The GNSS integer ambiguities: estimation and validation

The GNSS integer ambiguities: estimation and validation

The GNSS integer ambiguities: estimation and validation


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d, δ instrumental delay for code <strong>and</strong> phase observations respectively<br />

da, δa atmospheric delay for code <strong>and</strong> phase observations respectively<br />

T tropospheric delay<br />

I ionospheric delay<br />

µj<br />

= λ2 j /λ21 dm, δm multipath effect for code <strong>and</strong> phase observations respectively<br />

M real-valued carrier phase ambiguity parameter<br />

N <strong>integer</strong>-valued carrier phase ambiguity parameter<br />

ρ satellite-receiver range<br />

r position vector<br />

u unit line-of-sight vector<br />

ψ mapping function for tropospheric delays<br />

P, Φ vector with code <strong>and</strong> phase observation respectively<br />

ρ vector with satellite-receiver ranges<br />

T vector with tropospheric delays<br />

I vector with ionospheric delays<br />

dt vector with lumped instrumental delays <strong>and</strong> clock errors<br />

a vector with carrier phase <strong>ambiguities</strong><br />

Λ diagonal matrix with wavelengths as diagonal elements<br />

G matrix with line-of-sight vectors<br />

Ψ vector with mapping functions for tropospheric delays<br />

D double difference operator<br />

σp, σφ<br />

σI<br />

Estimation<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ard deviation of code <strong>and</strong> phase observation respectively<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ard deviation of ionospheric pseudo-observation<br />

E{·} expectation operator<br />

D{·} dispersion operator<br />

y m-vector of observations<br />

a n-vector with ambiguity parameters<br />

b p-vector with real-valued parameters: baseline, atmospheric delays, etc.<br />

e, ε noise parameters<br />

A, B design matrices: E{y} = Aa + Bb + e<br />

Qx<br />

variance-covariance matrix of x<br />

Qx|v conditional variance-covariance matrix: Qx|v = Qx − QxvQ−1 σ<br />

v Qvx<br />

2 variance factor<br />

Gx<br />

cofactor matrix of x: Qx = σ2 Q = LDL<br />

Gx<br />

T LDLT -decomposition of Q with lower triangular matrix L,<br />

diagonal matrix D<br />

σi|I conditional st<strong>and</strong>ard deviation of ith entry of a parameter vector<br />

conditioned on the I = 1, . . . , i − 1 entries<br />

xvi Notation <strong>and</strong> symbols

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