Experimental and Numerical Study of Swirling ... - Solid Mechanics

Experimental and Numerical Study of Swirling ... - Solid Mechanics Experimental and Numerical Study of Swirling ... - Solid Mechanics

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Experi imental and Numerical N Stud dy of Swirling g Flow in Scaveenging Processs for 2-Stroke Marin ne Diesel Engin nes Fig gure 4.31: Nor rmalized Reynol lds Stre ess Component @ z3 z L3=4D Chapter 4 anticloc ckwise direction. This featuure was compparatively less clear from thhe contour r plots of u´ w ´ stress. At z5 in n figure 4.32, similar to u´ w ´ , the maximmum value of v v´´ w across thhe cylinder cross-section nal plane hass decayed almmost 10 timess its maximum value at t z1. At ReA the t size of thee region with smallest valuues of vw ´´ hhas increase ed again, ho owever, for bboth ReA andd ReB with decay in swiirl downstream, the ma agnitude of v´´ w decreasess but the spattial distributioon increase es thus tending towards a mmore homogennized distribution in the floww. 82 Swirling Flow in a Pipe

Experi imental and Numerical N Stud dy of Swirling g Flow in Scaveenging Processs for 2-Stroke Marin ne Diesel Engin nes Fig gure 4.32: Nor rmalized Reynold ds Stre ess Component @ z5 z L3=4D Chapter 4 The dis stribution of Reynolds R sheaar stress components vv z and vv r z caan be unde erstood by considering the plots for bothh uw ´´ and v v´´ w . Since thhe axial ve elocity is sam me in both cooordinate systeems, the covaariance of axiial velocity y component with w tangentiial and radial velocities cann be understoood by cons sidering (Figu ure 4.14). As ddiscussed in ssection 4.2.5, in the contouur plot of u the radial velocity v is obseerved along X-axis tangentiaal velocity alonng Y-axis. In I figure 4.27 7 for uw ´´ , thhe two small rregions along Y-axis and in figure 4.30 4 for vw ´´ , similar regionns along X-axis represent reggions with largge covarian nce between tangential aand axial veloocity componnents i.e. vv vz .Similar rly, the near wall w regions inn figures 4.27 and 4.30 represent the largge 83 Swirling Flow in a Pipe

Experi imental <strong>and</strong> <strong>Numerical</strong> N Stud dy <strong>of</strong> <strong>Swirling</strong> g Flow in Scaveenging<br />

Processs<br />

for 2-Stroke<br />

Marin ne Diesel Engin nes<br />

Fig gure 4.31:<br />

Nor rmalized Reynol lds<br />

Stre ess Component<br />

@ z3 z L3=4D Chapter 4<br />

anticloc ckwise direction.<br />

This featuure<br />

was compparatively<br />

less clear from thhe<br />

contour r plots <strong>of</strong> u´ w ´ stress.<br />

At z5 in n figure 4.32, similar<br />

to u´ w ´ , the maximmum<br />

value <strong>of</strong> v v´´ w across thhe<br />

cylinder<br />

cross-section nal plane hass<br />

decayed almmost<br />

10 timess<br />

its maximum<br />

value at t z1. At ReA the t size <strong>of</strong> thee<br />

region with smallest valuues<br />

<strong>of</strong> vw ´´ hhas<br />

increase ed again, ho owever, for bboth<br />

ReA <strong>and</strong>d<br />

ReB with decay in swiirl<br />

downstream,<br />

the ma agnitude <strong>of</strong> v´´<br />

w decreasess<br />

but the spattial<br />

distributioon<br />

increase es thus tending<br />

towards a mmore<br />

homogennized<br />

distribution<br />

in the floww.<br />

82<br />

<strong>Swirling</strong> Flow in a Pipe

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