<br />

By Keltie Gan<br />

Thu junior vanity football<br />

team, under the coaching of<br />

BU11 ulasosopo. ended the<br />

1083 leason with a record of<br />

four wins and three I stes.<br />

CcactrBIlt, as he his been<br />

tagg'id by the players, felt that<br />

the team performed reasonably •<br />

well, considering the number.<br />

of Ir juries which hit the playcn.<br />

" rr to lew, the season went<br />

scmetmt^ like this:<br />

Ibe Indium won their first<br />

gatte by sunning out the Mission<br />

Bean 1H-0. In the secocd<br />

couest, to-ry biat Wilson 15-8.<br />


Fong, Zimmerman Named January 'Athletes of Month'<br />

By Vanessa Gjodrlch<br />

Senlot Atlna Fonjj li obvious.<br />

ly a fart learner.<br />

"After pbylng volleyball ror<br />

only two years, iho bu been<br />

•elected to the 1982 All-Cl.y<br />

volleyball learn and 1? this<br />

nwnlh'i featured athlete.<br />

Although Fong played volleyball<br />

In middle schrol. the did<br />

not begin to play setlouily until<br />

her JutUot year In high school.<br />

After trying out for -he tint<br />

time in 1981, Frag made the<br />

varthv squad.<br />

Having captured the number<br />

one title In San FMnclsco, the<br />

team traveled to the ttate<br />

compos* In the Waiern Champlomhlpi<br />

of me USVA and pUced<br />

tilnlhoutof25teams.<br />

Not oaly has Fonj been «lta:<br />

to these two learnt, but me has<br />

also been an Important, part ct<br />

>• Chinatown-bued ".o»m. With<br />

this team, ihc playeJ in ihe<br />

Chlneie Nitlonal Vollcybi::<br />

Tournament, spending a week in<br />

Toronto, Caiuda, and coming<br />

liome wlih the tint place tropli/.<br />

-Although vnlleytall hai been<br />

a major part of my list two ycin<br />

I will not be playing it In college<br />

commented Fong. She plans TO<br />

pursue a career In cither cosmet<br />

ology or hotol and rataurant<br />

ALL-CITY<br />

Dy Dana Fa Ik<br />

Congratulations are In order<br />

to the following list of outstanding<br />

fall athlete* who were recently<br />

awarded AM-City honors<br />

In ihetr respective sports.<br />

Baikctball.IIS's<br />

David Inoyuc<br />

jonCHalri<br />

Mar* Toycoba<br />

Basketball. U5'i<br />

Russell Ito<br />

• fryan Njito<br />

Crcis Counrr>*<br />

(Top five in each dl/isitin)<br />

Jimmy Chirm<br />

Chris Ctlicii<br />

Ka-Cheng Liu<br />

Scotl McMaStcn<br />

3*>b Richardson<br />

Evelyn Achuck<br />

Cllzahctl: Utnwn<br />

p«nru Cralum<br />

Mat) Joyce<br />

LlixJa Woo<br />

Paul Ujigo<br />

Dylan fuller<br />

Tom McMMUn<br />

Foothill<br />

Stephen UurRcr<br />

I«n Ctio*.<br />

tlarian iilmmcim^n<br />

Soccer<br />

Arina *on<br />

itic Boicllio<br />

Leurr Ca'trillo<br />

Alvaro Garcia<br />

championships, winning an management,<br />

Hua Nyuytfti<br />

impressive third place over-all. Fong gives rredlt for her skills<br />

Fong'i reammatos have agreed |n volleyball to Loretta DcAmJrei<br />

that shi hat been a valuable and whc to coached this year's the twm coach, last James year,<br />

momber of tha aquad mnd hai Knerl. and hit aulnani. Hun,; Vi<br />

olaved consistently well In alt "I have been really fortunate<br />

Tuan Nguyen<br />

Ga^an RhanI<br />

Tcnnii. Clrto'<br />

Eirtllne Conwerat<br />

PA me i.i Fottirr<br />

of th£ games.<br />

Feng responded, "It Is a team<br />

effort. best that I I just can," try to play tho ^<br />

In adV'don to playing for<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>. Fong plays foe a team<br />

which competes In the United<br />

Sutes Volleyball Association.<br />

ally<br />

t0 have good coaches who<br />

Usten to the players," ii. J utt!<br />

Interview concluded, Fong<br />

was asked how she was going<br />

to afternoon. spend the "Oh, remainder I think of [ the will<br />

go out and play a little volley-<br />

Judy Chow<br />

Arlna Fcn^<br />

Kaihy Lin<br />

Sophia Np<br />

Vlacy Shia<br />

Kac-Llm Yoc<br />

Last June. Fong and her team ball." the announced.<br />

By Lisa Cogar<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s girls' basketball<br />

te*rn opened the new season on<br />

a winning note, defeating Mission<br />

39-25 op January G on the<br />

Bean' court,<br />

'We'll definitely get Into the<br />

ptayofTs,- predicted Mel Woog,<br />

co-captain and uarting guard.<br />

Coach Jean Kautz responded,<br />

•W j have a very good chance<br />

•to make the playoffs, and hopefully<br />

we will do so. I think we<br />

By MIdoru Afcuhara<br />

Captain of the Vanity Football<br />

Tcar.u All-City L'nebackcr.<br />

Lowr.U MVP...for senior<br />

Harlan itinmcrnvn, the list<br />

goes en and on.<br />

In Dccembci, Zimmerman<br />

was named one of the two top<br />

•'.l.oUr/athl&JCS cf San Franctico<br />

and as a result of this<br />

Award went on >o receive a<br />

SI,000 scholanhlp from thft<br />

Katlooal Football foundation<br />

and Hall of Fame.<br />

ZiuiiKCinuii jc^an playing<br />

JV fooitM.ll In his freshiruin<br />

year at <strong>Lowell</strong>, and u a tophomore<br />

hr was moved up to ihe<br />

varshv squad.<br />

Ui Zimmerman for his athletic<br />

abilities, avardit And honors.<br />

Recruiters from sue 1 Institutions<br />

as Yale, Harvard, and Dartmouth<br />

have spoken with the<br />

X IS CPA student, who bouti<br />

a 1300 on the Scholastic Aptlf<br />

tude Test.<br />

Zimmerman ciedlr. vanity<br />

football coach Milt Axt for much<br />

of the college tnterat In Mm.<br />

"Coach Axt hai a'ways stood<br />

behind me, and this backing<br />

has been a nvjcr reason for the<br />

colleges' interest In me," !ic<br />

said.<br />

Am stated, "Marian Is<br />

the meat outstanding scholar/<br />

This sea*m =HarIan ne itartcu ai Doth Zimmermai<br />

Uvo bcm auxiilct w(Ui In<br />

the linebacker Lnd running back a0 y=Jfl of coad.mg.-<br />

positions, kicked for the ;p<<br />

teams, and led the Indlani In<br />

rushing ami tr-orlng and the<br />

league tr voiles with 1*9.<br />

"I enjoy pbylnj; football,<br />

but what I really enjoy Is beln^<br />

on the umc team witti a variety<br />

of people," explained Ztmrnerman.<br />

"Tlie strongest friendships<br />

I have ever made tiavt come on<br />

the field."<br />

Several college* and unlvicnltlcj<br />

havs ttiown an interest<br />

. Zimmerman Ii looking forward<br />

to t>ji nu>re yean of football<br />

ar whichever Jchool he sttenOi.<br />

"Once tliz aJmUiioia people<br />

let me in, i'll decide where I<br />

want to £o.~ he loked.<br />

Yet, footiull fs an I ni pot rani<br />

ind nicanlrtgrul part of Zimmerman's<br />

life. "Poottull Is the<br />

utHmatc team sport. Cleven<br />

dedlc HCJ people are needed<br />

for consistent success," he noted,<br />

Girls 9 basketball vies for piayoft spot<br />

JHSiP<br />

WnuarySl. 19W<br />

have a chance to be one of the<br />

top two teams If we can make<br />

It to the pliyoffs."<br />

Kautz works the team on the<br />

full-court press, rrun-to-man<br />

offense, different zone formations,<br />

and fast breaks. "<strong>The</strong><br />

latter," she said, "we do<br />

poorly.-<br />

Team coordination, lumlrta,<br />

and balanced shooting are the<br />

major strengths of the team,<br />

according to Klutz.<br />

On the other hand, lack of.<br />

height and too many turnovers<br />

are the major weaknesses.<br />

"Other than the ce'mer, we<br />

really don't have height on the<br />

team, especially In the guard<br />

positions. <strong>The</strong> tallest player,<br />

KrUtt UngeUen, Is 6 fee*, and<br />

the shorlcjt pUyer, guard Me!<br />

Wong. Is S feet." remarked<br />

Kautz.<br />

. In preseason, ihc team had<br />

a 3-3 record, defeating CapucMno<br />

High 66-40, MilU High<br />

41-26. and Aragon High CC-32<br />

and losing to McAteer High<br />

41-36, Novato High 57-?8, and<br />

Term Nova High 42-33.<br />

Comparing last year's team<br />

(<br />

t<br />

to this year's squad, Kautz feels<br />

this year's team has more ct>heslveness,<br />

has a more determined<br />

attitude, and works harder<br />

together.<br />

In coming home games, tho<br />

Indians will take on McAteer<br />

on January 26 and James Lick<br />

on January 27.<br />

Vcwtfrtand<br />

sport collvctors paradlsa<br />

WeVe got It all!<br />

Major League Jaduns,iorseys ^ ^<br />

caps, t-shWs, pennants, ^^k IfZTf<br />

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We jpedato In besebsll cards. ^ J Q A ? 1<br />

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Oo you aspire to drag rakes across the Cnndlcstlck<br />

infield, in an orange Jumpsuit) It's a<br />

distinct possibility...If you arc a sportn enthusiast,<br />

bear in mind thar there arc a great many<br />

career opportunities that would allow you to<br />

work In and around athletics, without actually<br />

being a professional athlete.<br />

Let 1 -* be realistic—few people have the talent<br />

to set foot in a pro locker room. If It's<br />

money you're After, worry not. Consider going .<br />

into shorts mcdlclnc(elbow, knee operations),<br />

being a tralncrdots of pulled groins and torn<br />

ligaments), or a physical therapist. All arc<br />

lucrative, *nd all put you in direct contact<br />

with athletes. In addition, medicine has longevity<br />

to offer, so unless you're another Gaylord<br />

Perry, "you're more likc.'y to be employed ten<br />

years fron now than if you were a Jock.<br />

Of course, thcuc Jobs rcnuirc varying amounts<br />

of college...there's r.oinR to he a sizable gap<br />

in the formal education of the physical thcrapi;r<br />

and the guy running arcl in the orange Jumpsuit,<br />

but this is to be :i«£:v:cd.<br />

Above all though is, o; re least should be,<br />

happlnCHS. A fJuld such au rtports psychology<br />

could bo quite lntrlqttlng. Th? retailing of<br />

'.sporting goodB or'ttportsucar might be rewarding<br />

And of courac, what could be more glamorous<br />

than studying to be an umpire or referee? If<br />

you nave a high ridicule threshold, this could<br />

be vcr; 1 By Randy Koss l u m are starting point guard<br />

<strong>The</strong> luao, varsity basketball ^ ^ ^ fofWJld Roh.<br />

team concluded Its preseason m{uau Lc-kovlts commented<br />

wilt, a record of 5 wins and 10 ^ ^ ^ ,„, ^ ^ „, lhe<br />

losses but team members arc of |h , a n . We iK<br />

ptedlctlnf ,„„ they will d., on ^ ^ ,„ u ,<br />

we.l In ,he .egua, se«on If they £ „, •<br />

are aggressive and hard-wotklr*. J^/, Booker, who „,,„„„„., playjd on the<br />

"If we play as a team, we U5't last yext, sunds out on<br />

will make a good showing this the JV squad as he led >he<br />

year,' stated C feet 4 lii:h scoring through t<br />

center Steven Lefkovlts. "Several<br />

of the players are Inexperienced,<br />

and they ate Just getilng Mlenel r u,e All-Touma<br />

feel fo, the leacue. ThU can ^ / S ^ n thcC.puchlno<br />

Invlutlona] rourtumenu<br />

"Booker's jffenslve and defemive<br />

energy spatked some<br />

of our preseason wins. He looks<br />

very prorrislng this year," declared<br />

Curnack. "Lucas Is<br />

comlnc along very well a> a<br />

returning player. Ho nils the<br />

leadrshlp role for the team."<br />

exciting.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se are Just suggestions;they merely .iklra<br />

the surface. That's the beauty of it; it's your,<br />

choice. Be.a lifeguard. Be a uports announcer.<br />

Be a statistician. Whatever you do, explore<br />

options.<br />

v MOWS good smam on the court."<br />

praised Carmack.<br />

Carman added. "Although ,<br />

« pteseason<br />

with 241 points, an average<br />

of 10.1 points I galtrc. He<br />

be looked upon as a bulldlnt;<br />

year."<br />

Only three players are returning<br />

from last year's vquaj.<br />

One of the veterans, Otpheus<br />

Cnitchflcld, broke a flngrr during<br />

practice and will be out for<br />

the season. Coach James Carnuck<br />

stated, 'His presence will<br />

be misled In practice and game<br />

Ormack alio sea talent In<br />

situations as he was an Impor-<br />

guards Eric llaus and Dave<br />

tant pan of the team. He was Scjtr, along with forward Shel-<br />

consistent In rebounding and don Smith. "Haus has excellent<br />

playing good ball.'<br />

driving ability, while Smith has<br />

:<br />

we didn't do wetf In the pre- '<br />

seaion, I think' we »1U do<br />

well In the leiguc as long as<br />

we wotk as a team, play smart,<br />

and use our quickness to our advantage.<br />

We have to wctk on<br />

our shot selection, however..<br />

In our close games, our shooting<br />

percentage hurt us."<br />

-We do not know each other<br />

well enough yet, "claimed-<br />

Lcrkovlts, "but everyone Is enthusiastic<br />

ind likes to play<br />

and have a lot or fun. We<br />

show a lot of team spirit."<br />

Carmack sees promlre in<br />

young players Jesse Schwartz,<br />

Dave Steward, and Chris Cttseta.<br />

as they continue to develop In<br />

fundamental skills. He abo<br />

feels that forward Anders Noy»<br />

Is doing a good Job on rebound-<br />

Ing and should develop Into<br />

"... quite a good player."<br />

"Don't count us out I" Catmack<br />

enthused.<br />

Grapplers set for season<br />

Include<br />

To backtrack a bit, the fact that we ar? not<br />

all cut out to be pro athletes is a blessing in<br />

disguise, at least from the TV audience's point<br />

of view. Look'at ay three favorite examples:<br />

Bert Jones, Jim Palmer, and Jack Reynolds. -<br />

Here ate three fine athletes, all still active,<br />

who, much to.the disraarr of the TV viewing audience,<br />

have embarked on advertising<br />

Enterprising devils, they -are.<br />

careers.<br />

:<br />

Enterprising, yes. Talented, no. ;<br />

I wonder how much QB Bert Jones gets for<br />

using hla raw strength to snap that bar of<br />

Ivory soap in half. My grandmother used to do<br />

;<br />

:<br />

that too, so It wouldn't be so big for her soap<br />

/ dish.<br />

Next up, Jim Palmer. JIre, I'm embarrassed<br />

fov you. How demeaning- a Cy Young award winner<br />

scratching.dandruff*on TV. Steve Carlton would<br />

never do that. .<br />

- And lest,'and most in needtof help. Jack<br />

"Hacksaw" Reynold*. Seeing him struggle with<br />

those "...V.m drinking:milk for good..." llneo j<br />

-makes, trc want tt cry. !<br />

Take; fry word for it, bsing a groundskeeper '<br />

wculd be great fun... :<br />

' ; v. • • '. ' .ft '. -'. **-.:""•.. * ' * . * !<br />

;^-;"Fricaaa,"Vit's been great. Aa spring semester;<br />

is upon'us,'editors-must move on to different<br />

positions on-the staff.. Let me take this time,<br />

"/.then;- »rs4yf'thatlt. heo been my . : great pleasure<br />

to edit 8(/orts this semester, and to write<br />

;;'"Brtaltlng Pltefi." In"the spirit of ^he original<br />

Saturdav Night Live 1 s resident sportscaster<br />

"t*ht#*n'Vaf.i(»if'- : .*^t&-GfliTTCctvHorrls,"<strong>Lowell</strong> bean<br />

first, second,' and third.<br />

, Reflecting back, J^_<br />

lBTiTTinlor - •-«tated,—We"ihfiuld have bid tv.<br />

Ttre ream sorters from a lack Aneito EsDeHa, 202's; aba Jun- couple of more prcsauoc.<br />

Footbaiiteam<br />

By Ktonique Skruzny btlnglog together patents, fac-<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s flm football banquet, ulty memben, ud r.udena la<br />

<strong>The</strong> Uprising, planned for players, a relaxed social atmosphere.<br />

parents, aod supporters, look<br />

place Thursday, January 13,<br />

In the school cafetnla.<br />

Mike Voyne. 1916 <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

gndjate and former football<br />

coach for whom the k&ool<br />

stadium Is named, was the<br />

guest of honor.<br />

Voyne noted, "1 have been<br />

associated with <strong>Lowell</strong> for<br />

almost 70 years, aod It Is wonderful<br />

to come back each lime<br />

and see the fullness of youth as<br />

exemplified here^<br />

Response to the h event appeared<br />

rradttlon. *<br />

Although the team did not<br />

havi a good record la 1082,<br />

to be positive. Counselor James ,. , . .<br />

Tborrus remarked. "<strong>The</strong> banquet r " d " ta ' Jie |lU ' r< *<br />

turned our wel; and was certainly "<strong>The</strong>y are quality yonag men.<br />

festive for the school cafeteria."<br />

Parent Sang Park noted, "It<br />

Is wtodsiful to see what my<br />

kids r!o and to see all of these<br />

young people gathered together.<br />

1 want tr support the activities<br />

at Lowtll mote since I now know<br />

. what Is going on."<br />

You don': liave to win games to<br />

bo winners," Flbish stated.<br />

: Coach Axt added, "<strong>The</strong>y<br />

nil have good atdrudes and do<br />

thel; best. That Is all we can<br />

ask."<br />

Tbn politick celebradon was<br />

Football awards were given<br />

Principal Alan Fiblsh remarked,<br />

out at the banqcet and the<br />

1<br />

"<strong>The</strong> banquet .'ccognlta the<br />

song sub and letter squads<br />

fatnlly, too. It give: parents helped bring spirit to the evens.<br />

the brainchild of varsity football a"'cbance to seo what their .. , Cena Grant, who has two<br />

coach Milt Ait, who Is attempt- chikires ar-i doing and brings brothea on the football teani,<br />

Ing' to bring back what be terms people regctber In a simple observed. "This li gtrat be-<br />

"that old <strong>Lowell</strong> srtirlt." way."<br />

cause there U a loj of spirit,<br />

<strong>The</strong> dinner out only honored f even! participants noted - . •ad everyone U supportive and<br />

tin football team members,' that they would like to see caret about making things<br />

but team suppbtten a w«l_l .TJu3.»arMr3i.b

Mayor Diar.ne Feinstein Page 13 School hangouts Page 16<br />

Volume !f7. Number 1 Lonll Hljh School. San Fnuxbeo. California 94132 March 17, 1-J83<br />

New book policy adopted<br />

By James Lurie<br />

A new lent book policy giving<br />

students the option of working<br />

off ibe znoaey they awe for their<br />

lott books will be Implemented<br />

at LowelL<br />

<strong>The</strong> new policy* which was<br />

devised at a San Ftanciico prln-<br />

Students wlU not have to prove<br />

flnanclal hradship In order to<br />

yotk o.T their debts. <strong>The</strong> work,<br />

however, acctcding to Principal<br />

AUn FtbUb, will not be easy.<br />

"ir we hire the student at S3.95<br />

an hour, you (the student) can<br />

be sure yea will wotk the full<br />

60 minutes," Flbtth explained*<br />

iclcct 'licit claucs lait.<br />

Smucnts will still be allowed<br />

to pay the school for their lu*.<br />

boo'/* If 'hey would prcfci to do<br />

"<strong>The</strong> new policy U not a pun-<br />

ishment; it's an option," explained<br />

Fibiih.<br />

towaU U ltn|ilatiiantlnft th« M<br />

book policy in order to comply<br />

with a new state Uw which permits<br />

schools to wlthold the tran-<br />

*.-Ipt* of students v»»o have outstanding<br />

debts agalmt the school.<br />

Because cot all itudenu can<br />

reimburse the school In cash, It<br />

became necessary to create an<br />

-w^lon for these students*<br />

to three yean wliliou; pciulty.<br />

Student reaction to the new<br />

policy was mfxeO.<br />

"I ihlnk the new policy u good'<br />

became ti gives ttudents an n[»portunity<br />

to fulfill tlicir obllg..-<br />

' tiom of repaying their debts,"<br />

».Md senior Sumtyo Saiiata,<br />

• **tt*a * ifjtvctty «r uui oducA-<br />

' tlonal Ideals. By wlthholdUg<br />

uanfr tlrts, the school Is violating<br />

a fundamental right of<br />

all students.<br />

"Art offense against one student<br />

Is an offense against the<br />

entire American educational<br />

system, and an offense agkliut<br />

the future.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> has not yet decided Flbich explained that, without "In *hcrt, ihli tyrannical adwhether<br />

or not to cootimu the continuing the eld policy con- minlm-Uvc perpetration It an<br />

present policy of forcing student* cornltantly with the new one, stu- act of educat.ooti pervealon."<br />

who have aa outstanding debt to dents could withhold bonks Tor up fumed senior Charles Hult&rcn.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> prepares for<br />

handicapped students<br />

By Debbie Gottfried<br />

Handicapped students will<br />

toon be able .o attend <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

High School.<br />

Tie new students, who will<br />

start here ner. rail, arc special<br />

etiucaiion students wno arc<br />

physically handlcaupttl and<br />

ittncd AS girted.<br />

l*p«I*llOill fOC (t>C*C IluUcitU<br />

.'nclude the building of a special<br />

test room and a ramp extending<br />

from the breczeway ;o the<br />

patio level of the campus. Construction<br />

is expected to begin<br />

In the near future.<br />

After discussing plans with<br />

Hcniy Marshall, associate superintendent.<br />

Principal Alan<br />

Fibati statul, "We agreed that<br />

these Im^rovtments wuuUl be<br />

consistent wltj the education'*<br />

philosophy of the school."<br />

<strong>The</strong> plan materialized In<br />

January when a group of .special<br />

education students Identified at<br />

having the potential to itcrccd<br />

at <strong>Lowell</strong> were invited to Jttrnii<br />

classes here.<br />

Nlany, tiowcver, wet* within<br />

sly n:oiaiiJ of graduating and<br />

L with tli'ilr o«ii high tchbuU.<br />

me,* dctidco to complete tliclr<br />

educations at ihjlr regular<br />

schools.<br />

Two special education students<br />

did join <strong>Lowell</strong>'s student<br />

txHy aloott with their teacher<br />

LeeSIWenteln.<br />

Approximately IS additional<br />

ipeclat education students are<br />

expected to cm oil in the falL<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Is not the first school<br />

to im.lcdf*. nandtcapped students<br />

bto it* clisscz. Mission and<br />

McAtecr High Schools have<br />

accommodated such students<br />

lor some time.*<br />

Library expansion plans begin this spring<br />

ByPamF»t(ff<br />

A turning point In the history<br />

or U*B11 High School will<br />

occur thli iprlng alth the e>panloa<br />

of the Social Science<br />

Ubriiy.<br />

<strong>The</strong> plant for die expasilou<br />

of the Ubraqr nave already been<br />

•pptcved by the tuie arcbltect.<br />

accordlntt TO Dr. Alan Flblsh,<br />

principal.<br />

Flblih t»eal«: Uut the Board<br />

of Edocatlxi hat recommended<br />

•rchtteci (.'hotel Soviet to begin<br />

taeeormujtlon.<br />

-; "IpraflctthattheconunicUoa<br />

will t^gla panlbly lomelimj thU<br />

.taring,- nated<br />

{ <strong>The</strong> Inliui pbate of coiotnicdonwlllDoIn<br />

ihe front coun-<br />

^ " "<br />

yard. <strong>The</strong> plam call for extend- brary will lurt icr.iclime during<br />

Ing the library ou: Into the from the summer break. By the time<br />

coutyard as far as the cement school begins In Ihe fall of 1983,<br />

planters are currently located. there will have been !U0 r jiure<br />

<strong>The</strong> interior work on the •!-<br />

feet added on lo the library.<br />

1=<br />

Kblih stated. " When construction<br />

U complete, the read-<br />

Ing room of the library w'U extccd<br />

to die bark wall of the<br />

•tayer Lllxiry." <strong>The</strong>re will be<br />

a r?t Meyer Library and a new<br />

J<br />

<strong>The</strong>pttrrs tactad* expanding the readlng.rooni, -.adding a new courtyard, and having a separate<br />

room; fot >JM i&miu, *• periodlcsiJ . tha iieyet CoUecdon, and the Meter memorabilia.<br />

Meyer memorlbllla roo.u,<br />

t.tuch will home <strong>Lowell</strong> memoribllia.<br />

In addition, twe computers<br />

will be Installed In the new<br />

periodical rcjnu<br />

<strong>The</strong> location of the Marion<br />

Coiin Book- to- book center<br />

will be nvwed emxlely. <strong>The</strong><br />

Book - to - Bock center will<br />

!c moved to under tbe tlcove<br />

not to the English Resource<br />

Center. This area currently<br />

houses glass exhibit cater.<br />

Detween the<br />

new Meyc: Library and the<br />

lieyer mcmorlblUa room will<br />

be smaU outdoor patio. This<br />

parlo will be avaiUble to stu-<br />

, dents wishing to tmjy ouDlrk-<br />

In a controlled arei.<br />

<strong>The</strong> estimated cost for the<br />

expansion or the Social Science<br />

Library? A mere J20,000.

I S K , :: • •••.'<br />


Was Her Majesty amused?<br />

.". As the Queen of England journeyed troubled nation like Great Britain simply<br />

through California last week In a cascade docs net need such an expensive and obot<br />

elaborate celel rations, sunrotuoas solete Institution. But the Windsors do in<br />

dinners,' and luxurious accommodations, fact serve a purpose. Being the final<br />

many people noticed the striking disparity.rcmnuat of the tra iltional British lifestyle<br />

between Her Majesty's pageantry and the that existed once upon a time, the royal<br />

hard tlmus that unemployment and the family is an example for Its people to<br />

weather have brought to the people of follow -- something to be proud of, sometliis<br />

suite. How can we rpend this much thing that is still unmistakably British.<br />

dme, effort, and money, many ask, and sorr«thlng to show the world,<br />

when there are so many homeless and | Such veneration tljrlves in our own<br />

helple»8 people right here? | country as well. Tliere ere many famous<br />

: <strong>The</strong> answer to such.a question lieu not > and wealthy public figures In America,<br />

In the ceremony surrounding tl« qucen'r. such us certain modeis, actors, and<br />

visit, but In the monarch's symbolic im- socialites, who do not contribute much<br />

portuhce. to 3Odety but who are adored by iseny<br />

Westerners often see the royal family of the people nonetheless. So to say that<br />

as nothing more than a royal waste of the queen Is a unique Br'Ush eimVarrassmoney.<br />

Common sense Isads us, after mont Is to Ignore the reality that eveiv<br />

all, to conclude that an economically^- naUon.has and needs such people. ( M .1!.)<br />

Scheduling day chaotic<br />

We find our hero, Wilbur Langston,<br />

nervously toeing the line. His competitors,<br />

including such renowned student<br />

alhlc»es as ".lie Lings, Langs, Longe,<br />

and .'.ongfcllows, eye him in a fierce<br />

and almost war-like fashion.<br />

As be waits with the throng, Wilbur<br />

looks back on his hectic Tast several<br />

weeks. <strong>The</strong> "L's" picfc lest this time<br />

and to exacerbate his problem, he had<br />

only one possible combination of classes.<br />

<strong>The</strong> sound of the auditorium doors<br />

opening jerks Wilbur back to consciousness.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re Is a tense silence as the<br />

Advertising proves false<br />

False advertising has been a problem wild teenage theme,<br />

for the consumer for many years. But. But cnyone who saw the » l *nut>nf»1nn n conoA Af niknr ic ni'(**ntn l<br />

Son Francisco has always been con- convention, a sense of what is acceptable<br />

sldered a diverse city, culturally and today. But who'Is to say that gayness<br />

socially. In past years, a new social will not beanacce'pte'd activity In a few<br />

group has come into the spodlght: the years? We must accept that which is<br />

JWf. . . around us In our society.<br />

<strong>The</strong> gay community Is one of the most Homosexuality Is not what we are<br />

prosporoua in the city, with thriving accustomed to so we shun it as one shuns<br />

aid attractive businesses, spurring n a foreigner unable to speaV English,<br />

controversy over the gay "take-over": Even though w can't related lays or<br />

peaceful family-type neighborhoods understand their pom" of rfe^fttey arc<br />

with flashy stores. We all put 'up barriers to* protect us "<br />

Homosexuality is Jot spoken of reflec-frorn what we fear, such as being gay, •-• 3<br />

...-...._... . people and we are aU blocking out part of our city.!<br />

r n s r l a r*\*\ » • > » _ « _ _ t — _ _ • • . . - . . 1 5<br />

society insdUed m us by our parent,<br />

and peers. We are given a sense of them a/pagtof <<br />


• • $<br />

( A.B.) • - - ' I<br />

Mitch 11.<br />

RE<br />

Deir Edtto<br />

M about I<br />

<strong>The</strong> stutlcrtj<br />

thU KlkOOl j<br />

day. l<br />

with l<br />

• fjuc<br />

tics Ing t<br />

TtiU<br />

named ale;<br />

-Mcney*<br />

thc tcp tw|<br />

was c<br />

\zsz ycMi v<br />

a nice ap<br />

liing pitcj<br />

day be a 11<br />

cle«n« I<br />

Unfoi<br />

HAS 0O f tel<br />

govern roc 1<br />

up day X'CK<br />

But on i-*".!<br />

principal i<br />

10 the Lo«|<br />

ell meeiin<br />

student lei<br />

advbed ill<br />

a clean-ul<br />

itudesu, j<br />

neat and tj<br />

<strong>The</strong> studcl<br />

hti cooctf<br />

day wtll f<br />

mote thail<br />

when we, I<br />

obUgaieoT<br />

andbecci<br />

igsic of {<br />

LowelL<br />

Co |<br />

Spi<br />

/«ti<br />

Match 11.1


Litter problem plagues <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Dear Editors:<br />

At about this time but year.<br />

<strong>The</strong> student government of<br />

this Ktiool held a clean-op<br />

day, This was loo'-cd upon<br />

with skeptic Urn wl*h ctlcs of<br />

"farcer and "It'i all a facade!"<br />

ringing throughfjt lowelL<br />

This was became a gioup of<br />

principal! from the KbooU<br />

nan-ed along with Low.U on<br />

"* Mone/* magazine's lilt of<br />

toe top twelve high schools<br />

was coming. <strong>The</strong> hope from<br />

Use year waj nor JUM to nuke<br />

a nice appearance fur the vtsltlng<br />

prlclpcls. but :o let that<br />

day be a tun Tor a better and<br />

cleaner LowcU.<br />

Unfortunately, this hope<br />

was not isallxed. Student<br />

government planned a cle*cup<br />

obligated to clean our rchtol,<br />

and become Ignorant once<br />

again of the filth that p'ague*<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

1101 Eucalyptus Driv-s<br />

S»n Francisco. CA 94132<br />

we should deal w'ttj <strong>Lowell</strong> :he present flnancUl situastudenu<br />

(In general) do not \ rlo-j In California, our school<br />

care tcough about the appear- district has 1M promised mc-<br />

ance of their hallways, do<br />

not think It Is tt>elr rcsponslblllty<br />

to throw away garbage<br />

that Isn't tbeln and are too<br />

lazy to properly dispose of<br />

. their garbage.<br />

Studert government wilt<br />

help us deal with our problem*<br />

by providing us with more<br />

garbage c*ns and by giving us<br />

gentle reminders to keep our<br />

school clean.<br />

If we do not change our<br />

attitude, three stages will<br />

come about: L Room 743<br />

wIU be closed and all vending<br />

machines will be sent back<br />

to their companies. 2. No<br />

food will be allowed In the<br />

building. 3. Students will<br />

not tt allowed to sit In tiic<br />

hallways.<br />

However, knowing that<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> students ; re last learners<br />

and go"d problem wNcn,<br />

we all know thit attitudes<br />

will change. We are aware<br />

of the problems and we arc<br />

aware or the alternatives.<br />

Let us solve the problems<br />

and do away with the un-<br />

pleasant alternatives. When<br />

we sit la the hallways, let<br />

us clean up after ourwlves.<br />

If we are walking down the<br />

hallwayi and see an unsightly<br />

mess, let us try io make It<br />

. tmm umldhtly. U**>*n** nf<br />

CO'Edlton-ia-Chiet. Af MtU Criten<br />

Mirl Ungir<br />

Erecutfrr Editor • Sbiron Ptag<br />

News Editor EMMbelh Brown<br />

Aabunl New kdllort Mlnxin/t Cluo<br />

Kara Wertketaer<br />

Feature Editon Uurto Helm<br />

UlkSiu<br />

Mofifque Skritny<br />

S p o t u E d l t o n A l O<br />

AaUlmalSponi E d i t o r r *<br />

rctltkt Editors. Mkhict Donnn<br />

EmUjMuntc<br />

Eoteruiusal Edttm Kriilto CloUikr<br />

Lori OUktpk<br />

Mltyjoyzt<br />

PnlUaEdliori Din. Fill<br />

Debbie Woo<br />

AnhuntProliks Editor M«--i.P«o<br />

SottmnmtEHlor ../ocdjnKri<br />

CoprEdlton. A/irrrClrto<br />

Slu/coChta<br />

MwUlD K*0dM<br />

AM"" BioocdcW Mehfa<br />

C^ruDcltrsitSlt.Kd^.UrrrOoldbcrt.V.ncaM<br />

SSrfeo. Oebbfc Gottfried. KM Cnnt. U» O»lno. -tlici.<br />

LTn,jijoatt. Uth KiUarr. K»od> Kon. Cluulect<br />

EZ'j£!£u» Mlley. 5«dJ Mu«».»l. Ooidr.<br />

«^r0. HfeJk Rmoi. Hcidt Ho*. BwYI<br />

ney. In turn. <strong>Lowell</strong> has lost<br />

Janitors. As it h, <strong>Lowell</strong> has<br />

on'.y one Janitor wot king during<br />

the day. We don't have<br />

our mommies, daddies, or the<br />

'lady who comes In" to pick<br />

up after us. Let us solve our<br />

problems and start to pick up<br />

after ounelvcs. Let tit OIKC<br />

again have pride In the appearance<br />

of LowelL<br />

Sincerely Yours,<br />

Caullno Echlvcrrl<br />

Student Body 1'reifdrst<br />

Team captain claims 'injustice'<br />

Dear Editors:<br />

Vne <strong>Lowell</strong> Ui%\, School<br />

footh.il icjnw were served -<br />

great iniu'ilc* In the form of<br />

a letter it, the editor wtiiten<br />

by Emily ^rnrasc arvl Ini Dang.<br />

Hie o»o, band members and<br />

and self-dubbed football supporters,<br />

displayed annoyance<br />

at the fact that the attendees<br />

of the pot luck dinner (to IKM-W<br />

contribute/* to the foot oa 11 ptrgratn)<br />

were aiked to pay JL.W.<br />

Specifically, MUTMC and<br />

Dang questioned the logl^: behind<br />

"(I) charging moiiey fee a po:luck<br />

dinner, anJ (2) charging<br />

Seniors rocjiiost<br />

yearbook changes<br />

Ds-r Ed lion;<br />

While browsing tlirctigh U:t<br />

ycat'j <strong>Lowell</strong> ycartxxik, we<br />

came upon a number of pa^es<br />

printed In color. Since seniors<br />

are the main buyers of the yearbook,<br />

we feel that the color<br />

piciuii» should be used for the<br />

graduating class. After all. who<br />

wants to see n bunch of nobodies<br />

making fools of themselves In<br />

the hallway? Hey, come on 1<br />

We're Itf<br />

Please make our Ust memories<br />

of <strong>Lowell</strong> memorable by<br />

puttdg us In color. <strong>Lowell</strong> Is<br />

composed of many different<br />

races and colors, not only black<br />

and white. We rijould show our<br />

true colors. Our facial features<br />

differ In color from thit<br />

of our clothing and hair colors.<br />

We need the support of the<br />

stu.'ent body to better our year*<br />

book. For those people who<br />

(cr\ the same way, let'i do<br />

something before W% too late.<br />

Please join to In our crusade<br />

and let your viewpoints be<br />

known. Write to your friendly<br />

neighborhood yearbook staff.<br />

Di;ne P/.tane<br />

Chryibe Msdayag<br />

money from those whom the<br />

dintier Is to be In honor cf,"<br />

Apparently, some pcirclvcJ<br />

the banquet to be a profitmaking<br />

\enture.<br />

Had Murasc and Dang truly<br />

bees concerned football sup-<br />

;»Mcn, tliey might have taken<br />

the >lme to aik ore of out TO<br />

football players the tenoning<br />

behind it;c collection of the<br />

entrance fee. <strong>The</strong> SS. 50 cacti<br />

person WJI asked to pay tc give<br />

to M./. Kcenig, who graciously<br />

supplied us with cupi, plates,<br />

knives, forks, spoons, serving<br />

uteralU, tabfc clot In, bread.<br />

butter, pu.ich, milk, and<br />

coffee. Rather than supply t:.e a<br />

the above by uunclvet ani<br />

risk errc:, we chots to slmpty<br />

Incorporate Mr. Koenlg.<br />

<strong>The</strong> football ic^m Is very<br />

grateful for the supotvt of<br />

Miss Nluraie and Mils Dang<br />

during the season. It Is a shame<br />

that they missed an enjoyable<br />

banquet beciuie they misinterpreted<br />

the team's Intentions.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Uarlan Zimmerman<br />

Captain, Vanity<br />

Football Team<br />

1092 Seaion<br />

In memoriam:<br />

Hyman Bik<br />

UyrrunSlk, <strong>Lowell</strong> librarian<br />

ziul alumni:i. tuicumbcd to<br />

cancer on February 23.<br />

Oik woiked for the School<br />

District for 32 years «s a social<br />

science teacher and librarian<br />

I a. levcril San Francisco high<br />

schools. In 1972, he became<br />

one of Lowsll's UbtAfUtu.<br />

As chairman of tb* school<br />

tftstrlct's Field Libraries Association,<br />

hi often spoke before<br />

the School Board to defend the<br />

role of librarians In the city's<br />

'<strong>Lowell</strong>' policy statement<br />

Ail editorials appearing In<br />

"<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>" represent the<br />

views of the entire staff. <strong>The</strong><br />

Initials of the writers of editorials<br />

are printed In order *.o<br />

acknowledge their contributions.<br />

We encourage students and<br />

faculty members to respond to<br />


Urcte editorials In addition to<br />

expressing their feeling* on any<br />

ichool-related twue in the<br />

form of letter* to me editcn.<br />

We request that ail Utters be*<br />

signed.<br />

Maria Crlsera, MAtkUngar<br />

Co-Edlton-ln-Chlcf<br />

school system.<br />

Fellow librarian Bill Campbell<br />

respected Dlk's professionalism.<br />

"1 never would have<br />

wanted u> play poker with him,"<br />

he related. "He could put up<br />

a facade which didn'S reveal<br />

bow humorous and kind he<br />

really was."<br />

Blk lut worked In the library<br />

lu January 1982. Since<br />

then he had been In and out<br />

of the hospital battling abdr;-.lv(cancer.<br />

M~.'ipil Alan Flblih ind<br />

. Cimpbo;. nw 3!k la a ? a-1 flea<br />

convalescent hospital il. nly<br />

before his death. In a 4m«-<br />

.andum to student) and faculty,<br />

FlbUh commented on the visit,<br />

-Although his health was<br />

at a low ebb, his mental vitality<br />

and excitement about the<br />

tn^w library addition were cv-<br />

I Went.<br />

"He knew what he faced and<br />

was brave. We will miss him<br />

greatly."<br />

Students protest<br />

"We, the undersigned students<br />

of <strong>Lowell</strong> High &booi, oppose<br />

any clfort to lower the minimum<br />

wage for teen-age workers. We<br />

believe that people should be<br />

paid according to what they do,<br />

no* according '- their age."<br />

If you would like to sign this<br />

petltlou, contact me.<br />

KathyColl 8404

NEWS<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> enters the age of the computer<br />

Bj Krli Clothier<br />

AJ toclrty prepares Itself to<br />

unet Into the *ge of the computer.<br />

lovcU it determined rm<br />

to b? left behind.<br />

Students waking hard In their computer class.<br />

L7.C. reviews students 9<br />

performance for 1980-81<br />

By Kara Wcrthiimcr<br />

"flic University of California<br />

(U.C.) h*s completed 4 re wri<br />

summarizing the fint y^ai performance<br />

of freshman on the U.C.<br />

campuses who entcrsd the s)i~<br />

tern In the fall quarto.- of 1980-<br />

A total of 195 <strong>Lowell</strong> students<br />

from die clan of 1930 entered<br />

th« U.C iyu«m In *ho fill near on a<br />

U.C. campus, th«* average yrade<br />

point of the jtudcxj only dropped<br />

- it. lf!5 ^itn«.<br />

Of tin. U.C Campuic*. Bctkaley<br />

lets msa It has been tn previous i students had the lea it decrcaie inn<br />

years. In 197 3-SO, 213 <strong>Lowell</strong> a their sradc DO In- average, with<br />

students entered the tyitem vhllc a 0.053 of a grade point Jiercuc.<br />

showed Improvement. <strong>The</strong><br />

average high school grade<br />

point av«»gc foelowtUstudenu<br />

ROln^ Into the University<br />

WAI 1.248. Afto* AitutJfrv: ' •<br />

University fot a Tull ycai :hls<br />

mark was raited to 2,?22 a<br />

1.474 increase.<br />

New math teacher enjoys <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

By Heidi Roif<br />

"Tt'i bard coming In the Middle<br />

ot the year. <strong>The</strong> itcOcou<br />

have ill had other teachers, to<br />

they have to get used to cv,"<br />

co:mnu*\ed Steve Ersad, Loveiri<br />

Jew rr tb readier.<br />

i Riming bU teaching cajeet<br />

V. .997, Bnnd recently iraWeYred<br />

to <strong>Lowell</strong> Cram Minim H]gb<br />

ScbooU He aticndcd ictcril.<br />

college* ID CaUfomXj, moctly<br />

u •'graduate student.<br />

Being a good outh student<br />

In high school. Brand D»b * '<br />

liking to the inbjecc. "You<br />

muxlly wind up doing what you<br />

Recently, opportunities have de- tremendous progress in icltliting<br />

vclopcd rtd f for Lowcil L l l to Improve^ I 'computer opportunity it a <strong>Lowell</strong>, <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Its capabilities In the computer stated Principal ALtn rtbbh.<br />

areas.<br />

LoveU's computer *gt> began<br />

*ln the part year, we've last year whenHawtett-Paclurd<br />

donated nine basis .-o.Tiputen<br />

and thus enabled <strong>Lowell</strong> to offer<br />

>nd teach a computer science<br />

In No»eml>sr of U&1, Jeri? eliminated.<br />

f uner of Hcwlctt-Pjckanl in ThaoVs t-> oce LoweU faculty<br />

CotvalUs, Oregon, visited In- memoer vho dooateJ a wo*i [vowell.<br />

"Mr. r'lshcr was fnvnraMy •<br />

rnpteued with <strong>Lowell</strong>'s four year<br />

maiter plan tc utilise computer:<br />

in almDit all facets of the school,<br />

FU/lth rsvealcd.<br />

class. A tcuth comr>oter WJJ Tony Ncipallwn, Jr., an.1<br />

donated by the Marian Cobn Book Oary C'lblti of Ilewlcn-P ickatd<br />

13ook crmcr.<br />

In Ssnta Clara vliiicd 1 owell and<br />

Tiiree LowrU teachers gave an Uicy r=comm:nded a model grant<br />

Aople coJTj'Jtcr each to the ad- for <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

u*ced compete? »;;rnce program. But how are these computers<br />

^5 Tlietc dtrfU'lorn uuble-1 <strong>Lowell</strong> being incur<br />

b-*gin pc»:r;jrli^» student to By receiving two library grar^a<br />

itcr the cf mrftitc; wo?M. -r <strong>Lowell</strong> libraries will be able<br />

Mate reccrtly, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s o^- ,o obtain three comruiers fot use<br />

pot tun tn * h«ve increased. by nudcnts and staff.<br />

An AS 151 gram, which j.!b«i<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> alinctt$2l,CO?, will<br />

not only Uclp students, but<br />

provides tejehen with a clunci<br />

to train in computer use.<br />

1<br />

cetser and printer In memor/ ofhb<br />

hli furcntt, the aU.'f U being<br />

trained anJ wlU now be nblc to<br />

1<br />

write better Icttrrs of rcconimcndatlons,<br />

tcsu etc,<br />

the head of the Science Department,<br />

began teaches coo i«ilon<br />

of an tntroductory corrputtt<br />

programming cumse. In ihs<br />

.jpcln* *emeit« there were i*x<br />

lections being taught.<br />

** In, room 255, die Apple comp*itcrs<br />

for more advanced nuposct<br />

uf currently being tuod<br />

to teach computer structuie and<br />

ter tor Its use. lrr.pro«ero:w can *««. s0lJ » ' I"<br />

be nude JO "TUe Lowill,- and future, students hope to coimce<br />

rocestcs can bow be In the computer world.<br />

In memoriam:<br />

Jose Reinosa<br />

i;i 1WC-7D, a tot.1 of C32 itn-<br />

,i*nn from Lowcil went Jo<br />

.• tchool oniU.C. cm^iidcctcJic<br />

vai 0.691 of a<br />

grade point while Los Angela<br />

stut'enu dfcrcated 0.631 of 4<br />

Sy K-tra Wtnhelnicr<br />

Jcie A. Reinoia, a <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

biology tejcber, died March S<br />

it the reiuli of a heart attack.<br />

•gX9ilc point.<br />

Studcnu at the U.C. Santa<br />

Relwsa was the father of two<br />

son*. David and Robert. David<br />

Barbara's grat!e point<br />

U in the army, and Robert Is a<br />

student at LowelL Robert fount<br />

his Jatlicr dead ai he tried to<br />

waLe him Saturday morning.<br />

Retnosa taught at <strong>Lowell</strong> for<br />

mott enjo>able job hai been<br />

teaching at Uic Mluion'i Qillutcii<br />

Center.<br />

Bt.md spcndi a I at of time<br />

working with his daughter who<br />

has Lcxcbjl palsy.<br />

He Is open to sug^cttlons ccnccnilng<br />

his daughter, from computer<br />

-encnted students. "I am<br />

very Interested lp mictlng itudena<br />

whu arc computer whizzes<br />

because my daughter, depends<br />

oo a computer w do her writing,'<br />

he remarked*<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> students are "very<br />

enthtufutlc about school,"<br />

according to Brand. One nice<br />

change about <strong>Lowell</strong> students<br />

diat he notes is that everyone<br />

comes to their claiicr every day.<br />

When asked how be felt about<br />

bis Job, the new math teacher<br />

replied, "I like It. Tbw aie<br />

are good «,• fcetaud, ' a lot of friendly people be.% Tin<br />

Though bU cueer llet In Math erratics Denartment hn<br />

teacH'og truth, Br.ind*takes a ip> been extremely friendly aou help'<br />

special bterctt b chlli'en. His fuL"<br />

3 yiMM ilnce 13-'>7, A.-.ro»dlnj t<<br />

to rtfttolpMt AWr riblMi. tt*<br />

taught only biology to the best<br />

if Fibiili's knowledge.<br />

Fibiih ti.ii known Rclnosa for<br />

many yc-i.-:. Thjy flm met In<br />

the mid 13'0's \fazn 'hey wotked<br />

gethcr on a research project<br />

State University.<br />

ID a memo written to the<br />

faculty jntl V.\c studcnu,<br />

body, Fibiih w:ote,"Jose »ad<br />

e! in graduate school together.<br />

I teamed then of hb<br />

superb preparation aj a blologbt.<br />

Yesterday I spoki to some<br />

of his classes and saw their<br />

tears. His ttudera '.\sJ him.<br />

"losc's family has planned<br />

no funeral senricc. Ills wish<br />

io be. rrenutcd. His asha<br />

wilt be returned to Puerto Rico,<br />

Bon Voyage , good friend.-<br />

WlUUm Stevens, biology<br />

teacher, knew Rclnou for 23<br />

yean. He first met him at the<br />

old <strong>Lowell</strong> ln 1960. He remarked,<br />

"Relnna was a very knowlegeab!e<br />

ma.u 1b nuicd me with<br />

iht vut amourt that be knew<br />

abouttireblcloglcal tclcncet.-<br />

Jose Reinosa<br />

"He was always a dynamic,<br />

outgoing man, who was willing<br />

to help any one who needed it.<br />

Plus, be was very well llked'by<br />

his students." recalled Stevens.<br />

Plans arc being discussed of<br />

what win be done In Hctnosa's<br />

memory. One thought Is fot<br />

the purchasing of boob to be<br />

kept In the library which *Mukt<br />

be dedicated tj Reloosa. Another<br />

idea is io pbnt a ace on<br />

campus In tteinou't name.<br />

Fibiih recalled,"He was a<br />

special, special sort of guy.<br />

He was gentle and kind. It is<br />

very rare to fioi someone with<br />

these o.ualit'et, and t hate to<br />

love someone with both."<br />

Vs^ v^<br />

1983 Miss Teenage Fashion Show J<br />

<strong>The</strong> S«n Francisco Chlnato»Ti Lions Club S<br />

^ . JP 0 0 *^ the 1983 Miss Teenage \<br />

Fuhion Shaw on April 16, 1983 at the Feiry ><br />

Plaia Restaurant on the Bay at 12 noon. Pro- ><br />

ceeds from this fund raker will go toward<br />

scholarships and youth and community prognuns.<br />

Interetted participants should be between<br />

the ages of 14-17 years-oM and of Chinese descent.<br />

For sign-up information, please call Mrs.<br />

Irene Wong at 75'WHW6 after 6 p.m.<br />

Mjrch 11, «83<br />


NEWS<br />

Pag; Pastrejcfa_ winners in essay contest<br />

Model United Nations<br />

meets in Berkeley<br />

By Elizabeth Brawn<br />

lit <strong>Lowell</strong> Model U,uied Nations<br />

(MON) dob sect 30<br />

delegates to participate in the<br />

'31 California Model United<br />

ted Nations for High School ttudents.<br />

. - <strong>The</strong> MUN conference was<br />

held at the Unlrerslty of Catl-<br />

', foraia, Berkeley, on Feboary<br />

. tented four United Nation* member*,<br />

Byelorussia Soviet Soclil-<br />

1st Republic (B.S.S.R.), Colombia,<br />

Dominica, and Uruguay.<br />

l^iere were tvo~3e!egates represemlag<br />

each country In each<br />

or the following categories: Political<br />

Security, Special Political.<br />

Special Suidles. and Hu-<br />

in their committed wlih thcii<br />

bloc tc decide Low they were<br />

going tc rate on the resolutions.<br />

On the second day of the conference,<br />

the delegates met In<br />

their respective rommlttees to<br />

begin debate on their ionics.<br />

Also on the second day of the<br />

conference there wa» a dance<br />

held for the delegates.<br />

On the final da* of the meeting<br />

, the committee! completed<br />

any unfinished business, then<br />

elected a delegate to est gavo students who perfcrm<br />

weU In thtf'clatsroom a cbanco<br />

to »bow wh«t they could do<br />

octslde.of the claaruonu<br />

Both Pao and Patfrelch admitted<br />

that English U their favorite<br />

subjeic.. <strong>The</strong>y both write<br />

for "<strong>The</strong> Myriad," the school**<br />

lircrary in^azlne of which Pao<br />

Is the :i.'!:«t cU»f. She Is<br />

alto 3 staff member and assistant<br />

editor of' <strong>The</strong> towelL"<br />

"1 '/as bappv to be acknowledged<br />

fur something I enjoy<br />

Joleg," taid Pao. "t write for<br />

the penoiul satisfaction ( receive,<br />

a*.d 1 like being able to<br />

express myself In a variety of<br />

ways."<br />

Pasttelch expressed his gratl-<br />

, tude: " It's nice to hive tome<br />

recognition bvcatue wrl'cis nsually<br />

work hard aad receive<br />

Utttecrnllt."<br />

Both students recilvetf certif*<br />

lutes of tuuot and rhelr twmct,<br />

wet e prinieJ In M bookbi of all<br />

1002 "'linen. :<br />

Pao plan* to attend either<br />

Star/ord University or Puget<br />

Sovnd Uiilvuilty and major In<br />

Spanish, pajuetch plarts to<br />

attend Yale University and<br />

major In Preach and Gcinun<br />

literature,'<br />

Bo;h students sxpvessed a<br />

keen Interest ID writing. Pasuelcb*<br />

who enjoy* wlricy, poet*<br />

i-y, stated, "I Iiope to continue<br />

Jotting down my poems and perceptions<br />

no nuuer what 1 may<br />

end up doing. Wilting end lit*<br />

erawra will always oc essential<br />

10 me,"<br />

Segregation remains<br />

problem in schools<br />

By Mark Uftgar<br />

Although many Americans<br />

consider racial segregation to<br />

be a problem of the past. It<br />

still pen tits In the nation's<br />

public tchooU* according to a<br />

recent Bay Area report.<br />

Youth News, an East Cay<br />

agency which produce* a weekly<br />

radio piogram for tcctugen ami<br />

researches Issues Important to<br />

today's youth, conducted the<br />

report by studying five local<br />

high schools and interviewing<br />

over 1,000 students.<br />

*T!ic %ctjx>lt have taken the<br />

steps of becoming diverse, *<br />

explained Lculs Ffcfldberg,<br />

policy director at Youth News<br />

and co*sjtS:>r of the study,<br />

"but tt,e wide gap between the<br />

different groups s:ill needs to<br />

be narrowed."<br />

One of the maior findings<br />

of the report Is that ethnic aod<br />

racial groups at high schools<br />

continue to separate themselves<br />

on campus, and Amedcao-born<br />

students generally Ignore new<br />

Immigrants coming into their<br />

schools. Tensions can develop<br />

between natives and Immigrants<br />


SnttNTAtS<br />

1341TA«4.1<br />

MM RUHCOCa CA. «1 U<br />


and tamstlmei deteriorate ILXO<br />

verbal Insults,' graffiti, and<br />

fighting.<br />

<strong>The</strong> study points out thct<br />

Advanced Placement and honors<br />

classes .it schools continue to<br />

have a mainly white and Asian<br />

composition. It notes that this<br />

pattern may actually sun at<br />

*h+ httUnr lilgH tehool lev*l -<br />

wticre ituJenu *va otiw gtoup^j<br />

by ability levels.<br />

"I think that icachtr* and<br />

counselors tend to pus!i the<br />

white and Asian students and<br />

think that blanks aod Chlcanm<br />

just atcu't interested in harder<br />

COUMCS," comntented senior<br />

Heather ParUb of Berkeley High<br />

School.<br />

Causes fcr the continue.^<br />

problems associated with «gregatics.<br />

Indicates the report,<br />

tre many.<br />

<strong>The</strong> report suggests mat sradents<br />

should help by organising<br />

more events which will attract<br />

people from all groups on campus,<br />

tuch ** International fain,<br />

Uktt LawtU'f Kwmtfw, and by<br />

ctutlng committein which deal'<br />

tpcc\ric*\ly wnh tltc problem of<br />

scgrtgatlon at their schools.<br />

It cites tlic lacl that the racial<br />

aiid ethnic make-up of the fac-<br />

' ulty seldom reflcca ilwt of the<br />

student body. That ccitaln gmura<br />

often dominate exaa-cunlcular<br />

ictlvirla, awl that many school<br />

admlnistxafHS dc little to amel- .<br />

lorate problem situ tat Ions.<br />

NOWISnS11METdRES£a«^<br />


It* time m hunt for *ummer jobs again. It'you'ie in hi^h school you<br />

know a summer job is a specie* on the brink ot extinction.<br />

But suppose ^D*J could set a summer job that wa« full-time, go:<br />

>ou au-av iwrn h-?me. taught you a marketable sioH and cvm kept you on<br />

one weekend a n*jt.:h H'lnng tr


Frosh, sophs host exclusives<br />

By David lories<br />

Over 600 nuneuu mmed out<br />

' on the light of February 25 to<br />

eat ihiih-lubob and dance at<br />

Ffcabmaj Exclmive.<br />

Two wub plot to this event,<br />

600 iopbomoret danced and entoyed<br />

Ice cream undaes at their<br />

exclusive* "Subway to Heaven."<br />

"GooJ VlUailoW provided ibe "<br />

niuiic a*- the Freibman Exclusive<br />

and the Sophomore Class danced<br />

to the music of "Knight Wizards."<br />

"<strong>The</strong> student offlceis and the<br />

cLus workett ipent a great dcil of<br />

time preparing for tbe ome-a-<br />

apt<br />

year Freshman and Sophomore<br />

Exclustves," sutcd Marlon Conante?.<br />

Board of Clan Officers<br />

advisor. *"•<br />

Before 196U a* Jimlors and<br />

teuton will remember, the<br />

Junior and Senior Clasres abo<br />

sponsortd exclusive*.<br />

As LovcU mado the trauUIon<br />

from being a taree-year high<br />

tchuol to being a four-year high<br />

•cfaool, iV school dancei In-<br />

Dancing it "On the WIn$> of Ixnc,* the Freshman Exclusive<br />

creased by one-third.<br />

la a meeting with faeolry<br />

advisers. Principal Alan FibL-li<br />

decided tb eliminate the JcrCrr<br />

and Sector Eicluslves and restrict<br />

dances to one per month.<br />

la die fiimn, Goaralel hopes<br />

to eliminate food fmm the archislves<br />

to lower the ticket pclcet,<br />

making tho dancei limllai to<br />

SAB dances.<br />

Sophomores prepare banana boats for their errluslvc.<br />

Officers relocate<br />

By Susan Shlu<br />

Tbe student government<br />

office* located for the past<br />

several yean In Poom 263,<br />

has been relocated ;o B new<br />

site, the Student Activities<br />

Office In tha nuih corner of<br />

ths main courtyard, formerly<br />

the office of the Studen: ACHVlUes<br />

Board (SAB).<br />

<strong>The</strong> move was necessitated<br />

by a ihonige of classroom<br />

space on trie main campus this<br />

iprlng with the eUrcinatlor, of<br />

tbe South Campus at LouUo<br />

Lombard ScbooL<br />

itoom 262 has been returned<br />

as a clastxcft:. It baa served<br />

at a 'hang our for three of the<br />

fow school govern inent boards.<br />

la addldon to providing mew-<br />

ing space, U housed tbr officers*<br />

ditto machine, doks, and<br />

storage arsa for spirit Items.<br />

Even chough It has been converted<br />

to a cUwoctn, student<br />

officers have btcn able to retain<br />

storage space In the room.<br />

fctarUn Gcnzaler, science<br />

teacher and Board of Class<br />

Officers spounr, sutcd, " <strong>The</strong><br />

SAD wa* not overly pleuted<br />

about tbe change since la members<br />

had to give up space In<br />

their old headquarters."<br />

Clan officers have stated<br />

that they have not been accepted<br />

In their newiy assigned area'<br />

and have made Gonzalez's<br />

office In Itoom 256 their new<br />

hangout.<br />

Spirit<br />

competition<br />

approaches<br />

1 Upcoming events 5<br />

• •<br />

2 March 17 Senior Ro'.ler Skattag Party, . £\<br />

• "Hurts So Good," Grand Arena •<br />

• Roller Skating Rick, 7-10 p.m. •<br />

March 19 Song CUl/Splrlt Competttlnn. gyin •<br />

March 25 Monte Carlo Night, gym, .»<br />

7-11 p.m. g.<br />

By Sandi Murakami<br />

Spirit squads from all over •<br />

the city will vie for top honors<br />

a: LoweU'i Second Annual Invitational<br />

Spirit CompezUlor<br />

which li scheduled for March 19<br />

lu tbe school gymnasium.<br />

Vanity and junior varsity<br />

tong girts r.nd '.hecrleaders from<br />

Mission, St. ROM. £1 CamJno,<br />

Mercy. Galileo, and Lincoln<br />

High Schools will be feme of<br />

the competing teams. <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

spirit squads wilt not compete<br />

because they are hosting :he<br />

«vent.<br />

Lisa Fung, <strong>Lowell</strong> varsity<br />

song girl, Is co-coordinator of<br />

the event with Ethan Pale, <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

vanity cheerleader.<br />

Fung stated, "<strong>The</strong> competition<br />

Is a good way to bring schools<br />

together to show their spirit and<br />

tn onchanga IUJ**. -<br />

Pak added, "I hope lots of<br />

people come because It i% going<br />

to be a lot of fun,"<br />

Spectators are welcomed at<br />

the cent. An admission fee of<br />

SO cents will be charged. <strong>The</strong><br />

competition will begin at 1*30<br />

s*m. find will last until mldifierr.eon.<br />

<strong>The</strong> University of California<br />

at EcVeley cbcerlr iders will<br />

judge the event and put on a<br />

performance. Trophies, .medals,<br />

and spirit awardi will be given<br />

to the deserving teams and<br />

Individuals.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'i Board of Clan Officers<br />

will oveaee the refreshmenu.<br />

Seniors wilt sell popcorn.<br />

Sophomores will sell<br />

drinks, and tbe Japanese Club<br />

will sell terlyaU burgers and<br />

potato chlpa.<br />

Cancelled 'Sock Hop 9 lives again<br />

ByUsaMlley<br />

"Rock This Town,- the annual<br />

*50i-'60s dance, attrieted some<br />

•100 students on February 18.<br />

r<br />

OOR&ZOfi )<br />

fa-zx-$S) l<br />

• THE lOWOL<br />

Sponsored by the Student<br />

Activities Bot id (SAB), tile<br />

dance was designed to benefit<br />

LovcU's Physical Education<br />

•AftPPV SW££T<br />

°<br />

DepartnieRt.<br />

Vanessa Goodrich, SAB chairperson,<br />

announced, "Unfoftimately.<br />

tbe affair only broke even,<br />

so the P. E. Department will not<br />

get what we had hoped."<br />

<strong>The</strong> original date Tor tbe 'SOs- *<br />

'Cos-Sock Hop-was slated for<br />

January 2B, but a power ourage<br />

at <strong>Lowell</strong> forced the eveut to be<br />

cancelled.<br />

Refunds were offered to tLe<br />

original tlcket-botders, bat few<br />

took advantage of the offer.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y appeared to feel, as<br />

Junior Uura Angula did, that<br />

It was"... worth the wall."<br />

Attendees bopped, bopped,<br />

and twisted to the minds of<br />

FAite ind the Buppen.<br />

i<br />

March IT. 1983


Trances' shines<br />

Jessica Urge it the tormented Frances termer<br />

8y Katie Young<br />

"Frances 1 * is the sfxy of<br />

Frances Fanner, a flety, freespirited<br />

American actress of<br />

the I93u'» and '40s.<br />

Beginning h+t career -n a<br />

Paramount Pictures golden<br />

girl, a role whj-li the dctpised<br />

yet tucd to gain a foothold on<br />

Broadway, sho gained popularity<br />

In a short drac<br />

Her rierce Indepccdcnce and<br />

nnwllllngneu to conform to<br />

convention led many, particularly<br />

her mother, to believe<br />

that ibe was Insane.<br />

Accordingly, she w.u shipped<br />

in and out of mental Institutions<br />

fcr many ycrrs.<br />

Kim Stanley handles the role<br />

what motives wee behind her<br />

actions.<br />

Frances! father, too, is a<br />

confining character. <strong>The</strong><br />

itcry-linc builds up a confron-<br />

tadon between he and hie wife.<br />

yet the confrontation never<br />

evolves.<br />

Judging from his part la the<br />

film, It seems u though the<br />

writers could not decide whether<br />

or not to make him a mafor<br />

or minor character so they<br />

lefr him somewhere In between.<br />

Sam Shepard aUo turns In a<br />

fine performance as Harry.<br />

Frances* secret confidante..<br />

Lange really comes Into her<br />

own la "Frances." In fact, the<br />

role has earned her in Academy<br />

I Award Nomination for Best Act-<br />

Ircss. Ironically, i<br />

i content ion tit the same award.<br />

' Respite lu flaws, "Frances"<br />

offers gripping drama and superb<br />

acting, "Frances" well<br />

merits a viewing.<br />

'Trace' fades away<br />

By Larry Goldberg<br />

If one were to compile a<br />

list of the ten wont movies<br />

of recent times, "Without a<br />

Trace" would definitely be on<br />

ft.<br />

<strong>The</strong> film is destined to be<br />

classified as one of Hollywood's<br />

most boring productions. It<br />

drags on for nearly two hours<br />

and never goes anywhere.<br />

Kate Newman stan as a<br />

mother whote 7-year-old son<br />

disappear! on his way to school.<br />

Judd Hutch (best known for bis<br />

role u Alex on the TV series<br />

"Taxi") plays a vetdnn detective<br />

assigned to find the<br />

missing child.<br />

Neither actor gives a very<br />

convincing performance, due<br />

most likely to the awful scrcenpla).<br />

<strong>The</strong> dialogue Is to bad<br />

that It becomes funny.<br />

Another weak axsa 'n the<br />

film Is the directing. Stanley<br />

Mfc(the director) appears to<br />

hare DO Idea of bow :o Keep<br />

an audience Interested.<br />

He speeds several minutes<br />

filming Nelligan reading the<br />

newipiper or lining In the<br />

bathtub or Just standing around.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se techniques are acceptable<br />

fot a «ia life photographer,<br />

but not for a movie df.jctor.<br />

In many films In which the<br />

story rends to drag, there Is a<br />

creative musical score to help<br />

keep the pace moving. This<br />

U not the case In "Without a<br />

Trace."<br />

As the story progresses, Klrsch<br />

and Nelligan search for (ho<br />

missing chlM without success.<br />

<strong>The</strong> story taken place over a<br />

period of about six months.<br />

When the child Is finally<br />

!?catcd. It take* 30 police<br />

offices from two states to take<br />

him home. Don't they have<br />

any criminals to go after?<br />

Ev-ry action that Htrscb take*<br />

can be anticipated three scenes<br />

In advance. <strong>The</strong>re simply Is<br />

no suspense. This goo to illustrate<br />

the lack of thought that<br />

went Into the making of this<br />

movie.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Idea of using a rra^Ic<br />

topic like a kidnapping aj the<br />

basis for a motion picture Is<br />

not a bad one. Thousand* of<br />

parent, send their Uds off to<br />

school each day assuming they<br />

will come home<br />

Unfortunately, the best part<br />

of going to sec * Without a<br />

Trace" Is the popcorn.<br />

Table' is set 'MASH' bids a sad goodbye<br />

By Lilly Slu<br />

If you arc thinking of going<br />

to i?e "Table for Five" at the<br />

Alexandria <strong>The</strong>atre, don't hesfrate<br />

any longer ••• and doc't<br />

forget your Kleenex.<br />

"Table for rive" U a touching<br />

movie about both a father's and<br />

a stepfather's love for three<br />

children.<br />

tea Volgttt stars as J. P. Tan*<br />

oen. a man who, after having<br />

left hl> wife and ctilldren several<br />

yean earlier, returns to<br />

mates aMcnds with his children<br />

by taklcg them ou a crclse of<br />

the Mediterranean.<br />

While they are on the<br />

cruise, their mother, played<br />

by Millie Perkins, Is Mllad In<br />

a ear accident, and Volght Is<br />

left to Dante the rMldren's steptauter,<br />

played by Richard Crcnia,<br />

In a custody fight.<br />

As the roovl i develop). It Is<br />

evident that both men love the<br />

children profoundly! bocc, the<br />

custody fight u tearfully painful<br />

to the very end. ,,-. •<br />

Both Volght and Cienna are<br />

powerful acd heUevaM? in the<br />

leading roles, and combined<br />

wlthisttoogsupoottWjcTau . ".<br />

UueblT. MM<br />

they make the movie thine.<br />

An especially moving moment<br />

comes when Volght musttell<br />

his children that dielr<br />

mother has died, explaining that<br />

nothing lasts forever, and they<br />

must live on.<br />

"Table tor Five" Is not only<br />

emotionally capavatlcg, but<br />

visually pleasing a> well, with<br />

beautiful scene £ot on the<br />

Mediterranean -.uJ In -;>•?


Matthews likeable in 'Uncle Vanya 9<br />

By Uah Karllner<br />

disruption.'<br />

<strong>The</strong> American Ccntcrvatory<br />

<strong>The</strong>aierV(ACT) production of<br />

Anton Checkov'i "Unc'e Vanya"<br />

b twth psychologically Intriguing<br />

and humorcus.<br />

<strong>The</strong> nory take* place in a<br />

middle-class house In the countryitde<br />

of Cxa.iii Russia. Vanya<br />

b the uncle of the family and<br />

owns the home, lie iia middleaged<br />

man who feeb he has watted<br />

hiJ life working to support hb<br />

brother-in-law, th«P*ofes£?£.<br />

At (he play opera, the Professor<br />

has recently retired from<br />

hU position as in art historian<br />

at tue university. Me goet 10<br />

lWc with bU daughter who Is<br />

living In the household of her<br />

Uncle Vanya. Hb lotioductlon<br />

' Into the family setting causa %<br />

<strong>The</strong> Profettof'j wife, Yctcna,<br />

b young and beautiful and attracts<br />

more than her sharn of attention.<br />

Uncle Vanya fall* in love with<br />

her* as does the Doctor, who is<br />

a frequent visitor to the houic<br />

<strong>The</strong> story revolves around<br />

these complicated rclatlonihipt<br />

as Chccko* uses Inane situations<br />

to show how helpless and despondent<br />

the characters are.<br />

<strong>The</strong> entire cast delivers excellent<br />

performance*.<br />

Perei Donat as the i*octo:<br />

brings forth both humor and<br />

desperation and delivers the<br />

most outstanding Interpretation<br />

among the members of the cuu<br />

Dakln Matthews portrtyi a<br />

bclievaMy pathetic Uncle Vanya<br />

and * routes tbfl sympathies or<br />

—.--•Two nwimben ol ihc rock group "til<br />

Comedians amuse<br />

at 'heart benefit 9<br />

By Randy Koss<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was a capacity crowd<br />

tt &c Old Waldorf, tocateJ at<br />

444 Battery Street, en February<br />

IS, IS8-1. for K-Ute 95's Sccc.nd<br />

Anbu»l LIte-Heaned Comedy<br />

Benefit.<br />

Featured comedians Or. Gonio,<br />

Kevin Pollak, Jim Simueb. Ray<br />

Ooo!ws:, and cracee Doug Kehae<br />

filled the idJlcnces' hearu with '<br />

laughter.<br />

i<br />

atlon of "Th-i Sourd of Miuic"<br />

r>nd "<strong>The</strong> Cars" an amusing<br />

balbd which will be airing on<br />

M.T.V. next month.<br />

Following Gonzo, Booker, an<br />

unscheduled pcrformet, ammed<br />

the audience with hilarious nutcriaU<br />

Hb final jofe left the<br />

audience dying of laughter.<br />

Pollak. mnner-up of the t3S2<br />

San Francisco Comedy Compc;-<br />

Itlon. su:ccedcd Booker.<br />

Kehos, xho hu performed at<br />

various clubs mmgbout tha Day<br />

A«a. wjtmed«p the crowd<br />

jrfiih sorio origin! material.<br />

^•Nextec\wajDr. Gonw, who'<br />

- »»le the show wtti his gulur<br />

».-his comiinloa. Ills orfgin-l<br />

: - t>t!ct to cUcr nines aid the<br />

Last up was Saimsb, the<br />

winner of the SJO FrancIKO<br />

competltloo, wlio used clever<br />

satire for a numerous ead to<br />

the eTuilog.<br />

For J10. it vii ucnhwMle<br />

seeing tich taleoted conedUu<br />

and, M the same time, coottib-<br />

Kdleare rolUag In the aisles. .Jltinj to the American Hurt<br />

'.. -Heetided>rtliylngacomHn- ABCCUUOO.<br />

the audience.<br />

Other nrlVtag nharacteritaiioru<br />

ire crejted by Barbara Dltfckion<br />

as Sonya, Debotah May at Yclena,<br />

and William Patenon at<br />

the Profcssoi.<br />

This production utilizes .1<br />

vena tile set which b easily<br />

manipulated to serve as a<br />

terrace, the dining room, and<br />

ttic drawing room of the house.<br />

Coiiumlng b quite cifactive.<br />

<strong>The</strong> en tit e production is enjoyable<br />

and dealt with a number<br />

of thought -provoking Issues<br />

which are with us today, such<br />

ai environmental awareness<br />

and itagnatlon In a mlddlccUts<br />

society.<br />

"Uncle Vanya* will pby In<br />

repertory at the Ceary <strong>The</strong>ater<br />

through March.<br />

Marbewi plays "Uncle Vanya* in ACT g.rodjct'ca<br />

Y&T rocks at Waldorf<br />

Hy KrtlCIoihlcr<br />

"I want you. I want you to<br />

reicuc nK," wew the lyrics<br />

of the song sung by one of the<br />

Bay Area's most DopuU; twmh<br />

in a recent concert pefurmance<br />

Y and T, which started In the<br />

early 70'* as Yesterday and<br />

Today, played to a sold-out<br />

crowd and made full use of<br />

the acotmlc merits cf rt-e Old<br />

Waldorf.<br />

Included fn the repertoire here<br />

many faH-parcJ sr;s which<br />


March 3 i 4<br />


March 10 & 11<br />


March 17 & 18<br />

lurh'ai "Hungry for Rock," work.<br />

"Alcohol," and "Hell or High Phil Ketaemorc, the ban<br />

Water."<br />

gulurbt, aw) Leonard Hayte,<br />

<strong>The</strong> conceit coded with an the drummer, gave perfect<br />

encore performance of "Black balance to the tound.<br />

Tiller," the title song from he One of the outstanding tjuaigroup'*<br />

la tilt album.<br />

Hies of Y and T b that while<br />

Dave Mrnikettl, the lead each member has his strong .<br />

guitariit and lead vocalist, points, no one takes over rorr-<br />

highlighted the performance plctcly.<br />

with his unmbtakeablc sound This tour was Y and T't Ust<br />

and Inexhaustible energy. small-club tour. Due to :lte<br />

Mcnlkctil and .iiythm guitar lit band's increailrg popularity,<br />

Joey Alves :tole the (how with ^e group plans tc perform in<br />

their duos and complimenting iarger halls In the future.<br />

FILMS at 8.F. STATE<br />


THIRD KIND Special Edition<br />

March 24 One day only<br />


April 7 6 8<br />

DIVA<br />

April U & IS<br />


April 21 & 22<br />


April 26 & 29<br />


May 5 & 6<br />



May 12 & 13<br />

l.^l,H..'U.1JjU.T^I/-«<br />

EQUl'S<br />

March I<br />


March 3<br />

BREATmXSS &<br />


Mr.rch 15<br />

Single Admission for boch<br />

Ellas<br />

TOMMY A Rack Opera<br />

March 22<br />



April 12<br />


April 19<br />


April 26<br />


May 3<br />


TO MY LOVE<br />

May 10<br />

sKs<br />

9I<br />


* S^^SK ^0*^B sis flr >sHs^Bk .^flBfew Hft B7 I<br />

fl ci9> ^^^ ^^m IVH oBt 'aW s^^V^x^H MnP^^^^M ^Bi^L a^V<br />

wHF. V^aj^HF ^S^sa^av : »^^^^ ^^L^lsv a^V wIsV I<br />

""*"*"""*""*"''""*"—•"*"•—* — — -» — —• — — — -I<br />


March 17. 1933<br />

•J<br />

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a conce^<br />

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ihcatc<br />

Devil in<br />

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Cyme h:\<br />

New Jci<br />

Tne<br />

veteran<br />

ihekftr<br />

\n t<br />

by<br />

and the<br />

|<br />

toiin'<br />

fcrth<br />

JcanL<br />

Is I<br />



Stones roll<br />

in new film<br />

By Ma^ Joyce,<br />

Although the Rolling Scone;'<br />

ccv movie, "Let's Spend the<br />

Night Together," may disappoint<br />

tnme, viewers who van* ic U-J<br />

a concert movie shcuki ^njoy<br />

themselvs.<br />

. Tha Stones' record-breaking<br />

i9Bl US. tour Is the tubject or<br />

the 94-mInute film nude from<br />

340,000 feet of footajn lowing<br />

the Stones* performance* at Sun<br />

Devil Stadlurr In Tempe, Arizona,<br />

and it the Meadowbnds<br />

Byrne Arena In East Ruthczfo'd,<br />

New Jersey.<br />

Tbe Stcncs are comparative<br />

\ctcrans it appearing In film*:<br />

their (Lit, "T.A.M.I, Show,*<br />

(n 10o4| loci ided ap>*4rsnrci<br />

by Chuck Bony, James Brown*<br />

and the Supreme<br />

"Charlie U My Darling"<br />

•Joe undented their 1965 IroUn-1<br />

iourj*"One PIu* One/Sympathy<br />

foe the frtivll,"' directed by<br />

Jean Luc Codard, appeared In,<br />

19SB: "Gimme Shelter," cov


Bagnol, Torres work 'Special Olympics 9<br />

ByCbondra A.<br />

V Wetting with lucdteappsd<br />

Individuals requires a £r* tt deal<br />

: of luultlvlty, dallcatloa* aw><br />

patlcucc, Seotorr Lrti* B*gnr>.'<br />

and Exre. Torre* d«n;or.jw»te<br />

thc;a train by vplauirwlng u<br />

coacbet for ttie special fjly '<br />

mplcs.<br />

"1 first becamo Involve*, with<br />

the Special Clyraoic* thrcMgn •<br />

the Red Ctctt, Since I*m lacerated<br />

in working with sports a:islasm the<br />

athletes often exhibit*<br />

Voluntcrn, too ire<br />

'rewarded, in the form of<br />

T<br />

i dinner In their honor,<br />

they have "... gained knowledge<br />

of what hindU>apoei! peopU)<br />

tponr.»:cd by the Special realty arc; l.ovtnf* people who<br />

Olympics Committee. Nk>re need to be lo/etl la return..."<br />

imporunr, though, u ths satis- Concluded 3agnal,"<strong>The</strong> caly<br />

faction 'bey are able to feel by difference between tliem ani us<br />

helping othen reach tbcIrgoaU Is that they can icccpt us, but<br />

After graduation. Toner plans<br />

to attend e<br />

Le« has found that she I, more **^,<br />

jcoiltive to whit the calls-ntv- Leejoooly rejiemcholcslcalslsr.als.-<br />

Shere«U- * el- *» "a* •>"«!<br />

ed one Insunce during tnc summ- boy.vrc Uad never<br />

et when she helped a glil ;n her K" * "« BtTore<br />

teuu look Tot a costume (or a (the OfT hai" p'acio<br />

masquerade. a VAiitt nr£t to one<br />

•I Icr her loose In the costume taltehfa: climb),<br />

clo»;t and she bid a bat!." Lee JtK 1 4e ttko coulda't<br />

• unlied,-... then, when she<br />

- coulda't find something she<br />

reaUyvanteJ. she.crwd.-<br />

March VI, 1983'<br />

March 17,1

mm-<br />

I Alison<br />

Lee<br />

Helping Others<br />

ind, deaf campers<br />

aperitive and leaned forward. "Yt>u<br />

i« said, "she wanted a ccstume that<br />

Mke her look like someone else,.. b jd-Jpent<br />

a lot of time with her, I'd fcr-<br />

Itoot her facial deformities. But *hc<br />

gjto.ntfn a lot of ilgmh lik-a that be-<br />

411;worryta£ aboat something ebe. S'CH<br />

ftnmow sensitive ani open to people."<br />

Oer aspect of the handicapped, espclmpJlred,<br />

that Impressed<br />

i/ In which t**je blind "perceived<br />

f clow to tfau Mind glrl.'Ue<br />

B was 13, bat physically, she<br />

*t\a feven. When t got tr» know her<br />

£>Qld tell me votlcs about everyd*)<br />

ie continued,"'.at wouldc -d.'tC<br />

wrniM be to be sighted.<br />

i>ooW Cneta a wrt of Polaroid<br />

I^Ualx wasused, you rouUl smell<br />

i: made aVa real-<br />

But why would a healthy teen--<br />

*ge Rttl want to take five weeVi<br />

out of her summer vacation to<br />

work wltrt the handicapped?<br />

Lcc looked avay for a moment<br />

before replying,"! had io find the<br />

answers to A lot of questions 1 bad<br />

about m'-iclf. 1 wsm't quitu<br />

sure of what I wanted to do as a<br />

career. I thou^Iit I wanted to<br />

wotk with the handicapped, so<br />

wben I saw the ad postcu for<br />

lateroihtpt at Enchanted Hills,<br />

I jus' V4M for It,..it takes a<br />

person wbo kntwt how to h*.<br />

A mother, a friend, a&d a child,<br />

she later coc v *4uc'ed.<br />

Lee w;ll probably pursue a<br />

career tn medicine with emptiaz\\<br />

on the care of the handicapped.<br />

Though she ha.* considered with<br />

the psychological upect, she<br />

feels Jhe doesn't know If she's<br />

"... emotionally stable trhelp<br />

Kids with cancer Hherapy' to Lee<br />

By Djn»F>lk<br />

Some people hjve li. and<br />

tome people don't - ifi ai simple<br />

.« ilm. Vft-i I: -^ma<br />

•o loch d»llo:9 nuit-<br />

stricken ^j Orany<br />

Uc Is one person who -hai ir,<br />

and has /Jdden k to emotiooal<br />

and serviceable heighu<br />

It was by chance that U?<br />

came across tl« Children's<br />

Cancet Imtitrtc tn San Frcnclsco,<br />

wnere he ipea: a good many<br />

hours working last r-imtrrr.<br />

Sptered by the Multl Service<br />

Center for Koreans (M5C)Q,<br />

which offered to pay him for<br />

wotk experience, Uc *oi o-«<br />

to find A worthy came.<br />

"Ii was up to me to find a<br />

job," explained Lee. who discovered<br />

the institute while<br />

leafing through t'nc phone book.<br />

From the outset, though, it<br />

•Cue chltaer* *lt!i woxa rw<br />

wctkkd ranged In ape from 6-14,<br />

and all toted IV bott'ci so they<br />

coutd leave theli rooms. L^c<br />

hlmietf desctibed his role at<br />

the tniiltuic *t"...a baby*<br />

sitter M sons..." terpoostbte<br />

for playing wi'b the children and<br />

helping them R2t around.<br />

la the bcglpnlTj, Lcc was<br />

afraid that the lids would reicm<br />

him, or wcuU regard him as<br />

*... a guy who though: he was<br />

doing some gtut deed by by<br />

talking to the poor little kHs<br />

with cancer...•<br />

"1 tried not to she*, .at attl*<br />

tudc though..." he confided.<br />

tjulro fond of his new friend.<br />

"What vas really sad,* he<br />

renurked.-was that I had talked<br />

with the girl for aboutoa hour, '<br />

and when | came back the t»—*<br />

week, ihft couldn't remenber<br />

wbo i was. That was kind of<br />

palrtfuL*<br />

A no i he t extraordinary friend<br />

of his vru a J2-year-old boy wbo<br />

had the rare ability to repeat the<br />

exact vcrtes and spew out direct<br />

quotes frar.i the trilogy of<br />

books written by J.R.R. Tolkien<br />

<strong>The</strong>se are not "12-year-ola"<br />

books, and, >cco.V;ng to Lee,<br />

din thought of It w»s falrty profound.<br />

"M sort of slummed me<br />

against a wail of realization."<br />

"...ooc ro be overly sympathetic <strong>The</strong> itvclatiotu continued<br />

or overly j-jyfuL " throughout the course of the<br />

WUc move. Lcc Wat accepted, wnaner. Even through the<br />

at lean by moil, :i a friend unlikely medium or a bingo<br />

rather titan as a "do-gooder" from 8 amc « "e "** able to get tcmc<br />

the itan. On: boy, he related,<br />

even dra^giJ him to play video<br />

games with him hu very first<br />

dj^ tlieie.<br />

-I'd say great! Surel...and<br />

then I'd get beaten." Lee Joked.<br />

In times like these, it becomes<br />

became apparen: thftt thU crpct Cii V Io to S ct ctmc tn people,<br />

ience wouldn't be nearly at especially under wch sad clrcum-<br />

c-iuil fo.-hlm :x<br />

tut unearthing of It,<br />

Even In hu inici -<br />

vinw, thcdlrecto;<br />

of the Institute gave<br />

him 9 K.rt cf •cnv>*<br />

"You have to be<br />

prepared. If you<br />

cumu weekly* to<br />

face the reality that<br />

someone you taw<br />

l~jt week rruy ort<br />

bebctethU wcoy<br />

Lee repeated,"that<br />

question of death - ..<br />

it was so teal, soclcce...<br />

It was ptetty stanllug."<br />

With the Interview behind<br />

him, bis first dav on the Jcb<br />

.was not quite as dramatic but<br />

easily as cyc-openlrg<br />

"I thought that cancer was<br />

a disease that doesn't really<br />

ihow," Lee admitted.<br />

J.Vt so. Expoted to children<br />

with visible tumors, and those<br />

who had lost much of their<br />

half from chemotherapy and<br />

radiation treatment, Lcc was<br />

Children's cancer worker Dcrniy Lcc<br />

stances. Lcc, too, voiced a concern<br />

in thli respect.<br />

"I knew it was a tlntc-limited<br />

job," he noted,"...but I had ti.it*<br />

this fear of getting too attached<br />

to them."<br />

This psychological wariness<br />

did not erase many of the mctnoric*<br />

he RP?0S, however. Several<br />

experiences white M the Institute<br />

stood out especially vividly<br />

tn hit mind.<br />

Lee relived the time one of<br />

the girls there struck up a < on-<br />

".../ had this fear of getting<br />

too attached to them..."<br />

taken ahask by the severity of<br />

it.<br />

"It sort of slammed me<br />

against a wall of realization."<br />

be recalled.<br />

Having had no practical<br />

experience beforehand, tt must<br />

have been a ratter solid walL<br />

Nevertheless. Lee went It alone,<br />

usually spending 3-4 hours a day<br />

ihete, on a bi-weekly basis.<br />

Later, he explf loed that he had<br />

Intended u» go five days a week,<br />

but that the dkectoe had advised<br />

him otherwise.<br />

ee was told,<br />

Lee heeded the warning.<br />

venation with him.<br />

"t figured ihe'd be about 13<br />

because that** hew *hc looked,<br />

so I treated Ircr as Mich." he<br />

reljied.<br />

. ln.\ctcaliTy, the''girt" was<br />

22 yeau old. Lee later dixovercd<br />

that sue had had cancer when<br />

she wu In her late teens. At<br />

that time » gified student, the<br />

doctors tried an experimental<br />

radlat!'*.. ueatraent on her.<br />

which regressed both her physical<br />

body and her mind to approximately<br />

that of a 13-ycar-otd.<br />

This new* had a big Impact on<br />

HU elderibut b*i<br />

Insight Into human nature.<br />

Lee found that even the older<br />

kid*, who would not not malty<br />

be intercttcc In bingo, played<br />

the game with Intense enthusiasm.<br />

Cathercl Lee,"I think the<br />

basic phltosophy or thoie kids<br />

was *llve In the present'. I<br />

don't think they<br />

bid any choice.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y can't live In<br />

the present like wo<br />

On the whole,<br />

Lee regarded his<br />

g summsr at the Insti-<br />

~~ rute as z growing<br />

experience.<br />

"I think I learned<br />

that whether thero U<br />

a purpose to life or not,<br />

the main thing Is,<br />

wu were put here<br />

to live. <strong>The</strong>

I.<br />

-Stone' offers variety<br />

•:'. By Sauly K«l<br />

Sex U oof iho only thing offered<br />

orr flashy arcaarfay Street<br />

neat Sip. Al's ami ilw Adam and<br />

SveCtab; ;-•;•<br />

Tilt Stone, a nl^Olctab looted<br />

on groadwa; nut Montgomay.<br />

ofTen * vailety of mullc and<br />

diuwiniLOn weekends ind sorsetlmee<br />

phaeslc nights.<br />

For varying admission p ice,<br />

one nu the chance to listen to<br />

tome well-tnabllthcd local<br />

bands play a varlttty of muslr.<br />

Including new wave, regjue,<br />

rock, and Jan.<br />

In the fraot of the club U a<br />

bar which servo alcoholic bevenges<br />

and soft Jrinio at reasonable<br />

prices. !.Unoa pay an<br />

earn SI* 50 and recel'e a soft<br />

drink ticket.<br />

<strong>The</strong> bands - some popular<br />

and some relatively oUcuro -<br />

play -t a fairly loud level,<br />

nuking conversation a bl: dlfflcult,<br />

but poalble If cne raises<br />

bis vote.<br />

If Is no< uncommon to hear<br />

such bunds as Tbe Edge, Toe<br />

Tasmania*! Devils, Ttojeny<br />

Music calendar tells all<br />

'.'•'.- ..By Alison BloomfleM<br />

VWiaaigive* • complete listing<br />

cf upcoming Pay Ami events In<br />

ait entoiialnlng fjrinat «od has<br />

etching w do with Radio Stsiloti<br />

XUEU It U the magazine "Mus-(<br />

tcC«lefO«."<br />

.. rbiJ tasteful, diverse monthly<br />

T«VH a l.tt*4i,<br />

>Music Calendar* also coven<br />

jam, comedy, indcUuIcat<br />

mujlCf Uti Ic more ol a feature -<br />

ityie th»n eomplste-coverag)<br />

ttyln.<br />

Hew releases are coverd<br />

which llit t,te word. Ubt>I<br />

(Including such *s P-Uky Records<br />

and Off tbo Wall Street Record*),<br />

company. *ddiea, • ptctms of<br />

coevmunt about the record.<br />

Nix: jAR.es a review o\ nnw<br />

ctKbi aoJ then "RoeLbeac" which<br />

covers the local sccre including<br />

recent shows and rising bands.<br />

Interlaced between the regular<br />

sections are various feature<br />

articlej wlin such tines »i Tsychli<br />

llygleix," "Affo-J"ooRour^-up,"<br />

ant! *D*/ Area Women*) PhilbirmoDlc."<br />

<strong>The</strong> ccrrerfold of the publication<br />

Is a two-naga section called<br />

"Pta of the Month** contnlnlng<br />

"M»tc Calendar's* choices of<br />

ttte best chows to see during we<br />

ctresnt month cod a luting of<br />

thenarrcs, adJreua, and iclu-<br />

Garcia Band, SVTt or <strong>The</strong> Uptones<br />

play at this showcase night<br />

club.<br />

<strong>The</strong> SK-ne also bo!ds various<br />

contests and public participation<br />

events. A recent gala affair was<br />

a guitar graOge-match, a war<br />

of guitars u discover the best<br />

In Ihn Bay Are.1.<br />

with no plans for a Satuzday<br />

nlgh!, one could do worse tlian<br />

spiad an evening at <strong>The</strong> Stone.<br />

It Is ponlblo to have a good time<br />

there at a relatively reasonable<br />

price.<br />

Laserium projects lights, music<br />

By Bang-YI Sblu<br />

Abstnct shapes, lurrldte<br />

geomcaleal figures, Bright<br />

lights. Muilc Alloftheie<br />

malu up '^e eletncau of a laser<br />

SIIDW calkd "Usertutn," prworned<br />

In tbo Morrison Planetarium<br />

In Golden Gate Park.<br />

Pencil-thin beams or light<br />

foctu 00 * dome-shaped celUng,<br />

creating different patterns by<br />

moving light bcatm jr a very<br />

fas: rate arouud tbe dorre with<br />

powerful urers.<br />

. 'fl<br />

lasczlst, declared, "<strong>The</strong> colon .<br />

a» brighter and .icher than any<br />

movie could hope to project."<br />

Just as Imporunc as the lasers<br />

Is the music.; It is used to help (<br />

set trx pnvcr mood. For example,<br />

with cloudy, nebulous patterns,<br />

soft, il'w music Is played.<br />

Currently, "Laserium" t'eatuirs<br />

two new laser shows. • <strong>The</strong> Crystal<br />

OOyney Is a fsniaiy with classical<br />

Club goes both ways<br />

phoas numben cf clubs, taverns,<br />

placet of entertainment, imusenvurr,<br />

a^d frolic In San Franclsca,<br />

Msrln, and the North and<br />

South Bay.<br />

Tbue are other sections,<br />

pear Luna" with all<br />

Ms©* of hilarious advice and<br />

not Just fw 'ho lovelorn. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

are iwo - Top T«o*s." classified<br />

«ds, and "Burning Earl," commantmg<br />

on who u doing what<br />

tny.icr.iwic scene.<br />

By KrU Clothlei<br />

Where t>i San Francisco can<br />

one hear both giy and stralgln<br />

performing corned law?<br />

TT.e answer Is Valencia (U>te.<br />

a comedy nightclub which features<br />

a -gay comedy night."<br />

Ron Lanza, along with his<br />

pat men Ward Smiih and Hank<br />

Wilson, wanted to open a club<br />

thai would concern Itself mainly<br />

with gay comedy In a relaxed<br />

atmotptiete.<br />

"We hava the only club In<br />

ing as a cemedy club.<br />

without teflon of separation."<br />

<strong>The</strong> club has been In business <strong>The</strong> club alto features special<br />

for a year and often a varied guest petfennets such as.Jano'<br />

program fa* lu cut to men. Doinackcr and Automatic Pilot.<br />

Every Monday nlg.it Valencia Geoijjft Busche, a popular COB*A±/<br />

Roie holds a "Cay Open Mite Un, recently tlnlsfced a luccew- i-<br />

Klghr w»ien gueits are ensourajieo ful six-week eDgagernentT<br />

to try tltelr talents as rfmedians.<br />

Valencia Rose also serves as -<br />

Situiday nlghta ate" Late Com- a cafe which U epen from 10<br />

edy Nights" with featured comed- a. m. to 3 p. m. seven daw ;<br />

ians.<br />

week, serving such dishes ><br />

While Valencia Rose does A Juki Bean Soup acd Splnar<br />

feature mainly gay comics, tbo Tlmbale.<br />

"Muilc Calendar" luu a lot 10 San Franr.tsco In which gay owners encourage malght com-<br />

.offer the careV, consumer who comics can joko about their edians and audiences to attend. <strong>The</strong> restaurant save* Friday<br />

wants to know oa what entertain- live*," Ltnza said.<br />

Describing the club, Lanza and Saturuay night dinners.<br />

ment he should spend his money.<br />

TTa magazine Is frcj at record<br />

norfs, theaters, and many of the<br />

places which advertise in the<br />

publication.<br />

It ii pottibi« 10 h*v« " Mutic<br />

Originally a funeral parlor stated, "We wanted to create "Our prices are very reasooablr,<br />

that became an antique stoce, ume place where both gays and and out chef Is a genl^," Lanza<br />

Valencia Rose ha* fourd It: call- straight people could congregate stated.<br />

Dancing through night at Palladium<br />

Calendar de^vctcd to your<br />

home for $12 a year for 12 Issues,<br />

"Music Calendir" Is a complete<br />

guide to Bay Area emertalament<br />

In fine package, pick tip a copy<br />

tnd pcniJc<br />

A complete listing of what<br />

!s going on day-by-day In the<br />

Bay Area Is locked In a section<br />

near the back of :hc magazine.<br />

Thi* section lists the date,<br />

the a] soul music. pending oa the crowds. Eoth<br />

Last November rock and roll disc Jockeys take requests.<br />

As one enters the hall, he<br />

descends a narrow, carpeted<br />

suitcase, paucs through ted<br />

rruslc, shown on Saturdays a.id velvet curtails, acd Is blinded<br />

Suodiys a; G p, m.<br />

by flashing lights.<br />

<strong>The</strong> second show, called Laser <strong>The</strong> Palladium has three small<br />

Rush, Includes music from tbe dance floors and two fully stocked<br />

bars. Though Thursday nlgha<br />

are not capacity crowd nights.<br />

end Saturdays provn<br />

difficult to find space on the<br />

dance ftuon*<br />

<strong>The</strong> ttirec wooden dance<br />

loors are lurrouided by small<br />

Jblei. Although the music Is<br />

oud, conversations arc not hard<br />

to tiold.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re Is a 13-feot video<br />

screen which seems to be blank<br />

most of the time.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lighting U effectively<br />

done, featur'ng mbrored rrannequins<br />

on the ceilings and<br />

fluorescent, strobe, and colored<br />

spotlights.<br />

Bar time Is Tram 9 p.m. to<br />

1:30 a.m. Scft drinks arrsenrni,<br />

bur the purchaser should beware<br />

of the expense. A glass of water<br />

costs Ti cents.<br />

Admission to <strong>The</strong> Palladium .<br />

It SS. Under consideration arc<br />

plans to open on other nights<br />

of the week. '<br />

group Rush's Uten album, "Signal.<br />

" It Is presented on Thursdavs<br />

at 9 p.m,, Fridays and Saturdays<br />

at 7:30 p. m.. 0 p. m., and 10:30<br />

p.m., and Sundays at 7:30 and<br />

-«p.m-<br />

Tlckcu ere available In advance<br />

at all Ticket-tron outlets<br />

7t at tbo itoor no minutes before<br />

tho show starts on a flm-come,<br />

lint-served basis.<br />


: ' . previously read books<br />

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I; FEATURE<br />

promoting racial divisions?<br />

•ThoPit." <strong>The</strong> C3?ctcriia<br />

Tbe courtyard. <strong>The</strong> back Uwn.<br />

All cio school bJiigff.u, and all<br />

.ire flicu where a single racial<br />

group dominates*<br />

This 1. a finding students<br />

acknowledged In a su'vey conducted<br />

by "it.c Lowcir (ice<br />

»to:y this page). As one ttudent<br />

surveyed put it, "It's practically<br />

traditional thai certain pbec*<br />

are established for certain rarlal<br />

gioupi."<br />

<strong>The</strong> common Jcnominator of<br />

p=op*e (n various hangoutt icemi<br />

to be race, rather than a mutual<br />

activity or interest.<br />

However, one exception may<br />

bv "<strong>The</strong> Jock Itench" located<br />

in a corner of tr»s center courtyard.<br />

According to people<br />

theie. iliii hangout, nude up<br />

of two benches pushed together.<br />

Is mainly Just 4 place for memben<br />

of \*\c vanity football and<br />

wrcstllitg tennu and friends of<br />

thvie athletes. But the group is<br />

predominantly wMir.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Jock Qcr-cir uscJ to be<br />

knewn as "<strong>The</strong> Senior Uench'<br />

where only senior athletes and<br />

rticlx friends hung out.<br />

Cut within the last couple of<br />

yean, this (us changed* according<br />

to sophomore Mike Zimmcinun.<br />

Now the benches are not<br />

exclusive 10 scnlati. and. said<br />

senior Clement Sclammas, also<br />

not exclusive to whites.<br />

%Mwcb 17, 1PW-<br />

S"-i3mnu; Indicated that htn;;tng<br />

out at "<strong>The</strong> Jock 3cn.:h" Joes<br />

nor prevent him from Intermingling<br />

because he has fricndi from<br />

.iU diffetent raciil/ethnit group*.<br />

Sciamnut described torn erne<br />

who might hang nut op "<strong>The</strong><br />

Jock Bench" ^ mmeene who is<br />

"cool", •funny", a*id" likes iu<br />

Ik ami tool arotind,"<br />

However. Zimmerman utd<br />

thM 'coutvyaidtrs ... U.>n"i<br />

Mkc :lu 'ou:>'dcts\"<br />

Me said ihii when some fn-slimen<br />

tried to t.ikc one of the<br />

hcorho from th« hangout on:<br />

d^y, "...everyone got really<br />

.iud and there wai graffiti all<br />

over the place."<br />

Probably the man notorious<br />

tau^out wit c*nir/,<br />

Mt heic's a beer. Drink!""<br />

Alvirc; aucrted.<br />

"People ate seated to come<br />

down here,- said senkf Marii<br />

Saiazar, "but we're jmt like<br />

everybc-dy clic."<br />

Ttie main area where black<br />

students congregate u the cMetcria.<br />

tilacki occupy several<br />

01* *.hc fiJtu tables in the roo<br />

where they ulkt study, play<br />

dominoes, and a card Ramc<br />

According to lopOomorc<br />

Dcnlse E!:asficld, the blacks JI<br />

tliii hjngout rarely mix with<br />

other racial groups In the cafetctia.<br />

Slic said that sometimes<br />

non-black itudenti will sir and<br />

en lunch among the blacks if<br />

they have nowhere clie to sit,<br />

but that blacks wrely go to any<br />

other atca of the room.<br />

Sophomore Michelle Anderson<br />

offered her explanation of<br />

why there Is so little intermingling:<br />

"Iberc b such a small<br />

amount of blacks here at <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

that they all stick together."<br />

Drasflctd concurred. If you<br />

are black, she said, and"...you<br />

didn't really tnug, out with the<br />

black people, you'd almost have<br />

no friends."<br />

Andcnon taid dial people feel<br />

more "comfortable" with people<br />

of their own race. "1 knew<br />

tnai when I hing out maybe<br />

with tome girls who are white."<br />

she explained, "I feel itmoit<br />

like an outcast,"<br />

BrufieU and Andcoon both<br />


"<strong>The</strong> Jock Scnch" (top) and the cafeteria (bottom)<br />

"It's practically traditional that<br />

certain places are established for certain<br />

racial groups."<br />

VS:i •::••><br />


r-SGHOOL DAZE-<br />

Deja vu<br />

By Debbie Woo and Katie Young<br />

Zero wins and eight losses.. .it seems to us we've<br />

heard that somewhere be/ore. This 13, in<br />

painful tact,' the final record of the boy's var-<br />

";sitybasketball team. Colncidentally, the varsity<br />

football team had in identical record. Wa<br />

' auppose tiat the basketball team didn't want to<br />

run a geed thing. No offoane, boys--OK?<br />

• What's neyt? Basebell? STRTKS THREEI<br />

Apparently a theme seriously considered for<br />

this year's Senior Rollerskutlng Party was<br />

"Roll High School's Rollerskatlng Parry."<br />

This seems somewhat reminiscent of a certain<br />

paster which appeared orlefly last year at<br />

, South Campus and xnrft," FOB'S and ABC's<br />

(American Born Chlmsc) buy your SAC's."<br />

• - • . • *<br />

V/a arc nil cognizant that in the case of an<br />

CirSiqiwfc:, the safest place to be Is In a doorway.<br />

But, the ratic of studentR to doorways i=><br />

3000 to...oh, about 300? Well, -nvways, you<br />

get the picture. 2700 of us are gun. Mel But<br />

rent assured, Lov/olllics. In case ot a., •rthquake,<br />

run to Roam 135 (avoid tramplin,-utber<br />

students) where a certain A.P. English u-acher<br />

will gladly relinquish her doorway so that the<br />

younger generation might survive. She has also<br />

genorously offered shelter to students, who<br />

might well be crushed under the weight of collapslug<br />

ceilings, beneath her larger and sturdier<br />

desk...A fins example to all of Lowcll'o<br />

faculty.<br />

Upon purchasing a package oi beef links, a<br />

certain foreosics c?ach happened to gaze upon<br />

its ingredients. Heading the list as the primary<br />

lngredieut was.. .beef lips. No, we're<br />

not kidding. Needless to say, site did not not<br />

them until ate was very, very hungry.<br />

Spewing of beef lips.. .what is It that m'-kes<br />

the Beanery so tpectat? Is it the ladles who<br />

dole out the goodies and who never fall to greet<br />

you with a "what do you want and n-.ake it fast"<br />

grin? Or is it tie bod? Foot-long burritos.<br />

bagels with cream cheese you cor, squeeze out<br />

lite toothpaste, eggrolls (tor a limited tlme)7<br />

<strong>The</strong> Beanei-y certainly loses no points for ethnic<br />

variety. It could be any of these, but =ur<br />

vote goes to the hot dojf buns. <strong>The</strong>y're oven •<br />

- fresh MciJ»y. by Wednesday they're a tad<br />

hard, an! by Fridsy they're.. .crunchy.<br />

-. Since tte faculty has not responded to our sug- -<br />

gesfcon of erecting a dome over Voyne Field,'<br />

we liovs encther .How about kaoclrtng down<br />

the wall, doors, and ceiling directly adjacent<br />

» nnd above the SAB Office and Beanery? <strong>The</strong>n<br />

we could set up patlc^ftcniturnjn tte area with<br />

'-big red,', white, and green "Ciizaab'^umbrellas<br />

• far tk) Beanery eaters. T Asa for those who<br />

f DBed thu credits but do tot wish to work in the<br />

lattice or-iacary, they cculd become Beanery<br />

|'S?£52 BSC i& " :<br />

Jazzercise promotes smiling<br />

By * U'J-; "• '" Is her classes, classes. Ilinway llinway einpha- cir.poa- mid pjia by bv ttr number of people F«ple<br />

Whar lotu<br />

sUes ilngfirg an<br />

sbo attend the elites.<br />

with laz-erelse? Everything. (enter Diana Lco^ uho ultes<br />

According to ludl Sbeppard<br />

Misseu, who ctcated Jaxzerclse<br />

nine ot rto yean age, "if<br />

yon can't SMILE, you are niaklugiltoohsrdr<br />

ISssctt calb her rapidly gtow-<br />

Ing danchUc, "...lltnot with "<br />

a flair—a 'jnlque approach to<br />

bod; conditioning using Joyful<br />

Jazz dance movements and<br />

classes Ttieday rnd Thursday<br />

nights, exclalraeJi'Vou have so<br />

much fiui thaE you forget you're<br />

exercising."<br />

Haawav tees the popularity oflazxetclse<br />

as a sign of the tlmrz.<br />

"In this day and age, everyone<br />

want: to l*cep fit, lazserclse<br />

Is d simple. Inexpensive, fun<br />

wjy to stay In shape."<br />

Part of the mocfiy goes to inc.<br />

boildlzg rental where classes are<br />

held, commission paid to Jazxerclse.<br />

Inc., records aed other<br />

e Iiilpmcnt, l;ot»tjj ana tl^ha,<br />

handouo and any panics rftitlng<br />

holidays.<br />

Jan-tcUc cilitt In every<br />

st4io In the cation aod 11<br />

counulo as well, with cvet<br />

2000 tcicfcen and 80,000 participants<br />

abroad.<br />

Linda Powell McUlUn, a<br />

19C0 Lovcll graduate and J^zzcrr<br />

tse teacher Ir. San Lut<<br />

Otslspo, explains lhat to become<br />

a teacher, one must take<br />

classes for at least six months,<br />

attend tvr vec^cai wc;lotiops,<br />

and complete two auditions before<br />

receiving a icac'ulng certificate<br />

from lazzcrrise. Inc.<br />

All qualified teachen have<br />

daacc baclojiounds and arc<br />

certified In cardlo pclmonary<br />

tet'iscltatlon.<br />

Instructon lea;n the rew »utines,<br />

creA'ed almost weekly by<br />

Missctt, by videotape and worksheets.<br />

Routines are created to work f<br />

every part of the bod7. Tue<br />

point or a lazzcrclse clan Is<br />

canllovakcular, muscular, mei»boilc,<br />

and emotional Improvc-<br />

;auerclse parrlclpano, J to<br />

70 years of age, are raostly<br />

women, but Instructor Valcde<br />

Lee Hanway trains that )u»clsc-lsfcevetyoMl<br />

Jauerelse costs S3 for a single<br />

cLus and up to SIB for a series<br />

of eight classes. Teachers are<br />

i1» emphasis Is on "run*. As<br />

kUuclt declares, ";azzerclse<br />

puu a bouiice In yaur step, a<br />

--mile on /our face, and reaffirms<br />

toe positive, pluunr. side<br />

of your personality."<br />

• Jaczerclse panlclpanra at Lafayette School<br />


FR0U<br />

Junior Fashions<br />

and Accessories<br />

THE LOWELL Much VI. M63 '•£-<br />

El<br />

Atyplj<br />

inesSfuf<br />

rights, i<br />

xaotltx<br />

all thet.:|<br />

Uierc li r<br />

Phpkl<br />

has It all<br />

tains, ba]<br />

forests,<br />

la pcupij<br />

bide, .<br />

south, Al<br />

skinned f<br />

Moslems^<br />

ned farrr.f<br />

ano a tr.i|<br />

aslan I<br />

GtUcia i<br />

respeettv<br />

three of<br />

"groups",<br />

In add<br />

dbtlnctu<br />

cultural<br />

ll"groc<br />

evident t<br />

consld'u I<br />

IndlvlduaS<br />

oily,<br />

gained wl<br />

TTic 177.1<br />

of Spaln'l<br />

ml over f<br />

cultural ^<br />

tocyfott<br />

"Nattoo 1

!;-FE3TURE<br />


Spain<br />

A typical Amtrfcm imagine*<br />

Spain u the Und of bull*<br />

fl$hrx, flamenco, sherry, . .<br />

seaoriui, and i lest AS. True*<br />

ill tbsse things exist. But,<br />

tuew is much more.<br />

Physically, iba cou-irry<br />

•hii It ill: toov capped rocun-<br />

„. nulas. barren dwiD, .-cdwood<br />

fores rj, and golden beaches.<br />

in people* tike I» countryside,<br />

are distinctive. In the<br />

tfotb. Anda'.ucU, the d*rkskl'med<br />

descerulanu of lbs<br />

Itolerm flourish, falr-sklnood<br />

faMicrt wlth'ceUic blood.<br />

and A miuculii, mmewhit<br />

ulaa toiling people live In<br />

Calicit and thu Basque. Lanc\<br />

respectively. <strong>The</strong>*e are lust<br />

three of *e 11 principal<br />

•gnxips" in Spain.<br />

In add'tlcn to theii phyiicat<br />

' JUtlnctUrU, the hlworlrjil and<br />

cuUuiat differencca between the<br />

11 "groups" am to stanlogly<br />

evident that miny Spaniards<br />

consider each "group' as an<br />

indlvidual-nattou," foi'tlctlty,<br />

tbtf - ?:atioiJ <strong>The</strong>ory* ha«<br />

gained wlcetpread cccepuzcc.<br />

'Hie 1B77 granting of rauicted<br />

autonomy Jn order to p,ivc each<br />

of Spain** "atur>* n»rc connol<br />

over their amnestic and<br />

cultural affcirs vu a huge vlctor/<br />

lot the follower* of ihft<br />

"Nation <strong>The</strong>or/."<br />

a colorful nation<br />

—Potrick Galvin-<br />

Each Spanlih antononry rum<br />

a govern met.t t^at reprctenu la<br />

psople'a In tcrcc. ,'n demetric<br />

and cultural alVntn.<br />

In t

p<br />


White Panthers attack Feinstein EWORLD SCENE<br />

By Sharon Pang<br />

<strong>The</strong>Whlte Panther Par:/ cmerged<br />

froth obscurity In January,<br />

wiicn U turned In 35,000 collected<br />

ttgeatora oo a petition<br />

dur demanded die recall nf •<br />

Mayer Dlune relnstclc<br />

Members of the radical Panthers,wfco<br />

number lets than 20,<br />

objected to the Mayot'i handgun<br />

control ordinance because they<br />

felt that It violated their right tc<br />

beat «nn. "Wo ate peopld who<br />

support the Constitution*"said<br />

panther leader, Thomu W.<br />

Stevens. "A Ho we're on the<br />

Mirriit, Leninist, Maobt, Casttoltt<br />

side of mat questions,"<br />

-. be su ted.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Panther crganfefitlon<br />

revolved during the '60s protest<br />

years* <strong>The</strong> group currently com*<br />

munes In a bright, blue house<br />

on Cole Street In the tlalgbt •<br />

Ashbury District of the City.<br />

Oi Do you mink trie tbcall election wtu at lee t<br />

your November mtyotial race?<br />

A: Well, It's har-J to tt\\ I think mat If I win<br />

strangty. It might not. If I don't win strongly, ti<br />

could bring on a number of cm Jldatcs that<br />

otherwise haven't chosen to run.<br />

O: Whai do yoc call winning "strongly"?<br />

A: At tu as I'm concerned. If I win by<br />

51-62 percent of the vo:c, I'm happy. But<br />

someone eUe has to measure that. I can't.<br />

Qt What's your strategy for winning the<br />

recall election?<br />

A; Well, I believe the support is out there.<br />

/cry strongly ocrthsre. I think Ac questtca<br />

to get it to the pclU. We kno?* that h win<br />

be a low rcrn-out election, as specUl elections<br />

ate. Tiisreforc, we're going tcward an organlrtr£<br />

type of campaign, where we have organize.?<br />

t.to acnutty go out into the cornmutddet<br />

and do work, lite purpose of thii is tc<br />

motivate the electorate. We'll aba use th'.<br />

abtewco ballot and try to maximize a voter<br />

ntru-ou: that would othttwUc "oe low.<br />

_Q: Do you think tiiore shoald be ru jmendmca<br />

of die acaft ftoccdures that would make It more<br />

difficult fc. • ir'unity group, like the White<br />

Panthen, xu force A recall?? '-<br />

Comic Bcxe: '<br />

Comic Bag:.<br />

Mylars &My11tes .<br />

Baseball Cards'<br />

^ Ncn Sport Ctrdj<br />

^ Trading Card Boxes<br />

Trading Card Sheet)<br />

Although.the recall effort<br />

t from various<br />

despicable group, dedicated to<br />

deitrnytng the frrc emetprhc system."<br />

Feinstein has called --he Panthen<br />

"an cccfauiti fringe groun whose<br />

only Interest is to hanaa government<br />

and embarrass tfceCIry."<br />

<strong>The</strong> ipsclal election will eit<br />

some $400,000-. a price wh!<br />

ance, or to some nui.lifciutlon of an icatillty<br />

to hrtli the office.<br />

O: What are the City** chaises of getting the<br />

1984 DcmKraUc rurcy convention? .<br />

A; I think en; chances are very good. We made<br />

a super pretcnutlon, and it was well reclevcd.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y [the Ocmocrat'i Site Selection Committee)<br />

will be coming out, looking at the site,<br />

st the hotels, and In general. umpUnu trcCltv. _<br />

A Political Kopp-out<br />

^— Michael Donoer<br />

In 1911, the State of Calif- * recall Is an an exercise of dem*t-<br />

Uie recall procedure, that Inststn<br />

is up for re-election In Nov-<br />

Panther icJer St every<br />

with a recall petition.<br />

other political gnats, the While. CoMiiiuitav he aliened."That<br />

Panthen, thumsclvts. have not J ember. But S.even. .ee, the tec.ll f""* "" *"""'<br />

L L<br />

"<br />

been a iocat point cf praise.<br />

Altough he Is nipponing the<br />

recall, former supcrvber, John<br />

Batbagelau bLutcd the gtoop Ii<br />

a recenr hallo: argurmitt. He<br />

described the Panthers as "a<br />

C00001 ° f ,' he<br />

otnla adopted a political reform, cracy. Ironically, Kopp Ignores<br />

the popular wilt of the people and<br />

aHowt a vociferous minority to<br />

ai a r.«e*lty. "What .oV. M*g '«'««"»« ««r S«««n.aiul dictate to the majority. He miy<br />

, . , . . . , ? aff.iln, ano moved the voters view himself ai a fiscally respon-<br />

U temeJIni z ,er.c« breech o( the )o ^ ^ MMiM {mm sible supervisor, but Kopp a bo<br />

e before ths en<br />

Ignores the waste of 5400,000 that<br />

remedy would be worthwhile If<br />

m •term. Tu± purpose of the recall will be Incurred from tho recall<br />

it cost $4 million or S4Q million.<br />

•MU :o provide a means for the election. Indeed, Kopp Is' behav-<br />

Supervisor Qucntin Kopp<br />

people to remove A public offing like a "petulant child."<br />

agreed, • Drmocracy has cwts<br />

icial NIIO WIS dlihonat, lnccm*<br />

as veil *i benefits, and I have<br />

petent, ot ictiouily at oddi with<br />

Feinstein:<br />

never considered the exercise of<br />

popub: opinion.<br />

democracy a waste of the tax-<br />

Fighting<br />

payers* money. •<br />

On April 26, Mayor Dianne<br />

the P2 others,<br />

Feinstein will face a recall<br />

ciectlon, despite tne fact<br />

die gays, and<br />

An interview with tint xhe Is not accused of<br />

Kopp's rivalry.<br />

corruption or Incompetence.<br />

Mayor<br />

Toe recall was *et In motio 1 Ttie imrnoOiato uik U to de-<br />

by a petition mat was signed feat the recall. <strong>The</strong> Mayor tax<br />

Dianne Feinstein by 35,000 people. <strong>The</strong> White never been accused of an Impr-<br />

By Mcri: Ungar;<br />

Panthers, an extremist group opriety or wrongdoing. She is<br />

that opptwei die Mayor's pro-<br />

and<br />

well-Litcntioued and dedicated,<br />

gun control policy, began and deserve; the full support of the<br />

Michael Dormer the recall drive, T!ie group people<br />

has tgnotcd the fautnat Fein- <strong>The</strong> long tct*n objective is to<br />

stein v*s follovliig the man- prohibit a well organized min-'<br />

date of the people in fctm-<br />

orlty froni again Inflicting in<br />

ubtlng her gun control sunce<br />

will on the ma.iottty. Ko one<br />

( G2 percent of the City's<br />

quarreU with the conccyt of the<br />

voters suppon&i a sute gun<br />

recall, but ct>ang«s must be nude<br />

control 'nitiaTlve-Prop. 15 )<br />

In the procedure. <strong>The</strong> number<br />

and has continued '. Juvo<br />

f« the recall. <strong>The</strong> Panthen<br />

of valid signatures on lhe petit-<br />

were joined by a minority of<br />

ion thould be no lea ma;i 25.000,<br />

the gay community who were and no election ihould be held<br />

argtrcd by the Ntayor's veto within C mcn'.hs of a general<br />

of the llvo-in-lcvcn' henefltt election, unless allegations have<br />

ptogram.<br />

been ma Je against an official<br />

that Involve the commission of<br />

a crime or moral terplnidc.<br />

<strong>The</strong> only way 10 put a stop to<br />

this foolishness is for the electorate<br />

to stand up and refuse to<br />

"Kopp-ou"<br />

AN'J OA-KiND<br />

ca 94722 415 753 9678<br />


L<br />

i A%1 CUUHO HCCtCM. CtMTCM<br />

k«» CAST M* *T«KC7, fJtTT. •<br />

»<br />

tony political leaden, such<br />

as A numbly nur. Art Agnos and<br />

Supervisors ilarry Britt and<br />

Carol Ruth Silver, support tr-e<br />

Mayor oren 'hough they dls-<br />

*gTee with her position! on<br />

handgun control and die live-<br />

In-lovers* twecfla Issues,<br />

In fact all the supervlsoa,<br />

with the single exception of<br />

Quearln Kopp, ha7e given<br />

their uncondiaotul auppon to<br />

the Mayor. Kopp defends his<br />

position as stating thst the<br />

.V. GRAfJT. D.P. M.<br />

T.LC^O^MlS-30.3<br />





OHztuxxmo<br />

OHztuxxmou<br />



WEN «PM TD10M<br />

ooecouoNC<br />

Much V. 1983<br />

P'<br />

-We j<br />

of the L<br />

Ca-rry •<br />

the Vir|<br />

group ii<br />

RepjblJ<br />

Sill<br />

Kcpibli<br />

' whMii<br />

tc *be 1<br />

. tualRcj<br />

Bltxatj<br />

t'iclr c<br />

• -CM11<br />



. By Maria Crbera<br />

Changing requirements for today's job market<br />

ID tile Una put of (ho 19th cetmcy, Hcralio<br />

•Alger vrete a number of widely read short hrvu'i.<br />

All of there shared a commm theme, r.-mol/ the<br />

. success of the •ti-lf-raode man" .la ruiaj ftora - rugs<br />

to riches- » c result or his bud vwtk and peaevcr-<br />

: anct-,• .<br />

/•lryiigh Aigcr"! tiovcb "ere tremendously pi?- '<br />

ular at the tlnw or ilielr publicatlcn, out nxviica<br />

" soclelgr den-aull ttut the Idea or >he "rtlf-ir.ije<br />

Dltf* bo rc-ex*rntr.ed,<br />

Today's young people ptcpirt ng to m:er tr.a Job<br />

- marVei ate expected to hao > falily A-1IOT;«1 drfjree<br />

of education ad mining. Tte pvxiy -O.-otcr:<br />

.' and unskilled y?i tiettzml&ta aeio of Algct'i loier<br />

would , the economy<br />

ti£i proven itself capable of dictating, to a large<br />

degree, the choice of areas of academic concentratlon<br />

among university students.<br />

Industries concerned with utnputa science and<br />

engineering have been feeling the eiTc.a of tbo<br />

recctslon to a lessa degree than olhx iqrjusttla,<br />

i.ld rnuny studenu today a'o chooklng their nujorr<br />

accordingly. - " ,. ~ <br />

of recession. • ' : ' :<br />

In the pau there have beeu governipental efforts .<br />

nude to create Jobi in older to stimulate the economy.<br />

However, the health of lh« economy depentls<br />

not on artl>':slal e^nployRient bur on produs-'<br />

Uvlty. :<br />

Durlr£ times of great pnriucttvlty aod economic'<br />

prosperlry, the positive effeco of the economy ' ^<br />

employment protpecn are evldenr as employees<br />

arn needed in all facets of Industry and bustnest to<br />

meu the public demand. -<br />

Party it up with politics<br />

Major political parties open to youth<br />

By Pam Fistlff and Leah Karllner<br />

" We believe In die rights •;<br />

ui the Individual," «Mte£".tu a degree, but fbels that<br />

"" "n roovo b needed to'prrvlde<br />

tome scTvfccj, but not all,<br />

for the velTare of the Amcrl-<br />

TItc Youcg Detnccrat Organlzailon<br />

of San Francisco<br />

Is a btanrh of tbo Democmtc<br />

Party.<br />

Twcmy-thrcc *e*t old<br />

Xtwfglc O'DrUcoll .executive<br />

dlf^cior of the San fnn.Uc»<br />

D-jmccratlc Paity. reflected<br />

on tlic Voung DemocrdU and<br />

the l*arty as a whole, "1 bc-<br />

Ueve thU party best meets<br />

my needs and those of the<br />

American ct'jxenry," sl,e<br />

stated.<br />

O'Uriicoil ilaned as A Par •<br />

ty Imexn. "I stuffed envelopes,'*<br />

she ^ulppcJ. She<br />

worked on her flat campaign<br />

at the age of tea iW mentioned<br />

that the pri.mry objective<br />

of the Youn^Democnu<br />

Is re work on campalgru.<br />

CTDriscoil stated, "Young<br />

Drnwcrats have a great deal<br />

o.'Irrpict oa tlie Party. We<br />

want ihe enthusiasm (of young<br />

people) to help us out. We<br />

also need a sense of humor In<br />

politics today!"<br />

when O'Dtlsroll wsi In high<br />

school, she never anticipated<br />

an Involvement in politics,<br />

"Now," she tevealct, "itiere<br />

Is a i bcommltcmcnt in what<br />

I'm tjuli^."<br />

Rcllcciing on ihc pJiIloiop!^'<br />

of the Young Hcmoctaw and<br />

that of itic Tarty, O'DiUcoll<br />

said. "We represent the people<br />

that wouM not ordinarily<br />

have a voice—the poor, the<br />

working people, and the unloiu."<br />

Part cf ihli p'liloicpliy Is<br />

the belief In equality fut sayi,<br />

SbcVi, 3IM) Asians, according<br />

to 0'Dtitccit. Women's righ'i<br />

It aUo .% hl^h priority Issue,<br />

Mjtucc Taylor, a mcicber<br />

of trft Yojog Socialist Alliance<br />

(YSA) which items fro*n the<br />

DA VINCI<br />


Diamond Heights<br />

Shopping Center<br />

DeUntyAh«r,4P.M.<br />

(75 craU d*lWrrT cbjus^j<br />

Mte/mun DtOnrfS4.00<br />

THeLOVEU.<br />

San Francisco Socialist *Aorkcii<br />

Party, reflected on the<br />

stands h?r party assumes.<br />

"We want to change theeconomlc<br />

and political sltuailcn<br />

from tbo Interesu of tlv<br />

' rich to thoic of ihc wortdng<br />

HIJU," die revealed.<br />

<strong>The</strong> YSA twlicvci In the<br />

full cnusc.pation of womct.<br />

and iircngly rji>pcru affirm,ttive<br />

actjon and abwtlon.<br />

AIM HIGH<br />

According toTay'or, "We<br />

aUo WJOI to Ixlp blacVi *n$<br />

otbei opptcssea peoples ty<br />

supporting Uemandi futdeiiegrcg4tloo<br />

and bilingual<br />

dr"<br />

Furthetnwic, ihe i<br />

"We believe In abollihlt^ the<br />

United States' military budget<br />

and using that montv for<br />

nospl:alst JuU, cheap d^ycarc<br />

center;, and massive tr&nsit.<br />

We want things for ihe wntk-<br />

Ing people."<br />

When Taylor Joined the YSA<br />

In Colorado, she was involved<br />

In ih« fight for dc^grcgatlod<br />

and bilingual education.<br />

Taylor stated mat the YSA<br />

*orks closely wuh itie Social-<br />

Ut Workers Party. "<strong>The</strong> YSA<br />

really want* to help ihe Party,"<br />

sSc revealed.<br />

High ochool graduates earn over<br />

510f000 in pay and entitlements<br />

their first year* while attending<br />

U h school and getting college<br />

credits for it. With the current<br />

economy, that's a good job tc<br />

work your way into a good future<br />

<strong>thru</strong> education while you aro in<br />

tne Air Force. For more information<br />

call:<br />

TSet Jam Slurs<br />

1276 Nirt.t 5t<br />

San Francisco. CA 94201<br />

(415)841-8723<br />


Team views its season as nol i- total loss<br />

ByKcllieGan<br />

Despite the efforts of lu<br />

jilayers, the <strong>Lowell</strong> vanity<br />

basketball turn ended lu<br />

season with an 0-8 record.<br />

T*to locoed. >t tuied by<br />

coach David low, b not en<br />

accurate or fair accoum of Me<br />

ream's playlrg abiutyl<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Mores realty don't<br />

show our tatenf," added guanl<br />

R/nd/JCon.<br />

Low ^mtbutes the defeats<br />

to tbo (act that the pla*a<br />

vould perform well for only<br />

three of the four quarters,<br />

"BuVetball Is a fan game<br />

w one bad quarter was enough<br />

to hurt us. since the points add<br />

up quickly^" reflected U».<br />

Ha nu'.malns that many of<br />

the £ai.*es had been lost by only<br />

a few point*.<br />

Twj o cn-<br />

Joying hit lultial experiences<br />

with the <strong>Lowell</strong> team, lie appre-<br />

ciate! the dedication of tbc playen<br />

.*ad tlie legacy o? "great funianwntaf<br />

left behlml by coa-hes<br />

DaMeiritt and 3oooo.<br />

** We (Donohue and aisbtant<br />

coach Gary Macaloso) are Ji»t<br />

rryir^ to refine a few things,"<br />

explained Donohue, "We've<br />

tiled not to throw the b-iby out<br />

t;lth the bath water."<br />

Practice facilities have been<br />

a major problem for Donohue<br />

and the leant. As the school<br />

campus lacks a baseball field,<br />

the team tui been poetic inn<br />

•tvec davi fJCli week on llic<br />

diamond' JI West St.nsct playground,<br />

and pcactlctn£ In the<br />

remaining weekdays on t*ie<br />

: ficIJs (vhlnd the school.<br />

Practice facilities aside, the<br />

•CIIT'I progress ha* pleased<br />

Donohue. tie praises the defense<br />

and the quicknen of the outfield.<br />

Pltchingand 'jlttlng scrm to he<br />

the area; tor Improvement.<br />

Donohuc ptrdlcts that the team<br />

will be la the "thick or the hunr"<br />

for the AAA playoffs alon£ with<br />

Balboa aud McAieer. He looks<br />

tovar& a u'jcleus of veterans to<br />

lead the team.<br />

What brand of bajcball will<br />

Jonohuc bring t*. the <strong>Lowell</strong> team<br />

"We!!, if i told you, I: would eo<br />

no longer be a secret," Donohue<br />

hedged. "But one of the things<br />

: like to do is rake chances. *<br />

Wrestlers fall short m All-Cit<br />

and Jimmy Woo and lur.lor<br />

Tcny Woo. Mav*n Gomel and<br />

soplnmora Chris f te&lclaon<br />

and Michael 2l3itnetnun finished<br />

with third place victctics.<br />

Hud coach Dale Vollrath<br />

'Commented -M thti AU-Clty<br />

reiults. "Ithlrik ytt got the<br />

most from every pUyer.'<br />

Avellno aiUed. "<strong>The</strong>re were<br />

many close matches that we<br />

might have won."<br />

Although the Indian's did<br />

rot win the champioruhlp,<br />

Vollrath renurVed itut II was<br />

a vety soccenful scasoa,<br />

Vo'.lrath conineoted. "We<br />

really did well this season when<br />

we were not expected to."<br />

During the regular reason<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> posted u 7-1 recotd.<br />

<strong>The</strong> only defeat coming at the<br />

hinds of Mission* » game which<br />

the Indians should not havs ton<br />

Indicated Volrath.<br />

A very pleasing win according<br />

to Vollrath came against Mc-<br />

Atecr during the regular season<br />

as towell rolled to a 36-31 victory.<br />

VoUrato mmarked, "they<br />

(MrAteer) came In wo ccifi&mt<br />

and we surprised &em wltb sotnt<br />

Another Indian (dominated)<br />

victory c-.me aarned<br />

a lot and will conttlbu:c greatly<br />

to neit season's team. AUo,<br />

some talented Junior Vanity<br />

players will be movlrig up.<br />

At this point. Low docs nut<br />

« any "stars'" on next year's<br />

team but comments that having<br />

•» "stan" would actually be better<br />

for the lean* since all of the<br />

players would bate to wcrk harder<br />

to make a gend team.<br />

Girls miss playoffs;<br />

end season at 3-4<br />

By Alicia Horn u !hll ,MKmlowelf.<br />

gW basketball teaso Nc>t ,ne lsam w||, |(M<br />

illl not advance to the AAA | .cion Carol Asuncion, Unwell<br />

•layoffs as a result ol a 49-30 low Grace Ly. Nicole Vavutlr, Mel<br />

D Galileo. Wong, and Debbie Woo, all of<br />

whom have been rnernbers of<br />

Ai coach Jean Ktuu recalls.<br />

the team for four yean wltb the<br />

"We wctc down 9-0 w:thln ihc<br />

exception of Asuncion and Ly.<br />

first two minutes and we never<br />

-Although we'll lose KrUtI "<br />

did recover." <strong>Lowell</strong>'s high scor-<br />

Langellcrs* our high scorer and<br />

ers ,'ot the game were forward<br />

leading reboundct, I feel speed<br />

Angela Leung with 1? points and<br />

and aggressive pUy will lead<br />

:cmer Kristi LangcUers with 10.<br />

, UJ ro a promising 1983-M Girls'<br />

Ttic leant cnJc' tlic jcaior. with<br />

record, beatlnS fl.l- Va»|W .eaioii.-commciued<br />

3-4<br />

U.sIon 33-25 AnJ • ,„„ £ ^ fwwjfd#<br />

bja 49-41, Mlalon .13-2S.<br />

Lincoln 52-49, while losing to<br />

Kautz feeb optimisiic abou:<br />

Wilson 19-35, Wjihlngton M-50,<br />

next year's season. "I think the<br />

McAtec 60-37, and c .Wr<br />

49-3C.<br />

was a lot of good tnaterial fttJt<br />

ReOectlns on the season,<br />

caroe D1 " :nl > >«'• bu ' '"' 0M<br />

•Cauu commented. "We didn't < am > "' " K " hc ' couldn-t ""»<br />

;ct any fast breaks and we lacked •« '"'""S 11 lnd "* ""cmben of<br />

he combination that could fa;l ">< '«"!• ' ""P 5 *«/" comc<br />

oteak -he ball. ou: next year. I think there a ;<br />

-I thought we would have done kt of material I" -Jils school<br />

better, but we didn't. We had *"'> M un>: coml °S ' ««*•"<br />

imc good matciljl; *omcliow<br />

couldn't get it together.<br />

"We I-jvc a good icirn this<br />

year. At times, though, we<br />

didn't play together as a team,<br />

Returning to the team will he<br />

frethn*an Zarina Goldcmhteyn,<br />

sophomote* Cindy Btown, Joan<br />

Cornell, AngeLi Leung, and<br />

Nlugaa Purcell, and jucior Lod<br />

Leung.<br />

A« Kautz put It,"Wc'v- got<br />

and couldn't perform our best.'<br />

comment"! mi/ of tho wrestlers<br />

will bo remntfog.<br />

March IT. WS3<br />

•••ri-i<br />


SPORTS<br />

Rajninger, Woo March 'Athletes of the Month<br />

By Lori Gillaplo<br />

What doe It uks to become<br />

» good tuskctball player? According<br />

to senior Steve Rajnlnger,<br />

AibUte of the Month, -It takes<br />

'mean' - a whole lot of It."<br />

Ralnlnger hat been pUylng<br />

batVetbil! line* the lUtli grade<br />

when be wit ajked to play on<br />

the Net Tamid JewUh Athletic<br />

Anoclatlon league team.<br />

. " When :Ka»a»kedlo play on<br />

the team," Rafnlngcr expUlacc,<br />

"1 didn't know tt-at mucli arout<br />

the game."<br />

He continual, " I had ihot<br />

around lotne, but never played<br />

seriously. 1 guess I was asked<br />

to play on the team became or<br />

my size." Rajninger Is now<br />

S feel, 4 Inches,<br />

Although hs spent rrat of his<br />

t!me on the bench the flm teaion,<br />

he was determined to practice<br />

everyday during the summer In<br />

order lo Improve.<br />

By Katie Young<br />

When askeJ what motivated<br />

her to stay with the btskctbal!<br />

team throughout her four yean<br />

at <strong>Lowell</strong>, senior Debbie Won,<br />

Athtcto-of-;hc-Month had no<br />

quick cliche .nswers.<br />

"Sometimes I'd rather be sitting<br />

out on die Marina Green<br />

sipping Crtgmont," comments<br />

Woo ntber curiously.<br />

"What f mean by that U mat<br />

someilmcs I'd just rather he .<br />

using my afterschool hours doing<br />

something else rather than paying<br />

basketball. Just taking It<br />

eas/."<br />

Woo reveals that occasionally<br />

tbe geu "really sick- of basketball<br />

but affirms thai when the<br />

actually geu on the court,<br />

"everything changes, I'mcon-<br />

> sumed by the game."<br />

Woo m-ac the glrb* varsity<br />

squ&dai a freshman. It was<br />

also that year In which <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Practice paid off, and he v:i<br />

named" molt valuable player"<br />

for two leaions In a row.<br />

When Rajninger anivcu at<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> and eventually tiled out<br />

for die Junior vanity team, be<br />

to tucceed," he commerced.<br />

"Coach tow nai ate been a<br />

gieat coacb," Rajninger *uted.<br />

"He not only wanu hU playen<br />

to Se the belt playen they can<br />

be, but he also wanu tc be the<br />

dUcovered that playing on a high belt coacli ho can be. Hell<br />

fc.!»ol team wai n»Kh different really dedicated. •<br />

from what he had been lued to.<br />

"I guea what I bad been<br />

playing wain'r really 'balkelbaU'<br />

in the true scrue of the wad.<br />

itwai more a game with u<br />

low echoa UmlUr pralie for<br />

(Ujntage 1 .<br />

"Stevo ll & rcipontibie penon,<br />

I rould alwxyi count on Sim to<br />

tal i czn of tbe llttlo tlilpgi<br />

bunch of friend, - friendly com- „ gM chc miata ,booti whelhef<br />

Steve Rajninger ______<br />

» petition,- he explained. *« °* reminding playen of week<br />

Rajnlnger credits hU Indoctrlrutloo<br />

Intc the"rcat- game<br />

of tutu. >all (o ill of the help<br />

he received from Ust year's<br />

vanity basketball coash, Stan<br />

Stewart, and to Dave Low, this<br />

cry* practice sessions of more Important<br />

thing* like malting the<br />

last sbot In a close game.<br />

Even though the vanity basketbaU<br />

* h<br />

u vc year's cojch.<br />

"Mr. Stewart helped me a<br />

great deal, not only with the<br />

fundamentals C* the game, but<br />

y «. , R^JQ^« j ^ f«b<br />

that the record doci not accurately<br />

teflcc; the team** talent.<br />

"TbCfC was a g:cat deal of<br />

taU.it on the team this year.<br />

ato with the a~t*tudtt~o7eneVds bui ve Ju " dldn>t 8« » » cUck He commented, "Although the Rajninger 'aas played nigh<br />

team was 0-6 some of the games *ho°l ball for four yeats and<br />

Il<br />

were cloje."<br />

ibli time Is not sate whether<br />

tvajoinger added, "One of the **<br />

really good things about the team<br />

Is that we are all really close<br />

friends and are able to function<br />

as a'team'." No one player<br />

tries lo dominace-we all work<br />

." together.<br />

w »' P U V « *« »»eg e ««•>•<br />

"'' P Ut » » »««"* ths Unlv-<br />

^-"Y of California at Oakeley.<br />

"' lmend w "*!* ta P»-n»ed,<br />

ana I »m not lire ir 1 would be<br />

ahIc to ivo 10<br />

3 ° P"cent to boih,"<br />

heremFtkcd.<br />

Ust won the City Champtonihlp.<br />

At far M this season Is concerned,<br />

'I am very dissatisfied<br />

with It because 1 believe that we<br />

could have won (itie City Champ<br />

lomhlp) !f we had had more displlnc<br />

We definitely had the<br />

talent."<br />

Woo exprccu particular dissatisfaction<br />

with he overall 1mf'Tovcment<br />

over the last three<br />

years.<br />

Deborah Woo<br />

"Having maJe the vanity<br />

squad as a freshman, theoretically<br />

I wis tuppoicd to have<br />

gnttcn even better with each<br />

"fan of the reason that I<br />

kept Joining up cvay season<br />

was became 1 wanted to prove<br />

that I watn't Just going to stagnate,<br />

1 wa* going to get even<br />

better."<br />

"Bui then I just,got lary<br />

and my Improvement came to<br />

a nar.ir.nL-<br />

In addition. Woo became<br />

Interested in O'lirr activities.<br />

Joining the x -country and<br />

track teams, shs proved to be<br />

a proficient nunei as well ai a<br />

basketball player «. the ran in<br />

the All-City meetr for bom<br />

teams and qualified foe the<br />

Northern California X-Country<br />

Meet.<br />

"Whar Is pATtlcvUily disappointing<br />

U that After freshman<br />

year, (teammate) Nicole<br />

Vavuris and 1 vowed it" we<br />

would bring the title bxcV to<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> by the time we graduated.<br />

And now It's come to nothing."<br />

Ai 5ar as college ball is concerned.<br />

Woo does not plan to<br />

Currently Woo divides her time<br />

between die Model UN Club of<br />

Girls softball gears up for season<br />

By Cfsa Cog»r<br />

With powerVut hitting and J<br />

strutag defense, coach Loretta<br />

DeAndrefs predicts a successful<br />

season.<br />

-We have t very good team.<br />

It's stronger than ever," caramcni«d<br />

DeAndreU.<br />

Deiplm bad wratiier Umlttcg<br />

pcictJcn and dallying the preseascn,<br />

DeAmlrcU feeb the<br />

" team K*s * "good aiihude and<br />

' Wlien tht wea'her aliows It,<br />

' the tunt practices with the<br />

help of Oicar JlmerrtJt, who hat<br />

GORDON'S<br />


bcr-n ixi'.Unc lne team on hitting<br />

the cu

m mm<br />

m.<br />

SPORTS<br />

GAME POINf-<br />

C<br />

-Alan Chan-<br />

Hi sportsfans. I'd like to bring to your attention<br />

a crlopllng and Insidious dtssasc wfilch seems<br />

to have plagued the sports world. No, it's not<br />

drag!) or the bigh salaries which today have become<br />

synonymoi'3 with professional sports. It'3<br />

a problem many of us probably hove hod first<br />

hand experience with. Here's a hint.<br />

Jack Clark of the San Francisco Giants, Mike<br />

Chavez of the- UC Bears basketball team, and<br />

Purvis Short of the Golden State Warriors all<br />

have It. True, they are members «f the Bay<br />

Area sports elite; their baskets ar the buzzer<br />

and game-winning homcruns make them heroes<br />

to us. But did you realize that these heroes arc<br />

afflicted with the modern day communication disease<br />

known as "You-know-ids." Yes, sportsfans,<br />

it's true.<br />

On the court or on the field, tltclr athletic<br />

excellence makes them look near infallible; certainly<br />

an Interview lc In order so that they can<br />

sliarc with.us their feats of accomplishment.<br />

However, .once the postgumc Interview begins the<br />

affliction cokes hold and cats away at the speaker's<br />

attempt to make intelligent conversation. As the<br />

interview progresses we are bombarded with an<br />

endless cascade of "you knows" which the unfortunate<br />

Usteuci- has to endure and then try to decipher<br />

whnt tfre speaker meant. Often it ends up<br />

with the listener more confused than ever.<br />

"You-know-itls" can loosely be defined as the<br />

inability to express oneself clearly and articulately<br />

while substituting the well-worn "you know" in<br />

place of whatever the speaker could not articulate<br />

or diJ not remember.<br />

"You-know-ltis" generally has two stages: <strong>The</strong><br />

initial stage Is evidenced by a look of indecision<br />

and uncertainty shown by the speaker; this is folloved<br />

by the critical stage which results In the<br />

verbal onslaught cf "yc j knows."<br />

An example of this scintillating type of discourse<br />

is as follows:<br />

Interviewer: That sure was a great shot you made<br />

What was going thr jgh your mind<br />

as you put up the shot?<br />

Speaker: 'Yeah, well... you know ...I was supposed<br />

to break toward the., .you know<br />

...ball, but Jac thi'-vy.. me a long<br />

pass Instead antf • /know...Icaught,<br />

the ball and.. .y'.• •-• • ythrew up a...<br />

. you know...<br />

•Interviewer: Yeah, a prayer. ~<br />

.... Don't get roe wrong, ^You-know-ltta" la not<br />

• juit" found tn the sports world, but (s present<br />

: in every phase of our society. In fact, I have<br />

evert beard ex-Fresldont Gerald Ford utter his<br />

share of "you knows." I'm just saying that the<br />

percentage of the population who... .uh.. .ub..<br />

You know.<br />

) JV's pushed out of playoffs<br />

By Daiu Fa Ik<br />

Talent, tl<br />

team has disrovercd. Is not<br />

enough to win games-It takes<br />

motivation as wclL<br />

In an AA.\ league Mm features<br />

some sizeable JV athletes,<br />

notably those from MtAtcer<br />

and Washington, the Indians<br />

min.-'ped j respectable 3-4<br />

record, but fell prey* in several<br />

Iterances, tn lack of drive during<br />

la the Lincoln game, si; *ing<br />

poln. guard Kelly Cooker cited<br />

just this problem as the came<br />

of their taking a lou.<br />

"We didn't have our minds en<br />

the game," explained ifooker,<br />

**.„.! tilnk If we pi yed it over,<br />

we'd beat thent."<br />

w-cut, .according to<br />

Sil!i there were no "rumway" Booker, who Ittulcatcd that me<br />

games.<br />

Indlaus ntetty much dominated<br />

"cf the ^ames we've tost,<br />

we've been compctii'vc,- <strong>The</strong> Wilson and O'Conncll<br />

noted coach James Carmack. games, however, proved to be<br />

In this wav, the tosses may more clear-cut eontc.ii.<br />

not be looked upon as ov-iiba- <strong>The</strong> high scoring of Booker,<br />

dowiny, the wins. With a .tarring who hit 2.1 puinu, an:! Lucas,<br />

five of sophomores nookcr at slio ad-fed 1!, ltd to a V7-5.J<br />

point jjua'd, David Scott at tic <strong>Lowell</strong> victory ovci<br />

other guard spot, Robert Tucat at<br />

forward, Shi:Won Smith and<br />

Eric House liuring tlrrte at the<br />

remaining forward position, and<br />

junior aicv- Lcfkov'u at center,<br />

Carmack and hu JV's hav»- managed<br />

to pull off three league<br />

victories, at the expensi of Galileo,<br />

WiuonandO'ConneiL<br />

'<strong>The</strong> Galileo g-rne,, put simply, definitely the kc-y word, fora<br />

In contrail, ft was 'he Indlara"<br />

balanced scoring that enabled<br />

them to down O*C*>nncll, W-t2.<br />

tn that match-up, Scott sunk U<br />

poimi. Hcokcr 13, Lcfkovits C,<br />

and House D, putting ttitcc of<br />

the itattlng five in double figures.<br />

As the flml game, vs. Misslcn,<br />

..pprojehed, *clut=h* was<br />

win against tr»e Bean would turn<br />

the Indian!' record around to<br />

-I-7 and land them ID a tie for<br />

for fourth place with McAteer<br />

i in the round-robin. As It happened,<br />

tne team lost 67-65,<br />

but according to Coach Carnuck,<br />

regardless ot" the outcome of the<br />

game, the Indians* would have<br />

been out uf the playoff picture*<br />

tincc the Jaguars had beaten tiic<br />

JV** In their regular seaion meet-<br />

ing... a fifrh place finish for<br />

Concluded Carnuck. "I<br />

enjoy the team and the Interac;lon,<br />

e«pcclally the growth<br />

from Individuals. It*i bocn JO<br />

enjoyable seafon. am) win or<br />

lose, I think, a successful one. "<br />

Netters try to recapture AAA title<br />

By Maiali.'to Hand.*<br />

During two of the past r«rcc<br />

yean, the <strong>Lowell</strong> boy's tenols<br />

tea in has taken the Academic<br />

Athletic Association (AAA)<br />

Championship under the guidance<br />

of coach Gary Nakaglri.<br />

<strong>The</strong> AAA Champiomhlp for<br />

each sciion goes to ihe San Francisco<br />

public high ichodi tennis<br />

team with the best vjn-lost<br />

record.<br />

However, last year McAttfer's<br />

tennis team received the city<br />

title in i cloiely played rematch<br />

against <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

But this year the ream will<br />

have only 11 former members,<br />

Nakagiri expects to h*vo the<br />

weakest team In his four year,<br />

as coach.<br />

I wouldn't be that surprised<br />

if we don't win the title (this<br />

year)," he stated.<br />

Despite his skeptical outlook.<br />

he feels the team will play well<br />

(I'll season.<br />

However, Nakagiri believes u

Anril<br />

E<br />

Bank of America contestants choseW<br />

" "Vv!-':'sir.lt»B Werthclrner<br />

: TtmciVuwell seniors have<br />

• been selected to compc-c In the<br />

"TBanllofAnxirlci 1983 Achieve-<br />

' meat Awards Program.<br />

"L\; Tha three students and their<br />

;.. fields of study are Geoffrey<br />

EmbaUng, applied and floe<br />

.arts: Suuona Kim, liberal arts;<br />

ani Charlotte Wang, science<br />

and mathematics.<br />

m<br />

As pan of the program which<br />

recognizes outstanding achievement,<br />

ten other seniors received<br />

cettllVata of merit fat superior<br />

performance in specific s'udy<br />

fields.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y include Gary Brchm,<br />

musici Eric Cheung, mathe-<br />

TOtlcsi Raymond Cole, comprter<br />

itudlerj Maria Crtsera,<br />

Fngllsht IcanFong. locla!<br />

audio; Stephen Kanen. dram«<br />

lleibcn Lin. Mtioglcal sciences;<br />

MIrhael Mallone, physica:<br />

XIUKO; Catherine Paver, an:<br />

and Jean.Wahlberg, fcrilgn languagei.<br />

<strong>The</strong> top-ranking students each<br />

tecelved an eugraveU plaque<br />

and competed with trudents from<br />

other San Francisco high schools<br />

during the spring break*<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> department heads consalted<br />

with teachers to arrive at<br />

the names of the candidates.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Judging for this zone<br />

event was nasct! on written compwltlora,<br />

gmip dlicunlons.<br />

itbnUnhlp records, anrt civic<br />

and school activities.<br />

In the regional r.u-1*. the<br />

Nrsi-pUce zone Mlnnen will<br />

compete for top prizes of JC, 000,<br />

51.000, andJISO. All other<br />

flrullitj will tecelve SSOO.<br />

Second, thlid, and fourth<br />

place winners at the roee event<br />

each received S100, Jis. and<br />

»50, respectively. Flnt-plaee<br />

winners advanced to the regional<br />

fluls which will be l.eld lJ San<br />

Francisco on May 20.<br />

Bank of A n;erica contestants Kin's Enberllng, and Wa<br />

Yotunw 157. Nulutei 2 ltl School. San Frmchco. CalllornU 94132 April 8. I9J-3<br />

de Coteau earns<br />

National honors<br />

c y Alison tl-ir-fio|j<br />

Senior Mlrtclle dc Coteau<br />

finds It odd that she hrj become<br />

i .tnallsrin .tie National<br />



Proficiency test needed Teen magazines misguiding gg<br />

'Scl<br />

the A tator ri mat i o f n J^ yr ' :al1 ? nCeU?<br />

V<strong>The</strong> state of C&llfbrnln has argue that the establishment of<br />

passed a law, written by State a standard level of proficiency<br />

Senator Gary Hart, which required for teachers ts both I'nnecessory<br />

kbat all prospective teachers must •lnd unfair. Oddly enough, how-<br />

pus a proficiency test in writing, ever, muny of their comments<br />

reading, and mathematics In order have served to underscore the<br />

to earn their teaching credentials. urgency of the need for the cs-<br />

One cannot fully comprehend ;abllshmcnt of such a utanlurd,<br />

all that the prototype test includes, rather than to support their own<br />

K)i<br />

Young Miasy is ^<br />

She thumbs through her favorite<br />

i ! i 4<br />

teen<br />

4 sufficient information regarding point of view.<br />

tt Problcmssuch as druguse exthat<br />

has been bother^: her: ^ ^ ^ X ^ ^<br />

what to do to help her best ^ ^ n0 t ^ bm,<br />

tiend who is in a hospital suf- t0 ..^ ,„.;.«£, „„,.„ for fall«<br />

.'cring from anorexia ncrvosa• • .-E a s ,o lmprove your<br />

After reading an arncle about £** . ^ ,.D & p y/„<br />

£*<br />

the tarn's coment has not been Marilyn Rmle. president of<br />

printed. However, the information thcCallfoinia - -•-- Teachers Associawhich<br />

has'been released might tion, has been quoted as saying,<br />

very well cause ode to fear that "K you are teaching chemistry,<br />

this effort tray, In fact, be an is it necessary for a teacher to<br />

oversimplification.<br />

have a proficiency in math?"<br />

While most would agree that Clearly, Biulc'b utterly inane<br />

all teachers should have a know- rework Is a case in point. All<br />

ledge of English grammar and teachers entering our schools<br />

arithmetic reasoning, such a should have thn broad and sound<br />

knowledge is necessary, rather educational background which<br />

than sufficient, in a truly good a well-developed proficiency<br />

Instructor. A proficiency exam test would insure. (M.C.)<br />

cannot measure a teacher's<br />

ability to impart his own knowledge<br />

and to stimulate the Interest<br />

of his students. And indeed, it Is<br />

In this very area that one sees<br />

the great range in teaching effective<br />

msss.<br />

<strong>The</strong> attempt to establish a means<br />

of systematically measuring the<br />

. qualifications and competence of<br />

a teacher Is a ldidablc effort.<br />

However, one must recognize U-c<br />

fact that a fundamental proficiency<br />

exam alone cannot determine t!«<br />

quality of Instruction which a<br />

teacher is capable of providing.<br />

Rather, such an exam can serve<br />

as a necessary component of a<br />

more comprctieiislvc program<br />

of teacher evaluation.<br />

Still, a number of teachers<br />

iy people cap<br />

change their wardrobe<br />

; 2) i-h<br />

each month?<br />

has been using the wrong color — <br />

lipstick for UK past six ninths;.. .. ta »<br />

In otherwise good "t£<br />

for a : _<br />

But do they provide teens with article in "Seventeen" magazine<br />

5 titled ild "S "Set Y Your Sih Sights on RRcr.i<br />

inunce," (August 1982) comes<br />

immediately to mind. Consisting<br />

of rips on "How to catch the eye ;<br />

of a guy," the article concludes ;<br />

with pointer number fight: "(If)<br />

that special guy always arrives<br />

at class two seconds before the<br />

bell, plan your timing so that you '<br />

can walk In the door with him.<br />

Say hello."<br />

To a large degree, teen maga-, '<br />

zincs encournge materialistic<br />

values - clothing, make-up, and<br />

Doys as objects to be acquired.<br />

!- 's eary for teenagers to forsake<br />

I their individuality in favor of the<br />

f ready-made choice* and procc-<br />



'School Daze' offends<br />

Dear Editors:<br />

<strong>The</strong> artels to 'School Dutr<br />

In the. Match issue of "TOa -<br />

LoxtU," entitled'Deja Vu,"<br />

written by Debbie Woo aod<br />

K>tle Yorag. unfairly ridicules<br />

the disappointing seasons of both<br />

the varsity football and taskettnl<br />

tuna. ,<br />

•,. (t along with other membera<br />

fkx UUSY WITH AN \<br />

0-8 VCCoiw, *•>£*£& I<br />

MO WAY TO ao airr/<br />

if tlw vanity basketball te%ma<br />

have teamed many things this<br />

tea»4 Io tenm of IWIUI acd<br />

fundamentals. Wo wouM UVe<br />

;o forgrt our 0-8 routd, and<br />

I tin sure the football team<br />

•hares my lentlauutx, Instead,<br />

we are crmstantly reminded of<br />

'' our unfortunate seasons.<br />

. -Maybe Woo ami Young need<br />

to be reminded of £he old cilvhv,<br />

"It's no) whether you win or lose,<br />

ci*-* —•—, Alton fltoomfldd. MtMn<br />

Cnan. Pamela Fastlff. Kellfe Can. tarry GoUbcrf Van ma<br />

OjoiWcn. DttUc Cotdricd. Kltt Oraol. lisa Culon. Alida<br />

Horn. Darid Jones. Lea* KarUncr. Rand/ Kou. Charlen*<br />

Lam. James Lurk. Uu Mikj. Saudi Murakami. Okondra<br />

Perdue. Janet rwx'l. Melanle Ramoi. Heidi Rou. BaefYI<br />

SUn.KstbYaun$:<br />

ncncrapbr Editor. Glenn Asaeda<br />

, Cartooakts: Mario Carmona. Ben/amln Chin. ludjChaat.<br />

Ra/mondU.Kona<br />

Gandy sellers' tactics likened<br />

to those of drug pushers<br />

Dcat Ed [(on:<br />

You ctn'r valV through the<br />

Kail* at <strong>Lowell</strong> vltbout running<br />

lota cindy lelien. Student!<br />

*lth ax* orRottUn'Ctub<br />

peant'i bruer cup bfocti locker<br />

doou. Ounniy bean lurk in<br />

corneri aud doorv.iyf. You<br />

can't even go Into the bjihroom<br />

wlthcit being stepped at the<br />

door and pressured u> buy Sealer<br />

AlmoodRoca. Candy sales can<br />

Interfere In clao u well u out-<br />

Ude.<br />

[n Embryology lay lemeiter<br />

the students pt.c! more attention<br />

IO the gummy bean sold by the<br />

TA thtrt they did to the tissue<br />

;ypc" ethnic<br />

group.<br />

I realtxed ifaa: 1 often associate<br />

with (Viople of all races,<br />

and I neve: gave racial segrr.gjtioo<br />

Much tliough'- Perhaps<br />

some people stick together<br />

rrcrely becaue of »cr. Let<br />

roost ituileea at <strong>Lowell</strong> form<br />

dicir friendships and "groups*<br />

• accord'ng tc interests and personality.<br />

As I walk through <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

ciciTuf, 1 sic couplet, ttudonti<br />

- piayirg around, in^ others 'Jo*<br />

Ing homewptk togeihcr —-<br />

. («wpU all of dlffcxeqt races,<br />

together, baul*ln-hacd. sldeby-iIJe.<br />

So <strong>Lowell</strong> Is not totally<br />

' raually tegregatnl afrsr all I ,<br />

T7 uy that ihe *ti;dcntj chocse<br />

the?t frtcadt according to natltmUty<br />

is an Irzult to every<br />

^ i .<br />

n <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

*.v'n Vnow better<br />

coold eat a meat, slrep jader i thaa ttiat.<br />

roof, walk, or stay >Uve wJ'Ji the.-<br />

•,•••':, LucyFong<br />

same rofcer. In such cue*, the Kotc: <strong>The</strong> only tnt&uof the<br />

monry Is uatii rcudi mere and "llanpouu" attklu u»t simply tn^<br />

bocoir.es pore titan just toother _ examine possible ielf*impoied ra*<br />

feather In a tut.<br />

at LowclL<br />

BrBceBlelawa<br />

--.ThcEJi.<br />


Styles to co-direct<br />

spring production<br />

• By MInoru Akulura<br />

Senior Doug Stjlr*, In cooperation<br />

with student icachft Tom<br />

Caitet of S*r. Fraockco State<br />

University, will cc-dUect the<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Creative Am Depm-<br />

HMtat's praentarlon of Paul<br />

SUU'c •Story <strong>The</strong>aue" on<br />

April 8, 9, aad 10.<br />

Stylet's Interest In the crea-<br />

. rive vu beam In tne second<br />

grade, when b* vas recruited<br />

by classmates to play d»e put<br />

of Sana CUm lo tbe tchool<br />

"Actually, ! wss packed because<br />

I vu tb4 attest person<br />

; la my clan," be rcveaiurl with<br />

After that, Style* petfonned<br />

" In at leut ooc play * year tmdl<br />

tbe Jixtn grsde wten he wrote a<br />

•e'eace-fiction pity foe hit cUn.<br />

He went on u attend Everett<br />

Junior High School and there he<br />

joined tbe Drama Club where be<br />

ii:ti»!eJ aci.113, stagecrafr, «nO<br />

wntwg.<br />

Graduating from £vetett, he<br />

joined the Piedu PUytrt, an<br />

after-school drama organization<br />

foe which members vrme<br />

and petfonned a number of<br />

plays.<br />

In hli jualor year at <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />

Srylet became active la tbe<br />

school's Creative Arts Department)<br />

ai a tcntot be tnoh the<br />

role of t ..rd BroVV'ifjJ »*» *.c<br />

the f*'l :>titt, Hvi ICont;.- jny<br />

many othen.<br />

<strong>The</strong> CMEA festival, held at<br />

San Francisco Stats University<br />

oo March 13* Included solo and<br />

cmemb!-s entrants from all over<br />

the Bay A tea.<br />

Soohomxe Becky Rbchla<br />

commented paslt)7«ly about<br />

net experiences at the festival.<br />

"Performing before an untaown<br />

audleDce "S> tecelvlng criticism<br />

from me Judges helps! my<br />

playing," :he explained.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> noon concert Included<br />

a variety of performances<br />

from a Bach violin solo to a<br />

Haydn two flutes and cello trio,<br />

to a Slosjrt clarinet solo to a<br />

mote com-- porary Helden taxophune<br />

solo.<br />

<strong>The</strong> student performers played<br />

the selections 1c a highly accomplished<br />

faihlon to a small but<br />

attentive audience in Room 71*<br />

Several gave recognition to<br />

their private teirters who had<br />

helped them get ready for the<br />

festival and to Paul Zahtitla.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> band director, and to<br />

JaneUe Za^tUU. <strong>Lowell</strong> orchestra<br />

cc.ouctor,<br />

Jaaellc ZjhtilU, orchestra<br />

teacher comment! on vhc r~ **<br />

formers, "<strong>The</strong> credits go »o<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> and Ac number of stu-<br />

^ dents performing."<br />

I £ "<strong>The</strong> studeuts put In a lot of<br />

£ their time which icvilicd Ir.<br />

^ them a!! doim*.: good «:h."<br />

£ -iiirllla further poinicl out<br />

£ that ihc was procd or all t»-c<br />

w . ninth grade studenu involved.<br />

. Future roon concern will be<br />

rinwd In the bulirtin or announced<br />

on Radio LOWQIL<br />


should be encouraged to take<br />

honors and Adranced Placement<br />

courses and suggested that student<br />

committees should be set<br />

up In those schools in which<br />

lntergroup problem* itc partlculirly<br />

acute.<br />

Cf the estimated ?0C contratacts<br />

from California, Jieconpctltlon<br />

Judg*j selected SO flnall!ts<br />

am) >lx winners, with Ungar<br />

being among the ILT.<br />

At the annual cenfererxe on<br />

Match 27, a formal banquet was<br />

held In the Grand Bslltocm of the<br />

Fairmont Hotel, and the NCCJ<br />

awarded Ungar and each of the<br />

wir.rer Maik Ungar.<br />

five other winners a check for<br />

$200 and * certificate of Achievement.<br />

Ungar described those prcseat<br />

at the banquet, a group of<br />

w-veiii hurdied people, as being".*,<br />

geouloety Interested<br />

In what we bad to say."<br />

Ungar Indicated that he w«<br />

Impressed with the work of the •<br />

NCCJ and the Ideas for which the<br />

organization itands.<br />

•"<strong>The</strong>y really live up to their<br />

moito of 'working quietly behind<br />

the scenes," be commented<br />

More Bay Area students<br />

attending UC Berkeley<br />

Accuriling to A recent siiidy<br />

of ttie University of California<br />

at Berkeley's freshmen ;ii«!cnts.<br />

Bay Area high schooU ^re vending<br />

more graduating students to rric<br />

UC campiu.<br />

Tot the 19K-83 fteshman year<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> ser.t the highest number<br />

of students, :0&, to UC Berkeley<br />

from any high schonl throughout -<br />

the nation.<br />

Local BcrVeley High was<br />

second with 83 students entering<br />

the University while Oakland's<br />

Skyline High School was ranged<br />

thlgl with a total cf 46 students.<br />

From San Franctsco, afrcr<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> was St. tgruilus Pteparaton*<br />

Sch foreign language, two years<br />

A math and at Vast one year of<br />

s physical tcieue.<br />

Alnnj; with these required<br />

hKcts tlic student'wltlt a "C"<br />

a'veragu nuist Uvc cwcptlciial.<br />

Scores on the Standird Achleve-<br />

»at Test (SAT) and on the th,fT<br />

jchlcvement tests (which Include<br />

•Er.gU±. nulh, and a limited<br />

cln'lcc of the third test).<br />

For an out of state student to<br />

apply IO a UC campus bc/shc<br />

must have at least a 3.4 grade<br />

point average, with good scores<br />

on the SAT nd three achievement<br />

tests.<br />

Enrollment Fee foe the University<br />

for the 1982-83 year was<br />

$390. S3 for California residents<br />

(w semester while the same fee<br />

for an out of state student was<br />

$1,440.83.<br />

Compared to other schools of<br />

UC Berkeley statue this [srela-"<br />

lively Inexpensive.<br />

Other Cay Area high schools<br />

:h*: sent a contributing amount<br />

-••( israduatlnj! seniors to UC<br />

Berkeley include El Cerlto Kt|l!.,<br />

rcl-.uol w:u 3a, AcalanetH'^h<br />

School with 3S, MIramoato High<br />

School with M anil Oakland High<br />

School with 32.<br />

Alois vlth nine Bay Area high<br />

school studeno attending lie<br />

Berkeley, mere heil junior<br />

colleges arc scndL-j itudeots to<br />

the campus.<br />

Among the Junior colleges,<br />

Plablo Valley Is firn with 118<br />

followed by San Francisco's<br />

City College with S3.<br />

<strong>The</strong> College of Marln is third<br />

with «0. According u tmdle«w<br />

the Increase couM be dua to<br />

hriatioQ plus a gteatet emphasis<br />

In Bay Area schools oc the IC<br />

lequlrententj. • „<br />

• April. B. 1983<br />

•i<br />

•w<br />

v ><br />

yt<br />

'\<br />

%<br />

Nl<br />

lunlorS<br />

been selec<br />

- Area stud-<br />

In tiar>* »i<br />

lw goveri<br />

ICCJI ItJi:<br />

Ti<br />

and the .S.<br />

Sister C\v<br />

ducted a i<br />

inter esiti<br />

AppUci<br />

In the itut<br />

member c<br />

have at Ic<br />

U Italian<br />

Italian da<br />

Entrant<br />

submit tii<br />

reeon.mei<br />

which am<br />

-Why do<br />

and how<br />

yourthou<br />

*. hind<br />

T3y etc<br />

never be<br />

I would<br />

vherc T.<br />

Brunc<br />

teacher<br />

contest.<br />


Students senior citizens 9 luncheon<br />

John Liu heir* "• hy •<br />

Abundo wins<br />

trip to Italy<br />

By Mlyoung Chun<br />

. J unlit Stccrunie Abttndo has<br />

been (elected as one of 60 Bay<br />

Are* Jtudenti to spend 28 days<br />

In Italy at * guest of the lul-<br />

UQ government and tevera)<br />

local Italian organlxaticus.<br />

Totcina'Rogtonal, th« Auociazlone<br />

Lucchctt Net Mondo,<br />

and the South San Francisco<br />

Sister City otjanizaUon conducted<br />

a competition among<br />

Intereited student In the fall.<br />

Applicants had to be enrolled<br />

in we study of Italian or be a<br />

number of an lullan Club or<br />

nave « t east coe parent who<br />

(s lulUn or AC American of<br />

Italian descenu<br />

Entranu were required to<br />

submit their transcripts, teaches*<br />

rtcemrnendatloas, and an essay<br />

which aaswaeu the question,<br />

"Why do ym wish to go to Italy<br />

aad how will this trip affect<br />

your thoughts aboor things<br />

AbuodD exclaimed, "Pm<br />

very excited because I have<br />

never beeu to Italy before, ltd<br />

I wouli like to tee the place<br />

when my relatives came from. "<br />

Bruno Mt

tr-.<br />

By Dans tout<br />

' Amlc, unifying, illstOy (uln-<br />

frt at dmcs.. • the Senior • •<br />

Roller Siting Piny. Mile*<br />

"Kivn So Good, " wai rtagcd<br />

M>tcfa n and earned rave revlewi<br />

Eton aiati who attended.<br />

South San Franeltcd'i Siaai<br />

Arena Skating RloV ui the lite<br />

of tl«e party, which e&erulned<br />

* prlnuillyteller crowd of S20 '<br />

trttn the 6oua of 7-10 p. m.<br />

Skauttt ranged in ability from<br />

diOM who Inched along the rail-.<br />

Ings to th«e who wove throo£li .<br />

ERNMENr<br />

Seniors party on skates<br />

•he crowds. <strong>The</strong> nuln aturttlcn,<br />

a»y Takemoto Umi-<br />

ttuaga, srwtneJ to be Ac long icd the tic-et talc*.<br />

"train*' formed by stuten bang. - <strong>The</strong> majority ct tbs organtza-<br />

og outo'ucli omen wains* drg- tloo In ihU respect wai taken on<br />

Is-A^e* add waking .dotted the by senior* Grace A bad led Miry<br />

rluk...<br />

Joyce.<br />

"I lud neve* gene roUcnkar.ag -We tried," oplilr.ix<br />

before." lenutked senior Joseph<br />

?on, "... I enjoyed falling<br />

down."<br />

<strong>The</strong> pli/alt or skMlng parilei<br />

past had always teen a shortage<br />

. of iluta—a problem retolved<br />

this year when Senior Cfau<br />

1 little bch'ad-thr.-iccoe difflcul- dUs point*<br />

ties and thoroughly enjoyed the <strong>The</strong>


one drink minimum and NQddlo<br />

Eaiturn and A mo leap foodj ate<br />

served. Well-behaved mlnon<br />

are wrlcomc<br />

9<br />

By Savld Jooa<br />

Eecause or the growing fcpulirliy<br />

of progressive jazx iruilc.<br />

the cumber or night clubi ft>turlng<br />

thli truly American form<br />

or entertainment bat Increased<br />

In the lut r« jriin.<br />

Tie grsndrather or ihoc chibi<br />

locally U tfce Keyitone Korner<br />

at ISO Vallejo Street In Noitli<br />

Beach, which featurci Jazz<br />

seven nlgha a week. A variety<br />

or noted artists playi regularly<br />

including an Blakay. Bobby<br />

tlutcheoon, zyi Richie Cole.<br />

Thi pcrfcrmen change vsekly<br />

vh*cb keeps the program fresh.<br />

Adorned with a mural of<br />

grear Jazz anlin en die uiulde<br />

and pseudo-African wall tiles<br />

within, the'smike-fllled Kcy-<br />

>Tone follows In the tradition<br />

or the New Yo:k Izzz clubs or<br />

the 40 ( l and SO'i such as Birdlnnri,<br />

<strong>The</strong> cover charge on week<br />

nights U 55, while on wcekcjxli<br />

the con Is >8. 50. <strong>The</strong>re l> a<br />

'High Road' is a bomb\<br />

Tom Selleck and fleu Arrmtfcon fall In lovo In "Httfh Road to China"!<br />

By Kilt Giant<br />

3 el leek, who has ;lstn to fame<br />

Tcm Selleck*! good looks as the star of the telev'jlon<br />

alone are not enocgh to save scries "Magnum P.L," does not<br />

his new movie, "<strong>The</strong> High fit the role he Is filling, a mis-<br />

Road to China," rrom being a take In casting. He U tco ser-<br />

complete ralltre.<br />

ious in scene* which should be<br />

Set In the HMO's, :he movie<br />

cottars Bos Armstrong at a<br />

rich heiress who must rind her<br />

missing rather In order to secure<br />

her ramlly fortune<br />

Selleck liars ai the daredevil<br />

pilot who tries to aid Armstrong<br />

taken lightly, and "ae Is too unlnvolved<br />

In the mere tcrioui<br />

ones.<br />

Armstrong tries very hard to<br />

prove that the can act In a role<br />

tha*. would demand very little from<br />

any acttsu,<br />

in her search. <strong>The</strong> two rail In "High Road" loses Its aua<br />

love and together begin a deter- lence within the flrtt 15 minutes.<br />

mined effort to locate her rather. Too much Imitate U given to<br />

(lying airplanes and railing<br />

<strong>The</strong> problem with the film bombs, and not enough is given<br />

Is dm I: is zo predictable the tn the acton and the roles they<br />

hero saves it°-c maldn In distress, arc trying to develop.<br />

they fall In iore, Dm! there's the<br />

inevitable happy ending.<br />

<strong>The</strong> movie will satisfy those<br />

who are content to gaze at the<br />

Everyilme Selleck and Arm- handsorre Selleck in his dashing<br />

itrongkl»,.apombdropi, making pilots uniform, but leave*<br />

these suppcscd'ly serious tcencs Uttlc ej,e I0 be enjoyed If anyseem<br />

comical. thing of subeunce Is deilred.<br />

April 8. 1983<br />

Progressive jazz cmcrgu out<br />

of the big Mod ;anlit jimmy Smite. Ttckm<br />

Thr Key none Komcr, a<br />

i re 57.50 and there h J 52.50<br />

I'tiJcnt dlicount<br />

For big jazz tans, tl.c Ke\ttone<br />

ictli dUcoont cards for &>S0 tha*<br />

ate good for admiuio.i :o 10 conrcrti.<br />

uhtch can antount to a dit*<br />

count i>f up to $n.*i.<br />

While on the subject of local<br />

jazz spou, i t.ew enc, Ktmball'*<br />

Reatarrant, feature* Jaii performen<br />

nightly. It Is located on<br />

Franklin Street at Crave behind<br />

popular i*zz n<br />


Filled With Prom Surprises<br />

Divio Symphony Hall.<br />

<strong>The</strong> dlnncn are<br />

r:nglng 'rotn 55.25 TO 813. And<br />

the covet charge vari-i from<br />

v2 to J8, depending on the eoterulncr.<br />


<strong>The</strong> arruring Span Age vwtllut with vclcro closures, picture<br />

windows and secret comp.irtrr>ents is your prom prasent from<br />

Selix. And it's filled wtin valuable coupon* from Ch« Cologne,<br />

Zint's, Concouise Limo, Rainbow Rtcorcj and more- Just rent<br />

yiur Tux from Sclix. And what a dashi.ig date you'll be. Choose<br />

from the largest selection in the West. Fashions by fterre Cardin,<br />

Yves Saint Laurent. After Six and Lord West. Cbssfc black, plus<br />

all the great colon. Perfect fit. perfect taste plur your free wallet<br />

— THAT'S absolute perfection.<br />


t. «*t*n trt OALISTS UNCC 1*0%<br />



K1AN1) • IIAVAkNII • COr*t,1l![l • IL CtRHITf^ • SAN HATfO<br />

^<br />

Tonight at Mniball't it ,lc<br />

Hcnny Rartiu Tr!o. Ot, Satmoiv<br />

ti ttir B4Uc>UTiii SaL*a Party,<br />

?nd tfT. Moniiay night, the flay<br />

Are.*. l:xz Society present* a Jam<br />

testlcn with dnimmfr EJdle M^r-<br />



Supermarket<br />

tabloids bring<br />

in big money<br />

By Lor! Glllapt-s<br />

•Cod Is i woman - the proof."<br />

"Deaf girl heart with her<br />

teeth. "<br />

" Aliens invading our schools.*<br />

Supermarket ubloids. Sotnc<br />

people call them trash, o«hen<br />

limply tiupiJ. Bin wlntrver<br />

a penon chooses to call them*<br />

these papers bring ID big buckx.<br />

"<strong>The</strong>GloM." "National<br />

Exa.aileer," "<strong>The</strong> Star" and<br />

the "National Enqulrrr" arc<br />

four of the mot' poplar wocrmarket<br />

publlcatlvut.<br />

<strong>The</strong> "Kattonal Enquirer"<br />

bouts the largest circulation<br />

of any paper <br />

gOMip."<br />

Secauke of the kinds of stories<br />

these papers publish - from<br />

ihe Inane to th: hlurre, they<br />

are often in the news.<br />

Famous uoi^edlan/ac tress<br />

Carol Bumcu recently sued<br />

the'Nrtlout Enquirer" and<br />

Pay TV offers choices<br />

By Dsbble Gottfried<br />

Do >cw iKuk that soap cotTas<br />

are sappj;yiuat sitcoms ate<br />

If to, you might consldei «mu<br />

alternatives. <strong>The</strong>re are many<br />

rslevillon statisns which a TV<br />

viewer can receive Ly paying<br />

for them.<br />

, Otn such fevm of pay TV<br />

U Viacom Cabtevlslcn. Cable TV<br />

coulsa of several specialized<br />

nations.<br />

Showtime atid Home Box<br />

Office (HBO) are two cable<br />

nations which feature mote<br />

current motion pictures. HBO<br />

also broadcasts spotting events,<br />

anri Showtime televises con *<br />

certs.<br />

Another cable station is Clneroax<br />

which plays older movlei<br />

from the MM'i and 1040's..<br />

Music TV (MTV) feuura*<br />

musical vUeo, mostly of<br />

rock stan., -<br />

Addltlcnal cable channels are<br />

Supersatlrn WTBS (Chamei 17)<br />

and ESPN (Channel 18). WTBS<br />

broaicajts out of Atlanta, Georgia, a g« these specbl pay TV<br />

anj futures motion flcRces. channels.'<br />

ESPN Is the c, arm channel. ' <strong>The</strong> Home Box Office channel<br />

<strong>The</strong>re la also a cable H-sith can be .equirol either threvgh<br />

Cablevlaloo or thrmgh Premier<br />

Chanrel Home Box Office. <strong>The</strong><br />

Studant atid Concert<br />

Guitars in Stock<br />

Include >enmer.ts on such topics<br />

as nuultloti. tailing chlldtco.<br />

and exercising.<br />

Cable BisCableviiiuc's<br />

local station. It ana Channel<br />

25 are designed io serve t!.-e<br />

curomunity.<br />

Viewers can subscribe tu<br />

twlc Cable TV or to any of the<br />

[ay TV sutfoas. Basic cable<br />

Irchides all of the. static*? «xccp<br />

Showtime, HBO, c:nemax,<br />

and ihe Hayboy:<br />

latter Is a pay TV r ion which<br />

fearutes Hotra Box wfiloe enly<br />

3nd uses a microwave signal,<br />

not cable.<br />

To :ecei>e Home Box Office<br />

this way cttts SCO. 95 to Insult<br />

the equipment corslsting of a<br />

rr'crcwave antenna and a dc*.ooei<br />

box.<br />

Addltlpnal coiu Include •) 559<br />

securl:y deposit for Ihe e5clpme.1t<br />

and a monthly charge of 52 U95.<br />

Another pjy station which Is<br />

<strong>The</strong>se additional stations range not connected with Cable TV Is<br />

lo.oit fiomS7.95toJ9.95i>:! itarTV.<br />

month each. Subscribing to all<br />

of the stations costs JM per<br />

month.<br />

According to Sharon wherb.<br />

admlnlsanlve assistant to the<br />

general manager of Cab

Talent, ability to produce<br />

choice for Academy<br />

By KrU Clothlir<br />

April U Auadrtmy Awards<br />

month when the winners of the<br />

coveted Oican arc announced<br />

of critics hive already picked<br />

It u beit film.<br />

•MHitaj!," with Jack Lcmmon<br />

and 5lssy Spacek, iclH il.e nory<br />

"Tooule." has Ductim Hoffman'<br />

portraying r mart Impencnin,<br />

a woman who >i a hit In a 7v<br />

soap $pctzt<br />

Each of -fie nominated films<br />

it distinguished by some cf the<br />

finest acting seen In many years.<br />

-Sophie'sChoice." with Meryl<br />

Sncep playing a waricarud<br />

Vollsh immigrant, carwJ Strecp<br />

* nomination a; r>tii acres.<br />

>n unuuiai pair of ftomln«tioc,»<br />

are attracting attention JiU<br />

season. Jeulcz Langc has been<br />

nominated at belt actreis for her<br />

work in Trances," i.idihehas<br />

also been picked ?> i best luppo.tlng<br />

actress candidate for<br />

<strong>The</strong> beit actcr category has<br />

movie fan* guessing who the<br />

winner will be. Outstanding<br />

by the Academyof Motion Pic- of a family's «arct< Jt Ummon's perfotmanccs were turned In bv<br />

rure Am and 5cf0<br />

Ncvnun as a drwu-.ind-oat<br />

Ukyer tr>!n^ f t make a c> n:c<br />

tuck against some very heavy<br />

odds.<br />

"E.T. -<strong>The</strong> Extra Tenemiar<br />

(i the film that managed to capture<br />

tlic hearts of tnc AincrJcj"<br />

irovlc-$oit.p pubUc of*' beconlithe<br />

number one box oflicc fill of<br />

all time.<br />

<strong>The</strong> comedy hit of lhe yt.ir,<br />

the five nominees: Ben Kinsley,<br />

Paul Wcvman, Dustlc Hoffman.<br />

Jack Lcn.mon, itui Peter O'Tcolc.<br />

Sc*. n! 1982 films vound up<br />

with mult I pi* nomlnatlcns. Fct<br />

example, "Victcr/Victorl*- received<br />

i:t nomination*, "Gandhi*<br />

captured ten, "An Officer and a<br />

Gentlemen" garnered six, ind<br />

"E.T.," "Socle's Choice,"<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Verdict," -Tocrfiic," and<br />

"Mmlng,* tonat.xa few, were<br />

nomlsitcd ttf several awards.<br />

*Styx 5 adds new dimension to performance<br />

By Lauren Helm<br />

Can a tock £roup combine<br />

a 11430 »how, .-» concert, and<br />

a play tiuo ono successful pcrfomuocs?<br />

If the ?j rcu P is Styx,<br />

It C«U<br />

<strong>The</strong> grcip's recent Bay Area<br />

appearance at the Berkeley<br />

Corormaity <strong>The</strong>ater was more<br />

than a rock conceit.<br />

<strong>The</strong> five members of the<br />

group not only sang a majority<br />

of their big hlu, but also starred<br />

in a film at the beginning of the<br />

concert end acted and danced<br />

throughout the evening.<br />

Tb? protparo commenced wlJ,<br />

an 11-mltuitti film which Introduced<br />

the Styx's new altuiT^<br />

"KlUoy WasHerr.*<br />

<strong>The</strong> video -explained tho story<br />

.en which the album Is based.<br />

It deals with Kl!ror# a ro?k star,<br />

- woo U framed for murder and<br />

cotnrtcteJ, <strong>The</strong> adventures of<br />

lib ocapo are depicted foe the<br />

audience.<br />

One might assume that beginning<br />

A concert with a..fUm<br />

would an M effective, but the<br />

fihr- ttn done well, and the<br />

April 8, MS3.<br />

. vas strong.<br />

ita'ed, tho tt.cinc Is :lui rock<br />

jnd roll is not dead.<br />

Wliin the banu member*<br />

appeared, they wtj-, disguised<br />

a; robots staging "Mr, Robotc,"<br />

a hit slcgle rro:r< their new album.<br />

<strong>The</strong> stjgc quUUy became covrted<br />

with smoke, and a huge vtgn<br />

lit up. ptoclalmlng'Kilxoy."<br />

For the next hour ths Styx<br />

played many old and rev songs,<br />

including 'Blue Collar M»n,"<br />

"Babe," "Paradise <strong>The</strong>ater,"<br />

"Don't Let It Cod," "SnowbtltaJ,"<br />

other about Kilt")'': j:rcs( ami<br />

ttir awful ponlblllty of an rrd<br />

to rock and ro!L ttictc »>ittook<br />

place between songs to<br />

cairy forth the the mi of tbu<br />

concert.<br />

Throughout the cone en,<br />

com plica led staging, spectacular<br />

lighting, and quality<br />

music wers feanued. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

was never a d>ill moment. Although<br />

the dancldg was overdone<br />

at times.<br />

Overall, the entire concert<br />

"<strong>The</strong> group's recent appearance...<br />

was more than a rock concert."<br />

ind 'Come Sal! Away."<br />

Tbioughout ihe concert,<br />

Daioli DoYoong, the leader of<br />

fiyi, it«rred u Klliojr. tho<br />

rtcllcious w«U famom rick<br />

liar. Culuili! Tommy Jhaw<br />

itincd ai Jauibai Chuce, the<br />

fulutUttr rebel leader or an underground<br />

rock aid roll movement.<br />

Tlic tvo ulked with "och<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> Black Students Union<br />

Pies6nts!ts<br />

10th Annual Fashkrn Extiavsganza<br />

or.AiiriH6«t7:3!IP.H.<br />

in the Lowe!! High Auditorium<br />

$5Studeot8 $7 Adults<br />

Choreograplwd and Commontaled<br />

byGrfdotyBiurall<br />

See Any Model or eSU Member<br />

tor-Tickets i<br />

••»••••••••••<br />

was vety well executed and<br />

quite emenalnlog.<br />

Styx proved that the band<br />

Kill hai Uie ultot which<br />

brought put jniularity. Continued<br />

mccc* teems guaran*<br />

teeJ. U the concert Is any<br />

Indication of thlnRl to cone.<br />

HAPPY<br />

17th<br />



Love,<br />

Peg<br />

KIHNspiracy' attracts new fans \ '<br />

Guy Douglass, who tcplaced<br />

Dave Carpenter.<br />

Prior to Joining Cieg Ktbn's<br />

Bandt- Douglas played (at other<br />

Bay Aru-buscd bands lodudlng<br />

Van Morrison and Stcvo Miller.<br />

By Elizabeth Brown<br />

If you hivcu't heard the (-reg<br />

Klho Dand'i Iciest alburr, "iCHNtplracy,"<br />

y>M arc mining out on<br />

wmc great rocKIHNrol).<br />

"Kll'NspUany," the clghtli atuum<br />

put out by Greg klha aod<br />

his bind on the P;ncrVely Ja^el,<br />

leola like It will ilraily odng<br />

this local band th« national<br />

success It deserves.<br />

Strong single releases frjrr. the<br />

album like -Jeopardy," whin-. Is<br />

currently being pUyed on VM<br />

rock sutions throughout Uic couti*<br />

try, contribute to the f access or*<br />

the blbum.<br />

"Jeopardy," whir« Is also tc-<br />

Ing played widely on M-TV, a<br />

24-hour video mute channel,<br />

Appears to be heading for the,<br />

top 20 vA the rd<br />

on the atoum which If h?ard on<br />

such singles as "You Can't Love<br />

<strong>The</strong>m All,"* on which be has an<br />

Impressive slMc solo.<br />

"KIHKiplracy" fiffw» j variety<br />

or tongs for Ustcnea with just<br />

about eery musical Zteiiz,<br />

TRO single cut, -?asclttation,"<br />

Is a folk-rxlc tune, WRilr"You<br />

Can't Lcve <strong>The</strong>m ^VP is a great<br />

IOUJ party wng.<br />

For rhymm and blura fans,<br />

"Love Never Fatls" Is a followup<br />

to the band's earlier RAB hit<br />

from the "KlHNrlnuetT albcm,<br />

"Every Lovr Song."<br />

<strong>The</strong> lyrics and melody on such<br />

songs as "1 Fall to Pieces," "Love<br />

Never Falls," "How Loog," and<br />

"Jeopardy" are all oeuunrfmj%<br />

<strong>The</strong> sound e\ me band U a<br />

little CXi'iMi from earlier albums<br />

wl;h oulucr parti aod more<br />

emphasis oti the rhythm section.<br />

<strong>The</strong> instruments! outpu: It Inaudible.<br />

"KiHNipir?cy Is an exceUir.t<br />

examnle of B*^ ftto# tock *nS<br />

roll, well worth adding TO JOC'I<br />

record collcc'lan.<br />

A free wailct full<br />

of surprises when you<br />

rent Grodins promwear<br />

When you f ?nt your formalwcar U01T1 Gri-dins<br />

you choose frum all the laio&t styles by<br />

Alter Six, Lard West. Pierre Cardin and<br />

Yves Saint Laurent. What's more.. • you also<br />

g%! a free sport callei stuffed with valuable<br />

coupons for clotting, flowers, food and much<br />

more. See Grodins first, for a pertect prom!<br />

m<br />

I<br />


PROFILES san<br />

francisco<br />

news<br />

Chron's<br />

Steve Rub en stein...<br />

fly Debbie Woo<br />

Reporter Stcvo P.ubcnstcin<br />

sits it hU dink la me rrmttlc<br />

of the Urge and noiiy "Sio<br />

Francisco Chronicler tv.vsroc-m,<br />

* room loosely reminiscent<br />

of the former "Lru<br />

CrinT office.<br />

Phone; ring off the hook<br />

in the newj headquarters which<br />

Rubcraicfn shares with about<br />

60 mtief rcponert. Cnc sound<br />

howafer* in thU her/ workroom<br />

Is... missing.<br />

"Miten," laid RuSciftcIn<br />

"you don't heat one."<br />

<strong>The</strong> typewriter his become<br />

obsolete it the "Chronicle."<br />

Instead of banging their stories<br />

oat on paper, reporters type<br />

them onto TV screen*.<br />

RubcnsteWi official title 1*<br />

general assignment reporter<br />

whlc.i mean; that he U uot<br />

assigned to any specific news<br />

beau<br />

Rubcffitein docs get a share<br />

of the city's flrett snoot-outs,<br />

hostage-takings, plane crashes,<br />

ar.il murders.<br />

He, himsetr, has nev-r oeen<br />

placed in a Ufe-endangerirg<br />

situation, bur he has known<br />

several others in the profession<br />

who have.<br />

In Tut, a friend of Rubenstein's,<br />

a photographer, was one<br />

of the men shot ar«i killed at the<br />

Jonestown site with Cor*grt=:nun<br />

Leo Ryan.<br />

"(*ve covered a loc of tUngs<br />

. that hive been unpleasant! I<br />

renumber them vet; well. I've<br />

seen a lot of hurlote things,<br />

but I always remux! mytelf<br />

when 1 see something Uk« e<br />

. plane cf*sh that, men planes<br />

tto uot crash."<br />

In addition to covering news- :<br />

making disasters, one-third<br />

nf Rsbeusteln*! stories ate features,<br />

rn«t of which are his<br />

own Ideas.<br />

One reccat article Rxiocnstelu<br />

authored featured die lowo of<br />

• Cazcdcro, "supposedly the wetteii'ia<br />

rbe Bv. Areaj"<br />

Two yean ago, RubenjiMo<br />

was abo given * weekly column<br />

cillert "Once n/Weeitf which<br />

ram (not colocldestaHy) once<br />

a week on S&nnUyv<br />

1O<br />

In hit column, hr addtcue i<br />

such matters as the ton^mingi<br />

of the 19&* world Atmanac<br />

and the troubk with todaf's<br />

Easter Bunny.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is no fixed number<br />

of stories he rnus* produce in<br />

a week. In one day he nuy<br />

be assigned several short ttcTles.<br />

or for a week or more he may \<br />

be assigned one long nor/. ^<br />

Basically, he covers "anyt!i.'iig B<br />

that comes along."<br />

Oefofc Rubcnitein joined<br />

*he "Clironicle" ttaff, he<br />

worked for Los Angeles*<br />

"Herald -Examiner."<br />

On an assignment Co cover<br />

thu Fatty Hearst 'rial in San<br />

Franclvo, he secured a Job at<br />

the "Chronicle* and has been<br />

working at Sin Francisco's<br />

foreman newspaper ever since.<br />

Altho^h Rubeostein con*<br />

tide? himself lucky to be with<br />

the •Cnrcrdcle," he admitted<br />

that the werk is pot elways<br />

.easy.<br />

"When an editor asks you to<br />

do a story,, you say 'yes* and.<br />

do it. If you don't, you c"on'i<br />

vcrk here foi toy tong," he<br />

explained.<br />

"An ct.itor nuy come in at<br />

4:30 and say there's a fire<br />

down the street and we need the<br />

story by 5:00. •<br />

In some Instance*, upon<br />

reaching :he scene of the crime<br />

or dieuter, the icpsrer nuy*<br />

find thai there U no »rry at all.<br />

Rubenitcin saptaJct that &c<br />

"fire" may be butntng In a<br />

tratbcin.<br />

Witt halt an butir, Rubemtelc<br />

wlU d» rhe joh. HB up that<br />

with experience, these very<br />

l*ion cieacUua ire net to<br />

difficult to Meet, lleadoed,<br />

"Yes have to Nl able to do<br />

anything you're allied 10 do."<br />

"We do a reasonable Jab of<br />

panlaij out i reliable and<br />

uuemtbs! uwipapet. tooo't<br />

want to sound like r rr. wooing<br />

the company line, but I<br />

kind of like it.-<br />

Rubcrateia's work agrees<br />

with him beeaurc h« Uket the.<br />

variety ofnoriu hb position<br />

JKPWS Mm, anil lie likes his<br />

f-lacr- of work.<br />

"1 like sitting right In the<br />

middle of this room w.'th all<br />

these people around and JII<br />

these crazy things goim; or..<br />

"If I don't know how to<br />

spell a word, I can lust yell<br />

it our, and somebody will<br />

yell It back to me," he lauglirtl.<br />

Rubcnitein calls his fellow<br />

reporters *a very nicr, congenial<br />

bunch of people."<br />

"1 look fotwari to coming<br />

Into work every morning and<br />

doing whatever It U 1 do. I<br />

still ht'en't figured out euctly<br />

what It Is l*'ot" Mid<br />

Rubcnstcinwtth a ijrin. _____<br />

...and Susan Sward<br />

By Kelllc Can<br />

In my lob their is rarely a<br />

boring moment,- exclaimed<br />

Sujjn Swarf, News Jnd Feature<br />

reponer tot "Tne s»n Francisco<br />

Chronicle: "<br />

Sward, who liaj written for<br />

the "Chronicle" tor three ye»n,<br />

i» very enthuitiulc about her<br />

work.<br />

"1 enloy meeting people<br />

and I like lU challenge of<br />

having to gather anJ organize<br />

fact: for a itory In > iho.-t<br />

amount of lime," ihe enthused.<br />

Be.OP « rcponcr certainly<br />

gives her a chance to do a lot<br />

of both.<br />

At she sees It, newspapers<br />

are la stiff competition with<br />

the television and radio In delivering<br />

ifce fastest and mat<br />

accurate news. Tt>± re port en<br />

have to react qu1ckl7 to pos-<br />

2ible»ioriri.<br />

SWJITJ stresses that the telephone<br />

Is very useful In getting<br />

quick information; often<br />

Acre isn't enough time ro<br />

drive down to the location of<br />

an Incident to cover die story.<br />

"You havt to be abla to<br />

hustle a person Into talltin^ to<br />

you by prolccttag your personality<br />

through your \nlce,"<br />

the added.<br />


Another time saver is tiic<br />

computer which cuts down on<br />

* lot of the paperwork.<br />

Though there Isn't much<br />

competition within the"Chronicle"<br />

staff against each other<br />

or agairet other newspapers.<br />

Sward feel* a certain *n.ot,:ii<br />

of cornpetl: ;•••«! against herself.<br />

"It is often fnttratln^ In that<br />

I could have known more Infotnvtttnn<br />

or I culd have been<br />

more accurate. Sometimes l<br />

want to write longer stories<br />

than space permits; the "Ctrfon-<br />

Icle" is a basineu and we have<br />

to fit our stories around the idven<br />

dements.<br />

Swanl citimales tliat she<br />

wtitct a maximum of two<br />

"long and complicated-'<br />

ito/lcs a month but also wriiei<br />

many snuller articles. She<br />

likes to have a photograph<br />

accompanying her stories<br />

i43Cc pictures can bring out<br />

trood of 'he itory.<br />

Being a reporter is tJmeconsaming<br />

and Swud must often<br />

do much of her background<br />

research on her own time, at<br />

her own pace. She adds that<br />

she need! the nights to unwind<br />

so that she can fee us ou the<br />

new day's work.<br />

Sward first became Interested 1<br />

in JCTirnxH? by writing for her<br />

school paper. She attended<br />

the Unl7tniiy cf California at<br />

SantiCrus, Stanford, and the<br />

Univealry of California at Los<br />

Angela.<br />

in 1910, she took clippings<br />

of storm Jut she —d written<br />

for :he UCLA "Dally Drain" to<br />

Associated Press, a Urge newspaper<br />

syndicate, and was lilrcd.<br />

?he wcked there fot ten<br />

yean prior to Joining the 'Chronicle"<br />

staff. Sward found working<br />

for Associated Press,"much<br />

more competitive than for the<br />

^Chronicle"."<br />

in givtec *dvicc to ajpiring<br />

JounaUsti, Sw»rd smiled, "<br />

" *.'ou should be careful of facts<br />

f«lr-m!ftdetf. vtry energetic<br />

and a good tpellc/I"<br />

KPSX<br />

• . - By Dana<br />

i-TOC sponscastet Wayr.o '.<br />

A fencer Deanll Uon, a<br />

and emmentato:, Walle- u<br />

htcoa. well like! for it, J<br />

Drafted out of the Unive<br />

after is .tUmrlous three ipcA<br />

lego career, Walker Vis no 1<br />

being recognised, ere: befrj<br />

to the UDOJ it the llnetuzkcf<br />

fit«n» one-school rove, onff<br />

recognition is the tunic of tfi<br />

'.*ilfs been a coiitinuousi<br />

AM to It tin. Detroit wal<br />

In 19^5, a Detroit televiiionl<br />

If be veuld do an audition if<br />

sejuonhe began his weekcrJ<br />

Hot* he's In the big city, f<br />

nunlifje, has raited thite c<br />

PrU ?ife ). now young idol<br />

t!.-. big leagues u a sporsca<br />

Eaca day, he arrive at K<br />

end 4 o'clock where he aw)<br />

the *jcrt^ department begin<br />

copyvriUng, and cenferrieg<br />

WaUt£t*> evening nevfcaiu<br />

"feceeo the fou: of us, <<br />

Tn« »tfcer Uiree aiea -as<br />

clitcpmtacer, audaweek<br />

latlk orihe writing atrl edfc:<br />

moa oflUa own copywrltlng<br />

Ughts'After all, itUdewb<br />

&\ ccVKrms with shctty f!u<br />

-I'milse faottora line," bij<br />

goo oa fta air - can go oa t<br />

kjfcj It-<br />

Altooagh-Walket tries to s<br />

Bay Aret et ecu u poalbk :<br />

oirnccB, tiacehentucbifc.<br />

feip '«teleci<br />

April 9. 19M' ; AortlB, if

Picnurcs, cU-ckwlsc:<br />

gass ass KT<br />

X Sportscaster Wayne Walker<br />

c Rul ? n3teln a:id Susan Sward P ho "«* courtesy<br />

.F. Chronicle rublic Relations Department<br />

Wayne Walker photo by Glenn Asm-da<br />

Wayne Walker<br />

>'.--. . Many vlcven remember a<br />

'•f- "r Ml>1 FMH feature of Walker's spectscatt<br />

«w Wayne Walket has no com?lalna rhat dato a few yean back:<br />

'It Lion, and |irevai. TV spora nan <strong>The</strong> Wayne Waller Spo.-u Chal-<br />

otv Walter la among ibe bnt *t what<br />

liked for It, >ni adore: hi: jotu<br />

)t tie Uolvenlry of Idaho In 1953<br />

out ihtee-spon u& school 33d col-<br />

Ute MU no IUI when It came to<br />

ed, even before IS yzxn of ttrvlce<br />

tjM,lilMiaclier poslticn. Coming<br />

ool tovn, oae'quickly realizes that<br />

heuros of the game<br />

lenge, a venture which wai<br />

hli brainchild.<br />

In hu weekly challenge,<br />

which wai quite a hit for the<br />

three aLd i h«If yean It ran. ho<br />

(leldec ipcc.lng challenge! of all<br />

kinds from B«y Area watchen,<br />

usually emerging victorious.<br />

Tbete days. Walker has added<br />

yet another notch In hit mtcro-<br />

i;»tworjnuous process...- he explalceU'phone by doing netKorkcommcn<br />

•f-Detroll'vas just the slatting bix*. .tating nationwide for CBS.<br />

otrMlsvlnoi station asked Walker Both the 49en' playoff victor/<br />

audition tape, and In the offluTvtftkcnd<br />

spottscastlng duties.<br />

jMig city. Walker. In his second<br />

atsed tiu«a children herd ( a>- hl><br />

; joaag adnlts, while moving up to<br />

.uriiziuaumt u welL<br />

jfeivei at K?1X between 3 o'clock<br />

"""'"'" ' "o o*« Ihtse mer In<br />

10 video-apt edttlrj; ~<br />

i>g tieleoi uut lead ::- to.<br />

;<br />

we pit tl,a show en ibt<br />

lucsx, an JUSOt<br />

- do the^<br />

leg, »r^W a San FrancUco,"<br />

he Joked.<br />

If oos should scratch and<br />

* claw their way to a big market<br />

like :luc of San Francisco, they<br />

should reaUz? what the pub!;:<br />

wants from a sportscactcr.<br />

According to Walker, that's<br />

cramming in as much action<br />

as you can fit In, without<br />

constant"... pontificating and<br />

cdltoti^lizlnB..."<br />

" <strong>The</strong>y want the sportscaster<br />

to have done his homework,..<br />

get the carries right and Jotow<br />

whit he's talking about,"<br />

Walker explained.<br />

Clearly, Walket's done his<br />

homework. He is trusted by<br />

Bay Area viewers and what*!<br />

more, rollsbes what hc*s doing.<br />

"1 really look forward to<br />

coming to work,* ho cmhiiirri.<br />

"...ihb Ix not like a Job to<br />

me... Iff tomewhere I spend<br />

some time, but It's not really<br />

Uke wctklng. I'm not sure<br />

there are too many people that<br />

c^n lay that, but 1 really, tru?*<br />

believe It - I like It mat much."<br />

KCBS'<br />

Lynn Jimenez<br />

By Matk Ungat<br />

When many people hear the<br />

ICHS on the tadlo, they vlsuclixe<br />

a penor. sitting la a studio<br />

telllnf, them what the oewppets<br />

mil television have alieady te-<br />

Thll, however. Is not necessarily<br />

rt.e case, especially for<br />

Individual] Me KClts net,t t«porut<br />

lynn Jimenez, xhau tab<br />

It Is to go out Into the itieeu<br />

each day, d;g up ihr newt, ami<br />

g-j it over the air ai quickly as<br />

possible • a task, which says<br />

Jlmcne*. U anything but humdrum.<br />

* You l*Jn » lot, get paid<br />

wtxild knowingly—with Intent—<br />

pull a microphone plug on<br />

.inoihct. It hz* not, to my<br />

knowledge, hnppeoeil Netc<br />

But 1 do know a lot of media<br />

people wno will bold one aoother's<br />

microphones for them—In<br />

television and radio. Who, if<br />

it.cy ice yo-i going In the wrong<br />

O'TC-'IOO will ny, 'SV, over<br />

She noted that reporters are<br />

"...a very professional, clvll-<br />

Ucu coutcjus group of pear!*.<br />

wlio \n& v^ry !uid»"<br />

She added, "<strong>The</strong>y tlon't let<br />

UicL- courtesy get In the way<br />

of bein j pTpfetslcnal and doo't<br />

"You learn ft tot, gei paid well<br />

to learn a lot, have a great deal<br />

of ego satisfaction, and the sky's<br />

the limit."<br />

'c:l to learn a tot, Itave a<br />

great Jeal or ego satisfaction,<br />

and the sky's Sie Umlt." stlc<br />

latfti.<br />

<strong>The</strong> cxt-itemcat that coma<br />

with radiv news repcttlng is<br />

not always completely positive.<br />

According to Jimenez, "You<br />

don't have a msmal Ufa. It Is<br />

extremely difficult on your relationships<br />

and your Sealth -<br />

mecul and physical. You live<br />

by the clock, and your time li<br />

never your own. <strong>The</strong>re is absolutely<br />

no security. Yoc have<br />

five minutes to sl^art out your<br />

desk drawer 1: you are let go.<br />

and that can happen at any<br />

given moment."<br />

Whas Is a typical day like<br />

for a radio news reporter?<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re Is no typical day -<br />

that's why I'm doing what I'm<br />

doing." stated Jimenez. "<strong>The</strong><br />

only typical thing about ii Is<br />

that It's not gclng to go the way a<br />

you pUnneil lu"<br />

<strong>The</strong> tensions suiroundlnft a<br />

reporter are many. Jimenez<br />

often has only a couple of hours<br />


'-FUTURE<br />

ANNA'S<br />

Cookie trivia: bits and pieces<br />

Ho<br />

cndltMl«Mi.iha<br />

it On<br />

in l«hi (or « miiii IbdivMui- •:]<br />

u a tubstlane for<br />

A chocolate chip cookie comparison<br />

STORE<br />

SWS FIELD3<br />

OU3 TYMli<br />

$1.25<br />

$4.19<br />

$1.80<br />


$4.20<br />

This chart reCects the opinions of Feamrg Editors Lauren Heim and Lilly Siu<br />

Mcwsa tu tl»<br />

• smilLtnoa<br />

'.•Jr.'.IS, 1963<br />

ii<br />

S:<br />


[>'•<br />

»'.'<br />

Anna's offers<br />

tradition<br />

By Melaule Ramo*<br />

Cookies and milk. CcvVies<br />

.»od Icecream. Cookies and ...<br />

cookies) for mote yean Own<br />

one would cite to remember,<br />

cdokles hive been a favorite<br />

Ametlcaa mack.<br />

Anaa'i Danlth Cookie Compiny<br />

has kept up with this tradition<br />

fur torrc'51 years. <strong>The</strong><br />

company wai founded In 1932<br />

fa Sin Francisco by A mo:iier<br />

and ton tsarr-<br />

Thar, ate now three stores<br />

around the Bay Area selling a<br />

variety of cookies in addition<br />

to the Danish cockle specialty.<br />

Ralph Donnelly, the present<br />

owner, le/ealed that the company's<br />

Danish rookies are. differ<br />

eat In (hat ihey are tiude<br />

the eld-foil ilooet way as they<br />

aro in Denmark.<br />

"Wi2 nuke m«t of Oiern pLiIn<br />

and uatJocorMcd, although vc<br />

Jo have some chocolate* covered<br />

oat:," Donnelly stated.<br />

Donnelly worked for the previous<br />

ownc, and iu 1JM0 he<br />

bought the company.<br />

<strong>The</strong> original name, Tho<br />

DaaUfc Cookie Company* wa:<br />

changed In 194** to Ann*'?<br />

Danish Cookie Compiuy. : ennelly<br />

turned it af:c- hi> nx»0icr<br />

with an aim to cteate a r-.-re<br />

personal Impression.<br />

<strong>The</strong> tnzx't current slogan Is<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Beat Little Cookie Company<br />

IT- San Franclscc."<br />

<strong>The</strong> company packages gifts<br />

fot all occasions. "We cater to<br />

Individuals, companies, and the<br />

like*" Donnelly stated, "and ve<br />

send gift twxc* all over ths Un-<br />

Ee3 atater."<br />

<strong>The</strong> attractively packaged<br />

fflfts arc on display In the stores<br />

tod create an appealing Jetting.<br />

XUay kinds of cookies are abo<br />

displayed, from cbocrLite chip<br />

a&d oatmeal to two different<br />

dietetic kinds - one sugar-free<br />

and one salr-frcs.<br />

Anna'* three stores arc located<br />

at 35C0 -.ISth Street In San Fran-<br />

: - ,c'6c^ the Scrramonte Shopping<br />

Center .ind it» Menlo Patfc.<br />

- Donnelly has pinns to remodel<br />

ate 18tb Strict jawe which Is the<br />

.- Urgeit of the three.<br />

Sfe?<br />

Who is Otis Spunkrneyer?<br />

By Debbie C rtfrled<br />

Have yoo ever hcerd of Otis<br />

Spunknicycr? You may hav-,<br />

but did you k.aw th-it you wlU<br />

new rr.ee; him?<br />

Oiu U actually very famous,<br />

but he it a flctlcious person<br />

whose name is that of i cookie<br />

company. <strong>The</strong> name waj<br />

cteatetl by *nc daughter of the<br />

owner cf the company.<br />

OtU 5pitakmeycr aid Tyme<br />

Cookies hii two San Francisco<br />

locations, crt at JcfTenon ami<br />

Leavcntrcnh Streeu and one at<br />

Powell and 0*7am!ll Streets.<br />

In Ml, there are 20 locations<br />

from St era men to to San Diego.<br />

<strong>The</strong> stores sell a 7a?tety of<br />

cookies Including chocolate<br />

chip, chocolate chip with walnuts,<br />

oatme^l-raiiln. ,*Jnut<br />

buner, peanut outlet-ehocout«<br />

chip, butter, and ait meal-chocolate<br />

chip.<br />

Cookie price* tlcp«"< on the<br />

weight of me product with an<br />

avsnge pcicc being 30 cenu a<br />

cookie,<br />

Dcjldes telling cookies from<br />

the two city lootlora. Old<br />

Tyme Cookies also tclli to<br />

various stores and restaurants.<br />

Edi; BUbcck, the company's<br />

dliulcT mpcr4snr, suted that<br />

Old Tyme Cookies are very<br />

popular. <strong>The</strong>y contain no<br />


BFE4TUR<br />

By Sharon Pang<br />

I<br />

B^l(-g principal cf tho Jan<br />

Frtnclsco Unified School Dls-<br />

. alci'i motwecogalxcd high<br />

Ktool is probably conildcrcd to<br />

bft * plum politico by many pcoplu.<br />

Dr. Aim FlbUb has Micd<br />

that position for the pai* three<br />

, years. '.<br />

When he arrived at <strong>Lowell</strong> to<br />

replace Jame* Kearney In December<br />

of 1979, FlbU,*l vowed:<br />

. "Whatever I do, 1 never want to<br />

be separated from the studen;<br />

body."<br />

To fulfill hl& goaU FWih itlo<br />

to keep • high profile around<br />

camput, staying in comtani<br />

touch with the sadem bcly — a<br />

pcrpetuil public relations effort,<br />

" Everything I do is done to<br />

serve the students and the pab* ,<br />

lie," fie says, "Everything has<br />

M impact on P. R."<br />

8*00<br />

Fibuh a(rivc> at no1<br />

A day in the life of<br />

a principal<br />

Being head honcho<br />

is one constant<br />

public relations job<br />

Waiving down the second floor<br />

hallway, Fibish stop* to talk<br />

with scv-ral students along the<br />

way-»jon)cthlng which he loves<br />

to do.<br />

(When he took over as principal<br />

of Luwcll, Fibii*i laid,<br />

"1 would much father be with<br />

teachers and ltuJcnts than In<br />

|*it>iih tin tn trie rear<br />

' £orn£r*ot Room 130 to do hit<br />

icennd cv-Aijaticn of i!x day on<br />

English teacher Gwendolyn<br />

Falter.<br />

Tt'c students in tills English 71H<br />

cla-3 are performing chaiactcr-<br />

Izauois of paua^c* from ""<strong>The</strong><br />

Cre^c Oitsby.*<br />

People in the clau glince at<br />

the principal when he laughs<br />

luring one of the <br />

FtbliH U tcjo»ii(, mau leave but Flbh'.i stc; them head<br />

and doing paper work In his for a different part cf ttit schcoU<br />

office. He comes acioss an "This way, gchiicnjcn," tiu<br />

Ufer f. m ?n outfit which sells<br />

prepared<br />

calls after them, tuh^rlng them<br />

to the front doer.<br />

s<br />

> nv.<br />

}. In addiiiun, 'lie group li.ij<br />

- offered tii nuke a iiO'JO i!cc'J'ii"i<br />

tit |)<br />

revs report a<br />

public aff.-\lfj<br />

the wotked t<br />

holiday] Jmi j<br />

free tlms. :<br />

ref^nen in<br />

-'. Voew tlij<br />

I the mnre<br />

vfllca." the i<br />

qdcme4<br />

Ic towr, la-.t<br />

othe •??'.'he ,-xnltlfi<br />

•ireateg V-'l<br />

Choi<br />


lEfflJRE<br />

Determination brings success to Yanehiro<br />

D/ XSontquc<br />

gjY"l think I have one of the<br />

l-twrt Jobt In tht Say Area.- So<br />

' \m Yanehiro, who,<br />

Jg$ 35 yean of age, U a new<br />

* ami co-ton of th.\ pop-<br />

"f telcvMon program,<br />

i-t<br />

g_7iM p.nu on WTC-TV.<br />

^6; Boto uJ raised li Hawaii,<br />

5 to California In 15C7.<br />

5 received her B.A. degree<br />

j^iJJ-JouiMliira from fnins State<br />

%H _> A one time altllne attsndanr,<br />

.-XancnUo remarked, "It wasn't<br />

"lost ripping off a plane and<br />

*.' getting In froo. of a camera,"<br />

Between airline flights in San<br />

' Francisco, she miiic some conucts<br />

and landed a job as u scctury<br />

at KFRC tUrllo for $125<br />

a week.<br />

Dtuirs hit four years at KRIC,<br />

Yauehlra workftd hst way up tc<br />

' newt repcrrer and flrutly to<br />

public affairs dircctcr.<br />

Wlille si the radio station,<br />

she worked on weekends »nd<br />

bolidAys and volunteered her<br />

free time, nuking friend) with<br />

ifponca and engineers,<br />

-~ "! Vnew that I wanted to make<br />

iuiv move from radio w tele-<br />

VU1P*\ * the recalled. She frequented<br />

c**e--y 'UJ*.V!,;MI nation<br />

in K*r.. aud kW-u viili 'JCO<br />

other *.^:"i; inij '*•« icdiiloncd<br />

f« the r*nltloo "f jo-ho:t of<br />

•Evening Magsslrtc** 1<br />

A:Vtd ii the ever etwouctered s toll o.. my pcrsor.al We."<br />

dUcrlimoatton in her flcM, the<br />

lejiUed. -Ofccursc. I «m a<br />

woman and ap. Allan minority.<br />

Tbst wai two strike*, but *hl«<br />

couM ha\a been two itilkcs fcr<br />

you or agalntt you. You h»\c to<br />

make U work for<br />

She fceli tbJt the bM bcoefl'teJ<br />

a Kreat deal from her job.<br />

"1 like finding myself In places<br />

I probably never HOLM have<br />

gone to In such a thoit span rf<br />

time. 1* vc been to Paris, Japan,<br />

Mexico, Afri Hi wail, and I get<br />

pJid to go there. I get to men<br />

the most worn!=r?ul perpte. Including<br />

famous duigcers and<br />

cclcbcltlei." liic stated*<br />

Tt.c hard part of the job LJ<br />

the long irregular hcin," tnc<br />

confided. "<strong>The</strong>re are a kit cf<br />

mfucJ dinners, and It docs take<br />

Choose from these<br />

designers:<br />

..•April 8.<br />

aocenon.<br />



vmm-<br />

By Uliy<br />

2 toTlnwIpp quciffr>ns were allied to ZM San Franciscan voters<br />

*t- *unwn, :)**; Civic Center, and the downtnwn Ate 1 .<br />

1) DC you mpprtt ilic recall of Mayer Dlannc Felruttln?<br />

Mali? Female Tntal<br />

SO<br />

DON'T KMOW<br />

6W.<br />

lot.<br />

7KA<br />

ISV-<br />

70*<br />

2} Do you tuppxt an amendment to this tccall procedure* that world make It more dlfflcut' for<br />

group like the White pan'Hn to force a recall?<br />

YES<br />

Male<br />

41*<br />

reticle<br />

iff.<br />

Toul<br />

M><br />

NO m 3fr 34%<br />

DONTXNOW 105. wj. 1?}.<br />

3) Do you think a recal! at thit time will:<br />

fttalc Female Total<br />

HELP |*fc 25ri 22><br />

HINDBt 4'tf. 40-Ji 4t7^<br />

NOT AFFECT 3??. 297- 31$,<br />

the Riycr's ic-election efforts ft* November?<br />

i rounded to the nearest percent<br />

By MJry Jcycr<br />

- Tha American ^co^ic, accord •<br />

Iny to tecer.t polb Jo rot support<br />

the fcndltif* of aid :o ibe governi!.*'»<br />

=»f Fl S.-lwdcr.<br />

Tl.ts list Irtcfcidr* Nicaragua,<br />

El Salvadot's neighbor to the<br />

immcdUtc south. If cl Salvador.*!<br />

leftist rebels were to taVe<br />

over* tfcli would leave only<br />

Guatemala and Mexico between<br />

the U.S. aud a threatening block<br />

of Cemrai American communist<br />

(UtlODS.<br />

El Salvador is not only important<br />

to U.S. national security,<br />

but this country hat a ccnslderable<br />

economic suke there. Majot<br />

baate, fmptntcn, aad fruit<br />

compauic* depend on ihelr inrerjnents<br />

in El Salvador moce<br />

thin ever bccauie of rxOllit<br />

nltctoven in «hcr Genual<br />

Amalcan counmes.<br />

Y«, spokamen f« ihc U.S.<br />

jrcveniment contend that there<br />

. aia compelling reasons why this<br />

coc=trjr thouU contltue tending<br />

flnii&cUt aid.<br />

Citric! of U.S. actlt* In El<br />

SaWttder malnuls thai It could<br />

be rumc, if it U net ilrudy, a<br />

•fajcood Vietnam."<br />

Michael 0. (<br />

B*hney '<br />

r IAantO«<br />

Supponen of furrtier povciumem<br />

asibunce point out ^ut<br />

cl Salvador Ii much elder to<br />

the United States* making the<br />

cou..uy more accessible and<br />

easy to monitor, conditions<br />

uhich were not present In the<br />

Vietnam situation.<br />

President Ronald Reagan h.n<br />

continually jmertcd that the<br />

war In El Salvador will not be<br />

Americanized. He stated,<br />

"OrJy Szlvadotans can fight this<br />

war. ]uii ii only Satvadorans<br />

can decide El Salvador's future*<br />

U.S. po'.lcyrrukcn seem to<br />

feel tli.it though Salvadorarts<br />

are tlic only ones who can fight<br />

for their freedom, they can use<br />

lulp In learning how to fight and'<br />

In making meaningful negotiation!<br />

with the left-wing rebels.<br />

By Pam Fattlff<br />

Some CO yean ago, a imaU<br />

southeatt Asian country was torn<br />

apart by conflicting economic<br />

doctrinet - capiulism and communism.<br />

Tie United Sura, In ordct :o<br />

protect In econemlc and political<br />

Investment In the area,<br />

sent *adruon" and g-vc financial<br />

wpport to the capitalist<br />

\09 Kav's Florist. LTD<br />

J T 1 Bf West "on*! Ak«rM«<br />

^ ^ _ S«nFfmxxa.CA04t?r<br />

KJCCI '"'DiMOunlon All Caruso<br />

^ uMBauunnlamllPountK<br />

• wlthThUAd<br />

itithcrltarUn government. At<br />

the fight between tt.c capitalist<br />

and the communht sides escalated,<br />

so did the American military<br />

and ccotwmlc commitments.<br />

TTIIJ became the Vietnam War.<br />

<strong>The</strong> United states ti faced<br />

with a similar situation In the<br />

IOSO'J. <strong>The</strong> Reagan administration,<br />

following the tradition of<br />

pan U.S. policies, is supporting<br />

a tcialitatlan government In El<br />

Salvador, one that denies Its<br />

citizens the basic rights of freedom<br />

cf ipcccti. press, and aiwmbly.<br />

Millions of U.S. dollars arc<br />

being jpctit la 'uvlng American<br />

advisors train members of the<br />

f\ Salvador national amiy. This<br />

ts occulting In spite of the fact<br />

tint the present El Salvador government<br />

I* suppotted by a minority<br />

of El Salvador's population.<br />

<strong>The</strong> question Americans are<br />

asking Is, "Where do cut government's<br />

priorities lie?* Critics<br />

contend thai the President Is<br />

mote concerned with the Marxist<br />

leanings of a nnall Central American<br />

nation than with the plight<br />

of some 11 million unemployed<br />

Americans a* home<br />

•WORLD SCENE— *<br />

My dad -<br />

the Russian agent<br />

Michael Donner<br />

[ asked the quettion tuaight out. That's the way 1 am.<br />

Olont, up front, all the way. .;; "<br />

"Djd," t said, watting him up from a sound sleep, "are you r<br />

KGR duper<br />

My father, a San Franciscn attorney. Is a vocal supporter cf a<br />

frctr* on nuclear weapons proliferation by the United States and<br />

the Scvlc: Union.<br />

"Heck, no," r.e replied, a little perturbed that I bad iwakened<br />

htm at two In the morning, but, nonethelen. undemanding<br />

and willing to drawer kli son's queries.<br />

"1 know yet read that article in 'Reader's Digest,* son," he<br />

reminded, "but the things the magazine saM were non-sensical<br />

McCarthylsms meant to sabotage the peace movement.''<br />

<strong>The</strong> articte said that, according w the Reagan jdministration,<br />

the trillions of prople supporting tiie freeze are n.ete puppets,<br />

cuiiTtolird by the KGB, the Soviet Union's spy outfit. <strong>The</strong> Russian*,<br />

using five agents masquerading as diplomats, have Infiltrated<br />

the American ituclcar weapons freeze movement in order<br />

to manipulate it for Soviet purposes. Moreover, ti-e Russians<br />

have attended peace conferences at American universities and<br />

have -ven shJied pUrforms with American diplomats.<br />

I was glad that my father denied the charge. He had hooked<br />

me into favoring the freeze, and If it turned out he was a dupe,<br />

that wou*d rrjkc ir.c a ion of a dupe or perhaps a dupt's dupe.<br />

Either way, this would *JC a serious embarrassment wM-rh I could<br />

net tolerate.<br />

I was comfottcd after reading ttie articte. <strong>The</strong> "Digest" iden-<br />

-;cicd the five Russian agents/dlplor.uts by name and position.<br />

1 douUed that our skilled dlolomac or the leaden of the American<br />

Kteze movement coula be fooled by agents dumb enough<br />

:n have their cover blown by a magazine.<br />

Bur I wai abo made very uneaiy b)- itie "Dlgcit." It laid that<br />

Sovlct-lruplreU ptorvganda was intended to frighten people about<br />

the effects of nuc!;ir war. That touched a tore spot with me. I<br />

have always been scarcu ty the thought of nuctear bombs exploding<br />

over San Francisco, but net* I am doubly troubled. Am<br />

. 1 sincerely scared or have I been duped by ^ovier propaganda?<br />

From now on, I told rnyielf, I am going to take a closer look<br />

at the people who tell us these horror stories. <strong>The</strong> latc«t comes<br />

from John Banks, chemistry professor of the University of Colorado,<br />

who said, "... most sunlight would be blocked off. rats<br />

would multiply at a phenomenal rat?, and disease would be<br />

widespread and after a limited nuclear war."<br />

Okay, so he Is a respected scientist, but what I want to know<br />

b, has he been manipulated by some cv< foreign Influences?<br />

James Gavin, a retired four-star Army general, Clark Clifford,<br />

a former secretary of defense, and William E. Colby, ex-chief<br />

of the Centra) Intelligence Agency, all favor a verifiable freeze<br />

on nuclear weapons.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y ate impressive men with Impressive credentials. But<br />

hold on. All have dealt in their careers with acknowledged<br />

comtnunlits, and can we br sure that the mlflds of these fine<br />

Americans haven't beca warped by that ordeal?<br />

I am still against nuclear war. but from now on, before I<br />

bcllcvi anything I hear, I want to make certain that I haven't<br />

been duped Into overlooking the hazards of peace.<br />

More coverage of school<br />

telatcd events In the Politics<br />

section? Mote International,<br />

national news?<br />

Let us know. We aim to<br />

pleaw. Room 5(M.D.)<br />

Stidham Sports Cards<br />

Comic Boxes<br />

Comic Bags<br />

Mylars iMylilss<br />

Baseball Cards<br />

rion Sport Cards<br />

Trading Card Boxes<br />

Trsdlng Card Sheets<br />

ANDDS^tlNC<br />

10 C»ftl» Otl Any Covtf Prte»

v<br />

w 'IP:<br />




Rtetm <strong>The</strong>sutc, t ott-er governnvrr «Jy, may cot esubUrV r.^IT.V ..•(.- ji r^hooli, thus<br />

depriving you of • j,« right •? ar. eascitior. ragatdlv of rate.<br />

(Ko stated tjnpor ilblllty)<br />


R'-Rbt: You nt /e the right to express your views eltnex orally or lymtollcally (through buttons, armbands,<br />

tymbc i on clothing, political salutes, etc) however unpopular or critical of school or governnwre<br />

policy hey may be.<br />

Responsibility: When expressing yourself, you mrat do so In .7 manner that does not materially or substantially<br />

disrupt the operation of the school.<br />

Respond bl It tyi You may not. In expressing yourself, violate another person's rlgbrs by uslrg slanderous<br />

speech,<br />


Wght: <strong>The</strong> Ktiool may not Interfere with your tight to observe any religion (or none at all If you wish)<br />

by requiring, establishing, or conducting religious exacbet for you.<br />

Respt Mlbf Utyi You have the responsibility to rnpnet the religious belief and observances of others.<br />


Right: Before you may be sispendnd from school for ten days or lets, tbe suspending officials must:<br />

1. Tell you what rule you have broken or write it down airi give yo>j a copy.<br />

2. Explain to you why he or the believes that you broke the rule If you deny it.<br />

3. Give you the chance to tell your vcnlon oi what happened.<br />

Responsibilities: First cf all, you hive the ruponsiblUty to follow school regulations. <strong>The</strong> Constitution<br />

does not shield you from suspension "properly Imposed* according to the abovu proocures. Secondly,<br />

If your conduct is oangrrous to other penons or continually threatens to disrupt school, ycu<br />

may be suspended Immediately. ID sucb cases, a hearing in which tl.c abors rules an followed ibd-ld<br />

be give** as soon as practicable after you are suspended.<br />


Right: You may not be forced to uVo pan in the wluic to the flag or pledge o', allegiance If doing so<br />

violates your belief* or values.<br />

Responsibility; If you rcfiee to partlrlpat.: In tbe ulute to the fUg re pledge of allegiance, you may<br />

not disrupt the activity of others Mho choose to do so.<br />

By Emily Munse<br />

Do joe Unow your legal tl^iCi<br />

AS a public tilgh school sfjdenr?<br />

what responsibilities accompany<br />

theie tights? Wh*.t «6ould you do<br />

If these rights are violated?<br />

<strong>The</strong> United States Supreme<br />

Court has outlined legcl principles<br />

based on the Conitltutrcu, regard-'<br />

lug tiie Ugal rights and respocsi*<br />

bilitles of all .he public high<br />

school students In the country*<br />

<strong>The</strong>se principles are law; no student<br />

or administrative action may<br />

alter them.<br />

To the left aie these right: and<br />

responsibilities as they appear In<br />

the pamphlet enroled "Your Lew<br />

gal RIghu and Responsibilities—<br />

A Guide for '-ubllc High School<br />

Students'* whlcn the Youth Development<br />

Bureau of the Department<br />

of Health and Human Serylces<br />

has published.<br />

If, JI any time, you feel tt>at<br />

these rights have bed violated,<br />

you should first talk the nuner<br />

over wir'j jour teacher or administrator<br />

who Is directly Involved.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n, if you still do not think<br />

trut the matte* has been resolved,<br />

you ihould appeal to higher school<br />

off! dab.<br />

Ult.nvucly, if all of your appeals<br />

are unsuccessful, contact a<br />

representative ftom a youth advocacy<br />

group or au attorney for<br />

legal advice.<br />


Voter, Draft Registration<br />

3» Maty Joyce<br />

Allbougli a rcpoucJ 100.000<br />

men between the »ge» of 1?<br />

ami 21 have felled "> regtlter<br />

for i*"'—cf, ,*hc government<br />

continues ,o enforce the Selective<br />

Ser/lce Act.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ac: dictates that all men<br />

register three days before their<br />

eighteenth blRhdav. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

Ihould be regUteiol by 29 days<br />

after, but the gc*enmen< malr.-<br />

_ tains a rwo-month "grace period*<br />

during which would-be reglnrants<br />

. an trIU within the bounds of the<br />

Uw.<br />

By Jeffrey Calvin<br />

"I don't think rr.y vote would<br />

make much difference,' remarked<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> senior number<br />

one.<br />

"i don't know encugfc about<br />

men candidates to make a wise<br />

choice," offered another.<br />

"I think on-: should take part<br />

in choosing one's leaden; v«Ug<br />

is a pnvltajci" commented a<br />

third.<br />

Although these seolcn harbor<br />

differing views about the Importance<br />

or voting, ihey all share<br />

or soon will share the constitutional<br />

right to vote<br />

According to a spokesman<br />

at the cliy's Office of Registrar<br />

of Voter 1, the proceu Is a<br />

simple one.<br />

To be eligible to vote, one<br />

rnuit be a United Sutes citizen,<br />

a r a Idem of die voting district*<br />

and at least IB-yean-old on<br />

election day.<br />

<strong>The</strong> prospective voter must<br />

fill out and sign an affidavit<br />

xod send it to the Registrar's<br />

Office In City HalU<br />

<strong>The</strong> affidavits are available<br />

in public libraries, police and<br />

fire stations, and City HalL<br />

Men register for the draft by<br />

<strong>The</strong> Registrar of Voters must<br />

going to any port office and liking<br />

for a form. <strong>The</strong> lorm aita a<br />

few basic questions Including .the<br />

Almost one-half of all students<br />

currently enrolled at<br />

receive the affidavits at least<br />

29 days ncfore election day.<br />

Once registered, the Individr"<br />

registrant 1 ! name, address, birth- <strong>Lowell</strong> will be eligible to vote uki remains registered for all<br />

*%:tMU> and f4ace, awl liul >eeur- In tbe 1984 presidential elec- fuIure elections.<br />

r<br />

-;lty number. Oocc completed.<br />

pr" : tion.<br />

<strong>The</strong> deadUre Tor voting in<br />

the ftvm U turned In to the postal<br />

clerk, with a check for proof of<br />

How does one tcgUter to<br />

vote?<br />

the nuynral recall election<br />

has pair.<br />

~*' Accenting to the Selective<br />

:e, registration implies ont<br />

one U obeying tho icgii-<br />

Juatlon law and aware that hs<br />

Sepold be dratted should cor.ipul-<br />

Ssotjf mlUtary service be relnsta'<br />

flilegUUtltn hat been parsod<br />

Mit will pra«e=t delinquent ieg.li-<br />

* ''•'•'" "a bbulnlog fodetal flna»fot<br />

college. <strong>The</strong> 1»«» ooes<br />

t go Into effect until July.<br />

GREAT<br />


Dean's Deli<br />

THELOWta<br />

Sin Funcitco SUBIHIH 1983

Netters gain valuable experience<br />

as 1983 season play begins<br />

By Mw Hand*<br />

Dae 10 the scasoc't pertinent<br />

«|p, the boys' tennis 'earn Hai<br />

played only five of the 13 scheduled<br />

Hatchet during Februwy<br />

»ni March.<br />

Detptto ttib unusual slrusrlon,<br />

ume mm membea have tuted<br />

that they have gained valuable<br />

expediency fro*n their two wirs,<br />

two toucj, and one tic<br />

Tnu Indians woo over San<br />

Marin High S=bool and Su Igrvat-<br />

IkM Collige Pteparatory School.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team's loues were to B x-<br />

Iccley High and rsnulpals High.<br />

<strong>The</strong> tie vu with San Rafael High.<br />

Ajilmt San Mario High,<br />

LovcH pulled o(T ?n unexpected<br />

5*4 Victory.<br />

Mitchell Ice, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s number<br />

one ilngles player, suted that<br />

he w« surprised ilnce tome of<br />

LoweU'r 'op player: were uoaMe<br />

to make the trip.<br />

Doublei player Etfc Zaiate<br />

exclaimed, "I :b»>ught we played<br />

exceptionally well, even though<br />

San Marin does act have a gieit<br />

team."<br />

Two days later. <strong>Lowell</strong> played<br />

St. Ignatius and nunaged to e6$c<br />

the Wildcats 6-5.<br />

Next, t.owcll Ion to *bo fctkeley<br />

High team 3-7. UlUm<br />

Loo, one of the team's three<br />

maiugen, commented *.ha;<br />

Berkeley Is one of the ben teams<br />

In the bay Area.<br />

A dazzle that foil on that d»jr<br />

did help the turn's pUy.<br />

<strong>The</strong> next wtek uw Ac team<br />

suffer Its second !ms to Tannlpals<br />

High, 1-G-Z.<br />

<strong>The</strong> following day against<br />

San Rafael High, tbo Indians<br />

tied 5-5.<br />

Zarate predicted that with<br />

moro experience tlie team should<br />

okc the AAA championship, providing<br />

there are no Injuries<br />

Not all team members Ate<br />

willing to predict a championship<br />

at this point In Oe school<br />

year.<br />

Kenneth Mik, doubles player,<br />

remarked, "We j;e not settled<br />

yet, but ve do have some good<br />

singles players.*<br />

Other players have commented<br />

that thii year's team lacks the<br />

d jpth and experience of the<br />

I2S2 \,o*cJl squid.<br />

Team expects winning year<br />

OySandl Murakami<br />

Underrated? Yes. U.*lcrtalent^?<br />

No. Aft« tying<br />

fee second place honors In All-<br />

Clty competition last yew,<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s fencliig team Is look*<br />

Ing tu place first In 19113.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team's cutrrnr rcconl U<br />

1-1. <strong>The</strong> squad won its first<br />

mate!) 6-3 c^alrat bilboa and<br />

loit *> close milch 5-4 to Lincoln.<br />

Weekly challenge matches<br />

between team members decide<br />

who'will stan. <strong>The</strong> top :nots<br />

currently belong to senior<br />

Shtnju Stopes and Juniors Prenflss<br />

Wallace, Don Johnston,<br />

and PM1C. Jonoi.<br />

Ftopes b the captain of the<br />

team arji the 03I7 senior and<br />

lone female.<br />

Jones commented, "Gender<br />

dnesn't nuttct. She is a great<br />

fencer."<br />

"Being a 3I1I It an advantage<br />

Iccanse many people undcresdmatc<br />

me,' Stapes revealed.<br />

Stapet hai been intceite/. la<br />

fencing since the eighth grade,<br />

Sao hu tbcelvcd All-City Uonorable<br />

mentloo far tlis pur two<br />

yean and wlU compete In the<br />

Paclhc. Coast Fencing Compex-<br />

is<br />

ttton this year.<br />

She plan* to rontlnus fencing<br />

at UieUnlvcrtlt) of California Jt<br />

Los Angeles. S'ae Ilka fencing<br />

bccJUie",.. U U chillcngliig.<br />

t Uki (o push m)ielf to the<br />

limit. "<br />

; at the team at j<br />

wfaule thli year, ihc observe*!,<br />

"We aie nwrc like a family."<br />

Wallace echoed Stopes's<br />

lentlments and commented,<br />

'<strong>The</strong> tsam Is great. We all<br />

get along well.* Wallace has<br />

been on the team for three<br />

years and Is the tecwid seed.<br />

He noted that people have a<br />

mistaken Impression abcut<br />

fencers. 'Some see fencing<br />

as a violent sport with the goal<br />

of eliminating an opponent.<br />

Killing is not on the fencer's<br />

mind - It U just a sport."<br />

•Fencing U more of a mind<br />

game than a phyMcal or.e."<br />

" S:opes offered.<br />

Coact Adair Tench added,<br />

"Our fencing team his beautiful<br />

form. Other schools have<br />

commenred that <strong>Lowell</strong> playt<br />

chen vhilo opposing teams<br />

play checkers. *<br />

Td»:h hai coached the team<br />

for four ycir* with thr. tcim<br />

reccri! Improving (very year.<br />

Last year ibe team wi-n four<br />

matches, an-1 thb )xar Tench<br />

hopes the pbycrs will do even<br />

better this year.<br />

WJI'JCC enthused, "Tench<br />

It » \izon& beoater. She U patient*<br />

kind, a ad considerate.<br />

Without her there weitd be no<br />

team. We can't say enough<br />

positive things about her."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Individual AU-Meuo<br />

corn petit Ion, which is similar<br />

to A I!-C <br />

hipp)- wiih the win."<br />

f.ctor.J /euiU action hc>;-»i for<br />

the Indians alter th*j ic^r.*, hid<br />

ore day of reit.<br />

A pa in, Lcwull was tlie under*<br />

dog *i they played Long Ikjc!i<br />

Poly ip a nnchcr'i duel. I Pwell<br />

-urnped oi:t io an early-J-. leaJ<br />

in the second off senior Marian<br />


Zimmerman's two-run 1 ingle.<br />

BY the top of *hc icventh Lonj;<br />

Dcach had tied the score ?-2,<br />

with junior £ma r Batci itilt on<br />

the mcund for <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

L^nj; Beach sent Jeff Stewart<br />

up to bat. One bad pitch law<br />

Bites yield a 350-foot liomcrun<br />

Cninftn and Emlc Uc ' -<br />

Donah us rcnuirked positively<br />

about the Ion and ssid, Thr<br />

team Imprened me vim its a<br />

ability TO ^ct-j comir.g back<br />

wh»;n they were dowr.."<br />

Ir. the iccotiu game vs.<br />

Santa Monica, the Indian's lacked<br />

to Stewart. <strong>Lowell</strong> got out of *c cffcriSC ' i « uWl « tn a 7 " 2 !ou '<br />

iaaing wuhout any funhe: danuge<br />

i l i r i<br />

ipg b)' junior John LeycJ.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> came up to bat ir. tSe<br />

bottom half of the Inning, but<br />

failed to icote off of Long<br />

p-ach'J ace rehevet. <strong>The</strong> final<br />

tcote had Lrwcll on the shcr* end<br />

toting 3-2.<br />

"<strong>The</strong>y(Long bcacr>) had tnetr<br />

ace In ar.d shut ut down," re-<br />

^ ^ KOfifl S for Lowc " 1 " n «<br />

fim mmng. Second ba«-<br />

mari Phtli " TuirKxU Iroicd on<br />

J Wlhl P :tcn » anJ Chlnen Itole<br />

" Thi * »'P w « »»« whlt<br />

doctor ordered," reflected Donahue<br />

-bout tils team's

SPORTS<br />

Falk, Williams 'Athletes of Month'<br />

By Randy Kosi<br />

"<strong>The</strong> beat part about being<br />

. en the ream Is being with nr/<br />

Meeds," related tcnloc Pan*<br />

Talk, CApult: of the gUU* wfi-<br />

fcall *.ciu ano AotU's chosen<br />

athlete.<br />

"Even though f don't look<br />

too glamorous In a high school<br />

tofttnll unlfoc.-n, I really iliink<br />

that it U oot what you do that<br />

count!, U'I who you're with,"<br />

the observed.<br />

Falk* who playi ccnierfleld.<br />

s»t:ed on ihn toad to Softball<br />

by pUylng catch In h«i backyard<br />

with frlerrls, Sh« also recalled,<br />

"t aUu loved watching<br />

tiic pro*."<br />

Sbc iucttd playing team hall<br />

tn the leventli grade at A plot<br />

Junior High School. Her tecord<br />

t that shs h wntian-*.<br />

This List sej'cn, the highly<br />

tcjted t> foot h inch ict.ior<br />

Jimenez work well ir^ethcr in<br />

'hit respect.<br />

With a grade point average of<br />

3.17, Falk Las been nominated<br />

fcr statt scholar/atLlete, spaisored<br />

by the California Interscholastic<br />

Federation f GIF).<br />

She has also been honored by<br />

being selected to the All-City<br />

first team for the past three<br />

yean and shou'i be selsuted<br />

Dana Falk<br />

In her senior '-car.<br />

"Usually Nln. 0 CJC ipot ilie<br />

errors fot ut, and Oscar will<br />

driil us ou U.et.%" s*ic noted.<br />

DeArklrets praued. "Daru has<br />

displayed an in.ute sense of<br />

leadership and nuioilty seldom<br />

seen In a high schcol student,<br />

and she has a genuine concern<br />

for the well being of when."<br />

After the hich school season<br />

ends, Fal!t will play for a San<br />

Fran-jitcc Pirk ano RericJtlcu<br />

A-League team until November.<br />

i"hU ream, »c eon ocat either team."<br />

Yhc immediate probJem Is<br />

not tough compftUtlca frc.m<br />

other Khoob, but rather the<br />

April 8, M83<br />

bid wearbcr. [lecause of tt.c<br />

local record rainfall, the team<br />

has had few opportunities to ge:<br />

out and practice.<br />

Junior Marc Melitick '*at«l,<br />

"kaln has ha;npcrcd of ai It ha»<br />

other (earns, bur a% toon as we<br />

start plxylcg again, we will be<br />

n*i much for out opponent."<br />

According to Sake;, the team<br />

has high Ucpcs for Mclnic'" - ,'uit .-HP, rrud, and<br />

dirty i»U: - all fu* '^e simple<br />

love of golf. It Is a thanklcu<br />

spor, but someone's ^ci to do<br />

it. AcruiL'y, the golf icira<br />

represents spons 'iio way spcru<br />

cri meant to be rvptjicmed."<br />

- • - ~ " ' - - - •<br />

by Jivnencz, L- made up of 5unfo;J University next year<br />

women fai their eor'.y 20's. <strong>The</strong> «c play Imramural softbalLaac<br />

.Iltrcrencc doesn't »em to<br />

• tikes fio /'in out of lu"<br />

Stic doc » DOt want to P u ? for<br />

bother Falk. though, the starting the wheel t=am because "...<br />

rliiht ccntcrflclder<br />

lhc 'n r «-»'*7 of COUCRC ipotu<br />

"<strong>The</strong>y're my friends, bet I<br />

can look up tn them tor),"<br />

rhe explained.<br />

in summer of *81 »l.e<br />

made the league's All-Star<br />

turn.<br />

Talk's athletic ability extends ]<br />

to anotliet sport * football, (be<br />

powdeipuff variety. She wit<br />

co-c^pialn of her team for two<br />

years xnd xx a sen let played<br />

fullback mil outside linebacker.<br />

having a petition or. all Tour<br />

special teams,<br />

"<strong>The</strong> whole experience of<br />

powdt'rpuff gave me an incredible<br />

feeling," she emhuicd.<br />

"I Just love to play footsa'tU"<br />

In her spate time, she Ukes<br />

to wircl' tenns .if tte original<br />

"Satorda> Night Live" and do<br />

tornttMng with her friends.<br />

She ;ilaru to attend UCLA ot<br />

or ride the): biker, | stuck wltti<br />

haikcrbii; and do not regret it<br />

•one bit."<br />

Mnvcvcr despite the fcaskctiMll<br />

success. WUHjna »Iccj<br />

not ice t'ic spijn .ii p-^ri a',<br />

Mt f-iiurc. "To me , lMifci:tbj]<br />

l.as > >c

SPORTS<br />

GAME; POINT-<br />

-Lisa Co^ar-<br />

First at all. let me bring 'you back In time,<br />

Just a few years tuck.<br />

Think to the past...You're ten-years-ol-J, in<br />

the filtti graac and it's recess time. Before the<br />

class cculrl leave, Mrs. Nusukaum makes you<br />

line up in front of li« dour. You're all set to<br />

rush outside, with tiw necessary equipment (the<br />

all important kickball) in your while-kuucklcs grasp<br />

Plnully tlic teacher opens the door, stgnrling<br />

your release. You trampls over ths other kids<br />

.trying to be th

SCO, LEC consider cut-off of newspaper funds<br />

^•• : ;:-j By Jeffrey Oalirln<br />

In .'> mid-Apr 1 : meeting ttw<br />

•Board of CUn Officers (BCO)<br />

litlatcd a motion to discontinue<br />

fyndid£ for the school newspaper,<br />

•)*' "We feel that die nevirupex<br />

;- Is not giving enough schosl<br />

. L cov«r»ge«" BCO treasurer<br />

\- Carton Woag stated In e?-nlsrwtton<br />

of the moU'Xu "We never<br />

hear anythUig about club or<br />

student activities - or not as'<br />

muUi .is we wt«uld UVe to."<br />

'• Beth the 3CO and the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

; Executive Council (LEC) have<br />

expressed rhclr dliutiifactlcn<br />

with "<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>V coverage<br />

of non-school related subjects,<br />

l'ke ttie two pages devoted to<br />

"coultif*" In the April lsine.<br />

* <strong>The</strong>re's too much taking<br />

the place of our school irtielei,"<br />

Scntor Class treasurer Susan<br />

Kim safd.<br />

T.ie tttal student governmem<br />

funding of "<strong>The</strong> Loweir<br />

amounts to about 35 percent<br />

of the ncwipapcr's annual operating<br />

budget. Each of the four<br />

cLuics conrrlbuted S250 fct the<br />

1082-83 school ycat through<br />

Hie BCO. <strong>The</strong> IXC gave the<br />

paper 31,350 (or the ntne<br />

period. <strong>The</strong> bu\Jt of newspaper<br />

financial support comes from<br />

outside advertising.<br />

Mark Ungar, co-edlioc-inchlef<br />

of "<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>." said<br />

that he was surprUcd by the<br />

student government*! action.<br />

"<strong>The</strong>y did not send anyone<br />

down here (to Room &) to *cU<br />

us abo;*t the motion. All of a<br />

sudden we found out ttuu our<br />

funding might be cut," he said.<br />

Feelings of resentment followed<br />

the tuffs Initial ruction<br />

oi luiptUc. Many of tlie editors<br />

saw the BCO's motion as a itudec:<br />

gcverrmcnt attempt 10<br />

control "<strong>The</strong> LcwcUV content.<br />

"I am outraged Uiat midsnt<br />

government would sveo consluc?<br />

a measure to control what wo<br />

put Into our newspaper," Sharon<br />

pang, executive editor, remarked.<br />

"If anyone besides die staff<br />

had jurisdiction over what Is<br />

published, the whole concept<br />

of a fiee press would bo lost,"<br />

Ungar added.<br />

Pan; called the Student Prcu<br />

Law Ccnict In Wellington, D.C<br />

which put her In tcuch with a<br />

«rnup of Northern California<br />

joumallsu rolled the Media<br />

Alliance.<br />

Sally Harms, cc-chalr of<br />

the Media Alliance Si^Uu<br />

Committee, sent a letter to<br />

Principal Alan Flbisli, the<br />

BCO, and the LEC. <strong>The</strong> letter<br />

warned itat ihL student government's<br />

proposed action would<br />

be a "heavy-handed manipulation"<br />

of the Constitutional tight<br />

to a free press.<br />

Upon receiving the letter,<br />

FlbUh met with Catallno Echivcrti,<br />

LEC chairman. FlbUli<br />

rcr^rreJly urged EcH/crrt ro<br />

cornptomiic with tlic nvwijuper<br />

(coptinved on page 4><br />

Volume H7, Number 3 tomtit High School. Sau Francisco. Californ May t\<br />

PG&E finalists<br />

compete<br />

by MJjo.ni AbiJr.ra<br />

Seven lovdt seniors have<br />

been -n<br />

Millone,"awl Charlotte Wanj*.<br />

Of the rcn fioaliiu, one will<br />

be awarded a J1,000 tcholanhlp<br />

«$l, 000 U't each of tlie four<br />

yean ti' undergraduate wotN-and<br />

tvo will receive $1,000<br />

scholarships.<br />

TMCSC seven students, along<br />

with thrflc other fliiAllsts In the<br />

San Francisco Ulvf*ltn and<br />

.aculry fn e.ulv SUrcli.<br />

After being nctificd of melt<br />

nominatUii), candidates parlicinattd<br />

fn the ^iir.c finals at<br />

Hie Holiday Inn In San Ftancivco<br />

or. Mitch -H,<br />

At the xonc comfc:ltlrfl,<br />

cotitciuuu were judged on t>.elr<br />

ictivltlcj. atlJ pcrfiKiuancc IA<br />

front of the panel of j00 r-oulc<br />

vciiolridilp.<br />

"I was /utpilscd to find out<br />

that} hj'I wen. I was very<br />

excited and thrilled ro pleccj,"<br />

Jona eonimcnte.1.<br />

All of the firnhm received<br />

plaqtici ftir ittcit iclioolj i;<br />

•c ct ihe fu".x winners will<br />

.,-.c tl-c oppcttunlry to prrform<br />

.t ? •!>• witft the San Franclico<br />

Symphony Youth Orclici:ra<br />

'•litipr li.** 6:)-M scJicn.<br />

"J cnrcri-J the cortcit fcr<br />

it.o cTpctlcr.C'j of pcrfartvanrc<br />

antl to j;ct ttie criUciim of ihi<br />

indues. I'm always irjini; to<br />

improve, and each tune I play,<br />

I get s Unlc r«c*tcr." lona<br />

luted.<br />

Band concert tonight<br />

>(y David Jones<br />

Tnc <strong>Lowell</strong> Oaml and Ctchzstia<br />

will present Its Spring Concert<br />

totilghr-at fc p.rn. In »hc auiiltoilum.<br />

.<br />

Tnc Ailvanccd Orchrstra,<br />

dUected by Jinelle ^ahtllb,<br />

will perform "Concetto Crosso,*<br />

Opus fl no. 2 by Ilathlc), " rhe<br />

Emperor WittzoT bySizmu,<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Haydcn Symphonl* *T.<br />

UJ.f. Hcrold's-Zampa," arw 1<br />

a medley from "SopblsticaicU<br />

Ud?es - by Duke Ellington.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Advanced Band, under<br />

the direction of Paul £a!itllla,<br />

will perform Vivaldi's "Concerto<br />

Grosw)," a meOlcy of Ccie Porter's<br />

•iga. Ovenurc to Colas Jrculon<br />

by Dmitri Kibclc.iW),<br />

A me* (can Patrol." and the<br />

"Flrsr Suite", for military bind<br />

br GJIUV llobt. _


Election procedures need improvement<br />

. How con one make an accuraw<br />

decision on student government<br />

officers without the<br />

opportunity to c!»ose the best<br />

candidate?<br />

IAWCII High School's student<br />

elections often don't give<br />

students that opportunity.<br />

<strong>The</strong> little yellow sheets of<br />

paper with a description of<br />

the candidates' qualities and<br />

an optional picture cannot<br />

provide enough information<br />

to make a decision.<br />

Recently, the student government<br />

set rp a student<br />

speaker's fcrum as an opportunity<br />

to gut better acquainted<br />

with the candidates.<br />

However, the forum Is not<br />

widely publicized and not everyone<br />

is encouraged to attend.<br />

Perhaps one reason that<br />

student voters are apathetic<br />

(luring election time Is due<br />

to tlie confusion in government.<br />

If students wcr>: made more<br />

aware of the Job qualification ><br />

And the duties Involved, more<br />

students would vote and make<br />

wiser decisions.<br />

A list of the qualifications<br />

and requirements for each office<br />

In each board of government<br />

would simplify the choice<br />

even more.<br />

At other schools, students<br />

have the opportunity to meet<br />

with candidates, such as in a<br />

qucstlon-and-answer program.<br />

This would enable students to<br />

lenrn positions on student<br />

issues.<br />

Many students complain that<br />

sTudent government is exclusive<br />

and aloof. Perhaps this<br />

opinion could be changed<br />

through being acquainted with<br />

potential leaders of tlie school.<br />

<strong>The</strong> different branches oi<br />

government are often hard to<br />

decipher and I. better chance<br />

to meet the candidates could<br />

only make the decision easier.<br />

(K.C.)<br />

Communication barriers create divisions<br />

"Can you Imagine a Turk arriving<br />

in France and complaining<br />

that lie was being denied<br />

his human rights because he<br />

was taught at school In French,<br />

ldcnts with a sense of cultural<br />

identity. Yet, (;i practice,<br />

these communli'.-s. Into which<br />

many immigrants withdraw<br />

completely, serve as barv'ors<br />

not Turkioh7" Illustrated George g to communication and under-<br />

Webber, the associate director standing between ethnic groups.<br />

of the Council for Basic Educa- Bilingual education, which<br />

tion.<br />

the United States government<br />

Of course, the United States has supported, seems but an<br />

differs from France and from obstacle In solving the prob-<br />

most other countries In that lem of the language barrier.<br />

it is the product of trememloi's ' Tlie programs separate chil-<br />

cultural diversity. Still though, dren speaking foreign langu-<br />

Webber's criticism of the lunages from the mainstream of<br />

g>oge barrier, which the United American education and often<br />

States has not only allowed to keep them separated even after<br />

exist but has in many ways fos- 'hey have learned English.<br />

tered, is justified.<br />

Advocates of the present sys-<br />

Certainly, the cultural divertem of bilingual education<br />

sity**?/ chia country nhcutcf be contend that tliese programs<br />

among Its greatest riches. <strong>The</strong> are essential to the "mainten-<br />

various ethnic communities ance" of the native tongue,<br />

which exist should provide res- rather than to the "transition"<br />

to tlie English language.<br />

Beyond the classroom, the<br />

problem of the communication<br />

barrier becomes Increasingly<br />

serious, though. <strong>The</strong> United<br />

States' government is a democracy,<br />

;he rucce3s of which<br />

is contingent on a well lnloi.ned<br />

public. How Informed is the<br />

non-English-speaking voter<br />

for whom bilingual ballots are<br />

printed?<br />

A knowledge of one's ancestry<br />

and a respect for one's ancestral<br />

culture are lnvaluahle.<br />

Yet having such knowledge and<br />

respect does not mean that one<br />

must neglect the English language<br />

<strong>The</strong> knowledge of a coniaion<br />

language H one means of uniting<br />

a tjlvcri»*r [Hjjiul/.tUMi.<br />

' Should not our government t>u<br />

working to promote unity rather<br />

than division among Its<br />

people? (M.C.)<br />

Hearts: here to stay or doomed to die?<br />

sell, 19 SP but not LA,<br />

my sister really does V computers<br />

and volleyball, but my<br />

neighbor docs not


Students angered: administrators won't cooperate<br />

Dear Editors,<br />

We ate appalled at the<br />

administration's apparent<br />

apatfry wwarf the BSCS' cleanup<br />

campaign planned to begin<br />

April 2fi. <strong>The</strong> school hai<br />

grown Incredibly dirty due to<br />

students' lack of awaieaess<br />

awl caring. <strong>The</strong> BSCS decided<br />

to launch a gUst effort with<br />

potters. Radio <strong>Lowell</strong> ind bulletin<br />

announcements *o make<br />

the studtno »vare of what Lhcy<br />

do sltt. their garbage.<br />

On Monday, April 25, two<br />

KCS ofnce»,'a!io Radio<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> members) tried to make<br />

a special MumiiKcnicat. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

*«cre sent in circle* from one<br />

administrator to another. When<br />

they finally 501 prrmisilm to<br />

he announcement,<br />

had to cut It down 10 a mihed<br />

four lemences read In the lair<br />

minute of registry.<br />

We also wrote a paragraph<br />

for the. April 25-30 bulletin.<br />

This paragraph, although not<br />

too long coruUcriflg the Importance<br />

of it* message, was cut<br />

down to "I-et's sun a new<br />

tradition--PrideI Remember,<br />

It's your schcoU" This Incredibly<br />

short message hrrdly<br />

su>od out against the numerous<br />

other messages In the bulletin.<br />

Tt oce who did ice It laughed<br />

at I a rorntneu.<br />

It will take more than a<br />

f cw gentle reminders to get<br />

studens to change their sloppy<br />

tiabltj. Littering li ion city<br />

and i: seems to have GO consequences.<br />

It is vital thit<br />

•it coniuntly bombard students<br />

with the message to clean up.<br />

How cat. we do tills wlisn ihj<br />

administration icems in be<br />

unwilling IO support the cleanup<br />

campaign? Our efforts<br />

will not raise money. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

wi.U not benefit ui especially.<br />

We arc frying to help rnir<br />

school. Why ihculd Hie BSCS<br />

take this effort upon itself ir<br />

U Is an uphill muggle? We are<br />

simply asking for the faculty's<br />

cooperation in this voluntary<br />

effort. After all. who complained<br />

In the fint place about<br />

the Una?<br />

Ann llJppert<br />

Sarah lludton<br />

Sports section neglects team<br />

Scar Editors,<br />

We, the members of thy<br />

Uixeli Gymnaidcs Team, were<br />

disturbed to finJ rhat there wjt<br />

no mention of us in the latest<br />

issue of "<strong>The</strong> LowclL" We've<br />

won every one cf our meets<br />

thii season against teams ftom<br />

both the City and .iround tlie<br />

Day Area, am! this week he<br />

ate favored to win our tcntli<br />

All-City Champiomhip in a<br />

row. What do we need to do<br />

to get your attention?<br />

Other teams with outstanding<br />

records,' such as the Swim<br />

Team, wlilch now has already<br />

1101 Eucalyptus Drive<br />

San Francisco. CA 94132<br />

woii (heir tenth consecutive<br />

AU-CUy Championship, also<br />

go unnoticed. <strong>The</strong> purpose of<br />

a scliool ocvi paper is to Inform<br />

the student tody about what is<br />

happening In the school. We<br />

arc told (hat an article about<br />

as.vlll 1% Include*! In tlie May<br />

Uiuc r»["<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>," but only<br />

aftur our season Is overt Where<br />

•ate your priorities when )ou- -<br />

print long stories about outside<br />

events be.'oie you've reported<br />

about what Is going on jt<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>?<br />

We have worked hard tliia<br />

year to make ourselves a nc-<br />

Co -Edironin-Chirl* SUru C ri«M<br />

Msrk Urgar<br />

Eircurjie Editor Sftaron Ptnit<br />

Nrwi Editor<br />

Auiittnt N'ciri Editor?<br />

Feature Editor*<br />

Spoilt FJiron<br />

MiiUMI Sportl EitiU<br />

Polities Editors...'<br />

jr<br />

Elisabeth Bro*n<br />

Mi/ounft Chun<br />

K*ta Wettheimcr<br />

Ljurrn Ucim<br />

Lilly Sin<br />

St ique SkrvJOr<br />

Afjn Chan<br />

LttM Cogar<br />

. ele} j;<br />

Mk!-*el Donner<br />

Emily Sturate<br />

Entertainment tzditon Km Clothier<br />

Lori CUIespte<br />

Mary Joyce<br />

ProHlet Editors Djn« Ftlk<br />

Assistant Prolilet Editor<br />

ConrnmtBt Editor<br />

Co<br />

Copy Editors<br />

Dctitiir Dcttir IVoo oo<br />

M«i/«P«o<br />

Joctlyn Kd<br />

JctltryCaltlo<br />

Susan Slilu<br />

Shan :Chlti<br />

(WucUon M«o««tr<br />

Adrenisln,Manarr Stasahin Hand,<br />

Kiporters: Minoru Atuhan. Aliuin BloonttiM. Mcl'ln<br />

Cbaa. Pamela Fastill. Kellit Can. Larry Goldberg. Vanessa<br />

Goodrich. OebWe (hiltlried. Kilt Cr»nl. Liu Gulno. AlkU<br />

Horn. Ca*id Jones. Leah Oriirif r. Randy Kess. Charleue<br />

Urn. James Lurk. Us* Miley. Sandi Murakami. Chondra<br />

Perdue. Jcnet Powell. 5»el«n«- Ramos. HeUI Ro». BanfYI<br />

Shin. Katk Vounj<br />

PtnvtrfptV Editor. ..OfcdD*Med.<br />

Orfooriitli: Mario Carraona. Srojarnin Chut. Judy Chint.<br />

Sboko Katbhama<br />

/«n>a:lHnXdrlKi Raymond B. Kohu<br />

cental team. We've only<br />

won the championship c-ich<br />

year by practicing hard every<br />

Oay after school, pushing ourselves<br />

to Improve while "encouraging<br />

each oilier. It Is dlwpjx IPting<br />

to put In lon>; hours of<br />

work to get no recognition.<br />

We feel th;t we maybe even<br />

deserve a Ilitl; lunport tor our<br />

efforts. We would like to<br />

Think tb.it we work hard 10 o<br />

well not only- for ounclvo,<br />

not unty for otu own wt-<br />

Ufactlon, but aUo for the pi We<br />

of th*; ichocl.<br />

TI:c O •nm.iKlci TcJm<br />


Don ~'t eliminate<br />

school events<br />

Dear Editors,<br />

Since ir is ptopcied iljt<br />

Spirit Week be reduced to one<br />

y on tlie foot ha U t',t\i (and<br />

•r school, at that), class<br />

Mi ellminatcil At*d all<br />

'n : St.nlor Prom cancelled,<br />

it it safe to JMUHIC that mote<br />

•pedal activities will be eliminated<br />

— l*jt which one(s)?<br />

Perhaps tlie Senior Picnic, or<br />

for that matter, die Senior<br />

iloat Pane will not exist as<br />

we Vncw them today. Such Is<br />

thi rair with [tie rial* Tihiru.<br />

Students frown upon<br />

condescending attitude<br />

Dca' Editott,<br />

At two icnicn wtio. Together,<br />

have gone through Hnals fourt'cn<br />

times, taken llic SAT fmr.<br />

li mo, ^orc *hrotiv;h the entire<br />

"College Adniiisioni Proccii,"<br />

and come out slightly OinllulioncO,<br />

we liopc 10 pats on a<br />

small hit of wnJo.n in thotc<br />

who have yet to embark on<br />

this venture and t nay he even<br />

bring lome tight to those who<br />

already have.<br />

Attending tins tcl^ol is a<br />

good experience, because, as<br />

a college preparatory school<br />

should, <strong>Lowell</strong> encourages Its<br />

undents to woik hard, learn a<br />

lot, and, ultimately, get into<br />

a gcoJ ccilcge.<br />

However, we've found that<br />

there's also a bad side to tills<br />

school's focus on academics<br />

and college.<br />

In striving to do well, it's<br />

easy to get wrapped up In<br />

grades and SAT scores and to<br />

forget what the point cf an<br />

c-acjtlcn is: gaining k:iowledge<br />

and wing that knowledge<br />

to better oneself.<br />

We ourselvc. easily got<br />

caught up ir. thinking i.iii way.<br />

During the adminions cycle,<br />

re felt that our four years at<br />

Lswell bolted down to what a<br />

bttard of adminions officers<br />

tlought of our application.<br />

Just two weeks ago, when the<br />

acceptance and rejection letter;<br />

NEWS<br />

Seniors win National Merit Scholarships<br />

By Pamela r*itiff<br />

She <strong>Lowell</strong> i oil on have<br />

earned the distinction of v-tnclug<br />

non-renewable Natloml Merit<br />

$1,000 tcholar4-.ps In tliU year's<br />

Merit competition.<br />

<strong>The</strong> wlnrttn arc Oary Biuhra,<br />

Orolyn K», Hctt^u V. Lin,<br />

Michael Mallonc, Kmanucl<br />

Pastrclcb, -ml Oh.irUittc Wan".<br />

Btuhnt pbiii to attend U. C.<br />

Berkeley next fall and contcnJcd<br />

Cut ictctving a $1,000 schoUrihlp<br />

nude Mm feel "certain."<br />

to he so honot't).<br />

KIK> u unJccklol abcut the<br />

college or tier choice whll 1 : bath<br />

Un avji Mallcnc plan to enter<br />

Harvard Unlvcaiiy in September.<br />

Wang, WHO sees Princeton<br />

University u tlic college iSc<br />

plans to attend next fall, stated,<br />

"It was really a ttuill t» have<br />

been selected to receive .1<br />

Patticlch, who ii pUr.nlng to<br />

attend Yale Unlvenliy, replied<br />

to tlic h.inor of wlutlit.:, "1 feel<br />

tl at there arc mar.y other very<br />

deserving, if no: nvtc docrvlng,<br />

studenu who

NEWS<br />

Kermesse entertains participants<br />

Students cnto/ the array of food at Kermewc,<br />

Hy Kara Wenhclracr<br />

Where can ooo (UtA ucoj,<br />

sushi, chow meln, biklavr..<br />

And quiche all In the same<br />

place?<br />

On April 21, <strong>Lowell</strong>'i c^urtyarO<br />

w« the plice v-hen toe<br />

Urernatlonal culnti*l fcsilva!,<br />

the 19S3 Kcrmcne, u*fc place.<br />

According to junior Rrcn.L»<br />

Miller, "It was great fun, one<br />

of the best evenri of the year!"<br />

Students ftvm *he different<br />

cultural clubs an! foreign larjguage<br />

cLioct p-erurcd food *z*l<br />

entertalnmcnt to enhance the<br />

school's afrcmoon.<br />

A coniat was hcJd for thbest<br />

booth, which was rated 'o.xid<br />

quality, the tooth'* itt-up,<br />

ami tnc ecawmes of the worken.<br />

<strong>The</strong> newly established<br />

Cliavcrln Club won fin: place<br />

and 550 with Its lamb kct»b*.<br />

<strong>The</strong> French and Russian tables<br />

tied for second place, each v(nnisg<br />

$20. Chocolate moutic,<br />

quiche, and crepes were told<br />

>"t the French table, while<br />

piroihkis and several different<br />

Loweli selected as 'model school 5<br />

By Bang-Yl Shin<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> High School has been<br />

selected as one of five hlgli<br />

jciiooli In California IO compete<br />

In a Djriotrw'cia eomptttfvit for<br />

cVcCjrUton *» a ntoJot •*~tn«>\<br />

tpouoted ty t!ic United States<br />

Department of Education (USDE).<br />

"<strong>The</strong> pv::«ie of this selection<br />

U to Idcr.tlfy exemplary public<br />

secondary schools In the United<br />

State* atid to begin to establish<br />

a network *f rchojls that can<br />

servo «i models for other schools<br />

and school districts," uld Alex<br />

Law, chief of the California<br />

Sute Departnicnt *s Office of<br />

Program Evaluation and Research.<br />

On the basis of student performance,<br />

academic goals,<br />

cliu offering*, exaa-cunlcular<br />

activities, community support,<br />

administrative leadership, and<br />

other criteria, ihc USDE selected<br />

the five high schools out of<br />

25 sclicoU In Callfcmla which<br />

have been nominated to compete<br />

by ihe Stale Department<br />

of Education.<br />

<strong>The</strong> other four high schools<br />

arc from Mowga, f rercont,<br />

San Diego, and Wtil-tier<br />

Representatives of aictchooU<br />

-'.' clown will toceivc a plaqyo<br />

for uielr school at the Sate s<br />

*n lUe baiii of jppllcjtlonj<br />

submitted (mm the 60 tutei.<br />

representatives from major education<br />

as^clations and futkmally<br />

recognixcd experts on<br />

secondary education will iclect<br />

t>0 to 60 schools In the United<br />

States to be visited.<br />

On May 10, Dr. Larry Cuban<br />

of Stanford university's School<br />

of EUi-.jtlon will visit <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />

according to Principal Alan<br />

"Dr. Larry C'luaa will visit<br />

thrre or four classes a*'J will<br />

be in the Meyer ULary to talk<br />

to students between 10:05 p.m. -<br />

ll:r,."i p.m. He will have an<br />

Informal meeting with teachers<br />

from 2:35 p. m. -3:30 p. m.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n he will submit his report<br />

totheUSr-E," saidFlblsh.<br />

He nctcd that one value of<br />

visits such as this. Is that staff<br />

numbers make aueurricuri of<br />

tnumselvcs and '.heir work.<br />

<strong>The</strong> USDS panel will identify<br />

a finalist group of schools In<br />

the nation with regard to the<br />



661-7277<br />

10% Off on Corsages<br />

ano Boutonnleros<br />


recommendadons nude by ttic<br />

visitors.<br />

'I'm reasonably confident<br />

that we will appear In the fin.»liii<br />

group.- cmhtoeu ribiiti.<br />

Grad<br />

chosen<br />

Uy frls Clothier<br />

On April VJ aikJ 20, 1HSS.<br />

the <strong>Lowell</strong> Class c( 19V.1 held<br />

lu annual graduation student<br />

speaker contati.<br />

Jocclyn Kei, chosen as<br />

historian, art Susie Kim,<br />

choicn as ialmiH.-n, will give<br />

thelt ipc-chcs at the graduation<br />

ceremony Itself.<br />

Students competed In two<br />

separate caugorlcs, vytr^ for<br />

the right to (peak as clan<br />

historian and class lalutorlan.<br />

<strong>The</strong> contests were held on<br />

different days In orJcj to keep<br />

thr topic: and ^ualtflcatlons<br />

separate.<br />

Judges included faculty<br />

memben and studenu vho ielectcd<br />

ipcakai on the M.ts<br />

of Individuality and topic content.<br />

Kci «-ied, "I've been Weeping<br />

a record of events over the<br />

yean, *o the speech w.u easy w<br />

write, and I'll enjoy giving it as<br />

my Tarswell to LowclL"<br />

4/5/3B7-K2S<br />

paitrfes were *old bv ihc 3ttni*n<br />

table. ...<br />

Cntcrulnmeat enrlc &.' tf»<br />

Kttmesx. Th*5 Hellenic Club<br />

tnenben were tlic flnt w preform<br />

wl.ti Greek dsnecs. Ur%i<br />

^ame .-t Japanese darc« followed<br />

IA 1 a TiMtian dance.<br />

After piano playing and<br />

SnanWi longi, ttic pallet Celsst?<br />

Imfrr.atiorjl exhibited u\»nce.<br />

varUtlom ro "CreoU Trlj, *<br />

"Waltr fiorr. Beau DJOCSC, *<br />

and "CH«Iing<br />

while overall the per*<br />

ccnugcof CJC population<br />

which doci smoke is down.<br />

When aikcd to comment<br />

on her lecture to club members,<br />

Sijtcr Nora responded,<br />

"I fouttd the group very receptive<br />

and eager to lcam.<br />

I was niip:lscd that they knew<br />

so much on the subject already.<br />

In ihon. It was really enjoyable."<br />

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Full Service Florist<br />

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i Specialty<br />




Dear Abbi*<br />

"ia my conception of dcm -<br />

ocraev, distew u not only<br />

demanded, It'i a ncceisjry ingredient,<br />

tlow can you lave<br />

a der-wxracy wtim you're nut<br />

constantly Questioning authority?"<br />

So asks Abblc I toff nun,<br />

rcno^nc-' political a-:tlvUt and<br />

full.irnc promoter of civil dls-<br />

Lite lasi lurr.mer, while<br />

woiklnj; «s a "cuS" reporter tor<br />

die "Harvard Summer Times,"<br />

I hiJ the ••ppotiuntiy 10 interview<br />

Hofl'trufc. who wit Involved<br />

in a speakii^ ,-n^-gcmcn:<br />

at the University,<br />

Uofi'nun said of himself, "t<br />

am not a pacifist. » erjagc In<br />

civil disobedience - one tactic<br />

among many to change the wtliting<br />

balance of pt-wer In<br />

wcicty."<br />

He has employed this tactic<br />

not onlv Hjr»J, aJop;in^ tlic atUi<br />

"Parry Freed* tnd ucdcr^oinc<br />

D'US'.IC tu:>;jry. For over seven<br />

jsart hs Ilvrd as a '-^l'i\c,<br />

"t^cllni: throughout Central<br />

Anvr-ca, fiwlly sctthns in<br />

ui»t. 10 New Yc*W.<br />

Il V.'fcO, Uyfffiun rcvcaU-d<br />

his true Identity ar.d turreirl^t.'C<br />

hltmclf ti juilrofllle* in N'cv,<br />

YwkCit/. Alter itrvith* 4 encycat<br />

rt'juc term :-n ,\ :educc»J<br />

jententc, !!offman publuhcd<br />

his lurobiogtaphy and »ctur;vd<br />

to tipsute New YoiV to tonrini:c<br />

hli p\«Uii;y am' w<br />

Stidhem Sport-<br />

Comic Bose-<br />

Cc.vic bags<br />

M';Iars&Mylttcs<br />

Noo Sport Cards<br />

Tradir? Card Boxes<br />

Trading Card Sheet!<br />

•Michael Donner-<br />

;•* :ii. l-c Jut aiii j-teJ a popular<br />

c-itie Uu: ipoc->U to many of<br />

the ume pcc|)l: lie orcc alienated.<br />

Ills latest project is the wi= of<br />

civil disooedlcnre and poMncal<br />

nvbillzadon tk :to? the tr-rsporwtfen<br />

of nu=lcar wane from<br />

Cinada tu a durr;*iltc in North<br />

Carolina. Tt'.cVj •-.irrvtnj; :he<br />

*adloacttvc retiJuci nott p.m<br />

over a bridge near :ltc town<br />

wtiere Hoffman livci, and he<br />

f nn ilian a spill would cidar.ger<br />

\hf. live* cf loc^l i *at-<br />

Jcnti and contaminate a major<br />

icutce of water for New York<br />

State. Me hat made repeated<br />

attempts to obstruct the ttucVs<br />

including a ititoat to block thi<br />

p3isageway with his body,<br />

Said Hoffman, "Wheihei<br />

civil dhubeiilencc is tuctl m<br />

not Is a tactical dec. ^>. which<br />

anyone Involved in strategy<br />

£3a about deciding. I'm net<br />

interested anymore In the<br />

people wuo come up to me<br />

md uy, 'I'll sit-In at the<br />

bridge, Abble.' At this sta^c<br />

'*m (ntric'.ed in pt*iplc >.no<br />

wfll t*o doc:-f -i3o»^ to persuade<br />

cidsens .J f«»r*-' s local suptrvliots<br />

IO taVc a .4-.nJ on the<br />

Issues; I'm Interested In the<br />

fcicntlsts tnd doctors who are<br />

£t>lng ID come and give testimony."<br />

Prmesturf, stated Huffman,<br />

often Tall vtctlni to the tr.rill<br />

of pupating and Kic tl^ht of<br />

their ultimate 30-i. As he ten<br />

ll, "Ninety petcent of the j>e«.;plc<br />

X!K> gc! involved In CJUICI<br />

don't rate ^tietl.^ they win or<br />

line; t:*i > re II £ tout cnpeticr.ee,<br />

re: many fxuplc, tnaicttliv. f°f<br />

peace i« .^ rcl^U-ui experience.<br />

Aboui ten po:. ..: of tlic [x:*:pUrcally<br />

wj- . tt> 1Icp \\iC nuclei:<br />

armj ra»r« Cut uf tliat :«i [««crnt,<br />

ma)be cne prnrcr.t has<br />

.*ny idej of how tc go ab*Hit<br />

d*iin$; It. *<br />

la thr lutuic, the cr-Vlfpic<br />

:*U tha» he *.Ili t-Lfit:-!;ic tifi^il<br />

tlic > tl-t&ltihr.Krnt in ntwcr<br />

•y:tr .*. •' vc doa't have :o roll<br />

•n-1 -ind iJie jus* became jomc-<br />

V Jy in authiriry s-')l i«. rven<br />

.•mn •*•« ilL)p. heat it!"<br />

.COMICS _.,<br />

f •'AKD~D7TKISI:J<br />

10 CVMOI AI-, Jew Prtc«' (U "i«-->»'a know,<br />

v J«n»i-V ••• m S.n . ucmin<br />

' iw> "' ' ;uJ * K "iV •» in pullcc<br />

S:l " fitter* ...JP.<br />

GREAT<br />

Manv jiolitici.iru, on tlic<br />

t ttitt hand, defended their<br />

ii'cvc. Mayor Feinstcin called<br />

iiic law "piopcr" and "arfvitablt:,**<br />

adding that roihln,; will<br />

cause politics tr. bct-oicc "ton<br />

iiu:fy" In S.in Pranciico.<br />

Piufhincnu fee) ;liat such<br />

I'JJhall c.11 ididates simply d-:<br />

n.K bflinr.i: in politicJI clectii'tn.<br />

"1 don't rhirk It'i<br />

f-i:, ' i,ild one 4»ff(oJal, "Hut<br />

i«ime:inc like .Sbter Ikwi.i Loom<br />

can hctt a cand.J.itc win- t


ByJocclynKcl<br />

Teenage isxuallty, dra^<br />

Abuse, CPncAirotnilty, and<br />

gang violence--topics gcncnlly<br />

confronted try uxUy'i iccn-<br />

5gcn- *3tc b«lng brough: Into<br />

Uir spotlight In ,1 unique new<br />

faihlon—Tccru Itt <strong>The</strong>atre<br />

(T'nT).<br />

Smdcntj from clvin claw -<br />

ci# as well JI several fbltnn,<br />

rfjre packed into an uncomfortably<br />

congcneit Suom C20 on<br />

April 20, NUxlj 14-15, but few<br />

actually funked tin lick of<br />

breaching /pace a* clfiht memben<br />

of T/nT doxn on njge<br />

c a paired their full .-mention.<br />

By presenting jl.oi dramatic<br />

freicnuttora pciMlnln^ to<br />

everyone, but directed ipeciflcslly<br />

'o tccna^cri, the CT.IPpiny<br />

dt-cj cucmfall)' what a<br />

family living elm w.r. i •: tfuslc<br />

..; . : 2 CUM.!; <strong>The</strong>ater - Berkeley<br />

May 9 Metal Moiuiay<br />

at 'he Olii Waldorf<br />

May 13-14 Phoebe Snow<br />

at the Old Waldorf<br />

Mav 19 Bellamy Brothers<br />

nt the Old Waldorf<br />

May 20 Benefit for S.F. Special Olyn;<br />

pw.-.<br />

ut the KabuM Night Club<br />

May 27 Lnslioii Beat and buw WOW<br />

WOW<br />

at die Old Waldorf<br />

Memorial Daj US Festival<br />

Weekend In G'.en Ellen, CA<br />

Tickets available at all Buss Ticket Centers and<br />

the Old Waldorf Box Office (for mere information,<br />

call 415/TEI.ET::: or 415/397-3884.<br />

Kabuki Night Club<br />

Japan Town Center<br />

May C. 1983<br />

Old WaMorf<br />

44 bavxiy Street<br />

Teen actors educate peers<br />

affiliated with UC San FrancUco'i<br />

Teen Family PUrmlng<br />

Prelect .^t San r.irK^co<br />

Center and Is funded by &c<br />

California State Ofilcc vf<br />

Making tlicir Urn aptvurancc<br />

.it Ltiweli, the company, cl.id<br />

In jcaru and red aiij shite T'nT<br />

T-Jliiro, prrf.'tn-.cd "Ulialorj,"<br />

a jcrica o-' 11 jkiu, each Involving<br />

sr.cral cast mnribcn.<br />

Trcr.-. the flat ikit A\>^I<br />

"Kevin," a tormented ti*cnjjjer<br />

in JJIU to tlic fhuil<br />

scene in which all clgitt ttu-<br />

L'cnu enacted a trens^c gang<br />

conft^ntztlirn, ihc a-Jlcnce<br />

becJnic compjet-. !y Involie*'<br />

it each of the cnafJi \^r j:id<br />

.lb ot her r^rbkm.<br />

I^iugliin^ iiurin.; ilie fcvcwl<br />

hunwro.ii mnincr.ti, ar.il lombvrly<br />

nixJiilng In a^ti:»:rnpnt .IR«J<br />

ijnipjthy iluring t^.c ir.£rc icrloui<br />

pcritviv, trie audience<br />

apf CTL" to be quit? ^•pteuc*!<br />

t/ the ,-;norniarcc.<br />

ExcJjlpifj tcnlrf Carol<br />

Mtintoya (n^mctJiatcly alter<br />

Dy l.cah Karllrcz<br />

CuU>tfuI li^hlx flew Jcmu<br />

the -tudfcncA, and the crowd<br />

chctred wlUty. Suddenly, the<br />

i.*a^c lit up and .i nun In pink<br />

panu Jt»J a ro*. iacV-*t teg .in<br />

ttnjjln^ in i DritUh acccr.t.<br />

<strong>The</strong> K;.,^i l,,id U-gun their S.in<br />

Kr .tir'tco coo*:rtu<br />

<strong>The</strong>y -vrfermct.' fur two<br />

liocn on Tuciday nu-Iit, Aptll<br />

CO, :o an wci'cd and energetic<br />

audience. <strong>The</strong> grcup'i energy<br />

level cjujil^d JIIJ even tur-<br />

;.uicd thai of tile au«llcn(.c.<br />

Ttuou^hout the ihow, and<br />

specially tnwarJi the rid,<br />

lead strict Rjy Daviei, and<br />

lead gultariit Dave P.ivfcj,<br />

canic up ta .T.cmbcn of the<br />

judlcncc and fh->ik their<br />

harJu D-ivc D.' '«, fau^ouj<br />

for !iU ikill at the clcirii:<br />

guit.ir, even lc; J fuw ;u.!plc<br />

roucn hi; tivpcniivc Itulii"<br />

nient.<br />

rUy'Dsvlcs WJI the it ir of me<br />

jhow; he r.*^i*, liirccd. ali*;cd<br />

the guitar ."id u!Vcd wit!, u-.^<br />

aiiJicntc, l*i uaintainc! t.U<br />

ii.:crr':,- fct J /w-houf ,ciforrcmi<br />

~, Including wo<br />

cnci.....<br />

<strong>The</strong> band placed a wM.*<br />

ran^e of miuir, fcaturi:^'<br />

many icngi frvr* their al-<br />

THE U1WEU<br />

the proentation* "<strong>The</strong>y (T'nT)<br />

were really yrcjt. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

toucheu problcmi iliat ever\"iine<br />

has. "<br />

Added tunic* JeUne Yt-in^,<br />

"Evcivor.c ihouid ice :hb<br />

play."<br />

tve- Civics teacher Ellcnct<br />

Ch'ti, who hai cnlldrcn of her<br />

own, raved. "I lc.irn*»J norc<br />

aLojr teenj^e r/oblcrrf In this<br />

iwo-rrod ptojiran lhan f have<br />

tn my entire life."<br />

Actually, there arc 'Mx><br />

i',roupi of st'jilcnts -.uociatcd<br />

with T'nT, forming a theatre<br />

cumpuny with a trtil of 10<br />

members all together, ranging<br />

in aj;ci ftoin U-19.<br />

While the p|dsr#(cup U in<br />

their third -.CJILT., beylnnlrj:<br />

with their flnt performance in<br />

Ucccmbcr, 1081, the newer<br />

/roup, which inrludci <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

tcnior Michelle Mai tion,<br />

bc^an mining in October of<br />

U« year In preparation *"or<br />

going on :tagc It: January.<br />

llarrbon explained iti;. at<br />

(!•; beginrJn^ of ejeh school<br />

yi^ir, Trogram Direct, t Tcry<br />

-Kinks satisfy crowd*<br />

wnB, UicIuJini; "OncFor<br />

t!ic3oad" ard "Give the<br />

peopU- What Tl.ey Want."<br />

Thcii pcrforn'ancc included<br />

the wwi, "Round 'isc Dial,"<br />

-Catch Me Sow Vr Failing,-<br />

"Dcjtroycr," "Low (luii^cf,"<br />

"HiH;t< Jn.! Hull famaiy,"<br />

"Lol.i," "Att Lover," and<br />

"Supvfnun." \n addition 'o<br />

thcic past hlii, the Kiiikj a ho<br />

,Uycd two new IOIIJ;I which<br />

are pin of an album to be<br />

rslcaied Uiortly, Tliae were<br />

"Con'« D.ir.cln 1 ^" -ind "Don't<br />

Fotf ct tf- Paprc, Ai. Jrev."<br />

loo^-r and I'-'ih 1 . Educator<br />

RicliJm Woo jo around to find<br />

indents wlio rri^ht be Inxrcitixl<br />

in participating tr» the progrtM..<br />

After •> 'ctla if judUkni,<br />

Kmbhoru. iui final i«lcct!ofu<br />

for the £iuti|i, die new T'nT<br />

memb^-n /'.o thrtxigh 28 heir*<br />

•>f peer lunirvl CIJCCJ ai vfel 1<br />

.it ctattcs ir imptovlLitfonat<br />

to;hnlnuc, *ta^c w :xnt<br />

.inJ voice, ami el • actcr *if<br />

vcl:)|,tiicnu<br />

Ihiu, all (ncroben ':ialnict;.<br />


uaccuTst. amrtooi<br />

*JV« NOOTI CM<br />

For your promaana special parties,<br />

money can't rent a hotter format!<br />

Exciting color* and stylon<br />

&na many year'o axperlenco<br />

help with your soloclicr.i.<br />



proves entertaining<br />

p<br />

tivc and exciting new movie<br />

jtut released by pan mount<br />

lectures, prove; to be *n<br />

emotion-filled, cOR^ir*?,<br />

and "fUit*>- movie.<br />

Jennifer llcal*, ancxucini.ly<br />

attractive new rctictt,<br />

playt:) ' :*. adtn^ role of<br />

Alexandra Oucru, a welder<br />

pj- day and a dancer by nlfht.<br />

Although toe j'lnt fi !oo»ely<br />

roimructcd, the itipcrh dan?-<br />

In$; by heals £lves the trovJc<br />

lu seductiveness, arni Intriguing<br />

clurm.<br />

What icfurju tiits mov:e<br />

froin oilier darvc movici U tli.u<br />

the movie shows ttic ic, ztUm<br />

anJ fear Hut Oancctr M>tnetimcs<br />

tiavc to face Hurrur., rcalijilc<br />

itnritcni arc prc-.tnt anO<br />

ciiie.ncly wcll-acic.i out.<br />

Mlchjicl Nourl, U-.aU" cottar.<br />

pUyi tlie part of Nicky, the<br />

older nun in bcilc*. life He<br />

1: li« bow, tier ft tend, ami a be<br />

lovrt. Nourl gives the mnvic<br />

a rcfrcihlnj; touch *.itli liu icnilttv*<br />

pomiyal of tlic un-Jctsnndlrt£<br />

and **jmctiiv.ci<br />

rttc nun-Ic oveiflmu wit''<br />

semuality. Bcals ilmply<br />

it cab ttic movie *i:h lie:<br />

scudciivc imlle, hex winy<br />

(cnurki, at.', nimt inpt>tianily.<br />

her ip ->f many<br />

diffctcm tccici, each one<br />

Hr.ji wi'.h a separate atpect<br />

of rrumai: I.fe, and all bcttv,<br />

boii; wacky and penccptb-o In<br />

til*; Moiity Python nadltion.<br />

<strong>The</strong> film Q'lickly moves lent<br />

iituatlon to •ituatlon, covering<br />

!i subjects at tcx, icli^fon.<br />

*nd death. (ntcnpcxt**d<br />

thuuf;htnjt arc ihe uriquc ttvlc<br />

of cJtioom that have become a<br />

part cf the grnup's humor.<br />

AIJ«III£ the funnicf icenct li<br />

or.e In which a dottrf i^oct<br />

door-to-Joor to collect people's<br />

livers, aiul anuihec in which the<br />

Cr^m keeper tp->iU a rather<br />

charm in i; Lngltili dinner party<br />

by ^oltoning tlie<br />

Student and Concert<br />

Guitars In Stock<br />

J; w<br />

Ttic niovij U at IU N-jt,<br />

however, W!ICJI Tor:y Jones<br />

plays Jn atviiiirvib 1 ,-, olicic<br />

nun wiv li'crjily c\pnW;i JI!<br />

over > ia.-.z) ri-:un;ati: mJ<br />

in tn^fi-t-lJI« «.ui:on'.cn jftc:<br />

firathin^ vif ttiL* fitu' iidl.it<br />

uf JH enern'- 11 !!! nic.iL<br />

Although 'tic film nuy<br />

iceii! to be un^cnttnlUMy ,>btuid,<br />

] i anything but.<br />

T'«ouj:i..jut th:: niovic, the<br />

fyilioni txikc fun at inoJcrn<br />

tifcitvics, jn-4 ically urtl-c .1<br />

itcte of realiim when pi-^travin^<br />

pco^lc'i aiti'itdci, bclicfi,<br />

and V4>.ci.<br />

One jifuatcm >.itlt tlie movie<br />

it that it U much nx>ie ^roicvtu<br />

than tae group's pan film*. Altlu<br />

J f .1 wcll-Vr.own<br />

w:;tcr. printer, pumogr.iphcr,<br />

and biulncumn. When he<br />

Jljctivcn In vhfch direction<br />

the kin,; Iiai fled, RctUf decides<br />

tn folio*, him.<br />

!n o;Jcr to depict thi.<br />

cpltoJe, :omc ven 1 ititcieat-<br />

Inp and unUjtic ncopl*;, rcmr<br />

of ;!iem rcpfejenti.»g hlstf-rical<br />

figucj, have been brou5Til<br />

together. TH*-*c charactett<br />

ate all trav^"-;/ or the same<br />

c^rrlajr: tome to teturn 10<br />

their hnnia, and tonic uying<br />

to find the klna.<br />

Alonj; tl;c way, Utitif<br />

up with fiu* i('cj floumiu<br />

: Minn<br />

la~tit v.i-3 I: .-n ex. 1 :!lcnt<br />

t.un to the fjreup on the<br />

.l'.in^ inmi tl.j wy<br />

gently denfu l y .'C n-..iti\<br />

*>•' 'i f.iH in !nvr wt:!i<br />

rl^hu.<br />

<strong>The</strong> itarr gc i: filled with<br />

a variety ol other intcrcjtlnR<br />

characters. Including the<br />

laJy-in-waltlng of the Ouccn.<br />

vt>o u cnjnpletcly dcvoijd a<br />

Oc King; a g-y haUdr-aser,<br />

wKi add; murti .mi«.T-.;*I.' rv;n, wii^ is a!<br />

^•illlry. t"? «.)caV: f."T the<br />

i«op!c .«rni j^jtmt the King.<br />

hopes -ind fcin fur apd ,.«;.i[.u<br />

the Kltii; Wii..,.^ 1 '•••it the flln.<br />

•-P untU tncy tcjcli VJivnn'-«<br />

wl.ctc tho Kin,^ '•• bclt?£ hcK<br />

"...filled with a variety of<br />

other interesting characters."<br />

him. *o the way t^at he ua*n<br />

on ''It ruWr.-up, reveals hi><br />

u .iltlvttv.<br />

Thom.it I'ainc, thr aa:h»;:<br />

of '<strong>The</strong> nlghti of Man,*<br />

playrd b%- Harvey Krltei. it<br />

Hullo forceful at Vc ex*-raici<br />

\tlx vlewi agalnr. ttic twnarchin<br />

and arittPiracies o r .<br />

T^rll and foe '<br />

i>:i*j«cr hy a candle tnji.cr.<br />

Ar-it'j.n^ to"Ncwtw_*ck"<br />

ni-igazir.c, tfx lhth ccr.P'ry<br />

rnvic lcjili i*j characters<br />

to "., .a new era In hum in<br />

hlttwy." Th-: dramatic for -*<br />

-f the film bold* itic vlewcts*<br />

atUT.MtMt while leaLt'^ them<br />

jUifi^; will, tlir charactcn<br />

tluob^Ii an excliln^ Journey<br />

8 ••. 0, 1963<br />

E<br />

rruilc r<br />

Ilinaif<br />

bull!<br />

career |<br />

niHcn'.S<br />

Km: bll<br />

write<br />

DUkJ<br />





wtTYtlAU. ROTUNDA 9:00pm<br />

San Francisco Symphony &1o do VYurt Conducting<br />

Cesar & Latin All-Staid (12 M4Wh:)<br />


Bo? Scaggs & Fnerids<br />


Prtcf DiOrm And Ho Orcht^ra—Orchestra Foy*»r<br />

lex Benufcc And <strong>The</strong> Gkmn Miiicr Orchestra—Fir u Tier<br />

Tito Puonto And Ha O^cii turn—Stags<br />


Boo Crosby Arrf K.& Ort^istra—Foyer<br />

L03 Ekown And His Bo*vl Of Renown—Oman Recm<br />

Wait ToHeson And His Orchestra<br />


BwWy Morrow And Tno Tommy Dorrffy Ofcnc^i'n— Fc><br />

"INTERMEZZO CLUB": Bott>y S*wt<br />

location* «t l ,0pm<br />

PVJS Special Gucs'.3<br />

Elite gather for ball<br />

Bv Emily Murasc<br />

I( was like a dream: wnmcp<br />

in Cinderella Jtctict and men<br />

in tuxedoi wltii long white<br />

icarvcs waltzed IniiJc City<br />

IUU ,ii hot bleached ipotlighu,<br />

routing ntfrror halb, anJ a barrage<br />

of balloont lining hi^h<br />

above Van Ncii and ('•rove<br />

rrecu uaniiorTncd the Civic<br />

Center area into a tfrand tunroom.<br />

Frlda\ pnl'JC, 11)83<br />

:iutkcd the i veiling of tl:c<br />

BUck and White Bill, a benefit<br />

for the City'i jympVny oreticitra.<br />

Over v, 000 par:v>;»>.•:!,<br />

drcucil In black ami white<br />

ttvles Mn^ln,; from Victotlan<br />

IO punV. ip?m 51-J (»« penon<br />

(IJO each fo: [hue between tHago<br />

of 20 and >tO) tf-t tlckcu.<br />

Symphony vu'uii*.ccn<br />

itampcd "Gotta Dance,* itic<br />

tiicni': of ihh ycir'i ball mto<br />

I he li.mdj > : guests who<br />

}jxnltanco*uly tcccUal circuit;<br />

J.m-:c vr^rOt which anncuiiccd<br />

cntcrafncn and their<br />

L-"-atiora AI well •« JTVV.JCU<br />

ijora fot ihc :prncwtm oidfnhluncJ<br />

tr.ijiticn pcrmit:lr.?<br />

the muit .irvla;t admircn to<br />

r^'crvc jir^u UK the cvcnln*;<br />

by lignlrtf tl"" -:aiJ.<br />

rioni 9:00 p.m. u- II early<br />

nu:tu4i{;. five f jbllc fcuiWlr-i<br />

Jazz greats' deaths sadden<br />

»7 Mat; Joyce<br />

For Ja=r and iwiiig f;.m, I9f."<br />

mar to uie d:t"ih of two Ameilcaa<br />

rtmlc plonecn, EJ'1 Tatlia*<br />

I lie** jnd James "Cublr" Utakc,<br />

Both grew up ^f d t* ^an their<br />

csfi^n v v ,**Ji blacks wee itcAtcd<br />

natioovldc ai iccond-ctac citl-<br />

^eru; blacV mutlclans wefe no<br />

exception. However, each<br />

f<br />

bUVo cun-potcd hb '.nt<br />

piece, -Chir'.citon R*g,' at<br />

ace 1G. ID 191.', alter Hutlyfng<br />

with !.Icv.cll>-i V'lUon. Bilt'motft<br />

Negro symphony conductor,<br />

he moved nortr:, first to<br />

New iervsy aM -icii '.o New<br />

York City and teamed up with<br />

com pmct/lyric lit Noble<br />

Slule. In Blake'i caiccr,<br />

n ( H I h r<br />

tramcended racial barriers to<br />

become a world-ieaowi,ed<br />

pfarUt, bandlorfer. and Jongv<br />

iter,<br />

Blake, bom In BaUlmote In<br />

ICC^, acquire*! the nickname<br />

-Eubl"" ,'romhli middle name,<br />

Hubert.<br />

lie began JMI» loacw *c age<br />

»U, and un r»n liter, vu<br />

pUylns ret cnoaay z\ a hanVywnk<br />

In the icamlcr p-wt of rawn.<br />

e. l!"<br />

Sixile iJalitcJ hirr. in ><br />

hies such at "Dixie Moon,"<br />

• Euglc Cill Kag." iftd "I'm<br />

Jus; Wild Abo« Harry."<br />

BLske wai notaoTy vena tilt<br />

in his cr-po*lnj:, aiJ IUCCCU •<br />

fully moved from Urn rag e/a<br />

into Uzz and iwirtg.<br />

31akt nc>cr really teiir-d;<br />

he simply performed less<br />

frcjiuenuy. In 1076, h* 95ih<br />

year, Ivc received a


Who feeds <strong>Lowell</strong>'s hungry?<br />

By Katie li'iin;-<br />

Today's msnj: OlilcVcn,<br />

pc^i, bread, peaches, puicapol^j,<br />

2nd milh. Svin-J<br />

appctUing* <strong>Lowell</strong> Coa'< Manager<br />

Irnu Aitsn thinks u>.<br />

Allen, who hM been with<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> llncc llic l*rgimiin.* of<br />

the 1979 tchooi yvar, iupc:viiet<br />

the 17 pcoplt who operate the<br />

rafctc'a, the mack carts, and<br />

the Bear.ery.<br />

Allen tevcali ttic little known<br />

fact 'hat :hc cafeteria crew,<br />

headed by pccfcalonal cook<br />

Bninhlldc Rwlgriqucx, tlocx not<br />

pick tu own nicnui. Katticf,<br />

they receive the mcnui a'id<br />

tupplics (mm tnc Fwxl SMVICCJ<br />

Dopartmcnt of the icho>l district.<br />

Ai tf it iin't enough work<br />

pee pat ing uteab for <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

students, the tuff .if \'Z .1U0<br />

prepare the meali fot Labdhnt<br />

Louiic Lonibanl, .<br />

fellow Elementary, vluci> f.ic:<br />

deliver by tutiun wagon.<br />

When aikcd how tiic feel',<br />

about the reputation of •!••: eaJ<br />

tcfia (IHHJ, Alien itatcd, '"We<br />

really don't gc; nuny tf in-<br />

'•.Uinti."<br />

She levelled thr• the iju^i<br />

citl mcal(wliich un.1 15 pound<br />

>.f modla and *1Q pounJi uf<br />

iwef) 1» the r.»st [Xfubr white<br />

t!ic perk and beans ii the lean<br />

ttipular.<br />

She added :hat conuarv to<br />

popular belief, ttic leftovers<br />

arc only served one Jay.<br />

Although ll-e t-jfetau menm<br />

come from tNc Food Si'r\icc»t<br />

All'n does '.akc idcnt input<br />

(i>r the cWlcc of macks in the<br />

Qcancry, In fact, the tcccul<br />

addnio-i of burrum, clicac<br />

cake, and rggtolls c.irrc atuut<br />

ai a result of iludcnr input.<br />

she t-^pbiiicJ that tlic rc-»to:i<br />

ttiit the iicanciy rinses n early<br />

ji 11 iJoci(12:-:i) l\ bvrauie<br />

f-:wn iiudciiti come aftti this<br />

IJ.HK. Th-: »choo'. dlurict<br />

cannot afford 10 pay full noun*<br />

wage? ior a few itudenu*<br />

rutronagc.<br />

White she cnj'jyt wockir..;<br />

hc;c and auvocatci the op -ning<br />

*>, wlitlc Ntar>l-l-ibMcfleld,<br />

a Rcancry 'j[n:rati»:,<br />

lui been with <strong>Lowell</strong> for<br />

-7 >can, "Aral I'm still<br />

Who are the '<strong>Lowell</strong> bouncers'?<br />

Uy Debbie Woo<br />

Allcciionaicly known aj :hc<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> bounccn,* Ron Uod^ji<br />

and Ti>ny Pcttui are the Khrol't<br />

bodyguatdt who rwm the if hool<br />

and keep the peace.<br />

Hodges a-wl pAttus's profenlonal<br />

title icbool iccjrfty<br />

aide. <strong>The</strong> -oarc firnlliar to<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> ttudenu. Ttu mere<br />

presence of litres jnd Pcrtm<br />

Is a conifctt tu students, and<br />

they appear neither menacing<br />

I not Impcnonal.<br />

Hodges stated, "td^i'innr<br />

ttudeno to be afraid of me. I<br />

warn ih.-m to be able :o tall<br />

to me."<br />

lie added Cat be Ota m nuke<br />

fricndi with «Ui' ats. Evidently<br />

Ilodgei and. Pcttus have mervedcd.<br />

tkn*i arc often »ccn<br />

or limply (.11 acting with i<br />

groups of tf-itnti.<br />

Tbcli duties con'.ui (>f "rmrc<br />

or leu, keeping lliln^i moving<br />

imoottily...and makinf; •••.re<br />

ttirrc are no dutnrbanccJ 'rom<br />

oumden. •<br />

In lite fix noun tiiat tti<br />

Hodges relate: *-TIC inciiiunt<br />

i!iii yc.ir in wttifh itudent! from<br />

annt!:c: n-t-ool started a fi^'n<br />

will) <strong>Lowell</strong> itudcnti. Hodgo<br />

anJ Pcttut "b:i Vc it up" an»l<br />

had otic of the outsider* ar-<br />

•cstet!,<br />

A danger e»im *h^n an IHJIifdcr<br />

en (en the school oecauic<br />

lie "m.w lc carrying a wca;«n."<br />

liodgd lias been at l-ow;ll<br />

for four year* and all togjtncr<br />

la; worked in the sch'jo'i district<br />

for 1? yean. P

ions office<br />

'r, k mult fovc received five A's<br />

and rhtce B's at liii previous<br />

r^ high school. <strong>The</strong>se students<br />

^.- will be admitted on )unc n.<br />

':*? Students applying tn U>wcll<br />

r": ccnv- from all over the city,<br />

I"';, and Herbert Hoover Middle<br />

h 7 School sends the tannest<br />

^ number.<br />

"Everyone's Interested l:i<br />

• U'welL Parent: gct very<br />

. uptct when their children<br />

arcn'l accepted, and I get<br />

u hear ihrlr compLilnts,-<br />

Rotbenbcrg stated.<br />

; Kothcnbog's iob I: j busy<br />

one because of the great<br />

| - demand to attmd LowclL<br />

More people want ,o enter<br />

r,;' <strong>Lowell</strong> Uian the number uf<br />

v space! available and, thcrc-<br />

" fotc, admissions Js a crucial<br />


What<br />

makes<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

tick??<br />

Cy Dam<br />

Certain "imtUutioru" with*<br />

In <strong>Lowell</strong> are always there,<br />

alwjyi h4Vc been tl.ctc, hut are<br />

never given mucl. ihou^ht.<br />

Bath the Senior iVurd and kt»im<br />

2-iti *tc jucli liutitutitMu.<br />

TV.e purpose of «|n by their tlcitre<br />

to vmubtc the wa'.b at Eugene<br />

J. M-AtecrllU'hSchotil, Ctan<br />

anJ Lcc ict out io "...find the<br />

guy who had tlic hey and beat<br />

him to a pulp..."<br />

In actuality, tvth went io<br />

fnriiicr Clan of 'c-t picjident<br />

Pu'tKd A^uirrc -nd aikcd, qultL<br />

calmly for the key.<br />

U'^jpiio tl.cir wild tr.cmagcj,<br />

both '.cnioci arc sincere itxmt<br />

wanting ihe bat f.>r ifu ("Lin<br />

of *M, --at leait at far ai the<br />

wain't irjulun£ enouR".* 'hey Senior Soard is cunccnied.<br />

joked, "We were reading the <strong>The</strong>y attempt tn put things on<br />

Book-to-Book, VICCI<br />

I'y David Jonci<br />

(trie can find n>v(c Hian<br />

b»x»k» at <strong>Lowell</strong>'i Dook-to-Hoolc<br />

Vhite' before it's read?<br />

of her luff—-that u, WHO witl<br />

bc'inoottn^ 1 * wh.ch c.cnu.<br />

"Meeting dudlinej u our<br />

nuin problcrr," itatcd senior<br />

tlsa Cogar oi her staff. As<br />

copy editor, the mull keep<br />

track of all (he school evenu<br />

and anfgu suff mcmbcri to<br />

• cover tbim.<br />

;. Cuncutly, Coyar and her<br />

; iu:f are working on write-ups<br />

' ofatlcluU. "<strong>The</strong> auignment<br />

I lito find o»t what rrukci the<br />

5S~ tpeciilc cliib k>n;iiuai :hrou^h<br />

K*,;lntfrTlcw|ng el ib officcrt,"<br />

ogar explaincJ.<br />

Mflmbcn of ha i\J : . \ »•<br />

S ever, ire having diff»c- : .: .<br />

fi^-In ccota"ting all of the c lib*<br />

'pai chib meeting place* and<br />

BrTHmet are gcnctally unpredici-<br />

&• Ukewlic, the photo stafl<br />

jb faced with club member* who<br />

:Wtt't Ihow up for the scheduled<br />

e appolmmcna a» ''ell<br />

r Lut minute cancel brims.<br />

1383<br />

Neverihclcu Kim U optimistic.<br />

"Thanki w Mr.<br />

Kohli (the y;:rbix>k advii.-i:)<br />

we arc way .ihcJd of ichcdul'j<br />

iMrr pared to la it yc-ar wr.cr.<br />

nicst of *hc work waj di^r.c in<br />

ihc rjmnicf."<br />

She concluded: *'' l * •'<br />

Int of work, and t. i need<br />

,;ood people on V >Jf naif ai<br />

well at teamwork and con.nutfi-<br />

Ic.nion for a mccciiful ycar-<br />

tff>i* o! LOWCII itudenti, alt'<br />

natc imfti of two io three i<br />

day," fw'inti out Kaye til^a<br />

ihc l<br />

^•iirli fint opened ivr l^itru'u<br />

12 yean a^;o, offeri a variety of<br />

(lemt froiii Si holanii- Afiimdc<br />

Tat (SAT) oriented man iaU,<br />

to periodic tables, *n falar.cry<br />

itenti, to computer diici, to<br />

a wide iclcc.ion of book*.<br />

Ktcenex ii the cenitrr't nw. 1<br />

popular item.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> 12 wnrken, J l Hi.,aidi cinoc:a.^-t ir.iJcnr.<br />

liter, "o browse, remark »y tut,<br />

I^IIIU'M ". , . l!udC!t!f arc Ollc'l t'.ttplHt'J<br />

ar :tic lar^c iclctio,. ••' nrnis,"<br />

-Sli^ futther niMcs tUl t!.c<br />

ptn-cs .itc rcAu:naolc anJ oftc.i<br />

lt:c c»aini Ic of A h.«k ' tn<br />

SAT taniple u.ti for ',1-5 5<br />

otf Hie rc^uljr price-<br />

I'rr.fiti frr.m ttic center ire<br />

t volun- deposited into an account<br />

teen. n'any of whtrli ate par- deiii;r.ed w iwA ^rantt writ*<br />

ten by var'roi <strong>Lowell</strong> ot^itnratiofii.<br />

rtecentty, tin. i-cnicr<br />

wai al-ie ti 1 purchase a J700<br />

Ktvy lettering ma-tiine for<br />

i'ic Creative Arts Pcparirrent.<br />

•Who i; V10CI, anywjyi 11<br />

VIC II ti An .icronym f.ir<br />

VoIumeoM in Career Cmiraclini;<br />

Infi'imatior,.<br />

Tlie VICCI Center, whl.-h.<br />

haie*itur.' for 10 yean, pftivi-Jct<br />

cminiv'tin^ for and mforinatun<br />

j hoi it college, career iliot.-et<br />

and fr.unctal aid.<br />

Trie tiaff. made up e.itttch<br />

ct bolunicen. providcj aunancc<br />

frmn y a. m. tn 2 p. m,<br />

ever) school dav.<br />

<strong>The</strong> worker! can dupcn*.*<br />

knowledge about t.'ic b^jt<br />

colleges, give aiiut*.nce tn<br />

tompIettR^ financial aid fcttr.i,<br />

and admintitd 'Jic KUJCT tci:,<br />

which aidi undents in career<br />

choices, accordirif to ccu*u—<br />

lor CathcTuic Uuih.<br />

"IVf-cndirtg upon ttuden'^<br />

qucitiuni, we can direct tlieni<br />

tn t*;c correct financial aid<br />

foims. college aupldaiicn<br />

form or reference book, but<br />

of thfi; own ucrtJi," worker<br />

Kitty lleyl rerturked.<br />

the board that people will<br />

undentand. Without private<br />

rneua^ca, or hint] t*f jliuuci.<br />

Sot ncjrl) at inijltnii;, and<br />

far more prcfiiab 1 ./, u Room 2-t»".<br />

Room »"St* ii mcv t>v cntcrptiiin^<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> club* tn earn moncv for<br />

their activltivi.<br />

In crdet 10 cvcii ut''.~iin a<br />

talc date, a membur >)f each<br />

t-lub tnj.t be a tap'ijcntative<br />

to (he ifcCS and pcuttcc »»n :t;c<br />

days ,jij or hct c'ufc president<br />

has rccucsteJ. Thcje opportunll'.CJ<br />

coiri: bu; once every tt;r-;c<br />

•.nontht, he*.ever.<br />

$ry\ tlobcr: I'yarj, president<br />

u'the Adtfcntutcr's Club, "I<br />

think rvjm -10 it a ^oed idcJ<br />

bjcauje a clul) cin ^ct nwncy<br />

Photm by C.]gm Aneda<br />

withcui having to sik ('-r -ui^ttoni...we<br />

oJ talct arc not always a<br />

bed of roicj, though. Tor a<br />

Khool of nearly 3,000, often<br />

000 food Itcifu arc ordc:oJ:<br />

lonictinici leaving a club oi<br />

ebb with &0 ptctzcU or ri5<br />

piccci of pizza bread.<br />

Concluded Uyan, in thiv<br />

regard, -A club pr'jidim<br />

itiuulb alwayt atk his mcrnbcri<br />

let their Input mi food ialcj."<br />

Who are the voices<br />

of 'Radio <strong>Lowell</strong>"?<br />

0y Maria I 1 .to ug of mcii.iga to be I<br />

in-.» rs'iu lloi' to bro.idfjit wtut<br />

i'.c.'n;o MIV:L-, jpofiwr .-! luuio<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>, ,-alij "an audio t»ill.--<br />

•:M rx-ard-"<br />

Arinwini-ity e^crMhtr.t; irom<br />

c-ltihmccrinjjt :o daiu c? io<br />

uitobrtlup Jc-id)ir.ci fur tcmnfl,<br />

Htdw Uiwcll'i pnnuiy fuiu-ti.tn,<br />

Ntt>i>rc enpLifncd, (i "to update<br />

cuninmnicaiUHU betweep (acuity<br />

M\I1 ttudenu."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Radio <strong>Lowell</strong> crew u ci>m<br />

prucJ of jboit*. .i dozen liudcnis<br />

who divide thcnuelvct u»' r,..»<br />

iioti explained, "We never lay<br />

'nunJjtory rit«:e<br />

tti.it implici lomcthin^ b.id will<br />

(upper, if y.-ij don't £'i."<br />

"Ultcn we have to rewrite<br />

Uic mejsj[;cs mentally before we<br />

$o on ihc jir," he ad cd.<br />

Simiciimcj, however, f»;r<br />

lack of praciice time, Jeff<br />

.;atvin fontribuicd, "Weha^eM<br />

kind of win^ tt."<br />

Another concern. ciTcd<br />

senior Ka'ie YJUIIJ;. - "*r r^it<br />

veteran an.wunecr, ll the number<br />

o| itydenti Involved in Radft<br />

.-an. Mixrc, who has ipom. -d<br />

"*rt CadM <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />

———-———<br />

i!j>:to L«.w.;ll f.-r uvci ten year.. ll - )Wr11 - " lm pn«"U • ltlt itatcd. "I'll take anylmdy"**n a*<br />

«"<br />

* hl * »'"«'J. "htvamc if» toe<br />

d wt'en evrrsonc can tcad<br />

not ricirly AI imivrtant a» the " tll >' '"' nc ^nncuncemen!."<br />

-ibiUty u» read ,-lc.itly wUli in-<br />

v ' li;r K continued. ".M>mc-<br />

Klll|!jihv and unJenuuditv.-<br />

Il " lcl ' wtll) ' »• *'J : ' vl< .<br />

llakim Hat,, j senior wh't lui myself in the room ..id t-^1<br />

been rn the crew for a yc.ir .itid Jv«yilnni! alt by niyicli, and<br />

.. hi If, HkJuutvJ th.i. tin.- sunl- ^ ''Oftiy and h.im IT up."<br />

• n:

Gunne Sax<br />

has formal wear<br />

' '•-. aiiurcw nf the Pacific<br />

Elevator and Equipment Company<br />

is nd<br />

lace.<br />

TliU l» the Gunnc f.4» *• tcry<br />

Outlet s:occ<br />

Recently nxivcsl fri'ni i,n.ir<br />

«I25 - Second Street lor • Vn,<br />

Uic manu.a-rturcn of ftut...<br />

Sa.t, A line of'tr-id.tiona! ferninir<br />

: apf>.ircl, offer their mcrchandlie<br />

at an approximate SO<br />

percent off the. department<br />

itore prices.<br />

SVim, M*uics, cJin.oio,<br />

Atid •Ircttei ite told new at<br />

whciewle pti' CJ, wltlt a petticoat<br />

Halting at a mere 35.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Outlet [vices tkirn and<br />

blouict beginning at 310 at well<br />

aj children'* clothing ill with<br />

the typical Cunne Sax flounce.<br />

Long formal dreces In print,<br />

paitcU or taffcti are a bargain<br />

at $35 io J4S. Abo Jvalbble<br />

arc demure white and acam<br />

wedding Rowru for {70.<br />

<strong>The</strong> falily hr£ccomi..,r.al<br />

droning room zt the Outlet has<br />

nlmx-lincil walk and U a<br />

cbaot of garments anc! ferrule*<br />

la /arfoui «JRC* of 'Uoa. !t<br />

ippe^rAj, juaVfrw nom the number<br />

of potential formal govn<br />

purctuicn, ttu: many cturomen<br />

went p.-om-bound.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Cunnc Sax F/.ci*wy Outlet,<br />

* [future cheU of quality<br />

apparel at bargal/. price* it<br />

open from 9 a. m. to 4:30 p. m,<br />

Monday through Sarurday.<br />

Fritzi, You Babes<br />

provide discounts<br />

liy Alicia I lorn<br />

If you .ire tired of tlie ci -<br />

tantly riling cloitilru: prices and<br />

:c looking fo: a turgaln. you<br />

ight try the Ftiti'i. Ytn: lubct<br />

«ut T .-t, one of the many 'athlon<br />

«tleu to be found In San Franlico.<br />

<strong>The</strong> outlet fcaiutcJ womcn'i<br />

omwear from the Fritzi ar.d<br />

MI Babes Unci jnJ catcrt<br />

ainly to mUsca and juniors.<br />

Employee Pat Lldde<br />

that the Frit -.1. You Babo outlet<br />

the bcit tn the city became<br />

.. you get ntutc for youx<br />

money."<br />

"Fo:«amplc," Uddell'<br />

pointed out. "a Fntzl ot You<br />

*•/ bknuc foiinii in a Cepar*ment<br />

nott inch at Mjcy'i<br />

or the Emporium wtxild colt<br />

up to 325, while that same<br />

lie a: out store would iiily<br />

co« $7."<br />

ll-/o\i are considering a<br />

visit to the outlet ltotc, it<br />

•would be 4 good idea to get<br />

tht-e early. According to<br />

LMdelt. "Thouunds or people<br />

go In and out everyday. Some<br />

Beauty Store<br />

and More<br />

2124 Fillmore St.<br />

346-2511<br />

••12-<br />

dayi. especially Saturdays,<br />

there ate line* that go around<br />

the bloc •*."<br />

<strong>The</strong>re Is io much busl:.eu<br />

that the Jut'.ct liai three locations<br />

"U Fremont Street,<br />

•231 Fint Street, and 517 Howard.<br />

Street.<br />

AH of th* locations ate within<br />

I--, block at c-Kl. other, juit<br />

Market S:r«..<br />

<strong>The</strong> ouv U.-* OO Sun-<br />

dayi and ' i and open<br />

Tucsdjyi through Frdlayi from<br />

"J:3Ja.m. to 4:15 p.m. and<br />

S-uurdayi from 9 J. m. io 4:T>0<br />

p. m.<br />

<strong>The</strong> outlet hat i ttrlct policy<br />

^T "cj'h only.'<br />

Meit of the c tut omen ate<br />

teenage gltb who tike advantage<br />

of the bargain rtlcci.<br />

^ EspiritdeCorp<br />

offers bargains<br />

tiy ?.!aria<br />

f:cihing, if».»:ty, chccifui,<br />

iplai?iy...Dprit de Ct>rp. After<br />

at one of Dpiit'i icaatali'^uci,<br />

these ate the<br />

type* of dejci"lpilott< n-jdcnu<br />

c to tl:c Ejprit iiylc.<br />

Since the 'rfp» - t'in»; «t Kiprli<br />

dc f.ip, A rt'injviny ipccfj'i-<br />

.i ipoitiwcJr, thii tiprlt<br />

hnwe. «r one mi^ht<br />

e to -lejcribc It, hai taken<br />

hold In the United Statci.<br />

From the largest department<br />

itotd to the imallut boutiquci.<br />

Eipri . cK hlng irenu to be<br />

available wherever one jod.<br />

Yet tut 1 ., itrret arc not rhe<br />

only plica tn wlucti to find<br />

Eiprtt. mcrchandiic, net

.***<br />

By MoiJq-je Sfciuzny<br />

IJ the Army or ihc Air Force<br />

the place foi you?<br />

Tod*y, people Join the aimed<br />

fotczt for a number of reasons -<br />

some out of patriotism anJ nhcrs<br />

became me service ;novirlci oppott<br />

unities fot them to continue<br />

their education at .1 minimal<br />

ctnt.<br />

Air Force Sergeant Ct.jrla<br />

Rice tcnutVcd, "Some people<br />

arc looking f »r a t;ajc that<br />

will convert Into civilian jobs,<br />

and (hey gel free training."<br />

"Othen," talu Army Suff<br />

Srxgeini Hiung Ri\ "arc looV-<br />

Iiii.; for a challenge 3ml an opportunity<br />

to travcL*<br />

Ro lxllevc\ a majority of<br />

* enlistees >oin tho Army, rather<br />

ihin another branch of the<br />

armed forcn, bccaiue It Vui<br />

the largest f ollcgc fui.J at?l<br />

gujmntcci the station of the<br />

recruit's choice.<br />

<strong>The</strong> largest number of trainee*<br />

arc between 17 and "0 y«n<br />

of age, and they sign up for<br />

between two and four > ^n of<br />

active dut). riecruiu arc committed<br />

to a total of llx yean<br />

ot zctlve and Inactive duty.<br />

Ro estimates that about 20*<br />

percent of those who c. 'fit, like<br />

•... military, largely be luse<br />

of job lcciirlty, an liUy 3. 13BJ<br />

pcrfornum-c JIIJ belt. *c iliat<br />

lliclf iciiu dcjcrvei ii'orc ic-<br />



r Variety on<br />

Twenty-Fourth<br />

By Lc.-*i Katliacr<br />

i*an ct a community whcie j<br />

people actually know each !<br />

uthci. Many have Uvc- here<br />

for a good nan of their<br />

lives," explained Jeff Mosi,<br />

.1 S'rcetlljjjit Hctorifi employee.<br />

Locsr-rd In iJie eer\:er of<br />

Hoc Valley, --.t reflects<br />

tiic suuoundmg aclghborhood<br />

through lu Itlcndlv<br />

atmosphere am! mixture of<br />

people of var'rsd backgrounds.<br />

Salty Sl>ankland. a clerk<br />

at Holey Basel, a take-out<br />

dcllcatc&crt, observed, "AH<br />

d'ffctcnt kinds ot pconlu fre-<br />

^uer.t our it ore--old, ycung,<br />

gay, sualghr, famill;* and<br />

singles* Twenty-fourth<br />

Strtct has such a unique mlt<br />

ft people, arjj they all Interact<br />

well together,"<br />

Most of the people wl.o ihop<br />

on ;Mth Street ate rc>;t:ljn<br />

who live In the ncl^iruihood.<br />

Over tht nait few yean, lio-vever.<br />

Increased traffic, ihoppcrs,<br />

and tourist* have appeared<br />

OR the s'ject.<br />

<strong>The</strong> main complaint merchants<br />

have teems to lie that<br />

tents on the meet have gone<br />

too high. "I would like to<br />

see co.nrmutcal rent control.<br />

to keep iho rents down. Otherwise,<br />

It's an okay neighborhood,'<br />

sat') Michael Stccb, an<br />

employee of Cover-to-Cover<br />

Book Stoic.<br />

<strong>The</strong>tc bi lot of dlvtnlty<br />

amom: the shorn and r-'tauian«<br />

on C-lth Street. '<strong>The</strong><br />

meet has cvcrytlifn- tha: one<br />

might nee**, from c ilinary<br />

Items to tire ocruli, and you<br />

can find any kind of earrings<br />

you nnpht wint to buy!"<br />

evclalmcd shopper C , r.tltta<br />

3 town.<br />

Tic inhabitants of Noc<br />

Valley seem to enjoy ice<br />

cream, Tlictc U a Bud'i Ice<br />

Cream and a Double Ralph" »w<br />

loeaed wittiln three bkvUi<br />

of each other, and rvt'.i .ire<br />

almost always fitle-J *iih<br />

cuitumen.<br />

Some of the othci eating<br />

places on "A\h itvhnlc l.iitlc<br />

Italy, Panoi, Mag>;ics, La<br />

Roca, Acnic Cafe, and N •-.<br />

Valley Bar md CrllL<br />

Popular itetca anJ buiincites<br />

rti the sttcct include<br />

Star Magic, r,c!1 Market,<br />

Cladtj^i, Accent On<br />

flowers Too, (Wen's Five<br />

ird Ten *w\ Color Crane<br />

Haight Street offers diversity<br />

By Lauren Helr.i fcai-irinj; nx-dcrn fji'ilon a»<br />

Somewhere In l^an tranclicu wrl1 n »*«*! rU>tuln£ ard tcvfherc<br />

ciim a street for black- ""' ' n "'^ i ' Tl ll uted etulhinv. jrd<br />

-ral tpccialty gift ttorci. <strong>The</strong> "<br />

?nu whites, hippies and punV .A.i'dvaik'i Odd Ark and LaRou<br />

' cii, aiul the rich and ttie ate two clothli.i! 'trrcj w.itrh<br />

to all nlttk'ti* pcaccfi.ll) *eU<br />

Mai^ht Street proudly JispUy<br />

dlverilt)<br />

i>n any Sutnlay adrrtnv<br />

aicht Street, one car \?c<br />

uc varleiy r<br />

otncT a £:oup '<br />

wl .r,t.ij;c and utcJ ciinhmj.<br />

HLtiorl:al)y. \Uu M Suoct<br />

liai wui:tu\Hi tran> r'.ias^cu<br />


EEdTURE<br />


bltn ltuli^ht in the cji.1, I<br />

boldl> replied, -I w-'-.M li'-c<br />

.» 0«a-Oilj JiiJ a tkij,; oi<br />

potaiu c!ilp«, iir."<br />

<strong>The</strong> atxjvc bir iceno, wb' y .<br />

took plai* • u.n my very fin*<br />

day In thl; 'luuntry. ii a f'.Hxi<br />

example of my alicniim. I,<br />

bciii>', a O'y rcU-ltaircd American<br />

in S.*aln, ani abnui ai<br />

uiual ii a naV.cd ene'r^der<br />

walking down itic Ijjv.rll hallway<br />

i il.i(.*,ing *TaWc Me Out<br />

to tlic CallCainr,"<br />

In ihe intctctT of iclrnc'-.<br />

I'vr. collected dau and organized<br />

x rijX'rt titled "A CUnt<br />

In .T Snort Sw-.. ty." nccAutc<br />

me Nation! 1 Science i'ound.itu'ti<br />

hat refilled to publbh my<br />

"Look at the tall man!"<br />

Patrick Gaivin<br />

my Spml^Ji ;IA, \I itate<br />

.-ijT tix;rtti^r :.• ^U-^Ie rr<br />

jant, •L.xiV .it the Mil nu<br />

l l c(t.-n.«lly, I prrfct Hi-r<br />

e*i>[i-onc •:unfioi»tatift'.j.<br />

icy arc nmrl; nii'tc inter<br />

profound. In addlrioii, I've<br />

diuppoiiucd youmjitcn who<br />

i!i.ni£ht I jp-^r Italian, i-emun,<br />

Du":h, or P.n^uac.<br />

Sometimes* children hit<br />

upon my correct nationality.<br />

At* Indian war whixjp U J definite<br />

ilgn that my fl Mexican<br />

n!cn:itv. i^i b^cn discovered.<br />

Cr'ia t'Uvlou* iwi!catiom Intluite<br />

ihauu of "Hello, Mr.<br />

Cowboy" or 'Ttiuc (;i>cl Mr.<br />

bubble Cum." ;omc ycun^ucn,<br />

ihi Liu my t ,ny<br />

•,'f, iir.'n^er'" t'.iuntcO a<br />

tl-.c fart that I'.n .\ti.cr;i\tti.<br />

In • cfunf*^* wlic/i* rv.iny c!"<br />

rr»»vlcj, tclcvitht. lliow<br />

Choosy from these<br />

designers:<br />

0 /<br />

l:i>:. Vor example, bn v.^.-^, .i<br />

&-ycit-old bwy, lining ^<br />

l:ii fn'Ot porc*i ncps, ii-tcirvil<br />

ri«j», "llcy nun, >ou'te i.» Mil<br />

that yo« m:ut luve icc;i flrdt"<br />

Yot;.'(;iii:r* ali" cnj*jy iiyin,-*<br />

ti' X uc;i ni >' "Jtionility. Livtnc<br />

only 00 miles from Franre, 'tiauy<br />

Utilc people, ipcculatinjj thai<br />

I'm fr-im ihc ncik'.'iS.irln^ coun-<br />

::/» come up to me tiyit^ to<br />

itiit'aic i unvcrjallom in French,<br />

n-cauic my "tench Mwjbulary<br />

censbu of onu wojd, "crrtiiwtii,"<br />

lit.- iliiU- • illv aren't v.;.*\<br />

.'I .a<br />

<strong>The</strong> lip-inuh t<br />

ir.. 1 .. For cx.nink, I lud j<br />

t.4!nvenation with lince bo)»<br />

fani. A'.th•:;>,h we'w7,nij3<br />

tr.ileJ away itom rhll-delp!;t.i.<br />

iticie f- llo*»j knc-..' the royuli*<br />

Columnlii Calvin tow en o\ct Spanlih hott family.<br />

and highlights of evcty gar.ie jixTit die Rca^iiii<br />

AdmlnUtra- l:ati contact wulu Titii cauics<br />

of the l'3e"l-?2 iCJion.<br />

;ion, Yuri AnJnjpcv,<br />

Lurope'j nuny clian* c; for me to laugh<br />

PollticaUy, niy ichot'lmatri pohtlcat role in the 13r.Ti, at the iinn^c attention that I<br />

arc #«y ai:utc. Many time!, anuyushi H32I (33()>,<br />

Sean M. ire/ 8312 (145). or Kilward Kelle> 83i; (I.Vi) for "'"


... • ..ci Chin<br />

ru the Its? couplet **ho<br />

attended thy Junior from \0B3<br />

« ttic Sheraton Palace Ho:tl<br />

on April 30, the event wat, ;<br />

in title lujycitcd. "A Night<br />

To Kemcmfctr,"<br />

Music M»iten, a ol- *?c<br />

, povldcd f*•'• ',' ul.<br />

'.' p.m. to 1 a. (X, In the first<br />

floor's (told lUOm,<br />

JaVr Uatkcr's .'onuit Wcrld<br />

took ptiott>>-raphs of tlic partlcl^ani*.<br />

In the second -loot's<br />

rrctk:i) Room.<br />

CjH'llle J.tcrlihlgc, one of<br />

the two Junior Cl.n tpcfiwM,<br />

fl."»fJ, *I was very plcaiel<br />

wltlt ific LitPC turnout. Everyone<br />

iceT.ed \a enjoy ftlmK'if."<br />

CUu officers expressed ptlde<br />

when t!iey l=air.ed ilu- iheir<br />

class was the ftrit ever to sell<br />

out luniot P.-ont tlckcu. .<br />

Tim officers expected to sell<br />

150 lt*:Keu. By tlic end a* the<br />

deadline ticket sale day, -K<br />

t had been sold.<br />

R- ,«tues tc -lie junior «"ron<br />

werc generally positive. flo.Se*t<br />

Mr.Matru, nu"I: tcacticr. st.i-i-d,<br />

"I wii $tad t^ itc so r.-.ir.y<br />

jttendee* .ind ^.-i*iild enct'ut.i^c<br />

nuslinum ptrticip. itm JI ai:<br />

ild!tt had been sold. f future J: .<br />

A Oi.*>le »itJic .<br />

nvir-cnt -n thi* J<br />

Cry T-Wcmnic, Scnlcr CUu<br />

prcildcr.t, noted, "I wai jutpfiiciJ<br />

io uc 'Xi n- _, f nry<br />

" <strong>The</strong> ttx<br />

fortj ; .ilc j -<br />

r* activity."<br />

lipiicrc wai enmcosy,<br />

rii-r t i;J<br />

vcrk put int** »nc eveni paid<br />

cLm vice preiLdo*.<br />

Tcrl Atcji, cLin sccrctai<br />

aytccd. "Everything wti.t<br />

jMAGIC<br />

wait to get your plctuie uken,"<br />

ttir explained.<br />

-I wai tmpreuctl with the<br />

luniot CUtf," cxcUimcd junior<br />

^ iJ of<br />

CLio Officcii, ci' jjjcncrs,<br />

"and I cnjoyeJ * -*vtng a DJ<br />

Imti'j' .. M tunJ*"<br />

"I expected mrrc (low dance:<br />

for a prom," laid Arej4» "but<br />

t)ic fait and iluw numbcti were<br />

P-iccd well. "Tic group tried to<br />

pUy numSert everyone would<br />

enjoy.-<br />

FUihlng coli-red light* aut'ul<br />

to tlx spirit of the lorUi cvenu<br />

Earlier in t'lic week, a raffle<br />

»JAI held for ticket-holden.<br />

Conagci, bv.utonlerrcj. bcu.ich<br />

at ttic Hyatt Regency, and dinner<br />

at tUi:l'i were ar.-itrg the prize*.<br />

Motishigc TCinmcndcd the<br />

Ptom CornmittTC mpmben for<br />

t!ic litre -p^n. on tlu* decotatfuns<br />

and tlie dance bids wtilch wcie<br />

pale blue. So-ivcnlr white silk<br />

imcothly except frr the olcturc- wu* wctc abo the work of th«<br />

•J**|n^. Thcrr was over an hour committee.<br />

} Upcoming events \ Fun > g* wes highlight carnival<br />

• May 6 Rally, gym<br />

Senior Show Tryouts, ca r <strong>The</strong> Student Artivftlci Go.*nl"i<br />

• (SAB) fourth annual Cardinal<br />

i*tc-rin, 3:30 p.m. i fe etd (.'-me. f<br />

ft jpd tl^nci n a jolti-init r<br />

t.tiC nmt CIUMM f;r.;o«-r Primary Kluct'oiiM J .if nut* I<br />

courtyard wtilkw^y, **;4S ;i.rn,-J:3(' p.m.<br />

J IX>cii opcncJ it :'i:;:') p.m.<br />

•May J2 Final Election-.<br />

0 for particirv>n*' v-ho jfrivcj<br />

• jrly to enjoy the fattvittn.<br />

• Nfuy 20<br />

o<br />

Freshmnn Movie Day, showing "Airplane, "0 Many of the g^nifi h»>t]i'<br />

gym, 7:30 p.m.<br />

• involved thrt'wihj; w toning<br />

^ Itcnu kuch as .i firlf; ICH, tilrV<br />

•May 21 Frcshmnii ami So^lwmorc Service Projects,* '"* . n--Tdsi*ti n»-.. tic-wc-t»*<br />

Q<br />

miiMle rnur^'artl ami SA Offtc*-<br />

1 CH )n<br />

*'"- *- fo»»tiuii throw<br />

J May 24<br />

Senior vs. Faculty B;isk.i!>nll Ga j'.yni<br />

tMnv r<br />

»M;iy 29 S»;tilor Pron»- "A I'rtjmisc of Memories," • tl0t l] -VJ Il> -l' 1 ^ ^ trl ^ '•'<br />

l-"airi-.innt Hotel. Or.-.ivl li.illrnom, 9 p.m.- J '«''••''' !>•••,'-'•••<br />

la.in. • One L.nldc.i!lficJ ior!inr.:oie<br />

••r0»»9*«»*tfft0l?9tfffV«t9l.*taS8IIO9*f:. ic*?;i In line fc.I Mi fount)<br />

Clean-up campaign in progress<br />

B> ^-.nct i*owcii<br />

Tire .lou,* i.f School and Coir.-<br />

uunc':cd a "C!(t*n-*Jp Loweir<br />

campaign for the week of Aoril<br />

25 LhrcoRh C3 to tclcbraic the<br />

20lh :nal\c Mry of <strong>Lowell</strong> High<br />

School 1 ' .«we from the red brlfk<br />

tullding on Maya Etrcci tr- itic<br />

prekcni UV • Merced site.<br />

When Lu»/eJi flnt t circa ted to<br />

Eoealypriu Drive, the KVT, M.»J<br />

Ji't-. "i,!nn :it in tt;c hallwayi wt;' h aj^earcd in thi April -<br />

ccnt.rc/aiir.j' .nJ ^atu.i; tiviini" c: " lir <strong>Lowell</strong>."<br />

.ill lioms of tlu *c[.t.ilts i* an abundarcr i .iN*vc the ^'j.'ba^e car.i jl. n.<br />

Itrtcr and a general rrcu. u\\h oiliea pcjt.T- ari; p ' * «.i«-<br />

Clean-Up carrpji.'n plar.f oriic!icol<br />

co*np*>icJ tin: ic rf.iJ p*rt<br />

giiijtcj at a meeting Vtwoen I'IC<br />

Tre tliirj ncp will ^ letters<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Fxccutivc Council and<br />

[*» t!-c i";i!cr.: b.»dy ftnin ttic Li:-:<br />

iT'-ncerned Jtu-Jcnri. Tlic 5SCs<br />

ut^ltii; i-tirtrKancj with hallway<br />

peltry and L'icai:-up pr*vedurs*.<br />

was Ki^wntlble tor •urrylrt.c cut<br />

iric juur-pat: pl-n.<br />

Ti:c iVurt!: itcp it to plar :i-r t!:v<br />

fiitu*r; ruttlm: cu: (-«' In trje<br />

J tivea p?riod day that injured Tt"" fit*' ltcj> war a letter %o |.»r'.)-M «.:l>o©I year, ! ,w;!;i:u<br />

in H?tf Itallway*. -fie edltc? wrlttci b> Caullno will t>c wged to maintain a Mfh<br />

ToJay, wiiii the modular sriic- ir'iivcrrl. nudem t\ - 5,».^ w-io, the/<br />

won the diir Jockey c<br />

antcfpjnt applies hit i<br />

i the attcn't-w ol<br />

the tlar.ccrv.<br />

V.-.c tii^hli1 it o'<br />

WJI when mehMiic-flllcil<br />

baltmiia whith i.ac! tc-r.<br />

floiilnj In mlj-ali bu.11 Inm<br />

c^-VJi of fliinci wt;cn lit.<br />

In rider :o (r: -ip. j bc-oth,<br />

clj-n Jrd cUuci :i>ml::ed<br />

.-,ip!l. itl^v. :u ifcc SATl. Or.<br />

:hci!»y«f (l,j-4-,iv.,!, »c.<br />

vcithei iPLck, jud the Iwih:<br />

wrr-j fcrrcti :n ei.i-o tnJoor.<br />

L-KK ft! ipj-To j.m ioi::c g^.u;-<br />

1A;II:; .Vn-cii To c.-cjpj jwVw.-tJ<br />

laicci |t,t t.'icL- a.'lirl:l-v<br />

Bcch in a Car<br />

Accident?<br />

BODKS JJOIIL- in a<br />

P»ff of smoke.'<br />

_ w

§<br />

BCO, SAB election results out<br />

Primary<br />

V<br />

and<br />

and<br />

final<br />

final<br />

elections<br />

(?lrv-llnn«<br />

for<br />

f...<br />

the<br />

.!._<br />

offices<br />

..m<br />

of<br />

. .i._<br />

the<br />

Student Activities Itoard and t^c Hoard of Clan<br />

Off'cen were held on April CG an' 1 Cfc. Tnc official<br />

results are as follovs; the underlined nanics denote<br />

Hnalitu, 4lie asterisks denote wir/re.-i, and tlic<br />

second sets of figures represent final retulu.<br />

UCO^Iiairjvr.on (out o.' .'..0, tlicn :i>.'votes)<br />

William Ucr^i-t 107 CO.;!;•<br />

•MaHlm MJUI..I.J :OJ -SJ. v , j-M .-,-..•:-.<br />

PO!CT Wcitt l.w c:>. I 1<br />

aCO Vice Cliaupcrson (57b)<br />

fabrinaCce ;'O G4,u£<br />

3CO Secretary (ii-<br />

Mar) Ong 77 15. 97-<br />

DCO VrcJsurer (471, ffi:)<br />

Chlka Kimolsukl 110 C-;.i'7-<br />

•Vincent KlnB 200 -12.57. -1- VJ.97..<br />

" fiume Low IS5 35.9J, 100 A?., or<br />

BOO Publicity Conimlss.'oner (CIS, 3-17)<br />

M.iry Jane Sandier Yes 1-Vi 41.07-<br />

•so ioi fii.o:-<br />

Brady runs for SAB<br />


• -fe--'^rr^-* A T^ s:il? -' !l - I 6**^ ^^<br />

pctlilon f« iiiw!r<br />

DoarJ rlialrpcnon in the w<br />

Slarcia Brady nf iclcvliitv'<br />

"3udy PuiKrU" f.'-^e *il entei<br />

Into the canijvii^n by icniou<br />

Katie \oun& and Ucbblc W.v<br />

M a prank.<br />

Although SAU 17 >iiim John<br />

BlucH cniin^cd Itr^dy'i petition<br />

with 1:1*. denature, icnii>r<br />

Pam Kin,;, Elc^fiem Coinrmi<br />

jlon etiairpcru-n, ntd i^at<br />

Hrauy'i petition *a» no? officially<br />

jutiiorl^ed .md jtioultl<br />

not have bc»x plated in it.c<br />

ctuityard **iih liic cthtr pen-<br />

"Il(ii:jdy** pcttiuti)) Irvpife.<br />

Imitation: nv-i -r«n*t jtic,-ia^lc,"<br />

Ki:t: e»| -;r.cJ. Kin^<br />

tiAik dawn Erauy* jciUo** *-.ftc<br />

It h:i! h%*cn »^i dti, ""^ ... the<br />

$*s-Ul S^Icnrc : j ..-uxirce rjenici-i<br />

wir-Jowj ofi April lu.<br />

-1 war witling io l&ivc it<br />

up thcic," King vaU!t bur i!;• liiinrti."<br />

*..i» ;IM.I\*< "... l^ui'i' to<br />

|aU,;l: ---'.. nOtr ...cn,..,:.C<br />

cApUiiu-d: "3c»«.»i .-•-•ml-.-,<br />

.^ii my Uv'Ut I'cic J4-LI-' • :<br />

ally bcjuuJ n., ••"'- "i* : ' lt -<br />

l.t.th/'l. » .-lied Ibcr.. b-r ...<br />

I u-^I. at W.»- w:» »_v.-liumfri};<br />

cxpci.;." :"•*-"<br />

vi«lt3 inciuiij'! memtrn- * Jr.<br />

Hitler, and thit H wo*jld net ~.—<br />

clubj--:nc Karate Club, :hc<br />

Uivc «cc» -pi'ioptbtc to atiow Scuba Divlcp Divlnp Clr., Clr-<br />

•Uuren Uvlv'iu TM 74. Ii<br />

SAI! Treasurer (47<br />

lone Oorrc/<br />

•Ann ilupfvrt<br />

Karherine Utn<br />

MlcUct Woo<br />

J, :.7J•;<br />

7.' 1.'.'~'~<br />

J5.77<br />

ic. •>.;<br />

CM<br />

£0<br />

10",<br />

SAB Art ConimUilor.er t57t)<br />

•Mario Ci:rror.i :I-JC<br />

SAB Athletic Ctimmluioncr (-!:: f J)<br />

Stcpficn flufy'c: -J0C -I^ *>'•<br />

SAU Djurc Ccitmlnioncr f**" 7 1><br />

•NiJinun Caba C"7 Si^ 3^<br />

Siej-Junfc Crccnbcrg 1!H 41<br />

SAD Rally Commiuloncr (4£0)<br />

XLifttu Crowthct 214 -K.OJ<br />

Michael Zimmerman '2C0 . r »h. -t><br />

Class,LEC elections coming<br />

By McUtiic Kaimrt the other off lea L-.-auie<br />

Election! foe ibc <strong>Lowell</strong> Exec- pctton Moti>3 with two »c|<br />

utlve Council (Ll'C) and clau boardi," itatrd An:y Wcng<br />

officen will rah- '.u.-c May<br />

10 and 12.<br />

Office* oprn fu: each class<br />

include pfJidenr, vice pfctidrnt,<br />

tccrci.ity. trcasuicr, ^.i<br />

'wo t.lt; fC|«i*Hictit-ilivct.<br />

T\.c SfiJint Atlvtiotv Council ••iiiJIni? the Script L<br />

it:[:oiT.i.itlvcl >f tuc IXi'. v.11!<br />

ab» be .-t.ctiri.<br />

Each cLh vtv.cet p«niiii>n l:a:<br />

jc'para:.; duties. Tt.c {vciidcnt<br />

IUF>TVUC3 all rLm eventi, 111.1k<br />

ir>; iur»: ihir.^* tun ii-it^i'-hly.<br />

ThJ v:.-c prcildcnt .mtJii the<br />

Ttic l'.iinut<br />

if cicti tucoiiiif.; uj t.<br />

.iriT .'1' the clctir.il witk.<br />

"llic ttciiurcr IJKCI ccr.-<br />

'arliMis financial nu:icn.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lcnior fian will<br />

uv'c two rrcaiurcn, cic<br />

C-imtllc Mouiii.m; and Gary<br />

NakAgUl before their petitions<br />

were ligncd to review their<br />

lean<br />

two of ttiui: commtttctff.<br />

FiK liici; IfCO rci[«>nilbilli<br />

Kicy at:c:id M'.O meetings, help<br />

ScnU»r officcn, except the<br />

preildcm, wll! head ai le.ur<br />

three IT Lie romtujitcci. Ilicy<br />

Mil appoint rhalrnic jr nuny<br />

r.jr.m.itteet who will report<br />

tlicir respective cUuci. ,'tL*rti- : Senior Clau officer, in oilier tcli'jol jciivitlcJ which<br />

except lor the I EC reps, met [JVC -'-TIC JWIJ- fnun worVtnt;<br />

Lut week - :'' CIJU tp.'niuri for t-i-ir clau.<br />



Swimmers take 11th straight city title<br />

By V<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s iwim icam lui<br />

once ajj,ala snowed lu wlnnlirc.<br />

wayt.<br />

rhii year's squad, led by<br />

Cojch Ed D'jxm, defeated<br />

cvoy city re«rn during ttie<br />

regular icason.<br />

On April 23, at C? All-City<br />

Fliuli <strong>Lowell</strong> displayed its<br />

dominance ID the Triple A.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team compiled over 400<br />

points to *jm the over*al)<br />

till'-. <strong>The</strong> closest team to<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>, second place Lincoln<br />

High School, received only<br />

130 polnu.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team dominated In each<br />

of the three dlvblons: vanity,<br />

:«••*. a*: BO'S,<br />

Lowrll swlmmca senior<br />

Doug Kobayathl, Junior Jeff<br />

Salvln, scnUv Geoff Ember ling,<br />

and sophomore BlancaCaitlllo<br />

destroyed die previous record<br />

Senior Mark Taylor cained<br />

his Tint place In the vanity<br />

SO free by , 01 fccondi In t<br />

Senior Miguel lultin surfaces Tor air.<br />

In the varsity 400 freestyle re- closest ami most exciting race<br />

lay by an amazing C. 5 seconds, of the day.<br />

Castillo abo -on the 100 free Kobayubt iwam io victory<br />

and the 100 fly. for the third year In a tow in<br />

the vjolty Individual medley.<br />

Koba/-tshl a bo earned a first<br />

placu In me '00 back. Senior<br />

Gary Bruhns placed fin: In the<br />

100 creasatroke, while sen tot<br />

Rich Menar earned a first In<br />

the 130's bQ fly. .30 seconds<br />

off the .ill-city record. Menar<br />

abo placed flat In tlic 50 free.<br />

Sophomore Mike Evans received<br />

3 flnt place In the 200<br />

Long distance specialist<br />

sophomore Cathy Long gained<br />

a second place vie tot y in the<br />

130's 500 free and freshm*"<br />

icnuticn Irane ting^llen<br />

was victorious in t!ie 130'i 100<br />

free and placed iec >PJ In the<br />

C00 free. Outstanding 120<br />

tMmmers Include junior Mark<br />

Toyooka, freshman Elisabeth<br />


Gymnasts head<br />

All-City meet<br />

cy Lilly SIu<br />

7\ the Vanltv Gymnastic:<br />

Team has dominated the<br />

AAA LCARUC ind held the distinction<br />

of All-City Oiamnior.<br />

Tlili year li no exception at<br />

l.awelt ^ymnam went oi to rapture<br />

the All-City Title for the<br />

tenth consecutive year.<br />

What are the s:ien^ihl tnat<br />

have led Coach /erilyn /ank'r<br />

team to domination ft* ' J(.cade?<br />

A common ipcculattcn if t-e<br />

numben.<br />

Thmyclg'K membext strati).*,<br />

the torn displayed hard wo»k<br />

and fine talent as u surpaiied<br />

Washington and Lincoln liiRli<br />

:o take trie AM-Oiiy<br />

Compubury Finals at <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

on April 0 anj tlic All-Cit)<br />

Optional* ai Wattling ion on<br />

May 4.<br />

Yet, wMle <strong>Lowell</strong> oftc.i nut*<br />

mirn'mn othrr icliools. itic combined<br />

team score is not a toul<br />

of eacf competitor's scntc. Kit,<br />

instead tiic :op three rccrcn en<br />

each even* on each level*<br />

ThrofiMcally, a team with<br />

VI member* COL'J win over one<br />

t'f 38.<br />

Another common itellcf about<br />

the team's winning way* it that<br />

competition from other high<br />

tchools In the City is lacking.<br />

To some cstent, tnlsipcculation<br />

is true. Over th* lait<br />

four yean, the eight cornp*:;!tlv-1)<br />

active public schcob in<br />

the City Uve diminished to<br />

tLtec because of the Uck of<br />

funding for coach<<br />

18.<br />

However, the j:ymrmilcs<br />

team tias proven us strength >>y<br />

taking on o:hcr sclicvk in thr<br />

ILiv Area.<br />

Tlic team opened iti icatr-fi<br />

hy winniii; over CinipnimJo<br />

uri'i Miramon't; hijjli tchrsih m<br />

Nfnra.'a on Match l r i and t!;rn<br />

weni OR 10 Ocfcji CatnpuliiHJ,'<br />

and V'ntmocr liir.ti a' I cwcll<br />

on March ?.1.<br />

Tlicy have 11r.ee won a dual<br />

meet vcnui Terra Linda tm:ti<br />

sctioc-I at Terra Linda on April<br />

7.<br />

Tlicn n not itic tMinit^cri or iJic<br />

cnirpciltion what ts it»c sucr.j.'lif<br />

"Team Wi«t;,* n\i JjnW.<br />

"Our tiicccrt lie* in tlic cunih,.nation<br />

ot hard work, ''clpin, 1<br />

cJtr!t o:Vet miprivr, pint UH!I-<br />

\iilii*i dtjiL'rnutiatiu!*. Everyone<br />

pti'f in Irn^ lutd lu>un of prj'- -<br />

IHT. "<br />

W'ljic JarV iTrvVLtj U\c teat-mrtiibc*),<br />

many of tl:c tcun;<br />

mem her 1 credit lank.<br />

"Kv« since (Jaul:) tut *>:cfi<br />

c^aclitni; Uiii team, we've<br />

bee- first \|J*Oity,* chime*<br />

lunio* X'anttie Canip,"t:ut spcaki<br />

for iiwlf.-<br />

SopJiomore Lconle Sporccr a<br />

addci.'Stic's a really j;reat coacl;<br />

Sl?c trier IO help evcr>tod/, hut<br />

strcuei that we iliou.d work a;<br />

a tejrn and lielp c«li other CTII."<br />

Wi»h ftnhmen making v.p alrnoit<br />

half t!ic team, <strong>Lowell</strong>'*<br />

j^ymnaitict team may v«y likcl><br />

continue thr wi.inirn; Widltion<br />

for )cais 10 come.<br />

Gymnast worUng out on the uneven b«n.<br />

Yick, and freshman J»y Wu.<br />

Calvin called <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />

•<strong>The</strong> Perennial Swim power<br />

Irt the Triple A." U»wnU's<br />

swim teams have prpoued the<br />

city ilttc for II straight yean<br />

and have virtually donJnawd<br />

all-city :« ;*at »s long-<br />

Sop'jomcrc Kevin Allen<br />

took iccond in the varsity 1* M.<br />

while sophomore Dtv|d<br />

Ttornptcn placrd flrit in the<br />

100 LM. and sccocd in »ha<br />

100 breast.<br />

Thu !30*s incllcy relay<br />

team broke the city iccord<br />

by 3.5 seconds. <strong>The</strong> team<br />

coiuUts of sophomcre Catfiy<br />

lyng' freshman Lcane<br />

Lanpellen lopciomorc David<br />

Thompson* and senior Rich<br />

Menar.<br />

Baseball'team undefeated. 7-0<br />

"Our trrotii! o.fenic makes up<br />

for o«ir unjraMc defense,"<br />

i«)plionH::e Klt-hard U'ccJj of the<br />

junior vanity baictujl tcJm<br />

si.itct!.<br />

<strong>The</strong> J.V. Uiic»«ll tcjm LJ<br />

currently in t'irtt place with<br />

•in impressive 7-0 record. •<br />

<strong>The</strong> icuon «ar:cd off with<br />

; 1 '-.1 stomping of IUlbo>. a<br />

M.-AtL-cr ^.id Lincoln, iwcit<br />

dcfcilc, Richard Wrcks fur most<br />

comccuttvc hio, and NUrJt<br />

Schoclcr for ttiost spirit.<br />

K.ii Mandct, RU-harJ WeeVi,<br />

and Sieve Leonard have .ill<br />

ilJmmcu honicruns this year.<br />

"Ktporicncc tiai been tlic<br />

key fur us." bclitrclcr itatcd.<br />

<strong>The</strong> fo\:r freahmen en the<br />

team who look promlii'.g fcr<br />

next year arc l*aul n.itc3. Marvin<br />

?.*cn:ycr, trie Won).*, and<br />

Wilfred Dcrc,<br />

I)t:rc wai a narter on tlic<br />

tc-ani until Kilurici han>pcr:d<br />

him, a.id Stctoycr tin been a<br />

food liltiLi when l.c plavi.<br />

<strong>The</strong> one Uilng the team<br />

Lirki li fjn support. Cnsc<br />

tMnks the teani dacrves Hicrc<br />

cicdli and hopci a '.i: cf people<br />

:hnw up for !be playolfi.<br />

"We're in exciting team to<br />

wa:cn," Cruse added.<br />

Birdies fly short; come in third place<br />

By Alicia Horn<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> badminton<br />

team placed third uvetaP tills<br />

••cuon due to tract to M^-Atci*;<br />

\-4 an! Lincoln l-i.<br />

In •;IJI matches, the IrJlar;<br />

defeated Mluton 5-0, Oiillco<br />

•i-l, Watlifngicn 3-2, and<br />

Wilson 5-0, while losirK tr<br />

<strong>The</strong> tndl-tf rcrclvcd thcl><br />

cnrnpc'ltlcn irom McAti'c:.<br />

wnicJ. has -. icp-titlon foe beln;;<br />

"tough."<br />

In Jdditirn it. the regular<br />

leJsuc, the tCA;:: will abo parliclrutc<br />

in tl.c All-City FHib<br />

(cltml'^ition matk-ti^t) W!KTC<br />

each of tlic icim rr.cmbcn<br />

will cosnpetc indiv(Jually.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir inJjcr ttrcn^thf tcctn<br />

io lie with th.c fL'.t doubles<br />

tc3m, nude up cf junlott<br />

Ca;t>lic? Lcc zu< Kim Ssuycn.<br />

"During me toughest matches<br />

they were able to win (their<br />

T11E LO',;CLL<br />

rruirh) io ili.it there were no<br />

*i:jt-ouu," obictvcd icJm<br />

captain Virginia Qujn.<br />

Captain Ouan, a vabubls<br />

plavrr in her i-wrj rlyht. hai<br />

bcec >>n trie team for three<br />

yean, playing doubles the<br />

first two and tingles thli icasoo,<br />

SIic fjyti "I've been {laying<br />

fir iluev yjr*. and the cft..,*rtituvi<br />

kc«ps ccttlr^ toucher<br />

cich jcason, *<br />

Pcflectl.-.j? on the icaiun,<br />

coach lenticttc Ailarr. uic,<br />

"<strong>The</strong> competition bc*w

SPORTS<br />

By Dana<br />

"I enjoy sparu." explained<br />

Athlcu of the Afinth Dcmctrlo<br />

Avelino. "Doing 1; i» long a;<br />

I have, yoti bitorrx dedicated<br />

to It, jnj ii'i hani to g£vc up."<br />

f.ivmg up spoiu -'ocj not<br />

teem likely fer Avcllno. a senior,<br />

who lias left hli mark the<br />

put three /can on (he football<br />

Avelino, Stopes'Athletes of Month'<br />

number of «res» ling-related<br />

?rcom[t'.Uhmenu In till 128pountl<br />

wnlgtu dlvliloc.<br />

Tills put icoion, Avelino<br />

was 21-8 in hii regular icaion<br />

nuic'ici and placed in ctcry<br />

tournament me team enticed.<br />

Including J flnt at Enctrjl and<br />

a third at '>i:li the KKTdan jnd<br />

trie lllUm^r tourrunventi. he<br />

Demetrio Avelino<br />

team, the trat :cjm, and,<br />

r.wtt Imprcjiivcly, the wrenling<br />

team.<br />

Avclhie became Interested<br />

In wrestling when he visited<br />

AAA All*Ctty maichci wltli<br />

friends as an eighth grader at<br />

Everett Middle School, lie<br />

joined the team as a f:«h^un,<br />

and tlncc then lus ':o mailed a<br />

By SSaronCltin<br />

Lovell Is :rhe nattonal<br />

rc?: in the City this lunc.<br />

ft eh «he "lui .n much irh<br />

winning at anyone c-bt,"<br />

"he who wor'-o hardat go<br />

farth'H. 1 *<br />

developed in eighth grade at<br />

I'n-'dlo Middle SctiwI, wheniltc<br />

occ.in-c Intrigued by me<br />

clnllcn^c of the sr*>rt.<br />

Stanirg partition and Academir<br />

AtlilcTic Am-viation<br />

J*VCliilO*l CXfrClittltC Will)<br />

•JIC!I mi-it only icna to Help<br />

him wtih tiU training rvoj;raiii<br />

for \.reitl!~tj, ai all team<br />

members must run ttiric to<br />

f-jur mtlci each tiiy, in aud'-<br />

(AAA) Honor.ibh* Mention<br />

were among her sophomore jn'l<br />

junlo* donon.<br />

She anticipate^ e-imii,^ A1I-<br />

c»pltc J !xuy ict.cJ'tic.<br />

Avclimt nuVot time fur hli<br />

(w*:l'*lpatii?r, tr a ChrUtian<br />

you'h ot^anlzatiun called<br />

"Y*iun^ Life" and mch activii'**<br />

M luckjJckinn J.TJ water<br />

ikllug with them. Through<br />

"Youn;; Life" he ha; fenmd a<br />

great deal of tatiifactfnn ->nJ<br />

peace of mind.<br />

Avelino will follow up en<br />

hli intcrcit In rhrlitijnity, .n<br />

^.c plira to JK'-rJ Sin[»iixi<br />

BlWe Coll.jj,'-- r.-i>: >ta. vlicre<br />

lie will ^e.-Jy btii'.rtC'i, hut .iUo<br />

jmpha;l-i: x'rr. l«:n:.'.nitic»,<br />

jo tha* he ruj t..',le w'lh<br />

youttu.<br />

"1 want to UCVOL: m* f tfnic<br />

u« itudlcs," he t'spiii.ieJ.<br />

-I've hind ofhad my fill uf<br />

jporu in hl^t; wi'iX/L"<br />

and wctkj bactatage In pUyi<br />

r'Rjc cr twijc a year.<br />

Shu vrUiatcci: ai ;n tulier<br />

.it ihe Sin f-raticisto War<br />

McniCttjl* Ji ihe 7e*:Jayi<br />

w.nchin>; jnd iiitcnlny to the<br />

rt» c<br />

Shinju Stopes<br />

b.Hrtt team ;pir'.t .•».»*!<br />

wld Adjtr T«:m:h,<br />

"Hf* zzzl JIIU cnttiitlt.ism<br />

the ipon vilm ((ramtiut<br />

Mi-i itr'.'-r inu'iciti UnImJc<br />

pur!:'•'.;• itton in ttic Clinton<br />

Srrcci f..i»i tlicitcr >;n-up .or<br />

yoniM .if .n,t-i i^-i:t in :.«i<br />

ad of ifcc *t3gc<br />

i it«- Ernest Jates. TT»c<br />

Indiim collected seven hits and<br />

stole five bales on 'beir way to<br />

the win.<br />

Offensive lughligtiu incl J=d<br />

A tiomcmn by team ck.iiain Pill<br />

TiunodJ. and two tifll's on one<br />

tilt by Iliilan Zlmtr.=fman.<br />

In 7:ptc two of the icrici<br />

agiiu* Oalilco, the two teams<br />

verv' lied B-B at the end or reg-<br />

•lUtlon play. Aft« the eighth<br />

Inning, tlic game was tiaUed<br />

hrciuse of iLrfcnca.<br />

If ire s*mc affrco the outcome<br />

of the seison, U would<br />

be pl-^-i OUL.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> luffexcd In ilni de-<br />

H»yC. 1933<br />

feat at the hands of Me A tec<br />

and their ate, pitcher Joe Orcihim.<br />

Lovell lort by a score of 7-3.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> suffsred its iccond corjeeutue<br />

lots agaiist underrated<br />

Mission IOMHR 7*2. <strong>The</strong> lou rr±\<br />

htvc ftccn due to the fact that !*.t<br />

Indians liad five crron in the ganc;<br />

doubling then total cttor p.*ndi.j-<br />

Uon for the cniirc season.<br />

Four »i." the five errors came<br />

in the third (nnlttg when the score<br />

was tied 1-1. <strong>The</strong> errors turned<br />

.mo three unearned nt.is fo: tl '<br />

Rears.<br />

Commenting on t'ie lou,<br />

Donohue retratI

SPORTS<br />


-Alan Chan-<br />

Hi sports fans. Smelly sweatsocks, scrjggly un-<br />

Kcir.pt board;., and freshly shaven heads. What do<br />

the above all have In common? Tliey're all manifestations<br />

of superstitious behavior practiced by<br />

some of our more renowned athletes. Wether It's<br />

the peculiar habit of John Havllcsk wearing tlw same<br />

pair of unwashed socks as long as the Celtics were<br />

on a winning streak or Qucntin Daily shaving his heat<br />

before a big game, the reason for this seemingly irrational<br />

act la to maintain that winning edge.<br />

To many these nets to wart! off evil or to maintain<br />

lOTtd fortune are a throwback to a very distant past.<br />

Preparedness, execution and the .ability to carry out<br />

Che t*tsk at hap- 1 ' arc what cuunttf in this age. Superstitions<br />

and riiunlfi are amusingly tolerated by a sophlsticarcd<br />

tiuditncc. But truly, don't most of us havi<br />

our little charms or rituals to prevent, some unknown<br />

fate from foiling our plans.<br />

Life can be unpredictable and capricious and iliat<br />

regardless how prepared one can be, sirsngu things<br />

do happen. Certainly the year the 49ers experienced<br />

In 1981 made us bellcv; in miracles. I still wear my<br />

lucky sweatshirt whenever I sec a 49cr game.<br />

A John Elway or Chj'is Evert we probably never<br />

Jill be, although I'm set most of us have fantasized<br />

about being a super athlete. However, thut should<br />

not deter anyone trom participating .ind irylrg out<br />

f?r the various team sports. <strong>The</strong>re's intramural and<br />

C.A.A. basketball, bowling, and fencing to name<br />

a few in odditlon to the major sports programs. We<br />

ihould not just limit our dcvclopcmcnt solely to the<br />

academics, although that's probnbly what most peopli<br />

think of us LowsUltcs, but to dcvclopc whatever athletic<br />

abilities or Inclinations we may l-.avj. Our goal<br />

should be to developc physically as well as Intcllccnr<br />

illy. One doesn't heve to be a six foor-200 pound<br />


prant given to school<br />

" By IM!I HVIIner<br />

Meiltm-feckerd. a high<br />

;-V-techno lcsy ponlnsule<br />

JV rVf cte l r p , hn proieMao<br />

J:&i liars* ; grant ">' ">*• -•" r<br />

:<br />

.>«qulpson» to Loud I High<br />

^-T f^ThW^qu tpa«nV -1» worth<br />

V; ••laostWO.OCO and consist*<br />

.^Ot^fan VP-M coaputers. ten<br />

i, son 1 tors, twel va dt »k<br />

"^ drtv#«, ten printers, t«o<br />

V plotters and, according to<br />

principal Altn Flblsh, "a<br />

r->mba\* bunch of soft wore.<br />

Including CPH and Pascal<br />

cards."<br />

Loaell's relationship<br />

«l«h Hewlett-Packard bojan<br />

In tho spring of 1982 .hen<br />

tho coapany gavo <strong>Lowell</strong> a<br />

SBall nurt>or o< coeputers><br />

Last Hovoaber. Jerry<br />

Fisher, a Hewlett-Packard<br />

reprosontatIvo, cans to<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> to review tho<br />

coaputer progrea. Tho<br />

result of that visit was<br />

tho row equlpannt grnnf.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s four-year<br />

"anster plan" laarosted<br />

Fisher. This plan Is<br />

dot >d so that eventually<br />

laportant facet In alaosr<br />

every dopartaont In tho<br />

school. <strong>The</strong> pi in outlines<br />

12 goals Including, art<br />

Advanced Placeaent Coaputer<br />

Science course, coaputer<br />

literacy Instruction In ail<br />

Algobra classes, and the<br />

Instalment of a alcrocoaputn-<br />

In each dapartaental<br />

office.<br />

Volume'a7. Number 4 LoxU Hllb School. Su Francisco. California Ml<br />

Dr. Flblth r<br />

Power outage shuts down school for day<br />

By Jeffrey Oalvin<br />

•Thin It fantastic."<br />

exclalaed Junior Don<br />

Johnston.<br />

"It 1 * tota Ir y cool»"<br />

COMBunted senior WInsun<br />

Hsleh.<br />

"I was looking forward to<br />

gol ng to school today."<br />

it a tod senior Noro Kva.<br />

Those reactions caae In<br />

response to tho ne«s that o<br />

power outage had forced th*><br />

closing of school.<br />

On Hoy I) students<br />

arrived ot <strong>Lowell</strong> to find<br />

tho door* locked-and the<br />

lights off. A alaoographed<br />

notice fro* principal Alar.<br />

Flblsh I nforaed tho<br />

»tuden; s of the power<br />

failure end ad- Ised the* to<br />

go to tho public library<br />

end study*<br />

Scan t'udontt returned<br />

noao laaj-*iatoly, but by<br />

9:30 o*».t hundred* ro-*Mnoc"<br />

clustered cround th»<br />

bulldln> Groups of friends<br />

planned activities for tho<br />

day. while others set on<br />

cards* <strong>The</strong> basketbai I and<br />

ttfflnls courts boca»« hub*<br />

of activity.<br />

As students reacted to<br />

trwlr unexpected '.ol laay.<br />

Pacific Gas and tllectrlc<br />

crows worhod to ^•J^tcr« tho<br />

Eight faculty members to retire<br />

Eight teachers will<br />

roilro at the end of tho<br />

spring 1983 sese»ter. aftor<br />

having served on average of<br />

22 yoflrs each at <strong>Lowell</strong>*<br />

Paul Luccy, assistant<br />

prlnclpcl, said, "I can't<br />

recall o tlno wh» n «o've<br />

had so aany rot<br />

One rot tree I * Joseph<br />

Ehraan who served as head<br />

testing cryrtlrator.<br />

He sold. "I snjoyad<br />

aeotlng with students In<br />

wore qnruM-at way tti/in In<br />

spec' Me classroo<br />

Counsoitnq was a differ*)<br />

challen?9 to BO." P ai<br />

nturnnd ns a convjltont o%<br />

or e<br />

Jean Kautx said of her<br />

rotlreaont, "I'll >its<br />

being with young people."<br />

Besides being a physical<br />

education teacher, Ketttz<br />

coached the girls 1 basket-<br />

Faally Living teachor*<br />

Cdspite the sat ifoctlon<br />

she had ro^clv d froa<br />

teaching, sha iiw t-igu.i to<br />

fool "— thtt tr re wasn't<br />

any -vro chaMorgo loft."<br />

- 1 OPENING CEREMONY-Mt- Moow cots the ribbon to<br />

^ D e w l > completed" «mp for hiodlcapped students «d<br />

ftcalty tncciben.^ A new tamp b one of nucy improvements<br />

^btlng nude it <strong>Lowell</strong> to order foe the Kbcolto be open<br />

- i» bwdicapped itudeno next FalL<br />

courses to toac.H hnfe *>«»cn<br />

Latin and Epic and Myth*<br />

He served as ct^irman f«ythe<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Ficulty Counc'1<br />

for t*« lest two yoors.<br />

During rotIroaent, he<br />

plans to take or, extended<br />

trip to Europe.<br />

Ho said that ho will elss<br />

Rooa T9, In which he has<br />

taught aI BOSt continuously"<br />

George Moore, Engllnh<br />

teacher, stated 'hat tho<br />

doaand* of touching has<br />

physically worn hla out and<br />

Is looking forward to his<br />

oerly rot;r«a»»nt. He then<br />

can duvot*) his tlao to th*i<br />

bookstore he runs and<br />

further enjoy his love of<br />

books.<br />

Jaees Nlckorson, math<br />

teacher, was originally a<br />

coaaand I ng of f I cor In the<br />

Npvv with awards for valor.<br />

Af or ret iresent froa<br />

Lrwell, he plans to bocoao<br />

*• stock aarket analyst Sen Francisco<br />

Unified School Dlsrrlct.<br />

During her rertroaent, sno<br />

Intends to pursue her<br />

hobbles.<br />

At "<strong>The</strong> LovelI" was<br />

hoaxing for publication,<br />

Mauri co Engtander, Engl I si i<br />

dapartaont hood. Indicated<br />

that r* wi;I Join tho ranks<br />

of the ebove rer forbad*<br />

ell strdnnrs # roa curtlng<br />

school the following day to<br />

seo tho ^rem}or9 of "Return<br />

of the Jodi. 1 * Flbtsh<br />

caught and punt sued *wo<br />

seniors of tor finding then<br />

In lino for the flla th»<br />

next d«y.<br />

F Ib 1 nh had heard thot<br />

any Lowol 1 1 to* were<br />

piano Ing on sk tpplr 1<br />

clitsse^ fcr tho rovlo »n-l<br />

wr.s ou'ragwd that soae<br />

sfinlors would miss threo<br />

days of school by seeing<br />

1ho flla. (Senior Sneak<br />

and the Senior Picnic -tr«<br />

scheduled \or Mey 26 on1<br />

27.)<br />

During his anno.


ummer can be rewarding]<br />

as well as enjoyable<br />

'?.'•: that tine r>£ year ag^.n. *ep,<br />

summer Is almost hece! In a few weoks<br />

we will all be able to breathe a sigh o?<br />

relief that school is over, and to say<br />

to ourselves, we hive three months to do<br />

anything we want.<br />

Summer.time is different from any ether<br />

Reagan's school policy is absurd<br />

Speaking iecently at a<br />

[university graduation.<br />

President Reagan said that the<br />

country's public schools are<br />

failing miserably. •-aren't<br />

getting our<br />

worth," he stated.<br />

criminal waste of our<br />

precious resource,<br />

children."<br />

time of year, noc j ust. becaur.a the<br />

What we need to do,<br />

temperature is warmer and there is no<br />

president added, is to have<br />

school, but because it is a time for<br />

teacher pay scale based solely<br />

individual learning and achievement.<br />

on ability, unite parents and<br />

We can benefit from a well-spent<br />

teachers in organizations, and<br />

summer.' However, a constructive summer<br />

raise student requirements,<br />

doesn't preclude lying in the sun, but that "...the road to<br />

swimming, arvl ^pondinj •]*/> l just<br />

better education cannot be<br />

about anything. Summer is, after all, ll<br />

paved with more and more<br />

time for rela>t-it''>i, Isn't It?<br />

recycled tax dollars Reagan said, though, that<br />

Of course it Is, but It Is ai^o<br />

collected, redistributed, and money is just being "thrown<br />

extremely b-»n:•!*!•:! vl to ••.pond a part ot<br />

over-regulated ty Washington * t" the schools. <strong>The</strong>n,<br />

your summer doing something from which<br />

bureaucrats." obviously, the solution is to<br />

you will ran:> the benefits l.»ti-f on.<br />

By saying that the schools-get that money to the righ-,<br />

For examplo, traveling to places of need everything but money, and places and see that it's being<br />

historic interest Is * good way to spend that the money now being spent used well and not to cut it<br />

a part of youf summer. This doesn't is a "waste," Reagan cleverly off I<br />

necessarily require jumping on the next<br />

dodges the fact that tne <strong>The</strong> President's explanation<br />

plane for Europe. Indeed, Northern<br />

schools desperately need on the sorry state of our<br />

California has an Immense number of<br />

immediate funds to simply schools is just a pathetic<br />

points of historical interest.<br />

survive. <strong>The</strong> San Jose School defense of a. failure of a<br />

However, If traveLt nry doean' t ^pjj«^1.<br />

System, for example, is SIS policy in which millions of<br />

to you,there are many oth«:r options,<br />

million in debt, and just dollars are spent for nuclear<br />

volunteer work, for .-' •. ". i ,.•<br />

about every school in ths missiles instead of for "our<br />

hospitals need volunteers to 4 >•:': Vjci j<br />

nat'on needs better materials, mos t precious national<br />

the aa'onec. S'ich a .job n t'ii- ••-.n<br />

Hov.-c.n we have new, organized resource," which needs nothing<br />

often turn into a rewarding experts<br />

one more advanced classes, as else than money before sven<br />

Another option may •>•» to I: he t-alls for, withoutbeginning its road to<br />

yourself a new art or skill or to do financially stable schools to improvement,<br />

something you have always beer, itching beg.n with?<br />

to try but have never found the "juts to<br />

do. For example, teach yourself the<br />

"Students should<br />

fudinontB of a foreign language. Or<br />

try writing some creative literature<br />

appreciate faculty<br />

If you've been dying to attempt one of<br />

the latest fads - windsurfing- why not<br />

As the summer "months approach<br />

try It?<br />

robably the farthest thing from your<br />

He all need uome Sest and Relaxation<br />

mind is school and the people who run]<br />

this summer, but if we try to occupy<br />

t. But a moment's reflection will<br />

some of our other spare time by<br />

eveal that these people, teachers,<br />

undertaking beneficial activities, our<br />

counselors, administrators, cafeteria<br />

minds as well as our bodies will profit<br />

workers, and janitors, perform their<br />

Lf rom tills next three months. (P.F.)<br />

duties largely for us students.<br />

How many of us would consider becoming<br />

Do musical tastes dictate personality? a high school teacher?<br />

Let's be straightforward WOCse, oftentimes people are Trying fiscal circumstat ces, lack of<br />

about this...MUSIC. Music is aGgumea to enjoy a certain student respect, as well as low overall<br />

to be enjoyed, correct? type o£ mu3ic solely on the status, and bad press combine to make<br />

Without suggestion ofbasis o f c a c e Or ethnic this vocation undesirable.<br />

classifications o r backg round. Try these It is a wonder that people choose to<br />

implications of stereotypes, examples o;t for size... All teach at the high school level. But<br />

Sadly, this has not been the t h o s e who listen to rock they do and they perform with a fervor.<br />

case lately. RocK, soul, R paraae around in black, Some teachers come to school at t-<br />

and B, classical, new wave, baseball jerseys with "Oz=y<br />

jazz, big band, ethnic, heavy osbourne in Concert" on them.<br />

metal... there is no disputing TnOse who enjey classical are<br />

the fact that there is HASPlsn snobs who eat goose<br />

diversity in music, however, iiver p a t e and drive a BMW<br />

it seems that the kind of32oi (sun • roof optional)<br />

music one listens to dictates<br />

one's personality, and what's Needless to say, these<br />

stereotypes are trash, tt is<br />

ludicrous to think that all<br />

those who listen to an^r one<br />

kind of music fall into one<br />

massive category, and even<br />

worse to predispose for people<br />

what they should find pleasure<br />

in by their skin tone. Where<br />

has the art gone?<br />

Surely .(there are few alive<br />

3 that aren't stimulated by some<br />

is styles or music and totally<br />

SDISGOSTED by others. This is<br />

j°all well and good, but what is<br />

^needed is a little norc openfin<br />

i nd e d n e s s and music<br />

^.appreciation, in the ,TRUE<br />

sense e" the word, (D.F.<br />

K<br />

break of dawn, hours before we wake up;<br />

others stay after school, long after we<br />

have gone home.<br />

Yet we students tend to criticize!<br />

instead cf appreciate tne efforts of our<br />

teachers.<br />

Our counselors are sorely overworked.<br />

Nevertheless, they continue to make the<br />

time to lend a sympathetic ear and<br />

advise us about school, family, and<br />

career matters.<br />

Obviously, the services of cafeteria,<br />

workers arc indispensable to our daiiv|<br />

existence. As a plus, cafeteria •••orkers<br />

will, oftentimes, graciously hand over<br />

our food with a smile.<br />

Finally, how many of us greet the<br />

janitors? Without their services, our,<br />

halls would become Impenetrable with<br />

garbage. Have you ever noticed that the<br />

floors shine cc.-ly in the morning?<br />

We students owe all of these people<br />

much. But most importantly, we should<br />

remember that our success as Low'ell<br />

students and in the future reflects the<br />

influence and success of our teachers.<br />

{E.M.).<br />


Juw S, US'<br />

-dfc<br />


"3HsrloiCar"ona subalttad -ttilt cartoon u 9 "lettar to<br />

t»i adltcr*. In r««pon*» TO a latter printed In tha May<br />

Bbiii < l niii« New<br />

A<br />

illness policy proposed<br />

Policy" statovent by on<br />

unknown wttw was placed<br />

It each faculty aa*bor*s<br />

•i ai Frld*/, May 13.<br />

SICKHESSt No OKCU*«;t!<br />

We will no tongor occepT<br />

your d&dor 1 * statement as<br />

. proof, «s wo but love that<br />

If you ere at>1« to Qf» *©•<br />

tho doctor, you are able, to<br />

coa» to wo"k.<br />

LEAVE OF ABSENCE. (Tor an<br />

operation) Wo are no<br />

, longer allowing this<br />

practice. We wish to<br />

discourage Any tnoiight that<br />

you nsy ht.ve ehout loedlng<br />

an operation. Va b«I lew<br />

thst is long as you aro<br />

eaployod here, you will<br />

nood all of whatever you<br />

hav> ,*nd should not<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> Question<br />

Deer<br />

years,<br />

Lowol t HtQh School has<br />

served tho San Francisco<br />

Say Area as a Citadel of<br />

learning. <strong>The</strong> high caliber<br />

of tho students, faculty<br />

and ion* of the<br />

adalntstrrtlon has onablod<br />

LowoI 1 to uphold a<br />

strlngant level of acadealc<br />

excel tonco throughout these<br />

years* Despite tho aany<br />

cutbacks of Proposition 13,<br />

Lowol1 hfcs aanaged to<br />

rotrln Its good reputation<br />

and has oven acquired ***<br />

dubious recognition of<br />

- "Honey.. Hagax I no," so<br />

110! Eucalyptus Drive<br />

Sin Fnojdsco.CA 94132<br />

Nevnrtnqless,.. the<br />

cutbacks havo taken their<br />

toll. Since our school<br />

contracted thl s ho;or,<br />

there has b«en e aarked<br />

Cod Ina In tno ,uM Itw of<br />

tno school's prograa.<br />

CI asses Davit boon<br />

cencolted, oversubscribed,<br />

and a I »d I roc ted. Many<br />

teachers havo been (eld<br />

off, ana tne ones who havn<br />

reaalne£ aro forced to<br />

accopt crowded clauses and<br />

transient preparation<br />

periods. Ada'nlstrators<br />

havo boon relocated, «no<br />

Co-Edlumlv-Chict. MlriaCristra<br />

' Huk Ungu<br />

EuculiraEiUlor SbironPiaf<br />

News Editor EUutKlh Brown<br />

AsthUal Sent Editors Mlyottng Chun<br />

Kan Werthtlmtr<br />

ft* tare Editrrr Lauren Htlm<br />

UUrSiu<br />

' •-. . MoofqiMSkruiny<br />

SponsEdllcn •••• AltttChan<br />

LUxCotu<br />

AukuolSforli Erfllor. WtthrWbg<br />

Politics Eolton '. MfcJutl Dooncr<br />

Emily Muruc<br />

ErttTUlnmtnt Editors Krit Clothier<br />

- LorlGWcspk<br />

Maty Joyce<br />

fntSBEdltos O«n«F«tt<br />

OtbbkWoo<br />

Anbuut Pro/Dei Bd/lor MariaPao<br />

OvmvmtntKdllor ...JoctrysKel<br />

CoprEdUors. itthtyCMn<br />

5uunJfiio<br />

JluronChta<br />

SodVW.. DcBWe Gotttrk*. KUt Gnnt.<br />

• Ibm. DMWU JOOCS. U*h X*rtlacr. fUndy JCou. Ctaifcae<br />

£ f c UMiky. SMndlMurtktml. O»ad«<br />

HUiRB^t<br />

teaching. Because the<br />

facuIty Is ovorworked,<br />

there has botn less<br />

Interest in clubs a>>d<br />

extracurricular activities.<br />

Fortunately, the studonts,<br />

faculty, and administration<br />

*~of Lowol 1 havo tho<br />

constitution to endure<br />

these deficiencies and hnvo<br />

kopt the school's<br />

reputation frow faltering*<br />

Howuver, we aust ask<br />

ourselves an i*ssonttel<br />

question. How long can<br />

this List? At tho prisent<br />

mtj, U 30 or 30 y This Is no excutelll<br />

tvro Is nothing yoj can do<br />

tor tho", and we oro sure<br />

thr*t toaeona elvs In a<br />

lessor position can attend<br />

to tho arang«M«nt»,.<br />

However, If tne funeral can<br />

bo tr»ld lr. l«to afternoon,<br />

wo will be glad to let you<br />

off one hour early,<br />

provided thai your shero of<br />

work Is atead enough to<br />

kMp the Job gb'ing In yoor<br />

absence.<br />

OEATH: (your owfti This<br />

w 111 b# exceptod us an'<br />

oxcu.d<br />

fen close It later. Tho<br />

workers would stl 11 be<br />

working th» saao miabtr of<br />

hours, but J u*t at<br />

different tlaes. Instoad<br />

of being froa 10:49 to<br />

12x45, the Nwrs could bo<br />

froa 11:00 to 1lOO to<br />

sattsfy so nany aore<br />

rfudent? who •••vo a Idte<br />

lunch period and who depend<br />

on tho school for their<br />

In memoriam:<br />

Lester Castrillo<br />

Loa.tl Junior Lntir<br />

Cijtrlllo diod an May 21.<br />

-H« WBB swlr.ing In -tti.<br />

Russian Rlvir. itlwn-'n* was<br />

ov.rcoa. -by- tli. .swift<br />

current. H* dl«d .urout*<br />

; ^ th. hospital i\ Cardinal<br />

Carnival. <strong>The</strong>, "..v.Melo<br />

aontloned thai*' •ho--o*<br />

sponge throw, sponsored by<br />

tho Class of *R5, v*««>d to<br />

bo one of tho ao»t popular<br />

gaaas.<br />

Other sochOBores and 1<br />

were laprossed by tnat<br />

coaatnt. Our booth «tr><br />

very successful with vho<br />

h*»tp of the people vho<br />

| palntod and sot up th*><br />

board and the assistonce of<br />

those who workad at the<br />

booth during tho Crmlval.<br />

However, aost of the o'ealt<br />

should go to Rtif Talorda<br />

and Hlchaef Woo,i>^/> werr<br />

In charge of tho whole<br />

thing.* <strong>The</strong>y provided the<br />

pctnt, the board, and th*<br />

sponges* ;<br />

Our class aade a ierge'<br />

aaount of natey. Thus, all<br />

those «ho txA'MM cat -to<br />

help IF SON vsy found tha<br />

effort wortnwhlla.<br />

- -- Or/Id Lew<br />

I- 'I

News feature<br />

Summer overseas programs vary<br />

By HerI« Crisera<br />

Learning a foreign<br />

language, experiencing a<br />

foreign culturo, and coning<br />

to appreciate tM history<br />

ami art of onothjr country<br />

are all benefits of suecer<br />

program.<br />

A wtde range cf programs<br />

Involving travel and study<br />

In foreign countries is<br />

available to high school<br />

students during the sueaar<br />

Months.<br />

Two organizations which,<br />

while quite different In<br />

epproech, share the coaaon<br />

objective of exposing<br />

students to foreign<br />

cultures end languages are<br />

the Aaerlcon Institute of<br />

Affects My £ap1oya6t\t<br />

Prospects."<br />

T h * journal ISM<br />

ntudontf. to write at*<br />

articte on the subject and<br />

foreign Study (AIFS) nnd<br />

Northfleid/Mt* Herson<br />

Sumer Abroad.<br />

While the AFS cponsors a<br />

nuaber of trips each suaaor<br />

to countries throughout<br />

Eirop*. tM five week trip<br />

to Strasbourg, France Is<br />

perhaps the btst known<br />

aaong Lovel I students.<br />

This prograa Involves study<br />

at a foreign university* a*<br />

do *iost of the AIFS<br />

g<br />

Students participating In<br />

the Strasbourg prograa<br />

spend the majority of their<br />

flvo veeks abroad DtfentHng<br />

suaaor school at the<br />

University of Strasbourg*<br />

However, the prograa hi so<br />

Includes excursions to<br />

hiht»l* on the experience<br />

of living -1th a foraljn<br />

faulty.<br />

According to senior Pea<br />

Tastlft who participated In<br />

tno prec r ** la*** suaaer.<br />

one nut-. k write to<br />

Nortntlold/Mt. Her«on «er<br />

en application and auit<br />

then write a scl fdescriptive<br />

letter to a<br />

for-elgn fMlly*<br />

All participants In the<br />

progrca spend two days of<br />

orientation it Northfioltf/<br />

Vt. Heraon before dep&rHng<br />

tor .'rarce, England, or<br />

il?or (w<br />

o< lnton>:> i^rnltifl languogo<br />

clc>»i '*' local ntph<br />

sdtsol In Blali, tlw ur^xv<br />

of 30 A.trlcaftr<br />

portl.'.lpotlt.j In thi<br />

progrsa toporatttt Mto -h«o<br />

oroups of "• One croup<br />

th«i trov«l» >o Arcscnon, a<br />

popular sortldo vacation<br />

vpot for Europaa^i, mi +no<br />

othor group uoas to<br />

Cadillac, a latll Inland<br />

olns-Mklng lonn.<br />

FaitKf, ano still «.-lta><br />

to h«r Franch fasily In<br />

Cadillac, spoks anlMtadly<br />

of hor axpartonceft. ^IT<br />

tias rojlly oclttng for M.<br />

Th« town >a> X snail that _<br />

ts« blggist «v«nt of tha<br />

sbaear »a» tha v!«l« of a<br />

Fwtlff, who chose to go<br />

Unlike ti« AIFS prograa. to France, related thnt.<br />

Crisera wins Invest in America<br />

By Kara vertheaar<br />

to student* frcn other<br />

to have IT published In school^.<br />

Senlor Maria Crisera has the I r school new spapor.<br />

won the grand prlxo In the ' Crisera wrote an article<br />

Invest* 1 n-Aaorlea 21 st for thJ March Issue of Th«<br />

Annual Journal Is* .^oweli" entitled Changing<br />

competition on the subject niqulreaents for today's<br />

of "Jobs: How <strong>The</strong> Econoay Job Market.* 1<br />

LEC, class elections held<br />

* /<br />

C-l*sero reworked, "I<br />

think -.hat 1rV< oepetltlon<br />

Is o gooJ ii-t nccauie<br />

through K r..i!.,ntt hav*><br />

the chance to *Mnk at oat<br />

SOMO of tho probli*ns facing<br />

our soclet,."<br />

A second coap.it I tl*>» was<br />

the 29th Annual I nvosT-l n~<br />

^ AMerlca's Economic<br />

jf Olscusslon. This writ a<br />

£ written essay on th* MM<br />

-. subject as the Journal iso<br />

E cOMpotltion. Ti.-roo overall<br />

£ prlias were vwardttd to ooo-<br />

> Lowol I student*, towel I<br />

£• Junior Reoekah HueyTornoy<br />

> py Mfll<br />

aiuln dnnn And H/nrr«n H.<br />

fru jrv and final<br />

ltictlon». for tho otflces<br />

t the L-it-ell Exocutive<br />

Councl 1 ILEO end t^•<br />

Individual c*a*ses wero<br />

held on May 10 *nd 12. <strong>The</strong><br />

final results art as<br />

follows:<br />

LCC Student Body<br />

Presldont-eiocr, Kol 1 !•»<br />

(Jan; Student Advisory<br />

CounclI representatives,<br />

y OoMlngo one* Eric<br />

Faatlff.<br />

Tho Senior Class of *B*<br />

off leers are president,<br />

Jool '.ya; vlco prnsldant,<br />

PaanM Now ton; ;ocrotary,<br />

Aav *° na J Tf Calvin Cong and Parron H.<br />

Wong: LEC represent attvas.<br />

Eat 11na Controras anc' Condi<br />

Murakwl.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Junior Cla»* of<br />

ofliur«r»,<br />

l Hl<br />

officer? Include president.<br />

Liana YASUHO?O; vie*<br />

prerldent, tfsrilyr* Fong;<br />

secretary, 5herI Chin;<br />

Iroasurer, Geralyn (Celr)<br />

Ch I n; LEC ropresonta 11 vw,<br />

Byron Leo and Kal Kafid4r><br />

Tr.e Sophobor*i Clas.i cf<br />

•86 olflcers are prAnlcent,<br />

Karina Lee; vloo president,<br />

Liann Yivaaoto: secretary,'<br />

Katharine CNm; trfssurar,<br />

Ooen Poul&kldos; LC":<br />

reprtisontat I ves, Rol andt<br />

Cnu .md Julie l !<br />

Murase a 'young citizen'<br />

. By Heidi Rose<br />

Senior Eally Hurat9 was<br />

one of 12 San Franc 13co<br />

students presented with tho<br />

San Franc Isco You03<br />

Citizens Award for her<br />

dedication and<br />

. contributions to school<br />

activities and conaunlty<br />

affairs*<br />

She was hoiored fnr her<br />

echlovoaents on May 5 at a<br />

civic luncheon In the Grand '<br />

SaMroon of the St. Francis<br />

hotel.<br />

Throughout her four yews<br />

at Lowott, Murase has<br />

participated In a wide<br />

range of activities*<br />

."toecoaing tnvotvod wasn't .<br />

e conscious decision for<br />

•o,"-»he sold. "I just<br />

. happen to have ».«ny<br />

l<br />

' Murase has focusei o*i<br />

, student governaent*. She<br />

.^has held,*n office on the<br />

;*-»^^ej.M Exec«t|ve Co-jnci I<br />

or the past, lour<br />

^•^-VJ;-"---.l«t>l«o of (jr.at<br />

g^5*^-"-r- r*. n ** r# >^-i* 0 - n * r * Besides<br />

. r; hav*nfl>}afte*i piano lessons<br />

! r'i-_ /.for- ten yearJ,' she plays<br />

&i>-- percussion .and bassoon In<br />

'£K^?'S' ttve <strong>Lowell</strong> AdvoncaJ Oanti,<br />

.Pop Band, Advanced<br />

Orcherfro, ana <strong>The</strong>ater<br />

Orchestra.<br />

Murasa's grectwst source<br />

of pride Is her to**a as<br />

president of the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

.Orientotton Teaa (LOT).<br />

•When t was a frei'.taoi, I<br />

Murase fonts thAt Lowol I<br />

studonts should got<br />

Involved and experience as<br />

aeny different clubs as<br />

possible. She strongly<br />

feet* that clubs should<br />

Include all ethnic groups.<br />

Next folI, she will<br />

wanted soaeone to show «e<br />

what to do. That's why<br />

l*ve renlly pushed for tho<br />

LOT to have a blg-llttle<br />

brother-sister prograa as<br />

It did In the past," she<br />

stated.<br />

COMB unity tnvolvoaent Is<br />

al so I cportant to her.<br />

This suaaer she will be<br />

coordinating the Japanese<br />

Coaeunity Touth Council<br />

Sum** Daycoep progrmu<br />

Despite her fu I 1<br />

schodule, Murase Manages to<br />

spend tlMt, win her foal Iy.<br />

She feets that her busy<br />

schedule has given her a<br />

greater s»n»A of<br />

appreciation for the*.<br />

Knowing thit she Is doing<br />

service for others a«ans a<br />

lot to hwri "I like to know<br />

that I'M uslnc ay life to<br />

help others who iwen*t a&<br />

fortvnotwj es I oa Service<br />

really aekes M* foe) like<br />

l'a vaking a tfKf*rence, M<br />

attend Bryn Howr College<br />

end plans to go on to low<br />

school.<br />

In ho*- acceptance spoech<br />

during the luncheon, Hurase<br />

stoted, "1 accept th I s<br />

award, not so such on ay<br />

behalf, but on the behalf<br />

of all the faculty and<br />

students who gave MO<br />

guidance and support a*<br />

well as the opportunity to<br />

she «fflr*ad.<br />

Emily MJni<br />

SUNSET<br />




MAKES<br />



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•Jmlenumlini toftwut packata you may already hare<br />

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_ OUnset— 94J22<br />

Computers (4is)7S3-io4o<br />

N<br />

By :<br />

THa ••»•!<br />

•ihlch strl<br />

Friday Mai<br />

school to (<br />

cra-rtad nij<br />

probloat.<br />

Advanceo<br />

stuoants<br />

l.anlc bocd<br />

)hn 13 >M<br />

class 4avl<br />

tno AP<br />

tha follo<<br />

Hotlcos,<br />

entrances,<br />

n-idants<br />

aesrvgu.<br />

Soela:<br />

Cr. Rob<br />

lpv>culmM<br />

-cm >•'

NEWS<br />

Power failure disrupts<br />

By Sh*f on<br />

TWo »c*«lvo pox or tolhwe<br />

which struck Low at I on<br />

Friday Hey 1} caused the<br />

school to cloro down end<br />

created numorous other<br />

problems.<br />

Advoncnd Plicoo*nt (AP)<br />

students verc aunt Into a<br />

panic because ttils Friday<br />

tho 13 was the lost regular<br />

c*ass day to prepare fcr<br />

the AP tests which began<br />

th« following f*onday.<br />

Notices, posted at all<br />

•ntrancas, directed the f-student*,<br />

to the **»porar{<br />

bungalows for t h o • r<br />

class*?*-., hut nor M I<br />

st^JwnM got ward of this<br />

Massage*<br />

Social Sclnnce teacher<br />

0".'. Ro'Jtrt Sa%n*en<br />

speculator thet only i^or<br />

-one hat i of *M students in<br />

I-.!* two AP d.s. Hlstcy<br />

classes were prasoni on no<br />

day of the pc-*er Ml lure.<br />

Hai-rfct England*r,<br />

Engil»h Gepjrtnont head<br />

Vile" thJt attendance was<br />

Mghrr thdt doy during tno<br />

•ornlng A#> classes then In<br />

the afternoon classes*<br />

Ho said that lator on In<br />

the day, attord^nco<br />

"dropped-off" because so«e<br />

students did not want to<br />

stay around after aosr of<br />

ttwlr friends had gone.<br />

But Enrlender common'eS<br />

•:hat It probably was not<br />

cr-jclol far an AP Enol tsh<br />

student tc attend clasv*-.<br />

for a final preparation<br />

because If tho student was<br />

not already prepared for<br />

the tost by then, one last<br />

cli.it ->erlod would not hava<br />

helped. ,<br />

P'!r.clpa1 Alan Flblsh was<br />

schoduI*d tc recuIve an<br />

ft ward honoring the school<br />

frj« tho CaMfrrnle State<br />

Ooard af EducatIon In<br />

Sacra«ento en the ucf of<br />

?hf power failure, so f*e<br />

did not havo wf sc*voduled<br />

bust ness at school to<br />

co .c«'. hc-ovc-, because<br />

he was called out to cchool<br />

1t,jm his ?

fes<br />


.- By Chondra A* r«M-tua<br />

Senior Prom^. memories<br />

Tho San'.oi Bo I I, "K<br />

Pro a i'*e ci Kvirerl««,**<br />

protr-j to bo 0 tun-fHiid,'<br />

yet o»ir*vad .naming<br />

Senior Class, officers, wio<br />

accepts ore* ticket* &r.i<br />

presented \*>?ik, red, and<br />

white silk roses and memory<br />

books to alt In Allowance*<br />

\ TK* decor o' tho reo*<br />

r tse*sb I *d a palace,<br />

glistening with an array of<br />

elegance. <strong>The</strong> tabtes sot<br />

for ten, were accented with<br />

fler«I conterpl«~o»<br />

surrounding candlos.<br />

provided by Garden Hath<br />

Flfrlstn-<br />

Portrait* HOT* >skan In<br />

•ho Vwv»rbul It Roo« ty the<br />

HarrolI School Pictures<br />

coop any, which offered a<br />

wide selection of picture<br />

packages at surprisingly<br />

low prices-<br />

Beginning at 9, Loisr<br />

Boy, a rock band Iron the<br />

Bay Area, perforned a<br />

var 1 j»f y of KU M c.<br />

Couple* eiijuy t'ir nrulc of the band Lalcrboy, ai vrU »t eacn<br />

otnet'i company, ID the Grand Rallroom of the Faltmoii: HoieL<br />

alternating wllh 6 1 «<br />

ProoucTlor.s at 3G-n|rtjte<br />

Intervals*<br />

"Personally speaking I<br />

enjoyed tho band wore than<br />

tho D.J. bu* I think It<br />

Seniors 'bust loose' at picnic<br />

njoytag the sunny vetthcr, seniors prepare to tuvr lunch<br />

it the picnic -<br />

By Lisa Hlloy<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s Class of 'S3<br />

H3ust«d loos*" on May 2?,<br />

I9B3 at tho jnnual Senior<br />

Picric at Morton's Warn<br />

Spring.<br />

At 8:30 a.m. over 390<br />

iontors boarded 11 buses<br />

•hlch took'tho* fron fogbound<br />

San Francisco t\i tun-<br />

<strong>The</strong> arrival -at Hor,Ton's<br />

Warn Sprlngv b«gan with<br />

seniors running:fron th*<br />

bdses to the barbecue pits<br />

to bogIn their fires for<br />

ISs cay's festivities.<br />

Swtlors enjoyed the sunny<br />

weather with aany people<br />

starting their suitor tans,<br />

; whlle.others took advantu^e<br />

\of"the tyb^»Vr«M:D5 pools<br />

_„ to hone ttveZr swl«*lng aitd<br />

diving skills. Others<br />

* found 'ententeInawnt by<br />

playing football, sottball,<br />

volleyball, sudfrUbae.<br />

In. general; the stood WAS<br />

oneJof .hectic enjoyaent.<br />

-- 6'<br />

wtth radios blasting, watnr<br />

oa I Ic-or.s f i y I ng, and<br />

barbecue s»oko filling the<br />

air.<br />

*lt was nlc* to bo there<br />

with all »i fr'ends and<br />

spend tl ao w Ith th«a,"<br />

coKMon^od senior Joculyn<br />

Kci.<br />

CI ass sponsor M irion<br />

Gatzaioz stated, "ho kids<br />

had a rea 11 y good 11 a*<br />

especially In the poet, wo<br />

"wore really fortunate that j<br />

tho weather broke."<br />

"I*** probably the best<br />

senior ovent of tho yaar<br />

because everyone goes ard<br />

everyone has a really groat<br />

Carol AsunsIon.<br />

Ticket prices for tho<br />

event ran fro» S6 - SI 2,<br />

but the class spen*<br />

approxlaately $15 p«r<br />

person because of tho huge<br />

cost of then buses used<<br />

<strong>The</strong> picnic was heavily<br />

subsidised by the Senior<br />

Class, treasury because <strong>The</strong><br />

both to provide live egsic<br />

*s well as recorded nuslc,"<br />

of fered sonlo- Suxamio<br />

Hills.<br />

Th»> attirej Vot- tho prer<br />

consIstod of tho<br />

w«s a* good Idol to have traditional black one" white<br />

Senior P'cnlc Is not »oo-»t<br />

to be a fund raiser, but<br />

rathe u class activity for<br />

evoryone to enj ^y,"<br />

Conzalor pointed out*<br />

At 3:30 p.m. sen lors<br />

began to load tho buses and<br />

•£• head back hoao, many<br />

ooklno. exhaustod and<br />

sunburned, but all with the<br />

,1 MBcry of a fun-fllted cay<br />

In the sun.<br />

tuxodos with tolls fof eon<br />

end foraol evanlng'jowns<br />

fcr tho *"?ung Indies.<br />

Quito a few nf tho young<br />

oro iild-lon'jth<br />

dresses Instead of th*<br />

traditional full lonjti<br />

dross*<br />

For dlnno", r«ny couples<br />

cfcow\.to "dlno «t fornul<br />

restaurants such as th*.<br />

q , tho Carnol tan<br />

Rooa, Tretler Vic 1 * and a<br />

host of ottxr distinguished<br />

' other<br />

hand, there wore 1*OM: who<br />

ware aura con*(•*«••••<br />

Upcoming events<br />

Jise 3 Senior Show, Auditoriun, 3:30 p.m.<br />

Senior va. Faculty Basketball Case,<br />

gym, 2 p.m.<br />

JMU« 13 Senior Banquet, Kabulci <strong>The</strong>atre,<br />

5:30 p.m.<br />

June 16 Graduation, Civic Auditorium<br />

3-5 p.m.<br />

Freshmen watch 'Airplane' in gym<br />

Sy Heidi Rose<br />

As tho And of the year<br />

act! vlty. the Freshnan<br />

CI ats sponsored a aov le<br />

r.Tjt^, featuring "AlrpienV*<br />

on Kay 20.<br />

event took placo at<br />

7:30<br />

gytanaslua*<br />

. <strong>The</strong> atwov^horo at tho<br />

event was very casual.<br />

Veoplo were *i*st V.oro to<br />

have a good tine. Everyone<br />

prr*Vy such know each<br />

other, and It was all very<br />

Informal," remarked Karl no<br />

Leo, Froshnan Class<br />

president.<br />

<strong>The</strong> overall turnout for<br />

the «ovlo was not too<br />

successful, accordIno io<br />


Loo. She Indicated that people woro divided Into<br />

•Ms was duo to tho choice<br />

of filr. She foit that<br />

nany people had already<br />

different oormlttMs - such<br />

as publicity, food, and set<br />

up - In or dor to get<br />

soon It jjnd that they did everything dote.<br />

not want to see It again*<br />

"Wo worked hard on the<br />

disappointed with tho<br />

turnout," statod Doan<br />

Poulakldas, <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Executive Coua-11 (LEO<br />

representative. <strong>The</strong> kids<br />

who dId cone, though,<br />

seowod to onJoy tho<br />

stnosphere and have a<br />

roolly good tlao."<br />

Tho new and old Fresh*an<br />

Class officers, along with<br />

SOHO other frosh««n,<br />

planned the event* <strong>The</strong><br />

Attondoas were charged SO<br />

cants for tho aovle, and<br />

popcorn and drinks. <strong>The</strong><br />

event »us not pianntH as a<br />

profit making activity.<br />

In the futcre another<br />

movie night nay be tried.<br />

According +o Leo, "We<br />

wanted to think of a new<br />

activity end that was har


FOCUS ON...<br />

New Spanish film<br />

relives old memories<br />

t>y en,<br />

"Yolver A Eapozar" (To<br />

Bog In Again KltM |s tho<br />

deserving "Imar o( tho<br />

Aesde.y r»»-d lor Be»*<br />

Foreign Lenpusge Ft In.<br />

Aptonlo Kef-randls poi—<br />

trey* Antonio AlUolorj, e<br />

"obel P.-lio Krltsr<br />

roturnlin to hit not I/O<br />



Ballet success proves attainable<br />

By Mary Joyce<br />

Picture, If you will: you<br />

are a 17-yee.r-old ballet<br />

studont at a fairly wellostabllshod<br />

school* You<br />

have .boon tektnn class<br />

since you were four years<br />

old, and you are now one of<br />

your school's featured<br />

pArforaers lii Its biannual<br />

productions. Your teacher<br />

Is p«r>ud of your progress.<br />

You ««nt t\> pursue ballet<br />

at a career, yot you hoar<br />

everyday about alI the<br />

peoplo Mho work for ywsri<br />

ani now sake It. Should<br />

yoj entertain hopes fur<br />

succe ss, or Is It<br />

unattainable?<br />

Success Is not<br />

Impossible, according to<br />

By Lort Glllesple<br />

So, you can carry a tune,<br />

play the piano and even<br />

read shoot »ustc? You<br />

think you hove whet It<br />

takes to "aoke It/ do you7<br />

According to song<br />

wrltor/erranger, and fara«r<br />

rocord producer Ed Bogas,<br />

Y3U OON'r.<br />

Bogas, a freeI ore* song<br />

art tor/arranger, wno<br />

recently recorded a theve<br />

song for an upcoalng<br />

"Oar»I old" special,<br />

explained It takes auch<br />

•ore than talent to "nofco<br />

. It."<br />

*t>e«IIeatlon '» the word-<br />

A person has to believe tn<br />

whar ho's doing end going<br />

to oo.- -aid Boges<br />

I In "Swan!<br />

Merrle* Lanova, director of<br />

the San Fr enc I sco<br />

Conservatory of Bat let*<br />

Her school, opened In 1949.<br />

Is not Just a school for<br />

ballot, but for acatfoaic<br />

subjects as veil; students<br />

froa ktndergerton through<br />

high scnool study there.<br />

Sho estiaatos that otout 29<br />

percent of hor stJdonts<br />

want to punuo a catoer In<br />

bAllot, end that<br />

approximately 60 percent of<br />

thoso o«-ontunl 1 y bocoao<br />

professional dencor*.<br />

However, the percontage<br />

varies greaTly froa school<br />

'o school. Lanove state-*,<br />

*^any schools hav* a aych<br />

lower rato."<br />

Although aany potential<br />

balIorInas study troa<br />

young ago, Lanova does not<br />

'feel an early start Is<br />

necessary. "Soaa students<br />

aro In early 20*s when they<br />

begin to study seriously."<br />

It Is aoro coaaon for a<br />

student to Intonslfy<br />

his/her training at about<br />

tho age of 12* Whl lo an<br />

adu11 taking beI let for<br />

rernifitlon nay go to class<br />

no aore than twe rr thr«*o<br />

tlaos a week, d "serious"<br />

dancer p>ay take class twice<br />

a d^y*<br />

At Lanuva's school, the<br />

wjrno training Is given to<br />

dancers at ol I levels,<br />

tech class eabodles oach<br />

•ilaaent," sho reverted.<br />

Sooo of these are turrlng,<br />

Jueplng, and bclanclng.<br />

But bocoalng a<br />



Ancient Shanghai treasures enthrall<br />

IK Susan Shlu A rap I\VH of thI><br />

Icntastlc troosi.re can bo<br />

One of the nury *rtir.icu In the *>*un#'j3l Exhibit<br />

CCSF musicians perform<br />

By Kris Clothier<br />

Cn Thursday, Hoy 12,<br />

LoweIt plf.yed hsit to the<br />

City Col logo Yirjriday Stage<br />

Band et a noon concort<br />

program.<br />

0 ! rectod by DavItf<br />

Hard',Man, the band ployed a<br />

• ly.turo of Jazz and big<br />

bond tunot to a snail but<br />

ryicoptlva Mirtlrnc*.<br />

Tho ftustc. •• represented<br />

•ony differed* eras aid<br />

sountfs frao Dizzy<br />

Glll«spl«*ft *Croovln' High"<br />

to George Benson's recent<br />

hit "On Broadway-"<br />

lso t.ieludod In the<br />

repertoire were two Lns<br />

Hooper fevorltes,<br />

"Softnoss," a KSIIOV Jazr<br />

song and aoof- >ha> <strong>The</strong>y've<br />

Uona to Our Scpfl." a fastpeeed,<br />

big band sony*<br />

In addition tu directing/<br />

Herd loon also scco»panjed<br />

the band on * o • a<br />

Mloctlons.<br />

Th* band «as coaiprwed of<br />

•ony divers* Instruments,<br />

Including tho electric<br />

guitar, the piano, the<br />

bongo drum, and a large<br />

•Stidhem Sports Cards COM1C5t<br />

. i Comic Boxes : i<br />

'ComfcBags<br />

MyteraSMylltes,<br />

^eaMball Carts '<br />

•'-< TradingCard Bom<br />

., Trading Card Sheets<br />

trombones, saxophones end<br />

10wall graduato Frank PovU<br />

on truopet.<br />

Original I y tho bano's<br />

- apoearonco was scheduled to<br />

b« u roclprocal progra",<br />

•1th tho <strong>Lowell</strong> band to<br />

play at City. Duo to<br />

technical difficulties,<br />

(towover, tho program at<br />

City has been delayed.<br />

This Is our first tl"o<br />

ploying at Lo««I I,"<br />

Hard I nan sal d, "ar.d wo'd<br />

I ike to co»e back noon And<br />

procotv our am I cat program<br />

to Interei'ed itu&ants."<br />

City College also has a<br />

Tuesday NIghr band In<br />

addition to the Thursday<br />

band wnlch played ot<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'? noon concort.<br />

Within their MUSIC<br />

department Itself, City<br />

maintains a strictly Jazz<br />

dopjrtrfont with men<br />

classes as Jozz Inprovlsation.<br />

Jazz Studies, and<br />

Jazz History.<br />

•He'd like to hulld en<br />

excellent rapport between<br />

Loin 11 end CCSF, end ttiefs<br />

why we're here," Nardlaan<br />

415 753 9678 .<br />

Shanghai HU&OJ*-. -,<br />

Year* .of Chinese Art" at<br />

tho Asian Art Huseu* In<br />

Gulden Gato Prrk Is a<br />

unlrpje I I lustration ot the<br />

nntlre history of CMnose<br />

at.<br />

This dispior of 232<br />

objects, never befo** seen<br />

cmtslde of Chine, Is o<br />

rewlt of tho 1979 "sUterclty"<br />

39*00root bet* two San<br />

<strong>The</strong> ewhIbItInn la<br />

arranged chronotcglcal !y<br />

• to "show tho •to'

•t-r.-'-i!---'.<br />

'')'!•-. -<br />


Class of '83 heads for college<br />

Harrell to enter S.F. State<br />

- ~\ >ho nursing proqra«* *<br />

-\\ 2- Kit* Grant "Soeothlng told am to 90<br />

Rieke favors Santa Rosa J.C,<br />

By Katl« You.ig<br />

J*,For seniors like Sarah<br />

|R*lk« «no with to continue<br />

?tt»a!r education beyond high<br />

1 school «nlle pursuing<br />

li*rlcu» person?t soets,<br />

Ecftocttng a col loot -rosottts<br />

mill prcblea. Luckily,<br />

seniors I Ike Relka,<br />

» are Juilor '-.oil090s<br />

Moond tho country 11ke<br />

!«r.ta Rosa Junior College.<br />

,. Relke, nn-j plans to<br />

^attend Son*a Rosa next<br />

_._..". appr*slst«» Ko<br />

Ifraodna Sento Rota glvos to<br />

-RUA her goals without<br />

tg her educating<br />

it the procots-<br />

Stjdjnts at Santa Rosa<br />

I car take ** (ow or as »any<br />

•courses a» thdy * Ish,<br />

^depending «jpon their<br />

grlrcuvstances. Soao take<br />

gc*««'-es at tho col Inge tor<br />

•their owi personal fulwhl<br />

le otrws use<br />

•Santa Rosa as preparation<br />

|for anjor university study*<br />

J In party ^asos, students<br />

Ago to Santi Rosa and other<br />

IJunior i^ilegas l|ko It In<br />

I order to rorrow down their<br />

jfleld of study bo for**<br />

• enter t;ig e unl versJty,<br />

|«eoey In Th% process.<br />

A s»! t-proclalaod horse<br />

k freak, Relke has boon<br />

I working with and r Id I no,<br />

horses for tho past si*<br />

Y».irs at tho Golden Gnto<br />

Stabfns<br />

Pom.<br />

in Golden Gate<br />

tin<br />

year, ptfit.s to<br />

States Olyaplc Equestrian<br />

Stockebrind who 'Jakes KH<br />

tonally Rolk*> would Ilko<br />

to becorre i> professional<br />

ridor.<br />

Sony a e .osa Junior Cot loon<br />

plays a ajjor role ir, her<br />

plar»* because sho realties<br />

t».at the chancis of aaklr.n<br />

a zaroer In riding aro<br />

For >.olko, Santa Rosn<br />

offera hor an opportunity<br />

to continue school end "iot<br />

tho Basics ou* of tne way,"<br />

while also training with<br />

Stockebrand.<br />

"Hy friends all think I'a<br />

craxy to lei>/e the city for<br />

school , N she rove a I »•<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir wtote attltudb about<br />

coI IPJO Is entirely<br />

different than the one here<br />

at LowolI."<br />

opinions, Relke Is enthusiastic<br />

about at rending<br />

Santc Rr»sa> "<strong>The</strong> students<br />

1*ve talked to who go *horo<br />

say It's great, g'eot<br />

school. And the ce»(..s Is<br />

Relko Intends to transfer<br />

to the University of<br />

California at Davis Scnoul<br />

OI Veterinary Modic In*<br />

after two ye« % of study at<br />

Santa R03*. "<strong>The</strong> credos<br />

ar& easily trandcabti,"<br />

uhe note?<br />

Onco - Oavls, sh*» ho^as<br />

to bee o c horiA thsraplst.<br />

Whl In S.ir.ta Rn>a 1%<br />

currently a tjtiion tree<br />

coHegv, IViro are nooinol<br />

raoglig fron 90 c*>nts to<br />

>1. A law »ff uot)n bo<br />

Junior rtotleges to che'SJ a<br />

J50 vjOMto*" f«e*<br />

Malione opts for Harvard<br />

Dy Maria Poo<br />

"Explosions are thrill-<br />

Ing, a kind of high,"<br />

oxplaI nod Harvard-bound<br />

ion Ior, Michael Hallone,<br />

though ho does hasten t i<br />

Occasionally tno'.i<br />

a(p*M-l*o science<br />

oxporlMonts using household<br />

chnalcalfr such as chlorine-<br />

Power will attend Berkeley<br />

6y t-l 11 y Slu conditioned rospon^o *r> t«r In pursuit of an<br />

upbringing, but Inroad, as archl toe t ur B I design<br />

T«n yaars ago* Mhon a rosult of her own caroor, Pocor earned ttrst<br />

ULOWSII senior Katie POMOT research. plaoo and a StOO check *or<br />

J first yellnd "Cc BearsI" at Feeling that she was h3r doslgn In a San<br />

BUC Berkeley 1 * *l.olr of the oxpftc'.al to go to Borkol t, Francisco Antl~Lltter<br />

IBei** faally caap, college Fo«or (Welded that she Contest earlier this yoar,<br />

• Mes still o long way off* wanted to try soaothlng fro-t which buttons woro<br />

I But -the ear-ly enthusiasm of new. "...aut, after nade. While Power looks<br />

lono sovon-year-old will looking at then all, I forward to collego life,<br />

1 prove Itself useful when decided that Berkoley had she oxpressed<br />

|Power starr» collego next the «ost tooffer«.," she disappointment with hor<br />

[all. explained. housing situation (or lack<br />

Born end raised a Cal She continues, "It's a otl).<br />

jfan. Power will bogln terrific school acadea- According to Powor,<br />

^classes at UC Berkeley's Ically and I hope to get Berkoley Is such ".-that<br />

ISchool of Architecture and as «uch out of 11 as I you hovo got what you wart<br />

|Envlron>ontcl Doslgn In can." out of It yoursolf."<br />

ltate August *o pursue hor Power applied to Berkoloy For Power, collego Is<br />

• career goals In that area. In lato Novenbor and was still a full sueoer away<br />

By attending Borkoley, accepted In nerly Oocertw. and for the prosent she<br />

IPower w'.ll be continuing Her credentials Includod looks forward to tht airy<br />

lso.ewhat of a faally A 3.8 CPA and UBO SAT senior events towns ttie<br />

l-tradltlon. Her parents, score, both honors and AP end of school, hor trip tn<br />

I grandparents, aunts ana French ana English, and Europe this suaaor, and of<br />

• uncles havo all .gone accelerated »ath for three course hor annual retreat<br />

(through the Berkeley systoa years. - to the T.olr of (no Boor."<br />

-and loved It I" she<br />

| profws***<br />

To ohst ox ton f Is hor<br />

Ifoally pro-Col?<br />

Asldw fro« oolng to C»»p<br />

• Blue of IMr of the Boar"<br />

lavory suamec, Powor recalls<br />

• that over the loft few<br />

I years, her grandaother has<br />

Iglven her « Berkoley T-<br />

Irt for Chrlstaai and<br />

of ilw has a baby picture<br />

lot herself In a Cal<br />

Iwootshlrt.<br />

Sho Jokoj that, bjlng<br />

?;r»lsod to think, of<br />

^Stanford*!, red and white as<br />

(•the eneay." hor father had<br />

-. -doubts about letting her go<br />

< a high school with the<br />

••school colors.<br />

I ";»l think he's gotten over<br />

|ltl" she laughs.<br />

Yet Power a.lntalns that<br />

I'sna chow Berkeloy not as a -<br />

_:___———————~~"—~~~ THE LOWELL<br />

Juno 3. 1983<br />

With his obvlcMi, Interest<br />

In science—related *r*ias,<br />

ihy has Mall-.T-: not<br />

a schoot o( iechnoiQ<br />

ottly 75 of the unlvtir^Itv's<br />

ettor Irg class of 16T


$00,000, students take it worldwide each year • It can be up<br />

45 percent of the basis of a college's decision to accept or<br />

Reject a student » Fewej: than one in a million is scored incorrectly<br />

An inside look at one of the most<br />

important tests you'll ever take<br />

Oy Jnffrey 0a!vln<br />

Thv SAT.<br />

For zone sclt*yo bound<br />

^udcnti, the a an* aentlCP<br />

01 lho'.ttir«o. "lottw at.? on y a<br />

for th» Scholastic Aptitude<br />

test Is enough to ellc't<br />

feolln.jh 01 anxiety and<br />

nervousness* the results<br />

of no other tost have e»<br />

ruch lapact on tho nigh<br />

schwit s^jdeM's futuro es<br />

does the numeric*! sco*-o<br />

acftinved on th? SAT.<br />

Tn# * SAT-*tA^*r " si *• &>wn<br />

at * (fb»k oil test day 1o<br />

flnt* a sertos tf prtntod<br />

quovttons on subjects<br />

ranging fror* gooantry to<br />

q^attra**, A nontfi ago tho<br />

*tudwt .had dutHully sent<br />

tho *u« 0* JtO.50 to n<br />

cyst »r Iocs addr»» Ir. H#w<br />

Jersey* 5 IK wooks hence ho<br />

vlll rncolve >'j coeprtorlzod<br />

s^oteicont- of hii> test<br />

In H-.o aa1l><br />

knnwnst TO hi a,<br />

AVttly 230,000 p-sers<br />

scattered throughout tho<br />

o*-hcr ,49 states and alnos?<br />

lOi (ore'iun count^let arv<br />

plto sitting down tn tr*to<br />

*t»» t«tst o Jhts day. fly<br />

ifu and of tho y«ar. a<br />

total ot 1.600,0.00 SAr*<br />

t«Ili hava bvOn a^lflst/jred<br />

to stidonts thro'jghcwt th«<br />

Who gives *h'» test c(<br />

sucl< •a»fclvo proportions? -<br />

Tho CoUogn Entrance '<br />

txem(notion Boe^d (CEEB) -<br />

A non-pro f11 rfoaborsh1p<br />

organization of ace than<br />

2,500 col It-g^ts, hi gh<br />

schooIs* and cthor<br />

education*: If.tltuttoni -<br />

sponsors tho SAT, PSA T ,<br />

Advancftd PfcXflMnt, and the<br />

Acnl«vqnont T**ts« <strong>The</strong><br />

CEEO o»log^tet »o»t of tho<br />

logistical tasks of test<br />

administration to arothor<br />

non-profit organization,<br />

the Cdu.-.iMonai "vstlng<br />

S«rvtco (CTS).<br />

Wliot is tho purpose of<br />

tho SAT?<br />

According to John<br />

VIccaro, an o*pioyeo of 1^e<br />

CEEB, tho test Is designed<br />

•«tc predict hot. woll you<br />

are MKoly to Oo In your<br />

freshaan vear of col lego."<br />

A^hough Vtccaro strussod<br />

that tho coapfoto high<br />

scnool transcript Is tti«<br />

U-vt- Indication of col Inge<br />

aptitude, he defended tho<br />

SAT's Inportttnce In tho<br />

collage advlsslor.'s proenss*<br />

He said that the<br />

tost function BI a<br />

"not IonaI borowotdr" 1 n<br />

that 11 pro/1des a<br />

unl%ersal benchaark of<br />

scholastic optItudo. SAT<br />

scores am an obj oct lv«<br />

Jutfgenont In contrast to<br />

the mor-i subjective letter<br />

grades and written<br />

rKonaondal lonf>.<br />

Tho CEEB ostlcatet that<br />

up to 45 percent of tho<br />

basis of a col leva's<br />

dflcIsI en to accopt or<br />

reject a atudent Is on<br />

hls/hor SAT score.<br />

Ourt.ig this c»«tury, tho<br />

SAT has evolved Into ?he<br />

(•portent tost «t Is today.<br />

<strong>The</strong> CEEB first gave the<br />

Xollege Board Examination"<br />

In 1906. Til* first<br />

version of the test lasted<br />

for ith hojrs and asked<br />

essay questions oxclusUtly.<br />

In W2C, rh«<br />

test's far»at sxltcooo -to<br />

ttiltlplo choice questions<br />

as II Is toon/.<br />

Currently the S.U U<br />

dlvldod Itto six half-hour<br />

soctIons- Two verbal<br />

sections tost th4 student's<br />

vocabulary, vorbol<br />

reasoning skills, and the<br />

ability to understand what<br />

he/sha reads* Two aeth<br />

sections test tho ability<br />

i\j solvo prcbloss Involving<br />

or I th«et Ic, algebra ar.d<br />

geoaetry. Thi» 30 Minute<br />

Tost of Standard Written<br />

Enjltsh Is coanonly used by<br />

colleges to determine the<br />

English class In which to<br />

ploco Inooalng students.<br />

Disguised as a reguia^'<br />

verbal or aeth section, tho<br />

regaining "exportaonta!<br />

section" serves as *h»<br />

proving grouno of the SAT<br />

cuostlan? of th«t f»tur«s<br />

>tbd«nt response* en this<br />

^prt of tho test havr> no<br />

of feet on thetr tost<br />

scores.<br />

Ounftlons propi3Md ny<br />

high school or coltnce<br />

edit'on* of ft t SAT or-»<br />

Inc I ud«d 1 n ?rxj exp*?r 1 -<br />

• ental sect Ion. By<br />

studying *t»««f.t r«itpcnMs<br />

to the oxp«rl«»n^l<br />

questions, the £75 can<br />

assign a degree' uf<br />

d I f f I cu 1 fy to eacn on*-.<br />

Only \* percent of f *i*J<br />

l tu dont ft t,ic> f I nj a<br />

particular geonerry p-obioc<br />

fcr exa?vlo ^ny b^ ubl« hi<br />

«ns*or It corrftctlv.<br />

<strong>The</strong> questicn con tr.cn DO<br />

Incorporated In a regular<br />

section of a iutui 1 SAT.<br />

By follow ipg a »Vi)»lp«" of<br />

quostlonft wIth certain<br />

oagrAes o.' difficulty. -<strong>The</strong><br />

JTS hi* been abio to t V»okop<br />

* hundreds of different<br />

SATS *inco 1941 tfiot are<br />

equal ly doMdndkng* Thus<br />

edjcational onclvsts cun<br />

aioantrvgfully cospatc no«or-<br />

Ical scorer earne-^ docm^s<br />

VIccaro said that «<br />

prospective test question<br />

putn through sp*c!al CCB<br />

r*vl*w cair:(M««) \r<br />

,wi!g»!ty<br />

and ollajnet^ any cuHcral<br />

t>la? whlc> Jilght g|^« on*<br />

grtibo of student?, an t^ifalr<br />

advai'.'age o*y ©the,- -wst<br />

tsners.<br />

Tho expo* Ictttntal qvestto**.s<br />

«»ro carefully kopt<br />

»crat. C«ice th« 1#*t hat<br />

b»flii odft In I» r«*rid, test 1<br />

booKlotr. ard- enswer for

gMfURE<br />


T " Debbie. Won and Kade Younj<br />

<strong>The</strong>re exinr.a between a senior person<br />

and a frenhnan-tyoo jarnon dincornlblt;<br />

(ditiercneen "which both snr.lois and<br />

Ifirestitnon all too oCtcn neglect:. Hith<br />

tin calicioi's intc-nt,: (toe Ccesii.ser.<br />

will "JR seniors i-»nltch" policy<br />

ratlglcus and social l> Jeopardlxed.. app.-oifl*-<br />

Coups.<br />

naf*'/ 25 percent of tno<br />

Today the aajor functions nuMber of fern-ago,-s »-fca<br />

of Plannad Paranthjod aro current'y 1ak« odvontag* of<br />

to proaote saxual aiiaranass birth control sjfhods.<br />

In youth and adults, «n aid would no longer 100k help.<br />

Women's Clinic educates<br />

A; Debt to Cottirtf>d<br />

•Our clH.lc Is conplofoly<br />

conf loontlal j"-1 Is alno*.r<br />

coaaonfod Alyonlk Hrusho«,<br />

the health director at the<br />

Wowon 1 * Cilnlc at Health<br />

Canter Five.<br />

Hrushow I* In charge of<br />

planning health education<br />

and family planning<br />

Tho Woaon's Cl Idle,<br />

located an 24th Avanuo between<br />

Irving and Judah,<br />

provides fanlly plannlt i,<br />

pregnancy *estlnn, and<br />

counseling for wonon of all<br />

agoi.<br />

"PJrtnjrs are welcome<br />

also* SoMtlnes the couple<br />

wants to decide together<br />

what birth control Method<br />

to use." Hrushow stated*<br />

<strong>The</strong> clinic's s**rvlces am<br />

confidential, but tnc*-e Is<br />

a law pending which would ]<br />

•afco It Mandatory for ;<br />

state-funded clinics to<br />

not Ify the parent* of<br />

• I nor* when prowl ding<br />

faally planning services*<br />

HAPPY<br />

BIRTHDAY!!<br />

Jessica May 2C<br />

Justine May 22<br />

EvaMiy30<br />

MoniqueJuneS<br />

"If Is Important for<br />

taonagors to retail to Ihof<br />

our clinic Is confidential.<br />

So»o clinics nave alroady<br />

noticed a decrease In thu<br />

number of teenage parlent*<br />

because they think that the<br />

'iaueal Law' has already<br />

been pas sod," roMsmad<br />

HTI'ShOW.<br />

Appolniaonts for tho<br />

uoitfn's Clinic aro<br />

avallcMe fr the aoinlng,<br />

tif*orr*oon, ^id evoning.<br />

When i patlciT vf»its tne<br />

cl I *.lc, « ir'.'rso v '. I I<br />

educate tKr and her par*.->a*<br />

(If he crw.ses to awoaipany<br />

her) about various birth<br />

control mo*hcoa and hotp<br />

the* to selnct OIK**<br />

Pol lot. Ing this, » ubctor<br />

or nurse practitioner* will<br />

alva a phy*lca' IKOV. lab<br />

Wi-ts, aitd ravlow tha hlr%<br />

control »othoi cnoien by<br />

tho potlfli.t H and QlV« her<br />

:th« necosfvary suppn*»* .<br />

If tho patient- thlnkt,<br />

that tho nay bo prognant,<br />

the Is glv«n a pregnancy<br />

test. If she Is pregnant,<br />

a nurs« will prow tde<br />

counseling to help her aafta<br />

a doc Is Ion about hor<br />

pregnancy* <strong>The</strong> Woner.S<br />

C I 1nIc doos not do<br />

aoorttons, but will rofer<br />

tho patient to o doctor.<br />

A vis H tefces frc« one to<br />

on© and a half hours. TCc<br />

patient's I<br />

<strong>The</strong>re t*<br />

teenagers. Tha oi.l y<br />

restrictions Is that one<br />

•ust live In San Francisco.<br />

"Host of tho wo'zon who<br />

coae to our cl Inlc are<br />

older tr.fln toenagprs* Many<br />

high school students aro<br />

'not aware that our clinic<br />

'n hero." statod Hrushow.<br />

rirjshow trtei to oduorte<br />

teen agora a*)out faslly<br />

plar.ilng by vlsl + tng high<br />

icnoc^i jnd glvlnp<br />

pr^srntotlou.<br />

"Sort use I do not hrve<br />

the i*adlc to help mot I<br />

wont to reach out to the<br />

schools." roaarkod Hrush«^<br />

goosebumps<br />

cards & gifts<br />

Sun Francisco's Newest Contemporary Gift Shop<br />

featuring a selected collection ol gifts. -;>1ui:<br />

cards, stationary, toys, boxes, bath products.<br />

and a whole lot of (un things.<br />

Graduation Special<br />

Buy four tricudi'#ndu; lion tflu<br />

here and r^virc Ihigraduation<br />

card* free t h<br />

jS Clement Street. San FrancUco 94118<br />

221^630<br />


h FEATURE<br />

Of Sfcrutny<br />

3M of She »eny decisions<br />

ealS»fi«-l>cvrMl students feco<br />

Whether to Join a<br />

frort^rlfy o^ e sorority*<br />

For coia, <strong>The</strong> decision Is<br />

oe»y. Many people agree<br />

th/it tr* Oroefc-rootod<br />

*y*to* offers uo»TAJosh!p,<br />

0 ieeltnoof betcngint?, aid<br />

,*': "parry time." Others<br />

fee) the* th- Ot**A-f»«M»d<br />

nrgnnlra+lnnt oro aede up<br />

of • nothing but oaptyh<br />

o iili d, t nobblih<br />

conftmlsM.<br />

Fratf-nltUi and<br />

ioforl+l-tjOresk-tuvtor<br />

wcloUfi, evolved from-'Hie<br />

Ut«r«ry elv.-» of the 18th<br />

and »9th centurio*. ?hl<br />

Bete Kappa, formod on<br />

Dacemoer 9. 1776 at tl.e<br />

Crtl tege of U 111 lam and<br />

Mary* • « the first such<br />

fraternal group* •<br />

TM 4ar|y societies <br />

recognition and r«sp«ct<br />

for *ho d*lty; (2)<br />

«ncourogonont of marol<br />

living; (3) dtfcncraccent<br />

of gambling and tha usa of<br />

Iiqucri (4) aaklnp «uch of.<br />

frl-Kidfthlp; t5) a«pHa»ls on<br />

Kcrasty and Integrity; and<br />

(6) pfoeottoA of charity.<br />

As fratornltlo» grow<br />

th«!r tnfluanco orow with<br />

th*-** Fraternity Ilia Is<br />

of'ton regarded as a source<br />

uf leadership training.<br />

<strong>The</strong> oxciusivenesft ^f Many<br />

fraternal groups has In *ho<br />

past g Iven r I se to tho<br />

a-ltlcta* ^5t fraternities<br />

are undenocratlc. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

have be*in banned on soae<br />

well-knoan campuses- In<br />

spite of tho bans during<br />

the 19iO's and 1990's, the<br />

Creek-system grew during<br />

the eerlv l%0'6.<br />

HCMnvar, both frotornl11<br />

AS and tororJtles<br />

dec I Ined In popularity<br />

during the V|o*na« War<br />

years when, pol 111 oat<br />

ectlvlsa was More laportant<br />

than sod ally oriented<br />

organizations.<br />

Today, once agatn, tho<br />

Gr«ek-*Yi"O», along with<br />

conservatism* Is Making a<br />

co»e-back.<br />

What happens In a<br />

froterlty or sorority? Are<br />

th*y exclusive? How do<br />

•embers feel about the<br />

Greek system? Is It for<br />

evoryone?<br />

Cnce someone has made the<br />

decision el becoming o<br />

member of the Greek<br />

lty, he or she then<br />

has to decide which of the<br />

freternttles or sororities<br />

to Join. Berkeley has 39<br />

fratornltles and 18<br />

sororttio*.<br />

Houses vary, but most of<br />

the members In each houvo<br />

share many of the same<br />

Id?as a>id goals. <strong>The</strong>se<br />

JMIS may be philanthropic,<br />

ethletlc, academic,<br />

politic*!, or a combination<br />

cf these.<br />

Host college students<br />

agree that for freshmen the<br />

orclston to Join a specific<br />

fraternity or sorority Is<br />

difficult. <strong>Lowell</strong> alumni<br />

and fraternity member Dan<br />

Rich commented. "I waited<br />

until my sophomore year to<br />

Join because as a freshmen<br />

I was too confused about<br />

the system to decide. Now<br />

I'm sura I made tho right<br />

choice."<br />

Rich also suggests that<br />

before ruiMng - the<br />

process by which<br />

fraternities anU sororities<br />

select menbors - the<br />

potential candidate shou'd<br />

'visit open houses and<br />

* narrow his or her choices<br />

to tan organizations or<br />

fewer.<br />

Once tho cnndldato has<br />

been screened by tho<br />

oxls Ing moohers and<br />

approved, he or she Is sen!<br />

a bid. To accept, the<br />

candiceto simply returns<br />

the bid.<br />

Thq candldates then<br />

become "Vloogoi" who often<br />

C;i through "hell week", a<br />

-eek of Initiation that<br />

st 1 rj fear 1 n many,<br />

tometlmes Justifiably.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y hear rumors of bUarre<br />

sex ects. drinking until<br />

sickness, and many other<br />

humiliating and degrading<br />

tests. Tno whole process<br />

of Inltletlon Is topsecret.<br />

Meobers participate In<br />

house Intre-murals. -thomo<br />

parties, retreats, and<br />

Inforoel dances, emong<br />

orher evonts*<br />

I s tho r o "tuch rivalry<br />

between t*« memberc of ono<br />

house end others? "fes and<br />

no,* answered PeuI, a<br />

member of St9«a* Alpha Hu In<br />

Berkeley. "Ve take our<br />

sporting events seriously,<br />

1'ft proud to say we are the<br />

stroet-hocktv cha mps."<br />

How are the parties?'<br />

Paul only had to lead this<br />

reporter Into the house's<br />

taree courtyard for en<br />

answer. <strong>The</strong> Sigma Nus were<br />

still clearing up after a<br />

nuge Polynesian night held<br />

three days before* <strong>The</strong><br />

evening cost over 11500,<br />

had a Ilva band, pals<br />

treos, safd, end 5 large<br />

Tiki god that spouted punch<br />

with an alcoholic content.<br />

L'woll alumni and<br />

frarernIty member Adam<br />

Weisburg noted, "It's a<br />

place where I feel<br />

comfortable* <strong>The</strong>re Is a<br />

social a.id moral<br />

consciousness.** Welsburg<br />

admIts that system does<br />

tend to foster snobblsm and<br />

con for* Ism*<br />

"Tho Greek-system Is<br />

exclusive, but anyone »ho<br />

has a desire to Join, will<br />

most certainly find e group<br />

he or the fits In,"<br />

comented Rich.<br />

A polI taken on three<br />

California campuses ot 112<br />

fraternity and sorority<br />

members shows rhet most<br />

members aro satisfied with<br />

t h e t r fraternal<br />

organizations. Zero'<br />

percent of the males and<br />

throe percent of the<br />

females feel they have IOST<br />

sooe of their personal<br />

Identity. Close to 100 *<br />

percent of the member* feol<br />

they have gc tnod good<br />

friendships; 85 percent<br />

feel ^ocletly benofltted;<br />

er.d 25 percent feel tney<br />

have gained prestige. Only<br />

23 porcent fcol-porontoi<br />

end peer group pressure.<br />

Tno Greek-system Is not<br />

for everyone as evidenced<br />

by the I er ge nu mber M<br />

people who choose not to<br />

'Join, but tho» who we<br />

satisfied.<br />

Wmzrfr:; THE LO WELL 'Junes, 1983<br />

••£:>]<br />

Nil<br />

FrlJ<br />

all<br />



By Lilly Slu<br />

Renenber when Archlo,<br />

Sotty, Veronica, Reggie,<br />

and Jughead 'were household<br />

nanes? Whet about Richie<br />

Rich, or Camper the '<br />

FrlondlyOtvwt?<br />

<strong>The</strong>se fictional conic*<br />

book ch«ract9rt have all ,-<br />

H*> * pL* disappeared frcn the •'.<br />

f , < conic book scene w US such -<br />

j 3 nanes as X-nen, Avengvs,<br />

Fontast!c* Four, and<br />

Spldornen taking the<br />

spot Ight.<br />

- Todar', conic book<br />

cotlocfIng Is. bigger than<br />

.^eweiV end, gro*.l.n8 »tronosr<br />

. It It sUflcui.t^ln fast,:<br />

elaidst ' latootslb'lff "to<br />

pinpoint the yeer of the<br />

. /T-ooI c. ftook boon"; aa.iy<br />

'ev.td conic bco\ readers'<br />

claln to nave collected<br />

tlnce 1933, when coolct<br />

began being publlthod,<br />

while otfcors confess that<br />

ttwilr Interests, have cone<br />

eboit within -the test few<br />

yeiwe.<br />

So, what don Spldernan<br />

have that Archie and the<br />

Gang don't have?<br />

One conic book ttore<br />

worker offered, "Most conic<br />

book reedert prefer<br />

adventure over the rltualt<br />

of dally I Hev It't kind<br />

of like they have abandoned<br />

the 'teenage rote nodel'<br />

for a higher authority:<br />

Supemen and Sucar heroes."-<br />

She continued, "I think<br />

It also has to do with tha<br />

fact that Archie coolcs are<br />

geared towards one crowd,<br />

whllo adventure conies have<br />

a w Ider range of readers.<br />

We hove soven-yeer-olds end<br />

57-yoar-olds In herol"<br />

Most conic book stores<br />

still carry Richie Rich<br />

"conies; however, there ere<br />

few. If any ree in who buy<br />

thon.<br />

Tho .ott popular coolc<br />

• book Is the X-nen series.<br />

True co. le book<br />

• . Jttu 3. 1SB3<br />

s gain popularity<br />

col lector* go to .groat<br />

lengths to koop their<br />

COMc* In ^Int* or perfoct<br />

rendition. According to<br />

Tha Mary) Quid* to<br />

Coliactlno Colics, th*i<br />

condition of on«'i books<br />

drtarmlnvs fh* volu? of<br />

_on*'« collvctlon. ' "~<br />

"'Host COKIC ' books or*<br />

••t.tculously kept In<br />

plastic bogs to protect .<br />

the* froa fading, rolled<br />

spines, end creases*<br />

At coalc conventions,<br />

fans, coll •cton,<br />

professional comic artists<br />

end writers, end coaWc book<br />

deoU«"» gather to enjoy,<br />

discuss, or set I conic*.<br />

WhIJu fto-io conies soli<br />

for face value, as little<br />

as 60 cents, man/ COMICS,<br />

such o% the one In which<br />

Suoernan first eppea.-«Ki, Is<br />

sold to be "O'th an<br />

estlMtud 117,000.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Golden Age of Conies,<br />

froa 1935 to 1949, featured<br />

•any coatcs, with Superaan,<br />

Betaan, or Captain Marvel,<br />

worth several thousand<br />

do)tors eedi.<br />

Sp 1 dor's an and <strong>The</strong><br />

Fantastic Four, In a run of<br />

early Issues during the<br />

Sllvtr Age, 1956 to 1964,<br />

are In coalcs worth several<br />

hundreds of dollars.<br />

All publishers of color<br />

coalc books ajst show their<br />

aster le I to the Coalcs Code<br />

Authority before<br />

pub)tshlng. <strong>The</strong> Code<br />

Judges whether, or not the<br />

•aterlat Is vlthln the<br />

guidelines set by the Code<br />

to Insure It Is suitable to<br />

be rood by younger


Bishops and 'the bomb'<br />

^In Novnofihr '1982, 276 Jlshops or the Homan Catholic Church In tho Unites!<br />

States dobpted before an International television audlenor the morality of<br />

nuolear wai 1 . <strong>The</strong> conference v»s unprecedented and left many bishops wondering<br />

If their lotions were right for the ohurch or the nation.' <strong>The</strong> prelates drafted<br />

a drounent which called for a freeze on nuclear weapons by the United States<br />

and that attacked the nation's basio defense stretegy of nuclear deterrence.<br />

<strong>The</strong> bishops »lio urged the Reagan Administration to work actively for 1<br />

disarmament agrisoent with the Soviet Union. <strong>The</strong> Pastoral Lottrr drew wide<br />

support from many members of the Church, Including Archbishop William Qulnn_o:<br />

San Francisco, and disapproval froa others. * . ••• .<br />

A fow weoks ago, the National Conference of Bishops net again to decide<br />

whether the Intent of the letter should be to enoouv.-ige the Western powers to.<br />

halt the proliferation or nuclear woapons or to onl- gradually curtail their<br />

jroduotion.<br />

/-WORLD SCENE- ><br />

Freezing the curb<br />

-Michael Donner<br />

Believe' me, I was shocked to soe thon<br />

there. After all, how many times does one<br />

- see'five Ben dressed in eccuaanloal garb,<br />

standing on the side of the highway, carrying<br />

placards and vtving bRnnors. I realized that<br />

It vas ay obligation as an investigative<br />

reporter to senroh out newsworthy stories, so<br />

I deoided to.pull over to the shoulder of the<br />

road and strike up a conversation with the<br />

lenely figures. ' .<br />

I approached the nan who held the sign that<br />

road "Araagedon is near" and asked him what<br />

the occasion for this asseably was. "Welcome<br />

my friend," he said calmly. "Allow me to<br />

introduco myself. Hy name is Arohblshop<br />

O'Frieze. Hy follow Roman Catholio prelates<br />

and X have decided to stand by the roadway in<br />

an effort to bring to the publlo'3 attention<br />

the Immorality of total annihilation through<br />

the use of nuclear weapons."<br />

"Indeed," said the clergyman next to him,<br />

"cataclysmic threats demand dramatic<br />

responses. All of us here, with the<br />

dxaepr.loo of Arohslahop Hawkins, are in full<br />

support of 8 bilateral nuolear arms freeze<br />

agreement between the U.S. and tho Soviet<br />

Union. His Exoollency Hawkins ha: decided to<br />

Join us in effort co illustrate his<br />

contrasting opinion.*<br />

"You're darn rish f , I have," interjected the<br />

elderly prelate who held a banner which<br />

stated "Better Dead than Redl" "I disagree<br />

with the nunl^ar freeze arguuent that ay<br />

fellow olergyaen have ohosen to espouse.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y clearly deny supporting a freeze, our<br />

nation's right to resist attack and tyranny<br />

from unjust ..'^ressors, and they Ignore th&<br />

spreading threat of Soviet Coamunisa."<br />

• "I disagree," countered Archbishop<br />

G'Friese. "It is an important tima for us<br />

now to get involved in an issue of global<br />

consequence. By developing a theology of<br />

peaoe, we can ohfcllenge the fundamental<br />

assumptions and defense strategies of every<br />

Amerloan administration since the beginning<br />

of tho nuolear age. By attacking the<br />

doctrine of nuclear Jeterrenee, we can show<br />

ttiat the policy creates and maintains a<br />

balance of terror which could all too easily<br />

lead to a holocaust. <strong>The</strong> ohurch must tell<br />

the Reagan Administration that it is offended<br />

by the cost of maintaining deterrence, whioh<br />

takes money away from programs for the poor."<br />

I decided to Join the_discussion. "How,<br />

listen, fellas, there'll no way you nan<br />

present a united statement of opposition<br />

towards Reagan's nuolear arms policies if you<br />

dot't put your arguments down in writing.<br />

Vtif don't you write a letter demanding that a<br />

nuolear freeze be established?"<br />

"I don't like the word 'freeze,'" said one<br />

arohblshop. "It sounds too temporary to be<br />

effective."<br />

"How about 'curb,'" I ventured.<br />

•<strong>The</strong> word sounds as though the use of<br />

nuclear wsapons is controlled, but actually<br />

not halted," said O'Friese.<br />

•Don't like it at all," responded Hawkins.<br />

It's too permamnt. <strong>The</strong> woi-dlng nceda to be<br />

more flexible tf we're going to roslst the<br />

communist threat." .<br />

Ibe prelates, I knev, had focused on the<br />

Issue, but were quibbling over the use of<br />

words that-accentuated their rnspaotivo<br />

positions: I Jumped into ay oar and drove<br />

r.ff, .leaving tbs five man to continue their<br />

debate by the slda of the roadway.<br />

Quinn espouses anti-nuke stance<br />

By Elizabeth Brown<br />

Archbishop John Qulnn,<br />

•the Ro*en Catholic leader<br />

of Sa» Francisco, has boon<br />

ipAQktng out,~*a1ong with<br />

(•any othor Influential<br />

United States blthops,<br />

Against nuclear ares Increases<br />

and for eras reduction.<br />

Tho leading U-S. bishops<br />

•Kit In Chicago and Issued a<br />

•Pastoral Letter" In which<br />

they call'ad for an<br />

"...tamed I at* biljtoral,<br />

unlliable agreement to halt<br />

the fasting, production end<br />

deploy a eftt of new nuclear<br />

weapons syst*)**•"<br />

Qulnn was n major<br />

contributor* to the U.S.<br />

bishops' racent statraent<br />

Qu*nr. stated In e racent<br />

Inrcr.itjw that nucloer<br />

weapons ar« weapons of runs<br />

destruction, espcble of<br />

Killing t?w entire earth's<br />

popuIatlon; tho nuclear<br />

r»o. qoo»tlon.<br />

Tho Issu* of the pastoral • * l< ""' " lth th# oth * r<br />

l.ttor by the U\S. bishops »'»nop». Oulnn admitted<br />

.a. prcptad by Pep. JcL <br />

1.13 following questions we're asked or 100<br />

people at the Stonestoun Shopping Center in<br />

San Francisco.<br />

1. Ar- you in favor or an immediate bilateral<br />

nuclear aras freeze?<br />

a) yes<br />

b) no<br />

c) don•t know<br />

Halo Female Total<br />

36%<br />

10J<br />

90*<br />

81<br />

21<br />

88J<br />

9*<br />

3*<br />

Z. Do you think tne Rea/an AdBini9*.i-ai.jLOn is<br />

nakmg its best effort to resolve tho<br />

arms race betvnin the U.S. and tt.e<br />

U.S:3.R?<br />

:ulc Female Total<br />

a! yes 2) 2} Zt<br />

b) no 90* 92t 91*<br />

c) don't know B? 6t It<br />

3- Is it uroper Co- thu National Confnrnn'-H<br />

of Catholic Bishops to declare it-><br />

opposition to the nation's nuclear<br />

weapon's policy?<br />

Male Female TotAl<br />

a) yes 761 681 731<br />

b) no 101 221 161<br />

c) don't, know 121 101 11><br />

Am, Emily, Joctly. EIIM.<br />

Ullr. Stoph. DUiu. Birb.r..<br />

Ctl«. Dlut. JoAnn. Pun.<br />

Scmu. Wendy. Clady. Jcnoifcr.<br />

louoc. 'JfTBdl. BcliniU. CjolhU.<br />

Uu. Klra. Sbuu. Wend; H..<br />

Lori. Vhun. Joyce. Eden. Anne.<br />

Menlie. lane, ianel. Vlu. VhUn O..<br />

Ltucvne. Glni. Andita. Etc.<br />

Thanks for a Great Yearl<br />

Love, Bryan<br />


NATE<br />


Learn how to fly<br />

with the<br />

Rtd, While 4 Bine<br />

Happy belated<br />

19ih Birthday!<br />

ta^vft to reduce tn« nucloar<br />

ersoneU.<br />

Attar tho U.S. bishops<br />

l»uod th* Pastoral Latter,<br />

th* National Council of<br />

Churches a«t to also Ittua<br />

a statonant en t;.a nuclaar<br />

anas racs;<br />

. At th* Booting of th«<br />

National Council of<br />

Church*!, Oulnn orotantod a<br />

pOHWful tp»v^ for his and<br />

th« other U.S. bishops'<br />

csusain<br />

hit vpaach Qulnn<br />

statod, **W* tr% th* first<br />

ganareiton with ttt* power<br />

to virtually destroy Oars<br />

crftaturos."<br />

Oulnn further statail, "Kj<br />

bMhops cannot ra«oln<br />

sllantln the faco of such<br />

danosr.*<br />

Qufnn also urgad tho<br />

laadors of tho nation's<br />

Protastant faith to Join<br />

with M* ond th. Catholic<br />

loeoors In en -^tlw Autual<br />

caa?algn to rid tha world<br />

of nuclaar weapons.<br />

poll:<br />

Reagan,<br />

bishops,<br />

and<br />

the bomb<br />


PUMAS '<br />

ADIDAS<br />

NIKE<br />

You Want 'em<br />

We've Got'em<br />

at Prices<br />

You Like!!<br />


2049 JuniperaScrra Bird.<br />

7554B5S<br />

Weckdayi 9 to 9<br />

June 3, 1S83<br />

ovel<br />

JouJ<br />

and|<br />

flo<br />

POM<br />

dscl<br />

Ho.<br />

Units<br />

jtlll<br />

to<br />

tho !<br />

Dur<<br />

' and III<br />

(UerlJ<br />

•Cold |<br />

vtt<br />

So. I.I<br />

tl«« I

Democratic Convention comes to San Francisco<br />

•I •. «. - -•• - "III<br />

il Ji *" Fr «n worid, the U.S. alto hes a<br />

•oral duty to protect these<br />

'•ho are weaker. This<br />

treason has even stronger<br />

^backing whan we consider<br />

i'thet those smaller<br />

'countries - France, C-eat<br />

Britain, Italy, *J*t<br />

'Germany, to name a few -<br />

: constltuto some of .aur<br />

f. strongest allies. • -'•<br />

•'•Lin order to protect<br />

-America's vital Interests<br />

ami to maintain a curb on<br />

["SovU-t expenelon, U.S.<br />

ffirbop* must not b.<br />

^ wl«i*ewn freei Europa.<br />

selected 03 *|*> convention<br />

• lt«, Tti» CITY prow lux! t»<br />

spend t8 alt I Ion en<br />

renovations for the Xoscone<br />

Center anil pol ICK<br />

protection, ano Hayr<br />

Dtanrm Felnatolrr, along<br />

with .il,',..r k-i»y •eadors,<br />

lobbied tirelessly to to<br />

chosen with slide iScws and<br />

. troops be<br />

Europe?<br />

- By Leah Karl I nar<br />

As the nunber of United<br />

States troops siatfcnec Cn<br />

Surope haft [nereesad, so<br />

have hostilities and<br />

tensions between the U.S.<br />

and the countries of<br />

Europe.<br />

Aovocates of keeping<br />

American allltary forces In<br />

Europe declare that these<br />

troops are necossary >o<br />

protect Europe froi the<br />

naarby coaaunlst throat of<br />

the Sovlat Union. If this<br />

Is true, why do so wtany<br />

European citizens oppose<br />

having American troops<br />

Inhabiting their couitrles7<br />

United States' troops are<br />

resented rathar than<br />

appro'lated by nany<br />

Europeans. As a result,<br />

these troopc have no power<br />

and ere superfluous. <strong>The</strong><br />

•oney thaU.i. governuent<br />

Is spending on unnecessary<br />

ragraonts stationed In<br />

Europa could be spent on<br />

education. Social Security,<br />

or He.1lcare at hono.<br />

Evan If .taS. trooos were<br />

useful In Europe, It would<br />

not Justify their presence<br />

thorn. This presence goes<br />

against tha basic<br />

principles upon which this<br />

country was founded. <strong>The</strong><br />

first American colonlot<br />

were settled by people<br />

escaping from government<br />

Interference In their<br />

lives. <strong>The</strong>se colonies<br />

declared their Independence<br />

and fougM a revolution In<br />

order to be free of the<br />

imposition of British<br />

troops stationed In thotr<br />

cltlM.<br />

It dow not seem right<br />

that the U&. government Is<br />

forcing Its -troops on the<br />

people of Europe whan tho<br />

Desire for treerloa from<br />

troops end for self-rule<br />

are ^nm very principles<br />

whIch'trIggored the<br />

establishment of this<br />

country.<br />

BIRTHPAY ]<br />

CARRIE<br />

Francisco's ability to<br />

hjndie so «any people*<br />

8ut what will we gain<br />

fro: all thls7 It Is<br />

estlnated, frr one, that<br />

visitors will spend over »<br />

• I 11 Ion dctlor* during<br />

thotr stay, which neans<br />

tnat the downhill trend<br />

local bustnoss has been<br />

following reontly will Sa<br />

revorsed. creating up to a<br />

~2S percent Increase In<br />

profits oklng aroas<br />

lo thotr offices.<br />

Tho first po'nt spectflos<br />

that unloi. ««p!oy«rr.<br />

provide n *»orkobl« and<br />

roskonablo policy rogardlng<br />

saokIng and nor.-smokIng<br />

areas, s»ok!ng wuuId bo<br />

banned In cortain offices*<br />

Though no*' roqu I rod to<br />

construct physical barriers<br />

botwoon thn twe areas.<br />

o«ployers would bo roqulrod<br />

to post signs d*i.lgating<br />

non-inoklng areas.<br />

Second Ift bu«1noshes<br />

would be expect**) -to devise<br />

a s•okIng polIcy wtthln<br />

throe months of tho<br />

ordinance's ratification or<br />

risk 1 1500-o-day flno for<br />

violating ths law.<br />

Conorrnlng enfors««ent of<br />

the ordinance, the third<br />

point Is that the<br />

OnportP-ont of Htwlth would<br />

hlro twp Inspectors tc<br />

police the sacking low on a<br />

coaolalnt basis onty.<br />

A fourth point Is that<br />

bars, restaurants,<br />

convention halls, and other<br />

pub!Ic areas would be<br />

frow the law.<br />

Chan's Trains<br />

aud Hobbies<br />

TRAINS • Bought. Sold and<br />

Rcpairtd<br />

DoU Houses f s<br />

person next 10 ae Is<br />

offended by *y »«ok.ng, he<br />

can merj9J*<br />

<strong>The</strong> editorial stcUons of<br />

the San franc! ico<br />

Indicate tU*t readers w<br />

In favor of.the ordinance.<br />

An enthusiastic Edward<br />

Chalney. Another worker In<br />

the city, wrote, "I applaud<br />

the board of Supervisors*<br />

action to central 9*v»Mng<br />

pol I utIon In the work<br />

violating the rlghr TO<br />

saoixe."<br />

Acad«inv ot Aft C<br />

540 fo~«n SIfMt<br />

San rtanrrcc 94108<br />

Pnor, 673 4200<br />

Name<br />

Adcteti .<br />

City<br />

I- r^J- •<br />

17<br />

m<br />

9<br />

f<br />

1 '••'•<br />

1 •<br />

r •,'•:.«

Indians get scalped before playoffs<br />

By *wdl Hurannl Pr*T+ Ho.wd<br />

fros Lincoln, the only<br />

person whoa he lost *o In<br />

ttnr/refuter season*<br />

J.» won *hi»t tougii natch<br />

6-3. 7-6.<br />

Another out stand 1ng<br />

Junior. Danny Ho, seeded<br />

the nu«.^er four singles<br />

player In San Francisco.<br />

•tad* It to ttw» seal-finals<br />

before being defeated by<br />

Howard, who was ranked<br />

number ov above Jee.<br />

In doubles pI ay.<br />

Low« 1 l*s Saauol Lee and<br />

-Eric Lin advanced to the<br />

finals tiy defeating the top<br />

rated doubles tea* 7-6.6-2.<br />

However, they lost 6-3,<br />

.3-6, 2-6 to HcAtoor's<br />

doubles teas which had Its<br />

two best slnglrs players.<br />

Kautz says goodbye<br />

after 29 year<br />

By'AllcIa Ho»<br />

Oasketbal1 coarh and<br />

physical education teacher<br />

Jeon Kautz Is rr*lrlng tnlr.<br />

y*ar after a 3B year<br />

teaching career.<br />

Kautz. orlg.nally 1rom<br />

the Ec*t, has been teaching<br />

In Sen Francisco for a<br />

total of 29 years - 1) of<br />

which she taught nt W-<br />

Olanntnt Middle Schoo<br />

fore coning to <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

She began her career In<br />

Oktahona and has also<br />

'taught In prfVat* school s<br />

In Fieri00. ;<br />

"Even ii-~\. rhl Id, I<br />

always loved physlcat<br />

activities, but only tha<br />

wel l-to-do- girls ware<br />

allowed to perttclpete In<br />

sports." ,-.. '<br />

. Irscheot.-Koutx's naln<br />

Interest was playing the<br />

french horn, out she ntrvar<br />

consldernd BUSIC as a<br />

career Mcausesh* did not<br />

feel It was a field \r><br />

which she ecu Id corMte.<br />

'-•She 38* fetching as on<br />

opportunity to irr.-^l and<br />

live all over ?r« United<br />

Statav. but Mr r.4ln raasOA<br />

for becoming a teacher wai<br />

that, she vantatf to help<br />

students and allow ttte* to<br />

things th^t she could not<br />

dc whl le working* Her<br />

hobbles Include gardening,<br />

saw Ing, woodworking, and<br />

working with conputers*<br />

She Is also tntcrestud In<br />

auto-repatr. something she<br />

"desperateIy wanted to<br />

learn** In school*<br />

Sh* alro plans to do a<br />

lot of volunteer work, such<br />

as working with the aged<br />

Donohur dlKuncs defense In mound conference.<br />

Lin explained that he was<br />

playing with a pulled<br />

Muscle that day which may<br />

have afiected his serve.<br />

L Ir. added, "Wo were<br />

overpowering the* In the<br />

first set, but In the<br />

second fit they had the<br />

•oaentu« TOtng for then."<br />

In Junior varsity, both<br />

teaas In '.le finals w*. e<br />

fron Lowqll. At the *ind,<br />

Salomon Chang and Larry<br />

Chan defeated John Huster<br />

and Ruddy Vance, f>"8. 6-3,<br />

6-2.<br />

Lovrlt'i results In All-<br />

City were en Indication of<br />

how the tea« perVoraed<br />

during the regular season.<br />

EernIng o 7-0 league<br />

mcord, 9-2-1 overall<br />

standing, the tean regained<br />

AAA city chrwplonshIp,<br />

controversially taken by<br />

McAteer a yoar ago-<br />

Most of iho reaa miOori<br />

felt that Lincoln provided<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> with the *o*t<br />

competition this year »Uh<br />

their nnw acquisition fron<br />

fl Cniilno High Sc.iool,<br />

Scott Kcward.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s first, third,<br />

end fifth singles pliyers<br />

lost their vetches to<br />

Lincoln. Lowoii's dour Ins<br />

toaa of LOO and Lin pla>od<br />

end wort *r« deciding qa«o<br />

•o aake the ,i*jico«e 4-3.<br />

Vhe'i asked to reflect<br />

upon me season, coach Gary<br />

Naknglrl replied, "This<br />

year the CAAAl league fas<br />

stronger and thero was a<br />

^rooter baIance of the<br />

schools %t All-City,"<br />

•In a lot of Imlngs Phi t<br />

ati thero v Ith his<br />

duMnta_.ha's a treaendous<br />

player,"coach John Oonohu*<br />

said.<br />

Ona of tt-e »o»t anaoreble<br />

plays for Donohue fas a<br />

continued on page 19<br />

Team falls short;<br />

slides into third<br />

ay Kallle Gen<br />

<strong>The</strong> '.coll softbalt tean<br />

ended Its 1983 playing<br />

season In third place In<br />

tto AAA (AcvJeittc Athletic<br />

Association) with a record<br />

of 13-3.<br />

Coach Loretta DoAnorels<br />

noted, "the players roally<br />

worked hard; It was c good<br />

lan.'<br />

Although <strong>Lowell</strong> lost the<br />

playoff gore to Washington<br />

High on Hay 24, DeAndrols<br />

noted that the gane *as<br />

close with a 6-4 *core.<br />

Site ccaner.ted that fhe<br />

score -as respectable and<br />

that the gaae was very<br />

exciting.<br />

"Thtjre wer* sone great<br />

plays especially by<br />

fresh*an shc-rtvtop, Lilly<br />

To*. In eddltton. tren<br />

Captain Dana Falk hit a<br />

•UP.", iho added.<br />

nJr»ls comrented that<br />

despite the pi ay-off<br />

defeat. <strong>The</strong> players stl 11<br />

felt vIctorlous In that<br />

they had won both of ttelr<br />

ganes Against Wilson Hljh.<br />

Wilson, In their nlnds, was<br />

the tenn to boat fclnce tr<br />

had won the prevlr.us<br />

nih.lp end hes Doen<br />

placing anonp <strong>The</strong> top four<br />

finalists.<br />

Tean Caotaln Talk folt<br />

that i'ie tenn performed<br />

nuch netter than had beon<br />

expected considering the<br />

fact that a lot of fresh nan<br />

and sophooores, who had<br />

never played with the tean<br />

before. Joined thts r*"'-<br />

-W» nanag/id to coae out<br />

*Hh a wall-rouhded tean."<br />

she added.<br />

Foil, corsldarad the<br />

taan*s ability to coie yp<br />

• in. strong pinch hitters<br />

asset.<br />

Folk fait that a prcblen<br />

that the tean had was that<br />

It cuffortd Instability In<br />

the cidfleld becuuse of<br />

con 11nuous position<br />

switching.<br />

Senfor Lois Bagiol, who<br />

alternated between third<br />

bate and pitcher, believed<br />

that the toan should have<br />

practiced aore on Mttlng<br />

and on base running.<br />

Dagnol nalntalned that<br />

Lowt.11 had c strong defense<br />

and that the errors node<br />

were aostly Rental «rrors«<br />

"<strong>The</strong> offense." sh*<br />

ada I tted, "needed aoro<br />

help."<br />

Bagnol crudlted nuch of<br />

tho teaa's success to<br />

ass Istant coachos Oscer<br />

Jtienaz and Kristin<br />

DaAidrals. <strong>The</strong>y helped a<br />

lot" *ho «xpi«lned.<br />

•AI I In alI", stated<br />

junior Sarai-. Hudson who<br />

played flrM* ba*e, "we had<br />

a great season, and we had<br />

a lot of fun. We*It alss<br />

the six son I or t> who are<br />

leaving tho teaa. but look<br />

forward to next year's tea's<br />

which has io+s of<br />

potential."<br />

JV baseball takes city crown<br />

tours- She plain to travel<br />

to Alaska and Kew Zealand.<br />

Kautz has boon the girls'<br />

basketball coach for olght<br />

y*»er». She has no Idea as<br />

to *ho ttw* new coach wilt<br />

bo*<br />

"Ttw^aost rewarding thing, When atvked what edvtc*<br />

about ter=Mng Is wskipg ao sh* would give to a itaw<br />

JwiprsW^n on soaaone teachor, sit* replied* "To<br />

»l"sc'»!^* !.!• _ and-•*,o . &• tun* •> full life outside o»<br />

iriaelafad •• long - af*er-" school. Scnool ssed to bo<br />

«»V"-' »»»Cia I


Jones, Kobaysshi, Siu 'Athletes of Month<br />

By Wesley Wing<br />

"When you think of Lowoll<br />

varsity baseball over the<br />

past four years, you hevo<br />

to think of O«-ryl Jones/<br />

statod coach John Donohue<br />

concerning tt» June athlete<br />

of the aonth.<br />

Tho six-foot senior has<br />

played varsity bowball for<br />

four years. Jonas played<br />

four different positions<br />

Including 9 Irst-ba*ie,<br />

-outfielder, destgnatttd<br />

hitter, and pitcher In the<br />

' starting rotation.<br />

"I like tlrst-base the<br />

sost, because all of tho<br />

,' action revolves around you<br />

when there Is a ground-ball<br />

hit,- stated Jones.<br />

In his four-year career<br />

at Lowel!, Jones he*<br />

coaplled a llfetlae batting<br />

average of .333. At the<br />

end of this season Jones<br />

finished his high school<br />

career by leading the teaa<br />

In hitting with en average<br />

of .342. He hit two<br />

hoaerms and 12 RSI's*<br />

As d pitcher Jones<br />

finished the *83 caapalgn<br />

posting a 4-4 record and an<br />

By Susan Shlu<br />

"It's as auch fun to do<br />

as It Is to watch,"<br />

enthused senior Lilly Siu,<br />

captain of tho gymnastics<br />

Athletes of the tenth.<br />

•But It takes a lot of<br />

herd work to bocoae a good<br />

flyanest," sto noted.<br />

' *Vtu'» Interest In<br />

gynnatt Ics stea» Iroa fha<br />

tnf luenceofothor older<br />

sistors and televlsion.<br />

^One of ay sisters coapetod<br />

for Lowe! I, and I used to<br />

help out at tho noots* I<br />

also would always watch the<br />

great gyonasts like Nadia<br />

CcKAne-sl," she said.<br />

While reaolnlng an avid<br />

spectator, Siu has bocoae<br />

an accomplished gymnast.<br />

She made the varsity<br />

pyames+lcm toea as fl'<br />

freshaan, and each year<br />

since then, she has placed<br />

well In the All-City Hoots-<br />

continucd from page lti<br />

hoaerun" "that's probably<br />

still In the air" hit by<br />

Darryl Jone? during a gaae<br />

In Son Hateo.<br />

Donohun was the third<br />

coach th*> teaa has hed In<br />

>hr«e years. Gary<br />

Macaluso. Dave Lopez, and<br />

To* MilUr helped coach tho<br />

Infield, outfield, and<br />

hitting, respectively.<br />

•I couldn't have done It<br />

without the*-" Donohue<br />

ststod.<br />

-Wo took to thea really<br />

well- wo enjoyed playing<br />

for tbor," Zlaaerawi said.<br />

Juno 3. I9S3<br />

ERA of 3.95."<br />

With the encouragaaont of<br />

hi s qrandf ntner, Jonas*<br />

baseball caroor began et<br />

the age of seven. He<br />

played In several different<br />

leagues Including the<br />

£enbrtan Itttle league,<br />

Caapbel1 IIttie league,<br />

Flaae (under coach<br />

Oonohue), Aaerlcan Legion<br />

durtng the suaaer, and 1he<br />

Hoover Middle School<br />

chaaplonshlp teas tn 1978.<br />

"Fou «o+ to know tons of<br />

people frcu «1I ovor the<br />

city. <strong>The</strong>t f s -here I aet<br />

r.any ?f iy friends," noted<br />

Of Jones' .tu itirous<br />

basobalI experlonras, ho<br />

reflected sn one particular<br />

roaent end sale, "I hit ay<br />

first hoa*r*un when I was<br />

12. I wes Juaplng up and<br />

down ani *»as really excited<br />

because ao^ of ay faally<br />

;*ft* tN»re."<br />

inscribing •.!•«! * as a<br />

player, Jo'.e» said, *l*a<br />

not groa', but I can get<br />

the Job dene."<br />

Duaohue adOed, "He Is a<br />

fleece competitor, with the<br />

rt ght portent. I1 ty for<br />

baseball. He has been the<br />

backbone of this teaa."<br />

Jones w 111 *rnt«r tho<br />

University of California at<br />

Riverside In thf fall and<br />

would like to go into the<br />

business aanageaent or be a<br />

television canaentator.<br />

While attending Riverside<br />

Jones plans to play<br />

baseball, and he said that<br />

he alcht take a shot at the<br />

aajors*<br />

At the second (optional)<br />

This past season, Siu aeet, Siu placed first on<br />

again coapeted on the the floor routine, second<br />

Intoraedlate level, taking on tho uneven bars, third<br />

on tho Imae, end third allaround.<br />

She attributes her record<br />

and that of tho toaa's -Its<br />

tenth consecutIve AAA<br />

Chaaplonshlp tltlo - to<br />

hard work, teaawork, and<br />

the nncourageaan * tho*<br />

toon fft9«> «oro<br />

rolnsd this yuar/Tsunodo<br />

sddtKI.<br />

?rostslng ployori tor<br />

noxt year iro Jl«<br />

Arcltulata, ErnU Bat.i,<br />

Ernlo La*. Paul Col»«an,<br />

end John Layai.<br />

111th ttia roturn ot oany<br />

jTortori, «a •III eatlly<br />

• cXo the playoffs n.*t<br />

yoar," Bote» maBantad*<br />

"It's Hard to adant to a<br />

no» authorltatlva hood;<br />

naxt yaar tliaro jhculo b»<br />

•or* coh*slva«as> bot»a«n<br />

playari and eoichas,"<br />

GREAT<br />


Dcin'sDdi<br />

Tsunoda «ald.<br />

-Xo'd Ilka to IhonV tha<br />

fan* - thoy*ra woe of tho<br />

b«»t fans In tha laaguet*<br />

Zlcoorsan said*<br />


By HInoru Akuhara<br />

Senior Doug Kobayashl, a<br />

aecber of Lowatl's varsity<br />

swla teaa. Is one of this<br />

Issue's Athletes of the<br />

Month.<br />

KobayasM's sw laalng<br />

career togan ten years ago<br />

whan his parents thought, he<br />

should swla with the San<br />

Francisco Seals, winning<br />

organization.<br />

"At Hrftt 1 didn't like<br />

to swla, but as I began to<br />

laprovo. It boC7»e<br />

Interesting anJ<br />

challenging," revealed<br />

Kobayashl.<br />

And laprove he did. *« a<br />

freshaan at Lowel I, he<br />

captvred second t.i bvth tho<br />

100 aeter back*troke and<br />

200 aeter Individual nedley<br />

racon at the A*I-Clty<br />

Chaaplonshlps aeet.<br />

In his sophoacre. Junior,<br />

and senior years, KobeyaiM<br />

dcalnated both the 100<br />

aeter b?ckstroko and 200<br />

aeter Individual aedley<br />

reces at the All-City aeet<br />

by wirnlng first place*<br />

Kobayashl credits auch of<br />

hts *uccofs to the swla<br />

tera's uniqueness.<br />

R«*aarkod Kobeyashi,<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s swla teaa Is very<br />

different Iron other teaas<br />

In that we have aore spirit<br />

and enthuslasa than they<br />

do."<br />

KiJiayeshl's training does<br />

not teralnat* at the end of<br />

ench season. He sw las<br />


>e&r-round with the S* r ><br />

Sea Is, e sw I •

m<br />

•GAME PONr-<br />

-Alan Chan/Lisa Cogar-<br />

• SCREECH! BAHG1 THUD! To rae those<br />

sounds are all too familiar. One<br />

sunny day a couple of months ago, I<br />

went on a bike trip to Sausalito with<br />

some friends. On the road leading to<br />

Sausalito I ran over some gravel on a<br />

turn and skidded into a ditch.<br />

Unfortunately for me, I wasn't wearing<br />

a helmet, long pants, or a longsleeved<br />

shirt. I was not a pretty<br />

sight. I got up, stunned and not too<br />

aroused, to view the damage-first to<br />

the bike and then to myself. <strong>The</strong> bike<br />

was great except for a few minor<br />

scratches but as for myself, let's<br />

just say I looked like Indiana Jones<br />

would have if he had been dragged<br />

behind a truck without the padding.<br />

I have to admit, though, that I was<br />

qoing pretty fast around the turn,<br />

that my tires were almost bald and I<br />

wasn't wearing any safety gear. - I<br />

know -y.ou'-ro probably saying tr<br />

yourself, "stupid!" I agree. i.<br />

'learned a little too late about fie<br />

importance of bike safety. Next t.rae<br />

I'll know to take better care o£ my<br />

bike and myself.<br />

<strong>The</strong> swish of a basket hitting<br />

nothing but net irora 25 feet out. <strong>The</strong><br />

arc of o well hit ball with tn<br />

accurately placed iron shot landing<br />

just in front of the pin. <strong>The</strong>se<br />

actions ace routinely initiated by<br />

practitioners who have developed wellhoned<br />

skills from constant practice.<br />

Dedication, perseverance, and<br />

discipline, are words that come to mind<br />

when one thiakc of an athlete<br />

developing hi? cr her particular<br />

skills to a point where it becomes<br />

secondary nature* <strong>The</strong>se are the same<br />

characteristics that a person will<br />

.Irive to develop in order to become a<br />

success in school or later in a<br />

caroei..- <strong>The</strong> striving for competence<br />

which eventually will lead to the<br />

fulfillne.it of a goal usually gets its<br />

start when a boy or girl wants to<br />

become better at a particular sport<br />

and works constantly to become more<br />

proficient at It. <strong>The</strong>se work habits<br />

are. then transferred to other<br />

pursuits. '['<br />

'•; Mot" many of us can ever hope to be a<br />

John McEnroe or a Julius Erving,as<br />

dedication alone can not overcome<br />

physical limitations. Yet, we can<br />

well appreciate the skills shown by<br />

gifted athletes as we ourselves strive<br />

to become better* at the sport of our<br />

choosing. . <strong>The</strong> star athlete has<br />

reached his. potential and we<br />

vicariously share in his triumph Cor<br />

..w* can understand the sacrifice ha hac<br />

given to attain it. That is probably<br />

wh peoplevnot in the arena can;so<br />

enjoy sports. .<br />

'2C<br />

Tracksters take third in All-City<br />

by Jeffrey Calvin<br />

"I «a» generally satisfled<br />

with our performance,"<br />

t«"4»c\ coach Ja»es Thoaas<br />

said of hU >OfVi third<br />

pluco ever-all Mnirh In<br />

this year** All-City<br />

competition*<br />

On Hay 14, tiie tracksters<br />

coapetel at HcAteer against<br />

tne city's otho^ pubiIc<br />

high schools. Although th«r<br />

girls won their division by<br />

s wide aargln, the vanity<br />

boys and frosh-scf-h boys<br />

each took third place.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> poop )• ran and<br />

piaced about where I<br />

thought they would -<br />

of theai hod froa an owrogo<br />

to a 3ood day." Thoaas<br />

consented*<br />

He said that the spring's<br />

long and frequent periods<br />

of rain hurt his toaa's<br />

All-City perforn/incc <strong>The</strong><br />

wetness kept the school's<br />

track flooded and unusable<br />

for a-JCh of the season*<br />

According to Thc*«s, very<br />

few of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s sprinters<br />

havo th« "natural speod"<br />

that aeny of the chaaplon<br />

runners froa other schools<br />

possess* <strong>The</strong> Indians Bust<br />

thorefore practice hord to<br />

coaponsattt for tho absencn<br />

of this Inborn talent. <strong>The</strong><br />

rein prevented aiuch of the<br />

Important practice that the<br />

sprinters required*<br />

Sophoaore teaa wewtmr<br />

Orpheus Crutchfleld, noted<br />

that tho rain dampened the<br />

spirits of the tvoiC*<br />

Both Thoaas ond Crutchfleld<br />

oyeed that 1tw» ••*•<br />

lacKod the "cohe»lven«ss"<br />

thot It Itetf les* y»er.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>** long distance 1<br />

rurwers who did not nood to<br />

practice on a track tared<br />

botter than the school's<br />

sprinters*<br />

SophOBora Patricia ..rown<br />

won tho girls hoU-Mlo,<br />

itle end two "lie<br />

"<strong>The</strong>y could Jiav» gone <br />

ftcuhj<br />

belne'Vi<br />


In this issue:<br />

Campus notes...page 4<br />

How budget cuts have hurt...page 6<br />

Dafbn the green...page 7<br />

Mainstreaming at <strong>Lowell</strong>...page 10-11<br />

Club prof ties...pages 12-14<br />

Computers at <strong>Lowell</strong>...page 15<br />

Update on student government...page 17 Time out...pa^e20<br />

YdamtlU. Number 1 U~*llHl,h School. SuFniciKm C Itforola 94132 October 7. IOU<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> named 'model'<br />

" v UmtD High S2000I wu roccntiy<br />

tlooal n-.)*m panels authorized<br />

under the United Stales Depart*<br />

* mcot of IM*catton (L'SDR).<br />

On the basis of student' per*<br />

formaocc. •u^olnlttrai.vc leader*<br />

ifctp.- academic goals, curriculum<br />

performance ano dheitlt). com*<br />

mnnity support. ai*d other<br />

criteria, » total ol 70 nigh schools<br />

(rota 12 state* and the Ottufct of<br />

Columbia were honored for excellence.<br />

' -.<br />

~;..r.i;/ <strong>The</strong> nationwide «earch for (he<br />

K.a.>i'ji« > oiiu«i«Ny ellectlre" public<br />

^*V>^^:' J j'-MCd«dify tchooU wju .:onducfed<br />

^v/c>''Sl«K>lith t)« Secondaty School<br />

Program »potJ*>red<br />

("-•"*« p»ipon ol the proiram w«»<br />

f-.* proride modell (or >ch»ol<br />

SWr/ittTO Md to dnmmlral* Ihil<br />

; ^fiiC«M^fcoce can be achWed bj<br />

5«rM»i!Km who ttrin lor It." Mated<br />

ol Education Tcrrel<br />

• •<br />

Nomination procedures organ<br />

In January wbea chief stale tchool<br />

officials wert asked to mbmtt<br />

. Bkows of (It« xcondarjr xhoois<br />

~ from their reipectUe itatc* thereby<br />

tonntnit a Uit oi V*t vhooU by<br />

M»rch.<br />

Through ezlcnkUe rerlewing o(<br />

(lualiricitions at wrll AI campui<br />

lUllatlont. education eip^rti<br />

evaluated the pmpeeihrc Khools<br />

and •urnmed the field ID 178 in<br />

April and (ln«ll; to a tetect 70 in<br />

UteJune.<br />

School, chotcn as Hnalisu from<br />

California include those from La<br />

Mcia. Moraga. Union city, and<br />

Whtiller.<br />

Ua Scptetrber 28. Principal<br />

AUo Flblth. aioat *''b Auociale<br />

Supcrintcndcnl o( Schools Henry<br />

Manhall. ettended • lpcclal<br />

White Hou»tS ceremony held In<br />

honor of the selected schools in<br />

Washington. D.C.<br />

In addition, the USDE also<br />

bellowed upon <strong>Lowell</strong> a certificate<br />

and flat, both of which are<br />

dlrpUytd In the main office.<br />

When aiked if the influx ot re-<br />

cent publicity has Increased<br />

LoweU't prominence. Flbith<br />

responded -*It creates a higher<br />

platform from wi-.Th we speak and<br />

our chintrci i» b*<br />

Since Lo*»«tl »«* *ionoi*tl by<br />

Money magafine latl )car. Fibiih<br />

has been a\kcd to attend an in*<br />

crcaunt amount ol educational<br />

conferences, tome outside o! the<br />

slate.<br />

Cnnctr^nlng college*, and univcr*<br />

titles. <strong>Lowell</strong>'s impressive<br />

academic record t « well as<br />

publicity have attracted the attention<br />

ot admissions advisor*, and<br />

ttils recent recognition from the<br />

USDE. stated Fibith. is "anothet<br />

arrow In our qul.Tr" thai further<br />

elevates the school's status.<br />

When asked about his sentiments<br />

concerning <strong>Lowell</strong>** »c><br />

complin men t% Fibith replied.<br />

<strong>The</strong>K are something everjon* in<br />

the Ln*ell community can be proud<br />

of — we hate a select faculty<br />

and a selrct student body, and<br />

both hate a lot to do with the sue*<br />

cesi^dhh school."<br />

|eker shortage causes problems<br />

| ol thlt nt»<br />

l'*itar»wac tluocntt are lln-<br />

/ttd «ith ncatjr tex*<br />

.l:boa:<br />

lljjpulttiera.<br />

jitcljr 100 f iiuicntft are<br />

JT MbMi ledicri'dbc to a<br />

SStf.. 1 ;'.': •.•.'.•<br />

*$%;::•'•.•••• - • • '<br />

fin m. 2.600 locker, in<br />

li'cimfnu, 300 to 400 ol<br />

Ifool cubic bcciim the;<br />

fn atieirp: to meet the dcnuml*<br />

for iKkers more quickly. IUS<br />

tchoo) hai been assigning tnese<br />

w-ikst lockers aaJ inttruciJig<br />

the student 10 supply his own<br />

padlock.<br />

Alrrad> 200 locker-, of thii ki*/.<br />

bate been assigned.<br />

According to Jamc* Thorn**,<br />

dean, who H in charge of locker<br />

distribution, many of the studenti<br />

without locken arc new transfer<br />

Undents.<br />

••It.'li m«h e*iier m UJU<<br />

locken to » «n>up. iuch as a<br />

Rghny of fiwhmen. <strong>The</strong> :ran*rer<br />

siudVat* arc more ot Im adWiduah<br />

and are snitct4- mak '<br />

{ng it r>orc difficult to Isiuc them<br />

lockers," stated Thomas.<br />

<strong>The</strong> school district has sent a<br />

repairman lo fit tome of the<br />

locken. out Thomas noted that<br />

the work bat been slow to dale.<br />

<strong>The</strong> school has recently pur*<br />

chased S4.C00 worth ot locker<br />

parti to nrpatr the old parts in<br />

need of repair.<br />

Thomas p!an> to begin repairs<br />

as toon as the parts arrive with the<br />

help of a student crew.<br />

"It b not cnougn. bat a* Hut<br />

vunc arc going lo be liicd.** com<br />

mented Thomas.<br />

Semifinalists<br />

announced<br />

By Debbie Gottfried<br />

Eighteen <strong>Lowell</strong> students bave<br />

been named Scm.finaltiU in the<br />

|QW NaiKmal Merit 5cttol*r*.h.p<br />

com petition.<br />

<strong>The</strong> llurfentt include: Jenny<br />

Bwn-i. Scutl Caiiin. Ben Chin.<br />

Cindy Cho. Richard Denny. Jeffrey<br />

GaMn. Don Johnston.<br />

To become a I'tnatltt. Ihe %tudt-r.t<br />

muit take ttic SchoUtiV Aptitude<br />

Test 10 tetify his/her HSAT<br />

Kore, document hlpS academic<br />

performance ihrnntthoul the<br />

»c>oolyear, receive ihc recommendation<br />

and endorsement of his/her<br />

principal, and provide information<br />

National Merit SetnlfinaUstt: Benjamin Chin. Scott CaMo. Philip<br />

Jooet, V/tnAy Wo, Alexandra Sub. Mcllua WUioo. tenny B-irm. Jclfray<br />

Gahin. Suzanne Wong, Cindy Cho, Rkbard Denny. Wa'urx<br />

Pfaq. StepUa Uf tkorlts. Henry Shin. Don Jcituloo. Caylon Yee<br />

Mkhac) Jones. Philip A. Jones.<br />

Steve Ufkoviu, Walter Pfau.<br />

Henry Shin. Alexandra Suh. Eddie<br />

Tang. Melissa Wilson.<br />

Suzanne Wong. Wendy Wu. and<br />

Clayton Yec.<br />

Those who qualified as<br />

ScnMflnalists represent the top halt<br />

o* one percent of this year'i stnk>r<br />

clau.<br />

• Over one million nudcnts from<br />

about 1H.000 high schoo'4 lc all of<br />

the SO itatel entered ths competition<br />

usi fall W taking the<br />

Preliminary Scholauk Aptitude<br />

Tc*4(PSAT) In th:!r Junior year.<br />

About 1S.O0O ScmirinaUsU •rill<br />

now have the opportunity to ad; *<br />

vancc U the cvmpctttlo? to<br />

" become one of 5J00 Fkalist*.<br />

about his/her Interests, accomplishments,<br />

and goals.<br />

.tbout 40 percent of the<br />

Finalists will receive scholarthips.<br />

Tb«c scholarships will include<br />

at kasi 1.800 $1,000 scholarship*<br />

iupporte*Z-by business and Industrial<br />

sponsor) and about 2.000<br />

four-year scholarships sponsorrd<br />

by «-r»;icgcs and universities award*<br />

ed to finalists who will attend those<br />

particular schools.<br />

Upon hcarinp that she had<br />

qualified as i Scrallinalist Mclhu<br />

Wlbon lUtcd. **I waio'i expecting<br />

U. twasveiypkasedl**<br />

Steve Lefkoviu commenud.<br />

**U*» 4 real honor, and the fact<br />

tint the? are gHlng monetary<br />

twticH givfj It a double value.**<br />


.19M<br />

lEiiJDRIALS"<br />

Participate!<br />

,.:,*J>: One.Of the great things about attending <strong>Lowell</strong> u<br />

.'*-;< the opfortuii.ty to participate in any of 4 wide vsric*<br />

J<br />

iHT; of/extra-curricular aclhrUki. <strong>The</strong>re a>« literally<br />

;<br />

"/huadreds of student orgaii'iations here, ranging<br />

' froir. the athletk- to the intelkrtual to the politic*].<br />

.'•^ ,'Yet many students come to Kbool each day. just<br />

, '; to die nick of time for their first class and leave iroiy.:<br />

mediately after their last one. <strong>The</strong>se kids arc missing<br />

•:iV.vix ch aojmportant part of the <strong>Lowell</strong> experience —<br />

f^; revolvement in activities oufsjfeof the classroom.<br />

v jj^ A major reason for this lack of partlcipa'ion'b Igv<br />

i'nbrance. Many students simply are not aware of the<br />

v'particular activity or activities around tUe school<br />

that are of interest to them. Tco often, up-<br />

* perclasxaten chance upon a club after years of non-<br />

• • panlclpaUun and are heard to exclaim. "Gcc, I sure<br />

. : _ wish I had beard about this before!"<br />

,;:gv ; ; As theschool year Is just, beginning, the extra-<br />

.'.;; currirularactivltiesare just beginning to anfotd For<br />

:<br />

_;- this reason, the staff of Tbc Lonli finds It fitting to<br />

, ^ ^'devote most of ^ic paf^es in this issue to a "Let's Get<br />

-,;• Into <strong>Lowell</strong>'V.hrr-e. Filp through the pages and<br />

discover tbeepporninillrs. Thrn go out there and<br />

make the mutt ol them. (J.C.)<br />

fj?^ Coming of age at <strong>Lowell</strong>—<br />

'Waldo' survives rites of passage<br />

Waldo walks through .h*i halls fur the first time.<br />

Wow, so this Is <strong>Lowell</strong>!<br />

I- He hears the bell, so h~, quickly runi to his assign-<br />

'" cu fegl&try room. But something U wrong.<br />

. When Vcptns ihedoct. the kids seem old. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

glflgie at hi* cvufuilon. Perhaps it's the thick black<br />

'-"'• c.cnic 'raircd glasses he wears, c maybe it's the<br />

checkered "flood*" or Ihe mb-matchcd ^hoes. No, it<br />

kit to be Ibe homely shlit.<br />

"- . *'Uh. ctcuts me." he < mumbles- "I* ihis a<br />

*fre*hman registry?"<br />

Laughter,<br />

<strong>The</strong> teacher walks mer and can't help laughing.<br />

•*Tm sorry, but this is a »nlor regisuy."<br />

Blush'.<br />

He quickly shuts (he door and dashes off from this<br />

r. embarrassing scene. As he Hies by several teachers,<br />

be feels humiliated. Welcome to <strong>Lowell</strong>, klddo.<br />

Waldo returns to <strong>Lowell</strong> for his scciad year a bit<br />

large/ and wiser. Gone is the bowl*cut hair, the war*<br />

drobc. and freshman anxiety. Before, he had fallen<br />

for every trick In the book, but now he knows better.<br />

Waldo returns to <strong>Lowell</strong> (or his junior year, lie<br />

spent the summer working out at Leopold's Gym.<br />

* and besides feeling stronger, he gained 20 pounds of<br />

solid muscle. Gaue are the darky gt&sscs, replaced<br />

YOU Ml<br />

IS:. I<br />

THAT<br />

' DlDMT UHOEfi.<br />

by a more sophisticated-looking pair.<br />

Now at ihc end of the year, he serves as class president.<br />

California Scholarship federation president,<br />

and a member of Shield and Scroll. He scores well<br />

over 1300 on 'he Scholastic Aptitude Tc.t. He sets<br />

his sights on attending Cat.<br />

Waldo siglts a* he walks the Jewrtid halls of<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> on a !azy June afternoon. He graauatcd<br />

jesterday, and decided to come back to I he ichool he<br />

called home for four years one iait time.<br />

We remember* returning for hit final year in<br />

September. Goodbye glaucs. hello contacts. No<br />

more hard counes. He took five courecs, two of them<br />

being of the "mickey mouse" variety:'Hit friends<br />

began calling him by his real name. "Bruce." He<br />

went to h!« first ctcr dance and found a girl friend<br />

(ya>D.<br />

At the winter ball, he was elected Home-coming<br />

King. His popularity at'school increased. Ry March,<br />

numerous scholarships rolled in. Before he knew it,<br />

June rolled around and he, along with 725 others,<br />

graduated from <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

He U snapped back to reality as a bumbling<br />

freshman bumps into his belly-button. As the poor<br />

child sinki off. Waldo yells out "You wimp!"<br />

Gee. it fdt good to say that. _ (R.G.)<br />

Standing room only<br />

"Ten minutes and counting...," I mumbled to<br />

myself as 1 calculated the quickest route to my nex;<br />

class.<br />

Why such silly thoughts? Because I was determined<br />

to get to d*rs early, so that I could grab a good<br />

seat by all my friends.<br />

Despite the silly reason. I could feel my pulse racing<br />

in anticipation of the race ahead.<br />

At exactly seven minutes before class, I made a<br />

mad dash for the stairway,..! weaved my way<br />

through the traffic until finally, the doorway was in<br />

sight. With a -Illy grin on my face, I rushed Into the<br />

classroom.<br />

"Oh no!" 1 cried out In horror. <strong>The</strong> room was<br />

already filled with bickering students, and Uure was<br />

only one empty seat left. Anger slowly replaced my<br />

Initial surprise, i a tumped to the table at the bock of<br />

the classroom and planted myself In the seat.<br />

And so I sa:...and sat. rubbing elbows with three<br />

other kids. I wondered why there wertn't enough<br />

regular desks for all of us. 1 realize the sc!iool runs<br />

on a tight budget, but I'm worth it. -<br />

As I contemplated sucb matters, 1 noticed that<br />

more and more people were coming Into tbc room. It<br />

was getting noisier and nobler by the second, <strong>The</strong><br />

people started to pUs up like a suck of checkers<br />

pUccd precariously on top of one another. My head<br />

began to pound. I sank lower in my seat. As the miS<br />

closed In on me from all directions, 1 frantically<br />

. covered my eyes. <strong>The</strong>n all of a sudden, everything<br />

faded into a silent darkness...<br />

<strong>The</strong> next thing I knew, s sharp pain was piercing<br />

my ribs. I cmugi*; my breath, hoping the pain wjuld<br />

go away. T.-.J that It was Just c silty dream. But as I<br />

cleared my groggy head. I realized the girl sitting<br />

-zfaX to me l t.--i poking m with her elbow. 1 looked<br />

arorm-I the rcwr«. ?i *as no dream. And It wasn't ill-<br />

SAB to utilize<br />

'parent power'<br />

<strong>The</strong> Student Activity Board's Hccblon to uie more<br />

parents of <strong>Lowell</strong> students as

intKaWf CW»»<br />

• Unb 1»; the first Oriental Hastings<br />

Man."<br />

Sheila Hayter (8406)<br />

"III ito what I did last year, and probably<br />

go out for sports or Iry to be a cheerleader,<br />

I'd also like to get to Know people a Hltle<br />

better."<br />

Rosanna Mafias (8601)<br />

"To study harder than I did last year and lo<br />

go to more spirit events so I can show the<br />

class spirit I didn't show last year." T-<br />

i'3r'-i.T'i«io«n.Ocioi>«r7. iw<br />


Posters spark conflict 'We'll bite you'<br />

Dear Editor,<br />

I'm writing Ihit tetter lo protctt<br />

hat happened to Ihe Fit-Am Club<br />

be lore lu fint meeting. Uu week<br />

• hen tc*{ral member* of Ihe club<br />

wrre attigncd to put up publicity<br />

potter* (or the meeting, they pot a<br />

little hit carried a«ay and tald that<br />

ihe band "Def Leppard" »o*jld<br />

appear at Ihtmeeltn*.<br />

Now. who in I. •* right mind<br />

would bclio? that **!)e! Leppard"<br />

"»ould appear al a Kli-Am<br />

meeting? <strong>The</strong> potter maker* *ere<br />

limply .'oltcwlng the di»rction\ to<br />

"make ptnien thai %»i'l catch penple*»<br />

attention." And to ihcy ilid.<br />

Well, tome peupte took them<br />

terwutly. and ihe adminitlraliun<br />

had all the Kil-Am potiert taL.cn<br />

down ~ c«cnt..conc« which made<br />

no mcniUin ot "Del 1 rppant."<br />

<strong>The</strong> ril-Am meet inn had to be<br />

cancelled becauve t>l ihi%. Subsequently.<br />

Fit Am Club tpontor<br />

Serjeant Major Yoihida «» que*twncrf<br />

about thiv inoitcni by a<br />

eounKtor.<br />

M Ttt of the club member*<br />

believe that li haiVcn lilly to ha«e<br />

had all I hi* commotion o*cf<br />

nothing. Since the admlnhtrjtion<br />

look down our potters which «erc<br />

inadr in fun, why don'l Ihey alto<br />

take down Ihote other pottert that<br />

inter tuch thingt a\ violence and<br />

tei.<br />

Dcnitc Marie Dador<br />

Ftl-Am Club tccretary<br />

Bikers vent<br />

frustration<br />

Dear Tdiiot.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are man) more peujitr<br />

biking to school thb >ear than at<br />

an> other time in the patt. L^ck ol<br />

tpacc in thr hike rackt hat nncr<br />

before been a tertout problem, ll<br />

wuuldn't be nint either, were li not<br />

for the few incuntidcratc people<br />

who hxk Iheir rtikc* parallel to trie<br />

ravk (at opp«n-d to perpendicular.<br />

ai iniendcd). <strong>The</strong>reby blocking<br />

toeral other^ite available tpa^Tt.<br />

People xo concerned about the<br />

tafel) ol their biknthould be will.<br />

lnj[ to tpeml ihe CUM effort to<br />

remote their front »hecl> ur to bu><br />

nem lockt. Thiv way. iUrc would<br />

alwayt be enough parking tpa^n<br />

forctcryonc.<br />

Eric Goodman.<br />

Scutt Calvin<br />

Aotheririendtlnbiktnt<br />

Dear Editor.<br />

We. the Clan ^| 10H7. arcj<br />

thocked and d^trutted »W» ihel<br />

treatment ot ut "liitle people" bjf<br />

tome uppcrclattmcn (you b<br />

ahotou are).<br />

You. being Ihe veteran* of the]<br />

Khool. shei-M be helpful and<br />

undcntan^Mig. hut NOOO... Intlead<br />

we $*t diny look* and Intolenl<br />

rrmarki. We real «p<br />

preciate thote ol you who gulie ui<br />

to th**rony room*. W« thinl your!<br />

attitude it uncalled lor and don'l<br />

Cite u» the eicuic. * We were once|<br />

frethmen. loo." Rememtsr (hat<br />

Imhrnen irr penple.<br />

Trill let'er it wol *o all up'<br />

perclattmcn. It \ only a warning]<br />

to thove intuited in the dr.;.uy<br />

ihe-frc\hman tcandal.<br />

It there Minethinit wronn H >th<br />

ut, or ate >ou pti jealout becautej<br />

we're )uunr.r and no' «ct oter th(<br />

• hJI? In co>K>uticn. uppercrattmen<br />

herd ihtt warains: DOMT BUG<br />

TLBnEY<br />

After all. w« dnn't hate >ou. you<br />

hate oi. Thank you f jr vourj<br />

cndrrtundinit md have an en*<br />

jov.bleTtar.<br />

Two (tnhtnen.<br />

_N«nr» - ithheltl cpcn req

ftft4. Ttt Until. Oclofcer 7.19S3<br />

NEWS"<br />

Teachers return Spirit squads win honors<br />

from sabbaticals<br />

Contrary Id popular belkf. a<br />

• sabbatfcal U NOT A religious txpcrksc*.<br />

It h a kave of absence<br />

taken by a tetcher to U»ve! and to<br />

. t*ka cotltge claim which cannot<br />

b« done while teaching. ThH year<br />

flv* teachers bare returned from<br />

sabbaticals.<br />

, Social ickfK« teacher Sidney<br />

Wukkr estimates be traveled<br />

205.000 miles through hi. airline<br />

. trips to «my continent etcept An*<br />

Urctka during his time oft. _<br />

Anotbir torelf n lang uage<br />

teacher. Cagnacd. attcoded the<br />

cwOcge of Nona Dame tn Dclraont<br />

to take course* In French,<br />

tftrrature. and linguistics.<br />

. English ttacber Gloria<br />

McGarry'i. original plan was to<br />

spend her sabbatical studying a<br />

curriculum called Kohlberg's<br />

States of Moral Development. Iostead<br />

she had a baby, Gregory,<br />

DO* sU months old.<br />

Harper Puiiss. ictencc teacher,<br />

MfUIed a dream last lone. He<br />

i*bcovered through a newspaper<br />

that veterans of the Korean War<br />

were being United back as guests<br />

of the Korean government, "It was<br />

nice to go back at a Irlend and ice<br />

the great difference between Ihcn<br />

and now," he stated, "| wai<br />

treated warmly, and I'd like to go<br />

back again to visit."<br />

Two other leachers have been<br />

reassigned to <strong>Lowell</strong>. Math<br />

teacher George Sonlal has return*<br />

ed to <strong>Lowell</strong> after teaching at<br />

Wilson last year.<br />

Science teacher Oscar<br />

Hollander li back. He taught at<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> for a year In 1972 but was<br />

transferred to Washington High<br />

School. He considers <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

"teachers* heaven,'* and has<br />

wacted to come back ever since.<br />

"I'm Just super, duper happy to be<br />

back. I retire la the year 3005.<br />

and 1 hope to spend all that time<br />

tcachng at LowtU.** he stated.<br />

Sabbaticals can b* taken once<br />

every scvea years, bat due to a lack<br />

of money In the school dUtrtrt, this<br />

isn't always possible. Teachers<br />

receive 60 percent of their regular<br />

salaries when they go.<br />

<strong>The</strong> consensus among the<br />

teachcri Interviewed is that 'Jie ei*<br />

perknees sained from sabbaticals<br />

help* make the subjects they teach<br />

fresher and more lnterutir.| for<br />

their students.<br />

BvKcUkGan<br />

Three school spirit squads, the<br />

•»r*Jty cheerleaders, the vanity<br />

tung girls and the Junior vanity<br />

Ming girls, captured numerous<br />

awards Including a trophy for being<br />

the rnott spirited school croup<br />

that vMendcd a four-day-long<br />

chrerlea^ing camp held at Frnnu<br />

Slate College.<br />

<strong>The</strong> camp, whkh «» In sewlon<br />

from June 21-24. boited appro**<br />

Imately JSO cheerleaders and song<br />

glrlt. It served as an Instructional<br />

umlnar by combining lessons in<br />

chcerleadlng techniques with<br />

friendly intenchoUstic competition.<br />

"Camp was a tot of fun.** en*<br />

thuscd vanity cheerleader Usa<br />

Wong. "We learned pyramid forming,<br />

partner stunts, and mat.,<br />

new cheersl" she stated.<br />

Each night, all of the squads<br />

were evaluated on what they had<br />

learned that day. Those wlfh the<br />

best routines won spirit stick*.<br />

whkh were red, white and blue<br />

sticks with the Initials of the Na*<br />

tioeal Cheerleaders Association<br />

(NCA)onthem.<br />

<strong>The</strong> varsity cheer kaden and the<br />

varsity song girls both won five<br />

stkks apiece, and the Junior varsity<br />

song girls won two stkks.<br />

Angte Artemoff. a vanity song<br />

girl, attributed <strong>Lowell</strong>'s success<br />

partially to the fact that I!M squads<br />

came prepared, since they had attended<br />

chectleading c«rnp before.<br />

No swim class annoys seniors<br />

ByCaroUaeL**<br />

A question voiced by many<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> wafers ibis semester is why<br />

lure <strong>Lowell</strong> xwinmlcg courses<br />

been dropped when there are<br />

many who must learn to swim as a<br />

requirement for high school<br />

graduation?<br />

<strong>The</strong> principal reason for the<br />

cancellation of swimming courses<br />

is the S900 million cut from for<br />

educational budget bjr the governor<br />

of the Suit of California.<br />

Six teaching positions at <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

have been eliminated due to the<br />

budget cutback, and this accounts<br />

for the lots of 30 classes whkh<br />

were available during the 1982-83<br />

school year.<br />

Dr. Alan Flbbh. Lo» " principal,<br />

staled, "We have anew.,<br />

to minimize the impact ui<br />

budgetary restraints on students,<br />

yet the fact still remain* that we<br />

cannot do the same things with<br />

less money.**<br />

Flblsh explained that, as the<br />

principal of an academic nigh<br />

school, be Is obligated to offer lo<br />

the students aeademk courses that<br />

are requited for college admtsilon.<br />

Seniors who are concerned<br />

about the swimming class<br />

cancellation must realize- that Ihey<br />

are only guaranteed four sollrii. he<br />

noted. It was a privilege to have<br />

additional courses, such as swimming,<br />

offered In previous years.<br />

tut now the school system cannot<br />

provide the resources to maintain<br />

train classes.<br />

•\11 scnlon who cannot swim,<br />

especially those planning early<br />

graduation, should not delay<br />

i-nrofling for swimming instruction<br />

jutslde of schocl. utilizing community<br />

resources.<br />

Although there is a possibility<br />

•wlmming may be offered In the<br />

spring wmeticr. this cannot be<br />

guaranteed, ccrordlng to Fibish.<br />

Fiblsh candidly commented, "If<br />

additional money was isiued for<br />

the school budget, it would be used<br />

u hire a new biological ickncc<br />

teacher, rather lh«n fund a iwlraming<br />

class."<br />

Lack of funding delays library expansion<br />

**•<br />

ByMcUnlefUmc*<br />

Due to the lack of funds, the<br />

library expansion and rcmodelit*<br />

originally planned lasi spring has<br />

been delayed.<br />

According to Dr. Alan Flblsb,<br />

principal, the school dUtrkt had<br />

plans to pay for the expansion<br />

from funds obtained from the sale<br />

of surplus school property.<br />

Fiblsh stated, "Last spring an<br />

auction was held, and no bldt for<br />

the property were made."<br />

"School official* an working on<br />

changing the zoning of the property<br />

in order to make It more<br />

salabk," Fibish further explalncu.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> Parent-Teacher<br />

Association (PTA) has plans to<br />

make a direct appeal to the mayor<br />

for library expansion fuotl*.<br />

Library construction cannot<br />

take place until the school property<br />

has been sold and funds become<br />

nvaUabk.<br />

Funding problems havt bcreav<br />

** statewide when a ma}or education<br />

appropriation bill was vetoed<br />

by Governor George Deukmcjlan.<br />

"Htd It (the bill) passed, it<br />

would have contributed nearly<br />

5900 million to public education. 1<br />

Fibish pointed out.<br />

Three <strong>Lowell</strong> spirit squads enjoyed life at camp.<br />

She maintained that their success<br />

resulted from their pep and drive.<br />

Junior varsity song girl Mirny<br />

Mares added that besides allowing<br />

them to bone up on the<br />

mechankal skill* of ehe«rle«

Enfiiih<br />

Awltma<br />

Pip 5. TV Lmnll, October 7. JttU<br />

•NEWS<br />

Andersen, Perelli join <strong>Lowell</strong> staff<br />


Jacqueline Andersen, a ntw addition<br />

to DM EnglUh Depart men i.<br />

cam* to <strong>Lowell</strong> after teaching at<br />

Uacolo High School for IB years.<br />

Bom In Idaho. Aitderscn went<br />

to college in Utah and graduated<br />

at Sao Frmncbco State with an<br />

Engllih mi{or. Both her love for<br />

read leg and her care (or the<br />

EnglUh language helped her<br />

decide to leach EnglUh.<br />

Andersen came (o Lovcil<br />

because ihc Deeded a change. She<br />

(clt that IS yea-i In one place was<br />

long enough.<br />

Treating itudents as human beings<br />

In order to get her point<br />

across b Important to Andersen.<br />

"My mMt precious moment* as a<br />

3J teacher are those moments when<br />

I g tfcc student comprehend). HU or<br />

!*• her face lights op. and I can see<br />

It." the explained.<br />

Anderses ts a proud mother of<br />

four grown daughters and she also<br />

I has three granddaughters. Her<br />

C special interests Include contlnuous<br />

reading and making hooked<br />

nip.<br />

When asked what Impressed her<br />

Storage room set Maze<br />

By ROM Chang<br />

During the summer, a fire broke<br />

out In the storage area located in<br />

Room 154. causing some JIT.000<br />

In damages.<br />

According to Barbara Render,<br />

assistant principal, the fire, caused<br />

by faulty electrical wiring, was<br />

confined to the back portion of the<br />

supply room.<br />

Around noon-time on Juru 28.<br />

who the automatic sprinklers and<br />

tbrr fire alarm went off. Joyce<br />

, Lyons, cfflc* secretary, hurried to<br />

UM storage ru>m. "1 MM to check<br />

and the hallw«y leading to the supply<br />

room vu filled with smoke.**<br />

recalled Lyons.<br />

A little later. Lyons phoned<br />

Render to Ititorm her of the fire.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n 1 came over to evaluate the<br />

damage.** commented Render.<br />

Render estimated the damage in<br />

the supply room to be about<br />

SI 2.100. Some 13* boxes uf<br />

mimeograph i>apcr. coiling approximately<br />

14.000. were either<br />

bunted or damaged by water.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> paper* can't be used in thr<br />

Xerox machine because they have<br />

been dampened and won't stay flat<br />

In the machine." explained<br />

Render.<br />

Most of the damage was caused<br />

by water from sprinklers. "Thanks<br />

to the sprinklers, there wasn't a lot<br />

of fire damage." said Render.<br />

Since the sprinklers ran through<br />

both (he supply room and the<br />

bookroom. which was adjacent,<br />

many foreign language books suffered<br />

water and mildew damage.<br />

Mildewing occurred when paper<br />

products got wet and were kepi In<br />

• poo-ty venltd arc* lor a period ol<br />

tlm*-<br />

'.lender hopes that the tchool<br />

«ill be reimbursed for some ol the<br />

damaged paper. "We'te spent thi*<br />

year's budget on fettling new<br />

books." she eiplained.<br />

Estimated damage in the<br />

bookroom was "roughly around<br />

55.000**. according lo Chtrmion<br />

Morse, bookroom assistant.<br />

Some of in< books damaged included<br />

140 Uitnf r Vo used in<br />

Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 clawe*<br />

and I'M level one books used in<br />

both Mandarin 1 and 2 classes.<br />

most about this school. Andersen<br />

explained how <strong>Lowell</strong> satisfied her<br />

dearest wbh: "I've always wanted<br />

io have students who really want to<br />

•earn and **ow I dot"<br />

Math teacltcr Wmdi Perelti has<br />

also became a member of the<br />

teaching staff al <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

A former alumnae of the old<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>. Perelti was born in Hawaii<br />

and raised in San Francisco. She<br />

attended Sun lot d University with<br />

French as her major and math as<br />

her minor.<br />

Perelli has taught al various<br />

schools In the city. She came lo<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> because she needed to more<br />

on to a different type of environment.<br />

Pereltl feels thai she has to go<br />

faster than she b used to in order<br />

to cover ali that the student* a!<br />

Lovtcll want to learn. She lecls lh«the<br />

students are "T^ c%*,.* to<br />

learn. 'When f walk 'nto a<br />

classroom, everyone is there, ready<br />

tor ne," *h- stated.<br />

Outside of teaching. Perttlt h»*<br />

many Interests Inciudinr lu.^iiitj.<br />

tinging, flaying the plan?, travel*<br />

ing. and publishing math<br />

ma*?rfaU which she has had<br />

distributed natton-wtde. She ts<br />

also the mother of two grown<br />

Perelli went* students lo feel<br />

that they can have a good time<br />

while they arc learning ,.->»&. "If<br />

the students are afraid of iu*\h. I<br />

want to help '-beat lo be less afraid.<br />

I want lo *how them that It't fun]"<br />

Ninety-three percent pass 1983 AP exams<br />

By Jonathan Alberts<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> students passed 93 percent<br />

ol all Advanced Placement<br />

exams taken in 1983. mixing last<br />

year's tasting percentage the se*<br />

cord t.jhcsi since 1968 when 100<br />

perceri of the 151 exams taker*<br />

TTt passed.<br />

Two hundred and fifty-six<br />

students look a total of 393 A.P.<br />

exams. Of these tests. 367 were<br />

passed with a score of three or<br />

higher.<br />

Advauccd Placement exams.<br />

which dcttrm'oe whether or not a<br />

studrat fHonld be given college<br />

credit for advanced courses he has<br />

taken in high school, are scored on<br />

a grading scale of one through<br />

flv«. A score of three is considered<br />

fpy most colleges to be the<br />

minimum for pasting, although<br />

tome will accept a score of two.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>, compared with other<br />

ichoott across the nation, oilers a<br />

wider variety of A.P. courses in<br />

fields such as English, math,<br />

nil lory, science, language, artand<br />

musk. A total of 15 different<br />

A.P. exams are olfered with multiple<br />

tests In subjects such as<br />

English and hUtory.<br />

<strong>The</strong> success of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s A.P.<br />

program is dje to a combination<br />

of different factors. <strong>The</strong>se factors<br />

Include Board of Education tup*<br />

port for adequate teacher pr-^j-' - I<br />

•Ion time, the selected student*, j<br />

that go f> Lovell. the modular j<br />

system that allows nuderts to ;<br />

create an Lidl»Mu»:i.ed schedule,<br />

the longer than usual class time involved<br />

with most A.P. classes, and<br />

the honors program leading up to<br />

these classes.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lop achfc-ven. although<br />

their names have n.M been released,<br />

include two students wto took<br />

debt tests each, three w).j touk<br />

seven, and one student who :ook<br />

lii of ihc ciams. <strong>The</strong> more exceptional<br />

of these students passed<br />

tlicir tests with icores of all lours<br />

andfHes.<br />

New policy will affect teenage drivers<br />

By Kltt Grant<br />

On October 1. » nm provisional<br />

driving Itccnte l*w went inio client.<br />

Ttm Uw .ill tiled thou-nd»<br />

of ir>*>' (en who were hoping to<br />

get . .r licenses.<br />

This new U« states that minors<br />

between the agci of lb and 18 will<br />

no lo*.gcr be able to receive permanent<br />

driving licenses, but instead<br />

will be Issued provisional licenses.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Department ol Motor<br />

Vehicles u;* the reason 'or this<br />

new law Is the alarmingly high rale<br />

of accidents among teenage<br />

drivers. With this law. they hope<br />

Welcome back dance is 'Madness 9<br />

Tic S AB held lu «lcom. back

fc*<br />


.'•-•;'.: SyAUaChtn -<br />

'*• Po&tkal aciHih a f*n ol life<br />

-wiih which Ve alt mutt live.<br />

• Whtt!«r it be to Kliool. on the<br />

Job, cy-In Uw Some w< art ill i»-<br />

: tected' by .the worttlnes of the<br />

political STIIMTI. ' ,<br />

In tb»i KIM of <strong>The</strong> LewtU. staff .<br />

nembcrs bav« located on a<br />

jwllilc--- took, which affects all<br />

tturfau..iMl Toe qtuilry of their<br />

WtMTtkra — ib* otiU made In the<br />

f<br />

A look at lb« effects of prmnt<br />

and past budpt rou OH a nDmbtr<br />

of department* at LQWTM mil help<br />

to Qtostrat* tow tba financial prop<br />

Mem* affects everyon*; in the stu*<br />

tebd<br />

la the battle to balance the stale<br />

budget, the Dcukmejtan ad*<br />

mlabtrallon chose to make educa*<br />

tl*» on% ol -.he victims (n lbs new<br />

fiscal yrar.<br />

<strong>The</strong> artklns on this page show<br />

how <strong>Lowell</strong> b coping wilh decreasing<br />


Dirid Bowit'l latest album, tell O«n<br />

TJw Lomll. October 7.19V<br />


Bowie is back - better than ever<br />

By Effci Bnumsatr<br />

No more Alajdln S«nt. Nn<br />

more Zlujp Surdun. Nn more<br />

Thin White Duke.<br />

Whni Darid Bnle gavt hb lut<br />

North Amerkan pci'ormance on<br />

Scplrmber 17 at the Oakland Col.<br />

Itcum. the only character he -jor*<br />

traj«d this time around w«t hit<br />

»n true wll.<br />

With hb blca:lxd. almost<br />

noornrtnl hair, sparkling l«:8i.<br />

bruntcd fate, ami a Ilsbt blue mil.<br />

D a sjmbol ol etecance.<br />

imaus ll* illlr coslurars. the na(-<br />

•jcr»'»M raaie.u;* and \hr affutcd<br />

POMS wlkh madr hira lamou><br />

Miller b hh career. -<br />

Sort! Performed (or itn, hour,<br />

to a rellirr diverse crowd ot about<br />

JS.OOO. Men ot the audience •••<br />

In tbe midio-Uif Jo*s J p brjeket.<br />

and there »ere a fair number ol<br />

trendy teenagers ami rowdy p'jnl<br />

rockers'<br />

Tbe smell. alltactHre itaie eai<br />

•>»'?>• and .ll.er and wai<br />

decorated with lon|. delicate<br />

itrearam ft cfcar plastic «hkh<br />

h ihm I hey<br />

could lUtcn ductd<br />

by Hill Graham. aUo In*<br />

eluded ifct tnukic of Ihe froup*.<br />

Madonk. Tbe FUi. Oinpo Boingo<br />

and <strong>The</strong> Thompvin T» inc.<br />

<strong>The</strong> crowd uat> moitlycompowrd<br />

of ictnagen from Ihc bay area, in*<br />

eluding many LowrJI tiudrnt*.<br />

Whtn «tkctl about (he concert.<br />

LimcllU-: Ellen Weincr replied. I.<br />

«*s rcrv trendy, and It wai a really<br />

jounucrowd.' Alirunt oerynncal<br />

ihe concert wat of the W» Rcnetjlion,<br />

and ihcy came to -tec per*<br />

fomimof thc»O'».<br />

All of the band*, which perform*<br />

cd are popular iiccwaT-c'roc*<br />

Creep*.<br />

<strong>The</strong> thompwn T*fn-t were 'he<br />

lint to come on tugc. Un*<br />

forlunalsly. neither Ihcy nor the<br />

Vfo^iMlPf iroup, Oinjo B^ingo.<br />

had *n approprialf tound intern<br />

for the ColiMum uadiuio. Tbcir<br />

rocalhli »CP: ":.. ol the stage.<br />

^dh<br />

;•£,£; '' ^audlrncf^<strong>The</strong> majority ot the tu*<br />

[/."'•S>V: *"' diencepild tittle attention to their<br />

"".•&"• "•-"performance* and vreirteii to»imp*<br />

*?:-•_ L *-ly be -Aililrt; (or Thj Police'*<br />

tbow. - . . ' . . •<br />

xTTue mile** audknee vu forced<br />

kv^y^f^'^'walt e»cn longer «* tiro more<br />

l^ftjg^: 1 ^ bM.'lvMadDeii.«indTh.':' trnn«l befw TV Police. l*cccj»i*<br />

tlaa nf thew bacdt jra* ircpnntil<br />

v«w itwn cf tiie prw-jout pr?-<br />

•^.'lortncfi. r- ^, : ..-•„ r .. .<br />

L ^-Toi«irds,ihe fitd.ol <strong>The</strong> Flx*'«<br />

»d (Kcune very<br />

ro«dy and began to throw flattened<br />

cups into the air as if they were<br />

friibcct.<br />

<strong>The</strong> hour Interval preceding <strong>The</strong><br />

Police's grand entrance *a-"- one ol<br />

mo .niint£c«dlemeni.<br />

Ti>« stale SITKII of -.make, from<br />

bulh cigarettes and marijuana,<br />

mingled witlh bodily s->eat caused<br />

hy the(Jidegn-i" heal.<br />

With Ihe fnmincv.il <strong>The</strong> t*olke.<br />

howcier. the das cf waiting nnd<br />

mediocre performance* was toon<br />

forgotten amid flashing colored<br />

spotlights and the opening song,<br />

"Synch ronktiy One."<br />

Lead singer. Sting, guitarist Andy<br />

Summer, ind drummer S'uart<br />

Copclaml presented a high energy<br />

show, filled with tremendous audieiiee<br />

participation, including a<br />

challenge to ihc audknee to be<br />

louder than the audience in Lo*<br />

Angelei.<br />

"You are so loud that the people<br />

in Lm Angeles got pissed-off from<br />

all the noi«f" eicUimcd Sling.<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir perform*nce included<br />

new and old songs. With a special<br />

cniphaiH on their new album<br />

"S>nchronlclly.'* <strong>The</strong> Pottre per-<br />

.formed inch hit* as "Wrapped<br />

Airund Your Finger." "Esen<br />

Breatn You Take." "Kinu ol<br />

Pain." and "Murder U><br />

Number*."<br />

Some old (atonic* tncloded<br />

"Walking On <strong>The</strong> Moon."<br />

•*Me**age In A Dottl;."and "Ko\anr.e<br />

**<br />

H%cr>«hcfe people were dancing<br />

and \inrjni: along. "I «j« rcalh<br />

imprnicd. I didn't expect to like \i<br />

that much, but they «err Trine!"<br />

e*>pre*%ed <strong>Lowell</strong> venior Ann Huppen.<br />

Three *ideo wreenv ga*c the au*<br />

diencc a clo*e-up of the action on<br />

stage. Mm: people *ccnu-d to en- .<br />

Joy thh intunation. Hv-mr.tr. one<br />

ci>nccrt-goer disagreed. *a>ing. "I *<br />

think the purpose of going to ;<br />

concert ft to hear the music and JJ<br />

• aich the actual people. <strong>The</strong><br />

KTven only takes awtj from ••ui."<br />

<strong>The</strong> group'* one encocv consistcd<br />

ol a 12 minuic rendition ol<br />

"Can't Stand Losing You."<br />

<strong>The</strong> croud could not *ecm to<br />

stand losing <strong>The</strong> Police and so<br />

cheered on. hoping the mutkUnt<br />

would trappcar. RcJti/iOj; there<br />

would be no more song*, people<br />

left the ttadium rclucunth.<br />

Oat On <strong>The</strong>-Uicen'.twasincr.<br />

Photography by<br />

Frank Castro and Maureen Foster<br />

Custom Student<br />

Portraiture<br />

(Student Discounts) '.'.'<br />

244 West Portal Avenue 681-1818 ,<br />

A fan showt of f hi» PoUcc concert T'thlri.<br />




PLUS up 10'28<br />

ol custom options FREE1<br />

Plus Full UiJtlnu Warranty<br />

dtoniMtownMa.ll ttS4VX<br />


Ttft It, Tbo UwO. Octobu- 7. IM)<br />


Trumpeter Marsalis shines<br />

ByDaridfoaci<br />

Me bu been railed. * MM of the<br />

brightest protpcen for it/*.*' tod.<br />

M jior symbol lor the new ncc. and opera<br />

perform tt.cei are ava/iabU<br />

through agencies «uch as the San<br />

Fraf>£>wo Tkkct Bos Office Scrvj«<br />

(STBS) «rv) the Anerkan<br />

Conservatory <strong>The</strong>atre (ACT).<br />

r j rBi, located nn Stovktin*<br />

itrett between I'OHI and Ccaiy<br />

Streets an-J directly across fnrni<br />

Maiden '.stw. ollcrv h*ll price<br />

tkkcts "o the public lor scltvtco<br />

performing an* events.<br />

<strong>The</strong> bos office h open from 12<br />

noon to 7:30 p.m. on Turvlr.yv<br />

Wednesdays, and Thundayt ...id<br />

lrt>m 12 noon toS p.m. on Fridays<br />

and Snturd«)v I*, isctoted on Sunday*<br />

and ?'*ndan.<br />

Dhrouni Uc>.CH arc *old al tbe<br />

Tlcke. Doi OlfW Service oa tbe<br />

dty ol performances. Half price<br />

ticket! for Sunday and Monday<br />

STBS b tontod on Slockloa StraM ullsloa Sn<br />

to these events<br />

<strong>The</strong> theatre's pulley used to or<br />

to sell dbcount Ikketi ocz huttr<br />

before performance on the day of<br />

performance, but has recently<br />

changed to allow students to order<br />

half price tkkcts to any event a*.<br />

much in advance as desired.<br />

<strong>The</strong> offer is tubject to availability<br />

and probably won't apply to<br />

ACT*i presentation of Charles<br />

Dickons* <strong>The</strong> CltHitmz; Csro!.<br />

Discount tickets are limiud to<br />

two per studen: per event, and<br />

st'idents uust prrfut current<br />

\alid idcatifkation. Half, orict<br />

tkkcti are av.^wlc to college<br />

jtud'.nu as well as to high icSool<br />

and grammar school students.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ACT box office will *~r open<br />

ttrnln* October 17. <strong>The</strong> theatre's<br />

ftnt perfonaancr. Anas mad a<br />

M*v br George Bernard Stuw.<br />

wUlbtgla October 26.<br />

CKMH CHOW mnm<br />

vtnumnnmt ag.iHU<br />

Opera for kids<br />

By Sarah HodJoo<br />

When one bears the woid<br />

-opera.** one thlnki of "Alda**<br />

and "La Travlata.** At the Saa<br />

Francisco Children's Opera,<br />

however. fb« word takes en ft n*w<br />

For 30 yean the Chifc* ft'.<br />

Opera bas been producing cijlnal<br />

mnsk tftcsur vorki for audicaoa<br />

still young enough to cheer tor<br />

Santa CUus and his singing<br />

inowflakes.<br />

Dr. Norbert Gii, involved<br />

in the story. Sometimes it they see<br />

IU backstage after in* show,<br />

they're stfj) afraid of the Wicked<br />

Elf or the Bin Bad Wolf, but they<br />

lore to meet SanU Claus and<br />

Cinderella." she related. .<br />

Students rate films<br />

FILM<br />


rllii'illl'flHJt<br />

fa<br />

PASS<br />

EASyMOMEy<br />

^ ' • • " -<br />

mou»n./mnuo.n.iiD<br />

not atfiti<br />

SEEN<br />

IIO. %<br />

'Otal<br />

54<br />

44<br />

36<br />

31<br />

28<br />

27<br />

24<br />

22<br />

20<br />

17<br />

9<br />

52.9<br />

43.2<br />

3S.3<br />

30.4<br />

27.4<br />

26.5<br />

23.5<br />

21.6<br />

19.6<br />

lf..7<br />

8.8<br />

LIKED<br />

no.<br />

43<br />

35<br />

29<br />

20<br />

15<br />

11<br />

15<br />

5<br />

14<br />

8<br />

4<br />

%<br />

audlf-'ncc-<br />

79.6<br />

79.5<br />

80.6<br />

66.7<br />

53.5<br />

40.7<br />

62.5<br />

22<br />

70.0<br />

47.0<br />

44.4<br />

Of the 220 surveys sent to 12<br />

registries, 102 were tabulated, the<br />

results of which arc shown above.<br />

Some well liked, but less popular,<br />

films were "Fanny and Alex- *<br />

andcr, "Zcllg " and "Pauline at<br />

the (k'ach." Some equally popular,<br />

but disliked, films were "Eddie and<br />

the Cruisers," Now ajjd Forever,"<br />

and "Nightmares."<br />

: • • ' - • . • • • • • " .<br />

THIS SPACE |<br />

FOR RENT11<br />

Room 5 COCOLAT<br />

Trtnch iMtlm « ill* •k..»<br />

ik. ph,J<br />

!f« .'JO I J<br />

•Ion «illl<br />

unailil<br />

which<br />

•U W<br />

TravoSU<br />

t ttm<br />

bbckih<br />

olWein<br />

thenalb<br />

How<br />

oat. ml<br />

peopkh<br />

So, u<br />

oalmk<br />

uorin.<br />

u<br />

Octob<br />

OctOb<br />

Octob<br />

Oclob<br />

Ocn<br />

OcioJ<br />


B? Toyle Worthan<br />

Dante Lt • celebration of IHe:<br />

H"i the Inf a^rcssicu of • feeling:<br />

Uic physical rck.v- ot emotion.<br />

US also mak'mg • blc comebvk<br />

Ihliycir. • ...<br />

Dsnrc otcame a national oaseslioo<br />

»llh the release of tin 1977<br />

smash film 5«runl«r NJghi Fever,<br />

•hkh id olf a disco era»e. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

was no esuping ths "John<br />

Travolta" look, which consisted uf<br />

a three pleer while Vull* with a<br />

. black ihin. Ecoele.ing was a way<br />

of life and discos sprung «ip across<br />

the nation.<br />

However, bj the lime 1479 expired,<br />

dr. > was already on its way<br />

sol. am! by the middle ot logo,<br />

people had been discoed to death.<br />

- So. disco was given a prcper burial<br />

andwar-Uidtorsst.<br />

Enter a period of .--tor monil<br />

when dance w«> ca« atlde to tocos<br />

on Imh. ne«. held themes In the<br />

movies. <strong>The</strong>ac moles were based<br />

on bin beyool the stars, rllvoin<br />

and the slngl* prrent. wUd traternldes.<br />

love tuned teens, gbous in<br />

the secood and third dimensions.<br />

ftfc*. rferLew/1. October 7.19S1<br />

Dance, dance, dance.. .ENTERTAINMENT<br />

ranees from the gentility of ballet<br />

to the force of "breakers" and<br />

extra-tenvntrlah. and vtficen ma*<br />

rcmlemea — pan the hanker<br />

plea*. '<br />

Now. In 1983 the mood hai<br />

changed onr* again and dance Is<br />

back and better that, ever! <strong>The</strong><br />

resurgence of dance to 'S3 is<br />

phenomenal. With FlasJidance<br />

and StMjrln' Ali*c> people<br />

tveywhere are cauitht up lo the<br />

wave of moving to * beat.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se rootle* lw» contributed<br />

to America's new love affair wl'h<br />

dancing. Tney have grossed<br />

.mUUotu of dollars and in the proecu,<br />

haw pumped John Travolta's<br />

career back up and sky-rocketed<br />

Jennifer BeaU to super i tardom.<br />

FUtbduxe U * film set In • steel<br />

mining tewn where 19-year«ild<br />

. Alex Owea» (Jennifer Bcals) b trylag<br />

to fir.J happinen as a welder<br />

by day, and • danorr In a seedy bar<br />

b? night. With the help ot her<br />

bou/lover. Nick Hurley (Michael<br />

Nourt). Oweus findi the courage to<br />

dance her way Into a professional<br />

dance school. *<br />

<strong>The</strong> versatility of the daacc<br />

numbers la tbb film b awesome. It<br />

Upcoming events<br />

October 7 MEN AT WORK<br />

Greek <strong>The</strong>ater<br />

October 8 MEN AT WORK<br />

Greek <strong>The</strong>ater •<br />

October 8 LAKESIDE & THE S.O.S. BAND<br />

Circle Star <strong>The</strong>ater<br />

October 13 G1LDA RADNER<br />

Kevbst <strong>The</strong>ater<br />

Octnbrr 15-30 KOOL JAZZ FESTIVAL<br />

call 835-384° for information<br />

October 19 AC DC<br />

Cow Palace<br />

October 19 DIANA KOSS<br />

Oakland Coliseum<br />

November 6 COUNT BASIE<br />

Croat American Music Hall<br />

Woody Allen as Leonard Zellg<br />


intents ond Chadren's Wear<br />

aeenwctn<br />

Ownar<br />

rorc30O.«.<br />

(415I73I-M2J<br />

Jennifer Scales and Mkhael Nouri star inthe year's most popular<br />

dance fTtfl. flasndaace.<br />

BjrCtroiiscLM<br />

Critics have commented that the<br />

ABC-CBS-NBC nciwerks tune<br />

programmed the 19M-B4 season to<br />

be best In television history.<br />

lo put ywi Irtcvliion has<br />

disappointed many viewer, due to<br />

the Umlted Interest range of Hie<br />

profriAi offered.<br />

Many persons haw felt the only<br />

alternative they had fur receiving<br />

good v.ev.ng >vel**ctiont wit<br />

Uiro-Jltb the Pay TV fhannclf.<br />

For those who snare the mme<br />

pckiimisia toward the T\* prognmtulng<br />

fituation. critk* en<br />

courage. "Do not deipalr."<br />

<strong>The</strong> netoTurlu havt taken extra<br />

iffurl ihit Kiton Attrmpiinit lo *p.<br />

pcil to the multiple preference* n|<br />

the million* of TV »ir*t-r*.<br />

Povtibtj io*ne ot ihc fotKi«in|i<br />

proicramt will appeal to Inui!<br />

viewer inteteMv:<br />

ABC hat a ilighl eit^e in the<br />

battle between the network*<br />

acrobatic street dancing. As tar us<br />

dance b concerned, there's never a<br />

dull moment In this film.<br />

Su^ii' Alive b the long-awaited<br />

sequel to 5alunlar Nielli Fever<br />

and picks up where Fenrr left off<br />

six years ago-<br />

Tony Marcro (John Travolta)<br />

has moved to the "Big Cty H and is<br />

having a hard time of it. He's attempting<br />

to hold down a Job as a<br />

dance Instructor and bartender<br />

while attending cattle calls (dance<br />

auditions! for chorus lines. He too.<br />

has lor: interests. <strong>The</strong>re's the toyai<br />

girl trlcnd. Jackie (Cynthia<br />

Rhodes), who also had a rote In<br />

Flashdance. and there's the evU<br />

seductress. Laura (Floola Hughs<br />

of Cau). Through it an with the in.<br />

leme ferocity that he esudes in his<br />

dancing. T ravnlta ends up winning<br />

the hearts of Broadway and strut*<br />

tin{ his way to the top.<br />

And v.ilh Jaricrrise and aerobic<br />

dancing leading the current fitness<br />

crait. Si seems that Jance is<br />

permeating more and more<br />

aspects of the nallui'i interests.<br />

Fall shows spark appeal a • * •<br />

bftauu the Winter and Summer<br />

Olympic* will be airing on the Italian.<br />

This eJjtc «U1 tei>« to<br />

heighten ACCft ratings for the<br />

duration ol the 19SJ-84 reason.<br />

Airincoa Friday nigh I i U NDCs<br />

predicted luccr**. For Lore And<br />

Honor. <strong>The</strong> *hcw appeaU to e»»<br />

tiont. reflecttn; on the traumas<br />

and tore experience by young, airborne<br />

recruits.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Day After, scheduled ta ippcar<br />

on ABC. is Just on* of the<br />

many dnmit that the networks<br />

hare lined up for this fall. <strong>The</strong><br />

tho* tikes place in Kanui City<br />

during a nuclear attack and most<br />

likely will attract man appeal con*<br />

ttdcrlnft p«»pW*. in.ot.cmfnt and<br />

concetti in the nuclear W.uc.<br />

"Priccc**, l)jm" i\ A twit part<br />

moiif uup operj atntut a Kuisi.n<br />

ptiiicrtii wtto iini|E|ilr% in rrach lop<br />

vuriciyonMailiMin A.enue. JII ihe<br />

while, harboring a "painful<br />

r. starring En.manocl<br />

a new coucdy airing fr*<br />

day night* on tbe ABC network.<br />

<strong>The</strong> show basically appears, to<br />

be a remake of NBCs Ditltnai<br />

StrtJtn, which Involrrs the almost<br />

Identical tb-me of u black child<br />

being adopted Into a white family.<br />

E-ident In the thow b Lewh'<br />

"adorable quality." which it aixmt<br />

jll the vlrwert can eipect 10 depenrt<br />

en for k good laugh.<br />

Tint' In Monday NlghU on CBS<br />

as tome member* ot the original<br />

Sttih cai. return at civilians In a<br />

VA hospital in Mluouri. Decide<br />

for yo'irielf it Attrrmmth upholdi<br />

the qaallt>- ol former Mash pcr-<br />

Hmerjltt I'oint S.A.S. i\ »<br />

"'•«m." nr« \et'*n -m CBS M.MIua»<br />

nichls whu-h Uwnu* on ilie<br />

.t4U|:hlcn -ho h.<br />

i<br />

Allen humorous as Zelig<br />

BvGabrGifccblno<br />

Woody Allen*, latent mmie.<br />

Zctig. n A rrlnrihintly hurmrout<br />

ponrawl of a Hctioaal character<br />

named Leonard Zetlg, who hai a<br />

wterc identit* cri\iv.<br />

Allen tun a\ ZeliR. the ultimate<br />

conformUt who ha. the bi/arrc<br />

ability to change into *n> t>pc of<br />

penon he happens to he with. He<br />

t* jppropriatrlv nicknamed "tlie<br />

human chamctetm.**<br />

Set in the 20\ and JOV tlic<br />

*tory bcitin. with Uioit ol Ytli\: in<br />

hi. tarioui p.H*n a* & hUirV<br />

Irumpei plater, a Chin^-M.. » lat<br />

man. a Catholic cardinal .nil a<br />

ba*eb*ll pla\er. WtrJ of ZeliR*<br />

unUju? abiliv, ^ireadi. and he<br />

become* the tuhjeci of j huge invetii|tation<br />

led by many Oocton s\*<br />

tempting to analyze ihi\<br />

phenomenon. Mia brrbw, who<br />

Hamburger Specials<br />

9:30 a.m. to 6 .10 p.m.<br />

ltMIrrlagr-reet<br />

pla>t a %tral|:lil-lat.-ed psych i»t ml.<br />

ttthenuwt intrigued oi all.<br />

She bc|tin\ an mtemi.r treatment<br />

ot Zeliit and \\ %o tiuxewful<br />

that \hc ptvi overboard Zelip;<br />

become, detrim.net! to be unique:<br />

be hecomet am;re\\itc and in\!*t*<br />

vn in Ilia ing hi* ttcwrt on oerjone<br />

ctve.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lilrn retJto the c>nt.nupu%<br />

ailtenturet of 2-lt|*. movi of which<br />

are qu'te hutrtorrnn. <strong>The</strong> only problem<br />

with thr subject matter \\<br />

that it it one tpool catrietl a very<br />

Ionic «a>- Hitwoer. UIKC the film<br />

U a mere SO m.nule* Icnj*. it<br />

dorin't ni«c limv todr4|t.<br />

One benefit of hating the entire<br />

Him center «roun'l ur.e character \\<br />

thai it gitc\ Allen a chance to da a<br />

wUk varxt> ol uontlcrfnl impvrwsation-.<br />

Altcn poVcv fun -t all<br />

kind* ol people, rvpccial!.*- pom*<br />

pout one*, and the tlaptttck<br />

humor keepv one lau^hin); mmt of<br />

the Mme.<br />

Throujthout the film. » Brilith<br />

narrator IcIU the ttor? and certain<br />

famout |it*ctiojnal>ttt and writer*<br />

divcu^ their ihctmet of the Zclig<br />

rate in-belttrcn. the cammentarict<br />

mafce tl veem like a tcrtou.<br />

documentary whKh i\ humoroi.%<br />

b^cauve Zelig it a He I tonal<br />

character.<br />

Tbc u*e of oitl newt reel* and<br />

film chppinpt *plked into ihe film<br />

alui adds rcatiun to the dotumentaryaipevtolit.<br />

<strong>The</strong> dUlngu* In the mn. ic It »err<br />

w|tt>. and Atkn** actinu at u\ual<br />

N tuperb. <strong>The</strong> mo*w it etilctAining<br />


PROFILES 1<br />

McAdam survives despite obstacles<br />

By Stun Shin<br />

"1 like all sports, but I love<br />

anything about if.** cpthdtnt<br />

freshman Mark McAdam. »lw*U<br />

emklng history as one of tite fint<br />

special education Undents at<br />

Lo-.ell.<br />

This baseball fanatic decided lo<br />

ramc lo Lowtlt because of the<br />

school's fooo c.-pulallon "...and<br />

luckily tor me. <strong>Lowell</strong> could accommodate<br />

the handicapped this<br />

year.** he added.<br />

McAdam inKcrt from<br />

rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic wflamtnatoiy<br />

dhcasc that may attack<br />

any motctblc joint. Though it<br />

He was ioen given an Indi*ldualiz<<br />

ert Educctloa Program (1EP) interview<br />

o* teachers, psychologists.<br />

und psychoanalysts.<br />

"It (the IEP interview! tasted 2<br />

to 3 hour*, but the firat conclusion<br />

•4* that Lmncll wa» ri^ht for me,<br />

and I (.»» right, for <strong>Lowell</strong>." said<br />

McAdara, who is now<br />

mainstreamed Into all but one of<br />

his claim.<br />

Tic Ant week of schcol was<br />

realty tough.** hfconfettcd. "I was<br />

up late doing my hame»o»k<br />

bee* .ye I didn't know wtui to expect.<br />

But no* I've adjusted, and I<br />

think I'lldoO.X.**<br />

Because hit control cmr his<br />

fluctuate* in sew "f aming its vie* body moveni. -its is very limited, nit<br />

lire*. this seconu nost common parents. Robert tsd Dolores<br />

tjr* of arthritis is olten called the McAdam.* have in wtioel him<br />

"great crippkr."<br />

around to all his classes. His<br />

Altttcied by the disorder -u a retired father usually c..res for him<br />

baby, McAdara lut been in a at school — filling in until they<br />

wheelchair tlncc the age of fi«c. find a permanent aide.<br />

When asktd how difficult It was Sometimes during class, when<br />

accept log hit condition, he hj :an'i take notes fast enough.<br />

replied. 'It wasn't realty hard — McAdam will upe the lecture or<br />

not. when jou live with something dictate to hit patents and ha»e<br />

all your life, and you don't know them jot down the m ' s.<br />

anything else."<br />

Despite these difficult its. he en-<br />

Bui thb U one studT.t wh3 joj* vchool and finJs his leachrrv<br />

knot** plenty and It well qualified and fellow students lo be "really<br />

tor <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

nke."<br />

He relates that for the patt sit His mother ii also »cr> happy<br />

r**n. h* hat brcn «lih.v.icd In a with how well the situation has<br />

"tele-class" where, along with worked out.<br />

other children, he was taught all She pointed out thai she and her<br />

subjects by one teacher orer the husband "...trrat Mark like<br />

telephone. McAdam had even an)once!se."<br />

t'ttored tume of hit tellow McA lam responded wiih a<br />

classmates.<br />

grimace, "...even worse."<br />

W);h this unique cdurationjl As to his future plans. McAdam<br />

background, he be**' a tedious definitely wants to go to college.<br />

process In urdcr to gc him tell into He intends to major In science,<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>. He was not required to prcterablv computer science.<br />

, take the California Test of Bask llr noted. "I'm optimistic about<br />

Skill*, but all hi*, grades were life. I'm sure 111 survive one way or<br />

reviewed by admissions officers. anoiber."<br />

Silverstein - counselor and friend<br />

Who l» the man titling at the<br />

desk la rooro IC4 willing to help<br />

oat anyone Mho wrrwJcn In? Who .<br />

can be seen pitying tennis with a<br />

boy In a wheelchair?<br />

TTab. man Is Lee SUvenieio. the<br />

(pedal education teacher for<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>. •<br />

SQvenuia sUrted mocking at<br />

Lowctt b January, 19B3. A<br />

graduate of Washington High<br />

' School and San Frarchco State<br />

. ha hat tampt fpedat<br />

Mark McAdami and bin mother traverse tbc hallway.<br />

idei i\ to malnuream the han*<br />

dicappril »tudc«:t» into the rcifular<br />

proRiam." he explained.<br />

SiUcnulni U'^it cUu ha><br />

li»e iludtnu and hit unalletl clan<br />

Ratoncttuuml.<br />

c il»en«;n likct the almoiphere<br />

at Lceil. H! lindt thai the<br />

^ nudrntt at Lo.eil hare a (tood at-<br />

. j mude becauu they are motivated.<br />

.. He noted. "<strong>The</strong> tludemt ate »1U-<br />

-. mi to nuke tacrilicet for their<br />

~ educaatlon."<br />

He further commented. "U't<br />

tery rewarding \a «e improvement<br />

in your uudentt. especially to get a<br />

dlublcd ttudent back to grade<br />

Urel."<br />

He fetlt the ipecia! t • . . ton<br />

program at <strong>Lowell</strong> - ,-1<br />

tecaute "...the progr • . ,.<br />

ii et itudentt with . .-, nl<br />

J diubllltiet and handk-ac icr<br />

than just (rouplng t'.udenu ^h;i<br />

the tami handicap all tofe'her."<br />

Lail term, in addition to hit<br />

•otk -..ith the special education<br />

for 12 *ears<br />

• Jiools. Sanchez Elementry<br />

School. John Muir Elementary<br />

School, cod the <strong>The</strong>rapeutic<br />

Educational Center. (T.E.O. a<br />

behavior morUficatlon proc/ara for<br />

dhabkd student ages si* through<br />

fourteen.<br />

At <strong>Lowell</strong>. Slhersteln teaches<br />

English, history, and physical<br />

education lo handicapped<br />

_ program. SUterttein co-coachcd<br />

tit <strong>Lowell</strong> golf team with Don<br />

Baker. He hopes to do more<br />

coaching this year.<br />

Siltenain Uvet in San Francitco.<br />

It married, and hat two<br />

children.<br />

He joked. -When ] firM canr<br />

here I had pioMemi." referring to<br />

the "on, ame .>.\r, between<br />

Wathmtun High and <strong>Lowell</strong>. But<br />

students. For other subjects, the iudging tram his cnthutlum at<br />

•Undteapned students are taWcd<br />

Hih other <strong>Lowell</strong> students. <strong>The</strong><br />

Lo.,11 be seen, to ha pollen<br />

QTcrthhobiiacte.<br />

•a<br />

•a<br />

•a<br />

Special stud(<br />

87 Rick D«n»y<br />

tbopedieatty |<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re should be LO barHen to ai jrifled<br />

ttwj Sot pw lible educattac Wherr students<br />

bsnkn cant the/ sbMiM be If. toe <<br />

removed.** Tbia. expiates Trln- studenu u<br />

tipel Alan Rbbh. b Ihm aaderly die Special i.<br />

philosophy H lb« Special wUlpiv«idcl<br />

P l<br />

tca«Jicr for I<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are now tcvtn hittdicup- this teachr-1<br />

ped studeru attend Leg IAWCII — wO *ork «if<br />

four fmhmen. two j-opbo-nores. the cluui I<br />

and one *cnlor. In a *chcol of<br />

nearly J.000 ttudeoU. KT-Q vea't<br />

taking store j<br />

many, but It's up from two<br />

stu'Jenlt Utt semester aad none<br />

before thai.<br />

Handk*;<br />

mined tc U«<br />

same t<br />

Normally, th* baailVcappcd rise. <strong>The</strong> pc:<br />

ttnJcnlt take four regular classes oo a lourr<br />

and one (utorial'Styie cJau with scores) m<br />

special education irat'a.T Lee of the cua-'f<br />

SUverstcln. SUvrrstcin i*j\ th*t<br />

harinf more disabled uapils In<br />

regulai classes could change the<br />

way they'u- uughl. <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

tpectal r-Jucatkm scctioe l.^udn<br />

both .tadctiti who are or-<br />

Oacvtbri;<br />

hij;t» and<br />

-act the<br />

they *n Liter<br />

FIbisb. ani<br />

tht spec. ed.<br />

Competitor ij<br />

By Uly Lam<br />

"I love ttt" enthuses freshman Brad '.ay Ray doesa'l !%ei|<br />

when asked about how he likes <strong>Lowell</strong>. ferently because fc<br />

Ray totes hit classes, be enjoys the matter of faci. he ^<br />

freedom that the modular lyitcro gites to its dicap is a h<br />

students, and he hzi found it easy to make .^_<br />

raanj new friends at <strong>Lowell</strong>. '•&<br />

Ray Is one of the new handicapped.,'<br />

students who was admitted to <strong>Lowell</strong> this '; 10<br />

fall on the basis of bis academic per*<br />

formance.<br />

Ray was bom with splna blfida. a distaic .<br />

In which the spinal cord ami the vertebrae<br />

connecting' ihe cord lo the lower part of Ms .•". -<br />

body rvrrcr fully developed.<br />

As a result of this disease, he has United .<br />

use of his !„•£* and lias used a wheelchair *H<br />

ol his life.<br />

Yet. bring in a whccUhair doesn't pment •<br />

Ray Uen beinj active especially In his<br />

favorite past'iue — shorts. •<br />

AUJe from playinc. lootbaa. bastbail.<br />

and swimming. Ray's favorite cporn are v<br />

tennis, basketball, and i" particular, sUag. '<br />

So far. Ray has WOP three gold oedtlt in *"* :<br />

the rtglonals of handicapped ski raclof, and tj<br />

one gold and bronze medal In the N-*tonal * '<br />

Handicapped Ski Champtonship.<br />

Ray skis down the snow slopes In a sled<br />

device that rocmblei ft ka>ak and be Ma a. ',<br />

pair of poles to steer bis »ay around.<br />

- TTxre doesn't appear to be any sport that,'<br />

Ray Isn't interested in. but he ooted.**lkau *<br />

swiiat-iu.g...bu! | like taking showers."'<br />

Not only Is Ray an active parUrfpMl In ']<br />

sports, he It also a competitor In the ansuaJ<br />

San Franctsco Bay to Breakers. race -<br />

because, as Ray puu It. he wants "...totecp ! -<br />

in shape." - •<br />

During his free time. Kay enjoys ptaylng<br />

footbaU gamei. gating to the txacb. Utfteing •' ^:'-,\<br />

to upes

ystudents make history<br />

0<br />

be<br />

Pnu<br />

gudy<br />

M Special<br />

Mctt.<br />

wnrtWp<br />

ifaDOlot<br />

tbapMlcaiiy handicapped as well<br />

u lifted I drains disability<br />

ittufcmt.<br />

If. for example. <strong>Lowell</strong> enrolls<br />

itudcflts with hearing disabilities.<br />

th« Special Education Department<br />

wO proride an Itinerant bearing<br />

teacher for part of the dajr. aad<br />

this teacher and Mr. Silrerstein<br />

wIU «fl with the faculty 10 make<br />

the classes those studenU are<br />

taking more *ision-orient«J.<br />

Handicapped ttudents are ad-<br />

•ad none milted to <strong>Lowell</strong> by essentially the<br />

\ taioc academic criteria as everyone<br />

kftcapptd die. <strong>The</strong> point total (I.e.: grades<br />

jU'J on a tour*po!nt scale plus test<br />

scores) mutt be within a few points<br />

ct the cutoff for all itudentt.<br />

Once ibe applicants from Juafor<br />

high and altctnatire schooli have<br />

met the academic requirrments.<br />

ttiey ire interviewed by Silietttcin,<br />

Flbbh. and a representatife from<br />

the spec. tC. office 10 determine If<br />

they ire capable oi achieving<br />

satisfactory academic standard<br />

Slhentein and Flfclih plan :o<br />

•crept "boot lour qualMicd handicapped"<br />

Ircsbmcn eery year, the<br />

foal ol Ihe Special Education<br />

Department bring a total ol 15<br />

disabled students lor Lcaell s one<br />

teacher.<br />

Dr. Flblsh eiplalned that his eips'lence<br />

ol the lul lour pin ol<br />

U«ing • CIOM ixnonal Irlend ecufined<br />

to a arhctkhab. and a<br />

realisation ol the barricn laced by<br />

tiand:capptd people Ihrouth<br />

irarclin< with her. cauied him to<br />

puth lor the special education pro*<br />

«ram at <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Alter yean ol being relexatcd to<br />

•ocallcd "ipeclal Khooli."<br />

academkally superior handicappe«t<br />

students In Sau Francisco now<br />

ban Ihe same opportunity as<br />

olbcrs to gain Irani the ueneiits ol-<br />

Icred by LoweU's unique curriculum.<br />

ftitor in his own right<br />

lay Kay doesn't feel that [Topic treat him dit* He's very hippy, esciicd. and is lull of opfcrently<br />

because he's hantJkaf^cd. and as a Um l im and energy as he lrok% forward to hit<br />

flthe matter wf fact, he really doesn't feet his h«n- neat four \ears at <strong>Lowell</strong>, and for Brad Ray.<br />

f fu dkap U a hindrance to him at all. there's no limit to what he can do.<br />

^ * ^ !<br />

Bi%i tU} •orks at his tesab >aar.<br />

•a<br />

•a<br />

tll. <strong>The</strong> Until. October 7.1SUJ<br />


Gibson overcomes<br />

learning disability<br />

By B«.ir.-Yi Shin<br />

Cnrreti Gibson ti a well-rounded Lo»clli(ear.<br />

When he transferrrd into <strong>Lowell</strong> lait<br />

lenvntcr. he didn't *a»tc any time becoming an<br />

actr-c participant on the track team and placed<br />

third In the mile-run at the All-City Champion*<br />

ship. ThU temmer. he hat joinct! the crosscountry<br />

team.<br />

Gibton ts basically undiitlnguUhabte from<br />

other students, yet lie U classified at handicap*<br />

pcd. He is overcoming a learning duabilily for<br />

which he wai Identified in ihe seventh grade at<br />

Presidio Middle School.<br />

Lee Sitvcrstein. speclaT education counselor,<br />

nolo). "Gibson bad uken a series of intelligence<br />

tests wtikli certified him as a person<br />

of high intelligence. Uut. Gibson's learnieg<br />

disability prevented him from working in<br />

specific areas ol study at his potential.**<br />

Not until Gibsua attended Preiidio Middle<br />

School war; hi* learning disability discovered.<br />

Gibson says that he had "...bombed out in<br />

two specific classes — math i.nd social<br />

studlrV<br />

By seeking the guidance of hb counselors, he<br />

was placed in the special education program<br />

called the Learning Disability Group and<br />

receive*] private instructions in classes for<br />

which he bad problems.<br />

Garrett Cibsoo relaxes between classes.<br />

At George Washln«t?t High School, be took<br />

clauct that movt otner undents in hu grade<br />

look, but he periodically therked with it*<br />

counted *bout any problemi he might have.<br />

Lait semester, when <strong>Lowell</strong> *ai earmarked,<br />

to take on specia. education daises* several<br />

bright high school tiudtnu in San Francisco<br />

with learning disabilities were coauited about<br />

transferring to <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Gibson, i. junicr. was one at them, and be<br />

accrptcd. At <strong>Lowell</strong>, be was enrolled In regular<br />

lUises. When problems arose, be nceiv-ed<br />

special help. For Intlance, when social studies<br />

was idrn*incd as one of hii difficult subjects.<br />

SUverstetn uught him the course.<br />

Gibson said. "At first 1 was hciitant to<br />

transfer to <strong>Lowell</strong>. Since then. I've found that I<br />

like <strong>Lowell</strong> * LA better than Washington High<br />

School because Ihe atmosphere Is friendlier and<br />

the students are nicer.**<br />

"I'm »ery proud o' Garreil. He came In the<br />

middle of the school year and worked par*<br />

tkularly hard. Garrett hi* proved htasclf most<br />

admirably." said SUvcntein.<br />

Gibson revealed. "Special Education Classes<br />

were very beneficial to roe. <strong>The</strong> teachers were<br />

great' la seventh grade, 1 ccjWn'l even do the<br />

basic operalUtfis lo math. 1 received ooe-on>one<br />

tutoring in my difficult joursA, and now 1 realiy<br />

don't hate any serious problems.**

If!<br />

Sophomores can apply in (he spr-<br />

»• on!j. Membership requires<br />

sathlactory citizenship and :ht«^<br />

, A** sad one 0 as final grades for<br />

' admission. Fw semesters of<br />

membership with one semester ia<br />

Vlbc sealer year -ill rward<br />

student* with • CSF l-fr nvm»- ertUp,<br />

a (old pin. MM! honors at<br />

[3»~ • -<br />

grsdniUon. <strong>The</strong> orcialzatlon cn-<br />

- ctmrtfcs lervlca to the school and<br />

; has as its rootto, "Scholarship for<br />

t&::*.c. , Serrice.** Members take part In an<br />

annul regional coaf*rrac*. Ukt<br />

fkld vip». boil ochaet* vbiu<br />

. wtili other, schools, *Wt college<br />

"campuses;' and provide tutoring<br />

pr<br />

help Ic memben of *he LowiU Hd.<br />

deal bod*. <strong>The</strong> Seymour A»tn), a<br />

acboUnhlp award, b. funded la<br />

part by student members* eontttbutic^v<br />

J •.<br />

tft<br />

California Scholarship<br />

Federation -<br />

' Because honor rolls and oeant*<br />

lists do'o*-: V=U: at towel), the<br />

CSF - It the prime meant c(<br />

rtcufnU'wp - academic achieve-<br />

- num. Mro&*ship- b.open to<br />

tviihantercs. juniors, and seniors<br />

whj vMbfjr during the first three<br />

" Black Student Union<br />

<strong>The</strong> BSU «oiki lo build up support<br />

for back students at <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

and lo develop posUhe lmagc\ and<br />

oullooki •mofljt them. Sponw>rv<br />

are Sindm Mack and Joanne<br />

_Cr3eHos. For.ieven )t»n the BSU<br />

bis held in annual faOtlon »•<br />

travaitanfa nhkh ralm (undi for<br />

vhottnhlps for black itudtnii.<br />

Da«id Scoti U prttUlcni. anj<br />

' meeiinicv «re fccM on Wtdnc\*t*>^<br />

*; 330 In room U7.<br />

Chaverim Club<br />

Mtwhcri of ihK club Kate a<br />

cultural experience *nile having<br />

fun. Chi'eriin meant "Iriendt** ia<br />

Hebrew.' and friendt get logctrter<br />

to cn}cy varkmt acti* i:ic» lo learn<br />

about Judahm and I*racl. Sptmior<br />

. U David Rodittl. Lut year the club<br />

had (in Itraeli exchange tludent<br />

tpcak. held a canntd food drive.<br />

and ccUbratcd the ~hn!»da>« of<br />

Chanakah and Porim «tih pxitlet.<br />

Meeting ar- held on Thurv1a>\ in<br />

room 251 •( 3*30. A goal thK year<br />

H. to purchaw hook* by JHh<br />

auUtort for Ihe !it>rar>.<br />

Chinese Club<br />

'. CtttneicClub memben can be<br />

of any ethnic background who<br />

vim tc learn more about Chlnew<br />

culture. Social arthritic* are alto<br />

Imponani. Plant to do volunteer<br />

work in a Chinese hotplul are be-<br />

Irg dbcusicd. C-Oub members<br />

meet on Twewlayt In room 261.<br />

. ThKoiljhtl.mlbunMcn<br />

• '; ugdrau. alth~ijh anjooe -ho H<br />

—', Inlcmlcd can Join lo Irani more<br />

.: «boul Fllfptao ci>;nuc Ethnic<br />

'.." (ood talc* are held, and iwu dty*<br />

V; »U« dun an planned each<br />

French Connection<br />

<strong>The</strong> purpene of Hie French Connection<br />

U lo provide <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

ttudenu the opponunlty to learn<br />

ancarl* banquet » funded throui;h<br />

the wfe uf Haiibo Gummv Candv<br />

Bean.<br />

Italian Club<br />

II Italy aiouve^ >oo. to «ilt the<br />

Italian Oub. TTM club hat a |.a\ta<br />

tale ki<br />

t number of ;{ubs exbt at<br />

Lo*tU with somethini for al-nott<br />

every Interest and bobby. Thii «ticUt<br />

U devoted to making<br />

members of the student body<br />

aware of the many extra-curricular<br />

opportunltlr) oftered. SiudcaU<br />

are encouraged to read about the<br />

clubs and consider fctUni involved<br />

In one or more. What ?dUows H<br />

not Intended Whi complete Uu<br />

ot <strong>Lowell</strong> club-, 'lime constraints<br />

prohibited 77ie Lo**/f tlaff from<br />

conuctln| every known organlu*<br />

tion. We apok^a. f.•• ^ny whk;h<br />

*ere omitted becauie of the time<br />

problem.<br />

Forensic^<br />

For?n»ic» U <strong>Lowell</strong>** (vHc*t,<br />

mo%t continuous and. according<br />

to ipontor Sandra Bird, tnml \uc<br />

cet*lul orgKnuation. <strong>The</strong> group<br />

provide* an opportunity for<br />

*tudcnt» io compete In public<br />

*pcaVing. debate and student<br />

congre**. Succetiful *peakcn advance<br />

to Ihc *tate ant! national<br />

championthipt. President Jcil<br />

GaMn ttaled. "It** a great way U.<br />

Improve your speaking ability and<br />

lo ,pend vour weekends with a<br />

bunch of

<strong>The</strong> wen collected by staff<br />

irportcn Uly Urn. Toyia Worthuu.<br />

UirU Hem. Weuidy Wong.<br />

Aud> Thornton. Jennifer<br />

Letltla Chin. Denlsc<br />

Dwlor. and Peffy Wong.<br />

Aquarium Club<br />

^Sponsored by teachers Valerie<br />

;~vAI«xandcr and lames Cannack.<br />

f,*.-fl$ Aquarium Cub counts among<br />

V'lt : honorary "icobers Mayor<br />

^BOC Fdastcin and Sor/eni%or<br />

Elm** Resale. Club met-,ben get<br />

t to than W«a abo.il<br />

^ t » i ud tlih. jc ordlag to<br />

Sfe»rta!d«t Ala Wong.. <strong>The</strong> Fith<br />

•,Cinme." a newsletter U clr-<br />

JffctittBo' and lni-t"*»« new.', such as<br />

rK«: behind Ir-, -ma lour -tlbc<br />

; Aqaariotu last spring."<br />

Woe.dob meets In room 235 at<br />

H3w rrenr other Tuesday.<br />

Adventurers Club<br />

Originally the Fantasy role Play.<br />

Ing Game Club, tbt Adwiturers'<br />

Cub meets Wednesdays M 3:30 In<br />

room 2I7B. Presided Manly<br />

Romero says that thr riub Is based<br />

on admttmc througS role playing.<br />

Plans include fcoj sales and a<br />

quarterly newsletter.<br />

Adventure Alliance<br />

Thb deb offer* i variety JZ «JIdoor<br />

activities to <strong>Lowell</strong> studmt*.<br />

Though llviy einpli alxe beekp*ck«<br />

bf. t,1e AIUviiv menben the<br />

ukeY*rt la sailing, camplns. *M*<br />

rock* limbing. Basic equipment It<br />

praWird by the club. Including<br />

trmnsportatlon and adult tupervi-<br />

(415)333-4883<br />

Jocwn Awmue. San Fnnaaca. Ca. 94132<br />

Beatlemania Club<br />

II tb« mmlc of John. P«ul,<br />

Ringo. and George tickles your<br />

lancy. lltcn you thouIJ >hulfl« mtr<br />

to the Q.airfinanl* Ou!.. Formed<br />

by Romualdo and M.-y Jii.r Sanctwi.<br />

co-preiidentv. the club It<br />

tpoiuorcd bji Ur.d* GrocJ.ih1.<br />

M get together to enjoy<br />

muUc of the put through record*<br />

ind movin Rnd generally h»*e a<br />

good time.<br />

Physiology Club<br />

Members participate in such activities<br />

as dbectlne preserved cats<br />

and testing toothpaste tor<br />

abraslvencss and foamlnets.<br />

Memben are thinking about<br />

chaajinc the club's name to the<br />

Rtology Club to attract more<br />

memben who are familiar with the<br />

name.<br />

Boys' Drill Club<br />

ROTC imtructor Mack Yoihida<br />

teaches students how to work with<br />

tliei. bodies and rifles to specialized<br />

drill patterns. Members take<br />

t*an in various school events and<br />

competitions. Commander Meltln<br />

Bel! acbims. "Challenge jourwK<br />

lo new heights, physical fltnrvt.<br />

discipline, and an appreciation of<br />

what tht, military has to offer you.<br />

To IK a member of the club, one<br />

must be enrolld in an ROTC<br />

claii.<br />

Chess Club<br />

Another ol the older clubs at<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>, the Chess Club is being<br />

sponsoml this year by Donald<br />

Murray. Members raeet on<br />

Fridays at 3:30 in room 267.<br />

Camcs are set up bencen players<br />

who are at about the same skill<br />

ktel. OutKilscbool competitions<br />

aic also slated.<br />

Comic Book Society<br />

TT.ii fairly new club bring*<br />

together comic book Unen to<br />

iharc common interests in this<br />

A-nerican art form. Members<br />

haunt comic book ttorcs and take<br />

pan in comic book contentions.<br />

<strong>The</strong> contact person is John Blstctt.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> teacher and student<br />

government advisor.<br />

Pag* U. n»> Umtll. OmbK 7. JMJ<br />

JWURE<br />

Film Society<br />

Members enjoy watching and<br />

discussing motion pictures —<br />

Hassles and short films. <strong>The</strong><br />

irxnle-maUng process Is reviewed,<br />

and acting styles, production<br />

values, and photograph; are<br />

cvaulatrd.<br />

Model UN<br />

Students who are Inleretled In<br />

the world situation ami world<br />

poUUcs can Join IhU group. Presl<br />

dent Sarah Hudson says that the<br />

club umben will take pan in<br />

conferencus with other schools and<br />

will debate world Issues.<br />

Understanding other political<br />

systems h a function of the<br />

organ 'ration.<br />

Math Club<br />

learning and having fun are the<br />

goals o( the Math Cub. Memben<br />

oiler help in math to anyone *ho<br />

needs It. Meetings are oa Fridays<br />

In room 273. Math contests and<br />

main-related garnet take up parlldpantV<br />

time.<br />

Pre-Med Club<br />

tltpotunr to the medical field U<br />

ihe purpote of the Prc-Med Club.<br />

Anyone thinking about medicine<br />

a. a career i. encouraged ID join<br />

the orKariUatlon. Gue%i ipeaken<br />

Irom *»rioui aipectt of medicine<br />

come and tpcak lo Hie member*,<br />

and field trip* are taken to a<br />

number of medical ccnien to learn<br />

fint-hand what h |joing on In the<br />

medical field.<br />

Computer Club StZTfleet Command<br />

To? vinous use* of computers<br />

are studied by members, of this<br />

club. <strong>The</strong>y help teacher* and<br />

students learn how to use the com*<br />

pulcrs owned by the school in<br />

mom 3W. Memben share their<br />

computer programs through the<br />

club's o*n "Program-of-the-<br />

Month." participate in computer<br />

fairs, and hold discussions on what<br />

various Individual* are doing with<br />

their computen.<br />

Film Score Society<br />

Oiu oi the whool'i newest<br />

clubs, the Film Score Society<br />

memben Uitcu to the reccrded<br />

musical seurts oJ motion pictures<br />

and ditoiis the procc«e* involved<br />

and the effectiveness of the mutic<br />

In a movie setting.<br />

Sandi Murakami<br />

fMAen Wonq. touj Kong, Cotvin Psrig, Jott L«m,<br />

Pom Newton, Emitine. Contnouu, Us. (io^tcifiue,<br />

Gonz, iMa Leung, LamUe. Leung, LeJUXia. CKin,<br />

HatUko Haiuoka, ValuUs. Fong,~ KaJien V.rmbe,<br />

Joni Ha^ata, JUfee Vagi, Joaiinc Low, l/^xi Hong,<br />

Vave, Inouyi, and Kevin Worw<br />

Here, one can meet with athen<br />

who are interfiled in ah atptxts of<br />

Kicnce-riction. Member. v« ici-fl<br />

moTies, play space simulation<br />

gimes. attend sd-fi ronvectioas.<br />

and gel th- *coop 03 sri-fl trivia.<br />


From Wast Germany<br />

at Gifts Unique<br />

Door Pic«$ and Bonus Prim<br />

Cooe and >rtew tft« Jumbo U«rry<br />


Oclo»tr7 IMJ<br />

Basketball Club<br />

Ihb organization I* sponsored<br />

by Joanne Cantttos and Atfirde<br />

Jordan. It provides member* the'<br />

oppor*uah> .0 pUy basketball<br />

competitively and haw H lot ol (un<br />

w to the process. President B>ron<br />

I Lrc say* that • gcat U to itart a *<br />

1 co-td Intramural basketball*<br />

* kague. Tbj group irecu oa Mon*<br />

dajs at 3J0 In room 249 aod>X><br />

rKbedolcs games throughout U» \<br />

Abknermal<br />

Volleyball Club.<br />

This club was formed last year<br />

. by' i group of *T>l)eybatl team<br />

member*, pottntlal team'<br />

- m*mbcn. and team supporters In<br />

cuwcr to ribe mon«y for equip*<br />

ment and unUorm-. To date they<br />

ha*c been able to purchase new<br />

umlornu from the MIC ol food and<br />

catty? M«mbcnhlp b op*n to all.<br />

Volleyball Club<br />

- "Ttih club U lor people who apprrcUle<br />

the line art of playing<br />

Tolkjball.** statM D«nhe LcocB.<br />

an officer. <strong>The</strong> club ha* become a<br />

learning cce'ler-fur people who<br />

want to take up rollcyball ah thefr<br />

number^one iport. <strong>The</strong> ftroup<br />

rtponscft intramural tolteyball<br />

gxnes where prlxn can be *« on.<br />

Soccer Club<br />

<strong>The</strong> Soccer Club. tpouMred by<br />

ioccer coach EmlcFelbuKh. gWrt<br />

^ bi>lh the serious and recreational<br />

'weeer.player a chance to piaj<br />

.together..iKtramural panir* for<br />

, * both boys anil gtrli are fcaiuuil.<br />

' :••"» Pnppten A«ocUil».i con-<br />

..ha primirilj.ol .rrtlllnj lam<br />

rwobcnwlwhold load tates. help<br />

l t a c i<br />

x ! ! M n Si'Cl r l . sod d «fclt fcl<br />

Si l * t H«h.«o ComticKn (Horn..<br />

in wttr<br />

Jrmnunli. An maual Uidohoo<br />

»; b»nqu«t aln (ourcs the «»tr-<br />

5>'dijlhk •-• •<br />

Photography Club<br />

Familiar *Uh cameras or not.<br />

Ihe Pholojrcphy Club ollere<br />

itudcnit a chance to get together<br />

and kira thj ?rt of pnotogrMphy<br />

from one another. President Larry<br />

Suen plant to give lessons on how<br />

to operate 3$ millimeter cameras,<br />

and then lake members on field<br />

Uipt to ac'uall* use their equip*<br />

meat.<br />

Lame-O's Football Club<br />

ThU club's purpoM U tlmply lo<br />

provide opportunities lo pU> fort*<br />

ball. It could be catkd an outlet<br />

tor intramural football. Members<br />

play other clubs In football. President<br />

Hubert Horn offers a<br />

- challengeloanyolherclubtocompete<br />

agalntt ihc Lame O'I.<br />

Meetings are held after school on<br />

Fridays in room 140.<br />


Bike Cub<br />

Richard Belmour (room 114)<br />

spoors iLe Elke Club which<br />

toun such pUcct as Sauuillo.<br />

Mill Valky. UniU Mar. -iid Mulr<br />

Woods. Informtttoa oa srch tub-<br />

Jens u bike «fely, bike bargains.<br />

and bike rrpalr I* shared.<br />

Mcmtm take part In Co-<br />

Curr*cular Day and the Cardinal<br />

Carnival.<br />

Epsilons<br />

<strong>The</strong><br />

a sports activity.<br />

G. A. A./Block L Society<br />

<strong>The</strong> Group Athletic AsioclatJoa/Kock<br />

L Society requires<br />

membership in O. A.A. for at leas!<br />

six semesters to become a Block L<br />

member. <strong>The</strong> grvup *elU no* en<br />

and buttons and takes part In a<br />

variety of community and school<br />

tervke projects.<br />

Red Cross Club<br />

According to club president<br />

Mary Wu. this group's putpoie Is<br />

to prepare students to d>*l with<br />

crises. In addition, members<br />

become Involved in a number of<br />

worthwhile actl'ttln such as the<br />

Special Olympics, toy dil»c\.<br />

Woe! drives, health fain, the Bar.<br />

lo*Brcaken race, and CPR and<br />

tint aid training. Students gain<br />

experience* they coulJ get in no<br />

other way. Wu pointed out.<br />





UmCHI<br />


SAN ntANcuoo. CAur.-<br />

(416)681-6778<br />

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of the i<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

What 4<br />

•JauT<br />

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fajboaidf<br />

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KTceap<br />

Call :<br />

lour<br />

f I* tiff<br />


B<br />

O<br />

Machine shows versatility<br />

ByAuHnppcrt<br />

1 Computers appear to be the major<br />

Innnalbn of the HO's. But In<br />

the San Fnnctsco school district,<br />

computers have been lo use for<br />

more than 20 yean.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> has a terminal linked to<br />

the district's larfe computer In Its<br />

main office i,-mtown. and aecordlni<br />

to Principal Alan Finish.<br />

"We ha.e become dependent In<br />

m=ny wtyt on 'ills machine."<br />

Whereas ttHue city schools use<br />

the comptiM to make student<br />

class asslanraaiti, FlMsh feels that<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> stn> becauM ol our lack<br />

ol ciperleiice." Romero com*<br />

Anathcr compv;rr «tuilcnt.<br />

senior D

§i SOVERNMENr—' :— ...<br />

LEC oversees co-curricular functions<br />

It-<br />

Is.:,<br />

m.<br />

p.<br />

l<br />

•j Sun* CM* U4 **ttj WOBI<br />

* ,Tb« Loutl! EnmilhB Council<br />

(L£O raeoropw*ef'and o«un«i<br />

•UKO-currmU-rundloM an<<br />

bMidt. in mjmuibUllSn toelud<br />

"surrcyi-it ud mating ichoo! tcC<br />

rrader.Q' btferati ud nndi. cooiincrmg<br />

Ihc Ktldt«l. lund-roblci.<br />

and * •Molting lunjt lo co><br />

cicrlUi<br />

•fU reore" LBColfictn coniiit<br />

or UK LBC Chalr/Sludcnt Bi and<br />

Wcdneidari in their office. All<br />

ttudcnl govemmcnl meetings are<br />

open to erer-ronc.<br />

Mar. 16<br />

Apr. 27<br />

May IS<br />

lunel<br />

HAIR I<br />

30* ofl permi<br />

witiLcooard<br />

dtuillf Octutwr otfjl<br />


Calendar (Tentative)<br />

Spirit Week<br />

Halloween Dance<br />

Rallr<br />

Rally<br />

W;nterball<br />

Sock.Hop<br />

Rail;<br />

Rally<br />

Rallj<br />

Monte Carlo Night<br />

Rally<br />

Cardinal CarnWal<br />

I<br />

CurrktiUr Couotll {UX). Under<br />

a eourltutlc->i known u tb. LonU<br />

Chine'. lb« WX «u Ktmcd «itb<br />

the BCO. BSCS. utf JAB. <strong>The</strong><br />

Charter. »h«h w» dertloped and<br />

ranfled by Inuretted mdtnlribtra*<br />

Men ui irudrau. prescribed that<br />

goreromen* be expanded from lu<br />

TjifjnaJ composltloa ol 5-0 olflct-n<br />

so that a gmatvr perecnuaa ol<br />

snu-cnacould p«nki*uile.<br />

In 19SI. under Principal Alu<br />

Flbbh't mhloo ol Uw XVM<br />

the tCC hecuno Ibo LEC."<br />

BSCS manages<br />

I!<br />

clubs, rm. 246<br />

ByCarottmU*<br />

1<br />

><br />

Cnbs and societies arc so abundant<br />

at LowtU H||h School that,<br />

uny Lowetlttei canaoi<br />

dbticgulsh one grot? fmn<br />

another.<br />

OSCS studs for Board of<br />

School and Community Services.<br />

ThH group oryuoizcE tha multiple<br />

dubs wbkh provide service* to the<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> con.n1ur.lf7.<br />

To begin A BSCS club one must<br />

have 25 ^ people signed up,<br />

although onjy U acthre ncsibeVi<br />

an required to eoadoct bosln«s*.<br />

A well*inf ormed, &citva<br />

represenlathe of a BSCS club will<br />

take special effort to be present at<br />

evsry meeting which ts he^ by the<br />

parent BSCS.<br />

Club representatives listen<br />

carelulh; at BSCS mcctlnp to injure<br />

that tha membm of all the<br />

clubs are aware ol any changes<br />

hkh might affect future conduct<br />

of the club.<br />

Patricia Brown, sponsor of the<br />

BSCS. works along with the BSCS<br />

officers lo make sure that the clubs<br />

engage In * conilxten: mode ot<br />

conduct when hand lint, school<br />

related affairs.<br />

Sarah Hudson. BSCS secretary<br />

stated. "BSCS officers have to<br />

iake sure that the dubs are active<br />

— make sure they iz things."<br />

One activity which keeps clubs<br />

busy Is the us* of room 246 for<br />

food saics. as a money railing<br />

endeavor.<br />

It a dub prr-ves to be irrespoosi*<br />

ble by falling to cancel their<br />

assigned food sell date at least a<br />

week in ad.ance. a fine of 55,00<br />

must be paid for the Initial mer*<br />

vationof'heroom<br />

BSCS officers most take special<br />

measures to assure that the food<br />

sold by the various clubs meets<br />

health regulations.<br />

Dr. Alan Fibl.lt. principal.<br />

i« a led that the rood sold in room<br />

246 must be pre-wrapped and not<br />

homemade since, fouds made from<br />

scratch could be a potential health<br />

hazard. •<br />

AH BSCS clubs must perform a<br />

service project every semester. Projects<br />

could include such activities<br />

as a newspaper drive, donating<br />

money to charities, or paimUtf<br />

part ot ihc school.<br />

(AHGUtTUmiCf<br />

atAFD004ITIAI0J<br />


OWIHaCXrHQtt<br />

mil il •un/nTunan un/n.Tunn<br />

tAHnvutnaoo<br />


¥<br />

Student<br />

notebook!<br />

f<br />

, re<br />

1.0 ol the lVerd for School .nd<br />

Community S*rtlce»- cu.irnt pro-<br />

. •' «•» Omen. Th'iyeir's Co-Curricular Day Is<br />

mc-Jy known •» CCO. hasscheduled<br />

for late October in the<br />

been busy selling student aclhit?<br />

u n b U l ' u d l ' f U<br />

. rorevirySA<br />

rbi^tr^ the class, one dollar goes<br />

to the oewipepcr. 2£ cents goct to<br />

tor-mate, .md 75 cenu goes to<br />

spcrts provided that 80 percent of<br />

the team has an SA card.<br />

A new regulatioa b aow in effect<br />

that «U freshmen must buy a SA<br />

card tor four yean In order to<br />

rec-rffe'a fold card. Incoming<br />

students can buy "back" cards to<br />

. setagotd.<br />

•64*<br />

• One of ihe big senior events for<br />

_ the fall it the Senior Boat Dance.<br />

m On October 8. ISO couples will<br />

9 dance aboard the Blue and Cold<br />

Oskltrrm9tilll.<br />

Food sale dates are October 25<br />

• tnd 26 and November IS and It,<br />

Seniors are aba encouraging<br />

utoie people to come to home football<br />

games and buy school rings.<br />

"1 realize that the junior year Is<br />

hlMne-boola time, but from the<br />

turnout at oar last meeting. I am<br />

confident thit nothing will<br />

dampen ourrowdy and lively spirit<br />

of flSr President LUnc Yatumotb<br />

stated.<br />

<strong>The</strong> officers are th-ie to help<br />

oot committee *icads — not to take<br />

over." viccrresldmt Marilyn<br />

Fong added.<br />

"We want more Involvement<br />

• tnls year — different faces."<br />

Treasurer Geralyn Chin enthused.<br />

Because ti*e juniors are not in-<br />

• vohed wlih Wlnterb-il any longer,<br />

they are hoping Junior Prom will<br />

be a big success.<br />

For now all of their energy h being<br />

focusd on Spirit Week.<br />

"Our class just didn't have spirit<br />

• last yea; — we want more participation<br />

this year," Treasurer<br />

Dean Poilakldas stated.<br />

_ - On September 22 the class or'86<br />

- bad its first spirit «•* meeting at<br />

• WhichoverSOpeoplcthowedup.<br />

CUu officers are trying to be<br />

original. Movie night Is one of the<br />

O fundraisers planned even tho-iCh<br />

• the event lest money Ust year.<br />

• <strong>The</strong> Sophomore Exclusive is<br />

• scheduled tof November 18.<br />

, - A strvke proiect is also being<br />

• thought about. Last year they<br />

the student activities uf-<br />

Co*Curricultr Day Is teld tn<br />

orient .reshraen and riher new<br />

studenu with *Aw«!i'". -aticus<br />

clubs, which try to attract<br />

members on this particular day.<br />

Petitions fcr the ofUce of tlv<br />

Creative Arts Repre^etj'Sre a-v<br />

now being accepted. <strong>The</strong> Creative<br />

Aru RepmcaUthre, who must<br />

have mods 14-15 free, attends ait<br />

Creative Arts Department<br />

meetings and gives report*, at the<br />

BSCS asd* CK <strong>Lowell</strong> Executive<br />

Council meetings. Students In*<br />

•crested In (Pjng this position<br />

shoniJ file a pstltion with Scott<br />

CaMa. BSCS chair.<br />

LEC<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lnwcll Eiecutlve Council<br />

(LEO. voder the leadership of<br />

LEC Chair Ina Dang, will begin<br />

the new school year with a massive<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> clean-up and Improvement<br />

program.<br />

**Ckan*Up Day, which vill be<br />

held on Saturday, November 19.<br />

will Initiate the whole project."<br />

Dang elaborated. "We want to cut<br />

down UM amount of graffiti (in<br />

school) and better the bathroom<br />

•itualion."<br />

Other currrot project* are com*<br />

piling the co curricular budget<br />

and projecting the LEC* income<br />

for the coming year.<br />

Regarding mcotm. Dang added,<br />

"I want lo eniph-uUe the fact<br />

that the LEC does not keep tiie 25<br />

cenu profit from its 'Fast Pan,'<br />

sales. <strong>The</strong> money Is earmarked for<br />

co-curricular activities such ai the<br />

newspaper and the foreniics team.<br />

CAR<br />

Better relatioas with the «t:ilct.c<br />

teams, more rallies, iwt po«ibly<br />

ae additional dance are whai the<br />

Student Activities BojrJ (SAB) is<br />

aiming for this year.<br />

"We'll also try ta raise school<br />

•pirlt again." said Jennifrr<br />

Poultkidas. SAB chair.<br />

To begin the school year, a<br />

spirit-promotinc nlr> was held on<br />

September 23 at <strong>Lowell</strong>'s football<br />

flekl. <strong>The</strong> rally was also held to In*<br />

traduce fall sports learns and en*<br />

courage student attendance at the<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> versus Saint Ignatius foot<br />

• HIT 1IT"~ w " •»*•— ^<br />

,57. <strong>The</strong> told-out Welcome Back<br />

T -w» Friday September 23 tl-e Da«e. "Madness." was held to<br />

•ilmoporary offlcen tor th.

Pag. I*. <strong>The</strong>lomtf. OctrfWl 7.<br />

SPORTS'<br />

VoUcyingbtck<br />

Varsity tennis nets new players<br />

Dy Alan Chan<br />

Featuring "rookies" u their<br />

Uttttie. Ihe <strong>Lowell</strong> girls* tennis<br />

team heads Into the 1982 campaign<br />

with many qucitlons still<br />

uoantwereti:<br />

—What It cx)>ccted ol the lean?<br />

—What are Ibe iircnfthi*<br />

— and who art these "guys"f<br />

"It's difficult to make an assessment<br />

o( my players." says coach<br />

Bart-are Pralo, "at I really dra*t<br />

: * know their talents or weaknesse-."<br />

;1 Having otUj otn returning<br />

c member from lait year's championship<br />

ham has nn made the<br />

task ol rnoostoa > squad an easy<br />

one for coach Wate as 13 at the 19<br />

candidate vying for positions on esprdaUy fierce as the opposing<br />

the team an either linhmen or Mams wfllbf "honpj" lor the IMt<br />

sophomores.<br />

ol her defending chan-ok*.<br />

Prato rinds It difficult to recall a Til* intercs: from ttw younger<br />

team at <strong>Lowell</strong> displaying so much hall cui, vthen Sic** Burg*f blocked<br />

the e«i« point amj... Soon<br />

thrrtalttr. Iwc-c. the 3uc*<br />

- ivtd again and luccrufully enmplctcd<br />

• i«.i>pojm ccmenion 10<br />

. k»l 14-7.<br />

Though Ihc Indiam did nui «fn.<br />

wneral p1a)>er\ *en impn-*%i»c.<br />

Burger made 11 Jtuktn. and Zlmmcrmnn<br />

folkm-t. with tiler. John<br />

Tulatofopo rarrtrtt ihc ball 1H<br />

t\un lor a lotal uf b8 yardi.<br />

E»m though :!* <strong>Lowell</strong> Vsnitv<br />

FootoAM team I* *.H to • «ln1cs.<br />

•.tan. the team rcmaitii oriimUtk<br />

that It will have A utUljmg<br />

wawn. il li ran remain Injury (rrr.<br />

Injury plagued <strong>Lowell</strong> in iK ircond<br />

out-«[• league tnauh against<br />

the Saint Ignatljt, Wildcats.<br />

Lovrll loit thr %*mt Jb-O. Four o!<br />

Ihe starting playn had minor Injurie*<br />

before llw fourth quarter.<br />

<strong>The</strong> most scrloui ». theve injuries<br />

occurred when Mirhsel Zimmerman<br />

sufferd a lorn lljtament In lih<br />

<strong>The</strong> team pV«ed a ttrong first<br />

h»U. atlowtnjt the W^irati to lake<br />

• 7-0 lead. Bui >>•' second halt did<br />

not go «?U for LMCII alier the<br />

slaning plaien became lired or<br />

>iir-fcd In jut In. <strong>The</strong> irate -Hat<br />

* ~ot»'ppotnie1 «th:n In only<br />

touchdown, ft pau from quarterback<br />

Vioce Car»er ta Tom Crer.*<br />

»ha--r. was called back hcciiae o! a<br />

pcoalty.<br />

Cmuhaw. who stans at tUnker<br />

and eometbart.. Mated. "We dM<br />

fairly well. TTi', main reama wr<br />

»o« WAS thai most people llrrd<br />

OBI." - /• - ,',. *";<br />

Safety Ernest fiales agreed.<br />

"Tba players aren't tc top<br />

condition yet."<br />

-We nnd to get in belter shape<br />

to ««oVtln. 4 ttrles. Wc need lo run •<br />

Coach MHtoa Axi feel, that the<br />

players, should have bees vorUog<br />

out o*er *b« tummcr. "1 came<br />

and couldn't do any activity. I<br />

worked my way up this summer to<br />

where I was running nine miles. If<br />

I can do it. they should, too." Att<br />

reflecea.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team lost Its first game to<br />

Marin's Redwood High on<br />

September 16 with • final score of<br />

2ft-6. Though the loss was drup><br />

pointing. Coach Ait scrmed quite<br />

pleased with the team's lint performance<br />

of the tear,<br />

•We t-id redly wtll con.ldering<br />

**r only bad three weeks work out<br />

before the R?dwood game.** slated<br />

Att. "We played everyone. Our second<br />

team defense *»•-. better than<br />

eipected. Wc tackled fairly well.<br />

"We've accomplished a lot. We<br />

still hate lo Iron the kinks out. I<br />

was upset about the |h*ee fumbles<br />

in the tint quarter, 'inings likr<br />

that shouldn't happen. We're go*<br />

tng to make some chanpr«." he ei*<br />

pr-.lr.t-r1.<br />

One major change in lite star*<br />

ting lineup wa. moving Carter to<br />

starting quarterback lor the S.I.<br />

game. He will continue to start M<br />

that position. *<br />

Cancr also ran AO yards on an<br />

option play lo wore <strong>Lowell</strong>'-, only<br />

touchdown thus far. in the Kcdwood<br />

game<br />

Team captain Slrphen UurR-r<br />

stated that the tram's losses are<br />

due to lack uf r*prriencc. On a<br />

•cam of 33 player*. <strong>Lowell</strong> has on.*<br />

six senior pla>ers: Burger. Crenshaw.<br />

Bates, Stanley BleslatJeckl.<br />

Todd Barker. anJ Jeffrey<br />

ointed out that the entire<br />

oflcmivc line contltlt of<br />

pah>rs^ "Whr.n they get more eipfriencc.<br />

they'll be sood. but<br />

that doesn't help us right now." he<br />

noted.<br />

Burger would like lo see a<br />

balance among leniors. juniors.<br />

_nd sophomore*, "...so evrry )ear<br />

there's a new class who has worked<br />

lu way up to be an npemncctJ.<br />

»rang learn. <strong>The</strong> players will have<br />

cspencKC before they become<br />

surten."<br />

Junior Michael Zimmerman.<br />

«ho plays both center and<br />

linebacker, stressed that the<br />

players are enjoying the season.<br />

"Ereryonr knows each other, ar.d<br />

we ill get along reall) well.**<br />

Bales agreed. "We're not the<br />

least bit tf'vccuraged. We have a<br />

food attitude And a lot of spirit, ft<br />

everyone h dedicated, well ha«<br />

A more vjcccxsiul team.<br />

Pmior: •:<br />

¥arsity basketball<br />

new faces<br />

r. *9yKcflkGaa :<br />

Although tbtir fi-a ginw im*i'<br />

D » w low *"• retum » «««£•<br />

Mta H«emlrw>23.the Wilty *w-the team** coo fields U><br />

Goldea Gate Paik. <strong>The</strong> runners<br />

will begin racing over the J.I mil*<br />

course in earnest when Ihe season<br />

oHtcUil, begins 03 October la.<br />

Mission and McAleer. whose girls'<br />

teams rtnhhcd second lo Ihe Indians*<br />

in last year's All-Clty meet,<br />

will be <strong>Lowell</strong>'s opponents In this<br />

first nguUr season meet.<br />

According to Thomss. key iunner.<br />

.oh, £,, teem, sophomore.<br />

V.JlUm Plan and Chris Crisera<br />

iuniors ralricta Brown and Angela<br />

Leung, and senior Jimmy Chin.<br />

Senior<br />

aroooJ all<br />

ttudenu fcl<br />

1<br />

kueel<br />

then\<br />

was<br />

Lowi<br />

IbeMon'h]<br />

-, .Allen ha]<br />

sports tlaJ<br />


hks-<br />

ftp 19. <strong>The</strong> Ijmll. Gfcr>:r 7.198J<br />

SPORTS<br />

Allen, Burger are 'athletes of month<br />

* Tutii Allen*<br />

has Joined powderpuff.<br />

Senior Ted I Allen, an all. basketball, and Hack.<br />

around athlete acj ouUundlng<br />

ttodect, b UiU issue's-Athlete of<br />

girl**<br />

Throughout her yean In sports.<br />

Alien has been plajtucd with injuries.<br />

Due to a serious ankle<br />

sprain during her sophomore yr*r.<br />

Allen wat sidelined for the Utt half<br />

of basketball season.<br />

During her junior year Allen<br />

had serious llgsment end cartilage<br />

damage to her knee. Although the<br />

underwent an operation In the<br />

summer, she it determined to play<br />

toccer In the fall.<br />

"After the operation on my<br />

knee, 1 Lad to gc to physical<br />

therapy alimt everyday, bvit I was<br />

• determined to cotnc back to<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>, ready lo play," icotarked<br />

Allen.<br />

A11r& credits her Interests in<br />

sports to her father, especially her<br />

lo**c of soccer, saying. "Being a<br />

part ot a very athletic family gave<br />

me a firm foundation in sports."<br />

Alien Is presently playing on two<br />

under-18 girls' seise! soccer leami<br />

and plans to join the boys' vanity<br />

soccer team at <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Even with rll these sport* ac*<br />

tivlttct. Allen maintains a 3.95<br />

CPA. and lite It takinC three AP<br />

"After the operation on my<br />

knee, I had to go to physical<br />

therapy almost everyday, but I<br />

was determined to come back to<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> ready to play."<br />

tlt« Month. tounxx.<br />

Alkli has participated in team She plan* to MltnJ CUUCK* in<br />

sport* since her freshman year. Ne*> England where the »ill major<br />

She has played everything iromJV In medicine and further her Intennis<br />

io soccer. In addition, she • terctt in soccer.<br />

Varsity basketball<br />

squad re-groups<br />

(continualtrompticID)<br />

Practice will lUrt In October tor<br />

Its plawn. null ol whom have<br />

bm pUjtal lop-her lor t-o<br />

j<br />

UW.U -ho piir. center, (eel.<br />

tbu the team -riU do «H II It CM<br />

malauin uiUt, and cohetlveneu.<br />

H.ua«o.-n.erc»rero«ar..»<br />

i "<br />

Ike L

Ptf 20. 7*« LoveU. Octaoer 7. J »<br />

SPORTS"<br />

VISITORS. . .1_ JrfLQME,<br />

Wesley Wing-<br />

<strong>The</strong> crunching of •shoulder pads, the blowing of |<br />

whistles, the throwing of little yellow flags, the<br />

aroma of hot dogs. «nd. of course, the screaming of<br />

song girls usually signify not only the beginning of<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> football, but ihe beginning of fall sports at<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> -<br />

ft is also time for the rest of the school to get off<br />

thtir «als and go to the games and give our teams<br />

some support and encouragement.<br />

Fan support can make a big difference in a close<br />

gamr. Late in the game when <strong>Lowell</strong> might need a<br />

touchdown or a goal, the fans can usually get tne old<br />

adrenalin pumping. <strong>The</strong> result is usually some instant<br />

offense or some outstanding goal line defense.<br />

.Remember, the fans usually make up the twelfth<br />

man on the field.<br />

_. Do you think thc49crs. an (heir wa> to the Super<br />

EJWI. would have scored that winning touchdown *<br />

against Dallas in '81 if they had been playing in<br />

Dallas, instead of at Candlestick Park.' I doubt it. It<br />

was probably the 49cr faithful that gave them that<br />

little extra to score.<br />

What happens if you cannot tcl! it touchdown<br />

from a homirun? It docs not matter. <strong>The</strong> most important<br />

thing is being there and cheering or..- team<br />

on.<br />

So. good luck to all the teams this season and all<br />

.you prospective fans; get out there and have some<br />

fun.<br />

Is it to early to catch 49er fever apain? Or is it just<br />

£ cold? 1 think it is just the right time to get it. <strong>The</strong><br />

49ere look even belter this season than they did a:<br />

Super Bowl XVI.<br />

<strong>The</strong> former world champions have one of the most<br />

diviTsiiied offenses in the National Football Liaguc.<br />

thinks to the addition of Wendell Tylci- Roger<br />

Cruig. and the emergence of Bill Ring. Last year<br />

the Niners did not have a consistent running attack.<br />

Result. Quarterback Joe Montana was forced to<br />

pass almost constantly and face pass rushes every<br />

down. If the opponents this year pass rush on every<br />

down, they might see a Tyler, a Craig, or J Ring run<br />

. through a hole Or turn a corner and be gone for a<br />

touciid'.-wn.<br />

<strong>The</strong> 49er ciefelic seems to be back to Super Bowl<br />

level, thinks to.a reborn pass rush and a more experienced<br />

defensive secondary.<br />

1 an going out on a limb and making some early<br />

predictions. If the 49ers do not suffer any key in-'<br />

juries, they will win the NFC West. <strong>The</strong> Nincrs will<br />

go on to meet rival Dallas in the NFC Championship,<br />

and beat them. San Francisco will go on to<br />

meet the Loi Angeles Raiders in Super Suwl XVIII<br />

- with the San Francisco 49crs coming out on top.<br />

Boys' soccer kicks off season<br />

ByRmimilrloSandm<br />

Tbe <strong>Lowell</strong> boys' soccer Ion<br />

hopes to show that ft can repeat as<br />

a strong winning le«m and jhw the<br />

school the championship that slipped<br />

byjistsrason.<br />

L^ity lar the <strong>Lowell</strong> soccer team<br />

was Round Robin Champions,<br />

bad five pl3]r*rs on the AU'Clly<br />

team, and flnlsbrd with a record ol<br />

7.1*1. Yet they lost Ihe cbaniplon.<br />

ship fames to MuOon High School<br />

bv semes o. 4-0 and 3-0.<br />

Ernst FribtiKh, soccer coach,<br />

looks to the coming season and<br />

»7> MM Ihe team as a whole b<br />

"...bullduie character."<br />

"It looks like we're going to<br />

hare' a slow season." exclaimed<br />

Fdbasch. "Only (our regulars<br />

have retf.ned (ram last year, and<br />

there a.< a total o( six seniors on<br />

the team."<br />

In preseason, the team showed<br />

Its lack ol depth by dropping all<br />

but one o( Its fames (that one<br />

game being a tie). At Ihe annual<br />

Pageant at Beach Chalvt. however.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> topped the competition,<br />

•hlch consists ol dillerent hlfh<br />

schools (rom around Ihe city com*<br />

pctlng against each other be(ore<br />

the regular season begins.<br />

According Ir ccsch FeiWsch.<br />

the team's fleld ttreagth Is<br />

defense. >ct 1* knews his team will<br />

have to work on fundamentals to<br />

develop the younger menbro.<br />

.<strong>The</strong> soccer lean Includes 76<br />

freshmen end sopbomorrs o( the<br />

41 spots on the team.<br />

Rlfht wing Stnr Rodricnci and<br />

goalie Erik Noyes each emphaslxed<br />

thai the <strong>Lowell</strong> sojeer team<br />

needs more support (rom tbe<br />

students. "We need more lock<br />

support and more fans to so us<br />

win," slated Rodriguez.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first two league games Ihe<br />

toccer team played were against<br />

archrlvals Washington and -<br />

Galileo. <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

stands at 1*1, after beating<br />

Washington by a score ol 2-1. and<br />

losing to Galileo by a score of 4.2.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first game was very close until<br />

senior Eric Botelho's goal beat<br />

Washb.lon.<br />

._ U>e second fame. Galileo<br />

overwhelmed Lnwell with tenth<br />

pUylof. "<strong>The</strong> leans Is not playing<br />

together jel. but welt get there,**<br />

DnBcdrosslan. • ••<br />

Some platen to take note ot la<br />

the upcoming scam an torwanl<br />

Stnf Folan. a higb hcorer at well<br />

as a consistent performer: center -<br />

halfback Eric Uotello. a bard<br />

hustling player: and team captain<br />

and center halfback Sarratore<br />

Nevigalo. who's tough OB defense.<br />

Eictalracd Fcibuscb. "I'm<br />

delighted «iih the team acd expect<br />

to have a good season."<br />

Freshmen lead JV football team<br />

By Regtn Gong<br />

BUI Tulaiotnpo return* (or hit<br />

ttlrd year ti • coach ol the JV<br />

lootb.'l. *q« ad. hi* second a\ it.<br />

bead cuch. La*l year, he led the<br />

team to a -l.J record, their be-l<br />

*.nc*fin.ihmg5.2.n 197.1.<br />

Dennis McShane also rtlurm<br />

(or hU second jear at offensive<br />

coonltaftor. New to the staff are<br />

Paut Montgomery, assistant olfm*<br />

ine coach, and Cornelius Johnvon.<br />

•vtUiant defensive coach.<br />

This year' 1 .quad ha* many<br />

freshmen and jutl a handlul ol<br />

retuminte sophomores, including<br />

Paul Him. Marvin Metoyocr. and<br />

sc can yu all the »aj."<br />

Frcvhman Marto Duartr -u\ a<br />

bit more cnihuttatlic. "WP'rc &>•<br />

ing ti> bctl all these guy-, thU «ear.<br />

We'rr KniKri to t-ln. We're uoing. to<br />

makcittothefmith!"<br />

Girls* soccer program dropped<br />

ByToyUWontutra<br />

If you're looking forward to<br />

joining the <strong>Lowell</strong> gift*' toccrr<br />

team, then you're in for a big<br />

disappointment.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re Hi.'i ope. <strong>The</strong>re itn't a<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> girls* toccc* club cither.<br />

Whether or not another team or<br />

dub will murf ace Is uncertain.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lean started out as the<br />

Girls* Soct-cr Club, two tcaions<br />

the summer of Wh2 and continued<br />

practicing after uhool and on<br />

•.cckcmlt va the <strong>Lowell</strong> soccer<br />

field. <strong>The</strong>n in Ihe summer of |f|(,1.<br />

the practices cvated. and the team<br />

dhbanded.<br />

"Wc just stopped hating practice,<br />

** tram member Ktllie Can<br />

reptird. <strong>The</strong> learn lovt interest,<br />

and during the last pan of the<br />

summer, practices «erc nc longer<br />

planned.<br />

"We just stopped having prac-<br />

tice."<br />

afto. comprHol of approximately<br />

23 membrts. moti'* ianiors and<br />

scalon, who »*en: spou:fred bj<br />

Ctnest Flblsh. social u-"e*<br />

teacher sod boys' soccer coach.<br />

" . TSa.:ieam soon acquired a suit<br />

of coacba aod bev&n to practice In<br />

Wten the girls wrr* a icata.<br />

they were organbed.: .*hey pur.<br />

chased their o*>r. vnUormt and arranged<br />

garnet -ilh »uch teams a

fa<br />

x<br />

^fJvrinVir 4,1933-<br />

Wf High S Hat<br />

<strong>The</strong> actual Spirit DJ> «JS<br />

3)s held tin the Homecoming<br />

Da>. Thiv «i% a da> when all<br />

ftnmcr al*ir>ni la><br />

.^alnM Pottitchnlc Hi^h Schoo)<br />

"Hack thc.i iW\). the l.^wcll<br />

fiMtball trarn wa« trcmcnJi i\. In<br />

a <strong>Lowell</strong> football itanicai:ain%l Pit*<br />

l>. ltu>cvandv ol people would<br />

comptctrl) fill up Kevar Madiui.:.<br />

which had a waling capacity »l<br />

301 Wo. <strong>Lowell</strong> placed at Kr/ar<br />

Stadium because it didn't hate a<br />

stadium like romt other hitth<br />

KIUVS* in San Franctvo.. When<br />

Pol* »4\ divvoUctl a% a Kbool.<br />

it as <strong>Lowell</strong>'s arch<br />

^no\.<br />

B> I«)b2. Spirit Da> had oohed<br />

to Spirit Week when each class<br />

held a ctast rally, and all ihe<br />

claim got togelhcr on the final<br />

dayor the Spirit Week.<br />

Sloe Hlrabayathi. forme- SAB<br />

%ponvor. approved of the change.<br />

"It was ca*kr for a \tudent to<br />

identify himvclf with his particular<br />

class ttun with a whole whool. A<br />

siudent could relate more lo an entire<br />

class *• the 'burobtlnt<br />

freshman' or the 'mighty senior*<br />

than as a <strong>Lowell</strong> uudenl." he uM,


; Edwell sits out turbulent reform^<br />

Al.h:>u- alony: %ith<br />

• L Co. Lowttll StudeoU whoop U np durisg FrWry'i "(nod<br />

much of thr c\lravagan/a »a\ greatly reduced.<br />

Hovetcr. the spirit of the school was strengthened by<br />

the cm;tha\i*> un spirit and unity.<br />

<strong>The</strong> s'.rong dispt.-*.y of »pirit and units impressed<br />

both the students, and faculty alike. This was a<br />

pmitivr inRucncc on the scijo^l because «: has giscn<br />

everyone a stronger sense ol b-;Ionging and m'rre pri.lc<br />

in Lo»i"ll-<br />

New loucltcs such as ilu bike p-irndc and the<br />

Jccoratioti oi registry rooms added new upporiunu.es<br />

to show spin: in a creative manner.<br />

Even though !he decoration rf lackers was not judg*<br />

cd. ih? ruiorfu! dc:dy. Spirit<br />

•3 Week uculd have had much le»» itsnificiince.<br />

3 Students participated to differ :ni degrees in Spirit<br />

^ *.Vcck, Some students helped organ'tc the ac.Mtirs.<br />

* while othen made posiets or decoratcu their<br />

£• registries. Some pcrfoimcd a*, the rallies, while others<br />

I attended them. <strong>The</strong> participation of all the*.; studenu<br />

£ helped rr.ake Spirit Week a group effort. This showed<br />

Lowcllites' enthusiasm for their school, which ii what<br />

Spirit Week Is ah uhout.<br />

Ihc pcrf

Girl's soccer team<br />

unjustly portrayed<br />

m Dear Editor.<br />

- ... We. nxmben ol tfce <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Girh* loirer i«m. feel thai we<br />

were bidlf misrepresented in 'he<br />

October K*ie ol <strong>The</strong> LOMCU. <strong>The</strong><br />

ankle Haled that there is .Ktiher a<br />

girls' soccer team nor even a g'.rls*<br />

wxeef club. Neediest to ut. this<br />

came &t quite a surprise to us.<br />

In the article, writer Kclltc Can<br />

uld. "<strong>The</strong> tram iuit stopped having<br />

practict- md <strong>The</strong> team loit<br />

' tatereit." Neither statement K very<br />

accurate. <strong>The</strong> tram practiced and<br />

competed all !a\t year and mml o(<br />

the summer. .<br />

Practice* ceased at the beginn-<br />

1 log of August onty because our<br />

coach, Jim Kioto, hid scheduling<br />

problems. We have not betn practicing<br />

lately at the **Umttl team"<br />

because coach Flom h .caching<br />

for Balboa thh fall. Musi of ihe<br />

team'* key pbvrrs huve continued<br />

lo practice lugctnT on various<br />

teams. Including San Franciscn't<br />

u'tstricl select-team (no the all*<br />

Hate team a\ lh« ankle iicpUcdr.<br />

Practice! ; *m resume In<br />

February. weather permitting. We<br />

hope *o Join the private who-1<br />

league, thich would allt»w u> In<br />

continue lit play oilter schoc'.s. including<br />

Umvcrti'v. Lick-<br />

Wilmrrding. Urban, and Convent<br />

ottheSarrcdHean.<br />

We are In n**ed of new platers av<br />

veil at coaches or parents who are<br />

«lUing to help out. We welcome<br />

anyone wfiu it l.tlcrctlcd in playing<br />

lo come out and practice with uninterested<br />

gtrlt should watch for<br />

posters and antu.unicnientt.<br />

We hope we hive clc^ird up<br />

tome o; Ilie contusion caused hs<br />

the ankle. We atu> look lorward<br />

lo gaining the support of the<br />

w)tool a* well a* more accurate<br />

7oveta**c by it\ newspaper.<br />

Tudi Allen. Xamhe Camp.<br />

Ruby Domingo. Oebhic Boliluc-.<br />

M.jrc-nColi. and K. thy Cot!<br />

Art commissioner<br />

^ dftes mistakes<br />

Dear Editor.<br />

In an artk'e about the Student<br />

Activities Board, written by cntc. •<br />

Utnmcnt editor David Janet in lite<br />

October 7 Issue. 1 noted a ft* error*.<br />

I do not know II thit«» di

f&t NEWS'<br />

Seniors rise for the occasion<br />

By Held*. ROM<br />

I What could har« possibly < m»j<br />

cd a hunch of seniors to arrive at<br />

school before the tun rmc on OctoKM?<br />

11K ilckrt sales (or the Senior<br />

So*t Dane* brought many tired,<br />

but arutous students to school »i<br />

ratly as5a.m. that irorning.<br />

Though the actual ticket tale<br />

began around ? j,m.. many people'<br />

camt to school roach earlier to enrjre<br />

that they <br />

WaUenbers is still houwd in in- •'-g. Atioio't responses made the<br />

adequate facilities- <strong>The</strong> student dtitrkt'i monctaiy future look<br />

wanted to know when Wallenberg dim.<br />

would obtain Itt promised Toward the end of the coo-<br />

building.<br />

ferencc. howcrer. Alioto did offer<br />

In response to this and many » coastructive way in which<br />

other questions. A.iotc* explained students can divert funds. "One of<br />

that the school district does not the ways that vt-o can really help is<br />

have enough n\onjy 'o e«en hire not to tandattic tchooli. Thr van-<br />

more teachers or buy adequate dalism and the casual dirtiness in<br />

numbers of books. let alone do any schools cost us millions of dollars.<br />

renovation.<br />

This money could he spent on<br />

<strong>The</strong>re w no e«tr» money in the teachers and books."<br />

'<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>' rates first<br />

ByJctfrerOalrin<br />

Praiilng <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> for displaying<br />

".v good deal ol pratersionAliini,*'<br />

the Columbia<br />

Scholattic Press Associillon<br />

(CSI'Al awarded Hie school<br />

r * ltt»I pUcr n lit<br />

11fU contest.<br />

I*he CSP/» annually analyzes<br />

school publication* from around<br />

the country "...to oiler conitructive<br />

criticism and to evaluate performance<br />

against a standard<br />

'jani.tkk* " as ipellcd out by<br />

scoring responses to a long li»t of<br />

questions related to newspaper ciccllen^e<br />

CSPA ]udjtes criiiqucl sis consecutive<br />

1'mM'tHi issues ol <strong>The</strong><br />

Lonelt. Based on Ihcir evaluation<br />

ol the newspaper's cor.lent<br />

'coverage, writing/editing,<br />

design.'dispUv. and creaii.itv. the<br />

judges awarded M l.t out of a posii-<br />

Die I.IXOpomts.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lir-*t place rating is the second<br />

highest honor pi»cn in thr<br />

Content. Fewer than 10 percent of<br />

the newtpapct* juiliced receiv? the<br />

hitfhesi "medalwt" ranfctr-g.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lowvit received spet-tal "AH<br />

Columbian** rccogm -t» In the<br />

coaiem/coverai^ category — earning<br />

211 out ol m possible 225<br />

points. In their written evaluation.<br />

the judges especially praised the<br />

covrfJit* in ih* «ntrn«Jnm«-ni mnt*<br />

<strong>The</strong> front page and eJltorial<br />

page werr crilkued lor being<br />

"somewhat predictable In ap*<br />

pcarance.*'<br />

Raymond Kohti. journalism adviser,<br />

was pleased that Ihe<br />

newspaper received the award and<br />

earned eight more points than it<br />

did In mi. "| honestly didn't<br />

think ne would do belter than we<br />

did last ye Jr." he revealed.<br />

Kahtt uid that the paper's<br />

primary weakness » the quality of<br />

the writing and ediiinp "We often<br />

hive to let some stories get printed<br />

that haven't been edited sufficiently."<br />

he said.<br />

Thii is the third consecutive<br />

year that <strong>The</strong> LoweJf has wcn a<br />

first place rating in the CSPA eontr.i.<br />

Fibish receives flag at White House<br />

m<br />

U.S. Dtputneol of Eduction, looks on.<br />

P^I W* d"><br />

To^<br />

Hlip.nk I<br />

, Pn->miiu|<br />

Tea<br />

I loo.<br />

Coin«.l<br />

l<br />

lintrtt v> |<br />

ihinct.'<br />

Slibsl<br />


Semifinalists selected<br />

By R>M Chang<br />

Cut of 1.400 iludrau »ho<br />

fW Mtlonally. lour Lo»tU<br />

b bnhlp> rt<br />

SIJOO iad ISO bocorabk menlions<br />

• ortaSlOOcacn.<br />

Tn ituiUfy. s Hiident has lo be<br />

Hispanic and h««e a higb<br />

P*»l-roburjr Scholastic Aptitude<br />

Tetl (PSAT) Korc.<br />

*iiT* "J-KplMtk Aptitude Ten<br />

(SAD KO.Y. fnde point aterarj.<br />

recomractdatlon-. from «choo' and<br />

community, and a pcreonal atale*<br />

ment will be uken into ifatldcra*<br />

lion.<br />

Gomex. who Kored 1H4 point*<br />

. on itM PSAT. fceh that he might<br />

win an award. M t tend to be an op.<br />

llmist so I think 1 h*« a fair<br />

chance.** be laid.<br />

Subscriptions sold<br />

For the Hr-l lime. <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

itud-rnu without student activities<br />

cards were offered ihe opportunit*<br />

lo purchase subscript km* 10 <strong>The</strong><br />

Loweff. Sales lasted one week, conladtntl<br />

on October 2h. Beginning<br />

ilh today's istur. subscription<br />

holders will recci-e copies of the<br />

newspaper throuitt. June in<br />

registry along with SAC holders.<br />

?TSA hosts open housi<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> Parent-Yeacltcr-<br />

StudeM Association il'TSA) sportiJ<br />

the wliool's Open House<br />

program on October 27, <strong>The</strong> progiam<br />

tuned in the auditorium<br />

where parents witnessed performances<br />

by the scl-ool orchestra<br />

and ihe ROTC color jtuard. Bclty<br />

A.*berts. PTSA president, and Pr.<br />

Alan Kibish. principal, delivered<br />

ihort welcomint. speeches. Parents<br />

were then intited to tour the<br />

building and meel the teachers ol<br />

their ehlldrt u.<br />

Requirements change<br />

<strong>The</strong> Slate Board of Education<br />

hat recommended in,, changes be<br />

made tn high school graduation requirements.<br />

Not nil changes will<br />

go Into effect immediately, due in<br />

pan lo recent budget oils. <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

counselor Boe Wong •.•ummenteii<br />

that eveo with ihe new <br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> doesn't feel the ...-n-£C*<br />

'. ecause standards have always<br />

been high. Assistant Principal<br />

Paul Uiccy added thai <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

siu-'mt* usually follow ihc U liver-<br />

Tn. ftwr teuton BUOM± la tb* sit NilSofUl Hbpsnfc Scbolsr Awvdi<br />

Pratrui b*tad« Ocft to ri«ht) CecBU Moreno, Patricia Af-uUi-. Uu<br />

Hcratndti. end Mum Goratx.<br />

He would like to major «*£•> m<br />

engineering or law. but nit not<br />

cboKti a college jf l.<br />

Unlike Goci'i. Moreno know*<br />

lh*l she «inu lo yo lo the Unherilry<br />

of Callfornli «i Berkek?<br />

(UCB). "1 can'i so further »«iv<br />

lhan the Bay Art*.** said Moreno.<br />

To bev. UCB Kcmi |*> he an ideal<br />

place for her to nujc." in cither<br />

zoology or biology.<br />

Moreno** tint response to her<br />

achievement was "toial ihock."<br />

but thinks thai lhc might have a<br />

fair chance •( being i finatiil.<br />

Hernandez «ai also »ery tur*<br />

silv tif C-iIitrrnU j.lnii^Uni-. r*.<br />

miiremcnu *n\*»? rather than llir<br />

standard high schnul requirements.<br />

KFRC<br />

presents computer<br />

Kailio Sutkm KI'KC prc^nlcd<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> High School with a nu*<br />

A'ari XI.I200 computer 1.1 ihe<br />

Mcver Library un Ntwcmber .V<br />

<strong>The</strong> whnol won the cumputcr 4*<br />

! the lint prize In a random drawing<br />

by the radio 'tation.<br />

Admissions clarified<br />

<strong>The</strong> Unli-crtil* ol California at<br />

Berkeley sent tlob Uird as its<br />

representative to -.peak with<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> students about the admissions<br />

process. Prospective applicants<br />

were given a vttance t»» a*k<br />

m»es:ions about how ti> apply, how<br />

to lill 3l year.<br />

Another change concerns<br />

Konort and AdT*iK«d I-tKcmeni<br />

courses. ••'•<br />

To encourage tludcnit lo lake<br />

toon deAan-ilng' courses, the<br />

Unitentty of California h pltWtf)<br />

m-na relght on jradss rr-eehtfd (n<br />

Hooon or AP courses taken in the<br />

Juntororsenioryta%<br />

An A received in an Honors o*<br />

AP course U counted ai fire In*<br />

stead ol %Hr uttti% four points<br />

granted in a regular *.oun* to<br />

calculate the grade point ateraite<br />

fcrllC&amiislon.<br />

Alto starling this fall, there Is m.<br />

maximum numbei of failed<br />

courses which disqualifies s student<br />

from admission to the<br />

University of California.<br />

Furthermore, a rep-rated course<br />

is accredited with the higher grade<br />

to calculate the CPA.<br />

Ca'clli feeli this is "*U*«er.ttg of<br />

Uandfirdi." but co««ccded. "ll wi>.<br />

be adianta-tecu-,. opevtallv to<br />

Luw-cll students.**<br />

Until ihhchange. a student was<br />

itinen ihc masimum of lailtnji two<br />

cranes and repealed courf** wTe<br />

given a C value.<br />

<strong>The</strong> changes -A>,iccrmit|e the<br />

Honors and repeated course, JIT<br />

retroactive in calculating the OI'A<br />

lor UC admission.<br />

New dress code starts<br />

By Jonathan Albeiti<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'-* new drew code for<br />

frrshman and wphomore phtikal<br />

education clashes li meei : r,jc wilh<br />

objecttan. from w»me ol ihc<br />

.tudrntt affected by thechangr.<br />

TI.K corte. which avks itudent*<br />

o purchase a ^ym sun at the cin:<br />

of *12. was inuiiuirit at ttic bc^.nf<br />

f thi» schMi|>carb> Lt>«cll\<br />

Ph..-*M;al tTituraiiuu Depart mm i.<br />

C tfc tntta.!.! pt*tU\ Of tlMl<br />

di U l a<br />

• ihe oltK iat 1 IJIKiW.'<br />

IM' C* t»i<br />

its if. • n pnl in II lllC**'<br />

icr-*.<br />

. 1d<br />

Uu: tn. hcid »l<br />

lo. cir* Aihici 1>CIMrtment.<br />

the<br />

the u*e ol the** uniform* *it| pn>mole<br />

school *ptrit and prkfe a*<br />

well.<br />

Burns aildct. that the Lowcii<br />

'j.iifn/nt is not hij;h prwed and<br />

compares fa*nraM> with oilier articles<br />

of cltithing oi i.itinpjrjblc<br />

tjualitv. He alwi lecl* that ii crraio<br />

a Ktxxl aimu*phere and diwipliiie<br />

that (-rllevt* upon the -.tudent**<br />

tvhatior in whuul work and other<br />

n!r<br />

student*, rcplteil I hat tm-t pn»bablt<br />

mi*intcrprcieit their<br />

tcache:*. He viaicd that although<br />

the P.t. department prefer* thai<br />

*tud?nl* purchisc <strong>Lowell</strong>**<br />

uniforms, the* are dlw» permitted<br />

to wear the School Dt*.rKi<br />

unilorm or vilitt colored \lum*<br />

and shirt* that hate nit writing tn\'<br />

them.<br />

Thi* ne* co»lc »}oc \hsl alk-rt<br />

Tin PI ^ U'TI!!T<br />

nc»» dole Jllm»x<br />

IM . tcj.<br />

e w*il> rcvo^iiijt'<br />

llu<br />

tlo not |l|l)! (HI<br />

l«*well'% cam;. it i\ Imp cd that<br />

pt l l 1 li.iir Iliit>l>rrl.(i'ii"Vi"1L1it<br />

li111^<br />

C.u.t .1.<br />

.<br />

ft 'ol.t<br />

r<br />

hi their 1'.1<br />

U-4-.ll Hi Jl 111-.--.<br />

*ouM h-i-ir thv ir irudo*<br />

lo. • .'till ll<br />

tlte. didn't hm the 1. - 1 IK*<br />

tc-chcr vjii1<br />

oeltjJ 1ubi<br />

l»lt. r*-t|i.iit-t - V..1-.I ...1<br />

A It .Mltul.--iti<br />

iiit O*.l..t« 1<br />

•ni-1 i-jr/l.t» Nun U-tir<br />

'••it p.<br />

in-* ]t.tli»*<br />

then1<br />

IK *ll|,|t. >ri thi Alli'.-tt.<br />

berke.<br />

Uurns. wh*-i11 JA e»i<br />

llll**C<br />

A*.<br />

IM S A Ikiu<br />

ipljii.1% i:i»; llu<br />

pt4r. ,-* lute (HVII rt*«*l.<br />

'Aggies' perform for students^<br />

Dy Ann Huppert<br />

<strong>The</strong> Llti.*ersltk of Calilomlj at<br />

l)a%i< "A«ies" Marching lUtf<br />

and chec eAderi performi*il -i*<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> MU' -nis ,n the cnurf-atd<br />

and the- fitoiliull fk;M tin October<br />

14. <strong>The</strong> bam) marchcil down the<br />

front ttcpt into the cenlrs' courtyard<br />

where members pcrfo.-nicd<br />

cue song and a number ol t-tu-m<br />

Including "What do «->• want<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> students to tlo? Come to<br />

UCD«W"<br />

<strong>The</strong> band then *td a pro^-mton<br />

to the football stadium v here the*<br />

plajed. sang, and danced to a<br />

series of vm\t\. During one<br />

number, the "Drinking Sonij."<br />

band members chme audien>-*v<br />

participani* tojoiilin a it-incc.<br />

the Duti* bund c-irne tn Ui**ell<br />

as pan ol a three-Jay recruiting<br />

trip with stop* at four ether U.'»<br />

Arra hi»ih SCKH>1* an.1 junitir col-<br />

G.S.L. Custom Processing<br />

3925 NnricKa St. Incnr46th A.c.)<br />

Phone: 5&4-8Q60<br />

ONE DAY Color Processing<br />

24 cxp. develop & print S4.99*<br />

36 exp. develop £ print $6.99*<br />

M400& 1000 A.S.A.40C extra)<br />

Fast Custom B&W Developing<br />

1-2 Days Service Available<br />

lhu*u*lit.- abtmt lite tuml\ \Ktlormame.<br />

"Ihe* look like ihes<br />

iut v\ tunl". »hwnc.l<br />

*»p horn nrc Chcr*l Nmttli.<br />

Suphomorr Nciu Nmiu I't'tn*<br />

nicrted. "the* were hiUriou*. and<br />

i?>.Hi .'«r bringm-i up the mor-iK- -if<br />

Ihewlwvl."<br />

1 he Student Activit* H.Mtd<br />

*,p4in*-n(ed Ihe eitfnt and held a<br />

iteration lur Ihtf band member*.<br />

Jcntiiler Pouljkida*. SAB<br />

chairperson thuwiiht tiicntni wj*<br />

sucn's*ful and hope* lo tiv M.Tiilat<br />

ornti in t/ic (ulurc.<br />

Sana members \u\n\ ilui their<br />

main v*o*l »a% u> inform pnnpev<br />

•i*c siudrt'l* Ihat UC l>a»t* csi*S.<br />

Thcr ci-mn;cnicd 'hat ilic <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

^utliencc »^* 3 *cn rtvcpiUe<br />



Students voice opinions<br />

ByKcOkGia<br />

On October >». approximately<br />

150 member* u( the <strong>Lowell</strong> tludent<br />

body and student gmerntnent At*<br />

tended the four-hour loti|t Con*<br />

vocation «iLc«elt.<br />

Lo*cll Eiccutivt Council *p*>n*<br />

tor Carl Kotnlit nclalmcd. "ThU<br />

year** turnout ol participant* wa»<br />

the be*t In H%* jean."<br />

<strong>The</strong> main purpose ol Com ocalion,<br />

which w-* headed by<br />

utphomore Erw f*a\tin. MI IO<br />

bralntiorm lor Idea* on four major<br />

lopkv <strong>The</strong>** topic* wcr* •^f...-"<br />

tchonl improvement ' vpenolnji<br />

cioner. lunch, an i*tudcTii gotcmn*ent<br />

imprmenw ni.<br />

Participant* began to armc al<br />

Lovcl) at 10:45 a.m. and con*<br />

frcgaled In the cafeteria.<br />

TJw lint *c*sion hcrfJii at<br />

around' l>:0> p.m. the participant*<br />

cho« *htch of the four<br />

topic* JnterestrJ them the mwl<br />

and then prucrttled on Io a<br />

designatett room. All momi mere<br />

located on the first floor of the<br />

main building.<br />

Sc**k>Q II began at 1:05 p.m.<br />

and student* tt*e-t dune auothcr<br />

topic in whkh the* "outd parlfctoateunl.12p.m-<br />

Under the loplc "Spending<br />

Money,** participant* fell that<br />

Item* needed by the student body<br />

included a nticrKwate fur healing<br />

undent*' tuttchci and *nackt. a<br />

change machine a hot water lap<br />

lor food* tuch a* inttanl toup. and<br />

a trophy caw.<br />

For the topic "Lunch." pa.ttcipant*<br />

tuitgeitcd the addition ol<br />

a cold cut-make )our own **ndwkh<br />

bar and a mt:m for hating<br />

the beancry ttay open ttirouith<br />

mod* 14-15. <strong>The</strong>y alto tumtvtted<br />

that .hire be a tMo-and-ahalf<br />

rredit program far itudemt who<br />

could work at the betnenr to help<br />

alleviate the -ung line*.<br />

Thow who participated in the<br />

topic "Student Government Improvement"<br />

decided that good<br />

communication* between officer*<br />

and the student bod* should begin<br />

In the registries with more effective<br />

participation Irom the rrghtrv<br />

represent a tit c and teacher*. Thr<br />

abo felt that thcr- were too many<br />

potter* «hkh were *ub*cquently<br />

inclfcctWc and that there were<br />

tome problem* with Radio <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Under the topic "School Improvement."<br />

itudenlt favored<br />

cleaner bathroom*, belief lighu In<br />

the hallwa)*. beaten for the temporary<br />

room* (the TO. public announcement<br />

speaker* in the<br />

h*'. ; . **y and in the room* in which<br />

there are none, and the inttallalian<br />

of tome more clock*. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

al*a de*ired an imprmemenr in<br />

student apathy toward the garbage<br />

problem at <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Masquerade dancers rant and rave<br />

Who U uadera^ath the cottunc? Panlcipaau competed at the masquerade ball, "Rant and Rave," lponsored<br />

by the S'udenl Acthitiet Board on October 28 In the middle courtyard. Attendees danced from 7 to 11 p.m. to<br />

the rock aod soul muiic of UaUmited Productions, <strong>The</strong> top two winners of the contest were seniors John Z.-tncr<br />

and Jeremy Serf, mho cane as Mr. Potato Head and a hunchback, respectively.<br />

Co-Curricular Day introduces clubs<br />

By Sarah Hudson<br />

To-Curricular Day wa* hc?d by<br />

the 3oard of Schcol and Community<br />

Wnkt» (BSCS) on Cclober27.<br />

<strong>The</strong> purpovr of Co-Curricular<br />

Day it «o inform tr»c *lmJent body<br />

of the function* cf each c'ub at<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>. O»-r Wclubt vt tip tab*.?<br />

around ;tte courtyard. O-bt<br />

Guatemalan F*per doll* and<br />

eotiumc*. a traditional dm* from<br />

El Salvador. Inca Jewelry, and<br />

while the Soccer<br />

Club demon it rated techniques<br />

for controUlng a ball.<br />

Ann Hur-«Kn. president ol the<br />

French Coonectios. was pleased<br />

with the amount of new members<br />

who signed ep for the club,<br />

allhooftt. (to Itlt ihc event was not<br />

publicized enough.<br />

Nancy Kohn. member of the<br />

Spanish Club, enjoyed the day.<br />

Thb b really the only nay<br />

everybody can see the clubs at<br />

once <strong>The</strong> clubs cone to you.** she -<br />

stated<br />

Michael Borosteio. the chair,<br />

man of the Co-Cunkttlar "

BjKlrtA. Orirt<br />

Moit coolempoc.ry muilc Im<br />

•re UmUUr wilb Ihc «|> "Ul<br />

<strong>The</strong> recording artist on the<br />

popular vrntont o( iVse records U<br />

IfrjwoJJ SUcy Lattbaw. one o(<br />

«w youngut and mo*r versatile<br />

tdioi artists performing i«-<br />

Born and till) (Mng in<br />

Washington, D-C. Laltbaw is a<br />

senior it a tmaM private school.<br />

She lives at home with her mother,<br />

father, find younger brother.<br />

When the* wu »tlll in her prc-<br />

1 function.<br />

People In the aC^ne* were<br />

» fmpmurd witk; what they<br />

b«rd. that they beg! ? •.•.Un* her<br />

family jnd asking "J the *a»<br />

' •'•" By Caroline Leo<br />

Sye Byx Blrd,e Is Low-ll's l-i.l<br />

musical production io . •<br />

presented on December 2.3. 9 ant<br />

10 at A p.m. and on December 11.<br />

it 2 p.m.<br />

Th« tnene of the play involves<br />

the drafting of Contad BlruEe. aa<br />

Amcrkau teen Idol, during the<br />

19S0**. Kim MacAIfee. the pUy's<br />

' brrdae. b Klected to five Conrad<br />

: ..hi« Tiui kUi bef»ra he foe* low<br />

t ^KiArtnr. "<br />

fo# LenU. NomntK r 4. J W ,'/"»*• 7<br />

--^Nnr<br />

Stacy Lattisaw - exclusively!<br />

Tfce students periormlng the<br />

aiain role* in the play are Marc<br />

Sader and Brad H

;—.-. Pv*.Thr UnU. Nmmbcr*. I99J<br />


Where to go?-What to do? 1<br />

I*.<br />

Tl* faplofalorium b fceaied »l ihe I'aUce ol Fla« Am.<br />

Tired of Great America?<br />

By McUnJe Ramoi<br />

Bored? Nothing to do? Or ju*t<br />

plain tired ol ihc monotony of<br />

school? Well, the following are a<br />

tew place* which may piu*Ul« a<br />

mplle from all that.<br />

Angel Itland, a 758-acre land<br />

pretene 1% locaied in the heart of<br />

5arFranct%caB.it.<br />

On the Itland there are hiking<br />

and bkxcl*; trail*, picnk location*.<br />

ftthEng area*, and quiet beache*.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re t* alvu a one-hour tramfide<br />

around the Wand for ?ll<br />

» Hi tor*.<br />

Fern tertlce tv available from<br />

San Francttcoor from Tihuron.<br />

Another itland dote b*. former-<br />

U a federal pnwn site. it Alcaira/.<br />

tometimei referred to at the<br />

"Rock."<br />

<strong>The</strong> R«i t.nd White Fleet ferry<br />

ten ice pnwWe* a 2' i-hour tour<br />

which include* the roundtrip boat<br />

ride to trie bland ami a walking<br />

tuut contlu^uil t»j N*ilon«l I'-ik<br />

Senk* guides. Walking thoc* arc<br />

recommended.<br />

Toun tea*e Inm Pier H **ert<br />

4$ minute* and idtatKe ikkc(in|t<br />

it handled by Ticket run bo» olficet.<br />

Tkkeu are J5.5O lor adUt*.<br />

an.lS2 for children Mo II.<br />

Cal Gona<br />

happy 17 th<br />

If >ou arc Jnn UlanJt. then: i\<br />

the Santa Cru. Bca«rh BoanUalk<br />

located 75 tr.ilc* wuth «»l San<br />

Frjnciwo.<br />

It U a ^eaiho*e pla^laml «hitrt<br />

oMrn oldfathioncd fun tiiie\.<br />

l[imc\. 4muwment%. and a milelong<br />

beach. <strong>The</strong> BuardhjIV. opm*<br />

dJilvat ll*.m.<br />


Marine Wgrld'AIi?a U.S.A.<br />

another attraction.<br />

It t\ loomed in Redou arc lookitn: fur tomething<br />

bbarre. Ihe Winchr^ter M>%itr> When one arrive* at (he lit-<br />

IIDUM In San fotc it the right ploraiorium. one can tentc a feel-<br />

ptart,<br />

ing cl etcitcment in the air. <strong>The</strong><br />

Thit huge mantion »a\ dctigned<br />

to baffle the evil ipirtt* that<br />

haunted Sarah Winchester — an<br />

eccentric hcirett (o the Winchester<br />

Atnn fortune.<br />

It co^tJint 1M> room*. 2.000<br />

doort. 1.1 bathmomt. lO.OtX) window<br />

\. am! 40 vijiircatrt<br />

Two~hcur |r>tided tourt ul the<br />

mantion iXRin daiU from'»a.m.<br />

Another in^cretting pbee U the<br />

VfmW of Miniature loaned in San<br />

Jote<br />

Here, momt and «illagct Ifntn<br />

Maine to California are tho*n in<br />

miniature. <strong>The</strong>* dale back Irom<br />

the 1700\ to Ihe mid-IQOOV<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are aivo (our operating<br />

wale mottel railru^dt and a cargo<br />

thip.<br />

<strong>The</strong> World 'f Miniature open*<br />

daily Irom 10:30 a.m. to5:30p.m.<br />

|pUce hat a friendly atmutphcre<br />

enhanced by «.ouncou* "etpliincrt."<br />

who lamiliarue titium<br />

iih current cnhittiilont. Scdrlett<br />

Trcviui. tenior. who workctl a* explainer<br />

during the wmmer. revaU-<br />

|ed. 'It wat one ol the bcit job* I<br />

e*ei "Jd becju*e I teamed a l»»l<br />

hileMill hating fun."<br />

"Oter 500.000 pe».p!e a *ear<br />

corce lo the fi«plora:nrium." exclaimed<br />

Oppcnhcimcr. "and mam<br />

com-; back again bevaute ilt r»<br />

hibilt hate a ccnain rkhm-tt (u<br />

ihem."<br />

T:K ttpiorjtorium it tituated<br />

in Hie Marina ditlrict. next tn the<br />

Palace of Fine Am. Thit muteum<br />

hat grown from an idea to an internationally<br />

accUim-d renter n|<br />

nlul' w.cnrr. "Wt get »it.mr><br />

from all over ihr »..tld." ttaletl<br />

Mektt. Baldwin, ciplamcr and<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> junior.<br />




170,000 pint lotnet) fitted through<br />

a table. On the floor h a conca«r<br />

mirror, and \\\ light* are ihinlng<br />

on the pint. <strong>The</strong> object of the mirror<br />

it to allow- one to make palterm<br />

with the pint by touching<br />

them. By truthing a hand in a circular<br />

motion, a penun can make a<br />

halo, fur example. Thit effect it<br />

«ery Interesting becaute il tcemt to<br />

ghc^ine the po«er mcr light.<br />

"Science n more than getting<br />

the fight antwer." tummari/cd<br />

Oppenhcimer. "Il it a way at looking<br />

al nature. Science can build<br />

experience ami undemanding<br />

wilh the *«orld. Thit place taytlhat<br />

il jou van u.-dcritand thingt bet*<br />

tcr. >ou can ite.it »Uh each other.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n %o«i don't ha*e to rely on prejudice<br />

or war."<br />

litcryonc under IN tear* of age it<br />

admitted free, and adL'li* are S3<br />

which it good for admUtion for *i><br />

monlhv.<br />

Leather Bruin<br />

29.99<br />

Free Nike<br />

Pen Included<br />



614 Broadway<br />

San Franciu-o. CA<br />

Offer Good *tU 11/30/83<br />


W1K> tmokct, drinkv drives too<br />

and regularly hop* ta and out<br />

Who flirts w.-S death and use*<br />

dxnling technological gad retry in<br />

his battle* agalnn dangerous<br />

•ilUlns?<br />

If >o«i haven't guettcd by now-,<br />

the mystery person it the dathing<br />

Britbh teem service agent. Jamet<br />

Bond, also known by the cnJe<br />

name 007. (<strong>The</strong> double-O status<br />

means an agent can kill at hi*<br />

discretion.)<br />

English novtlhl Ian Fleming's<br />

popular literary creation has been<br />

captured in over a .iter<br />

can't live it down." ThK ad»cttuemenl<br />

summarize* the major con<br />

ktotthcmoiie.<br />

Rutty Jamet. played by Malt<br />

Dillon, idoli/ci "<strong>The</strong> Motorodc<br />

Boy." hit older brother, played by<br />

Mickey Rourkc. Rourke I*<br />

phvnoinlftal. playing hi* role to<br />

perfection, while Dillon, tiriving<br />

lo build his own legendary statut.<br />

m\ \ a non-tubtumive performance.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Motorcycle Bn> is not jdept<br />

In dealing with real life situation*.<br />

Suity Jatnet mo ihe Motorcjcle<br />

Coy leprrtenl youth as it it now.<br />

Institutions want to control them,<br />

and lhu«. le-i»e them no room to<br />

<strong>The</strong> screenplay was Kiiilcn by<br />

Coppola and S.E. Hlniurt. * ho did<br />

not. give <strong>The</strong> Mcnreycle Boy a<br />

narte In ordr to accentuate hit<br />

.lonymity. Hit !U». hit alienation<br />

from society, it symboliieil by hit<br />

physical Impairment •- ihe inability<br />

lo pcrccitt color*.<br />

Tb« movie l» »bot in black and<br />

hiw to produce a stark and<br />

teattial look. <strong>The</strong> *'rons inter.<br />

enhanvc* the ttory.<br />

Only the nimble Ii\h »«e in color.<br />

<strong>The</strong>r *re a type of Siamew<br />

(ightinft fun »hich iry 10 an<br />

nlhllJte each othet- 11 a tingle Kth<br />

wet ilKll in a gU** or mirror, it<br />

will attack the image, li » a<br />

mctipor for kidi »ho arc d^irmlng<br />

theratelxe* and each nlher.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Motorcycle Bo> trie* t«» free<br />

the rumbk fith »"» lhff '""•<br />

Symbolically, he h trying h» «op<br />

violerce amonittt kid*.<br />

•**??<br />

Thclowtll. Nortmbtt-I. IVM.'Pjf* 3<br />


ecret service agent 007 lives on<br />

to fltjti men at Kocfcr. Superman.<br />

anj Jaws, these spy film* ha*e<br />

managed to survive, the years and<br />

adapt extremely «ell to the<br />

change* In society.<br />

Neither can .h«e br *ny endparncn<br />

to the other be*t"»?llcrtturned<br />

-raovict. One can t.ol deny<br />

the magnlfl^-encr i>i William<br />

St>ron'» Sophie'* Choke or tnc<br />

humor at Jto Irving'* <strong>The</strong> World<br />

/icro.Vinjr T o Carp en lilm. but<br />

"nobody does it belter than<br />

Bond."<br />

With their rigid formulas and<br />

»-?il «om safci. Jame* B«wnl<br />

mo ie*tu*c trjnvce«d.*d fithlon<br />

. Fof each new movie, nor wtlingt.<br />

a ncf ^rraiue 4tid a ov»<br />

• ilain with a tloonttdiy plot are<br />

dreamt up. A*id each Itlm feature*<br />

the urn* blend ol «ei x-d cliffhanging<br />

aeatrc nearett >ou. Or better<br />

»et. dri*e there ii a BomlUiol...<br />

alike itiper duper gjttir.i-tilL.il<br />

racing car.<br />

'Brainstorm' — Wood's feeble exit<br />

By ToyU Worthan<br />

Br*in*tom. produced and<br />

directed by Douglas Trumbull. i*<br />

an MGM Him ttarrin-<br />

Chfittopher W.tken. NataUc<br />

Wood. Lourte Kletcher. und Clitl<br />

Kobcrtuin. It itacolorltit. ycio'nluting<br />

attempt at * vrier.ee-Ikiton<br />

thriller.<br />

<strong>The</strong> film ttartt out wiih<br />

kaleitiowopk pattern* that jre<br />

^rvtt> «• tint, hut beccme dl/'>ing.<br />

boitnB. and tiring by Ihe<br />

film** end. Ihe tad part t*. ihe<br />

film ileprndt on ihetc *lupc% jnil<br />

colort put to e deatcnint: "atgclic"<br />

loundtracl. lur moil at lit enter<br />

tainment.<br />

<strong>The</strong> comipt of ihe lilm *j» -<br />

ir«cd Idea Cut tomcho*- tfol lo\t in<br />

JtU'll'tfl ptflMXt<br />

il*l* tHn* tRcifertwn) i* per\u^i. -<br />

iM towllHitii t»t)ie >:iitc.-iimonl b><br />

•urniit|t J tim'ctiM-il \ CM ion ol the<br />

project 11 fi-ill tU-*i):neil b><br />

Walkcn** e\-*ile AVMHI) «»er to<br />

them tor nvliun purpotct -»hkh<br />

arc neicr cleail} <br />

des t ro> ing *hc tape, the<br />

Briinvtr>tn: !*,u,evt. and a good<br />

deal ol other computer machinery<br />

in \av'tn)t mankind from the<br />

danger of .£iH>jiV.t control.<br />

tf the Ii'm had not been \o UM'Ied<br />

do»n with tpecial eflect* like<br />

ilune u*ed by Trumbull in Ctmc<br />

Ennmmcr. Blade tV'jrrtor. and<br />

Sitr Trek, perhap* It wouldn't<br />

hate been to rterpowering.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n again, inmt of Ihe acting<br />

needed to be camofUuged. l : le1chrr<br />

it excellent at the *at*v.<br />

chaiu-mokinti. wience «hU. and<br />

Walkcn dnet hit bett with what h:<br />

hat 10 work. Robertton it hit u«uai<br />


1411 Polk Street<br />

San Francisco, CA 94109<br />

MIS) 88S-1660<br />

ttilt. umnlcrctttng tell, and W.-cn 1<br />

it a di*Jppo;nimcni<br />

ThH ftlu «av dnlicated "To<br />

Natalie" beciuw It «» WMKI'S<br />

Utt Him before her death, which K<br />

tad in many way*. One ol them it<br />

that it *ou hate tecf( any ol her<br />

earlier film*, '.cu'll realize that in<br />

Sraimtorm, the lackt thr charm<br />

and charitma for *hich the wat v><br />

tamout.<br />

Sao FrarrcUco<br />

Ice Rink<br />



Group Rues<br />

State 4 Accessory SiScs<br />

Lcswni- Croup or Priutc<br />

Pma!e Parties<br />

JBlocbSootbol Colin<br />

Cue Tut<br />

1557 - 48th Avenue<br />

6M-1406<br />

iv, ><br />

: 1 -';<br />

(-ill<br />

I; 1

tflO. T)»l IUIIK H<br />

llnpelul Harriet ami 1 warn t« $o<br />

to college but I Jon i know there .<br />

lubetln."<br />

A half an ho-Jt Inter. Harriet<br />

emerge* frum rrum I la. her arm*<br />

la.len*ithb.Mtk\.<br />

"Wo*!"»neciclalm\ iruictcning<br />

it her parent*. "I nocr kne*<br />

Ihere «a* to .much intoScd in tippuinjr<br />

io ivllegr*.**<br />

Her mother gttr* her a tcriou*<br />

loo't and feplic*. "Yoj certainly<br />

h»\e c lot o! tork ahead ol \ou.<br />

lhAl i* U tou Mill want In p><br />

' (titoughthebavtli.-uf apphtne."<br />

"Oh. 1 do. 1 f.o\" Harnct crk».<br />

anil the wttinMiitL.<br />

In ;he mon.h that follow*. Har-<br />

riet re ad i vie* book alter<br />

*)c«booW. exploring college*<br />

throughout ll«e country-<br />

Wlten she lina'.l/ decides where<br />

lo apply. Hatriei wrile* teller* lo<br />

the school** admittton* eltlce*. requesting<br />

intormstlan aid application*.<br />

Harrkl tat hoih hopelul<br />

and piudcnE In her dcKUui. She<br />

requested appikaiiom froin large.<br />

l>rivale instllution* on the »nl *nd<br />

c«l coail*. although they are dif-<br />

Ikull lo g<br />

an JIC»KC i>f H.T2(). or about half av muth.<br />

High COUCK* cjktv hate made the simple "net<br />

j job'go to college" (matting approach<br />

unrealUtk. 11 a \iud"il !indt a jvb which pa>t<br />

&4per hour.hc* Id hat do w^rk Iorti4(li\><br />

w'tihnut tioppinjt tn order lo raivc enough<br />

moncv to attend a UC *;hool for one >ear.<br />

Cathnn Drath. <strong>Lowell</strong> cnuntclor. cipre\icd<br />

deep concern o*cr Ihcvc \piralmt{ cott*. ."It't J<br />

emit.** me declaifd. "<strong>The</strong> pnou throw away that UC I>j*i*<br />

iweilthlrt and Kttle for City Colkye. contnlcra<br />

the food new*.<br />

Many uniteniiiri are actitcly mmpctinji .'or<br />

the dccltniuf number of qualified tludenu.<br />

Conveituen'ljr. Ihe^c Khcutt are oHerinR innovative<br />

and gencrout Huancial aid package*<br />

{orflnanelaliyhard'prewed applkanti.<br />

<strong>The</strong> United State* Conn'-ni ha* largely<br />

rcfuved to p»* Prc*ldent Rfagan'* propoved<br />

cuu In federal flnanciat all. <strong>The</strong> federal<br />

government «ill tpend Sid billion on higher<br />

education financial uvthtance in the ecu year<br />

afone.<br />

'. Cpfnwunh) ctgaai/ationt. prhate corporationt,<br />

and f.rofe»tiotial asiocUtlont alw offer<br />

bUlhmi ol dotlan in icbolanhtp* each )ecemhcr-^<br />

will lake Ihe requirc^Mr.<br />

English Co BTft**-^<br />

Achie*emei.t%.<br />

Untied Sla;<br />

leii.<br />

Test<br />

December J<br />

January 2b<br />

April T " • -<br />

May5- i<br />

June-j"<br />

• * •" • • • , •<br />

mm<br />

•5 AT tSeholaitir Aptitude Test)<br />

Ach. t Achkvemcnt test*)<br />

(ntllitr all (A her applkalrurtt bv<br />

lUlInn out the preliminary form*<br />

and tending them In with the applkalion<br />

lee. (<strong>The</strong> tee* range from<br />

SJ0-S40: thou who are unable to<br />

pajr ma; requm m lee waiter.)<br />

Nett. Harriet make*<br />

calendar of all Ivr dca<br />

rtet't father. »cci<br />

her room, i<br />

Harriet.<br />

••"4-\.r-;-.£-r.-. »>'?»• ,n . ,<br />

SATAAci;* --'.'i • October34".''•-'• •<br />

SAT & Ach? :<br />

SAT only, •.•...;•<br />

SAT jk Ach;'.<br />

SAT * Ach.-<br />

: " - Nowmberi<br />

.-j'^V" December JJ,. : . ;5!loni«r»4<br />

r?r •'' : Mirehi^ "Vj^ou imolved In? Do you like<br />

a lot of com petition?<br />

-. - Another question to aik U<br />

whether you w ant lo be fully<br />

inricpcadcni and live<br />

yanrwm or If yoa want if<br />

be aear your family.<br />

After antweriag tb<br />

question*, the best pU«<br />

bep* Unking at cotV-ces K<br />

in o*e of the 'anout gu<br />

to cvtksc* sjch •». <strong>The</strong> Col-<br />

ol American ('•/<br />

KIW.<br />

Write various coll _<br />

aad request catalAgs. Thrv<br />

«tlt gnc one an ovcnien<br />

vbst a rulle)^ K like i<br />

Iron the caidlo|rl one c<br />

d.termine whether or not IK 1<br />

vaais to learn more at»u:{<br />

thai iaditidiial colieRr.<br />

Talk la ti.e coll<br />

itpnacntathcs who<br />

U»eD; lhc> oiler much|<br />

needed intormatton<br />

pliKide the opponunily I J<br />

atk onr's own<br />

q»e»lions.<br />

Indium!<br />

•Vhlt as m&ny campuvo<br />

al passible: ihls is ihe cnl.<br />

crjrsilHIiaWi<br />

1 o go or not to tot Thai b lac qualioa.-:- ;<br />

Each tear, high school seniors niutl make lh«ilccliiooor«heiher or<br />

nol lo attend colleje. <strong>The</strong> choice; is up lo cachtadWldual. tat il must be<br />

made with the utmost care. j£5Jr~7.-'<br />

<strong>The</strong> decision is imponanl becaiue j&Br.llect the type ol job you<br />

.•--•- r-••*!•"'«lasta you acquire. Ihv lllesljleKM lead, and Ihektod ol Mends<br />

•"^•.jMha»..!imaycTenlnnucncewho>osimarry.<br />

^Sj H^ lr " dill< " > * ol hither education onlw traced back lo t*e tchools ol<br />

•StSm.' ?r^- B< " M- * nd AtatMdrta. <strong>The</strong> modern unlreniiy be,an In<br />

«Wg«; Europe during tb« Ulh.nd Uihceniurics.<br />

Eorj^eiii scholars carried the Idea ol hither Icarnlnl •» ifcc Ne«<br />

World «ft«r5.rte emphasis ol wtl> collenes »as on Ihe dcjelootnent ol<br />

During Ihe^jpoy. demands far more spcciHc Iralnteil • Bade il<br />

necessary lor unNgTlUa and colleges lo Incorporate lo±iuc»l „,,.<br />

neulum into their pragrams. Thus. Ihe ideal ol solely edKmUog the<br />

tentleman schoUr lost its potency as a .'orce in hither education.<br />

In the carry Mlh century, oisling Intlliuliont eipaooci » raeel the<br />

nslng demand lor hl8he, Icarnln,. Al Ihe same time, the eurrlculun, ,|<br />

Krraols widened loeno'npassnnly acquired kno.lcdte. "•'•<br />

Perhaps one ol the most lignilicanl aspects In Ibe dcelofWrt ol co! •<br />

i.I u " i «" llit » h " l«n Ihe char,, Irom catering M.-sJoorilv ol<br />

•eaHh, and .Ule mJes lo scr.in,, anyone .ho ««us an ed«a«o«.<br />

Today almost one out o! em, t.o hl,h school graduato toe. m ,„<br />

colkge. But the qucitlnn remain, unanswered: Why to lotolrttf<br />

Education means dillcrent things to dlllercnl people. '<br />

Most siudents leel they need ihe defree lo begin choosingI*, ilfe i^<br />

career<br />

Attain!<br />

some. Ol<br />

out ol coli<br />

And sti<br />

personals<br />

Seniors<br />

ploredillc<br />

Nocrtl<br />

more luw<br />

ukcolkn<br />

llic na<br />

midcIhe<br />

Ands<br />

in thr rnd<br />

h»c«<br />

Bui art<br />

A diplu<br />

«oals ol I<br />

•ocatiuiu<br />

the catv^r<br />

Bulrea<br />

figures, hi<br />

It Is up<br />

legee<br />

ConsMe<br />

Only yti

ig" schools<br />

irs personality<br />

WHlent and Ihc on<br />

nor tf JTOI wim 10rjuur<br />

family.<br />

t- anmerins thetc<br />

»», ihc bett plate to<br />

r looking nt colleges h<br />

tt ot the tariout guIJct<br />

Ikfe* such as. <strong>The</strong> Coh<br />

H<br />

Be* ol American Cot-<br />

various college*<br />

nqucit catalog*. <strong>The</strong>*:<br />

t one an overview ol<br />

jf* college it like am.<br />

catalog* one can<br />

•lac whether or not he<br />

rta learn more about<br />

al college<br />

to the college<br />

Jtivc* who vlth<br />

;' they offer much<br />

Information and<br />

the opportunity to<br />

own Individual<br />

L-as roauy camputct<br />

ale: thb 1* the only<br />

way one can cipcrkncc<br />

Ilnthand the general at*<br />

mo-.phctc ol a i-ainput. how<br />

the ttudcnlt interact, and<br />

the competition In th?<br />

ctaivct.<br />

Unfortunately, there are<br />

l-w many ttudrntt Mho<br />

•I.-.. 1 . i.W. .ii Ms:ti«c |.-.i In<br />

choosing ihrir mlltc asioclaiionwith coi^/bc«u«^(ttt»e',ttpfigaranon <strong>Lowell</strong> offer, and<br />

lege adran\ioni cfIken. 1>k U ao.influencing^tlWDdnt^cr.ut.nuiletitt thai JICI in ocr> \car,"<br />

f«ctw in rcganl 10 1 obeli's rcputtlWlt among.ri-,Thi ! *JHaJh]f0l Lnwell'tpreparation itoideni<br />

colitge*, tn addition, the CUACTI

cfftll Nmtmbcr*. IWJ<br />

FHTURE"<br />

By S.*r*h Hudson<br />

What U a cull? A dktwnary<br />

definition oi the »urd h slmpl*. "a<br />

minority religious (troup regarded<br />

atunonhodot.V<br />

Carrol itutwr, author ol Th*<br />

Cull EtprffciKf — 5afiafion or<br />

5lj»thetr<br />

parents *nd with to atverl<br />

their Independence. TKy *rt<br />

young, new rcvJcnu in a large city,<br />

<strong>The</strong>) are people who hue Imt<br />

their frrbt or -uttered unit other<br />

pertonal tragedy. V.iey are people<br />

who leel something I* mUting in<br />

their Hurt. A young perttin who<br />

look* intccurr nr unhappy 1% an<br />

caty U.-get lor a recruiting cult<br />

Member.<br />

Often the parenti and ih-- cult*<br />

become intohed In legal tuitt ar.d<br />

courner mil*, charging cbducilon.<br />

pyrclio,, gicl abuve, an«l imolun*<br />

lar>- Imprisonment. <strong>The</strong>re arc a<br />

nunber ol counlcr-rult organisation*<br />

which alternju to<br />

"deprogtam" cult member* on<br />

parent'* tequcttt.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are hundreds ol cull* tr,•<br />

Ittmg today which tune member*<br />

all over the world. Perhaps the<br />

Urgeti cull it the Church ol Scientology,<br />

which promote* 'he book<br />

DUaetk* hy iu leader. L. Ron<br />

Hubbanl. <strong>The</strong> other t«o large<br />

culls known woiidwlde are the<br />

Hare Krtihnas. ted by >!|i Divine<br />

Om.e BhaktWcdrnla Swamt<br />

Prabhapad*. and lite UniHoiilon<br />

Church, better known at the<br />

Moomet. kd by Rrvcirnd Sun<br />

Myuflg Moon.<br />

Many k»*er-kn"*n eulu exist<br />

whkh certainly teem lo Hi the<br />

iennit^n i* bdng "unorlhodo* "<br />

For inttancc. i'ce of cult revol-.es<br />

around a movie, such as <strong>The</strong><br />

Hot It 1 ttorrot Picture Shou. Thit<br />

motic. made almoit ten year* JRO.<br />

plays at Ttldnlghl every weekend<br />

all aver the world. Devout<br />

followers dress up like ih* biiarre<br />

character* in the film, shout things<br />

at the screen, ano thiow things in<br />

the thv*ler. luch at rice during the<br />

wedding scene. Many fans have<br />

teen <strong>The</strong> Rocky Honor Picture<br />

.Show two or three hundred limn.<br />

Cult members face deprogramming<br />

By Charlotte Gutierrez<br />

Cull deprogramming i\ a<br />

mtticriout pt»Kr** to mini people.<br />

<strong>The</strong> main cbiccmc include* conttncini:<br />

a meml>cr u> jbindnn JII<br />

lk» and reeling* o[ aUvg^ncr w iih<br />

Ihe cult he or the bclonc* to.<br />

Depregramminji hat become 4<br />

profe*\k*n in the United State*,<br />

though there it no formal educational<br />

prucc** or tel of guideline*<br />

thai raut: be foiiowri! bclor.'<br />

becoming a depr^rammci. Onl><br />

a few deprogram mcr* ha*e a<br />

degrte in ptychulogy.<br />

Acvotding I" author* ) Gordon<br />

M Itual r:pow]edge ->>^<br />

ihiojg h the continuous ruHtoj of :T^;J<br />

God and through tiwV *dir oK: ;<br />

spiritual books. ^*»*. '••'•'W(W<br />

Tn' Krishna bookk. tli« Sfil".^<br />

known of which 1* ; .'.l>'«n*<br />

Bhaf at Jcf-Cil*. *re volume t all 1 ?*?!<br />

Hindu Bible which tun *.**"*"*<br />

translated from Sanskrit. ,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Krbhnu prof ns that t<br />

religion, whica stems frrm IndlM-^<br />

roots, b the oldest rtllgioo J0I l -"<br />

world.<br />

Batkally. the Krbhnat [<br />

their Ibes after the com _<br />

"LCYC llK Lord thy God with alij^<br />

thy heart, with all thy soul i<br />

with all :hy mind.** In<br />

their tole purrKK* it to g ^<br />

and in doing io. they mwvl worship^<br />

2-Ihovrsaday. . •*.•.-;-

Vhe life of an alcoholic<br />

.OrRhkDcnay<br />

JgOortef h an akobolic. He grew<br />

Whp fa . flMU MioDttou town .<br />

/bc«aa drinking«igt 1610 that b«<br />

z<br />

ed Alcoholin AnonvmouTJ<br />

worldwide lupporl group.<br />

Cordon has now gone for 1?<br />

"'"•"« tennt O| Alcoholic<br />

: U1.1 he K p~«.t«,<br />

I,,, ,*„„, _ hc<br />

Sobrkt «., * wnoto new baI,<br />

gaon.Ai .joung drinker. Cordon<br />

*I«ayi tried to act older than his<br />

—t. He didn't etptrieoct normal<br />

VKT*"'*" no ' niature<br />

^TOOT"** 11 '* hH feelinict or<br />

* cicilcmrnt of<br />

tumble. Furtherlied<br />

to oihcrs as<br />

la order lo keep<br />

that family and<br />

of much help in<br />

drinking. He<br />

trying to help<br />

them, peogood.<br />

In<br />

I ness."<br />

1*1 opinion<br />

is good, ami he<br />

tecure.<br />

s. howescr. iliai<br />

an incurable disease<br />

Can never be a<br />

sajsolfersone three jl<br />

naiites — *obrtet*, insaiuit.<br />

death — Gordon tv lucky.<br />

TbcLonO. »V-..-ai-.iohaica<br />

good time<br />

21%<br />

Ye\. ray friends do<br />

and I like u go along<br />

«iihthecro«d<br />

No. nc*er<br />

50%<br />

Drunk drivers claim innocent lives<br />

By Regan Coog<br />

Thirteen-tear-old Can LiKhtrrr<br />

•as on her biocle crn^init a tirect<br />

when a car ran ll.c vtop ugn and<br />

cirmed into her. <strong>The</strong> dmer. Mho<br />

sped off. but »a% amnicd later,<br />

had ju%t been releatctl Iwn da>\<br />

earlwr on a liitandrun charge.<br />

He »J* drunk on the day he hi)<br />

Cart. She would die later in ,he<br />

da>.<br />

Alter htr funeral. Cir.\<br />

mother. Ondy. «suld form<br />

Mother* AKalnU Drunk Dti»er><br />

'MAUD). She wowltt b* lt«- r»«M>n<br />

c«t in « TV mtnie Uti yr<br />

Uiunk MiiMnu te^ul<br />

cent •>! all (dial hiKhw<br />

I'.MK) deaths, mi<br />

*. warning-<br />

»li\ do people<br />

Excessive drinking harmful to body<br />

By Kitt Grant<br />

Alcohol may be causing >ou<br />

tome tcrious physical problems<br />

lhat you may not be aware of if you<br />

are an eicessfsc drinker.<br />

Old you know thai regular<br />

drinkers of large amounts nt<br />

alcohol may obtain at least SO per<br />

" cent of the calories from alcohol?<br />

Regular Hrinken eipericnce i<br />

stgnifkaiit wcifthl toss, and extreme<br />

overindulgence can lead to a<br />

fatal coma.<br />

Did you also know that alcohol<br />

has absolutely no positive physical<br />

effects? It only produces a physical<br />

dependence, wntilt refers to some<br />

physiologic*! dLtiiftunc^ that occur."hen<br />

akoht*: !v withdrawn.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y are ilteviaied *h«-n akohol<br />

intake U rejum-i.<br />

Alcohol alfrc:. thr^-c main part*<br />

of jour body: the esophagus, the<br />

~3ver, and the brain.<br />

Tbt kM^Viattus Is atfeeicd by<br />

direct chcTiKji Irritation to It*<br />

nucota inducing severe somlting.<br />

Comp1k4tloni mty Include hemmoahagins.<br />

Accompanied 'of difncully<br />

in s-allo«ing.<br />



pot appointment call ^<br />

5&4-4077<br />

OPtN 7IMVS A WttK<br />

.50) Ti:#T*l^»««<br />

This "drug" affects ihe liscr in<br />

that it can cause liter failure and<br />

altodfalh.<br />

Or. Joseph Clift. an intcrnu*. in<br />

Ihe Oakland Day Area, stales.<br />

"Brain damagr can occur o'er<br />

proU>n|ced use •( alcohol, and ;hc<br />

rtertou* system is atso affected.<br />

Drinkers somct'imes experience ..<br />

buniini; sensation and numbness<br />

tt ihcir lower ICKS."<br />

PhtsicalW. in the mcili.'j) sense,<br />

alcuhol is much more trouble than<br />

it's worth. For it lo do any real mafor<br />

harm to the body, il has in be<br />

used mer a Ion): pe*tod of lime and<br />

consumed eicrssUely-.<br />

In an inimicalcJ sta'c. a person<br />

is mor^ susceptible to trauma<br />

because he gradually I» peupk Jk eters das due<br />

to drunk dritinn. Uii\ is ,t much<br />

higher deaths>aday ratio than<br />

that of combat deaths in Vktnum.<br />

2. lh lo 24 scar old j|te itruup<br />

cause 44 percent ul alt jkuholr.-lalcd<br />

dejlhs. thtxiith ihcs make<br />

up only 22 percent "f all licvnsvd<br />

dritcrv<br />

3. More people have been killed<br />

or hurl in the past ten years by<br />

drunk drisers than by murderers,<br />

muggers, robberv and rapists.<br />

Wtt*t vain tmi .it* i» Iwtp >«itt<br />

the pri.til.-ni'<br />

Ihe II-N» j

Wcmnlpcr-) IMJ<br />

?' FUTURE<br />

««<br />

%rJ<br />

Lack of nutrition causes harmful effects<br />

By Erica Branw**aer<br />

Eight? perrcnt of adolctctnl<br />

girts hate been on a dkl by (he<br />

time iftcy reach IB. Wt.tlc tome<br />

fCflt *r.(J young women iln.pl><br />

diet, olhtn Itieratlv go cra/y over<br />

food.<br />

there b an cf.jcmk sweeping<br />

Amerka today — anortfia ncriou,<br />

• bkanr. tclMmpooMl (orm<br />

of sunatbn. lhaim tome caw*.<br />

. lead* to deaths Once rare, the<br />

dhordir t»7-r.jil(lku 1 percent of<br />

. all U.S. »oa:en 12-25 year* nr age<br />

- — meaning at least 280.000 m thai<br />

, group art starving ihemwtrn to*<br />

day.<br />

<strong>The</strong> '.tpkal inomk n uwally<br />

caucaiian. female, and frcm a<br />

middle to upper-middle tlatt<br />

family. She i» considered to be<br />

**l'.ic perfect little KI.I" — swart.<br />

attractive, a model sluJcnl. and<br />

w~llbehated.<br />

Tltc folto«Int£ quote is taken<br />

from a young teenager with .*<br />

clattkc£*cof anorevia nervo*a:"l<br />

wit dying. 1 M as ttarring to death.<br />

1 could not walV because there «at<br />

no tat In my (eel. I could not tit for<br />

mere than ten m'uitet because my<br />

bones would hmi. I had nothing <br />

ol cookie*, an eclair, ttuec sand-<br />

• khev cracker* and dip. a jar o'<br />

peanut butler, a hall a jar of jelly.<br />

two \lico of bread with cheevr and<br />

ma)onnalw. a large pt/-/a, jnd<br />

lour IKI«I\ ol cereal.<br />

<strong>The</strong> cure for bulimia iv<br />

unknown, but many liulimarcctl'.v<br />

enter therapy that attempts to encourage<br />

them to cut down on their<br />

binning.<br />

Anoretia ncrvtna and bulimia<br />

•err once scc-"t\ thai \m victim-,<br />

brought out ol tlK clovt. but Utc-<br />

I) mow of them hue entered<br />

therapy. This faci cculd be due to<br />

the number of cetcbritio that have<br />

been recently admitting their patt<br />

battles with both diseases.<br />

fane Fonda admitted in her<br />

book Une Fvtuia't Workout Book<br />

that the was bullmk carlkr in tier<br />

life. Cherry Boone. daughter of<br />

Pat Boone. hM also written a<br />

book. Stirring lor Attention.<br />

about her ten-tear battle with<br />

anorexia nervesa.<br />

Perhap* if more joung women<br />

concentrated on being healthy. Inttead<br />

of looking like modclv there<br />

would be fewer easel ol food<br />

related disease*.<br />

ir Qallcry.<br />

Good substitutes<br />

By Heidi Ro» - :,;<br />

Eatlrg :'nc rtghl foods no longer bat to be c-i!'. New foodi «npaet«d<br />

of M£srr4 from*<br />


i tth ttucn and<br />

graf ks 4«med<br />

from tb« awai<br />

MAMMttAg W||h<br />

butter and other<br />

I.It. ihkk*aia«<br />

• ilH Hour, potato<br />

ttaor. nxaua.ch.<br />

Upicca<br />



JUICES<br />


•hofe milker<br />

t»t.i cicam<br />

w>ur cream<br />

ehcnr (all kind*)<br />

lc* cream<br />

USB<br />

a tlk* or twti M «wma tua>i"<br />

(r>*. pUbi. -faoW wbrall.<br />

KT-K:hp. «Utj ttkks. ear.<br />

nts. radubr*. Irttect or<br />

tomatott<br />

USB<br />

a UB*D amovat of {aat. kU/<br />

peaebtd «c bulled egg*<br />

USE<br />

Iradr fntd wttcnackm.<br />

peaches. tua«bcrrici.<br />

blackbcrrin. •oi'Mberrki:<br />

learlagly: uagirtncs. peart,<br />

grapefrwtt. oraagvt.<br />

aprkou •<br />

Iretfafreil<br />

canned. dW*r»k ce waier<br />

packed .<br />

use<br />

pUia eoadlmcnis.<br />

c hW d<br />

Jill. kmoa. IUM. mlal.<br />

mutuil, ook-e ult. pep*<br />

per. ult. v^egai. gattie.<br />

pkmks.catwp. paprika<br />

or other artificial<br />

«g«ati<br />

USE Mtt<br />

U«l wtth Ut ihmmcvt oil.<br />

cMckra or turkc*. flih<br />

(ether than njmoit).<br />

sLHmp. crab «n*«i. lomicr.<br />

eiams. ojiun<br />

USE<br />

Uim milk or hi („, dri(d<br />

mllkpo.de<br />

)OfUrt<br />

CO4MKCOrpol.l-.TW<br />

tbrrtrl or ..irr [rc«<br />


Sooilton. cunKtmmc. JtllWd<br />

ck*r «»«(-». tnttt dull c-p<br />




se gams<br />

popularity<br />

y<br />

tfclbepati (Hftdccadcv cicrci*-<br />

Ing tu* become mon-|«'l>ub ilun<br />

•. Million* «fpcvtpk ii-ic ukcrt<br />

fatKHt*. • fcitH'Un*. aentbin.<br />

other popular \pom (or a<br />

variety ol reave*. What are ilic<br />

benefit* ol ci.cn.Uc and wbv «L> *«<br />

man? people (to it?<br />

Unclt>r% vlatm that tuic ol the<br />

bevt feature* t>l cu»rci*iiig i% that ii<br />

Kip* make the heart and luu^r*<br />

more cffXicni, With proper ami<br />

regular e*erer*c. the heart heal*<br />

mote *Jowlr at re-*4 ami during<br />

•oik. mid acquire* a greater pumping<br />

capacity. Ifvart jiuckv.<br />

whkh arc one of .he lea Jtnj cad*c*<br />

o( premature tlcalh in the Unitctl<br />

atiticv. can be h*nug!il no bccaitw<br />

•be heart It overworked: thcrvlore.<br />

the efficiency of ihe hciri K imporlant.<br />

•<br />

In addition iu ^creating*, indue<br />

rllkieiicr eicrcitv 'one* rau*clc\.<br />

relieve* ten*bn. r»i*c* itie body'*<br />

wrjry le\~.l, ant) can nducv ilie<br />

amount ol CUT** la I im the body.<br />

In addition to being phyMcailvbeneficial,<br />

exercise ha* mam<br />

iHnilue pwbolojkal cllccl* a*<br />

well. liicrvlii-g he'ft* |>c»p!c feel<br />

l*ctier ahnui thcmtcltc* tir.il about<br />

ihdr appearar.ee. When people<br />

hate control over their hmlicw. ii<br />

glte* them a *cn*c at •».!!•<br />

tatl*lactinn ami confidence.<br />

Wliai ilit <strong>Lowell</strong> \tu(feitt\ likv<br />

about ctercitlnit? "ll ni^ev mv<br />

feel ihln." commenUJ tenlor Em-<br />

ma It*. "After I c\cn.l*e. I lev)<br />

like I drurne meat anviltlng!"<br />

Getting jn thane and looking<br />

atMclk arc other incentive*, lor cv<br />

crviving. "Watching my muw)j\<br />

grow antl develop excite* me".<br />

commcntetl junior David Luverne.<br />

Senior Kalhy Coll added. "I eel a<br />

big thrill Irom oh*crting HK<br />

phytlcal deirlopntcnt of mywll<br />

and my- teummatr*. ctpcclwlh my<br />

teammate*."<br />

Many pcopk have a negative altitude<br />

toward cicrvUing bc**au*e<br />

they lint! Il Kvini;. "|'»l (me lo<br />

take up fogging." explained<br />

trnior Lydla Cuilctto. "hut 1 [uM<br />

don'l like doing it by mv*clf."<br />

One *oluiion to a problem welt<br />

At thh it lo join a lesm *p«tri. il<br />

you enjoy an activity. \uch a* a certain<br />

tporl. you will continue doine<br />

It and eventually you will get In<br />

thjpc. Senior Kathy Coll noted.<br />

to Improve your *kill in thai *ni«t.<br />

and In miter lo ilo llu:. vou have<br />

If Ihe Idea of cicrvi*mg with<br />

other people i\ not appca.ittt:. it i*<br />

eavy in lint! e*cr»;i*e* lo do on wmr<br />

own. Hccnid* Mien a* 'Jane I «m<br />

da'* Workout Hcconl" IMVC<br />

Kwnf popular anunig people<br />

who enjoy denying in the privacy<br />

of their hunii*. unit ih»*c who<br />

prefer tltr* MrcU-lic* to vipottm*<br />

Weights help to build bodies<br />

jlninit [« a hcal'htliy<br />

«thlch it (inally<br />

aye. Looked at lor<br />

ffecadet* \th* fairo>jtrevof)ui|iicion.<br />

the potilUe ellectt o! the ac><br />

th-ilj-dtt now being rralUcd.<br />

Thouiandi o| hea'lh-nilm'ed<br />

clit/en> no* cnicase in tilling<br />

leighu on a regular bavtv, <strong>The</strong>re<br />

ire many rcavont for thh,<br />

Tiioe and rrwarch hive impelled<br />

the notion that It \x a harmful<br />

ciMtjr enlaced ia onl* by ejcutUu<br />

ind Utlatk. Studies \ho«v that it can<br />

br a safe «i>? lo build %trcnftih.<br />

power, and endurance.<br />

!: » a poihUe «at to ttrcnitilicn<br />

ihe muwtn «htch help proenl<br />

faturc injuries in a variety of<br />

iporu. It can be uiili/cd In help<br />

itpprme specific aihlctk abilktiet.<br />

Wci^Sl traloing not only build*<br />

ph>*ica! itrrnxt:). but it can alto<br />

improve mental *trenylh. ll can he<br />

uted (o :cbch divcipl'ne. urder.<br />

and 'led'iratkm lo a *peeilic la\k.<br />

tl can alto be invaluable in Ihe<br />

rehabilitation ol injurtc*.<br />

No l>,i|^r %\ weiitht tratniti||<br />

thouKhtof A\a mnleactftitt. Once<br />

ihuuitht ol A\ a *pon to hnild<br />

muwletfor ihe"«eaklinit." il no«<br />

ha% much broader acceptance.<br />

Many women ha%e taken up<br />

••eight '.raining brcauw it hat a<br />

number of beneficial rnutt*.<br />

Manv women who hate tlci-iiicd<br />

lo try the %norl find thjl ll builiK<br />

up tbtii ttretiKth. making il po\ible<br />

lot them to do thin*, tho' fci.c<br />

Jogging craze sweeps over America<br />

Oy 7)«ttbtM«rirDa4or<br />

logltlng hat bevome one ol<br />

America** fatoritc mcihsd* ol<br />

keeping In ihapc. I: it being<br />

heralded In<br />

logcer-' ';« Ihnr thing jl an*<br />

limr ol th« J«y m n.ithl. Somr<br />

preler togging tn Ihe catty hour* ol<br />

Ihe morning right alirr th^* wake<br />

up. Other* like *he late a(tern«K<br />

pcwipapcrt. on blllbotrdt. and on before wpper. Some enjoy<br />

;ele*iUon. middle.»("he night before coil<br />

<strong>The</strong> tnattivc jogging marathon* bed<br />

wnkt* u'w place yearly in many<br />

ci:kt around the world now garner<br />

Irom PHe headline* and top<br />

iporwon the TV ncwttcrccnt.<br />

In San Fmncivco. thf "Bay to<br />

Orraken" race I* written about<br />

and reported lor weeks before it<br />

What h il ih jogging* And there it<br />

relatively link financial cotl lo the «}.--£*— "<br />

partkif-ant.<br />

Ibe adtantage* ot tugsmit can<br />

be nuny. Runner Mjjr« fnc<br />

recently reported on a «udy by<br />

oedkal doctors whkh concluded<br />

thai jogglne Improve* one's<br />

rtflcxet aod vicue o{ a-arenct*.<br />

. pcopk who {ot reguUrty appear<br />

to retpood better to life's pro*<br />

blemv and the need to make deciikrt*<br />

qukkly. Jof^en are more<br />

; alert *nd retpobtWo than rtoa*<br />

• <strong>The</strong> py<br />

br. the<br />

Mrcctt. on tccludcd p*ih*. dimn<br />

haPway*. in parki. in ttymt. and in<br />

y<br />

San Prapciwo jojtj^r* lend to<br />

run in pUee% that ihey find e»>nvr.<br />

nknl. Favorite )otfin|t |>|ace* include<br />

Golden '.late Park, the<br />

YoutMttmrtoooMtoJof.<br />

Marina Green, ihr ocean ^a:h.<br />

take Mctcetl- wh.w.1 uthleik IH-IJV<br />

— lit name hut a lew.<br />

Lo«ei; vtuiliMt> like *»(>h»mi>te<br />

Dean I'oulakida* run cvcrytUv.<br />

i'aitlakidat i* on the tm\t countrv<br />

learn . nd mutt kc.p in proper co.v<br />

dition.<br />

Uclure a wuikout. he ttoet kc<br />

tlfcfche* and a lew *arm-jp run*<br />

before a lonj.»r ell >r*. He ttatc*<br />

that jogging make* him feel good<br />

anu rvlavetl. Beginner* oltco i»mplain<br />

about i*chc* art! pain* in the<br />

leg*, bu' l*outakida* *la:c* that<br />

when otu i^it »-*cd t.v it. he will<br />

feel r>od oerytimc he mn«.<br />

Like mo*; thieir in life, ilwr* 1 iv<br />

alwa)k another *itfr ti< the picture<br />

I wo i>ut «f oer> tnrec runner, admil<br />

iSat they have been ttijuiol<br />

tomctimc in their live* a* a rrvull<br />

ol running.<br />

Many phytkijt.* claim tnai<br />

tcrtouv runninc can produce major<br />

rivk* lor the rather mode*! gain* in<br />

fttnett that one receive*. Eicc**i*r<br />

runnlnc putt ait intenve vtre** on<br />

><br />

Each tune the jogger put* hi*<br />

hccU dff»n in & fogging *uidc. he<br />

excrtv from ihree to five tinvet hi\<br />

weight on hit lower tlmbt.<br />

<strong>The</strong> phtykiant cajtiun tl.c runner<br />

to brcome «clt aware ot hit<br />

phnkat limitation*. <strong>The</strong>y cite that<br />

during a mile-run, one** feet tike<br />

about ' .000 impact* and that<br />

repealed thock* c-tute liny ic»rv<br />

CT*C*A- «nd ipa»mi *;. ,he runner's<br />

ph)»kal fabric.<br />

Cauttoa U obvioutty the best adi<br />

*U* for any Ktktty *hkh it<br />

: capable of doirg damage 10 one'*<br />

•* body part*.<br />

1 Whatever lit pluie* and<br />

t m'muio. iofjinc h * k become 1 t»a*<br />

" ttonal phcootnenon In Arocrk*'*<br />

Kirch for a bcallhier style of Uring.<br />


previously read books<br />

Sin Fr^ncisio -552-4122<br />

Wdght Uhcr itragglei «itb • b trbdl at ttw YMCA gja.<br />

tioer able to do. incTr^Mng pertonal<br />

tlncn|tih inrreatet pertnnal<br />

confidence and expand* the realm<br />

of actititir* in whkh woi^en eai<br />

participate.<br />

Co>chc» ol a *ile tartcty ol<br />

\port* incorporrfiv weight training<br />

Into the corjitfoninic pm^rutn ol<br />

their aihtclc*. I'artKipaiit* in<br />

ba*chall. ba%kclbjll. I.K.IIMII.<br />

track, and twimmint: find wtirktn^<br />

with weights bcnclk-i.il. Siicnjtth<br />

in theie *po»t* can oc<br />

advantage for the player*.<br />

Minimum cuuipment tor the<br />

b*-,tinnrr - • tally con*lit* *•! a \c\ nt<br />

bart?ll\ ..; an eterci>c bench.<br />

Man> high vrhool physical vtlur?th>n<br />

ileiMnmenit n«m olfer v ei)(h:<br />

training CUHA for ihc bryinner.<br />

and YMCA'* hatepn*gram\fogv-l<br />

intcnrMfi! intlitlitu^l* Marled, tl l\<br />

adthible to lolkrw a rccogni/cd<br />

program that ha* on* en It* • onh.<br />

rather than experimenting »ith<br />

weights<br />

Aerobics keeps<br />

people moving<br />

ByLUyUm<br />

"Any kind ol ctcrctw I* impor-<br />

•nt today." cmpha*iml France*<br />

lore .-i*nic of ihemwKev ami<br />

jt.ttolcv! ilKirheti."<br />

Ma hc-<br />

rrr before<br />

ittm ol ever.<br />

ay Ihatt<br />

amt (>uc<br />

*c llut lu*<br />

can pump ail the blond that Iht<br />

boily .icedt al a tlowfr rale *c<br />

there i* let* chance* ol (he hern<br />

pumping tUne boily lew<br />

ijttem (lhc heail. lung*, and protie to diveaw or illne*>.<br />

Mood tcvtelt). Aerobic eierctvct Furthermore, ihc linal 'cutli of<br />

require a lot oi endurance ai c*i* jembic c«crct*ing i* the outlook<br />

rtent in tuch acii»ilin at running, people have on (heir lilc alter they<br />

twlirming. cycling, batkelball begin \o feel the ;hangct taking<br />

(without lhc ihe outvj, and con- plate in their bodiet.<br />

tinuout rope skipping. Peotilc no longir f ecl lenw and<br />

A new ap.t '•en pofttar method nenou*: they actually Icam to<br />

ol tloing aerot '.-* (which may a1*o relai. People do turf feel drowsy all<br />

hteak wnatoer monotony there t*t day. nor are they faltitued eatilv<br />

i* to arvuinpany mu*ic to the from climbing \tatrt or running for<br />

roniinc everrtvet. a-. *omc ctervi*e the bu*.<br />

program* and workout *pa* have A* a revult. people Icam to deal<br />

employed. and live with the tfc» of daily life<br />

According to tenior Sarah Tiu. better. <strong>The</strong>y oen tlecp better and<br />


«Jvld. T)Klomttt. NmmbtrJ. I I*- percent «f,U VI percent know<br />

•Frr "•.** >ejrt nimn like Limel!<br />

i:w*ent fi«crntncnt hu»e been<br />

luni li* untteitund." e»p!iined<br />

e- "Ihe ti»«eit K(ncrnmrnt<br />

(William Clark!<br />

lVc*»<br />

wfht to be changed and »oted for<br />

by the ttudent body intiead of<br />

electin|{ the je<br />

U*fll ttudenti fhe eomplele<br />

po»er to run the gtnernment, and<br />

linden" would eel a belter iJe« of<br />

their pyi ernmeni."<br />

Man, ttutlcntv did well on itie<br />

i]uc»tinn lUa'int; *.;U«K io *o-e «> the* (eel *'.i»<br />

[<br />

"ttmcll tiud<br />

vunkulum. T.<br />

earn a hea»\<br />

."ia*e a hea»y<br />

academic lon\ ^ . and volunteer<br />

wu nd I'm turpriwd thet knew<br />

thi h.'* ci.'Iiinnit (.euillLe.<br />

Campaigning students gain experience.<br />

. irift Ihcfl ttmt.. M jjk tpui \,tt ,-lluv<br />

jt the C'uRintiltrr H- Hcvicii<br />

MJJO: Dunne 1'rin .tri.i JM.1<br />

»i«i. prr'.,i,tiiii|' t!ti\ like lilllii:.<br />

to >Io wtui i!ir> .^:. t(> !it!r. i|lv<br />

ma*iv>r In her lMrmpt tn w..j re<br />

clecitnn<br />

A tolitnirr-. unu.h am i-.^li<br />

»vh.->l vV.rnlui, |* tJn ^.oik -n<br />

I^.iK j* MT -jn'v on M.>r.l.m i-><br />

Sjiunbu, Jl IMI, ',4ii NrA« Ji<br />

pt..inin< M'ler*. or .Imni: it Jut<br />

ctrru JI J«»V>* UIJI rit—»i in IH- 11.1fit-<br />

icactier. it, *Titx-i' ihc c\peiiem-.<br />

who \tt iniereivd<br />

lw. 4uw Ihc nujrpu v<br />

thoLt the pi.ti'L-J<br />

ha lid." fjttr r<br />

,v>«nt-f tug nv ^If<br />

crutil t«--*lu-'"niiwl«.i<br />

Vduncm arr rot limiini i.><br />

working fur t4..ilnlji.^ a^ne. ll>ct<br />

tin 4K0 wi<br />

fk*uli. V-ul the*« clfice* arr .i*,'Uln-<br />

Ii not tmt-i* to hide li»m; trie<br />

-it*<br />

i TO *:iM#tt i<br />

1 W.»m«n Ve<br />

><br />

^4*vV the ICipubltcaP Ccunl) Crn<br />

'»alC"-nmit.«ol:.^nhf»s* l *tial<br />

o^i M*ri-:. 4rt7-lS.U: rhe<br />

Defr/-crc'L>'a.^7 M O.itoml* ^i<br />

S*.r. Frajwiwo Connii Co-»mi'"e<br />

5^4«Jt'. .>?iri3 UKna teem* u> ha*c >".h<br />

\1iKlii'- trtt iirarilhuc -Ui».<br />

L'.K.*= a vlf'proclaimeil wiaMii<br />

actr i. cal'.v for ^n end in Ihc rale<br />

. jobt oi^il hcaltl<<br />

II twihlnji »!*< thi (^n-tidaie* One bck'int Io worJer wnc«e '.^r I.nWcll SlllHl-nfc' '<br />

arc -oUful an.l in.Vaine tif S,n ilk the Pl'e it ru.inin<br />

) BUS-M.I9<br />

Baskin Robbins<br />

Stones'own<br />

! j 31'Cents<br />

Off<br />

i i<br />

s i<br />

i !<br />

i i<br />

All £and*a.<br />

Floats, Shakes<br />

i '<br />

I | Shtj-VcifSiudcmBodtCinl!<br />

- 1 I<br />

cay<br />

Itie l» idair. fat Wright.<br />

3?-)c r-old tocialitt<br />

rker. Sh»- call> for<br />

an altt^ncc amnnit nunorilict.<br />

women, and labor In support her<br />

pljt'orm of af( 1 ol the ti»<br />

CJfldidalet for m»t"r. Oon't put<br />

tour mone> on am of them makinK<br />

it to a run-off.<br />

HUNAN<br />

StiAOI.lNon I"M.K<br />

Itl.SI.M lt\NT<br />

ltM.ll \M> IHNNI.lt<br />

r.AV.<br />

ORDL') roilftt. OUT<br />

•dupl i<br />

tior<br />

tag Thj<br />

them 11<br />

untqui<br />

career j<br />

and U<br />

tkr.il trl<br />

lion."<br />

pan !<br />

ha.eb<br />

Itrnr |<br />

I.M r..(<br />

11 Fai<br />

In J

HxLncll. Wovtaf*r-(. 1W. Pi$t 17<br />


Bilingual ballots: I si or no?<br />

-l+ Co*. G*« ~<br />

J 'i"* *** (O-ij.<br />


B/KeUkOan<br />

: ud<br />

Pegtt Wong<br />

Shall the Board ol<br />

Adopt ka6 the Mayor tign a rctolutlon<br />

urging the Congrett and<br />

President ol the 'Jniltd Sinn ID<br />

amend federal la* \a thai<br />

henceforth lh« Ctl> and Court y of<br />

San Fraucncu need print ballot*,<br />

roien* handbook. ami other official<br />

TO tine nialerUjt only in<br />

« fufcfcm .-s* TO<br />

rii\n>anU requiicnicm<br />

f»r »uti :. which U im*<br />

poici* on the other fi rci^rt<br />

Un^uajf *pcjkirc |*ruup«. i*<br />

r-cull, dcme.intni.<br />

Another rejw>n U thji f^der.a<br />

1 require A \ubitan..Ml matirr><br />

(I :hc hnnlt'h UtiKujRc tot ctti/cn-<br />

U,,r. [ithnKual ballott undermine<br />

the K IV ' °' imprming I-n^livh<br />

literacy by impeding immigrants'<br />

effort% IO learn l:ngli\h.<br />

Kopp fccU that bilingual ballot*<br />

irr iteltincntil to tocial integration<br />

becautc. by divciiu'aftin^ proftc*cnc«<br />

In linglivh. nun-^nglith<br />

ipeaking citi/en* will be cut oil<br />

Ironi the ma In it ream of American<br />

tocial a.id politkai acihitfn.<br />

Ctnt i\ another (actor ol Kopp'*<br />

aruu.nf.il; tin-c 11*5. SI.750.000<br />

ol !ian Franciw:o ta*paver\" nionci<br />

»(i.i to the lunding of the bilingual<br />

'. allot program.<br />

In addition. Kopp fetK that i( a.<br />

pcruin i\ unable to eifcv'uelv<br />

undentand i*\uc* and di\co%\ton\<br />

in campaign arenas, thcr cannot<br />

tote clcarl) on tUe muc*. and<br />

much of the mcterial -m the *utcr\*<br />

'•nfornation pamphlet cannot he<br />

tranilated clearly into the vatiuuv<br />

UngtiagM.<br />

Thf>w oppoicd to Pruptwilion O<br />

alvii have m»n* argtimrnlk in their<br />

fa and the |{ir>cy Milk C>J\<br />

Ucm.KT^iK lluh.<br />

<strong>The</strong> main argument ol those in<br />

lavnf..( bilingual oallot h ihil 'lie<br />

tuntljmctit-l ni;hi in l>cniocrat> i%<br />

(he right io\otc<br />

<strong>The</strong>* a'*«» reaw>n ihat before the<br />

Voting C in lit* Act. mjn<<br />

miner! l let were inrapahlc »l<br />

toting- San Tranciwo ihnuld not<br />

tcad Ihc *>n in the changed a national<br />

1J*» *IMC1I h »orkini{ t«> protect<br />

the toting nylilt of thoutandv<br />

of loter* acrott America.<br />

In fact. ihe. Iccl that San Franclvro<br />

it a city of di*trr\c cultures in<br />

• hkh all groups of people can participate<br />

iKlnely ii> guicin.rcnt<br />

i-.tuev that alfcel their li>ct.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y alu> Icr. u it the patUi*r<br />

ol Proposition \ - tuld not inhibit<br />

ditcrimination. but would promote<br />

it. «inct thouiandt ol non-<br />

Iinglivh %pca«.in|t San Francis-ant<br />

«ould be left with nuta> on public<br />

F ; naIK. -,m- »J['porieri ol bitingual<br />

baltntt Iccl that Proposition<br />

O it utelett tincc Prr>ident<br />

Keagan already appmved an ctlenii'n<br />

of bilingual toting unul<br />

Whjioer Ihe outcome of the<br />

Notember c'tction mat. be. tl*e<br />

pattage or fai'ure ol Ptcpotition O<br />

• ill not end the tirntktni **tirv'.. *a$ the reward*<br />

Doon. She i\ a<br />

neonatal retearch a*t ; tian* at<br />

Children's Hotpital *hot« j*ib include*<br />

recording into cumf^teit<br />

information r\|(arding treatment<br />

cl permature babiet that dnciK't<br />

tan rctertoin timilarcaurt<br />

Lcarninjt in commit herwll :o<br />

the rcipoiuinilitt of a fob lhat tn-<br />

mature* from hcreipcricnccv<br />

"Wcrk experience it v>mcthing<br />

I will ncter liTKel." .headded.<br />

Pcrvonal grew th arivet Irmn<br />

holding a job.<br />

Senior Mate MclntA. «h-i<br />

trantportt paticnlt t» ami from »<br />

ra> /fit! bctlrMimtat M*r*h*' ilate<br />

llo*, at a part i-I hi. Mi-di.-al<br />

liiplorrri tolnntcer |ob, rrtT*'ed.<br />

"It't a great leclmg to do \ut-h a<br />

tmall lator like untportiug an<br />

cKicrly woman bacL to her roi>m<br />

ar ,J re«ei> a *i«i -ere thank v IU " '•'<br />

return."<br />

Det clop ing »:nmrrnni*."4liun<br />

tkilh with the pjhhc jnd i ei.ning<br />

more (etpuntiblc Irnni •oj*ut wnnii: tiifmteltei.<br />


fiplB. itttUmttl. Norrntxr4. I9S3<br />

SPORTS"<br />

Varsity footballersbeatEagles, Bears<br />

Vincent Carter (2) drop* back to put u Suniey Ble*)adeckl run* Ms<br />

Volley batters spike into season<br />

By Stvtdl Murakami t41,,Jin Yi«mi toilet ball team<br />

hat- and il* current record i* 2-1.<br />

Lo*m' io Mif<br />

*itonr on the team irett<br />

A <strong>Lowell</strong> volt^bi • flayer makes a winning tpike igalnit Galileo.<br />

<strong>The</strong><br />

leawm. <strong>The</strong>y beat «uc v i team*<br />

KcdxHxl liiKh. Al-.mcij Hiu<br />

Sjn Matco Mich. anC Mvrc>. St<br />

•)( the bea. and Sjini Kim- fro<br />

San Francw<br />

Wntmoor in Dak Cn» ami<br />

McAtccr. .mil Gallic<br />

By Strah Mudion<br />

and Randy Koti<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> 'iniiy ."oibatt tcarr<br />

broke it* U K-tv toMng ttreak by<br />

defeating Ihe WmhlnRUn Eagle*<br />

2114 on Vnynt Field un October<br />

6.<br />

Going intii the third quarter, the<br />

Eagle* were leading MO. <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

quarterback Vlncc Carter threw a<br />

nine-yard patt into Ihe end fune in<br />

receiver Stan Bljtia'lecki. which<br />

made the Korr 14-6. a* lo»tll<br />

mittcd the extra point.<br />

A ! t »• r <strong>Lowell</strong>** iccond<br />

touchdown, a pj*t fiom Carter to<br />

Tcm Criniha*. the -Mm decided<br />

tc try a two point comenion to<br />

eten the tcore. Quarterback<br />

rZrnnt Battrv .hrc* a pav* Intended<br />

lor John Tuaiwjwpo. ttutead, the<br />

ball bounced off a Wa-hinj.'pa<br />

player into the arm* of itrrc<br />

Burgr. who ran three )*Q\ lor<br />

t«o Dcirit*.<br />

LtiwcH't third and mo*t .urpriting<br />

«ouchd.->w n •• at stated In<br />

an unutual martoi-r. Washington.<br />

*u»pp*d ai fourth dcrwj on thr<br />

Lowe'l three yard line, opled to to<br />

a field gual i at her than<br />

touchdo*' . Bu'fter. detcrmintd<br />

not in let Wathlngton take the<br />

lead, threw himieli on the kicker.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ball «ot loow. and the kicker<br />

ki:kcd Burner'* hand tmlcad.<br />

Richard Week* picked up the ball<br />

; from the Kmuml and tped 40 jardt<br />

i for <strong>Lowell</strong>'* third and final<br />

* touchdown of the game.<br />

\ "All I did wa* pick up the ball<br />

/ and n:n. Mor *..* the real hero.**<br />

t -idai-nrd WccV,<br />

G : rls' balketball ]<br />

set for season<br />

By Romualdn S<br />

Ihc Lti-ui »r lack height." Addcit<br />

1 "r Lcuni;. 'Our lallcti prr%4.n<br />

it; ...-i. hinctwvtrt »fir/ .,><br />

our lack ••( hetght with **ur<br />

.iuu-k-.e«."<br />

Cuach .'ini Ihomat Ju* ir.,MJlcd<br />

a nr» program lor ihc lej.'i Out<br />

hat thr mrmbriA run on Hit- crt>%*<br />

. bui Uiocil<br />

tci.ice.1 .t out ST-hO. pacnl ht Vsm\<br />

Kila^awa't -1J poinl*. l.o«cll'< V><br />

p«itnt *ccond quarter prmed to be<br />

the turninn point ol the game.<br />

Two day. later. <strong>Lowell</strong> .clurned<br />

J<br />

> —.11 be<br />

at Mi*.<br />

Bale.<br />

Ihr |<br />

B.ic<br />

Ho,.<br />

anJ p.il<br />

pU»ed |<br />

jean a<br />

jearin ]<br />

On<br />

pLa»\ *:<br />

hit M.tou.hii<br />

into it;]<br />

Cridtrt<br />

I sir

.SPORTS<br />

Bates, Graham are 'Athletes of Month<br />

+Ernest Bates • H,<br />

ByToyU Won him timing (or academic and athletic *jiji<br />

"I love tportt becaiite of the etcellerwe tlnce WJ3. \:\,<br />

ccrapetltlon. fun. and teamwork Bate* hat al«> receive.! other I f<br />

bmbed." t'atcd senior Ernctt **»*nH and honort. He «a» MV|' \\<br />

Oatrt athlete of the month. (Mm: Valuable Plater) on Sc JV<br />

<strong>The</strong> 5 feet. II inch. 17Q pound (uothall tquad in hi- tophomnrc<br />

Bales haih Irom the Herbert >« r »nd AIICii> ani>itn^-:r<br />

touchdown pattct ; nih.<br />

7 Oraliatn mmpric* in three<br />

^ etenu lor <strong>Lowell</strong>'t ,..f!\ »ar\it><br />

it i"ck learn. Diet jrc ilk* mile<br />

5 r:la«. for wli.t' tic i* ilir jiut,.n.<br />

~ thr tr.'lc nifiip. .i.ul the 4tW nicin<br />

"My chances 0/ attaining this<br />

goal (athletic scholarship) are<br />

good if I really start running:"<br />

Soccer heads into playoffs! I25 f s dominate<br />

in AAA<br />

(t*iir;,inn :u ri.* icim. *he (cam i* ilti% pr<br />

Etk B. -eU- • " ' «nd Sal Nrvlgif? iritfht) dnbHr durias pnetic*<br />

MI • Free ^»11 tn seivico<br />

• Uw ijies (a«! .w M S'w : • Vatwus sizes<br />

Copying seivi.--' -CasseVi-c ^lic<br />

lo:av.ii S:. S F, CA Wllo<br />

JII tlMf

l.NutcmdeM. I«S1<br />

SPORTS'<br />

-Time.Out~<br />

Wesley" Wing •<br />


TIONS, and CONGRATULATIONS again to the<br />

vanity fcolhai: team on its tint win this season<br />

against Washington. You really showed the fans an<br />

old-fashioned comebaek.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team could have token another loss alter<br />

trailing at the end of the Mrst half 14-0. but the team<br />

spirit wouldn't die as llie squad came hack and won<br />

21 • ••4.<br />

It seemed that the whole team got into the act.<br />

<strong>The</strong> offense really showed so;,ie poise, scoring not<br />

only once, but twice, on drives with a mix of the pass<br />

and (lie run. <strong>The</strong> Indians needed to make a twopoint<br />

conversion in order to tie the score. <strong>The</strong>y were<br />

n;> lo mo task as the score was tied 1-t-M with lime<br />

running out.<br />

<strong>The</strong> defense should also, take a bow. <strong>The</strong> opposing<br />

team scored twice in th» first half, tmt an entirely<br />

different <strong>Lowell</strong> defense came oitt fnr the second<br />

half, as they shut-out the liagtcs. <strong>The</strong> defense bent,<br />

but ihcy never i»roke.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ttlggcM iuuml (it u;',»l.u:.c has I.. < u> ;'..t:<br />

sDccial teams. Thvv not only blocked the potential<br />

winning field goal, but they blocked a kick and<br />

rambled almost the length ot the field for the winning<br />

touchdown as well.<br />

I think everyone would have been happy «*th<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> varsity football winning ' ne game this yejr.<br />

>>ut not the team itself. <strong>The</strong>y went right back on; the<br />

next week and beat Mission. It w.is really no contest<br />

as <strong>Lowell</strong> dominated the Bears. <strong>The</strong> Indians rolled<br />

to-.28-1.'"in.<br />

* • •<br />

Why is the USI'L still making the news when their<br />

season has been over fnr a couple of months? 1 don't<br />

think it would be if it weren't for two men named<br />

Howard Slushcr and Donald Trump.<br />

Trump, who is the owner of the USFL's New<br />

Jersey Generals, just can't leave well enough alone.<br />

K's not enough that he '-.ircd star tunning brek<br />

Her*chcll Walker away from Georgia with a inultimillion<br />

dollar contract, but then he wanted Don<br />

Shula. head coach of t!ie Miami Dulphi.i.*. to coach<br />

his Genera! for *i rcportt-d SI million contract.<br />

Thank goodness Cojrli Shula turned him down.<br />

Tha. will show Tramp that money can'i buy<br />

everything.<br />

Trump also made an idiot of himself and the<br />

USFL by saying that ilie league vmild be playing on<br />

tl.e sttir.c level as the NFL in two or three years, lie<br />

said this on the NFL Today and NFL '83. Let's be<br />

serious. <strong>The</strong> USFL doesn't have the quality players,<br />

the same amount of funs, and certainly not the<br />

media coverage that the NFL has. frump should<br />

have said ten yean and not two yeats.<br />

Slushcr is another one of those people who would<br />

have told Eve to cat the fruit even if she knew the<br />

consequences. He's out to «!2hc ^;cn*'v for 'aimself<br />

and nobody else. This is an example of how Slushcr<br />

makes his monry. A USFL team will make an offer<br />

to sign a plavcr. and then Slushcr will i;o to an NFL<br />

team and tell about the offer, and the team •viH<br />

make a counter offer. This bidding ior a player 'till<br />

result in a huge, gigantic contract for the player<br />

and-a nice commission for Slushcr. If (his bi'Jding<br />

for pliycrs continues, the NFL will lose snnv; r' its<br />

. better players and make a lot of ngents happy.<br />

Coaching change:<br />

Thomas coaches girls' basketball<br />

Bj Sboko Kuhijiraa<br />

Staling th,t *ea*nn. Jame*<br />

i Ihomai replaces Jean Kauix a*<br />

the coach til the girlt* basketball<br />

[ tram.<br />

Alter Kaut/. -ho hi* coached<br />

| the KirU' t>a*kell>4il team lor ei|£ht<br />

»n retired Ian >c*r. the ad<br />

inmratton cho*e rtioma* a* the<br />

I nc* coach.<br />

•Actually. I v,ri of talked mv<br />

a> into U.c |ob. • commented<br />

[ Thamat«itlij tmihronrmfai-c.<br />

A Car of the prlV baikcthall<br />

team e*er tinci inlcr-whool competition<br />

began eipht >car* acj>.<br />

Thorna* »tatet' thai he lound<br />

himtctl c.itUw.n^ vomc of the<br />

cam'* lechnkat mmnli.i jear.<br />

"At that point, it *a% cither put<br />

up or .hut up. ' he »t4ied.<br />

Ihoma* ha* proiouiK pb*ed<br />

t>a*kclhah rn high white.), jn.l had<br />

etuched 4 learn when hew 4*111 |hearm*,<br />

a* aell a-, a nil!*' baikcibali<br />

"Jm at Ktx>wtvli Junior lltuh.<br />

Cuiretith. be holi!. po*i-ion a*<br />

iican an*t 4 i-.uvh o[ tr-e crow<br />

coach ... «. *„,.,„ ocryone „.<br />

Coach Jim Thomas relaxes after<br />

da? of coaching.<br />

-tii* u'ji for the handball team 10<br />

tun .'• cunjimct or «iih I he crm\counln<br />

team ilunn,- the . When 1 ' .-.tnmc «hi*tle bl*.«. to brck 'fc-r Kh." related tiphr<br />

r .»i Kwhlc'i'.^ll? (of''the "«**«[ caught a Carter pj\» lor the lir*i Mi*»ion *core4iV *cortd j^tn. £rs Mtiu«c *, IK»I<br />

<strong>The</strong> (olltmin • week <strong>Lowell</strong> wim Tuiauiv»p«i dro** 1 lor the *ecotnt. a 47-iani pa»* jnd rail imo 'he<br />

e e . L<br />

second name [ 2'-1.1.<br />

'/[•tin It\il a li>l •, *riain;d a.ikU.<br />

.uted. -A '.I ;, ,eaii» >re hemp<br />

• u» plitiicall, hut »r tin, K-en<br />

rrcwnli.1; to , n'jrxbcr ol i,vll,mi<br />

^ pW)* *-y Tariei. ami Hou« i. giv.<br />

I Inj u* a r.i-. jir'euOon o! ,pcei) ir.<br />

• the buklKI.1. ir. -t,?er- lo «in<br />

ihoush. .. ..,u., pi,, ,lronF.,'<br />

together a* * ,.„„, ••<br />

C!<br />

cheer, i<br />

whit.- £<br />

conciud-l<br />

• traiitioif<br />

Mori<br />

the am<br />

Oa.*(<br />

hai tu<br />

ipirii.<br />

<strong>The</strong> -.<br />

-hen ^ I<br />

rcutt>c<br />

uii.r<br />

liccr*.<br />

Donna<br />

pre*tfnir|<br />

who<br />

routine<br />

Film' 1 1.<br />

<strong>The</strong><br />

Imhmij<br />

origii<br />

Tui<br />

onthcf.f<br />

ralKoit<br />

Ol CU'A '<br />

KoiaJ<br />

divu'rd 1<br />

the'c.l if<br />

Up tot ^<br />


Runnlij back Mike XUn (number 23) b tripjwd up by Uoo defenders during the AAA pUjoffi »t Krur<br />

S tad him.<br />

LEC plans shake-up<br />

By Sarah Hudioa D«r. Harrinjttt.il. arc oprn io the<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> fciecutKe Council ttudent bo J . - rJ their questions on a<br />

varicir o» I'/f-ic*. mmilv concernlasK«nivr;',j-<br />

In hit jptninc itaicmenl Saliflgtrr.<br />

ft gradujiic of the old'<br />

Lwtfl, Ixaied on Haje* Street.v<br />

•- o! USF. related a brief.<br />

-^tcTtption of hit career.<br />

Saliajtcr worked for Ihe San<br />

Fntmltco Chronicle in 1^2 *i.d<br />

Utrr became the pre« *e?t.<br />

howncr. Nothing t..n hjpp>.n un<br />

tit the Charier Ke^i»inn Cot i-niitctprntnli<br />

lit proputalt in ihe ttudcni<br />

body and pnnct;-*! 1 JT A *»rie.<br />

<strong>The</strong> LEC it hoping thai an*<br />

•»'•»«'> IS.<br />

'Birdie' opens tonight<br />

"Bye Bye Birdie," the (all tctm muika) production, takes off tonight at 8<br />

p.m. Performances will continue Saturday night ai well ai oeit wrekeod.<br />

Fibish: garbage<br />

problem a mess<br />

By Jonathan Albcru<br />

"Yet. it"* a definite problem,"<br />

stated Principal Alan t-'ibuh in<br />

Jivcuviing the clcaten 'nd other<br />

attortcil rubwith.<br />

According to r-'ibiih. untidy<br />

Mhool ground* »*t not a problem<br />

peculiar lo <strong>Lowell</strong>. Other vchoolt<br />

in the dr.tiict tnJ :hrou£Kout the<br />

nation hue to deal witb thit ^roe<br />

health htiard.<br />

Hallwayt cluttered hy litter not<br />

only prrvnl a uriutinii problem,<br />

but UipfKi} or tiicky hallway tcai*<br />

rltoeaitM teriout injury lo niwary<br />

ttudenitand faeuti*.<br />

Votit jear* ago. wlien Fibith<br />

iirti -ne tr> Lowdl. ihe.e were 12<br />

jjtti.-.t who woiked *.u keep<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> clean. I i>day there are<br />

tevru. <strong>The</strong>re uuJ uthe raor: than<br />

50U faniton er.ipH>*ed in San<br />

Francitco't public \chooU. Nim<br />

Ihcre are fewer than .WO.<br />

<strong>The</strong> firtt priority ot thete<br />

worktrt a the clcanlinc:* nt food<br />

arri*. <strong>The</strong> r >ett p:ioniy it the<br />

rctlfpcmi. ThirJ it thv other area*<br />

of tti* building.<br />

Because uf ihe whool ditlricl't<br />

limited hudpet, tSerc are no fundv<br />

to hire etira help. I'ibtth bclieiet<br />

lfc.".t thetoluiion re*t( with ttudeni<br />

co-opera I tun. \\e plani to mce4<br />

with the Uiwell Eiewutite Counrii<br />

(LHC) ic December He hope* thai<br />

Ihe Electing will pro^e pruducti«e<br />

»rit* rrtcat tolutiont to the litter<br />

p<br />

Re;cn:ly. the Duildingi and<br />

Ground* Committee at the Board<br />

ol Education met with prindpalt<br />

of San Francitco* public tchooU<br />

Fibith nded. At thit mvtting,<br />

two battC questions were atked.<br />

Ttnt the member* aiked if there<br />

were adequate janiton in ; b e<br />

tchooU <strong>The</strong> amwrr I" thit •

Pap3.T)»Lonll. O«t<br />


To lead...or to quietly organize?<br />

Ai the Loarell Executive Council<br />

(LEO 1% no* in the procev. of revising<br />

the school Charter, the tlrr- ii rir>e ;o<br />

re-cvaiuaie the role of the student<br />

government at <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

<strong>The</strong> most dramatic change thai t'ic<br />

LBC has (-Topos-d is *he dissolution o!<br />

Lie Board for School and Convnunily<br />

Service (BSCSl jis an independent<br />

branch o 1 the government. Those desiring<br />

this change claim

Student advocates PE<br />

policy clarification<br />

Dear Editor.<br />

I f>m writing In response lo ihe<br />

aew dtni code whkh began it.U<br />

semester for freshmen and<br />

thank you ;o Jonathan<br />

A'hcrts. the ^nttrol a wr> important<br />

article concerning Ihe ne»<br />

dress coc«. whkh appeared in Ihe<br />

Notenvv.' 4 issue 01 Th wen: quoi-d in the art! le ai<br />

*aying, "Tb«y were told hi their<br />

P.E. tcacheri that they -rout J havr<br />

their grade* lowered H they didn't<br />

•>uy the tmUorm." Mr. Burn<br />

replied by stating thai these<br />

iludcnts prcbably had "mhinlerpKted"<br />

their teachers. I «u bolli<br />

shocked and angered at this rtptj.'<br />

for 1 was told the very same thing<br />

and also heard other P.E. toch^i*<br />

Inform their ctisses that the purchii;<br />

ii a uniform was mandatory,<br />

ll w^t made clear (but not<br />

until rainy itudentt had already<br />

purchased tlictr uniforms) that «he<br />

blue and I*0P* School DUtrict<br />

uniform "CJJM also h« aevrpted.<br />

Korever, I cm sure I am nol alone<br />

in saying thai never before reading<br />

Ihe arlkU in T7ic Luwc/J was 1 in.<br />

formed iha* solid-col^reo shorts<br />

tnd shins without writing on Ihcm<br />

iotild Iw cotulocred acceptable<br />

dreiiforP.H.<br />

A brirer tind^startJiPK »f new<br />

vchool oriKcduin and poliTtCk 1>><br />

Ihe Utninit I ration. JHJ a better<br />

(."3mm unic alien uf lhei« procedutrt<br />

and policies to students<br />

»ould prore Jidpf-ji in m«i:-'iining<br />

Ihe high locU ol whw! ipirit<br />

d<br />

day.<br />

Photography con L<br />

Cash and recognition<br />

to entrants who best<br />

capture holiday spirit<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lonll. December 2.1983. Pap 1<br />


What do you think?<br />

because c' tJw vchooi > reputation.<br />

But tlv* people I've met trc rrally<br />

nice and fjkmf'r."<br />

0 ArrlnwtH students irtabi?<br />

By Sutan Shiu<br />


-Y«s. <strong>The</strong>y tend to think thai<br />

going lo <strong>Lowell</strong> places them in a<br />

position above other kids. It's true<br />

that students have to be fairly Intelligent<br />

lo m«ke it hoe. but there<br />

are iratr* people la other schools.<br />

'*<br />

Team demands change\Be there!)<br />

* writ ol <strong>Lowell</strong>'s alhlein, .<br />

i having been <<br />

ell's y<br />

photography editor will judge the entries on the basis of;<br />

:their creativity, clarity, composition, and adherence to;'<br />

tht.-.ic. Cash prizes of S35..S10, and 55 v;>U be awarded; > their games<br />

!ta the first, second, and third place winners. <strong>The</strong> results^ lim Lo»cllGalileo K*me on October<br />

2? -hen EJ Bums. P.E. Department<br />

head, was overhead saying to<br />

head coach Milton Ast. Jr.. "I<br />

oould kick Ihcn (u\> OL.I. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

doti'l ha»e anj right to be here."<br />

T*.;s was taid in ihe bo>»' JivLer<br />

room.<br />

WC bdirte we ha*c -n mud.<br />

art-e into c. .illict with our imen- right io be in the locker room av<br />

any o'Ucr Lo-d! student. We<br />

uressed and le-itc<br />

bclioe that if the football team or<br />

uur practices and<br />

injtint elvc wnuld like lo ha\r it to<br />

ended al similar<br />

ihcmvcltn. they should wait out-<br />

"- A* a mui;. some of the<br />

side until »c arc all Knitted with<br />

lereit us to Irate<br />

jof the contest and the winning picture will bo published '^du^r""^<br />

it. Our compbinu ai~e Ic^itimaic.<br />

did not. tht<br />

'in the January issue of <strong>The</strong> LoveU, Submit Olack antt; roatt uMnJaieiy ly began ?*<br />

Wt .lemand a ciiK.ige in future<br />

to wream<br />

Swhite prints to the Journalism Adviser in room S by noonj; *t JS until «* did.<br />

p and njo lo<br />

challenge us on this point.<br />

Jon January 11, 1984. All staff photographers arc incligi-;<br />

I:-mate mt.*-.txnof ihe<br />

ii«ruus tjrants b> pritatr<br />

oit;jni/4ijon». the <strong>Lowell</strong> Crcjtuc<br />

Aris Departmcnl i\ now. and has<br />

been for some lime, in financial<br />

dimtiv I therefore ask >ou. ihe<br />

Stt.Jenl Botly. to Jltend the perdtr.Tiances<br />

that will be taking place<br />

ihc first iwo weekends ir.<br />

December. See va* there 1 !!<br />

Thank\ou.<br />

DatidKersnat<br />

I'tmluciion As\itiant<br />

Director of Music<br />

H/4PPY<br />


DARREN&<br />

ETHAN<br />

JviNUKRYli<br />

r rvnt<br />

;cZ. .Toyia. l«a BL ,<br />

Sandy, Julie, Teri,<br />

atar^itet. Ui*\ex, laa.<br />

Mcrelici Leiicia.

P«|C«tU.D.-ccral)lte at Icatt<br />

one after Khool activity p-r<br />

! renter.<br />

Thit policy was implemented by<br />

Principal Man Fibith earlier this<br />

semet'rr. anu It hat been met wiih<br />

wuubn *nd someoppovition.<br />

At a treulty meetlr.ft t>(>or to the<br />

ofitrilni -il u.huc.1. Ftbivii rt pie.».<br />

ed tbc peed for *laff members to<br />

volunte .- Icr tupervitli..;<br />

alignments.<br />

fcause (a.ultr member* were<br />

vlow lo ir.dkate ihcir preferences.<br />

Ftblin declared thai all unfilled<br />

ipervition tlols riot tilled t*<br />

ritnlcfii would hate to be<br />

Soon Ihercaflei. Fibith wat<br />

prev Ted with a faculty petition<br />

:h (ireed Ihe pritcipal "... tu<br />

rescind the directive mandating<br />

chaj-CTon duly .. and 10 tiplore<br />

alternatives uith Oir Facvtly<br />

Tlte pi-iilion. cnlln-lol bv San*<br />

i'ra Mjck. Spanish liacl.cr. wa*<br />

p.-rtcmcdoti October 21 and -.ij-ned^<br />

, "'Otsculty memoe- .<br />

In rctponu- tu thi petition.<br />

Fibith rt4t.c1l.-d lhat the Faculty<br />

Council look into "... alternative<br />

methods •» \ cure faculty supervision<br />

of ich:-ot iltt>r<br />

nfcti.c method it deiclnped ... K<br />

will *e implenter.ted in the timely<br />

manner."<br />

At an October 25 meeting with<br />

the La" ell CaMornia TeacherV<br />

Association Building Committee<br />

(Ihc teachers' legal batRainini;<br />

tgent). Fibi;S *i* atked what<br />

would happen 11 l*ie Faculty Council<br />

could or would not drvicn a<br />

73l>S300<br />

S Broil"<br />


Boat Hamburger In Town)<br />

213: inviMa STRCET<br />


M122<br />

superior lyslrtT..<br />

Fibitli rcplkd thai the syi'.'i.i<br />

lhai liaJ been in effect would tc<br />

ccntimci!.<br />

He was £ikcd what hat*<br />

orginalcd the assignment of<br />

teachers to supervise altf *chot<br />

activity*. To thtt. Rbiih replied<br />

that the tchoo! had. under dUtrul<br />

and iUlr poiu'v. the nbtljiatiun in<br />

dent kttnsuts and othci vrlunle.rs<br />

have not t*ter. •.ulficicni tc cnvcr<br />

ill planned activities.<br />

Article 11 of the current<br />

teachen' woniraci *lfh ihc school<br />

district ttaiet. "... ihr principal of<br />

C4ch school mty require employees<br />

ti petform f-:atrj duties on a<br />

rcatonabt' and equitably<br />

distributed '-*iiv amonjc vtnpkijen<br />

Durini* .is November J ir.ccl'ng.<br />

•he Facu'. Council raiwil its<br />

rrtponte tu Filiivh\ request for -n<br />

alle^natitc tup ttud> hard and have •<br />

broad background in your pertonal<br />

activities. Ufe It n-M,<br />

ho* ever, all about studying.<br />

What's important it learolnit to<br />

gv-t along with others and haTing a<br />

variety of interest*. Corporations<br />

are always looking for Intelligent<br />

people with broad background!,**<br />

itated Arnucttt.<br />

"Good performance In a tum><br />

mcr joL can determine long term<br />

job opportunities with a comp»sy,"<br />

he obienred.<br />

He mentioned that !be Bank of<br />

An-.erUa corporation tpjnioii > •;.'<br />

training programs t(t htlp JWD^<br />

people get started in the butlneu<br />

world, including a program where<br />

a city — tuch at San Francltca —<br />

will train minorities in entry level<br />

jobs for Bank of America, and the<br />

job will oc waiting for the individual<br />

when the training process<br />

itmer.<br />

Armacint itretted the ln>*<br />

portaace of having pood communication<br />

tkills. "<strong>The</strong> pcrtoo<br />

who hat this will be at an advantage<br />

when he or »hiiri((ing.<br />

Many factors ire involved in<br />

preparing a drill routine lor the<br />

competition. <strong>The</strong> drill mutt be live<br />

10 »U minuiet long, and il it esceedt<br />

ihe lime ^mil. the team will<br />

bediiqualified.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ccnimatider and Ihe learn<br />

mutt plan vario'it formaliont with<br />

dtffcirnt vtept lu Ihc furmaliont.<br />

<strong>The</strong> routine should include<br />

creativity and originality, "t he<br />

|ud|tei look for appearance,<br />

thowmanthip. «nd Jillkulty.<br />

Once the drill it completed,<br />

count let* hours of practice are<br />

needed to peKecl ihe routine. A<br />

drill learn membe. it cipee'ed lo<br />

be dedicaic.1 and detoted tu thc<br />

goaUaf ihe team.<br />

for<br />

Women<br />

Judging of the drill cntnpetiiioat<br />

it done by tercet service men and<br />

women from ihe 91 it Unit ion.<br />

Love II'* JKUTC Jnitruciot,<br />

Sergeant Ma)°t M^U YovbVl«<br />

tald. "I don't like the iuJpng. I<br />

never Cave."<br />

<strong>The</strong> highlight of the Liberty Bell<br />

ccT.montct wai the perfonnanee<br />

of the LoweU't girls' drill team<br />

during the intermittion. <strong>The</strong> girlt'<br />

routine eated the sutpense at<br />

everyone awaited the rctultt.<br />

<strong>The</strong> »innintt team has its niraf<br />

placed on the perpetual "Ubcrtj<br />

Bell" trofih). and it recognl/ed ai<br />

being the city's lop drill team for<br />

that year.<br />

Upon hearing the rebuilt Meltin<br />

Bell. <strong>Lowell</strong>'s drill team comm=nder<br />

said,"<strong>The</strong> crowd laUl that<br />

' did well. I feet that »c tried our<br />

hrit. and that's the belt anyime<br />

can do. Congraiulatfont LoweU<br />

boys' drill team!"<br />

Jrl/g/i fashion I<br />

rr.-=nr-rr-..-O- •• .- LOW PRICE ^<br />

All New Hot Styles!!!<br />


20-S0%<br />



Juaofew...<br />


Beauty Salon<br />

for Men and Women<br />

$ 9s<br />

9 9s ,3/ $ 25<br />

L-a. her Trim JEANS<br />

$|Q9S<br />

17<br />

h A ITth A><br />

O CA i*M<br />

•-M<br />

|<br />

I hkc UM<br />

to up Ihcrf<br />

•eoplc wall 9<br />

me -;bcn<br />

pon - II; M<br />

Ire Noinetccji<br />

IE. "I<br />

mcnl: i;|<br />

retutcrcil.l<br />

pcillbrtl<br />

Tlll.r<br />

calcgnn<br />

(OAI: Sud<br />

OA: «ru) I<br />

[illh Ir H<br />

IUU.1 •<br />

<strong>The</strong> ren<br />

(ran. i<br />

kh<br />

r«nl orntv<br />

Slale* an'<br />

Each re $<br />

Su: ..V<br />

ita'c I<br />

"I .

<strong>The</strong> Lomll, Dcctubcr 2.19&3, P«J«3<br />

= NEWS<br />

Bates, Becker review department head duties<br />

Cibu Bccfcrr Is In charp: of the Science Ocp*:tmec<<br />

rllne"<br />

I "I like frm-mUt becaute **hen I<br />

Lo up there a••:! make i tpeech.<br />

tropic will listen JO me. *nd I real-<br />

By gel a good feeling out ol that."<br />

^ti plained Lew-lvin Let. a member<br />

* llie <strong>Lowell</strong> Kotetuio Team,<br />

)-re apd the other Fo rent let<br />

By Caroline Lee<br />

"II Involie* a great number of<br />

dctiili." tuied Urban Becker in<br />

regard to hi* recent appointment<br />

*i bead o( the ^.ienec Departtnent.<br />

Hecker comn.cntcd that beta)) a<br />

department fcrad it ouch mod<br />

complex than nc thought h t»ou!d<br />

be.<br />

He fecit that ihccommunication<br />

fctpect ol the job U. "...more<br />

challenging than I antlclpAt-d.* 1<br />

Maintaining a ttiong lialton<br />

between the Science Department<br />

tuff and the tchool admin lit ration<br />

U one of Bcrker't main endcavort<br />

beuui* he (eel* it 1% Important to<br />

maintain qual.ty communication!.<br />

"\ department lieaiS should be<br />

at aiiittance to the ttafi by making<br />

thi tcuhen tcel they arc being<br />

mppoi :ed," Becker err.pha&ed.<br />

H-it very pleated *ith piogr .t<br />

to dale and commented. "So [ar.<br />

the tUfl hat contributed in making<br />

thit a very potime and rewar<br />

din| ctpertencc for .tic."<br />

thetc tludenlt. , \< ng .^h"<br />

othtrt who make Iwiali during one<br />

of the four dhirlci IEI. -lit com*<br />

pete in the League Champ ion thipt<br />

later in the year. <strong>The</strong>re thej will<br />

compete to ccntinu: on to the %tate<br />

level, and then pouihly the rational<br />

level. _<br />

membert have had two op* -UOP wat quite an csperience<br />

portunities lo the pait month to<br />

ipeak competitively. Thne were a<br />

lor a^ ;* v*. Althtjugh our ream<br />

did not Ju at well at »c could<br />

!e#gue inrii.Mlual Evcntt(IE) tour- h*\*. evrtyooe learned a lot!" e»nament<br />

held on November 11 at c!ain?rd Phili, K*ong, Fprentict<br />

Kennedy High School, and an In* Team member.<br />

Itilional tournament held at the<br />

University of the Pacific (L'Of)<br />

from November 18 to 71).<br />

T*eltc Lowcllitet participate!<br />

in ..w UUP tournament, but no<br />

one made finaK.<br />

Nineteen Lowctltirtcompeted in Wticn aikcd where the think*<br />

the IE. "It wat a huge taurna- tl% team U heading, member Tilmerit:<br />

:hey h^rt 550 MdtIan)<br />

Dt*^ rrpticd. 'I think it'* i..<br />

re filtered. So. it wit more com- a ttanutiun pciiotl. We Jon j lot ff<br />

pe«' •« than mott." Mated Foren- •CUTC •cnlao O it l«*t irm, .Irtl'.<br />

\ict Oiactt Sandra Uttt.<br />

Tlttany Dut>n pU d thlnl In the<br />

cat-gory ol Urigintl AJvucacy<br />

(OA): Sutan Shlu placed filth in<br />

OA: «nd Jeffrey Gal^n placed<br />

fifth in BoyV l:\lempor. -ou\<br />

all ol the r.c*. nn inL't.'ii have a lui<br />

ol potential. e»r r *'i"y -he junior*;<br />

they'll hate •< itrtin^ tcim nett<br />

year. No itullcr •l»Jt. I he U>*rll<br />

Forentict Team it al»>)*. Koinn to<br />

be great!"<br />

Forensics<br />

members<br />

speak out<br />

Century HI winner named<br />

By Christine Shlkuma<br />

Senior Mate Mctnick<br />

recently n»nu«l <strong>Lowell</strong>"* d<br />

III l.cjrfert program winner.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Century III L.-adrrt pr<br />

gram I* a ^:ho!arthip<br />

-t.uh nco|tni/et<br />

Kiiint« a;;.nt the n»tit»"<br />

»lird(ie *>•<br />

U<br />

p<br />

lU pr,.-juTn. Sele-trd tiu.l.n<br />

then rrmpetc on I.-VJI. i'.iic<br />

national leteli.<br />

Mclnick't recognition **<br />

LoweTt Century III Leadcrt win*<br />

n' i»t mane him a local dinner.<br />

C .ididatet lor lucil plartmeni<br />

were required to take a mulliplecl«ner<br />

current e>cntt tt\i which included<br />

qucttloni on lorci((P •"»- • n< * * n '«'<br />

tainmeni.<br />

At • retiili of hit local victory.<br />

Melnkk -ill now compete on a<br />

ttatt tetel a** 1 Californu.<br />

Foi the ttat«r camlet it ten<br />

Mrlnkk wat a\Lcd ro tuhmit .<br />

rc.-ord «! hit eitra *.urrimlar actuitkt.<br />

pcrtonal artltittet nimi tifKtiriirt atI<br />

»r.u)d nie.t<br />

•.'. -nany different pcopt< I mm<br />

olhcr tiaict. <strong>The</strong> whoUrthin<br />

which f)**<br />

tcputahort. uill he<br />

vantJgc.<br />

A Royal<br />

He »u,l tnai<br />

For Vouriio/iiijy<br />

Gii:/ierin^s...<br />

Serve King Arthur's<br />

Pasties<br />

(Br-: ivIiMritl'iek<br />

and VegrUriaa. Too!><br />

For Information<br />

or<br />

Come flv for Sampling<br />

7.1? Onl Street<br />

Jackson visits Israel<br />

Senior Stephanie J»ikw-»n it cur-<br />

renllr in Itracl. a wirner ol the<br />

ttrael Youth Ambattadof Hi-<br />

vititon that Lo-cl! tludentt »;rc<br />

"polite, frkndlr. and -rll-<br />

'-•ehuved.'*<br />

Thr three prtncipalt *ho came<br />

t > I • ell *ere Irom Galileo High<br />

h F Ul<br />

'.!ie -ill be in Iwart lot four Ani thrir »r\('ec- <strong>The</strong> vcoret ol Luwrll tiudentt on<br />

•i»ewhwnio»crthepjtl jeart^ntl !avt .car't Calilornij Awcttment<br />

Vruu^hl oi't « number I>1 ittue\. Program a hictemcnt tttt n.nk<br />

intludiflK He need for ai'equ-i.e <strong>Lowell</strong> in the tup t [wrnvnt cf the<br />

financing and dcarh defined it-tc. lc«e!l ttii'lenlt a*-ra^e.!<br />

cducatrfjn-) giult or lite pan ol 7-1.5 percent in rtj.imit and h- 4<br />

firincip.1.*. tuprrr.tTnrtcnlt. and percetir in mjtch, corr.;»jr-;d with a<br />

Attiitanl Purivip.1l Ororge |hu 3nd 6~.? ptt^cr.r in rcjd.ti)'. im!<br />

"A BIG happy 16th birthday lo CARLA<br />

lOrc. 11), HEATHER (Dec. 12),<br />

I I.ove always,<br />

i.nf!MZ2Y (Dec. 16)."<br />

> Junior, Julie, Ashlcj , Tim. Alanna, Laura<br />

{ Tong-Hau, D rwin, Sandru, and Sloplian<br />

(P.S. Where's the party and :vh.• 'I bringing<br />

the "you knov. what"?)

PHI ». <strong>The</strong> Limn. December 11901<br />


Ethnic make-up shifts through the years<br />

70%<br />

60S<br />

50=6<br />

m,<br />

3056<br />

-is<br />

I<br />

J-<br />

vO%<br />

iH<br />

OS<br />

lOW<br />

1<br />

1 Llife<br />

B I C<br />

1<br />

•S3<br />

1 J<br />

1<br />

K 1 Al F I0NU<br />

H- Hispanic J- Jcponcse<br />

OW- Other White K- Korean 1965-66 H<br />

B- Blcr.lc AI- American Indian<br />

C- Chinese F- Fllliplno 1983-84 B<br />

ONW- Other Non White<br />

By Jeffrey 0 aWn<br />

<strong>The</strong> past few decades hare seen<br />

a radical swin|f la the ethnic<br />

makeup of Low.U High School.<br />

Although there eilsts little «•<br />

curalc record ol <strong>Lowell</strong> students*<br />

radii backgrounds before the<br />

1964-65 school year, photographic<br />

records of earlier years show that<br />

the student body •«:<br />

prcdoreinamly Caucasian.<br />

In fact, according to Assistant<br />

Principal Paul Lucey, Ixrvell was<br />

seen at *. . .-wUh ghetto'* in the<br />

1940'wndSO'i.<br />

But in the 1960s, the school'*<br />

racial mak/np sUrted to change.<br />

Ths number ol minority grvips.<br />

especially the Chinese population.<br />

Increased dramatically, as the<br />

number of white studca.s decreased.<br />

What sparked this change?<br />

<strong>The</strong>Oropin tt> Itrge percentage<br />

of white students at <strong>Lowell</strong> and<br />

throughout ttw school district<br />

Melting pot adds new ingredient<br />

ByKeUtoOaa<br />

asd<br />

P«giy Wong<br />

In search of freedom, many<br />

Vieltutneic people have (kd into<br />

the United Stales away from Vietnam's<br />

communi 1 of meat becaute everytning was rationed<br />

b) the communists." explained<br />

sophomore lim Ngujen.<br />

Being the newest minority In tne<br />

Uulted States doctn'l mean that<br />

one must lotc interest in one's own<br />

-ulturc. In San Francisco, lor ex-<br />

' governmental ample, there zrc many VKinimnc<br />

tyranny.<br />

restaun U and shops afipearing.<br />

According to one <strong>Lowell</strong> siu- At <strong>Lowell</strong> there is a Vietnamese<br />

Jent. his family came to America Club, which h gaining member-<br />

la start a new life. "We came to ship constantly.<br />

Amerf;* because me felt that Although Nguyen hjlcs the<br />

America could offer ui more op- communltt! and their beliefs l 17.4 percent.<br />

and Hispanic* by W.S percent.<br />

<strong>The</strong> gre*< incrensc ol AvUn-<br />

(Vmincan* tx-fin >n 1%5 wt-cn the<br />

Unitd States relascd its Iraruigralion<br />

lawi permitting many mere<br />

people tilh special profess'snal<br />

sklUi. as well a: i«litlva of U.S.<br />

citirens. in lairal^MK<br />

Still. AsUn-Amcrkans make- up<br />

only t S percent of America's<br />

pop ition. Ihcj are more in<br />

nuenual than .aetr cumbers mi)<br />

suggut.<br />

After jears o! hard work, and<br />

yean ol discrimination, much of ll<br />

by the goverameni, (he "mclct<br />

mlncrr j," si Ail in Americans are<br />

sometime* referred, now enjoj the<br />

highest ocdlan Incom'- in the<br />

United Stales .i J22.O73 c^f.p.rt.l<br />

to S2G.&40 (or *b\:^.<br />

514.711 for Utlnov «n.1 t1?.Sm<br />

lorbUck*.<br />

TK: icUtl*ely high Avikii-<br />

AmetU:an Incumc Is a result not<br />

only of Hie lirge numt>er« ul prufeulonaU<br />

in the Umilj, bu* ibo of<br />

more wotkcit per fjinily. Atian-<br />

American families also ha>e more<br />

wage tamer* per family th»« the<br />

avenge, la idditloa. the AsUn<br />

husband-wtfe J»milki work an<br />

aicrage of sis noun more per wrek<br />

to bolster their income.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Allan-Aniericna educational<br />

achievement i\ impressive.<br />

About A3 percent ol Asian<br />

Americans tu\c finiihed four or<br />

m-ztt jv-*n ut col!*ge. contrasted<br />

with 1" perren;c>f nhttna^d eight<br />

pet cent of both hUcks and<br />

Lftinct.<br />

<strong>The</strong> 3.5 million Asian-<br />

Ar=-r4eans have atw> ieft their<br />

mark *i some al ihr nu<br />


Specialty Cutting & Blow Drying<br />

for Men & Women<br />

Latest Tcchniquti in Fermi<br />

NUiuturUti SpccUli/ir* In<br />

Sculpture NaU.i Ucupn<br />

% Discount to All Lo"*U Students with t'hh Ad)<br />

569 Puckinsham W. . Sionwtn •*»! 566-9950<br />

566 9951<br />

la thenaltwii.<br />

For ckar.^le. &t Kanard<br />

Unitersit) in the Iillol 1"S:. more<br />

than eight perc^uv ot la cunin£<br />

Ire^Htnen wcrr Avin-Anxricin. a<br />

higher proportion than cither<br />

blscki or Latinos.<br />

At the Unixriiiy ol Oli'Drni*<br />

at IVrWv!t, (UCB). more nun 21<br />

per^at ol ihe undcrpiaii'.jtc* are<br />

A lim .American. T\i i.umh.T al<br />

Asian-Amerlcani entering<br />

Berkeley has qu^tupled since<br />

im.<br />

During a summer Ktcncc pro<br />

gram at the California Imliiulc ol<br />

Technology tu'Paudent, 40 percent<br />

ol the high Kl.ool i!udcnt»<br />

who p»nkipiud *ere Asian-<br />

American.<br />

f\\ian«American* have a bright<br />

future thanki to the wcrilicc*<br />

nadr by their parents and<br />

•nceitors.<br />

came i» « by-product ol whit U<br />

commonly known at Iht "white<br />

•Ilghl" ol the mid bCi ihrocgh<br />

70*i. According to <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

sociology teacher Sandra Bird.<br />

social upheLral and the descgrera*<br />

tk>o plans Implemented In tlm<br />

period w«ie probably responsible<br />

Tor Ike relocation ol many whites<br />

from urban to suburban areas.<br />

"Many white lamllks that h«d<br />

nine money felt that • suburban<br />

environment would be much more<br />

secure and stable (or their chlldmn<br />

to grow up In," the observed.<br />

At <strong>Lowell</strong>, the cflcctt of the<br />

"white fUghi" were readily apparent^<strong>The</strong><br />

percentage of while<br />

student* dreoped from 64 to 22.5<br />

percent betw-en 1965 and 19W.<br />

<strong>The</strong> population of Chinese<br />

students had filled much of the<br />

enrollment space formerly occupied<br />

by whites, A minority admission*<br />

program eilablUhcd in<br />

1 C *7D has resulted in modest gains<br />

la ths populations of black.<br />

Spanish speaking, and Filipino<br />

students.<br />

Alter increasing tieadUy for the<br />

past two decades, the percentage<br />

ol Cb>.;tt sUdenU it <strong>Lowell</strong> no*<br />

appears to bo %i**uluxmg *nd even<br />

dropping sll8htly. While 48 percent<br />

of the members of the present<br />

Senior Class are Chinese. «w<br />

Freshman Claw is 41.2 percent<br />

Chinese.<br />

Nevertheless. FltUh uld '...<br />

be believe* the school's ethnic<br />

populations are beginning to<br />

stabilize. He said that this<br />

stabilization Is Important because<br />

of the school district regul-.tlon<br />

whUb tUpula'.ei thsl no single<br />

ethnic group can compHe more<br />

than 45 percent ol any school'* *u*<br />

dent body.<br />

If the percentage of Chinese<br />

students increased much more, the<br />

school would be forced to deny admission<br />

lo otherwise qualified<br />

Chinese applicants.<br />

Immigrants come to U.S.<br />

seeking new way of life<br />

By Rcfao Coag<br />

Since the establishment of the<br />

United Sutct. aaors than SO<br />

million people have switched their<br />

allegiance to become United State*<br />

cituens. More than a hal! million<br />

people will immigrate to America<br />

within the nnt five years.<br />

In 1969. 4.V00O Immigrants<br />

came from Mcvlra while 36.COO<br />

came Imm Asia. In t with S2.000.<br />

However, ths. * was a sharp increase<br />

al A.'*n iramigrknts;<br />

41.300 left the Philippines; 24,000<br />

arc from China (and Taiwan): and<br />

22.500 arc Irom Vietnam.<br />

Why do i>*°pte come to the<br />

"Land of Opportunity?"<br />

iliiturically. many came here lo<br />

ewipe religious and/or poetical<br />

pcrtecuticn. This is still true (or<br />

miny ol tctla>*» newcometi. as<br />

freedom iralljcr Ihe lack of it) propds<br />

many to leave their na'.ttc<br />

i.\nds. Man) cnnie to the United<br />

Stales because its Bovemmcnt<br />

allows the freedom of religion,<br />

speech, preii. asse.-nbljr. «nd pclilicn.<br />

Happy<br />

18th<br />

JOEL<br />

Jan 14<br />

From:<br />

Amy. Darren, Calvin,<br />

Sandl. KUk. Penny,<br />

Denfj, Petw, Eric Z»»<br />

Maxl & Terl.<br />

•JIN-GO-GAE<br />

Korean<br />

Restaurant<br />

War drives many away from<br />

their homes. <strong>The</strong> tight of carnage,<br />

the lott of family members, or the<br />

collapse of government to » man<br />

perverted with power may be<br />

enough to make a refugee jump at<br />

any chance to escape (like tr;<br />

"Boat People" ol the Ute nTO's).<br />

However, not all immigrants are<br />

ponr «r uppretitct. Some are<br />

children Ircra cstabkish^d families<br />

who cams to the United Sutea for<br />

an education, enjoyed the "atmosphere,"<br />

and decided to stay.<br />

Some /.re sport* celebrities tMar*<br />

Una rUvratllova). singers (Rkk<br />

Springfield), and scientist (Albert<br />

Einsula).<br />

Although the "Streets ol Gold"<br />

myth has long been dliprlte*. ^><br />

itjicrapcrt and smog, the otd<br />

American laying ol "Anyone can<br />

rise to t!ie lop" will alwayj be a<br />

goal fnr the immi)irants lo vhoot<br />

lor.<br />

Wo sell Mno. frcch.r". |<br />

seafood, including su:ni •<br />

tor party and banquet !<br />

lovV<br />

olHIc<br />

Am«<br />

Nk..<br />

Fruj<br />

u Ihe<br />

poblt.'<br />

Ciunl i<br />

<strong>The</strong> j<br />

Ucl.t<br />

DcUl)<br />

In<br />

nU U I<br />

THEl<br />

•cut i<br />


Tbo lonll. December 2.1943. p<br />


Nicaragua: a country in turmoil<br />

BrLMhJCarllaer<br />

In Uw put century, *he history<br />

of Nkaijgua has been one of<br />

power p\»f% and epprettion.<br />

Nicaragua is a im*ll Central<br />

American country located between<br />

HI Salvador. Hondun%. and Coita<br />

Rica.<br />

I-rum 1911 :o 1933. the United<br />

Sit III Marines occupied<br />

Nicaragua.<br />

FranV .'o Delano Kooserctt<br />

rtmwd the marines la 1933. and<br />

picked AaatUslo Somon G?rria<br />

*» the president of the U.S. ,\ji.<br />

polatcd N»caraguan National<br />

Guard.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Somoza dynasty lasted 45<br />

yean ud consisted of ihrw mien,<br />

the Utest being Anastasio Soraeu<br />

Oobtlyc.<br />

In 1979. the .people of<br />

NIcaxagnA molted against and<br />

overthrew ihe iomota regime.<br />

ThC foi'ghl under the leadership<br />

Interview:<br />

(Jfshua Karlipcr * presently a<br />

senlt/r at the ( M*eniiy nl California<br />

«i SanU Cnu. Me spent the<br />

put tear studying .n Pe» :, and oc<br />

his way home to Sap Francisco<br />

travelled throughout Latin<br />

America, stopping fot two monthi<br />

in Nkargua.)<br />

THE LOWELL: What U the pre-<br />

E«ot itructure of the Niearafiun<br />

gotcromealT<br />

KARL1NRR: <strong>The</strong> government<br />

right now b In a period ol tranifnr- *<br />

mitten, a period of recomtruc*<br />

tlon. It U called the Government'.'<br />

Natloaal Rrconttruclton. <strong>The</strong><br />

leadership of lt£ goverrmco! is<br />

. compoKd of nine ronuwlaniMi<br />

thcra U %\%o m C mi it til ul Sl«tc<br />

which n rjdc ^ *»' ; .opt* -ho<br />

represent all »** 'Uc -,*'itlcul p*.<br />

lie*; people »i»- art elected hv<br />

their miu ^iganL-Mimm- U\e the<br />

wV'.en'* «*rttant'ltuiit. me Ijrm<br />

«ork'?r% ?fganiT.".U>n. ihc union*<br />

and the S-n'imi\ia Defcttvc Cummltl(x»<br />

(I) v CDS — pvjpl^'t bUs*<br />

commiitcci)- <strong>The</strong>y're moving<br />

•Awards drctlons rixht n»»: cl«-<br />

' I* .Hiztr pUsnctf * it I9HS. U\imori\«!<br />

to nclt- ii.4l the direction<br />

u*« Ko%crnmcnl U taking in<br />

rlUar&t.Ma It not ore ot tniilding<br />

up big bviineu sid Itdu^trwl<br />

rit^clopracnl. but itt ma 1 :* empha\i;<br />

it on he .'*> education,<br />

houiing and nouriirrnent. I'**<br />

really trying to brinu up the f«andard<br />

of living for the oajoiit) of<br />

ih<br />

cicltcd abrut the rcvolutiun, jnd<br />

they participate quite a bit in It.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ma}or »*y they participate U<br />

•hrough the CDS. Every block HAX<br />

A mcedo^ once a ««k. they work<br />

o>cr prablcmt thai cii*i on that<br />

l«fl. li*«li cbx* elect* a reprc-cntati*c<br />

that E°e» up to the<br />

neUhborhood. and ihc<br />

nelBhborhyod ha* a meeting once<br />

a week. <strong>The</strong> next level i* compmed<br />

ol a »t.olc area — a city or a rural<br />

area — t'.e3 there*. 0>c regional<br />

and .icit the natiocjl I***). Thr<br />

n»tioa*l loci wi\n on the Council<br />

ol Sute. So. the people paitkipatf:<br />

oobllcal?j ii) meeting* and try u<br />

improve Itwir living condiiioni.<br />

of Carlos Fnnmca Anador.<br />

Fonteca foond>c the SandlndU<br />

Front for National Liberation<br />

(FSLN) Thlt organisation was<br />

bated ua ihe tcaehlne. and writing<br />

ol Sa&a'no toil «n coniMlertd by<br />

the poplc of Nicaragua to be A<br />

continuation ut $Andino'* slnisiilf<br />

lor national sovtreir,nt).<br />

After the wat. Uic Sandinistas<br />

tlorn.tr member* of the FSLN)<br />

rsUt!iihcd the Gove.-nmenl of NrtlorM<br />

Revons'ntction.<br />

TIM united Mates Government<br />

'obfctts to the Sandlnlita Governmem.<br />

and to the bloody revolution<br />

tht>ri(h which it caire to power.<br />

to ovter to overthrow the San*<br />

duMtU Oo^rnment. the United<br />

Slitci It supplying counterrevolutionary<br />

force* (contras) with<br />

aimi and uonctary and military<br />

itppcrt. Con grew hat recently ap<br />

rrored the aUoctlon o: 521<br />

tnlltu»n (or the llnnduran-baird<br />

ront'ai.<br />

HAIR I<br />

20% oil on<br />

pcnnuenU<br />

• Nnxiu Ftuducti<br />

Thfir voice* can be heaid In the<br />

Slght-tt Icvelt ol sovernmenl. In<br />

thli way, it"* very democratic.<br />

THE LOWELL: What b the iuuof<br />

poliikai freedom or political<br />

ratra'jiL wbkhertr th« cat* may<br />

bar<br />

KARUNER: <strong>The</strong>re'i both, as in<br />

any society. 1 think the United<br />

Sutct* accutatlon that Nicaragua<br />

b totalitarian h wry. very ur.Ialr.<br />

<strong>The</strong> p*fcpl- ha*e (rcedom of «•<br />

preuion in their bloeic committees.<br />

People »No would have bcefi<br />

ihot lor ipcaking out under<br />

f jmoz» can now ciprcis<br />

tlictnielret without fcir. At the<br />

same time, the repression in<br />

Nicaragua '•% nothing like that in<br />

El Salrsdor. Guatemala. Peru.<br />

Argentina or CLlIe *hcr» p*op!e<br />

are diuppi-aring off \hr tlrrrli<br />

^nd betne murdered by K°*Mt^u they're<br />

under, bctnii thr Md by xbr<br />

largest military pv. . r 'r. ihe<br />

world '*'c frr.dmn ol N*"• «"»« »•<br />

amulng. ani they're rcal.y i-ying<br />

toi^iintaini*-<br />

THE LOWELL: What U the ex-<br />

HAP* V 17th<br />


VICKI<br />

We Love You!<br />

lent of prets wasorxhlp Iz<br />

Nicaragua?<br />

KARLINER: 1 think the Sandtnlitas<br />

have made some mutakes<br />

wlih press ceci..-shfp. <strong>The</strong>y've<br />

censored things out of L* Prenu.<br />

*hkh b the opposition paper, that<br />

there was really oc need to censor.<br />

E*:a so. the opposition paper U<br />

allowed to eibt. anJ il publishes<br />

every day. I've seen things in La<br />

PrcntM calllrjf the Nlcaraguan<br />

government totalitarian: they even<br />

cover Ihc meeting* and platf3n.11<br />

of ihe oppoiition parties,<br />

THE LOWELL: Wfcal Is the current<br />

military situation ID<br />

Nicaragua, aod what role doci the<br />

U.S. play la this situation?<br />

S:\RL1NER: Well, hopefully<br />

N. miaiua -III b* ahL* to hat*<br />

ctrctioni in 14HS. Right no* the<br />

Uniltd Stale, hat Herts on both<br />

Nkaraj-uart caAUt: there arc oxer<br />

4.000 U.S. Mir;ne« in HonJurai,;<br />

Naliohal OU3 til ait'l oilier<br />

diwuntent with ihc T*olui(iti and<br />

dnn't *ant to $o through the election<br />

process Ih\tn thouiih President<br />

Reagan ha* created an informal<br />

economic blocViJe. the<br />

people understand «»^t theif<br />

gmcrnmerl is roi respcnslalc tot<br />

the cout iry's cenntmtc dkf.<br />

tk-ullkcart*u* ««s<br />

singularly depcnde.ii on ifcc U.i,<br />

lor Jtl its economic retatlnn'.. it ha«<br />

ipx'nrj up much bmadc reUttonv<br />

wiili Western Europe, the Sr*trt<br />

Union. Ha»tcrn 1 ur.tpr. JHJ<br />

Pre&cnplicns<br />

Convalescent Supplies<br />

Greeting Car Js<br />

depend on one taajor countty. but<br />

by cutting off almost all cccnomic<br />

relations *ilb Nkarafua. we arc<br />

pushing it more and iron- to where<br />

it tui to look for help from the<br />

Scnfel bloc. UoMcrcr. 1 don't think<br />

there wilt etcr be Soviet mililar*<br />

bises In Nicaragua: iney don't<br />

want the Rimitn* there, not at at).<br />

<strong>The</strong>y've fought so hard for lh-1- -<br />

dependertre, ihe>'rc no; goin* to<br />

let themvlve* be nken over b> someone<br />

else.<br />

THE LOWE'-L- Wlut do you<br />

fomec happening la CcotraJ<br />

America In the near future?<br />

KARLINER: If we as the<br />

American people don't tell Kcagan<br />

in stop Intervention. It «cems like<br />

Ihcrc mUM be • ««r in CemrV.<br />

Amvrtca. II Ihrrv U a »#f. A lot ot<br />

pct'plo are ROtnf to tile because<br />

ine Nkarjfcuans arc armed —<br />

"irtchii a Kun and know* hn»<br />

\o JVC it. Ihe* oil! -klrn.l 'heir<br />

:o>tntn.<br />

H3Q..'-<br />

(415) 333J883<br />

2t£M Ocea-T Avenue. Sin Krancisco. O 9-*t32<br />

•e*»o»e**o>*•••••••••••••••••»•»<br />


Traditional Senior<br />

Portraiture<br />

Special Discount to<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> High School Seniors<br />

Caii for Appointment ?5.--1868<br />


2505 Clemen! Street

Fit* 8. Tb< Lomli. Dtcimbrr 2.19M<br />

GOVERNMENr"""<br />

Benicians visit<br />

By Jennifer PoulaUda,<br />

Two administrators and approximately<br />

20 students from Bcskli<br />

High School Wilted <strong>Lowell</strong> on<br />

November 16 as oar; ol • <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Executive Council (LEC) -.tudent<br />

ezchans* program.<br />

Bnch Bcnlclin «at paired up<br />

with • <strong>Lowell</strong> student. »ho gare<br />

hi* |uct a chamx to tit In on<br />

classes and g*t to knnr <strong>Lowell</strong> In<br />

other mpecti,<br />

Both f«*it and guide wen intiled<br />

fo atlrtd \ tpccUl LEC<br />

•ueetina duilnft modi 14 and 15.<br />

hsld In order to lcl the Benlcia<br />

students hetter understand<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>** ttuicnt government.<br />

Tbc meet'ng was preceded t»y a<br />

I.EC hor'.td plan lunch lor all whe<br />

participated in tha hlph school achange.<br />

Senior Ruby Domingo, chair*<br />

man of the LEC* Student Exchange<br />

CommlUee, commented cu<br />

\he outcome cj the event. "I think<br />

By MeUnle Ramos<br />

Cmlopcd in 1969. the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Charter hat \'.ntx senert as the official<br />

(document granting rigbu<br />

and privileges to <strong>Lowell</strong> students.<br />

**<strong>The</strong> charter was based upon<br />

the wide partklpaluM of students,<br />

patsats. aad faculty." Principal<br />

Alan Fibish stated.<br />

"It provides students certain<br />

perogathres and responsibilities<br />

and Is written with the flexibility<br />

needed to adopt to today's changting<br />

cc nditlotis," Fibtsh further es*<br />

Go. IsdUail Tb. UDior MtttrgiriL<br />

choor on Uu xnlljr loolhel] l-«a<br />

dnriot > nllj held Nortmbtr IV lo<br />

edebnte tbe tc«m'> pUjott berth.<br />

Tb>t itmsootl LoveU lost lo<br />

GalikolM.<br />

It went pretty wel!. <strong>The</strong> students<br />

l!rom Benlcia) scem<br />

Itaxh"<br />

it (or<br />

Soph,<br />

ulc dunl<br />

ud rolj<br />

innoil f<br />

ThtCll<br />

oo •tielhf<br />

oaWcru I<br />

Fresh J<br />

-X ukc ]

Studenti--^1 .<br />

notebook"!<br />

BCO By Wendy Wong<br />

<strong>The</strong> fVnn: ol CUH Officer* ha*<br />

beta holding picture days fcr those<br />

sludran who have loti their Identification<br />

or student acidity c«d».<br />

S(t>« November 16. SI poUroid<br />

pictures have b«cn ollercd every<br />

Wcdnetday from mMs 19-20 until<br />

*T.m.inRoom261-A.<br />

•84*<br />

Yearbook graduation picture*<br />

«UI be taken by Delma Studios<br />

Derember 19-23 ted December<br />

26-3O Irom 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in T-<<br />

ndTO.<br />

"II a Motor hur.'t been notified<br />

by mail by December XA nf the<br />

time of his appointment foi hit<br />

poolo session, he \hnuld contact<br />

Dclma." advised Jori L*ro. clan<br />

president.<br />

Pocky slicks, which arc pttitU<br />

dipped \a chocolate, or taffy will<br />

be told from !>eeember 5 to<br />

January 12,<br />

A chief coaceiu 't thr present<br />

time U "...make money and spend<br />

It for the (Junior) Prom." said<br />

Llane Yasumoto, class president.<br />

•86*<br />

PoswiclusWc activities for the<br />

Sophomore Clai* Include a gram<br />

tale during flnati In late January<br />

aod possibly 3 non-profit second<br />

annual Movie Night.<br />

•87*<br />

<strong>The</strong> Clau of '87 will decide toon<br />

oa «bether or not to tell LoweU'»<br />

universal l shirt with jti original<br />

Fmhirau Clau design on llie<br />

t.-ck.<br />

Freshmen are reminded *>' tl.e<br />

upcoming class clccifont flitch<br />

•l!l take place in January.<br />

BSCS<br />

By Kltt Grsst<br />

<strong>The</strong> DSCS li asking club* twl to<br />

hold grcm sales in front of the<br />

library as It U terj dlsntptif« to<br />

ttudcntt wotkint Iniide.<br />

ZMIU official clut* must perform<br />

a service project, Tlic proy ;r forms<br />

are du: on December 12 lo ac:<br />

LEC y<br />

A student cachings program<br />

was held wlih Ccuicla High School<br />

iludcnti.. <strong>The</strong> cosimlttec. beaded<br />

by Ruby DMningo, wu composed<br />

of 25 Lowctlttcs. who greeted 26<br />

Bcnkia itxdents, rocttly [union<br />

and scnlois.<br />

Future fundralicn will include<br />

gift * Kecks in December. i*calthirti.<br />

buttons, computer-drawn<br />

poitet \, pcnonalixea T- thlrt*. and<br />

Valcntiic's Day T-shirts.<br />

SAB<br />

ByAaoHuppert<br />

<strong>The</strong> Student Activities Board<br />

held Its rally of the )ear on<br />

November 17 to get spirit up for<br />

'he playoff football game that<br />

afternoon. On November 23. the<br />

day before Thanksgiving, all<br />

students and faculty were invited<br />

to dress as turkeys. <strong>The</strong> SAB will<br />

spcttd most of December preparing<br />

for the Winter Ball on<br />

D-tember 20. Voting for the<br />

Winter Ball court will be ht.s in<br />

rr^.itr>rliuoa December 13. niii)<br />

A prc»*CJlk)n rail) -III \*V< [>T4.r<br />

on l>«cmber lo.<br />

Sophomores<br />

'c'mon feel<br />

the noise'<br />

A told-out crowd "ft!*, the noise"<br />

ol dbc }ockcy Mmlc Masters at the<br />

Sophomore Eictuitv* on<br />

Hov amber 18. Participant*<br />

a*l*ctQd from a variety ol Bufcln<br />

Robblns' lc« ertam tU*»c. tar<br />

deucrt at & p.m. Dancing was is<br />

the gym from 7:30 to 11 p.m.<br />

Tie Unl, r>«.«ir.l>«r 2,1*H<br />


Winter Bdll moves to new location<br />

Ey Randy Kou<br />

<strong>The</strong> fifth annual Winter nail,<br />

scheduled for December 20. »U1<br />

gl/c 750 <strong>Lowell</strong> couples an opportunity<br />

to enjoy a tarmti evening<br />

cf daLcing.<br />

ThU year** winter activity will<br />

take place at San Francitco** new<br />

Gltlccnter Pavilion, located at US<br />

Brannan Street.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lullaing feiture* a five*<br />

story atrium which soars to a<br />

retractable glass dome. Four loels<br />

of seating augment the groundfloor.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Winter Ball ha> been hrid<br />

at th: St. Francis Hold lu thv Ust<br />

two years, but the Prided /*c*<br />

tivitirs Board {SA*ii decided that<br />

the Pavilion w/uld b« m nkr<br />

chant*.<br />

"Tnit vear. ((.-• 5AU is trying<br />

THE<br />





u<br />

inM &d"<br />

TUESDAY.DEC. 20,1983<br />

at<br />



PRICES<br />

sac/sac$18<br />

sac/without $20<br />

without/<br />

without $22<br />


different things lo gel more registry on December 13. Winner-<br />

studenls invoUrd.* itaied Mario will be announced al the Winter<br />

Carmona. Jr., SAB arts comm** BJU.<br />

sloner. "so to top oft 1983. we Originally, the dance wa* going<br />

moved Urf Winler Ball in order for to be on December 19. but because<br />

more students to participate. W« of the Luwell chuir's participation<br />

hope to have a good showing from in tinging the Nattanal Anthem at<br />

the underclassmen."<br />

the 49crt Ust home game a! th:<br />

One of the traditions o' the season against OalUi. the dance<br />

Winter Ball it to elect a court. This wi« changed to D'Ktmbtr 20. '<br />

court include* two princes and two Collage, the band that plajtd at<br />

prinvt*\cT from each das*. ~nd a Ust )car\ Winter Ball, vill pl«y<br />

king and queen trou thr Senior again this ye*r. <strong>The</strong> gro jp plans to<br />

Class.<br />

pUy a variety «f music, to sa(r*t,-*Tt<br />

Nominations were held from broad range of tastes.<br />

November U to November 23. On <strong>The</strong> prices for tickets »ili be<br />

November 28. the nominees were SIS. $20. and S2> depending on<br />

notified. Pkr .es of the nominees whether the participants have stu-<br />

who vr*pt lh*ir nominations wtil d«ulMti*tiy cards.<br />

be on \t|»puy Iron December S <strong>The</strong> SAB -ill distribute any pro.<br />

through Urcrmbcr 12 Students ~Dt* vtiet* ncedtd'to various nu-<br />

then wilt vot; for their favorites in dcnt4Ctivlites.

tt+10, tin UMCII, Decrmbtr 2.I94V3<br />


Former <strong>Lowell</strong>ite learns trade abroad<br />

By Debbie Oottixie-d<br />

In 1971. when Jed W.li.ch<br />

graduated frem <strong>Lowell</strong> High School,<br />

who would hive correctly ira-assed whit<br />

he would do with hU Me? •<br />

WaUacli. a IAWCH eluranus. own* an<br />

architectural stained gloss studio \A<br />

Enfcetey. :.<br />

"We .twk'-«itta aidiitect» and<br />

designers-''m 'crecU environmental<br />

spaces thct are exiting thrm-gb glass,"<br />

rl)>lald&l WtUach. ,<br />

He. along witti a crew of nine, hate<br />

been working at thii {or 11 yw^n.<br />

Alter "graduating from <strong>Lowell</strong>,<br />

Wallach attended Kumbold! Slate<br />

University, majoring In forestry end<br />

fiiherics.<br />

He decided to quit college alter two<br />

years because nf the limited job op*<br />

ponunlties In his prospectir^r field.<br />

His interest in stained glass began<br />

when be took a n!|{ht course at a com*<br />

muuity college with his wife. Christine.<br />

also a <strong>Lowell</strong> graduate. cepted at one o( the ben stained glass<br />

"1 felt that.a field In stained glass studict In Europe,<br />

provided a much more inlcresticg He did work on several churches<br />

potential." noted Wallach. there, inducting the Chartres<br />

He then traveled to Parts. France. Cathedral, a well-known cathedral In<br />

where he received his training. France.<br />

"I went to Europe without any In- Regarding his experience- abroad,<br />

Iroduclio-u. II you are eiclled enough Wallach Haled, "Everyone should get<br />

about something, you juit don't v-orry out of the Untied States. It's a wondcrahout<br />

what wilt happen." he com* ful way to open your eyes. <strong>The</strong>re is a<br />

mented. whole world beyond our own culture.<br />

W|i3e in France. Wallach was ac* and you can really only learn it II you go<br />

Debbie Lim...lawyer turned<br />

business-woman<br />

ByStarphs-altAbvado<br />

"l~vc.al.vcyt wanted It* do tte<br />

thing* in |tfe. one HIS to t*elp people<br />

with tltelr k|il proh!cms. aatf<br />

the other was to O\KB a bakery."*<br />

lL Dbk U l<br />

whA Is a co-owmr ol the or* Tart<br />

to Tart bakery.<br />

Llm, a <strong>Lowell</strong> ilannic.<br />

graduated with lh« Cau of *74.<br />

She remember* Ijncli most ol all<br />

for It* (rccdoo:. but admits that<br />

the thing the did net like about<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> was taking the but to fZ* to<br />

TART<br />

TA<br />

usdea, Um went rn<br />

i at UC Darte.<br />

to Su FnncrtcotostodyUw«tibe<br />

Unhrrrrity :<br />

otSaaF/anclhco. ;:.'..'," *<br />

, • l>rinj Uw Khool. Llm begmn<br />

wo-.tOng/.tor tin _A»l»o L«wr<br />

rCaucoi.-After paulag her bar CK-<br />

/•mloiiVwis:. sb« contbiod her<br />

wwfc at UM Cauces for Liutbcr<br />

mf riowf#crV duetto ; cuts' in Use.<br />

Caucus Budget, Um found henclf<br />

working for San FniAClKo's Rent<br />

Control Bosrd *n I°o2.<br />

. Lira eiplalt--nl that she did not<br />

reall> like the Actual work that being<br />

• U*»)»;r vntalltnl ||n*(«tr.<br />

the enjoyed helping people, and<br />

the enrt result of the work -he did.<br />

This made law worthwhile for her.<br />

Um worked for (he Rent Con*<br />

trot Board, then began to tcricbsly<br />

comidcr F chance to open •<br />

bakery.<br />

Three months ago. Lira,<br />

happier as a baker than a« a<br />

lawyer. She added th*.t slno; open*<br />

Ing a bakery was one of her<br />

dreamt, il her but-nett does not<br />

*ork out. the will rcturi to law.<br />

She Con not regret having tried tu<br />

tiia a bakery.<br />

Um gi«es Lo*?U credit for gl%><br />

Ing her t gooT> education that<br />

helpeC her rebch her «o*U.<br />

Hfrwevcr. Uui added. "11 I had<br />

fooe to a different high school. I<br />

think I'd be doing the ume thing<br />

Dwbbtw Ltm b eo-o«ii«r of tteTart to Tart Bakery.<br />

tegether with her partaei. opened<br />

the bakery Tart to Tart on Irving<br />

Street.<br />

Tan to Tart to • combination<br />

bakery/cafe, which, according to<br />

European influenced desserts."<br />

";Ura helps managr and rvo the<br />

•actual business la her bakery.<br />

Sim she has always enjoyed baking,<br />

she also serves as Tart to<br />

; Tart**head baker/-<br />

."_/ Unb happy with her decision<br />

to leave law because she is much<br />

• ' Being a <strong>Lowell</strong> alumnus Is<br />

sometimes as adnntage In San<br />

Francisco, Um explained, since<br />

she often meets other alumni.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> fact that I'm (rom <strong>Lowell</strong> h<br />

an added plus because H opens up<br />

. Urn's advice to today's <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Undents is, "Don't uke studying<br />

too seriously, and don't get too<br />

caught tip In grades; be more In*.<br />

Tohcd with »hat*t going on la the<br />

world."<br />

there and see it."<br />

As well u raeetUg .many people I rout<br />

different cultures, he learned • trads<br />

that he leeU he could never nave iearo.<br />

ed in the United States.<br />

"Going to Europe was one o( the big*<br />

gest and molt important influences in<br />

my lite," exclaimed Wallach.<br />

When asked how <strong>Lowell</strong> Influenced<br />

him. Wallach replied that his high<br />

school operhnce had u> real effect on<br />

Ms life.<br />

V.'allach's work can be seen<br />

throughout the western United States,<br />

mainly in California 2nd Nevada.<br />

Ke does work on large domes,<br />

skylights, casinos in Nc-ada, and many<br />

large churches in the Bay Area.<br />

Wallacb'l auric.-to any collegebound<br />

student is. "Definitely take advantage<br />

ol the 'Junior Year Abroad'<br />

program if you can. You will gain so<br />

much Irom it. and it's certainly worth<br />

It."<br />

Alumna now KNBR<br />

By DcniM Marie Dador<br />

5ucccu and personal sat If faction<br />

are two goals achieved by<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> alumnae G Ira my Park U<br />

from the Class of 1963.<br />

U b presently ths manager of<br />

operations and prblk service M<br />

radio station KNBR 68.<br />

She hoits a weekly series pro*<br />

gram called. "Intercom." LI also<br />

supervises seren other public at*<br />

fMrs programs a *^ . th«UKra*<br />

S'.V- . ' . .

Life<br />

after<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

£R manager<br />

u KNBR public services manager.<br />

it- and the learned to get along In a<br />

cd predominantly Caucajlan environ-<br />

U especially noted. "Tbe administration,<br />

teacher*, and<br />

cottniclon were very sensitive to<br />

the students* needs. <strong>The</strong>y were<br />

caring about the itudenU* welfare<br />

and how they were doing<br />

jcadeinicaUv.**<br />

She cooeloded. M lt all show* In<br />

the soeccss of <strong>Lowell</strong> « J "<br />


TbrLo'Kll.nrmaba'2.19S3.Pa».Il<br />

Hawkins commands at Presidio<br />

Colonel Earl Hawklos ovmees the actMtks at tbe Presidio.<br />

By Rick Dcuny<br />

Just call Earl Hawkins, member<br />

of the <strong>Lowell</strong> Class of 1953.<br />

"Colonel" or "Sir".<br />

Hiwk'nt. after 30 yean in tbe<br />

Regular Army and Reserve, is<br />

back in San FiancUco as Commanding<br />

Officer of the Presidio.<br />

After attending the old <strong>Lowell</strong> at<br />

Hijei ariu Masonic. Hawkins<br />

went lu Citr Col)ccautc of her age. not<br />

becaute of changing attitudes. She believes<br />

that op|. xtunlties are more open to women<br />

because the law has required it ind because<br />

companies need women, not necessarily<br />

because men accept women at equals.<br />

As advice to students looking at carter<br />

options. Barnum commented. "A llbeml<br />

arts education i- a stepping stone to<br />

anything *ou want to d*v Be flexible and<br />

keep a!l your options open: get as much exposure<br />

and experience as possible. Any ex-<br />

perience Is valuable."<br />

Barnum ad.ted that she found herself well<br />

prepared for college after leaving <strong>Lowell</strong>. "I<br />

believe that there b an aurc of excellence<br />

that pervades <strong>Lowell</strong> and influences you<br />

throughout your life." she concluded.<br />

Juno L. Bartium Momry'at lav

; FUTURE<br />

Christmas celebrdiedtworldwide<br />

ByLethUOdo<br />

Dccomllttf the Christinas tree.<br />

Singing Christmas carols. Ei-<br />

Huttffng lifts. B*Jlcviof In Santa.<br />

CUBI. Creating nitWty tetnet<br />

(models of the manger when<br />

Christ «as bora). Seeding<br />

Christmas **rd» aiid aenls.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se fttt the thutci that come<br />

to mind when some people thick<br />

about CK&uaas. the holiday that<br />

eomncnuxatn Uw blith ol Jesus<br />

ChrUt.<br />

Atth-woh Chrbim*s Day b<br />

usually celebrated on December<br />

15. many EaiUra Orthodox ehur*<br />

dm •xJebrate It on Jaauii/ 6,<br />

bcciaK thi? tan. ".'__"<br />

calendar rathe} than<br />

Greyoriao calendi<br />

ittue ChrhUJas<br />

mbtaes family a.<br />

Vfc<br />

Christmas In Mealco la- beginning -~on ~ Ch v lit nfas "• DWT** .discourage itllgioui activities.<br />

celebrated from December 16 to Candles arc kept burning In tfcW <br />

. <strong>The</strong> breaking of tbe plnata bW<br />

tridltkmal part of tbe cclcbntioii.<br />

^illy. Chlnesa ^Mldren<br />

<strong>The</strong> plaata. A colorful container<br />

narifjup tbel/ stocking* for Dun<br />

filled with toys and candy, b * '<br />

bright tlmcl<br />

x la Spain, people try to do "OUfMmas. In Communist China.<br />

H b hung In the good deed before Chrbtm howtver. rtMpous obserraoces are<br />

of the bouM thaf'lbcy.may face tbe<br />

dbruiragcd.<br />

i. blindfolded and with a clear coesclrncac -,-'-'- In Jtpaa tSere b a god or priest<br />

ig f ticks, take turns In C« Ncih«it*dr »oJ in known as Kotcknbo. Though not<br />

L^Whrn It b finally<br />

Belgiam. gifts *fe ckchanged on of ChriitMn otljis. be rcrmbles<br />

December b. St. Nicholas' Day. Sanla Clau*. In that be carries toys<br />

.This b also the day that children ontbbac'*.<br />

ipuX out their wo.>den shoes to be In !raq ai*d Iraa. Christmas 1<br />

ftilled with gifts.<br />

known as Little Feast, as a<br />

In Gcnsany. it b ChratkiodlL to Easter, the Big Feast.<br />

the Christ Child, who comes on Althoufb' Christians In<br />

Christmas Eve. Me b always countries observe the day pri<br />

rcprescoud with wings and wears ly as a rcUgious t " ""'<br />

wBlte robes and a crown upon hb an occaskn fcr<br />

bead. He drives aboul town Friends vblt u<br />

distributing gilts. •<br />

and bouses a<br />

<strong>The</strong> countries of eastern Europe<br />

Mill retain many traditional<br />

ChrUtiaas customs, although their<br />

<strong>The</strong> holiday season: it's not<br />

jLtrimmingt. and egg* deprtued it this time cl yt*r «het<br />

. -—nrrtj, ready: the t«cct motl pople arc ctpcctrd to be jot*<br />

_ iH (laatrirs and pies ir.<br />

fpertneaje ihrouitbout the bnKhlly Childhood mrmonct may re*<br />

tltt hoj.e^piob« iljxUlUct «rri»c mind people of how ciciictl end<br />

_ \od«Ui«f hugi. ki^rT-mndgood thrilled ttwT oner MCIC A- they<br />

waited with gre.u a.itlcipalion<br />

/-y/ft"* lida)r ifiun hat arrived »«0 BOOM! Tbe reality of the lime.<br />

Y'bough ll b conti Icred a iojous energy, and effort tpcni en the<br />

/ and feilKe'occastun. many peop^ crcnl surfacct and becomes one of<br />

J experience what h commonfr the cjum for the special ocratlon<br />

1 known rn ai as tbc{*'hoU dV.atltnil.r<br />

don't teaCy gct-iSoaf srllh/ekclTr''other:<br />

' they i jtut.. tolerate' oje :'.<br />

-- '""^ •»-*• >•"« ol UnSw.. '<br />

' i»»ycholofKu.-<br />

_.(]- '<br />

lionat 'nfeas;durni« ;th«" holld*]*. >-'<br />

Markert r ar»icn^aden~of personal' ^<br />

low. Many people'Hod It dUfioill ^<br />

lo cc:tbra(»r"iraditH-- % ;*-iitii'-5>.<br />

«enu. but tiiiej<br />

to K«t ihroufh them becatrwr-thc^<br />

people leel their peual IOIICT<br />

eren more. Some peopietitlnk thaj'<br />

they ba\e accepted Ihetr hntes^^<br />

but teeing an empty place telling^<br />

ai the dinner table rekindles the<br />

meworlet and the pain. People are<br />

American Mizrach!<br />

Women's<br />


SHOOK -<br />

(a Bazaar plus)<br />

Sunday, Dec. II<br />

2,-00-StiOPM.<br />

Horaciiead Sayings<br />

130 West Portal<br />

New Clothes. Bake Sale.<br />

CarieatBre».A»ettai.<br />

Rdrethments. Songs<br />

FUNH<br />

•-t;—a—i*i\ i ' h "$4!*imfr o'<br />

»\iWnlHy 6fPaniHiot:.ji!tWj'thai<br />


P<br />

b" 1 .:.<br />

timetable guides hectic<br />

holiday shoppers<br />

ByKelileGun<br />

When asked to comment on the coming event that<br />

precedes winter vacation known as "holiday shopping,"<br />

a number of <strong>Lowell</strong> students exclaimed'. "Holiday<br />

shopping? Holiday shopping!! #SI%cSll!" or as<br />

translated. "Oh Nol What am 1 going to do?".<br />

In order to help these and other flounurring<br />

students with their shopping dilemma, the orgarizntion<br />

known as HELP (Holiday Energy Less Prevention)<br />

has formulated a schedule which should assist<br />

studrnts In keeping track of how they should shop and<br />

when they should do it.<br />

IT It<br />

19U Dt'lyActhtt;<br />

Jansary2 Buy your cardi and wrapping on<br />

sale — If you forgot, too bad I<br />

December 10 & U<br />

Vacation begins on the iQih;<br />

hurry up end iun planning y«ir<br />

•bopping Uii.<br />

All done yetT No' Allot yourself<br />

three more days ind when finding<br />

owl what lo j.*t yaur frlcndi. be<br />

JTP lfl.be discrrct. dii<br />

Time loVa» shapplni — try<br />

-.n_~.~4. You'i: probably find a<br />

rtion titere. Sales are<br />

not mandatory.<br />

T u / \ Be stttelocuKgfl aU the p<br />


onlng! You've mvde<br />

've kit ail the lilts<br />

ter luck .text year!<br />

20% OFF :<br />

11 FOOD TO GO<br />

?v Of£N DAILY 11:0CAM-»:30»M 1i liliiililiinul<br />

•'' (4151566-6166 uitoiaaioit.<br />

, iflJ/JWHi T«a««se»n.rt»ie»<br />

"~" • - ...."'-. - MaaaFttafMtttll Vt<br />

r\--- MIHlORIECAST.(itT.JOt»i«?t>«AVEI ""^'~ ""•<br />

; $*HfRANCISCO,CA»4l2J.<br />

JtVjSi?r> •<br />

jou're behind In.<br />

KlirCriinih.<br />

Sophoaorc Mtury<br />

"I hn UK jlln. the<br />

tod the joUdaj iplrll."<br />

A gescTal (eelisf of dOKncts<br />

ofteo frit throughout the celebra*<br />

tion. "Chrittmu means warmth<br />

acJ familjr gathering.** remarked<br />

frethmao 84b Travis.<br />

SlmDarlT Junior MIchad Sco'.l<br />

ctpresrrd, **It's 1 time filled will,<br />

happiness, lore, and friendship."<br />

Others look at the holiday<br />

seasnn through a more religious<br />

<strong>The</strong> Utwcil. Dmabn 1. KK1. •*•«•»<br />

HAPPY<br />


holldajf spirit<br />

we're in s predot lam<br />

country. TplsJ<br />

assertM Junior \<br />

Juni r "<br />

**Chris. aas*j^<br />

I nwrer VI thaT<br />

f<br />

don't r<br />

that b,<br />

hestap<br />

'Senior MarrMelp6 also lakes<br />

a posltiMovMDOJKon t>>e situation.<br />

**BdoK>tfIeprnTgrres nc a sense<br />

I know a lot about<br />

r<br />

r m eekbratlng snd 1 enfoj<br />

<strong>The</strong> holiday," he commented.<br />

Whether they ct.'ebralc<br />

^, Haaukah. or neither.<br />

most of the students seem to hate<br />

a positive attitude toward the boll,<br />

days.<br />

Senior Vlckl Landcs concluded.<br />

"For me. the holiday season is a<br />

time fUed with happiness. It Is a<br />

time when I can shar* a- lot of<br />

special things and feel very close<br />

with my family and Mends."<br />

argains attract students<br />

OFF!<br />

lh«> have >car<br />

[BONUSI BV TWO. r o j dUftnlU According<br />

FHEE1 Almott no one Junior fift<br />

•t bargain, *nd during on contefarorary9<br />

[ifmai bolldty tea«>n. found at Fritzi's on<br />

tM dbccunu become* a and<br />

j tccnaten with limited Ol<br />

tmdgtts. r-<br />

Many tecnagen do their holiday<br />

thoppuig Downtown p f e<br />

stores like Macy'i olfer a<br />

wkctkrn of «Ut lte««. ffi<br />

[mm Jeweliy and clolhinfc<br />

ceuorks to kltchenwuV<br />

popular «nopping ground during<br />

tnt Christmas tcason. Remait^d<br />

sophomore Hawkln Woo. "I<br />

usually go to Tower lo do moil tvf<br />

ly Christmas shopping.**<br />

tecnagen like doing<br />

small specialized<br />

'kkett com*<br />

my<br />

Junior Fraoch MUl DO[edi><br />

usually shop at M-cy'i whea I am<br />

looking for gifts to buy for my buytaf<br />

parent*. For ChrHtmas Ust year. I |e»elij." _<br />

o( store*, lai^e<br />

bought prrfume (or my mother "Cost Plus also selu~neat stra^ m ^^ , Francisco offers<br />

aad a striped 'Is (or my father. baskc*s and purses." she said. ^ hqndn|| of Hems to buy as<br />

Both were reasonably priced." Tower Records on Columbus ~~CkrJsuas prrUou at reuthel;<br />

Some teens like ibopplng at big Avenue attd Bay Stect Is also a lowp"rfcew^/ :.<br />

A Super<br />

50<br />

to<br />

Mr. Rauchman<br />

December 19<br />

from your<br />

lovely littk.<br />

Rcg.lt<br />

<strong>The</strong> Perfect Gift<br />


Was 40-60% Off • Now<br />

EXTRA 20% OFF<br />

Clcse Out on All Imported Closing<br />

40-75% Off - Many Items Below Cost<br />

• Special Bonus - EXTRA SS.00 Oif with This AD<br />

• (Minlrawm Purchan S25.00)<br />

j <strong>The</strong> Perfect Gift<br />

! 36 Stonestown Mall<br />

1 San Francisco-566-7164

Timetable guides hectic<br />

holiday shoppers<br />

>''•' '•',.. ByKelUeGaa<br />

Wt»n asked to comment on the coming event that<br />

precedes winter vacation known as "holiday shoppieg,"<br />

a number of <strong>Lowell</strong> students exclaimed. "Holiday<br />

shopping? Holiday shopping!!! *$!%c^rnj0ttO buy<br />

enihused, things 41\r sachcU. nfi^Tbath.<br />

"o*p,.idd lo-Zff. thkh<br />

_ gilu tStt aren't loo «•<br />

buying i<br />

jewelry.- ^ ^ ^ • Vt^F^WitiiB ^ t / of stores, large<br />

"Coit Plus also seUs^cat uraw-i^pd »«Slb««n'Kr-Dci«o offers<br />

baskets and purses.** she said. «^_ hwndf*|i oi ^tems lo buy «s<br />

Tower Records on Columbus Chdstmts pnsents at reUthely<br />

Avenue and Bay Street b also a lowprftes^,'<br />

<strong>The</strong> Perfect Gift<br />


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«J» 14. Toe <strong>Lowell</strong>. Dmmbcl, IWJ<br />

FEATURE"<br />

Clerical work proves worthy<br />

SyChristtMShakama<br />

How positive U the experience of<br />

twtog a secretary? Very!<br />

Senior lisa Jacobs has been<br />

employe*. "I 1 Jacobs abo finds that her Job<br />

presents monetary •related<br />

bc0«f!u. "When I flnt began<br />

working I was earning 53.35 art<br />

" Shirley A. Bolllnger hour, and within three months f<br />

Accountancy Corporation lor over was earning JJ.75 an hour." she<br />

a year and • half. During this reveakj. Presently. J> obs Is earn-<br />

period the hu found her part-time ing SS an hour.<br />

Job as an assistant secretary particularly<br />

rewarding.<br />

itcobf •orks liter school ind<br />

on the weekends performing such<br />

duties as typing business letters,<br />

filing, bookkeeping, answering the<br />

telephone, and running _-rrands.<br />

Durisf the lax season. i-cob»<br />

has the addlllcnal fob of putting<br />

together tax returns. Jacobs

:••••••A Winter Ball tale---:<br />


previously read books<br />

URE<br />

Th. <strong>Lowell</strong>. December I. >»M.P«f.»<br />

SCHOOL<br />

DAZE<br />

A By*sdaiROW — u- —.• *L__ . * .._.i«.tt_i_A_i.tt— s..ti__ * > >_ii tbc atmosphere mote In*<br />

Though the bay-ask*glrt<br />

the tear of being rejected.<br />

foraa'i than that of a quiet in-<br />

stereotype *.till prevails, more gi/!s<br />

Oocc the problem of getting a timate evening alone which tends<br />

are now asking guys out.<br />

da.c li solved, there b the question to be more tfnslon

ftp 1». Tb# lo»«U. Dumber 2. W«J<br />


Durfag sad itailai brightens UM stsft it ttolHckras Fftlr.<br />

Catch the Christmas spirit<br />

Dickens Fair entertains<br />

Dj Pt tsy Wong<br />

<strong>The</strong> Chirlci Dkkeni Fair ti a In the lobby, corridor*, and<br />

representation of the Chriitmas balcony of the theater.<br />

KUOO spirit Li the tnieit icntc. Another appealing aipett of the<br />

It tut tomcthtag for everyone, Dkkens Fair It the people, before<br />

and everjoi>- will get lomelhlag entering the Fair, chancier acton<br />

out of Ihb fair. ThU ytariy event greet you with a cheerful," Top of<br />

can turn a Scrooge Into a cheery the morning." From chimney<br />

and giving pcrton.<br />

iweept to shop keepen to Charles<br />

What makes Ihu Dick em Fair Dickens himself, they were all<br />

work to tmooth'y [» the at- friendly, patient, and polite.<br />

mutpberc created by all the people <strong>The</strong>!/ costume* an exquisitely<br />

Involved. Tlx theater b dimly lit made «nd gWc the actors a very<br />

and that gire* one the feeling of 'regal' look. All the participants<br />

being In another century.<br />

speak and sing in a thick English<br />

Although the feittral it held In accent. Every actor portrays bis or<br />

the wfnttr time. lie surroundingi her character well.<br />

are M> filled wltli wirmlh. hap- Shopping around the fuir's tiny<br />

plneu. and guod cheer, tint It floret can uke lime. Ooc can pur*<br />

ci&'t help but *«arm' J prnon ehav! sweaters, scaifs. Jewelry, or-<br />

rijbtofr.<br />

naments. Rowel r, and • ouvenlrs of<br />

<strong>The</strong> dceo- of the fair I* superb. all kinds.<br />

It actually gjvci one the •ciuatlon Be&ld** shopping. oo« ;*n gain<br />

that he Is really 'i a itxull English some weight tlth all the vast<br />

town. <strong>The</strong> Ma je is used u the town amounts of food offered. A penoo<br />

tqu'rt. and tiny thopt are pUcvd can feast from traditional<br />

cheitnitif. soaps, tandwlchd. and<br />

1-ish ale lo more untraditiontl »ppa*txcn<br />

such as pretzels' asd<br />

tai 'me) apple-.<br />

Twc stages are Mt up for enter*<br />

Ulmrvni: the main ttage U uwd<br />

for tirflng and dancing while, a<br />

smtllet stagf features Individual<br />

performance. Other activities la*<br />

elude gambling (with number<br />

games), backgammon., and a<br />

game which conbta of • board and<br />

pegi.<br />

.Many Inte-wtlna photographs<br />

ran be taken. <strong>The</strong> characters arc<br />

rtry gracious and pc.Hle In posing.<br />

for pictures. <strong>The</strong> fair provide*<br />

photography anlitanee, and m<br />

place where out can purchase<br />

film.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Dickens Fair h currently at<br />

the Fox <strong>The</strong>ater la OakUnrf. It<br />

will bt ooen until December 20.<br />

Admbskws are S7.95 for adults<br />

andS3.95forchiIdrro.<br />

'Nutcracker' returns for another season<br />

By Sarah Ho***<br />

Chrbtmas Is not a restful time<br />

lor many ballet dentm. Thb is<br />

the season for Tac Nutcracker.<br />

<strong>The</strong>Notcncktr b a ballet in two<br />

sett by Peter Ukh Tchaikovsky.<br />

Based on a fairy talc by E.T.A.<br />

Hoffman. It was first presented at<br />

the Martiasky <strong>The</strong>atre In St.<br />

Petersburg (now Leningrad) In<br />

December .4 189}.<br />

Since then, the ballet has teen<br />

many dllfe^rnt revivals and new<br />

versions performed throughout the<br />

world. Soviet companies perform<br />

the version choreographed by<br />

Vaiily Vainonen fot the Kirov<br />

Ballet In 1934<br />

tn the

ffZruise has all of the right moves<br />

ByUthUCUa<br />

All TDe ftfebf Mora. »larrinj<br />

Tom CtalM, U ooa ol thU year's<br />

brA fUrei dctlkse "it)) contemporary<br />

youth.<br />

Tbe movie's main Iheme concents<br />

thnt people (• high school<br />

senior, a, football coach, and a<br />

high .chool junior) who wan! to<br />

k*d u better life tliaa their parents<br />

did. la order to do so, they must<br />

lean their home town.<br />

Senior Stefan Dfordjevfc (pro*<br />

t minced Georgia*vttcri>. a hot<br />

tempered boy. played by 'Con.<br />

CruUe, -vtats mot* than his inu'tl<br />

iteel town, Amplpe. no offer film<br />

«b*fl he graduates from bifh<br />

school.<br />

With the aid of<br />

Tom Creh« tod Urn 7 boirpaoa rtir In Afl tb$j R/g&t Mtfi<br />

schol inhlp. hr plans to attend col*<br />

lege tr» farther hh engineering<br />

tkUIj.<br />

S'eJan't and coach Nlckerson's<br />

drains are centered on a football<br />

gunc in »hkh they must make<br />

**#P the right moves."<br />

*in thb film, Cruite pnrrcs that<br />

to has the Ulent to act and tt.it he<br />

rs not Just another "preny (a ce."<br />

Crubc U actually a victim of<br />

dyslexia. • dborder whkh causes<br />

one lo see objects in reverse order.<br />

For example, k "d** looks like a<br />

"b". However, he has not let his<br />

handicap sUn4 in tbe w«y of his<br />

Kting career.<br />

Cruiie h being Tvcognbed as<br />

"one of the most dynamic rounf<br />

Kin on the horizon."<br />

It has been reported that when<br />

Cruise accepts a role, he becomes<br />

the caanctcr.<br />

For example, [a Taps. Crubc<br />

played a **£ua>happy" military<br />

student obtcued wtth killing. For<br />

thb rule, be gained 30 pounds and<br />

started a weight training program.<br />

In Til* Outsider*. Crutie played<br />

a street kid. and for the character,<br />

he chipped a tooth and gained the<br />

pounds.<br />

Cruise Is presently writing a<br />

screenplay with Eniillo Estoei.<br />

P»l« l». 1M Lo»dl. Dccimtxr 2,1983<br />

SPORTS^"<br />

Indian upsets result in playoff berth<br />

Aw* p*gt It<br />

<strong>The</strong> game, held on Thursday.<br />

November *7 at Kcar Stadium.<br />

tu'«t*nateJ a surprising uiwn. as<br />

Lo«tll its termed too im«ll and<br />

iucvperir jiced io make ihe pU) oil*<br />

dl Iht Beginning o[ ihc teaton.<br />

kMAnlsMng the San ?rancitco<br />

AAA feaftit by finishing with a<br />

wlnnlr.g 4*3 record*<br />

Atler tb* regular Icagvc g»mc<br />

again! Gsliko. which Ihc Indians<br />

lot. 55-0. chances ol making the<br />

playoffs were viewed as slim. <strong>The</strong><br />

learn would hit; to win the flnsi<br />

two games of the scaton. the lint<br />

Jgaimt the third-ranked McAtecr<br />

Jaguan<br />

Tbe highly-favored Jaguan expected<br />

to rebound of! their lott to<br />

W*shln«ton and hand LotrcM<br />

anolhef defeat. Tfcs Indians t

Inouye, Toyooka<br />

^orah Hartog •<br />

lalvtn<br />

determined,<br />

best describe<br />

lartog, whon<br />

1 track perearned<br />

her<br />

of the month<br />

ipeted on the<br />

taam at a<br />

first mm, tho<br />

nd her teameracc.<br />

this promising<br />

victory, Hartog was beset by a hip<br />

Injury. Palo from the Injury kept<br />

her from finishing the cross country<br />

season and even from running<br />

with the track team thatyttr.<br />

After testing her hip for almost<br />

a full ytar. Hartoc began to run<br />

again. During the fall cross country<br />

season of her junior year, Hartog<br />

Improved steadily. She raced<br />

'to a second place finish In the All*<br />

City mile event and finished thinE<br />

in the hal! mile race during the<br />

' track season last spring.<br />

In the November IS All-City<br />

cross country meet this year, Har*<br />

tog finished la fifth pUcc.<br />

Although Hartog fell that her<br />

performance al this litest All-City<br />

meet "fell a bit short." she said<br />

that she was eagerly awaiting the<br />

beginning of tbo track season. In<br />

. the meantime. Hanog plans to<br />

take a brick vacation from running<br />

before starting to train again In<br />

earnest. *<br />

Wh* does she devote so much of<br />

L her time to running?<br />

f Hartog said that she likes the<br />

I* principle of competing Individual-<br />

, •• ly and being solely responsible for<br />

, £" her own performance. "1 can be<br />

a my own team and part of another<br />

? team at the same time." she ex*<br />

I plained.<br />

CZ<br />

7fceLo.ell.Ucnmb.rI. l9M.P<br />

SPORTS<br />

share 'Athletes of Month'<br />

• David Inouve •<br />

By UtltU Chin<br />

"To prepare for each game. I<br />

psych mrsctf up. alway. thlttk ibe<br />

other team ts better than we are,<br />

and do what 1 have to do to win,"<br />

revealed senior Dave Inouve.<br />

December's athlete of the month.<br />

Inouyt is guard lor <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

125*1 basketball team and playtd<br />

guard for <strong>Lowell</strong>'s 1 IS't bukelball<br />

| y team for thrte years.<br />

51 Inooye's preparations fcr each<br />

iygaroe have paid oil well. He has<br />

£*madc All-City In two of his years<br />

li at LowcL.<br />

• ^ Although Icouye scores an<br />

ni average of 13 points per game, he<br />

feels that shooting the ball Into the<br />

basket Is not his most Important<br />

conttlbulion.-,<br />

**My biggest asset to our team Is<br />

to set the tempo of the game and to<br />

get the ball Inside to our<br />

'btgmen'." stated Inouye, who<br />

Hands at 5 feet 4 Inches and<br />

weighs 120 pounts.<br />

Having played baikelbatl slrce<br />

he was eight*ycan-o.d. Inruyc<br />

fccli be has 'mproved over Ihryears.<br />

"My shooJng might not be<br />

much better but I deftnltHy karaed<br />

to plsy tmarter on the court,"<br />

slitrd I cor re.<br />

"I've al'o learned ttut winning<br />

isn't thf most Important thing.<br />

<strong>The</strong> key to my success b flaying<br />

hatd with a lot of Inlensit) while<br />

having! jo," added loouyw,<br />

lrou;e attributes much of his<br />

succe; to co4ch Stan Stewart.<br />

"Hi (Stewart) made me a<br />

tuut'icr and more agfrrstivc cootpetl'or."<br />

Although Inouye would like to<br />

pl.y collegebasketbrll. he adetit*.<br />

-Hicre hn*t a big demand !of A 5<br />

ieet 4 inc.i guard, but U I grow<br />

about len linnet from now until<br />

September. 1*1. definitely consider<br />

it!"<br />

Nest year. Inouye plant to allend<br />

San Franchco State University<br />

and major in builneu.<br />

• Mark Toyooka*<br />

Ir BySandlMurakanl<br />

1^*. "I thought it was i joke" was .<br />

thW year has also been a highlight.<br />

*"! sector Mark Ttirook.'i lint reac* Torooka esccK in shimming as<br />

2 lion when he heart* he was selected well as basketball.<br />

- "Athlete of the Month."<br />

In his fnshman year he placed<br />

? Toyook* started pU)lng HS'i fourth In the SJ-yard backstroke<br />

~bc*k*etbiU fn hit frethnun year and third In the lOO-yird in*<br />

and continued to play In this divl* dividual medley at the All-City<br />

lion through b\\ junior year. meet.<br />

During hi* senior year this Being selected All-City Is<br />

waion he swluried to the 125'* something that comet naturally to<br />

basketball iquad.<br />

ToyooLa. whk*<br />

<strong>The</strong> mote (ram 115** to I25'i<br />

has been an easy one for Tojooka.<br />

He has been team captain and All-<br />

City p'»)er for the US'* ant) 125*%<br />

during the U\t two yt*n.<br />

Tovooka't qukknet*. good ball<br />

handling iklll* -*nd quick thinking<br />

on the court hate hclpn! make<br />

3 him the All-City matrrul eoacho<br />

f look for.<br />

ij- One of the mm memorable<br />

Is time* for layooka hat been winn-<br />

11 'nit 'he champlonthip two >ears in CVA tltowi. He puni<br />

I a row (lint as a 115 and then at a engineering at eiiher<br />

1 lie proved In hi*<br />

tophomore md jurior yean. He<br />

cante In flni (both jt*n) In the 50yard<br />

backsl.oke »nd .he team took<br />

lint in the b.ickttroke medley<br />

relay «ilh ToyookaS help. In hit<br />

tophomore jcar To>ooka broke<br />

•he record for the 100-yard Indb'dual<br />

medley. He came back in<br />

liit junior ;ear jnd brck- Hi own<br />

record.<br />

Acaderakk m\ well »\ athletics<br />

comet caul* tn Tojookj *\ hi* J.b<br />

i(or In<br />

Haney<br />

11 125). Coins unaefeatiid at a 125 Mudd. Cal Poly, or U,C. Davis.<br />

Netters miss experience; finish fourth<br />

Aller holding IV llnl pUce -Hie<br />

for the put three >c.n. the vanity<br />

girls' tcnali leira w&« eliminated<br />

In the Kml'flnaU of thlt gear's All-<br />

City Tournament.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team flood in forth place<br />

with a record of eight wlm. two<br />

loucf, and one tie behind St.<br />

Rote. Waihlngun. and Prewntationhigbtchooli.<br />

<strong>The</strong> squad coniiui of senior<br />

. Stephanie Lee. junior Sharon<br />

• Layden. sophon»ires Noel Hanna.<br />

i Samanlha Harlle>. and Andrei<br />

* Sttio. ki»l frc%iimcuU«Cotenan<br />

\ and Anae Ra»ettl.<br />

*- "Last year «« had four seniors<br />

and thrre |uolon." lUtcd L». the<br />



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SPORTS<br />

r"Time Out- Lacic of experience plagues JV's<br />

-Wesley Wing-<br />

Well, well, well, hrm about our varsity football<br />

team? <strong>The</strong>y never cease to amaze me. For those of you<br />

who didn't follow varsity football this season, let me<br />

tell you what ycu missed.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> beat Washington, which was in the AAA<br />

championships, to end a 16-game losing streak. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

upset heavily favored McAteer and, in doing so,<br />

eliminated them from the playoff picture. <strong>The</strong> Indians<br />

made the playoffs by trouncing the Lincoln Mustangs<br />

in a real laugher. This was <strong>Lowell</strong>'s first appearance in<br />

the playoffs since the 1980 searon. and the first time<br />

the team finished the regular sesson above the .500<br />

mark since 1980.<br />

Unlortunateiy, <strong>Lowell</strong> did lose to Galileo in the<br />

playoffs, but that shouldn't dampen a great season.<br />

Congratulations again!<br />

Kow about our I25's basketball team? Excise me,<br />

'.he 1983 AAA champions, who finished undefeated<br />

this season<br />

<strong>The</strong> team just dominated everyone in the league,<br />

' finishing the regular season with an 8-0 mark. In the<br />

finals, it was the Michael Matsuno show. He scored 20<br />

points, leading the team to victory. <strong>The</strong> team's strong<br />

points had to be the excellent defense and ball handling<br />

i>y David Inouyc and Mark Toyooka. and the<br />

•>r?upcrior : full court press • applied by the team.<br />

Every "time un oppon:nt laced the press, there was<br />

either t turnover or a walking violation on the «*opo.<br />

ncnt.<br />

Volleyball takes<br />

second place<br />

mniagers. Pd«r and Gary were<br />

really trainers In thai they ran<br />

inyoMhe drills."<br />

Knerl bUmed <strong>Lowell</strong>'s downfall<br />

on the teams youth and L*m<br />

ptrkoee. <strong>The</strong>re wai only one<br />

returning starter on the team this<br />

year. Kc added that one aspect ol<br />

playing that the team could hive<br />

worked on was dbripllne; the<br />

players coold have taken tuggw<br />

tiou a Htl!e better and improved<br />

ootbem.<br />

OM ehaofte tlut the tea-n made<br />

Ihh year was to dMde the team in*<br />

to a varsity squad and as unof><br />

flcUl junior witty squad. By do*<br />

iz% so, team members had :no«.<br />

playing time. Koert hopes that r. j<br />

Junior Ti-nlly program will even*<br />

tnaDy become official. -<br />

LoVttTft Junior varsity Warn tied<br />

tor xrccod tn Uw finals.<br />

As !cr next year's vanity team, •<br />

Kncrt predleU a strong squad. He<br />

cxplalafl. "Four ol the six starten<br />

w\n be returning. Abo a lot will<br />

d«p«B*;«. whtther Sophia Ng. a<br />

stutter. Ust season who didn't play<br />

jhl* jfitar. wfll pity o«it year."- SpiVcr<br />

; emu rooo mm<br />

• ocuut «vt / su macaco, c*.«tn<br />

BjrRepnOo., -O| _. s|a Simpson FHd. Relutnlj, ••W«hvl.W'l^-,loIU (*V-5t». Senior Paul<br />

Kitigawi w*k toted tn the All-City<br />

learn.<br />

*••<br />

<strong>The</strong> boy\' *occer team finished<br />

the Kiton with a SO record and<br />

lott in the nlayollt to O'Cnnnctt "•<br />

*>. <strong>The</strong> game *at close, but the Indiam<br />

were defe*t-*d in an exciting<br />

triple overtime game.<br />

Congratulalioni to junior Stnc<br />

Folan. wphoraort Hung Le vnd<br />

Knior Sal Nevigaio fur making the<br />

All Cily tocccr tram ant) >o senior<br />

Ln: Uoiclho for making the vc*<br />

cot>d team.<br />

•••<br />

In track action, the croit country<br />

team won the metal) All-City<br />

title. Individually, the boys* vanity<br />

team came in second, while the<br />

junior vanity and the girls' team<br />

ran all the way u. ihc city championship.<br />

<strong>The</strong> volletball team spikrd its<br />

way into the championships where<br />

GREAT<br />


Deaa'slM<br />

aUKwikViStat*<br />

Blt String, oa<br />

niEwfofDaennber<br />

5POR75 5//17E5<br />

J-O8 CWnmj Slrrcl<br />

Special Student Discount<br />

commentrd that he wai "personal-<br />

ly tatHtlcd" with the season.<br />

"1 enjoyed the season,** stated<br />

Thomas, "but I have to figure out<br />

a way to make the gitls less compctitWe<br />

against each other. Even<br />

so. the girls continue to win con*<br />

thtcntly and ftl better."<br />

"With help from boys' coach.<br />

Lloyd Wilton, and girls' voach.<br />

Kim Pott, the vason ended up the<br />

way 1 eipccted it.** summarized<br />

Thomas.<br />

they barely lust to McAteer K<br />

Korn of 15-?. 13-15. and 14-If..<br />

Yvonne Wong was votetl the city's<br />

mo»t *aluai>ls plater.<br />

*••<br />

<strong>The</strong> girls' tennh team had a<br />

fairly respecuble season placing<br />

fourth overall in city compel it ion.<br />

•••<br />

<strong>The</strong> only team thut far ihU year<br />

to finUh with a loting record was<br />

the junior varsity football team<br />

with a 2-5 record.<br />

• ••<br />

All of Ihc** fall teams have earned<br />

a well deserved 'THANK<br />

YOU" for their time and effort in<br />

representing <strong>Lowell</strong> a-, a contender<br />

in all sports.<br />

PARK'S<br />

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rcnllj holdir<br />

mine wh^t t<br />

lnts.kdb)r<br />

BjMe<br />

"JournahiB<br />

ol raj !lle Iron<br />

•ork lor ihc<br />

American Hrc<br />

eorrespondeti<br />

mealed at<br />

«hich took pi<br />

ol San Fi<br />

Nnemter 21<br />

Salinger. I<br />

to President<br />

ecrre.il AB<<br />

Chkl. met<br />

and artswrre<br />

variety ol tr<br />

Ln| Kenned)<br />

In Ms or<br />

Infer, a p<br />

LooeU. loca<br />

and ot US<br />

descriptions<br />

Sallnier<br />

Frandsfo c<br />

later tecam<br />

Kenned...<br />

Alter Ihc<br />

Inter stajici<br />

nalism sce<<br />

returned u<br />

worked tot<br />

IHohejoir<br />

-1 alwaji<br />

back beea<br />

lullillinf tl<br />

lilt." Salin<br />

"Journal<br />

quires a Ic<br />

qualities."<br />

Alter h<br />

discussion<br />

Kennedy 1<br />

"Idon'<br />

Irorn his c<br />

accom^ltsi<br />

jean from<br />

Eeneraiios<br />

•Ulbtib<br />

lies. Wh<br />

be much<br />

contrtbuli<br />

•ere."<br />

SaUngei<br />

rclaiedpt<br />

He suird<br />

contact »

Fibish enacts school clean-up plan<br />

' /7 *Sf ShamoCbln<br />

t IbtoUBg privileges « » penalty<br />

< -.lor 44 fl--Kkaa campus b par* of<br />

^•'ktocip&l Alan HbUh's plan to<br />

f isorVaUs'vdcntpirtlclpaiioninA<br />

scteM>' wide clean up elfort in an<br />

•linnpt to nUlgatc Ihb semester's<br />

CtuiproMcm<br />

FtbUh anuoenced hh pUn of ac<br />

Hoe over ihe pvollc *ddrm sy stem<br />

''Iferiaf registry Cfl Monday.<br />

Jaffiary 9 the dill day of Us<br />

* fnforccKent<br />

- T^e balls will b* '-fl^pected by<br />

as ajabUtnuK, faculty mavber<br />

iedtiid»|<br />

Am days of the lebool week betwees<br />

land 2 p.m.<br />

Fbt *.T*J of the Kbool would<br />

be evaluated: firs* floor, second<br />

Door from room 212.10 262. iccond<br />

floor east wing. third floor, and<br />

auditorium wing.<br />

Ibipectb.1 will complete an<br />

craliwikm sheet, ranking e*ch<br />

•tea in c!ranllne\s en » ui!e of I<br />

to 10. 1-6 indicating "(ail" and ?-<br />

10. "pass." ant! rc-crd additional<br />

comment* regarding the condition<br />

of the hall*.<br />

At the week's end. a composite<br />

•"fall" or "pan" score wilt deternine<br />

the 1«<br />

made the <strong>Lowell</strong> library niJitkn; a<br />

"high personal priority." and will<br />

recommend that S27O.OOO In<br />

1300.000 necessary to build ihc<br />

addition he Included in the<br />

district's 1984-1985 budget.<br />

Fibish stresed that Alloio's suppor*<br />

of the addition doe., no<br />

automatically mean thct the<br />

district will have enough "capital<br />

improvement" funding to finance<br />

the project. However, Governor<br />

George Dukcm~ilan's 19S4-19AS<br />

state budget is expected to allocate<br />

generous funding for school con*<br />

structlon and main'oance projects.<br />

1 he funding of school building<br />

repair projects is more definite,<br />

and some repairs are already<br />

underway.<br />

Approximately $270,000 c( :?ic<br />

1983-19*6 school district budget<br />

has been lentatUely allocated for<br />

painting the ;i it's etching to attend<br />

school.'* he staled.<br />

<strong>The</strong> senator was cogntianl of<br />

the problem of cuts In school<br />

funds. "I would rather spend<br />

money on schools than (nuclear)<br />

armament*" he stated. Another<br />

suggestion he noted Is to raise<br />

tales to icpport education. If<br />

necessary.<br />

He takes prid< In serving Ihe<br />

Pay Arei. He Is considering running<br />

for re-clecticn.<br />

In the meantime, he hu offered<br />

to speak at public schools. He Is<br />

also encouraging public respoajc<br />

from bis constituents.<br />

mind students to ckan up.<br />

II privtirfres arr taken away, tho<br />

Senior Class and P.E. Department<br />

*ould suffer from a lost ol revenue<br />

from vending machines BSCT<br />

food sale schedules and predetermined<br />

arrangements for food<br />

sales would br disrupted. Studeois<br />

wou*J be limited to ihe cafeteria<br />

and courtyard for eating.<br />

Senior Scolt C'Mn. BSCS<br />

Chairman, bcliot» "<strong>The</strong> action<br />

wai neresury as the halls weren't<br />

getting clean, but It's unfair<br />

to...the clubs which may have food<br />

sales the week following evaluations."<br />

<strong>The</strong> PSCS may contl.-.ue the<br />

clean-up campaign *J an ingoing<br />

project to combat Uttering, he<br />

"I'm glad something Is twine<br />

done, but the consequences slio*. W<br />

have been more fully roniltavd<br />

with ihr U-C." staled J-nnlfer<br />

PouUkldat. Student Activities<br />

Board chalrpeum. M II Ihe LfcC<br />

pUns to do something, it will probably<br />

tw a tevition of Dr. Fiblih's<br />

r?in unless the BSCS campaign<br />

succeeds. Th« posters Nclp, but<br />

they Uon't sohe the whole problem."<br />

Fibish acknowledged that nr<br />

would like to find a reward for<br />

school clemiinrss. but unless the<br />

BSCS campaign Is effective or _ : i«<br />

LEC can resolve the problem using<br />

an alternate method, hil!wB><br />

evaluatUrr« will oco.r each week.<br />

Dr. Alao Ftblsh uupccU the haJIways as part o( hli plan to -r=4<br />

LowtUMitte/problem.<br />

Teachers comment<br />

on letter writing<br />

Qy Ann Huppert<br />

With u> many of L«« ell's<br />

'jdcnis going on to cullege* and<br />

unltcrsltles. many icachcri and<br />

coun^lors are atked to write let-<br />

:rs ol recommendatifn for<br />

ludents applying to private institutions.<br />

In *nost c&ses. private schools.<br />

well at many scholarship prognmi,<br />

asL for letters Tram a<br />

counselor and at least c.it teichcr.<br />

Man* seniors ask for iMteu<br />

from tevchers they had In the<br />

junior ye*; often those they hate<br />

had for moi- than one scmesicr<br />

und tiiose they have had In honors<br />

Advanced iliccmcni (AP,<br />

clastcs.<br />

Urban Becker. Sc-nce Depanmc.it<br />

head, this year, sir example,<br />

has written SO letters l.v 27 dlficrent<br />

students, taking hlnJ over 40<br />

hours.<br />

Bvcker does not ro'nd wilting<br />

the letters, but because of the Uiie<br />

necessarv to write a good Ictte*.<br />

"...it his Hecorae a severe burden"<br />

to have to write so many.<br />

Becker feel). "Good, belplul<br />

students descive a good recommendation...!:<br />

reflects badly on<br />

the student It you do a cat .-leu Job<br />

oct the letter."<br />

Jo Ann Stewart, English<br />

tcache:, feels thai the letters are<br />

important because "...schools<br />

must use other things" than grade<br />

polil averages when differen-<br />

Citlng between applicants.<br />

"It is Absolute)* essential that<br />

schools use Ihe letters, and they<br />

are an essential part of a teacher's<br />

job,'* she nc'^J. She docs feel,<br />

however, that a teacher does have<br />

a right :o say "no" to a student<br />

•vho asks for a letter.<br />

Stewart says that the letters are<br />

"tremendousty time consuming"<br />

and take "days not hours."<br />

She also finds the Idlers to be<br />

very rewarding. "Yo-» fldd pv«r<br />

and over how wonderful your<br />

students are.*' She says It U Dot at<br />

all a ease ol ^dbgoblng flaw*."<br />

Donald Baker. m«ih teacher,<br />

has had bct«ccn 25 and 50 tetters<br />

lo write during winter * watlon the<br />

Ust three years. This yesr he was<br />

surprised because he was onl> aik*<br />

ctl to write one letter.<br />

La^er also Icels lhat writh'g tellers<br />

ol recommendation should be<br />

pail ol a teacher's jo">. but he<br />

adds. '<strong>The</strong>y're not ihc ''unnctl'<br />

thing."<br />

He says th»t ihc individual letter<br />

m.ist be applkabl? to the school<br />

and the student.<br />

Counsctor Joan Catelll must<br />

comptete all of in- cotnselor's letters<br />

of recommenialton for her<br />

counselces applying to sthooli and<br />

for scholarships.<br />

She usually writes from $0 to 6$<br />

letters * year for d'dereni<br />

itudenu. This year the number<br />

has gone down. She feels that<br />

possibly due lo financial reasons<br />

students might be applying to<br />

fewer private schools that need t.*w<br />

Tetters.<br />

Catelli commented. **I still don't<br />

ktiym how important (the letters)<br />

ar*,** as she never gets ferdbacV<br />

from th- schoob.<br />

She stated. "All of us here (at<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>) try lo make our letters as<br />

personal us possible." She said,<br />

though, lhat students must take<br />

certain steps to ensure a good<br />

recmn men dat io n.<br />

Students should allow both the<br />

teacher and counselor enough time<br />

before the deadline to complete<br />

the lener.<br />

Catdll remarked, "Students<br />

need is make themselves known to<br />

teacher* on a le*>el otrtade the<br />

cUs«reoB.."<br />

Ca;-lll added tta* It is h.-id lo<br />

write a tetter for a student who<br />

seems to d> nothing la addition to<br />

school work. Shd saio that In order<br />

to «I them apart, studer.u n^ed to<br />

ihow some Uiterest other than just<br />

slttiaf at a oVsk* whether It means<br />

Joining t clu*> or Jm talking with a<br />

teacher after class.

UwiU.J-iktiiryl9.l9S4<br />

EDITORIALS'—"~~" ~ — — — - -<br />

Orwell's vision proves largely false<br />

ca<br />

That year — 1984 — the most politically mean*<br />

ingfu! imr digits since George Orwell made them the<br />

title of hu famous work Is finally here.<br />

Few <strong>Lowell</strong> students esc»pe the halls of academia<br />

without hearing some fragment of Orwell's dark war*<br />

ning. without encountering Oceana. Newspcak. or<br />

Big Brother.<br />

What eiactly wu Orwell Irving to say? Wu he ><br />

prophet or Just paranoid?<br />

Bora Eric Blair in 1903. Orwell was an Etoneducated<br />

son of rn!ddte-c!ai» parents who sought to<br />

hide his bourgeou'se origins in poverty, who uied a<br />

pesudonvmn to spare his mother's feelings, and who<br />

subscribed to hi: o»l. brand of socialism.<br />

In 1984. Orwell descried a world of three<br />

totalitarian superpowers constantly battling - oter<br />

Musicians need $'s<br />

Over the yean, there has been a decline in funds<br />

illocaied to the public schools caused chiefly by the<br />

ilter-shock effects of Propotiiion 13. Although mu»lc<br />

programs have often suffered the brunt of these cut'<br />

backs. Lord, still offers the most diversified and<br />

largest number oi mvt'c classes in the city.<br />

Each year. <strong>Lowell</strong> receives 51.600 lo repair the 200'<br />

plus instruments, as well as (o tune setcrai pianos,<br />

and tl.SOO to purchase new mutic. Prohjhly thr mmi<br />

shocking effect of cutbacks has been that the per*<br />

student allocations has not ocen increased in over 20<br />

years.<br />

Th- small stipends from the school district arc not<br />

enough to keep the program running. As a result, the<br />

musical groups must take fund raising efforts in their<br />

ovn hands, often sacrificing vatuabl: rehearsal time.<br />

Cutbacks have also affected middle and elementary<br />

schools. Many sites do not offer music programs at<br />

all. This hurts the caliber of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s performing<br />

groups in that many students join the program a*<br />

beginners in the 9th grade.<br />

<strong>The</strong> program, however, will wrathcr the storm.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> stilt offers an Advanced Placement music<br />

theory course, three bands, three orchestras, and<br />

three piano classes, in addition to numerous<br />

aftenchool activities, many organized by itudcnts.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se groups Include two jazz bands, a dUic band,<br />

and a theatre orchestra.<br />

Recently, the advanced band and orchestra classes<br />

were designated u meeting the University of California<br />

fine arts requirement which wilt affect classes<br />

graduating after 1985.<br />

At a recent band concert, given by another high<br />

school, about 30 students performed to an audience<br />

the same size. <strong>The</strong> over 100 <strong>Lowell</strong> music students<br />

perform icmi*hnnua) concerts to nearly full houses.<br />

Let's hope that this support, thoujth it may not be<br />

financial, will continue.<br />

L what's left on earth.Occana. the state which Includes new technology.<br />

Britain and the \mericas. li run by an omniponent<br />

figure know.l simply as Big Brother, who heads the<br />

Party.<br />

In Ocean*, a :iny minority of the population called<br />

the Inner Pai 9 literally controls the lives of all others.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y use id- «ced technology (e.g. two way television<br />

svT-rnr microphone*! and accusations to informers<br />

(offcj U>E> children) to Isolate and kill anyone who<br />

seems to possess thoughts of his own.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Party keeps Oceana always at wai- to stay In<br />

power and updates written accounts of the past to<br />

meet current Party needs.<br />

19S4 was not a prediction per se: it's not likely that<br />

Orwell thought that Britain or the United Stales<br />

would become like Oceana. Rather, the book warns<br />

against 3 strongly centralized government in the era of<br />

Orwell'l Illellmc saw the rise o( two of lhc most ler<br />

rifyinj repressive slates that have ever «lsted — N«ii<br />

Germany and Ihc Soviet Union.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Third Reich was overthrown Dy the Allies<br />

before the book v,«s written, but what was slUl going<br />

on In the U.S.S.R. frightened Orwell.<br />

In the Soviet Union, he saw a new breed of rulers<br />

Stalin Md the Soviet "Inner Party" had proved thai<br />

Ihey were entirely willing to kill «ny number of people<br />

and trample the rights of very cltlien In order to n tain<br />

absolute power. '<br />

<strong>The</strong> Communist Party existed primarily to allow Its<br />

highest members to slay in control of the nation<br />

Worst of all. On. ell saw mat with the ruthless lechnl<br />

qucs ihey cmploycu. the party was Invincible In Its<br />

repression ol the Russian citizenry.<br />

MUNI frustrations continue<br />

A throng ol Lo«U stucjinlt bond • crowilcJ »17 P«ik Mcr.-rd bui.whllc others wait dtitctedly lor the »2» 19th Avtou. bos U><br />

arrive.<br />

1 cannot wait to gel liunic. I arrive at the bus »:np Utilities Commluion t t • »uppl»"n«nt»l *p.<br />

after school and impatiently look d-»wn the street propriations of S679.1S5 to bn useti for Improving the<br />

every few minutes awaiting the arrival of the diearted safety and competency of MUNI operators.<br />

MUNI.<br />

Also, th- Transit Line Prugrar* is presently working<br />

An hour later, a large crowd has gathered. "Bus!" on the "bunching" problem. A member of this group<br />

someone yells. We all anxiously watch the vehicle as it stands on the sidewalk and signals drivers to pass a<br />

drives toward us and furiously glare a* it pastcv by. few bus stops when he or she knows that other buses<br />

Another bus arrives, and I pu\h my way on. I lean are coming.<br />

against the front door and nearly suffocate because of If all of these measures are effected, the outcome<br />

the people all around me.<br />

could be positive. But there U still more that we. as<br />

<strong>The</strong> driver speeds JOUR each street, jerks to a stop students, mutt be concerned with.<br />

every bl^k. and Irt's more and more people into the Ptcwnlty, there are no direct attempts being mad,!<br />

already overcrowded bus. Finally the bus reaches my to have buses come more ollcn after school. And<br />

stop, and I push my way out. At Ia&t..J can breathe!! waiting for the bus is very frustrating «& it waste* a<br />

Fortunately, there may be hope for this chaotic great deal of our valuable Hmc.<br />

system. Many measure* will be implemented to <strong>The</strong> lack of buses also causes students to crowd on*<br />

alleviate the current ptoblcms facing MUNI today. to a bus that is already full. As students, «c are very<br />

Tt>c%c problems cotniit of maintenance and liabili- determined to get on the MUNI, and we do not care<br />

ty, rifely, the ru»h hour crowds, and "bundling." enough about the dangerous bus ride.<br />

<strong>The</strong> latter, which U the mc\t frequent complaint, occurs<br />

when there ts a long interval of time before any<br />

bus arrives and thrn (wo or three come at the wtne<br />

time.<br />

A proposed ordinance that is presently awaiting<br />

confirmation would hate the Public Utilities Commission<br />

give a supplemental appropriation in the amount<br />

Why shouldn't some money be used toward putting<br />

more buses on the streets during the s'"dcnt rash<br />

hours?<br />

Progress is a real potential and that is the first step.<br />

All we can do now is keep our fingers crossed and<br />

hope for Improvement.<br />

of 3201.733 to MUNI. This money would be spent on<br />

the improrcmtni of maintenance quality.<br />

Another proposed ordinance would have the Public<br />

<strong>The</strong> other side of <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Coleco strikes gold in cabbage patch<br />

What's cute and pudgy, received more media attcction<br />

than last December's devastating storms, and virtually<br />

caused a national crisis as American consumers '<br />

bunted in vain for their whereabouts?<br />

Yes. you fuetscd It - THE CABBAGE PATCH<br />

DOLL<br />

Now nearly a month since the sweet adorable objects<br />

of affection graced the covers of NewsvrcJfc<br />

magazine and Bzrron's Weekly, the dolls are still in<br />

higli rtwuri. Rut what makes them so unique from<br />

p V /-i-oritrt Ike Cl. Joe or Barbie? Is it the deep,<br />

it A/jay cyr% the cushy rounded bottoms, or the teeny*<br />

: n^r nV'ielty hj'.ton? After ail, thne babei were sitting<br />

•o* *hr C4^j.trtnicnt store shelves for three years before<br />

* uoyotie wanted them.<br />

/ Indeed these orphans caught the public eye In 1983.<br />

r -.tnd through a well •orchestra ted publicity campaign.<br />

. thty soon became the "in" toy. capturing the heirts of<br />

, _Wj(and. little kids. Oace started, the mcdU took over.<br />

•' C*e publicity snowballed.<br />

> Sadly enough. Coleco Industries, the maker of the<br />

Cabbage Patch, made a bocboo in anticipating the<br />

surge in demand as their supply could not meet the<br />

appetite of the public; thus, many expecting parents<br />

weren't blessed with new additions. Right?...Wrong.<br />

Hong Kong manufacturers came to the rescue and<br />

KM shipments of their own version of Cabbage Patcher.<br />

to America, but minus the cushy rounded to Itorn*<br />

and the tcrny-ttcny bcll> buttons. Apparently.<br />

tnese Cabbage Patch tmposters wen: still welcomej<br />

into many homes as they too were gobbled up in time<br />

for St. Nick.<br />

Now If you future marketeers are wonderiop if such<br />

amazing product triumphs can be forscen. most say<br />

it's impossible, but V'lUiam Lazur of Florida Atlantic<br />

University believes there are five itcps that improve<br />

your odds. Here's bis recipe: 1) Study dcvrloping<br />

lifestyles. 2) Discern needs of ratlous lifestyle group*<br />

ings. 3) Monitor products already available. 4) Identify<br />

the unfUIrd nJrhes. S) Try to fill those niches at affordable<br />

prices.<br />


What do you think?<br />

If you couid live anywhere,<br />

where would you live?'<br />

Antchicttr. DuapMT (8712)<br />

"I'd Uvt In France. It iccm* tike<br />

life i< lun In France, ud ihcy have<br />

• !od time. Btttea. ocrjonc<br />

who't anyone goet to France.**<br />

Derek K<br />

"I »ould like to life In Hawaii. I<br />

can |uii picture mvitli kicking<br />

back and living on the beach."<br />


NEWS'<br />

Top brass inspects, praises ROTC<br />

By Regan Gong<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lo«cl) JROTC unit placet<br />

high °c the Biennial Form* 1 . lr.«<br />

spcclion (QFI) held At Lowe., on<br />

December 9.<br />

According to Sgi- Mjjo* Muk<br />

YosSlda (ret.), the unit twred an<br />

«ttlm«'ed 99-? percent. f«.Wnf<br />

mailmum foinls In crnr category<br />

tml oae. <strong>The</strong> unit's previous inipectlon,<br />

given t«o years ago.<br />

yielded «99.6.1 percent Handing.<br />

Batailk-n Ornaander Ll. Col.<br />

Phillip Jones, senior, itatcd.<br />

•'Since 1919. we have held the<br />

designation of 'Honor Unit'

School speakers win honors<br />

BySusuShht<br />

Three LowcUltes were honored<br />

»t an' awards luncheon on<br />

December 7 at the St. Francis<br />

Hotel lor ihrir winning orations on<br />

the topic—Bill of Right* • What<br />

Are My RcpoasibUtics?" <strong>The</strong>y<br />

were iet4or JeHrey G«Mn mad<br />

Junion Elizabeth Garcia uvl<br />

Jessica Leung.<br />

Sponsored by Coait Federal<br />

<br />

think it i\ KM ing to happen wnl> lo<br />

the oilier pcr*in."<br />

"An area tike the Ha> Area with<br />

a population ol million* i* |t».ti(t to<br />

ollcmter. arc a high probability<br />

here a.w»|:crc else." explained<br />

Rhiih.<br />

Fihiih pointed to » rape incident<br />

that occurred several yiare a|[o.<br />

"To the be\* of my ktiowlcdcc. the<br />

rapi.t ha, ttitl been caught." he<br />

uid.<br />

Pean Elba Salgadu said. "<strong>The</strong>re<br />

Kate been incidents there: a<br />

it ranger ha. accottcd some |t>rt\.<br />

and they did get hurl."<br />

Salgado further w. • ucd. "1! yo;;<br />

mint uvc the path, never go atone.<br />

Go in groups, preferably big<br />

group*. Two kid. were approached<br />

by a stranger *ho c> posed<br />

hlmscll."<br />

"I walked the area with a<br />

parent, and I believe the path is<br />

lUngerou. and it r. not a shortcut."<br />

continued Salgad**.<br />

Chin d-iagrccd. saying. "<strong>The</strong><br />

path takes tc.. than fl.e minulci<br />

compared lo about 20 minutes<br />

taking the long way to reach the IS<br />

and 24 but .top on Wimton<br />

Avenue and Buckingham Way."<br />

FRANK NQ<br />

.NEWS<br />

^suken fcokm Uunf, Wdrf GaMn. and EUubMh OarcU tkow<br />

lheir-BUlolRl»hu-awardx.<br />

Alfonso promoted<br />

Senior Carmen Alfomo has<br />

been selected as Brigauc Commander<br />

af the San Francisco<br />

Junior ROTC battalion com*<br />

panics.<br />

This is the top JROTC position<br />

In the city. Alfonso was rcom-<br />

. mended for In* Job .bjr .Law«UV.<br />

Scnkir Army Instructor Mack<br />

Yothtila. She then comrwtrtt<br />

again.) live other*. Uirrclur ul Ar><br />

i* In.lructton Colonel lUrvM Lrv<br />

lade Ihe tinal ilccition. biud on<br />

her record anil an inter.icw.<br />

"I «» vhocked and ihrillwl to<br />

learn f wai .hown. 1 didn't expect<br />

ii." AUonso staled.<br />

Right Stuff given<br />

<strong>The</strong> Right Stuff books and<br />

posters were distributed by the<br />

Board ol Class Oi fleers to<br />

ttudents free of charge on a first*<br />

come-firs*-serve basis, lanuary 11<br />

and 12.<br />

<strong>The</strong> 40 books and 40 potters<br />

were part of the priic that <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

won from radio station KFRC in<br />

October as a result of a drawing.<br />

<strong>The</strong> prize alto included an Atari<br />

Computer that was presented to<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> in November.<br />

Power fails<br />

A power failure, which began at<br />

2 p.m. on Saturday. December 3,<br />

and lasted until 4 a.m. on Monday.<br />

December 5. forced <strong>Lowell</strong> to<br />

manage with only half Its normal<br />

power.<br />

<strong>The</strong> outage affected two <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

weekend eienti: a production of<br />

CLUSCU rum DrsnucnoK<br />

1351 rahrrt Snrf<br />

&m FraroKii. CaU<br />

tion (CPR) may do so at no cost.<br />

<strong>The</strong> courses usually cut S25<br />

each, but for a limited time only,<br />

the Red Cross will be =l"fering<br />

them free to <strong>Lowell</strong> students who<br />

sign up for the courses.<br />

Fcr further Infottnatlon. call<br />

Carol Slebert at 776-15O0.<br />

California<br />

Brake<br />

Tune-Up<br />

Smog<br />

3&S0 Mission Street<br />

1101 JunlpcroScrra Bird.<br />

(415)648-3551<br />


hf.6, Tl» LcwtU. Jtmiuj J9. I9S4<br />


Opening America's back door<br />

ByLithlUffiDcr<br />

"We want to be friends of the<br />

United State*. Our homo, oar<br />

hearts, and oar countries ar» open<br />

to each am o! you, if you eon« to<br />

visit ui bt order to help as build<br />

hospitals, build ocr nations. On<br />

the other bud, our p^>?le will<br />

fight back U «'re Invaded by the<br />

mlWaV;!** emphasized Mariana<br />

Lore nnii*. ihe Guatemalan<br />

r^ir«MLMh« at the U.S.-Central<br />

America Vcyth Friendship Con*<br />

feme*<br />

• <strong>The</strong> conference wat op«n to high<br />

Kbool students frou all over the<br />

Bay "Are* and w*» held "a*.<br />

December 8 from 9 a,m. to 2 p.m.<br />

at Uacy College In Oakland.<br />

<strong>The</strong> purpose of the day was to<br />

Youth conference meets; peace movement pushed<br />

EL<br />

SALVAbOR.<br />

By Jeffrey GaMa<br />

<strong>The</strong> deployment of American<br />

Marines In the Middle East country-<br />

of Lebanon b being seriously<br />

questioned by politicians and<br />

citizens alike, even though Prerldent<br />

Ronald Reagan has remained<br />

firm in his support of thcL* continued<br />

presence.<br />

<strong>The</strong> troops have been deployed<br />

In West Beirut since last -ummer.<br />

as part of a 5.400 man Multinational<br />

Force (MKF) whkh Includes<br />

soldiers from Italy. France, and<br />

Britain, la the hopes of providlc}<br />

a measure of stability to the strife*<br />

ridden Lebanese capital, the<br />

troops of the MNF have taken up<br />

strategic positions around the d!y.<br />

<strong>The</strong> 1.800 roan American con*<br />

tingent has protected and polked<br />

a region of Beirut which contains<br />

the city's university and International<br />

airport.<br />

A special U.S. Defense Department<br />

commbsloa released a report<br />

at the end of December whkh suggested<br />

that any stabilizing,<br />

positive Impact lhat the Marines<br />

may be making In Beirut b offset<br />

by the precarious position that the<br />

Marines are In.<br />

<strong>The</strong> report pointed out that<br />

teach American ttadeou about<br />

Central America and to develop a<br />

dialogue between North<br />

American* and Central Americans<br />

so as to prevent a Unltrd States Invasion<br />

of Central America.<br />

Four members of the United<br />

Movement of Central American<br />

Youth and Students (MUIECA)<br />

represented four Centra!<br />

American countries. <strong>The</strong> students<br />

were Lautaio Sandinc from<br />

Nicaragua, Gerardo Contrens<br />

from Cost* Rka. Roberto Pineda<br />

from El Salvador, and Mariana<br />

Lorccua* from'••utcmai*.<br />

Toe day began with • slide sho*<br />

and a narrative history cf C*n;r?l<br />

America given by Tony Manna, a<br />

teacher from Mission High School<br />

InSanFrancbco.<br />



Minrt explained that the pre-.<br />

tent crUb in Central America<br />

reiulu mainly from the tremendous<br />

poverty which exists there.<br />

"...use culture<br />

and studies to<br />

gain peace."<br />

"Eight million people live In extreme<br />

poverty; that Is to U> lhat<br />

they do not h*ve enough money to<br />

feed ttMBie'vcs or their children,* 4<br />

stated Mansr.<br />

Profile: El Salvador<br />

By Rfck Denny<br />

<strong>The</strong> focus of American lrttcmt<br />

jt Cent-* 1 America has. for the<br />

last couple of years, been El<br />

5alv»dor.<br />

Some 4.8 mUlloo people inhabit<br />

thh war-racked country which<br />

has become the Reagan Ad*<br />

ministration'* tougbeit proving<br />

ground In Latin America.<br />

El Salvador Is geographically<br />

about the site of Maitachusettcs<br />

(8.260 square miles), and Its Ur,je<br />

population density (582 per square<br />

mile) b eight percent greater than<br />

that of India.<br />

Despite having to many people.<br />

nr perhaps becauie of It. El<br />

Salvador has been characterized<br />

by a chaotic government, contrailcd<br />

by what are called the "14<br />

families."<br />

Within the last fev. years, some<br />

thing* ha*e changed, with the<br />

<strong>The</strong> jrcwp not brok. gp Into Aortic, ud U* tajit"**?" *<br />

to »*£*.. p «ch on. W b, pei. P».»*F2*«j|»fJ2r-<br />

c to te pp<br />

one of the Central American Amvrica and the United States.<br />

representatives.<br />

When asked In bb workshop<br />

In his workshop. Contreras urg- about Com mo nil t Influence la<br />

ed the students lo "...study Central America. Pineda explain*<br />

cbemUtry, but not to construct cd. "For us there It no conflict bet-<br />

neutron bombs; study physics and ween communism and democracy.<br />

math, but MM to build uUsiln. We {ust want to live in peace "*<br />

Ottiy I'tc culture and studki to In the a'ternoon. there wat a<br />

gain peace!"<br />

musical presentation and a poetry<br />

After Manna's presentation. reading given by two Viet Nam<br />

Lotenzana Unreduced her fellow veterans. Both men warned<br />

Central American rcprcicnUtives, against glorifvtaf the army and<br />

and their mbsioa. She stressed the war.<br />

danger of the United States* <strong>The</strong> conference endfd with a<br />

military escalation In Ccottal Latino tinge* leading the group In<br />

tome Spanish folk tongs.<br />

government's land reform policy<br />

breaking up 326 plantations of<br />

1,235 acres or more each and turning<br />

the land over the peaiantowacd<br />

coopcrativci, having nearly<br />

60.000 member!.<br />

Other reform efforts aimed at<br />

redistributing raid-sized estates<br />

and turning the land farmed by<br />

sharecroppers over the tenants<br />

have failed, or at (cut stalled, victim*<br />

of protest and inefficiency.<br />

Numerous allegations have been<br />

made about blatant corruption in<br />

the military, including charges<br />

that It b responsible for the deaths<br />

of thousands of Innocents and that<br />

most of its leaders oppose any<br />

means of reform.<br />

<strong>The</strong> revolutionary left has refused<br />

to participate In elections,<br />

although the government has in*<br />

vited any party willing to "renounce<br />

violence** to run for office.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Salvadorian civilian government<br />

seems to be caught la the<br />

middle between the radical left,<br />

which wants sweeping change, and<br />

the fanatical right, which ad><br />

vocates the maintenance of the<br />

status quo.<br />

American policy has beea lo<br />

support the government, agalnn<br />

what Reagan says are the Soviet'<br />

backed rer-h with both economic<br />

and military aid.<br />

<strong>The</strong> military situation seems to<br />

be at a stalemate, with neither the<br />

government nor the guerrillas able<br />

to win decisively, and neither really<br />

willing to negotiate for a<br />

peaceful sharing of power.<br />

Barring a dramatic and unforeseen<br />

change, it looks like El<br />

Salvador's people are lo for •<br />

bloody conflict which has gone on<br />

for severaljreara and which will<br />

continue for many more.<br />

Uncertainty in Beirut: should U.S. pullout?<br />

i i<br />

f HAPPY<br />

\ 17*<br />

I B DMY ,<br />

American forces hav? incurred the<br />

wrath of various political and<br />

religious factions becauie of the<br />

United States' backing of the<br />

Maronlte Christian government of<br />

Lebanese President Am In<br />

Gcraaycl. Reagan support of the<br />

Maronltes has made the U.S. a<br />

target o( rival groups' aggression.<br />

Sniper fire and artillery attacks<br />

on Marine forces have been torn*<br />

of f**e more frequent manifestations<br />

of anti-American sentiment.<br />

<strong>The</strong> most notable act of aggression<br />

against U.S. troops was the October<br />

2J suicide truck bombing of<br />

the Marine headquarters building<br />

In Beirut whkh killed 241 serin<br />

response to attacks on<br />

American Marines, the Reagan<br />

Administration has authorized the<br />

increasing use of Ameiica'j air<br />

and naval power. On several occasions<br />

In December, the big guns of<br />

the battleship New Jersey. Ust<br />

fired In combat during the Vietnam<br />

War. were called upon to fire<br />

at Syrian ground forces. Earlier,<br />

two dozen U.S. planes lynched<br />

from an aircraft carriei stationed<br />

off the Lebanese co**t bombed<br />

S6©ULGflRDG0J<br />

7i Nroc* Man Ian ttanmea CA «ns<br />

f<br />




SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94121<br />

(415) 75J-M47<br />

(415) MMS01<br />

SHIN JIN<br />



Sjrian anti-clrcralt missile batteries.<br />

Two American ku were<br />

shot down In that attack.<br />

At American military Involvement<br />

Increases and the losses of<br />

soldiers continue to mount,<br />

pressure b building on the Reagan<br />

Administration to withdraw the<br />

c<br />

HnPRESSOFCHin*<br />

Marines from Beirut. When tbe<br />

Congress reconvene* on January<br />

23. many Republican and most<br />

Democratk legislators are expected<br />

to support legation whkh<br />

will ^.3 Reagan to Vlhdraw all<br />

American forces In Lebanon.<br />

»»*»»***»»*»<br />

' Scinltjt'.cisco<br />


TU LowtU. Jutiuiy 19.J9M. ftp T<br />


Draft registration faces opposition<br />

By <strong>The</strong>m* Wong<br />

"Making Decisions abou* Draft<br />

Refbtntloa and Military Ser-<br />

*i».** a stutUoi new* coufenrce<br />

htld at G.C. Berkeley on<br />

Novrmber 12. presenl-d \U<br />

speaken who expressed their opinions<br />

nf the nllitAry ijium,<br />

Robtrt Hanson. Vietnam<br />

wen** and member of the<br />

Veterans' Organizing Projt-t fn<br />

Saa Francisco, slated that there U<br />

no *ay to comprehend the com'<br />

pkx sute of military life, unless<br />

met* (nil.<br />

From the action he saw la the<br />

Vietnam War. he arrived at the<br />

conclusion *\..that the crux of<br />

.reality In the military b (hat they<br />

limply don't know what they're<br />

doing."<br />

ByRtgaaGong<br />

General u» a Cmpuin: "Our<br />

arnearf lead It ifirinktng every-<br />

Captain'* reply: "Don't worry,<br />

ii'r. We still can blow op the earth<br />

more limes lh*n the ,Ru%dant<br />

w.**<br />

• • •><br />

Since the end of World War II.<br />

ie Weil, the L'nlicd States in partkular.<br />

and the Soviet Union hate<br />

Itcf. Involved in a fame ot nuclear<br />

poker. Deal the cards, gentlemen.<br />

Both tides look at their hands.<br />

Tfae Wat has an ace up Its sleeve:<br />

they hvve the bomb. <strong>The</strong> Soviets,<br />

after drtaing, come up with the<br />

bomb. leu. <strong>The</strong> West puts in socn?<br />

f.imrm S&rief e*U It. mad the.)<br />

Hvuon believes that the<br />

military seeks confrontations every<br />

10 to IS yean to Justify Its ex*<br />

bteacc and cites the Lebanon<br />

illusion of 19M as a principal example.<br />

Phyllis Larimore. • thrtc*year<br />

veteran, editor of <strong>The</strong> Objector.<br />

aod member of the Woratn<br />

Veterans Informatloa Network<br />

tod Veterans for Draft Reshtann<br />

holds conflicting feelings toward<br />

the service, but admitted that b-rr<br />

overall military experience »aj<br />

orgtUre.<br />

**Ai a result of my Army experiences,<br />

f ended up feeling that<br />

*hat our government does with the<br />

military and in the military U a lie:<br />

they misrepresent eveiythlng.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y're deceitful, but. at the same<br />

time, Ifcr; rxed to get more people<br />

In. so Uw> do thlqfs Jiat would.<br />

on Uw rarfac*. ic«m to be very<br />

good." ,»*K stated.<br />

Larimvte added that she wasn't<br />

advocating that no one should<br />

enter the military.<br />

combat duty.<br />

Berkeley senior Francli<br />

Calpotura criticized the "Solomon<br />

Amendments.** which Unk federal<br />

thfcncUl aid for students and job<br />

tralclaj arogr-mi to draft<br />

registration.<br />

"... they simply don *t know what<br />

they're doing."<br />

"I eau'i Ignore Uie fact that It<br />

does provide a job tor someone<br />

woo can't get a ^b anywhere<br />

else.''she noted.<br />

Larimore stressed that she<br />

believes there will be • major war<br />

ID the future, and women will not<br />

be exempt fro.n It. and will perform<br />

non*ccmT.^* duties and even<br />

Prior to retching these benefits.<br />

Individuals ara required to sign a<br />

statement declaring that they bava<br />

already registered or are tot re*<br />

qulrvd to register for some<br />

legitimate reason.<br />

Calpotura called the "Solomon<br />

Amendments.** which *rc being<br />

challenged in the U.S. Supreme<br />

Court, "...another manlf*st**M)N<br />

of the racism that exists la<br />

American society today.**<br />

J«(f Cohan. UC student and a<br />

non-drait registrant, spoke ol the<br />

p.TSSOres and problems of not<br />

registering. Refusing to register<br />

ran renill In * penalty ol five jean<br />

In prison and/or a * 10.000 fine.<br />

Cohan urged people to sccuic a^<br />

the infornulfon possible about<br />

draft reglsr itlon and then make<br />

antndepeo -t decision.<br />

Audrey Koh. a former *- I* *T><br />

member, encouraged conference<br />

members to consider all Intpllca*<br />

lions before volunteering for tha<br />

military. Even though hs* enlistment<br />

paid for her medic*! ich-ol<br />

education, she did not find \Lt<br />

military experience satlsf»ci ory.<br />

Nuclear showdown; "j Jackson's run for presidency —<br />

what does it mean?<br />

Reagan makes his move<br />

raise the Jake! by Invading<br />

Romania. Bulgaria, st al.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Wot ealls by tormina; the<br />

North Atlantic Treaty Organln.<br />

lion (NATO), then ral«ei bjr<br />

dcplorlni nib-'iCT Ui Waiern<br />

Europe. <strong>The</strong> newly formed Sovkt<br />

Bloc rcjpooo» by fnrning iht<br />

Warsaw P**t. and at Ihe unc<br />

time installs mUiIta. in Eastern<br />

Europe. <strong>The</strong>y rtlse to- pot by Installni<br />

J73 more SS-JO's in the<br />

UralMoonuim.<br />

<strong>The</strong> West hollales and calls 'hr<br />

blull by Installing 108 Penhlng II<br />

and 464 Cruise missiles. <strong>The</strong>y "alt<br />

(or the Soviets to make the nes an Intercontinental<br />

baiislic mtaile (ICBM) with the<br />

capability ot trawUinj 2.700<br />

miles, muih similar to the U.S.<br />

based Mkuteman III. Hoocrer.<br />

Ihe SS-20 has the ability to strike<br />

simultaneous targets — th.l Ii. the<br />

missile carries more than one<br />

warhead. This ipccial mhsile is<br />

kuown as a multiple Independent<br />

reentry vehicle (MIKV). and hat<br />

the ability the Minuleman III don<br />

nut possess.<br />

Jn the SS-30** caw, then, arc<br />

three warheads per miulle. a total<br />

of 729,<br />

<strong>The</strong> Penning II is a tingle<br />

wtrhcid IRBM (Intermediate<br />

range ballistic mlsille) irui can<br />

travel 1.100 miles. VVctt Germany<br />

will receive 81 Penhinc IPs by<br />

1986.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Cruise is a tmall single<br />

warhead mUille that has a unique<br />

on-board computer thai can "we"<br />

In untei. Tt.b N- «t.ttud* heat<br />

teiUing "smart" miiiife can be<br />

bunched on land, from a submarine,<br />

or dropped by a bomber<br />

plane. NATO prefers it to be land<br />

launched.<br />

Even in thU attempt to balance<br />

tbe sclles. the West will still be<br />

short 157 warhead;. Question: Are<br />

we doing the right thing? Answer.<br />

Again, pcrhap*.<br />

President fconald Rragan has<br />

Initiated a series of dUlomes :hat<br />

is known as START tSl.-atcgic<br />

Arms Reduction Talks). Auong<br />

other Issues, one calls for tiie<br />

Soviets to withdraw their SS-20 - s.<br />

In return, the West would<br />

withdraw the Pershlng IPs and<br />

Cruises. <strong>The</strong> Soviets said. -N,et."<br />

In response. Reagan pushed for a<br />

quicker Imtallment of the latter.<br />

Four hundred warheads can<br />

destroy Ihe »arth: we have over<br />

40.000 combined. Do a few hundred<br />

missiles in Europe make any<br />

difference? This U a much debated<br />

Item among world leaders that has<br />

yet to be answered^ ^___<br />

By Romualdo Sanchez<br />

Democraik front runner Walter<br />

Mondalc had e» pec ted to open the<br />

1984 election )car by directing his<br />

attention lo attacking President<br />

Ronald Keajcan's pol icier, and<br />

wrapping up the p-arty -^n in at ion<br />

bymid-NUrch.<br />

Another Democratic candidate<br />

by the name of Rev. Je«c Jackwn,<br />

ho*e»er. has altered Mondale**<br />

plans primarily by the use ol finely<br />

honored oratorical ikilti and a<br />

dram-lk uie ol diplomacy.<br />

Within ihe past month.<br />

Jj.lcion. i black 6*p(i\t miniiter.<br />

hat recched more media attention<br />

than any other prciidenlial can<br />

didale other than Ronald RcJ|[an.<br />

and hii candidacy ha* been sr»fn a<br />

tvxnt by hit ability to icci Strt* to<br />

retca'c N»«v Lieutenant Robert<br />

Gomlmin. vhn had Nrn cap turn,<br />

•lier hi% plant «i. v v -H ,l.mn.<br />

WhoKiackwnT M"» rnmbi'f a<br />

IhrtJl n lie lo Ihc ctUhlUlird<br />

hlem<br />

-here did lw «time' What iliod deal Irum King..<br />

opccully ho» to polii'u hit<br />

oratoricAl skilU when tryinn 10 win<br />

Utlenen over to a particular caute.<br />

Jackson became a power In the<br />

civil righ'i cautc in the 70's. and<br />

alter touring the Middle Eatt in<br />

1979. be became more active in Ihe<br />

political arena, being mentioned<br />

«s a future minority political candidate.<br />

Now. Jackion is in the race for<br />

ihe 19S4 Democratic presidential<br />

nomination and U puihrig Mon*<br />

dak. John Ctenn. and Alan<br />

Cranston, the front runners, as<br />

•ell as the four other Democratic<br />

cat didatct.<br />

Political pundits are now trying<br />

te asseu the meaning and Impact<br />

ot the Jackson candidacy. Some<br />

K0UAMCU1MI<br />


300 Broad* rv.<br />

klanA Cal.lom., »4«0?<br />

(4ISI4U-3SS0<br />

we tl \ Ihe opening ot a door<br />

• bkh hat tradilion.lly h«n ftnwl<br />


GOVERNMENT" ' "<br />

Gift Center 'perfect' for Winter<br />

BrGftbritUGUcchloo<br />

Lowctl's filth annual Winter*<br />

Dill, held on Dec-mber 20 at the<br />

Gilt Ccnlcf PaiiUioti. proved to be<br />

a fun-tUlcd fin#wWl success. Thh<br />

Student Actrntfcs Board (SAB)<br />

sponsored dance drew a cro«d ol<br />

tome 950 students who spent the<br />

evening 'rom 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. dandug.<br />

standing In tine for picture*,<br />

and chatting with friends<br />

Student reaction! to the Gill<br />


Students<br />

appreciate<br />

their<br />

teachers<br />


Editor-ln-ChlnfJtia<br />

Galvtn uos announced<br />

that he will "retire" with<br />

the completion of this<br />

losueof the paper. 'j- : :i.<br />

''S-te-was last seen Sea- •;:<br />

vlbg Room S with a blue .<br />

'pencil cad a razor ilatie<br />

- lnhmxli 1 . ••""••"•'V'.y ;•-•.•'"•'<br />

Aloncbtoa Is UM auditorium foyer<br />

Appreciation Day.<br />

By Windy Wong<br />

<strong>The</strong> concept behind the second<br />

annual <strong>Lowell</strong> Executive Council*<br />

sponsored Teacher Appreciation<br />

Day. which was December 14. was<br />

favored by several faculty<br />

members and •tudents.<br />

Teacher Appreciation Day. a<br />

brainchild of Uw LEC. vu held ".<br />

. . to show the teachers .that we<br />

can*" elucidated laa Dang. LEC<br />

chair.<br />

"I like It and think It * a god<br />

idea," approved counselor James<br />

Thomas. "Sometimes faculty<br />

members aren't lure they are appreciated,<br />

and this b one way that<br />

docs show they are."<br />

"It's a food concept.** agreed<br />

senior Toyla Wortham. "It's good<br />

tiiat they

I-' PROFILES<br />

S<br />

I<br />

X<br />

T<br />

Y<br />

Y<br />

E<br />

A<br />

R<br />

S<br />

o F<br />

L<br />

O<br />

W<br />

E<br />

L<br />

L<br />

CheerleadingM- a<br />

ByUlyLam<br />

What are "he origins of cheerlcadlng?<br />

No one knows for sure, but cheerteadlng U<br />

believed to have started In ancient tlrrej<br />

whrn people gathered along the side of the<br />

road to cheer for their warrior* who were<br />

returning home.<br />

Checrleadiog did not receive any attention<br />

until the 1660's when it sprang up<br />

during competitions on Ivy League ram*<br />

puses. Checrlcadlng soon spread<br />

throughout America; however. It was not<br />

organized until the turn o( the centur/.<br />

Cheerleading was quite different then<br />

because atl a cheerleader had to do was<br />

direct a crowd in reciting short chant* that<br />

rhymed, such at "rah. rah. siscumbahl"<br />

Nowadays, chccrleading demands a lot<br />

of time and involve* many responsibilities.<br />

It is considered a sport because it requires<br />

a lot of gynwaitics. flexibility, accuracy.<br />

and precision.<br />

Cheerleader', are expected to promote<br />

school spirit and support athletic teams.<br />

In eucnec. they represent the school.<br />

•n order to hrcomc a cheerleader, nnc<br />

mutt be physically fit. ha*c a parent's con<br />

sent to try out. and maintain at lean a C*<br />

average. Enthusiasm and a positive attitude<br />

which will inspire spirit in other<br />

people are additional requirement*.<br />

Cheerleader* have to be able to work well,<br />

communicate, anl listen lu others<br />

ChecttcaJini; entails both a great financial<br />

and time commitment. Cheerleaders<br />

must purcha%c their own uniform*, pom*<br />

pomv. and other ncce\*ary itcmt. In addition<br />

to practices during the school year, attendance<br />

at a summer cheer lead ing camp<br />

with the squad h necessary.<br />

"From the day you become a<br />

cheerleader, your school life becomes<br />

toUHy different." slated Ethan Pak. varsity<br />

cheerleader. "You wouldn't expect to<br />

spend so much time on it."<br />


<strong>Lowell</strong> High S&fr foM five different<br />

cheerlemdlng squid£tfbcv are the Vanity<br />

and Junior VanityQV) Song Girls who<br />

perform only toma£ (be Vanity ar.d JV<br />

Chccrleadenwinjejliod' perform stunts:<br />

•nd the UttcrjMi,,^ simply cheer.<br />

As a result of their commitment.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'i chccrlexlea sometimes *pcnd av<br />

much as three to tm hours after school<br />

practicing their ratines. Occasional]),<br />

they endure the acaet and pains of sore<br />

muscles.<br />

Arriving home ti^cr than usua!. :hey<br />

have little time 'o pmue other interests,<br />

t-'urthcrmore. cfaecrkaden are not allowed<br />

to hold jobs afterscbool.<br />

So why do they do U ir it takes up % ><br />

much time ud eacrgy? "It'i getting out<br />

and meeting new people, learning new<br />

things," responded Cbarlene Randall, JV<br />

song girl. "I alsoUkethe recognition!"

different<br />

SJiOlrU who<br />

yandJV<br />

l stunts;<br />

&r commitment.<br />

^«Umcs spend as<br />

KJVJR •iWr school<br />

^Occasionally,<br />

lad p tins of sorr<br />

— tt.ual. they<br />

(other Interests,<br />

iare not allowed<br />

Ices up so<br />

_:tting out<br />

^'karninc new<br />

TRandall. JV<br />

of life<br />

Although chcerleading does imerfcre<br />

with their school work slightly, <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

cheerleaders enjoy their role In school<br />

lpiril. By cheering for teams and at rallies,<br />

cheerleader* fee 1 like they are an Integral<br />

part ol the school.<br />

Lettcrgirl Anna Mok remarked.<br />

"Cheerlcadlng promotes school spirit and<br />

tort's Important, especially at <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

because of the pressures here. It<br />

(checrlcading) relieve? the strains of constantly<br />

studying/<br />

Fellow lettergirl Lillian Step toe added.<br />

"It's a good way to rcllnc tension: you go<br />

out there and yell and cheer...and go<br />

crazy!"<br />

Many cheerleaders agree that<br />

chcerleading docs involve a lot of work;<br />

however, it all seems worthwhile wnen a<br />

team winr. a ganv. when they can involve<br />

oth*r students, or when they bring home<br />

honors and trophies from their summer<br />

camp.<br />

Most of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s cheerleader* cio not Intend<br />

ID become professional cheerleaders<br />

when they leave high school. Although<br />

some enjoy toying with the Idea, they<br />

rcalUe that professional checrlcading i&<br />

extremely competitive and very fr» people<br />

break Into (he field.<br />

From their checrlcading eipcnsncc.<br />

most seem to have learned how to<br />

cooperate and compromise, and how to be<br />

both leaders and followers. <strong>The</strong>y hare<br />

learned to accept and cope with criticism,<br />

competition, and discipline, and at the<br />

same lime have gained self esteem and<br />

respect 1 from what l&ey an* doing.<br />

ChecrkadinK often hat a (Jra\t.c effect<br />

on the ncrsonaiity of its participant*. "1<br />

used to be shy. N-v* 1 behave a little ililferctit.<br />

a little weird, crazy, anil mo%t<br />

outspoVea!" **claiitieU Kathawn Morinc.<br />

Overall. <strong>Lowell</strong> cheerleaders *fine that<br />

chccrleading is a very rewarding experience.<br />

h ut it is not et-y. It it fun. but<br />

requires a lot of work, cooperation, and<br />

devotion in order to be successful.<br />

Center photo of Loii Hogancs,<br />

Vanity Yell Leader.<br />

Taken by Glenn Aucdi<br />

Spirit soars after high school<br />

By Jeffrey GaMo<br />

Muit cheerleading Sevolits<br />

pack »ay ihi-lr pom-poms alter<br />

'bey graduate from high schoolr<br />

According '" Jay Howanh. the<br />

Jntwer It definitely. "N:."<br />

Howanh I- Che prepare director<br />

of the Unllol Spirit Association<br />

(USA), a Mounuii Y*Lrw.catcd<br />

organltatlon those members<br />

cheerleaders.<br />

<strong>The</strong> VSA'% main activity U lo<br />

iponior summer training campt<br />

for high Khool ir.d college<br />

cheerleaders and drill Icami.<br />

Students come to the four-day<br />

camps Iran, high schools all<br />

around the Ui, Area (Including<br />

Lowelh in order to team new<br />

routines and to develop intcrtquad<br />

morale.<br />

In addition to working at In-<br />


ttructon at these lummcr campt.<br />

etpecially u'entrd nten.bc.-s of the<br />

teams, she said thai tilth iclnal<br />

USA are sometimes hired by pro-<br />

" cheerleaders ean continue lUlr<br />

fessional iports hsmi and other awatlon at the coll rue terel.<br />

groups.<br />

College Ind chenleadlni Is Incrtaslmi<br />

In popularity." she. noted.<br />

<strong>The</strong> 14 membrrt of the San Howarth suggested lhal<br />

Franeitco 49ers' new cheerlcdh, rtuerlradlnj doolecj. who oenr<br />

squM. for example, nere all<br />

•mvitcd through their member-<br />

become successful u the pratesship<br />

ir. t« USA. Members of the<br />

lional letel. should consider gel-<br />

"Ould Ruth." who ranee In age ting ln

iff<br />

v> V/bat ll toe B'oal D'rith Yoolh<br />

' OnuilullcH- (BAVO)? ll U .<br />

' v:' y»*h group open to* Jewish<br />

^\^_vteenagers of high SCIWM age wan*<br />

••' ;,"^tlaj.to ka*i. about bis or her<br />

,:;; background, g»tn leadership and<br />

* * TV Tffjii* *J nlc at loi* * skllb.' and have<br />

. * l vi'"fua**U-r, same time.<br />

Bfi:--, ,-C*vw I ,8|»YO U divided into *TU» see-<br />

1 ": tioct: o3< for girts and one 'or<br />

\ >• boy*.^cat Vrflh CWs (BUG) b<br />

':<br />

cUco Young Ule.<br />

Young Life also offers students<br />

service opportunities tuch as<br />

tinging and camp counseling.<br />

Commenting on this. Post<br />

stated. "We do carolling each<br />

year, and students who have been<br />

with Young Ufe fill the summer<br />

stall positions at the camps. <strong>The</strong><br />

work and/or ecrvke projects<br />

students participate In provide<br />

valuable skills for the Job market<br />

and lock great on college apptka*<br />

lions."<br />

<strong>The</strong> main purpose of San Fran*<br />

cbco Young Ufe said V**u b to<br />

provide high school student, with<br />

recreational and social activities<br />

which challenge the student.<br />

"Young Ufe gives kI4s lu Sao<br />

Francisco something to do which b<br />

worthw.'ile and fun with a Christian<br />

Influence," concluded Post.<br />


FgH MARKET<br />

790 0 S Sunef SSri*©*<br />

5onnarv.5coCAO.n5<br />

2.51S-./O2* 3253<br />

i<br />

j<br />


AIDS arouses fear<br />

ByBaoj-YIShta<br />

5ao Francisco haa eihlMted<br />

"Young people under the mye of<br />

eoolimicd sijnt ot anilely and<br />

20 ctn take comfort that 90 per*<br />

cooccni o«r Acquired Immune<br />

cent of the AIDS victims are bel-<br />

Deficicncj Syndrome (AIDS).<br />

•ten tnc ages o( 10 and •.as. Between two and five percent<br />

of the population has herpes<br />

in their uliva. so it can b«<br />

transmitted orally. Herpes may<br />

also be contracted from a toilet<br />

seat or a towel in rare caret. <strong>The</strong><br />

most comaion form of transmit*<br />

sion Is through sexual Intercourse,<br />

and there are precautions CM c«n<br />

lake such as asking your partner It<br />

he or she has It. or by using a condom.<br />

It you think you might have<br />

herpes, see a doctor Immediately.<br />

A doctor ean tell you the best vay<br />

to relieve the pain and now to<br />

avoid tranimlttlng the vims to<br />

other pans of your body or to other<br />

people. LGtiont such as CaUn*tae<br />

or Blbtex that dry and coot ;b«<br />

com can provide rcUel and may w i<br />

rccom mendco •<br />

Venereal disease prevalent in California<br />

SySteptunkAbundo<br />

Venereal ilitcate is the most<br />

prevalent communicable disease in<br />

the U.S.. after the common cold<br />

and Influenza.<br />

Fifty percent of reported V.D. h<br />

attributed to people under the age<br />

of 25.<br />

Califomli has more lyphUUi<br />

cases per 100,000 peopl t than any<br />

other state and ranks fourth, nationwide,<br />

in gonorrhea cases per<br />

100.000 people.<br />

V.D. H usually transmitted<br />

through seiual intercourse or<br />

other ind sate body contact the.<br />

involves *ki*< genital*, mouth, or<br />

rectum, wttti .omeone who already<br />

has the dirt-ate*<br />

<strong>The</strong> disease U usually not vprcad<br />

by kissing, uulcst li* person hat<br />

the infection In hii mouth.<br />

Chances ol getting V.D. from a<br />

toilet scat or a doorknob are exceptionally<br />

small since tnc bacteria<br />

that cause V.D. die when exposed<br />

to air.<br />

V.D. Is non*diKrimlnaiory.<br />

Everyone. f»y or straight, young<br />

or old. riclc or poor, and members<br />

of all rtha'K groups are susceptible<br />

tothbdboif.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n arc many different types<br />

of V.D.. but lypLUlU and fonorrbea<br />

are by far the moM common.<br />

SypbUlb, f»axz btleve, was<br />

brought to the Old World frjm Ibe<br />

Sew World by Columbus and his<br />

crew. Wbrther or not this U true.<br />

MSce .<br />

.)phillK li the moV . noous<br />



UP TO 1000<br />


398-3920<br />



la.-<br />

pit,14~n,L°-tll. Jamjar/ J*.<br />

SCHOOL<br />

' Bj Jennifer Poulakldai<br />

Hr.ppy '841 And *hal • pleasant year it'i been...10 far. Of coursi.<br />

na!s will change all that and so will the usual cluoj ot self scheduf<br />

ing dvj. but the beginning o( rVbnary should revire the happy laces<br />

and the blir: ikies an«k from Mexico with Spanish accents and terrific tans...Raymond<br />

Tang. Vincent King, and Calvin Gong all toured around Hong Kong<br />

(no rhyme intended)...Hawaii must have been especially lively in<br />

December with vlsilers like Stephanie Ivtacson. Leah Karliner. Pal<br />

co. Stephanie Oreenbcrg. and Mrs. Cross...and the list goes on...<br />

•••••••<br />

New Ycar'i resolutions...just like. rule*, they're made to be<br />

roken. Heard through the grapevine, here are a few >ou may find<br />

interesting:<br />

• •••••• '<br />

Bcts> Merxeatch. Kay Naraberumal. and Amy Cheung • la get a|<br />

rou*know*who for the nest you-kno* -what<br />

MaUfccMaauoka and Darren Wong • iu ^ci iu v;huol culler<br />

Mf. Zuvi * to never be Idle to clan<br />

Kevin Atfcn • to itop breaking C'*** ornamcut*<br />

Tiffany Doon • 1o stop taking thov \o called "buiinctt I tip*** t<<br />

Europe with the ilud*nt body funds<br />

Mr. Kohtz • not lo drink the water<br />

Yon S.. Jason K.* Terry A.. Norum F,, Rod T. - to quit gambling<br />

d save your money to take Uihi and Mo out<br />

Carmen Alfonso • to pledge 10 a better football team<br />

Joe Shmoe • to be quiet in the hall* and not to litter<br />

Jimmy Archuleta and Eden Pudbcrry - to step making (unn><br />

noises in public<br />

Miss Shelley • 10 never be late to rcg<br />

Mary Jfjie Sanchez • to Icavi everybody alone<br />

Michael Jones • to stop cutting *o many classes<br />

David Schachman • to gel every extra point pouiblc in chemistry<br />

LUa AdeUoa - to bike to Cction every weekend<br />

Mr. Neumac • to start working on a curtain painting<br />

Sboko KasbJyama • to stop being so hilarious<br />

Heidi Rose and Vickl Landcs • to stop » hlilillning<br />

Jennifer PouUlcidax. to be a better writer • that starts next month!<br />

Teachers share opinions<br />

By Susan Shlu<br />

"I like schooll" admitted a<br />

teacher.<br />

"Teaching li much more than a<br />

Job." mother explained. "It's<br />

methods ol thinking, dcvclopinr<br />

the ability to undenUod what'»<br />

happening In the world."<br />

"You give a little of yourself."<br />

said yet another.<br />

But wttat eiaetly is a teacher*<br />

<strong>The</strong> American Heritage Dictionary<br />

defines the word at "one who<br />

teaches, especially a person hired<br />

to teach.**<br />

Well, we could go around la<br />

e'reies with that definition. Dut<br />

Denis Rauchman. English<br />

teacher, offers us a more substan*<br />

tUI answer "A teacher is someone<br />

who has information and l<br />

Students create 'Devilish Dictionary'<br />

Tit 1 aV a ^ - - - ^<br />

By Arthor Pctenoa's A.P. Cou-<br />

position CUss. 1963<br />

A <strong>Lowell</strong> - A.P. Composition<br />

class ha crearxd what Is being<br />

called "A Devilish LoweU Die-<br />

Uoaary.** Here an some of the<br />

results:<br />

Chka ~ - a free period to study A.<br />

P. Calculus, write notes, sure at<br />

the cute guy across the room, and<br />

Igaort the -very experienced"<br />

teachers' tud'-heancd cllom to<br />

get yoa riled up abottt Article<br />

Tire*, Section Seven,<br />

daaa - temporary, sanctuary from<br />

hallway hoopla and cunning etadymongm.:<br />

fact • a theory espoused by a<br />

science teacher.<br />

freshman • someone who runs to<br />

class to get a seat in the front raw.<br />

garbage cans • Urge empty coo*<br />

Uiners rumored to occasionally be<br />

used as receptacles for trash.<br />

haU locker • small metal cubicles<br />

uied by one ton many students to<br />

store one too many books.<br />

LowaD • a special school designed<br />

f x teaeben who need an Academic<br />

chaUeage.<br />

i,o»«n swimming pool • a fourth<br />

floor recreational facility reserved<br />

for tbe.adushT ase of freshmen.<br />



& POLLY ANN;;<br />


(Btt.36maAd3»thAvfc)<br />


Radio <strong>Lowell</strong> - an incomprchen.lble<br />

radio broadcast playrd dut ing<br />

registry when students, who are<br />

not Ultra leg anyway, mott appredate<br />

something Lncomprthcnsible.<br />

Registry - 10 minutes tel aside<br />

each morning to vomplete the hour<br />

of homework you neglected to do<br />

the eight before.<br />

Self-Scheduling Day • a day comparable<br />

to Macy's "White Flower<br />

Day Sale." except the (towers arc<br />

teachers.<br />

Senior Board • a bulletin board<br />

dilfjenUy supervised by peopl*<br />

It la a positive and supportive way.<br />

whether It be an academic or ronacademic<br />

field of study."<br />

And yet. he points out that *<br />

teacher can be defined b> as many<br />

different terms as there are different<br />

personalities and In*<br />

dividual*.<br />

<strong>The</strong> work of a teacher usually<br />

involves citenstv« currkulen<br />

planning before they evrr step into<br />

the classroom.<br />

And then, them U the assigning<br />

of homework and the administering<br />

of tests, which lead to the<br />

necessity of correcting them.<br />

Teachers at Lo»«ll havt describ*<br />

ed the paperwork as "dull."<br />

"dreary." and "tedious.** As one<br />

educator put it. "I dislike it Intensely!**<br />

with names like Duffy and Skip,<br />

that supplies cute quips for the<br />

Muffy and Tad crowd.<br />

Teachers* Lounge • a sociil gather*<br />

ing place where teachers share<br />

communal tmoke, but little else,<br />

teaching assistants • lary in*<br />

dividual! who receive five credits a<br />

semester for refusing to teach or<br />

assist<br />

water fountain • an apparatus Invented<br />

for the purpose of receiving<br />

wads of gum, old toda cans, and<br />

apple cores. This device has bctt.<br />

ffbled to produce a trickle ol water<br />

on special occasions.<br />

P#rtiej from<br />

1 to 20 and<br />

Baaqueti<br />

go. L—worth<br />


» ' • •<br />

By Debbie Gottfried<br />

On July 1. 1974. the future o!<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> High School could hive<br />

g the San Francisco<br />

School District's *tandardi<br />

(or admitting itudenu to<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>. Those who brought the<br />

1 mlt to court claimed to represent •<br />

,; class of students denied admbitott<br />

1 to <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

i. <strong>The</strong> first bsue on apf*«*t «u<br />

' whether a school district may admit<br />

vfudenu to a preferred high<br />

1 teaool on me bails ol past<br />

1 iccdemlc achievement If tlic<br />

{Percentage of black, SpznUh*<br />

American, and low-Income<br />

. itudcnu admitted is lower than<br />

tw perrvntagc of these ltudenls In<br />

tlw school district at Urfc.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Imcll. .'anu^rj 19. IBM. PtftlS<br />


Admissions policies survive court scrutiny<br />

AcconUng IO statistics, the<br />

record Indicated a lower proportko<br />

of low-Income students at<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> than In the high Khool<br />

population city-wide. <strong>The</strong> data<br />

al»> showed that '.5 percent of<br />

Loi nil's students were black.<br />

Thou ilio bi jghl the tuit to<br />

ek the minority<br />

1 * n >w lei.Too!)<br />

For Information<br />

or<br />

Come By for Sampling!<br />

737 - 3rd Street<br />

(near Town send)<br />

San Fmneitco _<br />

dbpense with the effort entirely<br />

because budget considerations<br />

make it Impossible io offer every<br />

procram at every school.<br />

According to the school district,<br />

ihosfe students no. admitted to<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> are neither dented a quality<br />

educa'fjn nor assigned to an inadequate<br />

school. Kalhrr. they attend<br />

one of San Francisco's seven<br />

"comprehensive** high schols.<br />

<strong>The</strong>refore, the court concluded<br />

tha; the school district's interest in<br />

establithing an academic high<br />

Khool, admission to which Is based<br />

on past achievement. outwefghs<br />

any harm imaitined or suitcred by<br />

students whose achievement had<br />

not qualified them for admission<br />

to that school.<br />

<strong>The</strong> second issue an appeal was<br />

whether a school district m»y apply<br />

htjhcr admissions requirements<br />

tc girls lhan to boys, in order to<br />

maintalr equal number of bojt<br />

•nd Rtrl* In ih* Mhool.<br />

I hi* i lmi«tion« polU* h«.l b**n<br />

in tflrct tincr l*"*l. In Vm »nj<br />

11? 1. rrttU- *ppiK-jnt* «rir re-<br />

(fUircd io hate * 3.0 **tt**t, while<br />

(cmaltf jip^licanl* *rrc rrquiietf to<br />

have i ..ZS ^*craite. In 14?2.<br />

mulrs needed a 3.2S ard Icnatct<br />

needed » 3.50.<br />

Accord! )g to the court, an unupported<br />

notion that an equal<br />

number of male ami female<br />

students is an estemial element in<br />

a good high Khool cducttlon was<br />

apparently the Justification for this<br />

admission sj«olicy.<br />

<strong>The</strong> court decided thai the use<br />

of higher admissions standards for<br />

female than >'or male applicants to<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> violate the Equal Protection<br />

Clause of the Fourteenth<br />

Amendment.<br />

Ten yean bare passed since this<br />

lawtuK w»s brought to court.<br />

As a result of the court's decisions.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> operates under the<br />

same admissions policies now with<br />

the etccptlon of the use of higher<br />

standards for females than for<br />

males.<br />

"Our admissions policies have<br />

been subject to scrutiny by the<br />

codrts and they have passed thb<br />

siruiiny. As for the future, the<br />

likelihood ihal <strong>Lowell</strong> *win be open<br />

to Krutiny is always very high.**<br />

coxmenied Principal Alan Flbkh.<br />

Fibish added, '<strong>The</strong> higher yo*t<br />

climb on a ladder, the more jou<br />

can be seen. Being as high as we<br />

arc. *«r arc visible and some people<br />

resent this excellence. <strong>The</strong>re Are<br />

always those unfortunates who<br />

measure not what they have, hul<br />

what they don't have."<br />

San Francisco Supervisor BUI<br />

Maher. a former memoer of the<br />

pAaril oi education |o* *W y*»r>.<br />

ttjfrtf. "<strong>The</strong>n- -rp tUU*ting kwl*<br />

who *tr liNiWinic li.r 4titl nr*d different<br />

i>pn of *tiuc4iiort. <strong>Lowell</strong> i*<br />

j pUcc (or kid* who wituld bv<br />

bnr?d and who wouldn't gtt «»<br />

Ko«x] an rttucaliun (or their particular<br />

ncttlv in another tchoo!."<br />

"Years ago. <strong>Lowell</strong> had no admissions<br />

requirements. Over the<br />

yrars. <strong>Lowell</strong> has turned into a<br />

icry good KMOI and it needed<br />

some Hindi. I for admissions.<br />

Achietemrnt ar4 ability is a bet'er<br />

standard than geography or a<br />

strict quota system." ciplained<br />

Mahef.<br />

Maher compared <strong>Lowell</strong> to<br />

Wallenberg, the McAtccr School<br />

for Music and the Arts, and John<br />

O'Conncll. "It's a Matter of mat*<br />

chlng needs with Interests and<br />

desirws." he staled.<br />





Fa#t!«, TbtLowtU. Jiniuijr 19.<br />

#<br />


Treasures from Rome<br />

Vatican exhibit inspires<br />

By Christine Shtkttma<br />

For those who Appreciate tw*<br />

beauty and magnificence ol fine<br />

an. the Vatican Cothctioni: the<br />

Papacy and Art. an exhibit currently<br />

on *k» at the M.H- de<br />

Young Memorial Muirtim. often<br />

a glimpse ol some of the world**<br />

most breathtaking mastcrplecci.<br />

ThH major exhibition, «hkh<br />

h»i been shown in N •<br />

formance. Both clarinetists are<br />

students of Don Carroll, a San<br />

F-iiKitco Symphony muticUn.<br />

Jones was a winner of the 19&3<br />

Young Musician* Competition<br />

• he S-n hr.nciMr" 5>niphimv\<br />

"Y^Ui Concert*.*<br />

Miy.-:,.,.i.) -as J!\O 4 finalist in<br />

the piano diuiinn of the compctllior.<br />

In regard* to the Soon Concert<br />

itself, senior David Rosenberg<br />

commented, "Hearing llach on<br />

the clarinet for the first time |ta*c<br />

me an Interpretation «iih .1 new<br />

perspective whkn *«\ »er><br />

enlighteninit."<br />

Dava Jora and Peter Mlymjoeto eatertaia Itudcnu at a recent Noon<br />

Omccn.<br />

Xjtmar ^studio}. Inc.<br />

\- ,\ < iuituis • InstVu'crimv.<br />

Noon Concert coordinator SlcIU<br />

MkhaelUn slated thut this concert<br />

was a good ctample ol the kir-1 ul<br />

Ulent »ith wnlch L«^\eh is bio*eil.<br />

"I really enjmed thv concert and<br />

car. 1 1 »jit lor ihc nc»t out: tlic<br />

ncrrts »tv A really nood »j> lo<br />

vpend my r lunch mod<br />

*opho wd Ho<br />

By Kitt Grant<br />

<strong>The</strong> be<br />

Johnn> *.und. performed A >»til<br />

• aricty ot Climtma* .on^s at<br />

noon lon^'cft held on De<br />

An audiencr of approtimalcl><br />

"0 stu'lenis attended.<br />

<strong>The</strong> be,;tnntn[; thoir performed<br />

fu»l. vmgina i*« dilferen. vcnions<br />

of "Alleluia" ami "Carol of it-<br />

Bells"<br />

Djrtcno Shell, a student J| S.F.<br />

State Uni«crvity. terved a* assistant<br />

conduc'.r<br />

Scn'or Di' ' Cervhmr served<br />

as ihc director and o.niiucior of<br />

lh« advanced choir.<br />

<strong>The</strong> advanced choir performed<br />

such traditional Christmas songs<br />

at "D«W the Halls." "Angels Wc<br />

Have Heard On High." "A«e<br />

Maria" by Mo/art. and "O<br />

Solemn Husli of Midnrght."<br />

Moon Ho Yoon, a senior, perfcrned<br />

a solo version of "O. Hoi)<br />

Night.*'<br />



And "No-Sci" Slylc<br />


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<strong>The</strong><br />

chottt* then joined .<br />

"Carol of the Bells."<br />

Kcrshnir and FVerre Wh<br />

sophomoie. un(.« duet, thel<br />

humorous version of "We<br />

Phone: 721-IS15<br />

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through 64) to 33.EO for students<br />

(5 through 17) and seniors (65 and<br />

over).<br />

<strong>The</strong> eihibit tt open seven days a<br />

week including holidays, however.<br />

most weekends are told oul<br />

through January. For more ticket<br />

infnrmition call S*>3OI2&.<br />

Publkatlons arc availaUs which<br />

contain photographs ol many of<br />

the objects contained in thj exhibit.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Vatican Collcctioni: the<br />

Papacy and Art (catalogue)<br />

puhlishcd by the Metropolitan<br />

Museum o( Art «.nd Vfcc Vatican<br />

published by Hart* N. Ah rams<br />

You a Merry Chriitmas."<br />

<strong>The</strong> t»o churu\ s finished the<br />

concert b> sinK>n|{ "<strong>The</strong> Little<br />

Dfunii-.er Hoy" and "Silent<br />

Perm S30.00 Discouat torttutjeau<br />


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'$•6<br />

Erie Roberts u Paul Snider and Mariel Hemingways!<br />

By Rose Chug<br />

5l*r BO it about ihe Me of<br />

Dorothy Straiten, A beautiful 19ld<br />

1980 P/b<br />

80' moves slowly<br />

until Straiten mmet lo New York<br />

to do a movie. Snider ace .«* hit<br />

wife ol bating an affair wiih her<br />

year-old 1980 PUybor "Playmate<br />

ol the Year." who H murdered by<br />

her jealous husband. Paul Snider.<br />

director. Aram Nkholai. por.<br />

. Uu.1.1* H,»|.<br />

l». and Chuck Ilcrrj.<br />

Alter cutttitrf I«II jlbutn* in<br />

Kngl.inil. Ihc Sira» Can, cime<br />

back to the United St4tc% in I'>h2<br />

t» rclcaw^ihcir (im dnnintic<br />

fcll»» tinging about hi. unUithl<br />

1 Inend. On thi. number, the<br />

Hj^jiun BuiUr i> nutttrndini;<br />

and the "dno'«itp" bjck-u;Mm,-4l<br />

4te reminiueni of <strong>The</strong> Drifter<br />

*(*a! jcrwop in their he.da/.<br />

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. Alr-ULT-Mlonll. January 19.1«*M<br />

SPORTS^<br />

Seniors prevail in powderpuff game<br />

BrTcyUWonhun<br />

Not rain, nor ilccl. nor ultra<br />

itmof wlnJ* could keep theie<br />

faithful glrla from doing their fob.<br />

Millpcnoni? Not <strong>The</strong> p«rlidpaati<br />

in the annual junior/<br />

senior powderpuff game.<br />

la Ironl o( about 80 (int. the<br />

union defeated the {union 31-6.<br />

"I think the game went ttty<br />

wr|L From tre lint play. 1 »«<br />

convinced that «e »ere the<br />

superior team." stated Stephen<br />

Burger, tenlor bead coach and offensive<br />

coordinator.<br />

<strong>The</strong> union Jumped on the<br />

tcoreboard early In the tint<br />

quarter. A touchdown, engineered<br />

by dynamic duo — quarterbacks<br />

Tudl AUen and Donna Graham,<br />

wt the tone. Graham rushed (or<br />

ever 300 yards on the day. and It<br />

waa Debra MOM who scored on •<br />

63-yard-run.<br />

<strong>The</strong> senior patting game did not<br />

go as MCII ai the running game.<br />

<strong>The</strong> weather played • significant<br />

role to slowing down both teams.<br />

Due to thr haurdout conditions.<br />

Alien completed one lor (our<br />

passes (or a total of IS yards wi*h<br />

one Interception.<br />

**1 with the weather had been<br />

better, tc both teams could hare<br />

played to their full potential."<br />

com incited Stan Blesladeckl.<br />

senior defeptive coordinator.<br />

Junior coach Mike Zimmerman<br />

eipLUcd. "<strong>The</strong> rain and tnud af.<br />

tectcu it* game a lot. plus the lact<br />

thai we (junior*) hadn't practiced<br />

grabbing (tags before the game."<br />

Although Inciperienced in (lag<br />

grabbing, the junior* did manage<br />

to stop the senior** last drive with<br />

an Interception return to the IS<br />

yard-line by safety Jennifer Paige,<br />

pumping momentum into the<br />

sqtud. <strong>The</strong> junlon came back and<br />

scored on a 30-yard touchdown<br />

pan I rum qua net back }t**n Corlutt<br />

f* t*Ut^€k Cindy Brown.<br />

"Hwta though the seniors<br />

domlaated In technique, our of.<br />

/ease moord slowly, but consistca:ly.<br />

We were on the three-<br />

Naito scores 20<br />

y»«dnU»." predicted Naito.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> team it doing »ell. We<br />

ha»e to concentric on setting the<br />

tempo ounclvet and not playing<br />

by other teams' speed. We should<br />

go to the playodt." Lucas observed<br />

Coach Low added. "If wv get rebounds,<br />

hate (ewer turnmen. and<br />

sec that everyone does his job.<br />

hopcfally. we «ill be ptajolfbotd"<br />

respect of our coaches, father*.<br />

anil fellow cliumcn. while »c<br />

made friend* and had tun at the<br />

tame lime." Mated Minor Jain:<br />

No-.h.Vi.<br />

shared similar sentiments in that<br />

l.iey enjoyed coaching, found it<br />

rewarding, made fronds, and enjoyed<br />

:ne muJ balhs alter the<br />

jra.iie.<br />

"Overall, ctcnunc should be<br />

prnud. Buth team, played bard,<br />

and destro>ed the pink, fluffy<br />

myth of 'powdcrpufl' football and<br />

brought a new meaning to the<br />

word mud." said Hudson.<br />

Lady Lions roar over<br />

Indians in season opener<br />

By Shoko Kaihlyama<br />

Concluding the prcwavoti »ith a<br />

o-h record, ihc jcitU' basketball<br />

team is looking pmititcly to (be<br />

com in K' «eau>n and a chance at the<br />

playoltt.<br />

On the other hand. Thomas<br />

feels that ihe team still needs to<br />

Improve on scicenlng out opponents<br />

on rebounds, u well at<br />

basic skills such as nailing accurately<br />

and making lay-ups.<br />

According to team csptain Joan<br />

Cornell, the team should do better<br />

in Ihe regular season since the ma-<br />

(oriiy of ihe preseason games w«rc<br />

ptajed td against teams out o( the ci"<br />

Led by Cornell, who is a junior.<br />

returning member* are senior*<br />

Tudl Allen and Laurie Leung,<br />

juniors Cindy Brcwn. Angela<br />

Leung, L and Megan Purcell. and<br />

ly. which tend to be more cojnpetittve.<br />

sopbomcre Maureen Gauthlcr.<br />

Among the new talentt arc senior<br />

imen<br />

Rifle team ikes another city title<br />

we ouueored their team bjr i>.<br />

Botelho9 Wong are<br />

•Eric Botelho*<br />

Senior Eric Botelho. irecer<br />

player and wrestler. is January's<br />

athlele of the month.<br />

Although Solelho hat played<br />

•oceef tlnce the age 01 fit*. It<br />

»*«'! umU he joined the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

-rwtUng learn in hh uphom-tre<br />

JW thu he gained recognition.<br />

captain.<br />

With * record «f 10 1, Sotclho<br />

still bcHttei there is "room for Improvement."<br />

"Wrestlint; requires a lol of<br />

practice, and during practice you<br />

alwsys learn something ntw."<br />

revealed Botelho.<br />

Botclho attributes much of hit<br />

"Wrestling requires a lot of<br />

practice, and during practice you<br />

always learn something new:"<br />

"Coich Dale Volrath was look*<br />

Ing around (or people to recruit in<br />

to the wrestling (cam. I was just<br />

luck) that 1 wit at the right place<br />

•t the right time." recalled<br />

Bolelbo.<br />

"Wmtliiig was a >rhule new eiperience<br />

fw me. but »i I practiced<br />

I (earned," he added.<br />

la hii three yenn on the wrestling<br />

team. Boirlhu hat made All-<br />

Gty in addition to winning other<br />

tournament mudi.<br />

He wai Ust year's wrestling cocaptain<br />

and U presently the team**<br />

lucccu lo hit friends, family, and<br />

torch.<br />

"With my friends' and family's<br />

encouragement and coach<br />

Volrath'i puthlng. I have to set<br />

goals for myself And follow them.**<br />

itatcd Botelho.<br />

In his spare time. Bolrlho lik*s<br />

to do things ;hat put him "on the<br />

more." such at tkiing and working<br />

on cars.<br />

Neil year. Botelho plant to attend<br />

San Francisco Slate Unitrrtity<br />

to further hit career in soccer<br />

and * rot Una;.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Until. JinuMiy II. 1984. Pip 19<br />

=SPORTS ml<br />

'Athletes of Month<br />

*Yvonne Wong*<br />

By Saodi Murakami idol.<br />

"1 was • real fcluu Ust yetr. 1 "She's only fi»e feet tU inches<br />

always used to hit the ceiling," bel she't got a 40-inch jump."<br />

senior Yvonne Wong Haled. Wingciplalncd.<br />

But what a difference a year Height is an advantage in<br />

makes!<br />

volleyball. Wong pointed out.<br />

W'ong's tpiking ability brought Shs tta«cd, "<strong>The</strong> taller you are.<br />

her enough recogrlllon to make the sharper the angle on the ball<br />

her this year's winner of the you get,. you know. like physics."<br />

<strong>The</strong>resa Lee Award, for most<br />

valuable tollcyball plaver of the ci-<br />

During her Iree time. Wong<br />

likes to watl on ihe Vjch or<br />

ty. All the coaches in the league through Ihe park. She like* peace<br />

voted. For winning. Wong rccciv ano quiet and tries to amid loud<br />

ed a cup with her name on it. <strong>The</strong> eily noises.<br />

cup U currently housed in Ihe<br />

showcase at <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Wong expressed gratitude lo her<br />

team mate*.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> tetters desene the credit.<br />

Without them I wouldn't be able<br />

lo spike: I can't set the ball to<br />

myself." Wong tUted.<br />

Wong h+% U-fd playing "serious<br />

tollctbalt" for two yean. She joined<br />

varsity in her junior year.<br />

Before that, the participated in<br />

GAA and plated after school with<br />

the Volleyball Club<br />

'-a*l year Wong revetted ihe<br />

"Most Important Plater Award"<br />

on her team and earned her I)luck<br />

L.<br />

5!ic aha played on Ihe United<br />

Stales Volleyball Attociat.cn tram<br />

Ust tear in Ihe Pand-umlcr diti-<br />

*ion. Her le*m was called "<strong>The</strong> Ci-<br />

.>** and with her help, made it to<br />

the Junior National* in Los<br />

Wong plant to continue<br />

volleyball al San Jose State Uniter-<br />

"I don't plan to make a living "I like to til 4hd walch ihe<br />

out of volleyball becau*e I cfin'l; sunset. 1 think sunv?» arc *maibut<br />

I'd like In play patl culle-yc." tng and realfy beautiful." Wong<br />

Wjng ttaird. cnlhuscd.<br />

One t*. poalt it lo play in Wong want* to the in Ihe coun-<br />

rirmltrr "1 Kitf<br />

Grapplers pin Mustangs for first win IGirls' basketball<br />

take (int."<br />

Maico High.<br />

-,0.1 m tent rebounding, followed<br />

fly Sarth Hudtoo <strong>The</strong> team won almuit all of its At ihe KionUn Individual*. f" h> Yamabe.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> ttnity wmlUn;* ptneavon mcrtt. (r the Hialmar U»cll athlete* lir\<br />

p<br />

l<br />

ihe ican'v (ittt \«von ^imc<br />

team pinned Iti way to big victories tournament, ihree Lowrtl wrctltcr* Botelho, O«m n Kapp

llv.<br />

is- ..<br />

if-<br />

rTime Out<br />


\<br />

-Wesley Wing-<br />

. <strong>The</strong> San Francisco 49ers may have lost the NFC<br />

Championship to the Washington Redskins, but it was<br />

not entirely their fault.<br />

It wasn't Joe <strong>The</strong>ismann's passing or John Riggins'<br />

running that did most of the damage to the 49crs, <strong>The</strong>re<br />

were three main factors that contributed to the 49er loss:<br />

terrible officiating, poor special team play, and poor<br />

communication of the offensive plays.<br />

<strong>The</strong> officials were sloppy and incompetent. Two<br />

ciucinl penalties, pass interference and defensive<br />

holding, helped the Redskins a great deal on their winning<br />

drive.<br />

<strong>The</strong> officials said that on the pass interference penalty,<br />

cornerback Eric Wright was called for pushing receiver<br />

Art Monk in the back. True. But the ball landed three<br />

yards out of bounds and, according to the rules, pass interference<br />

can only be called if the ball was catchable. If<br />

Monk could have caught that pass while staying in<br />

bounds, he would have had to drag his knuckles on the<br />

ground.<br />

<strong>The</strong> other penalty, defensive holding on cornerback<br />

Ronnie Lott. was questionable to say the least. It seemed<br />

the smurf, Charlie Brown, ran into Lou's arm, locked<br />

himself there, and made it look like holding. It was mucli<br />

ton close for an official to make such a crucial call at that<br />

point in the championship game. Instant replays for<br />

""those'type of plays would have been more than appropriate.<br />

Let's not blame the officials for everything, even<br />

though they deserve it.<br />

<strong>The</strong> special teams choked several times. Someone<br />

should tell Tom Orosz that a seven-yard punt doesn't<br />

make it in the NFL today or any other day. Also. Ken<br />

Ferrari, who is supposed to make sure the punter punts<br />

and nothing else, lost containment on the punter Jeff<br />

- Hayes allowing him to run for a first down. Another key<br />

mistake was made by punt returner Dana McLemore. He<br />

should have just gone down when one Redskin had a firm<br />

grip on his jersey. Unfortunately, he didn't, and someone<br />

hit him as he was turning around, resulting in a<br />

fumble and a turnover.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was also some bad communication between the<br />

bench and quarterback Joe Montana. This led to<br />

timeouts being called, one in each half. <strong>The</strong>se timeouts,<br />

especially the one in the stcond-half, proved very costly<br />

in the closing minutes of the game.<br />

Nevertheless, the 49ers played a great game and<br />

deserve the respect of everyone, especially the<br />

Washington Redskins and the Las Vegas odds-makers<br />

who made the 49ers lOVi point underdogs.<br />

• • • »<br />

It looks like the USFL is at it again, drafting potential<br />

number one NFL draft-picks ant! signing free agents<br />

froa the NFL. It usually bothers me when it happens<br />

around the league, but even more so now that the New<br />

Jersey Generals of the USFL have signed two or possibly<br />

three of the 49erj. <strong>The</strong>y are linebacker* Bobby Leopold<br />

and Willie Harper, and possibly nose tackle Peter<br />

Kugler. What ever happened to loyalty? I guess it doesn't<br />

mean too much when players get contracts that end in<br />

five or six zero*.' _ - -<br />

. - . . • . ' . . . • • * . •<br />

Before I forget, congratulations to our varsity basketb;ll<br />

team Y

Twins Campus drug use City champs<br />

see Profiles see In Depth see Sports<br />

Vnhune 159. Number I LtntU High Scftool. San f'nnciico. California «4IJJ<br />

State favors lengthened school day<br />

By SboLo K*Jhljnuu<br />

Mur California high ichool<br />

itodenU may toon find themselves<br />

spending more*tini* in uhool, due<br />

to SB 813. a bin p*ited by the<br />

>uie legislature In itt vtlcmpi to<br />

upgrade the educational *yitcm in<br />

California.<br />

<strong>The</strong> bill, pasted last year, requlics<br />

thai a high school ttudent<br />

epend • minimum of 360 minute*<br />

at Instructional lime a day. 180<br />

days per year. <strong>The</strong> current<br />

minimum b 240 mlnotit ol In*<br />

ktructionaj lime and 178 days per<br />

jear.<br />

Principal Aim Flbiih explained<br />

that the San Francisco Unified<br />

School District will probably adopt<br />

Ihtt requirement in return for cx><br />

Ira funding from the suit. "In a<br />

KhuJ diitrlcl like oun. »e can't<br />

afford to tuni down an offer like<br />

tbal," commented Fibiih.<br />

"It U not difficult la «ccomm^atc<br />

two mure school dajs<br />

pet jreai, bu* problems arise when<br />

the minimum Instructional time it<br />

Increased by 50 peicmt." he<br />

slated.<br />

Wendy Nelder visits<br />

WouJj NcMn, pmidral ol tb. Br«T»be«mr. another<br />

Apple lie it tet up in the libran office.<br />

Thi» Ihitil unii i* hooked up<br />

to two printers and will be utcd b\<br />

library penonncl.<br />

Money uwd to purchavc the<br />

computer equipment came Imm a<br />

fcdctal grant of appruximatcl)<br />

$8,300 rcceited la.. Ma>. Campbell<br />

and the other Itbrurtai^ hate<br />

spent thcr pati ten month*<br />

volictting bidt (turn computer<br />

rrtailcn and purcha\ing e.lucJtional<br />

software programs.<br />

A state grant ol about Sl.CcO<br />

«» used to buy locking de^ t .-\ to<br />

secure the computer • ;minals.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Parent-Teacher -Student<br />

Association donated money uwd<br />

lo purchase 1*0 Urge carreh to<br />

house the equipment-<br />

Campbell tlrcstcd that the<br />

library's computer* arc noi dettined<br />

for the eiclu^ive use of students<br />

already proficient with computer*.<br />

He *aid that the computer* will be<br />

a valuable resource for students<br />

By Michael Lcc<br />

Seniors Stephen Lcc. Brian<br />

Chin, and Gerard Serrano look<br />

first, second, and third place,<br />

respectively. In a drifting contest<br />

sponsored by the Bay Area chapter<br />

of the National Association of<br />

Women in Construction Engineer*<br />

ing.<br />

<strong>The</strong> theme for this contest »it<br />

to design a home utiliting solar<br />

power.<br />

<strong>The</strong> students had the fall<br />

semester to *ork on this project.<br />

Along with the design, each contestant<br />

submitted an essay stating<br />

Ihe philosophy of the wUr home-<br />

Lee. who concentrated on the<br />

engineering more lhan the architectural<br />

aspect, incorporated a<br />

"miniature city** idea into his<br />

wpfl. Chin's philosophy was also<br />

A ttudent experiment! with 1 computer progrtrr. in the lib. iry.<br />

• liu knui* little about computers,<br />

and «hu do not pl-n to enier 1<br />

computer otwnied profession.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> tatt mafofit> of pcwplj are<br />

going t» be computer user* and<br />

not programmers." he noted.<br />

"That's where libraries come in."<br />

A tljer posted on lite carrels ciplains<br />

lhal the computers will be<br />

used for "Learning: about iornpuier*,<br />

English grammrr. tvpiop.<br />

SAV practtcf science. DASIC (a<br />

fundamental computer language).<br />

to design a functional and elf icknl<br />

solar house, whereas Serrano<br />

focused on privacy *lth the main<br />

rooms separated from each other.<br />

<strong>The</strong> trio was somewhat surprised<br />

and excited at the return. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

enjojed the banquet held on<br />

February Ih at ihe Van Nets Holiday<br />

Inn. At ihe dinner. Lee received<br />

3500 for first place. Chin. *X0.<br />

and Serrano. JI2S.<br />

Hugh Aanonscn. drafting<br />

teacher, was not surprised at the<br />

"clean sweep" ihe three <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Uudcnti made In a contest which<br />

just about oery San Francisco<br />

high school entered.<br />

"In fact, one of the nicmben of<br />

the judging panel ws extraordimrly<br />

impressed »ilh the logic<br />

and attention to details." sakl<br />

Aanort-en. ___^<br />

word pnKruinjj. jriJ mere ti><br />

come."<br />

Ihe librarians arc tiuw<br />

revruitinit six studc.it "tumputcr<br />

monilors" who will supenive cumputcr<br />

uugc on a day-tu-,. J> basis.<br />

rccruiied. the library wltl offer a<br />

t»o rnixl introductory lextun on<br />

Apple Uc use to the general student<br />

body. Students Mill be eligible<br />

to sign up to use the computer<br />

after taking this lc\w»n.<br />

Drafting<br />

contestants<br />


Ptft TttLonll. Muctl. I9S4<br />


Teachers fail basics skills test<br />

Hopes for detente<br />

KoosUutlin Ustlnovich ChcmcnVo<br />

(pronounced Cuer-NYEN-io) b the<br />

new leader of the Soviet Union. He<br />

repUeei Yuri Andropov, who died of<br />

kidney failure alter a mysterious dbap*<br />

pearance from the public eye for nearly<br />

tU months of his IS-month rule.<br />

Chernenko. 72, b the oldest man tn<br />

Soviet history to take over the Com**<br />

munbl Party. As only the sixth leader<br />

or the U.5.S.R. since Vladimir Unin In<br />

1917. Chcrncnko's career as « member<br />

of the Soviet's ruling elite was based<br />

largely on his position a% an aide to<br />

former Premier Leonid Brezhnev,<br />

though he Is also known tor hb<br />

specialization in propaganda and<br />

organizational work.<br />

ThU new leader b described by many<br />

as a dull, inartVu-'alc man who lacks<br />

charisma, but he has managed an In*<br />

credible comeback alter Andropov<br />

defeated him in the struggle for po»cr<br />

when Brezhnev died In 1982.<br />

Known for conservatism. Chernenko<br />

will most likely not sway from basic<br />

Soviet policies toward Ihc United<br />

States.<br />

During Andropov's rule, promotion<br />

aftu anti-American sentiments had<br />

resulted in a straining of Atuorican-<br />

Soviet relations and a collapse of arms<br />

talks. But now. there appear* ippeai to be<br />

signs of Soviet willingness to c&sc ten<br />

lions. Both In his eulogy for Andropov<br />

and at a meeting with Vice President<br />

George Bush. Chernenko avoided bla*<br />

tant denunciation of the U.S.<br />

American leaders l*avc also attemp*<br />

ted to cool the heat generated by recent<br />

frictions between our two countries,<br />

though President Ronald Reagan's<br />

decision to not attend Andropov's<br />

funeral can be questioned as being not<br />

altogether the means for achieving such<br />

an end.<br />

Chernenko seems to want better relalions<br />

with the U.S. But if anything<br />

pen!live it to come of it. both iides muit<br />

act like civilized people. Let there be an<br />

end to name-calling and fingerpointing.<br />

It b sitly for the U.S. to hope to make<br />

the entire world a bastiknn of<br />

democracy, but it h equally ahiurd for<br />

(he Soviet Union to aipirc to world<br />

dominatioit *udcf the communist rule.<br />

Why can't we simply accept the fact<br />

that we are two nations operating under<br />

two different and separate systems of<br />

government and Ideology?<br />

With Chernenko as the new Kremlin<br />

leader, let ••• hope that it is compromise<br />

and prace that lk*s in the future and not<br />

war.<br />

EDB scare: oversight?<br />

In the recent furor over carcinogens<br />

found In the United State** grain sup*<br />

piles, consumers have been bombarded<br />

by abbrcvMtions such as E.D.B..<br />

E.P.A.. F.D.A.. N.C.I.. R.P.A.R..<br />

and U.S.D.A.. terms which in<br />

themselves are enough to lnstl.1 confusion<br />

if not fear.<br />

But what do they mean?<br />

<strong>The</strong> pesticide ethylene dibromide,<br />

otherwise known as E.D.B.. has been<br />

used by fanners tn soil and post-harvest<br />

fumigation. During 1974. E.D.B. wu<br />

first suspected of being a cancer*<br />

ciusing agent.<br />

A question arises that if E.D.B. was<br />

recognized back In 1974 to cause cancer<br />

in laboratory animals and could be<br />

possibly lU^:?d to genetic defects and<br />

reproductive disorders, why wasn't Immediate<br />

action taken to bait th*j use of<br />

the controversial fumlgant?<br />

Once found to be a health hazard,<br />

plans to prevent the use of E.D.B. were<br />

brought to ft standstill as a vicious «•<br />

change developed between<br />

agriculturalists and environmentalist*..<br />

As the bickering continued, tainted<br />

packages of cake ulxes, tortllU flour,<br />

and peanuts were making their way<br />

from the supermarkets to the hoires of<br />

America. Finally, offidab banned the<br />

use of E.D.B.. citing tLe problem as a<br />

"long-term, chronic, and unacceptable<br />

health risk." <strong>The</strong> shame of it all b that<br />

ll *M>k so long before meaningful action<br />

wa\ taken.<br />

Consumers in the past expected and<br />

demanded uniformly high standards In<br />

the products they consumed, and certainly<br />

did not waut surprise findings in<br />

the foods they had used. Unfortunately.<br />

tUtt. latest incident b the most recent of<br />

many exposes that have caused the<br />

breach ol confidence tc widen between<br />

the consumer and producer. It has<br />

come to a point where a skeptical public<br />

U becoming immune to new revelations<br />

and thinks that practically nothing b<br />

untainted.<br />

Students from the United States are<br />

constantly being unf.ivorabl) compared<br />

to their foreign counterpart* and to<br />

previous generations of American<br />

students by means of standardized<br />

testing.<br />

<strong>The</strong> product of any system, however,<br />

can only be as good as Its ingredients.<br />

ThU don not mean that any one<br />

aspect of the present educational<br />

system Is solely to blame for the poor<br />

performance of today's students. But,<br />

considering that the teacher is a major<br />

"ingredient" in the learning process, he<br />

must be appraised as a principal factor.<br />

If this b so. the future for education in<br />

America looks dim.<br />

According to the results of the<br />

California Basic Educational Skills Test<br />

(CBEST). many of todcy's. and tomorrow'*,<br />

teachers arr not qualified to be<br />

teaching.<br />

CBEST ts a test of basic skUb In<br />

mathematics, read!ng. and writing. It b<br />

not a test'of teaching skills. But ptusln^<br />

the test Is necessary for any student<br />

wbhtng to become a teacher, or any<br />

current teacher wanting to teach In a<br />

new subject area.<br />

If a student on his way to becoming a<br />

teacher falls the test, he b given credit<br />

for any of the sections he passed and<br />

need only successfully retake the sec*<br />

tions tailed. If a current teacher fa. 1 !* to<br />

pass the CBEST. however, he cannot<br />

tca-"Ji In a new subject area, but he is<br />

still permitted to teach hb previous<br />

courses, regardless of hb test results. '<br />

••'.$$ *<br />

In Julj of last year, 34 percent of the?<br />

people taking the CBEST far a teaching':<br />

credential failed. Of the currently full-";<br />

time teachers who took the test, 32 per-"<br />

cent did not pass, and of the college<br />

students, 34 percent flunked, ><br />

<strong>The</strong>se scores slightly lowered the<br />

year's total fraction of passing scores/<br />

for test*takers attempting to gain their<br />

teaching credentials. <strong>The</strong> final pass<br />

record in this ana for 1983 was 68 per*<br />

cent.<br />

<strong>The</strong> significance of these figures,<br />

however. Is not in the actual pus/fail<br />

percentages. Most Importantly. . the<br />

figures show that the teaching profession<br />

b not attracting high-quality<br />

students.<br />

Teachers' scores cannot be compared<br />

with those of law, engineering, or ;<br />

medical students because these people<br />

are not required to take the CBL'TT.<br />

However, when compared to the<br />

pass/IaU percentages of those people<br />

taking the same lest for crcdentiab In<br />

administrative, ilbrarlanshlp. or<br />

clinical rehabilitation .services, the<br />

marks of the teachers are considerably<br />

lower.<br />

Whether the reason b financial,<br />

social, or otherwise, it appears that<br />

teacher quality has been dropping.<br />

Teaching is a critically Important pro*<br />

fcsiion. and along with the rest of the<br />

educational system, the commitment to<br />

excellence shouM be America's highest<br />

priority.<br />

A search for<br />

the 'right 9 crowd<br />

*Thb semester I'm going to be<br />

popular," Bill reassures himself at he<br />

climbs up the stairs to reach hb third<br />

floor locker. "I'm going to know the<br />

'nghl people' and hang around the<br />

'right crowd.* **<br />

Easier said than done. Bill soon<br />

realizes that he doesn't know who the<br />

"right people" arc. Thus begins hb<br />

odyssey into the "land of cliques..."<br />

Hb first stop U the third floor computer<br />

room.<br />

"How did you do on your A.P.<br />

Physics test?" goes Ihc question.<br />

"Oh, I did all right." comes the<br />

answer. "By the way. how were your<br />

A.?, chemistry and calculus tests?"<br />

Bill b not presently enrolled In those<br />

cUsses, so he totes Interest and decides<br />

to leave. Besides, he doesn't know If be<br />

b an Apple-User or a Commodore 64*<br />

User.<br />

He then goes down to a certain room<br />

on the second floor where members or a<br />

certain student government board<br />

gather.<br />

"Did you hear that someone outside<br />

of our circle b going to run for office<br />

this year?" asks a certain officer.<br />

"You're kidding me!" responds a se*<br />

cond officer in a very attonbhed tone.<br />

Oh. well. BUI was never very in*<br />

terested in politics... He walks by room<br />

135 and decides to check out the forca*<br />

dies team.<br />

"Are you going to Congress this<br />

weekend?' (tit first debater asks the second<br />

debater.<br />

"No, but I'm going to the I.E. next<br />

weekend." the second debater replies to<br />

the first debater. "I think I'll do an<br />

O.P.P. If 1 don't hit a double ruby,<br />

maybe I'll have a chance to break."<br />

Confu-ion Is the last thing Bill needs.<br />

His search continues... He walks<br />

toward the bane/orchestra t joru.<br />

"Stay out of our path, wimpl" snarls<br />

a robust-looking fellow. Well. BUI isn't<br />

cut ou* to be a courtyard jo-V anyway<br />

But joining the jazz band for BlU Is<br />

jl of the question too, because he<br />

doesn't know how to play any In*<br />

struments...<strong>The</strong> journal Urn room b<br />

now a convenient flight of stairs away.<br />

"How can I get on the staff?" Bill<br />

humbly asks the editor.<br />

"First you have to satisfactorily complete<br />

Journalbm I," the editor replies.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n you have to fight for stories<br />

among the sixty-plus reporters on the<br />

statr. Tnat's right, kid. it's a dog cat<br />

dog world. Any more questions?"<br />

BlU relinquishes the Idea of working<br />

on the staff and wanders toward the<br />

ROTC room.<br />

"Are you brca'i dancing this Friday 1<br />

night?" BUI cannot help overhearing.<br />

Mo. this group bn't right cither.<br />

BUI runs out of the place to explore.<br />

Although he hasn't found the "right<br />

crowd,- he docs discover something — '<br />

ciiqu« ire here to stay, for belter cr<br />

worse.<br />


'<strong>Lowell</strong>' is<br />

for students<br />

Dear Editor.<br />

Students are dissatbfied wih<br />

<strong>The</strong> Ltmll. <strong>The</strong>y want leu extHnsic<br />

articles and more intrinsic »rlicle*<br />

which are well researched<br />

and Interesting.<br />

A number of articles cover common<br />

knowledge — news thai can<br />

be seen or read outiidc of school.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> readers want lo read about<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>, not about political luucs<br />

which) tb*x mlnmdr know.<br />

'T««* b*H n«il «»>•« IH mny<br />

newspaper — why do ihry hate to<br />

put In the <strong>Lowell</strong> paper?"<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re should be more stuff<br />

about the school than the governmenl<br />

and all lhat junk!"<br />

More pictures would add interest<br />

lo the paper. People enjoy<br />

seeing themselves and their<br />

friend*. <strong>The</strong> expression "Hey. I<br />

know that dudel". It common.<br />

Many itudenlt were al» indignant<br />

about the Hf lie coverage lhat<br />

events such as Spirit Week and the<br />

Boat Dance were given. <strong>The</strong>y juu<br />

wrote that the Boat Dance was on<br />

the fllue and Gold, at tuch and<br />

such a time. What itudcnts want it<br />

the "feel" of it. Why. the paper<br />

didn't oen mention whether the<br />

d*nce wat jcod or not.<br />

It b certainly true that <strong>The</strong><br />

loweil holds several prestigious<br />

newspaper awards, but what is<br />

more import ant. how well the<br />

Chronicle likes <strong>The</strong> Ixmcll. or how<br />

well thr <strong>Lowell</strong> students like <strong>The</strong><br />

Bggy ••••**»""•>•—<br />

ilf"<br />

PeterNg.Reg.841S<br />

M0 '<br />

What do you think?<br />

BJLUJLI;<br />

when was the last time<br />

Byron Lee (8504)<br />

"I never btuih. REAL si*n don<br />

- blush."<br />

'Keep it up!'<br />

Dear Editor.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Board of School and Com<br />

munll) Services (BSCS) Cleanup<br />

Committee would like lo continue<br />

encouraging students to pick up<br />

after themselves. So far. (he<br />

students at <strong>Lowell</strong> are doing a<br />

great Job. Radio <strong>Lowell</strong>, potters,<br />

and bulletin announcement* hate<br />

helped a* constant reminders to<br />

keep the school clean.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Clean-Up Campaign<br />

benefit! all of ui. Alter all. a<br />

cleaner school allows ctcnonc lo<br />

show greater pride in being<br />

Lowcllilcs.<br />

But remember, eating in the<br />

building, operating vending<br />

r-.::M-". *nd holding food sales<br />

are privileges th«t can be casity<br />

taken t»ay if we abuse them. So.<br />

keep up the good wjrk of keeping<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> dan'.<br />

Thank you.<br />

Mary Jane Sanchtt<br />

Chairman. BSCS<br />

Clean-Up Committee<br />

Dear Editor.<br />

Mr. Bluet (Chembtry Teacher)<br />

"<strong>The</strong> tan time I blushed was last<br />

semester I drew a twaicr on the<br />

chalkboard, and when I itepped<br />

back ic look at It. It resembled a<br />

phallic symbol. 1 turned so red<br />

that I had lo leave the room."<br />

Keith Firmer (6S0J)<br />

"ll was yesterday when my friends<br />

and I made a crack about a<br />

Uachcr. What was embarrassing<br />

about it was that he might have<br />

heard us as he wat walking by."<br />

|AlexUCarr(B6O8)<br />

I bluihed Jutt now when I Mhim<br />

(thr phoiujjraphrr) come up<br />

to me with a ci.ncra. I'm \hy of<br />

camcrai."<br />

Uywtll. Mirrn J. 1934.<br />


Mar|am AsiUy (8430)<br />

**ll was during my junior »ear<br />

•mken mf car ran out of gat in the<br />

middle of the night. My friend «nd<br />

1 had lo go Into a nearby bar jut;<br />

to use the phone. It was very **robarrassUtg."<br />

Jenrlfer Lcgaipl (8720)<br />

"I hart l« imitate a famuu\ perv)n«ht;<br />

in my t'rama cUis. I<br />

drciiicd to be Mr. Rogcn. I -*a»n't<br />

\uppmei) lo laugh when I imitated<br />

him in fn»nt of the cla». hut I d.J.<br />

1 got «>embatr»\w:J."<br />

PTSA deserves recognition<br />

As a mem!>cr of the PTSA E»ccutive<br />

Board and the <strong>Lowell</strong> Eiecutivc<br />

Council (LEC). I would<br />

like to addrtu. the itudent body.<br />

MM! of you do not c*cn know<br />

what the PTSA is. Upon surveying<br />

several students. 1 received<br />

answers ranging (mm. "| think<br />

they send those newslettcs to uv in<br />

the mall," to "the what?"<br />

<strong>The</strong> PTSA U the Parent*<br />

Teacher-Student Association, and<br />

amongst other things, one of the<br />

mot! powerful and active lobbying<br />

organiiatwns at <strong>Lowell</strong> High.<br />

lo the January Issue ol <strong>The</strong><br />

towel/, an article stated that Dr.<br />

Flbbh would recommend lhat<br />

SFUSD Superintendent Dr. Alioto<br />

include 5270.O0O-S3OO.OO0 In the<br />

next capital budget for <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

library addition and $270,000<br />

more for many badly needed<br />

repairs around <strong>Lowell</strong>. <strong>The</strong>se<br />

repairs would include painting,<br />

replacement of missing ceiling and<br />

floor tiles, chalkboard resurfacing.<br />

tod mtroora maintenance. <strong>The</strong><br />

Article also mentioned a grant<br />

from the Rotary Club which would<br />

total S20.000 for <strong>Lowell</strong>. What the<br />

article failed to recognize was the<br />

role of the <strong>Lowell</strong> PTSA.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> High received these<br />

fund* from the SFUSD budget, as<br />

1 a result ol a PTSA committee<br />

meeting along with Dr. Aliolo<br />

along «ith a petition tigned bv 70O<br />

concerned parcntt and tc ichen.<br />

<strong>The</strong> PTSA has many other<br />

roles in improving <strong>Lowell</strong>, '.icluding<br />

dona I ion t of money. KIIU.<br />

and moit importantly, time. <strong>The</strong><br />

PTSA tpendt a great nmnunt of<br />

time planning ipcclal events, wh<br />

tt Financial Aid Night and the urcoming<br />

College Night in March.<br />

attending important School Board<br />

rattling* to gain valuable information<br />

about the school system, and<br />

aubling In setting priorities concerning<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s needs.<br />

<strong>The</strong> point I would like to emphasize<br />

tt that the PTSA stands<br />

for Parent-Teacher-Student<br />

Astoclation. Although parents and<br />

teachers have been aware lhat they<br />

may join the PTSA. few students<br />

realbe lhat they may join. too. In<br />

fact, only IS nl the 2.hV> Uudetm<br />

currently enrolled at <strong>Lowell</strong> High<br />

are members of the PTSA.<br />

Students uuti realise that they arc<br />

a very Important com (Mine nt in<br />

this orxani/athn. <strong>The</strong> PTSA dues<br />

not take any action without having<br />

the best iniercttt of the itudent in<br />

mind.<br />

I appeal lo all <strong>Lowell</strong> UudenU.<br />

teachers and parents — If you have<br />

not yet Joined, why not Join now?<br />

Membership fees arc only one<br />

dollar for a tiudcnt, three dollar*<br />

for a single adult, and five dollars<br />

for a family membership (two<br />

adults). For more information<br />

about the PTSA or membership,<br />

talk to a volunteer in the Book-to*<br />

Book Center or contact me.<br />

Thank you,<br />

Suianne Chan. Reg. MM<br />

LEC representative to the PTSA<br />

:<br />


Pf4.TbtLowtll.Murh3.l9f4'<br />

NEWS^T<br />

Blood drivegoal unattained<br />

ByAayS.Ut<br />

Tbe annual Red Crots Club<br />

Blood Drive. whfch attracted 46<br />

donors OQ February 16, wu less of<br />

a ncccn than was hoped (or, according<br />

to Alfredo Jordia. club<br />

sponsor.<br />

Donors. Including Juniors.<br />

seniors, and faculty ncmbers. had<br />

(o meet three rcfbireracnts: they<br />

hid lo be At l**st 17 yttrs old.<br />

weigh at least 110 pounds, ltd be<br />

in ciccllenl he^'th.<br />

Of the 5? «pocantt. seven were<br />

rejected (or medical reasons.<br />

Jordan ct

Lack of work crews<br />

delays school repairs<br />

ByLewboaU.<br />

lo the lack ol school district<br />

i. major repairs and In*<br />

provcmenn to the school bvDdlng<br />

will come about mrer a period of<br />

into Ihrte yean.<br />

Assistant Principal Barbara<br />

Render staled that there an less<br />

than half a dozen plumbers,<br />

carpenter!, painters, and other<br />

workers who do the repairs for the<br />

entire school district.<br />

<strong>The</strong> work crews are constantly<br />

en call to do repairs to t*-ire Is t<br />

•altlng period before any major<br />

bnprmmcnti can U Kvompllsh-<br />

•d.<br />

• Tne repair crews croe annually<br />

toeathof Ihe district Khools Iff .It<br />

lockers, and doon and hardware.<br />

<strong>The</strong> district hat budgeted money<br />

and let tenutlre dates in the<br />

future for Ibe repair work.<br />

<strong>The</strong> building Is old. and the<br />

plumbing U to Ibe point where<br />

there needs to be a major<br />

overhaul.* 1 Render remarked. <strong>The</strong><br />

pipes will he due. up and replaced<br />

since they ha' e been In uie since<br />

the school oulnillt in 1961.<br />

Many baduuoms. sinks, and<br />

waur fountain a.-ound the ichool<br />

suffer bccauie they are too hot. too<br />

cold, or becaute they lack water.<br />

<strong>The</strong> replacement of Ihe plumbing<br />

•ystem would solve these pro.<br />

bid".<br />

<strong>The</strong> second area, exterior paln-<br />

"<strong>The</strong> big jobs remain undone and<br />

constantly get worse."<br />

any problem? at the lime, but If<br />

other problems arise aft*- the<br />

crew* have l-'i ihe school hat to<br />

wait sometimes as lonf as a yea;<br />

before the crew returns, unless the<br />

problem Is an emergency.<br />

Emergcnciei core.* any situation<br />

that causes immediate dan.,«r to<br />

the health and safety of the<br />

students or the security of the<br />

school<br />

Since the repairmen are always<br />

t>u»y with the work throughout the<br />

district, major iupnnemcnU to<br />

schools are put off unless the work<br />

b contracted out to private com*<br />

pinles. Because of this. Render<br />

declared. "<strong>The</strong> big Jobs remain<br />

undone and constantly get wonc."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Kbool diitrict has listed<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> as "needy" in four areas:<br />

plumbing, exterior palming.<br />

tin*, is scheduled for completion<br />

sometime during the 1985-A6<br />

school yar. <strong>The</strong> building hat not<br />

been repainted since it was built.<br />

although some "touch-up." were<br />

doer two ycao ago and in<br />

September ol Uit year.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> hai had a locker problem<br />

for many yean, mainly because of<br />

the large population of students.<br />

Over ihe yean, many of the<br />

locken hat c deteriorated and ha*c<br />

not becj repaired.<br />

Some of the present locken were<br />

repaired fa December and<br />

January, and the remainder will be<br />

faed In ihe future.<br />

<strong>The</strong> fbal Item that is planned<br />

for repairs indue* the doon and<br />

hardware. This area coven the eiterior<br />

doon and windows that<br />

need to be fUed for security<br />

reasons.<br />

Swimming classes resume<br />

By Mary Wu<br />

Switnming claim resumed this<br />

tcmeiler lor seniors who have to<br />

fulfill their >»;inming requirement*<br />

before graduation.<br />

All undents are reaulrcd lo<br />

ICAfn'how to swim before they<br />

kan high Khool.<br />

According lo swimming Insiruc-<br />

. tor Gus Bl'ono. very few seniors<br />

have uken the tell, lie said that at<br />

thH lime lau ycat about one-half<br />

ol the Senior Class bad fulfilled<br />

the sw^mmlag requirement.<br />

Oc* reason 'hat Iherv were<br />

relatively few people taking Ihe<br />

tell b that there were no swim<br />

classes tail semester because of a<br />

shortage ol teachers in Ihe<br />

Physical Education Department.<br />

Starting March 2. the lest wlu<br />

be administered every Fridaj from<br />

8 a.m. until registry. Any <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

students who want to fulfill Ihe requirement<br />

may w> lo Lar«en Fool<br />

at those times:» do so.<br />

To pass Ibe test students must<br />

be able In Jumr into deep water,<br />

level oil (surface:, tread wMer one<br />

mlnule. swim crawl strode, turn<br />

over (Ironl ana 1>ack>. and change<br />

dircctlonwhuc swimming.<br />

Approriaxldy 1» student! are<br />

enrolled in the three classes which<br />

•re L£J during Mods 0/1. V3.<br />

Bnono stressed. "U's very important<br />

to team rWp." Singer. »ho<br />

was a former reporter for ihe<br />

CorontWc. talked about the many<br />

eiamp.es of censorship, from<br />

specially classified Information<br />

and political censorship, to<br />

pressure and harassment of<br />

nportim by high olflcials.<br />

Pressure is alsn ncrted on the<br />

media from advertisers, and Is<br />

oflen seen when "eontrotcntal"<br />

Issues arc dealt with, this pressure<br />

•ometimes stemming from consumer<br />

boycott* of the advertised<br />

product.<br />

Books and raagailnet are often<br />

banned because of objectionable<br />

material. Singer cited a case in<br />

Contra Costa County where Mi.<br />

Ma/ai/ne was removed from<br />

shelves of the public libraries<br />

because of an article concerning<br />

abortion.<br />

<strong>The</strong> subject of censorship In<br />

high schools was covered by Wfek.<br />

According to Wick, the law of censorship<br />

applies only Is part to high<br />

school newspapers and b at MX,<br />

moment complex and vague.<br />

In California, anything printed<br />

Is penmv.tble, provided that it It<br />

not obseen*. Itbeluus (infurUniv),.<br />

or disru|.'Jie to normal icbool<br />

operation.<br />

Wick KVptalned *tmi \\a "»ntroveny<br />

Is bow responsible Ibe<br />

students are. and vsaclly "...what<br />

powers the school administration<br />

has over its students."<br />

He M-'rd that sex. abortion, and<br />

contraceptives have routienly been<br />

'controversial* hsucs In high<br />

Khool Journalism.<br />

p H KM<br />

Media AUianea tpeaken participate In question and answer setiton.<br />

Laird advises UCB applicants<br />

By Cindy Ng carefully and to view the estay ai a t_ j . .<br />

Dob Laird of the Community formal writing autgnmenl. »JL-«,- 5rT nt tl * tcn * cn the Community<br />

writing aulgnmei<br />

'» *»*<br />

H*UlU>n. olIU* «t the UnUcrtlly<br />

of California at Berkeley spoke to<br />

itudenu on February 17 about<br />

•riling an elleciitc tetter of application<br />

to UCB.<br />

Due to a 20 percent incieaw in<br />

applications, autouionrjphlcul<br />

e^v*>\ have become an Importvru<br />

factor |n the Klcctlon ol new<br />

students.<br />

Laird pointed out that the CWAJ<br />

often the applkant in ?P*<br />

pod unity "...to ihow himielf as a<br />

human being.'* <strong>The</strong> essay can<br />

reveal a ituiient'. motivation, selfdiscipline,<br />

and commitment better<br />

than t«t worn or a grade point<br />

avcrase.accordinc to Laird.<br />

<strong>The</strong> essay inttructions on the<br />

AcfordlriK to him. HuiUnO<br />

\hould keep two qucitlont In minil<br />

when writing (heir eitay?: "What<br />

thinx>will the reader moti value?"<br />

and "What do I want people |o<br />

know about me?"<br />

He uid that a itencrat rtilc-of-<br />

• humb i* don'l be x'oppy, carctctt.<br />

or modett. and to locut on one or<br />

two areas, such at tports or<br />

academic*, rather than mention<br />

too many things. <strong>The</strong> unl>cnity<br />

looks lor excellence and not the<br />

"well-rounded" student.<br />

Laird sugseitcd students to In*<br />

elude any honor* or t»urds thry<br />

have received, citra-currlcular activities.<br />

Intended field ol study,<br />

academic achievements, values<br />

i<br />

dent should support It wflh e>amplet.<br />

bui Laird warns against<br />

repeating the transcript. For instance,<br />

if academic achievement is<br />

the topic, it can be backed b; the<br />

mentioning of honor* or AP<br />

clavtes. awards, or a ipecUl interetl<br />

In a particular .ubjecl.<br />

If the university decidei not to<br />

retain an application, a teller of<br />

-dircctioa/dcnlat it sent to the<br />

applicant. Laird recommend* the<br />

student to call UCB for (attractions<br />

if he wants to appeal this<br />

decision.<br />

<strong>The</strong> student will ba«c to write a<br />

letter detailing bis reasons for further<br />

consideration of Ills applica-<br />

application to UCB calls for "...a g<br />

tion.<br />

brief. Informal cisay about <strong>The</strong> essay should be organized "Hardship Is the best buit for<br />

yourself." Laird adt bed students from the lent Important idea to appeal." said Laird.<br />

to read and follow inttructions the titost Important, with an open-<br />

Freshmen scramble for classes<br />

ByAnnHuppcrt<br />

This year, for the first time, the<br />

Freshman Class Joined the rest of<br />

the itudtnt body In slgnlng-up for<br />

c'aueson Self-Scheduling Day.<br />

<strong>The</strong> freshmen were given special<br />

instruction* the day before Self-<br />

Scbcdttling Day and their daises<br />

were listed on the regular announces.<br />

On Self-Scheduling Day.<br />

freshmen received yellow rather<br />

thin green program sheets to<br />

make them more easily ideetillable<br />

to the workers.<br />

More Shield and Scroll<br />

4tat4MMiaUM<br />


BUT • BSSX • TMAOK<br />

memben worked to help program<br />

students than on previous sign-up<br />

day*. In addition, there were<br />

special Shield and Scroll tables<br />

located In the gyro to give additional<br />

help.<br />

Paul Lucey. Assistant Principal,<br />

commented. <strong>The</strong>y (the (mtifncn)<br />

did very well. I didn't notice any<br />

particular confusion."<br />

Lucey felt that the freshmen<br />

were "just as successful as<br />

everyone else** In completing their<br />

programs. He did not uottce •<br />

higher number of Incomplete programs<br />

tor the freshmen than for*<br />


anyone else.<br />

One year ago an attempt was<br />

made lo have the freshmen<br />

schedule their own classes. It »at<br />

not very successful because of the<br />

confusion of having a second cam*<br />

pus.<br />

Lucey stated that the freshmen<br />

probably will continue to self pro*<br />

gram their classes for each second<br />

semester.<br />

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J"m I, m LmU. M*nh 2. 19S4<br />

POLIT]CS ====<br />

Healthy economy: what will it take?<br />

BySutaaShla<br />

la today'* economy, the Untied<br />

Sutct U undergoing • period of<br />

change.<br />

Alter itucc rf->»slons In less<br />

than 10 yean - I473-7S. 1980<br />

and 1981-42 — pluk recurring<br />

bouts of soaring unemployment<br />

rates and double-digit inflation.<br />

Ihb ration Is now making an<br />

economic recovery.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lacton affecting the return<br />

lo a healthy economy are<br />

numerous and varied, but the ma*<br />

Jor spark, behind the upturn WAS a<br />

deebkm in mid-1982 by U.S.<br />

Federal Reserve Board chairman<br />

Paul Volcker to pull back on the<br />

(even of monetary restraint. <strong>The</strong><br />

mult was that the money supply<br />

tipandcd and prime interest rate*<br />

dropped.<br />

With lower Interest rates and<br />

reduced Inflation, combined with<br />

more Jobs* tax cuts and Income<br />

gains, consumer spending has in*<br />

created, spurring on the economic<br />

recovery even more*<br />

Most noticeable are the improvements<br />

In the auto and housing<br />

Industrie:- Though hit hard In<br />

the recession, they have bounced<br />

back vigorously with consumer<br />

confidence at a high.<br />

Meanwhile, the willingness of<br />

rnone;<br />

vales<br />

billion, a 13.1 percent<br />

wver the salesof the previous )ear.<br />

If the spending "spree** continues.<br />

It may mean further<br />

economic eipanslon.<br />

Another key stage in tt.e<br />

recovery U the buildup of Inventories<br />

by businesses. As cash flow<br />

improves and business confidence<br />

picks up. capital spending, or investment,<br />

have Increased as companies<br />

seek to restock diminishing<br />

Inventories And Introduce new products<br />

to the market.<br />

<strong>The</strong> determinant behind this<br />

issue of activity is the surge In the<br />

nation's economic output, as<br />

charted by the Grots Natbni! Product<br />

(CNP). which measures the<br />

total output of goods and vrvkct<br />

lntheU.S.cvonomy.<br />

<strong>The</strong> many shifts in profitability<br />

and productivity can be traced to<br />

particular factors affecting certain<br />

industries.<br />

For instance, the slecl Industry<br />

hri cut labor com by laving off excess<br />

workers. By streamlining their<br />

operations and exercising cost con*<br />

trol. this smokestack industry has<br />

been able to raise the level of iv.<br />

manufacturing productivity.<br />

ducts has not only proved to show<br />

the strength of our industrial productivity,<br />

but also the strength of<br />

our economy as a whole.<br />

But despite the "good times<br />

that the recovery seems to promise<br />

tor the future. Ihcre are • numb* r<br />

of less than favorable economic<br />

developments that loom ahead.<br />

One of our major concerns is the<br />

huge deficit thai grips the national<br />

economy. <strong>The</strong> V.S. public debt<br />

has reached over SI trillion.<br />

Unless the Increase in government<br />

deficit* Is checked, many<br />

auihoritics fear that financing *be<br />

heavy debt will push up interest<br />

ram and result In inflation.<br />

This would hurt the strength<br />

acd durability of the recovery by<br />

slowing the pace of consumer<br />

spending on durable*, moderating<br />

demand for hosing, and suppressing<br />

accumulation of Inventories.<br />

Presently, because Interest rates<br />

have not fallen to keep pace with<br />

inflation, there is concern over the<br />

possibility of another recession.<br />

<strong>The</strong> eipensive dollar I* yet<br />

another obstacle blocking the path<br />

Reagan - an overview of his policies<br />

By Stephaafa Abuado<br />

"When I first addressed you<br />

from herj our national defenses<br />

were dangerously weak...we were<br />

the brisk o.~ economic collapse..."<br />

President Ronald<br />

Reagan informed the nation during<br />

his broadcast from the Oval<br />

Office January 29. MM.<br />

"Welt. mint* nave changed."<br />

be continued. "America i« tuck<br />

and standing it'i... But our work<br />

b not finlsrftd... t am therefore<br />

announcing that I am a candidate<br />

and will seek rt-e-ectlon lo the office<br />

I presently hold."<br />

Thus Reagan announced his<br />

candidacy for* second term in the<br />

Oral Office. Though Reagan's<br />

candidacy was known before he<br />

made this announcement, hit formal<br />

declaration was much<br />

awaited.<br />

Four years ago when Reagan<br />

was challenging then-President<br />

Jimmy Carter, he capitalized on<br />

the weaknesses of the Carter Administration<br />

by asking the<br />

American public. "Are you better<br />

off now than you were four yean<br />

ago?"<br />

Now. after Reagan has been In<br />

the same office for three years, the<br />

effectiveness of hb administration<br />

can be evaluated with the same<br />

'question.<br />

Is America better off now than It<br />

was three years ago?<br />

According to a Sewswetk<br />

magazine survey. 36 percent of all<br />

Americans billeve th/y are better<br />

off than they were when Reagan<br />

took office; 24 percent think they<br />

an worse off: and the majority. 39<br />

pcrccct think their position has<br />

notchanged.<br />

During his announcement.<br />

Reagan mentioned his at*<br />

complisbments. such as lower<br />

taxes, lower Interest rates, tower<br />

unemployment, lower Inflation,<br />

and • stronger defense.<br />

<strong>The</strong> new tax program that<br />

Reagan Initiated has lowered Uses<br />

to some extent for most people and<br />

businesses. He promises no new<br />

tax Increases.<br />

Due to the economic recovery.<br />

Interest rates have practically been<br />

cut In half. Unemployment has<br />

decreased by 2.6 percent from its<br />

all-time tilth in 1982.<br />

Inflation has dropped from «n<br />

annual rate of 14 percent to a 3.3<br />

percent rate In 1983.<br />

As a result of massive military<br />

budget increases, the military b no<br />

longer, according to Reagan.<br />

"dangerously weak." Defense<br />

spending now consumes 29 percent<br />

of the federal budget appropriation!.<br />

Defense spending in<br />

the 1985 hudtet Is 15 percent<br />

larjp r man I91M deirnie tpem'ing.<br />

Though those who think they<br />

are belle* off under the Reagan<br />

Administration outnumber those<br />

whocrmldcr themselves worse off.<br />

Reatan's policies hav« not tolved<br />

all of America's problems.<br />

<strong>The</strong> number of people living<br />

under the federal Poverty Une has<br />

increased under the Reagan Adtnlnlilrallon.<br />

and now itandt at 1$<br />

percent. When former-President<br />

Lyndon Johnson declared his "war<br />

President Reagan at the<br />

crossroads: three years behind<br />

him and a challenging year<br />

ahead.<br />

on poverty** in the late I960'*, the<br />

percentage of thnse living under<br />

the federal poverty line was<br />

smaller than today's current rite.<br />

Reagan's new tax program gives<br />

same savings to everyone, but<br />

substantially benefits the rich and<br />

private butlneus. Families that<br />

cam $10,000 rr less annually,<br />

receive an annual lax savings of<br />

about S1S0. while those than earn<br />

over S80.000 save about SI4.000<br />

onuses.<br />

Programs s*ich .*t the child<br />

nutrition prngram, the Aid to<br />

Families Mth Dependent Children<br />

program, and the food wrap pro*<br />

gram hate shrunk In sUe after<br />

receiving budget cu;i.<br />

\lthough unemployment has<br />

decreased from 10.ft percent In<br />

I9A2. ib« cumni r*ie of A.2 percent<br />

is still higher than the 7.5 percent<br />

unemployment rate when<br />

Reagan took of fkr<br />

<strong>The</strong> present economic recovery<br />

it shadowed by a S180 billion<br />

deficit in the IW budget. During<br />

his term. Reagan, a supporter of a<br />

balanced budget amendment, has<br />

run up a total deficit of S72?<br />

billion. This Is about 400 percent<br />

larger than Carter's total deficit.<br />

U.S. relations with the U.S.S.R.<br />

seem to be deteriorating, especially<br />

slnrc negotiations on armsreduction<br />

have ccaied, U.S. News<br />

and World Report terms the rela<br />

lionship between the two nation'<br />

. as the "mot! frigid since the cold<br />

• war."<br />

1<br />

* Dopitc Reagan's 1980 election<br />

promise to cut both government<br />

spcndinic and the .ire o! the<br />

government, the (ctlriV. nud^rt<br />

5 has incrcatcu under Reagan<br />

| When he took office, the federa<br />

I budget mnJc up 22.4 percent ol<br />

£ the Grotk National Product. Ni<br />

It m»kcs up 24.2 percent u*. the<br />

G.N.P.<br />

Reagan faces opposition for his<br />

position from a variety o<br />

Democratic candidates. He ha*<br />

almost no competition from<br />

Republican*, and it b genera!!,<br />

conceded thai he will win the<br />

Republican Party nomination.<br />

Reagan is presently aherd<br />

(ormer-Vlcc President Wallet<br />

Mondale SO to 39 percent, according<br />

to a Gallup Poll. <strong>The</strong> same<br />

poll report* that his lead over<br />

Senator John Glenn is wider — 51<br />

to 36 percent.<br />

North<br />

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to a healthy economy. U% high<br />

value Is causing our trade balance<br />

lo retch a JI00 billion deficit.<br />

A strong dollar may be<br />

beneficial for American tourists<br />

traveling abroad, but It has forced<br />

our products to be priced out o!<br />

most foreign markets. Recently,<br />

the dollar hat fallen somewhat,<br />

but It remains a issue with which<br />

to be dealt.<br />

<strong>The</strong> government has passed<br />

some "protectionist" measures to<br />

enable us lo compete better In the<br />

world trade arena, but these trade<br />

barriers cannot solve all the oroblcms.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re Is now a growing debate<br />

over whether the government<br />

should adopt •" iverall Industrial<br />

policy — that would specify which<br />

industries lo promote and which to<br />

let die — similar to those already<br />

put b.to action In Japan and<br />

Western European nations In the<br />

race for economic prosperity.<br />

Despite the Inability to control<br />

all the factors affecting the<br />

economic recovery, many are optimisilc<br />

about the future.<br />

But the question that remains<br />

on many minds today Is whether<br />

tl.e economy will continue to expand<br />

through 1984 or slip back Into<br />

another recession*<br />

Optimbm about the American<br />

economic system has helped this<br />

country recover in the past and *ill<br />

do so In the future as history wilt<br />

attest.<br />

Muni theft a problem<br />

By Jeffrey GaMn<br />

What's the hottest Issue in city<br />

politics this oionth? <strong>The</strong> upcoming<br />

democratic national contention?<br />

Dan White's release from prison?<br />

No. <strong>The</strong> San Francisco<br />

Municipal Railway (Muni) has attraded<br />

the most political and<br />

media attention In recent weeks.<br />

Articles in the Sin Fnneixcr<br />

Examiner and the S*n Francisco<br />

ChronkJe have told alarming<br />

stories of the poor condition of<br />

Muni bum and large numbers of<br />

cottly equipmeni thefts which are<br />

plaguing the public transit system.<br />

In the fire! week of February. 30<br />

percent of all M-inl's dicscl buses<br />

were broken down. <strong>The</strong>re were only<br />

367 of thete buses available for<br />

operation — 2S fewer than the<br />

minimum number ncccttary to<br />

carry out scheduled run*.<br />

For the many <strong>Lowell</strong> students<br />

••ho commute to school each day<br />

on the *I0. 18. 28. or 29 line*. c»tra<br />

loop wa»i at the bus stop were<br />

probably a direct result oi the inadequate<br />

number of operable<br />

buses.<br />

Equipment thefts are a much<br />

less apparent, but equal)* serious<br />

problem. Of the 35 reported thefts<br />

in 19*1. missing item Included:<br />

Gcissenhclmcr has been blaming<br />

the present maintenance and<br />

security problems on what he sees<br />

as the inept administration of his<br />

predecessors. Gcissenhelmer has<br />

been Muni's chief executive since<br />

November of 1942.<br />

"We're finding out a lot of<br />

things.** he said about previous<br />

Muni practices. "<strong>The</strong>re have been<br />

no standards, no discipline, no<br />

basic honesty."<br />

Gcisscnheiir.tf has replaced<br />

many Mun! rr.xoagers since he<br />

took the job. and has been known<br />

lo tongue-lath subordlnaics whom<br />

he feels are not working well.<br />

Yet. unless he can bring about<br />

substantial improvements in the<br />

city's iranvlt micro very soon,<br />

CViwnheimer might ha»c to<br />

worry atom his own job security.<br />

In Fibruary. the Finance Committee<br />

of the Board of Supervisors<br />

turned down the Muni chiefs plea<br />

for 5300.000 to create six new<br />

macajterial portions. "I den't<br />

believe that any more money is going<br />

to solve any problems." Supervisor<br />

John Mollnari angrily told<br />

Gcisscnheimcr.<br />

Major Dianne Feinstein and<br />

many other supervisors have<br />

pressured t clssenhcloer<br />

three 1)| cwriten. a 32.SOO waikle* demonitrale (hit he b succetifully<br />

lalkle. ami a Jl.000 jack capable dealing«llh Muni", problem.,<br />

ol lilting 20 ton.. Supenlwr Richard Hongiito<br />

<strong>The</strong>lli hare occurred al all time* hoped that Ihll preuure would br.<br />

ol day al .ariou. Muni fadlilkt. in, about much needed relomu.<br />

and many ol the criminal act> art "I Sank Ifi quite evident thai the<br />

impeded to be the »ork ol Muni Muni admlnlilration needi quite a<br />

cmployec.themicl.«. large fire built under Ihem to ret<br />

Muni General Manaier Harold them rolling." he laid<br />

Rent cos motrfe tad gattiu Kcond one<br />

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'OUR.<br />

,G«IAN-|<br />

UJtuJ<br />

PRO<br />

Prayer in j<br />

seen It for n<br />

eordiag to<br />

people belle,]<br />

prayer fat out [<br />

And so thrl<br />

ty has beet f<br />

years. Chlldrf<br />

itrocted in ftf<br />

value*. Faraitj<br />

According!<br />

Glaiaef, " Trf<br />

intlictedby •<br />

cess. <strong>The</strong>y t<br />

their anilcU:]<br />

A prayer i<br />

grVUnce at i<br />

school dav<br />

letybcticrth.<br />

Prayer i* a<br />

to help uprj<br />

lagyouncptl<br />

seoseof »i.:u#<br />

But prayt-l<br />

in our put Ik I<br />

In the rartf<br />

Court ruled t]<br />

In public<br />

tkmal.<br />

fWoi<br />

•\-b.6-Lej<br />

Feb. 7-I

|;;;^:..^T<br />

FATHEK,<br />

THAT 1 OO<br />


ByMoOyNUcm<br />

Prayer la Kbool? W« haven't<br />

ion It tor warty 20 yea;* but according<br />

to President Ronald<br />

Reagan, **.„• vast majority of our<br />

people believe then b a need for<br />

prayer In our public schools."<br />

And to there b. American sock*<br />

ly has been crumbling In put<br />

yean. CbUdrcn are no longer Instrocted<br />

In good sound morals and<br />

value*. Families are unstable.<br />

Aecordlag to Rabbi Juda<br />

Clasner. "<strong>The</strong> youth o( today are<br />

inflicted by a demoralisation piocew.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y turn to drugs to relieve<br />

tbetr anxieties."<br />

A prayer and plea for spiritual<br />

guidance at the beginning cl each<br />

school day would relieve this anakty<br />

belter thui any drug.<br />

Pra)cr li needed In our schools<br />

•o help upgrade society by producing<br />

young people who hare a good<br />

sense of values and of morality.<br />

But prayer. H no longer allowed<br />

In our public schools. Why not?<br />

In th« eartr I960**, (he Supreme<br />

"Cn ruled thai all prayer activity<br />

In public schools Is unconstitutional.<br />

School prayer: the controversy continues<br />

This ruUag was Itself against the<br />

splri! of the free exercise clause of<br />

the tint amendment. This clause<br />

withdraws from federal and state<br />

legislatures the power to exert any<br />

restraint on the Ire* etcrcise of<br />

religion.<br />

What right had the Supreme<br />

Court to strip so many children of<br />

the opportunity to prsj u. school?<br />

Senator Jesse Helms said. "II<br />

children are compelled to attend<br />

School, thcit right to free exercise<br />

of religion should not be suspend,<br />

ed while they an *ti attendance."<br />

In the Southern states, commonly<br />

called the Bible Belt, school<br />

prayer has l-cen an Important<br />

tradition for many yean.<br />

In 1987, Reagan proposed an<br />

amendment that would allow com*<br />

taunltlcs "...to determine for<br />

themselves whether prayer f^uld<br />

be permitted In their schools."<br />

Thb amendment would restore to<br />

local communities the power over<br />

school prayer which It previously<br />

held.<br />

Supporter* of this amendment<br />

emphatic that participation In<br />

Khool pt»r*r *uUl t»* urktly<br />

voluntary. Reagan hlmvclt %ali).<br />

"...everyone's right* — believer*<br />

World news update qj$<br />

ByVUtramParekh<br />

Ian. 31—President Regan an*<br />

Bounces hb intention to<br />

seek re-election, in a<br />

speech given at the<br />

Washington Mayflower<br />

Hotel.<br />

Feb.n— Lebanon's Moslem<br />

Prime Mlnbter. Shefik<br />

Wazzan and Us ninemember<br />

cabinet rciijn<br />

under pressure from<br />

Moslem groups opposed<br />

to the Christian president.<br />

Amln Gcmaycl.<br />

<strong>The</strong> space shuttle<br />

Challenger launches a<br />

satellite for Indonesia.<br />

but fires It Into a useless<br />

orbit. Three days earlier,<br />

another satellite launch*<br />

ed by Challenger met the<br />

same fate.<br />

Feb. 7— President Reagan orders<br />

tbf Marine* In the Beirut<br />

area to move to Navy<br />

ships offshore within one<br />

month.<br />

Astronauts Bnue Mc-<br />

Candless and Robert<br />

Stewart become the flnt<br />

men to float In space<br />

unrestrained, using a Jetpowered<br />

backpack.<br />

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Feb. 9- Soviet leader Yuri Andropov<br />

dies at 69 alter a<br />

six-month bout with<br />

kidney and heart pro*<br />

blems at well at diabetes.<br />

He had been in olfkc lor<br />

IS months.<br />

Feb. 14—Coostantln Chernenko. a<br />

staunch supportrr of the<br />

late Leonid Brcihnrv, It<br />

appointed general<br />

secretary of the Scvict<br />

Union.<br />

r*b. 15—Vice-Presldent Bush<br />

meets vith Chcracnko at<br />

Andropov's funeral.<br />

Feb. 16—Lebanese President<br />

Anil Gemayel offeis to<br />

cancel the 1983 peacetreaty<br />

with Israel if his<br />

Syrian-backed op.<br />

portents allow nlm to stay<br />

In office.<br />

Feb. 17—President Reagan asks<br />

Congress for a four-fold<br />

increase in mi lit try aid to<br />

El Salvador.<br />

Feb. 21—Walter Moodak eatily<br />

wits the Democratic<br />

primary in fowa with 4*><br />

percent of the<br />

vote. Colorado's Senator<br />

Gary H»t finishes a su.prise<br />

second.<br />

and nonbc'ievcn alike — are protected<br />

by (the amendment)."<br />

Since the beginning of compulsory<br />

schooling, educational<br />

policy has been dictated, for the<br />

most part, on the local level.<br />

If the question of prayer were included<br />

in this educational policy,<br />

parents would be able to decide for<br />

Ihtmsclres whether they want<br />

prayer In their children's schools.<br />

Why shouldn't prayer be an in*<br />

Icgral part of a child's education?<br />

After alt, as Reagan has emphash*<br />

ed, "<strong>The</strong> public ccprcMion<br />

. thtbujh prayer of our faith In God<br />

b a fundamental part of our<br />

American heritage.**<br />

We live in a country which is<br />

eased on religion. "We have<br />

acknowledged Cod's guidance on<br />

our coinage, in our National An*<br />

them, and In the Pledge of<br />

AllerUnce^" says Reagan.<br />

Both Congress and the Supreme<br />

Court begin their daily scivUin<br />

with a prayer asking for God's<br />

Messing on thrir work. Yet. ac<br />

cording to Jesse Helms, "...the<br />

Supfcm* Court has effectively<br />

denied ;hb same right and<br />

privilege to millions of school<br />

children across this nation."<br />

ft b Ironic that our own government<br />

leaden, who en}oj tbi<br />

richness of prayer each day. have<br />

the power to take the opportunity<br />

to pray away from a child.<br />

CON By Jason M'ntz<br />

President Ronald Reagan sent a<br />

letter IO Congress on May 17.<br />

193;, proposing a constitutional<br />

amendment * which would, in<br />

Rejgan's «o-ds. "...restore the<br />

slmp*e fretdora of our citizens to<br />

offer prayer In oar public schools<br />

a-»d {nstltullons. H<br />

Reagan is currently reaffirming<br />

hb views In favor of school prayer,<br />

Ju'.t in time for the upcoming<br />

presidential electkms.<br />

"Just as Benjamin Franklin<br />

believed li was beneficial tor the<br />

Constitution y Convention to<br />

be***; each day's work with a<br />

pnyt-r." he said. "I believo that It<br />

would be beneficial for our<br />

children to hart an opportunity to<br />

begin each wbcol day In the same<br />

manner."<br />

Tiu. President seems to view bb<br />

proposed amendment as<br />

"beneficial.*' yet Reagan himself<br />

states that the purpose of the First<br />

Amendment b "to protect religion<br />

Irom the interference of govern*<br />

ment." What exactly is proposing<br />

constitutional amendments. If U<br />

cannot be termed governmental<br />

Intcfsrenca?<br />

"<strong>The</strong> Founding Fathers."<br />

Reagan reminds us, "enthrined<br />

the principle of freedom of religion<br />

In the First Amendment..." Thb<br />

!rt*dom of rellf ion would term to<br />

Imply a second freedom nhka the<br />

President hat 'ailed to rcctgnUe.<br />

the .'rrtdom from ;«:llf lop.<br />

What sudden t^irfvuJon of<br />

r«>iglous freedom has pmm.itcd<br />

the need for conttltutlonal ametvJmenu<br />

to protect It? Why Just now.<br />

centuries after America v-as<br />

founded, b our President becom*<br />

Ing increasingly aware of the<br />

desperate need ti preserve cur<br />

religious freedom?<br />

Our religious freedom li in no<br />

way restricted: anyone may prav<br />

• ".si - 1<br />

[ucli2. J?M.ftja7,<br />

POLITICS:;-111<br />

anywhere, at any time. Reagan's<br />

proposal h therefore absurd and<br />

unnecessary. When freedom of<br />

religion has already been granted.<br />

any further policies made by the<br />

government concerning religion,<br />

can only be seen as an Inappropriate<br />

advocatlon of religious<br />

practice.<br />

Reagan assures us that the Intricate<br />

wording of *be flnt amendment<br />

was not Intentionally poor.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> founders of our nation and<br />

the framen of the. First Amendment<br />

did not Intend to forbid<br />

public prayer."<br />

Mr. Reagan was not present at<br />

any of the Constitutional Conventions,<br />

nor «t U* flnt session of<br />

Congrcn wL*n the BUI of Rights<br />

was adopted. THUS he b hardly an<br />

authority concerning the Intentions<br />

of our na'Jun's founden.<br />

As for t'jc objections some<br />

citizens ha*-/ to prajen being said<br />

tu'a morilug In the Congress.<br />

Reagan profoundly declares,<br />

"That's Just plain wrong.** An<br />

ability to see itiuct from all<br />

penpculves It an essential re-<br />

demo.Tatlc IcrJcnhtp. Reagttn<br />

lacks this ability, and hb onesided<br />

presunpiuouineit b certainly leu .<br />

than admirable.<br />

Our government ought to<br />

rem'jve lt«ctf from the builne** of<br />

advxatlng religion. It Is In no way<br />

the place of federal, stale or local<br />

tcvernmenU *o be making policy<br />

decisions, suggestions, tar<br />

exemption 'aws. and especially<br />

ra)pouls to an.cnd our constitution,<br />

bawd on religion.<br />

Mr. Rtajiin. seek re-election<br />

support on more ttablc issues.<br />

Europeans protest U.S. missiles<br />

Ily Jc.uk* Leung<br />

Due to the c*.l1maii ! 25O<br />

tnciitunwantt*- mU»llln.«d «i<br />

Wmcrn tiurnpe. ihc North AllaniL-<br />

Trt*l> UiK^m/aiion (SATO)<br />

dcctdtJ in December. 147'*. tu<br />

deploy U.S. miitilc-.. When<br />

ileplujtncnt it completed, in 19&K.<br />

572 American miv\ilc« directed<br />

toward the So-iet Union will be<br />

ttationed in Briiair, Italy.<br />

HolUnd. Belgium, and Wnt Germany.,<br />

Contequentiy. the antt-nuctcar<br />

movement it tery ttrong in<br />

Gurope. "Action Week." a week<br />

to protest the deployment ol U.S.<br />

mittUn, recurred during th** **cck<br />

of October 15-22. Hundreds of<br />

thousaeds of demortttrators rallied<br />

!n Rome while 100.000 people<br />

jpokeuut in neutral Vienna.<br />

la Great Britain, 200.000 mar*<br />

chen gathered at Hyde Park in<br />

London and groups of women<br />

camped betide the Grecnham<br />

Common air bate. <strong>The</strong> moit<br />

crucial protests took place in Weil<br />

Germany, perhaps due to Its location<br />

near the Communist Warsaw<br />

Pact counlrin.<br />

In West Germany, the tint few<br />

days of "Action Week" were not at<br />

successful as cipected. On that<br />

Friday, around 3.000<br />

demonstrators blockaded the<br />

Defente Mini*, try In Bonn's<br />

southern suburbs. It wat Saturday,<br />

however, when Ihe •etmtv of<br />

lakes**<br />



And "No-Set" Style<br />

HMt CAK f« MEN . W0MTM<br />

r— UUlttlOC VRUCI —«<br />

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the «rck came to a climax; ap.<br />

pnulmalel-/ l»o million pcoptc<br />

im*d th« orniv ul Dunn. Hambur<br />

g. Wen Berlin, and Stult|*art<br />

to participate in the cot«t\»l tentlay<br />

"peace marathon "<br />

<strong>The</strong> atmosphere during the<br />

tlemonitration wav moMI) anil-<br />

Amerkan. In Hamburg. 4 \l)in<br />

•.UleJ' "Dear God. II >oii »ould<br />

thoot Reagin. Itiat would creaily<br />

pl:atc ut." Many Hutupcant felt<br />

that they »erc being draxiced<br />

hel^lcttly to a "nuclear K*H°*^"<br />

created by the United S'atet.<br />

On the other hand. Margaret<br />

lhatchcr. British Prime Mintttcr.<br />

Iceb dllfercntlf: v *<strong>The</strong> United<br />

Sutes U our ultimate defensive<br />

shield, the guarsntor of Western<br />

freedom and the best hope for the<br />

world's opprtucd."<br />

Similarly, German Chancellor<br />

Helmut Kohl compared the present<br />

situation to that of 1938 when<br />

BrWln and France yielded - to<br />

Hitter. Kohl declared that this<br />

time the West h«s to "... stand up<br />

for pcacu and freedom most<br />

dech'r»ely."<br />

As for the Soviet Urlon. the<br />

Kremlin warned that U.S. deploy*<br />

ment of misiilei will result in the<br />

Soviet stationing of new tactical<br />

nuclear weapons In East Germany<br />

and Cuchotlovakla and the end of<br />

mitaltan.i-riVt In Geneva.<br />

Woman marches against<br />

1 mbtiu deployment.<br />

Despite complaints and warnings<br />

Iron both the anti-nuclear<br />

protestcn and Motcow. the first<br />

American crube mivilet arrived<br />

according to plan at the Greenhara<br />

Common air bate in Britain in<br />

November. t983.<br />

Although deployment has<br />

begun, neither the Soviets nor the<br />

anti-nuclear drmonitraton plan to<br />

abandon hope. In the words of<br />

Eliiabcth Trott. an IB-year*old<br />

marcher Ifa London* "I think the<br />

mluilet will be deployed, but that<br />

doesn't mean we're going to stop."<br />


fifg. TJw LcwtU. Mmrch 2.<br />


Freshmen take office<br />

ByEricZtrtte<br />

TV Freshman Claw, officer* for<br />

the ipttng remoter hi*e been officially<br />

elected as * retult ol the re*<br />

cenl LEC/CUu ol '87 elections.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ne» otlken Include Beth<br />

Huey Torney. president: Brcdly<br />

Ray, vice-president; Sutk Park,<br />

treasurer: Denisc Kuno, secretary;<br />

and Veronica Adrian and Eunice<br />

Yoon, LECreprcsenlatrtcs.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Class ol *67 reg. reps, met<br />

tr. the lall A-d appointed tern*<br />

porary off.cen to organlxc<br />

freshman .vtMlki for the fall<br />

semester.<br />

Trtf jrer Suxie Park, who it the<br />

only . rtmporary officer to win<br />

infection, felt that tbc eipcrkncr<br />

acquired from being temporary<br />

treasurer tail semester will help<br />

significantly in planning the spr*r»*<br />

activities.<br />

Park staled. "I won't have lo<br />

•aue tine rcleanvlng tbc compict<br />

accounting system at <strong>Lowell</strong>," at<br />

the bu learned from her mistakes<br />

during her trial term as a »ian of*<br />

fleer.<br />

All of the officers are very amtaut<br />

to lUrt planning what they<br />

see as their bluest challenge, the<br />

f rcAhman Exclusive on March 16.<br />

As for the challenge of copi-j<br />

with a full agenda of activities as<br />

well as keeping up with five solid<br />

subjects, Adrian. LEC representative,<br />

explained. "Everyone ex*<br />

pecu us to make mistakes, and<br />

our jobs are time consuming, but<br />

(the*) eipcctations mak- is work<br />

On February 17 UM Student<br />

Activities Board sponsored<br />

LowaM'a SO's/60's day.<br />

Studcntt dressed up for the<br />

day's rmUy and later danced<br />

fxoc&'-lt p.m. toibetouDdaol<br />

Eddk and ibt Boppers,<br />

CleoWwp<br />

n el 0*Mon Owting Cai<br />

004 BRANNAN ST. ROOU tM<br />

SAN PpAMC*3CO,CAUF. 04103<br />

Tib imctxtr'i rrahmea olflccn (I. to r.) B. R«J. «fe« prtddcnl; S.<br />

Pwk.ozmonr. B.HiwjToniey.proUenl: E. Yooa. IXCrepmeo-<br />

Utive: U4 D. Kuao. wcrttuy.<br />

harder frr our grades."<br />

President Hucy Torncy agreed<br />

that there will aWays be dHad*<br />

vantages with being a new officer.<br />

Some of these Include late work<br />

hojrs after school and a subttan*<br />

lial toss of free lime.<br />

Hucy Torney is looking forward<br />

to wcrking with the other clan of*<br />

(Seen and wet no i>time>liaic probkms.<br />

She added. "We want to<br />

show them (the uppcr-claumcn)<br />

that we're not just another<br />

freshman clasi."<br />

On a lighter side, officer Yoon<br />

expressed .a need for more activities<br />

involving the school as a<br />

whole. Yoon feels lhal activities<br />

tuch as Spirit Week are much too<br />

competitive and -*ould rather tee<br />

more rvents in whkh all four<br />

cluics can assemble together.<br />

Ttr* Freshman Class nlflccn arc<br />

pr.-e»rc proposal to award<br />

student competitors up loSOpoint*. •<br />

Award revisions rejected by the<br />

LEC included service point reduction*<br />

for ;choo) concerts, the<br />

Lowtll Orientation Team, acd<br />

registry presidents and rice*<br />

presidents.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> band and orchestra prw<br />

tke a lot for those concerts.** Jennifer<br />

Poulakldas. Student Activities<br />

Board representative to tbc<br />

LEC. expounded.<br />


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Ellasn Walsh<br />

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2154 Irving St.<br />

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(415)731-3828<br />

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Student officers want a room<br />

Bjr Stamp Chla<br />

Sludent rnrggnl ot.Tcers an<br />

apper'Jnf loi another rcx-m to<br />

replacr room 262. which was con-<br />

. tnal to a classroom last March.<br />

Tbdr yflliloia haM been<br />

(LEO, Board ot CUus Officers<br />

(BCO). and tic Board ol School<br />

and Community Scrflees (BSCS).<br />

During |h. spring 19S3<br />

•eaeslcr, the elimination ol Louise<br />

Lombard School and shortage ol<br />

cbtirooms forcoj the three boards<br />

out ol room 26} in orrfor to use it<br />

loruuuwtioa.<br />

.. Consequently, the government<br />

officers relocated lo the Student<br />

Sophomores<br />

sponsor<br />

skating<br />

AtlHties Office (SAO), formerly<br />

called Ihe "Stu.(Tnl ActWlies<br />

Board (SAB) Office."<br />

<strong>The</strong> offlrcrs wne not able to<br />

fcave the .un. freedom a. they<br />

Ollicin also used the ditto<br />

machl^i which was housed in Ihe<br />

Storo then. Ihe (our boards tried<br />

tu share the sane room, but con.<br />

flicu arose between the SAB uj<br />

the other three boards.<br />

Fibish is "disappointed" thai<br />

conflicts ejist. but be rereals.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lint priority Is fuMlllng legai<br />

requirements, second responsibUi.<br />

) i i rooms (or Irtitniclion.<br />

Student loKniitintl li third<br />

^MitJ."<br />

"ld«anr. the oilton and clubs'<br />

shoulu lure been able to go In (to<br />

th« SAO) anytime ol the diy."<br />

Hated Rolor Scott C«Mn. BSCS<br />

>-;H* -* van « UK the room until<br />

mods 19.20 (lor matin; posters).<br />

"It's dilnnilt because Ihe<br />

che;rlcadc.*s are always practicing<br />

(in the SAO). When there are<br />

ticket sates, the room Is clMed lor<br />

security purposes."<br />

Despite these changes, student<br />

gmernmnl needs a room which<br />

can function as room 261 did.<br />

Such a rocn. the LEC helices,<br />

nay also fonciion to promote commsiikttion<br />

betwttn the boards<br />

of uam lolr.-a.tlon between ;he<br />

student Ux)/ and Ihe officer<br />

<strong>The</strong> CUt> ol *06 spoairred an "lee Skating Night" oo Saturday, February 25.1<br />

AH claitei wen invited to tkate (ram £ .o 8 p.m. at Ow Saa Francttco Ic* Riok J<br />

Activities suffer from budget cuts<br />

By Wendy Wong<br />

Nearly oery 'yp* of tludent activity<br />

at <strong>Lowell</strong> has been suffering<br />

financially the past few yean.<br />

Largely because ol Idflalloa and<br />

lack ol school district funds, ir^ny<br />

•ctlrlikt bivc had dUflcuMUs In<br />

functioning.<br />

Toa'alc Multauaopcle, president<br />

of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s chapter of the<br />

California Scholarship Federation,<br />

said. "Lots of activities such as<br />

student exchanges and field trips<br />

are planned at (CSF) district<br />

meetings, but. because of lack of<br />

lands and of cmhuiuim among<br />

members, we baveu't been abte to<br />

participate.**<br />

Ed Eu.ni, Phyiktl Education<br />

Department bead, noted. "Right<br />

DOW. we're at a minimum of the<br />

school budget frr athle-ks. Sixty<br />

frre hundred dollars, down f*o«<br />

S8000, has bees £)ren to us by ttc<br />

Board of Education to fund<br />

sport*."<br />

"K lack of funds affects the<br />

quality ol sports because you hav*<br />

to get guod safety equipment.**<br />

Brrn* continued. "Also, kids like<br />

to go out In nlc* uniforms."<br />

Stated Jeff GaMn. president cl<br />

Che Forensks Team. "We starlet<br />

oot with * deficit at the beginning<br />

of the Tear. Due to the lack of<br />

mone*. the Forensks Teaffl has<br />

not bcei abl« lo take part In man/<br />

forensk contest all over California-<br />

We «mWn*t Uk* as many<br />

peopW to Storktnn (where a recent<br />

spec*£) H.vluiJ&aal was bdd) as w«<br />

wiifcjo."<br />

• Jack Anderson. Creative Am<br />

Department bead. comtBcated.<br />

"Imirumcnts have gotten more e=penshr.<br />

If an inurutnent U<br />

broken, there is no meney to<br />

repair it."<br />

Became of Inflation and a rise In<br />

the cos. of the piper. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

has btfen cut in size from "...32 to<br />

20 pages in the last two years."<br />

stated Rnymond Kohtz. Journalism<br />

advisor.<br />

"About five to sU years ago, the<br />

Stutient Activities Board was<br />

allowed more dances." noted SAB<br />

Chair Jennifer Poulakldas.<br />

More sources of funding have<br />

been sought to support various<br />

tfidcnt activities.<br />

Food sates and fundralscn pro*<br />

vide funds for club activ''les. according<br />

lo several club presidents.<br />

"Food sales ratkr about » $100<br />

profU," staled Latry Soca. prrti-<br />

Ceat of the Photograph? Club.<br />

"Guwn./ bears rake In the big<br />

becks," coam'nted Pn-MetfClub<br />

president Sbievr Khar«r:*baslii.<br />

"NU»ty.flve p^reezt of our<br />

funtts come •'•\*m rood sales. We're<br />

also plannlnc to utl CSF raeftScf •<br />

ship cards *o rahe money." latd<br />

MuUtiuaopek.<br />

Ihe LoweU Eiecuttv* Council,<br />

whkh reeches rooner thtougb the<br />

monthly atc£ of Municipal<br />

Railway Youth Passes, support!<br />

the forettika taam *r£ ine<br />

Creath* ArU Departn.>».<br />

Board of Class Officer* and the<br />

four classes obtain part of their<br />

fnnds through ihe sale of student<br />

udvity eards. Other funds are<br />

swum! through fundraisers, food<br />

sales, and social events such as<br />

dances.<br />

<strong>The</strong> SAB*, main tourer of funding<br />

U dancct. Proceeds from<br />

basketball and football game<br />

tickets pay [or supervision at thoie<br />

games. Any profit* made from<br />

game ticket sales are given to the<br />

athletic team whose tickrts<br />

brought in the profit. <strong>The</strong> Board<br />

for School and Community Ser*<br />

tkc* raise* money through a<br />

Room 246 rental charge and occasional<br />

f undraher*.<br />

Tie LoweU acquire* money<br />

from the LEC and BCO. but toe<br />

largest percentage conies from<br />

selling advertising space.<br />

In addition to the instructional<br />

budget, other sources of money for<br />

the Creattre Arts Department are<br />

concert and production ticket<br />

sales.<br />

"Mu* students end up paying<br />

the costs (of the Creative ArU ac><br />

trvitio) themselves wbkb is.<br />

technical.}, cducatiocally untound.**<br />

r«ld Anderson. <strong>The</strong><br />

Creative ArU Department has<br />

auuu»J responsibility of raising<br />

as mucts funds as possible."<br />

Principal Alao Flbisb observed.<br />

"I don't think the quality of student<br />

•ctMila. in general, is<br />

Aversely affected by funding<br />

because of the high level of partldpation<br />

at <strong>Lowell</strong>.**<br />



SHOP<br />

231 West Portal Are.<br />

San Francisco CA 94127<br />

664-4675<br />

Cbapkta astortsvt<br />

o( cards, wnpplai<br />

papas, flits, and<br />

rbcLowtU.Msrcb 3. l*)H Zt<br />


Student<br />

'notebook-<br />

BCO<br />

ByMelankRamrt<br />

<strong>The</strong> feard ol Class Otflcen will<br />

s boldioj vearbook picture dayv<br />

m April ? and April 4 for all<br />

ttudents except ptnion. More'<br />

details will be announced.<br />

Two-dollar pictures for ttudents<br />

needing Idectifkatkm cards are<br />

itUI being taken on Wednetdsva in<br />

261-A from meds !°-20 until<br />

p.m.<br />

•W<br />

Tbe Senior Class will hold the<br />

annual Twia Day on March 9.<br />

Senior sweatshirts arc now being<br />

told during mods 14-16, 19-20.<br />

and after school.<br />

A committee hat been formed 10<br />

plan the Sailor Prom which will<br />

take place at the Fairmont Hotel<br />

on May 27. <strong>The</strong> committee's main<br />

concern at present K deciding on s<br />

theme.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Senior Class Is also planning<br />

a Roller SVttlng Party and ha*<br />

vet to decide on the date and place<br />

.tf the event.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Junior Prom will be hctf 00<br />

April 14 mi. the Sheraton Palace. A<br />

committee pU^nlng the prom has<br />

been meeting on Tuesdays after<br />

school.<br />

Strawberry and chocolate<br />

ivored pocky nicks continue to<br />

be sold as a fundraiser for the<br />

lunior Prom.<br />

•86-<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sophomore Clast has<br />

town chalrpvrtoni fur upcuptlng<br />

actMtirt which may include an kc<br />

ikating party. <strong>The</strong>y alto plan to<br />

have a fundraiser and « food and<br />

gram sale lomeiitn; In April.<br />

•87*<br />

<strong>The</strong> Freshman Endu-We.<br />

"Tine Will Revo!." will be held<br />

on March 16. Snow cone* will be<br />

served from 6:30 p.m. (possibly<br />

earlier) lo 7 p.m. ttnd dancing will<br />

be from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Freshman Cass is aUo<br />

plannicg a food sale toward the<br />

end of Ibis month.<br />

SSlMn Sports Cirti<br />

LEC<br />

By Wendy Wong<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> Executive Council<br />

has rejoined the California<br />

Association of Student Councils,<br />

an ofanteatiofl enabling any In*<br />

.crested students to lake part in<br />

leadership conferences and bear<br />

government kaders speak.<br />

An honor roll hu been In*<br />

itttuttd at <strong>Lowell</strong> in whkh the :op<br />

12S studcnU in cMh class will<br />

receive errtiflcates of merit.<br />

A motion to encourage all<br />

students to pledge allegiance to the<br />

Aniu'-can flag during registry was<br />

approved by the LEC,<br />

Script L service point rrvhkns<br />

were discuiicd (tee arikle in ,1U<br />

section).<br />

Sweatshiru were sold February<br />

!6andl7forS12each.<br />

BSCS<br />

B/Sarah Hudson<br />

At the lUrt of the nev Mmester,<br />

the BSCS opened Irs membership<br />

to new clubs «bkh wanted to Join.<br />

New clubs, along with clubs contin*i!ng<br />

from lait semeitcr, had lo<br />

start *ending reprcscnuUves to ths<br />

roccUoRt. which are Moidays<br />

14/15 la Ihe Meyer Library.<br />

Thcctubsturned in Rcqu»lliR4*<br />

tion Forms on February 2v, tiatinit<br />

ibtlr club officer*, meeting :imes.<br />

purpc4c cf the club, and the<br />

names of 25 meciberr. Clubs Iram<br />

latt scmevler turned In Senate<br />

Ptoject VcrilkatloD Forms on the<br />

urn* U*t», ptxning :hry H**t vtx'*plctcd<br />

their required wrvlcc pro*<br />

|ect.<br />

Club reps are reminded thai<br />

they mutt be on at lean one of the<br />

(ive BSCS committees, and attend<br />

the mccl.rgs regularly. <strong>The</strong> BSCS<br />

officer* will remain In office until<br />

June, whlk the change-over is<br />

made from a January 10 January<br />

term to a September to June one.<br />

SAB B7 Ann Huppcri<br />

<strong>The</strong> nest Studrtt Activities<br />

Borrd rally will be on March 16.<br />

<strong>The</strong> SAB is also considerinf trying<br />

10 schedule an additional rally<br />

which ootild Include the Unrrersir><br />

of Cillforn'-. at Berkley (Call<br />

cheerleaders.<br />

Comic Bfftes,<br />

Comic Bags<br />

Myiara&Mylltes<br />

Bawball Carts<br />

Non Sport Cards<br />

•IradlnB Card Boxes<br />

Trading Card Sheet!<br />


RICawiMtai COM mead CowleawlnTMiMUaaailHI<br />

i&O.notWga street<br />

san francisco ca 94122 415 753 9678<br />




PIER 39 PIER 39 PIER 39<br />

!,„, I -> AO*-''<br />


Tip 10. <strong>The</strong> LimtVi. Marc* .'. 11*4<br />

PROFILES 1<br />

S E E I N G D O U B L E :<br />

Nixons treasure sibling friendship<br />

By DtbbJa Gottfried<br />

"Wt'n definitely eloter than we<br />

would be if we werrn'l twint.<br />

Wc'n buddies I" exclaimed union<br />

Mark and MotiyNUon.<br />

Each of the Nixon twin* hat hit<br />

or bcr own feelings about tbelr<br />

person alliie«.<br />

' Mark b nicer than me." com*<br />

mnitcd Molly, the older of the tftyrar»old<br />

twins.<br />

"I'm the obnoxious one."<br />

responded Mark.<br />

Molly ttatcd. "1 take thlngt<br />

more tertoutly. and I've always<br />

ben the dominating ooe."<br />

"I'm the performer. I like attention!"<br />

diclarwl Mark.<br />

Tn* Nixoni feel that there It lit-<br />

"One ol the best things about being the umeigeU that we make<br />

tk competition between them « lot of frlendt through each<br />

"We havenft fought since we were °»h«'« friendt and through our<br />

II.- commented Mark. "We different activities." stated Mark,<br />

prefer to work at a team." " w e alto thare each other's<br />

"We're not afraid lo critkiic tlelhetl"<br />

• each other, whio. It sometime*, a "When we were younger, we,<br />

nke trait to have." stated Molly. were teen more a* 'the iwlnt. It t<br />

Mark added. "We try to b* very not rea^y ll>e thai anymore.<br />

supportive of each other." stated MoUy.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Nixons attended different "No ooc ever know* we re twins<br />

tchoou until high school. <strong>The</strong> only unless we tell them." Mark added,<br />

dan they've had at Loweii "It doe« attract attention. Peo*<br />

tosetherwas geometry, "fliat sure pie say. 'Oh. you're twins! <strong>The</strong><br />

wat Interesting!" excleimed MoUy. funniest thing U when they ask ut<br />

"I don't %tf. my sitter enough." » we are Identkall" remarked<br />

reflected Mark Molly.<br />

Molly replied "Sometimes I tee MoUy spends mott of her spare<br />

Mark loo mucU"<br />

time dancing. She pm-Mvet every<br />

day.<br />

Mark Uket to spend hit free<br />

lime practicing hit jrtfling and<br />

riding his unicyclc. Hi- also tries to<br />

spend a let of t'jic reading.<br />

"1 tend to do too much and<br />

Marl tenoi to do too little." commented<br />

Molly. Mark agreed.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Nixont work together at<br />

Tan to Tart, a pastry thop. "At<br />

lint 1 was duMous about the idea<br />

of us working together, but it<br />

works out pretty well." com<br />

mented Mark.<br />

At for the future, the Nisons<br />

might go to Mexico after hl|*h<br />

IH school. However. Molly might<br />

J; prefer to remain here to dance. "It<br />

• would be very ditficu.t for us if we<br />

; were to separate." she *tatcd.<br />

'• "We're nit different than<br />

clown Arouod together. '<br />

Bx other brother anil micr, except<br />

Ir we're really good friends, too!"<br />

included MoUy.<br />

Identical brothers share interests<br />

By Jason Mlmz<br />

"It fecit like we're just<br />

b rot hen. li\ the people »ho<br />

don't know u* who treat u*<br />

like twint."<br />

Nkk Md N6-1 Lo/ano.<br />

La*cli junior*, are Identical<br />

twlni.<br />

Born March 23. 1966.<br />

they l^ed in the Philllpinet<br />

for VTvet. yean before moving<br />

to Sat Francitco.<br />

Each of them like* San<br />

Fnncmo. and Nick doe*n't<br />

ever wan I lo rs ore.<br />

Noel fecit he will movi<br />

tikcU«nd up Li Lo\ Angeln<br />

or Ne* York. "I tike the dly<br />

life." he Mid. "but I'll probably<br />

mure."<br />

Nkk and Noel *pcnd trn tr<br />

ipare time piling batknbill,<br />

drawing. lUu-Mn)* to<br />

hcjry metal muiic ):*r>oti!<br />

thler atlendv. lte*i-.- Car-<br />

. ral:hael EJcmetitan.<br />

<strong>The</strong> t*in* mitcd i aat their<br />

F4n.nl* "vatae rducalian<br />

zn* % discipline." i-J rerc<br />

determined ibat tdi two at-<br />

Und <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Nkk anJ Noel had douhit<br />

about their ditirkt Khool,<br />

Million High, and yc<br />

didn't knuw «hat to expect<br />

from <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

"At tint I wasn't iurc<br />

{about <strong>Lowell</strong>)." Nick<br />

recalled, "bct.uw 1 kep*<br />

hearing how hard it WJV"<br />

Both ilwlejt*. who have<br />

been hrre since their<br />

fmhmm year, agree that<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> u easier than they «•<br />

pected.<br />

"It's got a nice atmo*phere<br />

lhat't dilferrnt<br />

from other Khool*." Noel<br />

realited.<br />

Nkk added. "<strong>The</strong>re't no<br />

fi|hting."<br />

Both enjoy math and art<br />

and neither really Uket<br />

Engliih.<br />

EnginecrinK i» the arcs<br />

that they are looking toward<br />

at a career, becauve they<br />

feel li't "intereiting" and<br />

"it trtaVx* money." <strong>The</strong>y<br />

al for space, positiontag,<br />

aaf WoU inside ihe womb.<br />

aadss^ttftack ok these essential<br />

cau'*c psychologkal ^<br />

By Bra<br />

"We wouldn't l._.<br />

claimcd seniors Wen:<br />

Wendy and Kithy<br />

Cisco and are Identic-<br />

"We u*ed to dtes><br />

four or five which rrn<br />

tor people lo tell u<br />

^he reflected thai<br />

\ can hair iuadvantai<br />

"U doesn't bother<br />

na.mc*T.'*'-«J up. h<br />

when n.,-- t-d.» a<br />

of attention in them<br />

nice.<br />

"My*i*teratu! t j<br />

ttweartdtffercnt."<br />

Wend* -A *.;.•;..'<br />

us Quite \uc:^.*.*-»c.<br />

"We have Ihe<br />

raw4c. ami friendt.

Tin Ijtwcll. Adrift 3. I«M. Pafe If<br />


E V E N T R I P L E ! !<br />

| phenomenon<br />

sof twins: fhe<br />

ind the<br />

l occur crhen<br />

I one egg celt<br />

1r divided and<br />

>-become two<br />

bt.wbo carry the<br />

' and<br />

tina resajt<br />

jg<br />

1 they go on<br />

t Individual.<br />

genes.<br />

Kiimt<br />

let* be con<br />

borr<br />

M twins is determin-<br />

Prttperm whkn car<br />

i^/and Y-bearlng<br />

•^<strong>The</strong> inother's eg^t<br />

k«;,X.bearin)t<br />

, is are alwayt of the<br />

^ a giri pair or « boy<br />

n be ci.Lcr<br />

{triplets, the con-<br />

|}t pretty much th?<br />

£l*tns except thti<br />

« of fraternal<br />

f.<br />

jr;»pace. position-<br />

"' i Ifce womb,<br />

I these c&sectial<br />

^psychological<br />

ind physical com plica i tont. A* «<br />

mull, many t*im t n bora<br />

prematurely and thus thry are<br />

ollen inadequately developed to<br />

cope «ltn the critical luges ol Hfe.<br />

<strong>The</strong> mortality rate (or them is<br />

much higher that* it it fOf<br />

slaglebom Infants. Ho«ever. once<br />

twins survive the fint month, they<br />

•re almost ait u red o( luvfag the<br />

«*rae chances lor survival ai a<br />

linglcborn tnfcsi.<br />

Thoujhout time, the ap*<br />

pearance of two huuan beings at<br />

oirth has atnicted so much In*<br />

terest that twins have became the<br />

injects of folktales, myths, and<br />

literature.<br />

As suggested in the ttoty of<br />

Jacob ami Essu in the Old Tcstament.<br />

people believed thai twins<br />

wer- a link of oppotitcs. EMU wat<br />

a skillful hunter and a rugged outdoorsRun<br />

while hit brother.<br />

Jicob. wat a plain, timple. and introverted<br />

man.<br />

In many primitive tribes. twins<br />

ha»e been attodatcd with the Idea<br />

of fertility Twln«> were tuppotcd ro<br />

become herdsmen to they could in*<br />

ipire the animals ic multiply.<br />

Some twin* weic even Io..aJ to Ijtc<br />

near the ri»cn to encourape the<br />

tith tomultipM<br />

I he myth of Apollo *nA Diana,<br />

the t»ir tjarf*. arc tvnonomt ll>rcv- «IfU "K«I J lot of jttcnlit)n." at Brcnua<br />

Ihr Irir* tni'lci* li.tir JUJW J tic mini ihc wrat<br />

v,.hiH)l: thc> KrJtIujtrd together (mm livcrcct Junior<br />

HtK n - TtiCY ilw Itatc l*ccn In the \ame clawc-. many<br />

time* which they led t\ moxtly lu their ail»ant»jrr.<br />

•We \iuncd up (or ihc umc cUiict on purpiwc<br />

because «e can help each oilier with homework." explained<br />

Brenda.<br />

Shaion added. *-Wc like r>cin)[ In cta\tr» where *c<br />

kno»» people, anil Ihit way we're |{uaranlcel there t\ JI*4>* VOmeune<br />

lh:re to b.ick jt-u up." addetl Hrrmla.<br />

Sluton cuncludcd, "Bk" that they kharc (i>|{rlhet.<br />

Wendy (kit) a*uj K'.thy (right) an look-alikes.

•:>••••;<br />

P*fl2,T)«Umtll. Murk 2.1«K<br />

FHTURE'<br />

9<br />

Tradition continues in 'Year of Rat<br />

i<br />

A. P. prepares students<br />

ByCaroUnaLee<br />

"<strong>Lowell</strong> would not be nationally<br />

recogfiUed by anjbo *v wlthot the<br />

Advanced Placement Program."<br />

stated <strong>Lowell</strong> counselor James<br />

Gazaway.<br />

Whal U Ihe Advanced PUCwmenl<br />

Program which htuch a vital<br />

facjtol Loweirscurriculum?<br />

T>e <strong>Lowell</strong> Advanced Placement<br />

Program o>nn far<br />

considering enrollment in the Advanced<br />

Placement program li lhat<br />

college and university polkic* are<br />

constantly changing. Having Ad<br />

vanred Placement coi.net listed<br />

on one's transcript may improve<br />

chances of being accepted into<br />

various colleges.<br />

Bahnwn stated, "<strong>The</strong> Advanced<br />

Placement program is a definite<br />

advantage for <strong>Lowell</strong> students<br />

because it improves their chances<br />

to be accepted into a major university."<br />

By Nancy Cfcus<br />

1984 Is aot just the year "Big<br />

Srolhcr is watching"; It b also the<br />

Year cf the Rat. according to the<br />

Chinese cawndar.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Chinese calendar Is based<br />

*tn the morencnii of the moon.<br />

and its grouping of ywrs is based<br />

on a cycle of 12 jean — c.**n year<br />

with Its own zodlrt syobol.<br />

According to ancient rayli.<br />

Buddha, on hb death bed. called •<br />

meeting °* ••• lhc anlmab on<br />

earth, of *hkn only 12 can.*. <strong>The</strong><br />

rat arrived first, then followed by<br />

the oi. the tiger, the hare, tne<br />

dragon, tLe snake, the horse, the<br />

sb-jep, the monkey, the cock, the<br />

dog, and the boar. Each animal,<br />

in order of its arrival, recched a<br />

year to which it contributed its<br />

characteristic traits.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Year of the Ra: is predicted<br />

to be a year of conflicting limes —<br />

not good for starting new venture*<br />

of adventures. Thosj born in ihe<br />

Year of the Rat. meanwhile, hare<br />

great pcnor.*l charm, laste for<br />

better things in life, and noted<br />

ielf*control.<br />

Passed Jown from generations<br />

and generations. Chine* New<br />

Year represents •» celebration of<br />

life, rebirth, and most important*<br />

|y, a special occasion for family<br />

gatherings.<br />

Cnlntsc New Year's Day is the<br />

first day of the first full moon, based<br />

on the lunar calendar, which<br />

correspond! to «ome*lmc between<br />

late January and early March. <strong>The</strong><br />

entire tcslhai lasts from 15 days to<br />

one month.<br />

Custom requires that a<br />

thorough clean-up of t*»e house<br />

and settling of all accounts and<br />

debts be completed before the New<br />

Year's Day. Traditionally,<br />

everything should bs clean before<br />

entering the year. <strong>The</strong>refore, all<br />

dust and dirt must bs swept out of<br />

the bouse in hope* that evil and<br />

bad luck will go with It.<br />

Just at on Christmas, presents<br />

and fer*ive foods al.o play an Importaat<br />

rate in. the celebration of<br />

Ch'nese Ne* Yt . Presents.<br />

preferably silk. Jewelry, flowers.<br />

and food are exchange! between<br />

family and friends.<br />

<strong>The</strong> foods prepared and bought<br />

for thix occasion all tun some<br />

symbolk meaning of Rood for*<br />

tunes, happiness, or a new beginn*<br />

ing. For example, orsnges and<br />

t-ngcrines are essential because<br />

oranges represent money and<br />

wealth, whereat tangerines repre*<br />

bent jocd luck.<br />

<strong>The</strong> color oi red represents happiocn<br />

to the Chinese, lima red b<br />

always aurclitvd with the New<br />

Year. Children S*TB greetings of<br />

"Gang Hay Fat Cboy" which<br />

means "may you prosper.** and<br />

receive red envelopes containing<br />

lucky money from married adults.<br />

For entertainment, Uwre are<br />

carnivals, parades, and fireworks.<br />

Traditionally left for the end of the<br />

celebration, firecrackers are set off<br />

and Uon and dragon dances are<br />

performed lo frighten off any remaisbg<br />

evil spirits.<br />

Tncs. the festivities end with a<br />

big bang, and It b time to face the<br />

ops and downs of the tew year.<br />

Teenagers have role in tax system<br />

By Leslie Gee<br />

'Myriad' stresses the literate<br />

By Debbie Gottfried<br />

Have you beard the word<br />

"Myriad" around <strong>Lowell</strong> and<br />

didn't know what It meant?<br />

<strong>The</strong> MyrUd b <strong>Lowell</strong>'s literary<br />

magazine.<br />

Any <strong>Lowell</strong> student can submit<br />

poetry, ibort stories, or artwork to<br />

the M/riad, which comes oat once<br />

a y*ar. usually about on* or 1*0<br />

w «ks before ffradualfon.<br />

While any student may submit a<br />

work, the MyriMd cannot<br />

guarantee lhat it will be accepted.<br />

"Because WE try if* keep the<br />

MyriMd top*f]aallty, wj don't use<br />

about four-filths of what b sub*<br />

mltted.** stated senior Romany<br />

Grant, editor.<br />

Tot My/iad staff, which includo<br />

Grant. 'ablaut Editor<br />

Jennifer Wong, and the students<br />

•ho sr« actively Involved with the<br />

magazine, decide* which submissions<br />

will be accepted.<br />

<strong>The</strong> sUlf lint reads and<br />

discusses tbe' submissions, from<br />

•rhlch all names hate been<br />

eliminated to prevent a bland<br />

decision. <strong>The</strong>y then read again<br />

those submbslons which they con*<br />

sider to be the best. From this<br />

group, they select the works v-hlch<br />

will appear in the publication.<br />

**ThH year's staff H pretty pfcky.<br />

Il jutt depends on the people.**<br />

commented Grant.<br />

According to Grant, more<br />

seniors contribute to the MyriMd<br />

than freshman and sophomores.<br />

She feels that many freshman and<br />

sophomores don't knoo about it.<br />

This year, however. It has been<br />

more Integrated between the<br />

classes. "We try to get as much<br />

variety as we can." stated Gnnt.<br />

Pat Hanlon and Arthur Peterson<br />

i*e the MyriMd sponsors.<br />

**0n« of the best things about<br />

the Myriad b Hut the Hairs own<br />

writing b Improved by tbeb<br />

discussions of other people's<br />

writing. <strong>The</strong>y learn what should go<br />

into a good piece of writing and<br />

<strong>The</strong> United Slates Federal h.*<br />

come Tax Syitrm seems, to ihe<br />

typical te-nagcr. a complex and<br />

distant subject, not to be discussed<br />

until the far future. However, tt is<br />

nol too complex nor too early for<br />

teenagers to become more aw a* e cf<br />

their involvement within /*.U<br />

eitcntlal process,<br />

"Because we live in a country<br />

which offers many benefits —<br />

highway systems. National<br />

Defense — each ciiUen in turn bas<br />

a responsibili'y to help p*y for<br />

these benefits, through thf tax<br />

sjslcm," stated Patricia Fong,<br />

Chief of Ihe IRS Examination<br />

DWttion, Sacramento Diitricl-<br />

Whcre does a te an Income, earned and<br />

unomed, under S50.C00.<br />

<strong>The</strong> 10-40 b more complicated<br />

and does not j-rrcialy involve<br />

dependent students, unless they<br />

tuve aumerous Investments.<br />

<strong>The</strong> forms arc available at any<br />

IRS office and some banks.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first yrar a taxpayer files a<br />

fom. he must obtain It on bis<br />

own. <strong>The</strong> following years, provided<br />

he has not changed hb address,<br />

the office will automatically mall<br />

htm a form.<br />

"Students should make sore it b<br />

postmarked by April IS (the dt-e<br />

date) or It rcay be considered<br />

delinquent and subject to a fine.**<br />

advbcdFong.<br />

Fond added that people who<br />

wait untii the last minute tend to<br />


make the most errors.<br />

"It's amaxing how many trp<br />

forget lo sign their tax forms."<br />

mentioned Fong. "Any kind of error<br />

wil* deli) the entire process,<br />

including any refunds."<br />

Since the tax system b based on<br />

voluntary compliance, each citUen<br />

is re*ponsible for filing bb own tax.<br />

retu.n at»J reporting the proper<br />

amount cf Income.<br />

Unforutnatery. not all do. <strong>The</strong><br />

lax code provides various penalties<br />

for not reporting the correct In*<br />

come. In roost severe cases, people<br />

can end up paying Urge fines as<br />

well as serving Jail terms.<br />

<strong>The</strong> IRS cannot examine every<br />

filed return, but instead looks at<br />

those showing the greatest amount<br />

of deviation.<br />

If a student needs assistance In<br />

filling oat hi* form. UM IRS pro*<br />

rides a toll-free number. 839.1040.<br />

tor aay qustkms. He can also go to<br />

the tax office In the San Francisco<br />

Federal Building at *'SO Golden<br />

Gate.<br />

<strong>The</strong> tax system b Indeed coo.*<br />

plicated, but teenajters ctuaot afford<br />

to be unaware of their involvement<br />

within it.<br />

MOMMY<br />


Brakfut<br />

Lunch ind Dinner<br />

Mon. <strong>thru</strong> Fri.<br />

5:00 A.M. 10 10:00 P.M.<br />

Sat. and Sun.<br />

9:00 A.M. 10 10:00 P.M.<br />

1W9IU10KT STREET<br />

Su Fruefcra. CA Ml 17<br />

Duap<br />

isy roll f<br />

;ast two [<br />

pplied «<br />

ptr. i<br />

records<br />

FantatJ<br />

v garni<br />

<strong>The</strong>se if<br />

ight<br />

soldiers r|<br />

V&tk<br />

lug them I<br />

novemrtil<br />

ictraii. II<br />

by Warf<br />

England. !<br />

fntht ll<br />

Tolkien's f<br />

Riagt. •<br />

audience<br />

epic artul'l<br />

with. •<br />

d*amt. I<br />

aajki'cJ<br />

jtlnatioc*!<br />

R]<br />

Arolei<br />

DuagccnM<br />

role-plajif<br />

by hi. garl<br />

In 60*<br />

counteicq<br />

firing at if<br />

pollcemal<br />

back at t<br />

caliber<br />

unaware I<br />

In at*<br />

contract J<br />

summer |<br />

ed he*<br />

society,<br />

planning<br />

Marin<br />

commltti<br />

trials oi I<br />

present T<br />

rhev<br />

reporto<br />

may te<br />

pUyingJ<br />

nipt<br />

psycholti<br />

Yet<br />

Master<br />

plijets I

<strong>The</strong> Lowtll. Man* 1. I9W. Pa*o il<br />

FUTURE<br />

locking into tlje tym of an aou?nturi?r<br />

In the beginning: D&D's inception<br />

Dungeon* And Origans U a fantajy<br />

roll playing game inching at<br />

Wait two playen. <strong>The</strong> players on<br />

•applied with dice, pencils, graph<br />

paper. Instruction manuals, and<br />

record thecu.<br />

Fantasy roll playing grew out of<br />

war gaming with mini (.sure*.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se ganes Involved batMei<br />

fcc.jht with little armies ol toy<br />

wWlers on a table top. <strong>The</strong> armies<br />

*cra drrldtd into periods of time:<br />

Ancient, Medieval, and<br />

Various dice and ruuroal* are Important to P ing game was instructed<br />

by his gamemasicr to rob a bank.<br />

In doing so, the player encountered<br />

a policeman and began<br />

firing at him with a play g-m. <strong>The</strong><br />

policeman, in tell-defense, fired<br />

back at the rote ptsyer with a .58<br />

caliber gun &nd killed *iim.<br />

unaware that It wai only a game.<br />

In another incident, a building<br />

contractor was arrested in ihe<br />

lumncr of 1981 when police alleged<br />

he was the leader of a secret<br />

society. Pendragon. which »•»%<br />

planning a military take-over of<br />

Maria County. A murder was<br />

commlttnl in th« process and<br />

trials o; tie case are being held at<br />

present.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se i" "Menu which were both<br />

reported . aajor newspepen.<br />

may lead one to conclu Je that rolepUjiflg<br />

garaei abtc<br />

superhero RPG." slated Mcih

Tip M, TJ» <strong>Lowell</strong>. Mvrh 2.19M<br />

•FHTURE"<br />

SCHOOL<br />

By Jennifer Paulskidu<br />

To start us off lightly, here's a riddle' Initially heard in one<br />

swell's more bizarre social circles: "Why arc an elephant, and a<br />

grape so alike?" Brace yourself: "Ihey're both round and purple,<br />

except fnr the elephant." HA! HA! HAI I imagine you're rolling on<br />

E floor with laughter.<br />

••••••••••••<br />

SALES. SALES. SALES: A couple ne« items to hit the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

consumer market will surely be a welcomed change from the tsual<br />

stock af gummy bears, chocolate bars, and Pocky (or. as some call<br />

i. "PoXcy") sticks: <strong>The</strong> Day After Enterprise*, undei the dtreo<br />

tion of our favorite Woody Alten look alike contest winner. Mr.<br />

Sieve Cranucci. and company president Charles "Ski-Trip" Slater,<br />

will soon be selling Ftrsi-Aid kits..<strong>The</strong> company's V.P. of Management.<br />

Maggie Fox, has some fine ideas for giving the kit an addc<br />

buying incentive. <strong>The</strong> Day After** only problem lies in its big com<br />

•Utlon: Zelig's Enterprises, whose motto is "Watch out Day After'<br />

. . <strong>The</strong> SAB is now taking orders for old-fashioned letter<br />

sweaters. A pity they couldn't have had them out in time for ihi<br />

Sock Hop.<br />

5PEAKING OF ... the Sock Hop. everyone who aliened thai<br />

dance reminiscent of the 195O\. certainly must have enjoyed th<<br />

night's highlight: the girls' trio » ho sang "Mr. Sandman" * cappcll<br />

what gutil And nerves.<br />

OF MICE AND MONKEYS: In an everyday, run-ol-the-mill an<br />

thropology class at <strong>Lowell</strong>, statistics thow that one student (am<br />

miitJ you) of approximately W btlicvcs. or MI admits, that the Crca<br />

lion {Adam and Eve) it what introduced mankind to the world. Ont<br />

can imagine Ihe ruckus that Ihc remaining 29 primates would crca<br />

il time for prayer it. schools was mandated!<br />

LIFE AFTER LOWELL?: Although Ihc February 21 itudcn<br />

buKetin announcement read: "JUNIOR GIRLS--It there life ahi<br />

l.o»ell?." the question raised pertains not only lo that group <<br />

ttudyor.cn ted. mind-bogj;!cd. often spacey. anil generally homel<br />

(due lo lack e* sleep, of course) girl*, but to ncryon*. who plans »i<br />

graduating from our "unfurled red and white" ihsti'utc. For man<br />

life attcr <strong>Lowell</strong> is subordinate to life during those four year<br />

Elaborating on this point, chemistry teacher John Bissctt. who w<br />

be remembered by his devout Chem 2H Mudeni* long a!tcr the<br />

forget their own mothers, once claimed. "A chemical engineer wlv<br />

went to <strong>Lowell</strong>, attended undergraduate school at Harvard, thei<br />

moved on to grad school at Stanford, »i!\ when asked which vchoc<br />

he graduated from, inevitably claim. '<strong>Lowell</strong>!' " Many others w<br />

use <strong>Lowell</strong> a_\ a stepping ^totic to the top and will forget it upoi<br />

reaching their destination: "Hi^h school? Hmmmmm. You\.-*o<<br />

don't bclle\e I even went to high school. I think, in fact, that I w<br />

itr ight from junior high to Princeton. Or was it Dartmouth?"<br />

* •¥• * * • ¥ • * * * •¥- * -¥• •¥•<br />

At in ft well written compoiiitrn. I would like, in concluding, to<br />

back to the introduction an-i say something diflercnl about t<br />

points I brought up there. But, since this it nowhere ncir a wel<br />

written composition, snd since I really didn't bring up nny pair.l<br />

worth discussing any further. 1 will end with another joke: What di<br />

the first Chinese couple to use artificial insemination call thei<br />

child? No-Phun*Son. I know, I know — loo funny.<br />

MARCH 7<br />

Love, Anna, Brcnda,<br />

Char. Debbie, Eric,<br />

Greta, Heidi, Janet,<br />

Jeff, Leah. Vlckl &<br />

Vlnlta.<br />

CAtutuuU.<br />

A Perfect Gift<br />

for a Friend<br />

. 2405 Ocean Avenue<br />

San Francisco 9J127<br />

IScMrJualptm Sem)<br />

HIS) 334-2364<br />

HaorvMFI14.Sif.IO-l<br />

To have or not to have:<br />

the modular schedule<br />

By Uah Karliner<br />

Mid Sarah Hudson<br />

Can you imaginr <strong>Lowell</strong> with<br />

totn period* ID a djy? Everyone<br />

•lining ana en-' ' at the umt<br />

tiroe?No one i.itu.^ .a ihe hall*.<br />

ciccptal lunch?<br />

Until the late !9W'i. that li<br />

whit Lowtil *A> I*fc- *.*cvrdin|i lo<br />

tttwher J«c!t Anderson. "<strong>The</strong><br />

ufcool day w*s a rigid, lock-step<br />

icv-'n-pcrtadday."<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> changed to modular<br />

scheduling In 1968 under the <<br />

direction of then-principal Uarton I<br />

Knowlc*. , !<br />

Modular scheduling was part of<br />

the "<strong>Lowell</strong> Plan." ThU plen consisted<br />

of the following: the Implementation<br />

ol resource centers,<br />

a larger student government, more<br />

clccthes In the curriculum, and a<br />

modular schedule.<br />

Implementation of the "<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Plan" coti $60,000. and according<br />

lo Atthtint Principal Pau» Luccy.<br />

"...money w*s juit ai hard to get<br />

then at It ii now!"<br />

Anderson and Lucey were both<br />

on ihe commlitre whkh proposed<br />

modular scheduling for <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> mod tyitem was the brain<br />

child ol Barton Knowles. We had<br />

been distatiificd with the way<br />

classes were for some length of<br />

time. Know lev h^d the leadership<br />

to do vomclhing about it." explained<br />

Lutey.<br />

<strong>The</strong> mod system was initially<br />

enplojcd for three maiti reasons.<br />

<strong>The</strong> firu wa* m allow more time<br />

(or Independent and group study<br />

during the school day. <strong>The</strong> second<br />

was to make available lime lor<br />

student* to utc ihe resource* al<br />

school and meet with teacher* during<br />

mutual free time. <strong>The</strong> third<br />

wis to accommodate a larger ttu*<br />

dent body.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se three objectives served to<br />

create the <strong>Lowell</strong> of today.<br />

At the time the motf inters was<br />

tint put into effect, there wu r. demand<br />

ill over the (dm try lor relevant<br />

education. Many schoolt eiper!-nented<br />

with different i>pcs ol<br />

modular scncduling.<br />

"Mod scheduling hat by and<br />

lifgt had its heydey, and many<br />

schools have abandoned it/* staled<br />

Principal Alan Fiblsh.<br />

When asked If he thought<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> would net "abandon" ttu.<br />

mod system. Fibls.1 declared, "I<br />

don't think it would be postlble ;o<br />

change <strong>Lowell</strong> back to a traditional<br />

schedule because we<br />

baiicall) don't bave enough<br />

classroom lpaces."<br />

Although mod scheduling lends<br />

iis«ll to a belter quality school,<br />

there are some disadvantages to<br />

Lo«eU*i mod syili m.<br />

Lack of quiet study ipscc,<br />

trash, tad noise In the halls are<br />

three continuously noted problems.<br />

<strong>The</strong> main dltadv&nuge Is the<br />

nob* In the halls," %*iJ Luccy.<br />

"Frankly, we're stumped on how<br />

to correct It. unless we go back to<br />

study halls. We used to have study<br />

halls. Students had no free time<br />

except lunch. <strong>The</strong>y couldn't be In<br />

lh- halls without a pass."<br />

<strong>The</strong> imJam is what <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

students wem t- nally like about<br />

tbeaodsyitctn.<br />

Yet even student* who like the<br />

system tee prcblcmi with It. Junior<br />

D«bblc Hauscr nplslned. "<strong>The</strong><br />

only problem ii for football garnet<br />

and other school events — people<br />

who have 19/20 rlauei alts out on<br />

half the gimesl If everybody got<br />

out at the tame time, the school -<br />

could schedule evcnti. and<br />

everybody could attend."<br />

Another, perhaps more serious<br />

problem, b that of students abusing<br />

the tyilern. According lo<br />

Anderson. "It only work* II you<br />

use modi one through twenty<br />

Finish added a warning to the<br />

student body. "If you like modular<br />

scheduling, you should take a<br />

19/20 class ai leatt half of the time<br />

you are here. If you are unwilling<br />

to go until 3:30. you're one of the<br />

forces that h going to steer ui Into<br />

a seven-period day."<br />

Ati-orcJIng to Fibtsh. "<strong>The</strong><br />

'Lowll Plan** and modular<br />

scheduling combined, giving<br />

students the opportunity to make<br />

much more Intensive use of<br />

resources, are central elements to<br />

the school's success."<br />

Shield & Scroll - a <strong>Lowell</strong> tradition<br />

By Sandra Hong<br />

and PhUlp Kwoog<br />

Who are those people with rhe<br />

red and white cap* seen introducing<br />

freshmen to <strong>Lowell</strong> and helping<br />

out at Sell-Ss-hcdulinit Dai?<br />

Are they jutt students with a<br />

itrJngc!iucforhat*7<br />

No, thev arc ilmply member* of<br />

Ihe Honor-Sen ice Societies *i<br />

Lo-ell. better knnwn at Shield<br />

*nl Scroll.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Shield and Scroll Soc>ct> it<br />

one ol the olden imtituiiom at<br />

Lu«c!l. Origin-ilU called the<br />

Honor Sociel) cf <strong>Lowell</strong> High<br />

School, it was tirjtJiei lo he a member of Shield<br />

and Scroll.<br />

Once/cceptcd. memtmrs are c»pected<br />

lo tign up on committeev<br />

ar.d verve for a certain number of<br />

tioun. Tnb Venice includes helpinu<br />

the Parcnt-Tcacher-Studrnt<br />

?( P- *<br />

E Y<br />

) 14*<br />



AND<br />


3505 California St.<br />

Laurel Village<br />

School Supplies<br />

Party Supplies<br />

Invitations<br />

Stationery Gifts<br />

nor<br />

Association IPTSA) with its<br />

newsletter, assisting new students,<br />

and touring viiitorv on Open<br />

Home NiRltt. <strong>The</strong> Shield and<br />

Scroll Societ) alto lioct work in the<br />

ouhiile community

<strong>Lowell</strong>ites admit their use<br />

By Sar»« Hudson<br />

"/ come to sctmot eve/y day<br />

«oned. M dixloud -X." m LOTII<br />

High School junior who wixhed to<br />

nmMia anonymous.<br />

X uses ninl/u.ifli, cucaine.<br />

Mdd. Mad hattucinoptalc<br />

mushroom*. He rr/ui-s to think of<br />

himself *s a "delinquent" ttcautc<br />

of hit drug habits. He attends<br />

church regularly, fteepi hU grades<br />

up, iad conittm hbntclt an intellectual.<br />

"Dntgt. art my cxtiacurrkuhr<br />

•ctfrlty,"heutd.<br />

A significant number of Lowll<br />

students uic drugs.<br />

In an clfott to find out about<br />

the nature of drag BK at schjol,<br />

reporters from 7Tie <strong>Lowell</strong> Interviewed<br />

students, teachers, ad*<br />

mlohtrators, and alumni.<br />

Contrary o <strong>Lowell</strong>** refutation<br />

as a vcbool whose studcnU are partlcuUrly<br />

taw abiding. TTic <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

found that students 1mm • variety<br />

of demographic groups lake illicit<br />

drugs.<br />

Students who admitted they uied<br />

drags were of both sexes, alt<br />

grade levels and various ethnic and<br />

Marijuana fumes can be Inhaled<br />

through the "inn" pi*<br />

lured above which wu found<br />

by dean James Thomas.<br />

Years ago...<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> contacted alumnus<br />

Dan Miller, who gradated with<br />

the Class of 1978 and is currently a<br />

student at U.C. Berkeley. E*><br />

cerpu from his recuHcciions ol<br />

drug use at <strong>Lowell</strong>:<br />

'<strong>The</strong> pit clique used mottly<br />

marijuana to get high at all limes<br />

of day — lefore ctats. during<br />

!ch. nn the bu*. and after<br />

school<br />

"<strong>The</strong> couttyard group atto used<br />

drags, but it didn't seem so<br />

because they kept it a secret.<br />

•At parties, cocaine was<br />

prevalent. Those who used marijuana<br />

as sophomores were *?tten<br />

Info cocaire by the time they were<br />

sroion. Also at parties was<br />

'magical mushroom.'<br />

hallucinogenic psyltobln similar tn<br />

LSD." he recalled.<br />

Grooming<br />

social groups.<br />

Reporters uoted that drug use<br />

docs not wem lobe tl.iked with toy<br />

particular race, social clique, or<br />

school orginiMtion. Nor are any<br />

groups exempt from including<br />

drag users.<br />

For Ihlt article, drag users Interviewed<br />

included white. Chinese.<br />

Jewish. Japanese, black. Filipino,<br />

and Hbpank students. Also inter*<br />

viewed rere punk rockers, team<br />

members from several varsity<br />

sports, ejected student government<br />

officers. ye«*book staff members,<br />

student* tn musical ^roouction.<br />

ROTC members, students in<br />

Shield and Scroll, and reporters<br />

tor Tht Lorn elt.<br />

<strong>The</strong> fact that there are drag<br />

users al <strong>Lowell</strong> shatters the common<br />

stereotype of a teenager on<br />

0 stopped taking acid afler he<br />

b*«J some "bad trips."<br />

"Mushrooms are a good alternative<br />

because they don't mess you<br />

up." He also smokes marijuana,<br />

drinks, and takes cocaine and<br />

speed.<br />

C says liis parents know he<br />

drugs, San Francisco Health drinks and smokes marijuana, but<br />

Department specialist Joan i they do not know that he takes<br />

"You never buy anything from a<br />

stranger. You get it from friends."<br />

Sm Fnnewk Odtarta 94127<br />

0S44438<br />

<strong>The</strong> La nil, Mircb 2V 1934. Ftp IS<br />

,IN DEPTH<br />

slid they spend less than $10 * pertinent Ing." he said. According<br />

week on drags. to Thomas, there are three stages<br />

Some <strong>Lowell</strong> sludenU make 'o high school students* use of<br />

money by selling drags to their drags. Stage one is when students<br />

peers at <strong>Lowell</strong> and other schools, ire experimenting. Stage two is<br />

"Ouaaludcs are three for S1O; co- when they buy and use drugs on<br />

caine ranges from S25 to WO per weekends. Stage three is when the<br />

qutMer ounce." said one drag buying and using is continued<br />

Why do <strong>Lowell</strong> students, who<br />

are sUrro-yped as smart, "good."<br />

middle class teens who hate<br />

everything going for them, UkC<br />

drugs?<br />

<strong>The</strong> reasons fciien were not all<br />

the iamc. In most cases, though,<br />

the reison seems not to b* to<br />

escape from an unhappv home<br />

life.<br />

"People at <strong>Lowell</strong> a.xn't usually<br />

from bad homes. Th/y don t need<br />

•o escape serious pnblems." one<br />

grrl remarked. "<strong>The</strong> inly real probl*m<br />

1 student might .Save is strict<br />

parents who mate them .ludy all<br />

the time- <strong>The</strong>y take ilrti|t% K rebel.<br />

In a .KM their Independence. '*<br />

Others Icel ihe came of drug use<br />

. 10* UK «O«N WO<br />

through the week.<br />

Thomas thinks that most<br />

students are not involved with<br />

drugs. "I believe that the school<br />

i-M* not want to gite the Imprev<br />

tian that it (ihe drag problem) it<br />

widespread. I don't believe It it<br />

widespread."<br />

Thomas admitted that <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

has no! taken aiany steps to<br />

discourage drag use. "<strong>The</strong> pit is<br />

olf limit* to ail sfjdents. I rcatoc<br />

there are olfc-r places where<br />

Hasklns supported the stereotype itrongtrdn.fi.<br />

with her statement: "If stuaents <strong>The</strong> ignorance of Q's parents<br />

arc really into drug use. they are seem commonplace. "My parents<br />

usually dropou'.s and truants." arc clueless." s*id one girl.<br />

This statement does not hold true However, in some cam parents<br />

tor drug users at <strong>Lowell</strong>, many of have caught their children in the<br />

students use drags, but declaring<br />

whom maintain very high grades act ol taking drags. What happens<br />

the pit off limit* might stop ex-<br />

and good attendance records. to a student who gel* "caught in<br />

perimenting.<br />

Robert V. Tobln. consultant for the act?"<br />

Apparently this action did have<br />

luulh drug ihUM lor » pr»yram "<strong>The</strong>j (lh« ,">»rent*l juu lecture<br />

tome etfrci. One tophnmore boy<br />

called "<strong>The</strong> Chemical people." • Un. <strong>The</strong>y know ihey really can't<br />

taid he slopped imoUng jt ichool<br />

said that there it an cttremely im- do anything. Trtcy can't stop me."<br />

tince Thomas declared the pil o»portant<br />

distinction between drug explained a freshman boy.<br />

-- uicn and drag abuser*.<br />

Ho* tier, one Ircthman girl "Quaaludes are three for S10; co-<br />

,-g "That"* true," noted a smokes marijuana only with her<br />

\C sophomore girl when asked to mother. "She doesn't want me to caine ranges from S25 to S30 per<br />

• comment on Tobin's observation, get hurt," ihc si explained.<br />

i "I mean, people at <strong>Lowell</strong> take All the drug uvers interviewed quarter ounce."<br />

"i drags sometimes, but nobody is seemed concerned with their own<br />

f k.ibg to O.D. or anything." »fety. "You ne»er buy anything It the intense pretturc put on them limits. Uut other UudcnU uid that<br />

^ <strong>The</strong> general consensus ol drug from * stranger. You only get it to get good grade*. *'fcterybody they ignored Th-jmat' action or<br />

usen was that there is no problem from friends."<br />

thinks <strong>Lowell</strong> is so perfect, that started tmokin,t ir. other areas ol<br />

.M long as a student does not lei his How car. M^h school students oi:\j lmart people go here, and the school.<br />

grades go down.<br />

altorddiugi?<br />

ihey think they l.a»c to li»e up to What hapnent to students<br />

"1 smoke every chance I get. But Almost all the people interview- thit. When they don't, they get caught with drag: on the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

il'i bad to be snaced-out and ined said they "mroch" oil their (rvMralcd and itart imoking and campus?<br />

coUerem in clatt," staled a friends.<br />

drinking." theorized a junior girl. "<strong>The</strong>re is no conflict between<br />

xophr more boy.<br />

"Once in a whil" it'* vour turn l«mt' Thomas, <strong>Lowell</strong> dean, the law and whai schools tbould<br />

"My parents know. <strong>The</strong>y don't to buy ii. and they mooch off you. (celt that peer pressure it the main dc when they find drag usen on<br />

rahid »s long as I den't let it in- one student said. Most students factor in drag use. "People are, ex- campus. <strong>The</strong>re is. however, a dif-<br />

terfetc with school or work. That's<br />

ference between the law and what<br />

their rule."<br />

schools actually do do." Thomas<br />

Another sophomor? boy uid<br />

noted.<br />

that he likes ^oing lo Hnclith cUss<br />

ID recent cases of <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

stoned because. "I'm more<br />

students being caught with drags.<br />

creative. I ha«e better ideas, and 1<br />

* students hate been suspended for<br />

can write faiicr."<br />

a few days. O'ther times, faculty<br />

"Some ol my friends go to their<br />

members have called students*<br />

AP classes stoned, and they get<br />

parents and !ct them handle the<br />

better grades than I do! Majbe I<br />

problem. Thomas prefers to give<br />

ihould take drugst" said a non-<br />

the student the option uf going to<br />

drag-using senior.<br />

substance abuse clinic*.<br />

Not all drag utcn bree/c<br />

Reported 07 Jeffrey Calvin, Philip<br />

tb-ough school I<br />

XsToag. Lewboo Lee. tsd CarU<br />

ing the harmfi<br />

z 1 Ntwtncvcr.<br />

drags. One sophoi<br />

"O." who used tu<br />

LSD. someti*nes hat trouble doing<br />

hisworkinclaisand at home.<br />

"111 hadn't done acid, those latt<br />

couple of times, I know I'd be able<br />

<strong>The</strong> pit. aa ana between the school bulldus »nd the soccer field, h- s<br />

to concentrate and think clearer. been cited &s a haven for campus drug turn.<br />

After School<br />

Special<br />

3 lor 2<br />

KMLKTG<br />

Mon.-Thurs.<br />

with<br />

Student I.D.<br />

41ft Ctfunttut Awtn<br />

1415) MMS09<br />


Pf ".<strong>The</strong>lowcN.Mirth2. I9W<br />


That's ItalianD<br />

ByTUfany toon<br />

French dramatist Molierc once<br />

said. "You mutt cat lo lit;, and<br />

not the lo eat." II you happen l uwd in<br />

their lilms.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Stooge* mottirs tiad tliret<br />

basic plutv: the three bcini; ihiwi"<br />

bv bad guvs, the StMi|;e\ destntsinc<br />

a hituw ••* repairmen, jnj<br />

makirt); rdiols out ol thcmicUct<br />

and their quests at vocicty parties.'<br />

"I he physical appearance ol tlic<br />

Stooges such as Moc\ b*.-I haircut,<br />

l.arr.'s frt//> hair, and Oirl\'s<br />

rotund shape contributed to<br />

their act. Sound cUects alu> contributed<br />

to the Stages' comical<br />

t|UjtiU.<br />

Moc Howard, the oldest of the<br />

Stooges. pU>ci1 "the bo*s" on jnd<br />

ulf thr wrecn. Howard was said to<br />

br somewhat distant and<br />

characterise ol a "lough butinrs*<br />

Latry Ki'ic was considered<br />

eas) pimu guy and *er> p<br />

sonablr. )el he wav alut uimcM<br />

irrespvn^tblr jnd i as oflen<br />

cau« ol the loss ol time -<br />

Curl) Howard. Moe\ >ounKcr<br />

brother, appeared lo IK the tuniiicst<br />

«I the three men and a rcallv<br />

happv. c^rc-lree man-<br />

Curly quit show business when<br />

he s-ltered • sirckc. Thit It when<br />

hi* brother Shemp. replandMn.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Stooges were original in<br />

their comedy, however, they do not<br />

appeat to everyone.<br />

Iloweser. Freshman rsandall<br />

Chow staled. "I like <strong>The</strong> Three<br />

Stooges aloi and find them realty<br />

tunny."<br />

Junior Kristina fKNikr<br />

declared. "I hate <strong>The</strong> Thre*<br />

Stooitt with their llmelcsx humor<br />

and clatilc sJapstkkl"<br />

Currently there \t a revival of in*<br />

tersl \s <strong>The</strong> Three Stooges. This Is<br />

partly due to the release ol a new<br />

popular long entitled <strong>The</strong> Curty<br />

Shuttle, which teems to ha»c trig*<br />

gcred fecllnKs of nostalgia among<br />

t!ic pubik In remembering the<br />

S too Res.<br />

Curly. Moc. and Larry (from top (o bottom) io a claule po«c.<br />

Spring production promises uniqueness<br />

taUstkks cut prtpans for reheanaJ of the coming tpriog muiicil production.<br />

*dy K*liU Rot* nuncc Thr Fa-riitidt*. a unique other.<br />

"Ul me tell jou »T« ihlngi ic"<br />

m«> w.nl u know belore « b,^^<br />

Ih. pi.,. Flm of «n. ihc<br />

elunctti.: «!»,.« ti,|, ;„„<br />

Iilhen. ud • ».u. Anjlhln, clit<br />

that b needed w« can get out of<br />

thbbox..."<br />

ntwtWI that the <strong>Lowell</strong> High<br />

School Drama Department will be<br />

performing on March 23. 24. JO.<br />

and 31 at S p.m.<br />

<strong>The</strong> rMntattkkt U basically a<br />

*tory about a boy and a girl who<br />

have g.&*o up. and fallen tr. wve<br />

<strong>The</strong> tt)tc ol Oil musical I. wnat<br />

make: It to unique.<br />

First of rll. the thow it<br />

presented In a different type of atmoipherc.<br />

<strong>The</strong> characters do not<br />

perform on the stage, but on a<br />

<strong>The</strong>se tiraple opening lines com* *hi!e living neit door to each<br />

Photography by<br />

pUtform.<br />

'<strong>The</strong> p|j» i» »cr•<br />

initimate<br />

to the audience." Mid w.pl loir.ore<br />

UcnisJonr,. .• member ol tliICCdtt.<br />

>\lu>. the fact that there is no<br />

the judtrncv U> u\e ill\<br />

ututrnj<br />

lion, the cast is made Up iof<br />

on!..<br />

ci^ht characters w hni<br />

ane<br />

*crj<br />

rrjti\tic ^s thes -»l*av v keep<br />

the<br />

rudience in mind even wh( m the*<br />

arc not t'lrcvtl) add: tessii18<br />

the<br />

crowd.<br />

Finall). there is a choir wi;kh<br />

appears as part of the audience in<br />

the show. "This helps giie the audience<br />

a sense of being pan of the<br />

show." eiplaincd senior David<br />

Kersnar. student director of the<br />

play and cast member.<br />

Daily rehearvils began the week<br />

of February |4. just five weeks<br />

before the actual production.<br />

"Dccausc it is such a *mall cast.<br />

we know that »r can get it together<br />

in a small amount of time. We arc<br />

rehearsing very intensely." staled<br />

sophomore Robert Molossi. wro is<br />

also part of the eight member<br />

crew.<br />

When asked why lh!s particular<br />

Frank Castro and Maureen Foster<br />

Custom Student<br />

Portraiture<br />

(Student Discounts)<br />

244 West Portal Avenue 681-1818<br />

rrutu-*! *ai chosen. Kcrsn^r<br />

replied. "Because it is a wonderful<br />

show and wr had enough ulcntcd<br />

pefp'e to fill all of the parts." He<br />

ccnt'nued. " I his show i» comrl-iei»<br />

different Irom other<br />

musicals done in the past. It i\ a<br />

»eo' pcrvin.»l espenence a\ well a\<br />

a learning espcriencc [or the aut'icnee."<br />

Moliwi a.ldcd. •' <strong>The</strong><br />


•1<br />

if<br />

Dudley Moore and Na»ta»j»<br />

Klnskt ;lar together In<br />

UaUithfuUy Youn. a coir-dy<br />

about • symphony conductor who<br />

fanltuUes about killing his wife.<br />

It is « "screwball comedy" in<br />

"hkh a simple misunderstanding<br />

»eti off a ierk» of ndiculoui<br />

events.<br />

Director Howard Ziclf keeps the<br />

action motinf el a sprinter's pace,<br />

which Is essential in a slapstick<br />

comedy. II one slops in think<br />

about wha is happening in the<br />

movie. 1: tvnuldn't make tense.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is no lime to stop anu think<br />

in this film.<br />

<strong>The</strong> movie likes place in<br />

Manhattan. A world-feme..* conductor.<br />

Moore, is married to an incr-.ibly<br />

beautiful Italian film siar<br />

portrayed by Kin Ai.<br />

Moore it twice at old at Klnvkl.<br />

and he believes that the U interested<br />

in younger men. A detective<br />

is hired to keep an eye on the<br />

joung bride while Moore iv doing<br />

concent out of town. Through a<br />

case of mistaken identity on a<br />

video tape. Moore belle* c\ his wife<br />

it hating an affair with a young,<br />

handsome violinist pliyed by Armand<br />

Attante. <strong>The</strong> violinist happens<br />

to be one ol Moore's best<br />

ml. /•Ur:fi2. I9(W.<br />


conducts in 'Unfaithfully Yours'<br />

While conducting Tchaiko*-<br />

»ky*s violin concerto. Moore<br />

creates an elaborate scheme lo kill<br />

the alleged lovers. In other woidt.<br />

he tanlatim the perfect murder.<br />

Moore is devUifhly funny in the<br />

role of a hall crated conductor.<br />

Hit phjtical-comedy and befuddledneit<br />

can be matched by »ery<br />

Irw. <strong>The</strong> role *uit< him well<br />

became Moore is a musican. and<br />

there are several scenes where<br />

Moore ptiyi the piano at hit<br />

home.<br />

<strong>The</strong> supporting cast is an excellent<br />

group ol acton lelected b)<br />

Zklf.<br />

Alttn Brooks play* Moore's<br />

aecnt. whose wife, portrayed by<br />

Cawfe Yatev it having an affair<br />

wilh Atiantc. Yzlci is the one<br />

Moore mistakes for Ktntkl on ihc<br />

video Upe.<br />

Richard Ubcninj pUn Moore* t<br />

volatile litc-in Italian •' •-' >n one<br />

scene Llbcnini and Moore >trc in<br />

the kitchen an.! Libert int npiaint<br />

in Italian to Moore what he shouM<br />

dotohiiwile. He chop*, repeated<br />

1) wilh A kiife, an eggplant into<br />

liny piecct.<br />

UaUithtulh Yann iv an improted<br />

rcmaVc that thooMn't *-c<br />

miited.<br />

Dreamgirls' draws<br />

Caught In the croufire ol foreign looguet. Claude Eaitman (Dudley Moore, center) acts u mediator bet*<br />

• een his ItalUo mansenant Giuseppe (Richard Ubertliil. kit) aad hll manager Norman Robbini<br />

(Albert Btooki) In • scene Irani UMlhtullr Youn.<br />

Ballet offers variety<br />

ByMinSoh<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sa ' Francisco lUllct (SIU><br />

artcd lit 51ti rrpcriorj traton<br />

III rrctor<br />

Michavl<br />

5mi<br />

nuuri«d<br />

tIhal<br />

Ihi * tCJ v«n *tll<br />

offer a tii>tsl<br />

of te*c n nrcmiicrev<br />

IB II. lUI.-nchinc<br />

i l*\jJni%. le-Jturc •» J<br />

•re ol Vjl t'afiipjrii<br />

a cumiKitalMm of<br />

tit<br />

the mutic L.I<br />

•itn/.f.'nrXi.njM,<br />

to Kichard E.<br />

President of SFH.<br />

tt tea ton is filled with* rt-<br />

ciling new w orkv. along w ith<br />

popular eiICO rehand<br />

revivals."<br />

Cefia's<br />


Oha's No I<br />

1019 Judan SlrtKt<br />

Sao FnnciKO. CA S412J<br />



VICt PrMWwt<br />









p.- IJ. Tile Lcrll, Mtnh 2. l<br />

SPORTS<br />

Hoopsters miss playoffs; end season at 3-5<br />

ByDukfaJYoo<br />

Despite ibc victories In the lint<br />

two game*, the <strong>Lowell</strong> varsity<br />

basketball t»m ended the AAA<br />

icuoa with * disappointing 3-5<br />

"We didn't play as «ell as *e<br />

could hive. However. «e did pretty<br />

well considering lhal we went (>•<br />

ll lut year." commented junior<br />

gwMi Stcrc FoUn. "Tha:*» a<br />

drastic Improterotnlt"<br />

Oirid Low. second-year held<br />

coach, •freed that the team did<br />

very well although he h»d hoped to<br />

make it to the p layoff*.<br />

"Alter finishing the pre-season<br />

garnet with a 7-8 record. I was<br />

hopeful tor at least above a 50 percent<br />

mark in the regular uaion,"<br />

close game agalnit Me A leer with<br />

the wore 48-45.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ether losies came againit<br />

Mi»ioa with the score 57*35. * 63*<br />

40 lot* V Balboa, and • S-W<br />

defeat to Lincoln. <strong>The</strong> season concluded<br />

on February 15 with a 62*<br />

48 loss to Wellington.<br />

Although Galileo alto beat<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> 39-37, in* Lion* had to<br />

forfeit ihe Kim? because u'. ad ineligible<br />

plater. As a result, the<br />

game went Into a winning column<br />

for Ihe Indians.<br />

Senior center Craig Alshcimrr<br />

commented, "We had a pretty<br />

good season but we could hate<br />

done a lot better "<br />

We juil didn't hue a* much<br />

talcm as Ihe othrr teams." obterv*<br />

"We never backed down, no matter<br />

how hard things got."<br />

Low cipressed.<br />

One of thr most important and<br />

etching pre-season games was<br />

when Ihe Indian* defeatrd<br />

Tamalpiat 44-33 ai the first home<br />

game. "<strong>The</strong> game allowed the fans<br />

to get an early look at the team.<br />

and the learn gate esery'hinjj they<br />

had." Low stated.<br />

Another dvnamk game was<br />

when <strong>Lowell</strong> went on lo beat Buttin<br />

game In overtime io the opponent's<br />

court. "That was one of Ihe<br />

must exciting games that w- had<br />

ever pla)edl" exclaimed junior<br />

point guard Jimmy Archulcta.<br />

After preseason. <strong>Lowell</strong> entered<br />

the regular season »ith high<br />

hopes. <strong>The</strong>y displayed superior<br />

talent against O'Connell. and<br />

dominated Wilson, winning their<br />

first two gamr J6-4h. and M••!'».<br />

mjMvlUrljr.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team lott Ihe neai ti« remaining<br />

games, including a very<br />

ed senior guard Dryan Natlu.<br />

Low attributed the defeats of the<br />

team to the lack of comittency.<br />

height, anil skill compared to Ihe<br />

majority of ihe opposing team*.<br />

'<strong>The</strong> team committed too -nany<br />

turnover, and couldn't control Ihe<br />

rebounds due to lack of height."<br />

Low slated. He maintained that<br />

the team's inability to rebound of*<br />

f entirely.<br />

On the positive side. Low felt<br />

that Ihe quickness and aggressiveness<br />

of the platers madeup<br />

for much of what they licked.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team members agreed that<br />

determination and team spirit<br />

were what helped them through<br />

ihe season. "We never backed<br />

down nn matter how hard things<br />

gol," ftplaineil Naiio. "We were a<br />

true lean."<br />

On the tubjcci of (Krwmal performances,<br />

f ow prilud Naiti> "ho<br />

atcragtd 14 points per game.<br />

"Bryan it an all-around player.<br />

He's *t big offensive threat to 'he<br />

other ..in as well as bc.-ig a fjood<br />

offensive plater himself. He plays<br />

oeryihiiigsowcll."<br />

Low added that AM.JICU is<br />

icry much like Nalto. "Jlmm> iv<br />

alw an atl-aruund player. He Is<br />

qulcV, conilstcnl, and aggressive<br />

and is »lto able to assert himself<br />

early tathegarcc."<br />

Besides Nalio and Archuleia.<br />

the starling line-up included CuifC<br />

Alshetmer as center, and juniors<br />

Mark Horn and Eric Flowers as<br />

forwards.<br />

After Ihe Galileo (tame. Flowers<br />

was forced to slop playing after<br />

chipping a bone la his finger.<br />

As a result of the injury, 1-tm<br />

replaced Flower* with Naito and<br />

tltcraalcd different platen for<br />

Naito's position including seniors<br />

Kandy Koss and David Scott, end<br />

junior 5>tcse Kolan.<br />

Senior Slcte Lefkotits alternated<br />

.*.< center and junior Robert<br />

Lucas pitted as an Alternate forward.<br />

In regard lo next jear's team.<br />

fite seniors out of *he ten plavers<br />

of the prrser.1 team will noi be<br />

returning.<br />

Low predicts that there will be<br />

trouble for the team next tear. <strong>The</strong><br />

tallest returning plater »U' be 6<br />

feet 2 Inches Marl 'lorn and there<br />

*itl be no returning centers. He<br />

also feels that it will be extremely<br />

hard to replace Naito.<br />

Low added, liuwcscr. thai the<br />

!*»e returning players hate learnrd<br />

a lot and will contribute to next<br />

season's team.<br />

Archulcta stated. "This teuton<br />

real!) provided experience for the<br />

rrturninn plater**."<br />

"Wj shmitil dn uclt, if n.i| bet<br />

ttr." commcnini L.m. "liach<br />

)cir. )i>u al*»>\ ir> in 4lo better<br />

than the last."<br />

David Scott toes (or the lay-up agalnit the Washington Eagki.<br />

Indians wrestle title from Me A teer [ Girls lose in playoffs<br />

Adam Boruelcit prepares lo fr-ppl* writh an opponent<br />

By Brian Dantonh<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s Varsity wrestlers edged<br />

out the McAterr wrestling squad<br />

lo take overall first place In the<br />

All-City wrestling tournament on<br />

February 16atMcAtecrg«n].<br />

Although arch rival McAtecr<br />

won fne individual titles to<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s four, it was the Indian<br />

wrestlers who werr on top after all<br />

the points had been added up.<br />

<strong>The</strong> 170164 All-City vkto*;<br />

capped a near perfect season for<br />

the Indian wrestlers, which<br />

featured a 7-0-1 record and a Prst<br />

place tie wiih McAteer it the end<br />

of round-robin competition.<br />

In but one of the seven Indian<br />

, .victories, the team scored over SO<br />

, points, and In the match tcnui<br />

Mbsion Hljh, the <strong>Lowell</strong> gripplcn<br />

ramped la a 72-6 win. In the<br />

other competitions, <strong>Lowell</strong> beat<br />

Uacolfl. SS-12* Balbot. 51-16;<br />

O'Coanell. 43-2J: CiUleo. 50-16;<br />

Washington. 66ll ream tmi A hejntircjkcr<br />

to C'.aliko m ttic )>la>n*hipv<br />

Ihe final wnic^a* •• l *-4 '.<br />

! he entire ^ aine weniril t l»c J<br />

;jtne ol cuUtvup. and Galilcu<br />

led lor most ol the itime by j narrow<br />

margin.<br />

Accurdinc ic toach Jamet<br />

fhomat. the team did not pl.iy up<br />

to pjr. "We pUscil well in certain<br />

ipoiwnd Utut> in other*. It was an<br />

inconsistent game otcrall,*' he<br />

ttated.<br />

Another reavtm for the l

5."<br />

I. Minli 1. \1M, PMgc 19<br />

.SPORTS<br />

Naito sole recipient of March honors<br />

By Vikram Pankh<br />

decautc of hU outstanding performance<br />

this season, senior Bryan<br />

Nalto. vanity batkttball guard, it<br />

the March athlete ol the month.<br />

What mikes Nalto't performance<br />

particularly remarkable<br />

Is that this was his flnt waun<br />

DyEricZ&rate<br />

<strong>The</strong> boys* varsity tennis team<br />

has held the Academic Athletic<br />

Association (AAA) title for six of<br />

the last seren yean and anticipa;es<br />

another winning season as practice<br />

matches get underway this month.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team consists mostly of<br />

junHrs and features only nine<br />

players returning from last scjson.<br />

Also featured, is the addition of a<br />

new head coach. Barbara Prato.<br />

Prato. the Ions time Rirtt* tennis<br />

coach. take* over •* the HTM<br />

f:malc to head A boj»* vaisli)<br />

sports team at Luwell.<br />

Fur Prato. madiing the bos*"<br />

team Is different in that boy* are<br />

somewhat less disciplined in training<br />

than are the girls. "1 ant a iirm<br />

beli«»cr fn organized and %«uctuied<br />

program." s!ic staled. "A<br />

good team is a disciplined learn."<br />

Vanity consist* o< lite \int;lc~v<br />

and 'wo double! Senior Mitchell<br />

lee and Junior Kirhy Yee hold the<br />

lop t*o spots. rctr*ecti»elj'.<br />

Both a/e top io»irn»ment<br />

playen. Ice. tlie rumbtr one<br />

pla>er Is ranked 30th in the IH's<br />

division, while Yee is ranked third<br />

in the U's division.<br />

<strong>The</strong> rest ol the vanity team includes<br />

Calhoun. Danny Ho. Uric<br />

Un. Eric Zarate. Richard Lui.<br />

Henry Wong, and Paul Kitat;a»a.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team consists ol 22 pU>en.<br />

and although most of the lop<br />

singles are returning from !a\t<br />

tenon, many are newcomers to<br />

the team. Thirteen of 22 are lint<br />

yiar member!.<br />

p y g v«nhy basketball. For the<br />

past three yean, he had played in<br />

the lightweight divltiont (US'* at<br />

a f.cihraan and I25't at a<br />

soph.more and junior).<br />

Nalto admit* that the jump from<br />

lightweight! to vanity was tough at<br />

tint. He noled. "<strong>The</strong> intercity was<br />

greater, and the ganv was a lot<br />

more Dhtikai." However. Nal*o<br />

•« aided by his experience, playing<br />

tummtr vanl.y lor LoweU tn<br />

his juaior and senior yean,<br />

Unhampered by his lint-year<br />

status. Naito soon became the<br />

team's leading scorer, ave-aglng<br />

14 points per game.<br />

*'Brj«n's shown remarkable lav<br />

prevemeat." stated David Low.<br />

second-year vanity basketball<br />

head coach, adding. "He's a<br />

phenomenal pose-player. Ont* one<br />

guy stopped him. including preseason<br />

games."<br />

Basketball, itself, is aot new to<br />

Naho. who claims. "It's a sport I<br />

grew up with." In the pa;t. Naiio<br />

has plated guard and wing on offense<br />

and forward on defense.<br />

However, he most enjoys playing<br />

guard because. "<strong>The</strong>re is more ac-<br />

tion, and 1 have no chance to relax<br />

and watch the game; one of my<br />

prcblrmi is keeping mj mind on<br />

the game."<br />

Niito feels that playing basketball<br />

for <strong>Lowell</strong> has taught him all<br />

about the team concept." He also<br />

credits much of his success to<br />

lightweight coach Stan Stewar*.<br />

"Mr. Stewart taught me a lot.** he<br />

stated, 'especially the control of a<br />

team."<br />

Basketball, it not Naho's only<br />

athletic Interest. For the past three<br />

jean, he also suam for <strong>Lowell</strong> In<br />

the 130's division. Here. loo. he<br />

has ciceUetl. In his freshman year,<br />

he competed In the 100 meter<br />

freestyle at All-City. However,<br />

Naito Is noncommitjl about his<br />

pLsns for swimmlnj thU year.<br />

Next year. Nalto plans to ttudv<br />

industrial engineering at California<br />

Polytechnic at San LuisObiipo<br />

or Pomona College. While Coach<br />

Low feels. "He could play division<br />

two In college ami certainly division<br />

three." Naito doesn't plan to<br />

play basketball, at leatt not in his<br />

fteshtnan year. "I'll need the time<br />

to adjust." he stated.<br />

Baseball, tennis anticipate a good spring<br />

Prato predicts success<br />

Docs this )ear's squad hate the<br />

depth ol recent Lo*ei| tennis<br />

team*? "<strong>The</strong> singles playcs arc as<br />

strong as any ol the past teams,<br />

but the doubles teams lack experience."<br />

staled doubles plajcr<br />

John Flutter.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team has pla>rd two practice<br />

matches. <strong>The</strong>y edged out Saint<br />

Ignatius. 40. but lost to City Colle^c<br />

of San Francisco, t-6.<br />

In the second practice match<br />

againtl 5alnt fgnatiut (SI) on<br />

Ul.fu.r. 2.1. <strong>Lowell</strong> »lm-*d ..II<br />

v>mt i.t Us depth Hj »itininu lour<br />

ol three sanity matchc* ami rapluring<br />

all ol the junior saisils mulches.<br />

Mitchell Jee easily -on his<br />

match t»er SI"* Maurice llernairs.<br />

(ili.h-l. Kirh> Ycc had little trouble<br />

defeating SI'* numt>c~ two<br />

plater. t-I.M. Senior Oanns Ha<br />

whippet' his SI opponent, b-l.h-2.<br />

lliK I in also »on, ti-A.ti-2. <strong>The</strong> onl><br />

sir>(tlc\ law came at number<br />

three, where Kamoti Calhoun Imi<br />

a ttwrcsci battle. r»-4.2•• 2.<br />

<strong>The</strong> double* teams *cre not a*<br />

fortunate as juniors llcnrv Wunc<br />

and Barry T*ai fell, b-4.7-5. ^\,c<br />

number IMU doubles team of I'cicr<br />

Woo and Uaud Wong lost. t*-3.t>-<br />

I.<br />

Who will gt'C the Indians their<br />

toughest test as they gear<br />

themtches lo*ard% another champion<br />

t h 1 p ? Lincoln a n »1<br />

Washington should be the<br />

stron^st opposition. As in recent<br />

jeats.<br />

LII<br />

L.» i* i f^ored f d tto<br />

dominate the All-City comi>eiilion.<br />

Baseball team looks for championship<br />

By Dan Harrington<br />

"I feel that we have enough<br />

latent lo improve i-n last year's<br />

record and challenge tor the AAA<br />

(Academic Athletic Association)<br />

title." claimed junior Jason<br />

Gallcjo*. picture for the l*)84<br />

Lowcl! varsity baseball team.<br />

<strong>The</strong> main strength that may improve<br />

upon the/ 1**H1 vanity team's<br />

KM4-1 record it the powerful pit-<br />

lotin Donuhur. rn'erins lii> woin.1<br />

uJt A\ math ol llir wr»tl»<br />

Indians, said Cialk-|;s and vtuor<br />

l.ime IUt;s. -...arc firrvr com-<br />

Donohur ad m it tieil. "<strong>The</strong><br />

it\tr the summer, ami he will add<br />

depth ir. ihe piuhitik 1 ilcjun-<br />

Wont;, a sophomore, staled.<br />

"It's a bit challenge. a» be<br />

strong in oserall ilelcnvc and basetun<br />

nine, but did show some<br />

unhappincw in the team's hitlinc.<br />

"I am concerned in our hitting<br />

because it isn't as strong at it<br />

should be against the lough oppoiillon<br />

that will throw against u\<br />

in the league.* Donohue explaineJ.<br />

"Hopefully, the bats will be<br />

there by the time pre-scaioi<br />

end*."<br />

Junior Utnie Lee. sanity catcher,<br />

reinforced Dunuhue's theory<br />

by vasinjj. "It's cood to play a lot<br />

at ){jtve% to prvparr tor the \ravon.<br />

<strong>The</strong> more twings the r-citcr."<br />

hmdl. -Hti loir (He -«rau

PftX. <strong>The</strong> Lootll. Manvi 2. I<br />

SPORTS" =<br />

THE BALL-<br />


Whatever happened to the ideals that the Olympics<br />

were supposed to epitomize? <strong>The</strong>mes like the<br />

brotherhood of man and the striving (or individual excellence<br />

seem to have fallen by the wayside. It now seems<br />

that national prestige is more important then the honors<br />

received by an athlete. No longer is it Carl Lewis competing<br />

against his tellow r-jnncrs, but the United States<br />

competing against the other nations of the world (in particular<br />

the U.S.S.K.). Medal-counting has now become a<br />

scorccard whereby one can judge which system produces<br />

the better athletes.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Olympics, in short, have become politicized in<br />

order to serve as an instrument of a nation's foreign<br />

policy. <strong>The</strong> victory of the U.S. hockey team in 1980 was a<br />

vindication of gocd over evil. In turn, the dismal shoving<br />

of the Americans in the recently concluded games in<br />

Sarajevo wns seen as a disgrace. This certainly *'js not<br />

the case, but a few ovcr-zcalous patriots saw it as their<br />

country's shaming.<br />

Consider the ever-present question of eligibility and<br />

also the problem wifh the use of steroids and other muscle<br />

building drugs. <strong>The</strong>se issues have plagued the Olympics<br />

for years, but during the '84 Winter Games another<br />

difficulty arose that almost completely overshadowed the<br />

others.<br />

<strong>The</strong> dispute, as uny Olympic ski-jump or ice skating<br />

fan will tell yuu, is over officialion.<br />

Of the questionable rulings, the most evident was probably<br />

in the Nordic combined event where a top U.S.<br />

i-cntendcr (Pat Ahem) was practically "robbed" of s.<br />

medal due to two re-jump decisions. <strong>The</strong>se decisions<br />

were made by an international jury composed, it seemed,<br />

solely of officials whose countrymen had t!onc poorly on<br />

he recalled jumps.<br />

Thai's not to say that the recalls ucrc not legal. <strong>The</strong><br />

jumps were recalled because the jumpers were exceeding<br />

the safety limits of the hill. This means that the jumpers<br />

were landing near the flat of the hill, am' the jury con<br />

sidcrcd this too dangerous. It is possible mat the officials<br />

were truly concerned with the skiers' safety, but one can't<br />

help wondering.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was also controversy over the high scores given<br />

to seemingly unimpressive performances hy some<br />

skaters. This was particularly apparent in i\\~. women's<br />

figure skating event when American Tiffany Chin, failed<br />

to defeat a less exciting Soviet counterpart for the bronze<br />

medal despite her brilliant performance.<br />

Slight favoritism and bias on the part of thr jrriges in<br />

many of the other skating events practically achieved<br />

what could be termed bloc voting. This bloc division was<br />

effectively shown when there was an almost pcr!<br />

communist/non-communist division over whom should<br />

win the gold in the women's figure skating event.<br />

It is sad to say that the Olympics have evolved into<br />

such a sorry state from *hen it was first viewed, but these<br />

are the times in which we live.<br />

a m jrnv:one<br />

who signs it. *Jgnt their death with.<br />

and 1 think 1 tpeaL for thr entire<br />

club." he noted.<br />

Although the Lan.. O'I have<br />

cansittan'ly dominated other<br />

teams, they hare an uncertain<br />

future. "Ninety to 95 percent of<br />

our team is made up of seniors, so<br />

this club might not be here next<br />

)car."ciclalmed Yang. "Die toot-<br />

ball craie might be over by that<br />

time!"<br />

Sloan commented "All club<br />

companions might be over pretty<br />

soon because *»e will btvc beaten<br />

-II the clubs by that time, and It<br />

won't be worth playing *n»rcore."<br />

Club pride If one reason why<br />

other clubs are starting to becom*<br />

Interested In competing.<br />

Steps are being liken 10 nan a<br />

formal football league through the<br />

LfcC. "I hope this Mta Ii approved."<br />

commented Harrington.<br />

<strong>The</strong> neit big fcarae Is the<br />

rematch between the IjmcO'i<br />

and the Comedy Zone. <strong>The</strong> players<br />

feel It will be a hard-hlttinB. lowscoring<br />

tackle lootbkll ga.-ne.<br />

<strong>The</strong> type of g»nc played<br />

dependt on the Interests of the<br />

clubt. It could either he tackle or<br />

flag game.<br />

"I hope these games become<br />

more popular," explained ieUo7<br />

Steven Kim. "More people will<br />

start joining clubs and be more e Archulcta. \*lio<br />

j>crj|^:il 7.2 puintt a name.<br />

KeiurninK for netl >ear's learn will<br />

be Archuleta and juniors David<br />

Hamllcv. MJIC Horn. Sine t-ulan.<br />

Kric Flowers, and Robert Lucas.<br />

IV junior varvitv tram finished<br />

up at 2-6 for ihe season and o-

fyr-.i<br />

Gary Hart, Jesse Jackson page 7 '<strong>The</strong> Beaver' page 16<br />

Volume 139. Numttrl<br />

ith Scbml. Sin (Yliuiwo. Californi<br />

Supervision differences canci Kermesse<br />

By Jeffrey GaMa<br />

A conflict with the school adrolnittrati.-n<br />

over athletic mpervlsory<br />

assignments hat led the<br />

Foreign Language Department tn<br />

cancel lit plant to hold * Kef mow<br />

this spring.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Kcrmessc. an annual<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> festival of foreign cultures.<br />

U hlghlif hied by the tale of ethnic<br />

foodi. the presentation of ethnic<br />

entertainment, and the "taring ot<br />

ethnic CMiumet.<br />

"Hilt year's Kermtstc w at<br />

itdUd r i " -•»-••<br />

teachers.<br />

<strong>The</strong> conflict arose u the beginn-<br />

•ing of the semester when Fibith<br />

announced thil he would require<br />

each teacher to supervise at one intramural<br />

athletic cscnt during ihc<br />

tpring term.<br />

Trie Foreign language Department**<br />

primary objection with the<br />

new tu pen ivory attignments «a%<br />

that, at Department Head Harry<br />

Collls Mated, "<strong>The</strong> importance of<br />

the Kermestc wat bring subordinated<br />

by physical actirilics.*'<br />

mitmtnt r.i ih.c part ot a faculu<br />

member than watching a batchsll<br />

game or tennit match.<br />

Fihi*h*s jfn>" ihr ho.ir.1 aui>;rtment<br />

policy. the> fc'i wrong!} did<br />

not take liid* -..ontii the hours<br />

"<strong>The</strong> impurlantr at the<br />

Kermetie wa* beitif ttibo.dituttctl<br />

byphyikat acthitiet."<br />

they tpcr.d coordinating and<br />

prrparinB lor the KcrrnciW.<br />

pUining Ilt4l ihr <br />

religion tclU me ilut | %houl.1 i>he><br />

I itmh ha\ [tirbtJilcn the club lu<br />

meet in cUuroomt ami to uwr the<br />

cla lit<br />

mattttotes. He Mated that hit acitont<br />

are juttllied h» ttate law<br />

which lutbUl rcligiout actititio m<br />

public schtwlt.<br />

It the prirwipat't action a tolalion<br />

ol the right to peaceably<br />

attcmble as guaranteed b> the Uill<br />

cl Klghli?<br />

Lre fcct> that it tt.<br />

"Mell«inn it not .aercly<br />

Mtmbcn o( tiw Cardinal Outade mtut find • acw place to meet.<br />

da>»." etpUlncd Lcc. "Ii is an imruirtJ".:<br />

pjri .'1 J |>cr\un\ e»ctM.-.<br />

Kul liltnh arpicti itui iltc right<br />

t« peaceably as\eniMc Ji»es t»n<br />

mean the right lo [>-Jrtjb!«<br />

ruom. He taid that he cannot a I In*<br />

a religiout club to uve tchm>l<br />

facilities.<br />

I cannot grant p>i«re now<br />

_ dldbk to ncdi Mtrit tcbolarsblpi.<br />

• Nitloul Merit floalUu IncluJe<br />

Jcuj Buroi. Scott Caliirt. Ben<br />

Cilia. Clod; Cbo. Richard Denny.<br />

Mfrty O«hta. Don Johruton.<br />

Michael Jooei. Philip A. /ooo.<br />

, Slt« Uftoriu. Walttr Ptau.<br />

' Htarj Shta. Alcaaiulra Soh. Ed.<br />

dli T.n|. Melbia Wilson.<br />

Suzanne Wong. Wendy Wu. and<br />

Clayton Yee.<br />

la order to advance tn finah. the<br />

competitor* had to perform well<br />

on the Scholastic Aftttude Test<br />

(SAT) and have a high (trade point<br />

average and class rank acceptable<br />

to National Merit itAuoanlt.<br />

In addition, the conlciluts had<br />

to lubmll their transcript, a selfdescription<br />

essay, and a letter of<br />

recommendation from school<br />

usually written by a school otFtcial.<br />

counselor, or an Advance PUceraent<br />

teacher.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Hnalittt alto *?ad to haic<br />

the recomm^ndalion of the school<br />

principal.<br />

Out of the l.l million ttudtnti<br />

emercd in the National Merit program.<br />

13.500 have become<br />

finalists anil about 5.500 will<br />

receive scholarships.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> award* Include 1.500 four<br />

year scholarships worth a mat*<br />

imum of 18.000. <strong>The</strong>se are tponsored<br />

by different American corporations<br />

and are awarded to the<br />

children of the employees of the<br />

corporation*.<br />

teachers who hail toluntecrrd tn<br />

\upeti*c In pretioutycars were no<br />

longer at <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

At to the fairness of the<br />

dhi Ibutlon ol the alignments.<br />

F'biih uitt that the administration<br />

would hate a difficult time i( it<br />

tried to take each Icacher't extracurricular<br />

t.itohcmenlt into account.<br />

<strong>The</strong> conllict began at the end of<br />

February, when member* of ihe<br />

Foreign Ljnpuj|;c Department<br />

wrote a letter lo Fibith. <strong>The</strong>y 2\k-<br />

• W 1 t<br />

foreign lan^ujge teachers to coter<br />

ipnng *rortv cicnu.<br />

Fibith subtcquenll) unit tn a<br />

meeting of the departr-irnt -herr<br />

he reportedly said th*t lie «ould<br />

tr» 10 lionor the teachtn" request.<br />

<strong>The</strong> principal promised that h»<br />

t*oald try at Icatt to hold off riml:<br />

ing any %uignmems until ali^r it**<br />

Kermesse «n held.<br />

Tlit next day. tcvefal foreign<br />

languangcred and un>ct. the !i

ta# 2. Tit lowrfl. April 6. MM O<br />


Students caught in unfair crossfire<br />

As « result ol the school district's lack 01 funds to<br />

hire additional staff for extra-curricular activities, the<br />

teachers at <strong>Lowell</strong> arc being asked to take on responsibilities<br />

not directly involved with leaching.<br />

This has becoue 3 problem because soms teachers<br />

have felt that the administration has been demanding<br />

too auch from them. <strong>The</strong> resulting problem,<br />

horevcr, b that the students end up in the middle of a<br />

dbpdte between the teaching staff and the school's<br />

administration.<br />

It Is understandable why the teachers might protest<br />

an esccssive amount of work, when they were hired to<br />

*-^ • classrooms. <strong>The</strong> students should be eipposvd<br />

to a wide<br />

variety of experiences. <strong>The</strong> special programs and ac-.<br />

ttvllles that a school offers are for the benefit of Ihe<br />

student.<br />

<strong>The</strong> controversy over this year's tvermilsc U an example<br />

of a situation in which the students are caught<br />

in the middle. When Principal Alan Hjbh announced<br />

that «ch teacher had to supervise one athletic<br />

etent during the spring irrm. the foreign Innguage<br />

teachers objected. <strong>The</strong>y felt that Fibith «u not considering<br />

Ihe large amount of lime they spead coordinating<br />

the Kerrressc. When Fibkh mandated the<br />

athletic supervisory uiipnmcnts. Ihe foreign language<br />

teachers unanimously cancelled the Kermesse.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is a possibility that the BSCS will sponsor a<br />

"multl-cullural event" in place of the Kermeuc. but<br />

whether or not they do, *Jie students are still the ones<br />

who are affected by the situation. While the administration<br />

and the teachers argue and disagree, who<br />

loses out? Inevitably, the students.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re must be a better waj to handle this kfed of •<br />

situation so that the students are considered, whether<br />

it H some sort ol compromise or some otici agreement.<br />

If we want to preserve the quality ol <strong>Lowell</strong>, we<br />

teach and not to stay after school tnd donate addi- cannot forget what the purpose of a school Is. <strong>The</strong><br />

tional time to a variety of EXTRA responsibilities. students comprise the school, and the school (the «d-<br />

It is alto understandable why ihe administration ministration and teachers) is here for the students.<br />

would ask them to take on these responsibilities, We should have the chance to share in op-<br />

because there is really no one else to help out with portunities other than the required academic<br />

thrie important activities. It is a difficult conflict and mlnlmuois. Everyone should be working tor the tame<br />

one tor which then is no simple solution.<br />

goal, and if we all work together, cveryoue (ad-<br />

But the point is that the students should not have to ministration, faculty, and students) will bcneCi equal-<br />

pay tc- conflict* which arise between the teaching ly. We CAN get the mat; out of our situation U we<br />

staff and the administration. <strong>The</strong> purrose of a high simply cooperate anil remember that we all want the<br />

school is to provide studcils with an education. ilita same thing: for students it. rcceKc the best education<br />

education should be more than textbooks and possible.<br />

New technological addition assists SFPD<br />

Hits oil to the people of San Francisco for voting in<br />

favor of ibe measure thit finally made the Institution<br />

of the flnt new fingerprint computer Id the San Francisco<br />

Police Department possible!!!<br />

TLe computer was purchased alter Supervisor<br />

Wendy' helper, who rccc'rcJ support neither from the<br />

mayor nor the Board of Supervisors on the iuue. sue*<br />

ccssfully organized petitions and got the is*uc onto the<br />

June 1982 ballot where the measure fortunately passed.<br />

This advanced technological addition will certainly<br />

be of great assistance to the police in sotting crimes.<br />

Already the computer, after bving in use for iess<br />

thin a month, has led the police to arresting susr.eC.s<br />

ir three unsolved murder cwi. This, new system has<br />

also made positive idem.Mention of 34 burglars<br />

rcsporslble for 64 burglaries, j, rapUt and a robber.<br />

<strong>The</strong> list continues to grow dally.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Nippon computer, manufactured by Nippon<br />

Electric Co. of Japan, it rrp«rtcd to have the ability to<br />

scan more than 1200 fingerp Int; a second, match a<br />

dime size fragment ol a print to one of the three<br />

Reservists glorify WW II<br />

While the school admlnisirr.tion was quick to stamp<br />

out student efforts to create a c'.ub based on religion,<br />

it failed *r even notice a disturbing portrayal of war at<br />

Lo«cll.<br />

On March 12. approximately 60 <strong>Lowell</strong> students<br />

watched a shocking twenty minute demonstration of<br />

World War II battle tactics and equipment. Dresied<br />

in authentic uniforms, two men and one woman from<br />

the Army Reserve spoke to students from a CIvtes 2<br />

and a U.S. History 2 class in Room 220.<br />

After explaining the parts of the uniforms, the Array<br />

Reserve captain who narrated the presentation<br />

"volunteered'* one <strong>Lowell</strong>!tc to model a blick, SSstenciled.<br />

German battle helmet. <strong>The</strong> captain then<br />

demonstrated how American commandos would<br />

sneak up behind German soldiers and strangle them<br />

with their own helmets.<br />

Minutes later, aftei showing students how to load<br />

an M-l nrbinc, the captain discussed the Uct'cs thai<br />

American G|t employed against charging Japanese<br />

troops. Using a sheathed bayonet affixed to the carbine,<br />

the other male reservist demonstrated the<br />

"bayonet drill." a scries of slashing movements<br />

designed to "disembowel" opponents.<br />

<strong>The</strong> presentation was as biased as it * is grisly. It<br />

suggested that American forces were more intelligent<br />

and infinitely better equipped than their hapless<br />

enemies. WW II, ran the Implication, was a conflict<br />

between an army of undefendable John Waynes and<br />

packs of foolish forcigneis.<br />

After watching the demonstration, a student would<br />

find It difficult to remember that hundreds of<br />

thousands of Americans died during the war. He<br />

would never think that the American servicemen who<br />

survived the combat underwent great hardship.<br />

<strong>The</strong> study of warfare Is an important foment of<br />

any history course. War b not something which we<br />

can or should ignore.<br />

However, it ts of critical importance that the study<br />

ol war be an objective one. <strong>The</strong> problem with the<br />

reservists* demonstration was that it tried to make war<br />

palatable and even glorious.<br />

It Is imperative that demonstrations such as the one<br />

on March 12 be banned from the schools. For if<br />

students are encourage J to overlook the horrors of<br />

TUT. they will be much lei* concerned about preventing<br />

another global confrontation. And in our nuclear<br />

age, the next world war *vitl be fought with weapons<br />

far more lethal than M-l carb.net aud bayonets.<br />

million prinls in its present program, tnd identify i<br />

print if It matches one on file in a mere 50 seconds.<br />

Jjst think of the progress that Is being made with<br />

this fingerprint computer as opposed to th* old. tJo«r.<br />

and icdioiis method of matching fingerprints by hand.<br />

No longer will some criminals get away with their<br />

crimes because the police department was too busy<br />

and bogged down with paperwork. Criminal* will be<br />

caught sooner now thai the computer has provided 4.<br />

quick ind efficient identification process.<br />

<strong>The</strong> fingerprint computers show, and It's reassuring<br />

to know, that the people of San Franctwo are stil]<br />

very concerned with trying to solve crime and getting<br />

dangerous criminals off the streets.<br />

THE LOWELL staff feels that Wendy Ncldcr and<br />

San Francluo voters deserve a standing o^Uon for<br />

their •ucccssful efforts.<br />


Alumni Lame-O's<br />

deserve credit<br />

Dear Editor:<br />

We Immensely enjoyed the artfcl*<br />

cu the famed Umc-O'i Football<br />

Klub |a the March Isiue of<br />

<strong>The</strong> LoweU. We were very happy<br />

thai you ipctled the club's nine<br />

convdly. However, certain irregtiUrities<br />

have come to our attention,<br />

and »t with to rectify<br />

them. Our mala concern is the<br />

misspelling of the oame of our<br />

beloved first president. K•Cheng<br />

Uu. Yes. he does have a last<br />

name, and It Itn'l "Chang." We<br />

thlok that an apology it in order.<br />

Who Is the aummy from the<br />

Comedy Zone? How can he claim<br />

to be the best? When did he lait<br />

hold • food tale? <strong>The</strong> Unt-O'i<br />

were formed because a bunch of<br />

guys who knew thai they weren't<br />

food football players could hate a<br />

little fun without caring about<br />

whether or not they were lame.<br />

We are proud to announce that<br />

Hubert Chan b our newest Ume-<br />

O Kail of Fame Inductee. He<br />

follow* in the great footsteps of<br />

David Fung, and we do mean<br />

great. Following the diminutive<br />

Britn Kunx at afliclai mascot is<br />

Hsuan "Lake" Ue. Ctast of 'S4.<br />

because he exemplifies the spirit of<br />

being lame. We applaud these noble<br />

members.<br />

We would like to make another<br />

comment about the LamcO article.<br />

Who h this Perrin Yang, who<br />

says. "We arc the pioneers...?"<br />

He. a pioneer? Moil of us In the<br />

original club have ne%cr even<br />

heard of him before. When<br />

pioneers are mentioned, we must<br />

not forgtt the Immortal names of<br />

Mr. Braunrciter. K.C.. ChUCIilu<br />

Chwaln, Gcc-Gce. HKD. Ken<br />

OUCH1H Leong. Mr. Suen. D-<br />

Wight, Moses. D»n-lhe-M«n.<br />

Stan-the-Man. the Wayne<br />

Bratliers. Chu-*/. <strong>The</strong> Mcsilah.<br />

Table-for-Two. the Dip. CB. Vklah<br />

and Pe.ah. Andy Uebernian.<br />

T«k. Umdike. Hubert. Some<br />

While-boy, and others who are too<br />

Ume to be thted.<br />

We would like to thank the little<br />

people whom we stepped o»tr and<br />

on: the Adventurers* Club.<br />

Johnson Chan (the former USCS<br />

Grads see red<br />

Dear Editor:<br />

<strong>The</strong> Senior Class was recently<br />

told that there would be a change<br />

In graduation outfits this year.<br />

white caps and gowm. while the<br />

hoys hate worn red caps and<br />

gowns. We noticed, at previous<br />

graduations, thut the formation of<br />

Traditionally, the glrh have worn red and white rows looked very lmprcsmc.<br />

nice, and organized. Thu<br />

year, buwevcr. all senio.t. including<br />

the girls, must wear red<br />

'We want you!' gowns.<br />

Dear Editor:<br />

We had made an uncharacteristic<br />

ten errors In our first<br />

game with Mission last monih.<br />

m*4 I wMlMvina in* field after the<br />

tame had been called because of<br />

darkness following a fairly<br />

distasteful 175 Ion. To my surprise<br />

(based upon the way we had<br />

pUjcd). there was a small but<br />

loyal and loud group of <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

students «ho wailed patiently and<br />

said some nice things as we left the<br />

(Kid.<br />

Where were the other 2.KS0 of<br />

you*<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are many other commitments<br />

which go with the territory<br />

at <strong>Lowell</strong>, but the varsity<br />

baseball team needs your support,<br />

especially the ncit Tour wevks at<br />

Big Kcc against Washington. Lincoln.<br />

Balboa, and Gatlleo. if «e<br />

are to repiescnl you In the<br />

playoffs.<br />

After our 8-2 victory " ** to<br />

what »e woultt „».-. At out own<br />

graduation.<br />

Sincerely.<br />

1 ickcd-oll Senior!!!<br />

BySttphanleAbundo<br />

How do you<br />

define success?<br />

Romaay Grant (6405)<br />

"IViag whatever the you<br />

want, and having others pay for<br />

Vlnwal RajasckhariUU)<br />

Teachers clarify dispute<br />

Dear Editor:<br />

Members of the <strong>Lowell</strong> community<br />

knew of a teller written to<br />

Dr. Fibtsh by members of the<br />

Foreign L'.ngua^c Department<br />

beceuse Dr. Fibish chose to<br />

publish It on the reverse side of an<br />

open letter that he wrote ana<br />

distributed among the faculty. Unfortunately<br />

that method of<br />

distribution did not make it clear<br />

that our Utter was written within a<br />

specific context and was the<br />

culmination of a series of attempts<br />

to resolve the issue of mandatory.<br />

non*classroom supervision as it affected<br />

us...<br />

Foreign language teachers wrote<br />

to Dr. Fibish outlining our concerns<br />

and suggesting that an ac-<br />

Fibish upset over 'tasteless display<br />

Dear Editor:<br />

At the Senior Class Twin-Day<br />

Competition two students ware<br />

face and body make-up. <strong>The</strong>y then<br />

indicated that they were marijuana<br />

smokers by pretending to smoke<br />

glint Imitation feints. <strong>The</strong> studen'<br />

body deserves an apology for this<br />

tasteless display, t wish to extend<br />

thai apology for not preventing<br />

their participation.<br />

I am sending • copy of this letter<br />

lo the funlor Class and BCO sponsors<br />

to request that when Twin-<br />

Day information U disseminated,<br />

U will b,- Indicated that costumes<br />

that are imitative of or<br />

stereotypical of other elbnlc<br />

groups will not be allowed to participate.<br />

AUn B. Fibish<br />

Principal<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> High School<br />

cum modi t ion could be reached in<br />

which the organization and supervision<br />

of the Kermesse would be<br />

accepted as out-of-clatsronm<br />

supervision. <strong>The</strong> reception to our<br />

letter WAS rather brusque, and Dr.<br />

Fibish suggested that if we did not<br />

want to have the Ktrmesvc. we<br />

should cancel it. Consequently, we<br />

wrote a second letter addressed to<br />

the entire faculty. <strong>The</strong> second letter<br />

was net published ^cause. in<br />

an clfott to compromise, we<br />

withheld it and substituted a<br />

department meeting with Dr.<br />

Fibish as our guest.<br />

<strong>The</strong> concerns we expressed in<br />

both letters and In the meeting<br />

revolved around two Usucs:<br />

First, foreign language; teachers<br />

rejected the notion that It was fair<br />

or necessary to idd to the faculty's<br />

tilttiog duties the burden of<br />

supervising events. We rejected<br />

the notion lhat only supervision of<br />

athletic events was lo be counted<br />

toward this new duty. We believed<br />

that actite club and class sponsors<br />

and those who supervised cultural<br />

events should be able to count<br />

such activity as IUIHMU:;; **»*• requirement.<br />

Specifically, il was our<br />

position lhat orjtaniiaiion. coordination,<br />

and supcrvivian of a<br />

school-wide ethnic-' foreign<br />

Ian get jr fair that imohed a><br />

minimum ol a third ol '*?.- *tuJti.t<br />

body was as v*.*i«.;-V< U the who*:<br />

at tlte tupenhlon of a peaceful<br />

alhU'ttr event tuch as cnn\ country,<br />

vullevbalt. or tennit.<br />

Second, the mKunce ol the<br />

foreign language teachers ut mandatory,<br />

out-of-class tupcrtivion<br />

was aggravated by *$.?.;art inequities:<br />

sume teachers having been<br />

given two assignments and others<br />

none; some teachers having been<br />

Suxaacc Malik (S410)<br />

"Getting out ol <strong>Lowell</strong> alir;...saccess<br />

is graduating without hiving a<br />

ncnous breakdown or becoming,<br />

atwrraic."<br />

(j;<br />

"Success isn't .noney or po-wr. It's<br />

an emotionally comfortable state<br />

o! mind where jju're satisflrd with<br />

who you rre In life."<br />

everything you want to acplith.<br />

like making monev &tt

Ftp *• Tkt 1 o»t!/. Ap:U 4. J95><br />

NEWS"<br />

JROTC break-in<br />

By PbUlP Kwonj<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lovctl IKOTC iwcu were<br />

broken Into «nd «»ndaltred on<br />

March W.19&1.<br />

<strong>The</strong> break In occurred het»e«:n<br />

?-10:T0 p.m. and "*t diwmered<br />

by the eight euitodUnt,<br />

Dciur Cooper, *ho divrmered<br />

(he break-In. vald that he and M*<br />

Ir 1 low worVerv heard Ihr (lrk alarm<br />

go oft at around 10:30 p.m.<br />

Wbm Cooper and hit coworker<br />

i hitetilgaied they<br />

ditcortrrtd the door* IO the JHOTC<br />

area forced open, and lhc (iic how<br />

vretth.*d »11 the «»» into the ol-<br />

<strong>The</strong> oilkt hAd br\i flcoJed and<br />

'.here »at Ottnificatti water<br />

"<strong>The</strong>y (the lani'alt* came in<br />

here lo vandah/e. not (o tteal."<br />

commented 5.GM Mack Yothlda.<br />

Kci. "Many tiling could ha«e<br />

been itolrnbul nmn't. <strong>The</strong>) were<br />

obiioutly not l.o*el! ttudenlt<br />

hecaut: they mainl) landalued<br />

break Into (In; • t -tn inhere the<br />

weapont arc %»«....|<br />

the JKOIC area doe* nm ha*«j<br />

burglar alarm t>Mcin. only a lire<br />

alarm.<br />

si<br />

Applications flood UC<br />

DyAmyS. tee<br />

For reawn* nui fully krjwt..<br />

Univc-^i.y "f Cal.inr.ila *L'Cl<br />

re;ei»e(- -. lie>i«y increate 01 appikatiom<br />

from hi^h tcb'K>l KtiW,<br />

for fall I9M.<br />

Loaell't 67d icnion filed approi'natcly<br />

500 application* to<br />

UCcamputev<br />

Whi>e covtt r>( en rolling at<br />

prt 4te campute\ in California are<br />

iktrockctiRK. VC i* Hill "a Rood<br />

buy (or tlie money." rrcordinK 'o<br />

ctiuntclor loan CilcKi. lor c%in>pic.<br />

r*pen\e\ at Unnemi* ntcm * ...had a f-ir-j coed year<br />

latt je-f in lermt ol nal^nal<br />

oaluatinn fieri »aiiiu* t'.i»e>»."<br />

comment j Kic!.ard Sh««.<br />

Ber^.i \*\ iimtant tdm'r.inm<br />

dircc'^r.<br />

n>e<br />

u > applicant! at tit of the «*en<br />

^ther rir.era.! UC campuici.<br />

UCLA. CerU:ej. VWi\. San<br />

UicK. and Stnta Barbara rccetr-<br />

-L b> the end c! Novcrt:be.- all llrf<br />

frcilinian c*ndid«ir« thai they<br />

cnuld 'tke.<br />

It i' -Mimaied thai of the 15.000<br />

ciutlcy •trir tak«:i<br />

beca**.». r! ih tf hi^'j gradrt. hij<br />

Achie*eirtnt<br />

IIufneed acin<br />

tnlttni: aoou<br />

application*.<br />

Man> o[ the<br />

*ho «cre fcjccJt<br />

Vept wit «('liei-<br />

1 * VC crmputct c' thtir firtt eft'<br />

JI«1 SAT -xorei w- only i 0.K1 *ill fin.l UC c*:np<br />

iwion* dccitlo^/ -e -hk-4. t'ley *lth loaiicnd.<br />

ten p-rccnt of the 'i-rkclo rccei»fJ 4.C00 rpp<br />

f<br />

.u- 'ndr- iv ol *Mch «K) *<br />

^.SOt) applicant* «>cc.-U'> t'inanclai. hardt<br />

l at Rerkclcj *erc<br />

t;L-.inil-choicr '-'C<br />

Trio in state orchestra Calvin 'presidential* hopefal<br />

H> Kat:iy \<br />

•dat Jp.'iet<br />

;T;alSvh"l»t<br />

,«i hinh<br />

*>ctt o<br />

who<br />

u.cr the Ci»!tr the Amiimtnl if -he AmtiuJi;<br />

CollCRe Trttiij Program (ACT)<br />

are telectcd at p3trr.!ial can-<br />

By Christine Shlkuma r*cwmcyer and clarinctitt Da*id<br />

did ite\.<br />

Three Lot.cH ttudctitt «cre Jonet -err tho*cn for their \jfmm 1 { 4Q fl O AtlolD<br />

recenily telccted at mtmben of "...high ttandard of mutuianvhip IVi Ull 14 U aU UCIC<br />

the All-State Honor Orcheitri. and ind»idu .1 technical tacility.* a J \/f\\mrky r\i g\ %%JWW Oll/nr/i<br />

tpon ^voredb, the California Mu,U ua.ed L.da Be.t.ey orcr, tra ^ 1 A J LCC, MlVamOtO Will aWaFO<br />

EdducatortA«oclallon(CMEA>.<br />

chairman of the CM b A Honor Or- ]1( 2V3I ACaUCfllV<br />

Violinitlt E^a Fett3 and Carta chettra v 09BHIBBBBHR9^BB *~— -^^ ''' ".<br />

r „, ., . .... 'first choice'<br />

Lefkovits wins scholarship B,MinSoh<br />

VC reports on '81 alumni<br />

By Wendy WOoK<br />

<strong>The</strong> Unlter^il) of CahL.rnia<br />

(U.C.t hii released a lummarf nl<br />

the arawmlc periormarce* of the<br />

P4 19HI <strong>Lowell</strong> graduates who<br />

entered 'he \J.V. ittlem at fir\iline<br />

(rev* men in the fall of i^HI.<br />

U.C. annually mk*i the per*<br />

form ante* oi iit frethrr.en u>ho<br />

h; e completed one full year >•<br />

any of lite cipeht U.C. camputet<br />

• r-tch accept Itnhm'n Thii<br />

j*ar"» *cai)rmk report included<br />

dat* i_.- •••rninp ihe frtthrrwn'i<br />

grade point o'crage* and<br />

Sdiola»tk Apittude Tett (5AT)<br />

tcorei.<br />

<strong>The</strong> target! number ol Lo»tl!'i<br />

Wfll gr*duatei "ho entered the<br />

U.C. iy*tem at Irethmen<br />

maincuIaKil at the Berkeley c*mput.<br />

I'.C. Da*n and U.C. Santa<br />

Cruz fof^vard *lih the w.iim; *.-d<br />

third largeii numbr*^ u( Lrrneli<br />

graduate i *ho enrolled at<br />

Ireihraen. Only ore ttudrnt enrolled<br />

al 'J.C- Ki*ertidt «I.itc none<br />

uatrkuUlrd il U.t. In inc.<br />

•ifl- ooao<br />

5.....i\ s Cleaners<br />

Quality ts Our Motto<br />

<strong>The</strong> mean ^raiie point ateiaije<br />

whicn etpericnced ih» mott<br />

regatuc ihanite wj\ that of lhc<br />

eifhl Loacll ifiatiuatrt who enrolled<br />

al I,*.C, Santa B rbara: !• 'Iropped<br />

ttvm .1..105. out ol a po\tible<br />

-1.000. to 2.704. Ihe mr4n grade<br />

point ateragc that dropped the<br />

leatt **i thai of the \e>en <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

gradua:-. at U C. San Diego: it<br />

drrpped from J.5h" to '.J 1 /.'. <strong>The</strong><br />

only mean grade f >nt ateratte<br />

(hat tvte «at thai of ihe one<br />

t l l')HI<br />

Lo-e:i gradualr> *f"?r thej completed<br />

their •>%! >ear at a U.f,<br />

Lo*cl> jlj

Other high schools rate LoweH<br />

nJ of a K-nrt)<br />

B/MeUnleRamoiasd<br />

Sharon Chin<br />

What tlo other tiljtr. whnn'.t<br />

think about <strong>Lowell</strong>?<br />

"WcalMrrcy«Iev Lr«e)la«the<br />

betl public whool in San t-'nn<<br />

civo." itaicd Julie PjccinelH. *<br />

senior At Mercy Hifh.<br />

"I had the itnpt tAtlon that<br />

eteryor.c *t Low;IJ wj.» «uck up,"<br />

re«»lrti Jennifer Me 1 nick, a junior<br />

at Wath'ufitonH{|fh<br />

r-jihotnore Min Koo »>'::;.* of<br />

Stint Ignatiui Higi. «ld, "<strong>Lowell</strong><br />

in wtnc at^-.^ik '•* «notl. tut 1<br />

don't tlunk I'd li« a ..--* competiiite<br />

atmotpherc."<br />

Miny cited iht difference* bet-<br />

ween I he modular and 'period<br />

iyttem» a» a bath far their high<br />

tchool preference.<br />

"I prefer the period *>iiem<br />

b«au»e it'» more organized, and 1<br />

be with aiy friemli much<br />

e**ier tince 11 no* when tlicyTl r<<br />

(tee. It atu promote* in ore allichool<br />

*ciiiitl»," talrt junior<br />

Mm- Sotnlck of L'nUemtr High.<br />

Robert Hteki, a counictor at<br />

Lincoln High. Hated. "1 think the<br />

modular mtcm offer* fieaibllity<br />

and an opforiuniij for vtudeim to<br />

participate ir. -non a.-iivitlet."<br />

It {in-; modular lyitem) U morc<br />

efc preparatory and in that<br />

wnw: it's cood. IHl many high<br />

Khool nuuen.t are no: ready for<br />

indepcmJ.-nec." commented Wai-<br />

Shan Leung, a wpiiomore at<br />

V'hi Hih<br />

Student!, at well « couiiselrrs. .houi-.n't be a ,»«M.. „„„.,..<br />

drew vompjriton* between Loucil When the- pick people with At<br />

and othrr high tchoolt. com. run- Bnd D't. if counc the tchonl will<br />

linn on r.n»cU'« admUtioa re- t>e better, but ii thouldn'l be judB-<br />

Song girls, cheerleaders victorious<br />

Dy Eric Zaiate<br />

Ttie <strong>Lowell</strong> ion (leading and<br />

rVf reading team« have captured<br />

tip honor* at tcvcral recent tpirii<br />

rompetiifjm.<br />

<strong>The</strong> California Stair Kc*H*at<br />

Compctiiion (Cat State Fett) *av<br />

ht.d on February 25 ^t Ygnac'o<br />

Vullcy High School. <strong>The</strong> %if^lt><br />

qulrcnetvi And lulling that Luwell<br />

U wmd.n- IOITKI'.II- called a "bc'.Itr bc.Itr<br />

ed on th< tame tcalc." commented<br />

Melr' "<br />

tchool" bemuve it admits ttuden-s<br />

through thlt selective proce**.<br />

Hkki ciimwcntfd. "1 think<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>"* nubt'etly it w:l| Jeicnrd.<br />

SintM It hat the top ttm'.cnii. it<br />

ihould be prrduclriK Ihf kind of<br />

it.uluitpr' "<br />

A \ubirci that nllett CJHIC up<br />

when comparing Umrll to other<br />

whcoK *at vimv^ctiiian r.nd<br />

y<br />

perspective<br />

Cordon Chatmen. Uudcnl body<br />

adtiior at McAtTer. belietct [hat<br />

"riling a eompor 'jo \hould b*<br />

include' the ippticalion procedure<br />

.imlaate uudent* who<br />

achiete good grxdci through "co-<br />

P)insmjtofbook!."<br />

"I thbk the admitiion proceit<br />

U (air. An academic iclioot like<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> hit to hate tome guideline*<br />

to follow when admitting<br />

students." uid Hicks.<br />

fntervi.-wcci had different opl.<br />

nlam when atked whether <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

u overrated.<br />

Junior Jef( Lai of Lincoln High<br />

ttatcd. "1 think <strong>Lowell</strong> \% overrated.<br />

1 can cite people there who<br />

aren't rc-lly that wiin."<br />

"It mmi at though <strong>Lowell</strong> nn't<br />

a bnic public ichool. If you ha«e<br />

to appK and be choien. it<br />

Sc.ior Michael H>nar of<br />

a^hincton Mich stated, "rrom<br />

what I hear, at Lo«cll. peo»ilc a»c<br />

or-rrly cumpeiiti^c «iih ,{radi.A.<br />

ar.d I hex will practically ttab rich<br />

other in ;he back to j.et f.t-Hl<br />

pradci."<br />

'Academically. Lowe.l it doing<br />

Metier than our ichoil hecautr<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> hai the 'crca>n •>( the crop*.<br />

Q'.*. in tprrtt. that't umrihing we<br />

can *»eal tJ.cm in." ccnmenic-<br />

Leung.<br />

Some cipretvcc! ihrir «>ct i-n<br />

what they thought of <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

timJcnt* and their %o.ttl U\e\.<br />

Meag Ucueiti, f tenior *: Mercy<br />

High uid. "it I could. I wrjutt'.<br />

go to <strong>Lowell</strong>. P.-oplc there hite a<br />

lotof»pirit."<br />

"It teemt t'lM <strong>Lowell</strong> Mudcntt<br />

are heavily Into academic* and<br />

that academic arc Ilirir lite; it tori<br />

of plnchci ireir penonal «nvrth. I<br />

like Waih[iston*s laid Cai. cnviionmenta'<br />

cummenled >n anonymotit<br />

ji_"ilof 'rum W^thlnglCl1<br />

Ifigb.<br />

By Lewi, an Lee<br />

Sii memh^rt ol I.o»cU'% Karen-<br />

Mi* tr.in. placed in lop pouttont<br />

i.t trie Golden Gate Speech<br />

Attociition't League Championthipt<br />

and qualified io compete in<br />

the Suit Championthipt.<br />

Junior Juliet Btbcr placed fifth<br />

in Dramatic Interpretation and<br />

tcnior Jeffrey GaUir. wo.i t.xth<br />

place in the Bot»* EUicmptirancout<br />

category Senior* Tif-<br />

(any D.wn. Su»*n Siiiu. Sjrannc<br />

M-ihk.. and junior Jcnicj LCU.-IR<br />

touk w-trnth. tivih. tilih. and<br />

third placet. rcAprvlltcly. in<br />

Original Adiocac).<br />

"I wa» pleated at the retultt."<br />

<strong>The</strong> *artity cheerleader, recent<br />

cd Rood lo etcelknt mirki for<br />

routine content, oecutio t. tpirii.<br />

and general effect.<br />

<strong>The</strong> moit recent co npetitton<br />

h*M *t Mi. Eden HiKh School on<br />

March 17 pimidrd itir tnuKhrvi<br />

op-ioviilur. tn *\ \Ut »..r-.iit uinn<br />

K-flt placed a ditappoimitiK filit .<br />

J00| Pioneer look lint place wr.h<br />

245 ,-oint^.<br />

fompetintt in thelirjre<br />

ch>.-erlrading diti\i<br />

firlihrd clncnih in * tteU, «f 1*<br />

u-hixil*. *Thr« hj»e a lol of twtcn-<br />

\;.itcd th< lean coach Sandra<br />

Bird. *'O1 20 '.ptitt entered. 13<br />

made temMinait. and a 1 'al J til.t i<br />

tilo<br />

! tit - tourrumeni -at held on<br />

M*Ttli IT .>•. Mlfum.ot* MtK'<<br />

«hllcthc«ar»it)vhceilcadcnplat- !"•'' W» •*:*•. thej pcrformc.l well _<br />

•a filth *"'* ! *"*" '* .'pnp*t thin at Mt.<br />

Compelinit in the larpc tartin Edenw* fcel; ?:.,'.-. "We had *<br />

wnKteading dnition O t" »- lm o( "'*' '•'•'' ri -' thr i utl f"<br />

memhert). <strong>Lowell</strong> revciteJ et- were -.. i l-...ki::. !' t.-chn«4uc."<br />

cHlent to tuperior markt for V ll ' m bc( " rc lntt ncU '•'"nipcti.<br />

anoterallworerIfcH.J3.TlKonl> ion."<br />

other cit) whiwl lo compctr at thr »he J\ w>n« prlt ii.ntiicti<br />

Cal Stale I'rii .at Galileo *hich<br />

pla:eil<br />

=NEVVS<br />

71*Lo»eM. Aprilti. PUU.Pt&i<br />

Speakers win top positions<br />

Fon-ntle* «ti«aker> ve*e recent trophy winner*, rmctt, left to right.<br />

Jnilea Leuag. Jclfry CaWin; back, Suunne M»Jik, Tiffany Dooo.<br />

Juliel Bjlve. and Suun Shiu.<br />

ip«aker\ qui*ifitrK 'I the Iratjuc<br />

ConKrett cb J mpior «hip. w hi'cf,<br />

took nbec «»n March J0-1I i,\<br />

Montr Vi«* Hifih Sch.x.1 in Sjn<br />

From corn H:itiont tpontjred<br />

by ihc L^nt'CluM. GaUin. fhilip<br />

v *' jn ft. Leunjr,. *»liiu. «nior Lcth<br />

Karlmer. and j.»r.ior Ellen Yi<br />

brought home f.m place tmphiet.<br />

Sh-u and Galtin a IK. won at the<br />

*one level of cornpetitkn sn will<br />

tpcak iloog with anoltier ione<br />

• inncratlhcdimictlctrl.<br />

^''i*honinre Eric Favtifl «on the<br />

cluh and /..ne Ictel% ,-t *\K -;m. •<br />

[Vlitlortt t>Kinvoiv«l by tht (>•-<br />

Ot the eiUirr tcau.n. lllrd<br />

divcUneil. "I llioojthi U would be a<br />

rebuilding v >r (for the team)<br />

tincc «r lott 22 tvniort tatt tfar.<br />

hui we hate mnrc i^ualilwr^ thit<br />

>ear than lavt >cart"<br />

••rimtw Jlt-.nl ncr . jn .. jni. "I<br />

IUUIV it %h..uM IK- .... I:-HH1." ,I,O<br />

ci.ml to Pioneer. «nti<br />

l w.i'te of 2-i-* nrr:;^,t .r<br />

jump rope competition held<br />

l ...-«w..i.u1";:.^L ,."--:r;.:::,"wjr:,<br />

By Stephen AbramowiU<br />

"Jurap Ki'pt lor Heart." a competition<br />

'.j.untorc-1 b» the<br />

American Hran AtMn.lau.in<br />

(AHA) to light cjtJ.o»;wu!.r<br />

divratc. wa% held at Lou ell en<br />

Saturdat. March .1.<br />

O»« J5 Lo»ellnc* partiiipa^J.<br />

drvided into tcamt of ti< jumrrtt.<br />

Tli* : vtudcn;» c00 in pVdg-t. bawd on ;hc<br />

number of minutet ihcir own tore<br />

jurr-ixd.<br />

Three-fouriht of curry dolUi*<br />

pledged goct :u rctearrh. cdu,-jtioti.<br />

and run tnunil) jirupr:imi tn<br />

combat heart tirvcavct -«hicl; affect<br />

29 million American* tod y. Thr<br />

other ":i icnlt cort tu ihc adminltU.'theetpeniet.<br />

A undent take* part in th* Jumprop«<br />

corapetltloo.<br />


Campus notes...<br />

S4. .p.-n...ic.l ••. V,>.,T..- tu<br />

:n.mil II.-ll.» A.rj.<br />

A Mjocr C..'" iv ln-I'l »tjj. I.<br />

Seal drive is succcsiful ^; "• ""••"-" '" w ' n "' "" ^'^;;; i ; r l';;, r ;;1 n i v >..;;'li!,'"J';.;n<br />

Ph,M,.l,,V. -'"to .."lie" ,,,f'^'' l n"'i,"/'p'"i""- W .n^ i""io>,.,ul,.<br />

^i-,iu.P^i. •• College fair approaches »>••'• *>••c K" t-.- , . „ , • • . „ I , m.mer lo-hct<br />

^^,,,^(1^-,!, S^; i^'^r'h^h ."I."... CMEA festival held<br />

tnllc,:t>. »i» liiKrlhiC. pjrlKipjicil in Ihc<br />

ttionmcnt and •fllin<br />

ing endjn^ffcd %p«<br />

I..Vt PU.r ..n MJV J. f.:^>-->.X Calilntnii Mu.it EJmJIui't<br />

A.M>.i4li.m iCMCAl Suliil-lnwmlilc<br />

IC*:I.JI !ic!.l Jt Sjn<br />

'II v llc^c- «.'.l I unci.coSuic I'l<br />

Xri'n<br />

BSU Fashion Show ncars t* l.r.i-s-nl.J 41 ihc IJIC. in- ACfinilini: "> IV /jlilllU.<br />

"ttnc I. ill Conn,*!" i. Ihc<br />

c:u.^.-l|4ii4f'l.nilY4'c. ..uhc.114 lc4.-hci. Ihcio »cic<br />

I., thi-.<br />

v>i il lh

* pMgt 6. 7Le Lo«tll, April 6. 1*84<br />

POLITICS""" — —<br />

Soviet stalemate in Afghanistan<br />

BjRorau*JdoS»wii«<br />

Now that we ire again In an<br />

Olympic year we can't he^p but<br />

remember what It w« that prompted<br />

the United Slates from participating<br />

in tn« summer games 1"<br />

the U.S.S.R. foaryean ago.<br />

This «i« the Soticit<br />

wanted to occupy Afghs.iittan w*t<br />

because they wanted to build thr<br />

Afghan army into an effective<br />

righting force. <strong>The</strong> Afghan army.<br />

though, hat drindled from<br />

I CO. 000 •» 40.000 men. serving<br />

lo Watntnc tm corresponded,<br />

Johanna Mcf-eary.<br />

To restore discipline among the<br />

nathc ciiir-nry. the Soviet* haw<br />

used the Khad. a local *er*ion ol<br />

the KGB. "Thf Soviet* ha»e also<br />

uted direct attacks on ihe ci«i!Un<br />

populatka at a way of warning<br />

other parts of Afghaniitan to rero#ii<br />

'a ordc»." eiplalnc-i Aftab/ltlambad.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Mujahedin tut atttt'.inatcd<br />

many communist parly * or ten,<br />

tecrc: police, and tecuri:y person'<br />

nrl; jet ai * consequence, the Stujahedin<br />

hat had lottcr at high c*<br />

50.000 men in the pait four years.<br />

For a while latt spring, i' wened<br />

that the SoMett were g^ing to<br />

pull out of Afghanistan in return<br />

for M western guarantee not lo int><br />

'ere in lhat courMrs'* affairs.<br />

r.>.*e«cr, nothing seems to ha»e<br />

vir»*of thtt agreement.<br />

Mtf*"« U.S. eiprtts on (utrt^n<br />

, Mky arc cum i need that the<br />

.S'.rictt tu»c willed for a long slay<br />

in A*jthan.ttan.<br />

Violence reaches peak<br />

in Iran-Iraq war<br />

By Gabriela Gl&tchloo<br />

<strong>The</strong> war between Iran and Iraij.<br />

,*h>ch has been going on since<br />

lVtQ. it no tm*!l business What<br />

sUfd oil ai an imasion ol Iran<br />

by iht Iraquit. ted by Prcwicnt<br />

5aJj4H- lluttcin, hat grown l.s a<br />

monumental crittt. resulting in tl:c<br />

Jcatht ol o.xt 150.000 peopK<br />

Iraq invaded Iran »ith the in-<br />

I en I ion of ttrikinc one huge bltw<br />

and gelling ttH 1 war over with<br />

quietly, lit (t«ili «e*r to prot.*ct<br />

ilt r-ordcr% and queC the unrcM In<br />

lh. Unt'TtufWdy. Hie<br />

Iraqi leader* ^really<br />

undcretttmatctl the po'ver of<br />

Ajal Uh Khomeini, the Iranian<br />

leader.<br />

Alihough Iran »i\ in a %t*y<br />

unMable position when Iraq ai*<br />

tacked, Khomeini manned lu<br />

maw hit forcet toyciner in a tcry<br />

Wnen Khnmeinl t.amf inir><br />

power afur the Shah of Iran. pcopte<br />

had hope* that he would he a<br />

drmrxcraiic leader. On the can*<br />

trnry. howe>c he hat turret) Iran<br />

iito a polKe tiate where Ihe two<br />

gTaf* ate to tprcail ttie Iilamic<br />

Kctotutmn and witnett the death<br />

otfl'Mwtn<br />

<strong>The</strong>re i* a *3M dilfcfcnce in the<br />

irmW of Ihe too countries m»nl»rd<br />

in Ihtt blmMt battle, wh^ch It<br />

«»ne rrau>r> trut Ihe »*r tta» hrvn<br />

proiunged lor v> many )ear\.<br />

'• v hile Iraq ha\ little morr tl.^n a<br />

nuartrr ol the Iranian popul-tion.<br />

it hat had J mucli latter »i-jptin<br />

tuppU. donjteJ b«- btttct aunir>ct.<br />

Ho»c*;r. Khorticini tut<br />

*hown lhat hr it wiling lo pil<br />

"Iraq invaded<br />

Iran with the intention<br />

o* striking<br />

one huge<br />

blow and winning<br />

the war<br />

quickly/'<br />

Numan bodice agiintt *kapll tcn.l ihtm lo<br />

heitcn<br />

Atihcuulwtolihe v-^r. ihe lf»<br />

man resolution «J\ p>>i>uUr<br />

among ihc MoOenn o( :hjt *oim<br />

try hecautc it promiKd n> fulfill J<br />

cKfii\hn1 dream: itic t^uMith<br />

Panics from<br />

1 to 20 and<br />

Banquets<br />

4IS 7-V. MM<br />

rf. the<br />

Iilamic Ktp-jnlu !ia« lurimt out \-t<br />

'>C en? "I in. mint icfirc\uv.<br />

iiitaltiarian K'* v ^ ritn "-*r'.(t in the<br />

hi%tor> o.' ihe MiJilIc li*u. JHJ<br />

ma en d<br />

<strong>The</strong> U'eit area .4 ronll'ct »;jt<br />

vhiffrd tn the IVnisn (lull, ut.ee<br />

the t-*o armtct '.J»C rcatln-il<br />

t>roll.<br />

<strong>The</strong> lr*ni*nv hate rcvcnll> Keen<br />

thrrJtenini; lit ct.\ u{[ Iraq't oil e\ •<br />

l>otutmn n\ MocKing *ne \trait\ ol<br />

llormu/ Tint would urcJll> Jlfcvi<br />

countnet \uch a\ Japjn »hicti<br />

rece;»c iiuch ol then oil Irnm<br />

Iran.<br />

L'nfortunaiclt. no on' ,jn<br />

rnolie theve I*., •.ojnlii. *" dil-<br />

Irtcrt^et for them At the rile<br />

Khomeini iv ^oii}*. 'ie Jpp.helifimi;l> tejcciv ihe l'fj>er in SthtH)! Amend-<br />

• James W. Hutchlns i\ etr.uml t« 4 lethal injection at Central<br />

.'nwii. North ("jr. I1114. l>u the killing n[ three police offwertin<br />

I•>*•'.<br />

March 17 -Glenn.Imps out o| race lor prctnlcn?)-<br />

• An American diplomat is kidnapped DUMUJC O[ tns W,<br />

tleirui apartment ht ihree armed Tien<br />

• South Africa jtiil .'iG/Arttpiijuc ^i[!n non-a^i^resvion treatv.<br />

March 19 -US ^n.U AW ACS pUnes to dcfcnil Sudan from Lih>a.<br />

March 20-US w«rns L''.. «.•«)» from A WAC.% p1jne%.<br />

• A major eani^-vakc rolled the Smiet Union • plin^;<br />

tiuthiintit in lw,> Sos^l cities nejf Ihe quake.<br />

Mirch 22 -Soviet sub collUlet witli t'S .jrrirr Kitty Ha«k - ther.i(KM(ic cuurnv CJU,:<br />

utaLc-S inlet.io in ilawiile (he l'*r\i :ime in<br />

- Presidential election in 1:1 Sa!««-l;>r <br />

Twenty<br />

On At<br />

detnenttij<br />

<strong>The</strong>*c-nt<br />

bis c?n!et<br />

mainec..<br />

1>e blr.<br />

on WuhL<br />

th:re arc<br />

«om:n; .<br />

Jon (FBI<br />

Reverend<br />

nom.nalio<br />

Yet. -c-<br />

UcV cqua<br />

Thona<br />

p^'viril«<br />

No \\s.><br />

%'., ahr<br />

poin'ed ;i<br />

^ Vt,n him •<br />

pottWr cf I<br />

Thi !J<br />

Nl-icri<br />

-jt It n J|


Hart, Mandate, Jackson raiSy on campaign trail<br />

By Utllc Davy<br />

Through tough vompetition the<br />

the: for the Democratic pmldcnlUl<br />

nomination hat brer, narrowed<br />

down to only three candidate*:<br />

fornu-r Vjce.pretU!iM Walter<br />

Mont-al* Colon Jo Senator Gary<br />

Hart, and civil right* acl.itt<br />

Reverend Jctte Nekton.<br />

To win the nc nation. * candidate<br />

moil have » lota! of l/»6?<br />

delegate*. So lar in the r»« k *ondale<br />

it leading 8o4 delegates. Hait<br />

ha* 5N. «nd Jackun hat 147.<br />

Morale !i»i gained hit ttrong<br />

lead with the backing o! the AFL-<br />

CIO (American Federal ion ol<br />

Labor-Congreit of Induttrisl<br />

Organization*), traditional<br />

Drmocriti aud high-tech en-<br />

'rtrrtneur*.<br />

Hart it receiving strong lupport<br />

from >ounjcr *oie—, women, and<br />

jupprv * (young urban profct<br />

*KHI»IO, •vho are d:awn to hi*<br />

"uewnett" and "new generation ol<br />

p<br />

Became Hart toted agatntt the<br />

Clmler bailout loan. «hic!« tared<br />

600.000 job* and kepi the car company<br />

from going bankrupt, he tent<br />

rote* Iron- the larKe number of<br />

un'so worhcrt in the Mlinoi* .md<br />

Michigan election.<br />

Many bUrfc Democrat* are<br />

wcngly tuppcrtlnit Jjckton. «ho<br />

• on tl-.e majority of th

Yhctovetl. AprJ6, t*X4<br />

GOVERNMENf 1<br />

Pass sales continue<br />

By Dan Harrington<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> fciecutise Council<br />

(LEO currently sells Muni Youth<br />

Passes to the sluiknl body lor S5<br />

per paw at the end o[ e*er* month.<br />

<strong>The</strong> sales b-f *n In October I4K2<br />

amidf controler» o»er the i5,25<br />

price charged on campus. Man><br />

itudent* were Angered about the<br />

eitra ?5 centi collected p»i pat*.<br />

whkh wa\ to be directed ti» th?<br />

General Student Body Fund and<br />

utiliicd b> student goernment.<br />

<strong>The</strong> 25 cent (cc »n disallowed<br />

h> Municipal Kail-ay officials anil<br />

the I'ur .- Utilities Commission<br />

IPUCt alter caN one month, and<br />

the price was lowered in S5.<br />

<strong>The</strong> LHC still rccei*es 25 cent*<br />

from e*cr> Uii juss sold, sending<br />

4.75cent' back lu Muni.<br />

Cait Kocnig. LKC sponsor.<br />

stated. "<strong>The</strong> earning* (rom !*»*'<br />

Pa»i ulcs are our (LEO entire<br />

budget. <strong>The</strong> daives take the earning*<br />

from every ihmit els*."<br />

Since 1902. the last Pass **lcs<br />

hate lacked controsersv. but not<br />

hard *uik.<br />

Jun-or Nk;k Fioreiitmo*. Ll:C<br />

Treasurer, it in -har^e ol F-si<br />

PASS vales. He explained. "Other<br />

than the sale of pawn, the LfC<br />

workers ha*c lc ferif* tr-e lumrjci<br />

ol passes, ol Mine.l [rom Muni<br />

retort selling am 1 counl ant! urt<br />

the money collected alter each<br />

.lay's sales'."<br />

Fiorenlir.o* ncteJ. "Out ol thr<br />

2.(100 Fast l».mn *e rjceUe horn<br />

Muni, we tell 1.200 in the first das<br />

ol sales."<br />

Fiorentmot pointed nut that<br />

telling Fait Pa*se< can gel<br />

monotonous and frustrating at<br />

limes. He mused. "Oner in a<br />

*htle. t Ret those clowns who want<br />

to bu> 20 patsci I>r ;hemscl>es<br />

atiil tr-cir friend*, and they're standing<br />

at the window countinc nut<br />

IMnnc dollar hitK."<br />

Junior [)j»e Ihompwn. l.l*C<br />

Jt\i.tant trta*urcr. vommentcd.<br />

••j::|th thr job rnichl veern<br />

unimiM-lant. it Un't. .ind it<br />

* ' be nt.n. for K r 'ntcd. It<br />

Del Mar student exchange<br />

provies varied insights<br />

By Mary Wu<br />

ot the<br />

Eighteen sisitor* Irom San priced hi Lo« ell's relascd<br />

)u>-:'* Del Mar Hi^h Scln«>l mitcit classroom ai*;:i^T' l :ir.-c. large stuthe<br />

campus in a sludcnt exchange dent bods, and stuilent* studying<br />

conducted by the <strong>Lowell</strong> litccuiiie in the halls. Del Mar is a one-story<br />

Sisteen students, one parent. students,<br />

and Del Mar's director of aclMtics "<strong>The</strong>re is much lew discipline in<br />

met in the (ront courtyard with ihc classc* than wiiat I ei pec, ted."<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> student gmernment nl- commented Jennifer '':gan. Del<br />

fkers anil student guides at ( ':.V> Mar'ssiutlent body president,<br />

a.m. Seseral ol me sisiiors were c >ntach<br />

sisitor rc-.cncd a bulletin (used by <strong>Lowell</strong>'s modular<br />

outlining the school's curricular schedule.<br />

and co-curricular programs, a "Now that 1 understand it.<br />

Studtal Hamtttoo* ol inlorma- though. I rcalls like it. I can vec its<br />

•>t Tlie l.o«ell. ulkli. ,\ >«-u l;a»c." cipic<br />

At the end oi the »iui all the ten'or t.l-ard Yu.<br />

paricipanu attended a <strong>Lowell</strong> li\. Vt, t\ia '-*{ that wnte l.o cll<br />

lur-chenn during rncnU !•*• IS in modu'ai whcilulint! allow*<br />

riHim 33-1 alter fi^iung cU^%cv and Studrnlv «i (rre HUKK littrr-<br />

: the whool. mfl in hall* anil walkinR in am! onl<br />

En-fii^n itudcnti from Del Mar High School In San Jose jotn-d<br />

Lmtll l£Colficen on March 27.<br />

Students 'Wed ideas and opi- ol other classes that were in \c<<br />

r is about 1-owetl.<br />

K.-rry A a Senior Cla "At our whool that wouldn't<br />

president ol ! I Mir. said, "llete pen." said AnnaV<br />

p»> :1entl<<br />

Ii»trjonr luoks tnii. ;ested in wha*<br />

tjv teacher is stytng."<br />

ienicr L'annc Aicncio said that<br />

teachers at <strong>Lowell</strong> Ural *>denis<br />

with much more respect thar. tho'^<br />

•l Dei Mir<br />

t lltur. ' aird pointed<br />

out that noise in the '»uililific u<br />

anothe. problem.<br />

Kegan rnthu>cd. "Ihr sctio»:<br />

remndt rr.c ol A sn.a!l . illf^e Senii;e\ (1JSCS*<br />

lerctting talkinij with the tie, Mjr<br />

«tuiient«. I learned a lot about<br />

Hubs Doi.ii. . t •:OL get a la*te ol<br />

Arabia, Greece, and "i'air o'Dl«"<br />

ill In one placeT Try Lo«eH'» annual<br />

T-io Day hcM Friday. March<br />

9. durirg mod* 14-15 in the courtyard.<br />

Twin* of all ihai.n. \Ue\, and<br />

lationalitlet participated in the<br />

ent which wav judged in thrre<br />

categories: urljtirtallty and rrtali-'<br />

iy, oMtume detign. and eiowd<br />

reiponte.<br />

!:ach participant performed a<br />

tmail original ikit to mrel Ihf<br />

"crowd re*ponvc" retirement.<br />

Sen Ion Ruth Calucin and Cr:ta<br />

Leong captured lint pl»cc at<br />

"Dual" bananat. Second yltce<br />

went to til "wild and craiy<br />

*enior*." a* ihcy deicribed<br />

thcmtchei. diigutKd u n \ix pack<br />

. all wCre thoiouKhly entertained."<br />

remain a* unbiased as poswbl:. s.» tFditor's Note: 1 he -.cho-.l ad-<br />

*•• il-.o« liners Irnm dtMeienl mini.tratton )ia\ eipresu-d divap-<br />

^raiirlescl rc^utnv^." *,oi:tml primal o| o.w »cl ol I-in Uas con-<br />

1 '- -itJiiU. I'lcjuT rclcf In Letters ti><br />

l*-hik.isani %^..l ll.at he I.H.kcd t: -I.d.t^ronpj^e.l.)<br />

LEG sponsors newsletter<br />

U. Nanc-<br />

U-. Iht l.»*i-il l.tc, whu-lt >.* -Home a stme-<br />

>*lct<br />

in loim t.. ihr I»|S.\<br />

. it iimTjtnei! ihr IOIIOK-<br />

Roernmcf.t hoirdv an.l tU.s<br />

«itr; th«tr (unctions an-J prese<br />

oflkets, vjlendnr -it school cun<br />

jnnimncrrr.eiits and piomntsi<br />

lor upcoming activities. Mi.d a li*l »*cond one<br />

ol cljbs and their dficriptiuru. Aciotdtng to t*«rl Kocn:^. I.lit<br />

"Ihr purpose til the n^-s!cli.r M l "i«>r. "I be iwi lor printing<br />

«a* to publicize leacher Ap- in ^ mailing t* about $!Mf." which<br />

rteoaitt-i Das -Open House, pm- would be too etpenuse (i.r a ntonn<br />

-'c . I jb* and ?hc Ma> etcvti.tr. tif ''*'* ii'ihlicattun<br />

sty-t-n. .-»'iceri ..(.nd inlnrm Caliin prei'itts thai with :'e<br />

.>!<br />

I."<br />

the r(>rniati>e. "I liked the list ol all<br />

rni.firaijr ttu.lent*. to fe! inti'Ur.l Teacher Appreciation D*> »as<br />

n)I<br />

- t("*»d idea because student* don<br />

Mihuu^h ,>leascd »iih il.r u,u.-.ll; tell their parents «bou<br />

.tuhlH-jimn ol ,ts List nr»s'ctter. who,-! c»tnh." remarkrd -uni.<br />

• !<br />

eld on

Student<br />

notebook<br />

BCO<br />

By Melanlc Ramos<br />

Tht Board of Cla** Officers will<br />

t»ke yearbook picture mafce-upt<br />

on April M in the auditorium for<br />

thotc who mittcd thr April J and 4<br />

picture dayi. <strong>The</strong> Board will alto<br />

l>e selling <strong>Lowell</strong> pencil bag* for<br />

S2. Thoie wiihing to purchate one<br />

ibouU' contact any ol the officer*.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Scnlott **. Facutiy Qatkef.<br />

bill Came will take place on April<br />

13 In the <strong>Lowell</strong> gym.<br />

CraJ tptakcr try-outs will be in<br />

room 220 after vhool on two<br />

•eparate day*: April 10 for<br />

hittoriar, and April 11 for<br />

talulatorian.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Senior Prom Committee<br />

ha* decided on the iSeme. '•Scrr.e<br />

Enchanted Evening." <strong>The</strong> prom<br />

will be held on May 27 it the '•"airmont<br />

Ho.el.<br />

"Piece* of a Dream* tt the<br />

theme of Ihc Junior Prom lo be<br />

held on April 15 in the Grand<br />

Ballroom o[ the Sheraton Palace.<br />

Mink- Miner* will he the dltc<br />

jockey, and Kec Coleman will be<br />

the photographer. According to<br />

the lypc of uudeni activity card,<br />

ticket price* are tilvrrAi|*er S22.<br />

\tl\CT/ttxuUr 124. til.cr/.hhout<br />

withoul'ttjihoui J.I2.<br />

flic Junior Clan made ov<br />

VIX] on thr talc ol pock* *ikk*.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sophomore Clatt had i<br />

lood talc and an April Fool cram<br />

talc latt week. Sophi will be telling<br />

Kwte't Piece* at a fundrai*cr during<br />

ihti month. Sale* will continue<br />

through the ipring vacation.<br />

••87*«<br />

<strong>The</strong> Frethman Clati n*s decid-<br />

I ed on a tervlec projevt which will<br />

be painting the "L" on the<br />

blcacben of the football field.<br />

More detail* * ill be tnncuncrd.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Irethman are alto planning<br />

to hold i food tale and another<br />

fundraiser this month.<br />

LEC<br />

By Weorly Wong<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> Eiecutive Counciltpontored<br />

'Copper-Silver Game."<br />

r. eontrtt which promotrd clatt<br />

spirit and raited fundt. *ai held<br />

c* jring the w *k of M>rch \t-23.<br />

<strong>The</strong> co.i:evt ln\ol»rd clati cotn-<br />

' petition ani* encouraged «lude-iu<br />

ta place copnet coin*, w^^h count<br />

I<br />

, lot ifw tli*- into thvtr cl«tt* jugt.<br />

and tihrr coin*, which count<br />

againtt the eta ^.t. intr o'her<br />

clauci* Jug*.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ilh !^« m the end<br />

of the week." u*»t LEC Chaii<br />

Keltic Can.<br />

Die winning cUit ha* not been<br />

determined >et.<br />

Early March tale* of white<br />

hooded <strong>Lowell</strong> t»e*tth:m hate to<br />

far netted a profit of J579. More of<br />

ihete S12 tweatthirti will be<br />

ordered. Future tale* will require<br />

ihe buyers to place a $2 dcpotii.<br />

Acoin-operftlcd mkrowavc men<br />

for ttudent u*e I* being looked into.<br />

A ttudent eschange with<br />

Oakland Technical Hijh School<br />

might be held in the near future.<br />

<strong>The</strong> LEC will turvcy ttudent* on<br />

what they think wo*jln encourage<br />

them to maintain a clean tchool.<br />

SAB<br />

By Ann Huppert<br />

<strong>The</strong> Student AotMthn Hoard i*<br />

now planning for t!.e Monte Carlo<br />

Night Dance UII April ??. iJimn<br />

will be from (»M:.W p.m. and dancing<br />

«.ill be Iron 7.11 p.m. Prizes<br />

will be rallied oil at the end of the<br />

garnet. <strong>The</strong>re • iV »*e 4 battle of ihc<br />

DI\ tx-t.ren Sound Tech and<br />

olSKX).<br />

Ihc SAII i\<br />

powiblc CILIU<br />

J ol CahlurntJ at<br />

da>. April 25. Tlic rally at LtraeL<br />

it tchc(lulcit (orFrtdavAptil -"<br />

BSCS<br />

By Sarah Hudwa<br />

Tlic BSCS' main cuncrmv c«ci<br />

the pait month hate been tersicc<br />

project*. On March I 1 *, clubt turn<br />

ed in Service Project V'erilic.ilioi<br />

Formt. Ihrvc verified that cf<br />

club did itt required prnjeel (or the<br />

lai; tcmcMer.<br />

Sotar club*' proj«l* did<br />

meet the requirement* tet by the<br />

Service Project CommiHcr. Thctc<br />

club* can appeal, nut it their pro<br />

ject it nil) no) accepted. Ihe cluh<br />

cannot remain a member cf I hi<br />

BSCS thit umcttcr. Club\ alto<br />

turned in their iiteat for the tpring<br />

wrrnctier't ter%ke (irojeci.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Ad»entuter't Club it<br />

charge of ihe bulletin board oul<br />

tide ihc Meter Library. A nc» lk<br />

hat r.*pl*ce-.l the or- broken<br />

ihree year* «go.<br />

Dan Harrington ha* o%-ani/cd<br />

Lie BSCS Flas Football LeagMc.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are «!•.• ;JU<br />

p.m. to rtcri»c (rrc \nn*tonc\<br />

before the dance l^ciran.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> tno»cone* were a bad<br />

idea," *Utci1 (rc*hnun A!c\ I.j\h.<br />

lor<br />

mor»- c!ilertaintn>r than cat in K<br />

them.<br />

Ihc li.ul *ortt; placed at lite<br />

dance «ai not. a*cipcclcd. "Time<br />

Will He*eal." 1 hit came at j<br />

ditappointment lo fic*hman<br />

Heather llallett and othen. who<br />

retcni?d .hit decition by the di*c<br />

joc.eyv<br />

Krcthrr.an Mar'ha Dclcadn<br />

«id. "Everyone taiil that thit<br />

would be the wont dancv. bui :l<br />

wat bfter th»n the Sophorr.ore<br />

E.clu »e."<br />

Many (rethmen were<br />

diivatitficd *>ith the (itIt of iheir<br />

ctatv*ponuCt<br />

£SU<br />

UA FOOO i STCAH3<br />

M L f O T BOO<br />


WtST FO11 At.TUNNEL<br />


• «t±>4««KM<br />

0P«NSPUT0 10 PM<br />


Snowcon:* were rmong the fun at the FrethB.cn Eiduiivc March 16.<br />

L<br />

riav'.s Florist. LTD<br />

•-F O H.M.A t' W E AH' • r • 415 $73-0626 •<br />


. - • • • ' ... - " - n " ••. " , • - " J ' -•';<br />

• : "- , .-. • ••—•• ' "• V * * •"• ' f<br />

'i211 SUTVER STflEE"I*SAN FBANCISCO 9418?!.<br />

\ -"- . 'A ' **." *' 5 ' • -^fc '* .'. x * •.**"; • -'"'

»a/e IP. <strong>The</strong> lo»ell. /(prtf It. I°M<br />


Internships prepare for future Social Action<br />

''•***s.v '•* *h« Congreuionai Summer Program po«« la front of the<br />

Campaign workers needed "1<br />

By D* JeflrerOalnn Jeffrey Calvin '>'• olficc jfficc taid ihat ttudeni' ttudenir iltc n-.i,, tlaie part* ollice „„ can be .<br />

it makes a difiercn<br />

By Leah Kirliner<br />

Haie you oer withcrt )ou w*tc more itnolted In<br />

yotrcnmn.uml>? ftatcjcu e»cr winlrtl n k.noi-morc<br />

about tocii. 1 ittuct which dirctt u;r *ame<br />

Social action orRani/ation* ill . . iho<br />

of «4Ki 4 are bawd her- .•» San Fr.irc<br />

toiunieerv<br />

Grcenpe.-cc it An n<br />

J«h it it primarily kno<br />

the whale*. < A i< «lu* a<br />

-,.) nuclear <<br />

d priv.iiKitt of nuclear '.capont.<br />

Orren|waceniedv*oLntecr'tin«otkii<br />

•cvarch. clerwal mailing*.<br />

ATCJ<br />

Greenpeace 1* located at |\»it MJion Center. Hetty<br />

Swart, the office manager ai d *o!unfccr coc wlinjtor,<br />

t-An be reached at 474-ti7r>* from *) to 5. Monday<br />

(hnni(h ("ridi*.<br />

Alto located iti fort Mawti '.'enter and in need ol<br />

toluntccr*. i* the San Franciw.> Uiy L'Si/picr of (he<br />

Oceanic Society.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Oceanic Satiety i\ a national org-miration<br />

»l'kh ci>ncernt itvell with rc*carch. education, and<br />

ci-nwnatipn. According to tolur.tecr c. linator.<br />

Sane* Shcehan. "We (Oceanic VH'ICIV) . . like l!ir<br />

Sierrjriul.oltlietcar'<br />

Voluniecr\ at tlic Oveanu' Society may become in-<br />

•ulicd in jn)itiirij{ ftom ollicc work In en* iron mental<br />

retearch.<br />

"You alu. Ket the ..[)p...-timit> lo K-....»free ^ail* on<br />

Ihrouuhiiut the one week<br />

bj Molly Nisoa Lat» tummcr. ten tor Cecilia<br />

Skinocr itcominir. You're tired Moreno participated in a special<br />

«minar. ttu.tenl* arc uken to Hie<br />

tV and thoppi>iK mill*. Uul intermhip program lor<br />

Ne» Voik Stock Hirhan/e. the<br />

)OL. don't want lo /e: Muck with «<br />

I'eJeral Kwnc Hank ol Nc*<br />

and black* at San Ft ant two Mate<br />

job at McDonald'*. So what do<br />

Vo.k. the Ne» York CommiHlitic*<br />

joudo?<br />

(icharivc. and to \c«eral major<br />

noj«ataha*vitj<br />

A lummer inlermliip or ipcclal i>m.og> prolettiir ptojetwir «<br />

corporate rnradu,uj«rtcrv<br />

whti »4<br />

tumrrrr program ma> be jutl *hat ducting an etperim<br />

II >ou arc a motitaled \iui!rn<br />

with hrin<br />

you're Hokin* lor. thrimp.<br />

• tth a keen interest in journalism.<br />

lnternth.pt give i.udentt i * p<br />

Blair Acadcim in DUir*to-»n. NJ.<br />

.hancc lo itt'citc on-lhc-jott trail *VN) an hour from mij-lunc t<br />

otlcr% a-i inlfiimc ftte-weck \um-<br />

ing tn their field of intern! |o v^-., .-id Auju.t. S^e plan* to *pcnd<br />

mer program that may be nchl up<br />

they want to purtuc it at a cafrti.<br />

rIe%-...r. hut i,,.t a.i\wt jrc arc ititrrcd altered iin<br />

nrw*<br />

* iir.mcr tallowing their inicrmhi.i iie..-t*anl* thiou^n the intcrntnip<br />

-riling mil nt*t-Bjtlierii t. TT^I -J . • rt .<br />

Independent of t^e prograM l*ri>Rram.<br />

ihnugh contact* made on Ihc job.<br />

(Tor more Information on ihi* renew* it included in t<br />

uno;r upp;r trie] In el I:rtRli*h l'ni-!nh cla* clsvvr*. _<br />

f-or *iudcnt* who *i*h i»<br />

e*pcricnt.e the poliii^al proce*v<br />

fmthand. the >ear l'»S4<br />

i\ loaded *ilh oppununit).<br />

In addilitMi to the<br />

pmMtiu} ol the United<br />

Slatr*. a variety ol Icucral.<br />

Hate, and 1^*1 i.;ike* arc<br />

up for election. Campaign<br />

olficet throughout California<br />

arc gearinc up tor the<br />

ttate't presidential primary<br />

election whedulcd for June<br />

i.<br />

<strong>The</strong> final dec I in 1. when<br />

the of lien will rrjtlv i* up<br />

(or Etab*. will be hr'd on<br />

Nm ember 6.<br />

Kcprr^K'atii'vt t>( loci;<br />

P>litKalor|a>iirattant, both<br />

I) f m o 1 f * i I { an.I<br />

Hepublkan. told <strong>The</strong> t MtU<br />

"hat itu, would need many<br />

"rfuntecr* in 'hei/ uw-omto|<br />

campaign*.<br />

Rouer SanJer ol th* Sai.<br />

1 ranciven Uemorraltc Par.<br />

_ j • an: to actiteh tupport reached at 4M n.V13.<br />

thepart> Iia.e twooptiont. ' AlthouKh the Kepublicai<br />

r>>r about )?•> a >car. i fin man it no I etpected (<<br />

\tudrnt can join any ol the be holly conttiled (I'reti<br />

cit>'* 2o i»*ue-oriented dent Honald Kcagan doe:<br />

ilcmocralii. club*. Sandef not (ace jn> teriout oppoti- ><br />

*aid Ihat joining a uon(. the parly i* pfcpjhnc I<br />

democratic cluh it a pood („ vunduct a heated cam- I<br />

w4* to make pconal pertonal con eon- pg pai^n fur r Ithe<br />

November<br />

with teteran* ol the<br />

final election.<br />

political proce**. Man* cm<br />

Said Don Ucmden. the et-<br />

official* are member* i-l ecuti.e director ol the San<br />

thrvrdub*.<br />

f-'rancltcn Count,<br />

1 *ie iccond waj to Ret in- Republican otticc. "Wc »tl!<br />

ld<br />

be needing »oluntcei* to<br />

yioorkdirectUona man phone bank* and prt<br />

*in([fe candidate** carr- mailtnet cut inning in<br />

paiitn.<br />

Ak^utt "<br />

TbiUfc-h it i: too late iu Ho-.den l*curr ill* cox-<br />

tign up to work a I tht pllinnaUtolallprrwiniin-<br />

Democratic N-sSnal Con- Icre*tcd In ».iluntecrin|t lo<br />

tent int. Sani!t.n \*U that «c/k bn the Kepuhlican<br />

th* tirnr K ripe lo join in- campaign. |"« pijt jour<br />

• I. ideal political cam- name on ihe liti. hi* .iflice<br />

paign*. For more inlor*na- can be contatted al •ih'>.<br />

tfon about how lo xigA up. IM2.<br />

Volunk'tr Center o' San Frutcisco — If jou are intervtied in<br />

«o1untect|ng. the Volumes C-nler Youth (>n>gram will match<br />

..-•*..^., jou up »J'"- an agency or prograri in«oheklU*. li«n-. '••> fii"J a jot. and ht» lo Keep H. fteter-<br />

»rl* 10 #*ailablc job* *T- made- l-.n!cfpri»e u limitti at 3275<br />

5*c rancrio C«21-MS-I).<br />

Mayor't Summer Youth Prr*gratn — I V» prr-RM.-n at ihc Youth<br />

-•iemicet OIIKC "Her* idvi*ir,c w»!n** \ch pUt,b*. turb »* l.>r*cy w^rktrt. hand bill ditinhulort. and deli<br />

worker* ate available- kci,'""r " )tn "'* Youth Icukn UIIKC »l<br />

l'-W Market StrrtHbetwcenOoful, ahdOclatia).<br />

V fkinn with editorial* and f-f S*j J 1 f\ O "f-f J~k *f £) •{"¥"£* T><br />

re.,ew* U include.! in traditional. -!-• C* U t a LliJ 11 HI LCl<br />

By Wendy Wong<br />

lupine the field of auhiteclure.<br />

Hecome conipuler-liurale.<br />

Study the hit ton n f the United<br />

Slate*.<br />

A tuT.mer education can olfcr<br />

to high whool ttudeni* /ll thetc<br />

ictitilin and more.<br />

Ihc lummer muntht offer<br />

*.;IK' il* * chance to relax.<br />

,j», iff. turn nicr time alto<br />

•-esentt opportunities !•> earn<br />

•.-i. rtc credit, eiflore field* nt interc*t.<br />

and tamp If culler lik.<br />

Seterai San Cra^'ivvo high<br />

whool* offer lite to tit week »ummer<br />

truion*. llowcter. due to thr<br />

June<br />

lack of whool di*ut-' lundt. «.noou tpring tcrrnt end<br />

ttudeni*. who wnh l.i take courtct *boui one month before lowcllt<br />

for high whool credt! and who <br />

Dtmme *ohnt'er* < ,\ '?.*•• jut <<br />

prru rilcate*. crnTatii' .•»•> .werir<br />

tne e»tni3|. *ot»ntccrt cii> p*r.jctp.iic<br />

campiigm: weekend tolunicen mat helj-|<br />

tnformatioa lablrt wi up on bu\y urwtv ^<br />

Both GBircnon and B»rbara Wcin an 1<br />

toJuntrer coordinator* and can tx t-a.-l<br />

T r 58. 1<br />

EdKXiog. while taking action en t^<br />

•ortd, itahitfClualeering U all about<br />

opportunity lohclp in the San Fraociw- |<br />

and to make a diiferen**'<br />

'I'k ^<br />

I...* ^ POUT*<br />

^ > 1,<br />

TRA;<br />


I on;<br />

irence<br />

ajvj n«; •,-ourw.in)i !.>!.•<br />

>ra Camp.<br />

rdat-Ul-S^o.<br />

tattoo tor Women (NOW, t\ j<br />

*' ** r ' n nin»l«oc3 into<br />

* AD ft* an lit- an.l making r.oi.,-n<br />

. file Az.-opirrti. SOU „.<br />

Jfoi luun. inUjdi.-; :he I'uual<br />

MtpTCtlustlon right*. Itvhnn an,l<br />

tatlnjt violence J Shapiro *r 'tl J'"' 'ne nr tw» tpnrtt anil man For more Information about can,—, "-c the<br />

at .»•#.•.»su;<br />

- California<br />

icii*iiiet.<br />

W. ihc<br />

M'evial:»<br />

mputer<br />

camp* that pr.oM.-all-Jiound tporu acti.ilte*.<br />

the Ai<br />

pi -*- one nrmplc of<br />

Ihr alhletu-<br />

l-ur :hc<br />

:>pc. tucre' arc m-<br />

V.I.C.C.I. Cemer ' T mo.e tpcilic infonnalion<br />

and people tit contact. Financial aid and<br />

wi.'-iarthipt mav l>c available for wmcol thete<br />

^'"»;ramt.<br />

yjl+H^Ul-r 4 ****"<br />

Travel offers unique<br />

experiences<br />

tiy Steph-nie Abuntto<br />

r lau-iU h..-. IM 1-.4iit.11 nU<br />

vcl am! rijirrTiui<br />

Icrent tttfcul lif<br />

lhe hur,.[.r.wluv.l<br />

pfOKtjnu<br />

1 J vomplclci. ihfin<br />

loni!..ii. i*. Mj.ln.. \rhcnt.<br />

cxunlti j| ihc IIKJI unitci tin, (»uh (lie ctirpt. «!)* iue\pliiic ihc wotld.<br />

AVtl tp«r.-.ar\ c>ctin« tnpt in America in tocli nr»\<br />

s* New bnglanri. the Continental Duidc. -n.l •>:\ loai;.<br />

AYI1 alto orttamsev c>ciinjr tr;pi i t Lun>pe whi.'ti<br />

ranfcffrom 22 to5rtda>t in I.nmh.<br />

D'-niln c)i:linc iript. AVif alto leadt hiking tnpt<br />

in America and ahrnad.<br />

the<br />

KcH-kii the I'Jicittc<br />

: North* e*t.<br />

Abroad there ire<br />

irip*H•<br />

JamaU^.Iiun>pe.andC'i<br />

ina.<br />

lhe hikin tt 'f'pt le ti^hMxelng.<br />

are n<br />

PI; round*.<br />

1 01 lhe canoe<br />

(. .nc,,.. . AVII . iffcfv .jncf<br />

mni to oihcr part* of<br />

Europtan Studies Auociatlon ttudrnu -.ttmd<br />

ctau it ibe Sorboone ia P. *.

P«|» 12. <strong>The</strong> Lentil. \ortl 6. I9!H<br />

FUTURE 1<br />

Magic, relationships unveil future<br />

By Brcnda Miller<br />

U there a way ol knowing what<br />

the future hold*? On »c fnrvx<br />

aurdctlinles?<br />

Pro^Ie hi>e toyed with Ihete<br />

ijuettiont (or many years and h#»e<br />

found notimpie antwer*.<br />

Fortunetcllinf i* the prtctice of<br />

predicting the lulurr and repeating<br />

hhidcP knowledge bt magic or<br />

tupcmfciural infant It is bawd in<br />

pjrt on itie belief thai superraturM<br />

forces alfeel the destinies<br />

of human t*cingt.<br />

Throughout hitiory. htindrei**<br />

of different foriuneteUtng method*<br />

hate been uied. For eiamplc.<br />

necromancy flituhci comrvnUalion<br />

*ith the iptrilt ol .he dead.<br />

A Urology It an attempt tu predict<br />

cvintt by ituuying the rnwitiont ol<br />

L'yJatoaMlntx<br />

Slgmuni Freud % pioneer work<br />

concerning ih- Interpretation of<br />

dreamt cleared the way for con''*<br />

nulnf tludies dealing with the role<br />

of the uiconicious mind.<br />

Mhat are dreami? Do they *ff-ei<br />

our da'ly li«ei? What d* they<br />

mean*<br />

Th; uncon*cious mind spendi<br />

he day ditguiilng tome ol our true<br />

[eelingt and desires, toning them<br />

down to an "acceptable" ianii><br />

level for evaluation by our conwicut<br />

mind. At night, the unconiclout<br />

releases iu acquired<br />

prttiurc In (he form of dreamt.<br />

Dream* are a representation ol<br />

our (eelinc,*. which may include<br />

usual or a(t;;re**i*e withe*, or hidden<br />

tendencie* toward violence.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y often omlir-n emotion* people<br />

will rcfuw to admit to ha*inc.<br />

*ucha*anu that of a<br />

daytime itmt itmtion. Blood<br />

preuure riies, ar.d potculUI heart<br />

•tuck aid itroke vlctimi are in<br />

special danger.<br />

Everyone ditamt abi-at two<br />

ht'un pc night, and takes put In<br />

ihrtc ..> KV«O dream* But ttul<br />

p*»pk intiM. "I never remember<br />

m* dream*."<br />

fait can bv alteretl to «omc extent<br />

People who arc awakened. ID<br />

lt.e nv..ldle t>t t. drftm are able u?<br />

tupply vivid and *ccur*le detallt<br />

eonccmlng dream content.<br />

When a pennn awakes immediately<br />

alter a dream, he quick*<br />

ly begin* to forget the eiectt of hit<br />

•irean. Detail* cm be<br />

rcflienbcrcd much more effective*<br />

ly if the dreamer keept • pencil<br />

and pad of piper by hit bed,<br />

writing down kit dctailt ol hit<br />

dream immediately alter he «akc*<br />

up.<br />

Experiment! perfomed on<br />

volunteer*, who are awakened at<br />

the beginning of every dream they<br />

tried to indulge in. thowed that<br />

when people arc not allowed to<br />

dream for t:*cral nights in a row.<br />

they become unutualty irriuted.<br />

<strong>The</strong> number of lime* each dreamdeprived<br />

subject tried to begin a<br />

new dream increase* every nighi.<br />

.V*lmilareiperime r «

Following the trend<br />

<strong>The</strong> 'in's' and *out V at <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

ByShokoKaihlyaraa<br />

O.K. you people out there — throw away iho\r jordachc<br />

jeans and the Fluhdance rag*.<br />

A iccent survey conducted among 241 Lowcllltei mcak the<br />

obvious and t'ne noMo-obvioui in the current *'in\" and<br />

"ouu"oncaTipu%. We've known for quite a lcu*yc.>r\nowilut<br />

bcll |.. >m of<br />

\ ans ar"i the colors of lavende - ami [treen did noi fare well in<br />

ihU survey. Currently, tl-.i. most unfavorable \t>tc it the<br />

"WPOD" look — which probably means "Heavy Metal" Tlhlr.<br />

"illiout sleevrs. a worn pair el jeans, and long hair •<br />

In-Betwcens: Although most of the items mentioned were<br />

decidedly "in" and "out", there were a few items that people<br />

could not make up their minds ;bout. Thus, the In-Uct»ecn*.<br />

For example, ibou' half tic students who mentioned livprit<br />

put it und r the "In" colutun while the oilier half thought ii<br />

was old stuff. <strong>The</strong> same ROC. for p'cpP> " l ^" tf' r '""' column.<br />

Well —is it. or isn't it?<br />

Su no» you know — the in' and nuts at l.owrl! acc^rdin^ ti»<br />

2-*! tluilcitit. And il >ou I i-p*.n to he inio lu-mU. um Wo<br />

b t ic >u; shopping* Hit<br />

t wh*l i<br />

reail- V: a J«iv -ili. i:.: ^<br />

In her panic. »lir teaiirheit Iff<br />

JJI-.J a.irt. AI..K*<br />

matter.<br />

In her Irantic \tate. Joam<br />

"Hui •'••lr^i<br />

cmphaiifeil hui what (CJIUIC* people<br />

arc a\har ed of<br />

f-"nr eiampl<br />

jpd<br />

77it Lmtcll. Apn. t. 1'MJ. F. to hide a \c\* ".hin<br />

pcrfrcl body.<br />

Clothe* chuicr% are oltcn cornivtent<br />

*hh oi her i>rrtonal<br />

prctcrcnets. Fo. invtanic, people<br />

who *car clothe* that **/*cf them<br />

up ate lrrqucntl> ptntcvlitt o(<br />

their thought* and rmotiont and<br />

are more conienialiic. mKile people<br />

«ho wear open and exposed<br />

i'oltie. lend to enjoy \paciou\ne".<br />

rioihrv which hate vharp.<br />

Jclifiiic tettutev mean that ihc<br />

*c4ftr\ want lo be tej;4f Jed av el-<br />

rtrv «( ed clothe*<br />

lute »n<br />

t and con-<br />

tJtt.<br />

p ThanJii Pappav o(lemi<br />

» different rxnpecti*c.<br />

"Clothin« probably %at\ rvothinft<br />

atnjut a (K'fvjit becauvc mott people<br />

en jlons . nh the udv 4nJ<br />

thai'v not reatli their pciwnality.<br />

Hut il MIU «c pc»ipte ('rctved differenilr.<br />

wilhaui it, rdv lor the<br />

[adv. )ou may be able to fell<br />

tomcitunx ahout iheir perwtnjllttei."<br />

he vummariied.<br />

Look in thr mirror and lind ui<br />

G.E.T.<br />

Men's Store<br />

Tuxedo and Suit<br />

Rentals<br />


(Orders must be placed by May 15)<br />

"" w<br />

36.50<br />

TUXEDO<br />

S45.00 TO S55.0G<br />


• m met 50 sty'*. 1 *<br />

colors Q.noro<br />

r.;;iT..«ii.r.»« -— ;/T/T£^\'X»V.H G.E.T. fl<br />

*-s^..%b« „. ^r;;^':'""::"::,;;:: '•r^.rr.L;^ < TUXEDO &sunj<br />

,..,«J .. ll.< iUk I.CKJ ..... ri.cn *ll..'OKhl>«"cWhei. »k. ..,,. .,„,„,..•• CENTALS<br />


previously read books<br />

1687 Height-San Frartisco-553-4122<br />

564-6538<br />

G.E.T. Men'<br />


. <strong>The</strong> LawtU. April i. I9M<br />

FEATURE"<br />

Names change with time<br />

"John" t.icluda "Johnny.• •"•onaiha»:." and "Johnnie"<br />

"SuwtT include* "Sue," -Suiic," and "Suite"<br />

"ChrUtlna" Includes "Christine"<br />

"Ann" include!"Amu," "Ann(i)e"<br />

• (Taken from I'IC CUts of !981).<br />

By Debbie Gottfried<br />

All throughout history, names<br />

hare beeo used to j;U< people individual<br />

distinction. .<br />

<strong>The</strong> primili%e North American<br />

Im'iant' method ol doling name*<br />

from the circunnlance* cormrctcd<br />

with the child'* blrtli. inch a*<br />

"Great Le-pcr" or "New Moon."<br />

or Keause of some tjuaht) they<br />

hoped ihc child might pwttctt like<br />

"Strong Eagle." thow* hi>« there<br />

name* were originally imcnled<br />

Faiorite name* nete then handed<br />

doun from generation 13<br />

gc h cru ion (their origins meaning*<br />

often forgotlen in the pro.<br />

cru). while others dropped out of<br />

use. so thrt each tribe finally<br />

developed its own individual cutin<br />

the Middle Ate*, it *J\<br />

decreed by CnHitUn law that a<br />

child'* name had to contain ihc<br />

i'.TA r.ame of a saint or martyr, or<br />

the child couM not be s .ptiinJ.<br />

<strong>The</strong> liti of elljft\ name* »»<br />

taken Irom the Pifte and included<br />

*uch n*mc% at Mary. Ann.<br />

I-luabeth. John. N*lhan. «nrdiiiit to an informal tii'tr*<br />

ol the fir*r name* of the member*<br />

ol the C'*t*c» u| 'Ki am' 'to, the<br />

il* BiMieal meaning of "bclmjd"<br />

L -.,<br />

i '•<br />

let.:<br />

•«rimi name Jman<br />

md vi:rv with I<br />

.nn(c) and n\ u pitched<br />

ihrieWi of n I atmaman ilnil."<br />

laUICale.<br />

"S'y mother named pic alter il.e<br />

r.recl rla> ^.vjt* Ordipux"<br />

:n.l i't<br />

vnphum<br />

Sum<br />

iltwlowri junior Che^Ie* Chen.<br />

"M> micndci; name watCharlei.<br />

bu' mt mo.? mueii up the \|iclltnK.<br />

Ctiarlev it nu» my middle<br />

AI1I.0 ~h th> name* Jatper it<br />

traditional!) dented uom thut ul A<br />

Hibltcat *iteman. vpluimorr<br />

Jatper Chrn believe* that hi* name<br />

n a phonefk" trantlatino.<br />

"Il meant 'getting rut/ in<br />

Chinete." Chen taid.<br />

It vophc -iore Damir ZrVdt^r<br />

»av born in the United Slate*, he<br />

may be among thote with the mtnt<br />

popular name.<br />

"Damtr it half taken irem thr<br />

Ruitian word for David." *(aled<br />

^ckn'ier.<br />

Occ£tionally a common firtt<br />

and latt name cimbir.c to prooace<br />

anurr.vutUine.<br />

"A lot n* penple .»re ivirprittii<br />

wh:n tKrr tin.l i>ui ihct mt »itit<br />

ttljpn 1 In." UK* f.-cvhtiin Lin<br />

and Daniel. <strong>The</strong> most popular<br />

girl*' natnet art Jennifer. Mary.<br />

Kirrn. Michelle. Jeuir*.<br />

Kaih fine. Rebecca. Deborah.<br />

Kobir. ind Megan-<br />

A ttudy by two p*)cholo>rr Pf°-<br />

Inwiv Hctbert Hurati and J^hn<br />

McDatid. tt)|[)cetu tcachcrx jre influenced<br />

h^ a tluilcnt'i name when<br />

they gne out gradrt. Two group*<br />

ol lcit tier* «c>: atVed lo mark<br />

c*ta>t. Some were told ihe e*u>~*<br />

J were written b) Da*id. Michael.<br />

Liu. Jt.d Ann. Other* wcte toltl<br />

and<br />

I re up<br />

If one i- nhappv with hit rui<br />

it by per<br />

n *,em<br />

j..Ujii1n:r of<br />

n. an Met. in K*nin%fc*.<br />

^eorite Hum* wj^ Nathan i:iri<br />

baum. John Denter »*t Hm".<br />

John De u tic hen do rf. it., and »r.<br />

Grant *ai Arcnit'ald Leach.<br />

Whether >nur name it common,<br />

unique, hard to ptonuunee. or<br />

taken from a mone tlar, it will be<br />

a part of you for me rett of yo'ir<br />

life. Il reveal* who >"u ate, It it<br />

;rur >ndividual mark.<br />




tbU ;jiI5U STLRXO 1<br />


own ctavTxn<br />

l« * fit: tali * Sfrvici<br />

usH ST swi crun OLV<br />


By Jennifer FoulaUdu<br />

"Aww. why did he do that?" seemt to be the general fecll.ig of<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> students regarding Dr. Flbhh'i Iclter reprirnandtng l*>hn<br />

Stoanc and John Zen trier'* Twin Day presentation. <strong>The</strong> two Lds<br />

Innocently enough mav^ueraJeti a* Kas Ttfarians (a relatively<br />

new pcliitcal-rcllgiout inovet::cnt among Jamaican blacks whose<br />

practices Include the smoking of marijuana) and gave a rather<br />

humorous interpretation of a, Raitaman conversation. "Gig Al"<br />

was not tickled by the performance. So.. Dr. Fibist> ..ou. a letter<br />

to the editor of <strong>The</strong> Lowe;/, Susan Shiu, cxtendin- to the "...stu*<br />

dent body...an apology for tht\ taitclcu d>*7'./ * and requesting<br />

that "...when Twin Day information is bittern In a ted It wilt be in*<br />

dlcated that coitumes that arc imitative ol 0/ stereotypical of<br />

other ethnic groups will not be allowed to participate."<br />

Very funny this episode was. since on the very tamr Twin Day.<br />

a pair of seniors poved as Chinese bagladies without any objection<br />

coming from the administration. Taking a look at <strong>Lowell</strong>'s racial<br />

and ethnic make-up, we feel that these two were in ihc position of<br />

offending many more students than the Rasiamen were. Why did<br />

not the good Doctor then scold the Chinatown wanderers? Could<br />

it he because the two girls actually are. underneath the mismatched<br />

polyester pantsults, Asian? Hmmm.<br />

it is the t-iincnl practice of all Journalism 1 (the class designed<br />

s teat!, ttudenu how to write for <strong>The</strong> LOAXJI) students to "critique"<br />

our school newspaper. Each student is asiignd two or three<br />

pages of ihc latest edition of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> and ii instructed (0 con*<br />

stnjttivcly evaluate the stories appearing Oi: those respective<br />

pages- Since over 60 tturicnts arc enrolled in the Journalism 1<br />

clattcs. e»ch mcmbci of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> Maff receives up to six<br />

anonymous critiques per printed story. Though the critque<br />

tyitcm is deigned - o help the newspaper's reporters, there are a<br />

few of us who juM can't take the criticism, especially when the<br />

criiici/crs "hit the wound" a\ avidly as last month's School Due<br />


Litter baffles LEC<br />

Does inaction reveal council's impotence?<br />

Ck*n up alter jrounc/m. or<br />

face the eon\eq>.encei.<br />

During the tint whool wrefc of<br />

J«W, Principal Alan Fibhh<br />

rf*.'fvcred thit threatening<br />

ultimatum to the ttudent body.<br />

Flblth announced (hv daily inspcctMni<br />

»ou/c* be^in JrP.red'ialeJjr<br />

to auwtjin If the w/iojf MAS "«(•cepub/y<br />

rJean." ff thr uftuof fjiled<br />

fo put Iftcw impri-iioa*. he<br />

proraited thai for the period of the<br />

following meek he Mould: ban<br />

citing la the hMlli. clmr room 24t><br />

fo itudent food sales, jnd iftuf<br />

dawn r O»u: "II «« (th« \XX><br />

coul-a'f Utlak of anything to d<<br />

tr«jb» II *u vi to the priuclpal lo<br />

do joftMhinf .**<br />

How Galileo<br />

does it...<br />

<strong>The</strong> ttutlrnt Roicrnmcnt ol<br />

Callieo Itlftli School iponion a<br />

Uan-up campaign whkh i^iohct<br />

direct, rrgtiilrvtudcnl tupporl.<br />

Galileo itudentt tpend len<br />

minute* o( their rv^ittry time pick-<br />

|C|j up litler around iheir<br />

clatiroomi. Bach reRi»ir> determine!<br />

ho» many da)\ per »eck n<br />

imoUe ilwll in ihe pffvi.<br />

but ill partkip*'" al lra\t i»icr<br />

r week.<br />

If b> the end «f ihe «eek ihe<br />

hoot'lii\ achieved a rating ol "N><br />

percent clean" or better, whool iv<br />

«ved .10 minute* early on Inday<br />

*Jtctnoon.<br />

tcu it* iHidenl ul earl> on l : mU><br />

3tinn iteem\ ihe<br />

i all earl* divmitvl<br />

Ouirementv<br />

t»oo*l lime<br />

Bibliotek<br />

Home<br />


IN voun O.w HUM!<br />

,UKUI IWOUAS. cmiaot<br />

<strong>The</strong> fact that the LfcC did not<br />

take dcimte delicti «nd fiMth<br />

h^d lo ule uialVn info- /in (mn<br />

hamh nftei a irrioui ijuctlion<br />

about Lomett'% UuJem gownrocnf;<br />

Wh> wjt ifte LKC noi able to<br />

come up with a plan of iti n»n<br />

before Fibhh ifrpned in. and *hat<br />

doet thit reiejj about ttudenf<br />

jforrrnmenfi jib//iir fo i.u-f le<br />

i<br />

T<br />

| he litter Imie hat been a<br />

recurrent topic ol rilicut-<br />

>ion In the LEC lince the<br />

fall of 1982. <strong>The</strong> LEC in-<br />

itially decided to aik nle Board for<br />

uulnt their hin>h<br />

LtC Chair Kcllw Gan tatd that<br />

ihc ma\ taitificd »ilh I ibi\h\ pro-<br />

Kram. "H we (Ihe LtC) couldn't<br />

think dl an>th)nR lo do, ma>be it<br />

«at up 10 Hie principal lo do<br />

wmellntij;," \he tlaled.<br />

CaKin ayrecd. "litii^h did not<br />

Bi»c ut a real deadline." he noleil.<br />

"But then J(iin. we had a )car<br />

and a hall and <br />

1 lean U(. lite WIIIKII (avi ir..' i!;>lr.'t<br />

vrc an* \tu.lenl K»»«'I-* P'""<br />

t;ram inptatC that wa\ wotkuiK*-<br />

,\t llic lir»t IV.C meetinx hti'".<br />

after l^ibish** jnn'iunccni^uf.<br />

COUIKII mcrnbci* l.ratcilli diwi:«cd<br />

the potential impact of ihr pnnctpjl<br />

1 * program *"i t''c \imVtit<br />

MX....TS -C»X3«C'I<br />

PLAGES SUUltT-<br />

£<br />

everyone.<br />

w<br />

re<br />

to<br />

epitomised ihe itudem goiemment't<br />

deferent.e into the power of<br />

the principal. ' t'itmh ta)«:<br />

CU:ANUPI" it trail.<br />

Ti<br />

| he fact lhai the LL'C •<br />

not iliell able M ad'tr<br />

a problem whu' C<br />

hencll termed '*<<br />

venom" t>pihe\ what vume v«cl1 ciimmiitnti. lie<br />

LMC could alu<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lmtll. April 6. 1954. Ftp IS<br />

.IN DEPTH<br />

Hit h>1U. lie<br />

daiK i \pe*tion v>tn-<br />

end ol I<br />

arch<br />

r the<br />

t '1DM Iricl,.( clcanlinctv "<br />

•«rf/ihat aliht-uirh hc*».n;ht<br />

plan, he would .'tier again<br />

improic-<br />

Can the U:C head oil the<br />

reimplementalion ol l : ibi\h*\ pin-<br />

Cram with the d^clupmcnt ol a<br />

bold nc» plan o( L;% own?<br />

LLC<br />

(•an rc»ealiii ^.ai the I I'C i\ ^-onie<br />

polli',^ the student body<br />

to find out rtliKh mi:eniite% mi)thl

Ftp It. Ttu Lomrll. April 6. t'.-H<br />

ENTERTAlNMENf ——""<br />

Tokuda shares her media experiences<br />

Wendy Tokuda. KP1X-TV nv»i uncbormemux<br />

Hot spots tor prom<br />

By Tiffany Doon<br />

Well, folks, it's Ihat time of the year again. No, I'm not talking<br />

ibout midterms, the Academy Awards, or even tax day. but the<br />

Ireadcd "Prom Night."<br />

<strong>The</strong> one question that will ru*i through your mind over and over in<br />

lanning for the prom is not "Who am I going to go with?" or "How<br />

rr we going to get there?" or any such trivial detaili, but. of cour*c.<br />

Where are we going lo cat?"<br />

Well, I'm glad you asked, because I just happen to have a few iugitlons<br />

which I think would make perfect beginning! to those<br />

icmorable evenings.<br />

Maxwell's Plum, at 900 North Point in Ghirardclli Square, is the<br />

lace to cat if you arc p;anr..n_ m eat uiih two or three other<br />

Duples.<br />

<strong>The</strong> place Is a large, fun. noisy, nouvcau richc-tvpc restaurant<br />

Isk for a table with a view when making reservations, and if you K°<br />

tl the right time, you JUM might be able to catch Ihe sun setting n<br />

nlo the ocean.<br />

<strong>The</strong> menu is continental, and tbrrc arc quite a fc» ilishcs to<br />

:hoose from. <strong>The</strong> food is good and prices arc mndcralc to h:^Ii. ?ui<br />

it the atmosphere thai makes this such a favorite prom restaurant.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Peacock, on the corner of Lombard and Van New. it nm foi<br />

hose ol you who got sour tiatcs the week be lore ihc prom or drcul<br />

:d. as a desecrate measure to go with >our best (nct.d's slsicr'% best<br />

[rieitil'iwouiin.<br />

<strong>The</strong> restaurant specialises in Indian cuiiii.e and hnv a rather in<br />

itnalc and romantic setting- It is an old Victorian house in w.iicr<br />

ihe walls ar: painted tn:.bvc. and the tables JIC t'onc up in pink<br />

each one topped with a row mil a candle.<br />

It provides J perfect dinner (or tuo and ctcn a d generally offers lamb and chicken -ml umic vcjlo'>d<br />

all of which dishes are q*i:tc spicy. Trying at least otic "f ihc nun<br />

For a beautiful selling and oclicious food, the prices at th<br />

'eacock are very reasonable.<br />

Scorn a* I of Sausalito. at 5SS H ridge* uy i.i the hun cf Sausalito.<br />

Is only about 30mir.utesaway acroi^ the bridge.<br />

<strong>The</strong> restaurant has a hcaulifut sic* and sencs some of the bes 1<br />

seafood around. <strong>The</strong> atmosphere is goci fur groups of all number<br />

und would be especially comlonable for prom-goers.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y serve quite a bit of dclicioui. frith food, but good s it Tokuda a female anchotper\on.<br />

but *n Asian anchor.<br />

She commented. "<strong>The</strong>se qualities<br />

had an immense allect tin me in<br />

the senvc that I didn't (jtl man> e gotten<br />

while pm»Inn up. Iticrc »e-e no<br />

role*mo.J;lt (or nw tit loilow and<br />

no encouiayenicr**. I here were<br />

tery lew annicn I.- Itiit Ik I it tJten<br />

and c*«:n I ewer Asian women."<br />

Ewluat it)t recent years.<br />

Tnkuila ill ted. "Al the slaiion,<br />

I'm ireate \ »cry (airly. I'm<br />

rrcofni/cil Ux n> work and how |<br />

do my Job. no. U; my race or se«. I<br />

think that U's ^nef Jlly ihc public<br />

that docin't \c< He out of ihc image<br />

at tlial 'jStian-fcmale' anchor,"<br />

Toku'U has been the co-frichor<br />

ol Ihe wcckniithl 6 p.r>. and II<br />

p.m. Channel 5 fc'tewiinrtt .N'e*s<br />

programs since May. I'MO,<br />

Tokuda graduated Cum Laudc<br />

IIURI the University of<br />

WathinRton. reccitin* i fl.A. in<br />

political wi-nce in I 1 )"?, Shi" then<br />

• cnt to Japan for line jca*" and<br />

tau>>l)t llnjjlith lo lap mew<br />

tludenlt •fitlc tlud>in|{ it the<br />

Tokvo School of Japan etc<br />

"It *a\n't until I came back<br />

home that I decided to become a<br />

news reporter," staled ToVuda.<br />

"Actually. I «at studying to<br />

become in alturney until I realized<br />

that it watn't forme."<br />

Her inspiration lo become a<br />

rcporte* ca*nc one day «hii<br />

ching tlarbara T;naba. anchor at<br />

KING- IV at Ihc lime. Tokuda<br />

recalled. "Something ju»t went<br />

Minif in my head. Suddenly. 1 h'd<br />

dec-Jed ihit *as U! This wit what<br />

1 wanudlodo."<br />

Although Tokuda hat been in<br />

the business (or about ten years<br />

now. she commented. "I don'l gel<br />

poml. 1 want lo di> ihit (or the rest<br />

of my life il they (the i.ews station)<br />

•ill still hate me.'<br />

But there are many other<br />

atpecis to TokurtV- life besides<br />

hirjob.<br />

Although they lo*.' gardening.<br />

the and her hutb..id. Hichard<br />

llnil. the circutni. prwluitr lor<br />

Ih- nc*s (-(. Channel 2. spend<br />

most ol their tpjre time with their<br />

thiee-yeir-old daughter. Mika.<br />

"S.1e'» our inp priority. * Tokuda<br />

ciplaincd.<br />

' rttchard and Mika an* the best<br />

thingt that hate cter happened to<br />

me." the woman anchor «preMed.<br />

Tokuda is again pregnant. «•<br />

pectinfi a child In August.<br />

T*S<br />

tttinet. whi.-h nuri> Ut>cl j% 'cirn>"<br />

UxUt. i-jii be jiuibntcd u< the<br />

wnplt wiinrfi t>> IIK- Cxituclt jrul<br />

Hrb M'.tthcr.<br />

Iht n4tuut a^tuik; Jt»il,ts (<br />

Utn M-illictt. -ho i-'nctl<br />

lutdicttng^Kcr at thca,reii the<br />

e I r<br />

hit >>a..d. lkJ>cr j p<br />

pen. He I hen ijH'fii \i\ je4r% tcrt •<br />

ing in tne Air National Guard jn»i<br />

toilas wor^s at a rovk 'n' roll ,n :heS«nia Clara Vallc> -l.crc<br />

he ti«cs »ilh hit second wtlc.<br />

I lie new flcatcr era hat be^uit.<br />



And "No Sn " Slylo<br />


1334-03551<br />

6REDKEN<br />

MOttAT r*t». TtMiiivt<br />

^61 Ocran Asr. AT ftth Ave<br />

Vylcxh Cee<br />

-.t oil b> t r r<br />

t\\ ihr "ihefV 4nil "ihou*<br />

lanh;tci1 up in the im<br />

Deb's<br />

BEAUTY<br />

SALON<br />

I0°.o off halrcul ar<br />

pernrjnen! for<br />

I.OWK1.I. siuilinls<br />

»ilh (hisad.<br />

Turv. <strong>thru</strong> Sal,<br />

•>:U0 to 5:00<br />

3OI2Tarava|St.<br />

Sail Francisco. CA<br />

566-3844<br />

yrcttcM pUtwnchKol -ill line A<br />

spcite pr.Mlu.-U.>nt H)II be<br />



"Datf @

Tftc <strong>Lowell</strong>. April t, I9S4.<br />


' Hotel New Hampshire ' lacks depth<br />

Blume strikes again<br />

dy Erica Bninwaiter<br />

She hai been hailed at ". . . the<br />

mott popular children'* writer<br />

tlnce A.A. Mltne." li»er> \injtlc<br />

one of her 16no*et» r*i*e been t;;(<br />

wlkr\.<br />

Her current no»el h the number<br />

-».ie beit wiler in San Kr3nc*wo<br />

and ihe numher 1*0 be»i idler tn<br />

America. Who h the?<br />

Ju\i ark jn> tjpuil Am-ncan<br />

kid bcniren. and they will {ell utu<br />

real adult experiences. '<br />

Judj Blume revcnli) came to<br />

San Prantitco to appear on ABC<br />

T.VW A.M. San . L "ranci»cc and to<br />

promote her new book. Smart<br />

1 hit new not el iv ibou» t»o 4p.<br />

jcar-old women d'-orceet, II.H.<br />

anJ Marga. <strong>The</strong> i.jMcr* ol the<br />

natel alternate l>et-*trn .lie vie**<br />

pointv ol Mar^o and H.I! and<br />

their dauK>>1cn. Michelle and<br />

Sarah.<br />

Judy Biune's new novel. Smart Women. Join* her other Umoui<br />

at a favorite wltii tecnagen.<br />

quite tL—pU. 'Jud* Illume, ol<br />

courte."<br />

Blume't nmelt ait written lor<br />

and atHnit young people in the preletn<br />

anJ teenage range. Some of<br />

her tv.^kt. n-m«ly An You i*iew<br />

Coil* It't me. MMrgiret and <strong>The</strong>n<br />

Again. Maj&e / Won't, hate been<br />

banned by libi.rict for their frank<br />

dltcuuiun of toput like menstruation,<br />

matlurbation. and problcmt<br />

that tuung people face '>ilh thetr<br />

parcnlt. tiblingt. tejehert. and<br />

peer*.<br />

Illume ttartct »ntinti Uu<br />

cttilJrcn becautc "... I kne»<br />

nmhinu about hcinR an adul'. I<br />

Jtaii adult rctpon>ihilitic>. bul n.i<br />

• • •<br />

Margo and Muhclle't relationthip<br />

it lart;el) hai.-d i.n Judy<br />

Hlumc't own relaiton coincidence<br />

• and luptidci) \e\ual encounterv<br />

Ihe num theme ol the rnmie<br />

ccnti nd the<br />

I pot<br />

ii: wtual attrition,<br />

n, ha* an attraction lu<br />

hit titter, portrajeci by Potter.<br />

' Kintki play* an intecure ;oun^<br />

lady who decide* to hide Imidc a<br />

bear lull for parti of the moric.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re I* sito a dog. namrd Sorrow,<br />

who it Ihe cheriihed family<br />

pO. At time*, the dog it created<br />

better than clhen in the motle.<br />

Tha do^ diet and ihe family<br />

decitn to keep him forcer "?y<br />

T lie motlc it bate* on a betl<br />

vcllific i.«>cl written by John Ining.<br />

<strong>The</strong> I'lm tcrtlon «at written and<br />

dirtied by Tony Kichardwin.<br />

K : KKX) firople appl> (,jr c-Oi<br />

jcar. A tCr> snutl pcikcntji;c «ct<br />

accepted, and if tho are atked in<br />

return up to incir third tear, thet<br />

gel rolct on the ttage. II they are<br />

intitctl back for t^.ctr fourth tear.<br />

the; can heccm? a r.'gular member<br />

of the company.<br />

<strong>The</strong> wvond *-}y to become a<br />

member ol i!ie con:pant contittt<br />

ol dealing direct 1> with Ball. I'co<br />

pic tend him ntumct. photot. and<br />

atk for -in audition. He telccti the<br />

people hi.-tell.<br />

A I^IJC nutiber of the IH?<br />

piayt :hat A.C.T. hat performed<br />

hate been productiont ol c»\tic\<br />

and eipcrimenul nc* platt.<br />

Pla>i*riKhH »uch at ilukctpcire.<br />

Ibtcn and O'Seill arc tery<br />

pjpuUr with the acting compant.<br />

Each year mcr JOO.IXW pc»plc<br />

attend the playt -thich air<br />

prevented during a tcaton beijinning<br />

in October and ending in lune.<br />

r'or the remainder ol Out traton<br />

the theatre will tc&ture prtxtuctiont<br />

of the /Vl/i and <strong>The</strong> Slerpms<br />

Prince.<br />

<strong>The</strong> tMtr by Hobert U*\* it a<br />

ihrre-act drama geared toward «<br />

rralure audience. <strong>The</strong> play retcatt<br />

* • • • • • • • * * • • • • * • • • • •<br />

F"vir^S^yioJO«ton«'FnEEFILM5orevaiy Mm yourentt<br />

I (SUNDAY - THURSDAY) expires: .r.la_y 1.1984 ; j<br />




Ihlll NofMfa Si<br />

»ih * 2\th A*<br />

• * • • • •<br />

the trrnimm thtt ma> go on in a<br />

typical American family't<br />

household.<br />

TTie S!ecpinf Prince by Terenc*<br />

Kattlgan it a conedy about ihe<br />

ttufly Prince tegent -*Uo Ulit in<br />

Imc with a timple American<br />

chofut fiirt. It tt a romantic Uory<br />

geared toward all Umlty ir.en.Wi*.<br />

Ticket prurt ran^e from So to<br />

SW.50 liepci.dir.^ on *V «cai and<br />

the time 01 thw- ti^rformance.<br />

<strong>The</strong> »h(»«* arr performed e»er><br />

nijht eitcepl Sunday*, and there S<br />

utuallj one matinee during the<br />

week »% well at a matinee ctery<br />

r.4luutay. A.C.T. altooltcr\ abitui<br />

It> I'udcn: malir.ee perfurmancex<br />

throughout the >car.<br />

Membeit of A.C.T. perform A Midiumncr Nlght'i Drcara. THE<br />

POPULAR Shakeipearcaa comedy.<br />

433-5353<br />

OKI MIltUDtlO U»I[I<br />

rOOIUM KItl<br />

ona HOI IWI sii io u > ru<br />

SUI KCH IN<br />


TUXEDO<br />

SHOP<br />

391-5325<br />

iu um st. - im nooi<br />

on*MM iwuw ligu.im<br />

Fas your proms and special panics,<br />

money can't rent a boiler lormall<br />

Excltlno colors a.id tlylos<br />

and many year's oxporlonco<br />

halp wltn your selections.<br />


3UNT j

Pm*m U. T7* Lowtll. April 6. I9S4<br />

SPORTS"<br />

Baseball team makes playoff run<br />

By Dan Htringion<br />

After a mign pre**e«*on *ni<br />

*OTCtal Uckluttrr performance* In<br />

otrry Acadeuk AlMetk AV-.>-L»t^Mt<br />

(AAA) games, the varsity<br />

trwjcbal) team may have foviiJ the<br />

winning lormuU.<br />

Tbc key game at this point In<br />

tl»e Indians'season miy have been<br />

tl»«{r thrashing n( the lea |tuc<br />

leodtnc MeAlcer Jaguars by im<br />

Haal score of ft-2 on Match 2b.<br />

Before tbc McAieer jamc. ine<br />

XndUat were embarrassed twke at<br />

tbc bands of tW Mission Bean by<br />

scorn of O *• anJ 12*5. March 21<br />

*nd 22. In then two garnet. Lonell<br />

m*li aa obscene 15 error* jMng<br />

Motion ad-led cooltd-nce and a,<br />

surplus oi rum.<br />

"i wat ytl'ing frustrated<br />

b-ccsuie I wa« looking forward to a<br />

^ood wc«on. Things wtmi'i going<br />

*o wel!. especially again*! Mi*<br />

sir*«i.~ uU senior Etnk B»te*.<br />

Bate*, who pitched a complete<br />

gtame against McAtcer. contlnu-d.<br />

""Afilnti McAlerr, we thowed our<br />

po'-cfitUl. We *cre intense In •:•<br />

dftude And aggressive on the field."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Indlim will h»«e to rrnuln<br />

£a good .-pirilk against trmg^i oj'<br />

petition In upcoenfoz league<br />

Junior Rkhard Weeks, one of<br />

the learn teade.-s in bluing, com-<br />

•ncntcd. "<strong>The</strong> team mutt avoid<br />

'altitude slumps.* We hi* a law<br />

point ig«imt Mission, but the<br />

situation got a lot bctler again*!<br />

MeAtcr."<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> team hat many<br />

thing* going in its favor heading<br />

Into the second half of the AAA<br />

-sctson. Improvements h-*»e been<br />

aadc la ibe team's hitting and<br />

defensive play, confidence U high,<br />

and the Indians will face «omt<br />

•taker trims.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> McAtce* game will (We us<br />

a lot of confidence. It we cut down<br />

en mental mistake*. -«e thould be<br />

abb to mike the plajoff*.'* ttatcJ<br />

lophrmorc Eric Wong. v»rtiiy pic<br />

eher and outfielder.<br />

Coach Jchn Donahue explained.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> schedule It more in our favor<br />

. bcciittc we hate already played<br />

McAteer ard Mission. We have<br />

teen thatwi are capable ol beating<br />

the bett, sometime* having a difficult<br />

time against weaker leant*.<br />

We hate to get up for orry<br />

game."<br />

OffentUe leaders fur the Indian*<br />

have been second baseman Dan<br />

Kim (walk- rnd batting •*tinge),<br />

thcrlitop Jim Archulcta (home<br />

Softball dominates league;<br />

freshmen players excel<br />

Oy 5hoko Kashiyama<br />

Witb a fct^ue record of 5-1 «,<br />

lax, the girU' wltbaU team h looking<br />

lorvan! to a winning »ea*on.<br />

*This if a %«rry lurd-working,<br />

foachable team. 1 km#w we'll h

H- <strong>The</strong> Lowtil. Aprils. 19S4. Ttf 19<br />

.SPORTS<br />

Jee is April athlete of the month'<br />

SyErieZ&rate<br />

Mitchell kt. Knior. U number<br />

one on the bo*V vcrtily tennis<br />

team. J«e hat held the lop petition<br />

(or ttit lust three jcars.<br />

"Each year, ihc com pel ii Ion<br />

pet* laugher. and 1 hs»e to work<br />

harder juit to keep up." Jee e\><br />

plained.<br />

<strong>The</strong> P-ycar-old athlete comet<br />

from a family "hi| on tennk." Hit<br />

dad Introduced the sport to Mm at<br />

an 8-year-old. Hit brother* are<br />

both lormer All City champion*.<br />

His oldest brother Mark was the<br />

singles champ from l°7l-'?J.<br />

*hUe brothet Mllr »o.i the title In<br />

197ft and now coach ct the<br />

ytran^st winner In ihc family.<br />

lee t» alto the reigning All-City<br />

tingle* champion, a dhtl&ctlon he<br />

has held for the bit two yean. He<br />

bopct to defend hit title and add<br />

another trophy tu ibe family<br />

tbowcaic.<br />

He admits if «IU b« tough, but<br />

remains confident that he can win<br />

a third tUtc. "1 gala more experience<br />

each year, trying to<br />

rccod oat my gome," be decUrsd.<br />

<strong>The</strong> strong points of Jre's fame<br />

are hb forehand and hi* volley*,<br />

tod be feel* that he can always get<br />

better.<br />

In addition to playing lor ihc<br />

team Jee It alw a top Inurnamcnt<br />

player. He Is currently ranked JOth<br />

in ihe 18't dMtlon. He »ould tike<br />

to break into the top 15 b> ihc end<br />

of the year.<br />

V'hai can Jee d« to Improve hit<br />

ranking? Jee consider* himself a<br />

bateliner »ho likes vo scr*e ami<br />

voile). To climb In the rankings,<br />

he rill have to shorten the poinit.<br />

be a little more patient, and cut<br />

down on unforced errors.<br />

"Physically. I can get stronger."<br />

Jee m-caled. "I'll have io train<br />

harder aod put more time into<br />

practice."<br />

Srr practices about two hours<br />

daily at Golden Gale Park. He alto<br />

"I'm alien ncnoin before tltc ttart<br />

of a match, but jou h«'c to believe<br />

lhal jou can win." Jee remarked.<br />

Barbara I'riin. (owcll irnnlt<br />

coach, ccmnicnied. "Mitchell I*<br />

powerful and men*helming on<br />

conn." She praiwrd J« lor c«ntinuii.n<br />

lu play on ihc leam. "Often<br />

pU>cn al M!

f.Tf *• <strong>The</strong> Lawtll. *piU 1.1WM<br />

SPORTS"<br />

-ON THE BALL<br />


Hi sportsfans! Sink and lircd of watch'^g the same ol-j<br />

eams with the same old players fighting for the same nld<br />

championship every N.B.A. basketball season? One too<br />

many Julius Erving slam dunks can eventually became<br />

n eyesore to today's basketball junkie. It's as though<br />

fans expect the Doctor's housecnlt on unsuspecting oponents<br />

without the least bit of "wow" or "did you see<br />

hat?'" But is that what N.B.A. basketball was intended<br />

0 he...predictable? I think not. Exciting and awesome<br />

were supposed to be the proper adjectives.<br />

But fear not sportsfans: we do have un alternative.<br />

Those of you fortunr.'.e enough tc see last wt-ck's<br />

N.C.A.A. basketball finals. I'm sure, were treated to a<br />

different flavor of ball compared to the game's professionals.<br />

A coach's decision on what sort of offense,<br />

defense, or press to employ did play a determining factor<br />

in the final outcome. Contrast college basketball strategy<br />

tc the "run and gun" tactics of the N.B.A. and thr point<br />

01 college basketball being more entertaining than pro<br />

fessional ball is made clear.<br />

It's not surprising that N.B.A. basketball is on the<br />

decline in terms of attendance, while N.C.A.A. basketball<br />

is being discovered by more and more fans every<br />

yr^Tl" college spirit and enthusiasm revolves Irom<br />

coaches, players, and (ens; and that's u'tiat makes the<br />

college game so appealing.<br />

Yeah for you Georgetown!<br />

It seems that a conflict has come into cx : stcncc between<br />

professional and intercollegiate football leagues<br />

concerning player recruitment.<br />

<strong>The</strong> problem is thai while the NFL has traditionally<br />

not recruited underclassmen, the formation of the USI-'L<br />

has created competition fo; talented rlayers. This com*<br />

petition has caused infractions upon :hc NFL prohibition.<br />

and a similar USFL rule, which prevents the signing of<br />

these younger athletes.<br />

<strong>The</strong> NFL. which previously could wait for a player's<br />

college eligibility to expire, must now worry' Jbaul losing<br />

some of college's best prospects to the new league.<br />

Perhaps the most debated example of these infractions<br />

is the case of Hcrschel Walker. Walker was attending the<br />

University of Georgia and had one year of eligibility left at<br />

that institution when he was lured by huge contract pro*<br />

posaU into signing with the New Jersey Generals of the<br />

USFL. This event caused an uproar by those people con*<br />

cerncd with this type of enticement.<br />

Among the people opposed to these infringements arc<br />

many college football coaches. <strong>The</strong>y feel that the encroachments<br />

net only hurt the college game, but also<br />

prevent the athletes from receiving a full eduction.<br />

Ironically, many pi?yen. are deteimincd to abolish<br />

these rules and to do so. some athlete:, have brought antitrust<br />

suits against both the NFL ana the USFL. <strong>The</strong>se<br />

players dislike the present recruiting system because it<br />

forces all prospective professional players to attend a college<br />

or university, whether or not :hc> arc interested in<br />

obfilning a higher education, as this is the only route to<br />

the pros.<br />

What type of alternate recruitment system might be<br />

established if these restrictive rules arc abolished? Will<br />

the pros begin recruit in j; directly from high schools and<br />

netting up training farms? Will it become a disadvantage<br />

fcr athletes to pursue a higher educetion?<br />

Let us hope that the business'of the pros doesn't<br />

submerge the sport of college foo'ball.<br />

JV team lacks experience<br />

By Mirk Schoctkr<br />

<strong>The</strong> void "optinrntk" describe*<br />

I he <strong>Lowell</strong> junior vanity batcball<br />

team which hop**, to lake the<br />

championship (or a second<br />

itraightjcar.<br />

After a disappointing 1-4<br />

piewjwn, the Inil'jtm n»*c to the<br />

occasion to defeat O'ConncIl 5-2 in<br />

the Kiwn opener. In otner league<br />

play. Limcll went on 'a beat<br />

Wi)vo;i 10-7, MUilon 6-5. ami<br />

McAtrcHO-6.<br />

"We're norm in | the league."<br />

itatcil tophomorc utility man<br />

Mike Sutor.<br />

Mtrtt platen an the (cam<br />

downplay the prrveawn becaui* it<br />

included game*, again*! tough<br />

vibuihaii team* that had junior*.<br />

on ihci- rotler. This *n a di*adt'.nlagc<br />

1 Considering <strong>Lowell</strong>'i team<br />

hat only Irrthmcn and<br />

irphomom.<br />

Mciita' mutake*. hampered the<br />

team IKST the regular tctwn.<br />

Failure*, to lit the cut-oil man -nil<br />

lo thro* to ti.e right bate hurl I'JC<br />

team'*- effort*. Thc*e are problem*<br />

that apparent!) hi«h»n tohetl.<br />

"<strong>The</strong>n; ijpci of miltakei hav;<br />

kilted u\ in the pait." utd<br />

tophonorr \ccc*id haicman John<br />

Matiuoka. "If «c cuntinue to cm<br />

do*n on lhe*c nUtakei. «r*U be<br />

an i icrptional Inro."<br />

"Our pretcaton will really not<br />

prfdtct the muUt of the TguUr<br />

»-. v.i.** itated tophomorc Man in<br />

; *eio*er. "Our eoacite*. were jntt<br />

•»,*.,• to tliture out who our<br />

K rtn, would be."<br />

'-id the coachc* change<br />

a:.;thing alter the preieavon?<br />

* So. *r didn't change *< tingle<br />

thing.*' declared fint-)e»r coach<br />

f."hri* Spano. "Our team II jutt<br />

Martlng to become more unified,<br />

and we're finally getting our head*<br />

into thr game."<br />

Spano feel* the noiahle, pla>cn<br />

Include tophomotc pitcher Jrtt<br />

Mu'iK, third batcman Mtlojcr.<br />

and frtthman thc/titop Jack<br />

Dyugi. According to Spano.<br />

Muravc** piiching, Metojer'* hit*<br />

ting, and D*ogt'i lidding u ill<br />

greatly add to the tniun't plajoft<br />

hope*. Sophomore outfieldrr Mike<br />

Mituno hat alto contributed<br />

loroe clutch hilv, incl«ding tnc<br />

game winner againtt Million.<br />

<strong>The</strong> tcim't ttreni'th h it* pitching<br />

and d-lftue. npecially In<br />

thcinlklil •THedefenwdetinitely<br />

itandi out." lir taid.<br />

ll» alia IccU wtakneu of \l<<br />

Wan: hat been lu I •kuol e»pcricnec.<br />

Only I«ro payer* are<br />

returning fiom lait icawn. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

are Metojer -nd wphorrore right<br />

fielder IV.ul Bates.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team hai alu) luIictcJ Irom<br />

a lack ol otfrntivc production, but<br />

Sports rouiufeup*<br />

By Randy Kou<br />

•••BASEBALL"*<br />

<strong>The</strong> vanity b^vebail tcjm u&\ A<br />

good charwe ol making the<br />

playold and it ii pouibie for them<br />

to play in the championship game<br />

atCandlrttkkPark.<br />

After \larting oil the icaum<br />

with a *pttt agiinii Witton. the Indiant<br />

went up again*! the tcjgur *<br />

bc*t...McA«eer. Lo«ell «4\<br />

dclcalcd by McAlccr SO. tutt<br />

recehed a fine performance on tlie<br />

mound Irom junior Jamn<br />

Callego*. whothtfft* a four-hitler.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Indian* then went on to ',n:r<br />

two e*nbarra»inK gamc\ to Mi*uon.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team't league tecord «H<br />

tuddenly 1-4, ar;J they «cre to go<br />

up agalnu MrAtcer ac*in on the<br />

following Monday.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> bouacrd buk Iron Iheic<br />

diwvuragtng lotc*> and »alU)[KU<br />

McAtecr o*2 with a fine pitching<br />

outing by «nlo- co-captain Ernett<br />

Bale*. <strong>The</strong> team proved to<br />

therotelvn of their potential and<br />

an ready .ril waiting lo play the<br />

rett ol the tca**» in the league.<br />

<strong>The</strong> junior vmiij batcball team<br />

SUdhen Sports Cards<br />

Comic* Boxes<br />

Comic Bags<br />

Mylars &Myl!tQ3<br />

BasnbaM Cards<br />

Non Sport Cards<br />

Trading Card Boxes<br />

Trading Card S]ieeU(;<br />

i* 4-U alter defeating NfcAtecr.<br />

Wilvon. Mmiiin. an»t O'Connell.<br />

Fine piiching performance*. ha*e<br />

been rf«n Irom tophomorc\ Jeff<br />

Murivc and Mike Matiuno. atK<br />

ircihma i Darrcl Sfmmian.<br />

Leading hitter* on *he team are<br />

Mattuno and fmhm.tn Jack<br />

Dijogi while wphomote*. Paul<br />

Bate* and Marvin Mcto>ci lead<br />

the team inttca!t.<br />

•••jWIMMINC"-*<br />

ConcTJlutaliont In il«r l.n*dl<br />

vwimming team on the jutvianding<br />

5-0 record!<br />

<strong>The</strong> inJiant hate beaten Mi*-<br />

*ion Dy > w^rc ol 2tM-*4.<br />

and Wilton by * wore ..." HUM.<br />

<strong>The</strong> win*. Zftairnt Motion and<br />

Wjluin were **ecp* it* that Ln*cll<br />

took (ir*i in all ol the c*cm*<br />

McAteer and Galileo both<br />

forfeited their mecti to the Indian*.<br />

•••CI.U8 FOOTBALL***<br />

Due lo the tiro* Ing popularity of<br />

club competition, the Board lor<br />

School and Community Service*<br />

(BSCS) will be starting a flag.<br />

IMICSL<br />

OOC^^AnyCowPrk^<br />

1643"ndK5fea sueei<br />

,-san franctsco ca 94122 415 753 9678<br />

Diryl Semlen ckUrcn A pilch.<br />

thiogt are imprcraing. "Our hitting<br />

hi; vattly Improved becaute of our<br />

many practice gam:*," taid<br />

Metoyer.<br />

Many pU)crt feel theic prsc*lc«<br />

«>*nn m*7 mean added +\nt during<br />

the regular icaton. Frevtrnan<br />

cenltrfklder Darjl Scnttea commented.<br />

"We hate a g-eat chance<br />

to go all the way,"<br />

Coach Spano hu two goali ic "<br />

*Uhe4 to aceomplUh ihlt. uiuin.<br />

He wants "to take the league<br />

champiomhip" and "lo tend ai<br />

mini plajcn at pottlble to nex><br />

vcar't lariitr team." He fee!* c-n-<br />

11.lent about both.<br />

Foo'bail league .tlicr *pring break.<br />

<strong>The</strong> club* which have entered<br />

Ihc new I»dguc *o far arc <strong>The</strong><br />

Comedy Zi.mc. 1 be Lane-O*».<br />

*U*ketbalt Oub. Bcatlemanun,<br />

Hp*ilon. Model United Nation*.<br />

Keren tie*.. Adtcntur.'rii' Club. Star<br />

Fleet Comn-inJ. ami <strong>The</strong> Comic<br />


Dance<br />

crazes<br />

page 10<br />

r Earthquake rocks building<br />

Volun» l». .Numlxr J Lmtllllifli School. San F/»ncm-o.<br />

fhrJaJoaMlalx<br />

# <strong>The</strong> biggest earthquake lo hit<br />

% the Ray Ate* since 1911 shook<br />

Uw-cU's hallways fcr 15-20<br />

(econdsonTuesuny. April 24.<br />

<strong>The</strong> quake, whkb wat centered<br />

, 12 miles exit of Sao Jusc.<br />

> measured 6.2 on the Rktitcr scale.<br />

* It .we Just eight days: before the<br />

£ tint anubersary uf lau year's<br />

Coaliaga earthquake.<br />

Mod 15 had Just begun when<br />

notice .thai<br />

no!' <strong>The</strong>n w« felt It. and I thought<br />

foi sure that thi* was 'the big<br />

one',** safd Junior Scphla Cutamarino.<br />

*T%* never seen my clatt<br />

move to fast: everyone was under a<br />

d«k before my teacher even reached<br />

one."<br />

For same, the canhq, Achievement<br />

Tcttt (ACHl. Advanced<br />

Placement Tcttt (AP). a.Ni College<br />

Level Eraminatbc Progratu Tc*ts<br />

(CLEPl. '-aid. "This (as\embi>\<br />

bill teems to be bated on the<br />

VSFOUSDBD presumptions that<br />

adequate information about<br />

testing it not currently available<br />

and that te*ts arc not now being<br />

used properly."<br />

<strong>The</strong> mapr pointt of S B 175ft are<br />

I- Testing agencies mutl give<br />

more information an

EDITORIALS " ~<br />

Once upon a time... there was magic<br />

Once upon a lime. In a land far away, there dwelled<br />

• group of people named <strong>Lowell</strong>iles. <strong>The</strong>y were * happy<br />

group of people because they had worke 1 very hard<br />

to create their land. *P>«ir life span wa* *e\") short, only<br />

four yean, but they nude the moil OIM of the time<br />

they had; they frolicked and played in the tun and<br />

worked very hard !o reach a magical land they all had<br />

hc-ird about — Bcr/crkclyvillc.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lowcllite* had an intcrcMlnt* method of doing<br />

thtnsi (you might even say they were weird!). <strong>The</strong>y<br />

Longer school! days?<br />

Senate Bill (SB) 813, calling for<br />

lengthened school days, has its<br />

merits. Although there in no way<br />

to be certain what the effect of<br />

SB 813 will be, it is at least a<br />

bold and innovative plan of educational<br />

reform. Such innovation<br />

is in order; California Assessment<br />

Program (CAP) scores have<br />

continued their decline. Perhaps<br />

increased instructional time will<br />

Improve the general quality of<br />

education in California. Out let<br />

us also hope that Improvement will<br />

not come at the expense of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s<br />

unique modular time system.<br />

Politicians.<br />

Believe them or not<br />

Politicians are funny people. Sometimes they sjy<br />

things they don't mean. Sometimes they iiy thbgs<br />

they do mean. But sometimes they don't seen to know<br />

whMt they're saying.<br />

President Ronald Reagan, for instance, advocates<br />

policies with confiictlntf viewpoints. He Vimi to<br />

outlaw abortion to preserve lives, yet he alf p supports<br />

nuclear arms expansion and capital punish ncnt.<br />

How can he say he wants to save little tobies If he is<br />

supporting policies that may eventually til, them?<br />

Mr. Rcayan ought to decide whether his policies are<br />

lo protect and prolong »hc human exlster cc or to terminate<br />

fife oo Earth U he expects cnvcae lo under*<br />

stand hU ethics and believe in btv Iwdenhljt. After all. it<br />

Prrthhnt ol lb«. United Slam, he %hoitd know hit<br />

own mind. - ;<br />

And then there are ihose politician* *ho dig their<br />

own graves with their words. A cla&c example is<br />

former Secretary of the Interior James Watt whose little<br />

joke about "a woman, d black ani i cripple" *as<br />

really no Joke at all. ;.<br />

HU tasteless humor was quite ihxklng to the<br />

public, tl wa» tr.i final straw that pu: ai end to Walt's<br />

turbulent and controversM career, with the Reagan<br />

adJiinUtrailon (allowing conservntior.hu to get the<br />

iattlaugh). • -.. '.' ;<br />

:' r-<br />

•<br />

Another public figure who'managed. all by himself,<br />

lo ttlck lilt foot In his mouth h the avpiring presidential<br />

candidate )es\c Jackson.<br />

One of Jackson's highest priorities is to bring about<br />

a "rainbow" coalition of races. Bui by calling Jews<br />

"Hymles," he brought skepikUm to hit beliefs. Hiv<br />

slur put him at odds wilh his own policy.<br />

Jackson is sending out mixed signals to a contused<br />

public. Is he saying. "Unite the races but call each<br />

other names"? He can't vtiy '•«!! havt both.<br />

Perhaps a less sensational issue is the misconcep*<br />

• lion Democratic presidential hopeful Gary Hart<br />

prtsems in hhv "New Ideas." Hit \ug£«lion of<br />

bringing a new and fresh perspective* to the White Heuic<br />

leadership sounds fine ant! dandy, but the Idci of "new<br />

idea*" Un't even new.<br />

Since his goals mirror John F. Kennedy's "New<br />

frontier" policies of 25 yean ago. Han would be mere<br />

iccurate if he re-named his policies "rehashed Ideas."<br />

It would certainly clarify tnalien, but then, the<br />

change would not help his image very much.<br />

We're supposed to be able lo irusl and believe In<br />

our government lc*\ iH*<br />

Lowcllites sat still and watched «s <strong>Lowell</strong> Land slowly,<br />

(imperceptibly at first) changed before their eyes.<br />

Many ol the older Loweltitct were often seen shak*<br />

tng their heads and saying. "Remember when we had<br />

... p-mcinbcr when v»c used lo ... remember..."<strong>The</strong>n<br />

the) would give a great sigh, gesture lo the incoming<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>ite*. and say, '<strong>The</strong>y'll never know what they<br />

missed."<br />

And then one day as (he Lowcllites woke up. they<br />

looked around and realized that now <strong>Lowell</strong> Land was<br />

like any other land. What had made <strong>Lowell</strong> so special<br />

wit gone ... most likely forever.<br />

Graffiti provoking<br />

w<br />

Hi<br />

<strong>The</strong> message pictured in the above photograph »<br />

distinctly marked on ihe door ol the Student Activities<br />

Office (located next lo the bcancry). Aside<br />

from the obvious misspelling of the word "inside.** the<br />

reouesl implies very clearly that those who are not<br />

familiar wilh ihe office or the officers should titeralljr<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> realizes that some measure of security<br />

must be maintained since the room is an office wilh<br />

important materials. Of course, we can't have unlnvolved<br />

students utaluing in and out of ihere.out need<br />

the message be so threatening?<br />

Is this an /ndfcjtion ol the status of the relationship<br />

between the students and the student government?<br />

ill<br />

a<br />

TO 0<br />

DorEdiiM |<br />

One o[ l<br />

counct in 11<br />

ihtiKOTC f<br />

JBOTC<br />

rcucm. Tr.|<br />

that many<br />

"pUyloU!ic.|<br />

by other "<br />

Mudenlt t<br />

totcr the v<br />

First ot ,<br />

(lunioT Kcv|<br />

d». It i> a<br />

leadership<br />

ttudenu *r>*|<br />

aod o<br />

•lltTOe..lr|<br />

il U a c<br />

i> lhat thc|<br />

enough lor h<br />

•pplj.<br />

IROTC I<br />

rKKtuniu I ^J<br />

from each •<br />

only in JR<br />

*tlip. oral co J<br />

aud flm nf<br />


ClaudloLongWW<br />

"No. 1 am too tclcnlific. However,<br />

when I'm around attractive girls. \<br />

cm be very romantic ... I hope."<br />

JROTC is more<br />

than you think<br />

Dear Ed'ilor.<br />

One of ihe ratnl misunderstood<br />

•ounn In <strong>Lowell</strong> High School U<br />

the JROTC. Most \tu.1rnu »*. ..nwilling<br />

to consider joining itie<br />

JROTC becauv ol two major<br />

reasons. <strong>The</strong> primary reason is<br />

that many student* don't «ant to<br />

**pl« soldier" and be given order*<br />

by other student*. Secondly, many<br />

students believe that they mu*l<br />

entsr the service alter graduation.<br />

Flnt of all. the title JKOTC<br />

(Junlr-r Rcscrv; Officers Training<br />

Corpt) could be towed out the window.<br />

It ts actually a "hand* on"<br />

leadership /prof..** m < In whkh<br />

students arc taught how to lead<br />

and communicate el'ectWely with<br />

all types of people. <strong>The</strong> reason why<br />

It b * military structured program<br />

h that ihe Army'* »>*iem of<br />

leadership ks effective, jet iltnplc<br />

enough for high ichool student* to<br />

apply.<br />

JROTC itut*-nt* have the opportunity<br />

to work with studentt<br />

from each of the four ctassei not<br />

only in JROTC subject* (leadership,<br />

oral communication!, rilkry.<br />

mod first aid), but alvo In non-<br />

JROTC subjects, like homework.<br />

What do jou think?<br />

PERSOI*<br />

vwcll.<br />

Aclnil<br />

ir •*.«..nchrnni<br />

i<br />

annual uten: *h'i». and nicnivt<br />

area part ol thep'ojjr.-m f.*e1|.<br />

<strong>The</strong> United Slalcv gotcrnn.cn)<br />

ha* no record of *ho [• enrolled in<br />

Ihe JROTC. therefore, inert are<br />

no commitment* tc make to Uncle<br />

Sam. S'imc cac*ct« join the service<br />

becauic they want to. not because<br />

they have lo. Many cadets hjve no<br />

Intention of joining the wntec. but<br />

appreciate the teaching* of the<br />

JROTC and how they are ca\il><br />

applied to everyday life.<br />

I hope that most student* will<br />

have a clearer idea of •htl our<br />

JROTC program (which is one ol<br />

the be*t program* in the country)<br />

is all about alter reading thi% letter.<br />

If there are vtill any<br />

unanswered question*, feel free lu<br />

stop by Iti; JROTC lacililie* and<br />

ask for me. Alter all. thai'* m*<br />

respontibUity.<br />

Think You.<br />

Cadet Captain Jamei J. Cubin.ir<br />

JROTC Information OIHcer<br />

Arc<br />

n7 Michael Lee<br />

I you<br />

romantic?<br />

Jeremiah Turner 8605<br />

? rum4iitu wtu-n I !ui<br />

Pranksters<br />

apologize<br />

Dtar Editor;<br />

During the week ol March 26in<br />

to March Xttli. we. the Clat* of<br />

IS86. wlu "April Fool's Grams"<br />

a* a class fundraiser and adtertit*<br />

cd that *.e would be delivering<br />

rose* to ihe recipients. On that day<br />

each registry revived seeds.<br />

We '*ould liVe to extend our<br />

apology to thov: students whn look<br />

our frank seriously and wetr<br />

upset.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Cta** ol Who<br />

Disgusted<br />

junior<br />

Dear Editor.<br />

• Why in the world U the Students<br />

Activities Board holding the ever*<br />

popular Cardinal Carnival on June<br />

1? tn case M>. Bluett and hi*<br />

"crew" haven't noticed, the day<br />

alter June 1 Is June 2. You ask.<br />

what's to important about this<br />

date? . . , well. It just happens to<br />

be the date the S.A.T. & Achieve*<br />

ment Tests arc being ad*<br />

ministered. |. tike many other<br />

junior-., have to take the Achievement<br />

Test on that date. With Cardinal<br />

Carnival • day before, many<br />

juniors wilt miii this dance. Of<br />

course, we Juniors could go to the<br />

dance, but somehow, five houri of<br />

sleep seems Inadequate befote a<br />

big test. <strong>The</strong> SAB's planning U<br />

totally ludienxj*. 1 know the date<br />

of Cardinal Carnival probably<br />

won't change, but 1 had to tell Mr.<br />

Bluett . . . that be is one of the<br />

more popular teacher* on the<br />

junior "hate list!"<br />

Total!/Disftustrd.<br />

_ ' ' T.O.<br />

•me Lmrcil Mi;4. IWM.<br />


Uur*PhUUpsft7U<br />

"Yes. 1 am. I have these wonderful<br />

dreams about m- 'knight In shin-<br />

Ins armor.'"<br />

Florence Lewis. EngUih teacher<br />

"If I were not a romantic. I would<br />

iwtt be leaclinif. and < would not<br />

lerp Imp in« aK>in\t hop? that my J«lf WongMl-1<br />

Lid* could linit ihv deUniiion ol "Chiialr> i% not dead. I am a iruc<br />

nmanccon thnro»n. * belioer in Sir Galahad."<br />

II io r i SteptunkTinmons 8615 Kitabcrly PaMenon 8615<br />

Deoise llearne 5607 Angctique Jordan 8607<br />

**Wc are not romanifrs; we love<br />

'cm and leave 'cm."<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s best<br />

Teacbcn tamct Knerl and Stephen Granued.<br />

Math teacher Donald Baker<br />

LowctJ teachers Stephen<br />

Grandcci, n«/t*tc Lewis. Jamev<br />

Knerl. ai>d Donald Baker have<br />

been selected the school's tot*<br />

teachers In a recent sur*t> canducted<br />

by Thr lomett. Eight<br />

registry classes (two senior, two<br />

junior, two sophomore, and two<br />

(rcshrcant *ere rartdcmU selected<br />

and asked lo name ihe top <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

teacher based on creativity, enthusiasm,<br />

understanding of subject<br />

material, and over-all teaching<br />

excellence. <strong>The</strong> four instructor!<br />

were named .more often tnan any<br />

other* un &c school stall.

"aj»«. TktUmtll. M«jr/ad*Iur.<br />

"J felt good (about receiving the<br />

whoUrshlpjf <strong>The</strong>re's no doubt<br />

about that." exclaimed Shin.<br />

Regents schoUrs were invited to<br />

t U.C. Berkeley orientation duriof<br />

the weekend of April 6*7.<br />

Designed to encourage th«<br />

scholars to attend U.C. Berkeley<br />

this fatl. ihe orientation's schedule<br />

of activities includcJ a campus<br />

tour, biology lecture, lunch with<br />

the Chancellor, a performance by<br />

the Cat Band, dinner ai the Faculty<br />

Club, activities such as bowling<br />

and dancing, and an optional<br />

overnight stay at ihe nearby Sbtltuck<br />

Hotel.<br />

"It «I»I very nice afternoon, tt<br />

was fun." commented Johnston.<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re was too much free time<br />

<strong>The</strong>re weren't enough activities.**<br />

said Wu.<br />

Lefkovtis remarked. "<strong>The</strong><br />

orientation wasn't very well<br />

organiied."<br />

<strong>The</strong> University provided the •<br />

lunds for everything in the orientation<br />

from the mcali to the airfare<br />

for the whoiVn.<br />

Galvin '84 young citizen<br />

By Jennifer Poulakldas<br />

Jeffrey Calvin has been chosen<br />

»k the <strong>Lowell</strong> senior to receive the<br />

Cable Car Clothiers' Citizen<br />

Award.<br />

Each year. Cable Car Clothiers<br />

hosts a luncheon at which one<br />

senior from each San Francisco<br />

high school, whether public.<br />

private or parochial, is awarded<br />

this honor and a cable car lamp<br />

with a nameengra-ed plaque.<br />

Eligibility lor the award is based<br />

on the student's leadership<br />

abilities, school and community<br />

activities participation, and grade<br />

point average.<br />

E«erjr year, facultv advitnn AI<br />

Lo*cil nominate or recommend<br />

one senior for this award and submit<br />

their recommendation to the<br />

principal who n tcrves the<br />

pcrogatite lo cither adept ->r rejet<br />

I the adtivor*' rc.ommcntljtton.<br />

SJS- Chm ot the a«jr.t. -lt\<br />

kind ol special to be nominated [or<br />

vomcthinn without V now in); about<br />

it. and then just being I old about<br />

it." Galvin is and hav been intolveif<br />

with ichool activities such as the<br />

swim team, forenucs, JournalKro.<br />

»nd RadW <strong>Lowell</strong> and out of<br />

school activities such is the Sea<br />

Scuuts. *<br />

He has been accepted tc Yale.<br />

Harvard. Wesley an. and the<br />

University of California at<br />

Bcftet.-v. hut still hss not decided<br />

whkh school he will attend ncit<br />

>ear though he would, like "...to go<br />

east."<br />

Apples await installation<br />

By Deabc Marie Dador<br />

Nineteen Apple computers and<br />

26 dttc drives wait in storage for<br />

installation at <strong>Lowell</strong> due to difficulties<br />

in selling the equtpm.-nt<br />

installed.<br />

According lo Carl Koentg. computer<br />

programming teacher, installation<br />

of the new computers<br />

i.tould hav« begun April 1. <strong>The</strong><br />

"Applet" can no: be put into<br />

operation until the scbrol obtains<br />

security hardware «.id some electrical<br />

wiring is done in room iM.<br />

Principal Alan Fibhh was in*<br />

formed by the school dimict that<br />

an outside contractor would Inslatl<br />

the electrical wiring IIK April 1.<br />

but no one ever came.<br />

According to Flbish. the delay<br />

could be because the SFUSD is<br />

also trying to place comtuicrt in<br />

Morrow Watkins<br />


S31 Ducklnglum Way<br />

!H»t lo Ptal Olllc*)<br />

564-12?.1<br />

"Call me fcr good value<br />

in carinsurance?<br />

three or lour other high school! ft<br />

wellaslowcll.<br />

Secunt) hardware is ncccuary<br />

because the Apple computer? are<br />

*e.> accessible il not locked down.<br />

"No one will steal ihc Hewlett-<br />

PackArds. but ihe Apples are hoi<br />

in the ma.ket. and it's possible<br />

pans coaltl be taken," slated<br />

Kocnig. "It's like comparing a -<br />

junk car to a sleek Mustang.**<br />

Until there is proper electrical<br />

wiring and security hardware,<br />

Kocnig noted. "I am not gtung to<br />

jeopardize all this equipment by<br />

not having it installed correctly or<br />

frapardifc the kids' safety by hav*<br />

Ing them 'ri.-» over extension*<br />

cords."<br />

Slnct !•>;?<br />

Necdicomgcfor<br />

jour Ptas?<br />

10% Discount<br />

on all conages and<br />

ooulor.nlerc\ wilb jour<br />

Student Body Card<br />

714 Clement Street<br />

Between Slhi 9th AT<br />

7SI-4M2<br />

"Lme<br />

BUck<br />

lhowtoc|<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> i<br />

<strong>The</strong>re I<br />

the >hn» I<br />

refpome.l<br />

C;<br />

und<br />

3in Fr4ncl<br />

Mted LoJ<br />

purpowolH<br />

getabetiet I<br />

their Inset<br />

otncncPotf<br />

9-13).<br />

Member]<br />

Cart Ihe<br />

lAool If |<br />

ttenben t:<br />

uu<br />

nudorcSlc<br />

JROTI<br />

On Mi.l<br />

team, bof<br />

platoon •<br />

91ft OLttr<br />

heldattheg<br />

Drill trl<br />

"II mo:<br />

a yearbool<br />

eJ to red if<br />

or the al<br />

book." stJ<br />

b-chKl tl<br />

KedandV<br />

<strong>The</strong>jej<br />

problems I<br />

sak». Whf<br />

staff ci.n J<br />

pages an |<br />

of paces M

BSU show draws crowd<br />

Student model pom u Prince.<br />

By Romoaldo Stncbex<br />

"Lore It io Control." ihlt year's<br />

Blmek Students Union fashion<br />

show look place on April U in the<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> auditorium.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was a large turnout, and<br />

ihe show received one o! the best<br />

responses (rom an audience vine*<br />

LostU's smash production oi<br />

Bri jadoon a few yean ago.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Hit of guest itan Included<br />

National Merit KhoUr Clodjr Cho.<br />

UUna Hon. Piinct. Barbra Streisand.<br />

Slevie Wonder, and the<br />

Munelettei. who were lip-tynched<br />

by various <strong>Lowell</strong> students.<br />

Thr show conilsted of 21 scenes<br />

and a finale, each featuring<br />

tuhtonabk clothes for various formal<br />

and informal occasion*.<br />

<strong>The</strong> tint scene was the theme of<br />

the shew "Love Is in Control" wHh<br />

PhjlHs Snllh as Donna Summer.<br />

Campus notes<br />

Fund members visit<br />

Twenty five members from the<br />

Saa Francisco Education Fund<br />

v luted <strong>Lowell</strong> on April 12. <strong>The</strong><br />

purpose of the tour was twofold: tu<br />

get a belter look a: school* and vec<br />

their inner workings and to<br />

observe Public School Week (April<br />

9-13).<br />

school for half tu hour. <strong>The</strong><br />

member* then went on to visit Ap-<br />

IW Middle School end Commwlore<br />

Stoat Elementary School.<br />

TROTC tO<br />

On May 10. <strong>Lowell</strong>'s girls' drill<br />

team. l'


World news<br />

update:<br />

by Jonathan Alberts<br />

April 1—U>S. loam Argentina $KX) million; other countries *!*«»<br />

coi.tribuir funds in atold a (inancul cii%i* in that country.<br />

— lose Napoleon Uuarte wir.i presidential election* in 111<br />

Salvador but still laces runolf due to lack of majorii) »oie.<br />

April 2—Three Arab terrorists attack shopper* in Jerusalem. *«un«)nic<br />

April 3—MonilJ.e wins New York Otmocrjtic priman h\ a wide<br />

margin cnei Hart.<br />

AptU 5—U.S. Senate approves S6I.T5 million In military jid lor HI<br />

SMtador and 521 million for Ntcaragum rebel*.<br />

—Mov*o» dismKses U.S. ippcal for ban ol chemical weapon*<br />

ai propaganda In hide America's build-up of the same.<br />

—Cotoncl Lanvana Conic nurtcd nen president ol Guutea.<br />

April 6—Great Britain -\k* *.nal mining ol Nkaraguan faction b • Ihf<br />

U.S. be hatted.<br />

April 7—Itfl.'l jets *x>mti supposed PalcMtnijn guetrilia bavt* east of<br />

Beirut<br />

—Vkt.iam accuses Chinese troop* ol crm^ng into Vtctnjme**;<br />

territory.<br />

April 6-U.S. announces ll -it it will not trvcpi World Court ruling*<br />

Involving Central America for ihencii i«o tears.<br />

April 10—Mondale »ln\ Dtirocialic primary in Pennvvlvania.<br />

—5pace shuttle Challenger *uccc**lut1v catchc* tailing xaielhtc<br />

—Senate vote* lo opp.iw use ol lederal luniU in the mintni; of<br />

Nkaraguan harbors.<br />

April 11 —Konttanlin U. Cheocnko o((lculi> become* Pmldcni "I the<br />

Soviet Union.<br />

—<strong>The</strong> llouvc opposes Reagan'* 'ttjucit for S21 million in<br />

military aid for Nlcaraguan rebels.<br />

—<strong>The</strong> crew ol the Challenger r-palr\ the Solar Mat satellite.<br />

stations In Punjab. India<br />

April 16—Two U.S. dirilorral<br />

northern Soc the lull luniting incrca*c.<br />

the library addition construction<br />

projec* could begin tt»cr<br />

the uimmcr and be lmi\hcJ part<br />

way into the tall \cmr\tcr.<br />

recently enacted SB<br />

613 vrill gWc addition*! fundi to<br />

school dlitricu which Increase the<br />

nurobrr of minutes their pupils<br />

•pend each day in clan. Ho* wtil<br />

SB 813*> minimum time re*<br />

qulremenU affect <strong>Lowell</strong> — a<br />

school with a unique modular time<br />

system?<br />

We have moved ag|(rc*mcl> to<br />

try to assist teacher* »h.her c^al<br />

tinn. We propo*«d tc the icachrr<br />

organization* ihai »rud-nt* have<br />



Complete<br />

Flop*! Service<br />

Opt a 7dtyi<br />

4326 Gtirj Bid.<br />

SiaFnncBcoicA 94118<br />

7S1-22M<br />

751-2215<br />

*okc in the evaluation prucett. but<br />

•he leather'* union hat nut been a*<br />

cntht--*'lic about the idea «- Ihc<br />

Dr. Robert Atloto, Superintendent of 5choob.<br />

adminiitrjiion hat been, hopefully,<br />

they wltl be willing !•> d» it<br />

tomeday.<br />

How do you feel about the concept<br />

of merit pay for especially Rood<br />

teachen?<br />

BUDGET<br />


Each ytar the Supcrintendeat't<br />

office ntbmlU * eomprehcniKe<br />

"Education Plan & Botigtt**<br />

outlining district prograrai iot<br />

school board examination and a?*<br />

proval. <strong>The</strong> fiscal year 1984 plan<br />

has been released iccently and U<br />

currently under school board c examination*<br />

* Variety of contfcet lentet<br />

• Timed feme*<br />

• Extended wear<br />

• AtticmatUm lenm<br />

* Vliual training<br />

children - i tiikm.<br />

jeriatric 4 contact Jen>e«<br />

* £pccialun.. Sit. on anpt.<br />

(415) 221-3894<br />

3ll-l2thA>cnue<br />

(comer ot Clement)

c Lo-tll. M»/ 4, I9S4. Pt/t 7<br />


.Candidates: where do they stand?<br />


unwnAi IT. i. .,_.... _._._.,_„.,_„ . «mphatit on *ol«ing tcniral<br />

By l*wbon Ua<br />

Defense/U.S.-Soviet<br />

Relations: President Ronald<br />

Reagan b.lteict in "Peace through<br />

itrength." He withe* to maintain<br />

peaceful rclaticnt with the S«»ki<br />

Union, but pUi\ to continue the<br />

American miliurj huildup thai<br />

fee hat pursued lor the pan three<br />

»car*. He bcliet^ that ihe United<br />

State* muit kct|t up with Rutvia<br />

militarily in urdtf lo be in a petition<br />

to negotiate »ith them. }\c<br />

hat itatcd that hit administration<br />

n willing to return 10 the arrai<br />

limitation* talk', that the Sotiett<br />

walked oat on at toon at the Soviet<br />

leaden are willing to.<br />

Central America: Rcagar: »i*he«<br />

to haie all the Central American<br />

countries became democrilic na<<br />

liont. He plant to upgrade the<br />

American economic, social, anJ<br />

military support ftfr ihe current El<br />

SalvadorUn government. He hat<br />

not tiatcit that he «Uh.t i«, *••<br />

Nkarasua't Sandimtta gincrnment<br />

overthrown, but rather that<br />

it fulfill* lit promiiet for humat.<br />

right* and democratic principle*<br />

which it made when it overthrew<br />

the Sorcoia regime.<br />

Mideast: Reagan hat noi made<br />

any retent statement about hit<br />

present Middle Batt policy. Sincc^<br />


the pulloul of American Marino<br />

from Lcbinon, American imol*c-<br />

-mcnl in ihe area hat been unnoticeablc.<br />

Economic Pnlklct: MOM budget<br />

cut* (ram many of the gofrrnment<br />

tocial terticc* it Kea^an't plan lo<br />

reduce tl.r federal deficit. He<br />

plant to continue with the<br />

economic ttrticgie* he hat been<br />

fnll;Mint< in hit patent term ai'd it<br />

iKuitt am tort ol ut hikrt.<br />

Nucletr Freete: Reagan hat<br />

ttated that he it billing to ditcu .*<br />

bilateral nuclear limitation* with<br />

the Sotiet 'Jnion. He It againtt any<br />

unilateral ditarmamrni and it ad-<br />

Tocating deployment of mor-r<br />

nuchar weapon* tjttrmi.<br />

Abortloa: <strong>The</strong> pretideni bat<br />

alwayt hrld the contervatitc policy<br />

of anti-aborticn Icgitlati»n.<br />

Recent)*, he mpportrd the Hatchtfaglelon<br />

•mendment to the Can-<br />

V^*~:*Ma which would ban abortion<br />

1. * amendment did nut<br />

CoOMnrat'jn: <strong>The</strong> H(«||in »1minitt''..ton<br />

hat made attempt* in<br />

\*. tail three tear* to tell mut'h ot<br />

the gotemment owned landt and<br />

lease cflthorc till drilling right*.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sierra Club expressed concern<br />

met Rcagin't conversation potilion.<br />

—mm_ jjgia. _<br />

Jcuc Jackson participate* In a quettlon-and «ni«tr testloo.<br />

ByLolWDary<br />

Ot!inn/U.S.»So»i«t<br />

RtUtkms: PresidcntUl candidate<br />

J«w Jickion (cell that ;hc United<br />

States mutt work to reduce intecurity<br />

on both Udn ol Ihe Iron<br />

Curtain and mutt be willing to<br />

share Its position as a leader In the<br />

world.<br />

rentiU America: Tli« support of<br />

limited commodity agreements lo<br />

help Central American countries<br />

stablllxe export earnings Is Important<br />

to Jarkson.<br />

Mldeajt According to Jackson.<br />

Isnel should be «llowed to e*i»t<br />

within secure Interoatiom Hy<br />

recognUed borders- T*K Palestinians<br />

sho Id ha.e the right to a<br />

homeland and political freedom,<br />

bat they should respect the independence<br />

ol Lebanon. <strong>The</strong><br />

United States ntuf. have norm*"-"<br />

erf lies with the Arab world.<br />

Economic Policies: Jackson<br />

thinks that ihere ihould be (air<br />

for aU able to work.<br />

auurancc of batic daily need*, and<br />

a tai system which require* an<br />

eo.ual sacrifice from all.<br />

Nuclear Freexe: 11 Jackson were<br />

elected President, he would launch<br />

an aggressive campaign to put a<br />

hall to the nuclear arn.t race and<br />

establish a rational, orderly process<br />

for arms reduction. He ftels<br />

that our strongest defense as a nation<br />

would be to regain our moral<br />

authority so that we can again be<br />

respected and not [u.t feared.<br />

Abortloa: J*ck*or» support* the<br />

right o! free choice related to abortions.<br />

He thinks that abortions<br />

should oe legal for eti/jom-; poor<br />

wom^n should not be Cenied equal<br />

protection under the law because<br />

they are poor.<br />

Conservation: Investments In<br />

energy comervation and solar<br />

energy are Important to Jackson.<br />

He believes thai th; government<br />

needs to Invest SHW billion In<br />

roads, bridge*, mas* transit, water<br />

supply and sewage treatment.<br />

By Molly NUon<br />

OcIen relorminn Ih? military<br />

bureaucracy anil moderni/ing<br />

military ttratcgic-.<br />

Central America: It. Cnngrctt.<br />

Hart iniiuttucei* IcRiUati-in to prohibit<br />

U.S. troop* in Central<br />

America. Hart would end miliun<br />

aid to III Sahador. unlet* ihc JCtivllie*<br />

of it* Death S(]uadt cv.itv.<br />

Hart bciicte* that potent rather<br />

lhan communitin it a problem In<br />

Central America, and would tend<br />

fond, irciinical adyicc. and jd-<br />

\\\nn to Central America, hui onlt<br />

lo ct;untrie* that pri.tcrl human<br />

right*. Hart nppmct tending<br />

cotert aiil to Nicaragua.<br />

Mideast: At a Senator. Han oppotet<br />

vemlinn U.S. trnopt to<br />

Ifbanon. He mpportt Itracl. con-<br />

p<br />

ry ttrci.fth.<br />

s.w-^^r: strong, but woutd cm production g=i=5S<br />

Salvador, he would provide<br />

ol the MX mimic and B-l<br />

bomber. Me would alto cui product<br />

ion ut "poiton nrr>e gat."<br />

Mondtlr would icallirm<br />

Amcm'i't commiti.icnt to the<br />

anii-ballitttc miMili* trratt.<br />

Central America; Momlale place.<br />

ally<br />

o[ the Unites Sljict. In m<br />

he alvo itppoved arm taiet to Jordan<br />

and Saudi Arabia.<br />

Economic Polkki: Grt>*ih it the<br />

number one priority of hart"*<br />

economic polu-ici. \t prctulcni.<br />

he would create new joht by<br />

n.oderni/intt Ameiican manufacturing<br />

piantt jmf nbuitilint: the<br />

njiion't bridge*. ma.K atnii portt.<br />

Han uprntct "pcttal inicrett<br />

economic policict ami fatur* an<br />

MW'J.S.<br />

Nuclear f-'r*«-««: If .ft u in (-**.•<br />

».( a titliler^t. icrilUIOr nudci<br />

(rec/c *uh the U VS K. He «-p<br />

po^ct rhc futt-iivr »-apont p.ilicy<br />

To hai! tfie protluctmn of nuclear<br />

Kcapunt. he tupporit a wortd«tdc<br />

ban on jilutoimm prtnlutt<br />

Abortion: liclicunn that euch<br />

woman hat the right to make hei<br />

own choice about abortion, Hart V<br />

pro-choice, and -.upportt the ri^ht<br />

lo fcderalU funded abnrtiont for<br />

thutc with financial r.eeil.<br />

Conservation: To finance a plar. to<br />

inertJVC the totic-wittc clcanuj<br />

program tenfold. Itari would U<br />

tl.c pnxlusci* l loxu-wattet<br />

Hart fatort the rtpun«tt>n and prolection<br />

ol the national p-trkt and<br />

wildcrnett arcat. Ihoutrh II<br />

would \top ihe federal >uh\id<br />

lor nuclear po»cr itidu\lr:r\. tie<br />

would offer tt\ credit* to<br />

renewable cntri:* anil cnerK> rf.'i<br />

economic aid for land reform ant<br />

Ihe eliminttion ol death squad*.<br />

Stopping tuppon ul the contrat<br />

who are fighting the Sancimtta<br />

government would be impo-iant in<br />

Nkarago*. Monilale tupp->.tt the<br />

gradual remotal of U.S. (riM.pt<br />

(mm Central America.<br />

Mideast: Nttrndale it 4 tirur.K tupporter<br />

of Krjcl. At carlt u«<br />

January of I9M he called lur the<br />

remmal ol U.S. Marine* in<br />

Lebanon, tctcr.il montht h«(nrc<br />

Pretideni Reagan brought them<br />

hunic. Ho*cter. he it tn latn: t,\<br />

mjinidtninj; the b.S. Naty •

Pitrl. <strong>The</strong>Utll. Mi/J. I'M<br />


Juniors win<br />

'copper-silver'<br />

By Dan Harringtuo<br />

Alter two and one halt week* ot<br />

counting quaMcr*. dime*, nickel*,<br />

and pennies, the <strong>Lowell</strong> E:.ecutl*e<br />

Cou.tcil (LECI announced that the<br />

Class ot 'W had *on approximate-<br />

I) 5*00 in the "Copper-Sikser<br />

Game."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Junior Clas* edged cut the<br />

Fre*hman C1a*s tor the earning* of<br />

all tour clan iugi. TIic Senior* and<br />

Sophomore* followed in third and<br />

fourtn place* re*pectively.<br />

On the night of Ihr last day r)<br />

counilng. room 3J4 wa* apparently<br />

broken into, and SB2 in *il»e.<br />

•*,i* found miv%inn avcurilintc to<br />

Carl Koenlft. I.ILC tponwr,<br />

In the LV** met-iing Hie nc.i<br />

«teek. the Junior Cl*« rcprcwrnlatU-*<br />

helloed lhai the LEC<br />

vhoultl reimburse ilic junior* (or<br />

•he stolen SH2. A motion wa* made<br />

to that effect, but it failed on the<br />

motloni of other LEC oil ken that<br />

the theft wa* not the LKC\ fault,<br />

and that Once the money earned<br />

•at "lice." the Junior Clatt .officer*<br />

should not worry over the<br />

ttolen turn, but should instead be<br />

g'kd for the J?20 thry won.<br />

Student<br />

notebook<br />

BCO<br />

By MeUnle Ramos<br />

elections (or net! jear'* Board<br />

CU** Omcer* (BCO) and fur intidual<br />

cla»* offices will be held<br />

tlit fo"o*lngiUT*: May 15. the<br />

imary: May 18. he final run-<br />

Thrre will *»e a *peakrr'*<br />

irumor- V". I *. •<br />

*• > . • •<br />

<strong>The</strong> l'.i'Ui-'.A?* a *e upcoming acivillesi..*<br />

the Ikrtlor Cla**: May I-<br />

'anoramic picture* were taken;<br />

•lay ***!* the deadline for senior**<br />

,*l Wlli ind Testament" to be<br />

urnctt.ln: May ?A-ibe Senior Piclie<br />

will be At Ihe Gakwoou Lake:<br />

27'1'te Senior Prom will be<br />

A3 at the F>-lrmont Hmel.<br />

Tkket sales will be from May 7<br />

a tl lor the picnic and May 1H.<br />

.22. 23 for the prom. Price* will<br />

be announced.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Senior Class it also telling<br />

popcorn as a fundraiser. Senicrt<br />

who sell six will be eligible lor \<br />

rattle and :hose who tell ten will<br />

receive • coupon bock worth over<br />

15 with discounts on senior activities.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Junior Out Is in the pron*<br />

of planning Us activities (or<br />

this m&tth. Juniors have yet to<br />

decide nn a service oreject and<br />

possibly a gtam sale. Because of<br />

extensive planning for the<br />

lunlor Prom, no detinue plans for<br />

future activities have been set.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Class ol '86 will hold Its service<br />

project, whkh it painting over<br />

the lines of the basketball count<br />

near the tennis courts, on May S<br />

bejrtnringat 9:30 a.m.<br />

<strong>The</strong> sophomores will have a<br />

Movie Night" on May 25. Thr<br />

mevte. Pollergciit. will be shown<br />

at 6:30 p.m. It will take place in<br />

cither the <strong>Lowell</strong> gym or the<br />

auditorium.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sophoruon. Class will alto<br />

be Kiting "M&MV candy as a<br />

month.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ClaU of 'S7 wilt hold a food<br />

sale aext week. Freshmen 'ill be<br />

telling fried rice with soy sauce or<br />

greet and sour lance.<br />

SAB<br />

BrAnnHuppert<br />

<strong>The</strong> Student Actliiticv Du<br />

iponvored ihe annual Monte Carlo<br />

Nlshi. l-rlday. April r. <strong>The</strong> ipirlt<br />

rally earlier that day honored tpr*<br />

tng \pofH. <strong>The</strong> lati rally of Hie<br />

>CJ: »ill be on May Ih. the C'nr-<br />

Jlnal Cart.ital »ill Kc held on Friday.<br />

June 1. Booth* will be oprn<br />

\tartinx ot 6 p.m. Dancinp to<br />

mutlc by the Quake «ll| be from *<br />

to 11p.m.<br />

LEC<br />

By Werdy Wong<br />

Five •opt'Tt were recently glten<br />

priority for divcuttlon In future<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Executive Council<br />

meeting. <strong>The</strong> topic*, in crder of<br />

importance. *crc lite tack of a ttu<br />

dent government/student actititie*<br />

room, absence of Rood<br />

communication within tludenl<br />

gctcrntsent. poorly functioning<br />

'V.rtlo <strong>Lowell</strong> speakers, eicet^i<br />

noiie in the halU. and shortness of<br />

theccfeletia huurs.<br />

<strong>The</strong> LEC rejected a motion to<br />

compensate the Junior Class, winner<br />

of the Marvh 19-23 "Copper-<br />

Silver Came." for an SAO theft of<br />

the game'* proceeds.<br />

Elections for cilice* to the LEC<br />

will take place May 9 with run-of Is<br />

on May 11.<br />

A Stud;m Advltery Councilorganlied<br />

district-wide talent tb<br />

witl be held at <strong>Lowell</strong> on May 11 at<br />

7 p.m.Tkket* will eott SI.<br />

BSCS<br />

By Sarah Hudson<br />

Clubs should be deciding i<br />

kind of booth they want to ha*e ai<br />

the Cardinal Carnival on June<br />

Form* should be deposited in Johi<br />

Bisict't rnaUbot. <strong>The</strong>re is a S5 fi<br />

pe.-space.<br />

<strong>The</strong> yearbook tent the BSCS<br />

list of when each club picture w<br />

be taken. I'fctum cannot be<br />

rescheduled.<br />

Clubs whkh do not fulfill service<br />

project requirement* will not b<br />

allowed Intr the BSCS in the 10M<br />

85 school year.<br />

Juniors enjoy prom<br />

By Jeitka Leung<br />

<strong>The</strong> itM Junior Prom etUhled<br />

"Piece* ol a Dream" wa* held at<br />

the Grand Ballroom ul thr<br />

Shcralim Palace Motel on April 15.<br />

Muitc Matter*, a tlitc jockey<br />

group, proiided dance music for<br />

lt)Scouplc*lrom9p.m.to 1 a.m.<br />

<strong>The</strong> couple* had their portrait*<br />

taktn b» phot oft rapher "we Coleman<br />

In ihe KeRtnc) Kiwm.<br />

Group picture* were photographed<br />

later in the evening.<br />

"I'm glad that there were not<br />

long line* foi picture*, but 1 did<br />

consider the background used to<br />

be a bit dull." commented junior<br />

Joanne Park.<br />

Atthough the exact figure* ha e<br />

not been caijulated, the Jtin'jr<br />

Class cspects to hate lost money<br />

on the event.<br />

Dane Yasumoto. junior i.tat*<br />

president, stated. "1 think »•- lost<br />

financially, but that's okay.<br />

Everything was great and ceiyone<br />

had fun. <strong>The</strong>se arc the thing*<br />

whkh really matter."<br />

"It (the prom) was delightful.**<br />

noted Stephen Granuvd. Junior<br />

Clatt tponsor. "Participation<br />

could hate been *>.tter. but it<br />

seemt that cterynnc had a good<br />

lime. It would ha


Bi Sarah Hudson YM1ESI9JP Today Is the funoll election lor andtherun-jftionMayl * VOTE* VOTE * VOTE<br />

mrnt anil pror-lrmt). students<br />

the <strong>Lowell</strong> Eieeutlve CwrneU<br />

(LEO and the Studetn Activities<br />

Soard (SAB) candidates.<br />

<strong>The</strong> primaries for th .EC land<br />

the SAB were held or * Jncsday<br />

May J. Ik, top i.o.... jttten tor<br />

eaeh office had foe opportunity lo<br />

spewk at a speakers' forum, held<br />

Mar -. modi 14/15 In room 220.<br />

Eaeh ipeakcr was allotted oue<br />

minute lo slate hit or her platform<br />

•ad qualifications.<br />

la tbe runoff election today, all<br />

UBdcnti eicept union can vote on<br />

the Mejer Uhrarjr walkway.<br />

<strong>The</strong> elections for the Board of<br />

School and Community Services<br />

(BSCS). the Board of Class Officcn<br />

(BCO). and the claim of<br />

•BS. "86. and '87 .111 be on May IS.<br />

<strong>The</strong> speakers' forum, open to all<br />

students, will be the followini day.<br />

LEC<br />

President Eloct<br />

Met Florentines<br />

Byron Lee<br />

Vice President<br />

•Lexa Thompson<br />

Corresponding Secretary<br />

•Eric Fastiff<br />

Recording Secretary<br />

. Mary Jane Sanchez<br />

PTS/i Representative<br />

Aviv Laurence<br />

SAB<br />

Chairperson<br />

•Mike Zimmerman<br />

Vice Chairperson<br />

Dean Poulakldas<br />

Wendy Yasukochi<br />

Secretary<br />

Grace Lee<br />

Jennifer Rclngold<br />

* Denotes winner<br />

Ejery Mud.nl in rtc junkir-<br />

students .<br />

came up wlib many suggevtioos for<br />

sophomore, and fmhman clau It<br />

"Rut you can't lorce people f><br />

improving the election process.<br />

allowed to vote.<br />

vote." Faitilt replied.<br />

<strong>The</strong> main answer was<br />

How many are cipectcd to vole?<br />

Koenlg agreed. "II people want<br />

PUBUCnr. including mesta(res<br />

'Usually MO I. .bou- the<br />

to vote, they'll vote."<br />

In the bulletin far In advance of the<br />

number we get." anrwered LEC<br />

<strong>The</strong> question is. do they wan;<br />

election: Radio <strong>Lowell</strong> an-<br />

faculty advisor Carl Koenlg.<br />

lo? If this statement is true, then<br />

nouncements Iti advance: many fewer than 400 students at <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

In the LEC election held lall more posters- putting posters up want to vote.<br />

lanuary. only about 400 vole- were sooner lhan the day before the<br />

cast, and almof hail >l those rotei<br />

Lack ol voting is not the only<br />

election: and notices lo the<br />

were freshmen, mini for their<br />

dlfllcutly facing i'.nwet! election-..<br />

registries.<br />

clau officers on the UH day.<br />

Getting people lo *vn Is often a<br />

Anoihrr suggestion, which has problem. Some candidates run<br />

"Voter apathy [i present at been ignorej. was the idea of a unoppoteO. aad tome oMcet<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>, and In the United States - "meet the candidates day." Can- nobody runt for.<br />

stated Eric Fa.ilfl. Student Ac didates would stand by their peti-<br />

tWties Cionci! representative of<br />

"<strong>The</strong> notices announcing the<br />

tions and students could ask them<br />

UxLEC.<br />

elections and listing the offices<br />

questions. Voters wouW have more were small, gray, and hard to<br />


?ft 10. <strong>The</strong> Lovelf. Ma/4.1954<br />


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P<br />

Oaoce! Darwel Dincci Peopl; have been<br />

dUHin( lor Jecadn.<br />

Dancing U • form ol cntertaicmenl. • form<br />

o( cicrcUc. rm» . social activity.<br />

All over the wi>rid people dance to their own<br />

particular music wiln their own particular<br />

styles.<br />

As tlmu chanie. dance sljles and ;rends<br />

change. Ir the Unlcrf Stales, each decade ol<br />

the twentieth rentury hat contributed n.-w<br />

dances ai well at new attitude* about i.anclrtg.<br />

Daiucs have £Onc from very structured and<br />

patterned Heps 10 freer and more individual<br />

movement*. People beeamu mere relaxed<br />

about the idea ol social dancing. Tlicy brgin to<br />

waul to have « food time. <strong>The</strong>y danced purely<br />

Far pleasure and for their own enjojment.<br />

<strong>The</strong> danee triuds of each decade reflect the<br />

feelings and the attitudes of trm time.<br />

Each trend Is unique and will be<br />

remembered always tor lh"rj"lpopt<br />

time. Hi unique ^^»a-da

Into the<br />

t radio.<br />

tinc!nt<br />

ilioltm<br />

e -<br />

ip «od<br />

o<br />

l. Th !,.T* 1 "- »-••««•. »as th« real sr.,ash ol<br />

Ihe Filtle.. It «,. lhc first bl« disco<br />

dance in that tt invclved .nn oppotiie. waiting<br />

movement, coordinating, fof example, me left<br />

leg and the rlgh: arm. Only Instead of walking,<br />

everyone was twitting. -<br />

Other leu challenging, hul popular dances<br />

Included the Bunny Hop and the .Inker pokey<br />

Both were Intended for larsje groups of participants.<br />

With lit .caving line pattern of<br />

lumps and klcki. the Bunny Hop »at Ihe Fif.<br />

ties answer w uwwn* - ——• .<br />

<strong>The</strong> Merengue. which could t* «u»d to<br />

- ' ' lulred less 4«terity, was<br />

lkra 11 called lor dk«er» to take a sideward left<br />

*«> drag Ihe rlghl loot ward U>= «t.<br />

in daace ol the decade<br />

lion at the "Kin, ol Hock anil Roll."<br />

American Oaitdnand, with Dick Clark n a popular aflernoon<br />

network thow In ralch teenagers performed the<br />

lateil dance cratei. luch ai the Hand fi»e. the<br />

Bop. the Chicken, and the Fhh. to newly<br />

released rock and roll lunet.<br />

Three dances were e«n invented on<br />

American Banifltanrf: the Stroll, the Circle,<br />

and a modi! -d Oi Nlfht Ferer and Tbini<br />

Cod If FrUlsy added much to the Disco craie<br />

of the oVcadc. People were able 10 sec professional<br />

Disco dancing In these types of produc*<br />

tioni and ihb amused their Interest 10 foln the<br />

Dnco setne.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are many varieties of Cisco dancing.<br />

Including a more organised dance with * pan*<br />

ncr and freestyle dancing apart from the partner.<br />

Roller Disco, a combination

F.HTURF<br />

Students speak on 'rejection'<br />

How do ftadenu inltUH/ rtact<br />

what Uwry at« nol uctplcd by a<br />

cnUttt. b« It Orsw-Aok. or not?<br />

-I Ml ton of dhtppobiinl lad<br />

fun • littk ilon." ukl staler A<br />

who «it ml Mttptcd at Stanford.<br />

"I rikla't jo Into » mint rate.<br />

I utldpaMd the rtjrelkwi (too<br />

Hanaro, but I an tllll <br />

an itudcatt ap\at when<br />

C0Q13CJ. txpccialrf comp«irur«<br />

O9CT Uav Harvard and IMvcittoo.<br />

do not acctpt tbcarT<br />

• * Tatw'i |mr prtuara and<br />

parcal pmian." aiplalncd<br />

cuuialor Joan CartM. "Feopk<br />

haw diwni and aspir»;lon» lor<br />

•OUtvuig. Stautiaei It's a coabtaatFraofaUthcMUibifi.**<br />

.<br />

Aditd nnidlr Sot Woni.<br />

."it'$ {ait penonal dn appolatmtat.<br />

KMs abu f*t ca*«|al a? In the<br />

ibl'<br />

Said CattUI. woo ha> i>ot «acoaaund<br />

aay itudmts who were<br />

deeply fruurated over eoGefes'<br />

dtcttoat. "(or the moil put. they<br />

ute It b ilride. Slndeats (utuilly)<br />

apply to more lhaa on (Ity<br />

LeapH) coKe(e. II U*y are reteeud<br />

at DM, they are accepted at<br />

aaotbtr."<br />

!«J Uapr Kbuoh ml tbdr<br />

oetbloai dnrtaft EaMer tacaltio<br />

tab rear. Aay emotion the<br />

tlcdenti had were probably<br />

dtuipalui doilag llie racatloa.<br />

CaUIUrasrred.<br />

Many uadrau who apply to l»y<br />

U»rie colk|ei when they really<br />

do aol pUn 00 atuadlni Ihera wB!<br />

•o: "...lid that badly II they're re-<br />

Jcet|ht about not getting into<br />

Berkeley.** commented a setilor<br />

ol-to aikcd net to be Idcniified.<br />

Lei's vail hira Tom.<br />

Not J ihoognt — until a thin<br />

cnveleoe (roni Rerktley in Wed at<br />

hUhobieotediy inUtt February.<br />

1 **lr t*ai> tticli •> Oilmpy thing. I<br />

kne« (h*: I «»t lo trouble even<br />

beforr J opened it.'' lie recalled.<br />

Even with a gride point avenge<br />

of 3.6 md 1 combined SAT score<br />

of 1160. Tom hu rclMid by (he<br />

college ol Lei ten and 5'knce<br />

at LC Bcrke'c fectcd. li soon passes." She<br />

idea to give extra ..eight to AP performed well is their chosen col- believes that alter a while, being<br />

courses only." commented another leu*.<br />

reacted b not as l>4d ai it oner<br />

senior who a.kei not to be identilled,<br />

whom we'll call Sally.<br />

Some seniors want lo know why Kerned to be.<br />

l hey ham been reiccted. Mr. X As Mr. X said. "I'm going to<br />

Sally haj applied to the colcommented.<br />

"I want lo know why U.C. Suita Cruz. It's not my se-<br />

Ictfe ol Letter* ,

TV vinip<br />

.FEATURE<br />

• F .«.? lance artists happy with jobs<br />

Wharf sued artUt helps • potential customer select<br />

I V By VlUJLCl<br />

Jeulea Leung<br />

Novelist E. B. White wrote in<br />

193a, **! believe television It going<br />

to be the let! of the modern world,<br />

and thai in this new opportunity to<br />

sec bcynnd the range cf our vision<br />

we shall discover either a new and<br />

unbearable disturbance of the<br />

genera! peace or a saving radiance<br />

in the sky."<br />

<strong>The</strong> year is no longer 193*. U it<br />

lime yet to ciamlnc the outcome to<br />

White's stated options?<br />

Statistics reveal thai one-third<br />

of all Americans wucb television<br />

every evening. An awrag* citi/en<br />

speuds approximately 29 hours per<br />

week in front of the screen. One<br />

mlnuie of network prime-time<br />

advertising can cou up to<br />

$140,000. an unount equivalent to<br />

the sum o! ihc annul salaries of<br />

seven or eight high school English .<br />

teachers.<br />

That utevision pl'ys a significant<br />

rale In everyday American life<br />

cannot be denied.<br />

Television has been accused ot<br />

"raising the crime rate, dropping<br />

students' test scores, crippling the<br />

imagination, undermining national<br />

literacy, and layering<br />

American homes with an<br />

attention-dumbing narcotic." If<br />

the mere pretcoce of television can<br />

b* so detrimental to the American<br />

socfrty. whet are the effects of the<br />

constant violence on television**<br />

Professors George Cerbracr knd<br />

< Larry Grots of the University of<br />

Pennsylvania's Anncnbcrg School<br />

of Communications stated In their<br />

tenth annual Violence Profile that<br />

_ 17 percent of all TV characterira*<br />

.. tiou b composed ot .out laws (ver*<br />

;<br />

n» ibe one percent or less in reali*<br />

ttjh Furthermore. 65 percent ol the<br />

; r outlawt «rc violent.<br />

^According to Gross, the real<br />

< dnuge ol violence oo television i*<br />

, not that i; brings about rare acts of<br />

^ertaw involving bodily harm, but<br />

nuhrr th*t It distort* an in-<br />

T dMdual's perception of :He world.<br />

"~" .'bundled "heavy" watcher*<br />

* reported to b* "mote f cartel.<br />

)on% and suspicious of the<br />

Id** than "light" watchers.<br />

, a majority of them replied<br />

M always" when asked,<br />

'often is U all right to hit<br />

_ww if jcu're mad at them?**<br />

NBC was once sued for 311<br />

i by » woman whose nine* •<br />

A daughter bad beta gang-<br />

II beer bottle by three<br />

tlrb aTid a boy: • the<br />

chllthen had ill witnetted a<br />

similar rape on teteviiion tcveral<br />

da*i earlier. <strong>The</strong> only diflcrcncc<br />

between the two situations «it<br />

that the wrapart In the motie wat<br />

the handle of a plumber's helper<br />

and no* a beer Inn lie.<br />

<strong>The</strong> cat* *A\ di\mi\\*d t«ecau»r<br />

thr Fir*: Amendmeni. a\ inirrprcted<br />

then, "protect* TV networks<br />

from rctp^ntibilit) unlc*t<br />

in ten I tonal Incitement to a ipecific<br />

act bin*olved.'*<br />

^ the tcrmingly overhelming<br />

number of adverse cffectt.<br />

TV can be beneficial if property<br />

uted.<br />

"Television<br />

can prove to be<br />

either a<br />

disturbance of<br />

the general<br />

peace or a<br />

saving radiance<br />

in the sky/'<br />

Declared former Federal Communication<br />

Commissioner Newton<br />

Mlnow, "<strong>The</strong> most important<br />

educa'ional Institution in the<br />

country Is not Harvard or Yale or<br />

CalTeeh— It's television."<br />

For better or fa* wor»e. televi-<br />

sion U here U* my. Forty-tU years<br />

later. White's inquiry Is stUl<br />

unanswered. Whether television U<br />

really a menace to the Amehrvn<br />

public or a solution for societal Us<br />

— whether It b "a new and<br />

unbearable dlsturbacce ol the<br />

genera! peace or a saving radiinre<br />

in the sky** — only tim? will tell.<br />

By Vlfcram Parckh<br />

Artitlt and arti\ant. juggler.<br />

and hreA-Jancirrt. mumtam and<br />

ntm^i - all are part of the<br />

bewildering variety of vendors and<br />

entertainers found on the streets of<br />

Sin Francisco.<br />

Mitchell Rubin it one of the<br />

numetout artitant who sells hit<br />

wares from ttatlt opposite<br />

Chlrardeili Square. Hubin has<br />

been tcUinji hi* hand-crafted<br />

k«iher matks on the street for 12<br />

years, yet he maintains iliat he<br />

does tuch work only as "niler for<br />

this lime of yrar." when he has no<br />

other pressing commitments.<br />

For other street artists, their<br />

work Is a full-time occupation and<br />

with it cbnc the hardships of a<br />

seatonal profession. In the words<br />

of one jewelry vendor who aikeJ<br />

that her name be withheld. "...it'»<br />

been j rouah winter." Sloce her<br />

clientele are largely tourim.<br />

"Business is tef tonal • it latit from<br />

mid-April until September."<br />

Since ttrcet artists lack a<br />

Z guaranieed tourcc of income, what<br />

are the advantages of their profesc<br />

sion?<br />

2 "I like working for mytelf; I gel<br />

~ plcature from telling my work and<br />

•J being creative." explained the<br />

J, Jewelry vendor. Another<br />

£ «nr»n«mout anltt. who «IK<br />

Chtnote bruih-painlinjct. concurred.<br />

"Mott ttrcet artUu enjoy ihit<br />

otherwise they would not be on<br />

the tt reel."<br />

Lejtally. a distinction emu bet<br />

•ten street artiiii • those *ho hate<br />

a prwiur; le wll - an.! Mrret<br />

pcrtormtn • thote who cnt:*uin<br />

for monc>. Street artitU arc Hccnieil<br />

by <strong>The</strong> San Francisco Art*<br />

Commiutoit: street performers arc<br />

unlkrnw-1.<br />

According to Officer Bob Bon*<br />

net of the 5an Franciwo i*aUcc<br />

Department. "Performer* Jutt<br />

float around and olten create a<br />

hazardous tiiuation." Lncal .nerehanli<br />

have alu> complained that<br />

they draw utemlcn away from<br />

their business.<br />

At a mull, tlreet performer* -<br />

whether the> be jugglers, mimes.<br />

A iue«t artist Inte*i«ely worki away.<br />

iam. or brcik-daiKen - may<br />

rot perform within 15 feel of any<br />

entrance or e*!t from prit ale property.<br />

Foi ihc trulv committed<br />

pcrformtr. Bonnet noted. "<strong>The</strong><br />

Cannery hold* i dilkotn every<br />

Wednesday "<br />

Street artittt. on ih* other hand,<br />

ha»e been legally recognized lince<br />

the enaction ol thr Street Artlm<br />

Ordinance o" November 4. 1975.<br />

At Stephanie Clncotta of the Por*<br />

of San Franci%co ciplslned, "We.<br />

the Von. waic cerftn ipacct<br />

available to tbe ttreet anfiti," adding.<br />

"Tht tlreet artim JIT now<br />

tnonitoad by tiie Ant Commit*<br />

tktn."<br />

Martial arts have historic past<br />

By Regaa Gong<br />

Hllll-II-YAIBAM!<br />

<strong>The</strong> majority of people cntition<br />

martUI ortittt *\ people who let<br />

out bamhcc-Iikc callt before doing<br />

away with their enemict. Actually<br />

ihit mental picture it contrary to<br />

•he iiuth.<br />

LegendI «y thjt a Buddhivl<br />

monk. TJ MO. dcfcmlcd himwil<br />

lfi(ln variation) ar= among the<br />

"name" stylet th>: are around.<br />

Hung Fu is anolncr title for<br />

Shaolin idoser Style.<br />

• to wait patlcnilT and the<br />

By Regaa Gong , WhM niu»t one do

i<br />

>ft M TttJt 'omO. MtjA. MM<br />

Youths produce TV show<br />

By Melante Ramosfbu,<br />

earner*, action' <strong>The</strong>se<br />

three %ordt dcwrlbc what youth*<br />

at Your^/dcai-ire Involved with.<br />

Yeong Ideas It a vcvkly cablevi.<br />

sVm Interview show produced exclusively<br />

hy students from various<br />

Bay Area high schools.<br />

Some a' tSc students are Intern*<br />

retching hljh school credit, while<br />

olhert arc volunteers.<br />

With the fuWtocf of video pro-<br />

Students operate video and<br />

computer equipment and<br />

cameras, deilin ihe show** con*<br />

tent, and schedule and Imervkw<br />

guests.<br />

Lori Neal. aa 1(11071 stated,<br />

"founj '(feat U a stepping Hone<br />

lo my career In the television<br />

wuld."<br />

Episode* ol Young Ides* fntttrc<br />

Informative us**, brief per*<br />

fonoancct. and serious Inteivtews<br />

Student paacUtti lalervlcw a guest speaker at Youn<br />

fculonals. vovtlu ranging in age<br />

from 13 to 30 gain haGu's-oi; ex*<br />

pertence b> participating in all<br />

aipecu of television production in*<br />

clnditig technical training, talent,<br />

promotion, and distribution.<br />

»lth guesu who »env a* respenubk<br />

rote «iodcls of the corporate,<br />

political, and socijl tcnicn communities.<br />

<strong>The</strong> team of students h orcanlf •<br />

ed at an Esplorer Post ol the Boy<br />

Scouts of America under the joint<br />

•ponsonhip of Viacom Cablevi*<br />

lion. Inc. and the Public Eye. Inc.<br />

Eiplorrr Post* are organUcd<br />

around a carerr Interert or s pro-<br />

(eisional activity.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re arc aviation dentistry,<br />

business, and medical post* in ihc<br />

Bay Area.<br />

Young Meat, a television ptodi-ctlon<br />

pott, is now in Its third<br />

year of operation.<br />

<strong>The</strong> program is taped at the<br />

Golden Gate Chapiei at the<br />

American Red Cro.t on 1550 Sul*<br />

ter Street every Wednesday after<br />

"Young<br />

Ideas is a<br />

stepping stone to<br />

my career in the<br />

television<br />

world/'<br />

noon and h cabtecasi c*cry Tucsdaj<br />

at 6 p.m. on CaMevUion<br />

(Channel 25).<br />

Youth* at «dl at adult* who<br />

with lo vhatc their Ulcrm. insights,<br />

and Intcresti are intjtcj |O<br />

participate In the production of<br />

Vounjt U«i b) applying to be*a<br />

meml>cr of Ilie crew, an adtitor, a<br />

B*ieit.orapaneliM.<br />

For more information contact<br />

the producer. Keith O. St. Clare.<br />

Bo» 9*102. San Francisco. CA<br />

4 t O U i<br />

Are senior pranks fun or harmful?<br />

y p D Abrastowltx<br />

What do Healing pencil<br />

sharpeners, putting crkkcU In the<br />

libriry. ind hiding lUgpclcs all<br />

have in common?<br />

<strong>The</strong>se acts arc all nimpln of<br />

Mnicr pranks, an igc-old <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

tradition.<br />

Senior pranks can be divided in*<br />

to two categories: those whkh are<br />

*pl} humorous and thov which<br />

"A senior<br />

prank ceases to<br />

be a prank when<br />

it becomes<br />

vandalism. 9 '<br />

are harmful or destrxctKe. A com*<br />

plete leparatioa of lhe*e categories<br />

U almost Impoutble as every<br />

prank b nf Utuh-e to wmrone.<br />

Out ol the nunt conutnenlal<br />

stums at <strong>Lowell</strong> was perlormrd by<br />

the CUu of fU. In Jt-oe of latt<br />

year, a group ol icnlon eat down a<br />

trec.~drcorated U with toilet paper,<br />

and put It in the middle of the<br />

football field. -V, *<br />

ID response to this prank,<br />

several teachers and students voiced<br />

opposition because the prank<br />

destroyed a pah of the campus'<br />

natural beauty. Principal Alan<br />

Fibt-h noted. "A senior prank<br />

• V ]9<br />

s a<br />

?<br />

r<br />

9<br />

?<br />

a<br />

, *<br />

?<br />

s<br />

?<br />

ceases to be a prank what it<br />

becomes vandalism. I like a good<br />

humorous prank as much as<br />

anyone, but last year's prank was<br />

simple vandalism and tb« destrue*<br />








- J PlEEm».*ITAU>'^rUSTAljaijn.22+lTAfW>VAl.STRE£T.SF.<br />

tion of property/*<br />

Some pranks can be distracting<br />

lo students. Senior* at one high<br />

school recently played loud rock<br />

mutic oier the loudtpeaken during<br />

final ciami. Foreign language<br />

tcichcr Robert Braunrciter recalled<br />

a prank in which the untors set<br />

two different times on the school<br />

clocks.<br />

"1 think It requires a lot of<br />

By Regan Oonfi<br />

Le; i telk «t»oul n-:rdt!<br />

Now hold on a minute. Who wants to Ulk about these S$*&*I"<br />

rried excuses for human beings^ Ei&c*ly. No one. So why should<br />


To be a substitute<br />

Dy Mkb«l tee<br />

aodMlnSoh<br />

has a bad connotailon. but I. rioes<br />

•<br />

Wilting and wondering W he Is<br />

going •>*"•'»* lo " get a sudden telephone<br />

t I f i hi l<br />

Bui what hippc.it » the regular<br />

teacher docs nol leave<br />

w •<br />

,•> -«»•*•*« it-i«i>ii\jnc<br />

cut Informing him to replace tn<br />

"""»* yuti noi leave .A<br />

i'.nerary? Is it the respontibllii f<br />

•: ' ^^«^V«b«ita,emusl ut '^"cement «o expound on K<br />

be prepared lor a last minute job.<br />

ta in unknown classroom.<br />

Most substitutes do not knew to<br />

witch school they will be asOgned<br />

unitl the, morning cl the sutnihulloa.<br />

What can be mere trighttnisg<br />

ti the prospect of working with<br />

tmlamtliar students. Substitutes<br />

don't know what lo expect when<br />

they walk into a cltsiroom-<br />

Do prospective substitutes<br />

ivcelvc »..y special training to<br />

prepire them to deal with these<br />

• SabfUtuU Knot: *<strong>The</strong>lr (rubttltuteV)<br />

presence should haw a pos*<br />

Wre effect oa th« students. facUI<<br />

Utiog continuity of academic en-<br />

- dcaran."<br />

unfamiliar situations?<br />

Wo. <strong>The</strong> requirements for<br />

. substitute teachers are ibe same a.<br />

ihotc tor rejular teachers. <strong>The</strong> requisite*<br />

Include earning * California<br />

teacher's credential slier live<br />

- years ol college training In a<br />

specified field (four yean of<br />

undergraduate work and a yci<br />

graduate) and passing a mini<br />

standards lest.<br />

A big difference between Ihe t»o<br />

types of leaching roles is the<br />

M'* ^ Tutors<br />





Tulorin>; by eiperiencect.<br />

prolcsslonit, and<br />

specialized teaelien<br />



ENGLISH. E.S.L.<br />

Croup rales available<br />

C«U 333-1110<br />

students thought tliat ihe tc.von<br />

plant •.mounted to "bu\y work" at<br />

lctst some ol the time.<br />

Students also seemed lo think<br />

that many substitutes are not<br />

qualified lo teach In* clisscs in<br />

which thry are placed. More than<br />

55 percent ol the ttudenit believed<br />

lhal substitutes are "usually" not<br />

knowledgeable in ihc subject<br />

material.<br />

"Subs usually don't know the<br />

subject." said one senior. "<strong>The</strong>y<br />

arc Jtui thcr* l.» keep order and tn<br />

Man than h«H »l the poll taker*<br />

admitted that I lie* hate cut iU«<br />

when they knew there was a uihttilutc.<br />

Anomcr junior tell that lime<br />

spent under a substitute's supcnclskin<br />

was of little value. "When you<br />

ar- foing lo have a substitute, you<br />

minnl as well oit cl»s« ai.d do<br />

something c>se instead ol going to<br />

clats and learning itoihing."<br />

Several freshman were<br />

philosophical aboul the presence<br />

ol substitute teachrn. "Subs ^re a<br />

fact ol life," observed a member of<br />

tne CUts of *B"\ "Kcgular leachrn<br />

get tick and subs arc ino liable."<br />

Another trvsltman made * mnel<br />

proposal — cIlitaK It* vl*«r<br />

rconotntc atl»«nt

Pip IS. TCe Lonll. Mir-I. JVM<br />


Shiu reviews 'Sixteen Candles' first-hand<br />

BySuianShiu<br />

' Sitteen Candle*, t rootle abiMt<br />

* hi«-H school (jirl **ho it "in (me"<br />

with the whcJ heartthrob. JIM<br />

tome good moments, but tacks<br />

ttrtKinaMy and Mbtlanec.<br />

Molly Kingwatd plays the ten-<br />

»tllv:. prvltj Samamtia Baler wim<br />

ihotjhl lutmnji tweri-iUteen wat<br />

goteg to t&akr her look anil feel<br />

like • ocw person.<br />

Much 10 her lurihe,* disappointment,<br />

her family forgstt all about<br />

her In their trrn*<br />

looking Jake Ryan (plated b, ac-<br />

:or model Mark SvhocdlinK?.<br />

while guy* can relate to <strong>The</strong> <<br />

the cooictl ol th; uniixC v»l»u nni<br />

iinly attempts to nain acceptance<br />

into the senior cr»wJ. but pertiMcnily<br />

tries to win Samantha's<br />

aKeciionv.<br />

Molly HinewAliI pl.y* hrr role as<br />

the birthilay «irt convincingly, but<br />

the characier it a Ulttc loo<br />

tlerrotyped.<br />

Anthnny Michael Hall, on the<br />

other hand, hat a much more<br />

•mutual role at the otcr-conCdent<br />

Geek Though the Geek it also<br />

rithcr stereotypical, Hall manages<br />

to artd tcniltl'ity and pitas* to the<br />

enjoy able character Hit<br />

naturalness before :1« camera is<br />

evident in his believable pottrayal.<br />

one which the stoiy would not have<br />

worked as well without. Indeed.<br />

Hall is one ol the highlights of the<br />

<strong>The</strong> rest of the catt does a compefem<br />

fob with tome particularly<br />

noteworthy performances given by<br />

<strong>The</strong> Geek and his pals devise a plan for glrt-vi 'auhlog.<br />

Paul Dooley. «ho play* Sanuntha's<br />

chaollt jet undcnUndtng<br />

lather, ard Jmtin Hen*) t;-c<br />

•oen-iear-vld victim ol divorce in<br />

Kramer Vi. Kramer), who itart<br />

at the obnoiiout joungrr brother.<br />

Tbe til;n doct hate tome funny<br />

mementv and the loicly mutk<br />

whkh dlreciur liughet uiet it *ppeiUng.<br />

but the motte n j \t too<br />

predictable and exaggcraled.<br />

Still, if you're (Mermi.ied not lu<br />

hate to think, by all mea<br />

Sitlcri Candfet. tt'i food for<br />

tome lauitht and it cntcrUiniiiK in<br />

a way. bt't ju\t dnn't eipecl loo<br />

much.<br />

Unite. Ml Pirturet Sit teen<br />

Ctadln »J* pnritneJ in J<br />

Chkxgo wntning an April H.<br />

mirkini! the tir\t nation*/ high<br />

Khoot pmi ccd'cnrntr held for<br />

the nlea%e of * motion picture.<br />

Store than J5 itudent jfiurnatittt.<br />

from cities ranging front to*<br />

Angelct to Stinneapolit to Dtllat,<br />

participated in the atf-cxpeme<br />

paid juhlct. To further promote<br />

publicity Car '.he ;norie. John<br />

Hughe*. Molly Ringmtld. and Anthony<br />

M'tfuef Hall mere in<br />

ChKaip>, arai/j'.Jr lu the \ludent\<br />

fnr informal pmi conference*.<br />

Armed with pencil*, pjdt.<br />

camera* and go€td quntioni. the<br />

reporter* fired their queries at<br />

dth of (hem. <strong>The</strong>y were quite<br />

rccrptnr. andjrate the ttnprewlon<br />

ct being crdinary people in an ex*<br />

traordinarr pro/e*uon. Senior<br />

Suian Shiu w»< flown to Chicago<br />

to represent Lo-rell at the<br />

ttreeaiag.<br />

Stephanie Mills as Dorothy and Gregg Baker as the Cowardly Lion go<br />

on their way to OZ.<br />

By XUt Giant designs anc resplendent ami da/<br />

Even the magic of the yellow<br />

brick road is not enough to keep<br />

<strong>The</strong> Wit from being only slightly<br />

better than mediocre<br />

<strong>The</strong> Wit, the rauikal version ol<br />

the classic Wizard of Or. ttars<br />

StcVhanie Mills as Dornthy. the<br />

young, enefgetk git) who noes<br />

through the faniaty ol a lifetime.<br />

As a teenager, Stephanie Mills<br />

played the role of Dorothy on<br />

Broadway for four years. She is no<br />

longer a teenager, though, and<br />

tab tt evident in her wild, yet<br />

uncLercrtk performance.<br />

Mills lacks Jie youthful energy<br />

needed to portray Dorothy.<br />

Although she has an extremely<br />

powerful *oke. she lacks the<br />

charisma and vitality to carry the<br />

play. Her supporting catt Is good.<br />

Through the creativity ol set<br />

designer and director Gcollrey<br />

Holder, the \et design proves to be<br />

one of the core Interestinj; aspects<br />

of the show. <strong>The</strong> Emerald City nl<br />

Ox and the walking yellow brick<br />

road arc two of the met<br />

lavcinatuxt scenes in the mutkal.<br />

Asked to comment on the<br />

musical, theaier-gocrs liad mitcd<br />

reaction i:<br />

One girt commented, "Well, it<br />

was pretty good, but I wat expecting<br />

a lot more."<br />

Another girl staled, "I really liked<br />

it a lot! It was pretty c*xitir*|t.<br />

and the staging was great!"<br />

And one gentleman had this to<br />

say: "Stephanie Mills has grown<br />

out ol the role of Dorothy, and<br />

I fc*U there' Is something misting that ts why the play lacks any real<br />

I whWb affects the show as a whole. charitma "<br />

I Whal the musical misses In per- <strong>The</strong> play will run through May<br />

1 foraiott, ll make* up for In the 13 •» the Orpheum <strong>The</strong>ater in San<br />

^splendor o( the stage sets. <strong>The</strong> set Francisco.<br />

'Twilight Zone 1 shows imagination<br />

By Brenda MUler<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re it a fifth dimemion<br />

beyond that whkh it l.nown to<br />

man. tt it a dlmcntiun at vatt at<br />

spate and at timelest at infinity. It<br />

is the middle (found nc'ween light<br />

and thadow, between t> «ni>e and<br />

superstition, and it Ik* between<br />

the pit ol man's fean and the sumnit<br />

ol hit knowledge. Thit it llw<br />

dimention ol imagination. It it an<br />

area whkh we call...<strong>The</strong> T*Hieht<br />

Zone-"<br />

For five teatont. Rod Scrling,<br />

the creator of Th« Twilight Zone,<br />

unlocked the door* of our minds<br />

and took us on a journey from ihe<br />

world of reality Into one ol thadnt<br />

and doubt.<br />

<strong>The</strong> one thing that made <strong>The</strong><br />

T*Might Zone tpecial wat the (act<br />

that tt went bctond the conventional<br />

limit* ol wicncc fiction<br />

shows and touched upon sensitive<br />

social murt tuch at bigotry,<br />

violence, and hatred.<br />

A typical example of <strong>The</strong><br />

Twilight Zone'% treatrren! ul social<br />

issues wat the episode "I Am<br />

Night-Color Me Black.*' in which<br />

the world wat seen at a place of<br />

prejudice and discrimination.<br />

In this episode, a small<br />

Southern town gathered to wjtncst<br />

the hanging of a black man at<br />

dawn, but dawn never breaks and<br />

only the blacknctt of ihe night remains.<br />

<strong>The</strong> townspeople soon learn that<br />

other areas in :hc world arc<br />

similarly all lie ted, and at the<br />

darkness continues to tprcad.it<br />

heard Scrling's voice, "...a<br />

sickness known at hale. Not a<br />

virus, not a microbe, not a germ,<br />

but a tkkness nonetheless. Highly<br />

contagious. Deadly in Us cftectt.<br />

Don't look for it in the <strong>The</strong><br />

Twilight Zone ~ took for it in the<br />

mirror. Look for it bclore th-<br />

VRJVAIE nmmtNG<br />

VfAll-KOittMO<br />


•All School Subjects<br />

S.AX/S.S.AX Prcpor.itio<br />

'Writing/ Study SHiUn<br />

pre-seliool tliru jJu/'.<br />

Rod Serllng • the h«t of Channel 44'* Twilight Zone.<br />

lights go out altogether."<br />

In order for the themes of the<br />

stories to come acrott. the stories<br />

were kept simple. And while the<br />

events featured things that really<br />

couWn't happen, they had to be<br />

presented in a believable w.ty. and<br />

the main character wat always a<br />

penon with *hom the audknee<br />

could relate.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se factors along with man*<br />

others contributed to the show's<br />


1EACHIUS<br />

Jf THE STUDY<br />

.1 tuxipfvfir vxprHzattvt<br />

A «IS) 435-4575.<br />

luccett. Itt continued popularity<br />

can be seen by the luccett of <strong>The</strong><br />

Twitifhl Zone, the Sto*ie and the<br />

return of reruns on Channel •« at<br />

II pm. on week nights.<br />

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!afe Rendez-vous ~)<br />

By Tiffany Doon<br />

"<strong>The</strong> cafe society." I believe they're called — thde frequentrrs of<br />

ic cafe* of » ctty who spend their time drinking espresso into the<br />

ttc hours of the evening.<br />

Sin Franciw; hss many cafes which are fun to go to evert if you<br />

*• not a member of the "cafe tociety."<br />

<strong>The</strong> Calfe 7cphyi, at 3643 Balbca across the street from the<br />

lalbna <strong>The</strong>atre is a cafe and poitcr/ai t taller) 1 in ore.<br />

U is a neat, comfortable, and larRc place •••here you can get not<br />

inly coffee and desserts, but you can cat sandwiches and salad*<br />

vhilc looking at the posters on the walls and listening to background<br />

|azz.<br />

Perche No *Why Not'), at 348 Columbus in the heart of North<br />

3cach. rn the othsr hand, is a lively, bright volfce'dcsscrt house<br />

hkh serves some of the best geiato in town.<br />

Some nights there are musicians who play inside this rattier<br />

crowded, lively spot which might be invitation enough to step into<br />

thUfur. Italian eafc.<br />

<strong>The</strong> big gclato desserts are especially ~ood and. unless you arc a<br />

real coffee connoisseur or interested in staying up all night. I would<br />

.-'.commend going easy on the strong espresso.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Coffee Cantata at 2030 Union is really where ycu can find the<br />

irgest variety ot coffe?. It serves the coffee hot. cold, with ice<br />

ream, and almost any wiy imaginable.<br />

<strong>The</strong> dimly lit cantata is a great place to sit and drink coflee in the<br />

late hours or to eat lunch, or dinner, earlier in thi day or evening.<br />

Finally, the Blue Danube at 30h Clement Is a small, crowded. >rt<br />

comfortable coffee house, whose outside tables give it a vrry "cafeish"<br />

appearance.<br />

i This is a nice place to go to whether munting or .light, to drink<br />

coffe? and eat croissants whMc listening to tapes of Beethoven.<br />

Haydn, and Mozart.<br />

It is difficult to recommend any particular beverage or dciicrt at<br />

n> of Ihcic cafes, because they all offer so many good things.<br />

(Depending on your taste for coffee, you just might want to stick to<br />

foi chocolate or tea.<br />

Because they provide a nicr atmosphere for people to sit and relax<br />

and stay open during late hours, it is easy to see how some can<br />

become addicted to cafes. Try one or all of them and see H you don'r<br />

soon become an active member of ihc cafe society!<br />

rX- r<br />

ITL?.*<br />

*f.Jr<br />

^J<br />

4..<br />

Tie UnK M«/ed by Tlmrfihy<br />

Hutton. befricniit the iceman anil<br />

works toward communicating * hh<br />

him lhrough\ his role<br />

*«? «ell with a tcriout. yci<br />

humorout, personality.<br />

Cream and giunlt add to the<br />

film at they arc the meant *hich<br />

ihe Iceman and the anthropologist<br />

do clop to build friendship. A<br />

Dumber cl ictnn with thin? two<br />

character* are very touching at<br />

their rclationthlp progrettev<br />

<strong>The</strong> ttory itself it very original at<br />

it dealt with the lifitptrt nl a<br />

primltbf man. an4 a ciwilUed man<br />

who In- to lind ihe similariliet and<br />

dillerencei in their Mjles ol tning.<br />

Mutton (i3hlv ihruuehom ihe lilm<br />

for ihe rigm -o keep the Iceman<br />

altvf to that the world c. :t bcnelil<br />

by leamini about tint Neinder<br />

thai.<br />

Only the last lew minutes of ihit<br />

production protection lack the quatilv qutlilT seen in<br />

faulty ending, though, /reman<br />

Ihe rcit of Ihe film. Th' ending it forces the vleweri to think about<br />

vague and leaves a feeling of eon- the solution of man anJ about<br />

fuiion limn *na and incompietcnctt. incompleteness. commumtaiing communlcaling wiin with anatncr another be- oe-<br />

Th <strong>The</strong> lint l 90 pc cent uf f the movie Ing. It I approaches these ideas with<br />

• --..—• to comnentate for the aligh." and tentlftve touch.<br />

•-«*%• d<br />

<strong>The</strong> Iceman, played by John Lone, taxes at the world to which he has<br />

returned after a 40,000-yetr "tleep."<br />

Street performers share feelings about their lifestyles<br />

*-t~nr.~± .__ - _ ^aw^^-77,...«.a wa^ wawXI • Wnt ' * ide "* lk ByLcill<br />

the> plcjvc. "heroerrand InttcJd. oer> whenever. morn-<br />

and<br />

Wesley Wing<br />

"It's i very ritkv butinett. We<br />

could be here today, gone tumorto*.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re** no guarantee ol a<br />

future." remarked one of San<br />

Francitco's many "ttrect anittt"<br />

who perform at l-'ithcrman't<br />

Wharf.<br />

Street artists can be found<br />

anywhere between the Wharf and<br />

Unlan Square. Who are theie<br />

street artists and why do they perform<br />

In the streets to make a living?<br />

AUn. a clown who hat been<br />

blowing balloon animal* for two<br />

and one-naif yrars in Ironi al ihc<br />

Anchorage, ciplained why he<br />

becime a ltreet artist.<br />

**1 can choose my own hoar*.<br />

Right now I'm point to tchoot<br />

part-time and working when I<br />

can.** he commented.<br />

BUI. « teenage street artist added.<br />

**l do thW on the weekends u<br />

voxY.<br />

Alan and Bill arc street artists<br />

tnatbiy for e«tra money. Otltiis.<br />

however, have decided to mike a<br />

career out ql being a street ariUi.<br />

OOhn^laKcwle<br />



And "No-S«i" Siyk<br />

•,HM CMf FOR KM t WOKEN<br />

: -[334-03551<br />

«REDKEN<br />

N€XUS<br />

aoui tn JO • IHUM ivt<br />

Xtt Oettn Ave. AT 19th Avc.<br />

Street perfortnerditpUys uJeni at breakdancing.<br />

**l decided to become a street ar- who doei a juggling act. for ihe pati 25 years.<br />

titt because lwatlired of ever>one "lt\ impurunt to be my own Mowevei. Pepper and other<br />

idling .re whai to do." olferrd bost." -.nested Pepper, a car- tireet artim cannot Jutt wke tneir<br />

Paul, a relati»ely new ttreet artitt. toonltt who h*t done caricatures equipment and plop down on a<br />

Handbags<br />

MJbkstE<br />

LiwawHraB^St<br />

Fashion Shoes<br />

Personalized Service<br />

Accessories<br />

nrtal Avenue<br />

MUN SAT 10-6<br />

it»« .M b a.m.. a lottery uKet pUce<br />

il Ai^uaix I'jrk. <strong>The</strong>re Jte<br />

more than 1.000 ttrect »t\i\t\ hopinj*(o;<br />

J tpjee.<br />

<strong>The</strong> number an aniii rcccltct<br />

dclermmci eta^tlv where he can<br />

vet up butinett for the day. Tne<br />

bett spaces are gitcn \o ihe artittt<br />

with ibelep numbers.<br />

How car. one become a ttrer' arlitt?<br />

"Ml itn'i caiy." olhrrd Pepper.<br />

"It it a highly ^rmpetiitte<br />

market."<br />

Aiketl to give advice id a new<br />

s'reel anlit. Pepper replied. "I<br />

wouldn't ghe toy advice. Ite has<br />

to figure it out for hlmtelf. <strong>The</strong><br />

rest of us had to. Hey. every man<br />

for himself."<br />

Hosiery<br />

HBHI<br />


fttf* U. <strong>The</strong> Ui.cH. Mty • again*! two other<br />

learnt: Ventura and Mktion Bay<br />

ISan Diego). Untcitunately both<br />

garnet were losses tor <strong>Lowell</strong> — the<br />

Veniur* game by a tcorv rf 4-2<br />

and the Mission Bay game b> a<br />

tccrc of b-l.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> team benefits from a<br />

belief that they can beat anybody/'<br />

*za*mg llir Indians with men<br />

' straight wins in a row.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'* returpnee was lirmlv<br />

established in the tint of (»o<br />

games agalntt O'ConncH, on Aprft<br />

4. when the Indicni Manned to a<br />

final icofc of II 0. Accordinu to<br />

John DOBohoc. %econd-\irar varsity<br />

bateball coach, the game * a*<br />

"...eharacterwerf by thr bctl hitling<br />

we*te done a'! )eat especially<br />

considering O'Connci;** ttrwic<br />

pitching by Orlando Mature."<br />

Th* wond U'CunncIl game on<br />

April 5. *hik not quite *o<br />

dramatk. presented ihc Indian*<br />

with a 5*2 victory,<br />

April 11 ut Lc«clt td|,*e out the<br />

Washington Eaglet by a tcorr of J-<br />

2. "Catcher Dan Braun «at the<br />

hero of thU game." Donohuc<br />

noted. "Biw\ were loaded in the<br />

6th inning and he baited them in.'*<br />

<strong>The</strong> following d*y. <strong>Lowell</strong> trounced<br />

W*thin«,ton with a tcote of 12-<br />

J. bringing the Indian* U»KOC<br />

record to 6-4,<br />

Outfielder Paul Ccleman captained<br />

the losses. "We were playing<br />

agalutt two *( pla;rr we take (or<br />

grai.ted.*' rrmarkctl D.inotiue. atlding,<br />

"He aUjtt fxl\ bi(( hit*." tn<br />

addition, the Irritant hate *i\<br />

ph>«n haUiriR OUT ,.KX). tn-<br />

eluding Weeks »i:h .150 and second<br />

baseman Dan Kim at .VS.<br />

Un April 2J» ihe Indiana buried<br />

the Lincoln Mustangs by a wurt o(<br />

22-1 in the fir*l of two games. Piivher<br />

John l.rte* L*i%lin>suUbcd<br />

hitnwlf by IJi.ninj; n Ponottuc bc*t e«pUin><br />

ed the Indiam' mcccwihlt vciwn:<br />

"<strong>The</strong> team benefits Itom a belief<br />

in th,-.-»*e|tcv tha* they can beal<br />

jmbod>."<br />

Softball team in playoffs]<br />

By Dan Harrington<br />

<strong>The</strong> Ltmell *oliball team ha*<br />

qualified lot ihe Academic<br />

Athletic Association (AAA)<br />

platolf* and it currently battling<br />

Galileo fur first place in the<br />

Ihc Indian*' final season name<br />

is Thursday. M«v 10. again*!<br />

Balboa at Balboa Park.<br />

<strong>The</strong> major reason* for the<br />

team's *trong performance thi*<br />

year have been a wund dcfen*c.<br />

good use of fundamental*, excellent<br />

pitching, and a wellspirited<br />

attitude.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'* defensive squad hJ*<br />

plated solidly in hmh the infield<br />

and outfkld. averaging few crtor*<br />

per game. <strong>The</strong> team is fundamental!)<br />

sound, as bunting has<br />

becoo:* a more reliable pan ol the<br />

offcn*'*t; vamcDlan.<br />

'Tina lloppe (a fte*hmin) has<br />

done a great job as pitcher for our<br />

team." commented Ircshman<br />

Sherri Hng. "She Is one ol Ihe best<br />

pitchers in ihc league."<br />

Wiih : IO.I team*. Ihc main ingredient<br />

for success is a winding<br />

altitude. Coach Lorctu PeAndrei*<br />

etplaincil. "We hate been involved<br />

in many tough games this<br />

*eason. and none ol the games<br />

hate been *hoe-int. <strong>The</strong>re has<br />

never brrn an altitud? problem.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ptaicr* help each other out.<br />

and in games that can go cither<br />

wd». thU i. Import an;."<br />

Frethman Dalicu. Nance agreed<br />

wilh DeAndreit and Mid. '-We<br />

tuppon each ulher at well at we<br />

can. Sirxe f am not avexperienced<br />

at tome t f the other platen, they<br />

encourage me and tell me ways t<br />

can improve.**<br />

the learn tuffcrrd tough lotiet<br />

to Wjvhinjtion and mo*t recently<br />

to Galileo. 5- 2. Tuesday. April 24.<br />

<strong>The</strong> l.-im U eager for ihe<br />

pla>offt and it tonlUcr.t of winning<br />

the champiomhip.<br />

"We're going to make It. <strong>The</strong><br />

other team* had better watch<br />

out." Lng pi ..dieted.<br />

<strong>The</strong> toftball team, like other<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> team*, it looking for a<br />

laiger share ol an evative commodity<br />

known at fans.<br />

"People atk me. *H»t ihc witball<br />

team played any garnet yet!*<br />

<strong>The</strong> games haven't been publkized<br />

ton well, and there aren't as<br />

many 'arts as we hoped for," commenlco<br />

junior AUha Lev. "We do<br />

thank the Io>a) Un\ who come lo<br />

tee ut."<br />

II the immediate future U bright<br />

for <strong>Lowell</strong>, th* coming teutons<br />

may be many times brighter.<br />

Junior Vu^inU Ci:r.;ron pointed<br />

out. "Our youth i* our strength.<br />

As this yvar's fiethmen get esperiencc.<br />

t lie re ihould be more<br />

solid leans In the future."*<br />

becadj<br />

thes<br />

soa. ]<br />

ball c<br />

<strong>The</strong>]<br />

bavbi f<br />

kurtertl<br />

McAtcf<br />

run<br />

lor ..I<br />

ship •<br />

5-2.<br />

McAtcl<br />

coin<br />

Tbtl<br />

st)uadM<br />

(apo*|<br />

dUeul<br />

tame. I<br />

t<br />

Span.<br />

We i<br />

madVl<br />


I<br />

F<br />

Tht Lowtlt. Mir*- IW. ff "<br />

=SPORTS<br />

Hudson is May 'Athlete of the Month'<br />

ByMukSctoeBer<br />

M l enjoy being part of a tenm<br />

beeaute we win and lote together."<br />

tutert AthUtc o( the Munth Sarah<br />

HudHn.<br />

<strong>The</strong> .7-j*ar-old hat played (in:<br />

lute on the girl's wftball (earn lor<br />

the pasl (our yw% and It currently<br />

the only Motor on the iquad.<br />

"Sarah U an Important reason<br />

(or our 7-2 record." declared<br />

junior teammate Tina Pericone.<br />

"She bat Inspired the team during<br />

tbeteawn.**<br />

Hudton was aUo a member ol<br />

her class powdcrpuf! team during<br />

the lail two >eait. She played<br />

middle-linebacker and punter.<br />

Softball and football here been<br />

the iporti that truly interest Hudson.<br />

She particularly enjoss sodball<br />

bccauie "...It'i leisurely and<br />

not phfikally strenuous." She is<br />

an avid (an o( the <strong>Lowell</strong> and <br />

were reatlt terrific ami tu*c ty^en<br />

the most ur> ol<br />

inanSKcis with ahich 1 ru»e ••»iked."<br />

<strong>The</strong> learn is rclotnch >ounnar

PtfX, Vu Unit. Hif4. IWH<br />

SPORTS"<br />

rQN THE BALL<br />


Sweat beating down your lac;, the physical cxhauv<br />

ion, and the gasping for breath are all symptoms with<br />

vhich the dedinUt! runnr: can identify.. With summer<br />

jus* a few weeks ahead. m jny people will soon be (lock<br />

ng to the outdoors. It's no surprise that innie and more<br />

Americans are discovering pinning ior th? enjoymen<br />

nd satisfaction.<br />

Whether it be for the competition as in the upcoming<br />

Bay to Breakers or a means of getting away from it all<br />

running is tailored toward today's health conscience<br />

ublic. Nothing can be more self-rewarding than the<br />

eeling o! accomplishment and the building ol sell<br />

esteem. And rather than calling up a buddy to shoo<br />

baskets 01 pl.iy tennis, running is also u one-punon<br />

sport: thus, you arc your own means of competition am<br />

discipline.<br />

c-rnn'rs to your marks...g;t set...and go for it!<br />

<strong>The</strong> shutting, clapping, foot-stomping, and whistlin<br />

n the gymnasium increased to a deafening roar as thi<br />

game clock, showed the seconds slowly ticking away<br />

>..4..3..2..1.. and then it was over.<br />

-Despite tho valiant last efforts of a few students, tin<br />

aculty once again soared to a victory over the Senio:<br />

Class in the am.uil Senior-Faculty Game.<br />

<strong>The</strong> final score of the game, which was held in thi<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> gym on Friday the 13. was 50-47.<br />

<strong>The</strong> victims this year were from the Cla»s of '84 bu<br />

hey could have been any past senior class, since thi<br />

aculty team always seems to win. For a bunch of pcopli<br />

who claim to be old, some of the faculty members an<br />

amazingly quick an their feet.<br />

You seniors shouldn't feel too badly, however; th<br />

odd: w« pgainst you.<br />

First of oil, scnio's who play basketball for <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

teams are not allowed to play in the game (This obviously<br />

insures that the foculty squad will save face). Secondly,<br />

the credentials of some players for the faculty were<br />

doubtful (no names mentioned because no one could<br />

identify these "faculty" players).<br />

No more complaints; you've heard enough.<br />

<strong>The</strong> game overall was very exciting with a surprisingly<br />

high level of competition. <strong>The</strong> gym was packed with<br />

spectators, many of whom had to seat themselves atop<br />

gymnastic equipment just to get a clear view. <strong>The</strong> basket<br />

ball leant can only dream of such game attendance.<br />

<strong>The</strong> purpose of the Senior-Faculty game should be to<br />

allow seniors to publicly humiliate all. those teachers<br />

who thought an hour of homework a night was "getting<br />

off easy" and two tests a week are "nothing compared to<br />

when I was in school."<br />

So start practicing juniors! <strong>The</strong> next game is only a<br />

year away.<br />

Swimmers race to victory<br />

Bflmk.HIYoe<br />

l3wt!l*\ twiir. leim hai done il<br />

again!<br />

At the Tiiple A All-City linalv<br />

on April 13. iovcll compile!<br />

enough poinu 10 lake i" 12th<br />

unighl eltv title to leevc Lincoln<br />

High School lar behind in tccond<br />

place.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Itiin dominated in each of<br />

the three Utvhlonv vanity. IM'v<br />

and 130*1.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Marled all the meet by<br />

winnlnc the tint event, tbe varsity<br />

200 mettle) relay. <strong>The</strong> team coniiiltd<br />

ol junisrt Kevin Alkn.<br />

BUnca Catiillo. Tim Uennctuv.<br />

and Kathy Long. Cattillo later<br />

•on the vanity Individual medley<br />

and the lOOCly.<br />

Ne«c&rocr 10 the learn. Henneury<br />

not only i«am to victory in<br />

tte vinlty 700 fter and SOP tree.<br />

but Woke the prrviout rcconS by<br />

IJ tccondt and by an amailng<br />

52.0 KCjuit. respectively.<br />

Long .cnl on to lake first in the<br />

tartlty 100 back. «hl!c tcnior fell<br />

Oa!vin placer] lint in the vanity 50<br />

free and UjOlrce.<br />

<strong>The</strong> vanity concluded the meet<br />

with an eicltlnc victory in the 40O<br />

wee relay compiling ol Calvin,<br />

junior loa AlVerti. and union Jell<br />

tlo and Brian Naitx.<br />

Sealer Mark Toyooka >printi for Uw flttbh.<br />

In the I J0'» 500 free, freshman<br />

Beth Dunn back, and<br />

sophomore E»a Feiia took second.<br />

Ykk look another flm In the *J<br />

butterfly, while Bclton *|aln took<br />

second.<br />

In the 120'i 100 I.M..<br />

sophotnoic iac W'u placed (Uil<br />

tnd broVe the record by 1.8<br />

tccundt. Other outiundinf 1^0<br />

lwimmcn included irnior Vkki<br />

I^ndei. junior Megan Purrell.<br />

wphomom JtuJy Pan and Sara<br />

Stctilcr. and Ircthmatn Maty Lee.<br />

Students learn skills in sports clinic<br />

By Sandra Hoof<br />

What U one ol the Utetl additiom<br />

to the Lou ell tpom Ker.e 1 *<br />

Vanity football cna:h Milton<br />

Ait %ay\ th^t il U the «tudrni<br />

trainer clatt which tcjchc\<br />

Lt>*cUit;4 taiplng. fiiM in), and<br />

nlhcr jrc*\ ol %pon\ mcJivinc.<br />

Ail initiated Ihc procram with<br />

tlk- help ol Dr. Linda Stainrr. the<br />

•adit) football team'* phyiicUn.<br />

She wnt vport* theraplM Sloe<br />

M Irtm Hftlph K. D«*t«<br />

Mcdkal Center to ictch baiic lint<br />

aid and how to tape vjtimit ini'jrie*.<br />

5tudcau in the prugram JTC atw<br />

learning the trtpontihllttict a\ a<br />

Ilel*i nianj)t«*t anil will learn how<br />

tu [ijture out the *iati%iic* of Ui«cll<br />

athkiic tea mi.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Undent ttaincr. will lint<br />

work with the football pUytrt. but<br />

eventually. AM will hate them<br />

hrlp all of lhc team*.<br />

Thr .-la\l i: the lir>l')(its kind.<br />

"No other public tchool In the city<br />

hat wreetMnji iike thit. I'm v-ry<br />

pleaicii thai <strong>Lowell</strong> it leading the<br />

way,** Akt«ald.<br />

Ait ttaitcd Ihe program mainly<br />

fur nonaihlctic Mudeni\. "1 p«ti-<br />

•*» th* pr«KF«m («*» ihtne who<br />

aren't w tkilled in lportc bui still<br />

feel thnt the) could contribute and<br />

be pat! ol a tram." he tipUinul.<br />

rtnulct icceivitig thtv umfaclion.<br />

participants also gain Block<br />

•L" poinu.<br />

there ars unl> Imhmen In llir<br />

Sports round-up• e •<br />

By Randy Ken<br />

••• BASUBALL •••<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> *a.*\ily bavcball<br />

team ii on the roid to the cham*<br />

plonship whkh will 1 • plb>cd at<br />

Candlestick Paik on May f.<br />

After walloping Lincoln 22-\<br />

and Q -2 in back-to-bjck vtctorie^.<br />

the Indians lud won eight stiatf St<br />

league umn before Kolnjc into<br />

their scfKi. with Balboa this wecL<br />

(too laic to cener in this issue<br />

because of deadline dates).<br />

••• GYMNASTICS •••<br />

On Thursday. May 8. ihe gynv<br />

nasties team will compete against<br />

Washington in the All-City Chinv<br />

plottship*. <strong>The</strong> rtieet begins at 3:30<br />

p.m. In the <strong>Lowell</strong> gym. In this<br />

meet of the tcason. <strong>Lowell</strong> «11) de*<br />

fend iti current AllOty title.<br />

••• SWIMMING •••<br />

Everyone it congratulating the<br />

swimming team on racking up Its<br />

12th championship In a row. <strong>The</strong><br />

team completely dominated tlie<br />

league this tear W'I.U many standout<br />

pctlot mances.<br />

••• TENNIS •••<br />

Dim* to the bti)s* tennlw team<br />

lor tak.nc ihe AIA title. Congratulattont<br />

are due to the line<br />

performance* turned in by the<br />

team'i players,<br />

••• COLF *••<br />

Dttpla)init tattnl and depth. Ihe<br />

pill team is in lint place in ihe<br />

AAA standings. Under the<br />

tutelage ol coaches Donald Baker |<br />

ind Lee Sihentcin, ihe Indbr.s<br />

have racked up a 4-0 record with<br />

victories over Mission. McAteer.<br />

Galileo, and Balboa.<br />

<strong>The</strong> kc> lo Ihe tcim'i success U<br />

confluence wi;K matches a«alnsl<br />

rhrah Wuhlngton and Lincoln lo<br />

be played to preparation Ior the<br />

coming May IMS AllCitj Tournament.<br />

Cling rtWneu and sptrit as<br />

coatributing to the team's winning<br />

record, team captain Marc<br />

AU Shoes 20% OH<br />

Good <strong>thru</strong> M«j 31.1984<br />

SPORZSS//0E5<br />

SMI riKoco. C* Ml |g<br />

4I5'J8/;2?S<br />

Special Student Discount<br />

present class, and the fuoiball<br />

coach uld that they are enthuslaitic<br />

ani can stay In the program<br />

.afiRer than other cliumcn<br />

to train future <strong>Lowell</strong>ltn.<br />

One participant Sherri Eni joined<br />

the program. becauK "...I'm<br />

intertMed in ijKmt meiiicine. I<br />

»1«J play ipofti. So il (the traming)<br />

wM help me U 1 net burl.<br />

AIw. il my ttammaie-v get hurl. 1<br />

cjn help ihem."<br />

Nicole Botciho uid that ihe was<br />

inieretted. because her linen etc even matchc*.<br />

Top fencen this year were<br />

wnlon Don Johnston, PrcnlUs<br />

WalUce. and Phillip C. Jones and<br />

junior 5hiKcKubota.<br />

torn<br />

M.ilc Sh.1<br />

president [<br />

Federatio-|<br />

In June.<br />

AI<br />

Icacbcr.' i<br />

Itma 81<br />

r«il{na1ifl<br />

ShtUey.«<br />

nine jean<br />

Nomtna<br />

meeting ><br />

pmUcnt!<br />

ecu.<br />

<strong>The</strong> S.I<br />

KrtMi<br />

lnj a|c:<br />

appear*<br />

Kducatiof<br />

tkmal p.'<br />

ferencei<br />

tlonft! Kn<br />

At "cb<br />

union. St<br />

Ami<br />


Shanghai<br />

visitors<br />

perform<br />

By Philip K»ung<br />

On May 9. IfM. the Utile Am-<br />

ShanKha B<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> UudcnU with • mu»kal<br />

performance in the L»*eil<br />

auditorium.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lit lie Ambat-.adorv the<br />

Hut children"* performing group<br />

Irom mainland Chin*, played<br />

danced with juihsniu- Chinese instrumenu<br />

«nd emiumev<br />

mainly pl.jcd Allan muika<br />

piece* ilong with oiher* like Ob<br />

5uunnjh by Stephen<br />

<strong>The</strong> age* lor the Litlle Ambaiiadon<br />

ranged (mm 9-16.<br />

Each pcrfonuerwat selected oul<br />

o! 2.000 students (ram the<br />

Shanghai ChlUtrcn't Palace and<br />

several ha«e already captured top<br />

honor* at various Chinese compelitiont.<br />

Ezuniaercohimolit BUI Miodel w«i A rtccol vU!lot la <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Columnist Mandel speak:<br />

Newfpaper columnlu DUI Mandel responded to Liquifies Irom<br />

fmraaUrzi student* In a question-answer session an May IS in Room<br />

Mandd. who writes six daily coluintu every week for th? SAN<br />

FRANCISCO EXAMINER, prcvldtd iniight Into his experiences at a<br />

pranking media penonality, particularly in hir role at * columniit.<br />

Mudtl hms learned ". .to Integrate my Job Into my way of tiring."<br />

Al'hotgh bis working hour? • - not the routine 9 to 5, he work* on<br />

lire to tU columns simultaneously, sometimes using bis own e*.<br />

perfeocu as the basb for hb subject natter.<br />

New classes announced<br />

Cy Nancy Chang<br />

who U al%o on a ubhitical ka»e<br />

Three new counet. Advanced this year to lake a full'limc cnune<br />

riacrmeat (AP) Computer incomputcn.<br />

Science. Computer Science Home Studenti interv-ticd in eiinei<br />

Conputen. and Cities 1 • Debate, computer counc \hould ugn up<br />

and a reviled Ph)-\k»l Science immediilely in room 122.<br />

cmn« «IU he offered to uudcati Sandra 3ird. cittn teacher jnd<br />

la the reratag (all seme*let. forcnile coach, will teach the rt.-w<br />

AP Coctpulcr Science h * t»o- Chic* I • Debate count.<br />

tctnruer n-*oiin|[ rulet on Aliolo ncommcnd^l<br />

U«n< be-<br />

l'artikcr\hi;i » « ,.1<br />

and comirtuiiu jl.nji between htiildintl<br />

reprc*cnutiic* atter>ili.Tt; the t-uil


Educational reform measures flawed<br />

Riding ihe crest o! the educational reform mine<br />

ment lhat continues to sweep otii nation are two new<br />

programs which could dramatically affect local<br />

schools. Although both program* are innovative and<br />

Intriguing, serious weaknesses plague each one.<br />

In May. Superintendent of Schools Dr. Robert<br />

Aliolo presented a proposal for school bosid constJzntion<br />

which would vest greatly increased authority<br />

in those at each school site: the parents, the<br />

teacbers, the principal, and the students. (See story in<br />

Hew* section for details.)<br />

<strong>The</strong> concept of decentralizing con trot ol San Francisco<br />

schools through the creation of neighborhood<br />

school boards has Its merits. A singl** board can<br />

neither understand nor meet the needs c. --h of the<br />

citj's diverse schools. Neighborhood school Ms<br />

composed of parents covld set instructional prior*,<br />

and nvanage the school budget In a manner wl.k'i<br />

would meet '.heir children** particular needs. Tk<br />

• plan woulj certainly encourage parentat involvement<br />

'However, the overnight crraCcn of 10S regulatorboards<br />

would spawn a great newr level of b>ircaucra>.».<br />

Parental involvement in the schools, currently lo« kr><br />

and supportive, would becoue instantly politicized.<br />

<strong>The</strong> prospect of winning a \cat on the powerful<br />

neighborhood board coutd veil generate hotly con*<br />

tested election campaign * among parents.<br />

Once elected, the member\ of a nr^horhood<br />

school toard might find their ability to take a^Con<br />

hampered by bickering and squabbling.<br />

In fciiy case, the central district board would find<br />

the monstrous task of properly overseeing the actions<br />

of 108 local boards Impossible. Consistency in school<br />

curriculum and operation would be left behind —<br />

making educational oppot (unities inequitable. A<br />

Join the staff<br />

: >-Are yoa Interested in writing and In graphics? Are<br />

'-'_ you Interested tn making new friends and In meeting<br />

-'some unusual people?<br />

. • If yoa art" you are invittd to come and Join the<br />

' newspaper stall in Room 5. We welcome creative.<br />

;; hardworking students who h*v* a sincere desire to<br />

^beto'prodoca ti» school newspapcf.<br />

-O'^TbcoiUy prerequisite for becoming a staff member<br />

\* &permhsMM frotu Ihe advisor after completing the<br />

: Journalism 1 coarse. . : -<br />

^^.SbJ-'qsoK'Mi'.-. help make a difference in your life<br />

-ir-; ajid'ibc Uvci of others... become part of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

vchool with an effective governing b*v»rd might offer<br />

an education far superior to or.e with an Ineffective.<br />

unimaginable board<br />

Another novel p.uposal has already been approve*<br />

by the st&te government and is currently being implemented<br />

In California tchools.<br />

Thi teacher-mentor program, as approved under<br />

SB 813. amounts to a form cf merit pay for teachers.<br />

Teachers designated as mentors by k special commit*<br />

<strong>The</strong> cable can. will be back in operation on June 21.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re will be An "All City Picnic" mat day to<br />

celebrate their return.<br />

Festivities will begin at noon at Union Square. Vic<br />

torian Park, and California at Market. Entertainment<br />

tee will receive up to $6,000 'n extra pay as a supple*<br />

ment to their regular annual sal tries.<br />

In addition to continuing to teach a full load ol<br />

courses, these mentors will destgu and develop *<br />

special pro}ect to improve the quality of local cduralion.<br />

For eiample. one San Francisco teacher who tpplicd<br />

for mentor status proposed to coordinate the<br />

social studies curriculum ti the city's *U alternative<br />

high schools.<br />

One of the problems with the teacher mentor program<br />

is thit it is being Implemented too quickly.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'s faculty recently rated to choose a teacher to<br />

participate in the progtun. Teachers dutifully<br />

selected Steve Granucci. but complained thai they did<br />

not know whether they were voting to nominate him as<br />

a mentor or a ine.nber of the district's mentor selection<br />

committee.<br />

Those teachers who are dubbed mentors (the<br />

district will announce the names of its 65 mentors on<br />

June 7) will probably face resentment from their peers<br />

who might view them as little more than "hotshot<br />

prim a donnas." Mentors might find It hard to win the<br />

cooperation of their peers and administrators on their<br />

special ^rujects.<br />

It is also quite possible that some teachers will atplcit<br />

their mentor status. Although the progress of<br />

mentors on their special projecti will supposedly be<br />

monitored, there arr no '.Jta\*l guidelines for evaluation.<br />

Thus, <strong>The</strong> Lowe/I sees quirks In both the<br />

neighborhood school board and the Icaohcr-mcntor<br />

programs. While we approve of the general principles<br />

of these programs we hope ihit their apparent<br />

weaknesses rlil be addressed.<br />

Welcome back<br />

wiM include a parade, music, and fireworks.<br />

Let's appreciate the ctbtc cars for being a part o[<br />

the magic that makes Sin Francisco a special, one-ofa-kind<br />

fUcc.<br />

Proposal to centralize<br />

student government<br />

Lcn-cll has had its present form of student govern*<br />

r.ent for over 16 years. It has been 16 years too leng.<br />

Although reform measures have been suggested to<br />

make our present system better, many proposals have<br />

been either too troublesome or time consuming.<br />

Before the present charter was Introduced. <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

had an efficient central government. <strong>The</strong>re were hardly<br />

any problems that the students could not handle.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was no lack of Mudent awareness or support.<br />

Lowsll government ».•* respected because It wts<br />

recognizable and strong.<br />

With the ctublUhment of various governing boards<br />

and offices, the school had many leaser leaders with<br />

relatively little power to "take charge."<br />

Ihe major purpose of the charter was to get as<br />

many students as possible Involved in student govern*<br />

ment. To some extent, the charter has succeeded In<br />

this endcaror. yet many of the same studrnts r>n for<br />

the same offices yrarafteryear.<br />

<strong>The</strong> proposal that <strong>The</strong> iowWJ would like to make is<br />

to abolish t-untlcss ronfuv'tig student offices aad<br />

combine governing boards hi an a"cmpt to once again<br />

.establish a central government (perhaps the <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Executive Council). This measure would give students<br />

'beck the power they have lost. «><br />

A centralized govenuaent would provide student officers<br />

with real responsibUltr and real experience.<br />

It would make government leaders more<br />

recognizable and accessible to the student body.<br />

Another advantage to this proposal is that a central<br />

government would give student olficen little chance to<br />

"goo! oil." It would. Instead, demand greater dedication<br />

(rum them.<br />

One major problem with our present lorm o(<br />

government is that the students don't exactly know<br />

what goes on In their government.<br />

How many students know who the LEC president<br />

is, or why some student*, who were not elected by the<br />

student body. wlc '" mccl ' ludenu '<br />

Stuoent government is confusing with ail of Its dlf-.<br />

Icrent boards. It Is slowly losinc its effectiveness and<br />

influence. Despite efbrts to make the government<br />

m>rk for lite benefit of the students, the S71KM b<br />

deteriorating.<br />

Isn't it time for a change?<br />

i<br />

e<br />


-T<br />

Johnny Hod, Mmlc/Engilih<br />

Teacler<br />

' Yes, I rat here before at thlt very<br />

special lime »K- place. Have you<br />

ever heard ul Joiephinc Baker?<br />

I'm p«rt of her ipirit. We were<br />

here before."<br />

What do you think?<br />

•^ Do you believe in<br />

reincarnation?<br />

Uur» Neck 8404<br />

Valerie Neck &71S<br />

"Yet. because our uncle who li»e\<br />

la India was hypnotized, and it<br />

turned out thai he was a Confederate<br />

during the Ci*il War."<br />

Award-winning scholar<br />

expresses appreciation<br />

fTJie totfowing letter, addressed<br />

to principal AUn Fibtih. it from<br />

former LowelUte Djriii Chtunf.<br />

who was awirdcd the 1984 L/niWr*<br />

tit? Cold MeJ*l twm U.C.<br />

Berkeley, tt Is reprinted here tor<br />

the beoetltateurrtttt student*.)<br />

D*.r nr. ftM.h.<br />

At * lt«tu*t* ol |^c Lo««11 Clatt<br />

ol '80. 1 an writing 'hi* letter (r<br />

•pprecUi'oR (or the best high<br />

school education I feel 1 could<br />

have rrceived during my three<br />

yean at <strong>Lowell</strong>. <strong>The</strong> preparation<br />

and training I received while attending<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> was. without a doubt.<br />

unsurpassed. My peer*. teachers,<br />

and advisers were themiehci<br />

motivated is well as motivating.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y stimulated and educated me<br />

It the realm* of academic pursuits<br />

and social iateractlont. 1 gte* In*<br />

telkctualtj and personalry. Far<br />

this, I am grateful to all who supported<br />

and nurtured my endeavors<br />

at <strong>Lowell</strong> especially my counselor.<br />

Mrs. Boe Wong, who even tod*y<br />

still advise* me.<br />

Ai a result ot re; crcetlcnt<br />

preparation at <strong>Lowell</strong>. I h*s i been<br />

ibk to do very well at M.C.<br />

Berkeley. 1 am currently fiaUhtdK<br />

up my tcnior year at U.C. Bc*kclcy<br />

at a nulritlon rosjor. In the Fall. 1<br />

«ltl be punning a ttudy ot<br />

mtdkin* at cither Harvard or<br />

UCSFmedkaJtchool*. .<br />

Juil rcccntljr, I have been<br />

auanJed the hii:hctt honor conferred<br />

oy U.C. Berkeley, the Uniierliiy<br />

Geld Medal. Thit medal hat<br />

been amrdctt annually litice 1871<br />

to the viiiglc nmt dittinitulihed<br />

graduate ol the >car. 1 ictl I would<br />

not have been able to ach'eve av I<br />

ha«e without my earlier training at<br />

L*M«II. My *e ipring and thank them for<br />

tbci'lime and cffoit.<br />

John Doiuhiuc<br />

Varsity Baseball Coach

Ptp4. ThtLowtll.J S. 19*1<br />

NEWS<br />

'<strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong>' honored<br />

Tb# iowe/f editor* (Wl to right) Wendy Wocg, Romualdo Sanchez,<br />

Susan Shin. Ml GaMn. and 5haron Chin dispUy the Press Club<br />

award.<br />

B7 IretM Koo<br />

<strong>The</strong> Ltrmtll «M cited it one o[<br />

the top thres high schcol<br />

newspapers in northern California<br />

ai the J9tb Annual Press Cub<br />

Avardi luncheon held on May 17<br />

ht the San Francisco Press Club.<br />

Palo Alto High School's <strong>The</strong><br />

Cjrnfunilc took lint pUce follow,<br />

cd by <strong>The</strong> /.owe// and~Wcstmoor<br />

High School'* paper.<br />

"Considering th* fact that only<br />

three high school newspapers of<br />

the ISO which entered Ihc competition<br />

were cited at the be»t in northern<br />

California. I was pleased<br />

that <strong>The</strong> toKC.'/ «» t<br />

Kay Koht/, journalisr* adii<br />

Essayist, reporter win<br />

By Jeulca tcung<br />

Several <strong>Lowell</strong> students received<br />

awards for the 1984 ln»e*Mn-<br />

America essay and Journalism contests.<br />

Senior Susan Sniu captured the<br />

ti:k Of fif»t place In San Francisco<br />

County in the hnirnatlsm entry.<br />

For the essay competition,<br />

senior Brian Dan'oiih received the<br />

best school entry award Certificate<br />

* loners coniittcd of<br />

seniors Jack. Fullmer &nd Rc!«ckah<br />

Httey-Torjcy and juniors May LI<br />

and Samuel Nakhlmosvky.<br />

For their achievements. Shlu<br />

rteeivvd $100 and Oanlcnh «on<br />

six sham of OtGkorgio Common<br />

Slock valued at approximately<br />

S6S.<br />

<strong>The</strong> topic for 14H4 was<br />

"Economic Recovery: the Factors<br />

Afleding the Return to a Healthy<br />

Campus notes.<br />

Glass shattered<br />

After Khool on Friday. April<br />

27. a noc-Lovcll ttudent broke the<br />

inside window of the Dcin % of Her.<br />

earning S1S6 In damage*.<br />

Wilneues identified a tu*pcct.<br />

but when questioned, the tutpect<br />

did not admit to ihe crime. Ltwcll<br />

admlnittnton are now teeking<br />

retribution for the damages.<br />

Second test added<br />

Beginning May 1. all blood<br />

donated to the Irwin Memorial<br />

Blood Bank will undergo a terond<br />

testing for hepatitis. Herbert<br />

Perklnt. M.D.. the blood bank'*<br />

scientific director, hti announced.<br />

<strong>The</strong> additional hepatilU test,<br />

known as iht con* antibody tett.<br />

will reveal evidence of past<br />

hepatitis infection. <strong>The</strong> trtt will<br />

enhance the safety of the com-<br />

Dr. Som: OH<br />

Optometrist<br />

• E>tmta>lloiu<br />

• VlriiCToIconUrtlenici<br />

- Tinted kn»e»<br />

• Eilciuloloor<br />

- AiUgmatbra kntcs<br />

• Vhu«l italalm<br />

• SptcWUag to<br />

Wdrtrifc<br />

• Sotdiluudailralr<br />

(415)221-3894<br />

3llvl2tbAtcnue<br />

(conwf otCltmeal)<br />

New<br />

DMV<br />

laws<br />

clarified<br />

B7 Stfphct Abramowiu<br />

In Octobet l°oJ. California<br />

Initiator* p«sed » law that x«at-<br />

1; affect* the status of teenage<br />

dri»ers.<br />

Before the lar «ai passed,<br />

tcrnafcrrt (16-18 year* of age) had<br />

ihr tame driving rulm at adult*,<br />

and they had 10 take Dmer**<br />

tducjlkm. Driving Training, and<br />

pa»s written and driving tests in<br />

nrdcr ii> ohtain * permanent<br />

license.<br />

<strong>The</strong> new la*. howr»er. provides<br />

teenager* who have fulfilled these<br />

requiretnenl* with a Prv*ithnMl<br />

lucnte. <strong>The</strong> rrst of the law consist*<br />

ol the folio* ing points:<br />

1. Teenagers l*ith Provisional<br />

licenses) involved in Accidents lor<br />

which they are not at fault will<br />

ha*e no action taken against them.<br />

2. Teenager* «hu are a: fault in<br />

an accident far the lint lime wilt<br />

be blued a warning from Ihe<br />

Department of Motor Vehicle*<br />

(DMV).<br />

1. Tecna^cis who receive their<br />

ftrvt moving violation will alto he<br />

Itcucd a warning from the DMV,<br />

4. Fo- the Kcend accident or<br />

moving violation, all teenagers will<br />

be put on a 30*day probAtfoa and<br />

will have to drivr with an adult.<br />

5. <strong>The</strong> third accident or moving<br />

violation till mult In lu-.aonib<br />

suspension for ihe driver. Durieg<br />

this period, ihe teenager b prohibited<br />

from any driving. *<br />

<strong>The</strong> new la«. however, only pu<br />

taint to teenager* uho have obtained<br />

their drivrr'i permit after<br />

October l.|OW.<br />

"Although I'm a teenager, I'm<br />

in lavor of the drher's law because<br />

many teenagers are b,id driven,<br />

and this (la*> should keep iome of<br />

these driier* off the itrtet.** noted<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> Junior Peter Kurlander.<br />

Jack LaPedl*. • sophomore at<br />

Ucb Wilmcrding High School,<br />

replied. "I ihir-V it's bad that the<br />

good (teenage) dihen are gelling<br />

puntincd because of drunk and<br />

stoned (teenage) driven who drive<br />

70 miJrs an hour In 20 mite aa<br />

lnwr ri.Br.." .<br />

Seniors Mok, Wong receive AFT grants<br />

said.<br />

Nine senior report p rrxron <strong>The</strong><br />

By Katfay Wong<br />

Lomtll ital! cnlcrrd the individual<br />

K riling award competitio<br />

Senior* Anna MoV and Darreit<br />

WOUR ha»e each tccenily been<br />

awarded educational grant* of<br />

$300 from the San Francitco<br />

Federation of Teacher*<br />

Economy."<br />

(S.F.F.T.). ihcTe«her»t'nion.<br />

Shiu ttaled thai a combination <strong>The</strong> S.F.H.T. cMahlivhcd the<br />

of lower intern! rain, reduced in- gn-.nt* to avaju ttudrntv who haie<br />

flation, more job*, m cut* and in- *hown mpun*ihilily to thcm*el*e%<br />

come gain* will kad 10 cmuumcr and their communitie* and who<br />

ipeflding inereatct which in turn areabtc lottprc**' *cnwcf direc-<br />

will rct-ill in in economic tion lor their for re.<br />

recovery.<br />

To be eligible for the .*«w*rdt, a<br />

Danforth wrote thai the i.ictor* student hat to be a high school<br />

whkh affect economic rccmery in- senior in ihc Sin Kranciwo<br />

clude a gotcrnirtnt reduced Unified School DUiricl and ha* to<br />

deficit, confidence in American have a grade-point average GPA ol<br />

Rood* and eenntmy. and hig at katt 2.5.<br />

butir.ci*e* inventing in !he <strong>The</strong> itudent't CI'A may or may<br />

American worker.<br />

nut b« a leading 'actor in (he tclrc-<br />

"I enhn^d enierinu the ennlUm prtx»*» S*l*m w.thbum college in<br />

<strong>The</strong> Array Rnerve has announc- Topeka. KMS*%. and earning a<br />

ed a new program open to h(5h M * rt "° l Am *« Stanford Univer*<br />

school jnnion and senton which !"*' lle . "" head of By ChriiUoe Sttxuma ha«c received Ihe award, and be-<br />

Senior Henry Shin sat recently<br />

chosen Inrni a field of If! <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

finaliM* to receive a Jl.C-JO<br />

scholarship award (ram the National<br />

Merit Scholarship Corporaion.<br />

<strong>The</strong> NMSC Merit Program<br />

vhich annually award* SI.000<br />

scholarships, a* well a* four-year<br />

nr»ahle vchoUnhips> is a program<br />

dc*iKned to honor >'u'\!jndinn<br />

*tudcnl*( who, th.ough the<br />

combination ol their abilitlc*. accompli*hment*.<br />

and personal<br />

qualiilet^shibii promise for future<br />

success.<br />

*h-r<br />

NMSC Merit Program candidates<br />

are chosen on the basis of<br />

their performance on the I*SAT<br />

taken in their junior *ear.<br />

7hio<br />

In response to hi* achievement<br />

Ing clioten at a winner hu opened<br />

Shin stated. "I felt very honored to a lot nf doon (or me."<br />

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EUcn WCIUCT IS UK Wnocr ol • irlp to OJIOI J UnUtmlj In Engltnd.<br />

Weiner wins essay, trip<br />

Dy Vikram Parekh<br />

Senior Ellen Weiner l.tt won a<br />

15-rtftj tnp to F.nitland tpon\oreit<br />

by thrf F.njtlt»h S(>caVinii Unim.<br />

An luttrn-iujn.l orgi.it/at tan<br />

(cu.iJcd la promote umlcntanding<br />

betwetn Englitl.-tpcukuig<br />

,>cuplcv the En«liihSpeiVlng<br />

Union jonducied a cum pel it ion<br />

among Intcrcited Modem* during<br />

the fall wrnntrf. <strong>The</strong> 15 finaluu<br />

were choten an the ba»i* of their<br />

iniwcr to a Jaivnatcd nuv<br />

qucition: ihli ye«*» loplc »a* "Ii<br />

the pen mightier 'han the tworrl?*<br />

Festival coming<br />

By MID Sofa<br />

On June 10. ihe Pint Annual<br />

Summer Youth festival will take<br />

pUcc at Ke*ar Stadium in an effort<br />

tc inform the jemlh of San<br />

Francitco of the •arioui club*, activities,<br />

and opportunities .'iKting<br />

in the city during Ihe tummrr.<br />

<strong>The</strong>^enl. tub-titled "A Pn»ie«t<br />

Long Overdue." will be from II<br />

a.m.unld5p,m.<br />

Tfc» «««fit «ill ctmtlu of cahlMt<br />

booth* oftcratcil hy (ommunili<br />

group% am* public aKcn^kt. A <strong>Lowell</strong> AP !:ng1i*h<br />

itutleiil.<br />

Wctncr will Icjn? lur Inland<br />

on Juljr 10. <strong>The</strong> trip ii allc»penvepaid,<br />

including air fjre. She will<br />

\\*y in London with an Kngihh-<br />

Speakinjc Union member family<br />

for three iJa>t piior to and INII<br />

dai» after, attrn ; tor vouth<br />

front all ot J.I •".anclwo"* communiltei<br />

a-, cuttu -! grnupt lo<br />

thaw «\r. 'he fateKont. ctrtificam.<br />

and book* >.( ihe fntranu"<br />

«|»ecialiy were frr^nled at<br />

the two hour a*.mi* ^-remon) .i<br />

the Amencan Ir**ii;u*e ul Architecture<br />

at ^»0 Mifkct 'itrevt.<br />

<strong>The</strong> entrant* «cre jim^d in<br />

three catego'ic*: oocrall volution.<br />


Ttft. Tin LewtU. I^atS. I9S4<br />

NEWS'<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> students view their school<br />

By Sharon Chin<br />

*Td MeUole Rf mot<br />

In It? mind* it <strong>Lowell</strong>itet today,<br />

wlut >ij they feel makes<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> different from other Sin<br />

Francisco high schools?<br />

"Tradition at a college*<br />

preparatory Khun) with selective<br />

admissions mike* <strong>Lowell</strong> different."<br />

responded Principal Alan<br />

Flbbh.<br />

"In 1919. <strong>Lowell</strong> converted to<br />

•he mod system from a W*«D><br />

period day, atlcmfn| for free lime<br />

is addition to loach. Resource<br />

ccnlcn were established, ^u*,<br />

ttm'ti became more like - ,*mwt<br />

college than a htjh school.** conmented<br />

Paul Lucey. assistant principal.<br />

"What started the nationc" road<br />

to recognition was the Advanced<br />

Placement/Honors programs<br />

which surted b the tMiiy 1960V<br />

From that lime. <strong>Lowell</strong> has had an<br />

academic program different from<br />

other tchoolf." revealed Ltjtty.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> sludeots, facult/. and<br />

parents make <strong>Lowell</strong> a good<br />

school,** reflected Dr. George<br />

Hiu, cu'stanl principal. "We<br />

hare a strong Parent -Teach**r-<br />

Sluden: Allocution advocating<br />

food education. which hit. for et><br />

ample, played an important role In<br />

obtaining o;ir computer*."<br />

Some cite the learning at*,<br />

mosphcre at a unique part of the<br />

school.<br />

**Tw icarcUy of fifhu show that<br />

tbc loweilhcs tend to get along<br />

well." observed junior Patricia<br />

Comcter.<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re U no racial violcntr,**<br />

added loplwrnare Ua T-bafc.<br />

"Wt are more mature and practical,"<br />

ttited senior Marie<br />

Raneset. "We we It.c in a different<br />

perspective: »e work<br />

harder."<br />

Junior Clnd> Arvanltc* indicate).<br />

"<strong>Lowell</strong> hat hm lercd me<br />

with lu Smart ltudent* reputation.<br />

Lots of times, when people (ind<br />

out that I go to to* cil. peers outklde<br />

of school don't think they can<br />

relate to me. and adults cipect too<br />

much"! me academically."<br />

On the other hand, senior<br />

Larmen Alphonso explained,<br />

"Publicity has I.e!ped the school<br />

by giriflg It recognition so that we<br />

rcecWe donations like Apple computers."<br />

(Conlilbuting to IhU four-pan<br />

series this semester were Stephen<br />

AbramowitK. Denise Dador,<br />

Regan Gong. Sillv Mul, Philip<br />

Kwong. Amy Lee. Lewiion Lee.<br />

Jessica Leung, Jason Mint*. Carla<br />

Newmcyer Jennifer Pou'ikidas.<br />

Christine Shikuma. Min Soh.<br />

Mi rain VVcimtb. and Duk-hi<br />

Yoo.i<br />

Bernstein earns first place<br />

^^^^^Hfei ^ ?s^B^HB^Bttas><br />

By Stephanie Abundo<br />

' am ^. . » _ _ _<br />

Fresbutan Jon Bernstein placed<br />

^^<br />

rxpUinedBcrnuiln.<br />

first with his project on "Cadmium This same project had prevlout<br />

Toilcity** In tlic National Energy IUCCCU. Bermtein also entered it<br />

Foundition-tpattiorcd SEEK In the Bay Area Science Fair in<br />

science fair.<br />

M ircli and won the Grand Pri/t.<br />

Bernitcin won tint place in the<br />

ninlh and tenth grade category,<br />

and competed with IS o'.!*er contestants.<br />

He received 5100 and a trip to<br />

Lawrence Livcrfliorc Laboratory.<br />

His "Cadmium fotlclt)" pro.<br />

At Grant Pri/c winner, lie<br />

received %fi. S500 worth of<br />

camsra equipment, and tubicnp-<br />

"lons to three tcirnce maga.*i3ci.<br />

{cct researched the effeel of cadmium,<br />

iron, and rlnc on plant*.<br />

ByLetliGec<br />

Lo»cll ttnior* Sharon Chin.<br />

Utinit \callion plants grw»inn in Karl Lcc. Jnhr. Liu. an

B of A winners receive awards<br />

By Suua Shic<br />

Seniors JutK Goldstein. Jeffrey<br />

Chin, jnd Shleva Khayam-Eashl<br />

won scholarship* at the final', of<br />

Rink ol America*; V/M Achievement<br />

Awards ^in^ram.<br />

Golititei-t received ll.OOC for w<br />

cond place in ihc Applied and J'h.c<br />

An* I'wld. while Galtin and<br />

Khayam-Bathk both won S*H>0 as<br />

runnersup in the Liberal Am<br />

*n«l the Science and Mathematics<br />

fields, respectively.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y competed against 24 other<br />

student* in the Wctt Bay ['.egional<br />

finals OD Mi) 10 it e San (-'ran*<br />

cisco Hilton Hotel.<br />

<strong>The</strong> process of becoming<br />

HxtaibU at the Bank of America<br />

scholarship o>mpciii!on began<br />

when the three were tint selected<br />

by <strong>Lowell</strong> ltalf members.<br />

<strong>The</strong> nominee* then participated<br />

at the Sir Francisco zone loci<br />

•here they won lint place awards<br />

in ihclr rcspecti**: fields, thus<br />

qualifying for the region*! final*.<br />

At the regional contest, winner?<br />

were determined by their ac Jcm'rc<br />

records, extra-curricular activities.<br />

and performance before a panel of<br />

judges in the form of a group<br />

discussion of a topic related to<br />

SCDIOO lutic GoldiUin. Jeff CaJria, and SUcia Khayam-Baihl rtccfrc cuh<br />

awards Iron Jane* Mbcotl.<br />

their field ol study, a '50-word<br />

ciuy concerning th« same topk-.<br />

and the handling of questions<br />

directed to each finalist Iron the<br />

par*!.<br />

In response to the experience.<br />

Galtin Mated. "<strong>The</strong> competition<br />

nai £oing to come out on top."<br />

*lnc lop prizes at the region lit<br />

were S2.00Q tn cash awards.<br />

Second-place winners receded<br />

SI.000. Third-pUc- winners earneC<br />

S"50. while runr.crs-up were<br />

each ptescRicd wtth 3500 checks<br />

ialtin Mated. "<strong>The</strong> competition each ptesctsicd wtth JSOO c<br />

'tsfierci. It was hard to tell who forwinningthcirioneetcr.ts<br />

'Invest-in-America' holds conference<br />

By <strong>The</strong>re". Wong<br />

<strong>The</strong> fntcn-JrwVnerica Northern<br />

California Council held a<br />

student press conference presenttng<br />

guest speaker. Ch&irman of<br />

GTE Coipoi-tion <strong>The</strong>odore F.<br />

Brophy in (tie Colonial Room o'.<br />

the V/ciim St. Francis Hotel on<br />

May 9.<br />

Jim Wiiiic. managing editor cl<br />

the SMII Fc*nct%co Extminrr. set<br />

the itajte for the conference stating<br />

that one of ttic organization's obj««ilv*v<br />

H to "...vMaMiib cffrctlve<br />

dialogue between (he journal Urn<br />

component in high *^houl aiul<br />

foremost American buiinr%«<br />

leaders."<br />

<strong>The</strong> pnrpow o' the conference<br />

wn !i> talk about bunncss and the<br />

economy k. *^ how these f acton atfeet<br />

tiic public and alu> tn ccojrige<br />

tbe students at the gathering<br />

to participate in a prrM con*<br />

fereitce competition thvt involved<br />

the writing ol an article detailing<br />

the meeting.<br />

After some "opening remarks<br />

Brophy took questions from Ihc<br />

student aL'llence.<br />

OuestioAS ranged from Inquiries<br />

about the CTti Ccjporatk>n. the<br />

pri»ary factor conccrninR conltev*<br />

phd'irt. <strong>The</strong> brcjk-u|i of AT.V I<br />

consumers, emplu; mrrit op-<br />

Goodman.Gomez awarded<br />

By Kaihy Wong<br />

Scciur Em Goodman has been<br />

awarded the B*nk ol America-<br />

Gianntnt Foundaiion aiolA-CF)<br />

SchuUnhlp. a special scholarship<br />

offered by the National Merit<br />

Scholarship Corpon.tlon (MMSC).<br />

Eric Goodman<br />

Special scholersnipt are four<br />

year awards sponsored by cor*<br />

porale and business organlulions<br />

ihal alio finance Merit Scholarships.<br />

Eicn year. lh« NMSC "Ifen<br />

approxitnalel7 700 special scholarships<br />

worth os*r W million.<br />

To qualify for a special schoUrship,<br />

a student has :o score highly<br />

on the PSAT. but behw the level<br />

requited for students to b« conlidend<br />

for Merit Scholarships. To<br />

be eligible for the Bo!A-CF<br />

ByTiHany Doon<br />

Senior Masun d'tnc/ UA\ won<br />

one of 250 tlUO hotiorabte mention<br />

awards as a semi-finalist fur a<br />

National Merit Sctioiaiihip tor<br />

Hispanic Students.<br />

Gornw was (itt n^m^it cltKit*l>.<br />

1-^ Ihe ba*is of his I'relimipars<br />

SchoUslic Aptiiude fevt (I'SATl<br />

score.<br />

He «dt U wore, rccumnerdations.<br />

and a personal statement<br />

lu complete his eligibilt.'v.<br />

Gomez was first named elifcitilc<br />

and* wrest line teamt ai Lo^cti.<br />

plans to attend Slr.nlord Unitersity<br />

in the fal! to study engineering.<br />

Scholarship, the student also has<br />

ta be a child of a Bank nf America<br />

employee.<br />

<strong>The</strong> BofA-CF Scholarship is<br />

worih from SSOO to S2000. depending<br />

on the recipient's financial<br />

need.<br />

Goodman said hr Is pleased that<br />

he now hti -.incthinK to eon*<br />

tribute toward the cost of his college<br />

education<br />

A National Merit Com mended<br />

student, he plant to attend<br />

Carnegie Mellon University this<br />

fall.<br />

purtunltici, improtcmetii programs<br />

for lite collet systems, and<br />

ihe GTU Corporations Imohcment<br />

with ihc MX misiile.<br />

# Oufinii thr conference. Brophy<br />

alu> mentioned the Importance of<br />

A good batic education.<br />

"por*> try to get loo narrow too<br />

*«on because if you get exposed to<br />

mw tdras and new opportunities,<br />

joii may (i.id ihe 'llrcction you<br />

thought )ou wantctl...is not the<br />

oncjou want logo into after all."<br />

Altar the cunl«i«nc«, ihe<br />

ortt4ni/ati5U-TU*<br />

K<br />

«<br />

*<br />

{ WON-HI-WOO<br />

«<br />

«<br />

*<br />

Mwnaca<br />

*<br />

1ft<br />

:<br />

«<br />

«<br />

*<br />

«<br />

« 3&4I B«1b0« Sfr***.<br />

*<br />

San ftUKJKO. CA 44121<br />

«<br />

*<br />

p'anied for ihc vuns'-nUiiti *o occur<br />

in [he Lo«elt b'afctc*ta as it did<br />

last >C4-. but hev-ausc the United<br />

Stales Department ol Lilucation<br />

decided tn hold a mectin): at<br />

U>«cll. Principal AUn I-i^nh had<br />

Ihe consent ion muted. <strong>The</strong><br />

ct|;sni/rrs werr able to secure ihc<br />

ttmnasium ol Louise L.rnfanl<br />

e<br />

i<br />

i iii•i<br />

I<br />

i<br />

i<br />

i<br />

• iii<br />

i i<br />

i<br />

•<br />

lormerlt "South Campus."<br />

Senior Michael Let. another ol<br />

Ihe urKani/crs. said thai tht. site<br />

change did cause problems.<br />

"Ur finitely Some people had<br />

trouble icctlinj: he'e ... It would<br />

hate been better if *«• had held it<br />

at <strong>Lowell</strong>."<br />









r<br />



Worla news<br />

update:<br />

By Uly Lam<br />

May 1 • Jackson wins an overwhelming *kimpic<br />

games.<br />

• <strong>The</strong> House passe- a foreign aid bill auUiori/inj: millions in militar* and<br />

economic aid for Central America in 1905.<br />

• While traveling through Bangkok. Pope John Paul II pays his resprct ID<br />

the patrUtchs of Thailand'* Bu'tdhltt faith.<br />

May 13 • Jackson campaigns in Oakland and San Jose for minority sup<br />

port In California.<br />

• Angolan guerillas finally release 17 hostage* alter keep in K them capti»e<br />

for flu dayt.<br />

May 14 • Mondalc wins support (rum the leading Latino political<br />

of ganiiatlon l:i San Jose.<br />

May IS • House defeat* legislation for student* in public high schools tt<br />

meet for religious purpose* •turinit tlictr tree time.<br />

• Hvrt wins Oregon and Nebraska primaries.<br />

• Supreme Court grants cities the right to ban political poster* and sign<br />

from public property.<br />

May 26*- Itooc rejects attempt to stop future financing of MX missiles<br />

but suppress Reagan's request to ;spana long.rangc nuclear weapon'<br />

nrttyear.<br />

• Ivaell troops raid a Palestinian refugee camp in Sidun. seizing weaponind<br />

blowing up homes.<br />

• Nicola* Ardiio Bartett» becomes the new president of Panama.<br />

May IV • Soilet Union declare* that it would match the lhrc-1 poscJ b)<br />

the MX miuile* and any other arms approved by Congress.<br />

May 18 • Iraqi planes ati&ck and set sblue two ships near PG * li<br />

<strong>The</strong> many faults of Diablo<br />

, 7J<br />

Nuclear power, are the safely<br />

p rceautlons enou gh?<br />

Nonetheless, the NKC granted<br />

Diablo )U long-awattcd low power<br />

testing license on April 13. 19H4.<br />

After soeral ttcU>A. the plant's<br />

Unit 1 reaclor started it* first<br />

chain react Jim.<br />

Diablo Canyon, which i\ nine<br />

years and WJ billion behind<br />

schedule, has been plagued with<br />

problem' from the «cry beginning.<br />

<strong>The</strong> NRC* big»c*t shock came<br />

on Match 26. 1954. when tsa Yin.<br />

a commission engineer, reported<br />

discovering 49 "potential violations"<br />

In tnall and large bore<br />

pipes, uhkh cculil teati to a<br />

breakdown ol the plant's quality<br />

control system.<br />

Yin's testimony caused the N RC<br />

to postpone Its vo*: on DLtulo's<br />

low power testing license.<br />

Frederick Miclke. I'C i t<br />

chalnran. was "surprised" that<br />

the NRC would not grant the<br />

license just because ol the differing<br />

opinion of one engineer. "You arc<br />

going lo find error* in »r> plant."<br />

he told the S.F. ChroiiicJr.<br />

Yin said, "It Is haid for me to<br />

imagine slatting operations<br />

wiihc-i! ruing the plant first."<br />

<strong>The</strong> NRC Mated that corrections<br />

could be made after starting tow<br />

power testing, but Yin contested<br />

uiat It would be more difficult to<br />

fi* the pipes, ol il»c I'l-"» -«•«<br />

runnlag.<br />

<strong>The</strong> NRC oraerrd PG A E to<br />

develop a new program to reevaluate<br />

the ptant'i seismic<br />

gf. in light ol new information<br />

jt the Hosgri (earthquake)<br />

fault, just 2.S mil;* awat (rum the<br />

plant.<br />

Geologists hate concluded that<br />

an earthquake caused by the fault<br />

would be mure SCVCT than<br />

prcniouils anticipate!.<br />

On Die day o< the hearing. 1.200<br />

protestors mar.'hcd outside o(<br />

Diablo Canton. *nd 20 were ar.<br />

restrd.<br />

Diablo** (ii.t major prob'em oc-<br />

curred tn mi. when the NCR •<br />

canceled the original testing<br />

license because the btueprintv far<br />

part of the plant were found dciec*<br />

Use.<br />

Though the plant's license was<br />

effectin April 13. the NRC<br />

postponed the actual starting date<br />

to April 19 In order to allow any<br />

opposition the chance to file a<br />

legal appeal<br />

Mothers lor Peace, a San lub<br />

Obttpo based anti-nuclear g.cup.<br />

lilrd an appeal ujing that ttw<br />

plant Is unsafe because of Its prox*<br />

Imlty to the Hotgri fault.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> N RC iiccnscl Diablo<br />

became of tls 4S btilion price tag.<br />

not because it Is sate." one angry<br />

mother ti>4d tttc S.F. Chronicle.<br />

PC A F. stated thai the plant<br />

was ufe for operation, and the<br />

U.S. Court of Appeals gave th?<br />

O.K. to start low. power inline.<br />

Muontr. juit he fore tt^Clig<br />

up. Inspectors lound a leaky rubber<br />

seal In the coolart ststem. <strong>The</strong><br />

leak wai repaired immediately,<br />

and testing started Apnl 29.<br />

f G Jt E has suffered flnancU'ly<br />

due to Diablo's m%ny delays.<br />

As of March 19S4. U.i billion<br />

has been Invested In Diablo, a cml<br />

ovenunof 1200%.<br />

PG & E stockholders were hurt<br />

at the end of March when Mocks<br />

fell 1.125 points in two days which<br />

Is 10 percent of Diablo"* market<br />

value.<br />

It cost PG & E SI million a day<br />

in intemt for every day Diablo was<br />

noi in operation.<br />

corttiruied from \>- 9<br />

faced with sulu concerning abortion<br />

unless It expands the po««r o(<br />

the government to i*«.ulat£ alxwtion:<br />

or. at abortion opponenets<br />

desire, unless an amendment is<br />

passed banning abortion* • the on-<br />

1* way to reverse the Court's derision.<br />

RIVERSIDE Chinese Cuisine<br />


mfi.<br />

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ThteG.i<br />

boywli ,<br />


TIwUnrtB. luoci. i««.r«i»f'<br />


Abortion and the government - what is their relationship?<br />

-Con: government involvement ^fet"**-*"**"****<br />

take a petition «gara*t ail abortKx.<br />

DyJucmMtntx<br />

<strong>The</strong> U.S. Supreme CotM ruled<br />

In January of 19W thai atx-rilon In<br />

America It legal.<br />

A* Governor of CatlfornU in<br />

1967. Ronald Rc./.n ,iBnctl<br />

(etiolation which tupponol abortion<br />

In California, where more'<br />

than one :cnlh ol ill .-Sort ion t in<br />

the United State- have been perform<br />

=d.<br />

<strong>The</strong> White House finally repealed<br />

ihc source ol the medical<br />

discover?: «n ankle wnMen by a<br />

profcitor of law.<br />

Juit hour* after !h« paper* hit<br />

ibe vandt. a spokesman lor the<br />

A merman College of Obstetricians<br />

and Gymxologim reported. "We<br />

anning wclfarr abortion*<br />

would create ; itange'rou* siluatlon,<br />

Man* welfare recioi*mt<br />

would get them anyv «y under ununitary<br />

condiihnv. Olhcn would<br />

keep their ntiwanlrd children, who<br />

would end up mott probably<br />

undernoarlthed and on welfare<br />

ihemielve*.<br />

would be a »tep toward an opposite<br />

eitrcne.<br />

<strong>The</strong> government thould not only<br />

be in support of legalised abortion,<br />

DUI should alto provi Ir fu*i if<br />

not partial funding lor tuch abortion*<br />

** needed.<br />

Why thoulu the feilrral govern*<br />

ment pay same i$0 million of ta>payer*"<br />

money o«r year !or abortlunt<br />

thai mott women uate ac<br />

Now. with the |9>u presidential<br />

efcctbns drawinc near. Keayar* Is<br />

viking hii opinion ob t variety ol<br />

trw*. one ol which U hU vie»df-»<<br />

stand .tHalntt Icgatl/ed abortion,<br />

or rmthrr. hii dctirc to lake credit.<br />

for U»; luppre^ilon before voicn<br />

gict the oppoituniljr w ecu their<br />

battott tn the upcoming election.<br />

Federal, mtc. *wi local ^cmmenu<br />

vhouM not l>c Invoked tn «templing<br />

to ban abortion through<br />

corwtltutional amendment* or any<br />

oihcv meant, hut Intlcad ti.ould<br />

resprct the right at A ?re«funl<br />

woman to decide whether or not lu<br />

remove at* unwan'.cd fetui from<br />

her body.<br />

It i* not lav-nuking official*who<br />

arc pregfu.ru. and it Is nut our<br />

law-making offkUU who *tv<br />

are unaware of any etlrfencc of any<br />

eating healthfully, cierclsing. and<br />

kind that wftutj substantiate a<br />

ikcplng for twu. the) argue.<br />

cUim ihat pain it perceUid<br />

Lav..-February, a New York<br />

Times headline read: REAGAN<br />



<strong>The</strong> president Informed,<br />

"...medical tcknm tlxton confirm<br />

that when the lives of unborn*<br />

arc muffed out. they often feel<br />

pain — pain that U long and<br />

.agunirlng,"<br />

Upon what study H thl* medkal<br />

confirmation bated?<br />

l -j a<br />

Ictus.." adding that allhoujth an<br />

infant responding tn trrdkal probe*<br />

i* not uncmntron, "...we h\»*e<br />

10 evidence whaitoner that t!iit it<br />

anjr way initrpreku by the tetu* at<br />

pair."<br />

Thr H)de Amendment, pitted<br />

in September ol li T involvement<br />

By Ttffafly Dooo<br />

Abortion I* legal In Amerka.<br />

said thr Supreme Cnurt in a lardmark<br />

ruling handed -Joun 11 year*<br />

ago mi January 22. l**7 J.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n v-hy tlil) i!ic controversy?<br />

At 1.5 million women each )ear<br />

ha*? their pregnanckt icrmmaied.<br />

federal. t:ctr. and local Ifjtk-loi-*<br />

are l>cin£ bombarded wlib pk iv lu<br />

ban or restrict ihc procedure<br />

1b* go*crnmrn. hat a rc-.fonti*>:litv<br />

to retpond accoidingly to<br />

lite requeiu. »nd to curb abori'on<br />

a* it it po**ib!e. rvrn if Its potltion<br />

Banning abortion for ripe vic- might lit considered 'aniltim*<br />

would m«u ordering that abortion." and tnoppmilton to ihc<br />

the> li*e forever *\\h the •'unttant Coin's ifecttion.<br />

memory of their K\ual harrat\- While in nlfke. abortion oppomcnl:<br />

an unwanted ciliii.<br />

nent President Kon.td Rea«atu<br />

In ar .gc v-hett e»cn maw food ha* aiumpied lo incorporate ma;<br />

production it not tutfkknf to •or changes in fedcril palU) en<br />

noufult man> nf our wtttld't abortion.<br />

citi/cnt. mrrpopulalimi lv clearly Tfcc H>dc amendment, which<br />

an incivAiing problem. In China, Congnr.t pawed on September .10.<br />

7. barred famitiei are currently allowrd une 19<br />

federal funding fur all aimition* child, alter v hlth \hc> tiiuti abo*l<br />

etcept thmc dealing »l(h rape vic- tun her fctute*. While ihlt It ur.c<br />

tim* and welfare ntlpkntt. <strong>The</strong> metdO'l for Ihc tionlrul ol o>er-<br />

Keagan jdminhtiailon would like ulation, for the gotcrnnient<br />

? crmiing lo Or. J.C. W|lke of the<br />

National Right to Lift Committee..<br />

"...merely for social reason*?"<br />

Reagan'* administration also<br />

pui into effect last year a regulation<br />

requiring federally aided<br />

clink* lo Ii.fonn parent* when<br />

mlnort seek contraceptive*.<br />

<strong>The</strong> administration, has been<br />

crilkiied for ihtte action* dealing<br />

with the problem cf •intotended<br />

picgnancKt. Yrl. if tuch regulalion*<br />

and program* use education<br />

and family invohemTol to attack<br />

iheprr-blem wheir It begin*, abortion<br />

need not ever be cnniWercd.<br />

Thb *outd eliminate the need to<br />

make an abortion dechion and to<br />

add lo the controversy.<br />

In addition to thete reason* ire<br />

medical safety rcatont why Ihe<br />

government ha* r.n obligation to<br />

rrtu'aie abortion.<br />

Many hospitals refute to perform<br />

abcrtlott* due lu moral obketiont<br />

from staff Member* and a<br />

dt*irc lo avoid c^nlruicny.<br />

<strong>The</strong>rrSirr. an estimated tour out<br />

of five abortions are performed in<br />

dink* whrrc emergency facilllic*<br />

are no. readily a*-Kab<br />

7. barred fcdcrjl gaym'ni* i.r<br />

mott a'ttortiont. Reagan hat \incc<br />

aitemptcil to pu*h legislation to<br />

\Wp federal I urn) in K for utt abortion*.<br />

niilnn'I»H1* — population, tor me gotcrnnieni '»* nun*.<br />

•mattonaated? lp ntlt a ^ ^ ,flK ,„ a|, . n. P»F » ^<br />

<strong>The</strong> Olympics: from games to politics<br />

By Gabncla Clacchino bli* ._„ .„<br />

<strong>The</strong> Olympic Gjnict. which<br />

were firtt cclcl'f Jied in Tib OX. at<br />

Olympia. Greece, hate rttaincd<br />

little of their former tpiiil due to<br />

the compeMiitc poliikal nature of<br />

worlJ power* today.<br />

Although the Olymp'c torfh still<br />

burn* urangty yxit alicr yttr. the<br />

brotherhood torch *ecm« to lute<br />

been *mothered by the political<br />

power struggle* of world countries.<br />

Germany. Vietnam. M.mgol'*.<br />

C/cchutlotakla. L.»u*. -nU<br />

Afghanistan, am! 22 other countrie*<br />

a'c eipeeled to pull out by the<br />

beginning o! the ^aniei.<br />

1 -. This<br />

estimate d»e* not include ihe<br />

tnowvinu. of abortion* performed<br />

uultMeclinkt and hospital*, many<br />

o\ them illegally.<br />

Operations arc being pellormed<br />

under cnnditlunt which arc not<br />

nrce*tanly the tafctt po*tibl«.<br />

Thine performed outside hotpital*<br />

and clinkt aru outright dangerous,<br />

ye: won.cn mutt retort to them<br />

becaute of hotpUalt. refusal* to<br />

conduct abortlcnt.<br />

<strong>The</strong> only wtlutiun is government<br />

in'enention. <strong>The</strong> fact that<br />

hmpiult will not perform aborlion*<br />

*>n mofJl gntjrids cannnt be<br />

changed. <strong>The</strong> number of abortton*<br />

that can be performed must be<br />

curbed.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Supreme Court ha* encountcml<br />

* number o! p-ubkmt<br />

relation* during the current jtl<br />

mir>i*.tr,Hion.<br />

It vtmt that tho Olympic<br />

Game* ha\e become - field for<br />

wotld political ttrugjtictand p»-«cr<br />

wi.r* r^lhcr th»n true tportt compttilinn.<br />

KJthcf lhan utlng the<br />

Game\ *\ a place frr the itrcattrtt<br />

:hc uoic*iinK-ni« •.' ••urtd I'ounirie*<br />

ha»- «:ho\cn ;i» «•« ihcm a\ *<br />

ball'- 1 J ha*<br />

jiMunJ lur poliricv<br />

It it ilmpjointinfi that what<br />

once wat a tacrcil lettival<br />

dedicated to the Greek God /cut<br />

hst been ruined by the compeliii»c<br />

nature of 20th ccntuty politkt.<br />

had •» utur ten ilrci\ion* on Ihr<br />

i%vur of atHinion. Thu n .fljinl*<br />

dur lo Ihc lavt that hundreds nf<br />

tlalr -nil local anli-abortion law*<br />

hate been enacied and hate been<br />

challenged by si'btcqucnt law<br />

tuilt.<br />

Yci ihe couit will continue 10 b«<br />

continued on L-. «S<br />

<strong>The</strong> Olympki began a* a *mall<br />

one day cclrbration ihit Icatirrd<br />

one event: a footrace the length vt<br />

the stadium. Over the year* additional<br />

race? and *.%\M% and the<br />

performance of various religious<br />

ceremonies have added to the<br />

length of the game*, extending<br />

them 10 seven days.<br />

ID 394 A.I>. the athlete*'<br />

displeasure with their olive-wreath<br />

prizes eautcti the Roman Emperor<br />

<strong>The</strong>o'W b<<br />

toa dange.-om '^ lKtlr athlete*<br />

LowelHtes take stand on<br />

Democratic Primary<br />

By Romualdo Sascbez<br />

When atked 10 ttale their<br />

polltka! party preference one week<br />

"before the primary electiont,<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> ttudcnl* Indkatrd thnt the<br />

Democratic Party it their latorile<br />

Some 264 «*udcnl> •'mm randomly<br />

telrctcd refill ry room*<br />

repre*ciiting all four clute* in<br />

tchool. responded to a brief questionnaire<br />

ditiributed by <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> itaff.<br />

Among gtilt. 62.2 percent<br />

selected the Oerrocralk Parly,<br />

while $4.6 perveni ol the bay* did<br />

like-Ite. Mcic bmt ihan girls<br />

chotc the Rcpublkan f'arty by a<br />

37.1 percent tu 23.1 percent<br />

margin. Sop)>omore girlt showed<br />

an independent tlreak at 26.8 per-<br />



And "No-Set" Siyk<br />

HU CMC mi MEN t NCICN<br />

[334-O355I<br />

?SR£DK£N<br />

. • M • THUM V*.<br />

XU OCMR Av* laid Gary<br />

Hart, while 47.4 percent of the<br />

girl* picked Waller Mondalc. Jctic<br />

Jackwn wat the lint cholrc of 29.2<br />

percent of the boy*, but only 13.5<br />

percent of the girlt<br />

A* to whkh candidate would<br />

hate the b*-,; chancj of bealins<br />

Konald Reagan. Mondale *at<br />

telecied b) both *c*ct: 64.1 percent<br />

by firlt aid -* 7 .2*percent by<br />

boit. Jacktcn traikd by 5.1 percent<br />

and 9..T percent, tntwctlvcl.t.<br />

Both boy* OF.? percent) ind<br />

girls W»2.7 percenO Mt that<br />

Jackion hhd the pooreit chance of<br />

defeating Reagan.<br />

When atked it they felt President<br />

Reagan wat hfalable ihl*<br />

year. S9.S percent of all<br />

reipondcntt va'iJ "no," and 4C.5<br />

percent indknted ">e*."<br />

l)icre were wmc marked dlfterencet<br />

a* lo how Undents in<br />

FUTURE<br />

Can you charge it?<br />

ByTlrUoyDooa<br />

"HI UHt E«l Barbara b-.n from<br />

Fuiniluie U.S.A... "<br />

How m»nj limn hive yju<br />

found ibtt ad •ttr»eth< because<br />

the establish-cent offer* initant<br />

credit k»"Kid»"?<br />

While France* Klcc of Tehran*<br />

Credit **y% that ihH jnd many «il»<br />

like It are fcuerilly" ... gimmick*<br />

•n iry and get ktdi to come In.**<br />

there are tone »*y* in uhkh<br />

• teeuafen under and around 18<br />

yean of age can obtain and ute<br />

credit card*.<br />

In order for a penon 10 gel a<br />

bank credit card, he mutt be at<br />

least 1ft yean ol axe. mutt hate a<br />

steady Income, and mutt pretcnt<br />

lomt evidence of stability.<br />

For these rcatoBi, uy> Carol<br />

Baclch. maniger of the Wot Portal<br />

Home Saving* of America. "It<br />

b almost Dnpoulblc for a 1ST :igtr<br />

lo get hb own card."<br />

. However, many Dinks offer progratni<br />

under which parents can<br />

cotign children onto their accounts.<br />

Oft? credit cart! number U<br />

iuuei*, but three or (our name*<br />

may be authorised to charge to<br />

that number.<br />

In such c*«*. the teenager may<br />

get bit own card with hb name en<br />

it. but his parents get the b'lls.<br />

Some department nom also<br />

Kiue what it kno*n at a family<br />

card. Trill it similar to the<br />

aforementioned program in that<br />

the teenager's parent* mu*l<br />

already have a card and credit<br />

hbtory with the ttore.<br />

manag rr of Coniumcr Credit<br />

Counti Ion of San Francisco,<br />

-many credit companies are will-<br />

Ing to invett in young people."<br />

This W tor the *impk reuon,<br />

wy» Robin von. that tuthlics thow<br />

that tinKlc adulu lute the<br />

'disposable income" lo \pend on<br />

non-essential*.<br />

SltU. Backh aJ%i«* leenajtcrx<br />

whowith lo ntablith credit history<br />

by obtaining their own personal<br />

card* to try the department *toret.<br />

»uch a* Macy'* and <strong>The</strong> Emporium.<br />

"Department ttore cardi arc<br />

usually ea*ier to get." the s»)*.<br />

Once yud become a cardholder.<br />

you are git en a tlmll and ** your<br />

credit hiitonr tet* belter «our<br />

"Although it seems difficult,<br />

many credit companies are willing<br />

to invest in young people."<br />

However, hit parent* do not<br />

neeeiiartly hare to gel the bill*. If<br />

he b working he may. on a lower<br />

cre'di* limit, receive hb own ac<br />

count undtr hb parentt*.<br />

A number of bank* and ga* and<br />

oil companies wilt Issue ttudent<br />

ctrdt. <strong>The</strong>se hate lower limit*<br />

than the regular cards, and thc><br />

are utuaUy gW;n In student* in col*<br />

lece.<br />

"Although It *cem* fairly difficult<br />

tor leenagen to Ret credit<br />

cards." *ays Bclty Robinson.<br />

limit increase* at do jour chance*<br />

of obtaining another card.<br />

Rcgardlc** of whether you hate<br />

i card with jour own or your<br />

parents* number on It. Koblnton<br />

-warn* that if a card h imt or<br />

stolcn/it is a cardholders' retpon*<br />

libility lo notify ihs compary or<br />

b>nk.<br />

If thU is done right away, the<br />

holder it not llenle fpr any<br />

charge*.<br />

If a card it not discovered lo*t or<br />

ttolcn until much later. I he holder<br />

b rctpontiblc lor ihe tint $50 only.<br />

South Campus - a year later<br />

ByDuk-HlYoo<br />

One year ago. in the tal? or<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong>'* South Camput cek<br />

exbi.<br />

South Campus wa* adopted in<br />

1978. the year <strong>Lowell</strong> went from a<br />

three-year to a four-jcar high<br />

sctaoi. with the enrollment increating<br />

25 percent.<br />

<strong>The</strong> salary tor Ihe *ta[| to tupcrvbe<br />

Soulh Campu*. and ihe COM ol<br />

running shuttle buses back and<br />

forth were budget item* that the<br />

San Francbco Unified School<br />

DHlricl (S.F.U.S.D.I had to re*<br />

evaluate dee to financial cutbacks.<br />

Due to thc*c evaluations, Soulh<br />

Campu* disappeared completely.<br />

Surviving the tint year without<br />

South Campu*. <strong>Lowell</strong> *ludents<br />

bad different reactions toward the<br />

lou.<br />

Senior Cina Ravarra stated. **1<br />

thbk that It't better for the ninth<br />

graders to hive South Campus<br />

bccauK they art; not likely to cut<br />

as AUch. When they come to<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> from a junior high school,<br />

they fee! like lltcy arc i= the middle<br />

ol the mainstream, but they doo'i<br />

even kttow what the ftream W"<br />

Although student** opinions<br />

vuy. sophomore Peter Lu spoke<br />

for the majority when he \ald.<br />

'' "<strong>The</strong> advantage Is that the<br />

freshmen don't have the haute ol<br />

commuting and the ftisadvuntagt<br />

b that Lowtll !s now more con*<br />

tested."<br />

Many parent** ilto looked on<br />

South Campu* in •> lator-iblc light<br />

in that it »»* a tteppinit static for<br />

the ninth grader* into the high<br />

school situation. ,<br />

Junior Su/anne Lui pointed out.<br />

**l remember South Campu* being<br />

beneficial because it *i\ a good<br />

tranthion from a small middle<br />

vchool to \uch a large high whout.<br />

Il gave me a chance to get lo know<br />

'hemher freshmen a* well."<br />

"South<br />

Campus served<br />

as a transition<br />

from middle<br />

school to high<br />

school"<br />

On the other hand, an<br />

asanymout lre*hman »ai perfect*<br />

ty satisfied without South Camput.<br />

She commented that she would actually<br />

cut more it she had to go lo<br />

South Cacnpui because of the hassle<br />

jf commuting back and forth.<br />

Hjving been a (rnhmin at one<br />

time or another, many upper<br />

claumen indicated that they felt<br />

.ell out bccau*c ol the isolation<br />

and because of mining important<br />

announcements and spirit ac*<br />

• thlties. 51 HI. ihe students fell that<br />

South Omput had luown "family<br />

atmosphere.**<br />

ITOHN<br />

Jusi like the ttudenu, the (acuity<br />

hat mikfd (relin|*\ about the<br />

loud South Cimpu*..<br />

Attittint I'rinclptl Hi. George<br />

II tu contented, "<strong>The</strong> ninth<br />

grader* are mingling nrnrr with<br />

uppcr-claumcn and pjfiicipatinx<br />

in mure cura-curricuiar activities.<br />

which itgoud."<br />

Do>** dean Jame\ Thoma*. tndicjlcd<br />

that »ithout South Campu*.<br />

problem* hate occurrr*! tuch<br />

at the in«.reiw in naive, culling.<br />

horseplay, and L:«cr.<br />

Counwlor Elba Satpido agreed<br />

• ith Thoma* and cipUinc.1 (tut en<br />

South Campu*. there woe t-^»er<br />

kiiU lu take c ire ol. tl.u*. ex*icr to<br />

kerp track of them.<br />

"I kned lhat South Campu*."<br />

Salgado ripnrtved,<br />

Counvelor Walter • .: explained.<br />

"Sjuth Can wa* *<br />

haten — a quiet, uncrowded.<br />

IriemMy place. Il wa* nice (or the<br />

student* and counselor* becauvc<br />

they could really gel to know «ch<br />

other well."<br />

SCHOOL<br />

DAZE<br />

By Jcnnifjr Poulakldu<br />

So. this year's finally coming (o an end, chT And as we<br />

know, with a high school year** euA com* many memorable<br />

events: final*, promt, picnic*, goodbyes, graduations, promotions,<br />

parties, autograph book tigningt. ar.J *tuff like that.<br />

About now. the latest frethman gcitip is that, omigo^h. there<br />

isn't a fourth floor pool after all...but what a cool joke to play<br />

on nest year's froshiei! About now. <strong>Lowell</strong> sophs, just getting<br />

over the long nights of studying for last semester's finals will<br />

find themselves again reading and calculating into the we:<br />

hours — light in 1* for those A's. And about now, Ihe lllh :<br />

graders just can't wati until their treacherous junior year —<br />

full of chemistry worries. SAT and Achlcvf ,.^nl anxiety, and<br />

term paper heartburn — i\ over and their Igng awaited senior<br />

tear — full of college application worries, college acceptance<br />

anxiety, and AP heartburn — begin*!.<br />

PROM NOTES: Rumor has It that Brian Gardner wore an<br />

all leather tux (o the Jr. Pron. I guess he knew where the beef<br />

was...Kevin Allen knows how difficult it Is to ( ind an available<br />

(non-Icaihrr) tux two days before he needs if...Derrick KawaU<br />

— the next Michael Jackson?...It's lunny how just by attending<br />

the Sr. Prom you can tell if someone went to Ihe Sr. Picnic:<br />

Laura Angulo and Debbie Dolduc arc just two examples of<br />

the all \oo common "tan-tine syndrouc." the illness that victim<br />

lies girls who wear drcuei that expose their backs and/or<br />

thctr neck line* to the prom. Anne WUion ar.d Linda "Thb U<br />

so Special" Woo thought the Oakwood Lake Resort bracelets<br />

were so attractive, they even wore their red and while pieces of<br />

jewelry to the prom.. Jessica Tbdale, trend setter that she is.<br />

quickly enlarged the Sr. Pram dance floor by prancing on<br />

sU|*t *md jumping around members of the All n* All band.<br />

Before they knew it, AH *n All was overcome by a surge of<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> kids hopping all around them.<br />

Boy, somebody sure messed up: Old news — <strong>Lowell</strong>**<br />

graduation was supposed to take place on Thursday, fune 14.<br />

but hcciutr Mime man "downtown" (wherever "downtown" h)<br />

for a head can definitely<br />

amount to Mime pretty greenery), ihe human error abo forced<br />

JoMcn'j (the company lt>ni printed <strong>Lowell</strong>'s graduation announcements<br />

— before the goof up was ditcovcrcu) to print up<br />

"Due lo uncontrollable circumstances..." cards for <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

grad* lo include with their misprinted announcement**. <strong>The</strong><br />

change of date i\ even effecting underclassmen at <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Since graduation i\ usually on a Thursday, final* normally fill<br />

on the Friday. Monday, and 1 uc*day before school lets out.<br />

But now all finals are pushed up a day early, thus giving<br />

everyone ihe entire weekend to cram for only one day's woiih<br />

of finals rather than two. <strong>The</strong> downtown "Mr. Mysterious**<br />

should have an awfully heavy guilt trip for Ml this...<br />

Well, this is really it. <strong>The</strong> last issue of <strong>The</strong> <strong>Lowell</strong> (or 83-84<br />

and almost thr last week of school for 83-84. Bu: hey. it's been<br />

fun...andvou';r.uwii.<br />


previously read books<br />

1687 HaighSSan Froncisco 5524122<br />

P-suata: Swimming b K Griduition Rtquinmcnllll<br />


Progressive Swim Program<br />

June 18-August 10<br />

1st Week Introductory Special S5<br />

1/2 Hour Semi-Private Classes<br />

Show your S. A. Card for Discounts<br />

Small<br />

Whafto<br />

sports la t<br />

beta inr<br />

toj.bU.bo>.<br />

. SUutnudJ<br />

CMtCwkp<br />

Did jou k.J<br />

clurKtcr jutt<br />

h«tidwrilla|.'<br />

that speaks to<br />

ideas throne)!<br />

anJ. at the •<br />

about tbe i\<br />

ante ha<br />

throegh tbe si<br />

3fipbolf>p<br />

comaunkrtcs |<br />

and ibat<br />

vritiflt.<br />

Thlafc<br />

remember ibrj<br />

TypewriU 1 *** I<br />

rootlet) c&pi<br />

lldentl-jn<br />


Small and fragile, but...<br />

What's one ol Uic most popular<br />

tportt In America...one that hat<br />

been described as being seiy enjoyable,<br />

but also da<br />

Skatcboardlit'I<br />

Still the fastest wheels in town<br />

Some skateboatden skate (o<br />

work off «Rgrcii(un or to pmctice<br />

(or turfing, bul most skate<br />

because If*juu plain lun.<br />

Although in my skateboarders<br />

agree ihil it can be turd to tun<br />

Chiii Cook perionni «b«c*Udc«ljtr...lii • dir iwtamlsg pool.<br />

Handwriting reveals traits<br />

By Molly Nlxm<br />

Did you know that you can<br />

discover the secre't ol s person's<br />

character just bj locking at hb<br />

hrndw rttlng?<br />

Grapholoicy. tne art ol hand- •<br />

writing analysis, hat been used In<br />

China and Japan since 1000 B.C.<br />

One famous btlietcr. the Greek<br />

philosopher Aristotle, claimed hr<br />

could "...define the IOUI ol people<br />

by their way ot writing."<br />

Some people Ie*l that lliey can<br />

tell k lot abovt a fainter by tht.<br />

style and it-bject ol his paintings.<br />

This tame concept can be applied<br />

lo writing.<br />

In a way. writing is a drawing<br />

that speaks to us. It communtcatrs<br />

Ideas through thr written word<br />

and, at the same time, tens us<br />

about the author's personality<br />

unstable<br />

•tone he M<br />

through the iha*>e of hit writing.<br />

Graphologist i agree that writing<br />

communicates njore than Ideas<br />

and that people a.c subcontcknitl)<br />

»e.-> aware of handwriting.<br />

Think about It- Do you<br />

remember the disappointment of<br />

rccehrlng t typed lone letter?<br />

Typewriter* f-ist don't emit the<br />

emotion capable of the human<br />

hand.<br />

Your cmotiinal Mate will affect<br />

the way you write- It may change<br />

when you are pressed for time, excited,<br />

tr In a bad temper. When<br />

you are relaxed and the Icatt conscious<br />

of bo* your writing look*,<br />

'your chamctcr will ihow through.<br />

Ortphdofat* mutt Uke tlwte<br />

and other ciicumttancrt into consideration<br />

when analyzing<br />

writli<br />

$ 2.00<br />

i<br />

It it impcianl to ha*« u general<br />

idea of inc person's ate. You<br />

ihouU at lean know If the subject<br />

h a child or an adult. Children<br />

lend to write bigger towards thr<br />

end of a word. If an adult's writing<br />

hat thlt characteristic, he may be<br />

childish.<br />

Secondly, you need to kno*<br />

whether, the subject 1> a man or a<br />

woman. In Shakespeare's time.<br />

women were taujrht to write tttftr.<br />

was more angular. Today it U<br />

much more difficult to tell a person's<br />

tcs through hit handwriting.<br />

When analy/in* a handwriting<br />

sample, a crapho^itt uses the<br />

quick'glance technique to get a<br />

gcnenil idea of the vubjcct't per*<br />

tonality. ThU lechnique requires<br />

t the lines o< writing, the<br />

size and angle ot writing, and the<br />

spacing of the lines ard letters.<br />

If the writing slant*, upward, the<br />

person Is «ery egotistical: the<br />

higher the slant, the bigger the<br />

ego. Lar^e writing shows a desire<br />

lo control others and an active<br />

concentration en doing rather<br />

thf.n talking.<br />

Th* finer points ol graphology<br />

ln*cAc the actual formation ol the<br />

letters.<br />

"C's" and "•*»** whkh are not<br />

closed completely, are signs ol<br />

opefamlfldedneu. II the letters are<br />

closed, the person U very oplniouatcd.<br />

Graphology b a limitless subject<br />

whkh many people spend years<br />

studying and perfecting. Whether<br />

a hobby or a profession, it Is<br />

something eteryone can enjoy.<br />

^piCTi r.P ?XTH 6IRVWQ 661-4233<br />

skateboarding (and that U take* a<br />

lot of practice to Impror-). iht<br />

rewards are worth the hard work<br />

According to DUBDC Peters,<br />

world famous skateboarder, "You<br />

really feel great when you pat* «<br />

car going 60 mph!"<br />

Carlo* Ud-ogtown. ownvr ol the<br />

skatctKurd thop Fogtown. advltct<br />

beginnen to ttan out vith attrong<br />

Inespcntivc t^ateboaid and a pair<br />

ol gtoteu.<br />

After maileitng the bstin of<br />

. ikatebc^rding. baUnce. and control,<br />

beginnen ihoutd try trickt<br />

and practkc their tty'«.<br />

Skating in twimmlng pooli and<br />

on ha'f'pfpct (U-thapci» tluting<br />

, ttracturc* that uc made of *>ood)<br />

rrquirt* ctpenence and Ot ill.<br />

Skateboard attoclallont vu*;h at<br />

the Natnntl Skaieboanl Avuxiation<br />

and the CalilornU Amateur<br />

Skateboarders Lea gut*, iponior<br />

compctitloni for tkatcboarden<br />

«hn with to t*nt their tkilu r-aldU<br />

other tkatebAardert.<br />

Competition* utually include<br />

do«nhlll. tlalom. and frentyle<br />

contrtit.<br />

AllhouRh there are bojt who<br />

think that girls who inaie are tomboys,<br />

mott boy* -who tkatc. think<br />

that it is "cool" when girts<br />

skateboard.<br />

"It'i nr;at whim »iils ilcate: th:<br />

only prjb*cm n that there's just<br />

not rnough ol them." stated one<br />

nu!e tVatcboarder.<br />

A.xordinit tc the Consumer P*odue's<br />

Huarrf Indc<br />

T7w <strong>Lowell</strong>. June 3. l<br />

PE4TURE<br />

ding it rated quite low In danger<br />

when compared, to other sporti.<br />

When qtiuti&ncd about the<br />

danger of ftkateboardlng. <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

Irethman Robbie Chandler<br />

replied. "Sure, there arc no<br />

braketl"<br />

io protrct themKhrts from getting<br />

hurt, tome ikauboardcrt<br />

wear elbow or knee patfi. even<br />

helmets. Others use nothing at all.<br />

**tl. that<br />

he hat a bad attitude, or even that<br />

he lacki In Intelligence.<br />

Johnny is *^per*-ncing a learning<br />

disability. He has dyslexia.<br />

when thrrc it agreement, the term<br />

has lilt'e or no significance in<br />

regard to trcatmctir.<br />

Otlios dispute the ciistrnce ol<br />

this terming disability, claitmu?.<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re is no such thinj as dv.ic«la."<br />

ainl "Children who aK men-<br />

Ully, physically. *nd emotionally<br />

norm/1 will not fail to leant. No<br />

cce is just made that way."<br />

matVcd difficulty In iVarnlnK to Due to the numerous dlspvie*<br />

bols inio concrpis.<br />

Persons who habitually percent<br />

ord. upside down as well as<br />

backward arc usually dl«Knoscd as<br />

hating dysleiix. Tt>< word "w«"<br />

lay appear tu ji>hnn> at "««"<br />

xrd tfve »o:d "OIL" as the<br />

number "7jo."<br />

MedU-al researchers discoscrcd<br />

dyslexia in the catly 1900'?. It is<br />

recogniicd bs bcin^ the moti commonly<br />

*«a ani •• tdtly knn^n learning<br />

dUabiliiy,<br />

Originally, ihc word dyilcsia<br />

described a »" -n-1 ridirjlc<br />

he'll cipfrWic? can b

Ptf It Tin Umll.Iunri. I9S4<br />


Jarrett to pursue dream as dancer<br />

ByJuooMlntr<br />

"I d.'ti't care what form ol dance I'm "<strong>The</strong>re are a lot ol inlercMMg people<br />

doing." said %en\ot Phaedra Jarrctt. "I at! owcll. although I've never really been<br />

juti know I h»*e lo be on vta,x. perform- 'into* Khool." staled Jarrclt. "Onr got*!<br />

ing."<br />

thins about <strong>Lowell</strong>, though. I* that you<br />

Jamil hat been dancing (or the last neve* hate to (ear being dillcicnt. and<br />

seven yean and hai. studied ai the sou know you'.r nut going 10 fct beaten<br />

Academy ol Ballet in San Francisco, at up lor It."<br />

the Berkeley Conservatory Hallcl. and «t Jarrett * teuch and<br />

ing, and has perform"d at Teatro<br />

FUcotm here in San I'ranciwo.<br />

"When ,ou're dancing OP vtatfe and<br />

pcrfor*-»ln,t in front o( .in juuiencr. it's a<br />

totally different world out there." she<br />

reflected. "You're trail) giving the audience<br />

all you'tc |p>t. ami this bring, a<br />

very big emotional hlg..."<br />

In addition to her regular danac<br />

ctaisei. Jamil hat iat.cn character<br />

dance, nutrition, theatrical make-up and<br />

kinesk-(o?y viasvet. "<strong>The</strong>se cta.tcs hate<br />

made m« bods it rone. Riven me technique<br />

and prepared me for the staRe." **<br />

Will attending college be part ol Jarrett's<br />

future? "It's up in the air ri^hc<br />

nn>-. My lint prio.ily Is dancing."<br />

make class inicre\tinjt. I rc\fe•<br />

j in< tn the Mr lot ve Academy until<br />

- last summer. She attended a Summer<br />

Scientific Seminar at the<br />

Academy which lnflu:ncci; her<br />

decision.<br />

She wat most influenced bv (he<br />

young catlctt at the Academy who.<br />

"... possessed an aura ol sell confidence.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y (tl.c cadets) were<br />

really committed lo cicellencc and<br />

discipline 1 wanted lo develop<br />

thai kind ol dive inline tro." Won<br />

ciplalned.<br />

After the decided to applv. Won<br />

received a recommendation fiom<br />

Representative Sala Burio:i. and<br />

paited the Candidate Fitness Tot.<br />

Candidates to the Academy<br />

mutt score at least 500. and 360<br />

on the verbal and math section ol<br />

, the SAT. respectively. Grades and<br />

ntra-csrricutar activities arc alio<br />

taken Irto account for admission.<br />

AdraUtion to the Aeademr is<br />

selective. Out of the 12.000 vandidatet<br />

who applkd. Won wat one<br />

of the 1.000 accepted.<br />

Phaedra Jamtt't lint priority I* dancing.<br />

Dabl<br />

pursues<br />

avian<br />

science<br />

Romero prepares<br />

future inlmush<br />

By Dtbble Gottfried<br />

Senior Manly Romero pla>^ the baisoon. He ; Romero had been playi<br />

not only plays It, he plans to devo't his future lo hb freshman year. He h I<br />

his music.<br />

fltced Band and AdvaoJ<br />

Romcre will itlrnd the Sac Francisco Coo- ito i volunteer teacbcff<br />

senaiory at Music in the fall.<br />

Fmhmtn Band. He ^<br />

He ply .nt fj spend two yean at the Conser- indents with their mutk-|<br />

vatory, earning his Bachelor of Arts degree, dVtsthetn.<br />

and b-jpes to then go back catt to earn hit •ID addition. Kotnero p'J<br />

Mas'xr of Am degree, preferably at Temple. cWo Symphony Vonth OA<br />

U'thenlly. the Kailman School of Music, or having moved his way up I<br />

tht New England Conservatory of Music in bauoontit (the latl pos.:|<br />

BiMon.<br />

leoniil.<br />

:<br />

* omefo had doubtt aoout going to the Con* * I would say tba*. the ^ J<br />

xrvatory because he wasn't ture if It li worth ol thr beAl tn the Bat \i {<br />

the Sb.000 per year tuition. "That's ad enor- cone Iron all over and<br />

mous amount of money for a school that's they arc," Romero cotjta*]<br />

reputation is not outstanding." he stated. Evtntually. Romero t<br />

Because of the high cost. Romero will pr&> feuioaal symphony orrhc I<br />

bably attend school part• time an 1 work part- play in San Fracciscu." H1<br />

lime.<br />

Rome'o't decision to attend the Conser*<br />

vatory wat a recent one. "1 have learned to<br />

much so quickly from my trachcr that just<br />

recently attending a conservatory beom? an<br />

cption." bt ctplained.<br />

Wayn^ Parish, the second bassoonist in the<br />

San Francisco Symphony hat been Komcrn't<br />

teacher linse December.<br />

"I'd like to eventually attend Temple Unlter-<br />

Mty because the bassoon coach there. Bernard<br />

Garficld. was tvy teacher's tcac^er. He s alto<br />

the primary baisonnitt in the Philadelphia<br />

I'hiUrhomnic. It would be really nice to be<br />

laug>ii by him." commented Romero.<br />

Roir.cro Icrlslhai there it not much competition<br />

in being a bassoonist it there *r, not t«;r><br />

many ol them. "If I played the vk-.n. tt would<br />

,havr becu really hard to git into the Conservatory,<br />

but when I *aid 1 played the bassoon,<br />

they said. 'Oh. enn c on in a-ttl audition.' " he<br />

laid.<br />

One rcaun Komcru chose the Conservatory<br />

was to avoid taking general academic clattcs.<br />

"t'*t had cnuutth math and wtence. 1 jutt want.<br />

to be a musician." he commented.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Conservatory does offer courses In<br />

humanities, foreign language and such clatset<br />

as music theory. <strong>The</strong>se courses, however, are lo<br />

turner prepare the student* for a career in<br />

muik.<br />

Manly Roaero wants I<br />

Klnlra D.hl pUoi to work with blnJi u u<br />

B»ShokoK*±!rim«<br />

Ho« many people do you Ihtnk iberc arc in Ihe<br />

cr-iduatlni cUn of 19M who know whsl they are goin4<br />

lo tnajcr in al college, come fall of thU ;car? Not<br />

many, lo be tt:v. Nevenheleit, Ibcre are thote who<br />

know eiactly tilul they want lo do.<br />

Amoos them it tcnlor Kinten Daht. who will be<br />

ma}oring In aviaa (cieoce al the Unltenilv ol Calilor<<br />

nU at Davit beginning thU September.<br />

Wiiat csactly it avian tcience. aayway? That. aC'<br />

cording to Dahl. it nol an unqpected quettion.<br />

'Most people don't kno«*nat ifak |utrt d,.u w-J<br />

she confided with a nolle «»«.»«. lum fl " H *'l<br />

AvUn icleoce. W put it Wefly. h tbe ^ ,-J<br />

reUtionthlp between maaJftd bird, nlth rewccl f<br />

the environment, -^bere teHapbmih on .he\ '<br />

endangered birdt." added WO. m lhe *<br />

When aiker* about wbrn.^ «<br />

•crests in bird.. DaM rdketcd. "iTatoS;',<br />

when I became .ware of *£**« h blf J ^

ires for<br />

psic<br />

hli been playing, (he b»u up from wi in a proixpho-'y<br />

or what<br />

lh;y had to olU-." lJm con.<br />

tinucd. "T hey oftcrrd tlat*c» «uch<br />

a. retail manaitement and Reneial<br />

*. and vrminsr* feJlur-<br />

general manager o( Mac*'*.*"<br />

<strong>The</strong> havhiun InMituteul Uctiftn<br />

and McrchindUinc t\ a t»o->car<br />

junior tolkfte -lc.oic.1 lo tcachinc<br />

it* \tudenti the buiinc\i and commerce<br />

mechanka* and enitineeting<br />

tKhnoU>t;ie\ related lo (a\hion<br />

anti lc\t,le\ <strong>The</strong> whool t\ kvatet!<br />

at 7W Market Street in San Iran-<br />

I hat come a l>i<br />

rept'it and to pursue .ier iniere»t. \hc sohinterml Jt<br />

the Katidall Jtinior Mtiseuni lor twtt tear>. Current!*,<br />

Oic demtcA cmni houi. vt •>. .if e*rn Si.ntjv t«<br />

•oluntccr in iUc raptor irscarch pn>)trani at (tic Sar.<br />

Fraficiwti/»ii.<br />

Tti? iciluntccrtnj; «b met niv* iLi-din^. tlranntj:.<br />

and cstr»:i*ini: bir«'» of pro \u^U a* hauK* anil<br />

falcon \. rll s<br />

laik* lu the public .•bout * iW hird* ul ptei.<br />

Dahi enjm^ the^c prc\cntation% ihe nu%i. "lhr\c<br />

raptor* ar- the m-iM mmmdefMooil ul all animalv.<br />

and I feel :1T ;»*:itlic nced\ Ui IK informed." vhc etpbincd.<br />

Taking pad in the rapmr trwrach pn^ram r<br />

qulrn that Dahl handle hini\ \uch at hawk*. Uo th^<br />

Intimidate her at all? "I hate nocr rc»II> been vcjred<br />

of the bird* I handle. You can'l be wared because the<br />

bird* will pick thai up ri^ht away. and. that'* a gooene on the<br />

Fathion Inn<br />

board.<br />

Tam will mijor in retailing and roerchan-tUlBi adm<br />

•t the Ftshton Inttllute.<br />

it kirn) o! lite<br />

vomclhini; ililfctent,"<br />

I vrninr Kuili<br />

cided to jtiin the.\(ni*."<br />

n ha* i-ikcr; llic<br />

ants lid.i>mint;<br />

a member ot the Untied<br />

Stjte\ Arm) for ihe t-nmitu:<br />

three year*.<br />

A S2O,«H) Arm> cohere UmA<br />

».il pay the rutt "I her tuitmn<br />

and other ctpcnuv «thm the:<br />

oentualU er.trr-» collcse. She<br />

Mill alw earn a «.j!jrv ot SMI) j<br />

motiih for her veitk'c.<br />

"1 alut »-nl ID do umtc<br />

tratclmt:." Huuen jildcti.<br />

%Vh4t c\*aU dut Uituen do<br />

u enter the Arm*?<br />

"lUucail). I had In pat* Ivo<br />

ciamt • the ASVAI1 and the<br />

ph'Mcal." *hcctplainc>l.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ASVAU. an acmmin fur<br />

Armed Sen ice* Vocational Aptitude<br />

Batter; i* an exam »hith<br />

te»t- bavic *kill» in fintf'.ivh.<br />

matin mechanict. cnjiinecnnt.<br />

and general wrirnce.<br />

A tpecified minimum icore i\<br />

required to meet entrance requirement*.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Army learched for and<br />

found a Job opening to metch<br />

Bituen 1 * ikMi. Ttili opening i*<br />

tailed her Military Occupational<br />

Skill (MOS).<br />

"t will be an AdminMrali*e<br />

SpecUtiit for Ihieeyear*, which<br />

meant 1 will be Imoltcd<br />

primarily with office •oik." 81tuenetpUli.ed.<br />

Howoer. ibe cniracc pi. a<br />

l«o-month bailc training<br />

cot>r*e this summer In ord< r t<br />

be fully qualified to Join He Army.<br />

<strong>The</strong> course cotuiiti

Fffl4. Tic Until. JumS. 19*1<br />

FE4TURE =<br />

dramming: how students<br />

feel about it and why<br />

ByKathyWoogand<br />

Final exam* are only da;s away.<br />

Some student* will dust oil their<br />

copies of Ctuber la Ihe Rye and<br />

nad and review ibcm lor their inclass<br />

essay in two days. Some will<br />

work well under l*.e pressure:<br />

. According to *,oube and, Doug<br />

CoUigan't <strong>The</strong> A + Guide to Good<br />

Grade*: "Steady preparation It the<br />

onry.wcy to really muster any skill.<br />

UcludJng test-taking." <strong>The</strong> book<br />

goes on further lo say. "Cramming<br />

may be haiardoas lo jour health."<br />

Despite these warnings, many<br />

students still cram. Why?<br />

"1 alwajt hen better things to<br />

do at the lime.'* explained "Tina<br />

(not her real name)." a senior.<br />

'**1t'i 'creative procrastination.* **<br />

Pondered senior "Linda." "I<br />

think It's a way of studying for<br />

most people."<br />

in my head."<br />

Reflected "Cindy." a renlor,<br />

"Studying so far ahead of time<br />

hasn't made much of a difference<br />

ffade-wU« far rai compaied with<br />

studying the night before."<br />

SaW "Tina.- "My present CPA<br />

Is 3.75-3.80. 11 1 didn't cram. I'd<br />

do a lot belter."<br />

Other students said cramming<br />

brought them good grades only In<br />

certf IT subjects.<br />

"Cramming works for Englith<br />

and sometimes math." stated a<br />

senior.<br />

Revealed "Michael." a senior.'<br />

"1 can't cram for Engiisl* or<br />

history. Cramming »ork\ for<br />

physic*, c^crahlry, and utmctimes<br />

math.**<br />

Methods ol gorging on<br />

knowledge dirfctcd vlightly from<br />

student loitudcm.<br />

"Look over important points ol<br />

the course and at previous mis.<br />

A ifcspalriag student fa trying to cram for hit tests.<br />

"1 feel III remember the facts<br />

more «V ' cram," added another<br />

senior.<br />

<strong>The</strong> A + Guide lo Oooi Gradd<br />

states. "A large number of C*t will<br />

go to these students J* ho cram)."<br />

1 Coticurred Junior "Woger." "I<br />

don't think cramming helps,"<br />

Disagreed "Llnd*,** Tor the<br />

mcM pan. cramming does work.<br />

Sometimes Information doc* May<br />

memorUe question*, and enter the<br />

rx*m room with your finders crowed."<br />

adtlscd a U.C. Berkeley<br />

ftcshman.<br />

Other methods mentioned included<br />

reading the em ire section<br />

of the book the tett will cover or<br />

doing a ma|or review tlie nlfiht or<br />

two before the test, and ;xpo\mg<br />

cnctcll to <br />

ferencrs It probably to work on a<br />

compromise with both Individuals<br />

giving In a bit.<br />

Sometime* one roommate can<br />

gite LJ. and another time the other<br />

roommate can give In. Both have<br />

to be willing to try and tee the<br />

other person's point of view.<br />

You do a lator one time, and<br />

later on yot: may need a (a%ur done<br />

lor>ou.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ke> to successful lining is<br />

wth a different environment often<br />

hinges on tolerance. cotnprom!te.<br />

and open lines of communication*.<br />

Sharing can be fun: both pariks<br />

hue to be willing to want to have<br />

thingi work i^ul. A little<br />

understanding can t J a long way.<br />

Kids share wildest fantasies<br />

-"-V<br />

ByKatbyWong<br />

U'cbilrr'i Nc* World<br />

Dfctionar, gives the following r.s<br />

the definition ol "fantasy;"<br />

"imagination or lancy.- Illusion....<br />

a whim..."<br />

Carol Loo. senior, »a*t that her<br />

fantasy is to be a pioneer in future<br />

space settleucntt. While living in<br />

tpace. she will conduct relations<br />

with the gotrmment* of planets in<br />

other galaxies.<br />

Sitting behind the wheel of a<br />

Ferrari 308 with a lull tank ol gas<br />

is senior Sine Lclkovlts' with.<br />

LrfkoTits envisions • long stretch<br />

AVENUE<br />


610 Irving St.<br />

(near 7th Ave.)<br />

681-6571<br />

SAU5.RIMlK-RE.vrAl.<br />

Catculaton<br />

All Kindt 01 Typewriter!:<br />

IBMScIeclric.<br />

Smlth'Corona.<br />

Oll.ott; Portable<br />

Open Weckity* 10-5<br />

of open road In tVont of his car. He<br />

also imagines that the surrorn-lniK<br />

area it entimly devoid ol police cllicers.<br />

Junior Jessica Leung has a<br />

muslc-rctaicd fantasy. She hopes<br />

to make her debut at Carnrgie<br />

Hall playing 'he plan?.<br />

/lying around the globe in her<br />

own private Jet plane [s the wish of<br />

wnlor Cecilia Moreno. During her<br />

excursion, she will visit the larrcus<br />

landmarks of the world, including<br />

C-E.T. Shopping Center<br />



the t'lffel Tortr and the Statue ol<br />

Liberty.<br />

Camllle Morishige. Cflgllsh<br />

teacher, alro likes traveling.<br />

Morishl$e hopes to Journey to<br />

Europe -where she will reside for i><br />

few >cart.<br />

Junior John von Chan wants to<br />

be a salesperson. He plans lo sell<br />

refrigerators to the Eskimos and<br />

microwave ovens lo the inhabitants<br />

of the Sahnra Desert.<br />

SARAH<br />


r .<br />

to the lit gu) to<br />

kill her oo June<br />

21it. hcrblnlvliy<br />

•Plca« prcvrnl<br />

thU coupon*<br />



Hi8h<br />

Who'. |<br />

count<br />

compa I<br />

Lincj<br />

"I tinl<br />


True honor or fraud?<br />

A look at the legitimacy of 'Who's Who'<br />

By Leah f rllner<br />

^B*^*4 c * r Student — Ynu ha\e<br />

I 1 been officially nominated<br />

\Ja* an award -inner.<br />

Congratulation*' You<br />

my no* ha*c jour biography and<br />

picture printed in our > car book,<br />

whkh >ou may bu> alone "iih<br />

other commcmirnitc produett..."<br />

Who'* Who among American<br />

High School Student* i* the mott<br />

prominent of ihc man* prollt<br />

organization* which honor high<br />

Kbool student* all arnm the nation.<br />

Other argani/aiiont include I'M<br />

United St»,e* Achievement<br />

Academy, and America** Outstanding<br />

Nunn and Face*.<br />

According to Janice Undcgard.<br />

Who** Who public relation* account<br />

;iecutive. ihc noal of the<br />

company * 1* to five recognition to<br />

teeni who are de*er*ing of h."<br />

Lindcgard wnt on to etptaln.<br />

**4 think there arc a tot ol<br />

teenagers who do a lot more than<br />

Khool. We're all chout letting<br />

people know there are :-:her<br />

qualified ltudentt who care about<br />

their grades and care abiut their<br />

community."<br />

Although Lindegard teemed<br />

»lnce-«- in itatlny Who't Who<br />

goalt. It it a profit organisation.<br />

By definition, the ultimate goal ot<br />

Who** Who I* tomake money,<br />

Student* who rccciie ihc Who'*<br />

Who award do mil *cem to regard<br />

lhi» recognition quite a* hi^hl* at<br />

America, and the Key Club.<br />

H-nmond Kohl*. Lo*rll** pUr.<br />

nali*m adtt*or. nominiic*<br />

ttudcau who*c work he Icel* u<br />

"fcood or heller."<br />

W<br />

hen **Vcd »|ear\. !ic ha*yet<br />

to *c: in) <strong>Lowell</strong> *tudent rccchc a<br />

*cholanhip.<br />

La*t year Who'* Who did g'wc<br />

out SI .000 duller *eh >lar*hipt >o<br />

50 ttudcni*. <strong>The</strong>y received 15.000<br />

vcholanhip application*. <strong>The</strong><br />

chance* ol receiving a *cholanhip<br />

were iiim: only one in three hundred<br />

applicant* actually won<br />

money.<br />

<strong>The</strong> tcmHinalim arc chotcn b*<br />

their GP\ and SAT or ACT<br />

*corr*. <strong>The</strong> finaiittt are selected by<br />

an independent commit lee including<br />

Ihc director* ot •ttmiwlom<br />

at Vav\ar ColleRe and Roo*or.l<br />

U.iiiei*il>. ann*iilcr vlopping my nomination<br />

ol *tuilenl*." commented Kohi.v<br />

AllluiUjfh lh.' *tudent\ *.Imv;<br />

"H you want<br />

to see your name<br />

in print, buy a<br />

typewriter!"<br />

name* Kohti *ul»iuiitcd MIC «««ik<br />

of their nomination, man*<br />

*iudcnl* aie uinure ol how Who'*<br />

Who acquire* iheir name*.<br />

"My fint rea;tlcn wa». -Tht* i*<br />

a jo*e! Who put me on thl« li«? "<br />

exclaimed *entor Su/anne Chan.<br />

"I |u*t read It o*er, had a good<br />

lau^i, and threw It awa>."<br />

Becauve ol the ammraiiy of<br />

their puminatkm. man> ttudent*<br />

do not tru*t the award<br />

Senior Strict Khajam -3a*hi<br />

explained. "I *avn't iurc ho* on<br />

the loel it «a\. It *ecmed like a<br />

pord bu*inc\v endejkoi."<br />

A common a**umption i* that<br />

Who'* Who mu*i get a Hit of<br />

nimo Innt ihc f .*oUeK* 1:nuance<br />

Hiamin^lion Hoard (Cl:t:U)<br />

llo*e^er ltni!ejt*tii tnviu\ thii<br />

they do not uve |i*t* o( name* from<br />

ar.y organization, tncludiittj the<br />

ChLB. "Student* do not nommju<br />

ilirm(el*ei: lhc> are numin.ilc if he 'the<br />

purchu^n the book.<br />

Who'* Who >end* out IM ba*i* to<br />

«h«>ol libraries, collctfc*. and participating<br />

urfani/ation*. Student*<br />

may purch»*c their own book for<br />

SM.95 plu* a potla^e and handling<br />

fee of S2.<br />

Oevpite their *kcpiici*m about<br />

the organi/alion. many <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

*tudcnt* vul'tnltted their<br />

biographic* to be publidied.<br />

"I didn't buy anything. I think I<br />

tent the biography ju*t for fun."<br />

*aidKhayam-Ba*hi.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> principal. Alan Finish,<br />

who refuse* to submit nomination*<br />

to Who** Who or any other<br />


KOREAN k E-NC1ISH •<br />

• Trasitatkoa* H<br />

* TtpcKttiai<br />

• Graphic Laioat<br />

• Priming<br />

InxWrn. Ciiil*nn.<br />

MuMkCMtruu.<br />

Iwiv, M»^**. (K<br />

LEGAL<br />




QISCLawXt^S F CA^tlOS<br />

T,\n: 37I7O4 PHKSS UB •<br />

Tht Lowrll. JuneS. 1984. Pit IS<br />

.IN DEPTH<br />

"1 felt decerred." Senior Eric Zaratt displays the Who** Who tolume<br />

be purehnted. latct: Zaratc's listing at It appeared (actutl size) In the<br />

19o>M book.<br />

organisation, oltcteil thi* adtice to Director o[ Admtt*lun* at the<br />

*tuilcnt*: 'If *ou want m v-e jour Uul*enily ol San FrancKco.<br />

name In print, buy a typewriter!" Maureen I'ltalen. fcelf ncuttal<br />

Zarai>-. the unit tine of atl ilic toward* Who'»Whc.<br />

*tudcnt* i.itert(c*iril by the *Thc only w^v that we find out<br />

Lo*tll who purchased a book. about a *tudenl being a member I*<br />

wa* di*ap|mintrd b> the product. il he mention* it In hi* e***y. W

^1>»J. IS. Tne <strong>Lowell</strong>. June 5. I9M<br />


'Temple of Doom'filled with action<br />

Bonnie Hayes talks<br />

Bonnie Haves<br />

B, Sally Hul<br />

Although Ihe recently released<br />

suioti£ tmnlLP flraie Sew Ctrl<br />

projects a new found maturity.<br />

San Francisco- bucil<br />

slnger.'kevt,«ardlt: Bonnie Hayes'<br />

reputation at e boldly Independent<br />

rebel is Icll unwathed.<br />

Hayes, along with her band, the<br />

Wild Combo, known » the Punti<br />

ia an earlier Incarnation, sang o!<br />

adoleicent anxiety, parties, and<br />

"jirlt like me" In a charmingly<br />

lemlnlnc. yet lough. voice,<br />

reminiscent ol the 60's girl (ruins,<br />

on her line album. Good Clean<br />

Fan. On flrave New CM. she has<br />

discovered • harder, throatIcr edge<br />

and a more dlreVt deliver* ol her<br />

deeUratlon ol utdMdual libel ly.<br />

Backstage al the Kabuki, alter<br />

iptnnlnt records .1 the KUSF<br />

Rock V Ron Sock V S»ap<br />

Hayrj spoke on her personal and<br />

rrosktl growth anrt I*, ,urpris.<br />

Inglylimltec! audience.<br />

_ "Bnte New CM (the title song)<br />

ll tn; manliest*. It's what I (eel<br />

about what I'm doing." stated<br />

Haies. With lyrfn Hke ..„<br />

wanna be strong Jwl you don't<br />

belong, and jrau won't beh.it then<br />

jou'd better be brave." she has<br />

dellnltely "...-.•opped cully thinking<br />

about lun.<br />

"You gst more senoas as you<br />

gel older. Things aren't as black<br />

—• -.hit.." said Hayci. wbo is<br />

hit,<br />

PRIVAte 7UTO/UNC,<br />

YfAR-KOUrjp<br />

IN YOUR. HOMe<br />

'All Sc^ooi SutyccT^<br />

•S.AX/.5.S.AX Preparation<br />

nd the Wild Combo<br />

Shclly'i Voylrkitd. In >hlch she<br />

oilers her litter tome tonguc-incheek<br />

advice.<br />

Nevertheless. Haves letis per.<br />

r->nally saliilied. although the<br />

milled that she is not tucccttlul<br />

in Ihe world's terms.<br />

"Success it makinK yourt?ll<br />

happy by doing tomelhinit<br />

positive." muted Hayes.<br />

That "something" may be her<br />

role as an "etample to >oun|!<br />

wome.1."<br />

"Don't take lest than >uu can<br />

get. but koow who )ou are." Hayct<br />

advised. "<strong>The</strong>y !young women) tee<br />

me f.nm an ail male band and<br />

think that they to* can have lives<br />

not spent In traaltionally lemMle<br />

roles." she eiplained.<br />

At Wollgang'son May II. many<br />

ol thetc admirers saw an esplotive<br />

performer seduce a most willing<br />

crowd with her energetic dancing<br />

and emotional singing. <strong>The</strong> Wild<br />

Combo (guitarists Paul Davis and<br />

BUI Enetl. •utihl Hank Man-<br />

Inger. and drummer K«Mn Hayes)<br />

Intensilied the eicitemcnt with<br />

their solid musicianship.<br />

Although a favorite ol the critics<br />

and Bay Area club goers, the picturesque<br />

musician with her<br />

trademark assymctrlcally cut<br />

blonde hair has yet to reach the<br />

mats audience.<br />

Hayes has certainly not forgo*<br />

•ten how to have lun.<br />




C iiit-profit urparjca/orj<br />

By Lctfie Dtvy<br />

Yn. he** b«.-k Ajtaint Tint (jnr«l<br />

ailtcniurcr/irchjeulogUi Indian*<br />

Jotw. hat returned to da/ilc.<br />

ama/c. and cntirtain u-. again thl*<br />

*ummer in the vcquel to Rslifen ol<br />

the Lott Ark. IniUina Jonet ->mi<br />

thr Tcmph o/l)mi Wan. whire a<br />

glamorous American cabaret<br />

ilniecr. wmie Scon, perform*<br />

"Anything Goes" b> Cole Potter.<br />

Indiana tone* i* icalcd at a<br />

table wilh the local crlmeliml. Lao<br />

Che. and hit bodyguard*. On a<br />

pmi'.ut adventure Indiana found<br />

(he a*hc* ol lan's royal ancestor.<br />

Nuihachi and i* no* delivering<br />

them in return for 3 diamond.<br />

<strong>The</strong> dcli.cry become* a bra>l<br />

that cause-. n.mitc ctuos, in<br />

wbich Wiltic searches the crowded<br />

dance llnor (or the diamond, and<br />

Indiana tcarvbv't tor the aniidoie<br />

to the poison, which he juit drank<br />

Indiana and Willie lini! Itic anlittoie.<br />

hut leate the diamond to<br />

make » narrow cwape with the<br />

help of Indiana'* new 11 jearold.<br />

orphan \idc-kkk. Short Kour.d.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ad.enture take the three a.<br />

them ic a tillage in India which<br />

ha« b«Tii \trkkcn •ilh famine,<br />

becauve the Majorajah of Pankol<br />

hai ttolen iti ucred Sankara<br />

Slene and hat alu> kidnapped all<br />

the children.<br />

<strong>The</strong>> warvh for the *lone in ihe<br />

Palace of I'ankot and jttl intolted<br />

• ith tome rujjpre* *ho «onhlp a<br />

italuc named Kali.<br />

BecauM thi\ mo\ie i. full of<br />

da/ilinu tluntt with \pcvt4t cifecu<br />

and action, which keep the rotate<br />

r^tlin|£o«-P when the plot i\ falicrinjf.<br />

it VMIIH (hit dircctur Slmcn<br />

Spielberg and vrilcr Ceorite Luea^<br />

•ere hoping iliai the action would<br />

ceneruptheponrpioi.<br />

Kor mo\l ol the movie it doe\.<br />

At a dinner, ihe three atl.cnlurer*<br />

-re *ened tuch delicacies a\<br />

li»e baby inake>. chilled monkc><br />

braln\. and e>ebdll \nup. In<br />

another narrow evrape. Indiana<br />

baiely rescue, hi* trademark hat<br />

hclore a concrete wall tcpanMr*<br />

<strong>The</strong> three adienturen alw jo on<br />

a fanla.tk- roller coa«tcr tide<br />

ihrou|,h a mina tunnel.<br />

Harrivon ForJ. who returns a*<br />

Indiam Jonet. t. Hill da*htfl|t *nd<br />

daring, but hat Itnt a bit ol hi*<br />

charm.<br />

Short Round ha* ttiten Indiana<br />

a new name. Or. lone*, which I*<br />

what he repeg drank and reteal their >nmint<br />

thoughts to cJth uthcr.<br />

Lauralce 'Vdiawjv, jX >nc<br />

bartender* ifc. *t4nd* out. a*<br />

*hc gite* an outstanding performance<br />

ol a hitter alcoholic<br />

«houonl> joy in life is through %c><br />

ami dancing.<br />

With it. humor and urca^m,<br />

"La*t Call ,\l Paradive Tatern" i*<br />

more upbeat than (he melancholy<br />

"Three More Steeple*. Night*."<br />

but like h* predecctior. "La*l<br />

Call" U too lull of cliche, about<br />

human nature and relationship..<br />

Cli'itnr St/fyosjin: • :---:'^f<br />

SMfuwSportaCart.<br />

Comic Boxes<br />

Comic Bags<br />

Mylut&Myiites<br />

Baseball Cuds<br />

Non Sport Cards<br />

Trailing Card Boxes<br />

fading Card Sheets<br />

COMICS<br />

san (ranctsco ca 94122: 4)5 753 9678<br />

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ntUxnll.Junei.<br />


Zoo shaping up in master plan<br />

Old<br />

"Every time you go to the 100.<br />

Old building. building* have tit.n tieen Dlicottry Dlwottfv Ontcr Ont« o%trn\. ,«.v. Ihe ilur Sen scn Opening. Opening fhl» III!, .uiu.-ncr. summer, the ihe no. vi ».mo»l a.most M0O.00O5 MOO.OOO since Its itan.<br />

lt't the same old thing." complain-<br />

reno»,ted. ,uch a> the Lion Franclico Zoo It predicted In be S6.S million Primate Discovery <strong>The</strong> Zoo it not only progressing<br />

ed sophomore Nancy Tom. "<strong>The</strong>y Home. When (he Primate one ol the bet! In the country. Center will bt the home (or 16 In satisfying the anlraalt. *Htnn<br />

ibould |tt more initrestlns<br />

i^cclcsof primaict. li will be com- ani member*, but alto the 151<br />

aQlmaU."<br />

prised ol five storis of open tmpljjcei and 450 toluntcvr<br />

"<strong>The</strong> animals «ren*t ncn ihcre<br />

atriumi, wild meadow*, pools, a wvrkers.<br />

half th* time." com met, ted<br />

nif.ht nailery, and the main at- Umplo)ee Helen Solltc com-<br />

freshman Suncn Jang. "<strong>The</strong> cage*<br />

traction, the Discwery Hall. mented. "1 Ime working here! I<br />

and open spaces are empty, to |<br />

where cihlbitt telt the sh>ry of the couldn't stand office work any<br />

wonder where the animals went."<br />

world's primaict. <strong>The</strong> halt will longer. Here 1 ran de«i with the<br />

Obviously, theie students<br />

feature computer! which the public. worV. with the animah. and<br />

haven't been to the Saa Fmxitcu<br />

*Wton may UM tr. kirn tug mure be outdoor*. lt*i great."<br />

Zoo In a long time. According tu —<br />

about the tariou* primate*.<br />

Sollie deities ro#ny student*'<br />

settlor Andrew Lara, a concession .<br />

Acrurding to lookeeper opinions about the Zoo being a<br />

wider at the Zoo. the San Fran-<br />

[ Elisabeth K>an. the Magellan "boring" place. "So many thing*<br />

citco ZcoUlrrpnnlnjt rapidly.<br />

pengulni h»ve been a long awaited happen here." the stated. "Several<br />

<strong>The</strong>y're getting a lot of new<br />

attraction, and 66 penguins arriv- rear* **°. * chimp etcaped. anj<br />

animal* and really (uii.g up the<br />

id on May II.<br />

l.^ tint thing the did wat hobble<br />

place." observed Utn, "It has<br />

1979 brought about a b.a over to the phone bcolh. pick u^»<br />

reatlychangcd." *<br />

3 change — the Adopt en Animal the reccner, and ittrt to dial a<br />

19SJ was a very memorable year<br />

3 Program, which is sponsored by number!"<br />

(or the San Francisco Zoological<br />

1 the San Kranclsco Zoological Senior Dan in Foo aivcrud. -So<br />

Society. A 20-scar master plan Is<br />

5 Society to rait* funds lor animal many people are turned off by the<br />

Do* in opera''on anJ the past flvc<br />

^ habitat Improvement at the Zoo. Zoo becaute they lUnk ft't<br />

years hare shown continuous Inv<br />

i Anjbody caii adopt an anitmt. childhh and uiMphhtkaled. W%<br />

pr tneot.<br />

^ w.th ihe.price* ranging from SIS not e-..:ij ihe 'cooleit' place in<br />

I lie old cages are being replaced<br />

A familiar scene fiom the San Francisco Zoo.<br />

for a ringnfclcd dove or s the world, httt it's a good place t*<br />

J>y spaciout naturalistic habitats.<br />

peacock to S2u00 for a gorilla or a relax and unwind. You can Icun a<br />

poUr bear. This program hat rais- lot there." ,<br />

KLOK radio gives choice Bunkers deal with life situations<br />

Bj Brian J. Danforth<br />

A radio *utioi. proftrr.jrmed<br />

totally by iu littcncn. Bill Weaker<br />

*aotcd to create tuch a nation. He<br />

came up with toenl popular programming<br />

formati. but none of<br />

them f'llly ieco|;ni/cd hit dream.<br />

That w»». of counc. until lie<br />

developed 103.* KLOK-t-M. <strong>The</strong><br />

Nation, one o[ tix belong in *; to the<br />

Ui/W<br />

on the loung ttatum't early tuc<br />

ce». "No one hat atnthintf like we<br />

ha*e." taid Lew. "People litten lo<br />

KLOK-FM becaute »c ate a!wa)t<br />

chanKing a\ our lincncn chani^r.<br />

We are the audience participation<br />

Matmn."<br />

Many people, however, contiUcrinK<br />

KLOK-FM't p'ajlnt of<br />

wellrnabllvhcd. convenalUc arit.tv.<br />

like Neil Oiamt-nd and Dairy<br />

t-FM radio penonaUty Leo Laporte. operatiom manager Rick.<br />

Sadie. «rd muketlag director Lar.cc Lew poic ouuUte City Hall with<br />

the KLOK's comprombc oa San Fraochco't official tong.<br />

Croup. K the fint one anywnerc<br />

t^at allows the public to directly<br />

program the station'* plavtlti :o<br />

suit its muticat tsttcs.<br />

KLOK-FM bc^an liro^dcasitntt<br />

on January 3 of this \c*r with the<br />

slogan. "[ju..d your own radio station<br />

- KLOK-rM is you."<br />

Although Wessc/'i previous formal<br />

developments, which included<br />

the all oldies format and ihe computer<br />

request concept. (I'd entail<br />

Ilitcner tntoWcmcnt. KLOK-FM<br />

is ihe first lo be totally listeneroriented.<br />

However radical this concept<br />

may sound, ll seems 'o be working<br />

quite effectively. In its first three<br />

months. KLOK'FM earned a 1*0<br />

pcrceni share of Ihe Arbitrun romputcr<br />

ratings, a respectable showlag<br />

etcn for an established radio<br />

station.<br />

Lancr Lew. marketing diieCor<br />

!»r KLOK-FM. ga« his thoughts<br />

San (noebco I<br />

IK? Pine SI. I<br />

671-95M I<br />

320 Wot PCMUJ A".<br />

6o5-¥«l<<br />

HutllBic»mc<br />

WC Butlmgamc Avv.<br />

342-11515<br />

* * * * * * * * *<br />

Manlio**. questicn ho* fur the station<br />

will go with this concept of<br />

constant change. Buf according lo<br />

Lew. any vons may be plated, profiling<br />

It rcccitcs A tulficicnl<br />

percentage o\ potiihr call-in »ote*.<br />

"Wtractu^lly dtdn't evpect to be<br />

playing bands like <strong>The</strong> Police."<br />

said Lew. "But - E«ry Breath You<br />

Take' go< • posi*»c ictponse. to<br />

we do have some very modern<br />

songs."<br />

Lew alto ipeke of ihe months<br />

ahead for KLOK-FM. "Look for<br />

us to be uking P*n in lots ol<br />

events and doing many things for<br />

San Francisco.'* he taid. "Aud<br />

keep calling in!"<br />

ByMatnin We.nreb<br />

"It's momcuti likr thi. where<br />

the only thing that holds J marriage<br />

together it the husband bcin'<br />

big enough to ttep bjck and tee<br />

where hK wile It w rong."<br />

Who elve could hate uttered<br />

tuch a tlatcmeni but Archie<br />

BunkT. I'M central lipirc of the<br />

highly succctslul tit'Cnm All in the<br />

When Nurman Lear't All in tht-<br />

Ftmitv lint aired un January 21.<br />

1971. it made lelevttion hUiorj.<br />

Within four months of ilt tint<br />

cpiv^le. "All ;„ the Tamil**<br />

became America's number one<br />

«h«»w and won three Ifmmtet in iu<br />

and -i. J!*I>* tr the lop len Inr<br />

iti tcien-ar.it-a-lial(-)car\ on ihe<br />

air. It wjt nc»cr bc*te.l in the<br />

rating* b) s competing network<br />

What mad* thit ntcom to unique?<br />

As junior Dan Harrington<br />

cotnmentctl "AH in the Family<br />

showed 4 lot o: diHerent ittu«-t ol<br />

•he times In a not to scriuut manner,<br />

vjch as racism. Vietnam, and<br />

the break up ol the American<br />

family."<br />

Thcic were veme 707 epitodes in<br />

the scries production before it ended<br />

in 1118-7'..<br />

All in the Ftmily won U Emmies<br />

Including Outstanding ConeJy<br />

Scries twice. It alsovton a 1^78<br />

Peabody A*anl "...for providing<br />

an esccllent production In c*cry<br />

way."<br />

What made this show- to special<br />

was the out ending character of<br />

Archie Bunker plajrd by Carroll<br />

O'Conncr.<br />

As senior Brian Dantarth commented.<br />

"Archie Bunker Is the<br />

world's 'grtalrst' liberal."<br />

Archie Bunkrr rtprtvcnled the<br />

y^^/fS<br />

Carroll O'Connor (Archie) and Edith (Jean Stapleton) are In the middle<br />

of one of their now famous argumenti.<br />

American wvrfcinp man with j<br />

limiieil cducaliun. Hit tunurjnct:<br />

showed up in hit nariuw<br />

mindednesv and bigotry.<br />

<strong>The</strong> show's tuccett resulted JIVO<br />

from tli? depth of itt other<br />

character*.<br />

Jean SupUlun plajed Archie's<br />

"Dinsbat" wite. Edith A: junior<br />

Vikram Parekh commented.<br />

"Edith icttd at a foil to Archie: he<br />

would thower her with ituutt*. but<br />

endup making - loiloi himitl!."<br />

Sally Struthert pla>ed Archie'*<br />

daughter Gloria. *ho was married<br />

to a liberal "Pollack" Michael<br />

Styvich. plated b> Rob Kciner. A<br />

mafonf. of thr thow*t comedy<br />

retted on Archie's Jtid ibe<br />

"Me^'hcailV (Reiner) eontlKtinK<br />

tdcaiofcict.<br />

After Aft in tht F*nih ended, it<br />

*rat followed by Arvhie Bunler't<br />

PJJCC. which focuted on the life at<br />

Archie's bar ant. care. Alto frcm<br />

AH in the Fjmilr came the very<br />

successful til-con series <strong>The</strong><br />

Mkrwnt.<br />

In recent jears AIJ in the Familr<br />

has become successful In Its indicated<br />

rerun*. <strong>The</strong> show's hiitror<br />

ar.;1 controtenics arc jutt a\ pertinent<br />

as rthen the ihnw firtt aired.<br />

It can be teen weekday mmr.-<br />

Ings jt 9:30 and 10 a.m. on KBH K<br />

TV. Chunnel 44.<br />

WE GOT 'EM!<br />

FTC<br />

1598 Built<br />

at Franklin. S.F.<br />

SKl&STOias 673-8363<br />


Pip 1».T4« Lowtll. JIUKS.<br />


'Beach Blanket' changes with times<br />

By Debbk Gottfried<br />

Dancing, singing, elaborate<br />

costumes, Ijntastk headdresses.<br />

u* I characters, craiy prof.*..,muli<br />

eicitingT II it does, then<br />

Be*th Btaatei Babylon may tx<br />

just the thing lor you.<br />

ficjrh BlaitWt fUhr/on U a<br />

maikal revut created, produced,<br />

undirected by <strong>Lowell</strong> graduate<br />

Sieve Silver. <strong>The</strong> Oiow first opened<br />

on June 7.19/4. *<br />

<strong>The</strong> 1974 «nwn ol the it;?»<br />

•« much simpler ihin the shows<br />

that fotlottd. 1l -»s basically a<br />

serin of soap pefformed by a cast<br />

ol n»t.<br />

<strong>The</strong> siting of the show v-41 the<br />

bevy. Sand duoci, a sand-<br />

*» l red Itoor, waitresses In<br />

biUnii. wallers w-.th fine cmrred<br />

note* In swimming ininks. and the<br />

Kent ol Coppcrtone in the air coniributed<br />

lo the l>«achy aimotphcrr<br />

ol the theater.<br />

Silver soon decided to eipand<br />

the *.how. He added elaborate<br />

eut:umes. iprtiflc characters, and<br />

changed the I'.lle Ju Urjch Blanket<br />

Babylon Goet Bananai.<br />

While the original version had<br />

GHnda the Good Witch, a<br />

"charactrt witu no real lunction or<br />

purpow In the show. Orach<br />

Blanket Babylon Goo Bananas<br />

introduced Snow White who mi<br />

searching for her Prince Charming.<br />

This new version had a story<br />

line, chtracten. and elaborate<br />

CMtumei, headdresses, and props.<br />

Cast membtn appearing In Steve SUver'i • ward-winning musical<br />

revue. Peach EUnket B*byho Goes to the Sun ajd the Prom*<br />

BjrV.'cdcyWIat<br />

Making thc'Jrade starring Judd<br />

Nelson and D«na Olscn is not this<br />

spring's answer to Animal Home.<br />

<strong>The</strong> story stereotypes \Y.e lypkal<br />

rich boy *ho can buy anvihinir he<br />

winls. including his diplom-.<br />

<strong>The</strong> comedy deals wi:li a ric!i<br />

preppy. Palmer Wooaru* 111 (pottraved<br />

by Given*, who paj» a larp*<br />

sum ol money to Rddic K«.jlon<br />

(portrayed by Nelvonj. a »hre*d.<br />

Mrett-w.se liusilcr. to graduate fr»r<br />

him at a new, nil-buy*.' bonding<br />

school.<br />

Old. silly pracikal jokes ;bout<br />

lizards on shirts, airheads In ihe<br />

classroom, an-* school in hock turn<br />

kUktaa; the Grade Intn jou* basic<br />

teen OUk far the spring."<br />

However, thr movie contains<br />

parts that earv of Beach<br />

Blanket Babylon.<br />

A unique I^U're of Brach<br />

Blanket Bib)Ion it its evtraordlnary<br />

hctii piece*. <strong>The</strong>se fantank<br />

hatt are put onto bract*<br />

• tilth arc pcrvonally fitt;d to the<br />

peitormet'% back. Hcc.-.uve the<br />

•cisht U oenly dUiributed between<br />

the shoulders and the waitt.<br />

:he hat\. «hUn weigh up to 40<br />

pound*, ilonct nnton ihr head.<br />

Tne thow'i perforcien auumc<br />

the parts of cither people or thing*<br />

and dance and Ung for ihe au*<br />

dience.<br />

Since 1974. the iho* hai continually<br />

changed to include the<br />

fte*r\l tad* and tf^tidi.<br />

John Tratoila. Joe Montana,<br />

ET. Fiddler on the Kocf. M^riljn<br />

Monroe. Diana Ko». Michisl<br />

Jack von. and Boy George are jim<br />

wMne of the leaturct ol recent<br />

Beach BUnket Babylon ihcm*.<br />

<strong>The</strong> ihuw't title hat alio changed<br />

ictcral timci. Since Beach<br />

Bfenl'-t Babylon Gon P*n*nat.<br />

there hat been Beach Blanket<br />

Babylon Gon to the Sun and<br />

HrnauVar. Beach Bbnxer Babylon<br />

Goes to London, and ,- acting petfoimanc* 1 , ctcepl<br />

(or ttlevhion's Go, dun Jumo.<br />

(more familiarly known as the \tatia:i<br />

o» tier on the cancelled show<br />

WKX? in Cincinnati), who p'.*y\<br />

the scliool's h:admasler with a<br />

short temper, is very averaite.<br />

Making the Grade is funny at<br />

times; during the time it is not.<br />

however, it can he a real bore.<br />

Eddk (Judd Netwn). Bil

Tht In»ell. tarn5. Itttj. Pmg919<br />


TtilX. Tt*la*tll.lak.«wxl Lake Kc*ort »a* the<br />

plate to b« on Ma) 25 %•* .-n the<br />

C1a.it ol 'A* Jwlii it% Sentjr }'.«;nK.<br />

"Spli*h Splavhing Ana)".<br />

Tight hu«-* tu'iuicht approtimatcly<br />

JTO *tu'1cnt* m :hr park,<br />

lit* law ( ui * n«iny tt.rrc ai appmiiiTMtcly<br />

10 15<br />

On arrital. itroup* ul \iuikmi<br />

earned their ptcnic IIVHI. toucU.<br />

iimvuit*. etc- 'uiiilletcnt area* "I<br />

the park where thr> «ct u;> (or the<br />

da«. Many heuan hjiiKt uui^ un.t<br />

eating at i*. "<strong>The</strong>re i\ not 4 U>i nl<br />

• Lier-Otil^ »ert nut wuf'.mj;!"<br />

i.ump!aincilKiit>u Joaiiu.i Lim.<br />

Other itudcni* complained<br />

about the *init which -ontinucit<br />

Ihroufhout Ihc alternoon. But<br />

deipile .heve *«;b-cl*. the<br />

ttudrnt*' general atlitudcv «crr<br />

pmiti*e -W.T alter the c*ent<br />

bflMTI.<br />

tCjincLi. Cltancii.<br />

& -£aunaxu<br />


QUM.ITYV.OftK<br />

nMVlCtNlS STRUT<br />

lATMTHAVtxmi<br />

xnuNascoCAt4ii<br />

^JII an hour liter. IhU pattern<br />

continued throughout *hc ctcmns<br />

• ith each, (irntip plating e»er* hull<br />

Alt a<br />

p<br />

lop 4'J \on*h with the adtlition ot<br />

vome voul. Mu«ic Ma\trr\ plated<br />

rock ami roll lor ihc evening including<br />

*umc recent top 40 nil*.<br />

Tbctc »eic mited opinions<br />

about t^e mi.\ic (or the ni^iht.<br />

Senior M^vnn Gome/ \Uted. "<strong>The</strong><br />

DJ i* «IVJ>. but the band uiumK<br />

linn>. and the* arc plating<br />

unVnnw n \ont*." Junior J»n<br />

Senior Picnic<br />

Albert* ten lied. "I liked the liaidthe><br />

had p*T*oruHl>-." curetting<br />

Ihe o"po*itc point ol view.<br />

<strong>The</strong> I'rum went *moulhlt. *ct<br />

there were a lc» problem* wiiti the<br />

printer* ard table decoration*.<br />

Ihe bid*, tki.cn. an-1 irmutinn*<br />

armed late, and ihe tlo»cr* and<br />

faint* (miniature charnpa^nt.<br />

yla**c%) did not armr at the hold<br />

ui.iil a hall hour cller Ihr from<br />

waned<br />

there were al*t» complication*<br />

• ith the band. <strong>The</strong> band that «a*<br />

ortttinalh hired cmn'tlcd out. *o<br />

All and All *«* nired at the la*t<br />

moment.<br />

Picture-taking at the Prom wa*<br />

y,utck ami cllicict.t. I here wa*. on<br />

the atcr-iuc. a len-minut- «ait.<br />

anil il:e photographer* clfercit a<br />

*i,1e wIcMion ul package* faBBiHK<br />

A *pcwial Jitilttion to picture*<br />

tlii* *car «a* the opportunity to<br />

buy a memory book cental inns<br />

e^erjonc"* prom picture in black<br />

and white. Man* people puich-*ed<br />

lhe*e book* at a price ol J7,<br />

According to Uarrrn Wong.<br />

Senior Cla** lieaiuter. the t'ro:n<br />

wa* financial!) a mcveiv. Camilie<br />

Morivhitfc. Senior Cla** >pmt*or.<br />

commented. "Ye*, there *er»<br />

wmc *li)tht problem*, hut I thin'i<br />

that the I'min «a* a \uccc r.<br />

ocnone teemed to enjoy it all."<br />

Senion enjojeo wa and food during the Senior Picnic on Mij 25.<br />

HAPPY<br />


JULIE!<br />

(July 7)<br />

Luv,<br />

Katarina,<br />

Johnny, and<br />

"the Czech"<br />

Senior Show<br />

By Mark ScbocUer<br />

<strong>The</strong> Senior Show, ihc annual<br />

performance by <strong>Lowell</strong>'* "elder*'<br />

cla*t. look place in the auditorium<br />

on the afternoon ol Thurvlay.<br />

May 24.<br />

<strong>The</strong> pnKltictinn. which laUfd<br />

(ram -J. JO to b:30. tnduiied Ib act*<br />

which involved ungen. mu**ctin*.<br />

and comedian*. Approximately<br />

100 people ocriormed.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> iho* ran a little too long,<br />

but the talent wa* superb." italerf<br />

pcrformen didn't vrcra to pa:<br />

much ellorl into the'r «ork. and<br />

onty - tew people had talent, ll<br />

}u*l fcol to be a little monctonoui."<br />

Junior Ke*in Allen divif[recd. "»<br />

lotetl ihc thow." h« commented,<br />

" the thrrc rock band* were<br />

great!"<br />

Jennifer H%ufcM»%. one of the<br />

uattrn ot rcremrmlc*. vald the<br />

enjojtd "the quahiy talent** v ui<br />

"wiilin it had been better orgaot/*<br />

ed."<br />

Braia Hemorrhi|c opened tb: Senior Show la the Kudllnrlura or May 24.<br />

nritanUcr Komualdo Sanchei. "It S>nchc/ uved the »orU "ro*t'/"<br />

»a* more than »or*i. the 25-cent • m rlewrtbc the audicnwc. He tatd<br />

lukel."<br />

that their participation helped<br />

Sanchez vaid the notable per- p make the »ho» r<br />

formance* included a comedy<br />

routine by Charlct Slater (Alia*<br />

Charlci! and humoruu*<br />

tor Btook* HoilarJ. a<br />

iruitantt lor Ihc rock yroup<br />

Laceration, felt the urtiz »»>.<br />

.incinit duo by Linda Woo and "<strong>The</strong> audience *a* a»c*ome." lit<br />

Sarah Hudson. »ho \an^ Anne JccUrert. "ll «a* ureat ha.ing a<br />

Murray'i tune — "You Needed chance tope; 1 jrra icr them."<br />

Me." Hud*on concluded. "It wai<br />

Many at ihr people attending quilea mvrujrablc c-jKncnce. We<br />

ihe ocnt decided to Icatc early. all ha;! a lun time p«.*(ufmin|t in<br />

Sophomore Jc\»c Sch«ratt/ wa* .*ont u( the Mudcnt bud*. 7hi* wa*<br />

one. "I left tirU." he *aid. "Ihc a nice n-uji l.niyr*enk)r year."<br />

<strong>The</strong> -aier %lMr\ iK-mvelui Etccrii*e Cour-cil ILUCj<br />

rmed to be ihe main attrcctton R^.^wnuv.c s*r.Ji Murakami<br />

the tta*. OHU l.iur out nl ihr -Jt lhr ,,jflirr „. chare» r>l :(.e<br />

the mi'tt part, thit »a\<br />

thewnwrv<br />

ounh (or "Tht p'.jRt.i ; »a\ hc-rtk<br />

"I think that the watcnltdc* air i, W41 u, rc:;,(jn^." \uu-:t T'^-.i ,.;<br />

tca!l> tcreat! You $o do* n * m>;c,tier.<br />

(ricnd* an>».n. ScnU.r Kmiir Yout. • vonclu.le.1<br />

<strong>The</strong> »4tcr rjmoj^. "<br />

i rapid*, ar.d the lake nor<br />

•> traction* M the park.. U<br />

or: ui the U%t uinct for<br />

be '-fc: her. - - .nd tl wa*<br />

"t »cr> popular otnt* during I'IC<br />

* d»,.<br />

:n-'in Vkki Lard?*. Li:!in<br />

= Loo. and PcRgy Won(t «ere the<br />


I<br />

Alter what teemed to b«<br />

cuunllctt dayt o( noting, elections<br />

to/ ihe |t)*MHf> tchool >?ar are<br />

linati) orrr.<br />

What do thr newt)dccted oftt~rt<br />

hue planned for nctt >ear?<br />

What il« the olllccrt feel rr.akct<br />

them qjalirUd to hold the pmitk>n»<br />

that they do. at'de fora Ihelr<br />

pfeviout experience In itudmt<br />

governmcir at \.at *1I7<br />

Junior Dan Harrington tened<br />

t* v.cc*prciidenl of the <strong>Lowell</strong> li«tculrve<br />

Coun.ii (LEC> (or a year<br />

and • hall. IK fur- being etcc.td to<br />

hU current pm.tion at president.<br />

"Mjf totmott goal for r.tit >car<br />

U to eliminate the barHcn of • ommunkalton<br />

between the four<br />

log beardt at Louell." ia,,.<br />

Jt«Lm,U.Ju,'tS. Nto.Pmfll<br />


Qffjcers reveal goals for upcoming year<br />

rrir,|ton<br />

"IV alto like lo dnclop w|ution*<br />

to the Jiucr »nd not* pro<br />

blcm« at <strong>Lowell</strong>," he aJJol. "I<br />

hare wmevhat vi^e idea* ol how<br />

lo aerompllih ihU at the moment.<br />

and Ihr LHC *»I be »orVinR mth<br />

ihe rrfncipal and ihe •dminitira*<br />

tion ncn >ear in attempting to<br />

tolte thew piobtetr*."<br />

Both litter and none ha»c<br />

been i-cnllnual prrlilcmv iieranv<br />

lug from Lo*cU't moJulir<br />

Khe'ulinn. wri^h fmur^ that<br />

itrdrnu rill be all oicr campuv<br />

throughout the day.<br />

Harrington would tile; to toiuh<br />

on wine tocUt itiuci next >ear.<br />

luch at nuclear aw art net \ and<br />

world hunirer. informing ttudenlt.<br />

Student<br />

notebook<br />

LEC<br />

By Wendj Wong<br />

In mid-May, the U«ell I.*<br />

jecutivc Council heard eteciton<br />

rftietancrt filed by Sti'dem Acibitic*<br />

Board treasurer candidate*<br />

Michael Droejttr aril Jennifer<br />

Wong, and SAB rally commit'<br />

tloner candidate Stephen<br />

Abrintcwit/.<br />

Droegcr juked thv LEC to rerun<br />

the SAB trraiurcr election i (or<br />

ihe-laimed that Wang wat wrong)}<br />

:an>oii|* area at<br />

iturtenf- ruled. <strong>The</strong> l.KC accepted<br />

tion. Wong lint in ihe « 14 -nd 21. <strong>The</strong> new<br />

SAB memben selected an Art<br />

Coipmltiioner liom applicant*'<br />

letter* of intent. <strong>The</strong> dinner (or<br />

thh jear'i SAB member* took<br />

place it the KuV.y Scupper<br />

rettfturant on TucsJay nigh.. May<br />

29. <strong>The</strong> (inal rally and dance.<br />

Che p rhrillv.** occurred on tune<br />

1. Carafe al boothi were open from<br />

ft to R and dancing to muUc by the<br />

OuaU wai held Iron) 7:30 to 11.<br />

at it) o'clock and were requeued iu<br />

go home to tlcep btlore Ihe follow •<br />

Ir.p day\ SAT and achtctcmcni<br />

" 4m * BCO<br />

By Sarah Hudtoo<br />

<strong>The</strong> BSCS officer* ha»e turned]<br />

the hoard o»cr to th? new efticrrv<br />

Chairpenon DuV-hi Yoo ha* «p<br />

pointed peopk* t.i (ill ine epen of'<br />

tkn. <strong>The</strong> BSCS hope* that clubt ha<<br />

done their tcnice prujecu. <strong>The</strong>re<br />

it not much time ^lt to -.urn inter<br />

WcejirotMt !"r*n».<br />

Tc atuire u-vnt ati^mlaiite. tht<br />

*eci«l-r> takts tnle al the he^ltui<br />

Intt ot bolli mml t4 «n>| m^t |<<br />

Clunt should make *ur< that itirit<br />

rep« hate ^oth modt free.<br />

Clutn *hould make wire th<<br />

>cJtbook hat 4 cupy of their b><br />

!a»\(opui nc»l to their picture*<br />

BSCS<br />

Bj- MeUnle Rtmot<br />

<strong>The</strong> Bonnl of C.av* Olfkcn i<<br />

putting togeiher bin Jen (or th<<br />

newly elo;t:d olficcn. <strong>The</strong> binder<br />

will contain job description* fo<br />

each office.<br />

..•H4"<br />

<strong>The</strong> Senior Dinner will lake<br />

place on June 11 al the Franciscan<br />

Hotel located en 1231 Market<br />

Street. Dinner will be te.tcd at h<br />

p.m.<br />

On June 13. the graduation<br />

ceremony will be held at the Cow<br />

Palace at 1030 a.m.<br />

••'K5«<br />

roc ClAii of *85 it tentatively<br />

planning a yct-to£«th?r at th^<br />

Concord Community Park on June<br />

16. Tnc junior* are «l*o ht.«ing a<br />

gram talc. <strong>The</strong>> »ill br tellin,.<br />

"Nenii'' which are \mal* tour tart<br />

canrfrct.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Sopht^mor- Clatt ended hi<br />

(undraUing dnie on June I. <strong>The</strong><br />

clavi hat be:n Milinc Pectet<br />

Pieces and M&M't for \\\ week*.<br />

<strong>The</strong> top two tellen will rrcet.e $15<br />

and $!0. reipcctlvely.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Claiv of '3? made approt*<br />

imalcl; S1C0 on It* 1aM candy vale.<br />

TLr Irethoen are planning to hold<br />

fcMnlon «ere reminded of the lime a food tale in the nearfulure. j<br />

and infohinjt llwm wjm what he<br />

(celt it a rule ttudent Ko*Lrnmcni<br />

hatn't taken in a tang lime<br />

<strong>The</strong> LEC ha* begun to work on<br />

Ihe student gmtrnment hudr^i for<br />

nc\t year and wi:| finUh I.I ilie \t\\.<br />

*Tvi teen ho» pan prestdrntt<br />

ha»e hjnd'eti ihemtchct during<br />

meelinj;t." Harringion concluded.<br />

"I can gain from *hai I'tc veen,<br />

>nd I alu> tn,v* what thinict l.a.c<br />

worked and what thinxt haten'i<br />

worked."<br />

Junior Mike Zimmerman,<br />

ntwlv-lcvted Student Activities<br />

Board (SAB) chair, lou^hfd upon<br />

Ihe tame point. '•Watchli.ji Jennifer<br />

(Puulikldat. I9K.1-W SAB<br />

chair) hat been a *alu%hlc experience."<br />

"My ciperKn^-c at ratty eommittiuncr<br />

thlt year v\\\ help me a<br />

treat deal, bcciutc after each of<br />

the SAB ctcntt. *t tat down and<br />

talked about what went wrong and<br />

»nat weni realh w^U." he added.<br />

"Wr had a lot of pr?blcmt 'hiv<br />

garnet." Zimmerman recalled.<br />

"One ol the thirties we wanl k> :r><br />

lo Ao (nctt year) it hate Spirit<br />

Week i^arcil loward the football<br />

Kame at the enrj of the week at ihe<br />

climai ol the whole oeni. Wc<br />

LEC<br />

Chairperson: Dan Harrington<br />

Chair-Elccl: Nick Fiorcnttnos<br />

Vi:c Chair: Lcxa Thomson<br />

Corresponding Secretary"<br />

Eric Fastilf<br />

Recording Secretary:<br />

Jessica Leuni;<br />

SAC Kcp.: Stephen<br />

Abramov it/. Wnntly<br />

Yasukoclu<br />

PTSA Ucp.: Aviv<br />

Laurence<br />

BCO<br />

Chairperson: Sabrina<br />

Gee<br />

Viet Chair: Chcsley<br />

Chen<br />

Secretary: Karen<br />

Mnruoka<br />

Treasurer: Angela Chu<br />

Publicity Commis\ioiii:r:<br />

Joselito Varona<br />

BSCS<br />

Chairperson: Duk-hi Yoo<br />

Vice Chair: I'hilip<br />

Kwong<br />

Sccrctar).' ML-V J.ine<br />

Sanchez<br />

Treasurer: Karen Hall<br />

Math & Science Rep.:<br />

David Katznclsor.<br />

Creative Arts Rep.:<br />

Candicc Wong<br />

SHEAR<br />

MAGIC<br />

Beauty Salon<br />

Tor Men and Women<br />

4iilS Ztaiy BML<br />

i tltfi Aw«)<br />

miitht trj ha*int{ the rally lc;d<br />

r^hi Into ihe ^Jine. Wc would<br />

rcconl the «:hceril.)t *'• ca>:h clawt<br />

during thr game, and announce<br />

•• the * Inner at the «n*t of the<br />

game"<br />

Imprning whool \pirM «-m* to<br />

be 4 primiry goal for Zimmerman.<br />

>iic noml that there ure "only a<br />

certain amount of people mho give<br />

Jt ihcirlll."<br />

Nick Fijrentinot. LEC<br />

pmident-elect. alt» tect lack o[<br />

attendance at a problem en ihe<br />

part rf J>c L£C offken at<br />

meellngi. "But that't roing to<br />

change." Fiorer.ttndt ir.tUted,<br />

'when I get intoolfke."<br />

Fk>n;nt.nat would like to tee<br />

R^h totteJf put in all lite<br />

clattrootnt. '"c^en In ilie 1 *t.<br />

bccauic too often ttvre are impor*<br />

lam announcementt lhai get mivv-<br />

.-d."<br />

"Mo\t people aren'l familiar<br />

with * hat't going tm." f"k?tl ai LfiC wpretcnutlve in<br />

her Irf-iiMLn >»r. LEC fundraUlag<br />

chair in her ufuamm jcar.<br />

•nd ml: jrar uittUBli«in<br />

and tn"re itudenl mpti-."'<br />

One ol Gee'» pnnary foiU lor<br />

iwu jetr i\ to pnnte!e » bt,ter<br />

oriematiou to <strong>Lowell</strong> f-»r ti.e cltvi<br />

ol I'JSH.<br />

"f«^ loo long, frithuen hiw<br />

been 'left in Ihe dark' ano itun't<br />

realirc until the>*«e alrrail* *pent<br />

i >ear h

Paf>2?. Tbc Unit, /oneS. li<br />

SPORTS"<br />

Varsity baseball strikes out in playoffs<br />

Richard Wong rounds tint bai# \a a |tme In which <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

triumphed. —<br />

B7 Dan Harrington<br />

A successful season cs-^c in a<br />

clow lor the vanity baseball team<br />

on Miy 16 ai (he learn wat<br />

defeated 7-2 by McAtecr in the<br />

Academic Athletic Aswlatlon<br />

(AAA) playoffs,<br />

"We had 4 (airly successful<br />

wwn because we accomplished<br />

our goal ol making the pUyoll*. 1 '<br />

elated junior Dan Kim. 'he vanity<br />

second baseman.<br />

<strong>The</strong> iquad finished the season<br />

-llhi. 10-6 AAA mark and a 15-17<br />

record overall. <strong>Lowell</strong> finished 'he<br />

league itJion tied with<br />

Washington lor thr (otirth and<br />

final playolf *poi, but qualified (of<br />

il because ol two v»«m victories<br />

o.cr Washington.<br />

In the last wrek ol league action.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> swrpt a two-game<br />

scries Jg*inst *ly Galileo by<br />

wore* ol 17-9 and l.t-4. <strong>The</strong> Indian*<br />

powered iheir way in !he victories<br />

behind hrmcruris by seniors<br />

John Lesrs and Mikr Var,l. junior*<br />

Paul Colcman and Kichard<br />

Track finishes third over-all<br />

ByVlknunrsxckh<br />

For torn;, il «n a disappointment;<br />

for oihcn. a triumpli. On<br />

May 12. the <strong>Lowell</strong> track team<br />

finished third o- cralt In the<br />

Academk Athletic AwocUtioa<br />

(AAA) AUCity mett.<br />

Individually, the fro*h-ioph<br />

cam lir.UhcJ (ounh wlHi a tola) of<br />

SS point*, the *\T\\' dM*ion came<br />

tn lint with 1*5 point*, and the<br />

varxlty bo>\ tt?d Wa\Mnnlon !i>*<br />

fourth *ith W polnii.<br />

<strong>The</strong> gill-* team, led by junior<br />

Trlih Brown, triumphed at All-<br />

City, jutt as they imvc done<br />

throughout Iheuiwn. Hro^n »on<br />

no tcu than three ercnt*: tiir MX)<br />

hy 12 iecond*. the mile b? 1.1<br />

second*, and the l»o-milc by<br />

almost 3>* seconds.<br />

A* Coach Lloyd W.lum nuted.<br />

"Thsh i* head and too abotr all<br />

the ninnet* In the 'cantic." In both<br />

the 600 and the mile, firown »it<br />

lolloped b> teammates, senior<br />

DcHmih 1Uti.»g », Kith a time<br />

of 4:44.2. and llnislird second in<br />

the two-mile, behind Within?ton.<br />

Senior Garret Gibson finished<br />

thltd overall la hoth events. Senior<br />

David Rosenberg placed third in<br />

the MO. and junior Mike Zimmerman<br />

recorded an impressive<br />

133*7" throw to take second In the<br />

discus.<br />

Ai the Oakland-San Francisco<br />

Sectional met! on May 18. Chin<br />

captured a secsnd-place finish in<br />

the mile, with a persona! record<br />

lime o( 4:40. <strong>The</strong> glM*' te»m<br />

distinguished Itself with another<br />

tint place finish. Brc«n won the<br />

SCO and the mile. Allen took the<br />

300 low hurdles, a.id junior<br />

<strong>The</strong>rese Madden won the two*<br />

mile.<br />

Wilson cot>mented. **<strong>The</strong> girls*<br />

win came a* a big surprise. Skyline<br />

Ht»h School has dominated the<br />

Sectionals foi four or V* its lint league game<br />

Th'irsJay. Jun* ". agaln.t St. Ignatius'<br />

entry. Sapunar Realty, at<br />

5:30 p.m. at Big lire Playground.<br />

Dor.nhuc remarked. "Next year.<br />

• c shwld be *hc i.*m lo beat.<br />

Since mod of our plajers titU ytar<br />

•ere junion. we Would return<br />

more eiperWnced."<br />

Assistant coach Gary Macakito<br />

summed up aiemsri*.* ol the put<br />

and aspiration* for the future by<br />

saying, "In the beginning, we had<br />

one goal. That wat to make the<br />

playoff*. We set an iltalmbte goal<br />

an., reached il. Net* year «e look,<br />

lor thecharaptoinhip. *<br />

NOTE — Thi* year't AAA<br />

Champiou «i\ ihe Ualboa Due*<br />

canccn. <strong>The</strong>* defeated Me A ice r<br />

tor their four'.li straight AAA title.<br />

Softball loses to Gal;<br />

finishes in fourth<br />

Cindy Brawn follow* through aTtcr the Mt.<br />

By Shoko Kiihiyama<br />

losing In Galileo in the plavofls<br />

by a wore ol 7-6. ihe girt** sottball<br />

team tell \Uot\ ol the championships<br />

once bgain.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> ended ihe season with a<br />

recori* u( 12-4, including four<br />

forfeit'.. <strong>The</strong> team linivhed in<br />

fourth place in league tiandint'.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Indians started the teason<br />

with a bang, going undefeated<br />

their first tU games. "<strong>The</strong>n we<br />

seemed Jo hive lost whatever we<br />

had." stated shortstop Uiy Ton3.<br />

Why \\e sudd-n slump? Actual-<br />

I*, it may not even have been a<br />

slump at all, -trending to third<br />

b*v;m:sn Cindy Brown.<br />

"I think it 1 partly because the<br />

team became a bit cocky alter winning<br />

the tini tis." Brown ttated.<br />

But Bmwn cited the main<br />

reason tor tLe team'* losses as being<br />

the impro-.cmcntt the olScr<br />

teams made as the season frogressed.<br />

"Some teamt whom »e<br />

defeated the first time we played<br />

them t*.at ut the second lime<br />

arounj. <strong>The</strong>y had iiiprotcd a<br />

great deal white we sen of stood<br />

stilt," the reflected.<br />

Coact. Lorelta O lAndicis<br />

rttlrcttii on tilt season. "I felt that<br />

this season »a* a cum petit] «r one<br />

in genent. meaning that there* was<br />

no particular team predicted to<br />

taVe the title. It was up.'or grain,<br />

unlike some seasons, where you<br />

know *hich team U going *o take<br />

take it «11 the way,** the relate J.<br />

Indeed, it wat * close season.<br />

Out of the four game** that the In*<br />

duns lau. t-o were by a mere run.<br />

agatnst Wathington hy a score rf<br />

5-4. and anoihcr lm.i 10 McAteer<br />

by ascoreoO-H.<br />

DcAndre't continued. "I was<br />

satisfied with the season because I<br />

had confidence that we wou'd<br />

make Ihc playofh and »»e~did.<br />

Considering the number ol key<br />

player* who graduated last ..e^r. I<br />

think thi* rather young learn performed<br />

well."<br />

"Ol roune, not making the<br />

championships w*s a disappoint*<br />

ment." ttated tenierdctiler Tina<br />

Penkotv. "Rut considering that<br />

there were many ne* cum en on<br />

the team ihis year. Me didn't do<br />

too badly." Perricone said,<br />

repeating DeAndieis" sentiment.<br />

Pcrrucnc »i.nt on. "We lack the<br />

big bats thai we had last sear, but<br />

I thought our team «*i solid and<br />

fs-eryone worked well together."<br />

<strong>The</strong> whole learn tc-med enthusiattic<br />

about nett season. "We<br />

have a young team consisting<br />

mostly ol Ireshmcn and juniott.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is only one senior and<br />

hopefully, we'll know each other<br />

belter and be able tu use thr'. 10<br />

our adtantr.jtc on the field." Perricone<br />

commented.<br />

Senior captain Sarah Hudson<br />

»ummed up the w.wn. "During<br />

Ihe tour years trut I've playr I un<br />

the teaii. »t hast a**a)t made l..c<br />

playolls. but ne»er the championship-.<br />

Il would have been nke to<br />

have gone to the champ^nshtpi.<br />

but considering 'he circumstance-,<br />

of the team t'.ils year. 1 am<br />

latUiicd with the result*. I think<br />

we all had a good time playing on<br />

the team this year, and that's<br />

what't most Impjrunt." she coneluded.<br />

"I like s<br />

me ncall<br />

female Athj<br />

the Camp J<br />

•'Nolhir<br />

1 gtt alter<br />

Camp I<br />

nasties. 1<br />

•t ln*c<br />

leitson. Ca<br />

cUit at Ai|<br />

tneda] i<br />

Thk<br />


. I9M. Pip?}<br />

.SPORTS<br />

Camp, Chin take athletic honors<br />

B/Mark Scbocll«r<br />

"1 like *pom bcciuM they keep<br />

H>« healthy and ttronp." ttated<br />

female Athlete uf the Month Xanthe<br />

Camp.<br />

••Nothing beau the naiu.-*l Hjjlt<br />

! get alter a long run or hard practkt."<br />

Oic added. "It leeb great;"<br />

Camp has participated In gymnastic*,<br />

vocecr. and crotvcwntry<br />

ai <strong>Lowell</strong>. In gymnaitlct tht*<br />

K«on. Camp placed tilth In her<br />

dan at All-City, winning a liNrr<br />

medal in the floor competition.<br />

This »cnior «a» alio largely<br />

mpootiblc lot Marling a girl'* toecer<br />

le*m at <strong>Lowell</strong> latt yrar. "My<br />

mora became a soccer referee, and<br />

I Juit had to start playing." Since<br />

then, the younger Cimp h« alio<br />

become a referee for the California<br />

Youth Soccer AiiocUtion.<br />

Her m,n in lporti came whei<br />

ihe wai jdit elRht years old.<br />

Camp't youngir brother refuted la<br />

attend hb gymnast >c lesson*, to<br />

Xarthc took hit ptace.<br />

Camp*» KIIOOI schedule In*<br />

eludes only one Itee mod during<br />

the day. She currently i* the Siu-<br />

Xanthe Camp<br />

dent Activities Board property<br />

commissioner. bclunK* to<br />

numerous club*, including the<br />

Model United Nations, ind works<br />

at a wcll-Vhown pizza restaurant.<br />

With all thec activities, she mrlntainia3,b(>grade<br />

point average,<br />

H«* hobbies incltH? biking,<br />

dancing, and swimming. She rides.<br />

JV baseball steaJs title<br />

0y Sarah H-dnn<br />

<strong>The</strong> Luirell junior vanity<br />

ttatebai: learn U the 19S4 Round<br />

Robf n champion!<br />

<strong>The</strong> team't record «a* 7-1. the<br />

beil In the icaguc. <strong>The</strong> Indian*<br />

laced the MrAtccr Jaguart 'n ths<br />

champiooihlpi. In the fin* game,<br />

on April 26. McAtccr beat <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

1-0, but unce <strong>Lowell</strong> bad the<br />

Round Rotin point. th;y had to be<br />

bcaUa twice. In (he tecond match<br />

up oa May 3. <strong>Lowell</strong> won 5-2 and<br />

emerged the etcr-sit champion*.<br />

lo the final championthip<br />

game, vnrerat playin ttood out.<br />

Sophomore Marvin Mctoyer made<br />

**th« defenUve play of ine game."<br />

accerditf to hit teammate*. In*<br />

folder John Mitwoka made two<br />

double pl#yi.<br />

Co-captains Metoycr and catcher<br />

Jack Quon were both pmnoted<br />

to the *ar. 'v team at the<br />

end ol the JV tea ion. Meloyer had<br />

Zl. awaxiflj tctton lotal ol 37<br />

stolen bam. while Ouon wa* "the<br />

bcil catcher In the league." according<br />

lo coach Chrh Spa no.<br />

Fresbmaa Jack Dyogl led the<br />

reaa with a M2 batting avenge.<br />

He hit a home run li. hi* lint<br />

game. Soohptu->re Mike Matit.no<br />

had a »troo» .07 betting average,<br />

and he hit a triple in the charapionihtpgatie.<br />

Starting pitcher J:l| Muravc pit<br />

ched tbw* entire winning champion<br />

*htp game. IK liniihed the tcavor<br />

with a record of (our win*, two<br />

lottet, and one ia*e.<br />

Other valuaSIe pitcher* were<br />

trevhman Co' ; n .'one*, who had<br />

t*o *a\«. and Mattuno.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Indian* *taned all th*?*r<br />

icaton badly, with a 1-10 p<br />

Miwin record. <strong>The</strong> only team they<br />

defeated wat Million. During the<br />

regular *c**on. howocr. <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

dominated the league. <strong>The</strong> only<br />

Inu in a 7-1 record wa* to<br />

Wavl.ington, in an c\ira inning<br />

battle that ended with Wi- .hinj{ton<br />

winning 12-10.<br />

An important I actor in the<br />

team** tuccctt «a* a*tlitanl coach<br />

Paul DOCOUV^J. <strong>Lowell</strong> cUvi of<br />

1*>'5. <strong>The</strong> key to <strong>Lowell</strong>'* *ucce*t.<br />

'..ough. according to Sp.ino, wat<br />

that it wat a team effort.<br />

"Sure. *ome guy* tiood out. but<br />

i- wa* the guy* who 'tidn'i pUy<br />

much, the «net who came 10 e*ery<br />

practice «nJ worked hard who<br />

n.ade a difference." explained<br />

Sparto. "<strong>The</strong>re were 17 people wha<br />

contributed to our winning<br />

tcaton."<br />

ThU * -"' *:»ano'* lint year<br />

coaching the JV team, and probably<br />

not hit lait. He leel* op*<br />

tlrtmtk about the team't future.<br />


Sporting Good:. SpKhlufa in Tram gguiprmnl<br />

1511 PARKST.MLAMEOA.CA9«W1<br />

Phoo. H15ISJ2-7145<br />

70 CAMARITAS AVe. 130. SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94080<br />

Phon«: 1415*352-6060<br />

3335 CHESTNUT ST. / SAN FRAHCtSCO. CA 94123<br />

Phont: 1415)346^002<br />

her bike ID school and work<br />

hecjute "it's comfortable and I'm<br />

out in the open."<br />

After graduation. Camp will atkm<br />

1 the Univc'iity of California at<br />

Lot *.ngelet. She plan* on major*<br />

Ing in iporit *nrd)cinc<br />

Why UCLA? "I wanteJ to *ct<br />

away fiom home and. of courte.<br />

the -jniteriity dock hive a lot of<br />

great-looking g"jy»l"<br />

tn college. Camp will take<br />

clattcs thai InvoUe track and Ik Jo,<br />

iudo. and karate. She alto hopet<br />

to join the cycling team at th'.<br />

whool.<br />

What maku thU loujh competiur<br />

tick? "A great deal of men<br />

fe*l they're better that* women,"<br />

the decUred. "1 feel you hate to<br />

U«e up to what the guys can do. I<br />

don't like to feel Inferior."<br />

By Jeulca Leung<br />

"A fcood athlete 1% a iporttman<br />

who escd* In hiv particular<br />

event." philo*uphi«urf tenlor Jirr> •<br />

my Chin.<br />

That i* exactly what Chin, the<br />

Athleleof-the-Month. ha* done.<br />

Alter a victory m McAtitr ll!|ih<br />

School on May 12. Chin u-rurnrnt-<br />

W the All-Cll) otic-mile lrj:k<br />

champion.<br />

"Only une person each )car can<br />

haie the dtUinnulthed honor of<br />

being the %«nii» city champion [or<br />

the mile." tmphaii/ed Jame*<br />

Thomat. coich ol the Hack team.<br />

Chin began hh, running career<br />

by joining 'he crot*-country team<br />

in hi* wphomore >ear. He lirtt<br />

Joined because he did not with to<br />

be a *non-part>cipatinc m- .her<br />

ofLnwrM." t<br />

Since then. Chin hat I JU >nan><br />

tuccttMi in track. llciUVt fctlnw<br />

i^n-milcrun.<br />

Chi.; prefer* track o*er crm»-<br />

»*oyntry running because he hat<br />

had mere succv" in tracV.<br />

When atked about ihe rewards<br />

of track. Chin replied ihat he entoj-.<br />

the competition.<br />

'Rcccmnp :r.s actual medal<br />

iU>e\ not mean a lot to me.'* Chin<br />

Mated, "ft U the act ol -inninn<br />

Jimmy, Chin<br />

that really count*. A pkee el allm<br />

itonl> «orth »ha. it tymhnlifcv."<br />

"He hat lealty *orkrd hard..."<br />

revealed wrtio; Gatrett Gibuin. a<br />

fellow teammate. "pn>bab1y mure '<br />

than an>?n«elM:."<br />

Chin h»\ no (*utel% 4boui<br />

W4i worth it." noted Chin.<br />

Hit «racUi did not \ulfer from<br />

track bc?a:itc he "didn't itudy<br />

anyway." Chin located with pride<br />

thai he enjoy* not doing<br />

k<br />

Reading, cumlc boo\\ h Chin'*<br />

other mxin interest.<br />

Planniuc lo attend Ihc (Jnhcrtity<br />

of California at Berkeley netl<br />

fall. Chin doubt* he will qualify for<br />

the irack learn becauve Berkeley it<br />

**....*uch j big school whh j#Ieniy<br />

of good competitor*."<br />

Hit major it undecided but it<br />

will probably be in pimical or<br />

computer vcicncc.<br />

With Ihc phrave "Co for It"<br />

reflecting hit philotophy. Chin<br />

vaid he «at *cry honored (or being<br />

rr*-v|;nt/cd ai the Athlcie-of-ihe-<br />

Muntli.<br />

" Thit i* the bett gradtution pre><br />

wnt 1 could (itr h*^c receited."<br />

Gymnasts city champions<br />

ByCArUNewaitycr<br />

<strong>The</strong> jiyinna^tict teavun end^d on<br />

May H. wiih <strong>Lowell</strong> tjplunni; >ct<br />

another AIlCn> chimpion\hi|i.<br />

"Thi\ i* the vr^cnth or eighth<br />

conwvulitc championvhip <strong>Lowell</strong><br />

ha* won." laid coach JeriUn Jank.<br />

"t'*elo»tci>uni!"<br />

Jank atlributet L">*cll'\ winning<br />

record to toerat thing*. A large<br />

team emurc* that for each ditltiun<br />

iCla** IV. Cla*t I!!, and Opttunil).<br />

:icrc will be the three<br />

*tore* on each e*en' beam. bar*,<br />

floor ejctciw. and vault) which arc<br />

counted in the team total.<br />

"We h»»c more u>mtia\n compeiirit<br />

at the higher le*el»." c\plaincd<br />

Jank. "II a competitor it<br />

injurci* (which it oflrnl. thc*e it<br />

tomconc to ttep in. On other<br />

leami. thcic it often no one to ttcp<br />

in."<br />

WJ^.UI^IM, i.ir balance, had<br />

on\t two Optional ttymnam competing.<br />

d»_ to an injury. Right<br />

there. It loit a pottible 4U point*..<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> beat Waihingion in Optional<br />

by -if point*.<br />

<strong>The</strong> t'rength and *tability JI the<br />

picgram draw gymna-.u to <strong>Lowell</strong>.<br />

Mjny new KjmnaU* work «ery<br />

hani .it! year jutl to make the team<br />

Special Student Discount<br />

about winch thj) hj*c heard M><br />

much, and or.ee on tlul tt.-..i. the*<br />

wmctimct cm* up \.lining in All-<br />

Cit>.<br />

Senior Anne Wilum. tt\i*tant<br />

coach, iratr (cam member\ tpottinit<br />

and au\ue for their toulinc*.<br />

All Ihc Cli*t IV vymnatl* were<br />

new to the team llii\ >e-;r. with an<br />

eu.ua! number of frethmen and<br />

utphomoret. Frcthman Alicia<br />

Raiaiirf performed "onut»ruling•<br />

ly," her ttronitcM c»cnl bciriB bar*.<br />

Another frcthman. Stephanie<br />

Chang, dominated Clatt III. ptacine<br />

lirtt or tccond in eiery rtcnt all<br />

)eir. nnj Mwa>-. winning the All<br />

Aruund.<br />

Good beam *ccret puihrd Angie<br />

Aricmolf to a tcconJ place All<br />

Around finith in Oatt III. Dcing<br />

"store diKipiincd" and "ric'crmintd<br />

to win" made her a winner,<br />

thr vaid,<br />

Chans agreed. "Hard work<br />

definitely pay* off."<br />

For the third year in a ruw<br />

junior Erin Anderton ha* won ihe<br />

All Around in tlic Optional divition.<br />

From Utt year, the pulled up<br />

her All Around wore almo*l four<br />

point*.<br />

Senior* Uta Wong and Xanthc<br />

•.we /,wf*r.- AH Shod 20% OH<br />

(Good <strong>thru</strong> June 30.19M)<br />

SPC/U35//0ES<br />

cixo. CA 04tl8<br />

Camp both tcunM wfH. With c>>n<br />

\i\tcntl> >*cMid *>crfiirmjncct in ill<br />

cter.tt. Wong Ilnuhcl tilth All<br />

Aroui.d. Camp »it u-cond in<br />

Moor Exercttc.<br />

<strong>Lowell</strong> ilominjicd iiv opr>mcntt<br />

in mrct* aKJ.^M LI Carnino. Jcf-<br />

Irrvon. and llerkcky High<br />

School*. "L.-.*cll i% 4 p.tweihpute<br />

in itttnnattic* becaute ol the<br />

dedication and work oi the I earn."<br />

Jank turmi*ctl.<br />

iank added. "I rralh admire<br />

lhc*c -13 young women »ho come<br />

out year aflrr \car. c»en thcutt'i<br />

their work pflcn $L

&•••• SPORTST"<br />

ON THE BALL-<br />

Ix-r<br />


Once again, and probably not for the last time, the<br />

Olympics is causing unnecessary tension between the<br />

United States and the Soviet Union.<br />

<strong>The</strong> whole concept of the Olympic Games is simply<br />

to provide a meeting place for amateur athletes of all<br />

nations where they can compete a* represcn'atives of<br />

their homelands.<br />

With the present system, a victory in :he Games<br />

often creates the nationalistic sentiment of "our coi'ntry<br />

is teller than your country." However, because the<br />

Ill-will crc»tcd by these feelings is minimal, few problems<br />

ol great magnitude between the world's major<br />

nations have evolved as the result of these nationalistic<br />

attitudes.<br />

But wh:ii countries 'Icckle lo boycott and in doing<br />

so rob a'hlclcs of their cV.ncc for victory, something is<br />

seriously wrong with the Games' structure.<br />

Perhaps it would be best if all Olympic athlete;, r.:\ •<br />

pcled as individual;, non-rcprcscntalivc ol any country.<br />

In this system, a victor)' would be an individual<br />

triumph and nothing more.<br />

Would this system prevent countries from boycot-<br />

!inS?<br />

<strong>The</strong> anwver lo this question is "NO."<br />

<strong>The</strong> boycott ol the O'ympie Games is. for the most<br />

part, a political mu\ j. Suite each ^ot eminent<br />

ultimately has control over it:; citizens, athletes could<br />

be restrained from attending the Games no matter<br />

whit type of Olympic system \\ being employed. <strong>The</strong>se<br />

boycotts would produce the same effects ;.s they do<br />

under the present day system.<br />

Certainly, the politicizing of the Olympics has en*<br />

dangcred its continuance, but what can be done to<br />

remedy this problem?<br />

Maybe it is unrealistic to think of changing the<br />

structure of the Olympic Games at all, hut obviously<br />

some type of change must ne made. If the integrity of<br />

the Games is not salvaged through some international<br />

compromise, both the Olympic situation and<br />

worldwide relations will ceiaiuly suffer.<br />

Beginning in 1940 with Adoli Hitler and his "Arian<br />

race." v;c have slowly lasted the bitterness of politic:, in<br />

the Olympic Games. Since that time, we have seen<br />

once-proud Olympic themes like "the brotherhood of<br />

man*' and "the striving for individual excellent" fall<br />

prey to world politics and serve as a political instrument<br />

in the form of a country's retaliation, shame, and<br />

discontent toward one another.<br />

Nov.- that two of t!w world's major powers have<br />

demonstrated lo their fellow nations that boycotting<br />

for political gains is acceptable, we can reasonably<br />

assume 'hat the future holds only more dashed Olympic<br />

hopes.<br />

Besides being an athletic event, the Olympics is also<br />

a potentially great channel for international cope ration<br />

and goodwill. <strong>The</strong> Games do cause problems, but<br />

they should be saved to prevent a lack ol coxmunica*<br />

tion and friendship that would inevitably result in<br />

disastrous worldwidc.conscqucnccs.<br />

PHONE75I-/070<br />

731-7738<br />







M23 CEARf CLVD. SAN FRANCiSCO. CA 94l?l<br />

Sports feature:<br />

<strong>The</strong> college recruitment system<br />

ItyToylaWortham.Cid<br />

ErkZaxate<br />

"W.:l|, coaches, it* that lime<br />

again. Searches ate bcm^ con-<br />

•lucteJ acmvs the country for<br />

outu*nding student athlete* who<br />

hat? t-ic ablily to pltv cnllej/i.Me<br />

sporu." This is j typical (•eglnningE.<br />

to many letters received by high<br />

school coachev.<br />

College rci.ruiilng of top athletes<br />

t. not only beneficial to the ichool.<br />

By receiving a full or partial<br />

scholarship, a tiu.icnl may attend<br />

a college thai he would otherwise<br />

not be able \o. due to hit financial<br />

situation.<br />

According to Dean Jairic*<br />

Thomai. colleges on the «ho!c<br />

usually look for football plajers,<br />

fotlowed by b«tkctt>flll. baseball.<br />

and ihcii track stars.<br />

Of <strong>Lowell</strong>'s football tram, no<br />

platers arc leceiting aihlrtic<br />

wNolarthlpv lor not (all.<br />

Moaetcr. of the sit seniors on the<br />

teat-. l-';nic Dates. Stanlct<br />

Umiadrcki. Tom Crcnsha itlie<br />

OictJll ih? ic-tm pUccd ihitd<br />

bthirid McMcer aim Calilco «Uti<br />

Ifinh-vjph and the bajt' leami<br />

piactng (ourih. Ihc girlt » in whkn<br />

l>oth San Fmnictco and Oakland<br />

runner* compete<br />

•"•**Ol.K ""*<br />

Detptl' the tt:ong play ol team<br />

leaJcrt Marc Mclnick an-1 Mat<br />

To:<br />

Coach WUscn<br />

find<br />

Mr. Thomas<br />

From:<br />

'84 Track Team<br />

THANXS1<br />

Han-la, the Lo*cll ^oU team h.t<br />

f^ilrlt l ItiM.I "Ijvr |(,1I,,..ni; Ix»<br />

vonteiruiite tawc* u* wat(iin|(ion<br />

and Uii>:»in. twotl the AAA't (toll<br />

powcrhnuMV.<br />

Winninj;. "ic*e»er. it no. ihe<br />

focut iff thit \c»f*\ team. I'niler<br />

the tutclaKe ui ecu-He* Don Baker<br />

and Let SiltcrtK-in. the playcn ai*<br />

h-'afninR the importance ol vunv<br />

aradcric and ha' iiic tun whi'c<br />

playing iculf.<br />

Kcmarhed tenior Slcte<br />

l.e'kotitt. '•TIif» arr* K' C **- '<br />

wanted to learn to plj) ^nH. a:.d<br />

they incited me alonj;. ju\t for llic<br />

h«ll it| it. Mott cojthc^ tlno'i want<br />

tktbehotltcrrd wim tieiiinr.trk."<br />

Baker rnthuteil. "Ilict arc all<br />

V'CJt knH. and I en jot plating<br />

h h "<br />

Senior Mit.licU Jcc tutLx%tlully<br />

dckntlcd itc b*n Frunnwo CIF<br />

IUW*' Tennit Champiomfc-pt "»nl'<br />

4 --D. *).T. t,.i »ut »itcr tccond<br />

\ tinvlct title. Senior i>anny<br />

Sk> ailt^ncrd to .he vmih.ialt. but<br />

tott lo Vce. h-l, b-l. Ice. Ycc. ami<br />

Ho -ere 'I named to the All Citv<br />

tin|;k\!caiti.<br />

In diiublet cot.-tpctition.<br />

W(iliamore Ar.Jrcw Solo.uan .»nd<br />

juaior Mith^l WlH> uon the<br />

(tinior tjntl/ title ith a J-b,6 ,l,*>.<br />

2 kivtory over their Wjuhinglan<br />

UNIQUE<br />

PHOTOS<br />

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Twins In One<br />

Photo! Surprised 1<br />

Open 7 Day: a Week<br />

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SanFrancitco.CA titles. Oui.tanilinjj<br />

uriileteatcd waumt were icer.<br />

[torn tic \2S\ UtKctball. rifle.<br />

wrettling. bo>t* tcr..'i*. jtiJ junior<br />

tusitt baseball teams<br />

<strong>The</strong> *oll.t i clotc mutch<br />

in McAieer with wiuore\uf I5-4.<br />

I.VI5. and :4.;r-. • i;; brt\s \

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