Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2008

Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2008 Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2008


Directors attend certain parts of meetings of the Remuneration Committee by invitation but do not attend discussions on their own remuneration. The Terms of Reference for the Committee comply with the Combined Code and are available for inspection at the Company's registered office and at the Annual General Meeting. A summary of these Terms is also on the Group’s website: The duties of the Committee, as set out in its Terms of Reference, include: • delegated responsibility to agree and recommend remuneration policy; • responsibility for setting the remuneration of the Executive Directors, Chairman and senior management; • formulating suitable performance related criteria for any element of Executive Director remuneration, Chairman and senior management and making recommendations to the Chairman regarding bonuses or performance related remuneration; • advising and determining all performance related formulae relevant to Directors remuneration and to consider the eligibility of Directors for annual bonuses and benefits under long-term incentive schemes; • administering and granting share options under the Company’s share option schemes; • ensuring that regulatory disclosure requirements regarding remuneration are met; • reviewing the policy or authorising claims for expenses from the CEO and Chairman; and • responsibility for selecting and appointing remuneration consultants who advise the Committee. The Chairman of the Remuneration Committee reports the Committee’s findings to the Board at the following Board meeting. Further details of how these responsibilities are executed and the Group's policies on remuneration, service contracts and share options are given in the Directors' Remuneration Report on pages 31 to 38. Details of professional advice received on remuneration issues can be found in the Directors’ Remuneration Report on pages 31 to 38. Nomination Committee The Chairman of the Group who is joined by the other Non-executive Directors, other than peter Gibbs, chairs the Nomination Committee. The Nomination Committee met twice during 2008. Attendance at the Committee meetings is set out on page 24. The Terms of Reference for the Committee comply with the Combined Code and are available for inspection at the Company's registered office and at the Annual General Meeting. A summary of these Terms are on the Group’s website: The Nomination Committee is responsible for all elements of the nomination process for the Executive and Non-executive Directors of the Company. The duties of the Committee, as set out in its Terms of Reference, include: • reviewing regularly the Board structure, size and composition to ensure orderly succession planning and making recommendations to the Board with regard to any adjustments that are deemed necessary; • identifying and nominating candidates for the approval of the Board and putting in place plans for succession; corporaTe governance CONTiNuED 28 THE EvOluTiON GROup plC ANNuAl REpORT & ACCOuNTs 2008 • evaluating the balance of skills, knowledge and experience on the Board prior to making an appointment and determining the role and capabilities required for a particular appointment; • making recommendations to the Board for the continuation in service of an Executive Director, for the re-election of Directors who are retiring by rotation and on the appointment of Directors to the relevant committees; and • reviewing annually the time required from a Non-executive Director and whether time commitments are being satisfactorily fulfilled. The Chairman of the Nomination Committee reports the Committee’s determinations to the Board at the following Board meeting and is available to report to shareholders at each Annual General Meeting. During the year, the Nomination Committee discussed succession planning for the Board. The Nomination Committee follows a process for nominating candidates for Board appointments which involves considering the structure, size and composition of the existing Board, determining a description of the role and capabilities required, drawing up a shortlist of candidates, holding a series of one-to-one meetings between the candidates and Non-executive Directors, and then candidates meeting with all members of the Board. in 2008 the Committee used external consultants to assist with the search for both Executive and Non-executive Directors. Future appointments will follow a similar process, with consideration given to whether external advertising or external advice is required. The terms of appointment of Non-executive Directors are detailed in the Directors’ Remuneration Report on pages 31 to 38. The terms of appointment and time commitments of Non-executive Directors are available for inspection at the Company’s registered office. environmental, social and governance (“esg”) The Director with responsibility for the EsG policy is the Finance Director and in his absence the Chief Executive Officer. EsG issues will be regularly considered by the Board to identify, assess and manage the significant risks and opportunities affecting the Group’s long and shortterm value arising from its handling of EsG matters, as well as opportunities to enhance value that may arise from an appropriate response. The Group’s approach to EsG issues reflect our businesses as a service provider and investment bank. The Board takes account of the significance of environmental, social and governance matters on the business of the Company. it has processes in place to identify and mitigate all material risks to the short and long-term value of the Group, and is always seeking to enhance value by wholly reasonable means. The Board is to introduce a programme of internal review by the Chief Operating Officers of its businesses that consider EsG issues. The Board has identified no EsG related risks that may significantly affect the Group’s short or long-term value although is currently embarking on a cost reduction programme which has already identified costs savings, a product of which will have a positive effect on the environment by consolidating our procurement practices. The Environment The Board considers the Group makes the appropriate provision for environmental issues appropriate to the size of the Group and the financial services sector in which it operates. The Group has a formal environmental policy, which is available to all employees through the Group intranet site. Our policy includes the implementation of reasonable measures to comply with relevant environmental legislation, that appropriate steps are taken to minimise negative environmental impacts and to conserve natural resources, the development of

appropriate and comprehensive procedures and guidelines to achieve our objectives and that appropriate forms of instruction, information, training and supervision are made available to enable employees to assist us in meeting our objectives. We continue to work towards being able to more carefully monitor the positive impact our polices have on the management of our environmental footprint. All new buildings are managed with energy efficiency as a goal. We conduct our activities, including contracting with other business entities, in a resource-efficient manner and are selective in our choice of products, processes and services. Our resource-efficient behaviour includes implementation of pollution-prevention techniques to reduce our generation of wastes, particularly hazardous and regulated substances. The Finance Director, and in his absence the Chief Executive, and other members of senior management are responsible for environmental issues across the Group. The Group conforms to the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive 2002/96/EC by recycling electrical and electronic equipment. This covers items such as white goods, brown goods, iT and telecommunication equipment, electrical lighting and electrical tools. paper, confidential waste, newspapers and magazines, packaging, aluminium cans and containers are actively recycled. Quantification of environmental initiatives across all the offices within the Group is not available at present although the Group’s principal offices are located within managed buildings, which follow best practice guidelines for environmental issues including programmed lighting, air conditioning sensors, monitoring water usage and recycling. social responsibility and governance framework The Group is committed to upholding its social responsibility and has measures in place to address this responsibility. The Group endeavours in all its office locations to be an active member of the local business community. Employees in the Group’s regional offices attend local meetings of the Chamber of Commerce, of the securities institute, and of the various organisations in the Midlands, to promote the professional, financial and business services in the region. The Group has made £10,121 (2007: £23,115) in charitable donations during the year as detailed on page 20 and continues to support its staff participation in charitable events. in addition to monetary contributions to charities, staff also contributed their time and talents. The Head of Human Resources is responsible for human resources issues in the Group. Details of employment practices can be found in the Directors’ Report on page 20. The Group adheres to the FsA principles of business and follows their rules and guidance on appropriate behaviour as well as guidance provided by the uK listing Authority and other regulatory bodies under which the Group acts. Furthermore, the Group is committed to extending its ethical obligations beyond regulatory compliance as regards to conduct in its relations with its stakeholders, including clients, suppliers, advisors, and shareholders. For example, Williams de Broë limited manages the portfolios of a number of charity clients. Further details of the governance framework can be found elsewhere in this Corporate Governance Report. health and safety The Group takes its responsibilities to ensure the Health and safety of its staff and any visitors to its offices seriously. it is the policy of the Group and its associated companies to comply with the terms of the Health and safety at Work Act 1974 and any subsequent legislation and also to provide and maintain a healthy and safe working environment. The Group endeavours to minimise the number of instances of occupational accidents and illnesses and to ultimately achieve an accident-free workplace. As part of this commitment all employees are provided with such equipment, information, training and supervision as is necessary to implement and achieve the above stated aim. in addition, the Group recognises and accepts the duty to protect the health and safety of all visitors to its premises, including contractors and temporary workers, as well as any members of the public who might be affected by our operations. it also conducts due diligence on contractors to ensure that they adhere to suitable Heath and safety standards. An efficient and effective Health and safety programme requires effective communication between the Group and its employees on Health and safety matters. Accordingly, the Group communicates health and safety matters to staff through: (1) a number of key documents outlining policy and procedures which are made available via the Group's intranet sites; (2) various rules laid out in the Employee Handbook; (3) the appointment and training of Health and safety representatives who are responsible for the implementation and monitoring of Health and safety policies and procedures in each office; and (4) the establishment and rehearsal of effective evacuation procedures. Another key aspect of ensuring that the Group's policies and procedures are appropriate and in line with current laws, rules and regulations is the establishment of a Health and safety testing and monitoring programme. To this end, the Group have appointed a specialist Health and safety consultant. Health and safety is considered by the Board at least on an annual basis. going concern These Financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis as the Directors have satisfied themselves that, at the time of approving the Financial statements, the Group and Company have adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the near future. relations with shareholders The Board is responsible for ensuring that a satisfactory dialogue with shareholders takes place and welcomes shareholder participation. The Chairman's statement, Chief Executive’s Report and Financial Review in these Financial statements include a detailed review of the business and future developments as a way of informing shareholders of the Group’s performance and progress. The Board is also in regular dialogue with institutional investors, and analysts, principally around the time of the Group's announcement of results. After the announcement of results, the Executive Board members present to existing and prospective shareholders. in addition, the appropriate briefing meetings are arranged with analysts and the press to ensure dissemination and interpretation of the Group’s results. The Board recognises the importance of investor relations and communications with shareholders throughout the year as well as at the time of results. Throughout the year, the Group Chairman, CEO and where relevant the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee maintain a dialogue with the principal shareholders, in order to understand their issues and concerns discussing matters of governance, strategy and remuneration, and are responsible for ensuring that shareholders' views are communicated to the Board as a whole. The senior independent Non-executive Director is available to meet with shareholders should other channels of contact be unsuitable but was not called upon for this We have made very good progress WiTh The inTegraTion and developmenT of each of our businesses. 29

Directors attend certain parts of meetings of <strong>the</strong> Remuneration Committee<br />

by invitation but do not attend discussions on <strong>the</strong>ir own remuneration.<br />

The Terms of Reference <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Committee comply with <strong>the</strong> Combined<br />

Code and are available <strong>for</strong> inspection at <strong>the</strong> Company's registered office<br />

and at <strong>the</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> General Meeting. A summary of <strong>the</strong>se Terms is also<br />

on <strong>the</strong> Group’s website: The duties of <strong>the</strong> Committee,<br />

as set out in its Terms of Reference, include:<br />

• delegated responsibility to agree and recommend remuneration policy;<br />

• responsibility <strong>for</strong> setting <strong>the</strong> remuneration of <strong>the</strong> Executive Directors,<br />

Chairman and senior management;<br />

• <strong>for</strong>mulating suitable per<strong>for</strong>mance related criteria <strong>for</strong> any element of<br />

Executive Director remuneration, Chairman and senior management<br />

and making recommendations to <strong>the</strong> Chairman regarding bonuses or<br />

per<strong>for</strong>mance related remuneration;<br />

• advising and determining all per<strong>for</strong>mance related <strong>for</strong>mulae relevant to<br />

Directors remuneration and to consider <strong>the</strong> eligibility of Directors <strong>for</strong><br />

annual bonuses and benefits under long-term incentive schemes;<br />

• administering and granting share options under <strong>the</strong> Company’s share<br />

option schemes;<br />

• ensuring that regulatory disclosure requirements regarding<br />

remuneration are met;<br />

• reviewing <strong>the</strong> policy or authorising claims <strong>for</strong> expenses from <strong>the</strong> CEO<br />

and Chairman; and<br />

• responsibility <strong>for</strong> selecting and appointing remuneration consultants<br />

who advise <strong>the</strong> Committee.<br />

The Chairman of <strong>the</strong> Remuneration Committee reports <strong>the</strong> Committee’s<br />

findings to <strong>the</strong> Board at <strong>the</strong> following Board meeting. Fur<strong>the</strong>r details of<br />

how <strong>the</strong>se responsibilities are executed and <strong>the</strong> Group's policies on<br />

remuneration, service contracts and share options are given in <strong>the</strong><br />

Directors' Remuneration <strong>Report</strong> on pages <strong>31</strong> to 38.<br />

Details of professional advice received on remuneration issues can be<br />

found in <strong>the</strong> Directors’ Remuneration <strong>Report</strong> on pages <strong>31</strong> to 38.<br />

Nomination Committee<br />

The Chairman of <strong>the</strong> Group who is joined by <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r Non-executive<br />

Directors, o<strong>the</strong>r than peter Gibbs, chairs <strong>the</strong> Nomination Committee.<br />

The Nomination Committee met twice during <strong>2008</strong>. Attendance at <strong>the</strong><br />

Committee meetings is set out on page 24.<br />

The Terms of Reference <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Committee comply with <strong>the</strong> Combined<br />

Code and are available <strong>for</strong> inspection at <strong>the</strong> Company's registered office<br />

and at <strong>the</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> General Meeting. A summary of <strong>the</strong>se Terms are on<br />

<strong>the</strong> Group’s website: The Nomination Committee is<br />

responsible <strong>for</strong> all elements of <strong>the</strong> nomination process <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Executive<br />

and Non-executive Directors of <strong>the</strong> Company. The duties of <strong>the</strong><br />

Committee, as set out in its Terms of Reference, include:<br />

• reviewing regularly <strong>the</strong> Board structure, size and composition to<br />

ensure orderly succession planning and making recommendations to<br />

<strong>the</strong> Board with regard to any adjustments that are deemed necessary;<br />

• identifying and nominating candidates <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> approval of <strong>the</strong> Board<br />

and putting in place plans <strong>for</strong> succession;<br />

corporaTe governance CONTiNuED<br />

28 THE EvOluTiON GROup plC ANNuAl REpORT & ACCOuNTs <strong>2008</strong><br />

• evaluating <strong>the</strong> balance of skills, knowledge and experience on <strong>the</strong><br />

Board prior to making an appointment and determining <strong>the</strong> role and<br />

capabilities required <strong>for</strong> a particular appointment;<br />

• making recommendations to <strong>the</strong> Board <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> continuation in service<br />

of an Executive Director, <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> re-election of Directors who are<br />

retiring by rotation and on <strong>the</strong> appointment of Directors to <strong>the</strong> relevant<br />

committees; and<br />

• reviewing annually <strong>the</strong> time required from a Non-executive Director<br />

and whe<strong>the</strong>r time commitments are being satisfactorily fulfilled.<br />

The Chairman of <strong>the</strong> Nomination Committee reports <strong>the</strong> Committee’s<br />

determinations to <strong>the</strong> Board at <strong>the</strong> following Board meeting and is<br />

available to report to shareholders at each <strong>Annual</strong> General Meeting.<br />

During <strong>the</strong> <strong>year</strong>, <strong>the</strong> Nomination Committee discussed succession<br />

planning <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Board. The Nomination Committee follows a process<br />

<strong>for</strong> nominating candidates <strong>for</strong> Board appointments which involves<br />

considering <strong>the</strong> structure, size and composition of <strong>the</strong> existing Board,<br />

determining a description of <strong>the</strong> role and capabilities required, drawing<br />

up a shortlist of candidates, holding a series of one-to-one meetings<br />

between <strong>the</strong> candidates and Non-executive Directors, and <strong>the</strong>n<br />

candidates meeting with all members of <strong>the</strong> Board. in <strong>2008</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />

Committee used external consultants to assist with <strong>the</strong> search <strong>for</strong> both<br />

Executive and Non-executive Directors. Future appointments will follow a<br />

similar process, with consideration given to whe<strong>the</strong>r external advertising<br />

or external advice is required.<br />

The terms of appointment of Non-executive Directors are detailed in<br />

<strong>the</strong> Directors’ Remuneration <strong>Report</strong> on pages <strong>31</strong> to 38. The terms of<br />

appointment and time commitments of Non-executive Directors are<br />

available <strong>for</strong> inspection at <strong>the</strong> Company’s registered office.<br />

environmental, social and governance (“esg”)<br />

The Director with responsibility <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> EsG policy is <strong>the</strong> Finance Director<br />

and in his absence <strong>the</strong> Chief Executive Officer. EsG issues will be<br />

regularly considered by <strong>the</strong> Board to identify, assess and manage <strong>the</strong><br />

significant risks and opportunities affecting <strong>the</strong> Group’s long and shortterm<br />

value arising from its handling of EsG matters, as well as<br />

opportunities to enhance value that may arise from an appropriate<br />

response. The Group’s approach to EsG issues reflect our businesses as<br />

a service provider and investment bank. The Board takes account of <strong>the</strong><br />

significance of environmental, social and governance matters on <strong>the</strong><br />

business of <strong>the</strong> Company. it has processes in place to identify and<br />

mitigate all material risks to <strong>the</strong> short and long-term value of <strong>the</strong> Group,<br />

and is always seeking to enhance value by wholly reasonable means.<br />

The Board is to introduce a programme of internal review by <strong>the</strong> Chief<br />

Operating Officers of its businesses that consider EsG issues. The Board<br />

has identified no EsG related risks that may significantly affect <strong>the</strong><br />

Group’s short or long-term value although is currently embarking on a<br />

cost reduction programme which has already identified costs savings,<br />

a product of which will have a positive effect on <strong>the</strong> environment by<br />

consolidating our procurement practices.<br />

The Environment<br />

The Board considers <strong>the</strong> Group makes <strong>the</strong> appropriate provision <strong>for</strong><br />

environmental issues appropriate to <strong>the</strong> size of <strong>the</strong> Group and <strong>the</strong><br />

financial services sector in which it operates. The Group has a <strong>for</strong>mal<br />

environmental policy, which is available to all employees through <strong>the</strong><br />

Group intranet site. Our policy includes <strong>the</strong> implementation of<br />

reasonable measures to comply with relevant environmental legislation,<br />

that appropriate steps are taken to minimise negative environmental<br />

impacts and to conserve natural resources, <strong>the</strong> development of

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