Experimental and Numerical Study of Swirling ... - Solid Mechanics

Experimental and Numerical Study of Swirling ... - Solid Mechanics Experimental and Numerical Study of Swirling ... - Solid Mechanics

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Experi imental and Numerical N Stud dy of Swirling g Flow in Scaveenging Processs for 2-Stroke Marin ne Diesel Engin nes Figure 6.3: Com mparison of Normalized Tangen ntial Vel locity Profile at z . 1 Figure 6.4: Com mparison of Normalized Tangen ntial Vel locity Profile at z . 2 Chapter 6 compar red to experim mental data. TThe effect of ddifferent T.I leevels defined at the inle et can be seen very clearly fo for the RNG k model. At T.I 10%, thhe predicte ed tangential velocity v profilles show a rappid increase inn the size of thhe vortex core c from z to o z comparedd to T.I 1% until z where thhey both prediict 3 4 6 the sam me vortex core size. Howeverr, it can be seeen that for thee two T.I valuees, the diff ference in the predicted tanggential velocitty gradient in the core regioon remains s at all positions i.e. steeper gradients in tthe core regionn is predicted at lower T.I. T For the e RSM, the tendency to preedict the annuular region off the tangentiial velocity y profile seems s better than tthe RNG k model but still the profilles do not follow the ex xperimental daata in that reggion. For posiitions z and z , 2 3 the tan ngential veloci ity gradient inn the core region shows ggood agreement with th he experiment tal data, howwever, at otheer positions itt shows a pooor agreement. 152 Numerical Modeling

Experi imental and Numerical N Stud dy of Swirling Flow in Scaveenging Processs for 2-Stroke Chapter 6 Marin ne Diesel Engin nes Fig gure 6.5: Com mparison of Norm malized Tangent tial Velocity Profile at z . 3 Fig gure 6.6: Com mparison of Norm malized Tangent tial Velocity Profile at z . 4 Fig gure 6.7: Com mparison of Nor rmalized Tangen ntial Vel locity Profile at z5 5 . 153 Numerical Modeling

Experi imental <strong>and</strong> <strong>Numerical</strong> N Stud dy <strong>of</strong> <strong>Swirling</strong> Flow in Scaveenging<br />

Processs<br />

for 2-Stroke Chapter 6<br />

Marin ne Diesel Engin nes<br />

Fig gure 6.5:<br />

Com mparison <strong>of</strong><br />

Norm malized Tangent tial<br />

Velocity<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>ile at z . 3<br />

Fig gure 6.6:<br />

Com mparison <strong>of</strong><br />

Norm malized Tangent tial<br />

Velocity<br />

Pr<strong>of</strong>ile at z . 4<br />

Fig gure 6.7:<br />

Com mparison <strong>of</strong><br />

Nor rmalized Tangen ntial<br />

Vel locity Pr<strong>of</strong>ile at z5 5 .<br />

153<br />

<strong>Numerical</strong> Modeling

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