2001 Grand Lodge of Minnesota Annual Communication Proceedings

2001 Grand Lodge of Minnesota Annual Communication Proceedings

2001 Grand Lodge of Minnesota Annual Communication Proceedings


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lor rocognlllon ar|d a€ congldersd a €guhr grerd lodge. Your comdltbs rBc<strong>of</strong>lmonds that we<br />

glant full l€cognlton b th€ Grend Lodgs ol Buhada ond €xchangs €pr€sonbdves wlth fEm,<br />

MOROCCO - We hav€ r€c€lved a r€qusst lrom [|s <strong>Grand</strong>e Logs du Royaum€ du Marac lor<br />

r€cognlllon. Thls <strong>Grand</strong> <strong>Lodge</strong> ot the Klngdorn ot Momcco was sshbllshed on Juns 15, 2000<br />

undar lhc euthorlly ol the Orand Loge Natlonal Franqalg€, Thsy mset ths requlrgmonts lor<br />

racognlton and hav6 €ndo€€d heir cons[tuton whlch substsntatss h€lr slaftb]ds. They have<br />

grant€d lhs <strong>Grand</strong> Lodg€ ol Mhn€€ota tull and comphb rscognlllon and ]€quest us lo do he<br />

sam€ to them. Your comndtt€€ ,€corcrDnds hat v{9 granl lull rsgnlton to the Gnnd Log€ du<br />

Rolaumc du MaEc, end exchango l€pressnbllv€g wllh hem.<br />

FRANCE . W€ have onca agaln recolved a requsst lrom lhe <strong>Grand</strong> <strong>Lodge</strong> ol France for<br />

|rcoonlton. YOUr Commltlse has Fcelv€d helr constllulion, dogr€6 lualg, and consldgrable othet<br />

Intomatlon. They me€t lhe Equlr€m€nts lor r€cognltion and arb consldered a r€gular grend<br />

lortgo. Your chalrman has b€€n In corr$pondance vvilh lhs Chalman <strong>of</strong> thg Cornmlsslon on<br />

Inlormaton and R6cognlton, Gand Masters Conlel€nce <strong>of</strong> Notfi Amer|ca t€gadlng lhls gtand<br />

lodge. Your commltt€o m€t and dlscussod the mttar lully and r€commends thal vv€ gtsnl lull<br />

reognl[on lo f€ Gnnd Lodg€ ol France end that vye oxchange rsprssentatlves wllh ttEm.<br />


Dudng tho year lrour <strong>Grand</strong> Megter has mado lhe fdlowlng appolntm€nls ol Fop]9sgntatrreg ol<br />

ho Orand Lodg€ ol Mhngsota near Fo]Elgn ju sdlclions:<br />

Nadlm Mansour ls]€€l<br />

Rob€d G. Lenno( Nevv Z€abnd<br />

Horrard v. (Jake) Jacobs Mlssoui<br />

Ead E. lhla, Jr.<br />

Maryland<br />

Bobod Mar(lvoll Jdllmore Nova Scotla<br />

B. K Ralza& Indla<br />

Your Orand Mastor ha8 recomm€nd€d ths tolhwlng to Ispr€sent Foreign iurisdlctlons to thE<br />

Orand Lodg€ ol Mlnn66ob:<br />

Bonlamln Holl<br />

Glan Logh, de Esbdo Baja Cdlltomla (Mexlco)<br />

Thoma6 Evan€ Jt<br />

Indlam<br />

We hav6 enloy€d 6€1vlng on thls commlt€€ and thank you for f s oppodunlly.<br />

Flatemally submlrcd,<br />

D,omld W Ddrar. P.M.<br />

Amold S. Cadson. P.M.<br />

David S. Bousdror, P.G.M., Chelmun<br />

Foltowlng hls ropo lt was mov€d and socond€d that the G]snd Lodgo ol Minnesola r€cognlz€<br />

the O|and Lodg€ ol Bulgatla, ard pa$€d.<br />

It wa6 mov€d and sacond€d thal the <strong>Grand</strong> <strong>Lodge</strong> ol Mlnn€8ota r€GlgnEe h€ <strong>Grand</strong> <strong>Lodge</strong> ot ths<br />

Klngdom ol Morocco, and pas8sd.<br />

It wa6 mo/6d and s€condsd hal tho <strong>Grand</strong> <strong>Lodge</strong> <strong>of</strong> Mlnnesota ]€cognlze tho Grord l-odgs <strong>of</strong><br />

F|ance, and pa66€d. 0t wa8 pdnt€d ort trr8t w€ curEntly rBcogdze the GEnds Logs Natlonalo<br />

FEnCAls, but hal ovor the yaars wa lrave pr€rdougly rsgnlzed the <strong>Grand</strong> Lodg€ <strong>of</strong> France and<br />

that th6y $rer€ found€d In 1 728.)<br />

M. W. BEth€? Bousdro then rmvsd he accephncg ot ole €pod as prinbd snd tho repod v{as<br />

acceobd.<br />

Th6 Orand Master call€d upon M. W. Baothsr Oavld S. gousdrol, Chaiflnan <strong>of</strong> th€ Jurlsprud€nce<br />

Comn{tloo, to prso€nt the commltt6€3 pr€llmlnary rBport. Hg th€n rnov€d f|e eccophnce <strong>of</strong> trre<br />

P|bllmlnary Reporl <strong>of</strong> ths Jurlsprudence Commlltse as pdnled in tho praprinls. Motion rvas<br />

socond€d and pa8€€d.<br />

P]tllmlnary RaDorl ol tha Jurlfrud.ncr Comnhb.<br />

Th6fe hat€ been no ]€sdutons present€d tr your c(xnmltt€e lhis yesr. The only pl€ce ot<br />

unf,nlshed busln66s ls Resdu[on lt].2000. Thls must be pas86d thlg year to make lt eft€cliva. ll<br />

w66 approvod In 2000.

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