ETC Ion - Theatre Uwinnipeg

ETC Ion - Theatre Uwinnipeg

ETC Ion - Theatre Uwinnipeg


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Using {Make Null}<br />

The {Make Null} softkey can be used to withhold parameter data from record or update actions in<br />

live, and remove parameter data from record targets in blind. {Make Null} is applied using channel<br />

selection and can impact entire channels, individual parameters, or parameter categories.<br />

In Live<br />

When you apply a {Make Null} instruction to channels or parameters in live, channel data is still<br />

visible onstage, but that data is essentially rendered invisible to record commands. Similar to filters<br />

(see Record Filters, page 184), {Make Null} acts as an “ignore” instruction in live, not a remove<br />

instruction. When channel data is nulled, the values for that data in the live display turn grey and an<br />

“N” appears next to the data field.<br />

{Make Null} differs from park in that you can still manipulate data onstage (through manual control<br />

or through playback) but that data will be unavailable for record actions.<br />

Some examples of using {Make Null} in live are:<br />

• [1] [Thru] [5] {Make Null} [Enter] - converts all parameters of channels 1-5 into null data.<br />

• [2] {Color} {Make Null} [Enter] - changes only color data for channel 2 to null data.<br />

• [9] [Thru] [5] {Pan} {Make Null} [Enter] - changes only the pan data for channels 5-9 to null.<br />

Null instructions are lifted in two different ways. First, as {Make Null} is a toggle state, it is possible<br />

to reselect the channel and parameter followed by {Make Null} [Enter]. This lifts the null state.<br />

Additionally, a Go To Cue instruction will remove the null state.<br />

In Blind<br />

When applied in blind, {Make Null} can be used to mask instructions in a cue after it has already<br />

been stored. A {Make Null} instruction can also be applied to channels or parameters in palettes,<br />

presets, and submasters, thereby removing the data from the target entirely, in the same way that<br />

[At] [Enter] does.<br />

When applied to channels or parameters in cues, {Make Null} doesn’t remove the data from the<br />

cue, it simply makes it unavailable for playback. It has the same effect on move instructions that it<br />

has on tracked values.<br />

Some examples of using {Make Null} in blind are:<br />

• [Color Palette] [1] [Enter] [3] {Magenta} {Make Null} [Enter] - removes all magenta<br />

parameter data for channel 3 from color palette 1.<br />

• [Preset] [5] [Thru] [9] [Enter] {Intensity} {Make Null} [Enter] - removes all intensity data for<br />

all channels in presets 5-9.<br />

• [Cue] [8] [Enter] [2] [Thru] [7] {Make Null} [Enter] - nulls all data for channels 2-7 in cue 8.<br />

• [Cue] [9] [Enter] {Intensity} [Make Null] Enter] - nulls all intensity data for all channels in cue<br />

9.<br />

In the cue scenarios above, {Make Null} differs from using [At] [Enter] in that instead of allowing<br />

values established in previous cues to track in, {Make Null} both restricts the recorded data from<br />

playing back and prevents other values from tracking in. Therefore, if the cue were executed as an<br />

out-of-sequence cue or asserted, no data would play back or track in for any nulled values.<br />

198 <strong>Ion</strong> Operations Manual

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