Boundary Layer Diffusion The molar flux of oxygen, N O2, in the bulk phase can be related to the surface mole fraction (Bird et al., 1960): N O2 − x s (N O2 + N CO + N CO 2 ) = k xm (x ∞ − x s ) (2.6) where N denotes the molar flux of a substance, x is the oxygen mole fraction in the bulk stream, x s is the oxygen mole fraction at the external surface of the particle, and k xm is the mass transfer coefficient and can be obtained from the Sherwood number correlation for spheres in a convective flow (Bird et al., 1960; Field et al., 1967; Mulcahy and Smith, 1969) k xm d p C f D ABf = Sh = 2.0 + 0.60Re 1/2 Sc 1/3 where Sh is the Sherwood number, C f is the total gas concentration at the film 10 (2.7) temperature, D ABf is the molecular diffusivity at the film temperature, Re is the Reynolds number, and Sc is the Schmidt number. Note that in Eq. 2.6, the positive flux direction is designated as the direction from the bulk phase to the particle. As a result, N CO and N CO2 take negative values. Using the stoichiometric relations in Eq. (2.3), N CO and N CO2 in Eq. (2.4) can be expressed in terms of N O2. Eq. 2.6 can be re-written as where = NO2 − x s NO 2 = C f DABf Sh (x∞ − x s ) (2.8) d p − 1 + 1 The oxygen molar flux can be converted to carbon consumption rate q diff (gC/cm 2 /sec) by multiplying the molecular weight of carbon and the reciprocal of the stoichiometric coefficient of oxygen (2.9)

q diff (1 − x s ) = M C It is convenient to define a new parameter k D as o o c f DABf Sh (x∞ − xs ) (2.10) d p k D = M c C f DABf Sh 1 P = MC d p Eq. 2.10 can thus be written as o D ABf Sh d p 11 1 RT f (2.11) qdiff (1 − Ps P ) = kD (P ∞ − Ps ) (2.12) The net mass diffusion rate (N O2 + N CO + N CO2) is often neglected (equivalent to assuming equil-molar counter diffusion), and the above equation is further simplified to q diff = k D (P ∞ − P s ) (2.13) Despite the widespread use of this simplified equation (Smith, 1982; Essenhigh, 1988), the more accurate form (Eq. 2.12) is recommended. At high temperatures, surface reaction is so fast that the surface oxygen partial pressure approaches zero, and the overall reaction rate approaches the maximum value allowed by boundary layer diffusion: q max = q diff Ps = 0 = k D P ∞ (2.14) In this case the overall reaction rate is solely controlled by boundary layer diffusion. This situation is also called Zone III combustion. In the char combustion literature, the factor is often used to determine the importance of boundary layer diffusion effects. The factor is defined as the observed reaction rate (g/sec/cm 2 ) over the maximum reaction rate allowed by boundary layer diffusion (g/sec/cm 2 ):

Boundary Layer Diffusion<br />

The molar flux of oxygen, N O2, in the bulk phase can be related to the surface mole<br />

fraction (Bird et al., 1960):<br />

N O2 − x s (N O2 + N CO + N CO 2 ) = k xm (x ∞ − x s ) (2.6)<br />

where N denotes the molar flux of a substance, x is the oxygen mole fraction in the bulk<br />

stream, x s is the oxygen mole fraction at the external surface of the particle, and k xm is the<br />

mass transfer coefficient and can be obtained from the Sherwood number correlation for<br />

spheres in a convective flow (Bird et al., 1960; Field et al., 1967; Mulcahy and Smith,<br />

1969)<br />

k xm d p<br />

C f D ABf<br />

= Sh = 2.0 + 0.60Re 1/2 Sc 1/3<br />

where Sh is the Sherwood number, C f is the total gas concentration at the film<br />

10<br />

(2.7)<br />

temperature, D ABf is the molecular diffusivity at the film temperature, Re is the Reynolds<br />

number, and Sc is the Schmidt number. Note that in Eq. 2.6, the positive flux direction is<br />

designated as the direction from the bulk phase to the particle. As a result, N CO and N CO2<br />

take negative values. Using the stoichiometric relations in Eq. (2.3), N CO and N CO2 in Eq.<br />

(2.4) can be expressed in terms of N O2. Eq. 2.6 can be re-written as<br />

where =<br />

NO2 − x s NO 2 = C f DABf Sh<br />

(x∞ − x s ) (2.8)<br />

d p<br />

− 1<br />

+ 1<br />

The oxygen molar flux can be converted to carbon consumption rate q diff<br />

(gC/cm 2 /sec) by multiplying the molecular weight of carbon and the reciprocal of the<br />

stoichiometric coefficient of oxygen<br />


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