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Good Hope] are blackamoors, and yet both alike distant from the equator: nay they that dwell in<br />

the same parallel line with these Negroes, as about the Straits of Magellan, are white coloured,<br />

and yet some in Presbyter John's country in Ethiopia are dun; they in Zeilan and Malabar parallel<br />

with them again black: Manamotapa in Africa, and St. Thomas Isle are extreme hot, both under<br />

the line, coal black their inhabitants, whereas in Peru they are quite opposite in colour, very<br />

temperate, or rather cold, and yet both alike elevated. Moscow in 53. degrees of latitude extreme<br />

cold, as those northern countries usually are, having one perpetual hard frost all winter long; and<br />

in 52. deg. lat. sometimes hard frost and snow all summer, as Button's Bay, &c., or by fits; and<br />

yet England near the same latitude, and Ireland, very moist, warm, and more temperate in winter<br />

than Spain, Italy, or France. Is it the sea that causeth this difference, and the air that comes from<br />

it: Why then is Ister so cold near the Euxine, Pontus, Bithynia, and all Thrace; frigidas regiones<br />

Maginus calls them, and yet their latitude is but 42. which should be hot: Quevira, or Nova<br />

Albion in America, bordering on the sea, was so cold in July, that our Englishmen could hardly<br />

endure it. At Noremberga in 45. lat. all the sea is frozen ice, and yet in a more southern latitude<br />

than ours. New England, and the island of Cambrial Colchos, which that noble gentleman Mr.<br />

Vaughan, or Orpheus junior, describes in his Golden Fleece, is in the same latitude with little<br />

Britain in France, and yet their winter begins not till January, their spring till May; which search<br />

he accounts worthy of an astrologer: is this from the easterly winds, or melting of ice and snow<br />

dissolved within the circle arctic; or that the air being thick, is longer before it be warm by the<br />

sunbeams, and once heated like an oven will keep itself from cold? Our climes breed lice,<br />

Hungary and Ireland male audiunt in this kind; come to the Azores, by a secret virtue of that air<br />

they are instantly consumed, and all our European vermin almost, saith Ortelius. Egypt is<br />

watered with Nilus not far from the sea, and yet there it seldom or never rains: Rhodes, an island<br />

of the same nature, yields not a cloud, and yet our islands ever dropping and inclining to rain.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Atlantic Ocean is still subject to storms, but in Del Zur, or Mare pacifico, seldom or never<br />

any. Is it from tropic stars, apertio portarum, in the dodecotemories or constellations, the moon's<br />

mansions, such aspects of planets, such winds, or dissolving air, or thick air, which causeth this<br />

and the like differences of heat and cold? Bodin relates of a Portugal ambassador, that coming<br />

from Lisbon to Danzig in Spruce, found greater heat there than at any time at home. Don Garcia<br />

de Sylva, legate to Philip III., king of Spain, residing at Ispahan in Persia, 1619, in his letter to<br />

the Marquess of Bedmar, makes mention of greater cold in Ispahan, whose lat. is 31, than ever<br />

he felt in Spain, or any part of Europe. <strong>The</strong> torrid zone was by our predecessors held to be<br />

uninhabitable, but by our modern travellers found to be most temperate, bedewed with frequent<br />

rains, and moistening showers, the breeze and cooling blasts in some parts, as Acosta describes,<br />

most pleasant and fertile. Arica in Chile is by report one of the sweetest places that ever the sun<br />

shined on, Olympus terræ, a heaven on earth: how incomparably do some extol Mexico in Nova<br />

Hispania, Peru, Brazil, &c., in some again hard, dry, sandy, barren, a very desert, and still in the<br />

same latitude. Many times we find great diversity of air in the same country, by reason of the site<br />

to seas, hills or dales, want of water, nature of soil, and the like: as in Spain Arragon is aspera et<br />

sicca, harsh and evil inhabited; Estremadura is dry, sandy, barren most part, extreme hot by<br />

reason of his plains; Andalusia another paradise; Valencia a most pleasant air, and continually<br />

green; so is it about Granada, on the one side fertile plains, on the other, continual snow to be<br />

seen all summer long on the hill tops. That their houses in the Alps are three quarters of the year<br />


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