Part 1 Revenue Application: Multi-Year Price Determination ... - Eskom

Part 1 Revenue Application: Multi-Year Price Determination ... - Eskom

Part 1 Revenue Application: Multi-Year Price Determination ... - Eskom


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Key points<br />

Overview of <strong>Multi</strong>-<strong>Year</strong> <strong>Price</strong> <strong>Determination</strong><br />

2013/14–2017/18 (MYPD 3)<br />

Page 37 of 144<br />

This application covers <strong>Eskom</strong>‟s revenue needs for MYPD 3, which begins on 1<br />

April 2013 and is proposed to run until 31 March 2018.<br />

The MYPD process is supported by a range of policies and legislation, some of<br />

which are in the process of being reviewed, including the MYPD 3 regulatory<br />

rules being reviewed by Nersa.<br />

As part of the application process, <strong>Eskom</strong> sent a proposed MYPD 3 application<br />

to the National Treasury and the South African Local Government Association<br />

(Salga) for comment. Their responses are outlined in this chapter and have been<br />

considered in the final application.<br />

2.1 Basis of application<br />

Electricity prices are regulated by Nersa in terms of the Electricity Regulation Act. Nersa<br />

determines the revenue to which <strong>Eskom</strong> is entitled, which is in turn translated into an<br />

average price adjustment and, finally, the tariffs that customers are charged for electricity.<br />

The current three-year price determination, MYPD 2, ends on 31 March 2013. This<br />

application is for the next period, MYPD 3, which commences on 1 April 2013 and will run<br />

until 31 March 2018 if <strong>Eskom</strong>‟s five-year proposal is accepted.<br />

In keeping with the requirements of Section 42 of the MFMA, <strong>Eskom</strong> submitted a proposed<br />

MYPD 3 application to the National Treasury and Salga for their comment on 18 June 2012.<br />

Their comments were considered and taken into account in finalising this application. A<br />

summary of their responses appears at the end of this chapter. This application will now be<br />

submitted to Nersa for a determination. Before making its decision, Nersa will follow a public<br />

participation process to solicit stakeholders‟ views on the application.

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