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the devil can cure such diseases he hath not made, and some flatly deny it, howsoever common<br />

experience confirms to our astonishment, that magicians can work such feats, and that the devil<br />

without impediment can penetrate through all the parts of our bodies, and cure such maladies by<br />

means to us unknown." Daneus in his tract de Sortiariis subscribes to this of Taurellus; Erastus<br />

de lamiis, maintaineth as much, and so do most divines, out of their excellent knowledge and<br />

long experience they can commit agentes cum patientibus, colligere semina rerum, eaque<br />

materiæ applicare, as Austin infers de Civ. Dei et de Trinit. lib. 3. cap. 7. et 8. they can work<br />

stupendous and admirable conclusions; we see the effects only, but not the causes of them.<br />

Nothing so familiar as to hear of such cures. Sorcerers are too common; cunning men, wizards,<br />

and white-witches, as they call them, in every village, which if they be sought unto, will help<br />

almost all infirmities of body and mind, Servatores in Latin, and they have commonly St.<br />

Catherine's wheel printed in the roof of their mouth, or in some other part about them, resistunt<br />

incantatorum præstigiis ( Boissardus writes) morbos a sagis motos propulsant &c., that to doubt<br />

of it any longer, "or not to believe, were to run into that other sceptical extreme of incredulity,"<br />

saith Taurellus. Leo Suavius in his comment upon Paracelsus seems to make it an art, which<br />

ought to be approved; Pistorius and others stiffly maintain the use of charms, words, characters,<br />

&c. Ars vera est, sed pauci artifices reperiuntur; the art is true, but there be but a few that have<br />

skill in it. Marcellius Donatus lib. 2. de hist, mir. cap. 1. proves out of Josephus' eight books of<br />

antiquities, that "Solomon so cured all the diseases of the mind by spells, charms, and drove<br />

away devils, and that Eleazer did as much before Vespasian." Langius in his med. epist. holds<br />

Jupiter Menecrates, that did so many stupendous cures in his time, to have used this art, and that<br />

he was no other than a magician. Many famous cures are daily done in this kind, the devil is an<br />

expert physician, as Godelman calls him, lib. 1. cap. 18. and God permits oftentimes these<br />

witches and magicians to produce such effects, as Lavater cap. 3. lib. 8. part. 3. cap. 1. Polid.<br />

Virg. lib. 1. de prodigiis, Delrio and others admit. Such cures may be done, and as Paracels.<br />

Tom. 4. de morb. ament. stiffly maintains, "they cannot otherwise be cured but by spells, seals,<br />

and spiritual physic." Arnoldus, lib. de sigillis, sets down the making of them, so doth Rulandus<br />

and many others.<br />

Hoc posito, they can effect such cures, the main question is, whether it be lawful in a<br />

desperate case to crave their help, or ask a wizard's advice. 'Tis a common practice of some men<br />

to go first to a witch, and then to a physician, if one cannot the other shall, Flectere si nequeant<br />

superos Acheronta movebunt. "It matters not," saith Paracelsus, "whether it be God or the devil,<br />

angels, or unclean spirits cure him, so that he be eased." If a man fall into a ditch, as he<br />

prosecutes it, what matter is it whether a friend or an enemy help him out? and if I be troubled<br />

with such a malady, what care I whether the devil himself, or any of his ministers by God's<br />

permission, redeem me? He calls a magician, God's minister and his vicar, applying that of vos<br />

estis dii profanely to them, for which he is lashed by T. Erastus part. 1. fol. 45. And elsewhere he<br />

encourageth his patients to have a good faith, "a strong imagination, and they shall find the<br />

effects: let divines say to the contrary what they will." He proves and contends that many<br />

diseases cannot otherwise be cured. Incantatione orti incantatione curari debent; if they be<br />

caused by incantation, they must be cured by incantation. Constantinus lib. 4. approves of such<br />

remedies: Bartolus the lawyer, Peter Aerodius rerum Judic. lib. 3. tit. 7. Salicetus Godefridus,<br />

with others of that sect, allow of them; modo sint ad sanitatem quæ a magis fiunt, secus non, so<br />


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