Sorani vocabulary

Sorani vocabulary Sorani vocabulary
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SORANI KURDISH ger; ~yâr (neol.) poet hatâ cﻪـــﻫ until, even; ~ hatâî ﰃcﻪـــﻫcﻪـــﻫ forever hatâw وc ﻪﻫ the sun; ~î ىوc ﻪﻫ solar hatî ﰏﻪــــــــﻫ threatening term of address: hatî! datkuzhim! I’m going to kill you, you devil! hatîm ﲓﺗ ﻪﻫ orphan hatîw ﻮﻴﺗ ﻪﻫ = hatîm hawał ڵ ﻩوﻪﻫ first; ~în ﲔT ﻩوﻪﻫ first hawâ او ﻪﻫ air, weather hawâł ڵاو ﻪﻫ news hawâr راوﻪـــــــﻫ summer pasture; ~nishîn ﲔـــﺸـــÎراوﻪـــﻫ encamped for the summer (of a nomadic tribe) hawen ﻦ§و ﻪﻫ leaven, ferment hawł ڵوﻪــــــــــــــﻫ toil, effort; ~-dân v.t. to strive, to work hard, to attempt Hawler ﺮåﻟو ﻪﻫ Arbil, Arbela hawr رو ﻪﻫ cloud hawsha ﻪﺷو ﻪﻫ courtyard ḥawt تو ﻪÑ seven; ~â cو ﻪÑ seventy ḥawz زو ﻪÑ pool haya ﻪـــﯾﻪـــﻫ there is, there are; (preceded might they not be confusing me with somebody else? hâłî ﯽTﺎﻫ empty hâło ﯚTﺎﻫ earthenware pot hâlû ﻮﻟﺎﻫ maternal uncle hâmez ﺰåﻣﺎﻫ bosom, embrace hâna ﻪـــــﻧﺎـــــﻫ motivation, provocation; ~dân v.t. to motivate hâne Íﺎﻫ there, take it hâra ﻩرﺎـــــــــــﻫ shout; ~ i pekanîn peal of laughter hâřâ|n ناڕﺎـــﻫ v.i. to be pulverized; ~ndin نﺪــــﻧاڕﺎــــﻫ v.t. to pulverize; ~wa ﻩواڕﺎــــﻫ dust, powder, grist ḥâshâ ﺎـﺷﺎـÑ denial; ~-kirdin v.t. to deny; ~hałnagir ﺮﮔ ﻪﻨTﻪﻫﺎﺷﺎÑ undeniable ḥâshiya ﻪﻴ8ﺷﺎÑ marginalia hât تﺎــــــــﻫ luck: hâtim niya I don’t have any luck; ~uchû-kirdin وﻮـــــﭼ و تﺎـــــﻫ ندﺮB v.t. to come and go, to frequent hâtin ﻦــéﺎــﻫ ye-/de- ﻪ ــﯾ/ ێد (pres. subj. be- /; impt. sing. wára ﻩر ﻩو) v.i. to come; (with kas and following subjunctive) no one would: kas nâye kârèk i wâ by a possessive pronoun) to have: bikât no one would do such a thing; pirsyârekim haya I have a question hayhât تﺎﳞ ﻪﻫ impossible haz زﻪـــــــﻫ desire; ~-kirdin v.t. to desire: dâ-~ to be accustomed; hał-~ to run away: hât hałè he started to run away; râ-~ lagał …dâ to learn from, be haz dakam bitbînim I’d like to see taught by, get used to; ~à (+ infini- you hazhâr راژﻪـﻫ poor, unfortunate; ~î یراژﻪـﻫ tive) to get …: hâtinà kushtin they got killed, hâtà girtin he got caught; ~ poverty, misfortune ḥazîrân ناﺮــــزa ﻪــــÑ June (see also huzayrân) hâkâ ﰷòﻫ thus ḥâkim ﰼòÑ ruler ḥâł ڵﺎــــÑ state, condition; ~ u masala tegayândin v.t. to explain a situation la to be capable of being: la hałgirtin nadahât it couldn’t be picked up hâtucho-kirdin ندﺮـــB ﯚـــﭼﻮـــﺗﺎـــﻫ v.t. to frequent (a place) hâw- وﺎ ـــــﻫ (prefix) same- (see individual words alphabetically) hâwâr راوﺎــﻫ cry for help; ~-kirdin v.t. to to: ~ u masala’y te gayândim he explained the situation to me hâle âـــﻟﺎـــﻫ informed; ~-bûn ba to be in- cry for help hâwbash شﻪــﺑوﺎــﻫ participant; ~ i … bûn to participate, share in; ~î ﳽﻪـﺑوﺎـﻫ parformed of; ~-bûn ba … la … to be ticipation; ~î-kirdin la …’dâ v.t. to thinking of one thing (ba) instead of another (la), to mistake X (ba) for Y (la): ba kasèk i dîka’m le hâle nabin? participate in hâwezh ﮋ§وﺎﻫ grasp hâwezh- ﮋ§وﺎﻫ pres. stem of hâwîshtin 190

SORANI–ENGLISH VOCABULARY hâwirdin ندروﺎﻫ hâwir- روﺎﻫ v.t. to bring hâwîn ﻦaوﺎﻫ summer hâwîshtin ﱳـﺸß ـوﺎـﻫ hâwezh- ﮋـ§ وﺎـﻫ v.t. to henda ﻩﺪـــ ﻨ ﻫ so, so much, this much; ~ … tâ so much (so) that: bulbul henda’y khwend tâ kham’î la hamû diłân throw, toss, shoot; dar-~ to toss out, târand the nightingale sang so much throw away hâwkâr رﰷوﺎـﻫ colleague; ~î-kirdin lagał v.t. to cooperate with hâwmânâ áﺎــــﻣوﺎــــﻫ synonymous, having the same meaning hâwnâw وáوﺎﻫ namesake; synonym hâwře ێڕوﺎﻫ comrade, companion hâwsafar ر ﻪﻓﻪﺳوﺎﻫ traveling companion hâwsâ ﺎﺳوﺎﻫ neighbor hâwshewa ﻩﻮ 8ﺷوﺎﻫ similar hâwshîra ﻩﲑﺷوﺎﻫ sister hâwtaman نﻪـﻣﻪـﺗوﺎـﻫ contemporary, of the same age hâwtâ cوﺎﻫ equal; be~ cوﺎﻬ ﺑ unequalled hâybakht ﺖﺧ ﻪﺒﯾﺎﻫ lottery hâzir رزﺎﻫ ready hejgâr رﺎﮕﺠ ﻫ extremely heł- « ﻫ pres. stem of heshtin hełân نÀـ ـﻫ hełe- âـkـ ـﻫ v.t. to let go; dâthat it drove the sorrow from all hearts hendè(k) ێﺪــﻨــ ــﻫ ،ﮏــ§ ﺪــﻨــ ــﻫ a bit; for a while henrân ناﲊـــ ـــﻫ henre- ێﲊـــ ـــﻫ v.p. to be brought herish شﺮــــــــ å ﻫ attack; ~-henân ba to attack; ~-birdinà sar … to attack (s.o.); ~henar رﻪـﻨـ ـﻬﺷ ـ ﺮـåﻫ ـ attacker, aggressor hero ۆﺮåﻫ marshmallow (bot.) heshtâ ﺎـــــــــ ﺘ 8 ﺸــــــ å ﻫ still, yet; ~ (+ neg. past perf.) ka ﻪـﮐ ... ﺎـــ ﺘ8ﺸåﻫ ــ no sooner…than, scarcely…when: heshtâ nanustibû ka dangèk’î ba gwe gaysht no sooner had he fallen asleep than he heard a noise heshtin ﱳـﺸåﻫ ـ ـ heł- « ـ ـﻫ (v.t.; subj. often beł- for biheł-) to leave, let, allow (+ ~à khwârawa to let down, lower: subj): nayânheshtim bem they didn’t pat’yân henâ u dâyânhełâ khwârawa let me come; to turn loose, let go; they brought a rope and lowered him (neg.) not to leave (anyone alive); ba down helka ﻪﮑﻠ ﻫ egg hemin ﻦــﻤــ ــﻫ slow; ~-kirdin v.t. to slow, je ~ to leave alone, leave behind, let be, abandon: ba je’y heshtim he left me alone; dâ-~ to let down, lower: slow down: hangâwî hemin kird he patèk’im bo benin u dâmbełinà slowed his pace; ~î slowness: ba khwârawa bring me a rope and lower heminî rû’m da hâwřeakám kird u gutim I slowly turned my face to my companion and said henân نﺎــﻨــ ــﻫ hen- ﻦ ــåــﻫ (v.t.; pres. stem often yen-, as in nâyenim for nâhenim I won’t bring it) to bring; ~awa sar kho- to bring back to oneself; ba je ~ to execute, carry out (an order); dar-~ me down hez ﺰـــــåـــــﻫ strength, power: ~ i atom the power of the atom; ba~ ﺰåﻫ ﻪﺑ powerful hezhâ اﮋåﻫ valued, valuable, dear ḥikâyat ت ﻪﯾﲀﺣ = hakâyat ḥikûmat ت ﻪﻣوﻮﮑﺣ government ḥizb بﺰﺣ political party hî ﯽــــــﻫ really: hî awa niya bâs bikre it’s (darenân) to put out, pull out, take not really anything that can be talked off, extract: châwîlkaká’m la châw darenâbû I had taken off my glasses; dâ-~ to comb the hair down; râ-~ to teach, to get into shape; to tame Hend ﺪﻨ ﻫ India about hîch ﭻ ــ ﻴﻫ (+ neg.) nothing: ~ i tir nothing else; ~ kasèk ﮏ 8ﺳ ﻪﮐ ﭻﻴﻫ nobody hîlâk کﻼـــﻴـــﻫ tired; ~î tiredness, exhaustion 191


hâwirdin ندروﺎﻫ hâwir- روﺎﻫ v.t. to bring<br />

hâwîn ﻦaوﺎﻫ summer<br />

hâwîshtin ﱳـﺸß ـوﺎـﻫ<br />

hâwezh- ﮋـ§ وﺎـﻫ<br />

v.t. to<br />

henda ﻩﺪـــ ﻨ ﻫ so, so much, this much; ~ …<br />

tâ so much (so) that: bulbul henda’y<br />

khwend tâ kham’î la hamû diłân<br />

throw, toss, shoot; dar-~ to toss out, târand the nightingale sang so much<br />

throw away<br />

hâwkâr رﰷوﺎـﻫ colleague; ~î-kirdin lagał<br />

v.t. to cooperate with<br />

hâwmânâ áﺎــــﻣوﺎــــﻫ synonymous, having<br />

the same meaning<br />

hâwnâw وáوﺎﻫ namesake; synonym<br />

hâwře ێڕوﺎﻫ comrade, companion<br />

hâwsafar ر ﻪﻓﻪﺳوﺎﻫ<br />

traveling companion<br />

hâwsâ ﺎﺳوﺎﻫ neighbor<br />

hâwshewa ﻩﻮ 8ﺷوﺎﻫ similar<br />

hâwshîra ﻩﲑﺷوﺎﻫ sister<br />

hâwtaman نﻪـﻣﻪـﺗوﺎـﻫ contemporary, of the<br />

same age<br />

hâwtâ cوﺎﻫ equal; be~ cوﺎﻬ ﺑ unequalled<br />

hâybakht ﺖﺧ ﻪﺒﯾﺎﻫ lottery<br />

hâzir رزﺎﻫ ready<br />

hejgâr رﺎﮕﺠ ﻫ extremely<br />

heł- « ﻫ pres. stem of heshtin<br />

hełân نÀـ ـﻫ<br />

hełe- âـkـ ـﻫ<br />

v.t. to let go; dâthat<br />

it drove the sorrow from all<br />

hearts<br />

hendè(k) ێﺪــﻨــ ــﻫ<br />

،ﮏــ§<br />

ﺪــﻨــ<br />

ــﻫ<br />

a bit; for a<br />

while<br />

henrân ناﲊـــ ـــﻫ<br />

henre- ێﲊـــ ـــﻫ<br />

v.p. to be<br />

brought<br />

herish شﺮــــــــ å ﻫ attack; ~-henân ba to attack;<br />

~-birdinà sar … to attack<br />

(s.o.); ~henar رﻪـﻨـ ـﻬﺷ ـ ﺮـåﻫ<br />

ـ attacker, aggressor<br />

hero ۆﺮåﻫ marshmallow (bot.)<br />

heshtâ ﺎـــــــــ ﺘ 8 ﺸــــــ å ﻫ still, yet; ~ (+ neg. past<br />

perf.) ka ﻪـﮐ ... ﺎـــ<br />

ﺘ8ﺸåﻫ ــ no sooner…than,<br />

scarcely…when: heshtâ nanustibû ka<br />

dangèk’î ba gwe gaysht no sooner<br />

had he fallen asleep than he heard a<br />

noise<br />

heshtin ﱳـﺸåﻫ ـ ـ heł- « ـ ـﻫ<br />

(v.t.; subj. often<br />

beł- for biheł-) to leave, let, allow (+<br />

~à khwârawa to let down, lower: subj): nayânheshtim bem they didn’t<br />

pat’yân henâ u dâyânhełâ khwârawa let me come; to turn loose, let go;<br />

they brought a rope and lowered him (neg.) not to leave (anyone alive); ba<br />

down<br />

helka ﻪﮑﻠ ﻫ egg<br />

hemin ﻦــﻤــ ــﻫ<br />

slow; ~-kirdin v.t. to slow,<br />

je ~ to leave alone, leave behind, let<br />

be, abandon: ba je’y heshtim he left<br />

me alone; dâ-~ to let down, lower:<br />

slow down: hangâwî hemin kird he patèk’im bo benin u dâmbełinà<br />

slowed his pace; ~î slowness: ba khwârawa bring me a rope and lower<br />

heminî rû’m da hâwřeakám kird u<br />

gutim I slowly turned my face to my<br />

companion and said<br />

henân نﺎــﻨــ ــﻫ<br />

hen- ﻦ ــåــﻫ (v.t.; pres. stem<br />

often yen-, as in nâyenim for nâhenim<br />

I won’t bring it) to bring; ~awa sar<br />

kho- to bring back to oneself; ba je ~<br />

to execute, carry out (an order); dar-~<br />

me down<br />

hez ﺰـــــåـــــﻫ strength, power: ~ i atom the<br />

power of the atom; ba~ ﺰåﻫ ﻪﺑ powerful<br />

hezhâ اﮋåﻫ valued, valuable, dear<br />

ḥikâyat ت ﻪﯾﲀﺣ = hakâyat<br />

ḥikûmat ت ﻪﻣوﻮﮑﺣ government<br />

ḥizb بﺰﺣ political party<br />

hî ﯽــــــﻫ really: hî awa niya bâs bikre it’s<br />

(darenân) to put out, pull out, take not really anything that can be talked<br />

off, extract: châwîlkaká’m la châw<br />

darenâbû I had taken off my glasses;<br />

dâ-~ to comb the hair down; râ-~ to<br />

teach, to get into shape; to tame<br />

Hend ﺪﻨ ﻫ India<br />

about<br />

hîch ﭻ ــ ﻴﻫ (+ neg.) nothing: ~ i tir nothing<br />

else; ~ kasèk ﮏ 8ﺳ ﻪﮐ ﭻﻴﻫ nobody<br />

hîlâk کﻼـــﻴـــﻫ tired; ~î tiredness, exhaustion<br />


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