Sorani vocabulary

Sorani vocabulary Sorani vocabulary
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inesht ﺖﺸåﻨﺑ chewing gum binj ﺞﻨﺑ root binyâdam م ﻩدﺎ;¿ﺑ human binyât تﺎـــ ;¿ﺑ foundation; ~-nân v.t. to lay a foundation, to construct biř gـــــñ bit: biřèk âw’im da give me a bit birîq|adâr رادﻪـــﻘـــﯾﺮـــñ shiny; ~ân نﺎـــﻘـــﯾﺮـــñ birîqe- âﻘﯾﺮñ v.i. to shine, to sparkle birîtî ﱴﯾﺮñ = biretî biro ۆﺮñ eyebrow birrân of water; (2) piece (of wood): dû biř dâr bena bring two sticks of wood; (3) group: tûsh i biř a pyâwe bûm I met a group of men; (4) power, strength; ~-dân v.t. to flow: am rûbâra biř nâdâ this river doesn’t flow; ~kirdin v.t. to have strength: biř nâkam l’ am kefá sar kawim I can’t make it to the top of this mountain; to be effective: tâ châw ~-kât as far as the eye can see; ~ le-dân v.t. to shuffle (cards); tař u ~ gــــ وڕﻪــــﺗ drenched: kirâsakám tař u biř a my shirt’s drenched; la ~ altogether: bar i am gwezá la biř chand a? how much does this walnut tree produce altogether? biraw وﻩﺮــــــñ popularity; ~ paydâ-kirdin v.t. to be popular birâ اﺮñ brother; ~yâna ﻪﻧpاﺮñ brotherly biřân ناgñ. See biřrân. birdin ندﺮـــــñ ba- ﻪ ـــــﺑ (v.t., 3rd sing. pres. dabâ(t); impt. sing. (bi)bara) to take, carry; ~à sar رﻪـﺳ ﻪـﻧدﺮـñ to spend (time): am shawá l’era bibaynà sar let’s spend tonight here; dar-~ to endure biretî la v ﱴlﺮñ consisting of birinj ﱋﺮñ uncooked rice birinja ﻪﳒﺮñ copper biřisht ﺖـﺷgـñ fertile ground; power, ability biřist ﺖﺳgñ power birîn ﻦـﺮa ـñ wound; ~dâr راﺪـﻨﯾ ـﺮـñ wounded; ~pech ﭻ¥Œﻨﯾﺮñ nurse biřîn ﻦـga ـñ biř- gـñ v.t. to cut; dar-~ to disclose, reveal; châw-~ la to be hopeful of; qsa pe-~ to interrupt: ba tundî qsakám pe biřî u gutim I quickly interrupted him and said 1 نارﺮـــــــñ birre- ێرﺮـــــــñ passive of birdin in all senses; la nâw ~ to be done away with biřrân 2 SORANI KURDISH نارgــــــñ biřre- ێرg ــــــñ (passive of biřîn) (1) to be cut: ba tawir dâraká biřrâ the tree was cut with an ax; (2) to be finished, to be no more: nânmân la mâł biřrâ there is no more food in our house; ~awa to cease: tâwe bârân nábiř-râyawa the rain didn’t cease for a time; dâ-~ to cut off; hał-~ la to part from, get separated from: la dostakáy hałbiřrâ he parted from his friend birs|ân نﺎـﺳﺮـñ hunger; ~iyatî ﰏﻪـــ ﻴ8ﺳﺮـñ hunger; ~î ﳻﺮــñ hungry: birsîma I’m hungry birwâ اوﺮــــñ belief; ~-kirdin ba v.t. to believe in; (2) permission; ~-dân v.t. to allow, let: diłim biřwâ nâdât châwim ba minâłî bikawe I don’t have the heart to look at his child; ~nâma ﻪﻣáاوﺮñ diploma biryâ pﺮـــــñ would that (+ past conditional): ~ aw kâráy nakirdibâya would that he hadn’t done that biřyâr رpgـــــــñ decision; ~-dân v.t. to decide; ~-nân v.t. to decide; la ~ henânà khwârawa to make one change one’s mind: hîch shitèk la biřyâr i khoy nayhenâyà khwârawa nothing could make him change his mind birzhân ناژﺮـــــــñ birzhe- ێژﺮـــــــñ v.i. to be roasted birzhândin نﺪــﻧاژﺮ ــñ birzhen- ﻦــ§ ژﺮــñ v.t. to roast birzhâng ﮓsاژﺮñ eyelash bitâqa ﻪﻗﺎﺘﺑ ticket biv ﭫﺑ buzz biwe ێﻮ ـﺑ (pres. subj. of wîstin, with pro- 172

nominal affix, e.g., -im biwe) biyânû وﻮﻧﺎﻴﺑ pretext biza ﻩﺰñ laugh, laughter bizâwtin ﻦéواﺰñ bizâw- واﺰñ v.t. to shake bizhâr-kirdin ـــB راﮋـــñ SORANI–ENGLISH VOCABULARY bîs- ﺲõﺑ pres. stem of bîstin bîst ﺖﺴõﺑ twenty bîstin ﱳﺴõﺑ bîs- ﺲõﺑ v.t. to hear bîstrân ناﱰـﺴõﺑ ـ ـ bîstre- ـﺴõﺑ ـ ـ ندﺮ v.t. to weed out, eradicate bizhârdin ندراﮋـñ bizher- ﺮـ§ ﮋـñ v.t. to weed out, eradicate; hał-~ to select, choose bizhîw ﻮﯾﮋñ substance bizin نﺰñ goat bizirk|ân نﰷرﺰـñ bizirke- âـﮐرﺰـ ñ v.t. to lose; rang hał-~ân to lose color, grow pale; rang-hał~âw وﰷرﱫــTﻪــﻬــﮕ ــsﻩر pale, “white as a sheet” (with fright) bizmâr رﺎـﻣﺰـñ nail; ~-kirdin v.t. to nail; ~krân v.p. to be nailed bizûtin ﻦــــéووﺰــــñ bizû- ووﺰــــñ v.i. to move, budge, stir bizw|ân ناوﺰــــñ bizwe- ێوﺰــــñ v.i. to shake (int.), quiver; ~ândin نﺪــﻧاوﺰــñ bizwen- ﻦـ§ وﺰـñ v.t. to shake (trs.); ~enar رﻪـﻨl ـوﺰـñ quivering, tremulous bizwen ﻦ§وﺰñ vowel bîbila É ـــ mõﺑ, bîbîla Éــــ ;“ﻴﺑ pupil (of the eye): la bîbila i châwî pitir khosh dawîst he was the apple of his eye bîn ﲔــــﺑ breath; ~-keshân v.t. to hold the breath; ~akeshî ﯽــﺸــــ å ﮐﻪــــــ û õ ﺑ holding the breath bînar ر ﻪûõﺑ viewer bîndrân نارﺪـــ ûõﺑ bîndre- ێرﺪـــ ûõﺑ v.p. to be seen bînîn ﲔـــــــــ ¿ ﻴ ﺑ bîn- ﲔـــﺑ v.t. to see (see also dîn) bîr 1 ﲑـﺑ memory, mind; ~-kirdin(awa) la to think of; ba ~’dâ hâtin to remember: wâm ba bîr’dâ hât ka… I remembered that…; ba ~ henânawa to remind; la ~ bûn to remember: awânim la bîrin I remember them; la ~ chûn to forget; la ~ mân to remain in the memory; ~henânawa ﻩوﻪــﻧﺎــﻨــ ــﻫﲑــﺑ reminder; ~urâ اڕوﲑـــﺑ thinking (darbâra i about) bîr 2 ێﱰ v.p. to be heard bo ﯚــــــــــــﺑ to, for; why?, what for?; ~ chi why?, what for?; ~ awaî (+ subj.) in order that bo-chûn نوﻮــﭼﯚــﺑ v.i. to think, to have an opinion; bochûn opinion boga ﻪـﮔﯚـﺑ malodorous plants that animals will not eat bokho ﯚﺧﯚﺑ selfish; ~î selfishness bołaboł ڵﯚﺑ ﻪTﯚﺑ roaring, rumbling bon نﯚــــﺑ smell; ~-kirdin v.t. to smell, to smell bad, to stink bona ﻪـﯚﻧ ـﺑ cause, pretext; ba ~ i …awa on the occasion of bor رﯚﺑ gray boř ﲑﺑ water well 1 ڕﯚﺑ wave; ~-khwârdin v.t. to swell boř 2 ڕﯚـــــــﺑ loss (at a game); ~-khwârdin v.t. to lose (game): bořit khwârd you lost; ~-dân v.t. to beat (at a game): bořim dây(t) I beat you bora ﻩرﯚــــــــــــــﺑ ignoble; fallow, infertile; ~pyâg گﺎــ ﻴﭘﻩرﯚـﺑ common peron, person of no name or consequence borân نارﯚﺑ storm bořân ناڕﯚــﺑ mooing of cows; bleating of sheep bosh شﯚﺑ empty bota ﻪﺗﯚﺑ = bûwata. See bûn. bóya ﻪﯾﯚﺑ for that reason boyâkh خpﯚﺑ shoe polish boynbâgh غﺎm¿ﯾﯚﺑ necktie brâ اﺮñ = birâ Brîtânyâ ﺎـــﻴـــﻧﺎـــﺘـــﯾﺮـــñ Britain; ~ yi Kabîr ﲑﺑ ﻪﮐ یﺎﻴﻧﺎﺘﯾﺮñ Great Britain bukhcha ﻪ¬ﺧﻮﺑ bundle bukhtân نﺎـµﺧ ـ ﻮـﺑ slander; ~-kirdin ba v.t. to slander; ~-rek-khistin bo v.t. to make up slander about: ~èk i gawra’y bo kichaká rek-khist he made up great slander about the girl bulbul لﻮﺒﻟﻮﺑ nightingale 173

inesht ﺖﺸåﻨﺑ chewing gum<br />

binj ﺞﻨﺑ root<br />

binyâdam م ﻩدﺎ;¿ﺑ human<br />

binyât تﺎـــ ;¿ﺑ foundation; ~-nân v.t. to lay<br />

a foundation, to construct<br />

biř gـــــñ bit: biřèk âw’im da give me a bit<br />

birîq|adâr رادﻪـــﻘـــﯾﺮـــñ shiny; ~ân نﺎـــﻘـــﯾﺮـــñ<br />

birîqe- âﻘﯾﺮñ v.i. to shine, to sparkle<br />

birîtî ﱴﯾﺮñ = biretî<br />

biro ۆﺮñ eyebrow<br />

birrân<br />

of water; (2) piece (of wood): dû biř<br />

dâr bena bring two sticks of wood;<br />

(3) group: tûsh i biř a pyâwe bûm I<br />

met a group of men; (4) power,<br />

strength; ~-dân v.t. to flow: am rûbâra<br />

biř nâdâ this river doesn’t flow; ~kirdin<br />

v.t. to have strength: biř nâkam<br />

l’ am kefá sar kawim I can’t<br />

make it to the top of this mountain; to<br />

be effective: tâ châw ~-kât as far as<br />

the eye can see; ~ le-dân v.t. to shuffle<br />

(cards); tař u ~ gــــ وڕﻪــــﺗ<br />

drenched:<br />

kirâsakám tař u biř a my shirt’s<br />

drenched; la ~ altogether: bar i am<br />

gwezá la biř chand a? how much<br />

does this walnut tree produce altogether?<br />

biraw وﻩﺮــــــñ popularity; ~ paydâ-kirdin<br />

v.t. to be popular<br />

birâ اﺮñ brother; ~yâna ﻪﻧpاﺮñ brotherly<br />

biřân ناgñ. See biřrân.<br />

birdin ندﺮـــــñ ba- ﻪ ـــــﺑ<br />

(v.t., 3rd sing. pres.<br />

dabâ(t); impt. sing. (bi)bara) to take,<br />

carry; ~à sar رﻪـﺳ ﻪـﻧدﺮـñ<br />

to spend (time):<br />

am shawá l’era bibaynà sar let’s<br />

spend tonight here; dar-~ to endure<br />

biretî la v ﱴlﺮñ consisting of<br />

birinj ﱋﺮñ uncooked rice<br />

birinja ﻪﳒﺮñ copper<br />

biřisht ﺖـﺷgـñ fertile ground; power, ability<br />

biřist ﺖﺳgñ power<br />

birîn ﻦـﺮa ـñ<br />

wound; ~dâr راﺪـﻨﯾ ـﺮـñ<br />

wounded;<br />

~pech ﭻ¥Œﻨﯾﺮñ nurse<br />

biřîn ﻦـga ـñ<br />

biř- gـñ v.t. to cut; dar-~ to disclose,<br />

reveal; châw-~ la to be hopeful<br />

of; qsa pe-~ to interrupt: ba tundî<br />

qsakám pe biřî u gutim I quickly<br />

interrupted him and said<br />

1 نارﺮـــــــñ birre- ێرﺮـــــــñ passive of<br />

birdin in all senses; la nâw ~ to be<br />

done away with<br />

biřrân 2 SORANI KURDISH<br />

نارgــــــñ biřre- ێرg ــــــñ<br />

(passive of<br />

biřîn) (1) to be cut: ba tawir dâraká<br />

biřrâ the tree was cut with an ax; (2)<br />

to be finished, to be no more: nânmân<br />

la mâł biřrâ there is no more food in<br />

our house; ~awa to cease: tâwe bârân<br />

nábiř-râyawa the rain didn’t cease for<br />

a time; dâ-~ to cut off; hał-~ la to<br />

part from, get separated from: la dostakáy<br />

hałbiřrâ he parted from his<br />

friend<br />

birs|ân نﺎـﺳﺮـñ hunger; ~iyatî ﰏﻪـــ ﻴ8ﺳﺮـñ<br />

hunger;<br />

~î ﳻﺮــñ hungry: birsîma I’m hungry<br />

birwâ اوﺮــــñ belief; ~-kirdin ba v.t. to believe<br />

in; (2) permission; ~-dân v.t. to<br />

allow, let: diłim biřwâ nâdât châwim<br />

ba minâłî bikawe I don’t have the<br />

heart to look at his child; ~nâma<br />

ﻪﻣáاوﺮñ diploma<br />

biryâ pﺮـــــñ would that (+ past conditional):<br />

~ aw kâráy nakirdibâya would<br />

that he hadn’t done that<br />

biřyâr رpgـــــــñ decision; ~-dân v.t. to decide;<br />

~-nân v.t. to decide; la ~<br />

henânà khwârawa to make one<br />

change one’s mind: hîch shitèk la<br />

biřyâr i khoy nayhenâyà khwârawa<br />

nothing could make him change his<br />

mind<br />

birzhân ناژﺮـــــــñ birzhe- ێژﺮـــــــñ v.i. to be<br />

roasted<br />

birzhândin نﺪــﻧاژﺮ ــñ<br />

birzhen- ﻦــ§ ژﺮــñ<br />

v.t. to<br />

roast<br />

birzhâng ﮓsاژﺮñ eyelash<br />

bitâqa ﻪﻗﺎﺘﺑ ticket<br />

biv ﭫﺑ buzz<br />

biwe ێﻮ ـﺑ<br />

(pres. subj. of wîstin, with pro-<br />


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