2001 Grand Lodge of Minnesota Annual Communication Proceedings

2001 Grand Lodge of Minnesota Annual Communication Proceedings

2001 Grand Lodge of Minnesota Annual Communication Proceedings


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Wbr. Anhony P, K€ane, Jr,(9,19) . . . , . .<strong>Grand</strong> Lodg€ Educa[on Of,icer<br />

501 Wsst 4th Slr€el, Duluth [5806<br />

(hom) 218-722-3019; (<strong>of</strong>llce) 218-72h513<br />

Wor. John Loutzenhlsef (6n 1) ........<strong>Grand</strong>Chaolaln<br />

619f Edgewator Ddve, savage, 55378<br />

(hm€) 952447.3032<br />

Wor. J.KennelhAllson(2f),,...,.,.., . . . . . .Grsnd Orator<br />

468 . 17|h A\r€nue NW, Rochest€r, 55901<br />

(homo) 507.288C171<br />

' VJor. Stophen J. B€mu (30-243) , . . . . . , . .Senlor q|and Doacon<br />

2904 75th A\€nue North, Brooktyn Park 551.14<br />

(horne) 7e3'5€4337 (<strong>of</strong>fc€) 952-929{081<br />

Wor. Ooreld E. Fhosds (287) . . . . , . . ,....Jmiorctend Deacon<br />

34145 Oasls Road, C€ntBr Clly 55012<br />

(homo) 651-267n 658; (omcs) 612-797-3455<br />

Wor. Cla.enc€ Russell (16)..... . . . . . . .<strong>Grand</strong> Slandard Beerer<br />

167 W€sl9[| Sk€€t, Wlnona, 55987<br />

(horne) 507-45<strong>2001</strong> 6<br />

Wbr. Russ€ll D. M€ldor (263) , . . .Grard Svod B4ret<br />

7694 Ojlbway Paft Way, Woodbury, 55125<br />

(hon€) 851-578€839<br />

Wo.. AndFw J. Rlc€ (263) ..... ....<strong>Grand</strong>Ma6hal<br />

19075 Rosodals Coun, D€€phavsn, 55931<br />

(hor€) 95e{8o48ol (otfice) 612€76-3801<br />

Wor. Jery B. Ollwr (30) ...... . . . . .S€nbr <strong>Grand</strong> Sleward<br />

2O46 Oadand Lane Norh, Plymouh, 55447<br />

(home) 703449€67; (<strong>of</strong>lico) ru-$l -3952<br />

Wor, Stev€n R. Johnson (209) .. . . . . . . . . . Junbr <strong>Grand</strong> Shvrad<br />

Bo( 366, Winth]op 55396<br />

(hon€) 5076,17.2644; (<strong>of</strong>l rc6) 507€47.5371<br />

Wor. Rayrnond C'hrlst6n86n (286) . . .Gland Pursuhnnt<br />

6175 Norh Shor6 Drlvo, Duluth, 65804<br />

(horn€) 2r8.52$7010 (<strong>of</strong>frce) 218"185-4491<br />

Wor. Jodson (J€d) H6da(264).. ......GlandTyler<br />

2542 Cdlt€r leland Road. Cook 55723<br />

(horne) 210€6&2zl

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