t - International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers

t - International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers

t - International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers


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The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators<br />

omycett<br />

L. U. NO. 1-., NEW YORK, N. Y. week will, Nanli)b six [.m a day, 30 hour, hes even as the horse and buggy for<br />

Editor:<br />

a week, with ii reasonaI, I onlpienisao to conveyancC.<br />

nLiietai<br />

Despite the<br />

purhier Mgm<br />

reports of<br />

power<br />

business<br />

for tin,<br />

being<br />

workr. By this time<br />

up<br />

the readers of this lJOURNAl<br />

to and ill many cases<br />

OnI<br />

exceeliing<br />

ilotlion<br />

the<br />

workers<br />

record<br />

,lloy.ld lit 4ii hours are fi, iair with the Mix-hur day, :30 hour<br />

year of I139, we ate tll in the doldrums<br />

i<br />

of<br />

eek, wonld mean 44,000(,000 work hours. eek canil)alg Ii if local Uiiio No. 1-3. En-<br />

uiemployreant. ihy The answr is<br />

(!Utli"ig<br />

siupl<br />

theel to a mainiuml of 30 hours a eourag ll reports ire comingi in froIt locnals<br />

enough for those<br />

-eek, weulfd<br />

who care<br />

give<br />

and<br />

us<br />

want<br />

14,0(0,000<br />

to<br />

woirk-hours for all over the country that have taken ip the<br />

undiratirid true facts<br />

the<br />

and riot<br />

.ow uenelo<br />

a lot LI<br />

yed.<br />

lame<br />

Divide the six-hour day banner for this most practical solution for<br />

into<br />

excuses.<br />

Il,O,(000 would give us a gri nId total unenploylneInt, Prtilln,,s have been sent to<br />

of 2.:l3,333 more<br />

Each<br />

workdays,<br />

year<br />

I ki g into<br />

in these enited<br />

all oLr<br />

States<br />

si'ter<br />

we<br />

local<br />

bayr<br />

(Ithrugh bout the eiuntry<br />

consilleratin that this figure is<br />

approximtely<br />

only based to be signed by any and all workers<br />

one-half<br />

who<br />

million<br />

are<br />

young men on 1,000,900<br />

and<br />

workers<br />

women<br />

anid<br />

who<br />

an eighlt-hoi,<br />

hve<br />

r<br />

completed<br />

work- citizens of the i ired States andi in favor<br />

their re ing day, it ran readily ie<br />

sleetive<br />

seen how<br />

ectaeatilo,<br />

the six of thils pla lie carly SuccessiI of this<br />

s in<br />

vne,-<br />

our schools adi are, hour<br />

practiiclly<br />

lay would.i<br />

speaking,<br />

solve the<br />

on the<br />

uCnemploymert ture, aml Sucess it nmust<br />

market<br />

lie for the<br />

for<br />

future<br />

jobs<br />

aid pionli.Lis in the business<br />

problem<br />

prosprlity<br />

worlidl.<br />

of oitr nation,<br />

They<br />

dlipnds on each and<br />

start out uill of holpe alId thie keen eCllau-<br />

Another article appiea"bg in a more or every Itn.i.ber of the I. B. i. W. and others<br />

siani of youth, only to meet failure. Their<br />

less popuinr nationwide ilagazin.i states getting its lar]y signatures aa possible so as<br />

requests for employinent ale usually met<br />

'All economists agree that the one principal, to Subh it this plan for Tlegislatlon.<br />

with arygin aiswers, such<br />

if not<br />

,<br />

the<br />

We<br />

principal<br />

are<br />

reason for our continued Thirefore, let us all solemnly resolve, that<br />

layI u uRf. "lNot hiringl'." You mu;t<br />

depression<br />

have<br />

is the dearth of new building." in this New Year of 1940, we will l-ld our<br />

previous experience"*'<br />

tIhen goes<br />

WhaC<br />

on<br />

is<br />

to put<br />

to<br />

the<br />

become<br />

blmenic<br />

of<br />

oi rganized bert efforts to Illiillg the grsat hidp of<br />

them? ilere is one answer<br />

Il.bor,<br />

to th<br />

buidling<br />

at qIuery, i it<br />

trades unions in particular, Ainler: -an Labor out of the doldlruns of un-<br />

can he called an<br />

Preposterous,<br />

answer, or just<br />

of<br />

another<br />

course,<br />

frir<br />

to assume that one employ n ito jien the t rde winds of the<br />

of<br />

gereil<br />

avoidiulg<br />

of<br />

and puttietg<br />

local unions<br />

ofT the<br />

in<br />

issue,<br />

this<br />

that<br />

irgoe<br />

was<br />

nation is six-hoir (lay, 30-hour week andi jobs for Ill,<br />

recently pubished<br />

res onsible<br />

i onI e of New<br />

for<br />

York<br />

the<br />

City's<br />

depression. Yet, they<br />


iing dailly newspapers.<br />

woulidi have ynlu<br />

"Cive<br />

helieve<br />

Youth<br />

such<br />

a<br />

rot, No Imlenotilon<br />

Chance, Job Sur.ey risks U.<br />

is<br />

S."<br />

nale of inivestigations bcin nin de of the L. {. N{). 7, SI'I4INGFIELU, MASS.<br />

building<br />

This<br />

material<br />

so culled job survey,<br />

marufacturers,<br />

made by a grou.p<br />

regarding Editor:<br />

the high coLtS of materies. Why<br />

of<br />

is<br />

industrialsts<br />

this ill<br />

and educatiors under the<br />

It sire is great to know how far our<br />

vestigeAtitn going on?<br />

name<br />

Simply<br />

of tile<br />

because<br />

AnieiCriic<br />

it<br />

Youth<br />

has<br />

C orimissiilo, was<br />

JOlURNAL seems t tio trel every month. for ac<br />

been definitly<br />

established<br />

proven<br />

by the<br />

liat<br />

American<br />

the cost<br />

CoIIuncil<br />

Iof libr<br />

of IEd.<br />

eordnlrg to the article in MlIgazlne (ht you<br />

has ilnthiog at all tW l,, with the<br />

cation,<br />

high<br />

a non-government<br />

costs.<br />

os.n.izi [ott.<br />

have<br />

I hey<br />

r r.i.ests ,eceived for the JOUFaNaL from<br />

Still labhor gets the blaie,<br />

have finally<br />

Notwithstin<br />

omIe to the<br />

ding<br />

conrIlusion, after frr<br />

Norway and Italy.<br />

that they, the<br />

long<br />

laborlr<br />

years of<br />

g elasses,<br />

study, that<br />

wonlid<br />

ne-thiird<br />

be the<br />

of<br />

All any<br />

our<br />

reader has to do iS look on p,.c 1<br />

first to iinvest in homes if tihe big if ig<br />

atpproxinatoly It,000.000 unemployed,<br />

at "Conntents"<br />

are<br />

ald you know yu" are startineg<br />

busiless woulr<br />

youths,<br />

d illvest<br />

between<br />

its capital<br />

the ages<br />

and<br />

of<br />

coop-<br />

15 and 24 y2lrs.<br />

to real iin interesting JOURitNAL. I have read<br />

erate<br />

they<br />

with<br />

admit<br />

labor<br />

that<br />

in<br />

for<br />

the<br />

years<br />

shortenin rg<br />

there has<br />

of<br />

bIee,<br />

the Itlly blooks and<br />

a<br />

newspapers indi very few of<br />

workday arid workweek,<br />

disq.uietin<br />

thereby<br />

g" ende<br />

reating<br />

iy to<br />

a these<br />

exlude<br />

give<br />

begin,,irs<br />

lus tIe real facts as dos our<br />

demiid<br />

frm<br />

for<br />

emloiyme<br />

both labor and new blliiinIis<br />

t and that sonmething<br />

Is<br />

should<br />

JPUNA, a I nind I an, not sur.Pised oi ho-<br />

be done<br />

it<br />

about<br />

posslile<br />

it. liere<br />

to ibring<br />

is their<br />

bak<br />

plano<br />

pIrosperity by breakmany of my friends outside tile trade have<br />

ing down the standard<br />

A reonimendation<br />

of tie American asked rnite for the ioan<br />

to<br />

of my<br />

the government<br />

Jtual, to<br />

of<br />

Ceald.<br />

a workers, by fienrn g them relief or a possi-<br />

program of<br />

It is<br />

public<br />

pretty hard<br />

work, that<br />

to judge<br />

should<br />

which<br />

be<br />

story or<br />

bility of part-time work for little more than<br />

planned<br />

article<br />

with speciel<br />

is the best<br />

regard<br />

hut I<br />

to its<br />

really<br />

eluca-<br />

got a laugh<br />

one dollar a day? Or is it more feasible to from the Old<br />

tLonal<br />

WirePatcher<br />

qualty, that shoulii<br />

over<br />

provide<br />

the story<br />

opportiiri-<br />

of<br />

ereate a market for labor?<br />

how<br />

ties<br />

"Overtime<br />

to try<br />

Bilossomed<br />

various kinds<br />

in<br />

of<br />

Henry<br />

work. The<br />

the<br />

jobs. The press hits turned a deaf ear to our Eighth's Tay."<br />

they say. need not be full titme, and individ- pleas for publicizing the six hour<br />

ual<br />

day,<br />

expenditures<br />

30- And the article on. the National <strong>Electrical</strong><br />

need not exceed $400 a year. hour week. It. millions of readers an only Code, which sure has gone- through plenty of<br />

This. dear readers, is supposed to be liro consume what is of Intorst to its advertisers argulments pro and eon, has at last gone to<br />

ross, in a supposedly enlightened age. Just and supporters (big business). You can rest print and I well know onir liatcrnatioal<br />

think, the mgnificenrt sum of $400 a year, assured that the six-hour day, 30-heur week <strong>Of</strong>fice had plenty of representatives to take<br />

exactly thirty-three dollars and thirty-three is not one of their favorite topics. Therefore, . cere of our interests.<br />

and one-third cents a month, to pay rent, this medium of acquainting the entire pub- I would be very much disappointed if my<br />

lothe, anlid feed these individuals Not alone lic with the vital need for a shorter work- JOURNAL was lost and I was unable to get<br />

that. hbut they have been big-lheartedl enogh day is closedt to us. Our only recourse is to another one.<br />

to advatce this plan to the government for thoroughly acqtunitt ourselves with the vir- There is not much news from Springfeld;<br />

financing. A govertnent already with a notuoe of this campaign, discuss it whenever work seems to be at a standstill just low. It<br />

tional deirt of over 40 billion dollars, incurred the opplortunity present, itself, at union seemed the bottom dropped out of verything<br />

since 1931 and still on the increase, due to meetings, clb meeting, social gatheringrs, the last month arid our business manager is<br />

V-ri.uu pJtdets to aid the unemployed! They etc. It is not a radical movement by any quite worried with so manly men coming on<br />

make no attempt to aid the g overnment rian meanls, as some diehards will try to make him at orie time, iat the boys have had a<br />

cialy in this Latter. Neither do they attenlipt you believe. but justifiable by the technologi- good spell for the last six months and it<br />

to solve this problem of oli r unenmployel cale improvemnts in industry that are sure as, a lot better than it was last year<br />

youth and others in a more sane and i.ra.ti- steadily depriving men artid wnin of the at this time. This cold spell we have been<br />

cal nanrter, that of relucFign the wr akday right and ,opportunity to earn a livelihood. It haiviag the whole ,0onth of January has<br />

and weekly hours.<br />

is not our intention that modern i.achinery stoppedr l ui i ri haut we hope for ii good<br />

In 193S, our Seventy-fifth Congress passed andi itll .rove.teerit. shoull be done away with) spring nod saumer. K. MULLARKEy.<br />

the minimum Wage at'd Hour Law. No doubt Oa the eontraiy! We oly isk thilat the work-<br />

it has aided considelirably. lerever, it is day and weekly hours he adjusted to these L. U. NO. 8, TOLEDO, 01110<br />

hardly drastic enourh, as is evidenced by the advancenetnts. that ILthey may e considered Editor:<br />

ever-incresing worklisa pliphlation,. There- a help to mnioklind instead of a detriment Writintg this collrrpo dnce, for this<br />

fore, it does not solve the problem, ilt a The time has lopng since passed that tilhe month is a painful task, for I have the<br />

still shorter hourly workday and work- eight-hour workday has outlived its useful- sad news to imipart to the membership of

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