t - International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers

t - International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers

t - International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers


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6 2<br />

WIhl,4 TAXES Paid<br />

qliCONSUMER CallRetont<br />

SIOME<br />

of the sweeping criticisms aimed<br />

at the electric power operations of<br />

the Tennessee Valley Authority are<br />

therlselves deserving of some critical examination.<br />

If the TVA activities constitute<br />

no sound basis for comparing the<br />

relative merits of private and public<br />

operation of power utilities, the pub ii<br />

should be so informed. On the other<br />

hand, the experiment is too important<br />

to permit it to be discredited by incomplete,<br />

mistaken or deliberately false<br />

information.<br />

The stakes are high. To appreciate how<br />

high, it is necessary only to reeall the<br />

long history of corporate interloehings<br />

and pyram lingo , tile finan.ci I metaphysics<br />

which characteri ze Iapr te utility<br />

operation. aid the consequent impotence<br />

of effective regulation which finally<br />

brought Cvnglrss to recognize that a<br />

yardstick of powerl opeettion1 is a desirable<br />

alnd ncessary thing. It is helpful<br />

to bear in mind that if the TVA can<br />

produce a sound and reliable standard<br />

LI power utility operations, then in addition<br />

to harness.ing the damaging flood<br />

waters of the Tennessee Valley, the<br />

project may succeed in stopping some of<br />

the equally damaging swollen streams<br />

of uniea :d utility profits.<br />

The issues most commonly raised relate<br />

either to the economic justfieatoion<br />

N;K''<br />

This fact<br />

throws light upon vexed TVA<br />

p)roblemss<br />

of the powel operations, or to, the questrin<br />

of taxation, or to a combmiarisn of<br />

both.<br />


One of the most superficially persuaive,<br />

and at the same time i.maginative.<br />

attacks on the TVA was one recently<br />

syndicated by thei (hicago Tribune Press<br />

Sevice. In challenging TVA's claim that<br />

its power operations had become self<br />

Siupporting up..n reaching an Intcomne of<br />

$15,000,000 annual.ly, this article quoted<br />

a statement that the dams, trnsmission<br />

lines, steam plants and other purchased<br />

aIs;ts had cost almost $30i5,000,000.<br />

Against this, it was asserteld, private<br />

utilities would have to pay 5 per cent<br />

as interest, and set up a depreciation reserve<br />

of 2.5 per cent, amountJng to over<br />

$22,000,000, plus taxes of $2,500,000 and<br />

operating expenses of $5,000,000, making<br />

a total of $30,000,000.<br />

Thus simply was the power operation<br />

if the TVA hrown for a $15,000.000<br />

annual loss! Thi; not very subtle reckonig.<br />

even if the figures .v el' acce pted,<br />

Z 0, I<br />

I T<br />


The JounlaI<br />

oe ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators<br />

makes he initial mistake of charging<br />

against power operations the entire cost<br />

of navigation improvement. flood-ontrol.<br />

LiOnioi in of national defense, fertilizer<br />

experimentation. etc. Consistency would<br />

require that, to tle TVA power rev-<br />

-fue there be added the many hundred,<br />

of millions of dollars resultng from proteelion<br />

agiehist flood loss, transportation<br />

perils, oil erosion and other tangible<br />

losses, to say nothing of the inreas.ed<br />

sccurity to life and happiness.<br />



The article also makes the mistake of<br />

assuming that interest on the investment<br />

is properly chargeable to the expense of<br />

operat.ion., instead of r'eognizing it as<br />

a part of profits. The justification of<br />

stockholders' profits delends upon their<br />

furnishing the funds needed for a given<br />

enterprise. If the funds are nevertheless<br />

borrowed, the eF'eet of such borrowing<br />

shouli be to reduce the amounts available<br />

for dividends and not to increase<br />

consumer costs. Admission of any other<br />

theory would furnish ihe utility with a<br />

nmotive for remaining in debt perpetually<br />

so that dividemlns could be collected<br />

on an investment which is also supported<br />

by interest payments.<br />

But eve, if it were otherwise, it i'<br />

interesting to note that the bonds sold<br />

by the municipalities and cooperatives<br />

which buy TVA power secured by power<br />

revenue and not by taxation--were readlfly<br />

marketed at interest rates ranging<br />

fron onily 2.3 to 3.6 per cent instead of<br />

5 per cent used in the above computa-<br />

tion. With respect to depreciation, the<br />

let inconme of the TVA power operations<br />

was d!temiled only after deducting an<br />

average depreciation of 2.1 per cent.<br />

whereas the average, depreciation rate<br />

of 1 5fli private utility companies as reported<br />

to the Securities and Exchange<br />

(on is4h)o i was only 1.66 per cet in*<br />

stead of the 2.5 per cent which it was<br />

stated the utilities apply. The correction<br />

of interest and depreciation rates alone<br />

would he equivalent to a saving of about<br />

$11.000.001, even on the basis of the<br />

foregsing figures.<br />


Before considering tile question of taxation.<br />

it should he notedl that the TVA,.<br />

on its presenIt basis. will save consimers<br />

of electricity ill tile area which it serves<br />

approxinm ately $8.000,000 annually. In<br />

1933, before TVA. residential eonsu llers<br />

of the T allessee Electric Power Conpany<br />

paid an average of 5.77 cents per kilowatthour.<br />

in 19g3 the TVA average paid was<br />

109 cents per kilo itt-hour, as against<br />

a inatilnal average of 421 cents. These<br />

figures suggest that the -eal value of the<br />

taxato I.i ssue l.is in its eapacity to di<br />

vit attentilon fromn mote fundami..ental<br />

matters.<br />

Plobabty the niost noteworthy piresnitilfn<br />

of the tax issue was that which<br />

"'ppeared in full-page newspaper tldvel'tise<br />

mits of the Conommonwealth & S lbv-<br />

Crs (CenIpuny promptly after the transfer<br />

Continued oil poge 1C )

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