2001 Grand Lodge of Minnesota Annual Communication Proceedings

2001 Grand Lodge of Minnesota Annual Communication Proceedings

2001 Grand Lodge of Minnesota Annual Communication Proceedings


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slaus as W. Brolhsr BoMin lras lslt the Board after seMng morg than ten years a8 a Cusbdhn<br />

ot th€ Wodc<br />

Resp€ctfu lly submltt€d,<br />

David E. Olson, Chaltman<br />

Gary Bill, Secr€tary<br />

Bepod <strong>of</strong> ths Board <strong>of</strong> Custodians ol hg Rltual W<strong>of</strong>t Schools <strong>of</strong> Instructlon ' 2000<br />

Not€: schools shown aro lorcalendar 20oo only Att€ndance by AI6a is shown as loll0w6:<br />

tlodh Wed ArgF-'Joggph Dltechlor, Custodian, No Scheb lepon d<br />

Nodh Eqrt Ar€F-+onnlo Flsohor, Cuotodian<br />

Drto l-odge Localion<br />

1i29rc0 Tdnlty282 Ddtth<br />

Z15,lt0 H.natle 274 Chbhdm<br />

10/27,00 Hollor273 CanStidoo<br />

LodEos altsndng<br />

704U22<br />

?3222558<br />

288 1 293 7<br />

H€tro W€gt Ar€e--+,lEurlo€ A. ErEon, Jr, Cuslodbn<br />

Dete todgE Locallon<br />

2n OO MlnrphehE 1es Mhneapolis<br />

3/2ono Anoka 30 Anoka Tdal<br />

Lodg.s altendlng<br />

165 lel B1<br />

112 3 113 I 1253<br />

t78 I 205 3 ?373<br />

300 2 w4 &1 15<br />

ithbo Ead A|9FOgt/id E. Obon, Cu$odlan<br />

DaL Lodes Looalicl<br />

1flsno T!Fl.rSum263 Roe€\dlo<br />

zngloO Gsrn€l166<br />

gn|lOi Hrzel PErk312<br />

Lodg.s att€ndlng<br />

131189<br />

256 7 269 S<br />

34473462<br />

South EEgl Ar€q-€sry BlI, Cuglodbn<br />

Oat€ <strong>Lodge</strong><br />

22ZOO MN Rtv Van€y 6<br />

l<strong>of</strong>le'roo PlgEa. Gtq/g 22<br />

I 1120/00 sFlrE velley 5€<br />

LodfEg Etignding<br />

8fi11 2<br />

75 41 203 l0<br />

Deor€€ Attondance Pr€3ldlng<br />

3d 20 Lonnlo Fllchrr<br />

4th School 3s Lonnlg Fllchlr<br />

,{h gdrod 16 DevB Obon<br />

Tdl 71<br />

188 I 187 t 2()8 1 Vblto.! 2<br />

284 6 275 I 271 '14 n2 2<br />

32 4 gtl 2 344 1 349 I<br />

30<br />

135<br />

243<br />

3S<br />

Whito Bear Lk<br />

Sl Pau<br />

Totel<br />

15<br />

2<br />

6<br />

166 I 168 4<br />

287 A 2302<br />

g7 1 3,18 4<br />

L€dbn Oog.eo<br />

shakcpo€ lsi<br />

Pimsorl Gror€ let<br />

Spdng Vsllsy 2nd<br />

Sodh Wo3t--Custodhn vacqrd, No schools trport€d<br />

Dogrso Atl€ndanc.Pre3ldlm<br />

srd 60 Maurlc. En!!n, Jr.<br />

4lhschool 30 Maurlcr Em€n, Jr.<br />

s0<br />

62 I<br />

r60 2<br />

2G5 3<br />

D€gao6<br />

3rd<br />

3rd<br />

4h S.hool<br />

191 1<br />

312 5<br />

95t<br />

165 4<br />

277 3<br />

Attondanc€<br />

't3<br />

77<br />

to<br />

Total 4<br />

21 4 U 3 49 1586<br />

Visitols 2 (AlmE. WlecorEln)<br />

Atl.ndance PreCdh<br />

22 Oavid Olaon<br />

30 Davld OlEon<br />

20 Davld OlEm<br />

72<br />

257 2<br />

340 I<br />

Pr€sldlno<br />

Oary Blll<br />

Gary g<br />

Grry B|l<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> Rcpolt ot Mlnnalob DaMohY<br />

Minnosota OoMolay ls happy to submit thls ennual report. Ovorall, Mlnnesota DeMolay had<br />

another successful year. In th€ ysar 2OOO, we co lnu€d to wotk wih our SFysar nEnagem€Nlt<br />

dan. Our maln goal <strong>of</strong> pto/iding a sal€ ard rewadlng envilonm€nt lor our ),ouh contnues to be<br />

ihe locus <strong>of</strong> our aftorls. In this day <strong>of</strong> dn8s, school shootlngs 8nd numsrous other problems<br />

hcfq yourE peopls, organlzalions suctl a<br />

b b€ ol s€rvlce to ths loulh ol our stale. n<br />

lrtE BEnSHlFF<strong>of</strong> oEanlzalions such<br />

p<br />

<strong>of</strong> our <strong>of</strong>lorts. A young man can only bo e msmb€r <strong>of</strong> DsMolay for a few years' so we must

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