BIBLIOGRAFÍA - Facultad de Informática - Universidad Complutense ...

BIBLIOGRAFÍA - Facultad de Informática - Universidad Complutense ... BIBLIOGRAFÍA - Facultad de Informática - Universidad Complutense ...


BIBLIOGRAFÍA Allan, J., 1995. Automatic Hypertext Construction. PhD Dissertation. Cornell University. USA. Anderson, J.R., Boyle, F., Corbett, A., Lewis, M., 1990. "Cognitive Modeling and Intelligent Tutoring". En Clancey, J.W. & Soloway E. (Eds) Artificial Intelligence and Learning Environments. MIT Press. Cambridge. USA. Araya, J., 1990. Interactive Query Formulation and Feedback Experiments in Information Retrieval. Doctoral Dissertation, TR90-1115, Cornell University, USA. Arroyo y de Dompablo, M. I., Gallego Martinez, M. A., 1993. "Interface de sistema de ayuda". Proyecto de fin de carrera, E.U.I.T. de Telecomunicación, U.P.M. Balasubramanian, V., 1993. "State of the Art Review on Hypermedia Issues And Applications". Technical Report, Graduate School of Management, Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey Barr, A, Feigenbaum, E.A., 1981. The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, William Kauffman, California. Barret, E., (Eds), 1989. The Society of text: Hypertext, Hypermedia and the social construction of information, MIT Press. Bauer, M, Biundo, S., Dengler, D., Koehler, J., Paul, G., 1993. “PHI - A Logic-Based Tool for Intelligent Help Systems”. En Bajcsi, R. (Ed) Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco. Beaumont, I., 1994. "User Modelling in the Interactive Anatomy Tutoring System ANATOM-TUTOR". User Modelling and User-Adapted Interaction. Vol 4, no. 1, pp 21-45. Bevilacqua, Ann F., 1989. "Hypertext: Behind the Hype". ERIC Digest, Número: ED308882 Bhansali, S., 1991. Domain-Based Program Synthesis Using Planning and Derivational Analogy. Ph. D. Thesis. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaing. Blanco, J., Fernández-Manjón, B., Gonzalez-Calero, P., Fernández-Chamizo, C., 1995. “Copernico: una herramienta de ayuda para la construcción de bases de conocimiento”. En Actas de Caepia 95, VI Conferencia de la Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial, pp. 269-278, Alicante, España. Bonar, J., Cunningham, R., 1988. "Bridge: an intelligent tutor for thinking about programming". En Self, J. (Eds) Artificial Intelligence and Human Learning: Intelligent Computer-Aided Instruction. Edit. Chapman and Hall. New York Borg, K., 1990. "IShell: A visual Unix Shell". In Proceedings of ACM CHI'90 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, End User Modifiable Environment, pp. 201-207. Borgida, A., 1992, "Description Logics are not just for the Flightless-Birds: A New Look at the Utility and Foundations of Description Logics". Tech Report, Dept. of Computer Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Bork, A., 1986. El ordenador en la enseñanza, Edit. Gustavo Gili, Barcelona. Bork, A., 1991. "Technology in Education: An Historical Perspective". Chapter 3, pag 71-90, University of California, Irvine. Bork, A., 1992. "Seven Keywords for Technology and Education". Internal Tech Report, Educational Technology Center, University of California, Irvine. Bork, A., Antenore, F., 1987. “Precalculus Mathematics Course: Formative Evaluation, Tentative Plan”. Internal Tech Report, Educational Technology Center, University of California, Irvine.

<strong>BIBLIOGRAFÍA</strong><br />

Allan, J., 1995. Automatic Hypertext Construction. PhD Dissertation. Cornell University. USA.<br />

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