Rate (gC /g C remaining /sec) 2.5x10 -3 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 20 40 160 60 %Burnout char #3 char #1 char #2 80 char #4 Figure A.6. TGA reactivities of Koonfontain chars (at 1” sampling height) obtained at 550 °C in 10 mole-% O 2. Rate (g C /g C remaining /sec) 2.5x10 -3 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 20 40 60 %Burnout char #1 char #3 char #2 80 char #4 Figure A.7. TGA reactivities of Middleburg chars (at 1” sampling height) obtained at 550 °C in 10 mole-% O 2. 100 100

It is interesting to compare Figures A.4 and A.6; the TGA reactivities (the steady part of the curve) of Koonfontain chars are proportional to their N 2 BET surface areas, but poorly correlated to their CO 2 surface areas. From Figure A.5 and A.7, the variations of TGA reactivities of Middleburg chars are also well correlated to their N 2 BET surface areas but are weakly correlated to their CO 2 surface areas. It is believed that the N 2 BET surface area represents the mesopore surface area while CO 2 surface area represents the micropore surface area (Gale et al., 1995). Internal surface area is not accessible to oxygen unless the feeder pore is big enough or the reaction is slow enough to allow oxygen to penetrate the pores before it is consumed (Laurendeau, 1978). It is generally accepted that at typical TGA temperatures, the burning rate of char particles is slow enough to allow complete penetration of oxygen into all the pore structures and onto all the surface area in the particles. The data produced by this project seem to suggest: 1. At the temperature of the TGA experiments, all the surface area contributed by the mesopores is accessible to oxygen, but not all the surface area contributed by micropores is accessible. 2. In Zone I, oxygen completely penetrates bigger pore structures so that from a macroscopic perspective, a particle burns uniformly throughout the whole particle. However, oxygen fails to penetrate smaller pore structures, so that from a microscopic perspective the burning of the particle is not uniform. That is to say, complete oxygen penetration is a relative term; it occurs only for pore structures bigger than a certain size. The relative nature of complete oxygen penetration, if further substantiated, would imply that the activation energies measured in TGA 161

It is interesting to compare Figures A.4 and A.6; the TGA reactivities (the steady<br />

part of the curve) of Koonfontain chars are proportional to their N 2 BET surface areas,<br />

but poorly correlated to their CO 2 surface areas. From Figure A.5 and A.7, the variations<br />

of TGA reactivities of Middleburg chars are also well correlated to their N 2 BET surface<br />

areas but are weakly correlated to their CO 2 surface areas.<br />

It is believed that the N 2 BET surface area represents the mesopore surface area<br />

while CO 2 surface area represents the micropore surface area (Gale et al., 1995). Internal<br />

surface area is not accessible to oxygen unless the feeder pore is big enough or the reaction<br />

is slow enough to allow oxygen to penetrate the pores before it is consumed (Laurendeau,<br />

1978). It is generally accepted that at typical TGA temperatures, the burning rate of char<br />

particles is slow enough to allow complete penetration of oxygen into all the pore<br />

structures and onto all the surface area in the particles. The data produced by this project<br />

seem to suggest:<br />

1. At the temperature of the TGA experiments, all the surface area contributed by the<br />

mesopores is accessible to oxygen, but not all the surface area contributed by<br />

micropores is accessible.<br />

2. In Zone I, oxygen completely penetrates bigger pore structures so that from a<br />

macroscopic perspective, a particle burns uniformly throughout the whole particle.<br />

However, oxygen fails to penetrate smaller pore structures, so that from a<br />

microscopic perspective the burning of the particle is not uniform. That is to say,<br />

complete oxygen penetration is a relative term; it occurs only for pore structures<br />

bigger than a certain size. The relative nature of complete oxygen penetration, if<br />

further substantiated, would imply that the activation energies measured in TGA<br />


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