item4b pt 1.pdf - Oxford City Council

item4b pt 1.pdf - Oxford City Council

item4b pt 1.pdf - Oxford City Council


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North East Area Committee<br />

- 28 th February 2006<br />


Application Number: 05/02504/FUL<br />

Decision Due by: 3rd March 2006<br />

Proposal: Demolition of detached house and outbuildings. Erection of<br />

9 dwellings (4x4 bedroom houses and 5 x 2 bedroom flats)<br />

in 3 storey (third floor in roof space) and two storey<br />

buildings. Erection of garaging, cycle and refuse stores.<br />

Closure of existing vehicular access and formation of new<br />

vehicular access and provision of 18 car parking spaces<br />

(including garages). (Amended plan)<br />

Site Address: St Ebba's Old Road Headington <strong>Oxford</strong> – site plan at<br />

appendix 1<br />

Ward: Quarry And Risinghurst Ward<br />

Agent: Kemp And Kemp Applicant: Thomas Homes<br />

Recommendation: that the lack of provision of affordable housing should be added<br />

as a fourth reason for refusal:-<br />

4. The application site exceeds 0.25ha but fails to provide any affordable housing<br />

on-site. The development is therefore contrary to policy HS.4 and HS.5 of the<br />

<strong>Oxford</strong> Local Plan 2001-2016.<br />

Introduction:<br />

1. This report expands on the points made in paragraph 13 of the Officer’s main<br />

report on this application dated 15 th February 2006.<br />

2. The applicant’s agent argues that the developable site area is below the<br />

0.25ha threshold for requiring affordable housing set out in Policy HS.4 of the<br />

ado<strong>pt</strong>ed <strong>Oxford</strong> Local Plan 2001-2016. The applicant’s agent also submitted<br />

financial evidence to suggest that the provision of affordable housing on-site<br />

would not be viable.<br />

3. Whilst this supplementary report goes into some detail, these two issues<br />

raised by the applicant’s agent are extremely important to this decision, and<br />

future decisions, on residential developments where the provision of affordable<br />

housing is contested on these points.<br />


Site size:<br />

4. The first argument submitted by the applicant’s agent as to why no<br />

provision for affordable housing should be made relates to the site area.<br />

5. The gross area of the site, as defined by the red line boundary on the site<br />

plan submitted with the application is 0.31ha. The applicant’s agent<br />

argues that the wooded area is undevelopable and should therefore be<br />

excluded from the calculation of the site area. The applicant’s agent<br />

considers this to result in a developable area of 0.21ha which is below the<br />

threshold for requiring affordable housing under Policy HS.4 of the<br />

ado<strong>pt</strong>ed <strong>Oxford</strong> Local Plan 2001-2016.<br />

6. Whilst the Officer’s main report presented to committee on this application<br />

(dated 15 th February 2006) states at paragraph 13 that the applicant’s<br />

agent’s argument is reasonable in the light of an appeal decision in<br />

Broadland District <strong>Council</strong>, that appeal decision and this current<br />

application at St Ebba’s are not identical and it is considered that the<br />

issues should be discussed further.<br />

7. The wooded area in the Broadland DC appeal site is protected by a<br />

general TPO and the Inspector considered that it’s loss would be “highly<br />

detrimental to the landscape of this nationally important area”. The<br />

wooded area of the St Ebba’s sites does not have a protective designation,<br />

nor are any of the trees covered by a TPO and whilst this does not<br />

necessarily mean that the wooded area would be acce<strong>pt</strong>able for<br />

development, it would be a generalisation to presume that it was<br />

‘undevelopable’. Regardless of whether or not the woodland is considered<br />

to have value in landscape, screening or habitat terms, the fact that<br />

woodland is present, is not considered to inevitably make that area<br />

undevelopable as certainly the mere presence of trees do not<br />

automatically rendered land undevelopable.<br />

8. In the Broadland DC appeal decision, the appeal Inspector did not<br />

consider that wooded area to be part of the curtilage of the proposed<br />

dwellings and he therefore did not consider it as being part of the site area.<br />

This reduced the site area below the 1ha threshold for the provision of<br />

affordable housing in Broadland DC. However, in this case at St Ebba’s,<br />

the wooded area is considered part of the development site as it is labelled<br />

(plan no. 619.20) as amenity space for the dwellings.<br />

9. If this wooded area was not intended as amenity space for the proposed<br />

dwellings, then it would not be unreasonable to expect the owner retaining<br />

control of the wooded area to want to fence it off to prevent trespassers.<br />

This would then raise an issue of whether the proposed development at St<br />

Ebba’s would be acce<strong>pt</strong>able without the wooded area as amenity space.<br />

10. Because of the notable differences between the St Ebba’s proposal and<br />

the Broadland DC appeal site, the wooded area at St Ebba’s should be not<br />


Viability:<br />

be considered an undevelopable part of the site and so the site area<br />

should be measured at 0.31ha, thus exceeding the threshold for the<br />

requirement of affordable housing.<br />

11. The second argument from the applicant’s agent as to why affordable<br />

housing should not be provided relates to the viability of providing<br />

affordable housing.<br />

12. The applicant’s agent has argued that the refused proposal of 14 dwellings<br />

would have been unviable if it had provided 6 dwellings (note: this is below<br />

the 50% provision required by Policy HS.5) as affordable and therefore it is<br />

considered that the applicant’s agent may also argue that to make<br />

provision, due to the site exceeding 0.25ha, would also be unviable.<br />

13. Policy HS.5 allows applicants to demonstrate if the development would be<br />

unviable and the applicant’s agent has submitted financial information on<br />

the 14 dwelling refusal for the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Council</strong> to assess.<br />

14. An external consultant has been asked to audit the financial viability<br />

evidence supplied by the applicant’s agent. Whilst a full detailed<br />

assessment has not yet been completed, an initial opinion has been<br />

offered. The main concerns are set out below:<br />

a) The selling prices for the market units equate to £310 per sq ft<br />

which is considered to be too cautious. Considering the high house<br />

prices in <strong>Oxford</strong>, and the attractive location of development, it is<br />

likely that the dwellings would sell for more than the financial<br />

information suggests. The applicant’s agent suggests that the value<br />

of the market dwellings would be reduced due to being developed in<br />

close proximity to affordable housing. This argument is not<br />

acce<strong>pt</strong>ed, not least because of the high demand for housing in<br />

<strong>Oxford</strong>. This opinion is shared by the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s Asset<br />

Management team. To offer an example, 2-bedroomed apartments<br />

on the former bus depot site off Cowley Road are being offered at a<br />

minimum of £235,000 which is £45,000 more that the suggested<br />

figure by the applicant’s agent and those apartments are developed<br />

adjacent to affordable housing on the same site. The presence of<br />

affordable housing does not appear to affect market house prices.<br />

b) The build costs at £100 per sq ft are considered on the high side for<br />

a 2.5 storey development. Build costs would be likely to be at that<br />

level only with a higher-storey development which would be<br />

structurally more costly.<br />

c) The land value at £750,000 is also considered high. One of the key<br />

issues that often makes sites unviable is the developer offering too<br />

much for the land at the outset, without giving due consideration to<br />

the required provision of affordable housing. The Local Plan<br />


Inspector was clear that land values are reduced with the provision<br />

of affordable housing therefore developers have to consider the<br />

level of affordable housing expected when purchasing/agreeing an<br />

o<strong>pt</strong>ion on the land, and if the result is that land is valued too high<br />

and then can't provide the required level of affordable housing, then<br />

planning permission should be refused. The <strong>City</strong> <strong>Council</strong> should<br />

not acce<strong>pt</strong> the argument of non-viability if the applicant over-valued<br />

the land otherwise the result would be the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Council</strong> consistently<br />

having to negotiate on viability and compromising on affordable<br />

housing provision. The argument of non-viability should be relevant<br />

where an abnormal cost might result in non-viability, not to rectify a<br />

developer’s over-valuation.<br />

d) The final concern, and an important one, is that the main asset on<br />

the site is the existing property. However, both the refused<br />

application and the current proposal demolish the existing St Ebba’s<br />

dwelling. This is an immediate loss of revenue. If the existing<br />

property was to remain on site the sale value of that property would<br />

be added to the revenue which would significantly positively<br />

improve the viability of the development.<br />

15. Due to the concerns raised it is considered that the financial information<br />

cannot be acce<strong>pt</strong>ed as evidence of non-viability on a site of 14 dwellings.<br />

Should Members resolve to refuse this application on the lack of affordable<br />

housing provision, it is advised that further financial information should be<br />

requested from the applicant in the event of a future application being<br />

submitted on this site<br />

16. Members should note that even where the <strong>City</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is satisfied that a<br />

financial appraisal confirms that the affordable housing requirement cannot<br />

be provided in line with Policy HS.5, this does not mean that 0% should be<br />

provided. The <strong>City</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will provide a cascade approach by which the<br />

<strong>City</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will agree to, first, alter the tenure split requirement and<br />

second, reduce the affordable housing requirement. The <strong>City</strong> <strong>Council</strong><br />

would apply this order of preference until the proposal is considered viable.<br />

Conclusion:<br />

17. It is concluded that the site should be measured as being 0.31ha which<br />

exceeds the 0.25ha threshold for requiring affordable housing in line with<br />

Policy HS.4 of the ado<strong>pt</strong>ed <strong>Oxford</strong> Local Plan 2001-2016. With a<br />

development of 9 dwellings, 5 of those should be affordable dwellings in<br />

order to comply with Policy HS.5 which requires a minimum of 50%<br />

affordable housing and in order to meet local need, the affordable<br />

dwellings should be the larger dwellings. It is also concluded that the<br />

financial viability evidence submitted by the applicant’s agent is not<br />

acce<strong>pt</strong>ed as evidence of non-viability.<br />

18. Members are recommended to resolve that planning permission should be<br />


efused and a reason for refusal added to the three reasons set out in the<br />

Officer’s main report to state that the proposal would be contrary to Policy<br />

HS.4 and HS.5 of the ado<strong>pt</strong>ed <strong>Oxford</strong> Local Plan 2001-2016.<br />

Background Papers: Application file no. 05/02504/FUL<br />

Contact Officer: Laura Goddard<br />

Extension: 2713<br />

Date: 23rd February 2006<br />


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