Maria Bayard Dühring - Solid Mechanics

Maria Bayard Dühring - Solid Mechanics Maria Bayard Dühring - Solid Mechanics
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4 Chapter 2 Time-harmonic propagating waves propagates near the surface of a half space. The Lamb wave is a type of wave that propagates in plates. The solid crystals are in general anisotropic such that their properties, as elastic, thermal, electric and optical properties, depend on the crystal direction. If the material is piezoelectric the elastic wave will be accompanied by an electric field. Apart from direct mechanical impact the elastic waves can be generated in different ways, for instance by the thermal-elastic effect by laser pulses, or by applying an electric field to transducers connected to a piezoelectric material were a wave is generated by the inverse piezoelectric effect. Audible waves were the first known types of waves. At the end the 19th century, it was known that seismic waves can propagate as bulk waves in the earth and in 1885 it was discovered by Lord Rayleigh that also surface waves are generated by seismic activity [4]. The piezoelectric effect was discovered in 1880 [5] and it was employed in the first sonar that were tested during the 1st World War. The waves were generated by transducers and launched in the water to detect submarines. This was the first application of elastic waves and they have ever since been studied in both fluids and structures. An increasing number of applications have emerged such as oscillators, filters, delay lines and ultrasound scanning in medicine and nondestructive testing. An important condition for realizing these applications and making them efficient was the intensive study of new piezoelectric materials and their fabrication, as ceramics and single crystals, that started in the middle of the 20th century. This made it possible to transform electric energy efficiently into acoustic energy through bulk wave transducers for high frequencies around 1 GHz. In 1965 it was shown by White and Voltmer [6] that Rayleigh waves can be excited by interdigital transducers, which consist of arrays of electrode fingers deposited on the surface of a piezoelectric material. The electrode fingers define the wavelength and the width of the wave beam. This method is now the most common way to generate and detect acoustic waves, and Rayleigh waves are used extensively in electromechanical bandpass filters and resonators in telecommunication, television and mobile phones [7] as well as in oscillators and sensors [8, 9, 10]. With the modern fabrication techniques it is possible to make interdigital transducer that generates SAWs with frequencies up to a few GHz. A new application of SAWs is in optoelastic devices where optical waves are modulated, see subsection 2.1.3. 2.1.2 Optical waves The other type of waves treated here are electromagnetic waves, which can propagate both in vacuum and in solid media, see [11] for an introduction to this field. The electric and magnetic fields have the same phase and are polarized perpendicular to each other and perpendicular to the propagation direction. Electromagnetic waves were first suggested by Maxwell in the 1860s [12], where he combined the laws of electricity and magnetism in Maxwell’s equations. Electromagnetic waves are fully described by these vector equations, which give the electric and the magnetic fields for general elliptic polarized waves in structured medias. They can be reduced

2.1 Elastic and optical waves 5 to scalar equations in order to treat the simpler in-plane transverse electric and magnetic waves, respectively. Since it was discovered that light is electromagnetic waves, optics has been considered as a subfield of electromagnetism and covers the behavior of infrared, visible and ultraviolet light. The intense study of materials and structures to control and guide optical waves, that started in the 20th century, has led to many applications in everyday life such as the radar, laser, lens design and fabrication of optical components [13]. Already from the middle of the 19th century it was known that light can be guided by refraction, which has been used in the study of slab and channel waveguides where light can be guided, split and bent. These components are the building blocks in modern integrated optics, where a number of guided wave devices are combined on a common substrate to build complex optical circuits with small dimensions. This offers a way to guide and process information carried by optical waves and has applications as interferometers and sensors. The guidance of waves by refraction has also been applied in optical fibers where light is guided in a core material surrounded by a cladding with lower refractive index. The research started in the mid 1960s and the propagation loss in the fibers has since then been reduced significantly. Optical fibers are now employed to carry information over long distances with low loss and dispersion, which has revolutionized the field of telecommunication. An alternative way to guide and control optical waves is by photonic crystals. They are periodically structured dielectric materials in one, two or three dimensions that prohibit the propagation of electromagnetic waves at certain frequencies such that band gaps are created. Line and point defects can be introduced to guide and localize optical waves. The concept gained importance after the two papers [14, 15] were published in 1987. Since then, photonic crystals have been studied theoretically and experimentally in an increasing number of publications, and the first 2D photonic crystal was fabricated for optical wavelengths in 1996 [16]. Applications are in filters, splitters and resonant cavities and an introduction to the field is found in [17]. An important application of the 2D photonic crystal is the photonic-crystal fiber developed in the beginning of the 1990s. In contrast to the conventional optical fiber the optical wave is here guided in a core region surrounded by a periodic structure of air holes, which confine the wave by the band-gap effect, see [18, 17] for an overview. The first photonic-crystal fibers were produced for commercial purposes in 2000 and are fabricated by a drawing process. Compared to conventional optical fibers, photonic-crystal fibers have advantages as higher power flow, better confinement and a possibility to enhance or avoid dispersion and nonlinear effects. 2.1.3 Acousto-optical interaction The properties of an optical wave can be changed in different ways by applying external fields to the material in which the wave travels, see [13]. This will change the optical properties of the material and hence the properties of the optical wave. One example is the electro-optic effect where an external electric field applied to the

2.1 Elastic and optical waves 5<br />

to scalar equations in order to treat the simpler in-plane transverse electric and<br />

magnetic waves, respectively. Since it was discovered that light is electromagnetic<br />

waves, optics has been considered as a subfield of electromagnetism and covers the<br />

behavior of infrared, visible and ultraviolet light.<br />

The intense study of materials and structures to control and guide optical waves,<br />

that started in the 20th century, has led to many applications in everyday life such<br />

as the radar, laser, lens design and fabrication of optical components [13]. Already<br />

from the middle of the 19th century it was known that light can be guided by<br />

refraction, which has been used in the study of slab and channel waveguides where<br />

light can be guided, split and bent. These components are the building blocks in<br />

modern integrated optics, where a number of guided wave devices are combined<br />

on a common substrate to build complex optical circuits with small dimensions.<br />

This offers a way to guide and process information carried by optical waves and has<br />

applications as interferometers and sensors. The guidance of waves by refraction has<br />

also been applied in optical fibers where light is guided in a core material surrounded<br />

by a cladding with lower refractive index. The research started in the mid 1960s and<br />

the propagation loss in the fibers has since then been reduced significantly. Optical<br />

fibers are now employed to carry information over long distances with low loss and<br />

dispersion, which has revolutionized the field of telecommunication.<br />

An alternative way to guide and control optical waves is by photonic crystals.<br />

They are periodically structured dielectric materials in one, two or three dimensions<br />

that prohibit the propagation of electromagnetic waves at certain frequencies such<br />

that band gaps are created. Line and point defects can be introduced to guide and<br />

localize optical waves. The concept gained importance after the two papers [14, 15]<br />

were published in 1987. Since then, photonic crystals have been studied theoretically<br />

and experimentally in an increasing number of publications, and the first 2D<br />

photonic crystal was fabricated for optical wavelengths in 1996 [16]. Applications<br />

are in filters, splitters and resonant cavities and an introduction to the field is found<br />

in [17]. An important application of the 2D photonic crystal is the photonic-crystal<br />

fiber developed in the beginning of the 1990s. In contrast to the conventional optical<br />

fiber the optical wave is here guided in a core region surrounded by a periodic<br />

structure of air holes, which confine the wave by the band-gap effect, see [18, 17] for<br />

an overview. The first photonic-crystal fibers were produced for commercial purposes<br />

in 2000 and are fabricated by a drawing process. Compared to conventional<br />

optical fibers, photonic-crystal fibers have advantages as higher power flow, better<br />

confinement and a possibility to enhance or avoid dispersion and nonlinear effects.<br />

2.1.3 Acousto-optical interaction<br />

The properties of an optical wave can be changed in different ways by applying<br />

external fields to the material in which the wave travels, see [13]. This will change<br />

the optical properties of the material and hence the properties of the optical wave.<br />

One example is the electro-optic effect where an external electric field applied to the

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