2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics

2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics 2008 Barcelona - European Society of Human Genetics


Keyword Index Marfan syndrome: P01.316, P05.118, P05.119, P05.120 Marfan: P01.176 Marital relation: EPL6.2 Marker chromosome 15: P02.081 Marker Chromosomes: P02.160 markers for forensic studies: P07.101 maternal age: P02.208 maternal plasma: P03.20 maternal risk factor: P05.034 maternal serum screening: P03.48 maternal uniparental disomy 14: C06.3 maternal: P01.307 Matrix Metalloproteinase-3: P06.164 matrix metalloproteinase-9 polymorphism: P06.165 matrix metalloproteinases genes: P06.052 maximal oxygen consumption: P06.166 Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser: P01.137 MBD2: P10.04 MBL: P06.167 mc4r: P05.147 MCA/MR: C04.4, P02.020 MCKD1: P06.168 M-CMTC: P01.315 MCPH1: P05.121 MCT8: C07.6, P01.100 MDR: P04.097 MDR-1 polymorphisms: P06.055 MDR3 gene: P05.001 MDS: P04.104, P04.106, P04.112, P04.113 mdx 4CV: P10.11 measure development: EPL6.5 mechanism: P05.062 MECP2 gene: P01.080, P01.086, P01.104, P01.108 MECP2: C07.3, P01.101, P01.102, P01.103, P01.114, P01.115 Medical genetic research: P01.002 Medical genetic services: S03.2 medical genetics: P09.42 medical rehabilitation: P10.03 Meesman corneal dystrophy: P01.310 MEF2A: P06.198 MEFV GENE: P01.287 MEFV: P01.344, P05.044, P06.103 meiosis: P02.158, P02.227, P02.232 meiotic abnormalities: P02.227 Meis1: P06.169 melanocortin-4 receptor: P05.147 melanocytic nevi: P04.161 melanoma cell lines: P04.139 melanoma: P04.159, P04.160, P04.161, P07.085, P07.086, P09.43 MELAS syndrome.: P05.129 melting curve analyses: P06.308 Memory: P06.251 Men: P07.041 MEN2A: P04.195 meningioma: P04.162 Menopause: P05.160 mental and motor development: EP14.19 Mental deficiency: EP10.19 mental fatigue: P06.170, P06.171 mental maternal representations: EP14.01 Mental Retardation (MR): P02.124 mental retardation/ congenital abnormalities: P02.029 Mental retardation/Developmental delay: P02.134 Mental Retardation: C07.1, P01.071, P01.085, P01.101, P01.317, P01.323, P01.362, P02.001, P02.014, P02.015, P02.018, P02.024, P02.030, P02.034, P02.037, P02.038, P02.092, P02.125, P02.145, P02.161, P02.162, P02.163, P02.204, P02.211, P05.122, P08.45, PL2.4, PL3.1 mesenchimal stem cell: P08.46 mesenchymal: P10.23 meta-analysis: P06.172, P07.087, P08.47, PL2.2, S06.2 Metabolic Disorder: C15.4 metabolic genes: P07.058 metabolic syndrom: P06.112 metabolic syndrome: P06.173 metabolism: P01.047 metabonomics: PL1.1 metachromaic leukodystophy: P01.042 metastasis: P10.14 methemoglobinemia: P07.088 method: P01.112 Methods: P08.21 methotrexate: P08.55 Methylated DNA Immunoprecipitation: P03.54 methylation status: P02.054 methylation: P03.41, P04.120, P08.37, P08.48, P08.49 methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene: P06.155 methyl-group pathway: P06.174 Methylmalonic Acidemia: C15.4, P01.062 Mexican patients: P05.206 Mexican population: P07.091 Mexico: P06.186, P06.304 M-FISH: P02.197 MFN2 point mutations: P01.229 MFN2: P01.227, P01.232, P01.233 MFSD8: P06.207 MGMT: P04.149 MHC: P06.202, P08.50 mice: P02.031 microarray gene expression: P08.52 MICROARRAY: C10.3, P02.026, P02.038, P04.124, P04.125, P07.132, P08.51 microcephalic dwarfism: C12.1 microcephaly,: P02.176 Microcephaly: P01.086, P01.318, P02.009, P02.062, P02.163, P02.174, P05.122, P06.175 microdeletion syndrome: P02.031, P02.164 microdeletion: P02.021, P02.033, P02.042, P02.051, P02.220, P05.178, P05.182 microdissection: P02.026 microduplication 22q11: P02.064 microduplication: C01.2, C04.3 micro-duplication: P02.002 Micrognathia: C02.6, P03.49 micrometastases: P04.132, P04.137 micronutrients: P01.046 microphthalmia: P01.340 microRNA: C05.5, C08.2, C13.5, P04.103, P05.021, P05.123, P05.124, P06.176, P06.177, P08.52, P08.53, S04.1 microsatellite D3S1358, TH01, FGA: P07.089 microsatellite instability: P04.009 Microsatellite marker: P06.178 microsatellites: P03.70 microspherophakia: C02.3 microtia: P03.36 microtubules: C12.3 microvariation: P08.73 MID1 complex: P05.150 MID1 transport: C12.3 Midline Facial Defects with Hipertelorism: P02.165 Midwife: EP14.12 midwives: P09.07 MIGRAINE: P06.108, P06.151, P06.179 Miller-Dieker: P02.166 Milroy disease: P01.173 Milroy: P01.172 Minimal residual disease: P04.168 minor congenital defects: P01.319 minors: EPL2.1 miRNA signatures: P04.103 miRNA: P01.092, P05.033, P06.193, P08.59 miscarriage: P02.191, P03.47 misdiagnosis rate: P02.128 misdiagnosis: P03.26 mislocalization: P05.052 mismatch repair genes: P04.009, P04.020 Missed abortion: P03.50 missed abortus: P02.167 missense mutations: P04.156 misuse: P09.11 mitochondria depletion: P01.076 Mitochondria: P04.187, P05.125, P06.150, P06.180, P06.181 mitochondrial complex I deficiency: P10.20 mitochondrial complex III: C03.1 Mitochondrial disorders: P05.126 Mitochondrial DNA mutations: P04.174 mitochondrial DNA: P02.236, P04.021, P05.127, P05.128, P06.182, P08.54 Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy: P05.129 mitochondrial haplogroups: P07.139 Mitochondrial mutation.: P05.129 mitochondrial mutation: P05.114 Mitochondrial mutations: P02.230, P05.167 mitochondrial myopathy: P05.130 mitochondrial respiratory chain defects: S11.2 mitochondrial tRNA gene: P05.066 mitotic recombination: P01.196 Mitotic spindle: P05.006 mixed human lyphocytes culture: P02.186 MJD: EP08.3, EP08.4, P07.090 MKS1: P05.011 MKS3: P05.011

Keyword Index MLH1: P04.010, P04.022, P04.023, P04.204 MLL: P04.095 MLPA (multiplex ligation dependent probe amplifica: P06.315 MLPA: P01.103, P01.115, P01.221, P01.320, P01.362, P02.001, P02.008, P02.014, P02.015, P02.050, P02.074, P03.11, P03.51, P03.52, P03.62, P04.027, P05.095, P05.120, P05.183, P06.183, P06.184, P08.50, P08.63 MLS: P01.321 MMP20: P05.005 MMR: P04.016 Modifiers: P07.064 modifying factor: P05.036 modulation factors: P01.105 MODY3: P05.131 moebius syndrome: P01.322 Molar Tooth Sign: P01.309 Molecular Analysis: P05.032 molecular basis: P01.011 Molecular Biomarkers: S03.4 Molecular cytogenetics: P02.168, P02.196 molecular defects: P01.201 molecular diagnosis: P04.065 molecular diagnostics: P01.024, P01.287 Molecular Genetics testing: P09.44 molecular genetics: P01.156, P01.279, P09.55 molecular interaction networks: S12.2 molecular profiling: P04.014, S12.1 MOMO syndrome: P01.323 Monilethrix: P05.213 monosomy 21: P02.169 monosomy 3: P04.205 monosomy 3p: P02.210 Monozygotic twins: P06.126 monozygotic: P01.044 Mood Disorder: P06.001, P06.121 Mood disorders: P06.177 morbidity: P09.52 Morgagni: P02.139 Morocco: P07.023 Morpholino Antisense Oligonucleotides (AMOs): C15.2 Morquio IVB type: P01.043 Mosaic aneuploidy: P03.53 mosaic NF1: P01.197 mosaic trisomy 22: P01.324 mosaic: P02.215 mosaicism: P01.166, P02.084, P02.102, P02.113, P03.45, P03.63, P05.132, P05.146 MOTIVATION: EPL3.3 motor neuron disease: P06.018 MOTOR NEURON: P05.181 mouse models: P08.61 Mowat-Wilson syndrome: P01.326 Mowat-Wilson: P01.325 MPNST: P01.194 MPS 1: P01.044 MPZ: P01.226, P01.256 MRI: P01.274 mRNA decay: P01.162 mRNA expression: P08.66 mRNA: P01.038 MRP1: P04.097, P04.098 MRT3: C14.3 MSH2: P04.010, P04.017, P04.024 MSH6: P04.011 MS-MLPA: P01.090, P02.055, P02.058, P02.060 MSUD: P09.22 MSX1 gene: P06.185 mt DNA: P07.084 mtDNA: P04.142, P05.064, P05.130, P06.298, P07.065, P07.135 MTHFR C677T: P06.065 MTHFR polymorphism: P04.163 MTHFR severe deficiency: P05.134 MTHFR: P05.133, P05.197, P06.050, P06.186, P06.187, P06.204, P06.278, P08.55 MTHFR-C677T variant: P07.091 mTOR: P04.123 MTR: P04.164 Mucopolysaccharidosis VII: P01.327 Muliple Sclerosis: P05.125 multicultural: EP10.12, P09.18 multidisciplinary approach: C11.4 Multidisciplinary: EP05.2 Multidrug Resistance Protein 1: P07.027 multiple congenital anomalies: P02.130 multiple congenital anomaly syndrome: P01.096 Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A (MEN2A): EP13.8 multiple endocrine neoplasia: P04.165 Multiple Ligation Probe Amplification: P02.125 multiple malformations: P01.330 multiple myeloma: P04.114, P06.074 multiple primary tumors: P04.166 Multiple sclerosis: P01.345, P05.191, P06.010, P06.188, P06.189, P06.190, P06.191, P06.192, P06.193, P06.197, P07.067 Multiple sulfatase deficiency: P01.061 Multiplex Assays: P07.074 Multiplex Ligation Probe Amplification: P08.45 multiplex ligation-dependent amplification (MLPA): P01.238 Multiplex PCR: P06.191 multiplex STRs: P04.094 multiplex: P08.74 multisystem type I pseudohypoaldosteronism: P01.328 Multple osteochondromas: P01.160 Mulvihill-Smith: P01.329 Munc13-4 mutations: P05.040 muscle fiber: P06.309 muscle: P01.306 muscular disorders: P05.124 muscular dystrophy: P08.25 muscular weakness: P01.206 Muscular: P07.119 musical aptitude: P06.194 muslim world: EP10.11 mutation 35delG and M34T: P07.092 mutation analysis: P01.040, P05.117, P06.248 Mutation database: P08.15 mutation detection: P04.031, P05.148, P06.195 mutation scanning: P04.026, P06.196 mutation screening: P06.093, P06.290 mutation/expression: P04.176 Mutation: P01.005, P01.006, P01.017, P01.038, P01.062, P01.159, P01.179, P01.205, P01.209, P01.242, P01.294, P01.369, P01.370, P04.062, P04.159, P05.061, P05.075, P05.110, P05.156, P05.173, P06.125, P06.201, P06.211, P06.234, P08.10, P08.11, P08.56, P08.57, PL2.4 mutations: P01.056, P01.200, P04.001, P04.092, P04.127, P05.053, P05.064, P05.065, P05.119, P05.135, P06.019, P06.149, P08.79 MUTYH: P04.004 MUTYH-associated polyposis: P04.025 MyBPC3: P01.300, P01.301 myelin: P05.136 Myelodysplastic Syndrome: P04.107, P04.109 myelodysplastic syndromes: P04.071 myelodysplastic: P04.115 Myelodysplatic syndrome: P04.116 myeloid leukemia: P04.077 Myeloperoxidase: P06.226 Myeloproliferative disorders: P04.117 myeloproliferative neoplasms: P04.083 myeloproliferative: P04.115 MYH: P04.011 MYH7: P05.065 MYO9B: P06.197 MYOC: P06.241 myocardial infarction: P05.137, P05.138, P06.198 Myocilin: P05.057 myopathy: P01.206 myopathyc process: P05.133 myopia: P06.199 Myosin Binding Protein C: P05.090 Myotonia congenita: P01.212, P05.023 myotonia: P06.302 Myotonic dystrophy type 1: P01.215 Myotonic dystrophy type 1: P01.224, P05.032 Myotonic Dystrophy: EPL6.2, P01.213, P01.214, P06.200 Na Channelopathy: P05.177 Nager syndrome: P03.49 Nahuas: P07.032 Nail-patella syndrome: P01.330, P06.201 NAIP: P01.216 narrative perspective: EP10.21 Narrow chest: P01.143 NASBA: P08.51 NAT2: P06.011, P06.047, P06.289 natural autoantibodies: P06.202 Natural background radiation: P07.029 natural selection: P06.262, P06.263

Keyword Index<br />

Marfan syndrome: P01.316, P05.118,<br />

P05.119, P05.120<br />

Marfan: P01.176<br />

Marital relation: EPL6.2<br />

Marker chromosome 15: P02.081<br />

Marker Chromosomes: P02.160<br />

markers for forensic studies: P07.101<br />

maternal age: P02.208<br />

maternal plasma: P03.20<br />

maternal risk factor: P05.034<br />

maternal serum screening: P03.48<br />

maternal uniparental disomy 14: C06.3<br />

maternal: P01.307<br />

Matrix Metalloproteinase-3: P06.164<br />

matrix metalloproteinase-9 polymorphism:<br />

P06.165<br />

matrix metalloproteinases genes: P06.052<br />

maximal oxygen consumption: P06.166<br />

Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser: P01.137<br />

MBD2: P10.04<br />

MBL: P06.167<br />

mc4r: P05.147<br />

MCA/MR: C04.4, P02.020<br />

MCKD1: P06.168<br />

M-CMTC: P01.315<br />

MCPH1: P05.121<br />

MCT8: C07.6, P01.100<br />

MDR: P04.097<br />

MDR-1 polymorphisms: P06.055<br />

MDR3 gene: P05.001<br />

MDS: P04.104, P04.106, P04.112, P04.113<br />

mdx 4CV: P10.11<br />

measure development: EPL6.5<br />

mechanism: P05.062<br />

MECP2 gene: P01.080, P01.086, P01.104,<br />

P01.108<br />

MECP2: C07.3, P01.101, P01.102, P01.103,<br />

P01.114, P01.115<br />

Medical genetic research: P01.002<br />

Medical genetic services: S03.2<br />

medical genetics: P09.42<br />

medical rehabilitation: P10.03<br />

Meesman corneal dystrophy: P01.310<br />

MEF2A: P06.198<br />

MEFV GENE: P01.287<br />

MEFV: P01.344, P05.044, P06.103<br />

meiosis: P02.158, P02.227, P02.232<br />

meiotic abnormalities: P02.227<br />

Meis1: P06.169<br />

melanocortin-4 receptor: P05.147<br />

melanocytic nevi: P04.161<br />

melanoma cell lines: P04.139<br />

melanoma: P04.159, P04.160, P04.161,<br />

P07.085, P07.086, P09.43<br />

MELAS syndrome.: P05.129<br />

melting curve analyses: P06.308<br />

Memory: P06.251<br />

Men: P07.041<br />

MEN2A: P04.195<br />

meningioma: P04.162<br />

Menopause: P05.160<br />

mental and motor development: EP14.19<br />

Mental deficiency: EP10.19<br />

mental fatigue: P06.170, P06.171<br />

mental maternal representations: EP14.01<br />

Mental Retardation (MR): P02.124<br />

mental retardation/ congenital abnormalities:<br />

P02.029<br />

Mental retardation/Developmental delay:<br />

P02.134<br />

Mental Retardation: C07.1, P01.071,<br />

P01.085, P01.101, P01.317, P01.323,<br />

P01.362, P02.001, P02.014, P02.015,<br />

P02.018, P02.024, P02.030, P02.034,<br />

P02.037, P02.038, P02.092, P02.125,<br />

P02.145, P02.161, P02.162, P02.163,<br />

P02.204, P02.211, P05.122, P08.45, PL2.4,<br />

PL3.1<br />

mesenchimal stem cell: P08.46<br />

mesenchymal: P10.23<br />

meta-analysis: P06.172, P07.087, P08.47,<br />

PL2.2, S06.2<br />

Metabolic Disorder: C15.4<br />

metabolic genes: P07.058<br />

metabolic syndrom: P06.112<br />

metabolic syndrome: P06.173<br />

metabolism: P01.047<br />

metabonomics: PL1.1<br />

metachromaic leukodystophy: P01.042<br />

metastasis: P10.14<br />

methemoglobinemia: P07.088<br />

method: P01.112<br />

Methods: P08.21<br />

methotrexate: P08.55<br />

Methylated DNA Immunoprecipitation:<br />

P03.54<br />

methylation status: P02.054<br />

methylation: P03.41, P04.120, P08.37,<br />

P08.48, P08.49<br />

methylenetetrahydr<strong>of</strong>olate reductase gene:<br />

P06.155<br />

methyl-group pathway: P06.174<br />

Methylmalonic Acidemia: C15.4, P01.062<br />

Mexican patients: P05.206<br />

Mexican population: P07.091<br />

Mexico: P06.186, P06.304<br />

M-FISH: P02.197<br />

MFN2 point mutations: P01.229<br />

MFN2: P01.227, P01.232, P01.233<br />

MFSD8: P06.207<br />

MGMT: P04.149<br />

MHC: P06.202, P08.50<br />

mice: P02.031<br />

microarray gene expression: P08.52<br />

MICROARRAY: C10.3, P02.026, P02.038,<br />

P04.124, P04.125, P07.132, P08.51<br />

microcephalic dwarfism: C12.1<br />

microcephaly,: P02.176<br />

Microcephaly: P01.086, P01.318, P02.009,<br />

P02.062, P02.163, P02.174, P05.122,<br />

P06.175<br />

microdeletion syndrome: P02.031, P02.164<br />

microdeletion: P02.021, P02.033, P02.042,<br />

P02.051, P02.220, P05.178, P05.182<br />

microdissection: P02.026<br />

microduplication 22q11: P02.064<br />

microduplication: C01.2, C04.3<br />

micro-duplication: P02.002<br />

Micrognathia: C02.6, P03.49<br />

micrometastases: P04.132, P04.137<br />

micronutrients: P01.046<br />

microphthalmia: P01.340<br />

microRNA: C05.5, C08.2, C13.5, P04.103,<br />

P05.021, P05.123, P05.124, P06.176,<br />

P06.177, P08.52, P08.53, S04.1<br />

microsatellite D3S1358, TH01, FGA:<br />

P07.089<br />

microsatellite instability: P04.009<br />

Microsatellite marker: P06.178<br />

microsatellites: P03.70<br />

microspherophakia: C02.3<br />

microtia: P03.36<br />

microtubules: C12.3<br />

microvariation: P08.73<br />

MID1 complex: P05.150<br />

MID1 transport: C12.3<br />

Midline Facial Defects with Hipertelorism:<br />

P02.165<br />

Midwife: EP14.12<br />

midwives: P09.07<br />

MIGRAINE: P06.108, P06.151, P06.179<br />

Miller-Dieker: P02.166<br />

Milroy disease: P01.173<br />

Milroy: P01.172<br />

Minimal residual disease: P04.168<br />

minor congenital defects: P01.319<br />

minors: EPL2.1<br />

miRNA signatures: P04.103<br />

miRNA: P01.092, P05.033, P06.193, P08.59<br />

miscarriage: P02.191, P03.47<br />

misdiagnosis rate: P02.128<br />

misdiagnosis: P03.26<br />

mislocalization: P05.052<br />

mismatch repair genes: P04.009, P04.020<br />

Missed abortion: P03.50<br />

missed abortus: P02.167<br />

missense mutations: P04.156<br />

misuse: P09.11<br />

mitochondria depletion: P01.076<br />

Mitochondria: P04.187, P05.125, P06.150,<br />

P06.180, P06.181<br />

mitochondrial complex I deficiency: P10.20<br />

mitochondrial complex III: C03.1<br />

Mitochondrial disorders: P05.126<br />

Mitochondrial DNA mutations: P04.174<br />

mitochondrial DNA: P02.236, P04.021,<br />

P05.127, P05.128, P06.182, P08.54<br />

Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy: P05.129<br />

mitochondrial haplogroups: P07.139<br />

Mitochondrial mutation.: P05.129<br />

mitochondrial mutation: P05.114<br />

Mitochondrial mutations: P02.230, P05.167<br />

mitochondrial myopathy: P05.130<br />

mitochondrial respiratory chain defects:<br />

S11.2<br />

mitochondrial tRNA gene: P05.066<br />

mitotic recombination: P01.196<br />

Mitotic spindle: P05.006<br />

mixed human lyphocytes culture: P02.186<br />

MJD: EP08.3, EP08.4, P07.090<br />

MKS1: P05.011<br />

MKS3: P05.011

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