t - International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers

t - International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers

t - International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers


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66<br />

The Journal of ELECTRICAL WORKERS and Operalors<br />

RUSSIA c/latched P0lan<br />

By ItICN GITLOW, in "I Confess"<br />

C. I. O.<br />

exists as bolshevik political<br />

front in UJnite(1 States<br />

ta BREAK A. F. of L.<br />

a large piroimressive o're working iside<br />

the A F of I,, to iring abouL that situatiul,<br />

ill the trade uiliis which woul<br />

lead to the oustiig of Goipers and bis<br />

]ieutlenir.s froim control. I.lnin dem.andled<br />

but one c-,iiolition for iis Upploit of such<br />

a ~veinltlit: nanlely, a ehange ill the<br />

,o/d. I/Is b,.ok is h Ire hist orq. Ene"y 'il<br />

dicmios persell from ll the sde to the<br />

rinote frilnges of thre in, fist moteeinet.<br />

,helher he soays so or not will<br />

kn..ow ha it is. IY'rs(ImlIIg I friled tl<br />

delec (,, any vital asste the donllance of<br />

any mo,7tiet o ther thl that of i..rsii-<br />

policies of ihe Tlluiois tOWlrd Soviet Russa.<br />

The Bolsheviks hoped that the succes<br />

of [/,inlii plan would create a vtrv<br />

greait snll nenlI in the trade unions fio<br />

American i ecognitiln of Soviet Russia<br />

and trtd with it. Lenmii was also of the<br />

STALIN<br />

li reahCie ol0 for A F of L<br />

(published by special nrrangement willt<br />

Dlotton & Co.. lite.. Publtshe.)<br />

E P.<br />

gated tlth-tellin9."<br />

The follwning exerpt £from the book<br />

suaoizea the elao,, of RIushla to<br />

Arerit-cr[tz,(,l)il .. ani. t t.t..jt s to creck<br />

te A. F. of L.<br />

t lIE Ilislheviks from the time of Lenin<br />

to the pIreseI have never given li<br />

opiion that if such an opposition novereat<br />

could be launched, its slccess taioud<br />

help transform the (Coinmuist PauI<br />

firon tile sli;,a ll undeground sect it then<br />

was into a powerful mass party.<br />


T the hIopc of capturing the trade union<br />

ie, Gillow, nc. e.onem.mnist eadidlate<br />

for Vice President of lthae IUlti g terats , movement of the United States. Our parly<br />

[o .e.ly member of the 'uiibg politia i received more assistance, more advice,<br />

,"nmillee of the Amie.ca,, C.o m..ait more dleisions on the trade . nio.n tl.s.-<br />

Prtely, tells all in his . .it boo/, "I Coition thaln on almost any other quetiol,.<br />

less, The Truth Abri. A..l.er.I t (!om- Lenin was particularly lnxious to Wil<br />

mlsat,"I published in Jd.u.a., by h. P, over the Ameerietn trade unions. It was<br />

Dilton & Co., Inc. (price $.75). Mr. Lenin who conceived the idea tinit it<br />

Gilio. , as a CrCIIIt witness before hle would he possible l, the .omn . lln it<br />

Die om nitle.e. Max Eltf.am , ssa it,- in the United States, by hiding their<br />

able iglure in American adia ,lism, nrys identity, to form an opposition bloc in<br />

of this book:<br />

the trade unionis. wi lib would na.ble<br />

This hook is a faithfi al . s.aIteI ly<br />

themn tI diklodge th, reactionary foresi<br />

roodid rui-or.t j'o1nn the iside alsld what in .ontrol of the A.meircan Feleration of<br />

Labol The one policy of the party that<br />

is more important, fi-oem the tol-of a<br />

,titi phahse of r.ecint Americani history.<br />

has no.t 1ndlergonie al.y chags has bIeo<br />

Tbhe<br />

this policy, with hobut nileeptioptn, when,<br />

hin ity is secrt,. aid ., ighl wrel hale<br />

renairerd ,o bat for the exlttordinary for a short iie, the pi,,iLy tllep ted tn<br />

organize its o.Iwn I.ins. Imnmediately<br />

pol ar,,~d eon i-alle of lb is mant, Ren GiiUi<br />

low, sad/ his alti..ttae recorery of/ clear after the failure of that iplicy the party<br />

rjio, and it it iar ed leeotioe to hil ideaIr. again, with some d. e oif souceess put<br />

A fho usand co0ty essl tt5 x on'e~sfl/tige t*0is through the poliey of a,, pposition bloc.<br />

couid ?mrat expose the f.,ts caIp...al in thbis<br />


book,. A thousald resea.'.. e.h -pwts, rotvin.ced<br />

of thel, colid .o.t make them Lenin firt woiked out the policy whl<br />

c.ao.cnTinq The g iiok of he C(.o)lai,. .st Willuam Z. Foster iad Sidney liillnn<br />

Pnol in the United Staits has intl h1d a were in Mosow in 1922. At that time<br />

setion o/ offanaticalien ones. s, I 0) oIly Leoinl hoped that le, who hos was nit<br />

agaiast A rieitrmt lia or An.iican 'isI)I' to discilors his i]entity as a corlnomlrl,<br />

but against the par.ty'# own pips w .uld succeed in builiong up a powerful<br />

and ideals-gahnst hfe wo.khig cmase. plogrtiuve opposition in ithe A F, of L.<br />

NothIbn less than a con fvssfen hy one of It was hoped that liiIma i. would bie able<br />

those jpdlty of catdearlip in tlhese trbaes to ellinst in the .i.pplsition mor men t<br />

oatnhrrtne zeatotry coaldd odeqnateley ie the pox' erfnl uaiollo; of the Railrrtl<br />

'eat them.<br />

Rrotherloods, which. like his own inion,.<br />

'Zr every rz$e whetre the athov, de- the A .ma gmated Cblthing <strong>Workers</strong> of<br />

scribes On event or sial(t),.o wvith whh:h America, were not affiliated with the<br />

I had personal cnIallirf b l ld e tha, el, is A. F. of L. At the opportune nllonlitq.<br />

a good anay both hire, ad in Iosc.a w the two frires, were to combine in a con<br />

his stalemerat of the foe,, in so far as certed dhive igalinsi the Gompers m;ia-<br />

that can be separtied from p,.litical or chine. It was hoped, Ltrough such a move-<br />

personal feelings toward then,, is unasnment, one part of it resting on the base<br />

sailable. In a numher of cases he ily hbare of the powerful independent unions out-<br />

the essentilas more ohjectiely thatn I side of the A. F. of L, and the other onl<br />

However, Lenin did not knuw Hillman<br />

He did not know that Hillman pursued a<br />

two-fated policy in his own ulihi., Or<br />

the one halld, he gave exprossion to progress.ie<br />

and radical phrases, which hb<br />

took care were widely publicized, aln<br />

on the other hand, he pursued as cnservatiye<br />

a course ill tralde union i attos<br />

as did Goinpers in tie A. F. of L. Ililleian,<br />

who was not a communist and noet l<br />

as even a socialist, was at best a lukewarm<br />

liberal. His actions as president<br />

of the Aialga l ated were always characterized<br />

by extreme opportunism The<br />

trade-union mnachine vith whieh he conl<br />

trelired the Amalgaaoted consisted of a<br />

mixture of adicals and socialists, who<br />

hadliasnt all their soealsIrt and radicl<br />

idealis ... alrI a rowd of Clpt.p reactiot<br />

ary trae ii union oflicials racketeers a'd<br />

'angstvs. Hillnian bad his general cx<br />

ccutive bo;rd exert pressunr upon iLcrlI<br />

Big Ron, of the AmalgaiiLted to exp:l<br />

nae as a inelmber of the organizatioin becaulS<br />

I had exposed the corrupt and<br />

rackteelhlg machine of ]ieckerniala in<br />

that local when ke-i, .. hnad the flil<br />

support of Illhn.an. Liatc litlmion hinself<br />

hid In expel, Beckllaii, because lthe<br />

charges wichh I had ... ade were nie iily<br />

prroven true in bi ec['aue they bcl.am e<br />

widely iiow.n. When llillma ,I eturned.<br />

from Mos.ow, he miade all lhe eapt;pd hi'<br />

couih out if his vimt, as fil, aS the n.i,,lers<br />

of Ili organizati ll were eonernod.<br />

hen r.. a .ular lre .. ber (If them were<br />

radieally inclined and sipported Soviet<br />

Russian ul he did nothing for the idea<br />

of helpilg to form, an opplosition bloc in<br />

the trade unions.<br />

Though Lenin's plans failed to materialize.<br />

the iba was not given up. Attempts<br />

along that line were being made<br />

Continllued on page 105)

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