2001 Grand Lodge of Minnesota Annual Communication Proceedings

2001 Grand Lodge of Minnesota Annual Communication Proceedings

2001 Grand Lodge of Minnesota Annual Communication Proceedings


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Soecial Scholarshlo Arvad<br />

JoAnn Slvorling, a student at Luther Seminary was given a sp€cial scholarship<br />

awaro.<br />

Lodg€ Hecognltlon Awards<br />

Mgtrossl Arca-{vlontgomory Lodgo No. 258, Saint Paul<br />

Matlowest Area-Lake Hardet No. 277, Minneapolis<br />

Northeasl Area-Helios <strong>Lodge</strong> No. 273, Cambnidge<br />

Northwesl Area-Fed River Lodg€ No. 292, East <strong>Grand</strong> Forks<br />

Southeasl Area-Star in tho Easl No. 33, Owalonna<br />

Southwe8t Area-Fratemity Lodgo No. 101, Worthington<br />

Arsa Deputy Awards<br />

M€lrogast Area-Accacia Lodg€ No. 51, Cottage Grov€<br />

M€trowest Area-Ark Lodg€ No. 176, Saint Louis Pafi<br />

Norlhoast Area-Taconil€ <strong>Lodge</strong> llo.342, Silver Bay<br />

Southeast Area--frairie <strong>Lodge</strong> No. 123, Bloorning Prairlo<br />

Southwest ArBa-Sibley <strong>Lodge</strong> No. 209, Wnhrop and<br />

Shaon Lodg€ No. 104, Wllmar<br />

<strong>Grand</strong> <strong>Lodge</strong> <strong>of</strong> Mlnn€sola Sweetheart Awad<br />

<strong>Grand</strong> Masler Soderberg inlroduced his wile Bobbi€ as his choice tor the<br />

Sweeth€arl Award in honor <strong>of</strong> har many years ol suppod as h€ progressgd<br />

through the <strong>Grand</strong> <strong>Lodge</strong> lin€ ol <strong>of</strong>llcers.<br />

After the presentatons wsrs made those present were lrealed to a groat choral concert provided<br />

by the <strong>Grand</strong> lvlaster's church choir, Peopl€ <strong>of</strong> Hope in Rochester.<br />

Prior to the openlng ol lhe second day <strong>of</strong> the Annt al Comrnunicalion, lh€ annual All Masonic<br />

Breaklast was held at th€ Kahler Hotgl. The featJred speaker yras Senior <strong>Grand</strong> Wardon Terry<br />

Tilton.<br />

Second S€e8loF-Match 31, <strong>2001</strong><br />

At the appointed hour <strong>of</strong> 8130 a.m., Saturday, March 31 , 20O l, the <strong>Grand</strong> Master c€ll€d the Gtand<br />

<strong>Lodge</strong> trom relreshment to labor, lo continue wilh th€ business <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Grand</strong> <strong>Lodge</strong> <strong>Annual</strong><br />

<strong>Communication</strong>. The <strong>Grand</strong> Chaplain, W. Broth€r John Loutzenhiser, oller€d th6 invocalion.<br />

<strong>Grand</strong> Master Soderberg welcomed the delegates back to the Communlcallon. <strong>Grand</strong> Mastsr<br />

Soderberg talked aboul the lumiture being used during the 14glh <strong>Annual</strong> Communicalion, on loan<br />

from the <strong>Minnesota</strong> Masonic Historical Societv and Museum. He also lhankod his Brothers at<br />

Pleasant Grove Lodgo No. 22 lor the loan ol the bible, square and compass and other<br />

paraptErnalia ilems.<br />

Tho <strong>Grand</strong> Master then called upon W. Brother l\4ichael<br />

Committee tor his reDod.<br />

Repon <strong>of</strong> the Toller'8 committee<br />

Your tellers, having made a canvas <strong>of</strong> the ballots, find the following r€sults:<br />

For <strong>Grand</strong> Master:<br />

For Dep. <strong>Grand</strong> Mastsr:<br />

For Senior <strong>Grand</strong> Warden:<br />

For Junior <strong>Grand</strong> Warden:<br />

Powles, Chairman <strong>of</strong> the T€ller's<br />

Rog6r J. Taylor 298<br />

Terry L. Tilton 303<br />

N€ilE. N€ddermeyer 296<br />

Gerald E. Rhoads 276<br />

Respectf ully Submltt€d<br />

W. B- Michael Powles, Chslrman<br />

Upon completion <strong>of</strong> the report, a motion was made to accept the r6port, motlon seconded and<br />

carried. The <strong>Grand</strong> Master then asked each <strong>of</strong> lh6 olficers-elecl if they accepted th€ olflce to<br />

which they had been elgctEd and each replied in th€ altirmalivs.<br />

The <strong>Grand</strong> Master then call€d upon S€nior <strong>Grand</strong> Ward€n T€rry Tilton lor ths .spod <strong>of</strong> the Board<br />

<strong>of</strong> CoForate Trust€es, alter which it was moved, s€conded and passed. He hlghllghted lhe fact<br />

lhat the report serves aS the nominaling commilt3€ r8port and slection ol lhe <strong>Grand</strong> Treasurer<br />

ard the <strong>Grand</strong> secretary.

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