2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics

2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics 2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics


Keyword Index NBIA: P01.331 NBN gene: P05.142 NBN mutation: P01.332 NBS1 gene: P04.166 NBS1: P04.086, P04.112 NDUFS1: P06.192 need for information: EP14.16 negative selection: P05.002 neonatal diabetes: P05.102 neonatal diagnosis: P07.016 neonatal follow-up: P03.67 Neonatal screening program: P01.074 neonatal screening: C14.5, EP14.08 neonatal teeth: P01.131 neonatal: P09.45 neonate: P06.252 neoplastic clones: P04.177 nephrin gene (NPHS1): P05.028 nephrolithiasis: P06.049, P06.320 nephrotic syndrome: P06.201, P06.203 NEPHROTYC: P01.335 network reconstruction: S12.1 Network: EP05.3, P01.282, P09.05 networks: P08.12 neural tube defects: P06.187, P06.204, P06.205 neuroblastoma: P02.170, P04.167, P04.168 neurodegenerative diseases: P05.139 Neurodegenerative Disorders: P05.128 neuroendocrine tumors: EP08.8 neurofibroma number: P01.196 Neurofibromatisis-Noonan like Syndrome: P01.175 Neurofibromatosis 1: P01.199 Neurofibromatosis I: P01.195 Neurofibromatosis type 1: C15.2, EPL6.3, P01.191, P01.192, P01.196, P01.197 Neurofibromatosis: P01.190, P01.198 neurokinin B: P05.140 Neuroligin: P05.007 neuromuscular disorders: P06.258 neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis: P06.207 Neuronal migration: P01.239 neuronal: P06.094 neuropathy: P06.310 neuropsychiatric disorders: P06.245 neuropsychological: P01.288 neuropsychology: P06.208 neurotrophic factors: P06.056 new molecular target: P04.188 New mutation: P04.016 new mutations: P01.073 new technology: P08.40 newborn screening: EP06.2 Newfoundland: P01.095, P06.105 Next Generation Sequencing: P08.58, P08.59 next-generation sequencing: C05.2 NF 1: P01.193 NF1: C15.2, P01.194, P01.197, P01.198, P01.199, P04.013 NFATC4: P06.209 NF-kappaB: P05.141 nibrin: S14.3 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor: P06.098 Niemann-Pick type C: P01.063 Nijmegen breakage syndrome: P02.171, P04.169, P05.142 Nijmegen breakage: P01.332 NIPA1: P06.128 NIPBL gene: P07.093 NIPBL: P01.266 NLGN: P05.007 NOD2/CARD15: P06.137 nodular periventricular heterotopia: P01.333 noise induced hearing loss: P06.210 nomenclature: P01.286 Non Invasive: P03.24 Non Melanoma Skin Cancer: P04.170, P04.189 Nonbullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma: P05.143 non-CML Chronic myeloproliferative disorders: P04.118 non-coding mutation: P05.072 nondisjunction: P02.107, P06.089 Non-disjunction: P05.034 none: EW3.1 non-enzymatic labeling: P08.30 nonhomologous recombination: P02.042 non-invasive prenatal diagnosis: P03.09, P03.21, P03.22, P03.23 noninvasive prenatal diagnosis: P03.54 noninvasive prenatal testing: P03.20 non-invasive sample collection: P10.21 noninvasive: P03.25 Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia: P09.46 non-polyposis colorectal cancer: P04.028 Non-Small Cell-Lung Cancer: P04.171, P04.172 non-syndromic cleft lip with/without palate: P06.248 non-syndromic hearing loss: P07.053 nonsyndromic mental retardation: P05.144 Noonan like syndrome: P01.177 Noonan Syndrom: P01.178 Noonan Syndrome Type 4: P01.181 Noonan syndrome/LEOPARD syndrome: P01.183 Noonan syndrome: P01.179, P01.180, P01.182, P01.185, P01.186, P01.187, P01.188, P03.31, S13.1 Noonan: P01.176, P01.184 Norrie: P06.211 NOS2 gene: P06.296 NOTCH1: P01.243, P01.334 NOTCH3 gene: P07.094 Notch3: P05.018 Novel mutation in TH gene: P01.280 novel mutation SOX9: P01.123 novel mutation: P01.132, P01.204 Novel variants: P01.074 NPC1 gene: P01.045 NPD: P01.045 NPHS1: P05.082 NPHS2: P01.335, P05.145, P07.098 NPS: P05.146 NPY: P07.095 Nrf2: P05.089 NRG1: P06.264 NSCLC: P08.49 NSD1: P05.183 NSF: P02.039 NSHL: P05.081 NTD: P06.206 NTRK2 gene: P06.034 NTRK3: P05.088 nuchal translucency: P03.42 nuclear architecture: P02.112 Nutrition: P06.212, P10.07 oa CGH: P02.025 OA1: P06.324 obesity: P01.323, P05.147, P06.213, P06.214, P06.288, P07.104, P07.109 OCA2: P09.47 occupational chronic bronchitis: P06.215 OCT1: P06.216 OCT2: P06.216 OCT3/4: P04.173 OCT3: P06.216 ocular anomalies: P01.125 oculocutaneous albinism: P02.172, P09.47 Oculo-Facio-Cardio-Dental (OFCD) syndrome: P01.336 Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy: EP10.20, P01.217 oesophageal atresia: P05.148 Of association: P06.020 OFD1: C12.5, P05.151 OFDI: P05.149 Oligo array-cgh: C04.2 oligo-array CGH: P08.04 oligodactyly: P01.135 oligonucleotide aCGH: P02.095 oligonucleotide probe: C09.6 oligophrenin: P01.081 Oligosaccharyltransferase: C07.1 Omanı type: P01.147 omic approach: P06.259 Omphalocele: P01.289 on line genetic consultation: P09.29 Oncocytic Tumors: P04.174 oncogene amplification: P04.171 Oncogene: P04.141, S14.1 oncogenetics: P01.260 Online database: P09.48 OPHN1 gene: P01.082 opisthorchosis: P06.028 Opitz Syndrome: C12.3, P05.150 Opitz trigonocephaly syndrome: P05.020 Optic Atrophy: P01.232 Oradea, Vascau: P07.041 Oral cancer: P04.175 oral clefts: P01.337, P06.217 oral squamous cell carcinoma: P04.163 oral-facial-digital syndrome type 1: P05.151 oral-facial-digital syndrome: P01.338 Organ transplantation: P04.189 orofacial clefting: P01.255 Orphanet: P09.48 osteoarthritis: P06.218

Keyword Index osteochondrodysplasia: P01.140 Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type VIII: C03.6 osteogenesis imperfecta: P01.339 Osteonecrosis of the Jaw: P06.074 Osteopetrosis: P01.161 Osteopontin (OPN) gene: P06.280 osteoporosis: EP01.10, P01.159, P06.117, P06.219 osteoporosis-pseudoglioma: P01.340 Otosclerosis: P06.220 otospondylomegaepiphyseal dysplasia: P01.162 outcome in children: P01.303 outcomes: EP14.17 Ovarian cancer screening: EP14.18 Ovarian cancer: EP14.18, EPL1.1, P04.058, P04.059, P04.060, P04.061, S05.2 Ovarian dysgenesis: P01.343 Ovarian function: P06.240 overgrowth syndromes: P01.350 overgrowth: C04.1, P01.341 overlapping: P02.143 Oxidative stress: P02.236, P10.27 OXPHOS disorders: P06.221 OXPHOS: P05.130 p.R71G Galician mutation: P04.184 p15: P04.149 P2RY5: PL2.3 P4 medicine: PL4.1 p53 tumour suppressor gene: P06.222 p53,bcl-2: P04.176 P53: P04.062, P04.063 p63: P01.138, P04.063 pachygyria: P01.084 Paget: P01.163 PAGOD syndrome: P01.342 PAH gene: P01.066 PAH: P01.065 pain: P06.223 paired-end method: P08.58 Pallister-Killian syndrome: P02.173 pamidronate: P01.339 Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: P04.177 panic disorder: P06.051 parafibromin: P06.133 paraganglioma: P04.165, P04.179 paraoxonase: P06.018 Parental age: P02.140 parental karyotyping: P03.64 PARK2: P06.091, P06.225 Parkes Weber syndrome: C06.4 Parkin, DJ-1 and PINK1: P06.093 Parkin: P05.154, P06.225 Parkinson Disease: P05.153, P05.155 Parkinson: P05.152, P06.224, P06.225, P07.038 Parkinson’s Disease (PD): P05.156 Parkinson’s disease: P05.154 Parkinson‘s disease families: P06.228 Parkinson‘s disease: P05.157, P06.075, P06.149, P06.226, S09.3 Parkinsons‘ Disease: P06.227 partial 7p trisomy: P03.77 partial 8p monosomy: P03.77 partial monosomy 13: P02.217 Partial monosomy 21: P02.174 partial monosomy 8: P02.189 partial monosomy: P03.55 partial trisomy 10q: P02.175 Partial trisomy 15q11-13: P02.081 partial trisomy 16: P02.189 Partial trisomy of 1q42: P02.176 partial trisomy: P02.184, P03.55 Partners: EPL6.2 Patenting and licensing: EPL5.5 paternal age: P02.228 paternal origin: P02.153 pathogenic role: P01.236 pathogenicity: P05.112 patient empowerment: EP14.17 patient information management: C04.6 patient: EP10.17 patient’s confidentiality: P09.49 Patient’s Organizations: P09.50 pattern formation: S07.1 PAX6: P06.021 pc-1: P06.229 PCD: P02.177 PCDH15, CDH23: C15.5 PCDH15: P06.306 PCNT: PL2.1 PCOS: P06.230 PCR: P01.262, P02.100, P02.205 PCR-SSP: P06.203, P07.001 PD: P06.084 PDE4D: P06.277 PDE6B: P06.314 PDZK7: P05.204 pectoral muscles: C11.4 pectus excavtum: P01.178 Pediatric Pathology: P02.116 Pediatric: P04.113 Pedigree: P07.096 peeclampsia: P03.56 PEHO syndrome: P02.016 Pendred: P06.305 Penetrance: P07.064 perceived risk: EP14.16 Perforin mutations: P05.040 pericentric: P02.154, P02.178 pericentrin: C12.1 Perinatal Mortality: P02.116 periodontitis,mental retardation: P07.097 periodontitis: P06.231 Peripheral blood lymphocytes: P05.022 peripheral vascular disease: P06.022 Peripherin gene: P05.171 Peroxisomal diseases: P03.57 Peroxisomal protein: P08.60 Peroxisome biogenesis disorders: P01.064 Peroxisome biogenesis: P01.064 Peroxisomes: S11.1 Perrault syndrome: P01.343 personalised medicine: P07.058 personality traits: P06.087, P06.287 personality: P06.078 Personalized Medicine: S03.3 Peter’s anomaly: P01.240 PEX genes: P01.064, S11.1 PEX7: P05.214 PFAPA Syndrome: P01.344 Pfeiffer Syndrome: P01.139, P01.140 PGC-1: P07.004 PGD: C09.4, EP01.02, EP14.19, EPL3.2, P02.179, P03.28 PGHD-15: P06.135 Pharmacogenetic: P07.127 Pharmacogenetics: P04.178, P08.83 pharmacogenomics: P06.232 pharmacogenotyping: P10.21 PHD finger: P05.002, P05.009 phenocopy: P01.170 phenogenomics: P08.61 phenotype - genotype: P01.229 phenotype: P01.241, P05.205, P06.014, P08.20 phenotype-genotype correlations: P02.082 phenotypes: P07.007 phenotypic effect: P01.281 Phenotypic variability: P02.072 phenylalanine hydroxilase: P01.067 Phenylalanine: P01.047 phenylketonuria: P01.046, P01.047, P01.054, P01.065, P01.066, P01.067 pheochromocytoma: P04.179 philadelphia chromosome: P04.077, P04.089 PHLPP: P04.099 photoreceptor apoptosis: P05.170 phthalate: P04.153 Phylogeography: P07.134 physical exercise: P10.10 physical performance: P06.233 physical therapy: P10.03 Pierre Robin Sequence: C02.6 Pigment dispersion syndrome: P02.180 PIK3CA: P04.015 PINK1: P05.152 PIP5K1C: C03.4 Pitt Hopkins syndrom: C01.3 Pitt-Hopkins syndrome: P01.346 PKAN: P01.331 PKD: EP10.16 PKD1 gene: P06.234 Pkd1-deletion model: P05.217 PKD2: P05.158, P05.159 PLA: C05.6 plasma fetal DNA: P03.41 platelet aggregation: P06.076 PLAU: P06.016 pleiotropy: P07.080 plutonium: P02.107 plysome fractionation: P08.62 PLZF: C11.6 PM-FMR1: P05.160 PML gene: P04.180 PMLD: P05.199 PMM2: P10.06 PMP22 gene: P01.231 PMP22: P01.237 PMS2: P04.026, P04.204 PNA: P01.010

Keyword Index<br />

NBIA: P01.331<br />

NBN gene: P05.142<br />

NBN mutation: P01.332<br />

NBS1 gene: P04.166<br />

NBS1: P04.086, P04.112<br />

NDUFS1: P06.192<br />

need for information: EP14.16<br />

negative selection: P05.002<br />

neonatal diabetes: P05.102<br />

neonatal diagnosis: P07.016<br />

neonatal follow-up: P03.67<br />

Neonatal screening program: P01.074<br />

neonatal screening: C14.5, EP14.08<br />

neonatal teeth: P01.131<br />

neonatal: P09.45<br />

neonate: P06.252<br />

neoplastic clones: P04.177<br />

nephrin gene (NPHS1): P05.028<br />

nephrolithiasis: P06.049, P06.320<br />

nephrotic syndrome: P06.201, P06.203<br />

NEPHROTYC: P01.335<br />

network reconstruction: S12.1<br />

Network: EP05.3, P01.282, P09.05<br />

networks: P08.12<br />

neural tube defects: P06.187, P06.204,<br />

P06.205<br />

neuroblastoma: P02.170, P04.167, P04.168<br />

neurodegenerative diseases: P05.139<br />

Neurodegenerative Disorders: P05.128<br />

neuroendocrine tumors: EP08.8<br />

neur<strong>of</strong>ibroma number: P01.196<br />

Neur<strong>of</strong>ibromatisis-Noonan like Syndrome:<br />

P01.175<br />

Neur<strong>of</strong>ibromatosis 1: P01.199<br />

Neur<strong>of</strong>ibromatosis I: P01.195<br />

Neur<strong>of</strong>ibromatosis type 1: C15.2, EPL6.3,<br />

P01.191, P01.192, P01.196, P01.197<br />

Neur<strong>of</strong>ibromatosis: P01.190, P01.198<br />

neurokinin B: P05.140<br />

Neuroligin: P05.007<br />

neuromuscular disorders: P06.258<br />

neuronal ceroid lip<strong>of</strong>uscinosis: P06.207<br />

Neuronal migration: P01.239<br />

neuronal: P06.094<br />

neuropathy: P06.310<br />

neuropsychiatric disorders: P06.245<br />

neuropsychological: P01.288<br />

neuropsychology: P06.208<br />

neurotrophic factors: P06.056<br />

new molecular target: P04.188<br />

New mutation: P04.016<br />

new mutations: P01.073<br />

new technology: P08.40<br />

newborn screening: EP06.2<br />

Newfoundland: P01.095, P06.105<br />

Next Generation Sequencing: P08.58,<br />

P08.59<br />

next-generation sequencing: C05.2<br />

NF 1: P01.193<br />

NF1: C15.2, P01.194, P01.197, P01.198,<br />

P01.199, P04.013<br />

NFATC4: P06.209<br />

NF-kappaB: P05.141<br />

nibrin: S14.3<br />

nicotinic acetylcholine receptor: P06.098<br />

Niemann-Pick type C: P01.063<br />

Nijmegen breakage syndrome: P02.171,<br />

P04.169, P05.142<br />

Nijmegen breakage: P01.332<br />

NIPA1: P06.128<br />

NIPBL gene: P07.093<br />

NIPBL: P01.266<br />

NLGN: P05.007<br />

NOD2/CARD15: P06.137<br />

nodular periventricular heterotopia: P01.333<br />

noise induced hearing loss: P06.210<br />

nomenclature: P01.286<br />

Non Invasive: P03.24<br />

Non Melanoma Skin Cancer: P04.170,<br />

P04.189<br />

Nonbullous congenital ichthyosiform<br />

erythroderma: P05.143<br />

non-CML Chronic myeloproliferative<br />

disorders: P04.118<br />

non-coding mutation: P05.072<br />

nondisjunction: P02.107, P06.089<br />

Non-disjunction: P05.034<br />

none: EW3.1<br />

non-enzymatic labeling: P08.30<br />

nonhomologous recombination: P02.042<br />

non-invasive prenatal diagnosis: P03.09,<br />

P03.21, P03.22, P03.23<br />

noninvasive prenatal diagnosis: P03.54<br />

noninvasive prenatal testing: P03.20<br />

non-invasive sample collection: P10.21<br />

noninvasive: P03.25<br />

Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia: P09.46<br />

non-polyposis colorectal cancer: P04.028<br />

Non-Small Cell-Lung Cancer: P04.171,<br />

P04.172<br />

non-syndromic cleft lip with/without palate:<br />

P06.248<br />

non-syndromic hearing loss: P07.053<br />

nonsyndromic mental retardation: P05.144<br />

Noonan like syndrome: P01.177<br />

Noonan Syndrom: P01.178<br />

Noonan Syndrome Type 4: P01.181<br />

Noonan syndrome/LEOPARD syndrome:<br />

P01.183<br />

Noonan syndrome: P01.179, P01.180,<br />

P01.182, P01.185, P01.186, P01.187,<br />

P01.188, P03.31, S13.1<br />

Noonan: P01.176, P01.184<br />

Norrie: P06.211<br />

NOS2 gene: P06.296<br />

NOTCH1: P01.243, P01.334<br />

NOTCH3 gene: P07.094<br />

Notch3: P05.018<br />

Novel mutation in TH gene: P01.280<br />

novel mutation SOX9: P01.123<br />

novel mutation: P01.132, P01.204<br />

Novel variants: P01.074<br />

NPC1 gene: P01.045<br />

NPD: P01.045<br />

NPHS1: P05.082<br />

NPHS2: P01.335, P05.145, P07.098<br />

NPS: P05.146<br />

NPY: P07.095<br />

Nrf2: P05.089<br />

NRG1: P06.264<br />

NSCLC: P08.49<br />

NSD1: P05.183<br />

NSF: P02.039<br />

NSHL: P05.081<br />

NTD: P06.206<br />

NTRK2 gene: P06.034<br />

NTRK3: P05.088<br />

nuchal translucency: P03.42<br />

nuclear architecture: P02.112<br />

Nutrition: P06.212, P10.07<br />

oa CGH: P02.025<br />

OA1: P06.324<br />

obesity: P01.323, P05.147, P06.213,<br />

P06.214, P06.288, P07.104, P07.109<br />

OCA2: P09.47<br />

occupational chronic bronchitis: P06.215<br />

OCT1: P06.216<br />

OCT2: P06.216<br />

OCT3/4: P04.173<br />

OCT3: P06.216<br />

ocular anomalies: P01.125<br />

oculocutaneous albinism: P02.172, P09.47<br />

Oculo-Facio-Cardio-Dental (OFCD)<br />

syndrome: P01.336<br />

Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy:<br />

EP10.20, P01.217<br />

oesophageal atresia: P05.148<br />

Of association: P06.020<br />

OFD1: C12.5, P05.151<br />

OFDI: P05.149<br />

Oligo array-cgh: C04.2<br />

oligo-array CGH: P08.04<br />

oligodactyly: P01.135<br />

oligonucleotide aCGH: P02.095<br />

oligonucleotide probe: C09.6<br />

oligophrenin: P01.081<br />

Oligosaccharyltransferase: C07.1<br />

Omanı type: P01.147<br />

omic approach: P06.259<br />

Omphalocele: P01.289<br />

on line genetic consultation: P09.29<br />

Oncocytic Tumors: P04.174<br />

oncogene amplification: P04.171<br />

Oncogene: P04.141, S14.1<br />

oncogenetics: P01.260<br />

Online database: P09.48<br />

OPHN1 gene: P01.082<br />

opisthorchosis: P06.028<br />

Opitz Syndrome: C12.3, P05.150<br />

Opitz trigonocephaly syndrome: P05.020<br />

Optic Atrophy: P01.232<br />

Oradea, Vascau: P07.041<br />

Oral cancer: P04.175<br />

oral clefts: P01.337, P06.217<br />

oral squamous cell carcinoma: P04.163<br />

oral-facial-digital syndrome type 1: P05.151<br />

oral-facial-digital syndrome: P01.338<br />

Organ transplantation: P04.189<br />

or<strong>of</strong>acial clefting: P01.255<br />

Orphanet: P09.48<br />

osteoarthritis: P06.218

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