Zone I or Zone II at different oxygen concentrations, the kinetics parameter K in the Langmuir rate equation may be estimated. n obs 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.01 0.1 1 10 KCs 100 1000 Figure 5.1. The relationship between KC s and the observed reaction order (n obs) as predicted by Eq. (5.13). Rough Sphere Combustion It is commonly assumed that the external surface area is negligible compared to the internal surface area. This assumption is usually valid since the internal surface area of a char particle is usually much larger than the external surface area. However, the external surface can play a role under some conditions and the rough sphere combustion phenomenon occurs. In rough sphere combustion, the reaction rate contributed from the external surface area can no longer be neglected. The observed rate corresponding to the Langmuir rate equation is (see Eq. 2.21) r obs ′ = ( + Sext ) Sint Sint Stot k1Cs . (5.16) 1 + KCs 50

The observed reaction order in Zone II can be less than 0.5 for rough sphere combustion due to combustion on the external surface. The effects of the external surface on the observed reaction order can be seen by substituting Eq.5.16 into Eq. 5.5. Although Eq. 5.16 was developed to explain the rough sphere combustion phenomenon, it can be used in general for porous solid combustion. However, in most cases (which are not rough sphere cases), the S ext/S int term in Eq. 5.16 is negligible compared to the effectiveness factor η, and the S int/S tot term can be well approximated by unity. In other words, Eq. 5.16 reduces to Eq. 2.25 in most cases. Similarly, the observed rate corresponding to the m-th order rate equation is r obs ′ = ( + Sext ) Sint Sint m kmCs . (5.17) Stot The conditions favoring the rough sphere combustion are explored here. In order for rough sphere combustion to occur, S ext/S int must be of the order of the effectiveness factor (see Eqs. 5.16 and 5.17). In other words, the ratio of external rate to the internal rate (S ext/S int ) must not be negligibly small. Note that the external surface area is proportional to d p 2 , the internal surface area is proportional to dp 3 (since Sint = m pS m = V p pS m), while the effectiveness factor in Zone II is inversely proportional to d p (see Chapter 4). Consequently, the ratio of the external rate to the internal rate (S ext/S int ) is independent of size. Therefore particle size is not a factor that favors rough sphere combustion. However, small particle size helps to avoid Zone III combustion and hence allows the observation of the rough sphere combustion phenomenon. Strictly speaking, Zone III 51

Zone I or Zone II at different oxygen concentrations, the kinetics parameter K in the<br />

Langmuir rate equation may be estimated.<br />

n obs<br />

1.0<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

0.01 0.1 1 10<br />

KCs 100 1000<br />

Figure 5.1. The relationship between KC s and the observed reaction order (n obs) as<br />

predicted by Eq. (5.13).<br />

Rough Sphere Combustion<br />

It is commonly assumed that the external surface area is negligible compared to the<br />

internal surface area. This assumption is usually valid since the internal surface area of a<br />

char particle is usually much larger than the external surface area. However, the external<br />

surface can play a role under some conditions and the rough sphere combustion<br />

phenomenon occurs. In rough sphere combustion, the reaction rate contributed from the<br />

external surface area can no longer be neglected. The observed rate corresponding to the<br />

Langmuir rate equation is (see Eq. 2.21)<br />

r obs ′ = ( + Sext )<br />

Sint Sint Stot k1Cs . (5.16)<br />

1 + KCs 50

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