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provides for a future assault. But many times we complain, repine and mutter without a cause,<br />

we give way to passions we may resist, and will not. Socrates was bad by nature, envious, as he<br />

confessed to Zophius the physiognomer, accusing him of it, froward and lascivious: but as he<br />

was Socrates, he did correct and amend himself. Thou art malicious, envious, covetous,<br />

impatient, no doubt, and lascivious, yet as thou art a Christian, correct and moderate thyself. 'Tis<br />

something, I confess, and able to move any man, to see himself contemned, obscure, neglected,<br />

disgraced, undervalued, "left behind;" some cannot endure it, no not constant Lipsius, a man<br />

discreet otherwise, yet too weak and passionate in this, as his words express, collegas olim, quos<br />

ego sine fremitu non intueor, nuper terræ filios, nunc Mæcenates et Agrippas habeo,-- summo<br />

jam monte potitos. But he was much to blame for it: to a wise staid man this is nothing, we<br />

cannot all be honoured and rich, all Caesars; if we will be content, our present state is good, and<br />

in some men's opinion to be preferred. Let them go on, get wealth, offices, titles, honours,<br />

preferments, and what they will themselves, by chance, fraud, imposture, simony, and indirect<br />

means, as too many do, by bribery, flattery, and parasitical insinuation, by impudence and timeserving,<br />

let them climb up to advancement in despite of virtue, let them "go before, cross me on<br />

every side," me non offendunt modo non in, oculos incurrant, as he said, correcting his former<br />

error, they do not offend me, so long as they run not into mine eyes. I am inglorious and poor,<br />

composita paupertate, but I live secure and quiet: they are dignified, have great means, pomp,<br />

and state, they are glorious; but what have they with it? "Envy, trouble, anxiety, as much labour<br />

to maintain their place with credit, as to get it at first." I am contented with my fortunes,<br />

spectator e longinquo, and love Neptunum procul a terra spectare furentem: he is ambitious, and<br />

not satisfied with his: "but what gets he by it? to have all his life laid open, his reproaches seen:<br />

not one of a thousand but he hath done more worthy of dispraise and animadversion than<br />

commendation; no better means to help this than to be private." Let them run, ride, strive as so<br />

many fishes for a crumb, scrape, climb, catch, snatch, cozen, collogue, temporise and fleer, take<br />

all amongst them, wealth, honour, and get what they can, it offends me not:<br />

-----"me mea tellus<br />

Lare secreto tutoque tegat,"<br />

"I am well pleased with my fortunes," Vivo et regno simul ista relinquens. (Hor. "I live like a<br />

king without any of these acquisitions.")<br />

I have learned "in what state soever I am, therewith to be contented," Philip, iv 11. Come<br />

what can come, I am prepared. Nave ferar magna an parva, ferar unus et idem. I am the same. I<br />

was once so mad to bustle abroad, and seek about for preferment, tire myself, and trouble all my<br />

friends, sed nihil labor tantus profecit nam dum alios amicorum mors avocat, aliis ignotus sum,<br />

his invisus, alii large promittunt, intercedunt illi mecum soliciti, hi vana spe lactant; dum alios<br />

ambio, hos capto, illis innotesco, ætas perit, anni defluunt, amici fatigantur, ego deferor, et jam,<br />

mundi tæsus, humanæque satur infidelitatis acquiesco. ("But all my labour was unprofitable; for<br />

while death took off some of my friends, to others I remain unknown, or little liked, and these<br />

deceive me with false promises. Whilst I am canvassing one party, captivating another, making<br />

myself known to a third, my age increases, years glide away, I am put off, and now tired of the<br />


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