Severs skada – paradigmskifte gällande diagnostik och behandling?

Severs skada – paradigmskifte gällande diagnostik och behandling?

Severs skada – paradigmskifte gällande diagnostik och behandling?


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Perhamre et al.<br />

following year were also asked about. Three boys did not<br />

answer, leaving n 5 41.<br />

Pain was assessed with Borg’s CR-10 scale (Neely et al.,<br />

1992). It is a VAS scale with anchors of verbal explanations<br />

added to the numbers in the pain scale, and was used for<br />

measuring pain associated with the two sports activities<br />

chosen by each boy. Zero was absence of pain and 10 was<br />

maximal pain. These self-assessed pain recordings were<br />

made in direct relation to training and sport events, and<br />

were answered with no influence from the investigators.<br />

Activity level was measured with Engstro¨ m’s activity index<br />

(Engstro¨ m, 2004), which includes five levels of physical<br />

activity, A<strong>–</strong>E and assessed at start, at phase shifts and at the<br />

end of week 26.<br />

When soccer was one of the chosen activities (n 5 33), it was<br />

always chosen as the first activity A, producing the highest<br />

levels of heel pain. Running was the dominating activity<br />

chosen as activity B (n 5 29). A majority of the boys (n 5 26)<br />

had soccer as activity A, and running as activity B.<br />

The study has been approved by the Regional Ethics Board<br />

of Uppsala, Sweden (dnr 2004 M-377).<br />

Neither the Public Sports Medicine Clinic nor the authors<br />

have any relation to, profit or other benefits from the<br />

companies that manufacture the products in this study.<br />

Table 1. Baseline characteristics for the primary heel wedge group and<br />

the primary heel cup group at study start<br />

Primary heel Primary heel<br />

wedge cohort cup cohort<br />

Patients, numbers 24 20<br />

Median age, years (range) 12 (10<strong>–</strong>14) 12 (9<strong>–</strong>14) P 5 0.844*<br />

Median pain level (IQR) 4 (2.75) 5 (3.75) P 5 0.149*<br />

Pain history, weeks (range) 8 (4<strong>–</strong>25) 12 (4<strong>–</strong>24) P 5 0.102*<br />

*P-values computed using the two-tailed asymptotic Mann<strong>–</strong>Whitney<br />

U-test.<br />

IQR, interquartile range.<br />

Table 2. The results of the first randomized 12 weeks of the study, using<br />

a mixed ordinal logistic regression model to accommodate the longitudinal<br />

design of the study (n 5 44)<br />

Variable Odds ratio P-value 95% confidence interval<br />

Activity A<br />

Time 0.93 0.001 [0.89, 0.97]<br />

Wedge 1 <strong>–</strong> <strong>–</strong><br />

No treatment 2.32 o0.001 [1.69, 3.19]<br />

Cup 0.22 o0.001 [0.15, 0.34]<br />

Initial pain 1.75 o0.001 [1.37, 2.23]<br />

Activity B<br />

Time 0.93 0.002 [0.89, 0.97]<br />

Wedge 1 <strong>–</strong> <strong>–</strong><br />

No treatment 2.29 o0.001 [1.67, 3.16]<br />

Cup 0.18 o0.001 [0.12, 0.27]<br />

Initial pain 1.81 o0.001 [1.51, 2.17]<br />

The wedge was chosen as base category (OR 1) for the treatment<br />

variable, because our primary target was the comparison between the<br />

wedge and the cup. The hypothesis was that the heel cup provided<br />

significant better pain relief than the heel wedge. This regression analysis<br />

included all measured data, and was corrected for time.<br />

e44<br />

Pain value (median), IQR<br />

10.00<br />

Borg CR-10<br />

7.50<br />

5.00<br />

2.50<br />

0.00<br />

Cup<br />

Wedge<br />

Wedge<br />

B1 I1 B2<br />

Phase<br />

I2 B3<br />

Fig. 3. Separated cup and wedge group showing median<br />

pain values and interquartile range (IQR) for the randomized<br />

first part of the study and the corresponding two<br />

baseline phases. Group I (white boxes) started with heel cup<br />

(with crossover to heel wedge in the second part 9 group II<br />

(gray boxes) started with heel wedge. The statistics includes<br />

both activity A and B.<br />

Statistics<br />

In an ordinal mixed regression, the estimated pain was<br />

modeled using initial pain, time and treatment as explanatory<br />

variables. The effect of each explanatory variable was an odds<br />

ratio (OR) representing the multiplicative effect of a change in<br />

this variable. We categorized the self-reported pain (VAS,<br />

score 0<strong>–</strong>10) into five levels (0<strong>–</strong>2, 3<strong>–</strong>4, 5<strong>–</strong>6, 7<strong>–</strong>8 and 9<strong>–</strong>10) and<br />

modeled the pain level at each occasion using initial pain and<br />

treatment as fixed effects, number of days since baseline 1<strong>–</strong>3 as<br />

a fixed and random effect and patient as a random intercept.<br />

Low odds scores translated into less pain and large odds into<br />

more pain.<br />

Modeling time since baseline 1<strong>–</strong>3 as both random and fixed<br />

effect takes into account a possible healing effect over time<br />

because this is a known property of the etiology of Sever’s<br />

injury. The regression analyses were based on baseline phase 1,<br />

intervention 1, baseline phase 2 and intervention 2 as these<br />

were the phases included in the randomized part of the study.<br />

The treatment variable had three levels where the wedge was<br />

chosen as the base category as our primary target was the<br />

comparison between the wedge and the cup. We analyzed the<br />

two activities A and B separately. All regression analyses were<br />

made using the statistical package gllamm (Rabe-Hesketh et<br />

al., 2002; Stata, 2007) with adaptive quadrature in STATA/IC<br />

10.0 (Stata Corp. LP, College Station, Texas, USA), (Table 2).<br />

As a descriptive supplement to these regression analyses, a<br />

diagram was added with pain medians and interquartile<br />

ranges (IQR) for each phase. The pain relief for the wedge<br />

and the cup was compared including both activities (Fig. 3).<br />

Results<br />

A total of 44 boys completed the study. There were<br />

no significant differences in age, median pain level<br />

Cup<br />


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