Sorani vocabulary

Sorani vocabulary Sorani vocabulary
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pewa nân v.t. to push; la ~ a kho’dâ for one’s own part, on one’s own behalf pâławân ناوﻪـــــTﺎـــــﭘ champion, hero; ~etî ﱴåﻧاو ﻪTﺎﭘ , ~iyatî ﻪﻴﻧاوﻪTﺎﭘ ﰏ heroism pâłâ üﺎﭘ = pelâw pâłpishtî ﱴ8ﺸŒTﺎﭘ backing, support pâłtâw وﺎﺘTﺎﭘ overcoat pân نﺎﭘ wide, broad, shallow pâr رﺎﭘ last year SORANI KURDISH portune; ba ~ i in account of; ~ pewa nân v.t. to get a move on, to hightail it out; dang i ~yek the sound of a footstep; ~ la kawsh’(d)â bûn to insist, to be firm: peyèkit la kawsh’â bet u aw pekát nakirdibe ba jey bela be firmly resolved, stick to your guns pe 3 ــــــــــﭘ âä (postposition) see ba; ~… wâ bûn to think, be of the opinion that: pem wâ bû I thought so; pey wâ bû diz u regirin he thought they were robbers and brigands pâra ﻩرﺎﭘ money pâřân ناڕﺎـــــﭘ pâře- ێڕﺎـــــﭘ v.i. to beg, beseech pârâstin ﱳـــﺳارﺎـــﭘ pârez- ﺰـــ§ رﺎـــﭘ la v.t. to protect from, keep pârâztin ﻦéزارﺎﭘ = pârastin pârez ﺰــــ§ رﺎــــﭘ avoidance, abstaining; ambush; ~-birdin v.t. to ambush; ~-chûn v.i. to wait in ambush; ~-kirdin v.t. to abstain; ~rân نارﺰــــ§ رﺎــــﭘ v.p. to be protected, kept; ~ar رﻩﺰـ§ رﺎـﭘ defender, protector, defence lawyer; ~gâr رﺎـــﮔﺰـــ§ رﺎـــﭘ protector; ~î یﺰــــــ§ رﺎــــــﭘ protection; ~îkirdin ندﺮB یﺰ§رﺎﭘ v.t. to protect pârû وورﺎﭘ morsel pâsawân ناو ﻪﺳﺎﭘ guard; ~î surveillance pâsh شﺎــــــﭘ after (prep); ~-kawtin to fall behind, be backward; ~-khistin v.t. to delay; to neglect, ignore; ~ awaî (ka) after (conj.); la ~’â afterwards; ~arozh ژۆرﻪـﺷﺎـﭘ future; ~kawtû وﻮـوﺗ ﻪـﮑﺷ ـ ﺎـﭘ backward; ~mana ﻪـﻧﻪـﴰﺎـﭘ left-over; lamaw~ شﺎﭘو ﻪﻣv henceforth pâshał ڵ ﻪﺷﺎﭘ back of the skirt; hind leg pâshâ ﺎﺷﺎﭘ king, prince pâshu ﻮﺷﺎﭘ leg (of an animal) pâya ﻪﯾﺎﭘ rank pâyiz ﺰaﺎﭘ autumn pâzh ژﺎﭘ portion, section; document pe 1 âä ـﭘ (adj.) (1) fasting: min amřo peyim I’m fasting today; (2) on hand: pûl’it peya? do you have any money on hand?; (3) lit (fire): âgir peya the fire’s lit pe 2 pe âäـﭘ foot; ~-dâ-girtin v.t. to insist, im- 4 âäـﭘ cmpd. vb. element, see under verbal element: pe-gayshtin, pe-kanîn, pe-wîstin pe-chûn نوﻮﭽ ﭘ see under chûn ba pe-kirdin ندﺮــــﮑــــ ــــﭘ v.t. to force, oblige: pe’yân kirdim aw kârá bikam they forced me to do it; to fool; to light (fire); dast ~ (+ inf.) to begin (doing) pechawâna ﻪـﻧاوﻪـ¬ ــﭘ reverse, opposite; ba ~wa ﻩو ﻪﻧاوﻪ¬ ﭘ ﻪﺑ on the contrary pechân نﺎـ¬ ــﭘ pech- ﭻــﭘ v.t. to fold, wrap; hał-~ v.t. to roll up pechrân ناﺮـﭽـ ـﭘ pechre- ێﺮـﭽـ ـﭘ v.p. to be wrapped pedasht ﺖﺷ ﻩﺪ ﭘ piedmont plain pedâ اﺪ ﭘ = paydâ pedâwîst ﺖﺴßواﺪ ﭘ = pewîst peghamar ر ﻪﻣﻪﻐ ﭘ prophet pek ﮏــﭘ together, in order; ~-ânîn v.t. to accomplish, to reconcile; ~-biřrân v.i. to be suitable: to u aw kirâsá daley pek biřrâwin it’s as though you and that shirt were made for each other; ~-gayshtin v.i. to meet, see each other; ~-hâtin v.i. to agree, get along together; to consist (la of); ~henân v.t. to put together, produce, accomplish; to reconcile; ~awa ﻩوﻪـﮑـ ـﭘ together; ~awa-nân v.t. to shut, close (book, eyes), to stick together; rek u ~ ﮏ ﭘو ﮏ§ر ordered, arranged pe-kanîn ﲔﻧ ﻪﮑ ﭘ v.i. to laugh pekân نﲀــﭘ peke- âـﮑــﭘ v.t. to hit with an 214

arrow or bullet, hit the mark pełâw وÀ ﭘ shoes peło ﯚk ﭘ eyelid penâs سﺎûåﭘ identity, identity card penâw وﺎ ـــ ûåﭘ: la ~ i ...’dâ for, for the sake of: la penâw i âzâdî’dâ khom bakht akam I’ll risk my life for the sake of freedom penj ﺞـûåﭘ ـ ـ five; ~am مﻪـÌûåﭘ ـ ـ ـ fifth; ~shamma ﻪﳑ ﻪﺸﺠûåﭘ Thursday peřaw وﻩgــــــــ å ﭘ pedestrian; sidewalk; pro- pewa ﻩﻮ ـــ ـــﭘ: ~ dân see ba …awa dân; ~ girtin see ba …awa girtin pewand ﺪــﻧﻩﻮــــﭘ contact, link; ~-girtin lagał v.t. to form a link with pewân ناﻮ ﭘ pew- ﻮ ﭘ v.t. to measure pewâr راﻮ ﭘ unseen, invisible pewdân نادﻮ ﭘ measure, rule pewîst ﺖـﺴß ـﻮــﭘ necessary; ~î ﱴــ 8ﺴß ـﻮــﭘ necessity pey ﯽä ﭘ = pe gram pere ێﺮåﭘ = pare pesh ﺶـåﭘ ـ before, ahead; ~ awaî (ka) before (conj); ~-girtin ba v.t. to prevent: la chûn pesh’yân pe girtim they prevented me from going; ~girtin la v.t. to stand in front of; ~kawtin v.i. to advance, go forward, get ahead of: peshmân kawtûn they have gotten ahead of us; dânà ~ to drive forward peshak ک ﻪﺸåﭘ foreword peshawâ او ﻪﺸåﭘ leader peshîn ﲔـﺸåﭘ ــ former, olden; ~îân نﺎـــــ ;¿ﻴ8ﺸåﭘ ــ the ancients, ancestors, forefathers peshkash شﻪـﮑﺸåﭘ ـ ــ present, gift; ~-kirdin ba v.t. to present to; ~-krân v.p. to be presented peshkawtû وﻮـوﺗ ﻪـﮑﺸåﭘ ـ ــ advanced, progressive peshmarga ﻪــﮔرﻪــﻤــﺸــــ å ﭘ guerilla, freedom fighter peshnirâw واﲊــﺸــــ å ﭘ proposed, suggested; proposal peshnyâr رﺎــ; ــــ ¿ ﺸــــ å ﭘ suggestion; ~-kirdin v.t. to suggest peshnyâz زﺎــ; ــــ ¿ ﺸــــ å ﭘ suggestion; ~-kirdin v.t. to suggest peshwakht ﺖﺧ ﻩﻮﺸåﭘ early, untimely peshwâz زاﻮـﺸåﭘ ــ greeting: hât ba peshwâz i merdakáyawa she came to greet her husband; ~î kirdin v.t. to receive 2 SORANI–ENGLISH VOCABULARY pichiřândin نﺪـﻧاgـﭽﭘ ـ pichiřen- ﻦـ§ gـﭽﭘ ـ v.t. to break, break apart pichiřîn ﻦــga ــﭽــﭘ pichiř- gــﭽــﭘ v.t. to break, cut; ~-awa la to sever relations with: kâkim la ema pichiřîwatawa, hâtuchû’mân nâkâ my brother has severed relations with us—he doesn’t come to see us; hał-~ to force a cover off pichiřrân ناgـﭽﭘ ـ pichiřre- ێgـﭽﭘ ـ v.p. to be broken, snapped pichok کﯚﭽﭘ little, tiny pif ﻒﭘ puff; ~-kirdin v.t. to puff, blow pil ﻞﭘ finger, toe pilân نﻼﭘ plan piłâw وÀﭘ pilaf, cooked rice piling ﮓﻨﻠﭘ tiger piłîshâ|nawa ﻩوﻪـﻧﺎـﺸõkﭘ ـــ v.i. to be mashed, squashed; ~ndinawa ﻩوﻪـﻧﺪـﻧﺎـﺸõkﭘ ـــ v.t. to squash pilk ﮏﻠﭘ eyelid piř gــــــــــــ full; for compounds, see next element; la ~ g ــ v, la ~èk’á ﲀ ــ§ gــ v, la ~dâ ادgــــــ v suddenly, all at once; ~ la …awa full of; ~-bûn la to be angry with: let piřim: mamdwena I’m angry with you: don’t speak to me; ~’î pe’dâ kirdin v.t. to snatch away; ~âî ﰃاgــ midst, middle: la piřâî i âwakádâ pest ﺖﺴåﭘ skin petakht ﺖﺧ ﻪµåﭘ capital 215 in the middle of the water; majority: piřâî i khałkaká hât the majority of the people came pird دﺮ bridge piřma ﻪﻣg whinny, snivel pirshing ﮓﻨ8ﺷﺮ ray pirsîn ﲔﺳﺮ pirs- سﺮ la v.t. to ask

pewa nân v.t. to push; la ~ a kho’dâ<br />

for one’s own part, on one’s own behalf<br />

pâławân ناوﻪـــــTﺎـــــﭘ champion, hero; ~etî<br />

ﱴåﻧاو ﻪTﺎﭘ , ~iyatî ﻪﻴﻧاوﻪTﺎﭘ<br />

ﰏ heroism<br />

pâłâ üﺎﭘ = pelâw<br />

pâłpishtî ﱴ8ﺸŒTﺎﭘ backing, support<br />

pâłtâw وﺎﺘTﺎﭘ overcoat<br />

pân نﺎﭘ wide, broad, shallow<br />

pâr رﺎﭘ last year<br />


portune; ba ~ i in account of; ~ pewa<br />

nân v.t. to get a move on, to hightail<br />

it out; dang i ~yek the sound of a<br />

footstep; ~ la kawsh’(d)â bûn to insist,<br />

to be firm: peyèkit la kawsh’â bet<br />

u aw pekát nakirdibe ba jey bela be<br />

firmly resolved, stick to your guns<br />

pe 3 ــــــــــﭘ<br />

âä (postposition) see ba; ~… wâ<br />

bûn to think, be of the opinion that:<br />

pem wâ bû I thought so; pey wâ bû<br />

diz u regirin he thought they were<br />

robbers and brigands<br />

pâra ﻩرﺎﭘ money<br />

pâřân ناڕﺎـــــﭘ pâře- ێڕﺎـــــﭘ v.i. to beg, beseech<br />

pârâstin ﱳـــﺳارﺎـــﭘ pârez- ﺰـــ§ رﺎـــﭘ<br />

la v.t. to<br />

protect from, keep<br />

pârâztin ﻦéزارﺎﭘ = pârastin<br />

pârez ﺰــــ§ رﺎــــﭘ<br />

avoidance, abstaining; ambush;<br />

~-birdin v.t. to ambush; ~-chûn<br />

v.i. to wait in ambush; ~-kirdin v.t. to<br />

abstain; ~rân نارﺰــــ§ رﺎــــﭘ<br />

v.p. to be protected,<br />

kept; ~ar رﻩﺰـ§ رﺎـﭘ<br />

defender, protector,<br />

defence lawyer; ~gâr رﺎـــﮔﺰـــ§<br />

رﺎـــﭘ<br />

protector; ~î یﺰــــــ§ رﺎــــــﭘ<br />

protection; ~îkirdin<br />

ندﺮB یﺰ§رﺎﭘ v.t. to protect<br />

pârû وورﺎﭘ morsel<br />

pâsawân ناو ﻪﺳﺎﭘ guard; ~î surveillance<br />

pâsh شﺎــــــﭘ after (prep); ~-kawtin to fall<br />

behind, be backward; ~-khistin v.t. to<br />

delay; to neglect, ignore; ~ awaî (ka)<br />

after (conj.); la ~’â afterwards; ~arozh<br />

ژۆرﻪـﺷﺎـﭘ future; ~kawtû وﻮـوﺗ<br />

ﻪـﮑﺷ<br />

ـ ﺎـﭘ<br />

backward; ~mana ﻪـﻧﻪـﴰﺎـﭘ left-over; lamaw~<br />

شﺎﭘو ﻪﻣv<br />

henceforth<br />

pâshał ڵ ﻪﺷﺎﭘ back of the skirt; hind leg<br />

pâshâ ﺎﺷﺎﭘ king, prince<br />

pâshu ﻮﺷﺎﭘ leg (of an animal)<br />

pâya ﻪﯾﺎﭘ rank<br />

pâyiz ﺰaﺎﭘ autumn<br />

pâzh ژﺎﭘ portion, section; document<br />

pe 1 âä ـﭘ<br />

(adj.) (1) fasting: min amřo peyim<br />

I’m fasting today; (2) on hand: pûl’it<br />

peya? do you have any money on<br />

hand?; (3) lit (fire): âgir peya the<br />

fire’s lit<br />

pe 2 pe<br />

âäـﭘ foot; ~-dâ-girtin v.t. to insist, im-<br />

4 âäـﭘ cmpd. vb. element, see under verbal<br />

element: pe-gayshtin, pe-kanîn,<br />

pe-wîstin<br />

pe-chûn نوﻮﭽ ﭘ see under chûn ba<br />

pe-kirdin ندﺮــــﮑــــ ــــﭘ<br />

v.t. to force, oblige:<br />

pe’yân kirdim aw kârá bikam they<br />

forced me to do it; to fool; to light<br />

(fire); dast ~ (+ inf.) to begin (doing)<br />

pechawâna ﻪـﻧاوﻪـ¬ ــﭘ<br />

reverse, opposite; ba<br />

~wa ﻩو ﻪﻧاوﻪ¬<br />

ﭘ ﻪﺑ on the contrary<br />

pechân نﺎـ¬ ــﭘ<br />

pech- ﭻــﭘ v.t. to fold, wrap;<br />

hał-~ v.t. to roll up<br />

pechrân ناﺮـﭽـ ـﭘ<br />

pechre- ێﺮـﭽـ ـﭘ<br />

v.p. to be<br />

wrapped<br />

pedasht ﺖﺷ ﻩﺪ ﭘ piedmont plain<br />

pedâ اﺪ ﭘ = paydâ<br />

pedâwîst ﺖﺴßواﺪ ﭘ = pewîst<br />

peghamar ر ﻪﻣﻪﻐ<br />

ﭘ prophet<br />

pek ﮏــﭘ together, in order; ~-ânîn v.t. to<br />

accomplish, to reconcile; ~-biřrân<br />

v.i. to be suitable: to u aw kirâsá<br />

daley pek biřrâwin it’s as though you<br />

and that shirt were made for each<br />

other; ~-gayshtin v.i. to meet, see<br />

each other; ~-hâtin v.i. to agree, get<br />

along together; to consist (la of); ~henân<br />

v.t. to put together, produce,<br />

accomplish; to reconcile; ~awa ﻩوﻪـﮑـ<br />

ـﭘ<br />

together; ~awa-nân v.t. to shut, close<br />

(book, eyes), to stick together; rek u<br />

~ ﮏ ﭘو ﮏ§ر ordered, arranged<br />

pe-kanîn ﲔﻧ ﻪﮑ ﭘ v.i. to laugh<br />

pekân نﲀــﭘ peke- âـﮑــﭘ v.t. to hit with an<br />


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