Autonome undervannsfarkoster (AUV) Eksempel: HUGIN - NTNU

Autonome undervannsfarkoster (AUV) Eksempel: HUGIN - NTNU

Autonome undervannsfarkoster (AUV) Eksempel: HUGIN - NTNU


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<strong>Autonome</strong> <strong>undervannsfarkoster</strong> (<strong>AUV</strong>)<br />

<strong>Eksempel</strong>: <strong>HUGIN</strong><br />

Nils Størkersen, FFI<br />

Forelesning <strong>NTNU</strong><br />

23 februar 2007

Stikkord<br />

• Hvorfor <strong>AUV</strong> og hva er <strong>AUV</strong>er gode på?<br />

• <strong>HUGIN</strong> – Hva? Hvorfor? Hvem?<br />

• Kronologisk gjennomgang av begivenheter i <strong>HUGIN</strong>s historie<br />

• Søke å belyse hvilke filosofier som ble benyttet (”tingene bak<br />

tingene”). Hvilke ting ble gjort som løftet virksomheten videre.<br />

• Nye anvendelser av <strong>AUV</strong>-teknonologi<br />

• Masse eksempler

Begreper<br />

• ROV: Remotely Operated Vehicle = Kabelbasert undervannsfarkost<br />

• UUV: Unmanned (Untethered) Underwater Vehicle<br />

= Kabeluavhengig undervannsfarkost<br />

• <strong>AUV</strong>: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle = ”Autonom” undervannsfarkost<br />

”Autonom” kan bety ”Frittsvømmende”, ”Preprogrammert”, ”Akustisk<br />

kontrollert”, ”Virtuell kabel”, ”Selvstendig”, ”Adaptiv”<br />

• USV: Unmanned Surface Vehicle = Fjernstyrt fartøy (drone) eller ”semi<br />

submersible”<br />

• UAV = Unmanned Airial Vehicle = Ubemannet fly<br />

Forskjellige ”typer” autonomitet:<br />

• Kontrollautonomitet (evne til selv å utføre handlinger)<br />

• Signalautonomitet (evne til å klare seg uten ”fjernstyring”)<br />

• Energiautonomitet (evne til å operere lenge og langt)<br />

• Navigasjonsautonomitet (evne til presis navigasjon og<br />

posisjonering uten ytre hjelpemidler)

Hvorfor <strong>AUV</strong>, hvorfor ikke ROV?<br />

• Fordel: Ingen kabel<br />

– Dybdeuavhengig operasjon<br />

– Større effektivitet i forhold til ROV - økende med havdyp<br />

– Bedre datakvalitet - mer stabil sensorplattform<br />

– Mindre krav til moderfartøy - løsere integrasjon - ingen håndtering<br />

av kabel<br />

– Kan opereres uavhengig av moderfartøy<br />

– Kan opereres i farlig og utilgjengelig farvann (minefelt, under is)<br />

• Ulempe: Ingen kabel<br />

– Feil kan fort få konsekvenser (hvor ble den av??!)<br />

– Lokal strømkilde gir begrenset rekkevidde<br />

– Kommunikasjon er vanskelig under vann (akustisk link)<br />

– Mer avanserte systemer må bygges inn (”intelligens”,<br />

sikkerhetssystemer, redundans, navigasjon, etc)<br />

– Berging er annerledes enn for ROV (vanskeligere?)

Når bruker vi <strong>AUV</strong> og når bruker vi<br />

ROV?<br />

• <strong>AUV</strong><br />

– I prinsipp: Et survey-instrument<br />

• Informasjonsplattform for stor arealdekning<br />

• ROV<br />

– I prinsipp: Et intervensjons-instrument<br />

• Informasjons- og “håndterings”-plattform med liten<br />

arealdekning (lokalt)

Typical applications<br />

• <strong>AUV</strong><br />

– Offshore surveys, subsea inspection (and intervention)<br />

– Ocean science (Climatology, Polar research, Marine<br />

science, Fishery, Coral reefs, etc)<br />

– Marine archaeology (search and mapping)<br />

– Search operations (wrecks, casualties, lost objects, etc)<br />

– Military applications (MCM, ISR, ASW, ..)<br />

• ROV<br />

– Subsea intervention and inspection (pipelines, site<br />

development support, valve manipulation, detailed<br />

inspection and documentation)<br />

– Ocean science (photographic documentation, sampling,<br />

coring, etc)<br />

– Marine archeology (detailed documentation)<br />

– Military applications (neutralisation of sea mines)

Enabling technologies for <strong>AUV</strong>s<br />

• Mechanical systems and fundamental Physics<br />

• Hydrodynamics<br />

• Advanced power sources<br />

• Control system technology<br />

– Mission control (incl pre- and post mission support)<br />

– Integrity, sustainability<br />

– Adaptive behavior<br />

• Precise autonomous navigation<br />

• Communication (Acoustic, radio, satellite)<br />

• High resolution, high coverage rate sensor technology<br />

– SSS/SAS, MBE, SBP, CTD, ADCP, FE, LOPC, Lasercamera<br />

Magnetometer, sniffers, samplers,….<br />

• Automated sensor data analysis<br />

– Object detection and classification<br />

– Sensor and data fusion<br />

– Information extraction and decision support<br />

– Simulation, training and exercise

FFIs <strong>AUV</strong>-historie<br />

<strong>AUV</strong> historie<br />

1991-93: FFI utvikler og demonstrerer første <strong>AUV</strong><br />

1993-94: FFI analyserer potensielle bruksområder (militære og<br />

sivile)<br />

1995-98: <strong>HUGIN</strong> utvikles for offshoreformål (sjøbunnskartlegging)<br />

1998- 2000: <strong>HUGIN</strong> kommersialiseres for offshoreformål. Utvikling<br />

mot militære formål pågår parallelt<br />

2001- 2002: Internasjonalt gjennombrudd i offshoremarkedet<br />

1998-2002: <strong>HUGIN</strong> benyttes for innsamling av data for fiskeri- og<br />

havforskning<br />

1998-2001: Utvikling av et operasjonelt konsept for <strong>AUV</strong>-basert<br />

minejakt. Operasjonell demo fra mineryddingsfartøy.<br />

2002-2007: Utvikling/realisering av <strong>HUGIN</strong> MRS til en fullverdig<br />

militær operasjonell kapasitet<br />

2006- : <strong>HUGIN</strong> for havforskning blir et prioritert område

The LUNA27 Well Seawater Battery<br />

Installation<br />

• Deployed in Italy<br />

January 1996<br />

• Seawater battery for<br />

powering well control<br />

system on the LUNA<br />

field<br />

• Energy: 650 kWh<br />

• Discharge time: 2-3<br />


Lightbuoy with seawater<br />

battery.<br />

40 kWh battery.<br />

Average load (in dark) 2W<br />

Design used between 1991 and<br />


<strong>AUV</strong> DEMO 1991-1993

Modellforsøk (1991)

Prosjekt 665 “<strong>AUV</strong> <strong>AUV</strong> 2000” 2000 (1994)<br />

• Finne frem til interessante første-anvendelser av <strong>AUV</strong>teknologien,<br />

sivilt og militært<br />

• Utforme strategisk satsning på <strong>AUV</strong>-utvikling frem mot år 2000<br />

• Identifiserte oppgaver:<br />

– Sivilt: Havbunnskartlegging, rørinspeksjon<br />

– Militært: Minejakt, anti-ubåt operasjoner



TOW<br />

VESSEL<br />

Survey with deep tow vehicle<br />

4 HOUR SHIP<br />

TURNS<br />


6 km<br />

TOW<br />

CABLE<br />

2.5<br />

kts<br />

2 km<br />

SONAR<br />


N<br />

SONAR<br />

SIDE SCAN &<br />




XSONAR<br />

TOW<br />

VESSEL<br />

XTURNS<br />

4 HOUR SHIP<br />

TURNS<br />

Survey with <strong>AUV</strong><br />



6 km<br />

XTOW<br />

TOW<br />

CABLE<br />

XON<br />


E<br />

BOTTOM<br />


ON<br />

X<br />

4.0<br />

2.5<br />

kts<br />

kts<br />

2 km<br />

<strong>AUV</strong><br />

POSITI<br />

ON &<br />

DATA<br />

<strong>AUV</strong><br />

SIDE SCAN,<br />

SUB- SUB<br />

BOTTOM, &<br />


<strong>HUGIN</strong>-prosjektet<br />

<strong>HUGIN</strong> prosjektet – Noen særtrekk s rtrekk<br />

• Ny teknologi<br />

• Anvendelser ”finnes ikke” / Marked må opparbeides<br />

• Operasjonsprosedyrerer må utvikles (CONOPS)<br />

• Ingen eksisterende industribase<br />

• Høy gevinstfaktor - Stor risiko<br />

• Kostnadsintensiv bransje - Stor fallhøyde<br />

• Inkluderer ”alle” fagfelt<br />

• High-tech<br />

• Lett å definere mål<br />

• Lett å definere suksesskriterier<br />

• Flere produkter i verdiskapningskjeden

<strong>HUGIN</strong> organisation<br />

• FFI<br />

– Systems development<br />

• Kongsberg Maritime AS<br />

– Systems development<br />

– Commercial <strong>HUGIN</strong> products<br />

• NUTEC/NUI AS, C&C Technologies Inc, Geoconsult AS, Fugro<br />

– Commercial <strong>HUGIN</strong> services<br />

• Statoil, Norsk Hydro, BP Amoco, Shell, IMR, RNoN…<br />

– End customer<br />

• SND<br />

– Funding (early stage)

The ”food chain”<br />

Value Oil industry<br />

added<br />

Survey Application industry<br />

Kongsberg<br />

Product<br />

FFI Development & Kongsberg<br />

FFI<br />

Research & Technology

<strong>HUGIN</strong> prosjektgruppe (1995-98) (1995 98)<br />

FFI:<br />

Systemarkitektur<br />

Batteriteknologi<br />

Signalbehandling<br />

Navigasjon og styring<br />

Mekanisk design<br />

NUI:<br />

Operasjonell erfaring<br />

Dedikert bruker<br />

Kongsberg Simrad:<br />

Akustisk kommunikasjon<br />

Akustisk posisjonering<br />

Sensorer<br />

Markedsapparat<br />

Statoil:<br />

Behov<br />

Dedikert kunde

<strong>HUGIN</strong>-prosjektet<br />

<strong>HUGIN</strong> prosjektet - Filosofi<br />

• Etablere en mest mulig komplett nasjonal basis for å lykkes<br />

(Teknologisk – Kommersielt – Markedsmessig – Finansielt)<br />

• Felles målsetning - Tett samhandling – Avklarte roller<br />

• Integrert samarbeid – involvering av ”kundene”<br />

• Høy målsetning – ”Vi skal helt fram”<br />

• Hovedutfordring: Å opparbeide troverdighet<br />

• Kortsiktig avtapning av resultater i et langsiktig perspektiv<br />

• Skille ”snørr fra barter”. Hva er viktig, når? Være pragmatisk<br />

• Bruke havet som laboratorium<br />

• Fokus på ”vinduer mot verden”<br />

• Vektlegge balansert design – ”estetisk” design<br />

• Sterkt fokus på kritiske komponenter – Paranoid holdning<br />

• Sterk kobling mellom utvikling og operasjon<br />

• Prioritere demonstrasjoner, operasjonell validering og benchmarking<br />

• Sømløs innfasing i bruksorganisasjonen – Ta ansvar og behold det!

The <strong>HUGIN</strong> programme<br />

1993: <strong>AUV</strong> demo<br />

2003: In NATO exercise<br />

1997: First<br />

commercial survey<br />

2001: Military demonstrations<br />

2004:<br />

MCMFORNORTH deployment<br />

• Dual use development:<br />

– Develop systems and<br />

technologies suitable for civilian<br />

and military applications<br />

– Shared funding, shared benefits<br />

– Gain experience and build<br />

credibility through commercial<br />

<strong>AUV</strong> operations<br />

• 9 vehicles sold to civilian and military<br />

customers in Norway, USA and the<br />

Netherlands<br />

• Commercial operations since 1997<br />

– More than 100,000 line km billed;<br />

from the Barents Sea to Brazil<br />

and Australia<br />

• Military operations since 2001/02<br />

– In NATO exercises since 2003

The <strong>HUGIN</strong> family<br />

• <strong>AUV</strong>-Demo (1993) (FFI)<br />

• <strong>HUGIN</strong> I (1996) (Statoil)<br />

• <strong>HUGIN</strong> II (1998) (Statoil)<br />

• <strong>HUGIN</strong> 3000 (2001) (C&C Technologies)<br />

• <strong>HUGIN</strong> 3000 (2003) (Geoconsult)<br />

• <strong>HUGIN</strong> 1000 (2004) (RNoN)<br />

• <strong>HUGIN</strong> 3000 Fugro (2005) (Fugro)<br />

• <strong>HUGIN</strong> 3000 (2005) (C&C Technologies)<br />

• <strong>HUGIN</strong> 4500 (2006) (C&C Technologies)<br />

• <strong>HUGIN</strong> 3000 (2007) (Fugro)<br />

• <strong>HUGIN</strong> 1000-MR (2007) (RNoN)<br />

• <strong>HUGIN</strong> 1000-HUS (2007) (FFI)

<strong>HUGIN</strong> 3000 main specifications<br />

• Weight in air: 1200 kg<br />

• Length: 5.3 meters<br />

• Diameter: 1.0 meters<br />

• Speed: 4 knots<br />

• Depth rating: 3000 meter<br />

• Battery: 45 kWh Al/HP semi<br />

fuel cell (Endurance 50-60 50 60<br />

hours)<br />

• Sensors: MBE, SSS, SBP, CTD

<strong>HUGIN</strong> 3000 line drawing

<strong>HUGIN</strong> 1000 • Base vehicle for <strong>HUGIN</strong> MRS<br />

• Modular design – centre section<br />

can be adapted to different sensor<br />

suites<br />

• 10-30 hours endurance<br />

• Speed 2-6 knots<br />

• Volume and weight about 50% of<br />

<strong>HUGIN</strong> 3000<br />

• Common technology base with<br />

<strong>HUGIN</strong> 3000 (commercial offshore<br />


<strong>HUGIN</strong> 1000 main components

MBE<br />

SSS /<br />

SBP<br />

CTD<br />

Others<br />

Others<br />

POS<br />

Ethernet<br />

Survey vessel<br />

<strong>AUV</strong><br />

MBE<br />

POS<br />

<strong>HUGIN</strong> System Architecture<br />

SSS<br />

POS<br />

Payload<br />

Processor<br />

Payload Network<br />

(ethernet , serial lines)<br />

NOS<br />

<strong>HUGIN</strong> OS Ship<br />

APOS<br />

nav<br />

(HiPAP)<br />

sys<br />

Navigation<br />

Processor<br />

IMU<br />

Vehicle Service Network<br />

(when <strong>AUV</strong> on survey vessel)<br />

Vehicle Network<br />

(ethernet )<br />

Serial line<br />

Gyro<br />

comp<br />

Serial lines<br />

AEL /<br />

HiPAP<br />

AEL /<br />

HiPAP<br />

Serial lines<br />

Cmd<br />

link<br />

Cmd<br />

link<br />

DVL Depth DGPS<br />

Data<br />

link<br />

Data<br />

link<br />

Control<br />

Processor<br />

Alti -<br />

meter<br />

Serial lines<br />

RF<br />

Link<br />

RF<br />

Link<br />

Collision<br />


Launch and recovery

<strong>HUGIN</strong> 3000 L&R

Første kommersielle<br />

<strong>AUV</strong>-oppdrag:<br />

Åsgard Transport<br />

(1997)<br />

Orknøyene<br />

Shetland<br />

Bergen<br />

Stavanger<br />

Trondheim<br />


<strong>HUGIN</strong> from the Ormen Lange field,<br />

The North Sea<br />

Ca. 2x2 km; the peaks are 30-50 m high<br />

Courtesy of Norsk Hydro ASA

Sigsbee Escarpment - Gulf of Mexico<br />

Courtesy of BP Amoco

Sigsbee Escarpment - Sonar “Abyssal” Floor

Swath Bathymetry and Sub-Seabed<br />

Imagery, West Africa<br />

Courtesy of C&C Technology

Courtesy Fugro<br />

BP Egypt West Nile Delta - Raven

Courtesy Fugro<br />

Data example - bathymetry

Data example – sub bottom profiler<br />

Courtesy Fugro

Arbitrary survey patterns<br />

Courtesy C&C C&C Technologies Inc.

Field experience<br />

West Africa<br />

36 %<br />

Mediterranean<br />

4 %<br />

<strong>HUGIN</strong> Survey KM by Area (1997 - 2005)<br />

> 60 000 KM<br />

Brazil<br />

3 %<br />

North Sea<br />

14 %<br />

Gulf of Mexico<br />

43 %

Clients<br />

C & C Technologies, Inc.<br />

<strong>AUV</strong><br />

BP Amer ica<br />

BBC<br />

0,1%<br />

Nexen Petr oleum<br />

0,1%<br />

24.67%<br />

Williams Pipeline<br />

0,2%<br />

LSU<br />

0,1%<br />

Bur l i ngton Resour ces<br />

0,1%<br />

El Paso Production<br />

0,2%<br />

Conoco<br />

0,2%<br />

Univer sity of Mississippi<br />

0,3%<br />

LLOG Expl or ati on<br />

0,3%<br />

Ocean Ener gy<br />

T otal Fi na El f<br />

0,4% Domi ni on E&P<br />

0,6%<br />

12,9%<br />

Sai bos<br />

0,6%<br />

ENI Petroleum<br />

1,6%<br />

Anadar ko Petr oleum<br />

Samedan<br />

1,3%<br />

0,8% Mar i ner Ener gy<br />

Pioneer<br />

1,1%<br />

0, 7%<br />

Shell Int E & P<br />

9,5%<br />

CSA / MMS<br />

1,8%<br />

Exxon<br />

CNR<br />

2,2%<br />

9,1%<br />

Woodsi de Petr ol eum<br />

4,7%<br />

BHP Billiton<br />

5,1%<br />

Kerr McGee<br />

T echni p CSOI<br />

2,0%<br />

PetroBras<br />

4,1%<br />

Chevr onTexaco<br />

Gl obal 3,0% Mar i ne<br />

2,9%<br />

2,3%<br />

Gl obal I ndustr i es<br />

2,3%<br />

GulfTerra<br />

2,2%<br />

MedGaz<br />

2,2%<br />

<strong>AUV</strong> Clients<br />

by K ilomet er s<br />

J 13 2001 O t 20 2004

Alcoa Puritan<br />

M/S Alcoa Puritan<br />

120 kHz SSS 410 kHz SSS

Discovery of German submarine U-166.<br />

(Gulf of Mexico, 1500 m water depth)<br />

Courtesy of C&C Technologies

Nautilus (1916-1931)

<strong>HUGIN</strong> in marine research

Example data:<br />

<strong>HUGIN</strong> II in fishery<br />

research<br />

Seen from<br />

surface vessel<br />

Seen from<br />

<strong>HUGIN</strong><br />

Courtesy of<br />

Norwegian Institute of Marine Research<br />

<strong>HUGIN</strong><br />

School<br />

of fish<br />

School<br />

of fish

<strong>HUGIN</strong> for environmental monitoring<br />

Bathymetry of area with coral reefs off the coast of Western Norway<br />

Data recorded for the Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway

Militær Milit r utnyttelse av <strong>HUGIN</strong>-teknologien<br />

<strong>HUGIN</strong> teknologien<br />

• “Dual use”-prinsipp:<br />

– Utvikle løsninger egnet både for sivile og militære<br />

anvendelser, i all hovedsak med sivil finansiering<br />

• Samtidig:<br />

– Benytte finansiering fra Forsvaret til å utvikle kritiske<br />

teknologier for å kunne realisere fullverdige militære <strong>AUV</strong>systemer,<br />

fase inn disse teknologiene i takt med modning<br />

• Gunstige side-effekter:<br />

– Bygge opp bærekraftig nasjonal <strong>AUV</strong>-industri<br />

– Skaffe uvurderlig operasjonell erfaring

Military operations – What are the<br />

characteristics?<br />

Some Characteristics<br />

• Dynamic<br />

• Complex<br />

• Time critical<br />

• Unpredictable<br />

• Resource intensive<br />

• Extremely dangerous<br />

• Coalition (multi-national)<br />

Winning capabilities<br />

• Technology superiority<br />

• Information superiority<br />

– Adaptivity / Flexibility<br />

– Sustainability<br />

– Deployability<br />

– Precision<br />

– Tempo<br />

Technology drivers<br />

• Over-the-horizon (global) information networks<br />

• Information platforms (space, air, land, sea, sub-sea)<br />

• Sensors<br />

• Forward strike capabilities (unmanned systems)<br />

• Command, control and decision support<br />


Naval operations – Knowledge<br />

superiority<br />

• Situation awareness (“Recognized Maritime Picture”)<br />

– Networked, Secure, Global Military Information Infrastructure<br />

– Surveillance of maritime, land and air assets using...<br />

• Satellites<br />

• Air planes and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)<br />

• Electronic surveillance (EW, AIS, Radar, ..)<br />

• Ships<br />

• Submarines and autonomous underwater vehicles (<strong>AUV</strong>)<br />

• Underwater surveillance networks<br />

– Characterization of the threat and of the environment<br />

• Above and under water<br />

– Generation, distribution, presentation and update of<br />

information (RMP)

Maritime (Littoral) warfare

Maritime operations - Knowledge superiority<br />

• Situation awareness (“Recognized Maritime Picture”/”Common<br />

Operational Picture”)<br />

– Networked, Secure and Global Military Information<br />

Infrastructure<br />

– Surveillance of maritime, land and air assets using...<br />

• Satellites<br />

• Air planes and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)<br />

• Electronic surveillance (EW, AIS, Radar, ..)<br />

• Ships<br />

• Submarines and autonomous underwater vehicles (<strong>AUV</strong>)<br />

• Underwater surveillance networks<br />

– Characterization of enemy deployments, threats and the<br />

environment above and under water<br />

– Generation, distribution, presentation and update of<br />

information (RMP)

<strong>AUV</strong>s to force multiply MW operations<br />

• MCM will be the first discipline to exploit <strong>AUV</strong> technology<br />

• The main contribution in MCM will be to enhance the<br />

performance of existing assets<br />

– <strong>AUV</strong>s as organic components to MCMVs<br />

– Extend the reach of the MCMVs in the littorals (e.g. shallow<br />

waters)<br />

– Reduces vulnerability (”keep the man out of the mine field”)<br />

– Allows for covert operations (mine reconnaissance)<br />

– Improves detection and classification probability / extend the<br />

mine hunting capabilities to previously ”unhuntable areas”<br />

– Increases area coverage rate / reduces time consumption<br />

– Allows for parallel reconnaissance and neutralisation<br />

– Improves effectiveness of neutralisation phase<br />

– Acquires additional information “for free” (REA)<br />

• Secondary: New MCM roles (VSW / amphibious ops, harbour<br />

protection, etc)

The <strong>HUGIN</strong> Mine Reconnaissance<br />

System (<strong>HUGIN</strong> MRS)<br />

Establish an autonomous forward sensor capability for mine<br />

hunting (MCM) and rapid environmental assessment (REA)<br />

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009<br />

Technology and<br />

concept development<br />

<strong>HUGIN</strong> I<br />

<strong>HUGIN</strong> II<br />

<strong>HUGIN</strong><br />

3000<br />

Development and production of<br />

prototypes<br />

Preliminary capability<br />

(<strong>HUGIN</strong> 1000)<br />

3000<br />

GC<br />

Operational Operational<br />

testing & evaluation evaluation<br />

Full capability system<br />

(<strong>HUGIN</strong> 1000-MR)<br />

3000<br />

Fugro<br />

<strong>HUGIN</strong><br />

4500<br />

<strong>HUGIN</strong><br />

1030<br />


The Norwegian military <strong>AUV</strong> program<br />

CONOPS<br />

CD&E<br />

Royal Norwegian Navy<br />

<strong>HUGIN</strong><br />

MRS<br />

Commercial delivery<br />

Support<br />

FFI Kongsberg<br />

Collaborative<br />

development<br />


<strong>HUGIN</strong> MRS operations<br />

• Seven distinct operations identified in MW:<br />

1. Route survey<br />

2. Exploratory mine reconnaissance<br />

3. Mine detection, classification and positioning<br />

4. Bathymetric mapping<br />

5. REA category 2 (overt)<br />

6. REA category 3 (covert)<br />

7. REA category 4 (in-stride)<br />

• CONOPS being defined by FFI and RNoN<br />

• Experimental verification and tuning of CONOPS

<strong>HUGIN</strong> 1000

<strong>HUGIN</strong> MRS –<br />

Typical modes of operation<br />

1. Route surveys, overt REA, high precision mapping operations:<br />

<strong>HUGIN</strong> operated close to mother ship<br />

Acoustic communication and positioning<br />

Operator intervention possible<br />

Real-time REA information<br />

High data quality (and QC), complete operational control, limited<br />

effectiveness<br />

2. Covert REA, forward mine hunting/reconnaissance:<br />

<strong>HUGIN</strong> operates away from mother ship<br />

MCMV to do regular minehunting and clearance in parallel<br />

Sporadic RF/satellite communication and positioning<br />

<strong>HUGIN</strong> returns to mother ship after mission<br />

Data set downloaded, analysed and acted upon<br />

Minelike objects (MLOs) are classified and localised<br />

MLOs to be relocalised, identified and neutralised with Minesniper<br />

Hostile areas, clandestine, rapid, force multiplier

Operational military experience<br />

001 2002 2003<br />

December: August:<br />

Operational Permanent<br />

demonstrations, installation of<br />

Oslo Fjord <strong>HUGIN</strong><br />

infrastructure on<br />

MCMV<br />

Red: International ops<br />

September:<br />

Testing, training<br />

and demonstrations,<br />

Oslo Fjord<br />

November:<br />

Route survey,<br />

Northern<br />

Norway<br />

May: REA and<br />

route survey,<br />

Western Norway<br />

August:<br />

MCM training,<br />

Western<br />

Norway<br />

September:<br />

Covert REA<br />

survey for<br />

NATO exercise<br />

Northern<br />

Light, UK<br />

September:<br />

MCM system<br />

demonstrations<br />

for Finnish<br />

Navy, Finland<br />

2004<br />

February: Testing<br />

and training,<br />

Western Norway<br />

March: NATO<br />

exercise Joint<br />

Winter, Northern<br />

Norway<br />

May: NATO<br />

exercise Blue<br />

Game, Southern<br />

Scandinavia<br />

September:<br />

Signature<br />

measurements,<br />

FORACS range<br />

January: AUS Navy<br />

demo, Western Norway<br />

Feb - Mar: Quay<br />

launch SSS/SAS<br />

tests<br />

October -<br />

December:<br />

Deployment in<br />


(Denmark,<br />

Germany,<br />

Lithuania, Latvia)<br />

2005<br />

April: Azalea Festival,<br />

Norway/USA<br />

May - June:<br />

MCMOPLAT, Latvia<br />

2006<br />

March: NATO<br />

exercise Cold<br />

Response,<br />

Northern Norway<br />

August: U-864 mercury<br />

contamination survey<br />

September:<br />

Signature<br />

measurements,<br />

Herdla range<br />

Oct-Nov:<br />

Submarine<br />

interoperability<br />

CD&E trials<br />

Nov-Dec: NURC<br />

MX3 and SWIFT<br />

trials, Italy<br />

Aug:<br />

Submarine<br />

rescue<br />

exercise,<br />


3 – 4: Exploratory mine reconnaissance and mine<br />

mapping<br />

• Determine mine threat situation<br />

• <strong>AUV</strong> in autonomous mode<br />

• MCMV can perform other tasks<br />

during <strong>AUV</strong> mission<br />

• Procedure:<br />

– Planning, launch, mission<br />

execution, retrieval<br />

– On board data processing<br />

– Automatic detection of all minelike<br />

objects<br />

• Echo and shadow from SAS<br />

• Bathymetry from SAS and/or<br />

MBE<br />

• Exclusion of pre-existing<br />

MLOs<br />

– Manual final classification<br />

Cylinder<br />

Cylinder<br />

Truncated cone<br />

(upside down)<br />

Truncated<br />

cone<br />

Truncated<br />

cone<br />

NOMBO<br />

Finland September 2003

Change Detction:<br />

Before mine deployment…<br />

Run 1<br />

Run 2<br />

and after… after

5-6: Overt and covert REA<br />

• Autonomous or supervised mode<br />

• Coverage rate: 1-2 km 2 /h<br />

• Navigation and communication<br />

techniques depend on discression<br />

requirement<br />

• Availability of data:<br />

– Real time (if communication is<br />

available)<br />

• Sound speed, water<br />

temperature, currents, Quick<br />

look bathymetry, QC<br />

imagery, vehicle status<br />

– After retrieval and post<br />

processing<br />

• Full resolution bathymetry<br />

• SAS imagery of seabed<br />

• Seabed characteristics<br />

• Objects with positioning<br />

• Oceanographic information

<strong>HUGIN</strong> in Northern Light 2003<br />

• NATO exercise<br />

• 12 nmi x 500 m<br />

corridor<br />

• Verify historic<br />

data<br />

• Plan MCM<br />

operations<br />

• 4 6-hour<br />

missions<br />

executed within<br />

48 hours<br />

• Water depth<br />

10-25 m<br />

• Tidal currents<br />

of up to 3 knots

Azalea Festival, Norfolk, VA<br />

20 April 05<br />

Real time:<br />

• Ship position<br />

• <strong>AUV</strong> status<br />

• Mission plan<br />

• Bathymetry<br />

• Live video<br />

NERA F77 satcom<br />

128 kbit/sec over INMARSAT<br />

VPN over Internet<br />

Post-mission:<br />

• Contacts<br />

• Sonar mosaics<br />

• DTM<br />

<strong>HUGIN</strong> 1000 operated • etc<br />

from KNM Karmøy<br />

Bergen, Norway Norfolk, VA, USA

<strong>HUGIN</strong> 1000 deployed in NATO<br />

Standing MCM Force North (2004)<br />

• Operations in<br />

Latvia, Lithuania,<br />

Germany,<br />

Denmark<br />

• Mine hunting and<br />

EOD in the Baltic<br />

Sea<br />

• Data given to<br />

other vessels for<br />

relocalisation,<br />

identification and<br />


NURC MX3 and SWIFT Trials, Italy<br />

November – December 2005<br />

Range 68 m<br />

• Participation from several <strong>AUV</strong>s<br />

(<strong>HUGIN</strong>, REMUS, Bluefin,<br />

Gavia, Atlas)<br />

– Assess maturity<br />

– Compare performance<br />

– Interoperability<br />

• <strong>HUGIN</strong> uptime: 100%<br />

• 14 missions/40 hours<br />

Range 71 m

Syntetisk Aperture Sonar (SAS)<br />

1. Øke bildeoppløsning ved matematisk å beregne en lang<br />

syntetisk antenne - Øke evne til å klassifisere små objekter<br />

(sjøminer)<br />

2. Øke arealdekning pr tidsenhet (”Area Coverage Rate” - ACR) -<br />

Redusere tidsforbruk ved minejaktoperasjoner

Depth 50 m<br />

Altitude 15 m<br />

Range 15-130 15 130 m

Manta mine shape<br />

Range 84 m<br />

Depth 2 m<br />

Altitude 11 m<br />

Range 13-93 13 93 m

HISAS prototype: 3x10 m barge<br />

Range 30-140 m Range 55-68 m

SENSOTEK SAS: Ladder (partly buried)<br />

7x10m around 88m range<br />


Submarine wreck: U-735<br />

Range 30-170m Range 45-80m

HISAS prototype:<br />

SAS image and bathymetry

<strong>AUV</strong> DEMO 1991-1993


CLIPPER in the B600 towing tank ready for testing.<br />

Δ = 3.9 m 3 . Ø = 1.2 m.<br />

Bassin des Caréne d’Essais, Val de Reuil, March 2003.

1 (m)<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />


Independent battery flow control<br />

sea water batteries<br />

motors<br />

stators<br />

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4<br />

4.5<br />

5<br />

5.5 m<br />

pump<br />

shaft for pump<br />


Deployment of test cell 6th February 2002.

CLIPPER endurance capacity

Surface independent inspection, maintenance<br />

and repair (IMR) system<br />


Surface independent IMR<br />

Hybrid ROV/<strong>AUV</strong> permanently installed on subea fields<br />

Local infrastructure for remote operation from field control centre<br />

Continuous presence on site<br />


An intervention hybrid <strong>AUV</strong>/ROV<br />

parked in a subsea garage or docking<br />

station<br />

- operated from a field centre or shore<br />

Always available, independent of<br />

weather and support ships.<br />

Capable of all types of inspection<br />

Capable of ‘light’ intervention<br />

Fast detection and handling of<br />

incidents on subsea installations<br />

Improved regularity, as the<br />

vehicle is available when needed.<br />

Reduced OPEX, as field<br />

personnel will operate the <strong>AUV</strong><br />


Hybrid <strong>AUV</strong>-ROV concept<br />

<strong>AUV</strong> operated from field centre<br />

(no ROV ship with a crew)<br />


What are the benefits?<br />

Continuous presence (“Eyes and Hands”)<br />

Knowledge (“Situation Awareness”)<br />

Improved maintenance planning<br />

Early detection of possible safety hazards<br />

Rapid response to unforeseen events<br />

Improved effectiveness of IMR operations<br />

New possibilities for field optimization<br />

Potential for cost savings<br />

In line with arctic scenarios<br />

Challenge: Secure continuous availability of<br />

subsea IMR system (service intervals once per<br />

year)<br />

Hybrid <strong>AUV</strong>/ROVs<br />

permanently stationed on site<br />

Operated from a field centre<br />

(ROV ship and crew not needed)<br />


www.ffi.no/hugin<br />

www.ffi.no hugin<br />


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