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Evaluating hot-dipped solder plating with corrosion testing<br />

Report<br />

Evaluating hot-dipped solder plating with corrosion testing<br />

Hirokazu Tanaka Technical Center, Technical Development Headquarters<br />

T<br />

o evaluate solder plating materials for corrosion resistance, we coated copper<br />

materials with several types of hot-dipped solder plating, and then we performed<br />

the following tests on these specimens: the salt mist cyclic test, the gas corrosion<br />

test, and the weathering test. Following these tests, we analyzed both surfaces<br />

and cross sections to investigate the causes of corrosion of the solder plating<br />

materials and the effects of corrosion on the copper substrate.<br />

Our results indicate that the primary factors causing corrosion of the solder<br />

plating materials are corrosive factors in the environment (such as sulfur and<br />

chlorine) selectively reacting with components in the solder materials, causing<br />

the formation of corrosion products. The components that react with the corrosive<br />

factors in the environment are: (1) for tin-lead solder (Sn-37Pb), the components<br />

Pb (lead) and Sn (tin); (2) for tin-silver-copper solder (Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu), the<br />

component Sn; (3) for tin-zinc solder (Sn-9Zn), the component zinc. With tin-zinc<br />

solder in particular, the component zinc exhibited a sacrificial protection effect by<br />

forming a corrosion product that showed a much stronger resistance to corrosion<br />

of the copper substrate than conventional tin-lead eutectic solder.<br />

This technology report has previously been published as a research paper in the<br />

journal of the JIEP (Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging) as Evaluating<br />

low-temperature lead-free solder with corrosion testing, in Vol.6, No.5,<br />

August 2003.<br />

1<br />

Introduction<br />

Miniaturized electronic products are now being used under a variety of environmental<br />

conditions, causing the internal electronics and the PCBs to be inundated with corrosive factors.<br />

Investigation needs to be carried out on environmental factors such as the effects of the various<br />

gas components in environmental pollution, and the ocean salt particles in proximity to the sea<br />

coast.<br />

The corrosion of metallic materials is a phenomenon that occurs when these metallic materials<br />

react with the environmental conditions that envelop them. Electronic parts involved in<br />

high-density mounting in particular are susceptible to corrosion-induced mechanical and<br />

electrical changes leading to failure.<br />

When corrosiveness is examined from the aspect of the surface of the corroded material, Sn<br />

(tin), the main component of solder plating materials, is found to form a passive film that is highly<br />

resistant to metallic corrosion. 1) However, the addition of various alloys can change the level of<br />

resistance to corrosion.<br />

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Espec Technology Report No21

Evaluating hot-dipped solder plating with corrosion testing<br />

The passive region of the Pb (lead) component of conventional eutectic lead solder is<br />

much narrower than that of Sn, and the Pb element may be dissolved by moderate<br />

acidity. 2) Also, to consider lead-free solder from the electrochemical standpoint, the<br />

metals Ag (silver), Cu (copper), and Bi (bismuth) are more noble metals than Sn. Among<br />

the lead-free solder materials, the sole base metal used in forming alloys is Zn (zinc), and<br />

so the corrosion resistance of the Sn-Zn solder alloy Sn-Zn needs to be examined.<br />

For these reasons, we ran the salt mist cyclic test, the gas corrosion test, and the<br />

weathering test to evaluate the corrosion resistance of several types of hot-dipped solder<br />

plating materials for this report. We also investigated the corrosion factors and their<br />

affects on the copper substrate. 3),4)<br />

2<br />

Experimental method<br />

Table 1 shows the solder plating materials, the test preparation conditions, and the<br />

various test conditions used to evaluate corrosion resistance. Fig.1 shows the method<br />

used to prepare the specimens. The solder plating materials included conventional<br />

tin-lead (Sn-37Pb) eutectic solder as a benchmark, and tin-silver-copper<br />

(Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu), in which silver and copper are both more noble than Sn, and tin-zinc<br />

(Sn-9Zn), in which zinc is more base than Sn.<br />

The preparation of the test materials consisted of applying a hot-dipped solder plating<br />

to copper substrate at 260°C for five seconds using rosin flux. Next, the materials were<br />

given an isopropyl alcohol (IPA) bath, followed by a methylene chloride bath, and finally<br />

another IPA bath to completely remove any contaminants that might be adhering to the<br />

surface.<br />

The salt mist cyclic test was performed in accordance with IEC 60068-2-52, using a salt<br />

solution concentration of five percent and a neutral solution of saltwater with a<br />

temperature of 35°C. Following the test, the specimen surfaces were rinsed with<br />

deionized water to remove the salt content.<br />

The gas corrosion test was run with a low gas concentration (NO2 at 1 ppm) and a high<br />

gas concentration (NO2 at 50 ppm) using a single gas. To simulate the actual field<br />

environment, a test combining four types of gases was also run. That test conformed to<br />

IEC 60068-2-60 method 4 and consisted of H2S at 0.01 ppm, SO2 at 0.2 ppm, NO2 at 0.2<br />

ppm, and Cl2 at 0.01 ppm. The weathering test was performed on the roof of a typical<br />

residence in the vicinity of a bypass to the Tomei Highway in Hiratsuka City of Kanagawa<br />

Prefecture. The specimens were exposed to the weather for 18 months (one year and six<br />

months).<br />

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Evaluating hot-dipped solder plating with corrosion testing<br />

Following the tests, the surfaces of the specimens were analyzed using an EPMA (electron probe<br />

micro analyzer, model JXA-8100 of JEOL). Cross sections were observed, and elemental analysis<br />

was performed.<br />

Table 1 Materials and conditions for testing<br />

Solder plating<br />

composition (%)<br />

Specimen<br />

preparation<br />

conditions<br />

Salt mist cyclic<br />

test (IEC<br />

60068-2-52)<br />

Corrosive gas<br />

test (single gas<br />

test)<br />

Flowing mixed<br />

gas corrosion test<br />

(IEC<br />

60068-2-60)<br />

Weathering test<br />

Sn-37Pb<br />

Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu<br />

Sn-9Zn<br />

Substrate: copper plate<br />

(0.3 x 10 x 30 mm)<br />

Hot-dipped solder plating<br />

temperature: +260°C<br />

Bath time: 5 sec.<br />

Salt solution concentration: 5%<br />

Salt solution temperature: +35°C<br />

Test time: 336 h<br />

Gas type: NO2<br />

Gas concentration (2 conditions):<br />

1 ppm, 50 ppm<br />

Temperature and humidity:<br />

+25°C, 75%rh<br />

Test time: 300 h<br />

Gas type/concentration (4 gases):<br />

H2S, 0.01 ppm; SO2, 0.2 ppm; NO2,<br />

0.2 ppm; Cl2, 0.01 ppm<br />

Temperature and humidity:<br />

+25°C, 75%rh<br />

Test time: 300 h<br />

Site: Tomei Highway bypass,<br />

Hiratsuka City, Kanagawa Pref,<br />

Japan.<br />

Test time: approx. one year and six<br />

months<br />

- 3 -<br />

(a) Specimen preparation<br />

conditions<br />

(b) Plated specimen<br />

Fig.1 Test preparation method<br />

Espec Technology Report No21

Evaluating hot-dipped solder plating with corrosion testing<br />

3<br />

Test results and considerations<br />

3-1 Salt mist cyclic test<br />

After running the salt mist cyclic test for 336 hours, the surfaces of the various types of<br />

solder plating were covered with a white corrosion product. Both Sn-37Pb and<br />

Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu were confirmed to exhibit a gradual build-up of the white corrosion product<br />

throughout the duration of the test. Sn-9Zn, however, was observed to exhibit complete<br />

surface covering of the white corrosion product 96 hours from the start of the test. (Fig.2)<br />

Table 2 presents the results of quantitative analysis of the elements detected using EPMA<br />

on the surface of the various types of solder plating following the full 336 hours of the salt<br />

mist cyclic test. The post-test analysis detected more of the following elements: both the<br />

Sn and Pb components from the Sn-37Pb solder, the Sn component from the<br />

Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu solder, and the Zn component from the Sn-Zn solder. In addition, the<br />

detection of the corrosive substances Cl (chlorine) and O (oxygen) from the salt solution<br />

can be assumed to indicate that these corrosive substances formed chloride compounds<br />

by selectively reacting with the metallic components during the process of the corrosion.<br />

The cross-sectional observation following the 336 hours of testing was able to confirm<br />

neither the composition of the solder alloy layer formed during the process of corrosion,<br />

nor the effects on the copper substrate.<br />

Fig.2 Changes in appearance of plating after the salt mist cyclic test<br />

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Evaluating hot-dipped solder plating with corrosion testing<br />

Table 2 Results of surface quantitative analysis after the salt mist cyclic test<br />

Solder type<br />

Fig.3 shows SE (Secondary Electron) images of the surfaces of the solder plating<br />

following the gas corrosion test. The surfaces of the specimens showed much more<br />

severe progression of corrosion for all types of solder plating materials following the 50<br />

ppm NO2 test than after either the 1 ppm NO2 test or the flowing mixed gas test.<br />

Fig.3 SE images of solder plating surface after gas corrosion testing<br />

- 5 -<br />

Elements detected (%)<br />

Sn Zn Ag Cu Pb O Cl<br />

Sn-37Pb 47.5 - - - 45.0 7.3 0.2<br />

Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu 55.5 - 0.4 2.0 - 41.4 0.6<br />

Sn-9Zn 13.7 47.4 - - - 38.7 0.3<br />

3-2 Gas corrosion test<br />

Espec Technology Report No21

Evaluating hot-dipped solder plating with corrosion testing<br />

Fig.4 shows BE (Backscattered Electron) images of the surfaces of Sn-37Pb and<br />

Sn-9Zn following the NO2 gas test at 1 ppm. Observation of these images found that Pb<br />

was selectively corroded from the Sn-37Pb solder, while Zn was selectively corroded<br />

from the Sn-9Zn solder.<br />

With Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu, however, corrosion was not observed at any specific site. Also,<br />

no major progression of corrosion was found with any type of solder plating specimen<br />

following the combined gas test.<br />

Fig.4 Corroded portions following the gas corrosion test (NO2 gas, 1 ppm)<br />

Fig.5 shows the results of cross-sectional observation for Sn-37Pb and Sn-9Zn following<br />

the corrosive gas test with an NO2 gas concentration of 50 ppm. Cracking was observed<br />

in the internal portion of the solder alloy in each type of solder plating specimen, and<br />

solder-substrate peeling was also observed for each type of plating specimen.<br />

Examination of the copper substrate revealed that Sn-37Pb plating suffered progressive<br />

corrosion to the substrate, but the Sn-Zn plating exhibited no substrate corrosion. The<br />

Sn-9Zn plating was thought to have escaped corrosion to the copper substrate because<br />

the Zn component exhibited a sacrificial protection effect, after which an anti-corrosive<br />

coating was formed by the Sn component5) . This sacrificial protection effect may be<br />

effectively inhibiting corrosion. However, it has been reported that the formation of<br />

corrosion products in the high-concentration gas test (NO2 at 50 ppm) run for this<br />

evaluation are not always the same as found in actual usage conditions6) , and so the<br />

high-concentration test may be too severe for use in evaluation testing.<br />

Fig.5 Cross-sectional SE images of solder plating following<br />

gas corrosion testing (NO2, 50 ppm)<br />

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Evaluating hot-dipped solder plating with corrosion testing<br />

3-3 Weathering test<br />

Fig.6 shows SE images of the solder plating surfaces during the course of the<br />

weathering test. All of the solder plating specimens exhibited corrosion products after<br />

one month of the weathering test. After eight months of weathering, the solder plating<br />

surfaces were found to be completely covered with large corrosion products.<br />

Elemental analysis of the corrosion products detected S (sulfur) and Cl (chlorine). The<br />

S component is thought to come from the SO2 (sulfur dioxide) and H2S (hydrogen sulfide)<br />

produced by automotive exhaust gas and volcanic eruptions. The Cl component is<br />

thought to be an effect of the ocean salt particles, since the test site is located near the<br />

sea coast.<br />

Fig.6 SE images of plating surfaces after the weathering test<br />

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Evaluating hot-dipped solder plating with corrosion testing<br />

Fig.7 shows cross-sectional SE images of Sn-37Pb and Sn-9Zn plating after 18 months<br />

of weathering. The Sn-9Zn exhibits longitudinal cracks in the inner portion of the solder,<br />

and the progressive condition of the corrosion is confirmed. The Sn-37Pb did not exhibit<br />

systematic corrosion. Peeling was observed at the interface between the Sn-37Pb solder<br />

and the substrate.<br />

Examining the effects on the substrate, the Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu and the Sn-37Pb solder<br />

showed progression of corrosion and local corrosion of the substrate. However, the Sn-Zn<br />

solder did not exhibit substrate corrosion.<br />

Fig.7 Cross-sectional SE images of solder plating following<br />

the weathering test (Exposed for one year and six months)<br />

Fig.8 shows elemental mapping images of solder plating cross sections for Sn-37Pb and<br />

Sn-9Zn solder plating after 18 months of the weathering test. The Sn-37Pb solder<br />

exhibited internal permeation of Cl and S, and these corrosive substances had reached<br />

the substrate. However, with Sn-9Zn solder, the Cl and S remained in the internal portion<br />

of the solder and did not reach the substrate. This inhibition of Cl and S is thought to<br />

result from the formation of the Cu-Zn intermetallic compound (Cu-Zn layer) at the<br />

interface between the solder and the copper substrate. The intermetallic compound is<br />

thought to form a barrier that prevents the corrosion from progressing to the copper<br />

substrate. The formation of this alloy layer is hypothesized to suppress the progress of<br />

corrosion to the copper substrate better than Sn-37Pb.<br />

Next, we compared the oxygen concentration distribution of the Sn-37Pb and the<br />

Sn-9Zn solder. While the Sn-37Pb solder was oxidized throughout the solder portion, the<br />

Sn-9Zn solder was oxidized only in the vicinity of the surface. The lower penetration of<br />

oxidation is thought to result from differences in the speed of the corrosion reaction. The<br />

Sn-37Pb corrosion reaction spreads more rapidly to the internal section of the solder than<br />

does the corrosion reaction of Sn-9Zn, thus forming oxidation substances throughout the<br />

solder. In the Sn-9Zn, however, the reaction progresses more slowly, and so oxidation<br />

substances only form in the vicinity of the surface layer.<br />

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Evaluating hot-dipped solder plating with corrosion testing<br />

Fig.8 Elemental mapping of plating cross sections after<br />

the weathering test (exposed for one year and six months)<br />

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Evaluating hot-dipped solder plating with corrosion testing<br />

4<br />

We performed corrosion tests to evaluate the corrosion resistance of various types of<br />

hot-dipped solder plating. The conclusions we arrived at from the results of our<br />

investigations into the factors causing corrosion and its affects on the copper substrate<br />

are as follows.<br />

(1)The corrosion of hot-dipped solder plating materials occurs as a result of corrosive<br />

factors (such as S and Cl) in the environment reacting with the Pb and Sn components<br />

of Sn-37Pb, the Sn component of Sn-3Ag-0.5Cu, and the Zn component of Sn-9Zn to<br />

form corrosion products.<br />

(2)Sn-9Zn exhibits a sacrificial protection effect created when its zinc component forms a<br />

corrosive substance. In addition, the formation of an intermetallic alloy layer (Cu-Zn<br />

layer) at the interface between the solder and the copper substrate inhibits the<br />

progress of corrosion products, and thus provides corrosion resistance superior to that<br />

found in conventional Sn-37Pb solder.<br />

(3)However, since the Sn-Zn family of solder contains zinc, which is a reactive material,<br />

this type of solder material tends to be affected by corrosion factors. As a result, in<br />

severely corrosive environments such as the gas corrosion test with NO2 at 50 ppm run<br />

for this evaluation, the solder alloy layer may deteriorate and result in a loss of<br />

bonding strength. Because of this possibility, careful consideration must be given to<br />

the type of environment in which the product will be used when using this type of<br />

solder material.<br />

5<br />

Conclusion<br />

Acknowledgments<br />

This report is the republication of a report based on joint research with the Japan<br />

Institute of Electronic Packaging, "JIEP Project for Low-Temperature Lead-Free Solders<br />

and its Report on Questionnaire Survey." We would like to express our sincere<br />

appreciation to everyone involved. We would also like to take this occasion to express our<br />

deep gratitude to project members including Professor Tsutomu Tsukui of Tokai<br />

University, Mr. Kishichi Sasaki of the Reliability Center for Electronic Components of<br />

Japan, and Mr. Yoshihisa Kato, formerly of the Oki Engineering Co. Ltd. We would also like<br />

to express our sincere gratitude to Mr. Yoshitaka Toyoda of the Technical Center of the<br />

Senju Metal Industry Co., Ltd. for his cooperation in supplying us with specimens and<br />

products.<br />

[Bibliography]<br />

1) H. H. Uhlig and R Winston Revie; "Corrosion and Corrosion Control: An Introduction to<br />

Corrosion Science and Engineering - 3rd edition", Wiley-Inter science, 1985<br />

2) G. Ito; "Corrosion Science and Engineering", Corona-sha, 1979 (Japanese)<br />

3) H. Tanaka, K, Sasaki, Y. Kato, T. Tsukui; "Evaluating low-temperature lead-free solder<br />

with corrosion testing, the journal of the JIEP (Japan Institute of Electronics<br />

Packaging), Vol.6, No.5, August 2003.<br />

4) H. Tanaka; "Corrosion Factor and Effects of Tin-Zinc Lead-Free Solder on Copper<br />

Substrate in Environmental Tests", IPC/ECWC10, S 38-3, 2005<br />

5) J. Maki, T. Izaki, M. Fuda, T. Ohmori, K. Takikawa and M. Narita; "Development of<br />

Tin-Zinc Hot-Dip Coated Steel Sheet", the Journal of the Surface Finishing Society of<br />

Japan", Vol.51, No.6, 653, 2000 (Japanese)<br />

6) K. Nakamura; "Corrosion tests for electronic products", the Journal of the JIEP (Japan<br />

Institute of Electronics Packaging), Vol.4, No.4, P.272-275, 2001 (Japanese)<br />

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Espec Technology Report No21

New Product: Thermal Shock Chamber TSD-100<br />

Topics 1<br />

New Product: Thermal Shock Chamber TSD-100<br />

Toshifumi Nakasuji Environmental Test Business Headquarters, Business Control Department<br />

Yoshihiro Fujita Environmental Test Business Headquarters, Development & Design Department<br />

1<br />

Introduction<br />

The current trend toward an expanding role for electronics in automobiles as well as the<br />

increasing popularity of portable information technology has led to an ever more crucial<br />

role for thermal shock testing. As the importance of thermal shock testing has increased,<br />

many new challenges for testing have arisen. The use of electronics in automobiles has<br />

expanded rapidly, with electronics installed not only in the passenger cabin, but also in the<br />

more severe environment of the engine compartment. Automotive electronics demand<br />

more rigorous reliability than do other consumer goods, and so testing can extend over<br />

long periods of time. However, the development time to market is increasingly rushed,<br />

leading to a major problem in effectively testing reliability in this foreshortened time frame.<br />

The Thermal Shock Chamber TSD-100 was developed to solve these problems. With<br />

faster temperature recovery time, improved temperature uniformity, and the new<br />

“Specimen Temperature Trigger,” this model is able to apply uniform stress to the largest<br />

possible number of specimens and complete testing within a markedly reduced time frame.<br />

We at Espec are pleased to be able to offer our customers this model to enable them to<br />

perform faster and more accurate testing.<br />

Photo 1 Thermal Shock Chamber TSD-100<br />

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Espec Technology Report No21

New Product: Thermal Shock Chamber TSD-100<br />

2<br />

New product features<br />

2-1 Faster temperature recovery<br />

This model has a much smaller load inside the chamber than damper type thermal shock<br />

chambers, greatly reducing the time required for temperature recovery.<br />

Fig.1 Faster temperature recovery<br />

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New Product: Thermal Shock Chamber TSD-100<br />

2-1-1 How faster temperature recovery is achieved<br />

Thermal shock chambers utilizing the three-zone system (low-temperature chamber,<br />

test area, high-temperature chamber) have a much greater thermal mass from equipment<br />

such as the damper and separator plates and insulation separating the test area from the<br />

low- and high-temperature chambers, and this thermal mass creates a temperature<br />

recovery load.<br />

The TSD-100 utilizes a two-zone system (low-temperature chamber and hightemperature<br />

chamber) with a mobile test area that requires neither damper nor separator<br />

plates nor insulation to separate the test area from the low- and high-temperature<br />

chambers, thus providing a structure with a much smaller temperature recovery load.<br />

To ensure that the heat from the thermal cycles is directed as much as possible only to the<br />

specimens, the temperature recovery time has been reduced.<br />

Fig.2 Differences in methods of moving temperature<br />

2-1-2 Reduced energy consumption<br />

Shorter test times achieved by faster temperature recovery provide even lower energy<br />

costs than previous Espec models. Under identical test conditions, this model is able to<br />

reduce power consumption by about thirty percent over prior models (produced by Espec).<br />

This achievement is environment friendly.<br />

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New Product: Thermal Shock Chamber TSD-100<br />

2-2 Improved temperature uniformity<br />

This model exhibits improved temperature uniformity not only during stable exposure<br />

time, but also during temperature change as well. Temperature uniformity minimizes<br />

differences in stress to specimens placed at different locations inside the chamber.<br />

Fig.3 Temperature uniformity data<br />

2-2-1 How better temperature uniformity is achieved<br />

The high-and low-temperature chambers each have two air circulators. Vertical and<br />

horizontal registers are placed over the air blowout ports. Using this system, circulation can<br />

be dispersed evenly throughout the chamber even at high wind speeds. (Refer to Fig.4.)<br />

Fig.4 Chamber construction<br />

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New Product: Thermal Shock Chamber TSD-100<br />

2-3 STT function (Specimen Temperature Trigger)<br />

The STT function monitors specimen temperature and begins counting exposure time<br />

when the temperature of the specimen reaches the temperature setting. Conventional test<br />

equipment does not monitor specimen temperature, and so is unable to determine whether<br />

the specimens have reached the temperature setting and are unable to determine if the<br />

exposure time is accurate. In the past, preliminary testing has been required to confirm<br />

that the specimens have reached the temperature setting in order to determine the length<br />

of the test. This new STT function has eliminated the requirement for preliminary testing,<br />

and the specimens reliably reach the temperature setting. In addition, excess exposure<br />

time can be eliminated, further reducing test time. (Refer to Fig.5, Fig.6, and Fig.7.)<br />

Fig.5 STT function<br />

Fig.6 Effectiveness of STT function (1): Accurate testing<br />

Fig.7 Effectiveness of STT function (2): Reduced testing time<br />

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New Product: Thermal Shock Chamber TSD-100<br />

2-3-1 Thermocouples for measuring test temperatures<br />

The specifications for this model offer thermocouples that are easily attached, even with<br />

small specimens and specimens with small attachment sites, and the recovery load (small<br />

thermal mass) of the thermocouple itself is minimal.<br />

Photo 2 Specimen (IC) with thermocouple attached<br />

2-4 Ambient temperature return<br />

To enable prompt removal of test specimens upon completion or during a test pause, the<br />

model is equipped with an ambient temperature return function inside the chamber. During<br />

ambient temperature return, the intake and exhaust air ducts installed in the ceiling of the<br />

high-temperature chamber remain open, allowing the ventilation to lower the temperature<br />

inside the chamber.<br />

While conventional chambers required at least 10 hours to lower the test area<br />

temperature from 150°C to 55°C (natural cooling), the TSD model can achieve return to<br />

ambient temperature within one hour for 10 kilograms of specimens.<br />

2-5 Viewing window<br />

The TSD is the first Thermal Shock Chamber produced by Espec to offer an optional<br />

viewing window with lighting inside the chamber.<br />

•Viewing window specifications: effective viewing area 340 (W) x 190 (H) mm<br />

•Chamber lighting specifications: 25 W halogen lamp; 45 lux at center of test area; 1,000<br />

hour minimum life<br />

Photo 3 Viewing window (option)<br />

- 16 -<br />

Photo 4 Chamber lighting<br />

Espec Technology Report No21

New Product: Thermal Shock Chamber TSD-100<br />

3<br />

The TSD-100 conforms to MIL standards and IEC standards as well as to a number of other<br />

test standards.<br />

Table 1 Major applicable standards<br />

Test standard<br />

Temperature setting<br />

High temp.°C Low temp.°C<br />

Recovery<br />

time<br />

Soak time<br />

Number<br />

of<br />

cycles<br />

A<br />

+85<br />

(+10, -0)<br />

-55<br />

(+0, -10)<br />

5 to 14 min<br />

(specimen<br />

temp.)<br />

IEC 60749-<br />

25<br />

(JESD22-<br />

A104B)<br />

B<br />

C<br />

H<br />

+125<br />

(+15, -0)<br />

+150<br />

(+15, -0)<br />

+150<br />

(+15, -0)<br />

-55<br />

(+0, -10)<br />

-65<br />

(+0, -10)<br />

-55<br />

(+0, -10)<br />

5 to 14 min<br />

(specimen<br />

temp.)<br />

5 to 29 min<br />

(specimen<br />

temp.)<br />

5 to 14 min<br />

(specimen<br />

temp.)<br />

1/ 5/ 10/ 15 min.<br />

Not<br />

specified<br />

M<br />

+150<br />

(+15, -0)<br />

-40<br />

(+0, -10)<br />

5 to 15 min<br />

(specimen<br />

temp.)<br />

IEC-60068-2-14 +200±2<br />

3 hours<br />

Na<br />

+175±2<br />

-65±3<br />

2 hours<br />

(JIS C 0025 Na<br />

DIN EN<br />

60068-2-14 Na<br />

+155±2<br />

+125±2<br />

+100±2<br />

-55±3<br />

-40±3<br />

-25±3<br />

10% of soak<br />

time<br />

1 hour<br />

30 min.<br />

10 min.<br />

5<br />

BS EN<br />

+85±2<br />

-5±3<br />

3 hours if not specified<br />

60068-2-14 Na) +70±2<br />

in the relevant specifications<br />

MIL-202G<br />

Method<br />

107G<br />

MIL-883F<br />

Method<br />

1010.8<br />

IPC-TM-650<br />

2.6.6<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

A<br />

B<br />

C<br />

D<br />

F<br />

A<br />

B<br />

+85<br />

(+3, -0)<br />

+125<br />

(+3, -0)<br />

+200<br />

(+3, -0)<br />

+85<br />

(+10, -0)<br />

+125<br />

(+15, -0)<br />

+150<br />

(+15, -0)<br />

+200<br />

(+15, -0)<br />

+175<br />

(+10, -0)<br />

+125<br />

(+3, -0)<br />

+85<br />

(+3, -0)<br />

EIAJ ED-4701 Max. storage temp.<br />

EIAJ<br />

ED-7407<br />

Conformity to test standards<br />

-55<br />

(+0, -3)<br />

-65<br />

(+0, -3)<br />

-65<br />

(+0, -3)<br />

-55<br />

(+0, -10)<br />

-55<br />

(+0, -10)<br />

-65<br />

(+0, -10)<br />

-65<br />

(+0, -10)<br />

-65<br />

(+0, -10)<br />

-65<br />

(+0, -5)<br />

-55<br />

(+0, -5)<br />

Min. storage<br />

temp.<br />

A +125±5 -25±5<br />

B +125±5 -40±5<br />

C +80±5 -30±5<br />

D<br />

Max. operating<br />

temp. ±5°C<br />

Min. operating<br />

temp. ±5°C<br />

5 min.<br />

(air temp.)<br />

Less than<br />

15min.<br />

(specimen<br />

temp.)<br />

Not<br />

specified<br />

5 min.<br />

(air temp.)<br />

or 10%<br />

of soak<br />

time,<br />

whichever is<br />

longer<br />

Not<br />

specified<br />

- 17 -<br />

28g and below : 15 min.<br />

28g to 136g : 30min.<br />

136g to 1.36kg : 1 hour<br />

1.36kg to 13.6kg : 2 hours<br />

13.6kg to 136kg : 4 hours<br />

Above 136kg : 8 hours<br />

10 min. or longer<br />

after transition start<br />

1000<br />

At least<br />

10<br />

30 min. 5<br />

15g and below : at least 10 min.<br />

15g to 150g : 30min.<br />

150g to 1,500g : 60min<br />

Above 1,500g : individually specified<br />

7min.<br />

after specimen temp.<br />

attainment<br />

10<br />

Not<br />

specified<br />

Espec Technology Report No21

New Product: Thermal Shock Chamber TSD-100<br />

4<br />

Specifications<br />

Table 2 shows the main specifications for the new model.<br />

Table 2 Main specifications<br />

Model TSD-100<br />

Exposure method<br />

2-zone testing by elevating specimens between<br />

conditioned chambers<br />

Operating temperature +5 to 40°C<br />

Performance *1<br />

Test area<br />

High temperature exposure range<br />

Low temperature exposure range<br />

Temperature fluctuation<br />

High temperature chamber<br />

Pre-heat upper limit<br />

Temperature heat-up time<br />

Low temperature chamber<br />

Pre-cool lower limit<br />

Temperature pull-down time<br />

Temperature recovery performance<br />

Conditions<br />

Temperature recovery time<br />

+60°C to +200°C<br />

-65 to 0°C<br />

±0.5°C<br />

+205°C<br />

Within 90 min from ambient temperature to +200°C<br />

-77°C<br />

Within 90 min from ambient temperature to –77°C<br />

2-zone<br />

High temperature exposure +150°C 30 min<br />

Low temperature exposure -65°C 30 min<br />

Specimen Plastic molded IC, 10 kg<br />

Specimen (IC) temperature Within 15 min<br />

Test area withstand load 30kg *2<br />

Specimen basket dimensions W700 x H40 x D410mm<br />

Test area dimensions W710 x H345 x D410mm<br />

Test area capacity 100L<br />

Outer dimensions W1100 x H1885 x D1965mm<br />

Weight Approx. 1100 kg<br />

200V AC 3 phase 3W 50/60Hz<br />

208V AC 3 phase 3W 60Hz, NEC spec.<br />

Power supply<br />

*3<br />

220V AC 3 phase 3W 60Hz<br />

380V AC 3 phase 4W 50Hz<br />

400/415V AC 3 phase 4W 50Hz, CE spec. *4<br />

*1: Performance figures are in accordance with IEC 60068-3-5:2001.<br />

*2: When using two optional heavy-duty shelves (15.0kg of load capacity).<br />

*3: This equipment is in compliance with the requirements of the National Electric Code (NFPA 70)<br />

for the United States of America.<br />

*4: This equipment is in compliance with the requirements of the European Community Directives.<br />

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New Product: Thermal Shock Chamber TSD-100<br />

5<br />

Conclusion<br />

The new Espec TSD-100 Thermal Shock Chamber has been developed to meet a wide<br />

range of global needs.<br />

As the demand for thermal shock testing continues to expand, we at Espec will continue to<br />

support our valued customers with fast and accurate reliability testing.<br />

Contact information<br />

For a catalog or more information on the TSD-100 Thermal Shock Chamber, please<br />

contact the Espec International Business Headquarters or your nearest local Espec dealer.<br />

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Espec Technology Report No21

New product: Rapid-rate Thermal Cycle Chamber TCC-150W<br />

Topic 2<br />

New product: Rapid-rate Thermal Cycle Chamber TCC-150W<br />

Toshifumi Nakasuji Environmental Test Business Headquarters, Business Control Department<br />

Norihiro Kajiguchi Technical Development Headquarters, Technical Center<br />

1<br />

Introduction<br />

The current trend in electronics toward higher performance products that are smaller and<br />

lighter than ever before goes hand-in-hand with higher density mounting of increasingly<br />

miniaturized semiconductor devices that contain more and more terminals. In addition, the<br />

environmental restrictions on the use of hazardous substances in electric and electronic<br />

equipment as mandated by the “RoHS Directive” in the E.U. have eliminated the use of<br />

leaded solder. These societal changes are bringing about a stronger demand for more<br />

precision and accuracy in reliability testing.<br />

In response to this need for better reliability testing, we at Espec have developed the<br />

TCC-150W Rapid-rate Thermal Cycle Chamber. This model exhibits rapid temperature<br />

change of at least 20°C per minute (average chamber temperature change with no<br />

specimens), and offers high-performance temperature cycles with linear control capacity at<br />

a maximum 15°C per minute with specimens.<br />

Photo 1 The Rapid-rate Thermal Cycle Chamber TCC-150W<br />

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New product: Rapid-rate Thermal Cycle Chamber TCC-150W<br />

2<br />

Device and mounting changes<br />

We previously noted that products now are higher performance as well as smaller and<br />

lighter than ever before, and contain higher density mounting of increasingly miniaturized<br />

semiconductor devices with more terminals. This situation creates new problems.<br />

2-1 Effects of the temperature cycle<br />

Higher density mounting of semiconductor devices has led to extremely high operating<br />

temperatures. Turning a device on or off creates a temperature cycle inside the equipment.<br />

This in turn creates repeated thermal expansion/contraction between the device and the<br />

PCB, causing the differences in the coefficient of thermal expansion of each material to<br />

produce thermal distortion, which creates stress on the solder joints. This process is a<br />

major cause of failure. (Refer to Fig.1.)<br />

Fig.1 Stress on solder joints caused by temperature cycles<br />

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New product: Rapid-rate Thermal Cycle Chamber TCC-150W<br />

2-2 Device structural changes<br />

The miniaturization of semiconductor devices and their increased number of terminals has<br />

led to the change from QFP (Quad Flat Packages) to BGA (Ball Grid Arrays) and CSP (Chip<br />

Scale Packages). (Refer to Fig.2.)<br />

3<br />

New test standards<br />

Fig.2 Device structural changes<br />

New JEDEC standards (JESD22-A104B) have been issued for evaluating solder joints.<br />

When using these standards to evaluate solder joints in such applications as flip chips, BGA,<br />

and laminated packages, mild temperature changes are crucial to successful testing. These<br />

standards specifically mandate a specimen ramp rate of a maximum 15°C per minute.<br />

These standards have been incorporated into the IEC standards as of July 2003, and<br />

constitute a significant new method of evaluation.<br />

Summary of standards<br />

Number of standard : IEC 60749-25 (JESD22-A104B)<br />

Name of standard : Temperature cycling<br />

Range of application : Solder joints of semiconductors and assembly PCBs<br />

Temperature range : -40/125°C, 0/100°C, -25/125°C, etc.<br />

Temperature ramp rate : Specimen temperature max. 15°C/min.<br />

(10 to 14°C/min. recommended)<br />

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New product: Rapid-rate Thermal Cycle Chamber TCC-150W<br />

4<br />

New product features<br />

4-1 Specimen temperature ramp control<br />

The new model TCC-150W incorporates a specimen temperature ramp control function.<br />

Thermocouples are attached to the specimens, and the specimen temperature may be<br />

controlled linearly at a selected ramp rate. (Refer to Fig.3.)<br />

Fig.3 Specimen temperature in ramp control<br />

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Espec Technology Report No21

New product: Rapid-rate Thermal Cycle Chamber TCC-150W<br />

4-1-1 Optimal air volume for specimen temperature in ramp control<br />

To keep the specimen temperature changes at the targeted ramp rate during the<br />

specimen temperature ramp control, specimen temperature changes are simulated and<br />

optimal air volume is determined. The heat transfer rate is crucial when using air as a<br />

medium for transferring temperature to the specimens. If the air volume is insufficient, the<br />

heat transfer rate will be too small to affect the specimens even if the chamber temperature<br />

is changed. When test conditions call for a short soak time, the test may move on to the<br />

next cycle before the specimens have reached the targeted temperature. With optimal air<br />

volume, specimen temperatures change in response to changes in the chamber<br />

temperature, the targeted ramp rate is quickly reached, and the targeted temperature is<br />

reliably attained. (Refer to Fig.4.)<br />

Fig.4 Specimen temperature change at different air volumes<br />

4-1-2 Effectiveness of specimen temperature ramp control (1): Test adaptation to<br />

IEC/JEDEC standards<br />

The IEC/JEDEC test standards prescribe the specimen temperature ramp rate at a<br />

maximum of 15°C per minute (10 to 14°C per minute recommended). Since conventional<br />

chambers lack the capacity to control specimen temperature, performing tests in<br />

compliance with test standards required preliminary testing to monitor specimen<br />

temperatures. Also, careful adjustments were required to the test conditions and the<br />

quantity and placement of the specimens to insure that the specified temperature ramp rate<br />

for the specimens would be attained. Now, using its specimen temperature ramp control,<br />

the TCC-150W has the capacity to simply and accurately perform the tests according to<br />

IEC/JEDEC standards by merely attaching thermocouples to the specimens.<br />

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Espec Technology Report No21

New product: Rapid-rate Thermal Cycle Chamber TCC-150W<br />

4-1-3 Effectiveness of specimen temperature ramp control (2): Accurate specimen life<br />

evaluation capability<br />

One crucial aspect of evaluating specimen life with temperature cycling is to attain uniform<br />

conditions of specimen distortion. Differences in the thermal coefficients of the different<br />

materials cause distortion in the specimens. Attaining a uniform speed at which this<br />

distortion occurs and attaining symmetry between the distortion waveform and the rise and<br />

fall in temperature are crucial to this test. Test dispersion is created when these factors<br />

differ with each test, and such tests exhibit poor standardization and reproducibility. When<br />

tests exhibit dispersion, specimen life cannot be accurately determined. The TCC-150W<br />

allows the operator to set the ramp rate control for the specimen temperature, creating the<br />

ability to attain uniform distortion speed and a symmetrical distortion waveform, providing<br />

accurate specimen life evaluation. (Refer to Fig.5.)<br />

Fig.5 Comparison of temperature waveform<br />

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Espec Technology Report No21

New product: Rapid-rate Thermal Cycle Chamber TCC-150W<br />

4-2 Improved temperature uniformity<br />

The TCC-150W has achieved dramatic improvement in temperature uniformity during<br />

temperature change. The model identifies optimum air volume and velocity uniformity<br />

through simulation and then attains those targets. Stress on the specimens can vary widely<br />

during temperature change due to differences in uniformity. Differences in stress due to<br />

specimen placement positions inside the chamber have been reduced to a minimum. (Refer<br />

to Fig.6.)<br />

Fig.6 Temperature uniformity data<br />

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New product: Rapid-rate Thermal Cycle Chamber TCC-150W<br />

4-3 Fast temperature change capability<br />

The TCC-150W attains a temperature change rate of 20°C per minute (average chamber<br />

temperature with no specimens). This model is very useful for tests requiring fast<br />

temperature change, as well as for dramatically reducing test times. (Refer to Fig.7.)<br />

Fig.7 Test time reduction<br />

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New product: Rapid-rate Thermal Cycle Chamber TCC-150W<br />

5<br />

Compliance with test standards<br />

The TCC-150W complies with both JEDEC and IEC standards as well as a number of other<br />

test standards.<br />

Table 1 Major applicable standards<br />

Temperature setting<br />

Temperature<br />

Number<br />

Test standard Soak time<br />

High temp.°C Low temp.°C change rate<br />

of cycles<br />

IEC 60749-25<br />

(JESD22-A104B)<br />

JESD22-A105B<br />

G +125 (+15, -0) -40 (+0, -10)<br />

I +115 (+15, -0) -40 (+0, -10)<br />

J +100 (+15, -0) 0 (+0, -10)<br />

K +125 (+15, -0) 0 (+0, -10)<br />

L +110 (+15, -0) -55 (+0, -10)<br />

N +80 (+15, -0) -30 (+0, -10)<br />

O +125 (+15, -0) -25 (+0, -10)<br />

A +85 (+10, -0) -40 (+0, -10)<br />

B +125 (+10, -0) -40 (+0, -10)<br />

TC1 100 0<br />

TC2 100 -25<br />

IPC-9701 TC3 125 -40<br />

TC4 125 -55<br />

TC5 100 -55<br />

IPC-TM-650 2.6.6<br />

A<br />

B<br />

+125 (+3, -0)<br />

+85 (+3, -0)<br />

-65 (+0, -5)<br />

-55 (+0, -5)<br />

IEC-60068-2-14 Nb<br />

(JIS C 0025 Nb)<br />

IEC-61747-5<br />

(EIAJ ED-2531A)<br />

+175±2<br />

+155±2<br />

+125±2<br />

+100±2<br />

+85±2<br />

+70±2<br />

+55±2<br />

+40±2<br />

+30±2<br />

+100±2<br />

+95±2<br />

+90±2<br />

+85±2<br />

+80±2<br />

+75±2<br />

+70±2<br />

+65±2<br />

+60±2<br />

+55±2<br />

+50±2<br />

+45±2<br />

+40±2<br />

+35±2<br />

+30±2<br />

-65±3<br />

-55±3<br />

-40±3<br />

-25±3<br />

-5±3<br />

+5±3<br />

-50±3<br />

-45±3<br />

-40±3<br />

-35±3<br />

-30±3<br />

-25±3<br />

-20±3<br />

-15±3<br />

-10±3<br />

-5±3<br />

-0±3<br />

- 28 -<br />

15 °C /min.<br />

or less<br />

(specimen temp.)<br />

6.25 °C /min.<br />

(specimen temp.)<br />

5.5 °C /min.<br />

(specimen temp.)<br />

20 °C /min.<br />

or less<br />

(specimen temp.)<br />

1, 5, 10, 15min.<br />

after<br />

specimen temp.<br />

attainment<br />

10 min.<br />

after<br />

specimen temp.<br />

attainment<br />

10 min.<br />

after<br />

specimen temp.<br />

attainment<br />

Not<br />

specified<br />

1000<br />

200<br />

500<br />

1000<br />

3000<br />

6000<br />

Not specified 30 min. 5<br />

1±0.2 °C /min.<br />

3±0.6 °C /min.<br />

5±1 °C /min.<br />

(Averaged over<br />

a period of not<br />

more than 5 min.)<br />

1 ±0.2 °C /min.<br />

3 ±0.6 °C /min.<br />

5 ±1 °C /min.<br />

(Averaged over<br />

a period of not<br />

more than 5 min.)<br />

3 hours<br />

2 hours<br />

1 hour<br />

30 min.<br />

10 min.<br />

(3 hours unless<br />

otherwise specified<br />

in the relevant<br />

specifications)<br />

3 hours<br />

2 hours<br />

1 hour<br />

30 min.<br />

10 min.<br />

(3 hours unless<br />

otherwise specified<br />

in the relevant<br />

specifications)<br />

2<br />

2<br />

Espec Technology Report No21

New product: Rapid-rate Thermal Cycle Chamber TCC-150W<br />

6<br />

Specifications<br />

Table 2 shows the main specifications for the new model.<br />

Model<br />

Table 2 Main specifications<br />

TCC-150W<br />

Temperature control system Balanced temperature control (BTC) system<br />

Working temperature range +5 to +35°C<br />

Performance<br />

*1<br />

Temperature<br />

range<br />

Temperature<br />

fluctuation<br />

Chamber<br />

Temperature<br />

change<br />

Specimen<br />

Temperature<br />

change<br />

Load capacity of<br />

specimen basket<br />

- 29 -<br />

-70 to +180°C<br />

±0.5°C (-70°C to +180°C) when temperature is stable<br />

- 70 ←→ +180°C<br />

No specimens (average chamber temperature change)<br />

At temperature rise :22°C /min.<br />

At temperature fall :18°C /min.<br />

- 40 ←→ +125°C<br />

Specimens :total 9 kg<br />

Glass epoxy PCB + jigs (Espec standard product)<br />

At ramp control : 5 to 15°C /min.<br />

- 40 ←→ +125°C<br />

Specimens :total 9 kg<br />

Glass epoxy PCB + jigs (Espec standard product)<br />

At ramp control : 5 to 15°C /min.<br />

5 kg per basket (evenly distributed)<br />

7 shelves can be mounted<br />

Test area dimensions W800 × H500 × D400 mm (effective test area)<br />

Loading capacity 160 L<br />

Outer dimensions W1000 × H1808 × D1915 mm<br />

Weight Approx. 950 kg<br />

200V AC 3 phase 3W 50/60Hz<br />

208V AC 3 phase 3W 60Hz, NEC spec.<br />

Power supply<br />

*2<br />

220V AC 3 phase 3W 60Hz<br />

380V AC 3 phase 4W 50Hz<br />

400V AC 3 phase 4W 50Hz, CE spec. *3<br />

*1: Performances are based on IEC 60068-3-5: 2001.<br />

*2: This equipment is in compliance with the requirements of the National Electric Code (NFPA 70)<br />

for the United States of America.<br />

*3: This equipment is in compliance with the requirements of the European Community Directives.<br />

Espec Technology Report No21

New product: Rapid-rate Thermal Cycle Chamber TCC-150W<br />

7<br />

Conclusion<br />

Our new product, the “Rapid-rate Thermal Cycle Chamber TCC-150W”, embodies a new<br />

product concept with its specimen temperature ramp control function. Temperature cycle<br />

tests now have the capability of meeting previously unattainable temperature test<br />

standards. We at Espec are offering a new test method with this model, which will serve as<br />

our new standard model. We believe that our customers will find that this model can play a<br />

major role in improving product reliability and in improving productivity by reducing testing<br />

time.<br />

•Contact information<br />

For a catalog or more information on the TCC-150W Rapid-rate Thermal Cycle Chamber,<br />

please contact the Espec International Business Headquarters or your nearest local Espec<br />

dealer.<br />

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Espec Technology Report No21

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