2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics

2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics 2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics


Clinical genetics skull defect, until bony tissue between the intracranial structures and the overlying lesion could be identified. At 22 gestational weeks, the mentioned fluid collection had disappeared, leaving a residual scalp thickening and an enlarged nuchal fold . Fetal karyotype by amniocentesis was normal (46,XY) . At birth, the infant showed a Noonan syndrome phenotype and a CVG . Discussion: CVG is possibly due to an initial scalp lymphedema and its further resolution, and should be distinguished from a cephalocele . This is the third description of a patient with Noonan syndrome and CVG, and the second describing a fluid collection at the cephalic pole that progressed to CVG . The observed images and their evolution are of clinical importance, because they can strengthen the suspicion of Noonan syndrome prenatally . P01.183 Gain-of-function RAF mutations cause Noonan and LEOPARD syndromes with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy B. Pandit 1 , A. Sarkozy 2 , L. Pennacchio 3 , C. Carta 4 , K. Oishi 1 , S. Martinelli 4 , W. Schackwitz 3 , A. Ustaszewska 3 , S. R. Ommen 5 , F. Lepri 2 , C. Faul 1 , P. Mundel 1 , J. P. López Siguero 6 , R. Tenconi 7 , A. Selicorni 8 , C. Rossi 9 , L. Mazzanti 9 , I. Torrente 2 , B. Marino 10 , M. C. Digilio 11 , G. Zampino 12 , M. J. Ackerman 5 , B. Dallapiccola 2 , M. Tartaglia 4 , B. D. Gelb 1 ; 1 Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2 CSS-Mendel Institute, Rome, Italy, 3 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, United States, 4 Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy, 5 Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN, United States, 6 Hospital Materno-Infantil, Málaga, Spain, 7 Università di Padova, Padua, Italy, 8 Università di Milano, Milano, Italy, 9 Policlinico S. Orsola-Malpighi, Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy, 10 Policlinico “Umberto I”, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy, 11 Ospedale “Bambino Gesù”, Rome, Italy, 12 Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy. Noonan and LEOPARD syndromes (NS and LS) are developmental disorders with overlapping features including cardiac abnormalities, short stature and facial dysmorphisms . Increased RAS signaling due to PTPN11, KRAS and SOS1 mutations cause approximately 60% of NS cases, while PTPN11 mutations cause approximately 90% of LS cases . Here, we report that 18 of 231 NS and two of six LS patients without mutations in known genes have missense mutations in RAF1, which encodes a serine/threonine protein kinase that activates MEK1 and MEK2. Most mutations altered a motif flanking Ser259, a residue critical for RAF1’s autoinhibition through 14-3-3 binding . RAF1 mutations in two hotspots were strongly associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM; 95% vs . 18% of all NS) . Ectopically expressed RAF1 mutants from HCM clusters had increased kinase activity and enhanced ERK activation, while non-HCM-associated-cluster mutants were kinase impaired. Our findings further implicate increased RAS signaling in pathological cardiomyocyte hypertrophy . P01.184 sOs1 mutation in a cFc patient M. Somer1 , M. L. Väisänen2 , M. Lähde3 , J. Ignatius2 ; 1Dept Medical Genetics, The Family Federation of Finland, Helsinki, Finland, 2 3 Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland, North Carelian Central Hospital, Joensuu, Finland. After the CFC syndrome was originally published in 1986 it was continuously debated whether it can be separated from the Noonan syndrome . Molecular genetic studies have shown that at least one gene in the RAS pathway, KRAS can cause both syndromes . When SOS1 was described to be the second most common gene in Noonan it was emphasized that it usually does not cause the CFC syndrome . We describe a 4-y-o boy with SOS1 exon 6 missense mutation c .797C>A (p .T266K), earlier reported by Roberts et al in 2007 in a Noonan patient . Parental studies were normal . He was born at after 37 weeks of pregnancy complicated by fetal hydronephrosis and polyhydramnios with birth weight 4000g, length 51 cm and OFC 36,5 cm . There was oedema, opistothonus, poor feeding, cryptorhidism, and umbilical hernia . He has pulmonary and mild aortic stenosis, ASD secundum, and hypertrophy of the ventricular septum . His growth is on the -1 .2 SD curve and OFC +1 .5 SD . He started to walk at 18 months but is not yet able to run. He spoke the first words at 3,5 years and mainly uses sign language . He has melatonin treatment for poor sleeping patterns . Dysmorphic features are compatible with the CFC syndrome with bitemporal constrictions, sparse hair, absent eyebrows, dystrophic nails and hyperkeratotic eczema on face and legs . SOS1 mutation found in this patient with CFC phenotype further emphasizes the need of phenotype-genotype correlation studies in SOS1 mutation patients . P01.185 improved mutation Detection in the Polygenic Disorders Noonan syndrome and LEOPARD syndrome S. Ramos 1 , J. Short 1 , N. Elanko 1 , K. Kalidas 2 , S. Cottrell 1 , R. Poh 1 , R. Taylor 1 ; 1 South West Thames Molecular Genetics Laboratory, St George’s Hospital, London, United Kingdom, 2 Clinical Developmental Sciences, St George’s University of London, London, United Kingdom. Noonan syndrome (NS) is a common autosomal dominant multiple congenital anomaly syndrome exhibiting short stature, heart defects and facial dysmorphism . LEOPARD syndrome (LS) is a rare autosomal dominant multiple congenital abnormality syndrome . The acronym LEOPARD defines the common features: multiple Lentigines, ECG conduction abnormalities, Ocular hypertelorism, Pulmonary stenosis, Abnormal genitalia, Retardation of growth and sensorineural Deafness . Defects in the RAS-MAPK pathway have been implicated in both syndromes . Since 2001 missense mutations in the PTPN11 gene have been recognised as causative in approximately half of NS cases and the majority of LS cases . We established a service in 2002 to analyse exons 3 and 8 of this gene which contain ~80% of known NS mutations . Since 2005 we have screened all exons in which mutations had been identified and thus allowed molecular confirmation of LS. Mutations in the SOS1, RAF1 and KRAS genes, which also encode proteins in the RAS-MAPK pathway, have been identified in 10-20% of PTPN11 negative NS cases . RAF1 mutations have also been identified in a proportion of PTPN11 negative LS cases . We have set up a diagnostic service to analyse the known mutation-containing exons of SOS1 and RAF1 and all exons of KRAS . Testing involves a dHPLC pre-screen followed by bidirectional sequencing of any variants . We have identified 12 pathogenic mutations in SOS1 and RAF1 in our initial cohort of 110 PTPN11 negative cases referred for NS/LS . This analysis is now integrated with the PTPN11 screen to facilitate a comprehensive molecular investigation of NS and LS referrals . P01.186 molecular analysis of the PtPN11 (protein-tyrosine phosphatase, nonreceptor-type 11) gene in Estonian patients with Noonan syndrome I. Kalev 1 , K. Muru 2 , M. Zimmermann 3 , T. Reimand 4 , R. Teek 4 , S. Virro 5 , M. Sõnajalg 5 , K. Õunap 6 ; 1 Department of Human Biology and Genetics, Institute of General and Molecular Pathology, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia, 2 Department of Human Biology and Genetics, Institute of General and Molecular Pathology, University of Tartu; Department of Genetics, United Laboratories, Tartu University, Tartu, Estonia, 3 Department of Human Biology and Genetics, Institute of General and Molecular Pathology, University of Tartu; Department of Cell Biology, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia, 4 Department of Genetics, United Laboratories, Tartu University Hospital, Tartu, Estonia, 5 Children’s Clinic, Tartu University Hospital, Tartu, Estonia, 6 Department of Genetics, United Laboratories,Tartu University Hospital; Department of Pediatrics, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia. Noonan syndrome (NS; OMIM# 163950) is a relatively common (1:1000-2500) autosomal dominant disorder characterized by proportional short stature, facial dysmorphisms and cardiac anomalies . Missense mutations of PTPN11 gene have been documented in about 50% of NS cases, while molecular lesions of other genes of the RAS pathway (KRAS, SOS1, RAS1) play a minor role in the molecular pathogenesis of the disease . Study group consisted of 10 probands (age 1-36 y; 5 males/5 females), 4 of which were familial cases . All patients had the typical face and inclusion diagnostic criteria of NS proposed by van der Burgt (1994) . All of the patients had a normal karyotype . Sequence analysis was performed for five coding PTPN11 exons 3, 4, 7, 8, 13 and their flanking regions . Mutation analysis of the PTPN11 hot spot coding exons revealed two different heterozygous missense mutations in two unrelated families . A transition A1510G in exon13 for family NS-VI, which predicts the Met504Val substitution, was described previously (Tartaglia, 2001), resided in the PTP domain of SHP-2 protein . A172G tran-

Clinical genetics sition was identified in the exon3. This change predicts the Asn58Asp substitution in family NS-X, and affects the N-SH2 domain of SHP-2 . Patients with PTPN11 disease related mutations had characteristic phenotypes: a proband from NS-VI family presented short stature, dysmorphic facial features and atrial septal defect; a proband from NS- X family had short stature, pulmonary valve stenosis and dysmorphic facial features . Future studies involving clinical and genetic investigations are necessary to correlate genotype-phenotype expression . Supported by Estonian Science Foundation grant GARMP6573 . P01.187 PtPN11 gene analysis in a sample of mexican patients with Noonan syndrome C. N. Gonzalez-Huerta 1 , L. M. Gonzalez-Huerta 2 , S. Cuevas-Covarrubias 3 ; 1 Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitacion, Mexico DF, Mexico, 2 Hospital General de Mexico, Mexico DF, Mexico, 3 Hospital General de Mexico, Facultad de Medicina, UNAM, Mexico DF, Mexico. Noonan syndrome (NS) is a dysmorphic syndrome characterized by hypertelorism, low-set posteriorly rotated ears, short stature, a short neck with webbing or redundancy of skin, cardiac anomalies, epicanthic folds and motor delay . NS may occur on a sporadic basis, with a predominance of paternal origin, or in an autosomal dominant inheritance with a predominance of maternal transmission . NS is clinically similar to the Turner syndrome . More than 50% of patients with NS have mutations in the PTPN11 gene . Most of the mutations are recurrent and cluster in exons 3, 8 and 13 . All the PTPN11 missense mutations are present in the interacting regions of the amino N-SH2 domain and the phosphotyrosine phosphatase (PTP) domains . It seems that gain-of-function changes are responsible of the phenotype observed in NS . In the present study we analyzed the PTPN11 gene in a group of 10 patients with diagnosis of NS . DNA genomic from leukocytes was extracted with conventional methods . All exons of the PTPN11 were amplified and sequenced trough polimerase chain reaction and DNA sequencing analyzes . We detected a low frequency of mutations in the PNP11 gene in the patients; most patients showed a normal sequence of the PNP11 gene . These data indicate that probably PNP11 gene mutations are not the most frequent cause of NS in Mexican population . P01.188 Diverse driving forces underlie the occurrence of invariant PTPN mutations in Noonan and LEOPARD syndromes S. Martinelli 1 , P. Torreri 1 , M. Tinti 2 , L. Stella 2 , G. Bocchinfuso 2 , E. Flex 1 , A. Grottesi 3 , S. Delle Vigne 1 , M. Ceccarini 1 , A. Palleschi 2 , G. Cesareni 2 , L. Castagnoli 2 , T. C. Petrucci 1 , B. D. Gelb 4 , M. Tartaglia 1 ; 1 Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy, 2 Università “Tor Vergata”, Rome, Italy, 3 Consortium for the Application of Super-Computing for Universities and Research, Rome, Italy, 4 Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States. Missense PTPN11 mutations cause Noonan and LEOPARD syndromes (NS and LS), two developmental disorders with pleiomorphic phenotypes . PTPN11 encodes SHP2, an SH2 domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase functioning as a signal transducer . Generally, different substitutions of a particular amino acid residue are observed in these diseases, indicating that the crucial factor is the residue being replaced . For a few codons, only one substitution is observed, suggesting the possibility of specific roles for the residue introduced . We analyzed the biochemical behavior and ligand-binding properties of all possible substitutions arising from single-base changes affecting codons 42, 139, 279, 282 and 468 to investigate the mechanisms underlying the invariant occurrence of the T42A, E139D and I282V substitutions in NS and the Y279C and T468M changes in LS . Our data demonstrate that the isoleucine-to-valine change at codon 282 is the only substitution at that position perturbing the stability of SHP2’s closed conformation without impairing catalysis, while the threonine-to-alanine change at codon 42, but not other substitutions of that residue, promotes increased phosphopeptide binding affinity. The recognition specificity of the C-SH2 domain bearing the E139D substitution differed substantially from its wild type counterpart acquiring binding properties similar to those observed for the N-SH2 domain, revealing a novel mechanism of SHP2’s functional dysregulation . Finally, while functional selection does not seem to occur for the substitutions at codons 279 and 468, we point to deamination of the methylated cytosine at nucleotide 1403 as the driving factor leading to the high prevalence of the T468M change in LS . P01.189 Diagnostic tests for costello syndrome and cardio-faciocutaneous syndrome - two years service experience. J. A. Shorto 1 , B. Kerr 2 , B. Tang 3 , R. Elles 1 ; 1 Regional Molecular Genetics Service, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2 Clinical Genetics Service, Manchester, United Kingdom, 3 Academic Unit of Medical Genetics and Regional Genetics Service, Manchester, United Kingdom. Costello and Cardio-Facio-Cutaneous (CFC) syndromes are autosomal dominant multiple congenital abnormalities with phenotypic overlaps to Noonan syndrome . The main difference with respect to their management is an increased tumour risk in Costello syndrome (approximately 17%) . Costello syndrome is associated with mutations in HRAS (82-92%), the majority of the mutations identified to date are in codons 12 and 13. No other disease causing genes have been identified. All five coding exons of HRAS are screened by bi-directional fluorescent sequencing . So far four genes have been identified in CFC syndrome; BRAF (37- 78% patients), KRAS, MEK1 and MEK2. We use bi-directional fluorescent sequencing to screen BRAF (exons 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16), KRAS (all five coding exons), MEK1 (exons 2 and 3) and MEK2 (exons 2 and 3) . We have been offering a diagnostic service for both Costello syndrome and CFC syndrome for 2 years, since June 2006 . So far 125 patients with a likely diagnosis of either Costello or CFC syndrome have been referred to us . We detected 26 pathogenic mutations in 101 patients tested for HRAS mutations . In the cohort of 71 patients tested for CFC syndrome we detected 19 pathogenic mutations (BRAF=14, KRAS=2, MEK1=3) and a further seven that are likely to be pathogenic (BRAF=4, KRAS=2, MEK2=1) . We tested both parents of 14 patients with a known pathogenic mutation and 2 patients with a likely pathogenic mutation, in all cases the mutation was shown to be de novo . P01.190 complex Approach to Diagnostics and Data Analysis for Neurofibromatosis type 1 T. Marikova1 , A. Krepelova1 , S. Bendova1 , B. Petrak1 , M. Kaluzova1 , M. Zakova2 , L. Novakova2 , O. Stepankova2 ; 1 2 2nd Medical School, Prague 5 - Motol, Czech Republic, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic. The Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is one of the most common single gene diseases (the expected incidence is 1:3000) . There was implemented a database of 300 records of patients suffering from NF1 in the Institute of Biology and Medical Genetics 2nd Medical School, Charles University in Prague . The complex investigation methodology in the patients with a NF1 has been verified. The DNA bank for these patients was created containing 150 DNA samples . We have implemented reliable molecular genetic diagnostics of the NF1 gene using MLPA and DHPLC methods .We have investigated 39 families and detected causal mutation of the NF1 gene in 26 patients, from which 13 mutations were not been previously detected . Last year, we have implemented high resolution melt analysis (HRM) as an effective tool for the mutation scanning of the NF1 gene with sensitivity comparable with the DHPLC method . The clinical, neurological, neurophysiological, and biochemical data of patients have been analyzed in detail by support of artificial intelligence methods . The patient records are stored in the form of text files. Their content has to be converted into a database format to analyze them by available machine learning techniques . The pilot data analysis will be summarized . supported by projects AV-CR-1ET 101210513 and GAUK 62007 P01.191 Neurofibromatosis type 1 in adulthood: clinical analysis of a 80 patients cohort F. Natacci 1 , G. Melloni 1 , M. F. Bedeschi 1 , E. Vismara 2 , G. Tadini 3 , M. Moggio 4 , M. Caroli 5 , C. Lamperti 4 , M. Sciacco 4 , M. Brambilla 6 , L. Trespidi 7 , A. Costa 8 , F. Viola 2 , D. Bianchessi 9 , G. Finocchiaro 9 , P. Riva 10 , L. Larizza 11 , F. Lalatta 1 ; 1 Clinical Genetics Unit, Fondazione IRCCS, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, 0

Clinical genetics<br />

skull defect, until bony tissue between the intracranial structures and<br />

the overlying lesion could be identified. At 22 gestational weeks, the<br />

mentioned fluid collection had disappeared, leaving a residual scalp<br />

thickening and an enlarged nuchal fold . Fetal karyotype by amniocentesis<br />

was normal (46,XY) . At birth, the infant showed a Noonan syndrome<br />

phenotype and a CVG .<br />

Discussion: CVG is possibly due to an initial scalp lymphedema and<br />

its further resolution, and should be distinguished from a cephalocele .<br />

This is the third description <strong>of</strong> a patient with Noonan syndrome and<br />

CVG, and the second describing a fluid collection at the cephalic pole<br />

that progressed to CVG . The observed images and their evolution are<br />

<strong>of</strong> clinical importance, because they can strengthen the suspicion <strong>of</strong><br />

Noonan syndrome prenatally .<br />

P01.183<br />

Gain-<strong>of</strong>-function RAF mutations cause Noonan and LEOPARD<br />

syndromes with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy<br />

B. Pandit 1 , A. Sarkozy 2 , L. Pennacchio 3 , C. Carta 4 , K. Oishi 1 , S. Martinelli 4 , W.<br />

Schackwitz 3 , A. Ustaszewska 3 , S. R. Ommen 5 , F. Lepri 2 , C. Faul 1 , P. Mundel 1 ,<br />

J. P. López Siguero 6 , R. Tenconi 7 , A. Selicorni 8 , C. Rossi 9 , L. Mazzanti 9 , I.<br />

Torrente 2 , B. Marino 10 , M. C. Digilio 11 , G. Zampino 12 , M. J. Ackerman 5 , B. Dallapiccola<br />

2 , M. Tartaglia 4 , B. D. Gelb 1 ;<br />

1 Mount Sinai School <strong>of</strong> Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2 CSS-Mendel<br />

Institute, Rome, Italy, 3 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA,<br />

United States, 4 Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy, 5 Mayo Clinic College<br />

<strong>of</strong> Medicine, Rochester, MN, United States, 6 Hospital Materno-Infantil, Málaga,<br />

Spain, 7 Università di Padova, Padua, Italy, 8 Università di Milano, Milano, Italy,<br />

9 Policlinico S. Orsola-Malpighi, Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy, 10 Policlinico<br />

“Umberto I”, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy, 11 Ospedale<br />

“Bambino Gesù”, Rome, Italy, 12 Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome,<br />

Italy.<br />

Noonan and LEOPARD syndromes (NS and LS) are developmental<br />

disorders with overlapping features including cardiac abnormalities,<br />

short stature and facial dysmorphisms . Increased RAS signaling due<br />

to PTPN11, KRAS and SOS1 mutations cause approximately 60% <strong>of</strong><br />

NS cases, while PTPN11 mutations cause approximately 90% <strong>of</strong> LS<br />

cases . Here, we report that 18 <strong>of</strong> 231 NS and two <strong>of</strong> six LS patients<br />

without mutations in known genes have missense mutations in RAF1,<br />

which encodes a serine/threonine protein kinase that activates MEK1<br />

and MEK2. Most mutations altered a motif flanking Ser259, a residue<br />

critical for RAF1’s autoinhibition through 14-3-3 binding . RAF1 mutations<br />

in two hotspots were strongly associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy<br />

(HCM; 95% vs . 18% <strong>of</strong> all NS) . Ectopically expressed<br />

RAF1 mutants from HCM clusters had increased kinase activity and<br />

enhanced ERK activation, while non-HCM-associated-cluster mutants<br />

were kinase impaired. Our findings further implicate increased RAS<br />

signaling in pathological cardiomyocyte hypertrophy .<br />

P01.184<br />

sOs1 mutation in a cFc patient<br />

M. Somer1 , M. L. Väisänen2 , M. Lähde3 , J. Ignatius2 ;<br />

1Dept Medical <strong>Genetics</strong>, The Family Federation <strong>of</strong> Finland, Helsinki, Finland,<br />

2 3 Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland, North Carelian Central Hospital, Joensuu,<br />

Finland.<br />

After the CFC syndrome was originally published in 1986 it was continuously<br />

debated whether it can be separated from the Noonan syndrome<br />

. Molecular genetic studies have shown that at least one gene<br />

in the RAS pathway, KRAS can cause both syndromes . When SOS1<br />

was described to be the second most common gene in Noonan it was<br />

emphasized that it usually does not cause the CFC syndrome . We<br />

describe a 4-y-o boy with SOS1 exon 6 missense mutation c .797C>A<br />

(p .T266K), earlier reported by Roberts et al in 2007 in a Noonan patient<br />

. Parental studies were normal . He was born at after 37 weeks <strong>of</strong><br />

pregnancy complicated by fetal hydronephrosis and polyhydramnios<br />

with birth weight 4000g, length 51 cm and OFC 36,5 cm . There was<br />

oedema, opistothonus, poor feeding, cryptorhidism, and umbilical hernia<br />

. He has pulmonary and mild aortic stenosis, ASD secundum, and<br />

hypertrophy <strong>of</strong> the ventricular septum . His growth is on the -1 .2 SD<br />

curve and OFC +1 .5 SD . He started to walk at 18 months but is not<br />

yet able to run. He spoke the first words at 3,5 years and mainly uses<br />

sign language . He has melatonin treatment for poor sleeping patterns .<br />

Dysmorphic features are compatible with the CFC syndrome with bitemporal<br />

constrictions, sparse hair, absent eyebrows, dystrophic nails<br />

and hyperkeratotic eczema on face and legs . SOS1 mutation found in<br />

this patient with CFC phenotype further emphasizes the need <strong>of</strong> phenotype-genotype<br />

correlation studies in SOS1 mutation patients .<br />

P01.185<br />

improved mutation Detection in the Polygenic Disorders Noonan<br />

syndrome and LEOPARD syndrome<br />

S. Ramos 1 , J. Short 1 , N. Elanko 1 , K. Kalidas 2 , S. Cottrell 1 , R. Poh 1 , R. Taylor 1 ;<br />

1 South West Thames Molecular <strong>Genetics</strong> Laboratory, St George’s Hospital,<br />

London, United Kingdom, 2 Clinical Developmental Sciences, St George’s University<br />

<strong>of</strong> London, London, United Kingdom.<br />

Noonan syndrome (NS) is a common autosomal dominant multiple<br />

congenital anomaly syndrome exhibiting short stature, heart defects<br />

and facial dysmorphism . LEOPARD syndrome (LS) is a rare autosomal<br />

dominant multiple congenital abnormality syndrome . The acronym<br />

LEOPARD defines the common features: multiple Lentigines, ECG<br />

conduction abnormalities, Ocular hypertelorism, Pulmonary stenosis,<br />

Abnormal genitalia, Retardation <strong>of</strong> growth and sensorineural Deafness<br />

. Defects in the RAS-MAPK pathway have been implicated in both<br />

syndromes .<br />

Since 2001 missense mutations in the PTPN11 gene have been recognised<br />

as causative in approximately half <strong>of</strong> NS cases and the majority<br />

<strong>of</strong> LS cases . We established a service in 2002 to analyse exons 3 and<br />

8 <strong>of</strong> this gene which contain ~80% <strong>of</strong> known NS mutations . Since 2005<br />

we have screened all exons in which mutations had been identified<br />

and thus allowed molecular confirmation <strong>of</strong> LS.<br />

Mutations in the SOS1, RAF1 and KRAS genes, which also encode<br />

proteins in the RAS-MAPK pathway, have been identified in 10-20% <strong>of</strong><br />

PTPN11 negative NS cases . RAF1 mutations have also been identified<br />

in a proportion <strong>of</strong> PTPN11 negative LS cases . We have set up a<br />

diagnostic service to analyse the known mutation-containing exons <strong>of</strong><br />

SOS1 and RAF1 and all exons <strong>of</strong> KRAS . Testing involves a dHPLC<br />

pre-screen followed by bidirectional sequencing <strong>of</strong> any variants . We<br />

have identified 12 pathogenic mutations in SOS1 and RAF1 in our<br />

initial cohort <strong>of</strong> 110 PTPN11 negative cases referred for NS/LS . This<br />

analysis is now integrated with the PTPN11 screen to facilitate a comprehensive<br />

molecular investigation <strong>of</strong> NS and LS referrals .<br />

P01.186<br />

molecular analysis <strong>of</strong> the PtPN11 (protein-tyrosine phosphatase,<br />

nonreceptor-type 11) gene in Estonian patients with Noonan<br />

syndrome<br />

I. Kalev 1 , K. Muru 2 , M. Zimmermann 3 , T. Reimand 4 , R. Teek 4 , S. Virro 5 , M.<br />

Sõnajalg 5 , K. Õunap 6 ;<br />

1 Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Human</strong> Biology and <strong>Genetics</strong>, Institute <strong>of</strong> General and Molecular<br />

Pathology, University <strong>of</strong> Tartu, Tartu, Estonia, 2 Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Human</strong><br />

Biology and <strong>Genetics</strong>, Institute <strong>of</strong> General and Molecular Pathology, University<br />

<strong>of</strong> Tartu; Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Genetics</strong>, United Laboratories, Tartu University, Tartu,<br />

Estonia, 3 Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Human</strong> Biology and <strong>Genetics</strong>, Institute <strong>of</strong> General and<br />

Molecular Pathology, University <strong>of</strong> Tartu; Department <strong>of</strong> Cell Biology, Institute <strong>of</strong><br />

Molecular and Cell Biology, University <strong>of</strong> Tartu, Tartu, Estonia, 4 Department <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Genetics</strong>, United Laboratories, Tartu University Hospital, Tartu, Estonia, 5 Children’s<br />

Clinic, Tartu University Hospital, Tartu, Estonia, 6 Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Genetics</strong>,<br />

United Laboratories,Tartu University Hospital; Department <strong>of</strong> Pediatrics, University<br />

<strong>of</strong> Tartu, Tartu, Estonia.<br />

Noonan syndrome (NS; OMIM# 163950) is a relatively common<br />

(1:1000-2500) autosomal dominant disorder characterized by proportional<br />

short stature, facial dysmorphisms and cardiac anomalies . Missense<br />

mutations <strong>of</strong> PTPN11 gene have been documented in about<br />

50% <strong>of</strong> NS cases, while molecular lesions <strong>of</strong> other genes <strong>of</strong> the RAS<br />

pathway (KRAS, SOS1, RAS1) play a minor role in the molecular<br />

pathogenesis <strong>of</strong> the disease .<br />

Study group consisted <strong>of</strong> 10 probands (age 1-36 y; 5 males/5 females),<br />

4 <strong>of</strong> which were familial cases . All patients had the typical face and<br />

inclusion diagnostic criteria <strong>of</strong> NS proposed by van der Burgt (1994) .<br />

All <strong>of</strong> the patients had a normal karyotype . Sequence analysis was<br />

performed for five coding PTPN11 exons 3, 4, 7, 8, 13 and their flanking<br />

regions . Mutation analysis <strong>of</strong> the PTPN11 hot spot coding exons<br />

revealed two different heterozygous missense mutations in two unrelated<br />

families . A transition A1510G in exon13 for family NS-VI, which<br />

predicts the Met504Val substitution, was described previously (Tartaglia,<br />

2001), resided in the PTP domain <strong>of</strong> SHP-2 protein . A172G tran-

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