t - International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers

t - International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers

t - International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers


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74<br />

;t<br />

The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operators<br />


Menmbers<br />

light the old pipe and breathe<br />

a yarn or two<br />

a WORK a PLAY<br />

o<br />

hilself to its var;ius chnlites, for better<br />

-'_-<br />

or worse.<br />

,--<br />

it was iacking 10 minutes to five<br />

, /<br />

.'cluk, when the jobs are Iusually called.<br />

/li<br />

ll a Istrained eagerness prevailed ill<br />

/I<br />

the erom. Th viy atmosplhe re was tens.<br />

/,f Pcl<br />

Steve rigains, s4.'t id at ith next table with expectation. Mn had their eyes fixed<br />

ii<br />

in the union' s slaious, smokev-filled as- on the office door iii wa ehrId waiting.<br />

I<br />

semhl.Iy room, overheard tile conversation.<br />

l<br />

Finally the door opoed and a clerk camn.<br />

HIe knew both of his fellow ilem.bers par- out with the lilst of jobs. There were a<br />

iripating in it. lie also knew Ilarry Col-<br />

few, and Steve( headll his iaie animong<br />

Tree-Breathed Raccoons ins, the object of their disluite,. those called.<br />

A man of fewi words . himsel f, he liked<br />

By J*AMES ALTIC, L. . No. .- hOs<br />

ie vas ushered, with the other men,<br />

to listen to conv.rsations of others; to into the bulsiless manager's ofice. Ton,<br />

R. FERGUSON'S story about the hear both sides iii any argument andi Henderson ,a busy executive, ,was ccu<br />

watch keeping time in ilfe gills then, after efficiently weighing in his pied at his desk. No sooner did he antswe<br />

M of , a I trout ... I a, for , a y... year pooit ipulied So the minl.d pro and eon, form his own pinion. one of the two phones, whem the other<br />

cork. If I did not know that the ieorilng However, havinrg been ot of work a mo rang. In the brief period between<br />

River country is so full of ticks, I would month, it was Iat lural for ihat un.easy calls, he usually interviewed men to hb<br />

think his tale hlard to believe.<br />

feeling to creep ill and play havoc with sent out on jobs.<br />

Well, here's another yam. .L G, Schmidi his other'ise cheerful disposition, amd<br />

"Bello, Steve!'" he addrssi<br />

and I were spending a week on Ben he was<br />

hinm<br />

more<br />

with<br />

or less inclined o listoen Io<br />

a fiendly smile, as soilon as his turn<br />

Watts' farm near Milton. Pike County, 'knocks" direted against the union ofli .came, FI've been looking over the records<br />

III., hunting rabbits and quail. Or the isl in ehargoe of distributing jobs. of your past employment<br />

night of the thiLd dy we were playing "I don't came<br />

anid<br />

whai<br />

I found<br />

you say," the oice<br />

Illat you d<br />

pinchle when DBen''s collie dog baiked. of the first<br />

mliuI get "ucl i bU a break late..<br />

eakcr drifted to lhinm. in-<br />

Now, L have a job on hand that requiire<br />

We dashed outside and found lie had an terrupting his glum thoughts. "I still<br />

a special skill. It'll be a long stretch. ii<br />

opossum, which we bagged. This sug- maintain that there is too iceh faor<br />

you can make the grade. Do you think<br />

gested a 'coon hunt. Our host called itism in giving out jobs. There seems to<br />

yu canl do it?"'<br />

neighbor and invited him to bring his be a clique that gets all the work"<br />

'coon dog and go for a chase. We shook "Aw, fiddlestieks!"<br />

Could<br />

the<br />

he do<br />

orthe<br />

it?<br />

speakers<br />

Steve turned over in<br />

out three 'possumns the first hour, Then angry retort caine<br />

his mind<br />

to<br />

the<br />

him, "an<br />

various<br />

you point<br />

complicated jobs<br />

he<br />

the old dog hit a trail and we sat down out<br />

had<br />

the<br />

handled<br />

men ill<br />

in<br />

ie<br />

his days.<br />

clique<br />

Yet,<br />

you<br />

despite<br />

are raving<br />

to wait. IlI about a half hour we heal abouit?<br />

his<br />

I'll bet<br />

years<br />

my<br />

of<br />

last<br />

skilled<br />

dollar<br />

training,<br />

you can't<br />

he was nol<br />

of the<br />

him bark again. We found him at tite foot If you<br />

know-it<br />

were<br />

all<br />

in<br />

type<br />

tha<br />

to boast<br />

office<br />

about<br />

for<br />

it<br />

one nday.<br />

of a squatty tree, the few limbs of wihich you'd realize what a gigantic task it is<br />

'"I certainly shall try my best, Mr.<br />

afforded no hiding place. No raccoons! to distribute<br />

lenderson,<br />

jobs<br />

to<br />

and<br />

make<br />

ry<br />

good."<br />

II o satisf)<br />

We cussed the dog for a liar! By the everybody!"'<br />

"Very wvell, then, Steve," Tom len-<br />

light of my flashlight I notield the tree T'his remark<br />

dir.i.u<br />

t<br />

rerilrded<br />

Ste,ve<br />

him<br />

a;,-thinking.<br />

with open admira-<br />

seemed to move then, I spotted a crack There's somethiri<br />

tin. }{ere<br />

to this<br />

was<br />

buinress<br />

a man who<br />

that<br />

was sure to<br />

about 15 feet up ta¢i was oliciniig and the average man of the ilanlk aI.d file<br />

make good. Ill manners, his very behavilr<br />

speak<br />

closing slowly. 'be tree was so full of cannot see.<br />

for him.<br />

After<br />

Yet, unlike<br />

ll, he<br />

som,<br />

releted, the<br />

'coons that every time they breathed the i.nion does Il, cre'ate conditioms in the<br />

of tli.s. ladsm ha..k in the awaiting room.<br />

crack opened and closed. We got IS 'c.ois trade. When<br />

,he dies<br />

t1e<br />

not<br />

work<br />

act<br />

slacken,<br />

as if he is<br />

it<br />

a genius<br />

is<br />

who<br />

out of that tree!<br />

virtually impossible to give everyone elidi do everything. "You'll see Miss<br />

what few jobs are conming in.<br />

Kingsley. She'll give you all tile details.<br />

lie glanced at the low roews of tables<br />

anid good luck to you!'<br />

Day-Room Philosophy where men of varlios ages were seated. Steve left he (flice wilh I feeling of<br />

By A. D. HAtLAM i GICK L. iU. ol. fl-s<br />

either engrossed ill discussions or play- xu taition. It was not only the jIl, that<br />

img games. Mlost of them, he knew. were. made him hlappy. lie learned it bit of dny-<br />

lUT. I'm trying to tell you," the like himself, heais of families and some room philosophy trolay that will pov<br />

KS.e. ..... ,ll extremeily agitated, were out of work a much ]onge, period ha.i.dy to him il the future. lie learned<br />

"1 saw Harry Colins leave the lthan himself. A picture flashel in his that one could not get anlywhere by act<br />

business manager's oliee with a joh slip imlaginatin of war-time balirraks where int ;,i a grouch, always looking for iflle<br />

in his hand. A nd he's Ionly b[nt oUt of sohli rs Congegatecd await.lug ordels who get "'better breaks." lie raliied that<br />

work three days! Why . .<br />

fram superior ollieers. In a way, he ra o1u mnust possess somethillr nmore tkiial<br />

"Oh, yeah? Well. I happen to know, smied, we are alI soldiers in the hattie his luiion card to be eapalle of holding<br />

Wise Guy, that .larry was sent on an flield of industry. And, as in every wa, i job; that lthere are certain jobs that<br />

assignment to hielp line up the boys of them must r be s casualties. omne The loval rqlire more than averaget aeg skill, n.l.turall<br />

the B. & J. shop." The other voice was soldier never e oplnnains whiic going ei .i. ating .so.e of these would be<br />

sareasti¢. with a slight drawl in it. "You through Endless discomifort and hardship. alftsnmin who, nvertheless. think tileir<br />

and your infernal grumbling! You al- Somehow (his thought comforted him: skill is nconparable. And, above all, h<br />

ways shoot off your windbag crying about it is easier to bear the burden when egaiiied his self-coldlece, feelilng err<br />

jobs, when you know darn well they are one considers he is an important cog in tian he would measure up to any diffiult<br />

scarce at this tihe of the yar."<br />

the industry's wheel anmd itlit adjust problnl that nmight come his way

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