Maria Bayard Dühring - Solid Mechanics

Maria Bayard Dühring - Solid Mechanics Maria Bayard Dühring - Solid Mechanics
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8 Chapter 2 Time-harmonic propagating waves different materials. In cases where an unbounded structure is considered, it is necessary to apply boundary conditions that do not reflect the waves in order to limit the modeling domain. In simple cases as in wave propagation in fluids, a condition as the Sommerfeld radiation condition can be applied [1]. In more complicated cases as for elastic wave propagation in solid structures and for non-perpendicular waves, it is more accurate to employ perfectly matched layers, which are employed for time-harmonic elastodynamic problems in [26]. In this case an extra layer is applied at the boarders where the disturbances are absorbed gradually before they reach the outer boundaries. In all the wave problems considered in this work the driving forces are applied as harmonic varying boundary conditions. If a unit cell is considered where periodic boundary conditions connect opposite boundaries, the problem can be solved as an infinite periodic structure. 2.3 Discretizing and solving wave problems Analytical solutions exist for simple problems as spherical acoustic waves propagating in an infinite domain in 3D or Rayleigh waves propagating in a homogeneous half space. For more complex geometries and material distributions the problems must be solved numerically. In this work the finite element method is employed. The dependent variables uj in a problem are collected in a field vector defined as u = [u1, u2, ..., uj, ..., uJ] and are discretized using sets of finite element basis functions {φj,n(r)} uj(r) = N uj,nφj,n(r), (2.4) n=1 where r is the position vector. The degrees of freedom corresponding to each field are assembled in the vectors uj = {uj,1, uj,2, ..., uj,n, ...uj,N} T . In the problems considered here, a triangular element mesh is employed and for the physical fields either vector elements or second order Lagrange elements are used depending on the problem. The governing equations are discretized by a standard Galerkin method [27] J j=1 Skjuj = J j=1 Kkj + iωCkj − ω 2 Mkj uj = fk, (2.5) where the system matrix Skj has contributions from the stiffness matrix Kkj, the damping matrix Ckj and the mass matrix Mkj. fk is the load vector. When material damping or absorbing boundary conditions are employed the damping matrix is different from zero and the problem gets complex valued. The material damping can be introduced to make the problems behave more realistically and can in some cases be necessary in order to avoid ending up in a local optimum during an optimization process, see chapter 3.

2.3 Discretizing and solving wave problems 9 The implementation of the wave propagation problems is done using the highlevel programming language Comsol Multiphysics with Matlab [28]. This software is designed to model scientific and engineering problems described by partial differential equations and solve them by the finite element method. It is furthermore possible to combine different physical models and solve multiphysics problems, as for instance an elastic and an optical model in order to investigate the acousto-optical effect. The models can be defined by the user by writing conventional differential equations and it is also possible to use the application modes, which are templates for specific physical problems with the appropriate equations and variables predefined. In this work the elastic wave problems are implemented in the general form where the governing equations and boundary conditions are written on divergence form. The optical problems are solved using the perpendicular waves, hybrid-mode waves, application mode. When solving wave problems enough elements must be used in order to resolve the waves, which typically means that at least 5 second order elements per wavelength must be employed. In Comsol Multiphysics the discretized problem in (2.5) is solved as one system and direct solvers based on LU factorization of the system matrix are utilized.

8 Chapter 2 Time-harmonic propagating waves<br />

different materials. In cases where an unbounded structure is considered, it is necessary<br />

to apply boundary conditions that do not reflect the waves in order to limit<br />

the modeling domain. In simple cases as in wave propagation in fluids, a condition<br />

as the Sommerfeld radiation condition can be applied [1]. In more complicated<br />

cases as for elastic wave propagation in solid structures and for non-perpendicular<br />

waves, it is more accurate to employ perfectly matched layers, which are employed<br />

for time-harmonic elastodynamic problems in [26]. In this case an extra layer is<br />

applied at the boarders where the disturbances are absorbed gradually before they<br />

reach the outer boundaries. In all the wave problems considered in this work the<br />

driving forces are applied as harmonic varying boundary conditions. If a unit cell<br />

is considered where periodic boundary conditions connect opposite boundaries, the<br />

problem can be solved as an infinite periodic structure.<br />

2.3 Discretizing and solving wave problems<br />

Analytical solutions exist for simple problems as spherical acoustic waves propagating<br />

in an infinite domain in 3D or Rayleigh waves propagating in a homogeneous<br />

half space. For more complex geometries and material distributions the problems<br />

must be solved numerically. In this work the finite element method is employed.<br />

The dependent variables uj in a problem are collected in a field vector defined as<br />

u = [u1, u2, ..., uj, ..., uJ] and are discretized using sets of finite element basis functions<br />

{φj,n(r)}<br />

uj(r) =<br />

N<br />

uj,nφj,n(r), (2.4)<br />

n=1<br />

where r is the position vector. The degrees of freedom corresponding to each field<br />

are assembled in the vectors uj = {uj,1, uj,2, ..., uj,n, ...uj,N} T . In the problems considered<br />

here, a triangular element mesh is employed and for the physical fields either<br />

vector elements or second order Lagrange elements are used depending on the problem.<br />

The governing equations are discretized by a standard Galerkin method [27]<br />

J<br />

j=1<br />

Skjuj =<br />

J<br />

j=1<br />

<br />

Kkj + iωCkj − ω 2 <br />

Mkj uj = fk, (2.5)<br />

where the system matrix Skj has contributions from the stiffness matrix Kkj, the<br />

damping matrix Ckj and the mass matrix Mkj. fk is the load vector. When material<br />

damping or absorbing boundary conditions are employed the damping matrix is<br />

different from zero and the problem gets complex valued. The material damping can<br />

be introduced to make the problems behave more realistically and can in some cases<br />

be necessary in order to avoid ending up in a local optimum during an optimization<br />

process, see chapter 3.

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