temperatures are so limited. However, it is thought that the approach used in the HP- CBK model is unique and promising, and may eventually yield coal-general correlations. Graphite Flake Data Ranish and Walker (1993) measured the oxidation rates of some highly crystalline graphite flakes in pure oxygen at pressures between 1 and 64 atm and temperatures between 733 and 842 K. They observed that the reaction order decreased from 0.83 to 0.69 as the reaction temperature increased from 733 to 813 K. This observation contradicts the prediction of Essenhigh (1988), which suggested that the reaction order should increase with increased temperature at constant oxygen pressure. The graphite flakes used in these experiments had a very low reactivity. Under the conditions of these experiments, boundary layer diffusion resistance can be safely neglected. Since these graphite flakes were non-porous, pore diffusion did not occur. The reaction temperatures were controlled, and therefore heat transfer between gas and the graphite flakes does not need to be considered. For all the above reasons, these data are free from the complications of mass and heat transfer, and are ideal for testing kinetic expressions. The Langmuir rate equation was applied to these rate data and seemed to agree well with these rate data at three temperatures over the entire range of oxygen pressure (see Figure 7.1). The Langmuir rate equation also captures the change of observed reaction order with temperature. Note that the reaction orders (the m’s in Figure 7.1) are the averaged slopes of the lines in Figure 7.1. Since the graphite flakes used in these 88

experiments are non-porous, the rate equation can be expressed in a slightly different form. The best-fit kinetic parameters from this study are in the following equation: r in ′ = k 1′ pPO 2 1+ K p P O 2 = 6.29 × 10 8 e −51,100/ RT P O2 1 +13.4e −10,100/ RT P O 2 89 (7.1) where r in ′ is in mol C/(gC remaining)/sec, R is the gas constant (1.987 cal/mol/K), and T is the reaction temperature in K, P O2 is the oxygen partial pressure in atm. log 10 Rate (mol C/sec/g C rem.) -3.2 -3.6 -4.0 -4.4 -4.8 -5.2 -5.6 -6.0 -6.4 0.0 813 K 773 K 733 K 0.5 1.0 1.5 log10 O2 Pressure (atm) m=0.69 m=0.75 m=0.83 Figure 7.1. Comparison of predictions of carbon reactivity with graphite flake data (Ranish and Walker, 1993) obtained as a function of P O2 and T p. Symbols represent measured data. Curves represent predictions from a single Langmuir rate expression (Eq. 7.1). One important observation in these experiments was that the reaction order decreased with temperature over the same range of oxygen pressure. In order to allow the reaction order to decrease with temperature, the activation energy of K p must be positive 2.0

experiments are non-porous, the rate equation can be expressed in a slightly different<br />

form. The best-fit kinetic parameters from this study are in the following equation:<br />

r in ′ =<br />

k 1′ pPO 2<br />

1+ K p P O 2<br />

= 6.29 × 10 8 e −51,100/ RT P O2<br />

1 +13.4e −10,100/ RT P O 2<br />

89<br />

(7.1)<br />

where r in ′ is in mol C/(gC remaining)/sec, R is the gas constant (1.987 cal/mol/K), and T is<br />

the reaction temperature in K, P O2 is the oxygen partial pressure in atm.<br />

log 10 Rate (mol C/sec/g C rem.)<br />

-3.2<br />

-3.6<br />

-4.0<br />

-4.4<br />

-4.8<br />

-5.2<br />

-5.6<br />

-6.0<br />

-6.4<br />

0.0<br />

813 K<br />

773 K<br />

733 K<br />

0.5 1.0 1.5<br />

log10 O2 Pressure (atm)<br />

m=0.69<br />

m=0.75<br />

m=0.83<br />

Figure 7.1. Comparison of predictions of carbon reactivity with graphite flake data<br />

(Ranish and Walker, 1993) obtained as a function of P O2 and T p. Symbols<br />

represent measured data. Curves represent predictions from a single<br />

Langmuir rate expression (Eq. 7.1).<br />

One important observation in these experiments was that the reaction order<br />

decreased with temperature over the same range of oxygen pressure. In order to allow the<br />

reaction order to decrease with temperature, the activation energy of K p must be positive<br />


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