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CDM Task Force 13<br />

13-14th November 2006<br />

AIRPORT CDM “<strong>Brussels</strong> Airport”<br />

Airport CDM Implementation Status<br />

Marc MATTHYS<br />

Belgocontrol<br />

1<br />

European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation

2<br />

3 Runways<br />

1 Pax Terminal & 2 Piers<br />

2 Cargo Platforms & GAT<br />

Airport Layout

# GH: 3 (Aviapartner-Flightcare-DHL)<br />

3<br />

# Pax<br />

# Employees: 20 000<br />

# AOs: ± 60<br />

Airport Overview<br />

# Movements 2005: 253 255<br />

# Movements<br />

# Pax 2005: 16 179 733

4<br />

Current Pro’s & Con’s<br />

No Political Transparency on the airport’s vision<br />

Complexity of the Noise and Night Quota problem<br />

Congestion of Highways & pending TGV decision<br />

A-symmetric runway use<br />

Trapped between Amsterdam-Paris & London-Frankfurt and their alliances<br />

Capital of Europe and “2005 Best Airport in Europe”<br />

Multi-lingual and Highly Educated Personnel (Know-how)<br />

Optimal network of Highways to the surrounding countries<br />

A-CDM<br />

-<br />


5<br />

On-time A380 readiness<br />

Increased Long Haul Connections<br />

Emphasis on:<br />

Safety<br />

Efficiency<br />

Capacity<br />

Satisfaction of the Customer<br />

Planned development<br />

Continuous improvement of the environmental performance<br />

Maintain its CDM-pioneer role<br />

Remain within the “AEA-Top5” of Punctuality Ranking<br />

European, Efficient & Welcoming

6<br />

Brief Project History<br />

CDM Project Started in 1998 locally and 2001 with Eurocontrol<br />

Partners involved: Airport Operator – ANSP – Eurocontrol – GH - Major AOs<br />

(SNBA-VEX-TCW) and AOC<br />

Project setup: BBCG, MoU is underway and all CDM-levels are engaged<br />

Data Exchange becomes optimized<br />

TA-CDM & SA-CDM & CDMP-Working Group (liaison cell)<br />

Current accuracy of data<br />

ELDT: less than 1’<br />

EIBT: less than 1’<br />

86.65% of the flights obtain a TSAT with less than 1’ deviation from their TOBT<br />

79.46% of the flights obtain a TSAT with less than 1’ deviation from their EOBT<br />

ETOT: less than 1’<br />

Main objectives & goals: Focus on the improvement of the turnaround<br />

process and related pre-departure sequencing by introducing the TOBTprocedure

7<br />

Do’s and Don'ts of Airport Implementation<br />

What advice can you give other airports intending to implement<br />

Airport CDM? e.g.<br />

Project management: No “Big Bang” but “Step by Step” approach by all<br />

the Airport Partners.<br />

Delays: “Gentlemen’s Agreement” amongst all Stakeholders<br />

Systems: Integration into the existing systems<br />

Partner involvement: “All” is recommended<br />

Publicity: “Awareness”, also within the same company. Organise CDMvisits,<br />

especially for Operational People<br />

Testing, trials and validation: remember “Murphy’s Law”<br />

Don’t give up and learn from each other. There’s no way back!

8<br />

Benefits & Next Steps<br />

Success measurement: Punctuality & Service Improvement<br />

Initial CBA of implementing CDM: “reduce the departure delay<br />

and the rest will follow”<br />

How do maintain commitment from the partners:<br />

Dialogue, Awareness, Respect, Transparency and Satisfaction (DARTS)<br />

Next Steps:<br />

1. MoU & commitment<br />

2. Phased implementation of CDM in Adverse Conditions<br />

(TA-CDM & SA-CDM)<br />

3. Upgrading of existing procedures: “the never ending story”<br />

4. 2007 = year of international breakthrough?

9<br />

One key Statement

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