PORT TARIFFS - Fährhafen Sassnitz

PORT TARIFFS - Fährhafen Sassnitz PORT TARIFFS - Fährhafen Sassnitz

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P O R T T A R I F F S<br />

Valid from July, 1 st 2011

Port of <strong>Sassnitz</strong> – <strong>PORT</strong> <strong>TARIFFS</strong><br />

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<strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH<br />

(valid starting July 1, 2011)<br />

Table of contents<br />

I. General provisions<br />

§ 1 Area of application 4<br />

§ 2 Conclusion of agreement, types of fees, method of payment<br />

and due date 4-5<br />

§ 3 Base of assessment 5<br />

§ 4 Releases 5-6<br />

§ 5 Obligation to inform 6<br />

§ 6 Special agreements 6<br />

§ 7 Validity 6<br />

II Harbour dues<br />

§ 8 Harbour dues – object and amount 7<br />

III Demurrage fees<br />

§ 9 Demurrage – object and amount 8<br />

IV Quay dues<br />

§ 10 Quay dues – object and amount 9 -10<br />

V Mooring fees<br />

§ 11 Mooring fees – object and amount 10<br />

VI Security surcharge<br />

§ 12 Security surcharge – object and amount 11<br />

VII Disposal of ship's waste<br />

§ 13 Fee for disposal of ship's waste 11-12<br />

VIII Cargo handling fees<br />

§ 14 Fees for cargo handling services 13<br />

IX Storage fees<br />

§ 15 Storage fees / berthing charges 14<br />

X ISPS access fee<br />

§ 16 ISPS access fees – object and amount 15<br />

XI Fees for other services<br />

§ 17 Ferry bridge, crane and equipment fees 16<br />

§ 18 Fees for performing work 16<br />

§ 19 Fees for electricity, water, communications 17<br />

XII Tariff regulations for offshore industry special watercraft 17<br />

§ 20 Fees for offshore industry special watercraft<br />

XIII Use of rail infrastructure<br />

§ 21 Fees for use of rail infrastructure 18

Attachments<br />

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Annex 1 – map of harbour 19<br />

Annex 1a – nautical parameter and port facilities 20<br />

Annex 2 – ship registration form 21<br />

Annex 3 – notice of ship departure form 22<br />

Annex 4 – registration form for waste disposal 23<br />

Annex 5 – registration form for inadequacies in waste disposal 24-25<br />

Annex 6 – overview of the disposal of ship's waste 26-27

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I General provisions<br />

§ 1<br />

Area of application<br />

(1) Fees for using the docks of <strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH are charged according to these<br />

Port Tariffs.<br />

(2) The area of the port for which fees are charged comprises all water and land areas<br />

belonging to <strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH, including the facilities found on them, within the<br />

bounds designated in Attachment 1.<br />

(3) Special fees shall be agreed for services not listed in these Port Tariffs.<br />

§ 2<br />

Conclusion of agreement, types of fees, method of<br />

payment and due date<br />

(1) Making use of the port facilities listed in § 1 Paragraph 2 entails the conclusion of an<br />

agreement with <strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH. Thereby the provisions of these Port Tariffs<br />

shall take effect for the respective user.<br />

(2) Owners or users of watercraft and other floating bodies are obligated to pay the fees as<br />

joint and several debtors.<br />

(3) The following are obligated to pay all other fees,<br />

whoever arranged for the service or in whose favour the service is performed,<br />

whoever has assumed the responsibility for paying the fees by means of a<br />

declaration or<br />

whoever is by law required to assume liability for paying the fees for another.<br />

(4) The following fees are charged by <strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH in accordance with these<br />

Port Tariffs:<br />

a) harbour dues<br />

b) quay dues<br />

c) demurrage fees<br />

d) mooring fees<br />

e) security surcharge<br />

f) fees for disposing of ship's waste<br />

g) cargo handling fees<br />

h) storage fees<br />

i) ISPS access fees<br />

j) fees for other services<br />

- ferry bridge, crane and equipment fees<br />

- fees for work performed<br />

- fees for electricity, water and communication<br />

k) fees for offshore industry watercraft<br />

l) fees for using the rail infrastructure

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The amounts of the fees mentioned above are set down in Sections II to XIII of these Port<br />

Tariffs.<br />

(5) The entitlement to the fees arises when services are performed and the facilities pursuant<br />

to § 1 are used. This shall not apply insofar as facilities subject to fees are rented out.<br />

(6) The fees shall become due when the bill is received. Beginning on the fifteenth day<br />

following the due date, default interest shall be charged at 3 % above the respective bank<br />

rate of the German Central Bank (Deutsche Bundesbank).<br />

(7) The currency shall be the euro.<br />

(8) Stralsund shall be the legal venue<br />

§ 3<br />

Base of assessment<br />

(1) The base of assessment for the various fees is set down in Sections II to XIII of these<br />

Port Tariffs.<br />

(2) Sea-going vessels shall be charged by gross tonnage according to the international<br />

tonnage certification (1969). If various certifications are submitted, the charge shall be<br />

based on the certification with the largest measured result.<br />

(3) Inland waterway vessels which can provide evidence of being registered in the Inland<br />

Waterway Navigation Register, shall be charged according to the maximum carrying<br />

capacity in metric tons as indicated by the Certificate of Measurement.<br />

(4) Unmeasured watercraft or other floating bodies shall be charged according to their base<br />

area, which shall be calculated by multiplying the greatest length (rounded off to full<br />

meters) by the greatest width (rounded off to full meters).<br />

(5) Each measuring unit or part thereof shall be counted as a full unit.<br />

(6) The fee rates in these Port Tariffs are net, if nothing to the contrary is specifically stated.<br />

In the case of services subject to VAT, the tax shall be charged similarly to the<br />

respectively effective Value Added Tax Act.<br />

§ 4<br />

Releases<br />

(1) The following watercraft shall be released from the obligation to pay fees in accordance<br />

with these Port Tariffs:<br />

a) German military vessels,<br />

b) vessels used for research or official duties of the Federal Government, of the State of<br />

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania or the City of <strong>Sassnitz</strong>.<br />

c) vessels of foreign governments which display their national flag and are used only for<br />

state duties, if reciprocity is assured,<br />

d) pilot vessels, fireboats and rescue lifeboats, if they are used for their intended<br />


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e) ship's boats and long boats belonging to vessels and equipment released from the<br />

obligation to pay fees according to these regulations if they are used for their<br />

intended purpose,<br />

f) vessels which call at the port as port of distress or for the purpose of obtaining<br />

medical aid, as long as the emergency lasts, as well as vessels helping those in<br />

distress.<br />

(2) Watercraft can be released from having to pay the demurrage fees insofar as they cannot<br />

leave the port owing to specific weather conditions and can show a certificate of the port<br />

authorities valid for the appropriate period.<br />

§ 5<br />

Obligation to inform<br />

(1) Masters of all vessels must send to <strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH in due time all the data on<br />

their vessels and cargoes necessary for calculating the fees before arriving or leaving the<br />

port, respectively, in written form analogous to the forms listed in Attachment 2 and<br />

Attachment 3. The ship, cargo and transport documents must be submitted at the<br />

demand of <strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH. If the data necessary for calculating the fees are<br />

not or not completely submitted to <strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH or if inspection of the ship,<br />

cargo and transport documents is denied, then the data necessary for calculating the<br />

fees shall be estimated by <strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH at the expense of the party<br />

obligated to make payment.<br />

(2) When the ship's notification has been received in compliance with Paragraph 1,<br />

<strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH will assign it a berth.<br />

(3) Those required to make notification can be represented by an authorized agent, although<br />

they remain responsible for complete and correct notification.<br />

§ 6<br />

Special agreements<br />

(1) <strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH can in certain cases make special arrangements for handling<br />

the fees for using the port facilities.<br />

(2) Services outside those listed in these Port Tariffs require consultation and agreement<br />

with the management of <strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH.<br />

§ 7<br />

Validity<br />

(1) The provisions of these Port Tariffs of <strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH shall take effect on July<br />

1, 2011 and shall remain in force until revoked.<br />

(2) At the same time, the Port Tariffs of <strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH of January 1, 2010 shall<br />

become null and void.

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II Harbour dues<br />

§ 8<br />

Harbour dues - object and amount<br />

(1) Watercraft which cruise the port area must pay harbour dues.<br />

(2) The harbour dues amount to the following for each call in the port (for each entry and<br />

departure):<br />

1. for ferries, ro-ro vessels and car carriers, per gross tonnage € 0.14<br />

2. for catamarans, per gross tonnage € 0.19<br />

3. for passenger ships, per gross tonnage € 0.34<br />

4. for all cargo ships, container ships and other measured watercraft<br />

not otherwise mentioned, per gross tonnage<br />

up to 1500 gross tonnage € 0.14<br />

from 1501 to 3500 gross tonnage € 0.20<br />

more than 3500 gross tonnage € 0.26<br />

5. for fishing vessels, per gross tonnage € 0.26<br />

6. for tankers, per gross tonnage € 0.19<br />

a) double hull tankers, per gross tonnage € 0.15<br />

b) tankers (separate ballast tanks), per gross tonnage € 0.16<br />

7. for newly built ships (test runs) with a lay time of up to<br />

3 calendar days, per gross tonnage € 0.28<br />

8. for inland waterway vessels, per metric ton € 0.10<br />

9. for unmeasured vessels, by base area<br />

(max. length x max. width), per m² € 0.20<br />

10. for vessels with a lay time of up to 2 hours at most for<br />

customs clearance, change of crew or to lay in stores,<br />

per gross tonnage € 0.05<br />

(3) The harbour dues do not apply to ships which are used in regularly scheduled service<br />

starting at the 40 th call in port in a calendar year.<br />

If a ship used in regularly scheduled service is replaced for a time or permanently by<br />

another ship, the calls in port counted for the previous ship shall also count for the<br />

release of the subsequent ship.

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III Demurrage fees<br />

§ 9<br />

Demurrage - object and amount<br />

(1) Watercraft and other floating bodies which make use of a berth outside of loading and<br />

unloading work must pay demurrage.<br />

(2) Demurrage costs:<br />

1. for ferries and ro-ro ships in regularly scheduled service, as well as passenger ships,<br />

which make use of a berth for more than two hours before / after starting / finishing<br />

unloading or loading work, or picking up or delivering passengers<br />

for each 24 hour period or part thereof, per gross tonnage € 0.08<br />

2. for cargo ships and other measured vessels which make use of a berth for more than<br />

twelve hours before starting or six hours after finishing unloading or loading work<br />

for each 24 hour period or part thereof,<br />

a) up to 500 gross tonnage, per gross tonnage € 0.08<br />

b) above 500 gross tonnage, per gross tonnage € 0.10<br />

c) inland waterway ships, per metric ton € 0.05<br />

3. for cargo and passenger ships, as well as other measured vessels, which make use<br />

of a berth for more than twelve hours without loading or unloading cargo or picking up<br />

or delivering passengers<br />

for each 24 hour period or part thereof, per gross tonnage € 0.10<br />

4. for unmeasured vessels which make use of a berth for more than twelve hours,<br />

according to base area (max. length x max. width)<br />

for each 24 hour period or part thereof, per sqm € 0.10<br />

5. for newly built ships (trial runs) with a lay time of more than three calendar days<br />

for each 24 hour period or part thereof, per gross tonnage € 0.09<br />

6. for sport boats<br />

a) up to 8 meters in length for each 24 hour period or part thereof € 8.00<br />

b) above 8 meters in length, for each meter und<br />

for each 24 hour period or part thereof € 1.30

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IV Quay dues<br />

§ 10<br />

Quay dues - object and amount<br />

(1) Quay dues must be paid for using the wharfage when loading or unloading goods, for<br />

rolling unit loads, as well as for passengers.<br />

No quay dues are charged for provisions, equipment and fuel which serve the vessel's<br />

own needs.<br />

(2) For each turn-around, the quay dues amount to:<br />

1. for goods on cargo ships according to the following goods classes:<br />

a) Bulk goods, if they are loose, can be poured or gripped<br />

and are not listed under d) to j), per metric ton € 0.25<br />

b) Liquid bulk goods, if they can be pumped, unpacked and are not<br />

hazardous goods according to the IMDG Code, per metric ton € 0.35<br />

c) Parcel goods, bagged cargo, bale goods and goods on pallets<br />

- Stowage factor < 1 m³/t, per metric ton € 0.60<br />

- Stowage factor 1 to 5 m³/t, per metric ton € 0.90<br />

- Stowage factor > 5 m³/t, per metric ton € 1.40<br />

d) Timber, pulpwood<br />

- stated in cubic meters € 0.25<br />

- stated in solid m³/m³ € 0.30<br />

e) Cut wood per m³ € 0.35<br />

f) Paper (rolls) and cellulose (bales), per metric ton € 0.65<br />

g) Wood chips and pellets, per metric ton € 0.40<br />

h) Metals, sectional steel and other rolling mill products, per metric ton € 0.60<br />

i) Scrap iron and steel, per metric ton € 0.50<br />

j) Fish, per metric ton € 1.10<br />

k) Hazardous goods according to the IMDG Code, per metric ton € 2.00<br />

l) Project cargo, per metric ton € 3.50<br />

m) Other cargo (not classifiable under a) to j)), per metric ton € 1.00<br />

2. for ferries and ro-ro vessels in regularly scheduled service, as well as passenger<br />

ships<br />

a) for each rail car, truck, truck trailer, or trailer<br />

Bus and other wheel utility vehicles more than 6 meters long<br />

- up to 10,000 units in one calendar year € 4.50<br />

- from 10,001 to 25,000 units in one calendar year € 4.00<br />

- from 25,001 to 35,000 units in one calendar year € 3.50<br />

- starting at 35,001 units in one calendar year € 2.00<br />

b) for each car, car trailer, campers<br />

and other vehicles up to 6 meters long<br />

- up to 3000 units in one calendar year € 3.00<br />

- from 3,001 to 6,000 units in one calendar year € 2.50<br />

- starting at 6,001 units in one calendar year € 2.00<br />

c) for good on the means of transportation listed under a)<br />

including tare weight per metric ton € 1.10

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for each passenger<br />

- ferry and ro-ro shipping € 0.90<br />

- catamaran ferry, cruise ship and passenger shipping € 1.20<br />

3. for containers and the goods in them on container ships<br />

a) for each container<br />

- 20’container, per unit € 3.00<br />

- 40’container, per unit € 5.00<br />

b) for goods in containers<br />

including tare weight, per metric ton<br />

- solid and liquid bulk goods € 0.30<br />

- parcel goods € 1.00<br />

- hazardous goods according to the IMDG Code € 2.00<br />

V Mooring fees<br />

§ 11<br />

Mooring fees - object and amount<br />

(1) For one call in port, the following must be paid for mooring/unmooring:<br />

Gross tonnage mooring + unmooring moving<br />

1 - 500 € 65.00 € 40.00<br />

501 - 2,000 € 110.00 € 65.00<br />

2,001 - 5,000 € 180.00 € 110.00<br />

5,001 - 7,500 € 250.00 € 150.00<br />

7,501 - 10,000 € 350.00 € 210.00<br />

10,001 - 15,000 € 450.00 € 270.00<br />

> 15,000 for each 1,000 gross tonnage plus € 30.00 € 20.00<br />

(2) Mooring services must generally be used. Exceptions for smaller vessels require prior<br />

consultation, but do not entail a release from the payment of fees for mooring and<br />

unmooring.<br />

(3) For unmeasured watercraft the mooring fees for each port call are regulated as follows:<br />

Mooring and unmooring<br />

by base area (max. length x max. width), per m²<br />

Moving<br />

by base area (max. length x max. width), per m²<br />

0.03 €<br />

0.02 €

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VI Security surcharge<br />

§ 12<br />

Security surcharge - object and amount<br />

(1) To ensure the necessary legal requirements for additional security measures in the port<br />

area called for by the introduction of the International Ship and Port Facility Security<br />

Code (ISPS Code), <strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH shall levy a security surcharge.<br />

(2) The security surcharge shall apply to all watercraft required to pay harbour dues<br />

analogous to § 8 (2) 1. – 9. of these Port Tariffs and § 1 (2) of the Tariff Regulations for<br />

Offshore Industry Special Watercraft of <strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH, with the exception of<br />

ferries and ro-ro vessels in regularly scheduled service, to which separate agreements<br />

apply.<br />

(3) The security surcharge amounts to the following for each call in port (per entry and exit)<br />

For measured watercraft (above 500 GT), per gross tonnage € 0.10<br />

For unmeasured watercraft, according to the base area<br />

(max. length x max. width), per sqm € 0.08<br />

For inland waterway vessels, per metric ton € 0.05<br />

VII Disposal of ship's waste<br />

§ 13<br />

Fees for disposal of ship's waste<br />

according to SchAbfEntG M-V<br />

(Law on the Disposal of Ship’s Waste and Cargo Residues of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania)<br />

object and amount<br />

(1) For all watercraft calling at the <strong>Sassnitz</strong> ferry port, the Law on the Disposal of Ship’s<br />

Waste and Cargo Residues of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania of December 16, 2003<br />

calls for the payment of a lump sum for disposal.<br />

(2) Watercraft which can submit an exemption issued by the responsible authorities in<br />

accordance with § 12 of the Law on the Disposal of Ship’s Waste and Cargo Residues,<br />

shall be released from having to pay the disposal fees.<br />

(3) The disposal fees amount to:<br />

a) Basic fee for all vessels not receiving a discount in accordance with b) or released in<br />

accordance with (2):<br />

€ 0.026 / gross tonnage and per call in port

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b) Basic fee for vessels calling at several ports in quick succession, which have properly<br />

disposed of their waste in the port previously visited and which have been issued an<br />

individual exemption in compliance with § 7 Paragraph 2 of the Law on the Disposal<br />

of Ship’s Waste and Cargo Residues by the responsible authorities:<br />

€ 0.013 / gross tonnage and per call in port<br />

c) For ships and other watercraft making use of a berth for more than five days, the<br />

following fees must be paid in addition to items a) and b) for each five-day period or<br />

part thereof:<br />

€ 0.007 / gross tonnage<br />

The disposal fees stated in items a) and b) shall be calculated by taking into account<br />

the type of vessel and the size measured in gross tonnage according to the following<br />

table:<br />

Type of vessel Gross<br />

tonnage<br />

Tanker and bulk carriers < 2,000<br />

2,000 – 19,999<br />

20,000 – 39,999<br />

> = 40,000<br />

Combined passenger-cargo ferries,<br />

ro-ro cargo ships, cargo ships, car<br />

carriers<br />

< 20,000<br />

> = 20,000<br />

Passenger vessels < 25,000<br />

> = 25,000<br />

General cargo ships and all other < 20,000<br />

self-propelled watercraft not<br />

mentioned above<br />

> = 20,000<br />

Correction factor<br />

1<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

1<br />

1.3<br />

(4) If there are plans to dispose of ship's waste in <strong>Sassnitz</strong> Ferry Port, the port authority and<br />

shipping office must be notified 24 hours before the ship enters the port. (in accordance<br />

with the form in Attachment 4)<br />

(5) The port authority and shipping office must also be notified in the event of inadequacies<br />

in the disposal of ship's waste in <strong>Sassnitz</strong> Ferry Port (in accordance with the form in<br />

Attachment 5)<br />

(6) The types of disposal of ship's waste in <strong>Sassnitz</strong> Ferry Port covered by the lump sum fee,<br />

or which costs must be borne by the waste producer (vessel), are fixed. (see Attachment<br />

6: overview of the disposal of ship's waste)<br />

1<br />

1.5<br />

1.3<br />


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VIII Cargo handling fees<br />

(1) Transshipment of wheeled cargo units<br />

§ 14<br />

Fees for cargo handling services<br />

For loading and unloading wheeled cargo units, a fee must be paid for:<br />

a) Moving from / on board the vessel by port staff starting at the apron<br />

(vehicle is in running condition and can be steered)<br />

- truck / bus / tractor € 15.50 / unit<br />

- car/ camper € 6.50 / unit<br />

b) Towing from / on board the vessel starting at the apron<br />

- car / bus / tractor € 50.00 / unit<br />

- car / camper € 18.00 / unit<br />

- handling trailer / mafi trailer € 38.50 / unit<br />

c) Placing and positioning mafi trailer (empty) € 12.00 / unit<br />

Additional services<br />

d) Clearance of freight documents and customs clearance € 18.00 / unit<br />

e) Trailer check € 8.00 / unit<br />

f) Export/import car check € 4.00 / unit<br />

g) Refueling a trailers € 30.00 / unit<br />

h) Ventilating a trailer € 10.50 / unit<br />

i) Driving uninsured vehicles from the entrance into<br />

to the port area € 26.00 / unit<br />

j) Jump-start<br />

- car / bus / tractor / other vehicles > 6m long € 15.00 / unit<br />

- car / camper / other vehicles < 6m long € 7.50 / unit<br />

k) Towing vehicles from transporter (low bed trailer) € 35.00 / unit<br />

l) Weighing road vehicles, per weighing € 8.00 / unit<br />

(2) Fees for failure to make use of transshipment services<br />

If transshipment on the facilities of <strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH is performed by the ship's<br />

own staff using the ship's own equipment (self-loading/self-unloading), then a fee for<br />

failure to make use of transshipment services is charged as follows:<br />

gravel € 0.85 / t<br />

sea gravel (suction dredger) € 0.23 / m³<br />

Grit, mineral mixtures and similar building materials<br />

capable of being gripped € 0.90 / t<br />

Fertilizer € 1.35 / t<br />

Timber € 1.20 / solid m³<br />

Lumber € 1.50 / solid m³<br />

Grain, rapeseed € 1.15 / t<br />

Parcel goods and other goods € 3.20 / t

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IX Storage fees<br />

§ 15<br />

Storage fees / berthing charges<br />

Covered or uncovered storage space for bulk and parcel goods is provided in relation to the<br />

capacities available for the time period required in each case after prior consultation with<br />

<strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH and must be set down in a separate agreement.<br />

If the storage space is located on the territory of <strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH, the<br />

transshipment work involved in putting into and taking out of storage must be performed<br />

exclusively by <strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH.<br />

The terms of storage are defined as follows:<br />

(1) Bulk goods, parcel goods and containers<br />

Free storage unpaved paved covered<br />

time period open-air storage area open-air storage area storage area<br />

Bulk goods<br />

7 calendar days € 0.03 per ton and day € 0.04 per ton and day € 0.10 per ton and day<br />

Parcel goods<br />

7 calendar days € 0.05 per ton and day € 0.08 per ton and day € 0.18 per ton and day<br />

Container<br />

7 calendar days € 4.00 per TEU and day € 0.00 per TEU and day upon request<br />

(2) Terms of long-term storage space rental<br />

unpaved paved covered<br />

open-air storage area open-air storage area storage area<br />

Monthly rent € 0.80 / m² € 1.30 / m² € 2.30 / m²<br />

(3) Berthing charges for vehicles, import and export<br />

Vehicles < 6m 3 calendar days free, thereafter € 4.00 / day<br />

Vehicles > 6m 5 calendar days free, thereafter € 8.00 / day<br />

Vehicles on hazardous goods space € 30.00 / day

Port of <strong>Sassnitz</strong> – <strong>PORT</strong> <strong>TARIFFS</strong><br />

(valid from July, 1 st 2011) Page 15 from 27<br />

X ISPS access fees<br />

§ 16<br />

ISPS access fees – object and amount<br />

For additional required security measures by danger prevention plan of <strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong><br />

GmbH according to SOLAS XI-2, ISPS Code A, <strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH shall levy<br />

following charges for the access to the port grounds:<br />

ISPS gate charge<br />

ISPS fee for terminal operators<br />

ISPS fee for access identity cards<br />

Public authorities (emigration, customs, police etc.) are excluded from ISPS access fees.<br />

(1) ISPS gate charge<br />

The ISPS gate charge amounts to the following for all arrivals and departures of<br />

passengers and vehicles, which are using the access to the port grounds within sea<br />

traffic:<br />

for each rail car, truck, truck trailer, or trailer,<br />

bus and other wheel utility vehicles more than 6 meters long € 0.40<br />

for each car, car trailer, camper<br />

and other vehicles up to 6 meters long € 0.15<br />

for each passenger € 0.05<br />

(2) ISPS fee for terminal operators<br />

Terminal operators, stevedoring companies and other undertakings, which are using port<br />

grounds on rental basis must pay ISPS fee for rented space as follows:<br />

< 5,000 m² € 0.30 per m² and month<br />

5,000 – 20,000 m² € 0.25 per m² and month<br />

20,000 – 50,000 m² € 0.20 per m² and month<br />

> 50,000 m² € 0.15 per m² and month<br />

(3) ISPS fee for access identity cards<br />

For drawing up of access identity cards to the ISPS port grounds following fees must be<br />

paid:<br />

Personal access identity card with photo<br />

(cover and lanyard included) € 20.00 per card and year<br />

Company access identity card without photo<br />

(cover and lanyard included) € 20.00 per card and year<br />

Visitors access identity card € 12.00 per card and day<br />

Crew member access identity card € 7.50 per card and stay<br />

Account in the event of loss of access identity card€ € 25.00 per card

(1) Ferry bridge fees<br />

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XI Fees for other services<br />

§ 17<br />

Ferry bridge, crane and equipment fees<br />

For lifting and lowering ferry bridges / ro-ro ramps outside the contractual provisions, a<br />

fee of € 105.00 must be paid in each case.<br />

(2) Crane and equipment fees<br />

For each half-hour or part thereof, the following fees must be paid for using crane<br />

facilities and mobile port equipment (plus operating staff in accordance with the staff pay<br />

scale)<br />

Wharf crane, berth 4/5 (10 t) € 50.00<br />

Gantry crane facility (32 t) € 75.00<br />

Tug master € 45.00<br />

Fork lift € 15.00<br />

Sweeper € 15.00<br />

§ 18<br />

Fees for performing work<br />

(1) The charge for work performed outside the services mentioned so far (upon request) will<br />

be accounted in accordance with the staff pay scale (worker € 40.00 / hr.) and the place<br />

of work.<br />

(2) The following surcharges shall apply to services of <strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH which are<br />

charged per staff hour and must be performed outside normal working hours:<br />

Mondays to Fridays 11:00 p.m. – 7:00 a.m. - 25 %<br />

Sundays and days before holidays,<br />

insofar as these fall on a workday 1:00 p.m. – 12 midnight - 25 %<br />

Sundays all day - 50 %<br />

on days before holidays, if these do not<br />

fall on a workday 1:00 p.m. – 12 midnight - 100 %<br />

on legal holidays or high feast days all day - 125 %<br />

(3) If workers requested by the contractor not be employed for reasons which are not the<br />

fault of the sub-contractor, then the contractor shall be charged for the costs of the<br />

waiting time. The time to be calculated will be rounded up to the nearest half-hour. The<br />

minimum charge is for one-half hour ( 1/2 hr.).

(1) Electricity fees<br />

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§ 19<br />

Fees for electricity, water, communications<br />

The following must be paid per kWh for the use of electricity:<br />

up to 32 Ampere (without power measurement) € 0.25<br />

from 32 up to 125 Ampere (without power measurement) € 0,27<br />

more than 125 Ampere (with power measurement) upon request<br />

Fee for setting up of electric connection € 61.50 / connection<br />

(2) Water fees<br />

The following must be paid for drawing drinking water immediately on the wharf facilities<br />

when the water is drawn:<br />

up to 20 m³ € 2.80 / m³<br />

21 - 100 m³ € 2.50 / m³<br />

more than 100 m³ € 2.20 / m³<br />

If more than 20 m³ is drawn, a connection fee is charged amounting to € 6.50<br />

and for more than 20 m³, a connection fee is charged amounting to € 25.00<br />

(3) Communications connection<br />

For providing a telephone connected to the public network, the following fees must be<br />

paid:<br />

Installation € 25.00<br />

Basic fee € 8.00 / day<br />

Units for automatic dial exchange € 0.08 / unit<br />

XII Tariff regulations for offshore<br />

industry watercraft<br />

§ 20<br />

Fees for offshore industry watercraft<br />

(1) Watercraft with activities in the field of offshore industries (pipeline construction, wind<br />

energy, laying and drilling works) must pay fees for using the infrastructure of <strong>Fährhafen</strong><br />

<strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH.<br />

(2) The type, amount and basis for calculation the fees are set down in the respectively<br />

effective version of the "Tariff Regulations for Offshore Industry Watercraft of <strong>Fährhafen</strong><br />

<strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH".

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XIII Use of rail infrastructure<br />

§ 21<br />

Fees for using the rail infrastructure<br />

(1) The railroad companies must pay appropriate fees for the use of the rail infrastructure of<br />

<strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH.<br />

(2) The type, amount and basis for calculation the fees are set down in the respectively<br />

effective version of the "Conditions for Using the Rail Infrastructure of <strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong><br />

GmbH".<br />

<strong>Fährhafen</strong> <strong>Sassnitz</strong> GmbH <strong>Sassnitz</strong> / Neu Mukran, June 15 th 2011

Port of <strong>Sassnitz</strong> – <strong>PORT</strong> <strong>TARIFFS</strong><br />

(valid from July, 1 st 2011) Page 19 from 27 Annex 1<br />

Port Plan

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Nautical Parameters / Port Facilities<br />

Annex 1a<br />

Berth # Purpose Length Navigational Depth Quay height<br />

1 Conventional 100 m 4.70 m 2.20 m<br />

2 RoRo / Conventional 110 m 6.30 m 2.55 m<br />

3 Multipurpose 210 m 10.50 m 3.50 m<br />

3a Multipurpose 200 m 10.50 m 3,50 m<br />

4 RailRo (Broad gauge) / Conventional 220 m 8.50 m 5.87 m<br />

5 RailRo (Broad gauge) / RoRo 220 m 8.50 m 5.87 m<br />

5a Conventional 80 m 8.50 m 3.50 m<br />

6 Multipurpose RoRo 250 m 9.50 m 3.50 m<br />

7 RailRo (Normal gauge) 250 m 9.50 m 3.50 m<br />

7a Conventional 65 m 4.50 m 3.50 m<br />

8 RoRo / Conventional 190 m 9.50 m 3.50 m<br />

9 Multipurpose / Conventional 175 m 9.50 m 3.50 m<br />

9a Multipurpose / Conventional 35 m 5.50 m 3.50 m<br />

10 Self discharger 170 m 10.50 m not applicable<br />

11 Conventional 167 m 8.00 - 9.50 m 3.50 m<br />

12 Conventional 55 m 7.20 m 3.50 m<br />

NM Berth's northern mole 500 m 6.20 - 9.00 m 3.50 m

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D-18546 <strong>Sassnitz</strong> / Neu Mukran<br />

Fax: +49 (0) 38392 55212 / 55240 Email: info@faehrhafen-sassnitz.de<br />

Schiffsanmeldung / Notice of Arrival<br />

Schiffsname / Ship’s Name:<br />

Rufzeichen / Call Sign: BRZ / Gross Tonnage:<br />

Heimathafen / Home Port: NRZ / Net Tonnage:<br />

Flagge / Flag: TDW / Deadweight:<br />

Abgangshafen / Port of Origin: Länge / Length over all:<br />

Abgangsland / Country of Origin: Breite / Breadth extreme:<br />

Laden / Loading Löschen / Discharging Tiefgang / Draught:<br />

Ladungsart / Kind of Cargo: Tiefg. Max. / Draught max.:<br />

Menge / Quantity:<br />

ETA Datum / Date: ETA Ortszeit / Local time:<br />

Empfangsterminal / Receiving terminal:<br />

Annex 2<br />

Frachtschiff / Feighter Fährschiff / Ferry RoRo-Schiff / Ro-ro ship<br />

Katamaranfähre / Catamaran ferry Autotransporter / Car Carrier Passagierschiff / Cruise vessel<br />

Containerschiff / Container ship Fischereifahrzeug / Fishing vessel Tanker<br />

Tanker (double hull) Tanker (separate ballast tanks) Binnenschiff / River vessel<br />

Werfterprobung / Yard new building Sonstiges Fahrzeug / Others Im Offshore-Einsatz / Offshore operations<br />

Auftraggeber, Schiffsmakler / Customer, Shipping Agency<br />

Firma Company:<br />

Postanschrift / Adresse<br />

Telefon / Phone: Fax: Email:<br />

Datum / Date: Ansprechpartner / Contact person:<br />

Bermerkungen / Remarks:<br />

Unterschrift / Signature

Port of <strong>Sassnitz</strong> – <strong>PORT</strong> <strong>TARIFFS</strong><br />

(valid from July, 1 st 2011) Page 22 from 27<br />

D-18546 <strong>Sassnitz</strong> / Neu Mukran<br />

Fax: +49 (0) 38392 55212 / 55240 Email: info@faehrhafen-sassnitz.de<br />

Schiffsabmeldung / Notice of Departure<br />

Schiffsname / Ship’s Name:<br />

Rufzeichen / Call Sign: BRZ / Gross Tonnage:<br />

Bestimmungshafen / Port of Destination: Tiefgang / Draught:<br />

Bestimmungsland / Country of Destination: Breite / Breadth extreme:<br />

Laden / Loading Löschen / Discharging<br />

Ladungsart / Kind of Cargo: Menge / Quantity (BL):<br />

Liegeplatz / Berth # :<br />

Ankunft<br />

Datum / Date<br />

Lade- / Löschbeginn<br />

Datum / Date<br />

Lade- / Löschende<br />

Datum / Date<br />

Abfahrt<br />

Datum / Date<br />

Rechnungsempfänger / Recipient of Invoice<br />

Hafengeld / Port Charges on Vessel:<br />

Kaibenutzungsgeld / Quay Charges:<br />

Umschlagentgelt / Handling Charges:<br />

Datum / Date: Ansprechpartner / Contact person:<br />

Bermerkungen / Remarks:<br />

Arrival<br />

Ortszeit / Local time<br />

Start of Loading / Discharging<br />

Ortszeit / Local time<br />

End of Loading / Discharging<br />

Ortszeit / Local time<br />

Departure<br />

Ortszeit / Local time<br />

Annex 3<br />

Unterschrift / Signature

Port of <strong>Sassnitz</strong> – <strong>PORT</strong> <strong>TARIFFS</strong><br />

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Annex 4<br />

Meldung gemäß § 6 Abs. 1 des Schiffsabfallentsorgungsgesetzes Mecklenburg-<br />

Vorpommern<br />

Notification of Waste delivery as referred to in § 6,1 Schiffsabfallentsorgungsgesetz ( law for waste disposal in ports)<br />

Anlaufhafen/ Port:……………………………................... Vorheriger Anlaufhafen<br />

Last port of call:………………………………………<br />

Schiffsname Nächster Anlaufhafen<br />

Ship’s name:……………………………………………… Next port of call:………………………………………<br />

Rufzeichen/ IMO Nr. Flaggenstaat<br />

Call sign/ IMO- Nr.:……………………………………. Flag state:………………………………………...........<br />

Geschätzte Anlaufzeit(Datum/Uhrzeit) Geschätzte Auslaufzeit (Datum/Uhrzeit)<br />

Estimated time of arrival(date/time):……………………. Estimated time of departure (date/time):………...........<br />

Letzte Entsorgung am:…………………………………… Letzter Hafen, in dem Schiffsabfälle entsorgt wurden:<br />

Last date when waste was delivered Last port where waste was delivered:………………….<br />

Entsorgen Sie/ Are you delivering<br />

Den gesamten einen Teil des keinen Abfall(s)? (Bitte ankreuzen)<br />

all some non of your waste? (Tick appropriate box)<br />

Bei Entsorgung des gesamten Abfalls bitte die zweite Spalte entsprechend ausfüllen. In allen anderen Fällen sind alle Spalten<br />

auszufüllen.<br />

If delivering all waste please complete column 2. In all other cases please complete all columns.<br />

1 2 3 4 5<br />

Abfallart<br />

Type of waste<br />

1. Rückstandsöle/Waste oils<br />

Schlamm sludge<br />

Bilgenwasser bligewater<br />

Sonstige (entsprechende<br />

Angaben) others (spezify)<br />

2. Müll garbage<br />

Hausmüll mixed garbage<br />

Kunststoff plastics<br />

Sonstige others<br />

3. Ladungsbedingte Abfälle<br />

cargo- associated waste<br />

(please specifity)<br />

4. Ladungsrückstände<br />

cargo residues (please<br />

specifity)<br />

Zu entsorgender<br />

Abfall<br />

Waste to be<br />

delivered<br />

m³<br />

Maximale<br />

Lagerkapazität<br />

Max. storage<br />

capacity on to board<br />

m³<br />

An Bord verbleibender<br />

Abfall<br />

Amount of waste<br />

remaining on board<br />

m³<br />

Hafen, in dem der verbleibende Abfall entsorgt wird:<br />

Port at which remaining waste will be delivered:…………………………………………………………………….<br />

Diese Angaben können für die Zwecke der Hafenstaatkontrolle und anderer Überprüfungen verwendet werden.<br />

This information may be used for Port State Control and other inspection purposes.<br />

Ich bestätige, dass die vorstehenden Angaben genau und zutreffend sind,<br />

I confirm that the above details are accurate and correct.<br />

Geschätzte<br />

Abfallmenge die<br />

zwischen Meldung und<br />

nächstem Anlaufhafen<br />

anfällt<br />

Estimated quantity up to<br />

next port of call<br />

m³<br />

Datum, Uhrzeit Unterschrift<br />

Date, Time………………………….. signature………………………………………….<br />

Bitte senden Sie das ausgefüllte Formular an das Hafen- und Seemannsamt<br />

Fax +49(0)38392/ 55313

Port of <strong>Sassnitz</strong> – <strong>PORT</strong> <strong>TARIFFS</strong><br />

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Vordruck zur Meldung über<br />

Unzulänglichkeiten von Auffanganlagen in Häfen1<br />

- Ölhaltige Rückstände, Schädliche Flüssigkeiten und Schiffsmüll -<br />

Schiffsführer, die Schwierigkeiten bei der Abgabe von Rückständen an eine Auffanganlage hatten,<br />

sollten die folgenden Angaben, zusammen mit ergänzenden Unterlagen, an das Bundesamt für<br />

Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie<br />

- Referat N2- Postfach 30 12 20, 2000 Hamburg 36, senden.<br />

Format for reporting alleged<br />

inadequacy of port reception facilities2<br />

- oily waste, noxious liquid substances (NSl), garbage-<br />

The Master of a ship having difficulties discharging waste to reception facilities should forward the<br />

information below, together with supporting documentation, to the competent authority of the flag<br />

State<br />

(in the Federal Republic of Germany: Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrografphie- Referat N2-<br />

P.O. Box 30 12 20, 2000 Hamburg 36).<br />

1 Schiffsdaten<br />

Ship’s particulars<br />

Name des Schiffes…………………………………………………………..<br />

Name of ship<br />

Eigentümer oder Betreiber………………………………………………….<br />

Owner or operator<br />

Unterscheidungssignal………………………………………………………<br />

Distinctive number or letters<br />

Registerhafen………………………………………………………………..<br />

Port of registry<br />

Schiffstyp…….…..Öltanker……..Chemikalientanker..…….Passagierschiff<br />

Type of ship oil tanker chemical tanker passenger ship<br />

…………… Frachtschiff………..sonstige(genaue Angaben)…………..<br />

cargo ship or other (specify)<br />

2 Angaben zum Hafen<br />

Port particulars<br />

Land………………………………………………………………….<br />

Country<br />

Name des Hafens oder Gebietes……………………………………..<br />

Name of Port or Area<br />

1 Beschlossen auf der 27. Sitzung des IMO- Ausschusses für den Meeresumweltschutz (Anlage 6 zu MEPC<br />

27/16) am 17. März 1989<br />

2 Adopted at the twenty- seventh session of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC<br />

27/16 Annex 6) on 17 March 1989<br />

3<br />

3.1<br />

3.2<br />

Name des Liegeplatzes,<br />

Piers,Terminals………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

Location/ Terminal Name<br />

(e.g. berth/ terminal/ jetty)<br />

Name des Betreibers der Auffanganlage (wenn bekannt)………………………………………….<br />

Name of company operating reception facility (if applicable)<br />

………..…….…Löschhafen………….………….Ladehafen……………..……Werft<br />

Unloading port, Loading port, Shipyard<br />

Datum des Vorfalles…………………………………………………………………………………<br />

Date of incident<br />

Art und Menge der an die Anlage abzugebenden Rückstände<br />

Type and amount of waste for discharge to facility<br />

Ölhaltige Rückstände<br />

Oily waste<br />

Art der ölhaltigen Rückstände<br />

Type of oily waste<br />

…………………..……Bilgenwasser,…………………Ölschlämme und Rückstände aus dem<br />

bilge water, Separator,<br />

sludge from fuel oil purifier.<br />

……………………… Ölschlämme und Rückstände nach……………………Ballastwasser,<br />

der Tankreinigung, ballast water<br />

scale and sludge from tanker<br />

cleaning.<br />

……………Tankwaschwasser oder………….sonstige (genaue Angaben)………………………………….<br />

tank washings or other (specify)<br />

………………………………………………………………………………………………………...............<br />

Menge der an die Auffanganlage abzugebenden<br />

ölhaltigen Rückstände………………………………………………………………………………...………m³<br />

Amount of waste for discharge to facility<br />

Schädliche Flüssigkeiten<br />

Noxious liquid substances (NLS)<br />

Art der an die Auffanganlagen abzugebenden Rückstände bzw. Wassergemische, die nach dem Vorwaschen<br />

schädliche Flüssigkeiten<br />

Type of NLS residue / water mixture for discharge to facility from prewash<br />

der Stoffgruppe ……………A,…………….B,……………..C oder<br />

of a Category or<br />

Annex 5<br />

Annex 5<br />

sonstige (genaue Angaben) enthalten…………………………………………………………………………….<br />

Other (specity)

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Der Stoff ist als fest………….. oder zähflüssig……………. zu bezeichnen<br />

Substance is designated as solidifying or high viscosity<br />

Name der in den Rückständen bzw. dem Gemisch enthaltenen schädlichen Flüssigkeiten<br />

Name of the noxious liquid substance involved<br />

……………………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

Menge der an die Auffanganlage abzugebenden Rückstände bzw.<br />

Gemische, die schädliche Flüssigkeiten enthalten,………………………………..........……….m³<br />

Amount of NLS residue/ water mixture for discharge to facility<br />

3.3 Müll<br />

Garbage<br />

Art und Menge des an die Anlage abzugebenden Mülls<br />

Type and amount of garbage for discharge to facility<br />

Küchenabfälle………………m³<br />

Food waste<br />

Müll im Zusammenhang mit der Schiffsladung………….…….m³<br />

cargo associated waste<br />

Müll aus der Unterhaltung und Instandsetzung………………..m³<br />

maintenance waste<br />

oder sonstiger (genaue Angaben)………………………………m³<br />

or other (specify)<br />

4 Art und Menge der Schiffsabfälle, die von der Auffanganlage nicht angenommen wurde<br />

Type and amount of waste not accepted by the facility<br />

....................................................................................................................................................<br />

……………………………………………………………………………………………........<br />

……………………....................................................................................................................<br />

....................................................................................................................................................<br />

5<br />

6<br />

Besondere Probleme die auftraten<br />

Special problems encountered<br />

……….Annahme verweigert,……….übermäßige Verzögerung,……….ungeeignete Lage<br />

reception denied, undue delay, inconvenient<br />

der Anlage(n),……….Benutzung der Anlage technisch nicht möglich,……….sonstige<br />

location of facilities, use of facility not technically possible, other<br />

Nähere Angaben zu den oben genannten Problemen<br />

Specify particulars of problems identified above<br />

Annex 5<br />

Annex 5<br />

……………………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

……………………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

……………………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

……………………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

……………………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

Anmerkungen: (z.B. Einzelheiten über Anfragen zur Benutzung der Auffanganlage, Angaben der<br />

Hafenbehörden oder Betreiber der Anlage(n) als Begründung hinsichtlich der unter Punkt 4<br />

gemachten Angaben und Namen der Vertreter der Hafenbehörde, die hinsichtlich dieser<br />

Schwierigkeiten angesprochen wurden)<br />

Remarks: (e.g. details of request made for use of reception facility, information received from port<br />

authorities or operators of reception facilities giving reasons concerning point 4 and names of port<br />

officials contacted in respect of this difficulty)<br />

……………………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

…………………………………………………………………………………………………...<br />

…………………………………………………………………………………………………....<br />

……………………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

……………………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

……………………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

……………………………………. …………………………………..<br />

Datum der Ausfertigung Unterschrift des Kapitäns<br />

Date of completion of form Signature of Master

Port of <strong>Sassnitz</strong> – <strong>PORT</strong> <strong>TARIFFS</strong><br />

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Übersicht über die Entsorgung von Schiffsabfällen<br />

und Auffanganlagen<br />

Schiffsabfälle Annahmepflicht Im pauschalen<br />

Entsorgungsentgelt<br />

enthalten<br />

ölhaltige Abfälle<br />

Abwasser<br />

Müll<br />

Bemerkungen<br />

Altöl ja ja Maximalmenge pro Schiffsanlauf 3 m³<br />

Bilgenwasser ja ja Maximalmenge pro Schiffsanlauf 3 m³<br />

Separatorenschlamm ja ja Maximalmenge pro Schiffsanlauf 3 m³<br />

Tankwaschwasser ja nein<br />

Ballastwasser und -schlamm ja nein<br />

Ölhaltige Werkstattabfälle ja ja<br />

Grauwasser ja ja<br />

Schwarzwasser ja ja<br />

Wertstoffe<br />

(Papier, Glas, Leichverpackungen)<br />

ja ja<br />

Speiseabfälle ja ja<br />

Verbrennungsasche ja ja<br />

mit Chemikalien, Farbresten,<br />

Reinigungsmitteln oder anderen<br />

gefährlichen Abfällen vermischte Abfälle<br />

ja ja<br />

Emballagen mit Anhaftungen ja ja<br />

Leuchtstoffröhren, Batterien, Farbreste<br />

Isolationsmaterial (Styropor, Glaswolle<br />

ja ja<br />

etc)<br />

Elektrogeräte (Kühlschränke,<br />

Fernseher, Radar etc.)<br />

ja nein<br />

Ölfilter, ölhaltige Putzlappen, Öldosen<br />

etc.<br />

Maximalmenge pro Schiffsanlauf 1 m³<br />

unter Marpol nicht erfasst, z. B.<br />

Duschwasser, Waschwasser<br />

Maximalmenge pro Schiffsanlauf 5 m³<br />

Abwasser aus Toiletten<br />

Maximalmenge pro Schiffsanlauf 5 m³<br />

Verpackungsmaterial des "täglichen<br />

Bedarfs"<br />

Maximalmenge pro Schiffsanlauf 1 m³<br />

Sortierkosten werden gesondert in<br />

Rechnung gestellt

Müll<br />

Ladungsbedingte Abfälle<br />

(Stoffe, die auf Grund<br />

ihrer Verwendung an<br />

Bord für Zwecke des<br />

Stauens oder des<br />

Umschlags von Ladung<br />

zu Abfall geworden sind<br />

Port of <strong>Sassnitz</strong> – <strong>PORT</strong> <strong>TARIFFS</strong><br />

(valid from July, 1 st 2011) Page 27 from 27<br />

Schiffsabfälle Annahmepflicht Im pauschalen<br />

Entsorgungsentgelt<br />

enthalten<br />

Bemerkungen<br />

Maschinenteile, Schrott ja ja Einzelstück nicht schwerer als 50 kg<br />

Rückstände, die aus nichtalltäglichen<br />

Reinigungs- und Reparaturarbeiten<br />

herrühren<br />

alle weiteren nicht aufgeführten<br />

Schiffsabfälle<br />

Stauholz, Schalungs- oder<br />

Verpackungsmaterial, Paletten,<br />

Draht und Stahlbänder zum Verzurren<br />

usw.<br />

Ladungsrückstände<br />

nach Abschluss der Lösch- und Reinigungsverfahren an Bord in<br />

Laderäumen oder Tanks befindliche Reste von Ladungen sowie<br />

die beim Laden oder Löschen verursachten Überreste und<br />

Überläufe<br />

ja nein<br />

ja nein<br />

ja ja<br />

ja nein

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