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Noise Q34 NOISE (primary measure) Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: “The evaluation I receive is based on factors over which I have control” scale: disagree strongly (1) - neutral (4) - agree strongly (7) source: Hartmann (1997) Q35 Exogenous-Performance-Effects (first alternative measure) How often do factors, external to your business unit, substantially influence your business unit’s performance? scale: (almost) never (1) - occasionally (2) - regularly (3) - quite often (4) - continuously (5) Q36 Held-Accountable (second alternative measure) Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: “It frequently happens that my superior holds me accountable for certain (negative) results that I cannot help” scale: disagree strongly (1) - neutral (4) - agree strongly (7) source: Hartmann (1997) Emphasis on Personal-Level Measures Q37 We wish to understand the relative importance of a number of performance measures used. Please indicate these weights for each of these measures. a. Weights of the performance measures per level items: company level - business unit level - within business unit level - individual level b. Measures at the personal level items: professional skills measures - social skills measures - experience and knowhow measures source: Bouwens en Van Lent (2007) (modified) 137

138 Emphasis on Disaggregated Measures Q38 We wish to understand the relative importance of a number of performance measures used. Please indicate these weights for each of these measures. a. Weights of the performance measures per level items: company level - business unit level - within business unit level - individual level b. Measures at the business unit level items: disaggregated measures (e.g. costs, revenues, cash flow) - nonfinancial measures (e.g., market share, customer satisfaction, quality) c. Measures at the within business unit level items: disaggregated measures (e.g. costs, revenues, cash flow) - nonfinancial measures (e.g., market share, customer satisfaction, quality) source: Bouwens en Van Lent (2007) (modified) Room for Managerial Opportunism Q39 Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: a. “If I would really want to, it is possible for me to receive my bonus, even if I would not have realised my targets” b. “If I would really want to, I would be able to hide bad performance, so my superior would think that my business unit has performed well” c. “Probably, my superior would not notice if I’d ‘take it easy’ ” d. “If I would really want to, I could window dress my business unit’s figures, and make my business unit’s performance look better than what would be realistic” e. “Probably, my superior would not notice if my business unit would implement projects which I find interesting, but are not in the best interest of the company (“pet projects”)” scale: disagree strongly (1) - neutral (4) - agree strongly (7) Decentralization of Decision Rights Q40 In this question, we would like you to compare your authority with the authority of your superior (the person responsible for your performance evaluation and/or bonus determination) on the following decisions. items: strategic decisions (e.g., development of new products; enter and develop new markets; your business unit’s strategy) - investment decisions (e.g., acquiring new plants, property and equipment, development of new information systems) - marketing decisions (e.g., campaigns, pricing decisions) - decisions regarding your internal processes (e.g., setting production/sales priorities, resource allocation) - human resource decisions (e.g., hiring and firing; compensation and setting career paths for the personnel employed within your business unit; reorganizing your business unit; creation of new jobs) scale: my superior has all authority (1) - my business unit and my superior have the same authority (4) - my business unit has all authority (7) source: Gordon & Narayanan (1984) - modified

Noise<br />

Q34 NOISE (primary measure)<br />

Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: “The<br />

evaluation I receive is based on factors over which I have control”<br />

scale: disagree strongly (1) - neutral (4) - agree strongly (7)<br />

source: Hartmann (1997)<br />

Q35 Exogenous-Performance-Effects (first alternative measure)<br />

How often do factors, external to your business unit, substantially influence your<br />

business unit’s performance?<br />

scale: (almost) never (1) - occasionally (2) - regularly (3) - quite often (4) - continuously<br />

(5)<br />

Q36 Held-Accountable (second alternative measure)<br />

Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements: “It<br />

frequently happens that my superior holds me accountable for certain (negative)<br />

results that I cannot help”<br />

scale: disagree strongly (1) - neutral (4) - agree strongly (7)<br />

source: Hartmann (1997)<br />

Emphasis on Personal-Level Measures<br />

Q37 We wish to understand the relative importance of a number of performance measures<br />

used. Please indicate these weights for each of these measures.<br />

a. Weights of the performance measures per level<br />

items: company level - business unit level - within business unit level - individual level<br />

b. Measures at the personal level<br />

items: professional skills measures - social skills measures - experience and knowhow measures<br />

source: Bouwens en Van Lent (2007) (modified)<br />


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