t - International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers

t - International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers

t - International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers


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ID<br />

The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators<br />

ment and nmonig labor unionists oi tihe<br />

Sehat. l.a Follette. Snl!.Iforn Owen gitl<br />

labor side.<br />

''Soni engieerai, supe lvilsor. lint. fetemen<br />

who colae to TVA froin private, nonunioin<br />

cone Ins quite. nattllly l.et .ined<br />

their olld Contelll.pt fur this olaliei (l<br />

labor nonsnn, of governmlenet hluninitlrianisnL<br />

To thein efficiency wa' Ihe inly<br />

other well-known pl.ogessives. It may he<br />

sali to be an expriessiil of the progiress iv<br />

I..I..venI.nit. It fig tll 'd Is .esearch agency<br />

in S .a.tr Norris's efforts to get passed<br />

tih, Act thiat later, hi .cale the TVA Act,.<br />

Its publcaions range uvir a wide list .f<br />

shiltctt. including iitiaive ant d referred<br />

letter word in the ditionllar, They<br />

were obstinate. did n.t comply with th,<br />

.nlulnm, coo~perlatVi's aind the utilities<br />

puoey, and n...I e troul.le, l .tsl, .<br />

have b.e.n 'lermnitlted, that is to say,<br />

tiled. Not for lak f ability, but blecause<br />

As illiustiii :i of the partnirship<br />

fIhey. yI will a'k you to hsai with ie<br />

they dild .ot. , .l.ul nod.t fit iln. On the<br />

other sid, ...some high union oflicials, whose<br />

word was law in nthir er fts, nation-wid"e<br />

while I dLscih.ie briely something of<br />

ith ctooperrative nloventt on tile Calll,<br />

dibim National Ruilways, which we haive<br />

did not fancy ... erging their alntiaratic<br />

power with (tht, l Ulioll ih this 'Oaperstive<br />

set-up and the)y have caused trouble,<br />

e'spPianly in jiulitiie tnla iattes.<br />

"Again, thousands of men joined a<br />

union of thir craft for the first time.<br />

They were a inac.instled to unioli discipline.<br />

When they found they .ould not<br />

do as they ,ipkaed as 'fre ir' they<br />

made toluble r their aledesl. IIHere let<br />

me note a thing of which the public<br />

knows little, namely, that the great<br />

Ilmoins manhtain it discipline over their<br />

inentih of ttemnddo us importance to<br />

the efficienc, of industry. But, of course,<br />

in so doing, union officials have their<br />

headaches".<br />

The anther finds that the experilent<br />

has gone along effetively Mr. King<br />

made many visits to the TVA properties<br />

and talked with both tehnicians and<br />

labor uionionst We lIantarie hlis<br />

findings:<br />

iai. nla-nilnagliuenlt oopieatlirni' is<br />

one of those teehnical d.esriptivt phrases<br />

with an academic flare which means little<br />

to the average arder, but the wmold and<br />

all to those who know what it is almut.<br />

Put in homespun. we can understand why<br />

folrward-looking administrators, englneers<br />

and labo leaders are so elated about<br />

it and declare it to be the mist .ilpe(poant<br />

feature of the TVA Labonr Relaions<br />

Policy. They call it 'A milestone If progreoss<br />

and 'A new era fur lablr.'<br />

"Thus far in our machine age, managemn<br />

t- that is, general nanal.ers, engi<br />

nler., mastelr mechanics and superintendents-have<br />

told labor what to do and<br />

how to ido it. Skilled era ftsmen, plus orn<br />

mon labor, turned out the product whether<br />

it was a box of matches or a hundredmillion-dodlar<br />

hydiroelectric dan. Managemnent<br />

took the blue prints, scheduled<br />

the work, organinzed the force and ran<br />

the show. ft was master-servant. The<br />

servant irafLtme i nlight have valuable<br />

ideas on lay-out, procedure, safety. saing<br />

maletiIs. machine ope0 ation or a<br />

thousanid othir things. No maItter they<br />

kept still as; a rule. Management was<br />

nlanatmjonlt and knew.<br />

"The TVA policy makers, haI another<br />

idea. They held that there were among<br />

the workers mainy craftimen who had<br />

eyes and ideims. They asked, Why not tap<br />

this reservir if brains and give both<br />

encou rage.i.ent and rcogniti toi ask<br />

labor to sit in at the coiuncil taldl and<br />

participat in management? It would be<br />

helpful to both make the job a partner.<br />

ship affair. It was so decided and i written<br />

eto regard is our greatest asset.<br />

A lew years ago, in I,14, I had been<br />

thinkling of what had bIeen :.eoplished<br />

thruogh the CO.l.ttti. nhrvltcliet ts iS<br />

f..t.d tI pie.si. n (o)t tiIt, lalthino it t..I<br />

Ohio Railhoad, threlgh lihe wise and fllaseellt<br />

adniOstitaion of its peside t,<br />

l)ianiel Willard. Almost simltaneusly<br />

with that thought, Mr. Berit eweli, whom<br />

oi all know as presi.lie't of tihe Railwa<br />


Eln yoes' l)epartnent , slggested to l<br />

the inauguration of a similar i loveleltl<br />

bnteriolional Represitnlie, I I E W<br />

Seeretary Tennessee Valley Trades and on the Canadian National R ilways. Tlhe<br />

L.dua ('o a ti i-ai He ihns u d l idea was ailluring becase it seemed<br />

achwI yemll<br />

sOulnd anld was in heephtg with the .. nor<br />

enlightened and progressive irlations be-<br />

in lth concluding statemnen t of the twoen capital and labto. Mr. Jewell was<br />

pol icy<br />

foitrutmiteiy a!sistei in his proposa:l, anl<br />

In view of the fact that this experiment in subsequent inauguraLliolln, by Captainl<br />

in a aw ltype of governeiint c orporation Be ye, land to both of these gentleieni<br />

now ill eect over a per ii of fol yea rs ihe C(anadian National Railways owes<br />

h.s involved representatives of 12,001 lulch . Sufflee it to say, lndl to mlail<br />

A. F. of i. uniolists, and in view of the<br />

fact that the <strong>International</strong>i B .rother.hood<br />

of <strong>Electrical</strong> W orkers has been identified<br />

with this process eontintuiosly and effectively.<br />

we believe that Mr. King's pamtphiet<br />

will get a wide reeption, with o...<br />

own eadets,<br />

"The Tennessee Valley Authority is<br />

providing it most constructive and inspiring<br />

examnple of genuin{e mo'dern dimocraey<br />

at. work in its more u-ndament al<br />

aspeets. The Labor RMlotions Policy created<br />

by both anageoimeuin and labo, is<br />

one of its most ,,notable ahlievements."<br />

Mr. King describes the following subjiers<br />

in his notable pamphlet:<br />

The Public Power Movement<br />

The Origin of the TVA Pulicy MLaor<br />

ThPe Provisions of the Labor Policy<br />

Joint Administration ounler the Policy<br />

Diseipline<br />

Wtges, Hours and Conditions<br />

Health and Safety<br />

Results of the Labor Movement Cooperatti<br />

on<br />

Attiacks upon TVA<br />

Possible Future Achievements<br />

We note that Gordon oM. Freeman international<br />

representative of the <strong>International</strong><br />

<strong>Brotherhood</strong> of Kleetrieal Work<br />

era, and ..cretary of the Tennessee Vxalley<br />

Trades and Labor Council, is also the<br />

.liaison .nin between in.lageelmt .. and<br />

labor in the valley.<br />

The National Popular Go.vern.e nt<br />

League was founded in 1913I in Washington<br />

by Mr. King. The league has had<br />

the sponsorship of eminent public men in<br />

American life, including Senator Nm'lis,<br />

= a<br />

I uiig tory short, (hilat we cornmmencei the<br />

cooperlative miovement in the shops of<br />

thie Canadian Natioml Railways. lIt sI<br />

far a, the c.um.l)tiy tlI the men worle<br />

eineralned, the objetives were:<br />

i. Continuity of employment.<br />

2. A lore kinlly and satisfactory re-<br />

,lieinship l[. ...... he trailway on ithe<br />

elo hand andl our shop enployees o., the<br />

pt her.<br />

3 An iAmprovement ill output withl reiuced<br />

unit costs.<br />

4. The introduction in our shop administration<br />

of the br idns of our Ien,<br />

and the provision of an outlet for their<br />

ingenuity.<br />

5. A more accurate eoneeption on each<br />

side of the other's point of view.<br />

After a few year8 of trial, I assert as<br />

far as the railway is concerned. and I<br />

think those who repreellt our men ,oidd<br />

speak similarly, that all of these objectivs<br />

have been measurably achieved,<br />

and certainly the resulits have been well<br />

worth the ffort Sinee the inceptiloii af<br />

the plan, 6,:158 snggestions have been<br />

nlade looking owitl id imnproved shop<br />

conditions anl output, of. which far the<br />

gre'test proportion originated with thO<br />

ruyn. <strong>Of</strong> these suggestions, 73 per ,ent<br />

Ihave been ae.pted. 15 per ccit at' still<br />

nider considerat .ion, and only 12 per cent<br />

iejeted. This I regard as an amllazing tostlt.<br />

0f incaleulabhle benefit to both sides<br />

Most of the pr.roinis. , many of which<br />

o1f mnajot imlpotnllce, would ntvel<br />

have come to light had It not been for the<br />

partnership novengent<br />


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