Technology Roadmap - International Energy Agency

Technology Roadmap - International Energy Agency

Technology Roadmap - International Energy Agency


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<strong>Technology</strong> <strong>Roadmap</strong><br />

China Wind <strong>Energy</strong> Development 能源研究所 <strong>Roadmap</strong> 2050<br />

<strong>Energy</strong> Research Institute<br />

能源研究所<br />

<strong>Energy</strong> Research Institute<br />

2050<br />

Summary<br />

October 2011


The IEA is an autonomous body, which was<br />

established in November 1974 within the<br />

framework of the Organisation for Economic<br />

Co-operation and Development (OECD) to<br />

implement an international energy programme.<br />

The IEA carries out a comprehensive programme<br />

of energy co-operation among 28 of the 34 OECD<br />

countries. The basic aims of the IEA are:<br />

z zTo<br />

maintain and improve systems for coping<br />

with oil supply disruptions.<br />

z zTo<br />

promote rational energy policies in a<br />

global context through co-operative relations<br />

with non-member countries, industry and<br />

international organisations.<br />

z zTo<br />

operate a permanent information system<br />

on international oil markets.<br />

z zTo<br />

provide data on other aspects of<br />

international energy markets.<br />

z zTo<br />

improve the world’s energy supply and<br />

demand structure by developing alternative<br />

energy sources and increasing the efficiency<br />

of energy use.<br />

z zTo<br />

promote international collaboration on<br />

energy technology.<br />

z zTo<br />

assist in the integration of environmental<br />

and energy policies, including those relating<br />

to climate change.<br />

Copyright © 2011<br />

OECD/<strong>International</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Agency</strong><br />


The <strong>Energy</strong> Research Institute (ERI) of the National<br />

Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)<br />

of P.R. China is a leading national think tank,<br />

focusing on energy policy research. ERI engages<br />

itself in broad range of research areas, including<br />

macro energy economic and energy planning,<br />

energy technology policy, energy demand and<br />

supply forecast, energy security, energy and<br />

environment, energy efficiency and conservation,<br />

and renewable energy. ERI provides strong<br />

support to the government of China regarding<br />

energy development strategies, planning, policy,<br />

laws and standards.<br />

At the same time, ERI has established a broad<br />

and well functioning partnership and conducts<br />

joint research studies and consulting services<br />

with international agencies, organizations and<br />

academic entities, including the <strong>International</strong><br />

<strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Agency</strong> (IEA), United Nation Development<br />

Programme (UNDP), World Bank (WB), Global<br />

Environmental Facility (GEF) as well with other<br />

institutes from USA, EU, Japan, Russia, and India.<br />

This paper reflects the views of the authors and does not necessarily reflect those of the IEA Secretariat, IEA Member countries or the<br />

funders. The roadmap does not constitute professional advice on any specific issue or situation. ERI and the IEA make no representation<br />

or warranty, express or implied, in respect of the roadmap’s contents (including its completeness or accuracy) and shall not be<br />

responsible for any use of, or reliance on, the roadmap. For further information, please contact: technologyroadmapscontact@iea.org.<br />

No reproduction or translation of this publication, or any portion thereof, may be made without<br />

prior written permission. Applications should be sent to: rights@iea.org<br />

The China Wind <strong>Energy</strong> Development <strong>Roadmap</strong> was prepared by a team of China Experts under the lead<br />

of National Development and Reform Commission’s <strong>Energy</strong> Research Institute (NDRC ERI), with the close<br />

technical support of the <strong>International</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Agency</strong> (IEA). This report provides a summary of the Chinese<br />

version of the roadmap. An English version of the full report will be released later this year.<br />

Thanks are given to the British Embassy Beijing and the Sino-Danish Renewable <strong>Energy</strong> Development<br />

Programme for funding provided for this roadmap.

English summary<br />

<strong>Energy</strong> demand in China is growing to keep pace<br />

with rapid economic and social development. In<br />

2020, it is expected to reach 4.5 to 5 billion tonnes of<br />

coal equivalent (tce) per annum, rising to 6.5 billion<br />

tce per annum in 2050. Electricity demand growth is<br />

likely English to rise even summary more steeply, reaching 8 000 TWh<br />

in 2020, 10 000 TWh in 2030, and 13 000 TWh in<br />

<strong>Energy</strong> demand in China is growing to<br />

2050, up from 4 200 TWh in 2010.<br />

The development. Chinese government In 2020, has it proposed is expected a low-<br />

to<br />

carbon development strategy, in which wind<br />

reach 4.5 to 5 billion tonnes of coal<br />

power will play a central role. Some 15 GW of wind<br />

power equivalent capacity (tce) will be per installed annum, each year rising up to<br />

to<br />

2020. 6.5 billion Cumulative tce operational per annum capacity in that 2050. year<br />

will Electricity be 200 GW, demand up from growth 31 GW at is the likely end to of rise 2010,<br />

meeting 5% of electricity production (400 TWh),<br />

even more steeply, reaching 8 000 TWh in<br />

up from 1.3% today.<br />

Between 2020 and 2030, some 20 20 GW of of wind<br />

capacity will be installed every year, to to reach 400 GW<br />

400 in 2030, GW equivalent in 2030, equivalent to 15% of to all 15% installed of all power installed<br />

The Chinese government has proposed a<br />

power capacity, capacity, covering covering 8.4% of 8.4% electricity of electricity production<br />

production (840 low-carbon TWh). From (840 development then TWh). up From to 2050, then this up strategy, roadmap to 2050, this in<br />

roadmap sees which deployment wind sees deployment power on land will and on play offshore land a and central of offshore 30 GW role.<br />

of per Some 30 annum, GW 15 per GW around annum, of half wind around of annually power half of installed capacity annually power will<br />

installed capacity, power amounting capacity, to 1 000 amounting GW in 2050, to 1 26% 000 GW of<br />

be installed each year up to 2020.<br />

in all 2050, installed 26% capacity, of all installed meeting capacity, 17% of total meeting electricity 17%<br />

of production Cumulative total electricity (2 200 operational production TWh) (Figure (2 capacity 1). 200 While TWh) these in that are<br />

(Figure ambitious 1). targets, While these this roadmap are ambitious finds that targets, none this of<br />

roadmap the challenges finds it that has none identified of the is challenges insurmountable. it has<br />

identified is insurmountable.<br />

The 1 000 GW in 2050 are expected to be divided<br />

The among 1 000 seven GW areas: in 2050 Western are expected and Eastern to be Mongolia,<br />

divided Gansu, Xiangjiang, among seven Jilin, areas: Heibei Western and Jiangsu. and Eastern Jiangsu<br />

Mongolia, province will Gansu, also see Xiangjiang, deployment Jilin, offshore Heibei in and<br />

Jiangsu. intertidal, production Jiangsu shallow province (400 and deep TWh), will waters. also up see Investment from deployment 1.3% costs<br />

offshore on today. land are in intertidal, expected to shallow range from and deep RMB 7 waters. 200/kW to<br />

Investment RMB 7 500/kW costs in 2020, on land falling are expected to RMB 7 000/kW to range in<br />

from 2050. RMB Near 7 shore 200/kW costs to of RMB 7 14 500/kW 000/kW in 2020,<br />

Between 2020 and 2030, some 20 GW of<br />

falling are anticipated to RMB 7 in 000/kW 2020, falling in 2050. to RMB Near 10 shore 000/kW costs<br />

of in 2050. RMB wind 14 Deep capacity 000/kW offshore are will costs anticipated be are installed expected in 2020, every to falling be year,<br />

to RMB RMB to 50 reach 10 000/kW 400 in 2020, GW in 2050. falling in Deep 2030, to RMB offshore equivalent 20 000/kW costs to<br />

are in 2050. 15% expected Cumulative of to all be RMB installed investment 50 000/kW in power wind in 2020, capacity capacity, falling<br />

to over RMB covering the 20 roadmap 000/kW 8.4% period in of 2050. will electricity Cumulative have amounted production<br />

investment to<br />

in some wind RMB capacity 3.8 trillion over (USD the roadmap 600 billion) period in 2030, will and<br />

(840 TWh). From then up to 2050, this<br />

have RMB 12.1 amounted trillion to (USD some 1.9 RMB trillion) 3.8 in trillion 2050 (Figure (USD 600 2).<br />

billion) roadmap in 2030, sees and RMB deployment 12.1 trillion on (USD land 1.9 and<br />

trillion)<br />

This offshore roadmap<br />

in 2050 of visualises 30 (Figure GW 2).<br />

a per maximum annum, tariff around for half<br />

wind energy of RMB 0.55 / kWh. This is based<br />

of annually installed power capacity,<br />

This on regional roadmap capacity visualises factors, a maximum investment tariff cost for<br />

wind and amounting includes energy of an RMB to assumed 1 0.55 000 reasonable / kWh. GW in This 2050, return is based 26% on of<br />

on investment. all regional installed capacity Ensuring capacity, factors, that costs meeting investment do not 17% rise cost of above total<br />

and these electricity includes levels has an been assumed production a primary reasonable driver (2 return 200 behind on TWh)<br />

investment. selection of the Ensuring seven that primary costs deployment do not rise above areas.<br />

(Figure 1). While these are ambitious<br />

these The lowest levels average has been production a primary driver cost areas behind are Inner<br />

selection Mongolia targets, of and the this Hebei seven roadmap province. primary finds deployment that none areas. of<br />

Chinese Wind Power Development <strong>Roadmap</strong><br />

keep pace with rapid economic and social<br />

2020, 10 000 TWh in 2030, and 13 000<br />

TWh in 2050, up from 4 200 TWh in 2010.<br />

year will be 200 GW, up from 31 GW at<br />

the end of 2010, meeting 5% of electricity<br />

the challenges it has identified is<br />

insurmountable.<br />

Figure 1: Targeted installed capacity and electricity share of wind power in<br />

China, Figure 1 2010-2050<br />

Targeted China, installed 2010-2050<br />

capacity and electricity share of wind power in China, 2010 – 2050<br />

GW<br />

1 200<br />

1 000<br />

800<br />

600<br />

400<br />

200<br />

Source: ERI<br />

Source: ERI<br />

Deep offshore wind<br />

Offshore wind<br />

Onshore wind in other areas<br />

Xinjiang<br />

Gansu<br />

Heibei<br />

Northeast<br />

East inner Mongolia<br />

West inner Mongolia<br />

0<br />

0%<br />

2010 2020 2030 2040 2050<br />

20%<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

5%<br />

Share of total electricity production (%)<br />

Summary<br />

1<br />


It is expected that the production cost of landbased<br />

wind power will have fallen to a level<br />

roughly equal to coal by 2020, after which time it is<br />

expected to be cheaper. If external environmental<br />

costs are included as well as transmission costs, it<br />

is still expected to be cheaper. Consequently, from<br />

this point in time wind power incentives should<br />

be directed solely towards offshore wind, which in<br />

2020 will be seeing large-scale deployment.<br />

The 1 000 GW in 2050 are expected to be<br />

divided among seven areas: Western and<br />

Meeting the targets identified in this roadmap will<br />

result Eastern in great Mongolia, environmental Gansu, and Xiangjiang, social benefit. Jilin,<br />

Avoided coal consumption will amount to<br />

Heibei and Jiangsu. Jiangsu province will<br />

130 million tce in 2020, 260 million tce in 2030,<br />

and also 660 see million deployment tce in 2050. offshore This will in reduce intertidal,<br />

annual shallow CO equivalent and deep emissions waters. by 0.3 Investment gigatonnes<br />

2<br />

(gt) costs in 2020, on land 0.6 gt are in 2030 expected and 1.5 to gt range in 2050. from<br />

In the same years, sulphur dioxide emissions will<br />

RMB 7 200/kW to RMB 7 500/kW in 2020,<br />

have reduced by 1.1 megatonnes (mt), 2.2 mt and<br />

falling to RMB 7 000/kW in 2050. Near<br />

5.6 mt respectively. The negative environmental<br />

impacts shore of costs wind power of RMB are expected 14 000/kW to be are<br />

negligible.<br />

anticipated in 2020, falling to RMB<br />

10 000/kW in 2050. Deep offshore costs<br />

are expected to be RMB 50 000/kW in<br />

2020, falling to RMB 20 000/kW in 2050.<br />

Cumulative investment in wind capacity<br />

Employment in 2020 resulting from wind power<br />

is expected to be around 1.5 jobs per megawatt.<br />

With efficiencies and economies of scale this is<br />

expected to fall to some 1.1 jobs/MW in 2020 and<br />

0.8 jobs/MW in 2050. This roadmap expects the<br />

wind industry to employ some 360 000 individuals<br />

in 2020, rising to 600 000 in 2030 and nearly three<br />

quarters of a million in 2050.<br />

There is still significant room for advances in<br />

technology over the next four decades. RD&D<br />

activities will focus on deeper understanding<br />

of wind resources, improved wind turbine<br />

performance, wind farm optimisation, reduced<br />

operation and maintenance burden, and larger<br />

turbines. From 2020, turbines in the 5 to 10 MW<br />

scale are expected to be commercially available,<br />

particularly for deployment offshore.<br />

over the roadmap period will have<br />

amounted to some RMB 3.8 trillion (USD<br />

600 billion) in 2030, and RMB 12.1 trillion<br />

(USD 1.9 trillion) in 2050 (Figure 2).<br />

Increased requirement for raw materials will be<br />

a major feature of scaling up wind power. The<br />

supply of steel for turbine towers is not expected<br />

to be constrained, nor the permanent magnet<br />

material, neodymium, for use in direct drive<br />

generators. In contrast, the production of carbon<br />

fibre for rotor blades is already well behind<br />

developing economies: domestic production<br />

will need to increase sharply to provide for the<br />

expected need for 36 700 tonnes in 2050.<br />

This roadmap visualises a maximum tariff<br />

for wind energy of RMB 0.55 / kWh. This is<br />

based on regional capacity factors,<br />

investment cost and includes an assumed<br />

reasonable return on investment. Ensuring<br />

that costs do not rise above these levels<br />

has been a primary driver behind<br />

selection of the seven primary<br />

deployment areas. The lowest average<br />

production cost areas are Inner Mongolia<br />

and Hebei province.<br />

Chinese industry expects to have fully addressed<br />

technical aspects of intertidal wind farms by<br />

2015, and shallow offshore technology by 2020,<br />

Figure 2 2: Cumulative wind wind power power investment investment in China, 2010 in China, ‐ 2050 2010-2050<br />

Source: ERI<br />

14 000<br />

12 000<br />

10 000<br />

Source: ERI<br />

8 000<br />

6 000<br />

4 000<br />

2 000<br />

0<br />

2010 2020 2030 2050<br />

It is expected that the production cost of<br />

land‐based wind power will have fallen to<br />

a level roughly equal to coal by 2020, after<br />

which time it is expected to be cheaper. If<br />

Accumulated investment (RMB billion)<br />

incentives should be directed solely<br />

towards offshore wind, which in 2020 will<br />

be seeing large‐scale deployment.<br />

2 China Wind <strong>Energy</strong> Development <strong>Roadmap</strong> 2050

after which deep offshore demonstration will<br />

commence (R&D in this area will commence<br />

before 2015). China’s offshore programme will<br />

require the transformation of existing ports and<br />

the development of new facilities, possibly located<br />

on islands to reduce weather related deployment<br />

uncertainties, as well as the development of<br />

specialised installation and transport vessels<br />

after 2016.<br />

Wind power deployment can not be seen in<br />

isolation. Such large capacities of wind power<br />

will inevitably have influence on the wider power<br />

system. Up to 2020, R&D will focus on advanced,<br />

centralised forecasting techniques ranging<br />

from 72 hours ahead up to three ahead of the<br />

time of delivery. “Grid friendly” wind farms are<br />

anticipated by 2020, featuring active and reactive<br />

power control, fault ride through and frequency<br />

regulation capabilities. By 2030, with the<br />

deployment of system storage, grid reinforcement<br />

and advanced scheduling and dispatching<br />

techniques, inter alia, wind power across<br />

the country is expected to provide<br />

similar system support to conventional<br />

power plants.<br />

Up to 2020 and beyond, the majority of wind<br />

power deployed will be in the north of China, far<br />

from load centres. Therefore efforts are needed to<br />

maximise the consumption of wind power locally,<br />

and minimise curtailment. Deployment of wind<br />

power plants must be co-ordinated with that of<br />

other plants types, particularly those which are<br />

technically more flexible, and transmission roll-out<br />

plans across the seven target regions.<br />

Two pathways for development of the transmission<br />

system have been identified, one which retains the<br />

existing six regional power grids, strengthening<br />

integration among them, and one which sees<br />

the development of a new ultra-high voltage AC<br />

grid covering the main load centres in the centre<br />

and east, with DC connections to the north east,<br />

northwest and south.<br />

Power sector reform will have enormous influence<br />

on the deployment of wind power. China is already<br />

making transition to more advanced power plant<br />

dispatch practices wherein cost and CO 2 emissions<br />

of different plant types are taken into account.<br />

Wind power has first priority in dispatch, but in<br />

order for this to be the case in practice a more<br />

transparent power market is needed, and planned<br />

for 2020. Efforts are needed to increase the<br />

transparency of power prices, and to integrate the<br />

external environmental costs of polluting types.<br />

Power prices should reflect the value of flexibility<br />

of power plants. In the mid-term, environmental<br />

and carbon tax approaches should be evaluated for<br />

use in China.<br />

Unbundling vertically integrated players is<br />

an important task. Facilitating trade among<br />

provinces will help accommodate large<br />

fluctuations in wind output. In concert with<br />

advanced forecasting techniques, centralised<br />

operation of wind power plants will help smooth<br />

their aggregated output.<br />

More of existing flexible resources must be<br />

made available through new ancillary service<br />

markets and smart grid technology for balancing<br />

fluctuations in output. Consumer response will<br />

be activated to some extent by new peak-andvalley<br />

pricing. And greater flexibility should be<br />

developed in the conventional generator fleet,<br />

including new hydropower deployment in the<br />

west, gas fired power plants for peaking and<br />

improved ramping capability of conventional<br />

thermal plants.<br />

Key actions to 2020<br />

z Reform power market to achieve marketbased<br />

power pricing, reflecting environmental<br />

externalities, the value of flexibility and<br />

integration costs.<br />

z Strengthen priority grid access and dispatch<br />

of wind power; maximise the ability of<br />

northern provinces to accommodate locally<br />

produced wind power; facilitate interprovincial<br />

transmission using smartest available<br />

technology.<br />

z Accelerate deployment of flexible resources;<br />

deploy best available output forecasting<br />

techniques; activate consumer response to<br />

electricity scarcity.<br />

z Establish a renewable R&D fund and common<br />

experimental platforms. Develop and deploy<br />

cost competitive 5 MW technology by 2015,<br />

and near offshore technology by 2020.<br />

z Strengthen supply chains, especially offshore<br />

transport and installation infrastructure, and<br />

carbon fibre availability.<br />

z Develop specialist wind power training courses<br />

and university curricula by 2015.<br />

Summary<br />


<strong>Technology</strong> <strong>Roadmap</strong> China Wind <strong>Energy</strong> Development <strong>Roadmap</strong> 2050<br />

<strong>International</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Agency</strong> – IEA<br />

9 rue de la Fédération, 75015 Paris, France<br />

Tel: +33 (0)1 40 57 65 00/01<br />

Email: info@iea.org, Web: www.iea.org<br />

2015<br />

2020<br />

2010<br />

2025<br />

<strong>Energy</strong> Research Institute – ERI<br />

National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) of P. R. China<br />

Block B, Guohong Bldg., Muxidibeili-Jia 11, Xicheng District, Beijing, 100038, P. R. China<br />

Tel: +86 10 63908576/63<br />

Email: eri@eri.org.cn, Web: www.eri.org.cn<br />


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