PhD‐theses - Ethologische Gesellschaft

PhD‐theses - Ethologische Gesellschaft

PhD‐theses - Ethologische Gesellschaft


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Content Newsletter No. 64<br />

Content<br />

General Overview .......................................................................................................................2<br />

News from the Council....................................................................................................... 3<br />

A note from the Secretary............................................................................................................3<br />

The Niko Tinbergen Prize 2010 of the Ethological Society................................................... 4<br />

Research Update................................................................................................................ 6<br />

Overview ....................................................................................................................................6<br />

PhD‐theses..................................................................................................................................7<br />

Barbara Fischer...............................................................................................................................7<br />

Alexander Kotrschal .......................................................................................................................8<br />

Claudia A. F. Wascher.....................................................................................................................9<br />

Masters and Diplom theses .......................................................................................................10<br />

lka Bürgener .................................................................................................................................10<br />

Sarah Deventer.............................................................................................................................11<br />

Barbara Gerber.............................................................................................................................12<br />

Nicole Gonswa..............................................................................................................................13<br />

Anastasia Krasheninnikova...........................................................................................................14<br />

Dorothee Kremers........................................................................................................................15<br />

Antje Lembke ...............................................................................................................................16<br />

Anna Müller..................................................................................................................................17<br />

Britta Schindler.............................................................................................................................18<br />

Tilman C. Schneider......................................................................................................................20<br />

Anna Viktoria Schnöll ...................................................................................................................21<br />

Inka Spiller ....................................................................................................................................22<br />

Mieke Titulaer ..............................................................................................................................23<br />

Miriam Waldmann .......................................................................................................................24<br />

Marta Wastavino..........................................................................................................................25<br />

Stefanie Zimmer ...........................................................................................................................26<br />

Activities and Meetings.................................................................................................... 27<br />

Future meetings of the <strong>Ethologische</strong> <strong>Gesellschaft</strong>......................................................................27<br />

Reports from previous conferences...........................................................................................28<br />

Other Meetings.........................................................................................................................30<br />

12 th Conference of the <strong>Gesellschaft</strong> für Primatologie ..................................................................30<br />

Joint Meeting of the Animal Behaviour Society & International Ethological Conference............31<br />

13th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology................................................32<br />

Grant and promotion opportunities for members .....................................................................33<br />

Niko‐Tinbergen‐award..................................................................................................................33<br />

Research funds .............................................................................................................................34<br />

Workshops and graduate student meetings ................................................................................34<br />

Grants for travel subsidies............................................................................................................34<br />

Officers of the <strong>Ethologische</strong> <strong>Gesellschaft</strong>.......................................................................... 35<br />

Council......................................................................................................................................35<br />

Extended Council .......................................................................................................................35<br />

Animal Ethics Commissioners.....................................................................................................36<br />

Teaching Commissioner .............................................................................................................36<br />

Internet Links................................................................................................................... 37<br />

Miscellaneous.................................................................................................................. 38<br />

Your contact details ...................................................................................................................38<br />


General Overview<br />

Internals • General information for members (council reports, funding opportunities, etc)<br />

Activities and Meetings • This section provides information about meetings and activities of<br />

the EG, and about other meetings for those interested in animal behaviour. Those who<br />

organize a meeting or for other reasons would like to highlight an upcoming meeting should<br />

contact the secretary prior to deadline for the next Etho News. Given the numbers of<br />

different meetings, not all will be automatically included in Etho News.<br />

Portrait • In short articles of diverse formats (Biography, Interview, Laudation) members can<br />

discuss scientists and their work in the contexts of promotion, special honours or retirement.<br />

Events • In this category members can introduce scheduled projects and report about<br />

events (e.g. meetings) that already took place.<br />

Books • In this section new publications are introduced that are of interest to those<br />

interested in animal behavior. If you would like to drawn attention to a book or wrote book,<br />

please send a short book review; up to one page is sufficient. Please include additional<br />

information such as title, author, publisher, price and further general information.<br />

Research Update • This section is particularly relevant for young members of the society.<br />

You have the opportunity to present an abstract of your masters, Diplom, or PhD thesis or<br />

other research activities. Please remember that at least one person involved must be a<br />

member of the Ethological society (so either the student or one of the advisors). Summaries<br />

must fit on one page and should be submitted WITHOUT ANY SPECIAL FORMAT. Please<br />

provide information in the following order:<br />

Title<br />

Your name<br />

Your email<br />

Type of work supervised by , Institutional address;<br />

Text, followed by references (if adequate) and respective internet links.<br />

Discussion, Perspectives, Letters to the Secretary • This section offers space for<br />

suggestions, criticism and thought‐provoking ideas and visions that may still be callow. Short<br />

and to the point they should initiate discussion between the members (maximum of 2<br />

pages).<br />

Editorial Deadline: 31 st April 2011 Please send your contributions as e‐mail attachments<br />

(.doc or .rtf; not as pdf!) to: claudia.fichtel@gwdg.de<br />

Please check attachments for macro viruses before sending!!!

News from the Council<br />

A note from the Secretary<br />

News from the Council<br />

Dear colleagues, Göttingen, 22.12.2010<br />

the second issue of Etho News in 2010 again includes a number of abstracts from Master‐,<br />

and Diploma‐theses, conferences and the activities within the <strong>Ethologische</strong> <strong>Gesellschaft</strong>. We<br />

would like to thank those members who provided contributions to this issue.<br />

At this point I would like again to encourage young scientists to submit applications<br />

for the research grants. The deadline is January 01. 2011. Please submit your application to<br />

Dr. Sylvia Kaiser (kaisesy[a]uni‐muenster.de). For details about the application procedure see<br />

http://www.ethol‐ges.org/advancement/others.aspx.<br />

Lastly, I would like to draw your attention to the 6 th Topical Meeting of the<br />

<strong>Ethologische</strong> <strong>Gesellschaft</strong>, 17. ‐19. February in Zürich, Switzerland. This meeting will be<br />

organized by Prof. Dr. Barabara König and Prof. Dr. Redouan Bshary. The next membership<br />

meeting will take place at this conference on 18.02.2011. For details see:<br />

http://www.ecbb2010.org/<br />

Hope to see you all in Zürich!!!<br />

I whish you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!<br />

Claudia Fichtel<br />

Secretary of the <strong>Ethologische</strong> <strong>Gesellschaft</strong><br />



News from Members<br />

The Niko Tinbergen Prize 2010 of the Ethological Society was awarded to Dr Katharina<br />

Hirschenhauser, currently based at the University of Vienna and the Max‐Planck Institute for<br />

Ornithology, Seewiesen. Dr. Hirschenhauser has earned a solid reputation in behavioral<br />

endocrinology. Her key contributions include both empirical studies and meta‐analyses. The<br />

ceremony took place at the ECBB conference in Ferrara.<br />

Some comments from committee members who supported her candidature. Katharina<br />

Hirschenhauser was selected by a commission “because of her broad scientific interest, her<br />

scientific independence and her many, good publications.” Being able to develop her<br />

personal research profile as a post doc, “she depended on competitive grants during all that<br />

time. Such a career requires applying for grants practically all the time and involves maximal<br />

flexibility in the face of high financial insecurity. Only very determined and dedicated<br />

researchers would not lose faith on the way.”<br />

Some key papers of Dr. Hirschenhauser:<br />

Hirschenhauser, K., Weiß, B.M., Haberl, W., Möstl, E. and Kotrschal, K.: Female androgen<br />

patterns and within‐pair testosterone compatibility in domestic geese (Anser domesticus).<br />

Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 165, 195‐203 (2010)<br />

Hirschenhauser K., Wittek M., Johnston P. and Möstl E.: Social context rather than behavioral<br />

output or winning modulates postconflict testosterone responses in Japanese quail (Coturnix<br />

japonica). Physiol. Behav. 95, 457‐463 (2008)<br />

Hirschenhauser K. and Oliveira R.F.: Social modulation of androgens in male vertebrates:<br />

meta‐analyses of the "challenge hypothesis". Anim. Behav. 71, 265‐277 (2006)<br />

Wit friendly greetings<br />

Reduouan Bshary<br />

Dr. Hirschenhauser and Prof. Dr. Bshary (fighting with the flower wrapping … practice may help<br />

Mr. President ) during the ceremony of the Tinbergen award 2010.<br />


Abstract of Dr. Hirschenhauser’s Tinbergen Prize lecture at Ferrara<br />

News from Members<br />



Katharina Hirschenhauser<br />

khirschenhauser@orn.mpg.de<br />

MPI for Ornithology, Dept. Behavioural Neurobiology, Seewiesen, Germany<br />

Social interactions may provoke changes of a wide array of hormones, activate different<br />

neuronal circuits and gene expression. Testosterone (T), the major sex steroid of male<br />

vertebrates, has been particularly well studied. On top of seasonally regulated patterns,<br />

short‐term T surges of variable magnitude may occur in response to social encounters. The<br />

degree of T responsiveness was shown to vary with social system, i.e. larger T responses in<br />

males from monogamous than in polygynous bird species (“challenge hypothesis). Thus,<br />

seasonal T levels are a function of the social environment. Meanwhile the phenomenon has<br />

been extended to males of all vertebrate taxa. However, despite the taxonomic breadth its<br />

functions remain puzzling. At the heart of analysis, time‐scale matters and I will present<br />

examples for the social modulation of T at both levels: (a) based on seasonal T patterns, the<br />

hormonal partner compatibility in geese as example for T acting as coordinator of social<br />

behaviour, pairbond maintenance and reproductive success; (b) immediate hormone<br />

changes may be viewed as facilitators of (future) behaviour and success, e.g. T surges in<br />

winners but not losers of a fight. Yet, in fish and quail mirror‐elicited fighting behaviour was<br />

dissociated from T. Recent evidence suggests that an individual perception of fighting vigour,<br />

both own and opponent’s, seems to activate the expression of a T surge rather than winning<br />

or losing itself. Why engage T when social experience alone would be sufficient for inducing<br />

the winner effect? Tests with quail reveal that T‐responsiveness is involved by facilitating<br />

behaviours affecting a “winner’s attitude” and thus, the mutual assessment. Currently, I<br />

focus on the ability to recall social information for future encounters. In sum, studying the<br />

social modulation of hormones may contribute to our understanding of the fine‐tuning<br />

mechanisms of social behaviour and “attitude”, the excitement of conflict, and when it pays<br />

to invest. Funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung.<br />


Research Update<br />

Overview<br />

PhD‐theses<br />

Research Update<br />

Fischer, Barbara: Evolution of plastic life‐histories<br />

Kotrschal, Alexander: The influence of early environment on later life – physiology,<br />

behaviour and evolution<br />

Wascher, Claudia A. F.: Heart‐rate in greylag geese (Anser anser): implications for the study<br />

of social systems<br />

Masters and Diplom theses<br />

Bürgener, Ika: The acoustic recognition system of wild boars (Sus scrofa)<br />

Deventer, Sarah: Sexual cannibalism: what do males have to offer?<br />

Gerber, Barbara: The influence of female body condition and predator threat on the brood<br />

care behaviour of mouthbreeding cichlids<br />

Gonswa, Nicole: Maternal care strategies in Phylloneta impressa (Theridiidae)<br />

Krasheninnikova, Anastasia: Means‐end comprehension in parrots: a comparative approach<br />

Kremers, Dorothee: Vocal repertoire of the Orcas (Orcinus orca) in the Loro Parque, Tenerife<br />

– Individual differences in their vocalizations<br />

Lembke, Anna: The influence of social interaction between male cavies and juvenile female<br />

cavies (Cavia aperea) and of male odors on the maturation of females<br />

Müller, Anna: The impact of social rank after confrontation with conspecifics on the<br />

reproductive competence of male Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus)<br />

Schindler, Britta: Home sweet home‐ the influence of housing conditions on stress<br />

physiology, cognition and emotional behaviour in mice selectively bred for extremes<br />

in stress reactivity<br />

Schneider, Tilman: Microhabitat selection by European Bison (Bison bonasus) in Białowieża<br />

Primeval Forest, Poland<br />

Schnöll, Anna Viktoria: Testing for social diffusion of two novel foraging skills and<br />

conformity in wild redfronted lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons)<br />

Spiller, Ilka: Who determines the end of brood care in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata)?<br />

Titulaer, Mieke: Context‐dependent learning performance in relation to avian personalities<br />

Waldmann, Miriam: Relevance of acoustic parameters in the spectacled parrotlet’s (Forpus<br />

conspicillatus) contact call<br />

Wastinavo, Marta: Differences in activity budgets and social behaviours of three male<br />

alternative reproductive tactics in African stripped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio)<br />

Zimmer, Stefanie: Determinants of natural mating success in the cannibalistic orb‐web<br />

spider Argiope bruennichi<br />


PhD‐theses<br />


Barbara Fischer<br />

barbara.fischer@bio.uio.no<br />

Research Update<br />

PhD Thesis, 2010, Supervisors: PD Dr. Barbara Taborsky, PD Dr. Ulf Dieckmann, Dept. Behavioural<br />

Ecology, University of Bern, Switzerland and Evolution & Ecology Program, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria<br />

Most environments fluctuate unpredictably at least to some degree, but surprisingly most life history<br />

models ignore stochastic environmental changes. By theoretical modelling we investigated the<br />

conditions favouring phenotypic plasticity of life histories, influences on the extent of plasticity in a<br />

trait and why and how much plasticity should change with age in stochastic environments. We<br />

analyzed how organisms should optimally allocate energy to reproduction vs. maintenance and how<br />

plastic they should be in their allocation decisions in environments differing by their degree of<br />

variability and predictability. It turned out that optimal reproductive investment should not increase<br />

monotonically with growing energy availability as one would intuitively assume. Instead, the reaction<br />

norm describing reproductive investment has a U‐shape, with high reproductive investment when<br />

energy availability is close to zero ('terminal investment') and when energy availability is high. At an<br />

intermediate level of energy availability, reproductive investment decreases to a minimum or even to<br />

zero. This indicates that in intermediate environments it can be optimal to skip reproductive events.<br />

Organisms may buffer the impact of environmental fluctuations by storing energy. So far, general life<br />

history models analysed optimal storage strategies in deterministic environments only. When<br />

incorporating stochastic changes of conditions, our model results suggest that when environments<br />

are almost constant, it is not optimal to store. Allocation to storage is favoured when environments<br />

become more variable and/or more predictable. Our results suggest that the simultaneous allocation<br />

of energy to reproduction, maintenance and storage can be optimal, which contrasts earlier findings<br />

from models in deterministic environments. Finally, we asked why plasticity should vary with age and<br />

whether there are windows of plasticity over life time. Many organisms possess 'plasticity windows',<br />

during which they are responsive towards external cues. When exposed to an environmental cue at a<br />

time outside the plasticity window, no adjustment occurs. We hypothesized that information gain<br />

through environmental sampling is a potential mechanism that can lead to the evolution of age‐<br />

dependent plasticity. Our results suggest that this mechanism may indeed give rise to a remarkable<br />

diversity of age‐dependent plasticity patterns, ranging from lifelong plasticity to narrow plasticity<br />

windows. As a specific example of the evolution of plasticity we modelled how mothers should solve<br />

the offspring size‐number trade‐off when environmental cues are unreliable. Our model results<br />

suggest that plastic offspring size strategies are superior to fixed strategies when environmental cues<br />

are at least moderately reliable. The plasticity threshold depends on plasticity costs and the diffe‐<br />

rence of resources available to mothers. Plastic strategies are increasingly favoured the more<br />

offspring survival varies between environmental states. The occurring switches between small and<br />

large offspring are predicted to be substantial, which is confirmed by those empirical studies that did<br />

find plasticity in offspring size to exist.<br />

Reference: Fischer, B., Taborsky, B. and Dieckmann, U. 2009. Unexpected patterns of plastic energy<br />

allocation in stochastic environments. American Naturalist, 173: 108‐120.<br />




Alexander Kotrschal<br />

alexander.kotrschal@ebc.uu.se<br />

Research Update<br />

PhD Thesis, 2010, supervised by PD Dr. Barbara Taborsky, Behavioural Ecology, Institute of Ecology<br />

and Evolution, University of Bern, Switzerland<br />

Current affiliation: Animal Ecology, Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University, Sweden.<br />

Phenotypic plasticity is a universal feature of organisms. Environmentally induced parental<br />

effects represent a form of phenotypic plasticity spanning generations. There is rapidly<br />

growing evidence that the environmental conditions experienced by females around<br />

reproduction can influence offspring phenotype in plants and animals. However, even<br />

environmental conditions experienced long before reproduction during the juvenile period<br />

of females can mediate crucial life‐history traits. Females of the cichlid fish Simochromis<br />

pleurospilus are known adjust offspring size in response to own juvenile nutrition. We tested<br />

whether these condition enable them to predict the postnatal conditions of their offspring<br />

better than the current conditions do, which requires certain conditions of habitat<br />

variability, distribution of juveniles and adults and gene flow between populations to hold.<br />

By combining detailed ecological and population surveys with fine‐scaled population<br />

genetics we confirmed that these requirements hold for our study species in their natural<br />

environment. Next we investigated the physiological consequences for juveniles of growing<br />

up in poor or rich environments and found a persistent alteration in metabolic rate and food<br />

conversion efficiency. In preparation of this study we developed a non‐invasive method to<br />

determine fat storage to be used in small, live fish. This technique estimates fat based on<br />

measures of swim bladder size, and predicts visceral fat content better than available<br />

morphometric condition indices. Besides physiology, we detected that the early nutritional<br />

conditions also affect learning abilities. Unexpectedly, the absolute amount of food did not<br />

affect learning. Instead we found that a single ration switch experienced by juveniles<br />

enhanced their learning abilities both as juveniles and as adults (Kotrschal & Taborsky,<br />

2010a). This appears to represent an adaptive strategy, as higher cognitive abilities may<br />

confer a survival advantage in variable environments. Overly fast growth during a specific,<br />

short time window during the development negatively influenced adult learning abilities,<br />

however. Although it was not possible to test mating preferences in dependence of early<br />

nutrition, we detected that our study species has a very peculiar mating system which<br />

posses features of both resource defence mating systems and exploded leks: The<br />

distribution of males, females and resources clearly resembles leks. Male territory defence,<br />

however, seems to enhance the quality of resources and thus generates critical resources for<br />

females, which attracts females in the vicinity of courting males (Kotrschal & Taborsky,<br />

2010b).<br />

Kotrschal, A. & Taborsky, B. 2010a. Environmental change enhances cognitive abilities in fish.<br />

PLoS Biology 8: e1000351.<br />

Kotrschal, A. & Taborsky, B. 2010b. Resource Defence or Exploded Lek ‐ A Question of<br />

Perspective. Ethology 116: 1‐10.<br />




Claudia A. F. Wascher<br />

claudia.wascher@klf.ac.at<br />

Research Update<br />

PhD thesis, supervised by Prof. Dr. K. Kotrschal, Konrad Lorenz Forschungsstelle, Universität Wien<br />

Social contexts are among the most potent stressors, affecting individual behaviour,<br />

physiology and the immune system. Although energetically costly, short‐term elevation of<br />

the stress response is adaptive and unavoidable in coping with challenges. In contrast<br />

chronic activation of the stress axes may have pathological consequences. Therefore, in<br />

terms of an individual’s fitness and well being, it is of major importance to respond to<br />

stressors adequately. However, not all members of a population are equally affected,<br />

individuals differ in their responses to stressors according their social embedding,<br />

personality, status, sex, age, etc.. In the course of my PhD I investigated the individual<br />

investment in the social domain as measured by heart rate (HR). I recorded HR of 25 greylag<br />

geese with fully implanted sensor‐transmitter packages for 18 months. Besides physical<br />

activity, social interactions proved to be the strongest HR modulators. In agonistic<br />

encounters HR increased to a greater extend, when the risk of being defeated was higher<br />

(e.g. in interactions with an opponent who wins a higher percentage of interactions). The<br />

present results suggest that individuals modulate their HR very flexible according to the<br />

relevance of single agonistic encounters. Even more impressive, HR was not only modulated<br />

by active involvement in stressful events, but also by watching interactions (“bystander<br />

effect”). Also here, the relevance of the event determines the immediate physiological<br />

response. Greylag geese responded stronger watching social (e.g. agonistic encounters,<br />

arriving or departing geese) than non‐social events (e.g. vehicles passing by, thunder).<br />

Furthermore, HR response differed, depending on the individuals involved in an event.<br />

Geese responded stronger when watching interactions, in which the pair‐partner or a family<br />

member was involved compared to events with non‐associated individuals. A similar picture<br />

appeared, when comparing HR responses to conspecifics vocalisations. HR was significantly<br />

higher if the pair‐partner called, compared to non‐associated geese. One of the key<br />

mechanisms to optimize the investment into the social domain is social support, which is<br />

defined as the stress‐reducing effect of the presence of a familiar social partner. Here, for<br />

the first time, effects of passive social support with respect to HR are reported in non‐human<br />

animals. In a stressful situation, unpaired individuals showed a significantly higher HR than<br />

paired individuals, which indicates that having a social ally, effects an individual’s physiology.<br />

To sum up, I found social events to have pronounced effects on an individual’s physiology.<br />

This may have serious consequences with respect to energy expenditure and probably may<br />

even affect an animal’s health or reproductive success. Still, individuals modulated their HR<br />

response according to the relevance of single events (e.g. risk of being defeated, social ally<br />

involved). Also, social support has been shown to have stress reducing effects with respect<br />

to HR. Therefore, living in social groups for greylag geese seems potentially energetically<br />

costly, but the individual investment is optimized by flexible modulation of the physiological<br />

stress response according to subsequent needs and requirements.<br />


Masters and Diplom theses<br />


lka Bürgener<br />

smanti@gmx.net<br />

Research Update<br />

Diploma thesis, supervised by Dr. R. Wanker and Prof. Dr. J. Schneider, Department of Biology,<br />

Zoological Institute & Museum, University of Hamburg<br />

Species, which live in complex social systems, evolve a broad vocal repertoire. Wild boars<br />

(Sus scrofa) live in matrilineal groups with a pattern of fission‐fusion and use a wide range of<br />

vocalizations. Several studies investigated the ability of individual recognition in both<br />

domestic pigs (Sus scrofa domestica) and wild boars but it is unknown to which extend<br />

acoustic cues are involved. Aim of this study was to examine the recognition ability by<br />

acoustic cues of wild boars, and more specifically to determine whether their vocalizations<br />

possess individual signatures and whether there are group‐specific calls. Furthermore I<br />

investigated whether infrasonic elements are present in long‐distance communication of the<br />

wild boars . I recorded the vocalizations of four wild boar groups in four different wildlife<br />

parks. The contact grunts were measured, analysed and classified by individuals. Playback<br />

experiments were carried out with one group to test the ability to discriminate familiar and<br />

unfamiliar conspecifics by their grunts. I found that contact grunts contain both individual<br />

and group‐specific signatures, but the playback experiment failed to verify that they can<br />

discriminate conspecifics by their contact grunts. Furthermore it turns out that wild boars do<br />

not use infrasonic calls for long‐distance communication, but their grunts contain very low<br />

frequencies, which may reach into the infrasonic range. These grunts were uttered in<br />

conflict situations, suggesting that the wild boars may intensify their aggressive message<br />

with these low frequencies.<br />



Sarah Deventer<br />

sari_australia@hotmail.com<br />

Research Update<br />

Diploma thesis, supervised by Prof. Dr. J.M. Schneider & Prof. M.E. Herberstein, Department of<br />

Biology, Zoological Institute & Museum, University of Hamburg<br />

The occurrence of sexual cannibalism is well documented, but why this extreme behaviour<br />

evolved in the first place is only partially known, and explanations are often species specific<br />

and not mutually exclusive. Some hypotheses incorporate the nutritional aspect of<br />

consumption of males. It is conceivable that conspecific males constitute a higher quality<br />

food for females than their usual diet due to the fact that males should hold nutrients which<br />

females of the same species also need, already in the right proportions. Moreover, males<br />

could contain essential nutrients that are absent in alternative prey or at least hold higher<br />

amounts of these desirable nutrients. A number of studies showed a positive effect of sexual<br />

cannibalism on female fecundity. However, it is not clear if this increased fecundity is only<br />

due to the fact that cannibalistic females gained additional food in those studies. Thus the<br />

question arises if females still retain a fecundity advantage when cannibalising a male<br />

compared to ingestion of a comparably sized other prey.<br />

The aim of this study was to compare female feeding rate between a sexual cannibalistic and<br />

a non‐cannibalistic feeding event, and, importantly, to assess how this translates into the<br />

eggs and spiderlings. We predicted a fecundity benefit (in terms of number and/or quality of<br />

offspring) from sexual cannibalism compared to consumption of comparably sized other<br />

prey.<br />

We found that spiderlings from females that consumed a male hatched slightly earlier, and<br />

started web construction sooner than from the control group. Three further offspring<br />

parameters (size, mass and survival duration under food deprivation) were positively and<br />

exclusively correlated to spiderlings’ lipid content. Although crickets hold more lipids than<br />

males and females took advantage of that, those three mentioned lipid‐dependent offspring<br />

parameters were not affected by whether the female consumed a male or a cricket.<br />

These results can be interpreted against, or in favour of the hypothesis that conspecific<br />

males constitute a high quality food for females. Nevertheless, these results show that males<br />

contain a different nutritional aspect than crickets (besides their lack of lipids) that<br />

influenced offspring. These differential effects are quite subtle, and not detectable in the<br />

commonly quantified measures of fecundity (egg sac weight or number of offspring). To our<br />

knowledge, this is the first study directly comparing the consequences of sexual cannibalism<br />

and a heterospecific feeding event on offspring, looking at offspring quality and behaviour.<br />

The results of this study extend the foraging hypothesis in relation to sexual cannibalism by<br />

adding the aspect of male nutritional content, and highlight the need for more research on<br />

the nutritional value of cannibalism, not (only) as an additional food source, but more<br />

specifically in comparison to the usual prey of females.<br />


Research Update<br />



Barbara Gerber<br />

gerberb1@hotmail.com<br />

Master Thesis, 2010, supervised by PD Dr. Barbara Taborsky, Behavioural Ecology, Institute of<br />

Ecology and Evolution, University of Bern, Switzerland<br />

When parental environmental conditions affect brood care decisions they can have a trans‐<br />

generational impact on offspring phenotype and survival. Parental energetic needs and<br />

offspring predation pressure have both been recognized as important factors influencing the<br />

quality of parental care, but surprisingly they are rarely manipulated simultaneously to<br />

investigate how parents adjust care to these potentially conflicting demands. In the<br />

maternally mouthbrooding cichlid Simochromis pleurosplius, we manipulated female body<br />

condition before spawning by different rations and perceived offspring predation risk by<br />

visual presentation of a natural predator during brood care in a two‐by‐two factorial<br />

experiment. We found that females on a low body condition produced smaller, but more<br />

young and engaged less in brood care behaviour than females with a high body conditons.<br />

Final clutch size and, related to this, female protective behaviour, was interactively<br />

determined by maternal nutrition and predator exposure. Surprisingly, high food females<br />

without a predator experience had smaller clutches than all other females. Our results<br />

highlight the importance to investigate the critical selective forces on parents and offspring<br />

in combination, if we aim to understand reproductive strategies.<br />



Nicole Gonswa<br />

nicolegonswa@alice‐dsl.net<br />

Research Update<br />

Diploma thesis, supervised by Prof. Dr. J.M. Schneider, Department of Biology, Zoological Institute &<br />

Museum, University of Hamburg<br />

Semelparous life‐history strategies evolve if chances of future reproduction are low due to<br />

extrinsic and intrinsic causes and often involve extreme forms of brood care. Brood care<br />

generally benefits the offspring by increasing survival and growth, and with maximal<br />

investment in a single brood or clutch females maximizes the number and/or the quality of<br />

their current young at the expense of future offspring. Semelparity in spiders evolved in<br />

several families and in some cases involves matriphagy: the consumption of the mother by<br />

the young. Obligate matriphagy as found in the eresid spider Stegodyphus lineatus implies<br />

that females forgo all possibilities of future reproduction even if their single brood turns out<br />

to provide suboptimal returns. However, conditions are rarely predictable and females<br />

should benefit if they retain the ability to opt for a second clutch if the first one survives and<br />

grows well without her terminal investment.<br />

I investigated whether the maternal care behaviour of Phylloneta impressa, a<br />

subsocial spider with excessive maternal care, shows plasticity. Females provide their young<br />

with regurgitated fluid and prey and finally, matriphagy terminates brood care. I collected<br />

females with cocoons and raised the offspring of these spiders to maturity in the laboratory.<br />

After maturation, females were mated and assigned to three different food treatments<br />

(high, low, no food availability) and maternal care behaviour and growth of young was<br />

documented.<br />

I found that these spiders practice facultative semelparity and flexibly adapt their<br />

brood care to the food availability and offspring needs. In the high food treatment, maternal<br />

care duration was shorter but the offspring developed slower than in other treatments.<br />

None of the females in the high food treatment was eaten by their young and 33 % of<br />

females survived the maternal care period and were able to successfully produce a second<br />

clutch. Matriphagy occurred only in broods with limited or no food. Additionally the<br />

occurrence of matriphagy depended on the number of spiderlings in the brood and was not<br />

observed in small broods. Matriphagy is the only form of cannibalism that was observed<br />

during my experiments; no siblicid was seen.<br />

My results show that a high plasticity is not excluded by the occurrence of<br />

matriphagy as an extreme form of brood care. My results further support the notion that<br />

matriphagy must not involve major physiological changes that preclude future reproduction.<br />

P. impressa opportunistally adjust their maternal investment in the current brood to<br />

offspring needs which are a function of the brood size and the availability of prey.<br />



Anastasia Krasheninnikova<br />

anastacia.k@web.de<br />

Research Update<br />

Master thesis, supervised by Dr. Ralf Wanker and Prof. Dr. Jutta Schneider, Department of Biology,<br />

University of Hamburg, Martin‐Luther‐king‐Platz 3, 20146, Hamburg, Germany<br />

Two opposing theories explain the evolutionary history of intelligence. The “adaptive<br />

specialization approach” suggests that differences in the ecological and social problems<br />

faced by a species lead to domain‐specific cognitive abilities. Alternatively, the “general<br />

process view” proposes a broader set of cognitive abilities as a consequence of the evolution<br />

of large brains.<br />

The aim of this study was a comparative approach to test the cognitive abilities of<br />

several distantly related parrot species with a means‐end problem, the string discrimination<br />

paradigm. I have presented subjects with string‐pulling tasks where I have varied the spatial<br />

relationship between the strings, the presence of a reward and the physical contact between<br />

the string and the reward to determine whether the parrots perform differently in cognitive<br />

tasks requiring means‐end comprehension.<br />

The results suggest that the ability to pull the string is a domain‐general capability in<br />

psittacids, but the degree of means‐end comprehension vary according to the different<br />

degree of the social complexity of the tested species. The more complex the social system,<br />

the more advanced the cognitive capabilities. This is the first evidence of the evolutionary<br />

history of certain cognitive skills in parrots and the role that the social complexity may play<br />

in this process.<br />


Research Update<br />



Dorothee Kremers<br />

dorothee.kremers@googlemail.com<br />

Diploma thesis, supervised by Dr. Ralf Wanker, Biozentrum Grindel, University of Hamburg, Martin‐<br />

Luther‐King‐Platz 3, 20146 Hamburg, Germany<br />

In several mammalian species a complex vocal repertoire seems to be correlated with a<br />

complex social system. Orcas live in such a highly social system and use complex<br />

vocalizations. This study tested if orcas possess individual differences in their vocalizations<br />

that might indicate vocal individual recognition. The vocalizations of four orcas were for the<br />

first time recorded with reliable information about the sender’s identity. Within call types<br />

there were individual differences. Even the composition of the repertoire differed between<br />

individuals. The first evidence for individual specific vocalizations in orcas was found<br />

because three individuals produced individual specific calls. Furthermore, the yet untested<br />

assumption that call diversity in captive orcas could be decreased was tested. For that<br />

reason the vocalizations were compared with the vocalizations of free‐living orcas. The<br />

repertoire of the captive orcas included all types of vocalizations known from field studies.<br />

Some of the call types showed similarities with call types described for free‐living orcas. The<br />

results suggest that these individual specific calls might be used for individual recognition in<br />

this species and that the assumption of repertoire degeneration in captive orcas has to be<br />

reconsidered<br />


Research Update<br />



Antje Lembke<br />

antje.lembke@gmx.de<br />

Masters Thesis, supervised by Prof. Dr. Fritz Trillmich, Department of Animal Behavior, and Prof. Dr.<br />

C. Müller, Dept. Chemical Ecology, University of Bielefeld<br />

This study targeted the topic of male influence on the timing of female maturation. The<br />

timing of female maturation is a crucial factor in the life history, especially of small, short<br />

lived mammals. In mice the male influence is well known as the ‘Vandenberg effect’, elicited<br />

by male urinary proteins. In the precocial caviomorph, Cavia aperea the male effect is not<br />

elicited by metabolites in urine. The mechanism behind this effect is still unknown. I tested<br />

the hypothesis that male behavior and male odor contribute to the acceleration of puberty<br />

in females.<br />

In the behavioral experiment, the female onset of fertility was examined. A pair of<br />

females was housed either next to castrates or next to a male, separated by wire mesh. One<br />

of the two females was put into contact with the male or castrate every four days for one<br />

hour. During this time the behavior was recorded. Females housed next to males matured<br />

significantly earlier than females housed next to castrates. The physical contact did not make<br />

a difference in the onset of estrus in the females. Males and castrates did not differ in any of<br />

the behaviors towards females recorded and no significant correlation was found in the<br />

overall activity of males and castrates with the onset of estrus in the females.<br />

To investigate olfactory stimuli, samples of perineal secretion were collected and<br />

analyzed by gas‐chromatography and mass‐spectrometry (GCMS). The spectra of males and<br />

castrates differed significantly. Various peaks were found in male perineal gland secretion<br />

only, but no metabolites were found exclusively in castrates. The number of peaks found in<br />

the male or castrate secretion was correlated with the onset of fertility of the corresponding<br />

female in contact. The results of my experiments suggest that the difference in perineal<br />

gland scent between fertile males and castrates could account for the difference in the<br />

timing of puberty in female cavies. Further characterization of the active substances is<br />

needed.<br />


Research Update<br />



PALLAS 1773)<br />

Anna Müller<br />

anna_mueller@gmx.net<br />

Diploma Thesis, Supervisors: Dr. Peter Fritzsche, PD Dr. Dietmar Weinert, Institute of<br />

Biology/Zoology, University of Halle<br />

Dominance is a central feature of agonistic behaviour across a wide range of taxonomic<br />

groups and important in order to occupy new limited territories, resources or to increase the<br />

access to mates within a social group with a hierarchical background. In laboratory analyses,<br />

hamsters seem to be excellent model organisms for studying fundamentally functional and<br />

mechanistic characteristics of aggression processes. Several researchers described high‐<br />

aggressive fights between male Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) sometimes<br />

resulting in death of one individual of the encounter pairs. But relatively little is known<br />

about the social behaviour of these animals. Therefore males of Phodopus sungorus were<br />

used in this study to analyse dominance/subordination‐relationships and their possible<br />

impact on fertility and reproductive success. Males were confronted as dyadic encounters in<br />

a neutral arena and in their housing cages to define agonistic and submissive behavioural<br />

patterns as well as to characterize them by means of morphological and physiological<br />

parameters. Furthermore, it was investigated whether females choose males depending on<br />

their social status.<br />

Specific dyadic encounter‐experiments showed that the males were able to form<br />

stable dominance/subordination‐relationships under laboratory conditions and could be<br />

classified into dominant and subordinate individuals by characteristic agonistic and<br />

submissive behavioural patterns. A comparison of dominant, subordinate and singly caged<br />

individuals revealed significant larger and heavier testis and a higher number and density of<br />

sperms in dominant males. Whereas no differences in plasma testosterone could be found,<br />

subordinate males had higher corticosterone levels in their faeces. Finally, females of<br />

P. sungorus in the oestrus phase preferred dominant males compared to the other phases of<br />

the sexual cycle.<br />


Research Update<br />




Britta Schindler<br />

britta.schindler@gmx.net<br />

Diploma thesis, supervised by Dr. Chadi Touma, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Research Group<br />

of Psychoneuroendocrinology, Kraepelinstr. 2‐10, D‐80804 Munich<br />

It has repeatedly been shown that environmental factors can substantially affect the<br />

phenotype of an individual, including social behaviour, changes of body and organ weight as<br />

well as neuroendocrine parameters. Furthermore, it has been reported that specific brain<br />

regions such as the hippocampus, which is important for learning and memory, are also<br />

influenced by the environment. An ideal system to study these gene‐environment<br />

interactions is to make use of animal models that show a strong genetic predisposition for<br />

certain endophenotypes. Such a model was recently established in our group. This ‘stress<br />

reactivity’ (SR) mouse model consists of three independent mouse lines selectively bred for a<br />

high (HR), intermediate (IR) or low (LR) secretion of corticosterone from the adrenals in<br />

response to a standardised, psychological stressor (15‐min restraint), i.e. showing a hyper‐ or<br />

a hypo‐reactivity of the hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenocortical (HPA) axis.<br />

The goal of the present study was therefore to investigate the impact of non‐social<br />

environmental factors such as different housing conditions on specific phenotypes of the SR<br />

mouse model. Of each breeding line, 32 juvenile males were divided into two groups and<br />

kept in groups of four, either under enriched (EN) or standard (ST) housing conditions. In<br />

addition to the bedding and nesting material provided in the ST cages, the EN cages were<br />

equipped with a shelter, a wooden climbing frame as well as with extra bedding and nesting<br />

material. In order to analyse potential differences in the agonistic, socio‐positive and play<br />

behaviour as well as in general activities, we recorded the home cage behaviour of the<br />

animals at three time points (once per week during the first hour of the light phase).<br />

Furthermore, we monitored the body weight of the animals, food intake and coat status to<br />

document the welfare of the animals as well as changes in energy metabolism. After<br />

exposing the animals for six weeks to the respective housing conditions, they were subjected<br />

to a battery of behavioural tests assessing their emotionality, including explorative drive<br />

(open field test, OF), anxiety‐related behaviour (elevated plus‐maze test, EPM) and stress<br />

coping behaviour (forced swim test, FST). Moreover, spatial learning abilities were assessed<br />

in the Y‐maze test and potential effects on HPA axis reactivity were analysed by subjecting<br />

the animals to a ‘stress reactivity’ test (SRT).<br />

The results of our experiment revealed that housing under enriched conditions<br />

influenced several behavioural and neuroendocrine parameters in the SR mouse model.<br />

Compared to ST housed animals, EN housed mice of all three lines showed a higher variety<br />

of behaviours performed in the home cage and significantly less agonistic interactions were<br />

observed. This coincided with decreased corticosterone levels in HR‐EN mice immediately<br />

before the SRT, although the corticosterone response to the stressor was not influenced and<br />

the characteristic HPA axis reactivity differences between HR, IR and LR mice persisted in<br />

both housing conditions. Similarly, stress coping behaviour in the FST was modified towards<br />

more active coping under EN housing conditions (more ‘struggling’ in IR mice and less<br />


Research Update<br />

‘floating’ in HR and LR animals), but without abolishing the significant differences between<br />

the three mouse lines. No effects were observed on locomotor activity and anxiety‐related<br />

behaviours in the OF and EPM test. Regarding spatial memory, IR and LR mice housed under<br />

ST or EN conditions showed a significantly higher time spent in the novel arm compared to<br />

the familiar arms during the retrieval phase of the Y‐maze test. HR mice, however, only<br />

discriminated between the two types of arms when they have been housed in EN cages.<br />

Thus, our study shed light on the complex interaction between environmental factors<br />

and genetic predispositions to develop endophenotypes relevant for the aetiology of<br />

affective disorders such as major depression.<br />


Research Update<br />



Tilman C. Schneider<br />

tilman.carlo@googlemail.com<br />

Master Thesis, supervised by Prof. Dr. Peter Kappeler, Anthropologie/Soziobiologie, Georg‐August<br />

Universität Göttingen, Dr. Rafał Kowalczyk, Mammal Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences<br />

Resting site selection by European bison (Bison bonasus, L., 1758), the largest terrestrial<br />

mammal of Europe, was studied in the free‐ranging population in Białowieża Primeval Forest<br />

(Poland) in 2009‐2010. In total, 104 sites of 21 bison (both collared and uncollared) were<br />

analysed to determine the most important microhabitat characteristics selected by resting<br />

bison during summer and winter. I examined whether bison selected characteristic resting<br />

sites providing shelter from disturbances and precipitation, and how supplementary winter<br />

feeding influenced the microhabitat selection by bison. Resting sites were identified on the<br />

basis of GPS locations and activity records, as well as direct observations, and were<br />

compared with control sites. In 95% of locations prescribed on the basis of GPS collar data, a<br />

bison bed was found. Habitat types, forest stand characteristics and distances of the sites to<br />

roads and open areas and the harassment by pest insects were recorded. Microhabitat<br />

selection by bison did not differ significantly between the sexes. During summer and winter,<br />

bison resting sites displayed a high tree density, low visibility and high complexity (structures<br />

providing cover). Summer resting sites were also characterised by a lower abundance of<br />

blood‐sucking insects and denser canopy than control sites. Winter resting sites showed a<br />

lower complexity and higher visibility than summer sites, and were less often located in<br />

mixed forest habitats. During winter, bison rested more frequently in forest below 50 years<br />

of age than in older forest. Resting sites of non‐supplied bison were more often located in<br />

young coniferous forests, were lower in visibility and situated closer to open areas than sites<br />

of bison using supplementary winter feeding, suggesting a trade‐off between food and<br />

cover. Statistical models revealed tree density, visibility and the distance to roads as crucial<br />

variables distinguishing resting sites of supplied and non‐supplied bison. The results indicate<br />

that European bison select their resting sites in areas of mosaic habitat structure providing<br />

cover from disturbances with access to profitable natural forage grounds.<br />




Anna Viktoria Schnöll<br />

a0402262@unet.univie.ac.at<br />

Research Update<br />

Diplom Thesis, supervised by Dr. Claudia Fichtel, Prof. Dr. Peter Kappeler, Abt. Verhaltensökologie &<br />

Soziobiologie, Deutsches Primatenzentrum , Göttingen, Prof. Dr. Ludwig HIber, Abt. Kognitive<br />

Biologie, Universität Wien<br />

Recent research revealed that traditions are not a unique feature of human culture, but that<br />

they can be found in animal societies as well. However, the underlying mechanisms and<br />

conditions leading to social diffusion of newly invented behaviours, as well as the<br />

importance of the formation of traditions for animals living in the wild, are still poorly<br />

understood. To address these questions, I conducted a social diffusion experiment with<br />

three wild groups of redfronted lemurs (Eulemur rufifrons). I used a ‘two‐option’ feeding<br />

box, where animals could either open or push a door to get access to a fruit reward to study<br />

whether and how the trait spreads through the groups. Half of the 28 study animals were<br />

able to learn the new feeding skills and mainly kept a seeded technique (groups with<br />

training) or adjusted (group without training) their behaviour to the majority of the group.<br />

Individuals observing others more often needed fewer trials until they could successfully<br />

open the door, indicating that social learning played an important role in acquiring the task.<br />

An option bias analysis suggested that social learning was involved in the spread of the novel<br />

behaviours, whereas a network‐based diffusion analysis indicated pure asocial learning.<br />

Moreover, redfronted lemurs invented a third technique for accessing the reward:<br />

scrounging. Interestingly they did not scrounge more often from kin. Thus, redfronted<br />

lemurs are able to form behavioural traditions. In addition, these results suggest that the<br />

study animals did not simply keep the first rewarded technique but showed a high flexibility<br />

in choosing between social and individual learning.<br />


Research Update<br />


Inka Spiller<br />

inka.spiller@uni‐oldenburg.de<br />

Bachelor Thesis, Supervisor: Fritz Trillmich & Tobias Krause; Dept of Animal Behaviour, University of<br />

Bielefeld<br />

A long‐standing question concerns the ending of brood care in mammals and birds: This is<br />

supposed to lead to parent‐offspring conflict, with parents selected to end care earlier than<br />

offspring would like. Who decides in this: parent(s) or offspring? I studied this question in an<br />

altricial birds, the Australian zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) by cross–fostering young of<br />

different ages. In one treatment the parents received 3 ‐ 15 days younger chicks and in the<br />

other chicks that were 3 ‐ 7 days older than their own. In addition, there were two control<br />

groups: In the first, parents were permitted to rear their own chicks and in the second they<br />

received cross‐fostered chicks of the same age (+/‐ 2 days).<br />

Parents extended brood care when they received younger chicks and shortened it<br />

when getting older ones. Young always fledged when about 18‐20 days old, independent of<br />

treatment and at the same time as the two control groups. To determine whether parents<br />

stop feeding when chicks present stimuli normally shown by 19 day old young, I kept young<br />

of 5 broods artificially for up to 6 days longer in the nest. These young were equally fed by<br />

the parents. The results demonstrate unequivocally that young determine the age of<br />

fledging.<br />

After fledging, parents fed chicks of all treatment groups for approximately the same<br />

duration whether they had received older, younger, or equal‐aged chicks. Also the ones that<br />

had been fed in the nest for longer than normal were fed outside the nest for about the<br />

same period. My results demonstrate that in this altricial bird young determine the age at<br />

fledging and increased time of brood care in the nest does not shorten parental care after<br />

fledging. Thus there is little evidence for parent‐offspring conflict.<br />



Mieke Titulaer<br />

m.titulaer@nioo.knaw.nl<br />

Research Update<br />

Master thesis, supervised by Prof. Dr. Marc Naguib and Dr. Kees van Oers, Department of Animal<br />

Ecology, Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO‐KNAW), Heteren, the Netherlands<br />

Adaptation to environmental changes is facilitated by good learning abilities. Individuals<br />

differ in their learning abilities, but little is known on how such variation is linked to<br />

consistent behavioural differences among individuals (personality traits). Great tits (Parus<br />

major) differ consistently in their exploratory behaviour in a novel environment, and this<br />

correlates with a range of behavioural traits. It thus can be used as proxy for personality.<br />

Here we subjected birds to a dimensional shift learning paradigm to study the link between<br />

learning and personality. The learning paradigm included several stages differing in<br />

complexity. First, the birds were trained to find food under one of two colours or at one of<br />

two locations, after which the previously unrewarded colour or location became rewarded<br />

(reversal). Then, two new colours and locations were given (intra‐dimensional shift) and<br />

finally, the rewarded dimension was changed from colour to location or vice versa (extra‐<br />

dimensional shift). Previous studies have shown that fast exploring individuals are less<br />

flexible than slow explorers. Therefore we expected slow explorers to perform better in the<br />

reversal and extra‐dimensional shift, which are established measures of flexibility. The<br />

results show that reversal learning was the most difficult stage and apparently it was the<br />

only stage in which personality differences in performance were found, but in opposite<br />

direction for males and females. Fast exploring males showed more flexible learning abilities<br />

than slow males, whereas in females slow explorers outperforming fast explorers. The sex‐<br />

specific relationship between exploratory behaviour and performance on the reversal task<br />

shows that personality may have important consequences for the capacity of an animal to<br />

adapt to the environment, depending on sex and context, with possible fitness implications<br />

in the wild. These context‐dependent and sex‐specific personality effects are in line with<br />

field studies and show the importance of experimental work for uncovering mechanisms of<br />

evolutionary processes in the wild.<br />




Miriam Waldmann<br />

miriamwaldmann@hotmail.com<br />

Research Update<br />

Diploma thesis, supervised by Dr. R. Wanker and Prof. Dr. J. Schneider, Department of Biology,<br />

Zoological Institute & Museum, University of Hamburg<br />

A fundamental attribute of the human language is its complex structure, which enables us to<br />

communicate in sentences. It is still not known how the ability for syntax evolved. One<br />

hypothesis is that complex social structures facilitated this ability (Social Brain Hypothesis).<br />

The Machiavellian Intelligence or Social Brain Hypothesis assumes that brain evolution was<br />

determined by complex social systems. Investigating cases of convergent evolution of<br />

communication is a particularly promising approach in this context. Spectacled parrotlets<br />

evolved a sophisticated communication and with their contact calls they transmit<br />

information about who is calling, which bird is called and which group the caller belongs to.<br />

In this study, I examined whether the information embedded within the contact call of the<br />

spectacled parrotlets (Forpus conspicillatus) is structured. Firstly, I compared results of<br />

previous theses about contact calls. I found that different combinations of the call<br />

parameters contain different information. The relevant call parameters are minimum and<br />

maximum frequency, bandwidth, start and end frequency, peak frequency (maximum<br />

accentuated frequency), call duration and modulation (this means changes of direction in<br />

the fundamental frequency from rising to falling and vice versa). Secondly, I used playback<br />

experiments and compared responses to natural and artificially modified calls to verify the<br />

units responsible for coding receiver identity. The modified calls elicited responses and these<br />

responses differed from controls in the number of replies. The manipulation was successful<br />

in that calls were recognised but the information about the receiver was no longer present.<br />

More such studies are required to elucidate how further information is coded within the<br />

structure of the contact call.<br />


Research Update<br />



Marta Wastavino<br />

marta.wastavino@gmail.com<br />

Master Thesis, supervised by PD Dr. Carsten Schradin, Institute of Evolutionary Biology and<br />

Environmental Studies, University of Zürich<br />

Alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs) evolved in various animal taxa, from crustaceans to<br />

mammals. Conditional ARTs evolved when a single male is able to monopolize access to<br />

several breeding females. In such a case, other less successful males would develop an<br />

alternative reproductive tactic, which will allow them to get at least some reproductive<br />

success (“best of a bad job”). Some recent studies suggested that ARTs might differ in<br />

activity and energy budgets, such that they differ in energetic costs, which could influence<br />

reproductive success. I investigated differences in activity budgets and social behaviours of<br />

three ARTs in the group living African striped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio) of the South<br />

African Succulent Karoo: 1. territorial dominant males defending a harem of 2‐4 females<br />

and their offspring (extended family groups), 2. roaming solitary individuals and 3. adult<br />

natally philopatric males living in extended family groups. I collected behavioural data<br />

through focal‐animal observations in the field, observing 10 territorial breeders, 7 roamers<br />

and 10 philopatric males. Additionally, I performed 18 experiments in an artificial arena to<br />

study differences in aggression between roamers and breeders. I found that I) philopatric<br />

individuals allocate their energies in survival rather than reproduction. Males following this<br />

tactic showed high level of sociopositive behaviours and trended to travel less but forage<br />

more than males of the two other tactics. II) The behaviour of roaming males is a trade‐off<br />

between survival and mating i.e., roamers intrude other male territories to seek copulations<br />

with their females, but they actively avoid risky encounters with territory owners. III)<br />

Territorial males use most of their resources for reproduction, showing high levels of<br />

aggressiveness towards roamers but amicable behaviours towards individuals of their social<br />

group. In conclusion, the study revealed significant behavioural differences between male<br />

ARTs in striped mice, especially regarding their activity budgets and correlated energy<br />

budgets, indicating differential investment strategies into survival and reproduction.<br />




Stefanie Zimmer<br />

zimmer.steffi@googlemail.com<br />

Research Update<br />

Diploma thesis, supervised by Prof. Dr. J.M. Schneider, Department of Biology, Zoological Institute &<br />

Museum, University of Hamburg<br />

Classical sex roles define the most common scenario of promiscuous males and choosy<br />

females which result in polygynous mating systems. Low male mating rates are generally<br />

associated with bi‐parental brood care but occur without paternal investment in various taxa<br />

and have evolved several times independently in spiders. Low male mating frequencies are<br />

associated with remarkable male mating strategies and are predicted to evolve under a<br />

male‐biased effective sex ratio which means that more males than females get to mate.<br />

While male reproductive strategies are well documented and male mating rates are easy to<br />

quantify, especially in sexually cannibalistic species, female reproductive strategies, the<br />

optimal female mating rate, and the factors that affect the evolution of female mating rates<br />

are still unclear.<br />

In this study, I examined natural female mating rates and tested the assumption of a male‐<br />

biased sex ratio and female polyandry in a population of Argiope bruennichi in the field. An<br />

experimental setup was designed that allowed to control female mating status prior to<br />

observations and to monitor mating rates, as well as environmental factors. I predicted<br />

variation in female mating frequencies as a result of (i) spatial and temporal heterogeneity<br />

and (ii) female traits, such as female maturation date, adult weight, and competition with<br />

other females. The possible influence of weather conditions was also assessed. Females had<br />

a low average mating rate of 1.3 and the majority copulated only once. The low degree of<br />

variation was not explained by any of the proposed factors. Male activity and the probability<br />

of copulation were influenced by factors that affected pheromone dispersion such as virgin<br />

female density and wind speed. I conclude that either the assumptions of the theory have to<br />

be reconsidered or alternatively, A. bruennichi males appear to maintain monogynous and<br />

bigynous mating strategies in the absence of obvious advantages over polygamy.<br />


Activities and Meetings<br />

Future meetings of the <strong>Ethologische</strong> <strong>Gesellschaft</strong><br />

Zürich, 17 ‐ 19 February 2011<br />

Dear colleagues,<br />

Activities and Meetings<br />

it is a great pleasure to invite you to the next topical meeting of the Ethological Society,<br />

which will take place in Zürich, 17.‐19.2.2011. The topic will be on cooperation and conflict.<br />

However, we have reserved two sessions for free contributions, and of course we will accept<br />

posters of an any subject as well. Therefore, we hope to provide an attractive setting for<br />

behavioural biologists in general. Also, as you will see from the list of invited speakers, the<br />

approaches taken by these guests is very variable, ranging from physiology to evolutiony<br />

biology.<br />

Confirmed plenray speakers are: Sarah Brosnan (Geogia State University), Mike Cant<br />

(University of Exeter), Franjo Weissing (University of Groningen), Carsten Schradin<br />

(University of Zürich), and Nina Wedell (University of Exeter).<br />

The website with more detailed information concerning, travel, accommodation, program,<br />

etc. will soon be up. Claudia Fichtel will announce this information in a separate email.<br />

Deadline for abstract submission will be the 31 st of December. Mid January, contributors will<br />

be informed whether their presentation will be oral or a poster.<br />

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Zürich<br />

Barbara König and Redouan Bshary<br />

Future meetings of the <strong>Ethologische</strong> <strong>Gesellschaft</strong><br />

For the forthcoming years, we encourage proposals for such topical conferences, which have<br />

been quite successful since we started these meeting in 2006. Organizers are free to choose<br />

a main topic for the conference as well as the size and duration of the meeting. We prefer<br />

meetings to be scheduled in February, to avoid overlap with other commitments during the<br />

main “conference and holiday seasons”. From our own experience, having the meetings at<br />

your own place is fun and inspiring. The workloads of organizing the meeting also is not too<br />

high, given that after all the meetings will remain comparatively small and thus are ideal for<br />

discussions and vigorous exchange of ideas.<br />


Reports from previous conferences<br />


Activities and Meetings<br />

What do you normally do with the program booklet you receive at a conference? Probably,<br />

you mark the talks you plan to attend. You might write down comments or ideas you get<br />

during an interesting lecture. Maybe you even paint little stars or boxes while waiting for a<br />

less exciting presentation to end.<br />

Now, please imagine a lecture hall, where almost all the audience is fanning<br />

themselves air with the program booklet. Different techniques are applied: Some fold the<br />

booklet in the middle, to have a more robust hand fan. Some hold it on the long edge; some<br />

on the small. Some with the right hand; some with the left. Some fan quickly; some slowly.<br />

But all fan. Welcome to the V European Conference on Behavioural Biology!<br />

Like every two years, behavioural biologists from all over Europe met to discuss<br />

results, exchange ideas and chat with old colleagues. This year the ECBB took place in<br />

Ferrara, Italy. Choosing an Italian city in the mid of July resulted in the supposedly hottest<br />

conference of the year. Despite the extreme temperatures, Leonida Fusani, associate<br />

professor at the University of Ferrara, and his team, managed to organise a sympathetic and<br />

successful conference.<br />

Elisabetta Visalberghi started the series of talks, by presenting the fascinating tool<br />

using abilities of capuchins: Those little monkeys not only use stone tools to crack open nuts.<br />

They also carefully select and transport the most appropriate tool for a specific task; an<br />

ability so far mostly associated with great apes and humans. The human abilities of tool use<br />

could be observed on the next day: Redouan Bshary, presenting the well‐deserved<br />

Tinbergen award to Katharina Hirschenhauser with warm and appreciatory words, applied<br />

all his manual skills to unwrap the bouquet of flowers. After finally receiving award and<br />

flowers, Katharina gave us an appealing overview of her work on hormones and behaviour.<br />

We learnt that the self‐perception of a fighter might be more important in the activation of<br />

testosterone associated genes than the actual outcome of the fight. In her plenary talk, Joan<br />

Strassmann gave an interesting introduction on the concept of organismality, applying this<br />

to her groups present work on Dictyostelium discoideum. Her vivid and inspiring<br />

presentation could even bring a true mammalogist to forget that it is "only" microbes, she is<br />

talking about.<br />

While Joan succeeded in presenting a whole world in a petri dish, Martin Wikelski<br />

needed the entire globe. He gave us a broad overview of what he and his co‐workers were<br />

and are achieving with the help of aircrafts, online databases (e.g.<br />

http://www.movebank.org/) and possibly NASA. And also, what he might be doing, if there<br />

was the money for it. To get a better grip on this money, he suggested, we European<br />

behavioural biologists should unite forces. Also Joan Strassmann had an idea of how<br />

corporative behaviour could improve our working success: She proposed, everybody should<br />


Activities and Meetings<br />

load interesting videos of their work onto youtube, to enhance teaching quality in the<br />

different institutes working on ethology. Joan already is offering an amazing collection of<br />

them (http://www.youtube.com/user/strassm). In general, everybody agreed that working<br />

together more closely would be fruitful in different aspects.<br />

Apart from the plenary talks, there have been around 150 presentations and 100<br />

posters from researchers of every level of his or her career and every possible field of<br />

ethology. We learnt, e.g., that male topi antelopes deceive the females to keep them close<br />

for mating; how Galapagos sea lions cope with their rivals; that mangrove snails can foresee<br />

the future; and that the perceived attractiveness of human male body hair depends on the<br />

fertility of a woman. With so many interesting topics in four parallel sessions, everybody had<br />

to make their own trade‐off: Do I got to the room with the most interesting talk or to the<br />

room with best air‐conditioning. So, Peter McGregor, chairing the session on "Audience<br />

effect" in D6 appreciated the choice of his audience with the words: "Thanks for coming to<br />

the physically most challenging room!"<br />

Sure enough, from time to time it was just too hot in the lecture halls for fruitful<br />

scientific discussions. But the cloister, where we enjoyed our lunch and coffee breaks, made<br />

up for that: Standing in the shadow of the cool arcades or sitting barefoot on the grass,<br />

discussions were productive and lively. This nice atmosphere of familial discussions was<br />

continued at the buffet dinner in the impressive Sala San Francesco. At the moment of good‐<br />

buy, it seemed clear that everybody is looking forward to the VI European Conference on<br />

Behavioural Biology.<br />

Just maybe not in Italy in July.<br />

Sophie von Merten<br />

Ökologische Neurobiologie, Max Planck Institut fürOrnithologie, Seewiesen<br />


Other Meetings<br />

12 th Conference of the <strong>Gesellschaft</strong> für Primatologie<br />

Utrecht, Netherlands, 30. March – 02. April 2011<br />

Activities and Meetings<br />

We are proud to invite you for the 12th conference of the <strong>Gesellschaft</strong> für Primatologie.<br />

The meeting will be held from March 30 to April 1, 2011 in the city of Utrecht, the<br />

Netherlands that is famous for the tower of its ‘Dom’ church and has a beautiful and<br />

authentic city centre including touristic attractions.<br />

The congress will start with an opening lecture on Wednesday evening followed by drinks<br />

and snacks in the historic academic building in the city centre within walking distance of<br />

many hotels. On Thursday and Friday, a number of invited speakers will give their inspiring<br />

talks on the campus of Utrecht University.<br />

Besides the interesting scientific program we offer an interesting social program. In<br />

the afternoon of Wednesday March 30 there is a unique possibility to visit the modern<br />

primate facilities of the Biomedical Primate Research Centre (BPRC) in Rijswijk, which is the<br />

largest primate research centre in Europe. On Friday evening the meeting will be closed with<br />

a farewell party in the city centre of Utrecht. The deadline of early bird registration and<br />

submission of contributions is December 10, 2010.<br />

We hope we meet you in Utrecht!<br />

The organizing committee Dr. E.H.M. Sterck, Utrecht University and BPRC, Rijswijk Ms. A.L.<br />

Louwerse, BPRC, Rijswijk Drs. E.J. den Heijer, Utrecht University<br />

Further details: https://sites.google.com/site/gfp2011/home<br />


Activities and Meetings<br />

Joint Meeting of the Animal Behaviour Society & International Ethological Conference<br />

Bloomington, USA, 25.– 30. July 2011<br />

Further details: http://www.indiana.edu/%7Ebehav11/<br />


13th Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology<br />

Tübingen, Germany, 20. – 25. August 2011<br />

Further details: www.eseb2011.de/index.htm<br />

Activities and Meetings<br />


Grant and promotion opportunities for members<br />

Niko‐Tinbergen‐award<br />

Activities and Meetings<br />

The <strong>Ethologische</strong> <strong>Gesellschaft</strong> awards the Niko Tinbergen Prize every other year for<br />

outstanding post‐doc level researchers in behavioural biology or closely related fields. The<br />

award entails:<br />

1. A certificate stating the name of the candidate. The certificate is signed by the<br />

president of the society;<br />

2. A cheque of 1,500 Euro which is donated by the journal Ethology.<br />

The candidate should have been member of the <strong>Ethologische</strong> <strong>Gesellschaft</strong> for at least two<br />

years. Key papers must have been written in English and published in peer reviewed<br />

journals. In case of multiple authorships, the contributions of the candidate need to be<br />

stated in the nomination.<br />

Any member of the <strong>Ethologische</strong> <strong>Gesellschaft</strong> is eligible to nominate candidates. A<br />

nomination needs to include a brief summary of the candidate's scientific achievements, a<br />

curriculum vitae and a list of three outstanding publications. Nominations need to be sent to<br />

the manager of the <strong>Ethologische</strong> <strong>Gesellschaft</strong>. The committee in charge of judging<br />

applications consists of the council and extended council of the <strong>Ethologische</strong> <strong>Gesellschaft</strong>,<br />

but other members of the society may be asked to join the committee.<br />

The deadline for the nomination of the next award is 31. December 2011. The Tinbergen<br />

award 2009 was given at this meeting to Dr. Katharina Hirschenauser at the Max Planck<br />

Institute for Ornithology, Seewiesen, Germany. Award winners are asked to write a short<br />

summary of their research for the next Etho News.<br />

also see: http://www.ethol‐ges.org/advancement/tinbergen.aspx<br />


Research funds<br />

Activities and Meetings<br />

The goal of funding is to support<br />

• Particularly promising pilot studies or investigations at an early stage that would not<br />

normally be eligible to funding from governmental organizations or science foundations.<br />

• High quality small projects or complementing research that otherwise stands little chances<br />

of being funded because of its small scale (despite of its value).<br />

• Applicants need to be actively involved in the project.<br />

Deadlines for submission are 1 st January and 31 st July in each year. Applications have to be<br />

sent by email to the manager (Jürgen Heinze). The EG provides a total of 2000 Euro for the<br />

research fund each year.<br />

For further details (in German) see: http://www.ethol‐ges.org/advancement/others.aspx<br />

Research grants awarded in 2010<br />

Kristine Meise (University of Bielefeld)<br />

Einfluss sozialer Parameter auf den Fortpflanzungserfolg nicht‐territorialer Galápagos<br />

Seelöwen Männchen (Zalophus wollebaeki).<br />

Workshops and graduate student meetings<br />

Organizers of the annual 'Topical meetings of the <strong>Ethologische</strong> <strong>Gesellschaft</strong>' will be<br />

supported with up to 1000 Euro; organizers of graduate student meetings in behavioural<br />

biology may apply for up to 500 Euro. Deadlines for submission are 1 st January and 31 st July<br />

in each year. Applications have to be sent by email to the managing director (Sylvia Kaiser).<br />

For further details (in German) see: http://www.ethol‐ges.org/advancement/others.aspx<br />

Grants for travel subsidies<br />

Members of EG without permanent income may apply for a contribution of up to 200 Euro<br />

for active participation (poster or talk) at the European meetings (ECBB) and for up to 100<br />

Euro for the 'Topical meetings of the <strong>Ethologische</strong> <strong>Gesellschaft</strong>'. Applications should be sent<br />

to the manager (Sylvia Kaiser) at any time.<br />

For further details (in German) see: http://www.ethol‐ges.org/advancement/others.aspx<br />


Officers of the <strong>Ethologische</strong> <strong>Gesellschaft</strong><br />

Officers of the <strong>Ethologische</strong> <strong>Gesellschaft</strong><br />

Council<br />

Prof. Dr. Redouan Bshary (President)<br />

Institute of Zoology• Université de Neuchâtel• Rue Emile‐Argand 11• CH‐2009 Neuchâtel •<br />

Tel +41 32 7183005• redouan.bshary[a]unine.ch<br />

Prof. Dr. Peter Kappeler (Vice‐president)<br />

Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology Unit • German Primate Center and University of<br />

Göttingen • Kellnerweg 4 • D‐37077 Göttingen • Tel +49 551 397317 • pkappel[a]gwdg.de<br />

Prof. Dr. Sylvia Kaiser (Manager)<br />

Department of Animal Behavior • University of Münster • Badestr. 13 • D–48149 Münster •<br />

Tel +49‐251‐8324676 • kaisesy[a]uni‐muenster.de<br />

Dr. Elke Scheibler (Treasurer)<br />

Department of Physiology • University of Stuttgart • Pfaffenwaldring 57 • D‐70550 Stuttgart<br />

• +49‐711‐685‐65004 • elke.scheibler[a]bio.uni‐stuttgart.de<br />

Dr. Claudia Fichtel (Secretary)<br />

Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology Unit • German Primate Center • D‐37077 Göttingen • Tel<br />

+49 551 3851467 • claudia.fichtel[a]gwdg.de<br />

Extended Council<br />

Prof. Dr. Thomas Bugnyar<br />

Department of Cognitive Biology • University of Vienna • Althanstraße 14 •<br />

A‐1090 Wien • Tel +43‐1‐4277‐54446 • thomas.bugnyar[a]univie.ac.at<br />

PD Dr. Wolfgang Goymann<br />

Behavioral Neurobiology • Max Planck Institut für Ornithlogy • Eberhard‐Gwinner‐Straße<br />

Haus Nr. 6 • D‐82319 Seewiesen • Tel.: +49‐8157‐932301 • goyman[a]orn.mpg.de<br />

Prof. Dr. Charlotte Hemelrijk<br />

Theoretical Biology Group • Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Studies • University of<br />

Groningen • Kerklaam 30 • NL 9751 Harem • +31 50 7638084 • c.k.hemelrijk[a]rug.nl<br />

Prof. Dr. Silke Kipper<br />

Department of Animal Behavior • University of Berlin • Takustr. 6 • D‐14195 Berlin •<br />

Tel +49‐30‐838 53468 • silkip[a]zedat.fu‐berlin.de<br />

Dr. Judith Korb<br />

Department of Animal Behavior • University of Osnabrück • Barbarastr. 11•<br />

D‐49076 Osnabrück • Tel +49‐541‐969 3496 • Judith.Korb[a]biologie.uni‐osnabrueck.de<br />

Prof. Dr. Marc Naguib<br />

Institute of Ecology P.O. • Box 40 6666 • ZG Heteren • The Netherlands •<br />

Tel: +31 264791 255 • m.naguib[a]nioo.knaw.nl<br />

Prof. Dr. Jutta Schneider<br />

Department of Animal Behavior • Biozentrum Grindel und Zoologisches Museum •<br />

University of Hamburg • Martin‐Luther‐King Platz 3 • D‐20146 Hamburg •<br />

Tel.: +49‐40‐428383878 • Jutta.Schneider[a]uni‐hamburg.de<br />

PD Dr. Barbara Taborsky<br />

Institute of Ecology and Evolution • University of Bern • Baltzerstrasse 6 • CH‐3012 Bern •<br />

Tel: +41 31 631 91 57 • barbara.taborsky[a]iee.unibe.ch<br />


Officers of the <strong>Ethologische</strong> <strong>Gesellschaft</strong><br />

Animal Ethics Commissioners<br />

Prof. Dr. Hanno Würbel (Coordinator)<br />

Universität Giessen • Institut für Veterinärphysiologie • Frankfurterstr. 104 • DE–35392<br />

Giessen Tel: +49 641 99 38751• hanno.würbel[a]vetmed.uni‐giessen.de<br />

Ass. Prof. Dr. Eva Millesi<br />

Universität Wien • Institut für Zoologie • Althanstr. 14 • A–1090 Wien Tel: +43 1 4277<br />

54465• eva.millesi[a]univie.ac.at<br />

Teaching Commissioner<br />

Prof. Dr. Klaudia Witte<br />

Institut für Ökologie & Verhaltensbiologie • Universität Siegen • Adolf‐Reichwein‐Str. 2<br />

• 57068 Siegen Tel: +49 0271‐740‐3297, witte[a]biologie.uni‐siegen.de<br />


Internet Links<br />

Internet Links<br />

<strong>Ethologische</strong> <strong>Gesellschaft</strong>:<br />

http://www.ethol‐ges.org<br />

Our new webpage provides information on the <strong>Ethologische</strong> <strong>Gesellschaft</strong>. It provides<br />

information on the societies' funds for research and young scientists, links to other societies<br />

supporting research in animal behaviour, scientific meetings and job offers.<br />

Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB)<br />

http://asab.nottingham.ac.uk/<br />

Webpage of the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB, UK): This is one of the<br />

most comprehensive websites of all European societies in behavioural biology<br />

Netherlands Society of Behavioural Biology (NVG)<br />

http://www.gedragsbiologie.org/<br />

Webpage of the Netherlands Society of Behavioural Biology (NVG, NL):<br />

International Society for Behavioral Ecology<br />

http://web.unbc.ca/isbe/<br />

Webpage of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology with links to their journal<br />

Behavioral Ecology.<br />

Deutsche Zoologische <strong>Gesellschaft</strong><br />

http://www.dzg‐ev.de/<br />

Webpage der Deutschen Zoologischen <strong>Gesellschaft</strong>.<br />

Ethology<br />

http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=0179‐1613&site=1<br />

Webpage of ETHOLOGY, the official journal of the EG. Here you will find online access to the<br />

journal, access to manuscript submission, and you can sign up for the electronic alerting<br />

service (e‐tocs). If your library has no electronic subscription to the journal, you get special<br />

conditions as an EG‐member (e.g. 30 Euro or 20 Pounds for one year online access).<br />

Nature Science Update<br />

http://www.nature.com/news<br />

Nature Science Update – media releases of scientific research or the general public.<br />

New Scientist.<br />

http://www.newscientist.com/news.ns<br />

News from the Journal New Scientist.<br />

for more links see:<br />

http://www.ethol‐ges.org/links.aspx<br />


Miscellaneous<br />

Your contact details<br />

Miscellaneous<br />

We have difficulties reaching some members of the Ethological Society who have changed<br />

addresses in recent years. Thus, please notify us when you have changed your mailing or<br />

email address!!:<br />

To do so, please contact Dr. Elke Scheibler (Treasurer), elke.scheibler[a]bio.uni‐stuttgart.de.<br />


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