effectiveness factor for the Langmuir rate equation with a correction function to improve its accuracy; 3) a pore structure model for calculation of the effective diffusivity, taking into account both Knudsen diffusion and molecular diffusion; and 4) general correlations for Nusselt and Sherwood numbers, which allowed the HP-CBK model to be used for both entrained-flow pulverized char oxidation and large-particle combustion in fixed beds. The HP-CBK model was evaluated by comparison with five sets of high-pressure experimental data: 1) graphite flake oxidation data (Ranish and Walker, 1993); 2) rough sphere combustion data (Banin et al., 1997a); 3) large-particle oxidation data (Mathias, 1996); 4) pulverized-char drop-tube data (Monson, 1992), and 5) TGA and FFB data from this study. Results showed that the HP-CBK model was able to quantitatively explain: 1) the effects of temperature, total gas pressure, oxygen mole fraction, particle size and gas velocity on reaction rates; 2) the change of reaction order with temperature and oxygen partial pressure observed by Ranish and Walker (1993) and by Banin et al. (1997); 3) the reaction order (typically about 0.7) and activation energy (typically 34 kcal/mol) observed in TGA experiments (Reade, 1996); and 4) the apparent reaction order of 0.5 typically observed at high temperatures, implying a true order of zero (Smith, 1982). Therefore, the Langmuir rate equation, when used with the appropriate effectiveness factor, seems to be satisfactory for modeling char oxidation over wide ranges of experimental conditions. In modeling the data by Mathias (1996) and those by Monson (1992), it was found that the Langmuir rate equation reduced to an intrinsic zero-th order equation for both cases. The intrinsic zero-th order equation implies an apparent order of 0.5 in Zone 126

II, in agreement with many observations (Smith, 1982; Mitchell et al., 1992). This suggests that an intrinsic m-th order (m = 0) is adequate for modeling char oxidation rates as a function of total pressure at high temperatures, although a global n-th order rate equation has been shown to be inadequate for that task. However, an intrinsic m-th order rate equation is inadequate for modeling char oxidation over a wide range of particle temperature since the intrinsic reaction order is typically non-zero at low temperatures and may change with temperature (Ranish and Walker, 1993). In the specific cases examined in this study, micropores can be neglected compared to macropores in modeling the effective diffusivity in the porous char matrix, in agreement with the experimental observation (reactivity correlates well with feeder-pore surface area, but not with micro-pore surface area; see Appendix). Principal Conclusions The principal conclusions drawn from this study are listed below: 1) The HP-CBK model, which uses the Langmuir rate equation and a corrected general asymptotic solution of the effectiveness factor and has three to five adjustable parameters depending on the data set, satisfactorily explains char oxidation rates over wide ranges of experimental conditions (including total pressure, temperature, oxygen mole fraction and particle size) for the following data sets: • graphite flake oxidation data (P = 2 to 64 atm; pure oxygen; T p = 733 to 814 K) • entrained flow data (67 μm; P = 1, 5 and 10 atm; T g = 1006 to 1469 K) • large particle data (ca. 6 to 9 mm; P = 1, 3 and 5 atm; T g = 825 to 1250 K) • small particle data (5 μm; P = 8 atm; T p = 1480 to 2850 K) • extrapolation of atmospheric TGA data to high temperature rate data 127

effectiveness factor for the Langmuir rate equation with a correction function to improve<br />

its accuracy; 3) a pore structure model for calculation of the effective diffusivity, taking<br />

into account both Knudsen diffusion and molecular diffusion; and 4) general correlations<br />

for Nusselt and Sherwood numbers, which allowed the HP-CBK model to be used for<br />

both entrained-flow pulverized char oxidation and large-particle combustion in fixed beds.<br />

The HP-CBK model was evaluated by comparison with five sets of high-pressure<br />

experimental data: 1) graphite flake oxidation data (Ranish and Walker, 1993); 2) rough<br />

sphere combustion data (Banin et al., 1997a); 3) large-particle oxidation data (Mathias,<br />

1996); 4) pulverized-char drop-tube data (Monson, 1992), and 5) TGA and FFB data<br />

from this study.<br />

Results showed that the HP-CBK model was able to quantitatively explain: 1)<br />

the effects of temperature, total gas pressure, oxygen mole fraction, particle size and gas<br />

velocity on reaction rates; 2) the change of reaction order with temperature and oxygen<br />

partial pressure observed by Ranish and Walker (1993) and by Banin et al. (1997); 3) the<br />

reaction order (typically about 0.7) and activation energy (typically 34 kcal/mol)<br />

observed in TGA experiments (Reade, 1996); and 4) the apparent reaction order of 0.5<br />

typically observed at high temperatures, implying a true order of zero (Smith, 1982).<br />

Therefore, the Langmuir rate equation, when used with the appropriate effectiveness<br />

factor, seems to be satisfactory for modeling char oxidation over wide ranges of<br />

experimental conditions.<br />

In modeling the data by Mathias (1996) and those by Monson (1992), it was<br />

found that the Langmuir rate equation reduced to an intrinsic zero-th order equation for<br />

both cases. The intrinsic zero-th order equation implies an apparent order of 0.5 in Zone<br />


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