airport cdm münchen - Airport Collaborative Decision Making

airport cdm münchen - Airport Collaborative Decision Making

airport cdm münchen - Airport Collaborative Decision Making


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<strong>Airport</strong> CDM München<br />




MAKING<br />


MÜNCHEN -<br />


Version 4

Version: V4.0<br />

Author: <strong>Airport</strong> CDM Team München<br />

Date: 07.05.2007<br />

Number of pages: 18<br />

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM München<br />

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM MUC –Brief Description Page 2

Table of contents<br />

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM München<br />

1. Diagram ..................................................................................................................... 4<br />

2. Brief description ......................................................................................................... 5<br />

2.1. General.............................................................................................................. 5<br />

2.2. Flight plan validation.......................................................................................... 5<br />

2.2.1. Early DPI — data exchange with the CFMU.............................................. 5<br />

2.2.2. Target DPI — data exchange with the CFMU ........................................... 5<br />

2.2.3. Flight Update Message (FUM) — data exchange with the CFMU............. 6<br />

2.2.4. Automated target off-block time (TOBT).................................................... 6<br />

2.3. Person responsible for TOBT ............................................................................ 7<br />

2.4. TOBT reporting routines .................................................................................... 7<br />

2.5. TOBT correction/deletion................................................................................... 8<br />

2.5.1. Cancel DPI — data exchange with the CFMU........................................... 9<br />

2.6. Target start-up approval time – TSAT acknowledgement ................................. 9<br />

2.7. TOBT and TSAT in extreme situations.............................................................. 9<br />

2.7.1. HTML masks............................................................................................ 10<br />

2.7.2. SEPL dialogue......................................................................................... 11<br />

2.7.3. Internetdialog „WEASEL“......................................................................... 12<br />

2.7.4. MAS page................................................................................................ 13<br />

2.8. De-icing ........................................................................................................... 13<br />

2.9. Changes within the sequence ......................................................................... 13<br />

2.10. Start-up and push-back ................................................................................... 14<br />

2.10.1. Datalink Clearance - DCL ........................................................................ 14<br />

2.10.2. ATC DPI – data exchange with the CFMU .............................................. 14<br />

2.11. Coordination with the CFMU ........................................................................... 15<br />

2.12. Remote holding ............................................................................................... 15<br />

2.13. Contact address and information..................................................................... 15<br />

2.13.1. <strong>Airport</strong> CDM information messages......................................................... 16<br />

3. Aeronautical Information Publication – AIP –........................................................... 18<br />

3.1. Persons responsible for the process/contact persons..................................... 18<br />

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM MUC –Brief Description Page 3

1. Diagram<br />

0800 0800 0830 0830 <strong>Airport</strong> CDM München<br />

1200 1030 0900 1000 0930 1100 1130 1230 1200 1030 0900 1000 0930 1100 1130 1230 ATC-<br />

FPL<br />

(EOBT-3)<br />

F<br />

U<br />

M<br />

Early-DPI<br />

(FPL/Schedule-Comparison)<br />

Estimated Landing time<br />

(CFMU/DFS)<br />

Final<br />

approach<br />

Take Off<br />

Outstation Landing<br />

EOBT-2<br />

(CTOT)<br />

TSAT<br />

Issue<br />

(TOBT-<br />

40)<br />

Target-DPI<br />

(„Slot Adjustment Window“)<br />

This diagram depicts the scope of the <strong>airport</strong> CDM procedure at Munich <strong>Airport</strong> from the<br />

time when the ATC flight plan is activated (EOBT -3h) to take-off. The blue arrows show<br />

the data flow of the CFMU, the orange arrow shows the exchange of information via email<br />

with the relevant aircraft operator or handling agent, with regard to any adjustments<br />

which may become necessary.<br />

TSAT<br />

Aircraft<br />

ready<br />

Ground Start<br />

handling Up<br />

ASAT<br />

„Inblock“<br />

Start<br />

Ground<br />

handling<br />

TOBT<br />

Automatic generated TOBT<br />

Information Information exchange exchange via via „E-mail „E-mail „ mail“ mail“ “ with with AO/HA<br />

AO/HA<br />

(i.e (i.e i.e. i.e. . EOBT/SOBT-Mismatch<br />

EOBT/SOBT-Mismatch<br />

EOBT/SOBT Mismatch; Mismatch; ; Acft-Type Acft-Type Acft Type; Type; ; Acft-Registration<br />

Acft-Registration<br />

Acft Registration)<br />

AOBT<br />

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM MUC –Brief Description Page 4<br />

ATC<br />

DPI<br />

(CTOT<br />

Freeze)<br />

„Take<br />

Off“<br />


2. Brief description<br />

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM München<br />

2.1. General<br />

The turnround process at Munich <strong>Airport</strong> has been reorganised on the basis of the<br />

existing confirmed off-block (COB) procedure in Munich and the activities concerning the<br />

<strong>Airport</strong> <strong>Collaborative</strong> <strong>Decision</strong> <strong>Making</strong> (CDM).<br />

The improved quality of the inbound and outbound information is used to optimise the<br />

chain process from arrival to departure. This optimisation led to the so-called "target<br />

start-up approval time (TSAT)", i.e. the time at which a Pilot in command / Flight Crew<br />

can expect the start-up approval at the latest. This TSAT is an essential factor for the<br />

preparation of a "pre-departure sequence" which takes the requirements of all involved<br />

parties into account.<br />

A permanent and fully automated data exchange with the Central Flow Management Unit<br />

(CFMU) will be implemented to connect the local <strong>airport</strong> CDM procedure with the<br />

European air traffic flow and capacity management (ATFCM) in the best possible<br />

manner. Due to this process, reliable estimated landing and in-block times can be given<br />

at an earlier time and the calculated take-off time (CTOT) will be more reliable.<br />

2.2. Flight plan validation<br />

ATC flight plans for departures are validated with regard to their <strong>airport</strong> slot, i.e. the<br />

scheduled off-block time (SOBT). Every flight is requiered to have an <strong>airport</strong> slot.<br />

If there is no <strong>airport</strong> slot available or if the SOBT deviates from the estimated off-block<br />

time (EOBT) of the ATC flight plan, the contact address of the airline will be informed<br />

together with the request to coordinate and adjust the time accordingly.<br />

If there is no <strong>Airport</strong> Slot available at the beginning of expected flight operations, no<br />

further sequencing and operational handling will take place for that specific flight.<br />

2.2.1. Early DPI — data exchange with the CFMU<br />

An early departure planning information message (E-DPI) is transmitted to the CFMU for<br />

validated flight plans. The CFMU system indicates flights for which there is an E-DPI as<br />

flights from a CDM <strong>airport</strong>. These are then considered accordingly in the further<br />

processing (e.g. optimized CTOT allocation according to local target times).<br />

2.2.2. Target DPI — data exchange with the CFMU<br />

As a rule, for all flights a T-DPI is generated 2 hours before EOBT for which an E-DPI<br />

was generated. The T-DPI is transmitted to the CFMU in the same way as the E-DPI.<br />

The T-DPI is used to transmit a local target take-off time (TTOT) to the CFMU. The T-<br />

DPI opens a so-called "slot adjustment window" within which the CTOT is to be adjusted<br />

to the local TTOT in the best possible way.<br />

If the TTOT is changed by five minutes or more (e.g. new TOBT), a new T-DPI is<br />

generated and transmitted to the CFMU.<br />

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM MUC –Brief Description Page 5

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM München<br />

2.2.3. Flight Update Message (FUM) — data exchange with the CFMU<br />

The CFMU generates and sends flight update messages (FUM) for inbound flights to<br />

Munich <strong>Airport</strong>. The following operational events trigger the transmission of an FUM:<br />

• Estimated landing time (ELDT) minus 3 hours<br />

• Modification of the ELDT by 5 minutes or more (parameter 5-15 minutes)<br />

• Change to the ETFMS status, e.g. suspension of a flight<br />

The FUM provides an ELDT at an early stage. This allows the system to compare the<br />

inbound with the outbound flight plan, i.e. the EIBT 1 with the EOBT. A comparison is<br />

made between the receipt of the ATC flight plan and the generation of the TOBT (TMO).<br />

In the case of inconsistencies, the contact address of the airline will be informed<br />

accordingly. The airline is expected to react immediately by adjusting either the relevant<br />

times (DLA message) or the outbound flight plan (CNL message or aircraft type change).<br />

2.2.4. Automated target off-block time (TOBT)<br />

At final approach (12 minutes out), the system automatically generates a TOBT. The<br />

earliest possible time for automatic TOBT generation is 75 minutes before TOBT<br />

(provision).<br />

TOBT: Automatically generated point of time, whose supervision and updates are<br />

in the responsibility of the Airline/Handling Agent. TOBT is the time when<br />

all ground handling processes will be finished, the aircraft doors closed<br />

and the boarding bridge removed. At this time the start-up approval could<br />

be received and the push-back/taxi clearance can be given. TOBT is a<br />

reference time used for all ground handling processes except for aircraft<br />

push-back and de-icing. This time is used for coordination purposes, since<br />

it is the best available time.<br />

If the time period between in-block and EOBT is less than the Minimum Ground Time<br />

(MGT), a TOBT with the time value in-block plus MGT is generated. The MGT depends<br />

on the airline, the aircraft type and the destination. Another condition for the primary<br />

automated calculation of a correct TOBT is that the TOBT plus the remaining time (RMT)<br />

are either earlier or the same as the CTOT, otherwise, the TOBT is not generated.<br />

Graphic:<br />

„Twelve „Twelve Twelve<br />

Minutes<br />

Minutes<br />

Out“<br />

Out“<br />

TMO<br />

TMO<br />

Arrival<br />

Arrival<br />

InBlock<br />

InBlock<br />

Ground Ground handling<br />

handling<br />

TOBT-calculation<br />

TOBT-calculation<br />

TOBT calculation and and adjustment<br />

adjustment<br />

1 EIBT is ITA (or ELDT) + 5 minutes<br />

TSAT TSAT issue issue at<br />

at<br />

TOBT-40 TOBT-40 TOBT 40<br />

End End ground<br />

ground<br />

handling<br />

handling<br />

= = TOBT<br />

TOBT<br />

Pilot Pilot waites waites for<br />

for<br />

„Start „Start Up Up Given“ Given<br />

De De Ice Ice at at apron<br />

apron<br />

Latest Latest time time for<br />

for<br />

Startup Startup Given Given =<br />

=<br />

TSAT<br />

TSAT<br />

OffBlock<br />

OffBlock<br />

Remote<br />

Remote<br />

De De Icing<br />

Icing<br />

Take Take off<br />

off<br />

CTOT<br />

CTOT<br />

EOBT-3h EOBT-3h EOBT 3h Data Data exchange exchange with with CFMU<br />

CFMU<br />

Take Take Off<br />

Off<br />

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM MUC –Brief Description Page 6

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM München<br />

Important dependencies for the primary TOBT generation:<br />

• Automated TOBT = EOBT if: EIBT + MGT ≤ EOBT<br />

• Automated TOBT = EIBT + MGT if: EIBT + MGT > EOBT<br />

• Automated TOBT for flights with CTOT only if: TOBT + RMT ≤ CTOT<br />

If the TOBT is not automatically generated for a flight, it must be entered by the TOBT<br />

responsible person (2.3) as described in 2.4.<br />

For aircraft which are not part of a direct turnaround and which do not park on their<br />

outgoing position, the TOBT is generated at "off-block from the direct preceding<br />

position".<br />

2.3. Person responsible for TOBT<br />

Once the TOBT has been generated automatically, the handling agent, the airline (for<br />

flights without handling agents) or the pilot-in-command / Flight crew (for general aviation<br />

flights without handling agent) is responsible for the correctness of and adherence to the<br />

TOBT.<br />

If it becomes obvious that the TOBT cannot be respected or shall be brought forward, it<br />

must be corrected or re-entered by the person responsible for the TOBT.<br />

It is still mandatory to send a delay message (DLA) to the CFMU if the EOBT deviates by<br />

15 minutes or more.<br />

2.4. TOBT reporting routines<br />

TOBT are reported in one of the following ways:<br />

• SEPL dialogue<br />

• Internal system of the airline / handling agent (via system interface)<br />

• HTML interfaces at all gates<br />

• FMG traffic operations centre via telephone (+49 (0)89 975-21135)<br />

• Internet dialog “WEASEL”<br />

Airline Airline Operator Operator / / Handling Handling Agent Agent / / TWR TWR<br />

FMG<br />

FMG<br />

SEPL-Dialog<br />

SEPL-Dialog<br />

SEPL Dialog<br />

AO AO / / HA<br />

HA<br />

Interface<br />

Interface<br />

Systems Systems for for Counter<br />

Counter<br />

Management<br />

Management<br />

Internet Internet Dialog<br />

Dialog<br />

WEASEL<br />

WEASEL<br />

By By telephone<br />

telephone<br />

www<br />

a<br />

b<br />

c<br />

d<br />

e<br />

Basis System Verkehr<br />

System<br />

System<br />

SEPL<br />

SEPL<br />

Traffic Traffic operation<br />

operation<br />

center<br />

center<br />

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM MUC –Brief Description Page 7<br />


<strong>Airport</strong> CDM München<br />

For general aviation flights the pilot in command report appropriate changes:<br />

• At the counter of the general aviation terminal [+49 (0)89 975-21498; opening<br />

hours Monday-Sunday from 0440 to 2120 (0340 to 2020)], either in person or by<br />

telephone.<br />

• Outside the opening hours of the counter by telephone to the FMG traffic<br />

operations centre (+49 (0)89 975-21135).<br />

Luftfahrzeugführer /<br />

Handling Agent<br />

Counter<br />

Telefonisch<br />

Telefonisch<br />

a<br />

a<br />

General Aviation<br />

Traffic operation<br />

center<br />

FMG<br />

Basis System Verkehr<br />

System<br />

SEPL<br />

2.5. TOBT correction/deletion<br />

If the TOBT is not generated automatically or cannot be adhered to, it must be corrected<br />

or re-entered by the person responsible for the TOBT.<br />

The TOBT can be updated as often as necessary until the TSAT has been issued. Once<br />

the TSAT has been issued, the TOBT can only be updated three times. A fourth<br />

correction is not possible; instead the TOBT must be deleted and entered again. The<br />

new TOBT must be at least 5 minutes later than the current point in time.<br />

As the TOBT is triggering additional processes at the <strong>airport</strong>, TOBT adaptations (also if<br />

shifting to earlier TOBT of more than 5 minutes) have to be made by the person<br />

responsible for the TOBT using one of the published TOBT reporting routines.<br />

If the TOBT is changed to an earlier time after the TSAT has been issued, the new TOBT<br />

must be at least 5 minutes later than the current point in time.<br />

If a flight is to be excluded from the TOBT or TSAT calculations, the TOBT is to be<br />

deleted by way of the aforementioned reporting routines.<br />

The airline operator may have to initiate a delay message (DLA) in order to undo such a<br />

process interruption. The TOBT must be adjusted by the person responsible for the<br />

TOBT. If the aircraft is changed, a change message (CHG type/registration) has to be<br />

filed. TOBT will remain unchanged and will be assigned to the new aircraft.<br />

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM MUC –Brief Description Page 8<br />

a<br />

b b

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM München<br />

2.5.1. Cancel DPI — data exchange with the CFMU<br />

When the TOBT for a flight is deleted, a C-DPI message is transmitted to the CFMU. The<br />

flight is excluded from the special handling process (for flights from CDM <strong>airport</strong>s). The<br />

CTOT is then issued on the basis of the normal flight plan data until a new DPI is<br />

available for the flight.<br />

2.6. Target start-up approval time – TSAT acknowledgement<br />

The TSAT is calculated 40 minutes before the reported TOBT. The TSAT is the time at<br />

which the start-up approval and the en-route clearance can be expected at the latest.<br />

Once the TSAT has been calculated or acknowledged, the TOBT can be corrected a<br />

maximum of three times.<br />

The TSAT acknowledgement is made using:<br />

• SEPL dialog<br />

• Internal system of the airline operator/handling agent<br />

• Information systems of FMG (MAS / FIS)<br />

• FMG traffic operations centre<br />

• HTML interfaces at all gates<br />

• Internet dialog “WEASEL”<br />

For general aviation flights the pilot in command report appropriate changes:<br />

• At the counter of the general aviation terminal [+49 (0)89 975-21498; opening<br />

hours Monday-Sunday from 0430 to 2120 (0330 to 2020)], either in person or by<br />

telephone.<br />

• Outside the opening hours of the counter by telephone to the FMG traffic<br />

operations centre (+49 (0)89 975-21135).<br />

2.7. TOBT and TSAT in extreme situations<br />

If TOBT and TSAT differ by more than 90 minutes, the handling process has to be<br />

completed at TOBT, except the passenger boarding. The passenger boarding must be<br />

completed at TSAT-60.<br />

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM MUC –Brief Description Page 9

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM München<br />

2.7.1. HTML masks<br />

The following working positions are equipped with HTML masks:<br />

• traffic operations centre (FMG)<br />

• General Aviation (FMG)<br />

• airline/handling agent<br />

The following mask is made available on a SITA PC free of charge to any airline and<br />

handling agent upon request to FMG. The introduction is conducted by FMG.<br />

Example:<br />

Scheduled<br />

off-block time<br />

Target<br />

Target<br />

off-block time<br />

Remaining Remaining<br />

time<br />

Runway<br />

delay<br />

Input fields<br />

TOBT<br />

TOBT<br />

Estimated<br />

off-block time<br />

Flight number / call sign<br />

registration<br />

Delete TOBT<br />

Calculated<br />

take-off time<br />

Target start-up<br />

approval time<br />

Reporting time TOBT<br />

Taxi time<br />

De-icing time<br />

Request for<br />

remote holding<br />

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM MUC –Brief Description Page 10

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM München<br />

2.7.2. SEPL dialogue<br />

The following positions use the SEPL dialogue:<br />

• Supervisor TWR (DFS)<br />

• Clearance delivery (DFS)<br />

• Traffic operations centre (FMG)<br />

• Airline/handling agent<br />

A dialogue with limited functionalities can be requested from FMG by any handling agent<br />

and airline operator. It is made available on a user terminal rented from FMG. The<br />

training and introduction is conducted by FMG.<br />

Runway Runway N/S<br />

N/S<br />

Order Order number<br />

number<br />

aircraft-status<br />

aircraft-status<br />

aircraft status<br />

Callsign<br />

Callsign<br />

Deicing Deicing Marker<br />

Marker<br />

Target Target Startup<br />

Startup<br />

Approval Approval Time<br />

Time<br />

Detail Detail info info for<br />

for<br />

selected selected flight<br />

flight<br />

Estimate<br />

Estimate<br />

OffBock OffBock Time<br />

Time<br />

Minimum Minimum Departure<br />

Departure<br />

Intervall<br />

Intervall<br />

Parkingposition<br />

Parkingposition<br />

Calculated<br />

Calculated<br />

TakeOff TakeOff Time<br />

Time<br />

Target Target OffBlock OffBlock Time<br />

Time<br />

( ( * * = = autom. autom. autom . generiert)<br />

generiert)<br />

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM MUC –Brief Description Page 11

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM München<br />

2.7.3. Internetdialog „WEASEL“<br />

Depending on access authorization the Web-application for Sequence-Planning<br />

(Weasel) displays detailed flight and sequence information and allows different inputs,<br />

e.g. TOBT Update or request remote holding.<br />

Access to the “WEASEL” dialog can be requested via FMG (<strong>airport</strong>-<strong>cdm</strong>@munich<strong>airport</strong>.de.<br />

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM MUC –Brief Description Page 12

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM München<br />

2.7.4. MAS page<br />

The MAS page (page 167) shows the latest information about the <strong>Airport</strong> CDM<br />

procedure to all persons involved. Important information (e.g. runway closures) is<br />

displayed in the bottom line.<br />

Flight number /<br />

call sign<br />

Scheduled<br />

off-block time<br />

Target start-up<br />

approval time<br />

Position<br />

De-icing remark<br />

Runway<br />

Date, time Page number<br />

Sequence (all times UTC) Tue 05.02.05 08:34 S167<br />

08L/26R 08R/26L<br />


* LH 5204 0800 0802 188E - DI 4610 0740 0740 192E<br />

* OK 557 0750 0808 170E - YP 2284 0745 0745 151<br />

o KL 3980 0725 0813 904N * LH 5734 0750 0750 191E<br />

BMW61 0730 0827 H10 o LG 9722 0755 0 755 183<br />

* LH 851 0800 0838 144 * YP 2236 0755 0755 152<br />

* LH 959 0800 0845 206E * FU 542 0800 0800 903N<br />

DIBER 0800 0851 H11 + DE 2246 0800 0800 112<br />

CSDNR 0800 0857 R10 o LH 5312 0800 0801 173E<br />

DIRMA 0800 0904 H11 o LH 5840 0805 0805 186E<br />

+ LH 1047 0805 0908 104 - OS 112 0735 0806 103B<br />

+ DE 2188 0750 0914 113B + LH 5726 0800 194E<br />

+ LH 833 0805 0926 102 + LH 5742 0805 174E<br />

o LH 897 0805 0932 162 LH 5466 0820 187E<br />

* LH 1510 0805 0939 205E<br />

o LH 2121 0805 0945 204E<br />

LH 5950 0805 0950 175E<br />

+ EAE 402 0815 182E<br />

+ SN 2642 0830 904S<br />

The screen is divided into North (08L/26R) and South (08R/26L) runway. For flights with<br />

remote holding, the TSAT field is displayed in reverse mode.<br />

2.8. De-icing<br />

The de-icing times are not taken into consideration when the TOBT is defined. They are,<br />

however, considered in the TSAT calculation based on the request for de-icing.<br />

Therefore, the request for de-icing should be made as early as possible.<br />

In the case of an apron de-icing, the aircraft must have been de-iced before the TSAT.<br />

2.9. Changes within the sequence<br />

It is possible to swap flights within the area of responsibility of an airline / handling agent<br />

after the TSAT has been calculated. If flights have a CTOT, it must be adhered to despite<br />

the changes within the sequence.<br />

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM MUC –Brief Description Page 13

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM München<br />

2.10. Start-up and push-back<br />

The "pre-departure sequence" is determined on the basis of the TSAT and not of the<br />

start-up request (SUR).<br />

At TOBT, the aircraft must be ready for start-up or for apron de-icing.<br />

If there are any significant changes to the TSAT, the pilot will be informed accordingly by<br />

the airline / handling agent. In the case of general aviation flights, this task will be<br />

performed by clearance delivery (TWR).<br />

If the handling process is completed 5 minutes or less before the TOBT, the Start Up<br />

approval and En Route Clearance may be requested. Depending on the TSAT as well as<br />

on the actual operational traffic situation, Clearance Delivery will grant Start Up- and En<br />

Route clearance.<br />

As the Pre Departure Sequence and the TOBT are triggering additional processes<br />

at the <strong>airport</strong>, TOBT adaptations (also if shifting to earlier TOBT of more than 5<br />

minutes) have to be performed by the person responsible for the TOBT using the<br />

published TOBT reporting routines.<br />

The approval for push-back/taxi has to be requested not later than five minutes after the<br />

start-up approval has been issued. Otherwise, clearance delivery shall be informed about<br />

the delay. The TOBT will be deleted and has to be entered again.<br />

2.10.1. Datalink Clearance - DCL<br />

For datalink departure clearance (DCL), the published procedures and the time<br />

parameters published in AIP AD 2 EDDM 1-20 continue to apply. The TSAT is<br />

transmitted („Start Up approved TSAT “) using CLD (departure clearance<br />

uplink message – issuance of start-up approval and en-route clearance by clearance<br />

delivery). The push-back/taxi request shall be made at TSAT +/-5 minutes.<br />

Example:<br />

DCL with Start up approval and En Route<br />

clearance<br />


.MUCDFYA 110454<br />

CLD<br />

AN D-AHFX/MA 767A<br />

- /MUCDFYA.DC1/CLD 0454 070311 EDDM PDC<br />

001<br />


SQUAWK 3553 ADT MDI NEXT FREQ 121.775 AT<br />

IS D<br />


DCL only with En Route Clearance<br />


.MUCDFYA 110818<br />

CLD<br />

AN D-ACPQ/MA 891A<br />

- /MUCDFYA.DC1/CLD 0818 070311 EDDM PDC<br />

001<br />


SQUAWK 3545 ADT MDI NEXT FREQ 121.725 AT<br />

IS J<br />

STANDBY ON 121.725 FOR STARTUP TSAT 08:30<br />

2.10.2. ATC DPI – data exchange with the CFMU<br />

An A-DPI is transmitted to the CFMU actual off-block. The slot adjustment window is<br />

closed and the CFMU can no longer automatically change the CTOT. For regulated<br />

flights which haven’t reached CTOT-10 at AOBT, the A-DPI will be sent at CTOT-10<br />

minutes.<br />

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM MUC –Brief Description Page 14

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM München<br />

2.11. Coordination with the CFMU<br />

Based on a fully automated data exchange with the CFMU, accurate early predictions of<br />

landing and departure times are established. Furthermore this data exchange will allow<br />

for more accurate and efficient allocation of CTOT, due to local target take of times.<br />

The following messages are used:<br />

• Flight Update Message - FUM<br />

• Early Departure Planning Information Message - E-DPI<br />

• Target Departure Planning Information Message - T-DPI<br />

• ATC Departure Planning Information Message - A-DPI<br />

The general CFMU procedures remain the same. Additionally, all target take-off times<br />

(TTOT) are automatically transmitted to the CFMU during the turnround process. In the<br />

case of longer delays which are caused by the airline operators, the familiar CTOT<br />

allocation mechanisms apply. They are confirmed or fine-tuned with DPI messages. As a<br />

rule, the CFMU takes the TTOT into account when it calculates the CTOT and tries to<br />

adjust them accordingly.<br />

If an adjustment/extension is not sufficient, DFS (clearance delivery) offers to coordinate<br />

a new CTOT in consultation with the pilot.<br />

2.12. Remote holding<br />

Remote holding can be requested with the SEPL dialog if the TOBT is at least 30<br />

minutes before the CTOT.<br />

2.13. Contact address and information<br />

It is necessary that all airlines/handling agents provide a current contact address (e-mail)<br />

for messages from the <strong>airport</strong> CDM procedure to FMG:<br />

- muc.schedule@munich-<strong>airport</strong>.de<br />

- telephone: +49 (0)89 972-21181<br />

This does not apply to general aviation flights without handling agents, because their<br />

messages from the <strong>airport</strong> CDM procedure are transmitted directly to the counter of the<br />

general aviation terminal (GAT).<br />

Customers will be informed by e-mail about the following events:<br />

• No <strong>Airport</strong> Slot available<br />

• EOBT (ATC flight plan) and the <strong>airport</strong> flight plan (SOBT) do not match<br />

• TOBT cannot be generated automatically, because TOBT + RMT > CTOT<br />

• EOBT and TOBT differ more than 15 minutes<br />

• Deletion of the TOBT<br />

• No ATC flight plan available<br />

• EIBT is later than EOBT (ATC flight plan) (before final approach)<br />

• Cancellation of the flight plan in the <strong>airport</strong> system<br />

• Aircraft type in the ATC flight plan and the <strong>airport</strong> system does not match<br />

• Aircraft registrations in the ATC flight plan and the <strong>airport</strong> system does not match<br />

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<strong>Airport</strong> CDM München<br />

2.13.1. <strong>Airport</strong> CDM information messages<br />

• No <strong>Airport</strong> Slot available (SOBT)<br />

Example:<br />

No coordinated <strong>Airport</strong> Slot for your ATC flightplan,<br />

aircraft identification ……., available. Please clarify through usual channels.<br />

NOTE: The <strong>Airport</strong> CDM process will be suspended until reception of your<br />

rectification.<br />

FPL aircraft identification ……. EOBT ….<br />

• EOBT (ATC flight plan) and the <strong>airport</strong> flight plan (SOBT) do not match<br />

Example:<br />

Your ATC flightplan, aircraft identification ……. / flight number ……. doesn't<br />

match the coordinated <strong>airport</strong> slot. Please clarify (modify, cancel, etc.)<br />

through usual channels.<br />

Scheduled flight number ……. SOBT …. DATE ……..<br />

FPL aircraft identification ……. EOBT ….<br />

• TOBT cannot be generated automatically, because TOBT + RMT > CTOT<br />

Example:<br />

The TOBT for your outbound flight, aircraft identification ……. / flight<br />

number ……. couldn´t be automatically generated, because it doesn´t match<br />

with the associated CTOT. Please clarify (modify, cancel, etc.) through<br />

usual channels and initiate a TOBT.<br />

NOTE: The <strong>Airport</strong> CDM process will be suspended until reception of your<br />

rectification.<br />

Scheduled flight number ……. SOBT …. DATE ……..<br />

FPL Aircraft identification ……. EOBT …. CTOT ….<br />

• EOBT and TOBT differ more than 15 minutes<br />

Example:<br />

The TOBT for your outbound flight, aircraft identification ……. / flight<br />

number ……. deviates from the EOBT of the ATC flightplan at least 15min.<br />

You are requested to update your ATC flightplan (DLA, CNL, REG-change,<br />

etc.) through usual channels.<br />

Scheduled flight number ……. SOBT …. DATE ……..<br />

FPL aircraft identification ….. EOBT …..<br />

• Deletion of the TOBT<br />

Example:<br />

The TOBT for your outbound flight, aircraft identification ……. / flight<br />

number ……. has been deleted. You are requested to set a new TOBT or<br />

send a cancellation message for your flightplan (CNL) through usual<br />

channels.<br />

NOTE: The <strong>Airport</strong> CDM process will be suspended until reception of your<br />

rectification.<br />

Scheduled flight number ……. SOBT …. DATE ……..<br />

FPL aircraft identification ……. EOBT ….<br />

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM MUC –Brief Description Page 16

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM München<br />

• No ATC flight plan available<br />

Example:<br />

Your ATC flightplan for your outbound flight, flight number ……. is not<br />

available. Please clarify through usual channels (IFPS) and file a new ATC<br />

flightplan.<br />

NOTE: The <strong>Airport</strong> CDM process will be suspended until reception of your<br />

rectification.<br />

Scheduled flight number ……. SOBT …. DATE ……..<br />

FPL aircraft identification ……. EOBT ….<br />

• EIBT is later than EOBT (ATC flight plan) (before final approach)<br />

Example:<br />

Your inbound flight, aircraft identification ……. / flight number …...., doesn't<br />

match the associated outbound flight. You are requested to update your<br />

outbound ATC flightplan (DLA, CNL, REG-change, etc.) through usual<br />

channels.<br />

NOTE: The <strong>Airport</strong> CDM process will be suspended until reception of your<br />

rectification.<br />

Scheduled flight number ……. SOBT …. DATE ……..<br />

FPL aircraft identification (Inbound) …… EIBT ….<br />

Scheduled flight number ……. SOBT …. DATE ……..<br />

FPL aircraft identification (Outbound) …… EOBT ….<br />

• Cancellation of the flight plan in the <strong>airport</strong> system<br />

Example:<br />

The dataset for your outbound flight, aircraft identification ……. / flight<br />

number …… has been deleted within the <strong>airport</strong> system.<br />

NOTE: The <strong>Airport</strong> CDM process will be suspended until reception of your<br />

rectification.<br />

Scheduled flight number ……. SOBT ….DATE …….<br />

FPL aircraft identification ……. EOBT ….<br />

• Aircraft type in the ATC flight plan and the <strong>airport</strong> system does not match<br />

Example:<br />

A data discrepancy has been detected for your outbound flight, aircraft<br />

identification ……. / flight number ……. with respect to the following: FPL-<br />

Aircraft Type and Aircraft type information within the <strong>Airport</strong> System differ.<br />

You are requested to update your flightplan information through usual<br />

channels.<br />

Scheduled flight number ……. SOBT …. DATE …….<br />

FPL aircraft identification ……. EOBT …..<br />

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM MUC –Brief Description Page 17

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM München<br />

• Aircraft registrations in the ATC flight plan and the <strong>airport</strong> system does not match<br />

Example:<br />

A data discrepancy has been detected for your outbound flight, aircraft<br />

identification ……. / flight number ……. with respect to the following: FPL-<br />

Aircraft registration and Aircraft registration information within the <strong>Airport</strong><br />

System differ. You are requested to update your flightplan information<br />

through usual channels.<br />

Scheduled flight number …… SOBT ….. DATE …….<br />

FPL aircraft identification ……. EOBT ….<br />

3. Aeronautical Information Publication – AIP –<br />

The <strong>Airport</strong> CDM procedure at Munich <strong>Airport</strong> is published in AIP Germany, Volume II,<br />

AD2-EDDM, section AD 2.20 “Local Traffic Regulations”, page 1-14 and following.<br />

3.1. Persons responsible for the process/contact persons<br />

For questions concerning the procedure:<br />

Flughafen München GmbH<br />

Peter Kanzler<br />

Tel. +49 (0)89 975-21160<br />

<strong>airport</strong>-<strong>cdm</strong>@munich-<strong>airport</strong>.de<br />

For IT questions:<br />

Flughafen München GmbH<br />

Achim Tuffentsammer<br />

Tel. +49 (0)89 975-32410<br />

achim.tuffentsammer@munich-<strong>airport</strong>.de<br />

<strong>Airport</strong> CDM MUC –Brief Description Page 18

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